这是用户在 2024-3-28 22:08 为 https://camel.apache.org/manual/languages.html 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

Languages 语言

To support flexible and powerful Enterprise Integration Patterns, Camel supports various Languages to create an Expression or Predicate within the Routes and DSL..
为了支持灵活和强大的企业集成模式,Camel 支持使用各种语言在路由和 DSL 中创建表达式或断言。

Supported languages 支持的语言

There are about 20 different Languages such as scripted programming languages like Groovy, and template based languages like Velocity and Freemarker, and XML/JSon languages, and many others.
有大约 20 种不同的语言,例如脚本编程语言如 Groovy,模板语言如 Velocity 和 Freemarker,以及 XML/JSon 语言等等。

Most of these languages are also supported used as Annotation Based Expression Language in Java beans.
大多数这些语言也被用作 Java beans 中基于注解的表达式语言的支持。