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the concept of intimacy

Summary: 摘要:

They were partners. Ego had even called Isagi the best for Rin – his existence the most ideal for him.
他们是搭档。Ego 甚至称Isagi为Rin的最佳选择——他的存在对他来说最为理想。

It sounded like bullshit when he reflected back on it but in the end, he slowly realized the truth in Ego’s words.
回想起来,这话听起来像是胡说八道,但最终,他慢慢领悟到了 Ego 话语中的真相。

Notes: 注释:

Written for Chii for the Itoshi Sando Server Valentine's Exchange.
为Itoshi Sando 服务器情人节交换活动而写,献给 Chii。

As per the agreement, I'll be uploading 2 chapters a day instead of 1 chapter a day because it's 'not vday + 9 other days'. So I guess I'll be technically 'late' when submitting the whole thing. Though I'm pretty sure businesses would be happy to accommodate for a Valentine's Week.

So, Happy Valentine's Week, Chii!

ETA: If the images are broken, please let me know. I'll try to fix them. :(

Chapter Text 章节正文

“With the European Championship in just a few days, teams have begun arriving promptly, settling in and practicing in designated fields. Our reporter on the scene, Antonio De Luca, has arrived in time for Portugal to…”

The TV was just white noise as Rin already knew what was going to be said. This was not information he was ignorant or unaware of, the coach for his team already telling them which teams to expect for the World Cup. It’s not like they didn’t spend the last year or so working their asses off to make sure they would win both on the field and off.

Rin recognized all the players that were getting off the plane, watching the screen carefully.

Alfonso Carvalho. Goalkeeper for Portugal’s top team, Benifika, and one of the best in the league. He was the one responsible for their consistent defense, leaving games with a zero score for their opponents, giving the team the opportunity to go overtime if needed.

It was never needed.

João Ribeiro. Midfielder, a mastermind, controller of Portugal. He was in charge of the team’s centre and could control the flow of the game with just a kick. Rin recalled watching his debut game years ago, his skills were devastating to his opponents but a Godsend to his team.
若昂·里贝罗。中场球员,战术大师,葡萄牙的掌控者。他负责球队的中场,只需一脚就能控制比赛的节奏。Rin 回忆起多年前观看他首秀比赛的情景,他的技术对对手来说是毁灭性的,但对他的球队来说却是天赐之物。

Even though Ribeiro was often able to control the course of his team, Portugal had one factor that he was unable to put a rein on.

Isagi Yoichi.

The fucking annoying piece of shit. Considered the best striker of Benifika, he was nothing big. Sure, he did some fancy goals, scored enough points to be worth some kind of money, but Isagi Yoichi was still a small fry amongst the sea of soccer players. But even amongst the sea, he was persistently trying to attach himself to the sharks, sucking on their side.
那个该死的烦人精。作为本菲卡的最佳射手,他并不算什么大人物。当然,他确实进了些漂亮的球,得分足以值些钱,但Isagi Yoichi在足球运动员的海洋中仍是个小角色。但即便在海洋中,他仍坚持不懈地试图依附于鲨鱼,吸吮着它们的侧翼。

A constant bother, a thorn in Rin’s side.

Even after leaving Blue Lock and joining different teams, Isagi had been chasing at his heels. Everywhere he looked, he was on some screen, the news relaying about his recent hat-trick; coaches used him and Benifika when discussing plays. Rin had to constantly watch him, study him, to make sure he could never reach him.
即便离开蓝色监狱并加入不同队伍后,Isagi仍紧追不舍。无论他看向哪里,屏幕上总有他的身影,新闻播报着他最近的帽子戏法;教练们在讨论战术时总会提到他和 Benifika。Rin不得不时刻关注他,研究他,确保他永远无法超越自己。

Isagi had to stay in his place, unable to reach Rin’s level. Rin had to make sure he was constantly one step ahead so he could crush him, let him wallow in his defeat, making those eyes look up at him. Constantly beating Rin had always been Isagi’s goal since Blue Lock, a flame in those irises was always lit and he refused to step down.

Rin relished in seeing those eyes below him, preparing to be destroyed.
Rin 享受着俯视下方那双即将被毁灭的眼睛。

His phone abruptly made a noise, alerting him of a text. His eyebrow twitched, recognizing the tone and knew exactly who it was from. In his mind, he was reluctant to answer but his body moved on its own, swiping it off the table and quickly opening it up.

