Early Cenozoic Mega Thrusting in the Qiangtang Block of the Northern Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原北部羌塘地块新生代早期的巨型推覆作用
WU Zhenhan ^(1,**){ }^{1, *}, YE Peisheng ^(2){ }^{2}, Patrick J. BAROSH ^(3){ }^{3}, HU Daogong ^(2){ }^{2}, LU Lu ^(1){ }^{1} and ZHANG Yaoling WU Zhenhan , YE Peisheng , Patrick J. BAROSH , HU Daogong , Lu and ZHANG Yaoling^(2){ }^{2} 吴振汉 ^(1,**){ }^{1, *} , 叶培生 ^(2){ }^{2} , 帕特里克-巴罗什 ^(3){ }^{3} , 胡道功 ^(2){ }^{2} , 陆璐 ^(1){ }^{1} 和张耀玲 ^(2){ }^{2} 。1 Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China 1 中国地质科学院,北京 1000372 Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China 2 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所,中国北京 1000813 P.J. Barosh and Associates, 103 Aaron Ave., Bristol, RI 02809, USA
Abstract 摘要
Recent mapping and seismic survey reveal that intensive compression during the Early Cenozoic in the Qiangtang block of the central Tibetan Plateau formed an extensive complex of thrust sheets that moved relatively southward along several generally north-dipping great thrust systems. Those at the borders of the ∼450km\sim 450 \mathrm{~km} wide block show it overrides the Lhasa block to the south and is overridden by the Hohxil-Bayanhar block to the north. The systems are mostly thin-skinned imbricate thrusts with associated folding. The thrust sheets are chiefly floored by Jurassic limestone that apparently slid over Triassic sandstone and shale, which is locally included, and ramped upward and over Paleocene-Eocene red-beds. Some central thrusts scooped deeper and carried up Paleozoic metamorphic rock, Permian carbonate and granite to form a central uplift that divides the Qiangtang block into two parts. These systems and their associated structures are unconformably overlain by little deformed Late Eocene-Oligocene volcanic rock or capped by Miocene lake beds. A thrust system in the northern part of the block, as well as one in the northern part of the adjacent Lhasa block, dip to the south and appear to be due to secondary adjustments within the thrust sheets. The relative southward displacement across this Early Cenozoic mega thrust system is in excess of 150km150 \mathbf{k m} in the Qiangtang block, and the average southward slip-rate of the southern Qiangtang thrusts ranged from 5.6 mm to 7.4mm//7.4 \mathrm{~mm} / a during the Late Eocene-Oligocene. This Early Cenozoic thrusting ended before the Early Miocene and was followed by Late Cenozoic crustal extension and strike-slip faulting within the Qiangtang block. The revelation and understanding of these thrust systems are very important for the evaluation of the petroleum resources of the region. 最近的测绘和地震调查显示,早新生代期间,青藏高原中部的羌塘块形成了一个广泛的逆冲片复合体,沿着几个通常北倾的大逆冲系统相对南下移动。 那些位于 ∼450km\sim 450 \mathrm{~km} 宽块显示它覆盖了南部的拉萨区块,并被北部的 Hohxil-Bayanhar 区块覆盖。这些系统大多是薄皮的交叠逆冲,并伴有相关的褶皱。逆冲片主要由侏罗纪石灰岩覆盖,这些石灰岩显然滑过三叠纪砂岩和页岩,其中当地包括在内,并向上倾斜并覆盖在古新世--一些始新世红层上。一些中心逆冲挖得更深,并带上古生代变质岩、二叠纪碳酸盐岩和花岗岩,形成一个中央隆起,将羌塘块分成两部分。 这些系统及其相关结构不整合地覆盖着略微变形的晚新世-渐新世火山岩,或被覆盖在古新世-。渐新世火山岩,或被中新世湖床覆盖。 该块体北部的一个逆冲系统,以及相邻的拉萨块体北部的一个逆冲系统,向南倾斜,似乎是由于逆冲片内的二次调整。这个早新生代巨型逆冲系统的相对南向位移超过 150km150 \mathbf{k m} 在 Qiangtang 块体中,南 Qiangtang 冲力的平均南滑率在 5.6 mm 到 7.4mm//7.4 \mathrm{~mm} / a 在晚始新世-渐新世期间。这种早新生代逆冲作用在早中新世之前结束,随后是晚新生代地壳伸展和强塘块内的走滑断层。对这些逆冲系统的揭示和理解对于评估该地区的石油资源非常重要。
Key words: mega thrust, outliers and thrust sheets, structural windows, Early Cenozoic, Qiangtang block, Northern Tibetan Plateau 关键词:特大推力、异常值和推力片、构造窗口、早新生代、羌塘地块、青藏高原北部
1 Introduction 1 引言
Large thrust faults formed as the northward subduction of Indian continental plate shoved beneath the Eurasian continent to cause contractional deformation, crustal shortening and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau since the Early Cenozoic (Dewey et al., 1988; Harrison et al., 1992; Nelson et al., 1996; Yin and Harrison, 2001; Kapp et al., 2005, 2007). These include such great thrusts as the Main Central Thrust, Main Boundary Thrust (Dewey et al., 1988) and Zedang-Renbu Thrust in the Himalayan block, the Gangdese Thrust, (Yin et al., 1994), West Namco Thrust 自新生代早期以来,印度大陆板块向北俯冲到欧亚大陆之下,形成大型推断断层,导致青藏高原收缩变形、地壳缩短和隆起(Dewey 等人,1988 年;Harrison 等人,1992 年;Nelson 等人,1996 年;Yin 和 Harrison,2001 年;Kapp 等人,2005 年和 2007 年)。其中包括喜马拉雅山块的中央主推力、主边界推力(Dewey 等,1988 年)和泽当-仁布推力、冈底斯推力(Yin 等,1994 年)、西纳木错推力等大推力。
and South Damxung Thrust (Wu et al., 2004) in the Lhasa block, the Gaize-Silin Co thrust along the BangongNujiang suture (Kapp et al., 2007; Li et al., 2006), the Fenghuoshan Thrust System in Hoh-Xil block, the South Kunlun Thrust in the Kunlun block (Wu et al., 2009) and Longmenshan Thrust System in eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (Tang et al., 2009). Recent geologic and seismic surveys have now discovered that intensive contraction in the Early Cenozoic, also formed a mega thrust system in the Qiangtang block that is of key importance in the evaluation of the oil and gas potential of the basins within the block. 拉萨地块的南达姆松推力和南达姆松推力(Wu 等人,2004 年)、班公错-怒江缝合线上的盖孜-锡林郭勒推力(Kapp 等人,2007 年;Li 等人,2006 年)、呼-锡地块的凤凰山推力系统、昆仑地块的南昆仑推力(Wu 等人,2009 年)和青藏高原东缘的龙门山推力系统(Tang 等人,2009 年)。最近的地质和地震勘探发现,早新生代的强烈收缩也在羌塘区块形成了一个特大推力系统,这对评估该区块盆地的油气潜力至关重要。
The Qiangtang block lies between the Bangoin-Nujiang and Hohxil-Jinsha sutures (Figs. 1 and 2) and consists of the 羌塘区块位于班戈音-怒江缝合线和霍希尔-金沙缝合线之间(图 1 和图 2),由以下部分组成
Fig. 1. Sketch map of tectonic setting and location of the studied area. 图 1.研究区域的构造背景和位置简图。
ATF, Altyn Tagh Fault; NQS, North Qilian Suture; SQS, South Qilian Suture; SKS, South Kunlun Suture; HJS, Hohxil-Jinsha Suture; BNS, Bangoin-Nujiang Suture; YZS, Yarlung-Zangbu Suture; STD, South Tibet Detachment; MCT, Main Central Thrust; MBT, Main Boundary Thrust; and the dark square delineates the studied area of figures 2 and 3 . ATF,阿尔金山断裂;NQS,北祁连断裂;SQS,南祁连断裂;SKS,南昆仑断裂;HJS,霍尔果斯-金沙断裂;BNS,班戈-怒江断裂;YZS,雅鲁藏布断裂;STD,藏南支脉;MCT,中央主隆起;MBT,边界主隆起;暗方格为图 2 和图 3 的研究区域。
