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一、接口说明 1. Interface description

反欺诈长短文本检测服务独立接口。 Anti-fraud long and short text detection service independent interface.

Please note: the long and short text input parameters are the same, only the path is different.

Q:何时使用短文本? Q: When to use short text?
A: Generally speaking, if there are no special requirements for configuration, the reasonable range of short text is 0~100 words, and the maximum length that short text can handle is 200 words.

Q:如果长文本使用短文本接口会怎么样? Q: What happens if long text uses the short text interface?
A: The gateway will automatically switch to long text links, which will affect performance and keyword detection. Recommendation: Use the short text interface for texts within the range of 100 words, and use the long text interface for texts larger than 100 words and less than 2,000 words. This way, the detection results will be more accurate and the interface performance will be the best.

二、调用方式 2. Calling method

HTTP请求方式 HTTP request method Content-Type 输出格式 Output format 字符集
POST x-www-form-urlencoded JSON UTF-8

三、调用URL 3. Call URL

文本类型 text type URL

四、输入参数 4. Input parameters

4.1 头部参数 4.1 Header parameters

字段名称 Field Name 字段类型 Field Type 是否必填 Is it required? 字段描述 Field description 备注说明 instruction manual
x-access-key String Y 合作方标识 Partner logo 由同盾分配,权限校验用 Distributed by Tongdun, used for permission verification
x-secret-key String Y 合作方应用密钥 Partner application key 由同盾分配,权限校验用 Distributed by Tongdun, used for permission verification

4.2 系统参数 4.2 System parameters

字段名称 Field Name 字段类型 Field Type 是否必填 Is it required? 字段描述 Field description 备注说明 instruction manual
event_id String Y 事件ID Event ID 由同盾分配 Distributed by Tongdun
app_name String Y 应用名 由同盾分配 Distributed by Tongdun
event_type String Y 事件类型 event type 由同盾分配,可支持的事件类型如下,开通时请支持运营
Distributed by Tongdun, the supported event types are as follows. Please support operations when opening
  • 支持的事件类型 Supported event types

4.3 业务参数 4.3 Business parameters

字段名称 Field Name 字段类型 Field Type 是否必填 Is it required? 字段描述 Field description 备注说明 instruction manual
text JSONObject Y 文本内容节点 text content node 详情查看 text字段中可用字段说明。text字段为中必须包含一个值
See text字段中可用字段 instructions for details. The text field must contain a value for
device_id String N 设备ID Device ID
account_login String N 帐号ID Account ID
ip_address String N IP地址 IP address
account_mobile String N 手机号
  • text 字段中可用字段 Available fields in the text field
字段名称 Field Name 字段类型 Field Type 字段描述 Field description 所属事件 Belonging event 备注说明 instruction manual
msg_content String 弹幕内容 Barrage content 弹幕事件 Barrage incident 可选
posting_content String 发帖内容 Post content 发帖事件 Post event 可选
posting_title String 发帖标题 Post title 发帖事件 Post event 可选
posting_comment String 回帖内容 Reply content 回帖事件 reply event 可选
comment_content String 评论内容 comments 评论事件 Comment on events 可选
nickname String 用户昵称 User's Nickname 编辑资料事件 Edit profile event 可选
sign String 个性签名 Signature 编辑资料事件 Edit profile event 可选
search_content String 搜索信息 Search Information 搜索事件 Search events 可选
product_name String 产品名称 product name 发布事件 publish event 可选
product_desc String 产品描述 Product Description 发布事件 publish event 可选

五、输入示例 5. Input example

5.1. 输入demo样例 5.1. Enter demo sample

POST head x-access-key: xx x-secret-key: xx POST DATA: event_id=xxx& app_name=xxx& event_type=xxx& text={"msg_content":"弹幕内容","posting_content":"发帖内容","posting_title":"发帖标题","posting_comment":"回帖内容","comment_content":"sign","nickname":"评论内容","xxx":"扩容文本内容"}

5.2. Java OkHttp

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder() .build(); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "app_name=应用名&event_id=事件ID&event_type=事件类型&ip_address={\"msg_content\":\"弹幕内容\",\"posting_content\":\"发帖内容:15光溜溜裙子%26掀起来%26干周旋,习近平胸有成竹地步入社会,大胸胸有成竹地步胸有成竹地步入社会胸有成竹地步入社会入社会胸有成竹地步入社会其实不过就是从心里认为幸福是他至始至终的坚持,傻逼幸福来自于内在བོད་ཡིག加我q257890678奥巴马.光溜溜阳痿致幻剂~指环\",\"posting_title\":\"发帖标题\",\"posting_comment\":\"回帖内容\",\"comment_content\":\"sign\",\"nickname\":\"评论内容\",\"xxx\":\"扩容文本内容\"}"); Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("") .method("POST", body) .addHeader("x-access-key", "同盾分配的accessKey") .addHeader("x-secret-key", "同盾分配的secretKey") .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .build(); Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

