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React Native vs Swift: Which One to Choose for iOS Development?
React Native 与 Swift:iOS 开发选择哪一个?

Updated : Dec 18, 2023
更新日期:2023 年 12 月 18 日
Guide to React Native Vs Swift

When you plan to develop an iOS application, the first question that comes to your mind is, “Should I use Swift for native app development or React Native for cross-platform app development”?
当您计划开发 iOS 应用程序时,您想到的第一个问题是“我应该使用 Swift 进行本机应用程序开发还是使用 React Native 进行跨平台应用程序开发”?

Here’s the apt answer – it’s always a good choice to choose Swift for iOS app development. But still, in some cases, React Native wins the competition as per your platform requirement.
这是恰当的答案——选择 Swift 进行 iOS 应用程序开发始终是一个不错的选择。但在某些情况下,React Native 仍然会根据您的平台要求赢得竞争。

TL;DR - While choosing between React Native vs Swift, go for React Native if the iOS app requires a simple UI and simple code logic, whereas use Swift if the iOS app requires various features and needs to be compatible with every Apple device.
TL;DR - 在 React Native 和 Swift 之间进行选择时,如果 iOS 应用程序需要简单的 UI 和简单的代码逻辑,请选择 React Native,而如果 iOS 应用程序需要各种功能并且需要与每个 Apple 设备兼容,请使用 Swift。

Tez Banner

Moreover, React Native is preferable if you want faster deployment and are looking to reduce the development costs, whereas Swift is the right choice if your budget is not limited.
此外,如果您想要更快的部署并希望降低开发成本,React Native 是更好的选择,而如果您的预算不受限制,Swift 是正确的选择。

Both Swift and React Native are capable enough to execute efficiently on iOS devices. However, there are some factors and parameters we should keep in mind while creating an iOS app and distinguishing the specific iOS programming language.
Swift 和 React Native 都足以在 iOS 设备上高效执行。然而,在创建 iOS 应用程序并区分特定的 iOS 编程语言时,我们应该牢记一些因素和参数。

Therefore, we have noted down the detailed information about React Native and Swift technologies and their pros and cons to help you decide the most appropriate one for your project.
因此,我们记录了有关 React Native 和 Swift 技术及其优缺点的详细信息,以帮助您选择最适合您的项目的一种。

So, let’s take a deep dive and understand the comparison between Swift vs React Native 2022.
因此,让我们深入了解 Swift 与 React Native 2022 之间的比较。

On This Page 在本页
  1. What is React Native?
    什么是 React Native?
  2. Leading Apps Developed with React Native
    使用 React Native 开发的领先应用程序
  3. Advantages of React Native
    React Native 的优点
  4. Disadvantages of React Native
    React Native 的缺点
  5. What is Swift?  什么是斯威夫特?
  6. Leading Apps Developed with Swift
    使用 Swift 开发的领先应用程序
  7. Advantages of Swift  斯威夫特的优点
  8. Disadvantages of Swift 斯威夫特的缺点
  9. Detailed Comparison: Swift vs React Native
    详细比较:Swift 与 React Native
  10. When Should I Use Swift?
    我什么时候应该使用 Swift?
  11. A Final Verdict  最终判决

What is React Native?  什么是 React Native?

At first, every newbie gets confused between React Native and React. However, before picking up the language, you should know the basic difference between React vs React Native. If you are clear with it, it would be easy to choose React Native for your iOS app.
一开始,每个新手都会对 React Native 和 React 感到困惑。但是,在学习该语言之前,您应该了解 React 与 React Native 之间的基本区别。如果您对此很清楚,那么为您的 iOS 应用程序选择 React Native 就会很容易。

Talking about React Native, it’s a JavaScript framework created and supported by the tech giant – Facebook. The invention of the language was to build cross-platform mobile apps and accelerate mobile development processes.
说到 React Native,它是由科技巨头 Facebook 创建和支持的 JavaScript 框架。该语言的发明是为了构建跨平台移动应用程序并加速移动开发流程。

React Native uses JavaScript, and it’s the most useful language in the world – ahead of Swift. JavaScript offers a code reusability feature, allowing developers to share up to 70% of the code between various platforms. As a result, this will help you save development time and reduce cross-platform apps costs.
React Native 使用 JavaScript,它是世界上最有用的语言——领先于 Swift。 JavaScript 提供了代码可重用性功能,允许开发人员在不同平台之间共享高达 70% 的代码。因此,这将帮助您节省开发时间并降低跨平台应用程序成本。

