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Data Type:FoundationFood Category:Spices and HerbsFDC ID:
NDB Number:2047
Footnote: Source number reflects the actual number of samples analyzed for a nutrient. Repeat nutrient analyses may have been done on the same sample with the values shown.
Samples for Water
AcquisitionSamples with a single location, regardless of how many containers have been acquired, have not
been composited. If more than one location is shown, the acquired samples were composited
Samples for Energy (Atwater General Factors)
AcquisitionSamples with a single location, regardless of how many containers have been acquired, have not
been composited. If more than one location is shown, the acquired samples were composited
Analysis Details
Acquisition Date
FDC Sample ID
Samples for Ash
AcquisitionSamples with a single location, regardless of how many containers have been acquired, have not
been composited. If more than one location is shown, the acquired samples were composited
Samples for Calcium, Ca
AcquisitionSamples with a single location, regardless of how many containers have been acquired, have not
been composited. If more than one location is shown, the acquired samples were composited
Samples for Iron, Fe
AcquisitionSamples with a single location, regardless of how many containers have been acquired, have not
been composited. If more than one location is shown, the acquired samples were composited
Samples for Magnesium, Mg
AcquisitionSamples with a single location, regardless of how many containers have been acquired, have not
been composited. If more than one location is shown, the acquired samples were composited
Samples for Phosphorus, P
AcquisitionSamples with a single location, regardless of how many containers have been acquired, have not
been composited. If more than one location is shown, the acquired samples were composited
Samples for Potassium, K
AcquisitionSamples with a single location, regardless of how many containers have been acquired, have not
been composited. If more than one location is shown, the acquired samples were composited