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Aggression in Relation to Emotional Development; Normal and Pathological 11 11 ^(11){ }^{11}
与情感发展相关的攻击性;正常与病理 11 11 ^(11){ }^{11}

Anna Freud (i) 安娜·弗洛伊德 (i)


I shall try as my contribution to this symposium on aggression, to outline in general the contribution made by Freudian psychoanalysis to the subject. I may find it impossible to do so without committing grave errors of omission and misrepresentation. If this happens, I should like you to ascribe the defects to the difficulty of dealing with a wide and complicated problem in the prescribed quarter of an hour rather than to any tendencies I may have towards systematisation and oversimplification.

The role of the instincts in shaping the personality

The main changes brought about in child psychology by the investigations of psychoanalysis concern the re-orientation with regard to the role of the instinctive urges in the development of the individual. In pre-analytic psychology, childhood was regarded as a more or less peaceful period of progressive growth and development in which the instinctive urges, where they appeared, played the role of disturbing elements. Analytic psychology, on the other hand, ascribes to the innate instincts the main role in shaping the personality. It is the claim of the instinctive urges on the mind which results in the development of new functions, the so-called ego functions. The main task of the ego functions is seen in the attempt to reconcile the demand for gratification made by the instinctive urges with the conditions existing in the child’s environment. When these external conditions permit satisfaction of an instinctive wish which has arisen, the ego merely plays its part in helping to guide the instinct towards the desired aim. When the demands made by the environment clash with the claim of the instincts, the ego is faced with a problem and has to find a solution. It may decide to

1 1 ^(1){ }^{1} Read at a meeting of the Royal Society of Medicine, Section of Psychiatry, London, Dec. 9, 1947.
1 1 ^(1){ }^{1} 在 1947 年 12 月 9 日于伦敦皇家医学会精神病学分会的会议上宣读。


disregard what happens in the outside world (a mental process which we call denial) or to disregard the claims of the inner world (the mental process which we call repression). The ego may choose to act either in submission to the environment and oppose the instinct (parents will then say that the child is “good”, obedient) or to submit to the claims of the instinct and revolt against the outer world (to be “bad”, naughty, disobedient). The ego may also have to choose between claims arising from two rival instinctive urges or between representatives of his instincts and his own ideals. In all these cases the ego is faced by dangers (of painful tension from within, threat of injury, punishment, loss of love from without) and reacts to them with outbreaks of anxiety.
This never-ending series of inner conflicts serves as a constant stimulus towards higher development of mental functioning and finally determines the shape of the child’s personality. What we call character formation is, roughly speaking, the whole set of attitudes habitually adopted by an individual ego for the solution of these conflicts: the choice of which instinctive urges to help towards satisfaction, which to oppose, and what methods to adopt in its defence against the threats represented by a powerful outer world as well as a powerful inner world.

Sex and aggression as the two main forces

Psychoanalytic theory groups the whole range of instinctive urges under two headings: sex and aggression; those included under sex serving the purposes of preservation, propagation and unification of life; those included under aggression serving the opposite aim of undoing connections and destroying life.

The psychoanalytic theory of sex

The essential contribution made by psychoanalysis to the knowledge of the sex instinct is the discovery of the diffuse sources of sexual excitation which exist from birth onward in various parts of the body and give rise to the pregenital sex urges of infantile life. According to the origin of these component instincts (the skin, the mucous membranes of the mouth and anus, the penis) we differentiate between an oral, anal and phallic sex organisation of childhood in which satisfaction is sought, either on the body itself or by contact with the love

objects in the environment. Normally, these infantile sex elements, so far as they do not undergo far-reaching transformations under the influence of the ego, contribute certain non-genital admixtures to adult genital sexuality (kissing, touching, looking); in abnormal cases one of the infantile component

instincts may dominate adult sex life as a so-called perversion (fellatio, cunilingus, scoptophilia, exhibitionism, etc. etc.).
Infantile sexuality is, thus, not only shown to exist, but to be of a purely perverse nature. This latter element of perversity made it more difficult for it to be accepted as a normal, healthy, regular and necessary occurrence. Even today there are certain authors who-though otherwise adopting the principles of analytic psychology-will suggest ways and means of upbringing which promise to do away with one or the other of the component sex urges (the sucking impulses of the infant, the anal interests of the toddler, phallic masturbation) as if these were unwelcome and abnormal occurrences produced by adverse environmental conditions.
On the other hand, ample evidence of the existence and the manifestations of the various component instincts has been provided over the last 20 or 30 years by authors all over the world on the basis of direct observation of young children under a large variety of external conditions (normal, happy or unhappy, home life, group life, institutional life).
另一方面,过去 20 或 30 年中,来自世界各地的作者基于对在各种外部条件下(正常、快乐或不快乐、家庭生活、集体生活、机构生活)观察幼儿的直接观察,提供了关于各种组成本能的存在及其表现的充分证据。

The psychoanalytic theory of aggression

The aggressive character of the infantile sex urges from the beginning did not escape notice, of course. It was at first attributed to the crude nature of infantile sexuality itself, later on recognised as the expression of the second group of instincts-the destructive urges.
Aggression, destruction, their expressions and their development are as much in the centre of interest for dynamic psychology now as the development of the sexual function was at the beginning of the century.