5.3. php curl

<?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'app_name=应用名&event_id=事件ID&event_type=事件类型&ip_address=', CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 'x-access-key: 同盾分配的accessKey', 'x-secret-key: 同盾分配的secretKey', 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;

5.4. Python requests

import requests url = "" payload='app_name=应用名&event_id=事件ID&event_type=事件类型&ip_address=' headers = { 'x-access-key': '同盾分配的accessKey', 'x-secret-key': '同盾分配的secretKey', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text)

5.5. Go http

package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "net/http" "io/ioutil" ) func main() { url := "" method := "POST" payload := strings.NewReader("app_name=应用名&event_id=事件ID&event_type=事件类型&ip_address=") client := &http.Client { } req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } req.Header.Add("x-access-key", "同盾分配的accessKey") req.Header.Add("x-secret-key", "同盾分配的secretKey") req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") res, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } defer res.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(string(body)) }

六、输出示例 6. Output example

{ "final_score": 60, "policy_set_name": "批量测试工具专用", "risk_type": "suspiciousBarrage_reject", "final_decision": "Reject", "policy_set": [ { "policy_score": 60, "policy_mode": "Weighted", "risk_type": "suspiciousBarrage", "policy_decision": "Reject", "policy_name": "文本测试", "policy_uuid": "0770ce8147c54b038b49c28df9bfd4b3", "hit_rules": [ { "score": 60, "decision": "Accept", "name": "弹幕内容包含不文明用语", "id": "37113404", "uuid": "4c6e2111333843658f3ddbc1b60508b1", "parentUuid": "" } ] } ], "spend_time": 685, "success": true, "policy_name": "批量测试工具专用", "seq_id": "1553078290583293F797B4E7C7158736", "hit_rules": [ { "score": 60, "decision": "Accept", "name": "弹幕内容包含不文明用语", "id": "37113404", "uuid": "4c6e2111333843658f3ddbc1b60508b1", "parentUuid": "" } ], "hit_keywords": [ { "keyword": "命中的关键词" } ] }

七、输出参数 7. Output parameters

7.1. 输出字段说明 7.1. Output field description

字段名称 Field Name 字段类型 Field Type 字段描述 Field description 备注说明 instruction manual
success Boolean 提交是否成功 Is the submission successful?
reason_code String success为false的情况下对应错误码,详见【八、状态码说明】。
When success is false, it corresponds to the error code. For details, see [8. Status Code Description].
最长20字,含中文字。 Maximum 20 characters, including Chinese characters.
seq_id String 本次调用产生的唯一性SequenceID。 The unique SequenceID generated by this call. 最长32个字,只有英文字母和数字。 The maximum length is 32 characters, only English letters and numbers.
spend_time Integer 本次调用在服务端的执行时间。 The execution time of this call on the server side. 单位为毫秒。 The unit is milliseconds.
final_decision String 风险决策结果。 Risky decision outcomes. Accept、Review、Reject三种值。
final_score Integer 风险决策分数。 Risky decision score. 范围1-65535,通常在0-100之间。 Range 1-65535, usually between 0-100.
policy_set_name String 策略集名称。 Policy set name. 最长30字,含中文字。 Maximum 30 characters, including Chinese characters.
policy_name String 与policy_set_name相同,为了向前兼容
Same as policy_set_name, for forward compatibility
最长30字,含中文字。 Maximum 30 characters, including Chinese characters.
policy_set JSONArray 包含每个策略以及策略的命中规则。详见后面policy_set字段。
Contains each policy and the policy's hit rules. See the policy_set field later for details.
hit_rules JSONArray 包含所有的命中规则。详见后面hit_rules字段。
Contains all hit rules. See the hit_rules field later for details.
risk_type String 风险类型 Risk type 最长300字,只含英文字符特殊符号。 The maximum length is 300 words, containing only English characters and special symbols.
hit_keywords JSONArray 命中的关键词信息 Hit keyword information 运营开通返回命中详情信息权限,才会有对应的数据 Only when operations enable the permission to return hit details information will there be corresponding data.
hit_keywords.keyword String 命中的关键词 Hit keywords

7.2. 命中策略字段policy_set说明 7.2. Description of hit policy field policy_set

字段名称 Field Name 字段类型 Field Type 字段含义 Field meaning 备注
policy_score Integer 该条策略的风险分数(只有在权重模式下有效) The risk score of this strategy (only valid in weighted mode) 范围1-65535,通常在0-100之间 Range 1-65535, usually between 0-100
policy_decision String 该条策略的机审决策结果 The machine review decision result of this strategy Accept/Review/Reject
policy_mode String 策略模式 strategy pattern 固定为空 Fixed to empty
risk_type String 策略风险类型 Strategy risk types 固定为空 Fixed to empty
policy_name String 策略名称 Policy name 固定为空 Fixed to empty
policy_uuid String 策略uuid policy uuid 固定为空 Fixed to empty
hit_rules JSONArray 包含所有的命中规则。详见后面hit_rules字段。
Contains all hit rules. See the hit_rules field later for details.