With the help of React Native app development, developers will be able to write the code for both Android and iOS platforms. Then UI elements get rendered in their native versions. This means the React Native iOS app uses the same native UI as any native iOS app. This is the same scenario for the Android version.
在 React Native 应用程序开发的帮助下,开发人员将能够为 Android 和 iOS 平台编写代码。然后 UI 元素以其本机版本呈现。这意味着 React Native iOS 应用程序使用与任何本机 iOS 应用程序相同的本机 UI。 Android 版本的情况也是如此。

Let’s move on to the next segment – the advantages and disadvantages of React Native before going through the main difference between React Native vs Swift.
让我们继续下一部分——React Native 的优点和缺点,然后再讨论 React Native 与 Swift 之间的主要区别。

Leading Apps Developed with React Native
使用 React Native 开发的领先应用程序

You must have a question, how much does it cost to build a React Native app? Well, to give a fair idea, you can refer to our blog. I am sure the development cost will be worth your business investment.
你肯定有一个问题,构建一个 React Native 应用需要多少钱?好吧,为了给出一个公平的想法,您可以参考我们的博客。我确信开发成本值得您的商业投资。

Nevertheless, here are the leading apps that have been built using React Native.
尽管如此,这里还是使用 React Native 构建的领先应用程序。

  • Facebook
  • Walmart 沃尔玛
  • Bloomberg 彭博社
  • SoundCloud 声云
  • Instagram

Build an App Like Facebook with React Native
使用 React Native 构建类似 Facebook 的应用程序

Hire React Native Experts
聘请 React Native 专家

Advantages of React Native
React Native 的优点

We have to consider the bright and dark sides of React Native before deciding on React Native or Swift. Let’s see what pros the language has to offer when you hire React Native developers.
在决定使用 React Native 还是 Swift 之前,我们必须考虑 React Native 的优点和缺点。让我们看看当您雇用 React Native 开发人员时该语言必须提供哪些优点。

Hot Reloading 热重载

Hot reloading feature of React Native allows developers to visualize their code. Thus, it makes the entire development process productive and easier.
React Native 的热重载功能允许开发人员可视化他们的代码。因此,它使整个开发过程变得高效且更容易。

Flawless Performance 完美的性能

Since native apps are designed for a particular OS, they take full advantage of the device's processing speed. The apps have a good, error-free performance and are easy to use. Furthermore, to enhance the performance aspect, ensure an interactive user interface. ReactJS can be most appropriate when it comes to UI. There are chances that it might get daunting to keep track of everything and manage the aspects of UI, so to keep up with the same, you can rely on React UI/UX development services.
由于本机应用程序是为特定操作系统设计的,因此它们充分利用设备的处理速度。这些应用程序具有良好、无错误的性能并且易于使用。此外,为了增强性能,请确保交互式用户界面。当涉及到 UI 时,ReactJS 可能是最合适的。跟踪一切并管理 UI 的各个方面可能会让人望而生畏,因此为了跟上同样的情况,您可以依靠 React UI/UX 开发服务。

Rich Library Support 丰富的库支持

React Native has around 33,000 libraries and packages, while Swift has only 3800 packages. The actual figures show that React Native is way ahead in terms of libraries.
React Native 拥有大约 33,000 个库和包,而 Swift 只有 3800 个包。实际数据表明,React Native 在库方面遥遥领先。

Easy to Integrate 易于集成

It is easy to integrate native apps with various devices like GPS, Camera, and touchscreen. Moreover, complex features like VR, AI, IoT, and AR can be seamlessly integrated into native apps.
可以轻松地将本机应用程序与 GPS、相机和触摸屏等各种设备集成。此外,VR、AI、IoT 和 AR 等复杂功能可以无缝集成到本机应用程序中。

Less Debugging 减少调试

Developers can easily monitor bugs with less effort.

