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Forced labour and slavery are wide-reaching global issues — the International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that illicit profits from these crimes amount to US$150 billion globally, every year.
强迫劳动和奴隶制是影响广泛的全球性问题——国际劳工组织 (ILO) 估计,全球每年从这些犯罪中获得的非法利润达 1500 亿美元。

You may be shocked to learn that the majority of victims of modern slavery are exploited in the private sector, such as manufacturing, construction and agriculture.


Since 2010, a number of countries have created requirements for mandatory disclosure on modern slavery in companies' direct operations and supply chains. This includes the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, the French Due Diligence Law, and the UK Modern Slavery Act.
自 2010 年以来,许多国家/地区都要求强制披露公司直接运营和供应链中的现代奴隶制。这包括《加州供应链透明度法案》、《法国尽职调查法》和《英国现代奴隶制法案》。

In 2015, the UK government passed the Modern Slavery Act. This was the first piece of UK legislation focusing on the prevention and prosecution of modern slavery both in the UK, and abroad.
2015 年,英国政府通过了《现代奴隶制法案》。 这是英国第一项专注于在英国和国外预防和起诉现代奴隶制的立法。

As part of this Act, UK businesses are required to publicly explain the steps they are taking to address modern slavery in their business and supply chain globally.