Fig. 2. Sketch map of the Qiangtang and adjacent Blocks showing their relative positions and relation with the tectonic blocks. 图 2.羌塘及邻近区块简图,显示其相对位置及与构造区块的关系。
north and south blocks divided by a central uplift. Mesozoic marine source rocks of oil and gas, including Triassic shale, sandstone and limestone as thick as 南北两个区块被中央隆起带分割开来。中生代海相油气源岩,包括厚达三叠纪的页岩、砂岩和石灰岩。1,000-2,000m1,000-2,000 \mathrm{~m}, 南北两个区块被中央隆起带分割开来。中生代海相油气源岩,包括厚达 1,000-2,000m1,000-2,000 \mathrm{~m} 的三叠纪页岩、砂岩和石灰岩、
Jurassic dolomite, limestone and sandstone up to 5,0008,000m8,000 \mathrm{~m} thick, and Early Cretaceous sandstone, shale and limestone hundreds of meters thick formed in both the South and North blocks (Zhao et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2004). The Central Qiangtang uplift is dominated by Paleozoic (mainly Carboniferous-Permian) rocks underwent high-pressure metamorphism during the Triassic (Kapp et al., 2003; Li et al., 2008; Pullen et al., 2011). Reddish conglomerate and sandstone hundreds to thousands of meters thick formed in Late Cretaceous and Paleogene across the Qiangtang block to be followed in the Miocene by lacustrine limestone, marl, sandstone and conglomerate (Wu et al., 2008), and in the Quaternary by fluvial, alluvial, lacustrine and glacial deposits (Zheng et al., 2011). 侏罗纪白云石、石灰岩和砂岩高达 5,000 8,000m8,000 \mathrm{~m} 厚厚的早白垩世砂岩、页岩和石灰岩,厚达数百米,分别在南北区块形成(Zhao 等,2001 年;Wang 等,2004 年)。中央羌塘隆起以古生代(主要是石炭纪-二叠纪)岩石为主,在三叠纪经历了高压变质作用(Kapp 等,2003 年;Li 等,2008 年;Pullen 等,2011 年)。晚白垩世和古近纪形成数百至数千米厚的红色砾岩和砂岩,横跨羌塘块,随后在中新世形成湖泊灰岩、泥灰岩、砂岩和砾岩(Wu 等,2008 年),第四纪由河流、冲积、湖泊和冰川沉积物组成(Zheng 等,2011 年)。
Granitic plutonism, volcanic eruptions and ophiolite emplacement took place along the southern margin of the Qiangtang block and the northern margin of the Lhasa block as a result of subduction of the Tethys oceanic plate along Bangoin-Nujiang suture during Jurassic-Early Cretaceous (Tibet Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1993; Xia et al., 2011). Subsequent northward subduction of the Indian continental plate (Zhao et al., 1993) resulted in intensive thrusting and crustal shortening within the Qiangtang block, during Early Cenozoic that were followed by Late Cenozoic crustal extension and strike-slip faults (Pan and Kidd, 1992; Harrison et al., 1995; Tapponnier et al., 2001). Normal faults of the Shuanghu graben were initiated at ∼13.5Ma\sim 13.5 \mathrm{Ma} in the central portion of the Qiangtang block (Blisniuk et al., 2001), and the Beng Co and Geren Co faults, which are characterized by rightlateral slip, began and remain active in south of the Qiangtang block (Fig. 3). 由于侏罗纪-早白垩世特提斯洋板块沿班戈因-怒江缝合线俯冲,花岗岩深成岩作用、火山喷发和蛇绿岩阵地沿强塘块体南缘和拉萨块体北缘发生(西藏地质矿产局,1993 年;Xia et al.,2011 年),随后印度大陆板块向北俯冲(Zhao et al.1993,)导致强塘块体内强烈的逆冲和地壳缩短,在新生代早期,随后是晚新生代地壳扩展和走滑断层(Pan 和 Kidd,1992 年;Harrison 等人,1995 年;Tapponnier 等人,2001 年)。双湖地堑的正常断层始于 ∼13.5Ma\sim 13.5 \mathrm{Ma} 位于 Qiangtang 块体的中部(Blisniuk et al.2001,2001),以右侧滑动为特征的 Beng Co 和 Geren Co 断层在 Qiangtang 块体以南开始并仍然活跃(图 3)。
2 Major Thrust Systems 2 主要推力系统
The intensive regional thrusting in the Qiangtang block during the Early Cenozoic moved sheets of late Paleozoic to Early Cretaceous rock relatively southward over Late Cretaceous and Paleogene strata in a complex of east-west to northwest-striking thrust systems. Most dip to the north and record relatively southward movement, which, however, also has produced a few south-dipping systems. The systems generally form messy anastomosing patterns of interwoven fault branches that have local outer zones of small thrusts. In addition, many related smaller tectonic slices, outliers and nappes, anticlines and synclines and structural windows are present. Six major thrust systems are present in the Qiangtang Block and an associated one lies near the edge of the Lhasa Block to the south. These are: the Dogai Coren, Longwei Co and North-central thrusts formed in the North Qiangtang block, the Xiaocaka- 早新生代时期,羌塘地块强烈的区域推覆作用使晚古生代至早白垩世的岩层相对向南移动,覆盖了晚白垩世和早古生代地层,形成了东西向至西北向的推覆系统。大部分向北倾斜,记录了相对向南运动,但也产生了一些向南倾斜的系统。这些系统通常由交织在一起的断层分支形成凌乱的吻合模式,这些断层分支的外围有局部的小型推力带。此外,还存在许多相关的小型构造切片、离群点和嵌岩、反斜线和切线以及构造窗口。羌塘地块有六个主要的推力系统,南面拉萨地块边缘附近还有一个相关的推力系统。它们是:形成于北羌塘地块的多尕科伦、龙尾科和中北部推力、小卡-羌塘推力、羌塘-拉萨推力、羌塘-拉萨推力和羌塘-拉萨推力。
Fig. 3. Geologic map of Early Cenozoic thrust in Qiangtang block. 图 3.羌塘区块早新生代推断地质图。
1, thrust faults; 2, active normal faults; 3, active right-lateral strike-slip fault; 4, anticline; 5, syncline; 6 , pre-Cenozoic thrust fault; 7, Paleogene volcanic rock and volcanic crater; 8 , Miocene basalt; 9 , granite; 10, ophiolite; 11, K-Ar isotopic age of volcanic rock; 12, present lake. Q, Quaternary mud, sands and gravel; N, Miocene lacustrine limestone marl, sandstone and conglomerate; E, Paleogene reddish sandstone and conglomerate (simplified as red-beds); 1、推断断层;2、活动正断层;3、活动右侧走向滑动断层;4、反斜线;5、向斜;6、前新生代推断断层;7、古新世火山岩和火山口;8、中新世玄武岩;9、花岗岩;10、蛇绿岩;11、火山岩的 K-Ar 同位素年龄;12、现湖泊。Q,第四纪泥、砂和砾石;N,中新世湖相石灰岩泥灰岩、砂岩和砾岩;E,古新世红砂岩和砾岩(简化为红床);K_(2)\mathrm{K}_{2}, Late Cretaceous conglomerate; K_(1)\mathrm{K}_{1}, Early Cretaceous limestone, mudstone and sandstone; J, Jurassic limestone intercalated with sandstone and mudstone; T, Triassic shale, sandstone and limestone; P, Permian dolomite, marbleized limestone, slate and basalt; Pz, Paleozoic metamorphic rock; Oph, ophiolite; gamma_(5)^(1-2)\gamma_{5}{ }^{1-2}, Triassic-Jurassic granite; gamma_(5)^(3)\gamma_{5}^{3}, Cretaceous granite; gamma_(6)^(2)\gamma_{6}{ }^{2}, Eocene-Oligocene granite. CQU, central Qiangtang uplift; DCT, Dogai Coren thrust; LCT, Longwei Co thrust; NCT, North-Central thrust; XST, Xiaocaka-Shuanghu thrust; DQT, Doma-Qixiang Co thrust; SZT, Saibu Co-Zagya thrust; NST, Nima-Silin Co thrust; BCF, Beng Co dextral-slip fault; GCF, Geren Co dextral-slip fault. X, Y, Z, U, V, W and R mark position of profiles across southern and northern Qiangtang block; black dots refer to outcrops for isotopic ages, photographs and position of cross-sections. Geologic maps at scale 1:250,000 of Duoba (Qu et al., 2003), Nima (Lu et al., 2003), Andar Co (Wang et al., 2006), Padu Co (Qu et al., 2006), Tu Co (Zhu et al., 2005a), Duogai Coren (Zhu et al., 2005b), Heihuling (Zhu et al., 2005c) and Ripeigan Co (Zeng et al., 2002) quadrangles are adapted after modification from new field data, K-Ar isotopic age in east of Oya Co came from Lai et al., 2006 and K-Ar isotopic ages of other volcanic rocks came from 1:250,000 scale geological surveys of the quadrangles. 