Highly Reliable and Safe 高可靠性和安全性

Native apps are secure and dependable because they meet all operating system rules. These apps are evaluated and authorized by the App Store. Hence, they are highly secure and reliable.
本机应用程序安全可靠,因为它们满足所有操作系统规则。这些应用程序由App Store评估和授权。因此,它们高度安全且可靠。

Disadvantages of React Native
React Native 的缺点

Despite all of React Native's great features, it does have certain drawbacks. However, React Native community is constantly striving to resolve these difficulties.
尽管 React Native 有很多出色的功能,但它确实有一些缺点。然而,React Native 社区正在不断努力解决这些困难。

Complex Design 复杂的设计

As we know, both platforms - iOS and Android, have their own guidelines for publishing apps. This becomes a big trouble for developers to build high-quality custom UI for React Native apps.
众所周知,iOS 和 Android 这两个平台都有自己的应用程序发布指南。这成为开发者为 React Native 应用构建高质量自定义 UI 的一大麻烦。

Longer Testing Process 更长的测试过程

When comparing React Native vs Swift, the app development speed using React Native is faster due to a single code source; however, the process of testing takes longer. When it comes to testing, React Native apps demand more effort and precision, as errors are more likely to surface on both platforms.
比较 React Native 和 Swift 时,由于代码源单一,使用 React Native 的应用程序开发速度更快;然而,测试过程需要更长的时间。在测试方面,React Native 应用程序需要更多的努力和精确度,因为错误更有可能在两个平台上出现。

Fewer Wrappers 更少的包装

Developers may need to write custom wrappers in order to integrate native modules, components, and APIs into the project, which is time-consuming.
开发人员可能需要编写自定义包装器,以便将本机模块、组件和 API 集成到项目中,这非常耗时。

What is Swift?  什么是斯威夫特?

Swift Definition

Swift is a modern and compiled programming language developed and maintained by the Apple team and open-source community to build native iOS applications for every Apple device. Released in 2014, Swift is considered a multi-paradigm and general-purpose language.
Swift 是一种现代编译型编程语言,由 Apple 团队和开源社区开发和维护,用于为每台 Apple 设备构建本机 iOS 应用程序。 Swift 于 2014 年发布,被认为是一种多范式和通用语言。

Swift is designed to develop iOS apps for watchOS, macOS, tvOS, and Apple-powered devices. The primary goal of Swift is to gain more attention from developers for iOS development services. Since Swift offers concise and expressive syntaxes, the programming interface is interactive.
Swift 旨在为 watchOS、macOS、tvOS 和 Apple 支持的设备开发 iOS 应用程序。 Swift 的首要目标是让 iOS 开发服务获得更多开发者的关注。由于 Swift 提供简洁且富有表现力的语法,因此编程界面是交互式的。

Primarily, Swift was designed to replace Objective-C, which was the programming language of Apple. Thus, the following code practice is very convenient and has practically no loopholes. This is the best way to develop an iOS app. Therefore, it has gained a lot of attention in mobile app development services.
Swift 的设计初衷是为了取代 Apple 的编程语言 Objective-C。因此,下面的代码练习起来非常方便,几乎没有漏洞。这是开发 iOS 应用程序的最佳方式。因此,它在移动应用程序开发服务中获得了广泛的关注。

Leading Apps Developed with Swift
使用 Swift 开发的领先应用程序

Some popular and famous brand apps are developed using Swift. We've compiled a list of the finest apps for better comprehension.
一些流行和知名品牌的应用程序是使用 Swift 开发的。为了更好地理解,我们编制了一份最好的应用程序列表。

  • Airbnb 爱彼迎
  • Twitter 推特
  • Lyft 来福车
  • Test Center 测试中心
  • SlideShare 幻灯片共享

Advantages of Swift  斯威夫特的优点

Do you know why companies have shifted their focus to Swift to build iOS apps? Let’s find out its advantages in the coming section.
您知道为什么公司将重点转向 Swift 来构建 iOS 应用程序吗?让我们在下一节中了解它的优点。

Better Error Handling 更好的错误处理

Swift has robust typing and a strong error handling system. It is effective in preventing errors and code crashes in the production environment.
Swift 具有健壮的类型和强大的错误处理系统。它可以有效防止生产环境中的错误和代码崩溃。

Easy to Scale 易于扩展

Swift is a future-proof programming language. So, developers can easily add any new functionality. As a result, these apps are usually easier to scale as compared to React Native.
Swift 是一种面向未来的编程语言。因此,开发人员可以轻松添加任何新功能。因此,与 React Native 相比,这些应用程序通常更容易扩展。

