这是用户在 2024-3-28 22:18 为 https://camel.apache.org/manual/pojo-consuming.html 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

POJO Consuming POJO 消费

To consume a message you use the @Consume annotation to mark a particular method of a bean as being a consumer method. The value of the annotation defines the Camel Endpoint to consume from.
使用 @Consume 注解来消费消息,将特定的 bean 方法标记为消费者方法。注解的值定义了要从中消费的 Camel Endpoint。

The @Consume POJO annotations are not part of any Camel routes, and you cannot use errorHandler or onException with that.
@Consume POJO 注解不是任何 Camel 路由的一部分,您不能使用 errorHandler 或 onException。

The following steps use the ActiveMQ component which is not yet supported on Camel 4.
以下步骤使用的 ActiveMQ 组件在 Camel 4 上尚不支持。

For example lets invoke the onCheese() method with the String body of the inbound JMS message from ActiveMQ on the cheese queue; this will use the Type Converter to convert the JMS ObjectMessage or BytesMessage to a String - or just use a TextMessage from JMS
例如,让我们使用来自 ActiveMQ 上的 cheese 队列的入站 JMS 消息的 String 正文来调用 onCheese() 方法;这将使用类型转换器将 JMS ObjectMessage 或 BytesMessage 转换为 String - 或者只是使用来自 JMS 的 TextMessage

public class Foo {

  public void onCheese(String name) {
    // do something here

The Bean Binding is then used to convert the inbound Message to the parameter list used to invoke the method .
Bean 绑定然后用于将传入的消息转换为用于调用方法的参数列表。

This basically creates a route that looks kinda like this:

from(uri).bean(theBean, "methodName");

Using a property to define the endpoint

The following annotations @Consume, @Produce, @EndpointInject, now offers a property attribute you can use to define the endpoint as a property on the bean. Then Camel will use the getter method to access the property.
以下注释 @Consume@Produce@EndpointInject 现在提供了一个 property 属性,您可以使用它将端点定义为 bean 的属性。然后 Camel 将使用 getter 方法访问该属性。

For example: 例如:

public class MyService {
  private String serviceEndpoint;

  public void setServiceEndpoint(String uri) {
     this.serviceEndpoint = uri;

  public String getServiceEndpoint() {
     return serviceEndpoint;

  @Consume(property = "serviceEndpoint")
  public void onService(String input) {
     // do something

The bean MyService has a property named serviceEndpoint which has getter/setter for the property. Now we want to use the bean for POJO Consuming, and hence why we use @Consume in the onService method. Notice how we use the property = "serviceEndpoint to configure the property that has the endpoint url.
bean MyService 有一个名为 serviceEndpoint 的属性,该属性具有用于获取/设置属性的 getter/setter。现在我们想要将该 bean 用于 POJO 消费,因此我们在 onService 方法中使用 @Consume 。请注意我们如何使用 property = "serviceEndpoint 来配置具有端点 URL 的属性。

If you define the bean in Spring XML, then you can configure the property as follows:
如果你在 Spring XML 中定义了 bean,那么你可以按照以下方式配置属性:

<bean id="myService" class="com.foo.MyService">
  <property name="serviceEndpoint" value="activemq:queue:foo"/>

This allows you to configure the bean without with any dependency injection style.
这样可以让您在不使用任何依赖注入风格的情况下配置 bean。

Advanced use with property naming convention

Camel offers a naming convention which allows you to not have to explicit name the property. Camel uses this algorithm to find the getter method. The method must be a getXXX method.
Camel 提供了一种命名约定,允许您不必显式命名属性。Camel 使用此算法来查找 getter 方法。该方法必须是一个 getXXX 方法。

  1. Use the property name if explicit given

  2. If no property name was configured, then use the method name

  3. Try to get the property with nameEndpoint (eg with Endpoint as postfix)
    尝试获取名称为 nameEndpoint 的属性(例如以 Endpoint 作为后缀)

  4. Try to get the property with the name as is (eg no postfix or postfix)

  5. If the property name starts with on then omit that, and try step 3 and 4 again.
    如果属性名称以 on 开头,则省略该属性,然后再次尝试步骤 3 和 4。

So in the example above, we could have defined the @Consume annotation as:
所以在上面的例子中,我们可以将 @Consume 注释定义为:

  @Consume(property = "service")
  public void onService(String input) {

Now the property is named "service" which then would match step 3 from the algorithm, and have Camel invoke the getServiceEndpoint method.
现在该属性被命名为"service",这将与算法的第 3 步匹配,并使 Camel 调用 getServiceEndpoint 方法。

We could also have omitted the property attribute, to make it implicit

  public void onService(String input) {

Now Camel matches step 5, and loses the prefix on in the name, and looks for 'service' as the property. And because there is a getServiceEndpoint method, Camel will use this method.
现在 Camel 匹配到步骤 5,并且去掉了名称中的前缀'in',然后寻找属性'service'。由于存在 getServiceEndpoint 方法,Camel 将使用该方法。