Rin turned off the TV and got up from the couch, grabbing his phone and slipped it in his pants pocket. It was summer so there was no need for a jacket and he could get out quickly. Once he locked the door, the same alert came from his phone again. Rin took it out in annoyance.
Rin 关掉电视,从沙发上起身,抓起手机塞进裤袋。正值夏季,无需外套,他可以迅速出门。锁上门后,手机再次响起同样的提示音。Rin 不耐烦地掏出手机。

Rin knew if he left it, he would just be bombarded with messages until he met him. He had to keep the volume on his phone in case an emergency happened and he knew he could just mute the bastard…
Rin 知道如果他置之不理,就会不断收到消息,直到他去见他。他必须保持手机音量,以防紧急情况发生,而且他知道他可以只是把那家伙静音……

But something inside him prevented him from doing so.

He went down the elevator to the ground floor, heading off in the familiar direction. The phone buzzed and alerted him again and he took it out, checking it when he stopped at a traffic light.

Rin couldn’t even believe that he was using that stupid ‘elder’ card when it meant nothing now that they were older. It really showed that even after Blue Lock, he never matured.
Rin 简直不敢相信他竟然还在用那张愚蠢的‘前辈’牌,现在他们年纪大了,这张牌已经毫无意义。这真的表明,即使经历了蓝色监狱,他从未真正成熟。

The streets of Milan were busy as ever, tourists hustling about. Rin hated the summer here, not because of the heat, but because of the abundance of tourists. It made going outside a lot more annoying, especially when he just wanted to have a quiet walk.
米兰的街道一如既往地繁忙,游客们熙熙攘攘。Rin 讨厌这里的夏天,不是因为炎热,而是因为游客的泛滥。这让出门变得更加烦人,尤其是当他只想安静地散步时。

There was a small alleyway off a quieter part of the city he slipped through. Tourists wouldn’t be tempted to traverse such a narrow road so it was secluded with a few shops and restaurants only locals could relax in. When Rin reached the front of one of the restaurants, he could see Isagi standing there, glaring at the phone in his hand.
在城市的安静一角,有一条狭窄的小巷,他悄悄穿了过去。游客们不会被吸引到这样一条狭窄的路上,所以这里很僻静,只有几家商店和餐馆,只有当地人才能在那里放松。当Rin 走到其中一家餐馆前时,他可以看到Isagi 站在那里,盯着手机,眼神凌厉。

He seemed to have heard Rin’s footsteps, looking up at him and then putting his phone away in his pocket. As Rin approached, he saw he had no bags or suitcases with him, despite knowing he had just gotten off a plane a couple of hours ago.

His already low expectations of Isagi rose up just barely.

“Took you long enough.” Isagi grinned, eyes looking slightly tired from his flight even though he should be flying in first-class. “I’m starving.”

“Don’t you just pig out on those in-flight meals?”

“Nothing is as good as a home cooked meal!” Isagi argued as he opened the door to the small restaurant. There were only a few small tables in the shop and it seemed devoid of people as it was too early to eat for many. However, there was noise from the back, and someone came out when they heard the little bell on the door twinkle.
“没有什么比家常菜更好吃的了!”Isagi 争辩道,他推开了小餐馆的门。店里只有几张小桌子,似乎因为时间还早,很多人还没开始吃饭,显得空荡荡的。不过,后面传来了声音,听到门上的小铃铛叮当作响,有人走了出来。

“Welco—ah, Rin! Yoichi!” The shop owner, Giovanni, greeted cheerfully. He was an older man with greying hair and a thin face, his smile seemingly taking up half of it. “Long time no see, Yoichi! I saw some of your games and you really did amazing in the tournament!”

“Long time…no see, Giovanni.” Isagi replied in his broken Italian, not responding to the second part of the conversation, staring at him dumbly.

“He said your last game was terrible.”

“Shut up! I know enough Italian to know that’s not what he said!”