In very early phases aggressive energy may find outlets on the child’s own body, just as sexual energy (libido) may find outlets in auto-erotic activities. Instances of this are the so-called head-knocking activities of infants, a selfdestructive equivalent of the auto-erotic rhythmical activity of rocking. Headknocking occurs more rarely than rocking, is on the verge of abnormal behaviour and may sometimes result in real injury. The same is true for the rather infrequent self-destructive activity of hair-pulling in infants and young children.
I refer in this connection to Dr. W. Hoffer’s contribution "Hand, Mouth and Ego Integration 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} and to other unpublished papers by the
我在此提到 W. Hoffer 博士的贡献《手、口和自我整合 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} 》以及其他未发表的论文。

2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} This volume, p. 49.
2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} 本卷,第 49 页。

same author. In discussing the case of a mentally defective infant girl who grievously injured her arms and hands by biting, while she was unable to chew food, Hoffer illustrates the following point: while, in the first year, sucking the thumb or any other part of the hand is a normal autoerotic expression, biting as a self-destructive activity is abnormal, only to be found in defective or psychotic children. From this stage of development onward it is essential for the child’s normality that the aggressive urges should be directed away from the child’s own body to the animate or inanimate objects in the environment.
At a later stage aggression will normally be used again in a self-destructive manner. But it will then be invested in the superego and directed against the ego itself, not against the body.


In the child’s relations with the object world, erotic and destructive elements are so intimately bound up with each other that it is difficult to determine in any given reaction what has been contributed to it by either set of instincts. In each of the successive phases of pregenital development the aggressive energy is an indispensable admixture to the sexual (libidinal) urge. The pictures of childhood behaviour with which we are familiar invariably include both elements. We find it natural that the young infant’s first emotional attachment,

in the beginning to the mother’s breast, later to the mother’s person, shows the same characteristic qualities of aggressive, insatiable greed that we know from his attitude to food. In the oral stage the infant destroys what he appropriates (sucks the object dry, tries to take everything into himself). On the next, the anal level, the fusion between erotic and aggressive tendencies is obvious even to the unskilled observer. Whoever has dealt with toddlers knows the peculiarly clinging, possessive, tormenting, exhausting kind of love which they have for their mothers, an exacting relationship which drives many young mothers to the point of despair. We know, further, that the originally sexual inquisitiveness of children destroys the inanimate objects towards which it is directed; that loved toys are, normally, maltreated toys; that pet animals have to be rescued from the aggression which invariably accompanies the love showered on them by their childish owners. We understand that on these pregenital stages it is not hate but aggressive love which threatens to destroy its object.
During the phallic sex organization, the mixtures between sex and aggression are of a more adult nature. Boys on this level of development

dominate but also protect their mothers, or other love objects. Where the aggressive element is linked with the exhibitionistic tendencies, the combined aim is to impress and thereby to subdue the love object.


This fusion of sexual and aggressive urges is normal and typical. Variation in the quantities of energy contributed from the two groups of instinctive tendencies account for a wide range of individual differences. A larger amount of aggression contributed to the child’s behaviour on the anal level creates the picture of a sadistic perversion; a decrease in the aggressive addition to behaviour on the phallic level makes for shyness, lack of masculine behaviour. So far as the upbringing of children is concerned, these quantitative fluctuations account for the difference between manageable and unmanageable, “good” and “bad” children. Most of these variations are within the range of normality.

Pathological aggressiveness in children

In recent years special interest has been directed towards certain states of pathological aggressiveness of young children, occasional in family life, but mostly of children who are either orphaned or who grow up in broken homes, under war conditions, with a series of changing foster-parents, in residential institutions, in camps, etc. Though not mentally deficient, they possess the uncontrollable, apparently senseless destructive attitudes of defectives. They show either pleasure in, or complete indifference towards damage done by them to things, or towards suffering caused by them to people. They wreck their toys, their clothes, their furniture, are cruel to small animals, hurtful to younger children, defiant or indifferent toward adults. Their handling is a baffling problem for the educator, the explanation of their state a challenge to child psychology.
Closer observation shows that the pathological factor in these cases is not to be found in the aggressive tendencies themselves, but in a lack of fusion between them and libidinal (erotic) urges. The pathological factor is found in the realm of erotic, emotional development which has been held up through adverse external or internal conditions, such as absence of love objects, lack of emotional response from the adult environment, breaking of emotional ties as soon as they are formed, deficiency of emotional development for innate reasons. Owing to the defects on the emotional side, the aggressive urges are not brought into fusion and thereby bound and partially neutralized, but remain free

and seek expression in life in the form of pure, unadulterated, independent destructiveness.
Efforts to control these pathological states of infantile aggressiveness by force, and efforts, with all the means used in upbringing, to urge the child to control his destructiveness are bound to fail. The appropriate therapy has to be directed to the neglected, defective side, i. e., the emotional libidinal development. Where it is possible to help the child’s arrested or otherwise disturbed libidinal impulses to become more normal, the fusion between erotic and destructive impulses will follow automatically, and aggression will be brought under the beneficent influence of the erotic urges.

Life and death instincts

I have not, in the short time at my disposal, discussed the theory of the dualism between life and death instincts which forms the background of the concepts I have used. My reason is that on this particular occasion we are concerned with circumscribed psychological problems rather than with more far-reaching biological speculations.

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