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Chapter 16: Motivating Employees

True / False
对 / 错

1. Employee motivation affects productivity, and part of a manager's job is to channel motivation toward the accomplishment of organizational goals.
1. 员工的积极性会影响生产力,管理者的工作之一就是将积极性引导到实现组织目标上。

2. Two ways to classify rewards are extrinsic and monetary.
2. 对奖励进行分类的两种方式是 extrinsic 和 monetary。

3. Rewards given by another person are intrinsic rewards.
3. 他人给予的奖励是内在奖励。

4. Extrinsic rewards refers to the satisfaction a person receives in the process of performing a particular action.
4. 外在奖励是指一个人在执行特定行动的过程中获得的满足感。

5. The arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior refer to motivation.
5. 行为的唤醒、方向和持久性是指动机。

6. Process theories emphasize the needs that motivate people.
6. 过程理论强调激励人们的需求。

7. Three categories of motivation theories are content theories, process theories, and reinforcement theories.
7. 动机理论分为三类,分别是内容理论、过程理论和强化理论。

8. Physiological needs are the most basic human physical needs, which are reflected in the workplace as needs for adequate heat, air, and base salary to ensure survival.
8. 生理需求是人类最基本的生理需求,在工作场所反映为需要足够的热量、空气和基本工资来确保生存。

9. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, freedom from violence is an example of a physiological need.
9. 在马斯洛的需求层次理论中,免于暴力的自由是生理需求的一个例子。

10. Managers can influence intrinsic rewards by providing appropriate extrinsic rewards. 
10. 管理者可以通过提供适当的外在奖励来影响内在奖励。 

11. Esteem needs are those needs that relate to the desire for a positive self-image and the desire to receive attention, recognition, and appreciation from others.
11. 尊重需求是那些与渴望积极的自我形象以及渴望得到他人的关注、认可和欣赏有关的需求。

12. External and relatedness are the first two groups of needs in Alderfer's ERG theory.
12. 外部和关联性是 Alderfer 的 ERG 理论中的前两组需求。

13. Herzberg's two-factor theory divides work-related needs into two categories: hygiene factors and reward factors.
13. 赫茨伯格的双因素理论将与工作相关的需求分为两类:卫生因素和奖励因素。

14. Factors that influence job satisfaction based on fulfillment of high-level needs such as achievement, recognition, and opportunity for growth are called motivators.
14. 根据成就、认可和成长机会等高级需求满足而影响工作满意度的因素称为激励因素。

15. Hygiene factors involve the presence or absence of job dissatisfiers and include company policies and procedures.
15. 卫生因素涉及是否存在工作不满意者,包括公司政策和程序。

16. Hygiene factors are the same as satisfiers and are based on fulfillment of higher-level needs including responsibility.
16. 卫生因素与满足者相同,基于对更高层次需求的满足,包括责任感。

17. The implication of the two-factor theory for managers is clear. Providing hygiene factors will eliminate employee dissatisfaction but will not motivate workers to high achievement levels.
17. 双因素理论对管理者的影响是显而易见的。提供卫生因素将消除员工的不满,但不会激励员工达到高成就水平。

18. A need for power, a need for accomplishment, and a need for superior power are proposed by David McClelland's acquired needs theory.
18. 对权力的需求、对成就的需要和对卓越权力的需求是由大卫·麦克莱兰 (David McClelland) 的后天需求理论提出的。

19. A high need for power often is associated with successful attainment of top levels in the organizational hierarchy.
19. 对权力的高度需求通常与成功获得组织层次结构中的最高层有关。

20. The group of theories that explain how employees meet their needs and determine their success are called process theories.
20. 解释员工如何满足他们的需求并决定他们成功的一组理论称为过程理论。

21. Expectancy theory is a process theory that focuses on individuals' perception of how fairly they are treated in comparison to other people.
21. 期望理论是一种过程理论,它关注个人对与其他人相比他们受到的公平对待的看法。

22. Goal acceptance, in goal-setting theory, means that employees have to buy into the goals and be committed to them.
22. 在目标设定理论中,目标接受意味着员工必须接受目标并致力于实现这些目标。