Giovanni didn’t need to guide them anywhere in the small shop, Rin and Isagi taking their usual spot in the furthest corner. Giovanni handed them a menu, just a single laminated page front and back. Isagi pored over the menu as if he was seeing for the first time, trying to figure out what he wanted to eat.
乔瓦尼无需引导他们在小店里找位置,Rin 和 Isagi 径直走向了最远的角落,那是他们惯常的座位。乔瓦尼递给他们一份菜单,不过是一张正反面覆膜的单页。Isagi 仔细研究着菜单,仿佛是第一次见到,努力思索着要点什么。

Rin had been there enough and already had a usual so he didn’t bother. He watched as Isagi hunched over the table, trying to discern the language as if testing himself. His eyebrows were furrowed, a very serious expression on his face even though all he had to do was choose a dish. He had been there enough to know what his favourites were so all he had to do was order that. He didn’t need to stare at the menu for however long, taking his sweet time, when he should be focused on other things.
Rin 已经来过多次,早已有了常点的菜品,便不再费心。他看着 Isagi 俯身在桌前,试图辨认菜单上的文字,仿佛在考验自己。他的眉头紧锁,脸上满是严肃的表情,尽管他只需选择一道菜。他来过多次,早已知道自己的最爱,只需点那道即可。他无需盯着菜单看上许久,慢慢悠悠,而此时他本应专注于其他事情。

Like Rin.  就像Rin。

“I thought you were hungry,” Rin finally spoke up after staring at Isagi for however long, enough to notice that his hair was slightly messed up, covering his eyes when they usually don’t. He reached out, pushing his bangs back and at the same time, shoved his head. “Hurry up.”

“I’m still deciding!” Isagi said with a huff. He didn’t do anything to remove Rin’s hand though, letting him hold up his head and hair, exposing his forehead. “Giovanni, do you have any recommendations?”

Giovanni had been watching them carefully, his smile not leaving his face but Rin didn’t like the look in his eyes, especially when he glanced over at Rin.

“Today’s recommendation is la cotoletta alla milanese. To pair it, I think a bottle of Franciacorta would be perfect.”

“Okay. Let’s go with that.” Isagi replied with a nod though Rin questioned how much he understood.

“I’ll have my usual.” Rin said without looking at the menu. Giovanni nodded and took the menu, making his way to the back where the kitchen was, leaving the two of them alone.
“我要老样子。”Rin 没有看菜单就说道。乔瓦尼点点头,接过菜单,走向厨房所在的后方,留下他们两人独处。

“So how have you been?” Isagi asked with his hands together on the table, a finger tapping on the back of the bottom hand. “That match against Re Al was exciting.”
“所以你最近怎么样?”Isagi双手合十放在桌上,一根手指轻敲着下手的背面问道,“那场对战 Re Al 的比赛真是激动人心。”

“So annoying.” Rin snapped, his hand reaching out for Isagi’s fidgeting finger. Rin cupped it on top of Isagi’s hands for a moment before lowering it to the table, Isagi’s  finger resting on top of his. The tapping stopped.
“真烦人。”Rin 厉声说道,伸手抓住了 Isagi 不停摆弄的手指。Rin 将手覆在 Isagi 的手上片刻,然后将其轻轻放在桌上,Isagi 的手指则搭在他的手指上。敲击声停止了。

Isagi’s smile was soft and eyes were amused. “You’re just bitter because you lost to him again—”

“Shut the fuck up.” Rin interrupted, kicking Isagi under the table. “We won the game in the end. Who the fuck cares about how the one-on-one went?”

Isagi flinched and scowled, Rin feeling bemused by such a face. He was used to the receiving ends of opponents’ hatred and it never bothered him. After all, what is soccer if there weren’t going to be any broken dreams involved?
Isagi 畏缩了一下,皱起眉头,Rin 对这张脸感到困惑。他习惯了成为对手仇恨的接收者,这从未困扰过他。毕竟,如果没有梦想的破碎,足球又算什么呢?

But seeing Isagi’s face like always made Rin’s blood pumping.

“But why are you so pissed off?! Didn’t you forgive Sae already?”

“Who forgave who?!” “谁原谅谁了?!”

“Seriously?” Isagi replied deadpanned. Isagi kicked him in return but not as harshly as Rin did. “Sae was asking me what he should do for your birthday this year so I assumed you guys were on better terms. He also said he wanted to meet up but you never responded to his message. Let’s meet him sometime, yeah?”

