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合同审查清单 - 2022 年全国仓库手提箱采购合同(财富仓库)
Contract Review Checklist - 2022 National Warehouse Suitcase Purchase Contract (Fortune Warehouse)
一、合同信息 1. Contract information
合约编号 Contract number CMSANH11202200028
合同名称 The name of the contract
合同说明(英) Contract Description (English)
屈臣氏公司名称 Watsons company name 武汉屈臣氏个人用品商店有限公司 Wuhan Watsons Personal Products Store Co., Ltd
HO/区域 HO/region WTCCN总公司 WTCCN Head Office
部门 department WTCCN HO供应链-项目与发展 WTCCN HO Supply Chain - Projects & Development
供应商名称 Vendor name 广州大库工业设备有限公司 Guangzhou Daku Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd
合同期限(yyyy-mm-dd 至 yyyy-mm-dd)
Contract Duration (YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD)
2022-08-01 至 2024-07-31
一次性/财务承诺合同或价目表合同 One-time/financial commitment contracts or price list contracts 价目表合同 Price List Contract
总金额费用 (+)  Total Amount Fee (+) 11,135,020
*This contract unit cost ≤ the old contract unit cost (yes or no or not applicable)
*您是否选择了价格最低的供应商? *Have you chosen the supplier with the lowest price?
*根据 Authority Matrix,您应该获得
*According to the Authority Matrix, you should get
你明白了吗? Do you understand?
*If you do not get a low-value offer/high-value offer, you must obtain special approval.
你明白了吗? Do you understand?
*Does the performance of this contract infringe on WTC's collection and/or processing of personal data?

Does the performance of this contract involve the acquisition and/or processing of personal information by A.S. Watson?
Does the performance of this contract involve the acquisition and/or processing of personal information by A.S. Watson?
请填写PAT编号: Please fill in the PAT number:
这个PAT被批准了吗? Is this PAT approved?
* Does the performance of this contract infringe on the Supplier's collection and/or processing of personal data?

Does the performance of this contract involve the Supplier's access to and/or processing of personal information?
Does the performance of this contract involve the Supplier's access to and/or processing of personal information?
请填写TPA编号: Please fill in the TPA number:
此 TPA 是否已获批准? Has this TPA been approved?
注意:本合同是否在执行前签署? Note: Is this contract signed prior to execution? N,24 天回签 N, 24-day return
二、最终审批人 2. Final Approver
批准理由 Reasons for Approval 最终审批人的地位 The status of the final approver
合同金额:金额>RMB4M Contract Amount: Amount> RMB4M 功能头控制器或以上 Function head controller or above
三、合同审查清单提 交 人:Flora Zou(Supply Manager.WTCCN HO Supply Chain-Projects & Development)
部门 department用户 user日期 date结果 outcome评论 comments
WTCCN HO 法律 WTCCN HO Laws何莉莉(WTCCN HO Legal助理法务总监)
Lily Ho (Assistant General Counsel, WTCCN HO Legal)
2022/8/25 11:35:49同意 agree同意 agree
WTCCN HO Finance-GL租赁苏嘉诚(财务经理.WTCCN HO Finance-GL Rental)
So Ka Shing (Finance Manager. WTCCN HO Finance-GL Rental)
2022/8/17 17:55:17同意 agree同意 agree
WTCCN HO供应链-项目与发展 WTCCN HO Supply Chain - Projects & DevelopmentFlora Zou(WTCCN HO供应链项目与开发部供应经理)
Flora Zou (Supply Manager, Supply Chain Projects & Development, WTCCN HO)
2022/8/17 11:19:39同意 agree同意 agree
WTCCN HO供应链 WTCCN HO Supply ChainMiller Derek Murdoch(WTCCN HO供应链供应链总监)
Miller Derek Murdoch (Supply Chain Director, WTCCN HO)
2022/8/25 12:00:00同意 agree同意 agree
* *group

Printer: __________________________________

备注  Remark:
1. The printout is from CMS and is in the same status as the last clearance of CMS. This contract shall be reviewed by financial/legal series and approved by the Group (if any) in accordance with the latest authorisation matrix.

2.用户部应确保:(a)标有*的项目中的信息真实完整,以及(b)所有附件(包括但不限于DP附件(隐私和数据处理附件)[如果有])均已套打印。用户部门发起人务必确保:(a)标注*的栏目信息选择/填写属实、完整, 且(b) 全部附件(包括但不限于DP ANNEX 隐私与信息处理附件[如有])已经完整打印无遗漏。
2. The User Department shall ensure that: (a) the information in the items marked with * is true and complete, and (b) all attachments (including but not limited to DP attachments (Privacy and Data Processing Attachments) (if any)) are printed in their entirety. It is the responsibility of the Sponsor of the User Department to ensure that: (a) the selection/completion of the information in the fields marked with * is true and complete, and (b) all attachments (including but not limited to the DP ANNEX Privacy and Information Handling Attachments, if any) have been printed in their entirety.