图 3.羌塘块早新生代逆冲地质图。1, 逆冲断层;2, 活动正常断层;3, 活动右侧走滑断层;4, 背斜;5, 向斜;6 , 前新生代逆冲断层;7, 古近纪火山岩和火山口;8 , 中新世玄武岩;9, 花岗岩;10, 蛇绿岩;11, 火山岩的 K-Ar同位素年龄;12, 现在的湖泊。Q, 第四纪泥、砂岩和砾石;N, 中新世湖相石灰岩泥灰岩、砂岩和砾岩;E, 古近纪红色砂岩和砾岩(简化为红层); K_(2)\mathrm{K}_{2} , 晚白垩世砾岩; K_(1)\mathrm{K}_{1} , 早白垩世石灰岩、泥岩和砂岩; J, 侏罗纪石灰岩与砂岩和泥岩交织; T, 三叠纪页岩、砂岩和石灰岩;P, 二叠纪白云岩、大理石化石灰岩、板岩和玄武岩; Pz, 古生代变质岩; Oph, 蛇绿岩; gamma_(5)^(1-2)\gamma_{5}{ }^{1-2} , 三叠纪-侏罗纪花岗岩; gamma_(5)^(3)\gamma_{5}^{3} , 白垩纪花岗岩; gamma_(6)^(2)\gamma_{6}{ }^{2} ,始新世-更新世花岗岩。CQU,羌塘中部隆起;DCT,道尕科伦推断;LCT,龙尾科推断;NCT,中北部推断;XST,小坂-双湖推断;DQT,多玛-七乡科推断;SZT,赛布-扎尕那推断;NST,尼玛-西林科推断;BCF,蚌科向斜断层;GCF,格仁科向斜断层。X、Y、Z、U、V、W 和 R 表示横跨羌塘南、北地块的剖面位置;黑点表示同位素年龄、照片和横断面位置的露头。多巴(瞿等,2003 年)、尼玛(卢等,2003 年)、安达柯(王等,2006 年)、帕都柯(瞿等,2006 年)、土柯(朱等,2005a)、多吉柯仁(朱等,2005b)、黑虎岭(朱等,2005c)和日培干柯(曾等,2002 年)四象限的 1:250,000 比例尺地质图、其他火山岩的 K-Ar 同位素年龄来自 1:250,000 比例尺的四边形地质调查。
Shuanghu, Doma-Qixiang Co and Saibu Co-Zagya thrusts in the South Qiangtang block, and the Nima-Silin thrust in the northern Lhasa block (Fig. 2). 南羌塘地块中的双湖、多玛-羌乡和赛布-共扎加推力,以及拉萨北部地块中的尼玛-西林推力(图 2)。
2.1 Dogai Coren thrust 2.1 多盖-科伦推力
The E-W-trending Dogai Coren thrust system lies along the northern boundary of the Qiangtang block with the Hohxil-Bayanhar block (Fig. 2). The major thrust fault has Permian slate and Triassic shale thrust southward over Jurassic limestone, which in turn is thrust southward over Paleogene reddish conglomerate and sandstone (Fig. 3). It has associated strong folds along the northern margin of Qiangtang block. Tight anticlines and synclines occur in Jurassic limestone and Paleogene red-beds beneath the thrust. The axes of these associated folds trend E-W. Tectonic slices of Triassic shale and sandstone are present on the north side in the southern margin of Hohxil block, and nappes of Jurassic limestone are thrust over Paleogene red-beds west and northwest of Dogai Coren Lake, at the northern margin of the Qiangtang block and outer thrust faults of the system occur south of Coni and Dogai Coren lakes. 沿羌塘地块与呼和希勒-巴彦哈尔地块的北部边界有东西走向的多盖科伦推断系统(图 2)。主要的推断断层是二叠纪板岩和三叠纪页岩向南推覆在侏罗纪石灰岩上,而侏罗纪石灰岩又向南推覆在古近纪带红色的砾岩和砂岩上(图 3)。羌塘地块北缘伴有强烈的褶皱。推力下方的侏罗纪石灰岩和古近纪红层中出现了紧密的反斜线和向斜。这些相关褶皱的轴线呈东西走向。三叠系页岩和砂岩构造切片出现在霍西尔地块南缘的北侧,侏罗系石灰岩的嵌岩推覆在羌塘地块北缘多盖科伦湖以西和西北的古近纪红层上,该系统的外推断层出现在科尼湖和多盖科伦湖以南。
2.2 Longwei Co thrust 2.2 龙威股份有限公司
The Longwei Co thrust forms a sinuous northwesttrending zone, which extends from northwest of Longwei Co to north of Tu Co in the North Qiangtang block and has a wide zone of sub-parallel smaller thrusts along its northern side (Figs. 3 and 4, U-V-W cross section). Major thrust faults of the system dip southward to form the southern boundary of many red-bed basins, some outer minor faults along the north side move Jurassic limestone northward over Paleogene red conglomerate, and nappes of limestone and structural windows of red-beds and slickensides lie along thrust faults west of Bandao Lake (Fig. 5a). Jurassic limestone also is thrust northward over Paleogene red-beds to form tectonic slices and sheets along major thrust faults northwest of Longwei Co (Fig. 6a). Folds are present in both hanging and foot walls of the thrust faults. The axes of these folds change trends as the thrust faults change strike between Dong Lake and Tu Co (Fig. 3). Mid-Late Eocene volcanic rock with only weak 龙尾断层形成一条蜿蜒的西北走向带,从北羌塘地块的龙尾断层西北部延伸至土库北部,其北侧有一条宽阔的次平行小断层带(图3和图4,U-V-W横断面)。该系统的主要推断断层向南倾斜,形成了许多红床盆地的南部边界,北侧的一些外围小断层使侏罗纪石灰岩向北移动,覆盖在古近纪红色砾岩之上,石灰岩的嵌岩和红床、滑石的构造窗位于班岛湖以西的推断断层上(图 5a)。侏罗纪石灰岩也向北推覆在古近纪红床之上,沿龙尾公司西北部的主要推断断层形成构造切片和薄片(图 6a)。推断断层的悬壁和底壁都存在褶皱。这些褶皱的轴线随着推断断层在东湖和土库之间走向的变化而变化(图 3)。中-晚始新世火山岩仅有微弱的褶皱。
deformation unconformably covers the thrust faults north of Dong Lake and southeast of Dogai Coren and indicates that this area has remained relatively stable since their deposition. 变形不整合地覆盖了东湖北部和 Dogai Coren 东南部的推断断层,表明该地区自断层沉积以来一直保持相对稳定。
2.3 North-Central thrust 2.3 中北部推力
The Northern-Central thrust lies along the southern edge of the North Qiangtang block and a major thrust fault of this system forms the northern border of the Central Qiangtang Uplift (Figs. 2 and 3). Most thrusts of the WNW-trending system dip northward and the axes of the associated tight folds mainly strike E-W. Jurassic limestone, for example, is thrust southward over Oligocene conglomerate along one major fault west of Tu Co (Fig. 5b) and Jurassic limestone and sandstone are thrust southward over Paleocene-Eocene red-beds along a low angle north-dipping fault northwest of Shuanghu (Fig. 5c). Jurassic limestone also is thrust southward over Paleogene red-beds and forms tectonic slices and nappes and structural windows along the faults, which may have north-dipping slickensides and marble mylonite (Fig. 5d). Along the northern margin of the Central Qiangtang Uplift Jurassic limestone, mudstone and sandstone are thrust southward over basement rock, such as Permian slate and basalt and Paleozoic metamorphic rock (Fig. 3). 北-中部推断岩位于北羌塘地块的南缘,该系统的一条主要推断断层构成了中羌塘隆起的北部边界(图 2 和图 3)。西北西走向系统的大部分推断断层向北倾斜,相关的紧密褶皱的轴线主要呈东-西走向。例如,侏罗纪石灰岩沿着涂炭以西的一条主要断层向南推覆在渐新世砾岩之上(图 5b),侏罗纪石灰岩和砂岩沿着双湖西北的一条低角度北倾断层向南推覆在古新世-始新世红层之上(图 5c)。侏罗纪石灰岩也向南推覆在古新世红层之上,并沿断层形成构造切片和岩层以及构造窗,其中可能有北倾的滑闪岩和大理岩麦饭石(图 5d)。沿中羌塘隆起北缘侏罗系石灰岩、泥岩和砂岩向南推覆在二叠系板岩、玄武岩和古生代变质岩等基底岩石之上(图 3)。
2.4 Xiaocaka-Shuanghu thrust 2.4 小坂-双湖推力