Better Safety and Performance

Performance enhancement and safety are the primary factors of Swift as it was created to replace the Objective-C language while considering Swift vs Objective C. At the time of its initial release, it was said to have a 40% better performance.
性能增强和安全性是 Swift 的主要因素,因为它是为了取代 Objective-C 语言而创建的,同时考虑到 Swift 与 Objective C 的比较。在其最初发布时,据说性能提高了 40%。

User Experience 用户体验

Swift applications take less time to install and consume less memory storage on the device because they are lightweight. The language was also built with native iOS development in mind, giving developers more access to the native device's features. As a result, Swift-powered apps will look and perform better.
Swift 应用程序的安装时间较短,并且消耗的设备内存也较少,因为它们是轻量级的。该语言在构建时还考虑到了本机 iOS 开发,使开发人员能够更多地访问本机设备的功能。因此,Swift 支持的应用程序的外观和性能都会更好。

Open Source Community 开源社区

Swift has an active open-source community that backs the platform. Also, it’s very easy to learn and understand for newbies.
Swift 拥有一个活跃的开源社区来支持该平台。而且,对于新手来说,它非常容易学习和理解。

Planning to Build Your Next iOS App with Swift?
计划使用 Swift 构建您的下一个 iOS 应用程序?

Upscale an App with Us

Disadvantages of Swift  斯威夫特的缺点

Are there any major disadvantages of Swift that you should be aware of? Before you hire custom mobile development services for your iOS project, Let’s understand its cons in the given section.
Swift 有哪些您应该注意的主要缺点吗?在为您的 iOS 项目雇用自定义移动开发服务之前,让我们在给定部分中了解其缺点。

Limited Talent 人才有限

Despite the rapid growth of Swift, it still has a small pool of developers compared to other programming languages. It can be difficult to hire a Swift developer.
尽管 Swift 发展迅速,但与其他编程语言相比,它的开发人员仍然较少。聘请 Swift 开发人员可能很困难。

Only for Apple Devices 仅适用于苹果设备

Swift can only be used on native devices because it is a native platform. As a result, if you want to create apps for both Android and iOS, you'll need to create two different apps.
Swift 只能在本机设备上使用,因为它是本机平台。因此,如果您想为 Android 和 iOS 创建应用程序,则需要创建两个不同的应用程序。

Detailed Comparison: Swift vs React Native
详细比较:Swift 与 React Native

The primary difference between React Native and Swift is that React Native is suitable for cross platform development, whereas Swift is the right choice for developing native iOS applications.
React Native 和 Swift 之间的主要区别在于 React Native 适合跨平台开发,而 Swift 是开发原生 iOS 应用程序的正确选择。

Let’s consider the parameters below to compare Swift vs React Native and decide which could be the suitable one for your iOS app development.
让我们考虑以下参数来比较 Swift 与 React Native,并决定哪一个最适合您的 iOS 应用程序开发。

React Native vs Swift: Performance
React Native 与 Swift:性能

The performance of React Native vs Swift depends on multiple factors such as GPU speed, CPU consumption, memory usage, and many more.
React Native 与 Swift 的性能取决于多种因素,例如 GPU 速度、CPU 消耗、内存使用等等。

While talking about tests, React Native beats Swift on memory usage and GPU speed, while Swift is ahead of React Native in CPU consumption. In addition, developers can easily embed native codes in the React Native applications and use various tools for tasks.
在谈论测试时,React Native 在内存使用和 GPU 速度上击败了 Swift,而 Swift 在 CPU 消耗方面领先于 React Native。此外,开发人员可以轻松地将本机代码嵌入到React Native应用程序中,并使用各种工具来完成任务。

Thus, in terms of performance, React Native wins the competition against Swift.
因此,在性能方面,React Native 赢得了与 Swift 的竞争。

Winner: React Native 获胜者:React Native

Swift vs React Native: User Interface
Swift 与 React Native:用户界面

With the usage of Swift, developers can easily create amazing UIs and visually appealing apps for iOS platforms. Moreover, Swift developers can use SwiftUI from scratch to deliver a completely native and better user experience.
通过使用 Swift,开发人员可以轻松为 iOS 平台创建令人惊叹的 UI 和视觉上吸引人的应用程序。此外,Swift 开发人员可以从头开始使用 SwiftUI 来提供完全原生的、更好的用户体验。