Rin gritted his teeth, silently seething.
Rin 咬紧牙关,默默地怒火中烧。

It was one thing for him to ‘forgive’ Sae and for him to act remotely like some sort of older brother again.

And what was he doing, contacting Isagi to ask about Rin?! Sae and Isagi hardly know each other. When did his brother even have the chance to talk to him?! As far as he knew, they haven’t been in the same city for any games. How the fuck did they talk?!

“My birthday isn’t for another two months. Why the fuck is he contacting you? Why should we meet up with him?” Rin scoffed, his long legs bumping against Isagi’s as he leaned back.

“He’s your brother.” Isagi retorted with a sig.. Rin could feel his leg pressed against his again, this time staying there. It was incredibly warm.

Giovanni returned shortly with their dishes and wine. Isagi had to remove his finger from Rin’s, the warmth disappearing, but their legs stayed in place under the table, still pressing against each other. It was silent as they ate. The restaurant didn’t have any air conditioning, only the windows were open to let some sort of air flow in. However, it was summer, so the heat pulsated as if the sun was still beating against them.

Even so, Rin did not feel any unpleasantness with his leg pressed up against Isagi’s, his body heat welcomed.
即便如此,Rin 的腿紧贴着 Isagi 的腿,感受到对方的体温,心中并无丝毫不适,反而感到一丝温暖。

Rin wasn’t sure why the fuck Isagi’s alcohol tolerance was so low. A few glasses of wine and he could see he was already a little dazed. Isagi always spouted shit about Rin needing to respect him because he was older but then came out to be this weakling.
Rin 不明白 Isagi 的酒量怎么这么差。几杯红酒下肚,就能看出他已经有点迷糊了。Isagi 总是满嘴跑火车,说什么 Rin 需要尊重他因为年纪大,结果自己却是个弱鸡。

“Riiiin.” His voice irritated him. There was a slight slur, a little languid, and lower than Rin would have liked. The way his eyes were slightly glazed as if on the brink of crying but he had a small smile on his face, making Rin’s insides squirm. “I want to go to bed.”

Fuck.  该死。

“Giovanni, the bill.” Rin called out to the man. He took out his wallet and got the money ready. Giovanni glanced over at Rin then Isagi, noticed how irritable Rin seemed to be, and delivered the change quickly.

“Thank you for coming again.” Giovanni smiled as Rin lifted up Isagi’s arm over his shoulder. He managed to get Isagi on his feet but he might as well just be dead weight. “Have a pleasant night, you two.”

“Bye, Giovanniii!” Isagi waved stupidly with a smile as Rin practically dragged him out. “Thanks for the food!”

When Isagi was drunk, it could go one of two ways.

He was a stupidly happy drunk. It was already enough for Rin to deal with him sober but when he was drunk, he was just even more annoying. Loud, reckless, and almost like a child, needing someone to constantly watch him or else he would go missing somewhere. It happened more than once.
他是个傻乎乎的醉鬼。Rin 已经够应付清醒时的他了,但当他喝醉时,更是烦人至极。吵闹、鲁莽,几乎像个孩子,需要有人时刻盯着,否则他就会不知所踪。这种事发生过不止一次。

Even though this drunken state pissed Rin off, he still preferred it to Isagi’s other one.
尽管这种醉酒状态让 Rin 火冒三丈,但他还是宁愿面对这个,也不愿见到 Isagi 的另一种状态。

“Riiiin.” Isagi’s voice lowered, a small growl in his ear. He leaned on Rin’s shoulder, his free arm reaching to caress his chest, hand hot even through his shirt. Isagi’s face was flushed, eyes glazed, lips slightly parted, the tip of his tongue sticking out.

This monster.  这个怪物。

Rin’s self-control was always tested even more when Isagi was like this.

He surprised himself with how quickly he moved back to his apartment, carrying this piece of shit with him. He fumbled when trying to put the keys in on the ground floor and to his home on the third floor. Isagi giggled at his mistakes and when they finally got inside, Rin slammed the door shut behind them. He then promptly pushed Isagi against it, pressing their bodies against each other, eyes looking down at him.