The Xiaocaka-Shuanghu thrust forms the border between Central Qiangtang uplift and the South Qiangtang block. Major thrust faults of the system mostly dip northward and form contacts between Paleozoic-Permian basement rock to the north and Triassic-Jurassic marine strata to the south. The system merges with or is over ridden by the North-Central Thrust near Yaga Co to the east and the uplift is wedged out (Figs. 2 and 3). The Ordovician-Devonian metamorphic rocks and Permian volcanic-sedimentary rock of the uplift are thrust southward over Jurassic limestone and Paleocene-Eocene red-beds along faults of the system and demonstrate the southward directed movement of the Central Qiangtang uplift over the South Qiangtang block (Fig. 3). Triassic shale and sandstone, and Permian, Triassic and Jurassic 小坂-双湖推断构造是中羌塘隆起与南羌塘地块的分界线。该系统的主要推断断层大多向北倾斜,在北面的古生代-二叠纪基底岩石和南面的三叠纪-侏罗纪海相地层之间形成接触。该系统与东面雅加附近的中北部推覆断层汇合或被其覆盖,隆起呈楔形(图 2 和图 3)。隆起的奥陶纪-泥盆纪变质岩和二叠纪火山沉积岩沿断层向南推覆在侏罗纪石灰岩和古新世-始新世红层之上,显示了中羌塘隆起在南羌塘地块上的南向运动(图 3)。三叠系页岩和砂岩,以及二叠系、三叠系和侏罗系
strata are moved over Paleogene red-beds near Shuanghu, west of the Shuanghu graben and north of Xiaocaka (Fig. 3), and tectonic slices and sheets of Permian marbleized limestone and dolomite are thrust over tightly folded Paleogene redbeds west of Oya Co (Fig. 5e). Jurassic limestone also is thrust southward over Paleogene red-beds as tectonic slices and nappes along gently dipping outer faults (Fig. 6b), and dense north-dipping cleavage occurs in nappes of Jurassic limestone overlying Oligocene lacustrine marl and sandstone south of Andar Co (Fig. 5f). 地层在双湖附近、双湖地堑以西、小卡以北的古近纪红层上移动(图 3),二叠系大理岩化灰岩和白云岩的构造切片和薄片被推覆在大屋以西褶皱紧密的古近纪红层上(图 5e)。侏罗纪石灰岩也以构造切片和嵌岩的形式沿缓倾外侧断层向南推覆在古新世红层之上(图 6b),在安达公司以南覆盖在渐新世湖相泥灰岩和砂岩之上的侏罗纪石灰岩嵌岩中出现了密集的北倾裂隙(图 5f)。
2.5 Doma-Qixiang Co thrust 2.5 多马-齐翔有限公司
The Doma-Qixiang Co thrust generally strikes about E-W across the central part of the South Qiangtang block (Figs. 2 and 3). Triassic shale and sandstone are transported southward over Jurassic limestone along major thrust faults north of Noma Co and west of Qixiang Co, and Jurassic limestone and dolomite are thrust southward over Paleogene red-beds along major thrust faults south of Padu Co, north of Doma and north of Qixiang Co (Fig. 3). Tight anticlines and synclines occur in hanging walls of the major thrusts (Fig. 3), and limestone breccia up to tens meters thick and structural windows of PaleoceneEocene red-beds are present along the major thrust faults. The Jurassic limestone thrust sheets and the Paleogene red-beds beneath the gently dipping thrust faults are unconformably covered by Early Miocene lacustrine dolomite and marl northeast of Noma Co (Fig. 3). No Ordovician-Devonian and Permian metamorphic basement rock are thrusted along Doma-Qixiang Co faults, so these may be classified as thin-skin thrusts (Fig. 3). 野马-七乡断层大致呈东西走向,横穿南羌塘地块中部(图 2 和图 3)。三叠系页岩和砂岩在侏罗系石灰岩上沿主要推断断层向南运移,位于野马镇以北和七乡镇以西;侏罗系石灰岩和白云岩在古近系红层上沿主要推断断层向南运移,位于帕渡镇以南、多玛镇以北和七乡镇以北(图 3)。在主要推断断层的悬壁上出现了紧密的反切线和正切线(图 3),沿主要推断断层出现了厚达数十米的石灰岩角砾岩和古新世-始新世红层的构造窗。侏罗纪石灰岩推力片和缓倾推力断层下的古新世红层被野马公司东北部的早中新世湖相白云岩和泥灰岩不整合覆盖(图 3)。沿野马-七乡断层没有奥陶纪-泥盆纪和二叠纪变质基岩,因此这些断层可归类为薄层推断断层(图 3)。
2.6 Saibu Co-Zagya thrust 2.6 塞布共同扎吉亚推力
The Saibu Co-Zagya thrust extends in an irregular E-W zone across the southern edge of the South Qiangtang block along Bangoin-Nujiang suture, which forms the boundary with the Lhasa block to the south (Figs. 1 and 2). Major thrust faults dip northward and demonstrate southward movement and N-S shortening. Jurassic 赛布共-扎尕那断层沿班公错-怒江缝合线在南羌塘地块南缘呈不规则的东西向延伸,与拉萨地块南部形成边界(图1和图2)。主要的推断断层向北倾斜,表现为南移和北-南缩短。侏罗纪
Fig. 5. Photographs of Early Cenozoic thrusts in the Qiangtang block. 图 5.羌塘区块早新生代地块的推力照片。
a, view northeastward at thrust faults between Jurassic limestone (J) and Paleogene (E) red conglomerate; b, view northward at Jurassic limestone (J) thrusted over Oligocene a,侏罗纪石灰岩(J)和古近纪(E)红色砾岩之间的推力断层东北视角;b,侏罗纪石灰岩(J)向北推覆渐新世的视角(E_(3))\left(\mathrm{E}_{3}\right) dark gray and red interbeds of conglomerate in west of Tu Co ; c , view northwestward at Jurassic limestone (J)(J) thrusted southward over Paleocene-Eocene (E_(1-2))\left(\mathrm{E}_{1-2}\right) reddish conglomerate in northern margin of the Central Qiangtang uplift; d, near view northward at Jurassic limestone (J) thrusted southward over Paleocene-Eocene ( E_(1-2)\mathrm{E}_{1-2} ) red conglomerate and slickensides along major thrust fault in the northern margin of the uplift; e, view westward at Permian dolomite § thrusted over Paleogene red-beds (E) southeast of Xiaocaka; f, view westward at cleavage of Jurassic limestone (J) thrusted over Eocene-Oligocene ( E_(2-3)\mathrm{E}_{2-3} ) lacustrine marl and sandstone south of Andar Co; g, view northwestward at Jurassic limestone (J) thrusted over Paleogene red-beds (E) northwest of Xiede; h, view eastward at Early Cretaceous andesite ( c ,向西北俯瞰中羌塘隆起北缘侏罗系石灰岩向南推覆古新世-始新世红色砾岩;d,向北近观侏罗系石灰岩(J)向南推覆古新世-始新世()红色砾岩和滑动岩,沿隆起北缘主要推断断层;e, Xiaocaka 东南部二叠纪白云岩§向西俯瞰,推覆于古新世红层(E)之上;f, Andar Co.以南侏罗纪石灰岩(J)劈裂向西俯瞰,推覆于始新世-更新世()湖沼泥灰岩和砂岩之上;g, Jurassic(侏罗纪)石灰岩(J)向西北俯瞰,推覆于古新世-更新世()红色砾岩和滑动岩之上;g, 西北向视图,Xiede 西北部侏罗纪石灰岩(J)上推覆古新世红层(E); h, 东向视图,早白垩世安山岩(K_(1)\mathrm{K}_{1} ) thrusted over Paleogene red-beds (E) southeast of Doma. Locations of outcrops are marked in Fig. 3. )推覆在多玛东南的古近纪红层(E)上。图 3 标出了露头的位置。
limestone, dolomite and sandstone are thrust southward over Paleogene red-beds along the outer faults of the system and also form outliers and small-scale nappes north of the Zagya River, northwest of Saibu Co and northeast of Lunpola (Fig. 3). The limestone also is thrust southward over Paleogene dark-red conglomerate and red sandstone and siltstone northwest of Xiede (Fig. 5g) and southwest of the town. Triassic-Jurassic ophiolite and Permian marbleized limestone form the thrust sheets and outliers (Fig. 3). Along outer faults at the southern margin of the Lunpola basin, tectonic slices of Jurassic sandstone are thrust southward over Paleocene-Eocene reddish conglomerate (Fig. 3). In addition slices of TriassicJurassic ophiolite and Permian marbleized limestone and dolomite are thrust over the Jurassic limestone (Fig. 3) and Cretaceous andesite is moved southward over PaleoceneEocene red-beds (Fig. 5h). 石灰岩、白云岩和砂岩沿岩系外围断层向南推覆在古近纪红色岩床之上,并在扎吉亚河以北、塞布科西北和伦波拉东北形成离群和小规模的岩层(图 3)。石灰岩还向南推覆在谢德西北部(图 5g)和该镇西南部的古近纪暗红色砾岩、红色砂岩和粉砂岩之上。三叠纪-侏罗纪蛇绿岩和二叠纪大理岩化灰岩形成了推力片和离群层(图 3)。沿着伦波拉盆地南缘的外部断层,侏罗纪砂岩的构造切片向南推覆在古新世-始新世带红色的砾岩上(图 3)。此外,三叠纪-侏罗纪蛇绿岩和二叠纪大理岩化灰岩和白云岩切片被推覆在侏罗纪灰岩之上(图 3),白垩纪安山岩被南移推覆在古新世-始新世红层之上(图 5h)。