Talking about React Native, it uses JavaScript libraries to build user interfaces. Developers can easily create platform-centric versions of components for a native-like experience. With the help of JavaScript and declarative UI, React components wrap native code and communicate with native APIs. Therefore, it’s very easy to create amazing UI with the help of JavaScript but very difficult to stay updated with changes and advancements that happen in the native environment.
谈到 React Native,它使用 JavaScript 库来构建用户界面。开发人员可以轻松创建以平台为中心的组件版本,以获得类似本机的体验。在 JavaScript 和声明式 UI 的帮助下,React 组件包装本机代码并与本机 API 进行通信。因此,在 JavaScript 的帮助下创建令人惊叹的 UI 非常容易,但很难跟上本机环境中发生的更改和进步。

Winner: React Native 获胜者:React Native

React Native vs Swift: Stability
React Native 与 Swift:稳定性

Swift holds the power of every possibility of the platform to build Native applications. Moreover, Swift beats React Native in the game of Swift vs React Native when it comes to handling heavy tasks and visual effects. Thus, Swift delivers more stability to the iOS platform.
Swift 拥有构建本机应用程序的平台的所有可能性。此外,在处理繁重的任务和视觉效果方面,Swift 在 Swift 与 React Native 的游戏中击败了 React Native。因此,Swift 为 iOS 平台提供了更高的稳定性。

Despite being a leader in cross-platform frameworks in the market, React Native is not preferable to creating native apps. The primary focus of React Native is to utilize internal APIs and libraries to execute applications smoothly. This means there could be many layers in the development process, making the application a bit unstable.
尽管 React Native 是市场上跨平台框架的领导者,但它并不比创建本机应用程序更可取。 React Native 的主要重点是利用内部 API 和库来顺利执行应用程序。这意味着开发过程中可能会有很多层,从而使应用程序有点不稳定。

Winner: Swift 获胜者:斯威夫特

React Native vs Swift: Speed of Coding
React Native 与 Swift:编码速度

Since JavaScript supports React Native, the language has been in the market for many years. It’s getting popular due to its easy learning curve and supports various tools as well. Thus, developers find it very easy to learn and create a codebase in React Native as compared to Swift.
由于 JavaScript 支持 React Native,该语言已经上市很多年了。它因其简单的学习曲线而变得流行,并且还支持各种工具。因此,开发人员发现与 Swift 相比,在 React Native 中学习和创建代码库非常容易。

On the other hand, Swift developers can conventionally produce native iOS apps. Since Swift came into existence to overcome the legacy of Objective C, it has made processes smoother, eliminating the drawbacks.
另一方面,Swift 开发人员可以按照惯例开发原生 iOS 应用程序。自从 Swift 的诞生是为了克服 Objective C 的遗留问题,它使流程变得更加流畅,消除了这些缺点。

Winner: React Native 获胜者:React Native

Swift vs React Native: Learning Curve
Swift 与 React Native:学习曲线

While talking about React Native for iOS app development, developers find the process quite simple and easy. But here, the web development process is different from the app. Therefore, the developers don’t feel at home while working with React Native. However, React Native has various detailed documents and extensive libraries that could help developers learn the language easily.
在谈论用于 iOS 应用程序开发的 React Native 时,开发人员发现该过程非常简单和容易。但在这里,Web 开发过程与应用程序不同。因此,开发人员在使用 React Native 时并没有宾至如归的感觉。然而,React Native 拥有各种详细的文档和广泛的库,可以帮助开发人员轻松学习该语言。

On the flip side, Swift has a very cutting-edge learning curve. However, Apple has released an official document to help developers understand the language, its fundamentals, and features with ease. Apart from that, Swift has a wonderful feature called Swift Playgrounds that makes the learning curve smooth even for professionals with zero technical experience.
另一方面,Swift 的学习曲线非常前沿。不过,Apple 发布了一份官方文档,帮助开发人员轻松了解该语言、其基础知识和功能。除此之外,Swift 还有一个名为 Swift Playgrounds 的出色功能,即使对于零技术经验的专业人士来说,学习曲线也变得平滑。

