A Ferrari 360 Modena is displayed at a motor show
A Ferrari 360 Modena. The company is tapping into a surge in private wealth that has made Taiwan the fifth-richest country in the world © Reuters
一輛法拉利 360 Modena。該公司正在利用私人財富的激增,使台灣成為世界第五富有的國家 © 路透社

Sales of Ferraris in Taiwan have doubled in the past four years, bolstered by the growing wealth of the country’s chip entrepreneurs and a return of capital as global supply chains diversify away from China.

Ferrari’s chief executive Benedetto Vigna said demand in Taiwan was growing faster than in China or Hong Kong because of a sharp rise in supercar sales to the country’s increasingly wealthy citizens.
法拉利執行長貝內代托・維尼亞 (Benedetto Vigna) 表示,台灣的需求增長速度快於中國大陸或香港,因為該國日益富裕的公民的超級跑車銷量急劇上升。

“China is growing but . . . less than Taiwan,” he told the Financial Times. “In Taiwan you have more entrepreneurs, and the chip industry is booming”. He added: “You have a lot of people that are making a lot of money.” 
「中國正在成長,但是 。 。 。比台灣還少,」他告訴《金融時報》。 「台灣創業者多,晶片產業蓬勃發展」。他補充說:“有很多人賺了很多錢。”

Ferrari last month reported record annual earnings, driven by customers paying for personalised add-ons. Although the bulk of its sales come from Europe and the US, the carmaker said shipments to mainland China and Taiwan increased from 5 per cent of the total in 2020 to almost 11 per cent last year.
法拉利上個月公佈了創紀錄的年度收益,這主要得益於客戶為個人化附加組件付費。儘管其大部分銷量來自歐洲和美國,但該汽車製造商表示,對中國大陸和台灣的出貨量從 2020 年佔總量的 5% 增加到去年的近 11%。

Ferrari is tapping into a surge in private wealth that has made the island the fifth-richest country in the world, with €141,600 per capita, according to last year’s Allianz Global Wealth Report. The uptick in wealthy citizens has been driven in part by a booming industry for semiconductors, a sector dominated by Taiwan.
根據去年的安聯全球財富報告,法拉利正在利用私人財富的激增,使該島成為世界第五富有的國家,人均財富為 141,600 歐元。富裕公民的增加在一定程度上是由蓬勃發展的半導體產業推動的,該產業由台灣主導。

But it has also been boosted by Taiwanese manufacturers shifting their operations away from China, which has brought many entrepreneurs and wealthy executives back home.

“We have won a lot of new customers over the past four years,” said Vincent Liu, general manager of Modena Motori Taiwan, Ferrari’s official dealer in the country. “Ferrari played a major role in the growth of the supercar market here, which grew 30 per cent to 1,300 units last year,” he said, adding the brand now held 40 per cent of the two-door segment.
「過去四年,我們贏得了許多新客戶,」法拉利在台灣的官方經銷商 Modena Motori 台灣總經理 Vincent Liu 表示。他表示:「法拉利在當地超級跑車市場的成長中發揮了重要作用,去年該市場的銷量增長了 30%,達到 1,300 輛。」他補充道,該品牌目前在兩門車市場佔有 40% 的份額。

Along with the US, Taiwan has long had the highest ratio of private wealth to the size of its economy in the world. The country’s net financial assets increased 45 per cent between 2018 and 2022, according to the Allianz report, the latest year for which figures are available.
長期以來,台灣與美國一樣,私人財富與經濟規模之比一直是世界上最高的。根據最新一年的安聯報告,該國的金融資產淨值在 2018 年至 2022 年期間成長了 45%。

According to Modena Motori, 70 to 80 per cent of Ferrari buyers in Taiwan are entrepreneurs.
據 Modena Motori 稱,台灣 70% 至 80% 的法拉利買家都是企業家。

“The exotic car scene has really taken off here,” said Ryan Yeh, owner of a Ferrari Pista and one of only three manual transmission Ferrari 360 Modenas in Taiwan. Yeh runs a car club and frequently participates in street races in the mountains that dominate the island’s geography.
「異國情調的汽車場景在這裡真正起飛,」法拉利 Pista 車主、台灣僅有的三輛手排變速箱法拉利 360 Modenas 之一的 Ryan Yeh 說道。葉經營著一個汽車俱樂部,並經常參加島上山區的街頭比賽。

“[For] my generation who have some financial freedom, these brands are much more recognisable [compared with] our parents’ [generation], where anyone who was successful would just buy a Benz or BMW,” he said. “I guess this generation is flashier, more keen on displaying wealth. And there is no better way of displaying wealth than driving that kind of car.”
「對於我們這一代擁有一定財務自由的人來說,這些品牌比我們父母那一代更容易被認可,在我們父母那一代,任何成功的人都會買一輛奔馳或寶馬,」他說。 「我猜這一代人更加浮華,更熱衷於炫耀財富。沒有比駕駛這種汽車更好的展示財富的方式了。”

Jeff Hsu, a board member of satellite company Aerkomm, who bought an Aston Martin four years ago, his first luxury car, said: “It’s very simple: Taiwanese are rich, and there’s only so many places you can put your money: you can buy property and you can buy cars.”
衛星公司 Aerkomm 的董事會成員 Jeff Hsu 四年前買了一輛阿斯頓馬丁,這是他的第一輛豪華車,他說:「很簡單:台灣人很富有,但你可以把錢放在的地方就這麼多:你可以買房產就可以買汽車。”

Goratty Zhang, a marketing manager at Gama, Lamborghini’s dealer in Taiwan, said Lamborghini sales in the country had greatly expanded since the brand’s launch of SUVs in 2017 broadened its appeal to a larger group of buyers.
蘭博基尼台灣經銷商 Gama 的營銷經理 Goratty 張 表示,自從該品牌 2017 年推出 SUV 擴大了對更多購買者群體的吸引力以來,蘭博基尼在台灣的銷量大幅增長。

The worldwide growth of wealthy motorists has also led to pockets of expansion for Ferrari in countries such as Poland and the Czech Republic, according to Vigna. He added that the brand had still only tapped a tiny portion of its potential global buyers.

In order to retain its luxury status, Ferrari suppresses production, often forcing buyers to wait for several years for its cars. This drives scarcity and increases both its prices and the resale value of its cars, helping the company enjoy the best margins in the auto industry. Last year, Ferrari reported €1.26bn of net profits on car sales of just 13,663. 
為了保持其豪華地位,法拉利抑制生產,常常迫使買家等待數年才能買到它的汽車。這加劇了汽車的稀缺性,並提高了汽車的價格和轉售價值,幫助該公司享受汽車產業的最佳利潤。去年,法拉利公佈的淨利潤為 12.6 億歐元,但汽車銷量僅為 13,663 輛。

The company has sold only 300,000 vehicles in its history — the same number produced by Volkswagen’s Porsche brand every year.
該公司歷史上僅售出 30 萬輛汽車 —— 與大眾旗下保時捷品牌每年的產量相同。

This article has been amended since publication to specify that Ryan Yeh owns one of only three manual transmission Ferrari 360 Modenas in Taiwan. The transmission type was not originally specified.
本文自發表後經過修改,明確指出 Ryan Yeh 擁有台灣僅有的三輛手排變速箱 Ferrari 360 Modenas 中的一輛。最初並未指定傳輸類型。

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