2.7 Nima-Silin thrust 2.7 尼玛-西林推力
The Nima-Silin thrust crosses the northern Lhasa block, south of Bangoin-Nujiang suture to end obliquely near the suture (Fig. 2). This thrust system appears related to the same general regional thrust movement to the north by its general geometry and its proximity to the suture. Early Cretaceous limestone thrust over Paleogene red-beds and Late Cretaceous conglomerate in Nima basin and northern margin of Lhasa block respectively, formed nappes of Cretaceous limestone overlying Early Cretaceous red conglomerate west of Silin Lake (Fig. 3) and outliers of Early Cretaceous limestone overly Paleogene red-beds south of Nima (Fig. 6c). Major thrust faults dip southward, indicating northward offset, but some minor faults moved southward (Fig. 3). Triassic quartz sandstone and shale are thrust northward over Paleogene red-beds along the outer thrust faults north of Uru Co and south of Dagze Co, and caused tight folding of the red-beds as well as forming outliers and nappes southeast of Saibu Co (Fig. 3). The thrust faults and folds are offset by dextral strike-slip faults of the northwest-trending Beng Co fault southwest of Uru Co and Geren Co fault northeast of Silin Lake (Fig. 3). 尼玛-锡林推力穿过班公错-怒江缝合线以南的拉萨北部地块,在缝合线附近斜向终止(图 2)。从其总体几何形状和靠近缝合线的位置来看,该推力系统似乎与北面的同一区域推力运动有关。在尼玛盆地和拉萨地块北缘,早白垩世石灰岩分别推覆在古近纪红层和晚白垩世砾岩之上,在思林湖以西形成了覆盖在早白垩世红层砾岩之上的白垩世石灰岩层(图3),在尼玛以南形成了覆盖在古近纪红层之上的早白垩世石灰岩离层(图6c)。主要的推断断层向南倾斜,表明向北偏移,但也有一些小断层向南移动(图 3)。三叠纪石英砂岩和页岩沿着乌鲁公司以北和达格泽公司以南的外侧推断断层向北推覆在古近纪红层之上,造成红层的紧密褶皱,并在赛布公司东南部形成离群和褶皱(图 3)。推断断层和褶皱被乌鲁库区西南部西北走向的蚌库区断层和思林湖东北部的格仁库区断层的右向走向滑动断层所抵消(图 3)。
3 Early Cenozoic Thrust Mechanics 3 早新生代推力力学
Field geological mapping and seismic reflections jointly provide excellent constraints for the upper crustal structure of the Qiangtang block with which to understand the thrusting mechanisms (Fig. 4). The structure of the Qiangtang Block reveals a series of generally north-dipping imbricate thrust systems occasioned by the regional underthrusting of the Tibetan plateau. What additional role gravity sliding may have played in some movement is yet to be determined. The principal thrust sheets are carried 野外地质测绘和地震反射共同为了解羌塘地块的推覆机制提供了上地壳结构的极佳约束条件(图 4)。羌塘地块的结构揭示了青藏高原区域性欠推作用引起的一系列总体上向北倾的覆瓦状推力系统。重力滑动在某些运动中所起的作用尚待确定。主要的推力片带有
relatively southward on competent Jurassic carbonate that locally becomes marbleized. It appears to have moved mainly along a softer horizon of Triassic shale and sandstone at depth and ramped upward, over higher, softer Paleogene red-beds. A situation sometimes referred to as duplex thrusting in having two sliding surfaces. South of the Central Qiangtang uplift the thrusts converge and probably merge into a decollement at depth (Fig. 4, sections 侏罗纪碳酸盐岩,局部大理石化。它似乎主要是沿着三叠纪页岩和砂岩的较软地层向深处移动,并在较高、较软的古新世红岩床上斜向上移动。这种具有两个滑动面的情况有时被称为双重推移。在中羌塘隆起南部,推力会聚,并可能在深部合并成一个解理(图 4,剖面图X-Z\mathrm{X}-\mathrm{Z} and W-R\mathrm{W}-\mathrm{R} and Fig. 7), however the structure is more complex to the north. The Xiaocaka-Shuanghu thrust scooped deeper to carry up older strata and basement rock of the central uplift that has several breaks of the NorthCentral thrust along its north side. The latter thrust most likely continues some distance northward and provides a slip surface at depth beneath the south-dipping faults of the Longwei Co thrust system. This south-dipping system is probably making adjustments within the transported region between the imbricate thrusts of the North-Central and Dogai Coven thrusts to its south and north (Fig. 4, section U-W). The same adjustments possibly include a faulted warp in the Triassic strata between these two faults, because of relatively greater displacement on the south under side and the higher undulating thrusts to the south. All of these structures apparently developed because of the general underthrusting of the region and relative southward displacement of the thrust sheets. 野外地质测绘和地震反射共同为羌塘块体的上地壳结构提供了极好的约束条件,从而理解了逆冲机制(图4)。4)。羌塘块体的结构揭示了一系列通常由青藏高原区域逆冲引起的北倾交叠逆冲系统。 重力滑动在某些运动中可能起了什么额外的作用,还有待确定。主要逆冲片体在侏罗纪碳酸盐岩上相对向南移动,局部变成大理石。它似乎主要沿着深处较软的三叠纪页岩和砂岩层移动,并在更高、更软的古近纪红层上向上倾斜。这种情况有时被称为具有两个滑动面的双相逆冲。在中央羌塘隆起以南,逆冲汇聚,可能在深处合并成一个凹陷(图4,截面 X-Z\mathrm{X}-\mathrm{Z} 和 W-R\mathrm{W}-\mathrm{R} 和图 7),但北部的结构更复杂。小卡卡--双湖逆冲冲力挖得更深,带上了中央隆起的旧地层和基岩,中央隆起沿其北侧有几处中北逆冲断层的断裂。 后者的逆冲很可能向北延伸一段距离,并在龙尾魏逆冲系统的南倾覆断层下方提供深处的滑移面。这个南倾系统可能在中北逆冲和 Dogai Coven逆冲向南和北的交叠逆冲之间的输送区域内进行调整(图 4,uw 部分)。相同的调整可能包括这两个断层之间的三叠纪地层的断层翘曲,因为南下侧的位移相对较大,而南侧的起伏推力相对较大。所有这些构造显然都是由于该地区的普遍下冲和逆冲片相对向南的位移而形成的。
4 Displacement 4 位移
The minimum displacement along the thrust systems can be estimated from the extent of the observed overlap of stratigraphic units. The Dogai Coren thrust along the northern margin of Qiangtang block (Fig. 4c) has a relative southward displacement of ∼25km\sim 25 \mathrm{~km} according to the overlap of the Jurassic limestone and sandstone thrust over the Dogai Coren red-beds (Fig. 3). The southward dipping thrust faults Longwei Co imbricate thrust from Longwei Co to Bandao Lake in the North Qiangtang block indicate a northward displacement of the thrust system of ∼16km\sim 16 \mathrm{~km} according to the overlap of the Jurassic strata thrust northward across the Bandao Lake red-beds (Fig. 4c). 沿逆冲系统的最小位移可以从观察到的地层单元重叠的程度来估计。沿 Qiangtang 块体北缘的 Dogai Coren 逆冲(图 4c)的相对南向位移为 ∼25km\sim 25 \mathrm{~km} 根据侏罗纪石灰岩和砂岩逆冲在 DogaiCoren 红层上的重叠(图 3)。北强塘区块龙威科向磐岛湖的南倾逆冲断层龙威科汇合逆冲表明逆冲系统向北移动 ∼16km\sim 16 \mathrm{~km} 根据侏罗纪地层向北推移穿过磐岛湖红层的重叠情况(图 4c)。