Winner: Swift 获胜者:斯威夫特

React Native vs Swift: Platform Maturity
React Native 与 Swift:平台成熟度

While talking about platform maturity for React Native and Swift, they both are quite young in the industry. React Native was released in 2015, whereas Swift in 2014. However, both communities welcome more robustness with each version update.
在谈论 React Native 和 Swift 的平台成熟度时,它们在行业中都相当年轻。 React Native 于 2015 年发布,而 Swift 于 2014 年发布。然而,两个社区都欢迎每次版本更新带来更多的稳健性。

Like Swift language, React Native is not a completely native language for iOS app development despite being a native app builder. React Native functions as a bridge between iOS platforms and code. When it comes to intensive computational and graphic work, Swift performs excellently.
与 Swift 语言一样,React Native 并不是 iOS 应用程序开发的完全本机语言,尽管它是本机应用程序构建器。 React Native 充当 iOS 平台和代码之间的桥梁。当涉及密集的计算和图形工作时,Swift 表现出色。

Winner: React Native 获胜者:React Native

Swift vs React Native: Developer Cost
Swift 与 React Native:开发人员成本

If you are planning to develop an iOS application, it’s very cheap to hire a React Native developer. Albeit, you will not find much difference in hiring a single programmer for both Swift and React Native programming languages. Later, when you hire a team of developers, they become cost-effective or cheaper.
如果您计划开发 iOS 应用程序,那么聘请 React Native 开发人员非常便宜。尽管如此,您不会发现雇用一名 Swift 和 React Native 编程语言的程序员有多大区别。后来,当你雇用一个开发团队时,他们就会变得具有成本效益或更便宜。

Furthermore, React Native does not compromise the project quality in addition to being cost-effective. As a result, it becomes a win-win situation for organizations in the long term.
此外,React Native 除了具有成本效益之外,还不会影响项目质量。因此,从长远来看,这对组织来说是一种双赢的局面。

Winner: React Native 获胜者:React Native

React Native vs Swift: Developer’s Availability
React Native 与 Swift:开发人员的可用性

Since the JavaScript language is very popular among the developer community, it’s very easy to find JavaScript developers. Besides, Swift is comparatively new. Thus, there are fewer chances to find a team of professional Swift developers or Swift development companies.
由于 JavaScript 语言在开发者社区中非常流行,因此很容易找到 JavaScript 开发人员。此外,Swift 相对较新。因此,找到专业 Swift 开发团队或 Swift 开发公司的机会较少。

As per the data from Stack Overflow 2022 survey, around 65.36% of developers would consider JavaScript as their preferred programming language. This data proves React Native’s popularity as compared to Swift.
根据 Stack Overflow 2022 调查数据,约 65.36% 的开发者将 JavaScript 视为首选编程语言。该数据证明了 React Native 相对于 Swift 的受欢迎程度。

Winner: React Native 获胜者:React Native

Hire App Developers to Build the Feature-rich iOS App for Your Business
雇用应用程序开发人员为您的企业构建功能丰富的 iOS 应用程序

Schedule Interview  安排面试

React Native vs Swift: Community Support and Documentation
React Native 与 Swift:社区支持和文档

As we know, React Native is an open-source programming language and is supported by many professional developers across the globe, whereas Apple developers maintain the Swift language. But Swift developers can get technical support from public platforms.
众所周知,React Native 是一种开源编程语言,受到全球许多专业开发人员的支持,而 Apple 开发人员则维护 Swift 语言。但Swift开发者可以从公共平台获得技术支持。

React Native has in-depth, concise, and accurate documentation, and Swift has a consistent documentation update, which is helpful as well.
React Native 有深入、简洁、准确的文档,Swift 有一致的文档更新,这也很有帮助。

