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Hacker News new | threads | past | comments | ask | show | jobs | submit d2207197 (1) | logout
1. Tell HN: Reddit now blocks VPN access via browser, 'old' subdomain included
告訴 HN:Reddit 現在通過瀏覽器阻止 VPN 訪問,包括「舊」子域名
13 points by thih9 29 minutes ago | 5 comments
2. Ask HN: What Are You Learning?
問 HN:你正在學習什麼?
6 points by velyan 2 hours ago | 4 comments
3. Ask HN: Why are there no no-name inkjet printers?
問 HN:為什麼沒有無名的噴墨印表機?
33 points by tobwen 16 hours ago | 23 comments
4. Ask HN: Taking a year off to go deep on ML/AI
問 HN:休息一年,深入研究機器學習/人工智慧
3 points by matt_daemon 10 hours ago | 4 comments
5. Ask HN: How to secure website for public launch
問 HN:如何保護網站在公開上線時的安全性?
85 points by smarri 1 day ago | 56 comments
6. Ask HN: How to learn how to scale software?
問 HN:如何學習如何擴展軟體?
31 points by Pooge 2 days ago | 16 comments
7. Ask HN: Going from CTO to Developer?
問 HN:從 CTO 轉為開發者?
54 points by thatguyagain 19 hours ago | 65 comments
8. Ask HN: Mnemonic for shift() and unshift()?
問 HN:shift()和 unshift()的記憶法是什麼?
11 points by galaxyLogic 2 days ago | 27 comments
9. Ask HN: Are there any enjoyable LLM based text games?
問 HN:有沒有任何基於LLM的有趣文字遊戲?
28 points by sturza 2 days ago | 4 comments
10. Ask HN: How bad is the xz hack?
問 HN:xz 黑客有多嚴重?
41 points by account-5 2 hours ago | 53 comments
11. Ask HN: Can we not update company section in application once submitted?
問 HN:一旦提交申請,我們就不能更新申請中的公司部分嗎?
2 points by harsh020 1 day ago | 4 comments
12. Ask HN: Recommended lightweight apps like Paint.NET, Notepad++, SumatraPDF etc
問 HN:推薦像 Paint.NET、Notepad++、SumatraPDF 等輕量級應用程式。
11 points by rkwz 23 hours ago | 6 comments
13. Ask HN: No clue how AWS account was compromised – how to move forward?
問 HN:完全不知道 AWS 帳戶是如何被入侵的-該如何繼續前進?
12 points by 71a54xd 2 days ago | 5 comments
14. Ask HN: Have you thought about leaving programming for the trades?
問 HN:你有考慮過放棄程式設計轉行做技藝工作嗎?
27 points by TbobbyZ 1 day ago | 33 comments
15. Ask HN: How do I improve my emotional intelligence?
問 HN:如何提升我的情商?
65 points by user0x1d 2 days ago | 65 comments
16. Software engineers: How can you afford a house in America with high-priced home?
9 points by jerawaj749 23 hours ago | 34 comments
17. Rule for naming destination ports according to the service name and the host IP
根據服務名稱和主機 IP 命名目的地端口的規則
4 points by tsankara 1 day ago | 1 comment
18. Ask HN: Anybody Using Htmx on the Job?
問 HN:有人在工作中使用 Htmx 嗎?
87 points by Dansvidania 22 hours ago | 60 comments
19. Ask HN: What are your favourite programming shortcuts
問 HN:你最喜歡的程式設計快捷鍵是什麼?
8 points by janpmz 1 day ago | 12 comments
20. Ask HN: Are bootcamp devs still hireable?
問 HN:現在還有公司願意聘用參加過程式設計營的開發人員嗎?
18 points by fsndz 1 day ago | 8 comments
21. Beware Scaling on AWS in Early Days
請小心在 AWS 的早期階段進行擴展
30 points by Kalanos 1 day ago | 18 comments
22. Ask HN: Recommendation for Networks Refresher
問 HN:對於網路知識的複習,有什麼推薦的方法?
7 points by thorin 3 days ago | 5 comments
23. Ask HN: How do you serve static files in a Docker container?
問 HN:您如何在 Docker 容器中提供靜態文件?
3 points by DontBreakAlex 1 day ago | 6 comments
24. If there are AI software engineers, Where are AI QA testers?
5 points by pr_khar 3 days ago | 6 comments
25. Ask HN: What's the best way to expose random CSV/.xlsx files for future queries
問 HN:將隨機的 CSV/.xlsx 文件暴露給未來的查詢的最佳方法是什麼?
5 points by mtr 2 days ago | 4 comments
26. Ask HN: What's the relevance of "This is a pleasant pineapple"?
問 HN:「這是一個愉快的鳳梨」的相關性是什麼?
4 points by thinking_banana 2 days ago | 2 comments
27. Tell HN: Shop Pay transmits your info to commerce sites if you're logged in
告訴 HN:如果你已登入,Shop Pay 會將你的資訊傳送給商業網站
11 points by a12k 23 hours ago | 5 comments
28. Looking for open source documentation generator
4 points by withshubh 3 days ago | 5 comments
29. Ask HN: ChatGPT launched Sep 2022 18 months later, what AI do you use regularly?
問 HN:ChatGPT 於 2022 年 9 月推出,18 個月後,你們經常使用哪些人工智慧?
4 points by andrewstuart 14 hours ago | 4 comments
30. Ask HN: What things are happening in ML that we can't hear over the din of LLMs?
問 HN:在機器學習領域中,有哪些事情我們無法在LLMs的喧囂中聽到?
351 points by aflip 3 days ago | 92 comments

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