Northern-Central, Xiaocaka-Shuanghu, Doma-Qixiang Co and Saibu Co-Zagya thrusts constitute an Early Cenozoic mega thrust complex in the Qiangtang block (Fig. 4). Southward displacement of the outer northern thrusts of the Northern-Central thrust, north of the Central Qiangtang uplift, is 北-中央、小卡-双湖、多玛-七乡、赛武-扎尕等推力构成了羌塘地块早新生代特大推力复合体(图4)。羌塘中部隆起以北的北中部外侧推力向南位移为∼50km\sim 50 \mathrm{~km} from the distance the tectonic slices are thrust southward over the Paleogene red-beds, however the probably greater displacement along the faulted surface of the basement rock of the Central Qiangtang Uplift is unknown (Fig. 4c). The other three thrust fault systems south of the uplift appear to form thin-skin imbricate thrusts 从远处看,构造切片向南推覆在古近纪红层上,但沿中羌塘隆起基底岩石断层面的位移可能更大(图 4c)。隆起南部的其他三个推断断层系统似乎形成了薄皮覆瓦状推断断层 Northern-Central、Xiaocaka-Shuanghu、Doma-Qixiang Co 和 Saibu Co-Zagya 逆冲构成了 Qiangtang 块体中早新生代巨型逆冲复合体(图 4)。中北逆冲的外部北方逆向南位移,位于中央 Qiangtang 隆起以北 ∼50km\sim 50 \mathrm{~km} 从距离上看,构造切片在古近纪红层上向南推挤,但沿中央羌塘隆起基岩断层表面的更大位移尚不清楚(图 4c)。隆起以南的其他三个逆冲断层系统似乎形成了薄皮交错逆冲
Fig. 6. Photographs of tectonic slices and thrust sheets in the Qiangtang block. 图 6.羌塘地块的构造切片和推力片照片。
a, view westward at tectonic slices and thrust sheets of Jurassic limestone (J) thrust over Paleogene red-beds northwest of Longwei Co; b, view northward at Jurassic limestone (J) thrust over Paleocene-Eocene red-beds south of Andar Co; c, view southwestward at Early Cretaceous limestone a, 向西俯瞰龙尾公司西北部侏罗纪石灰岩(J)推覆古新世红层的构造切片和推力片;b, 向北俯瞰安达公司南部侏罗纪石灰岩(J)推覆古新世-始新世红层的构造切片和推力片;c, 向西南俯瞰早白垩世石灰岩(K_(1))\left(\mathrm{K}_{1}\right) thrust over Paleogene red-beds southeast of Nima; positions of outcrops are marked in Fig. 3. 在尼玛东南的古近纪红层上的推力;图 3 中标注了出露地层的位置。
in the South Qiangtang block. Basement rock of the uplift are thrust southward over Jurassic strata along deep duplex thrust beneath the uplift (Figs. 4c and 7). Triassic-Jurassic shale, limestone and sandstone in the South Qiangtang block (Figs. 4a, b) are thrust southward over Paleogene redbeds with a minimal displacement of 在南羌塘地块。隆起的基底岩石在侏罗系地层上沿隆起下深厚的二叠系推力向南推移(图 4c 和 7)。南羌塘地块的三叠系-侏罗系页岩、石灰岩和砂岩(图 4a、b)向南推覆在古近纪红层之上,位移极小。∼100km\sim 100 \mathrm{~km} as seen from the overlap of units (Figs. 3, 4 and 7). Probable total minimum relative southward displacement of Early Cenozoic mega thrust in the Qiangtang block is roughly on the order of ∼150km\sim 150 \mathrm{~km} according to minimal displacement of the North-Central thrust and those to the south; corresponding to a 46%46 \% shortening of the upper crust in the central uplift and south block. 图 6.Qiangtang 区块的构造切片和逆冲片照片。a, 向西看龙尾科西北部古近纪红层逆冲的侏罗纪石灰岩 (J) St.的构造切片和逆冲片;b, 向北看 Andar Co 以南古新世-始新世红层的侏罗纪石灰岩 (J)逆冲;c, 早白垩世石灰岩向西南看 (K_(1))\left(\mathrm{K}_{1}\right) 逆冲在尼玛东南的古近纪红层上;露头的位置如图 3 所示。在南强塘地块。隆起的基岩沿着隆起下方的深双复合逆冲在侏罗纪地层上向南推挤(图 4c 和 7)。侏罗纪页岩、石灰岩和砂岩(图 4a、b)在古近纪红层上向南推挤,最小位移 ∼100km\sim 100 \mathrm{~km} 从单元的重叠中可以看出(图 3、4 和 7)。Qiangtang 块体中早新生代巨型逆冲的可能总最小相对南向位移大致约为 ∼150km\sim 150 \mathrm{~km} 根据中北推力和向南推力的最小位移;对应于 a 46%46 \% 中央隆起和南块的上部地壳缩短。
5 Age and Slip Rate 5 年龄和滑倒率
The age of the thrusting in the Qiangtang Block can be determined from that of the overridden and capping strata. 羌塘地块的推覆年龄可根据其覆盖层和盖层的年龄来确定。
Thrust faults of the Dogai Coren thrust system override Paleogene red beds and are covered unconformably by various volcanic units, which have been dated. These dated units are: Oligocene dacite and trachyandesite of 28.2-22.5 Ma northwest of Coni, Late Miocene volcanic rock of 10.1-7.5 Ma at the southern margin of the HohxilBayanhar block (Fig. 3), Eocene dacite-trachite of 44.135.4 Ma east of Coni and Eocene volcanic rock of 43.538.1 Ma west and southeast of Dogai Coren Lake (Fig. 3). These relations indicate that the Dogai Coren thrust chiefly formed during Paleocene-Early Eocene within the northern margin of Qiangtang block. Dogai Coren 推力系统的推力断层覆盖了古近纪的红色岩床,并被各种火山岩单元所覆盖,这些单元的年代已经确定。这些已测定年代的单元是科尼西北部 28.2-22.5 Ma 的渐新世英安岩和曲安山岩、位于霍希尔-巴彦哈尔地块南缘 10.1-7.5 Ma 的晚中新世火山岩(图 3)、科尼以东 44.135.4 Ma 的始新世英安岩-曲安山岩以及 Dogai Coren 湖以西和东南部 43.538.1 Ma 的始新世火山岩(图 3)。这些关系表明,羌塘地块北缘的多吉科伦推断岩主要形成于古新世-早始新世。
The outer thrust faults and folds of the Longwei Co thrust system, which also ride over Paleogene strata, are covered by Late Eocene volcanic rocks dated 38.7Ma,35.0Ma38.7 \mathrm{Ma}, 35.0 \mathrm{Ma} and 42.9-35.9 Ma southeast of Coni, north of Baodao Lake and northeast of Dong Lake respectively, thus, indicating that the Longwei Co imbricate thrust also formed mainly in Paleocene-Early Eocene. Miocene lacustrine limestone also unconformably covers outer thrust faults and associated folds of Dogai Coren and Longwei Co thrusts west and south of Wanan Lake (Fig. 3), and major thrust faults of Longwei Co are unconformably capped by Miocene lacustrine sandstone and conglomerate west of Tu Co (Fig. 8a), showing that these thrust systems have not moved since the Early Miocene. Longwei Co 逆冲系统的外部逆冲断层和褶皱也位于古近纪地层之上,被可追溯到晚始新世的火山岩覆盖 38.7Ma,35.0Ma38.7 \mathrm{Ma}, 35.0 \mathrm{Ma} 以及科尼东南、宝岛以北湖和东湖东北部分别为 42.9-35.9 马,表明龙尾尾Co叠层逆冲也主要形成于古新世-早新世。中新世湖相灰岩还不整合地覆盖了万安湖以西和以南的 Dogai Coren 和 Longwei Co 逆冲的外逆冲断层和相关褶皱(图 3),龙尾尾Co 的主要逆冲断层被涂麟以西的中新世湖泊砂岩和砾岩不整合地覆盖(图 8a),表明这些逆冲系统自早中新世以来没有移动。
The North-Central, Xiaocaka-Shuanghu, Doma-Qixiang Co, and Saibu Co-Zagya thrust faults and accompanied folds are unconformably covered by Miocene lacustrine limestone, marl and sandstone of weak deformation (Fig. 3 ), demonstrating that these thrust systems mainly moved during the Paleogene, prior to the Miocene. Miocene lacustrine conglomerate and marl with dips of 3^(@)-10^(@)3^{\circ}-10^{\circ} unconformably cover both thrust faults and the folded Paleogene red-beds beneath thrust the Xiaocaka-Shuanghu thrust at many places east of Shuanghu, south of Oya Co and north of Xiaocaka (Fig. 3). Miocene calcareous sandstone and conglomerate overly Paleogene red-beds beneath the outer thrust faults of Xiaocaka-Shuanghu southeast of Oya Co (Fig. 8b), and Miocene lacustrine limestone and marl of weak deformation lie unconformably over folded Paleogene red-beds beneath thrust faults of 中北、小卡-双湖、多马-齐祥和塞布科-扎迦逆冲断层和伴生褶皱不整合地被中新世湖相石灰岩、泥灰岩和弱变形的砂岩覆盖(图 3),表明这些逆冲系统主要在古近纪、中新世之前移动。中新世湖泊砾岩和泥灰岩,倾角为 3^(@)-10^(@)3^{\circ}-10^{\circ} 在双湖以东、Oya Co 以南和 Xiaocaka 以北的许多地方,不整合地覆盖了两个逆冲断层和小卡卡-。双湖逆冲下方的折叠古近纪红层(图 3)。 Oya Co 东南小卡卡-双湖外冲断层下方的中新世钙质砂岩和砾岩过度古近纪红层(图 8b),中新世湖相石灰岩和弱变形泥灰岩不整合地位于逆冲断层下方的褶皱古近纪红层之上。