Winner: React Native 获胜者:React Native

React Native vs Swift: A Quick Summary
React Native 与 Swift:快速总结

ParametersReact Native 反应本机Swift
Developed By 由开发FacebookApple Inc 苹果公司
TypeOpen-source UI software framework
General-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language
Initial Release 初始发行20152014
UI Development 用户界面开发Native components wrapped using APIs, cross-platform support
使用 API 封装的本机组件,跨平台支持
iOS native UIs using SwiftUI
使用 SwiftUI 的 iOS 原生 UI
Platform Supported 支持平台Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, Web, Windows, UWP
Android、Android TV、iOS、macOS、Web、Windows、UWP
Every Apple’s OS 每个苹果的操作系统
CommunityA top choice for cross-platform development with great community support
Relatively small community being an open-source project backed by Apple Inc
PerformanceNative-like performance with speed, smooth navigation, and better user experience
Faster and superior performance when running complex apps as it leverages device capabilities and gives better results for graphic-sensitive and heavy-computational apps
SuitabilityCross-platform apps, apps for startups and SMEs
Truly-native iOS app that leverages platform’s capabilities and requires heavy computation and graphics
真正的原生 iOS 应用程序,利用平台的功能并需要大量计算和图形
UsageMost Widely Used 使用最广泛Less Used 较少使用
App Development 应用程序开发FasterSlower
Language and Syntax 语言和语法JavaScript-based framework, JSX Syntax – syntax extension to JavaScript
基于 JavaScript 的框架,JSX Syntax – JavaScript 的语法扩展
Alternative to Objective-C, concise and truly expressive syntax
Objective-C 的替代方案,简洁且真正富有表现力的语法
Development Cost 开发成本Relatively Low 相对较低High
DocumentationGreat and Elegant 伟大而优雅Great and Elegant 伟大而优雅
Used By 使用者Facebook, Flipkart, Shopify, Skype, Instagram, Wix, Walmart, Tesla, Discord, Tencent, and many more
Khan Academy, Eventbrite, LinkedIn, Airbnb, Sky Guide, etc.
可汗学院、Eventbrite、LinkedIn、Airbnb、Sky Guide 等。

When Should I Use React Native?
我什么时候应该使用 React Native?

Now we have seen every side of React Native. To sum up the language, you can choose React Native when:
现在我们已经了解了 React Native 的方方面面。总结一下语言,在以下情况下可以选择React Native:

  • You need to build both iOS and Android apps within a given budget.
    您需要在给定的预算内构建 iOS 和 Android 应用程序。
  • The app requires hot reloading for faster development.
  • You need to build cross-platform apps.

When Should I Use Swift?
我什么时候应该使用 Swift?

You can use Swift as the primary programming language when:
在以下情况下,您可以使用 Swift 作为主要编程语言:

  • You need to develop an app for the iOS platform only.
    您只需开发适用于 iOS 平台的应用程序。
  • The app requires high memory management and complex UIs.
  • The app needs native features of iOS and APIs.
    该应用程序需要 iOS 和 API 的本机功能。

A Final Verdict  最终判决

Finally, this battle between Swift vs React Native could be considered a cross-platform vs native development. But, here, we have considered an iOS platform as a context.
最后,Swift 与 React Native 之间的这场战斗可以被认为是跨平台与本机开发之间的较量。但是,在这里,我们将 iOS 平台视为上下文。

So, both languages are capable enough to let you develop iOS applications with amazing features. In a nutshell, choose React Native if you want to develop a cross-platform app and go with Swift when the app requires native platform capabilities.
因此,这两种语言都足以让您开发具有惊人功能的 iOS 应用程序。简而言之,如果您想开发跨平台应用程序,请选择 React Native,而当应用程序需要本机平台功能时,请选择 Swift。

So, which language will you choose for iOS app development? Let us know your thoughts.
那么,您会选择哪种语言来开发 iOS 应用程序呢?让我们知道您的想法。

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I learn React Native or Swift?
我应该学习 React Native 还是 Swift?

If you want to build an iOS mobile application, particularly for the iOS platform, Swift should be your first choice. However, if you need to develop cross-platform mobile apps, React Native should be by your side.
如果你想构建一个 iOS 移动应用程序,特别是 iOS 平台的应用程序,Swift 应该是你的首选。但是,如果您需要开发跨平台移动应用程序,React Native 应该在您身边。

Is Swift good for beginners?
Swift 适合初学者吗?

Is React Native faster than Swift?
React Native 比 Swift 更快吗?

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Jaydeep Patadiya is a AVP - Sales at Radixweb and always has the answer to- what's on the mind of the customers? In an industry that is fundamentally changing, he helps customers make the right decisions by connecting the right dots and adopt new technologies. Beyond work, he prepares for upcoming marathon races.
Jaydeep Patadiya 是 Radixweb 的销售助理副总裁,总是能够解答客户的想法?在一个正在发生根本性变化的行业中,他通过连接正确的点并采用新技术来帮助客户做出正确的决策。除了工作之外,他还为即将到来的马拉松比赛做准备。