23. Goal-setting theory proposes that managers can increase motivation by setting specific, challenging goals that are accepted as valid by subordinates and then helping people track their progress toward goal achievement by providing timely feedback.
23. 目标设定理论提出,管理者可以通过设定具体的、具有挑战性的目标来提高积极性,这些目标被下属接受为有效,然后通过提供及时的反馈帮助人们跟踪他们实现目标的进展。

24. Goal specificity, in goal-setting theory, refers to the difficulty level of goals.
24. 目标特异性,在目标设定理论中,是指目标的难度级别。

25. The equity theory focuses on individuals' perceptions of how fairly they are treated relative to others.
25. 公平理论关注个人对他们相对于他人受到的公平对待的看法。

26. The equity theory, by J. Stacy Adams, states that equity exists when the ratio of outcomes to inputs for one person is equal to the same ratio for another person.
26. J. Stacy Adams 的公平理论指出,当一个人的结果与投入的比率等于另一个人的相同比率时,公平就存在。

27. Expectancy theory is based on the relationship among the individual's effort and performance and not on the desirability of outcomes.
27. 期望理论是基于个人的努力和表现之间的关系,而不是结果的可取性。

28. Motivation increases, according to the expectancy theory, when the worker believes that successful performance will result by putting effort into a given task. This is called E→P expectancy.
28. 根据期望理论,当工人相信通过努力完成给定的任务会带来成功的绩效时,动机就会增加。这称为 E→P 期望。

29. According to expectancy theory, for an employee to be highly motivated, E→P expectancy and valence must be maximized.
29. 根据期望理论,要使员工具有高度积极性,必须使 E→P 期望和效价最大化。

30. Valence is the perceived value of a reward or outcome.
30. 效价是奖励或结果的感知价值。

31. The expectancy theory attempts to define specific types of needs or rewards to establish that they exist and may be similar to other individuals.
31. 期望理论试图定义特定类型的需求或奖励,以确定它们存在并且可能与其他个体相似。

32. Behavior that is positively reinforced tends to be repeated, and behavior that is not reinforced tends not to be repeated, as stated in the law of effect.
32. 正如效果法则所述,被积极强化的行为往往会被重复,而没有被强化的行为往往不会被重复。

33. The administration of a pleasant and rewarding consequence following a desired behavior is positive reinforcement.
33. 在期望的行为之后施用令人愉快和有益的结果是积极的强化。

34. The imposition of unpleasant outcomes on an employee is avoidance learning.
34. 将不愉快的结果强加给员工是逃避学习。

35. Punishment increases the likelihood that behavior will be repeated.
35. 惩罚会增加行为重复的可能性。

36. Punishment is the imposition of an unpleasant outcome following undesirable behavior.
36. 惩罚是在不良行为之后施加不愉快的结果。

37. One weakness of the use of punishment in organizations is that it fails to indicate the correct behavior.
37. 在组织中使用惩罚的一个弱点是它无法表明正确的行为。

38. Extinction is defined as the withdrawal of positive reward.
38. 消亡被定义为正奖励的撤回。

39. Job rotation systematically moves employees from one job to another, thereby increasing the number of different tasks an employee performs without increasing the complexity of any one job.
39. 轮换工作系统地将员工从一份工作转移到另一份工作,从而增加员工执行的不同任务的数量,而不会增加任何一项工作的复杂性。

40. Job enlargement is a job design that incorporates achievement, recognition, and other high-level motivators into the work.
40. 工作扩大是一种将成就、认可和其他高级激励因素纳入工作的工作设计。

41. Job enlargement combines a series of tasks into one new, broader job.
41. 工作扩大将一系列任务合并为一项新的、更广泛的工作。

42. The degree to which the job is perceived as important and having an impact on the company or customers refers to task significance.
42. 工作被认为重要并对公司或客户产生影响的程度是指任务的重要性。

43. The job characteristic of autonomy influences the worker's experiencing meaningfulness of work.
43. 自主性的工作特征会影响工人体验工作的意义。

44. Skill variety, task identity, and task significance tend to influence the employee's psychological state of experienced meaningfulness of work.
44. 技能多样性、任务身份和任务意义往往影响员工体验到工作意义的心理状态。

45. Gain sharing rewards employees with part ownership of the organization based on achieving performance goals.
45. 收益分享奖励根据实现绩效目标对组织拥有部分所有权的员工。