7.3. hit_rules字段说明 7.3. Hit_rules field description

字段名称 Field Name 字段类型 Field Type 字段含义 Field meaning 备注
score Integer 该条规则的风险分数 Integer The risk score of this rule 固定为60 Fixed at 60
decision String 该条规则的机审决策结果 Reject The machine review decision result of this rule Reject
name String 命中标签 hit tag 广告/涉政/暴恐/色情/违禁/灌水/辱骂/侵权/禁销/其他
Advertising/Political related/Terrorist/Pornographic/Prohibited/Washing/Abuse/Infringement/Prohibition/Others
id String 规则编号 Rule number 固定为空 Fixed to empty
uuid String 规则唯一编码 Rule unique code 固定为空 Fixed to empty
parentUuid String 上级编号 Superior number 固定为空 Fixed to empty

八、状态码说明 8. Status code description

code success 代码描述 Code description 详细说明 Detailed description
000 false 连接失败 Connection failed PHP客户端因网络、DNS、SSL等问题导致无法建立连接而产生
The PHP client is unable to establish a connection due to network, DNS, SSL, etc. problems.
001 false 用户认证失败 User authentication failed 请检查 x-secret-keyx-access-key是否合法有效,同时注意是否在HTTP请求头部
Please check whether x-secret-key and x-access-key are legal and valid, and pay attention to whether they are in the HTTP request header.
101 false 参数不能为空 Parameter cannot be empty 请检查API输入字段中, 是否遗漏必填字段 Please check the API input fields to see if any required fields are missing.
102 false 参数类型不正确 Incorrect parameter type 请检查API输入字段中, 是否存在参数类型不正确的。如数值类型字段, 是否误传入非数值的字符串
Please check whether there are incorrect parameter types in the API input fields. For example, if a numeric type field is entered, whether a non-numeric string is mistakenly passed in?
103 false 参数超过最大长度 Parameter exceeds maximum length 请检查API输入字段中, 是否存在某些字段传入的数据长度超出字段长度限制
Please check the API input fields to see if the data length passed in by some fields exceeds the field length limit.
301 false 没有购买服务 No service purchased 请购买事件流量 Please purchase event traffic
302 false 已被禁用 has been disabled 当前事件流量已被禁用 Event traffic is currently disabled
303 false 流量不足 Insufficient traffic 当前事件流量不足 The current event traffic is insufficient
304 false 服务时间过期 Service time expired 当前事件流量使用期已过 The current event traffic usage period has expired
305 false 日调用次数已达上限 The number of daily calls has reached the upper limit 当前事件日调用次数超过上限 The number of calls in the current event day exceeds the upper limit
404 false 没有对应的策略配置 There is no corresponding policy configuration 请检查event_id是否合法有效,并且event_id对应
Please check whether the event_id is legal and valid, and the event_id corresponds to

的策略未被禁用 policy is not disabled
500 false 内部执行错误 Internal execution error 内部接口处理错误 Internal interface handling error
600 true 访问受限 restricted access QPS达到上限 QPS reaches the upper limit
610 false 访问受限 restricted access IP白名单限制 IP whitelist restrictions
  • 一、接口说明 1. Interface description
  • 二、调用方式 2. Calling method
  • 三、调用URL 3. Call URL
  • 四、输入参数 4. Input parameters
    • 4.1 头部参数 4.1 Header parameters
    • 4.2 系统参数 4.2 System parameters
    • 4.3 业务参数 4.3 Business parameters
  • 五、输入示例 5. Input example
    • 5.1. 输入demo样例 5.1. Enter demo sample
    • 5.2. Java OkHttp
    • 5.3. php curl
    • 5.4. Python requests
    • 5.5. Go http
  • 六、输出示例 6. Output example
  • 七、输出参数 7. Output parameters
    • 7.1. 输出字段说明 7.1. Output field description
    • 7.2. 命中策略字段policy_set说明 7.2. Description of hit policy field policy_set
    • 7.3. hit_rules字段说明 7.3. Hit_rules field description
  • 八、状态码说明 8. Status code description
工作日 9:00-18:00 Working days 9:00-18:00
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