Fig. 7. Hypothetical sketch of a north-south cross-section across the Qiangtang block with vertical exaggeration showing structural relations and measured offsets. Explanation of symbols same as on Figure 3. 图 7.横穿羌塘地块的南北横断面假想草图,垂直夸大显示了构造关系和测量偏移。符号说明与图 3 相同。
Doma-Qixiang Co (Fig. 3). South and west of Nima, Miocene gray conglomerate of weak deformation unconformably caps the tightly folded red-beds (Fig. 8c) and outer faults of the Nima-Silin Co thrust (Fig. 3) and red-beds dated as Oligocene (Kapp et al., 2007). Tightly folded Paleocene-Eocene red-beds beneath the outer thrusts of the Saibu Co-Zagya thrust are unconformably covered by weakly deformed Miocene lacustrine conglomerate and marl southeast of Saibu Co (Fig. 8d). Lacustrine conglomerate, sandstone, marl and limestone, which overlies the Paleogene red-beds, formed since Early Miocene (Wu et al., 2008) and was accompanied by peneplanation in the North Qiangtang (Fig. 8a) and South Qiangtang blocks (Fig. 8b), and the Lunpola, Saibu Co (Fig. 8d) and Nima red-bed basins (Fig. 8c). These data show that the southward thrust of southern Qiangtang thrusts and the crustal shortening resulting from the thrusting and folding of the Xiaocaka-Shuanghu, DomaQixiang Co, Saibu Co-Zagya and Nima-Silin thrusts ended by Early Miocene. 多玛-七乡公司(图 3)。在尼玛以南和以西,中新世的灰色砾岩变形较弱,与尼玛-锡林郭勒推力(图 3)的紧密褶皱红床(图 8c)和外断层以及年代为渐新世的红床不符(Kapp 等人,2007 年)。在西布错-扎尕推力的外部推力之下,古新世-始新世红色岩床褶皱紧密,在西布错东南部被变形较弱的中新世湖相砾岩和泥灰岩所覆盖(图 8d)。覆盖在古近纪红床之上的湖相砾岩、砂岩、泥灰岩和石灰岩形成于早中新世(Wu et al.这些数据表明,南羌塘地块的南推以及小卡-双湖、多玛-七乡、赛武-扎尕和尼玛-西林地块的推覆褶皱导致的地壳缩短在早中新世已经结束。
The southern Qiangtang thrusts developed southward from the Xiaocaka-Shuanghu to Saibu Co-Zagya thrusts during Paleogene (Fig. 4). Late Eocene volcanic rock dated at 38.3 Ma southeast of Oya Co and 32.6 Ma west of Andar Co unconformably covers outer thrust faults, nappes of Jurassic limestone and structural windows of PaleoceneEocene red-beds along the Xiaocaka Shuanghu thrust, 在古近纪,羌塘南段推力断层由小卡卡-双湖推力断层向南发展到赛布共同-扎尕推力断层(图 4)。奥亚公司东南和安达公司以西年代分别为 38.3 Ma 和 32.6 Ma 的晚始新世火山岩不整合地覆盖了小坂-双湖推力的外侧推断断层、侏罗纪石灰岩层和古新世-始新世红层的构造窗、
which indicates that it mainly occurred earlier west of Andar Co (Fig. 3). Early Cenozoic thrusts of Nima-Silin and Saibu Co-Zagya geodynamically controlled the formation and evolution of the Lunpola and Nima red-bed basins along the Bangoin-Nujiang suture forming the border of the Lhasa block until Late Oligocene (Kapp et al., 2007). Jurassic limestone and ophiolite were thrust southward over the lacustrine and fluvial conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone of Paleocene-Eocene Niubao Formation and Oligocene Dingqinghu Formation in northern Lunpola basin (Tibet Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1993; Rowley et al., 2006) and there the outer thrust faults, which offset Oligocene red-beds are covered by Early Miocene lacustrine marl and sandstone (Figs. 4a, b), demonstrating that the Oligocene thrusts ceased moving before Early Miocene ( ∼23.5Ma\sim 23.5 \mathrm{Ma} ). The southward displacement of eastern Oya Co trachite, dated 38.3 Ma, along the Saibu Co Zagya thrust is ∼83km\sim 83 \mathrm{~km}, giving an average southward slip rate of ∼5.6mm//a\sim 5.6 \mathrm{~mm} / \mathrm{a} along southern Qiangtang thrusts during the Late Eocene-Oligocene (38.3-23.5 Ma). The southward displacement of the Andar Co trachite, dated at 32.6 Ma to the outer thrust faults of Saibu Co-Zagya is ∼67km\sim 67 \mathrm{~km}, resulting in an average southward slip rate of ∼7.4mm//a\sim 7.4 \mathrm{~mm} / \mathrm{a} along southern Qiangtang thrusts during the Oligocene ( 32.6-23.5Ma32.6-23.5 \mathrm{Ma} ). Therefore the average southward slip rate of these thrusts ranges from 5.6 to 7.4mm//a7.4 \mathrm{~mm} / \mathrm{a} in Late Eocene-Oligocene. 图 3)。新生代早期的尼玛-锡林和赛布-共扎嘎地质动力推力控制了沿班公错-怒江缝合线的伦坡拉和尼玛红层盆地的形成和演化,直至晚渐新世形成了拉萨地块的边界(Kapp 等人,2007 年)。侏罗纪石灰岩和蛇绿岩向南推覆在伦坡拉盆地北部古新世-始新世牛堡地层和渐新世丁青湖地层的湖相和河相砾岩、砂岩和泥岩之上(西藏地质矿产局,1993 年;Rowley et al、2006),而在那里,与渐新世红层相抵的外侧推断断层被早中新世湖相泥灰岩和砂岩所覆盖(图 4a、b),表明渐新世推断断层在早中新世之前就停止了移动( ∼23.5Ma\sim 23.5 \mathrm{Ma} )。年代为38.3Ma的奥亚错东部砂岩沿赛布错扎雅推力向南位移为 ∼83km\sim 83 \mathrm{~km} ,由此推算出晚始新世-渐新世(38.3-23.5Ma)羌塘南部推力的平均南移速率为 ∼5.6mm//a\sim 5.6 \mathrm{~mm} / \mathrm{a} 。年代为32.6Ma的安达柯沙岩向西布错外侧推覆断层的南向位移为 ∼67km\sim 67 \mathrm{~km} ,因此,在渐新世( 32.6-23.5Ma32.6-23.5 \mathrm{Ma} )期间,沿羌塘南侧推覆断层的平均南向滑动速率为 ∼7.4mm//a\sim 7.4 \mathrm{~mm} / \mathrm{a} 。因此,在晚始新世-渐新世,这些隆起的平均南向滑动速率在5.6- 7.4mm//a7.4 \mathrm{~mm} / \mathrm{a} 之间。
Fig. 8. Photographs of unconformity between Early Miocene lacustrine strata and Paleogene red-beds. a, view northward at Miocene conglomerate and sandstone ( N ) unconformably overlying Paleocene-Eocene red-beds ( E_(1+2)\mathrm{E}_{1+2} ) in west of Tu Co ; b, view northward at Jurassic limestone (J) and Miocene calcareous sandstone and conglomerate (N) unconformably overlying Paleogene red-beds (E) southeast of Oya Co; c, view southward at Miocene gray conglomerate (N)(\mathrm{N}) unconformably overlying Paleocene-Eocene red-beds (E_(1-2))\left(\mathrm{E}_{1-2}\right) south of Nima; d, view northeastward at Miocene lacustrine strata (N)(N) unconformably overlying tightly folded Paleocene-Eocene red-beds ( E_(1+2)\mathrm{E}_{1+2} ) southeast of Saibu Co; positions of outcrops are marked in Fig. 3. 图 8.早中新世湖相地层和古近纪红层之间不整合的照片。a,向北看中新世砾岩和砂岩 ( N )不整合地覆盖在古新世-始新世红层上 ( <0> )。不整合地覆盖在古新世-始新世红层上 ( E_(1+2)\mathrm{E}_{1+2} )在 Tu Co 以西;b,向北看侏罗纪石灰岩 (J)和中新世钙质砂岩和砾岩 (N)不整合地覆盖在 Oya Co 东南部的古近纪红层 (E)上;C, 向南看中新世灰色砾岩 (N)(\mathrm{N}) 不整合地覆盖着古新世-始新世红层 (E_(1-2))\left(\mathrm{E}_{1-2}\right) 尼玛以南;D,在中新世湖泊地层向东北方向看 (N)(N) 不整合地覆盖着紧密折叠的古新世-始新世红层 ( E_(1+2)\mathrm{E}_{1+2} )Saibu Co 东南部;露头的位置如图 3 所示。