46. Empowering employees means giving them four elements that enable them to act more freely to accomplish their jobs: information, knowledge, power, and rewards.
46. 赋予员工权力意味着赋予他们四个要素,使他们能够更自由地采取行动来完成工作:信息、知识、权力和奖励。

47. Employee stock ownership plans give employees part ownership of the organization, enabling them to share in improved profit performance.
47. 员工持股计划赋予员工对组织的部分所有权,使他们能够分享提高的利润表现。

48. Organizations that empower employees often reward them based on the results shown in the company's bottom line.
48. 赋予员工权力的组织通常会根据公司底线中显示的结果来奖励他们。

49. Employee engagement means that people enjoy their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions, contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and organizational goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization.
49. 员工敬业度意味着人们热爱他们的工作,对他们的工作条件感到满意,为实现团队和组织目标热情做出贡献,并对组织有归属感和承诺。

Multiple Choice

50. Which of the following is the arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior?
50. 以下哪一项是行为的唤醒、方向和持久性?

51. Which of the following refers to a reward given by another person?
51. 以下哪项是指他人给予的奖励?

52. Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic reward?
52. 以下哪一项是内在奖励的例子?

53. Katie dislikes almost everything about her job. The only reason she continues to work at Mace Autobody is the excellent benefits package she receives. Katie is motivated by
53. 凯蒂几乎不喜欢她工作的一切。她继续在 Mace Autobody 工作的唯一原因是她获得的优厚福利待遇。Katie 的动力来自

54. Susannah enjoys her job as a teacher, not because of the pay or benefits, but because she feels good about shaping the minds of tomorrow’s leaders. Susannah is motivated by
54. 苏珊娜喜欢她的教师工作,不是因为薪水或福利,而是因为她对塑造未来领导者的思想感觉很好。Susannah 的动力来自

55. Which of the following theories focuses on employee learning of desired work behaviors?
55. 以下哪项理论侧重于员工对期望工作行为的学习?

56. Which motivation theory proposes that needs must be satisfied in sequence?
56. 哪种动机理论提出需求必须按顺序满足?

57. Which of the following theories emphasizes the needs that motivate people?
57. 以下哪项理论强调激励人们的需求?

58. Which of the following is a content theory that proposes that people are motivated by physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization needs?
58. 以下哪一项是内容理论,它提出人们的动机是生理、安全、归属感、尊重和自我实现的需求?

59. Which of the following theories focuses on employee learning of desired work behaviors?
59. 以下哪项理论侧重于员工对期望工作行为的学习?

60. Which of the following is not a need proposed by Maslow in his hierarchy of needs theory?
60. 以下哪一项不是马斯洛在他的需求层次理论中提出的需求?

61. Nely is motivated by a strong need for recognition and is continually seeking credit for his contributions to the organization. According to Maslow, Nely is motivated by which category of needs?
61. Nely 的动力来自于对认可的强烈需求,并不断寻求他对组织的贡献的赞誉。根据马斯洛的说法,Nely 的动机是哪一类需求?

62. Which of the following needs describes the most basic human physical needs, including food, water, and oxygen?
62. 以下哪项需求描述了人类最基本的身体需求,包括食物、水和氧气?

63. Which need describes the desire to be accepted by one’s peers, have friendships, be part of a group, and be loved?
63. 哪种需求描述了被同龄人接受、拥有友谊、成为群体的一员和被爱的愿望?

64. According to Maslow, the highest order needs are
64. 根据马斯洛的说法,最高阶需求是

65. Alderfer referred to the needs for physical well-being as 
65. Alderfer 将身体健康的需求称为 

66. Fedel is primarily driven by a need to establish close social relationships with other people. Alderfer would say he is motivated by
66. Fedel 主要是出于与他人建立密切社会关系的需要。Alderfer 会说他的动力来自

67. The frustration-regression principle is most closely related with
67. 挫折回归原则与

68. According to Herzberg, which of the following is an example of a hygiene factor?
68. 根据 Herzberg 的说法,以下哪项是卫生因素的例子?

69. Highroller Casinos provides good salaries and benefits, including bonuses of up to 25% of annual salaries. However, the company has been criticized for not establishing an achievement or recognition program for its employees. Which of the following best describes the company in terms of the two-factor theory?
69. Highroller Casinos 提供良好的薪水和福利,包括高达年薪 25% 的奖金。然而,该公司因没有为其员工建立成就或认可计划而受到批评。以下哪项最能描述双因素理论方面的公司?

