这是用户在 2024-3-28 22:13 为 https://camel.apache.org/manual/service-registry.html 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

Service Registry 服务注册表

Service registration is a key part of service discovery which Camel leverages through the Service Call EIP and support to ease the process to expose routes in a cloud environment and consume them with minimal configuration.
服务注册是服务发现的关键部分,Camel 通过服务调用 EIP 和支持来利用它,以便在云环境中轻松暴露路由并以最小配置消费它们。

Service Registry Set-Up 服务注册表设置

A ServiceRegistry is just like any other camel service so set it up you only need to register your implementations to the CamelContext:
一个 ServiceRegistry 就像任何其他的骆驼服务一样,所以要设置它,你只需要将你的实现注册到 CamelContext 中:

ServiceRegistry service = new MyServiceRegistry();


The configuration of the Service Registry depends on the implementation you have chosen. Out of the box camel provides the following implementations:
服务注册表的配置取决于您选择的实现方式。Camel 提供了以下几种开箱即用的实现方式:

Type 类型 Module 模块 Class 班级

consul 领事

camel-consul 骆驼-领事


spring-cloud Spring Cloud

camel-spring-cloud 骆驼-春云


zookeeper 动物园管理员

camel-zookeeper 骆驼-动物园管理员


Service Registry Usage 服务注册使用

The Service Registry SPI is leveraged by the following new implementations:
服务注册 SPI 被以下新实现所利用:


This is an implementation of a Route Policy that register/deregister routes to a given ServiceRegistry according to route’s life-cycle:
这是一个根据路由的生命周期向给定的 ServiceRegistry 注册/注销路由的路由策略的实现

RoutePolicy policy = new ServiceRegistrationRoutePolicy()

// bind the policy to one or more routes
    .log("Route ${routeId} has been invoked");

To apply the same policy to all the routes a dedicated RoutePolicyFactory can be used:
为了将相同的政策应用于所有路由,可以使用专用的 RoutePolicyFactory

// add the service registry route policy factory to context
context.addRoutePolicyFactory(new ServiceRegistrationRoutePolicyFactory()));

To configure how the service is exposed you can add route specific properties like:

// bind the policy to one or more routes
    .routeProperty(ServiceDefinition.SERVICE_META_NAME, "my-service")
    .routeProperty(ServiceDefinition.SERVICE_META_ID, "my-id")
    .routeProperty(ServiceDefinition.SERVICE_META_PORT, "8080")
    .log("Route ${routeId} has been invoked");

Service name and service id can also be provided by routeId and routeGroup:
服务名称和服务 ID 也可以通过 routeId 和 routeGroup 提供:

// bind the policy to one or more routes
    .routeProperty(ServiceDefinition.SERVICE_META_PORT, "8080")
    .log("Route ${routeId} has been invoked");

Any property prefixed with service. is automatically added to the service’s metadata.
任何以 service.为前缀的属性都会自动添加到服务的元数据中。

Some component such has camel-undertow and those based on camel-http-common implement DiscoverableService and they can automatically provide the metadata needed for service registration.
一些组件,如 camel-undertow 和基于 camel-http-common 的组件,实现了 DiscoverableService,并且它们可以自动提供服务注册所需的元数据。

Service Component 服务组件

The Service component is similar to a ServiceRegistrationRoutePolicyFactory but is capable of tagging routes that need to be registered to the ServiceRegistry by prefixing the related endpoints with service:name according to the following syntax:
服务组件类似于 ServiceRegistrationRoutePolicyFactory ,但能够通过在相关端点前加上 service:name 来标记需要注册到 ServiceRegistry 的路由,语法如下:


Let’s explain this with an example:

    .log("Route ${routeId} has been invoked");

To configure how the service is exposed you can add service specific endpoint options such as:

    .log("Route ${routeId} has been invoked");

Any option prefixed with service. is automatically added to the service’s metadata.
任何以 service.为前缀的选项都会自动添加到服务的元数据中。