6 Conclusion and Discussion 6 结论与讨论
A series of large thrust sheets formed in the Qiangtang block of the Tibetan plateau, due to the compression caused by the northward subduction of the Indian continental plate, and moved relatively southward during the Early Cenozoic. These slid along the Dogai Coren, Longwei Co, and NorthCentral thrust systems in the North Qiangtang block above a slice of basement rock, which forms the Central Qiangtang uplift, and the Xiaocaka-Shuanghu, DomaQixiang Co and Saibu Co-Zagya thrust systems in the South Qiangtang block along with the Nima-Silin thrust system in the adjacent northern Lhasa block. 由于印度大陆板块向北俯冲造成的挤压,在青藏高原羌塘地块形成了一系列大型推力片,并在新生代早期相对南移。在北羌塘地块的基底岩石切片之上,沿着多盖科伦、龙尾科和中北部推力系统滑动,形成了中羌塘隆起;在南羌塘地块,沿着小卡-双湖、多玛-其乡科和赛布-科扎格亚推力系统滑动,以及在邻近的拉萨北部地块,沿着尼玛-锡林推力系统滑动。
These are generally thin-skinned imbricate north-dipping systems of thrust faults with those of the South Block form a large imbricate complex, although the North-Central and Xiaocaka-Shuanghu thrusts that bracket the central uplift extend into deeper units. The Longwei Co and Nima-Silin thrusts, however, dip to the south and appear to represent secondary adjustments within the displaced sheets. The thrusts have outlying tectonic slices and associated tight folds whose axes trend parallel to the thrusts. The thrust sheets are chiefly floored by Jurassic carbonate that slid over Triassic sandstone and shale and ramped upwards over Paleogene red beds, which may themselves be the product of early movement. The thrust and associated structures are unconformably overlain by volcanic rock that ranges in age from Late Eocene to Oligocene and Miocene lacustrine strata. 这些一般为薄层的北倾推覆断层系统与南地块的推覆断层系统形成了一个大型的推覆复合体,不过,位于中央隆起带的北中推覆断层和小坂-双湖推覆断层延伸到了更深的地层中。然而,龙尾科和尼玛-西林推力向南倾斜,似乎代表了位移片内部的二次调整。推力片有外围构造切片和相关的紧密褶皱,其轴线走向与推力片平行。推力片主要由侏罗纪碳酸盐岩构成,这些碳酸盐岩在三叠纪砂岩和页岩上滑动,并在古近纪红色地层上斜坡上升,这些地层本身可能就是早期运动的产物。推力层和相关结构被火山岩不整合地覆盖,火山岩的年龄从晚始新世到渐新世和中新世的湖相地层不等。
The minimum displacements of the thrusts, shown by overlapping units, are: ∼25km\sim 25 \mathrm{~km} for the Dogai Coren thrust, ∼16km\sim 16 \mathrm{~km} for the Longwei Co thrust, and ∼50km\sim 50 \mathrm{~km} for the North-Central thrust in North Qiangtang block, and ∼100km\sim 100 \mathrm{~km} across the South Qiangtang block. The total relative southward displacement of the Early Cenozoic mega thrust in Qiangtang block is in excess of 150 km , which corresponds to at least a 46%46 \% shortening of upper crust. 由重叠单位表示的推力的最小位移为: ∼25km\sim 25 \mathrm{~km} 对于 Dogai Coren 的推力, ∼16km\sim 16 \mathrm{~km} 用于 Longwei Co 推力,以及 ∼50km\sim 50 \mathrm{~km} 用于 North Qiangtang 区块的中北推力,以及 ∼100km\sim 100 \mathrm{~km} 横跨南强塘块。强塘块体早新生代巨型逆冲的总相对南移超过 150 公里,相当于至少 46%46 \% 上壳缩短。
The average southward slip rate is ∼5.6-7.4mm//\sim 5.6-7.4 \mathrm{~mm} / a during Late Eocene-Oligocene according to available chronological data in South Qiangtang block. The Early Cenozoic thrusting and crustal thickening in the Qiangtang block stopped prior to the Early Miocene. This was followed by peneplanation and widespread lacustrine deposits in Early Miocene (Wu et al., 2008) and crustal extension since ∼13.5Ma\sim 13.5 \mathrm{Ma} (Blisniuk et al., 2001). It is further inferred that the Qiangtang block rose gradually in the Paleogene and reached its present elevation before the end of the intensive thrusting in Early Miocene, if the crustal shortening and thickening caused isostatic uplift of Qiangtang plateau (Dewey et al., 1988; Ratschbacher et al., 1994). 平均向南滑移率为 ∼5.6-7.4mm//\sim 5.6-7.4 \mathrm{~mm} / a 在晚始新世-渐新世期间,根据南强塘区块的现有年代数据。强塘区块的早新生代逆冲和地壳增厚在早中新世之前停止。随后是早中新世的阴平化和广泛的湖泊沉积(Wu et al.,2008)和此后的地壳扩展 ∼13.5Ma\sim 13.5 \mathrm{Ma} (Blisniuk et al.2001)。进一步推断,如果地壳的缩短和增厚导致了Qiangtang高原的等静压隆起,那么在早中新世强烈逆冲结束之前,Qiangtang块体逐渐上升并达到了现在的高度(Dewey et al.,1988;Ratschbacher et al.,1994)。
The discovery of the Early Cenozoic thrusts is of key importance in the evaluation of potential of oil and gas resources in the Qiangtang block. Triassic and Jurassic 早新生代推断岩的发现对评估羌塘区块的油气资源潜力具有重要意义。三叠系和侏罗系
marine limestone and shale make excellent source rocks for oil and gas in Qiangtang block, and the Cretaceous and Neogene-Quaternary were two periods for major formation of oil and gas in Triassic-Jurassic marine strata (Zhao et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2005). The intensive Paleogene thrusting both disrupted oil and gas reservoirs formed in Cretaceous, and thickened the Triassic-Jurassic marine source rock by structural overlap. These thickened source rocks have the potential for preserving large volumes of oil and gas since the Paleogene thrust ended in the Late Eocene-Early Miocene. Understanding the controlling structure is critical in exploring for these potential reservoirs. 白垩纪和新近纪-第四纪是三叠系-侏罗系海相地层油气主要形成的两个时期(Zhao 等,2001;Wang 等,2005)。强烈的古近纪推力既破坏了白垩纪形成的油气藏,又通过构造叠加增厚了三叠纪-侏罗纪海相源岩。由于古新世推力在晚始新世-早中新世结束,这些增厚的源岩有可能保存大量的石油和天然气。了解控制结构对于勘探这些潜在储层至关重要。
Acknowledgements 致谢
We thank China Geological Survey, Ministry of Land and Resources and Ministry of Science and Technology of China for financially supporting the research under grants No.1212011221111, Sinoprobe-02-01 and 2006DFB21330 respectively. We are especially indebted to Professors Wang Jian and Tan Fuwen and Dr. Lu Zhanwu for their aids in field studies of the northern Qiangtang block. We thank Dr. Kapp P. who gave us valuable suggestions and new references for better understanding Qiangtang thrust systems. 我们感谢中国地质调查局、国土资源部和科技部分别以 1212011221111、Sinoprobe-02-01 和 2006DFB21330 号资助本研究。我们特别感谢王坚教授、谭福文教授和卢占武博士在羌塘北部区块野外研究中提供的帮助。我们感谢 Kapp P. 博士,他为我们提供了宝贵的建议和新的参考文献,使我们更好地理解了羌塘推力系统。
Manuscript received Mar. 8, 2012 2012 年 3 月 8 日收到手稿
accepted Apr. 8, 2012 2012 年 4 月 8 日接受
edited by Fei Hongcai 费宏才编辑
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