Isagi smiled knowingly, pushing his leg between Rin’s and grinding himself against him. He let out a moan, pleasuring himself as Rin watched, a vein popping out of his cheek, threatening to burst any second. Isagi reached up, lazily placed his arms around his neck and moved faster against Rin’s leg as if he was some sort of wild animal in heat.
Isagi 心领神会地笑了,将腿挤进 Rin 的双腿之间,紧贴着他磨蹭。他发出一声呻吟,自得其乐,而 Rin 在一旁观看,脸颊上的青筋暴起,仿佛随时都会爆裂。Isagi 伸出手,懒洋洋地环住他的脖子,加快了与 Rin 腿部的摩擦,仿佛是一头发情的野兽。

He knew Isagi was drunk. He knew that Isagi’s mind was completely clouded with the most reckless default state he could have. Once Isagi finished up, he would get it out of his system and be done with it, passing out and Rin would not have to deal with this any longer. He had to be patient.

But Itoshi Rin was never patient.
但Itoshi Rin从未有耐心。

Rin pressed his body against Isagi even more, not even a gap remaining. Their clothes shifted, the fabric rubbing against their skin and he felt Isagi tremble underneath him, arching his back to rub his body against Rin’s. With how close he was, Rin could smell his horrid alcoholic breath, the slight sweat of his skin, a natural musk that always aggravated him in the worst way. He always hated when Isagi was around because smelling him was enough to set him off, making him give into temptation, sinking his teeth into his neck. Isagi gasped, groaning from pain before it became more melodic as Rin’s teeth pulled at the skin, sucking and licking, assuring that it would leave a nasty bruise in the morning. He tried to move to Isagi’s collarbone to do the same but the inconvenience of his clothes got in the way.
Rin 将身体更紧地贴向 Isagi,不留一丝缝隙。衣物随之移动,布料摩擦着肌肤,他感觉到 Isagi 在他身下颤抖,弓起背来与 Rin 的身体摩擦。如此贴近,Rin 能闻到他那令人作呕的酒气,皮肤上微微的汗味,以及那总是让他最难受的自然麝香。他总是讨厌 Isagi 在身边,因为光是闻到他就足以让他失控,引诱他咬上对方的脖子。Isagi 倒吸一口气,先是因疼痛而呻吟,随后声音变得更为悦耳,因为 Rin 的牙齿咬住了皮肤,吮吸舔舐,确保第二天会留下难看的淤青。他试图移动到 Isagi 的锁骨处做同样的事,但衣物的阻碍让他无法顺利进行。

Desperately, Isagi reached to the hem of his shirt and swiftly threw it off. Rin immediately set to work, biting at his collarbone, at his shoulders, at his chest; anywhere his mouth could reach, Rin made sure to leave a mark so anyone who would dare look at Isagi, knew that there was no place for them.
Isagi 急切地抓住衬衫下摆,迅速脱下。Rin 立刻开始行动,咬住他的锁骨,肩膀,胸膛;凡是嘴巴能触及的地方,Rin 都确保留下印记,让任何胆敢窥视 Isagi 的人明白,这里没有他们的位置。

Rin wrapped his arms under Isagi’s legs, lifting him against the door. When he did, Isagi groaned, all the weight falling on his thigh as he had nowhere else to go. Rin could feel his bulge against him, restricted by his pants, and before he knew it, Isagi’s hips were moving, rubbing himself against his leg again more desperately.
Rin 将双臂环在 Isagi 的腿下,将他抵在门上。这一动作让 Isagi 发出一声低吟,全身重量都压在了大腿上,因为他无处可去。Rin 能感觉到对方紧贴着自己的勃起,被裤子束缚着,还没等他反应过来,Isagi 的臀部已经开始移动,更加急切地在他腿上摩擦。

Rin growled. Rin 咆哮道。

“You fucking bastard.” But it was going to be Rin fucking this bastard.

Isagi made a surprised noise when Rin grabbed his legs to wrap them firmly around his hips and carried him into the bedroom. He released him, making Isagi plop down on his back and they both only stared at each other.

The sun was completely gone but the glow of the moon seeped through Rin’s window, showing Rin what was beneath him.

Blushing cheeks, swollen lips, messed up hair, neck and chest marred with bite marks; it felt like so long since Rin had seen him like this, he almost forgot what Isagi did to him when he was like this. He annoyed him; irritated him; tested him, drove him insane. The way that his eyes looked up at him with expectations, a flame lit in those irises and stubbornly refusing to step down.

And Rin had no choice but to destroy him.