70. Which of the following are high-level needs, according to Herzberg, and include achievement, recognition, responsibility, and opportunity for growth?
70. 根据 Herzberg 的说法,以下哪些是高级需求,包括成就、认可、责任和成长机会?

71. Which of the following have the greatest impact, according to Herzberg, on job satisfaction?
71. 根据 Herzberg 的说法,以下哪项对工作满意度的影响最大?

72. The majority of hourly workers at Formatting Unlimited are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. What would Herzberg recommend if your goal were to increase their level of satisfaction?
72. Formatting Unlimited 的大多数小时工既不满意也不不满意。如果您的目标是提高他们的满意度,Herzberg 会推荐什么?

73. The desire to form close personal relationships, avoid conflict, and establish warm friendships describes
73. 建立亲密人际关系、避免冲突和建立温暖友谊的愿望描述

74. According to McClelland, successful attainment of top levels in the organizational hierarchy is associated with a high need for  
74. 根据 McClelland 的说法,成功达到组织层次结构中的最高层与对  

75. Daphne has a desire to influence others, be responsible for them, and have authority over them. It can be described as her
75. 达芙妮渴望影响他人,对他们负责,并对他们有权威。可谓是她

76. Abran is a recent college graduate. He is unsure about his future. A counselor in his university’s career resources office recently told Abran that he had a high need for achievement. Based on this, what type of career should Abran pursue?
76. Abran 是一名刚毕业的大学毕业生。他对自己的未来不确定。他所在大学职业资源办公室的一位顾问最近告诉 Abran,他对成就的需求很高。基于此,Abran 应该追求什么样的职业?

77. Which term, in goal-setting theory, refers to the need to make goals highly ambitious but achievable?
77. 在目标设定理论中,哪个术语指的是需要使目标雄心勃勃但可以实现?

78. In goal-setting theory, which of the following refers to the idea that employees have to “buy into” goals?
78. 在目标设定理论中,以下哪项指的是员工必须“接受”目标的想法?

79. In goal-setting theory, which term refers to the need to get information to people about how well they are doing in progressing toward goal achievement?
79. 在目标设定理论中,哪个术语指的是需要向人们获取有关他们在实现目标方面做得如何的信息?

80. Which of the following is an example of a process theory of motivation?
80. 以下哪一项是动机过程论的例子?

81. Which of these theories deals with employees’ perception of fairness?
81. 这些理论中哪一项涉及员工对公平的感知?

82. Kara and Sheldon are both middle managers at Gotcha International. Kara is dissatisfied because she knows that Sheldon makes more in salary even though, in Kara’s opinion, she works longer hours than he does. If Kara wishes to reduce this perceived inequity, what should she do?
82. Kara 和 Sheldon 都是 Gotcha International 的中层管理人员。Kara 很不满意,因为她知道 Sheldon 的薪水更高,尽管在 Kara 看来,她的工作时间比他长。如果 Kara 希望减少这种感知到的不平等,她应该怎么做?

83. Which of the following is not a common method for reducing a perceived inequity?
83. 以下哪项不是减少感知到的不平等的常用方法?

84. Which of the following is based on the relationships between effort, performance, and outcomes?
84. 以下哪项是基于努力、绩效和结果之间的关系?

85. Ryzard, a sales associate at an electronics store, learns that his base pay is higher than any other sales associate in the store. He justifies his higher salary with the idea that he must be a top sales associate, generating more revenue than anyone else. This example demonstrates which method for reducing perceived inequity?
85. Ryzard 是一家电子商店的销售助理,他了解到他的基本工资比商店里的任何其他销售助理都高。他为自己更高的薪水辩护,认为他必须成为一名顶级的销售助理,创造的收入比其他任何人都多。这个例子说明了哪种方法可以减少感知到的不平等?

86. Yifei recently learned that Shuyi, who works in the same position as her and has been with the company for the same amount of time, earns about 10% more than she does. As a result, Yifei feels that she should not work as hard, so she starts coming in late and taking more days off. This is an example of which method for reducing perceived equity?
86. 逸飞最近了解到,与她在同一职位上工作并在公司工作相同时间的淑仪,她的收入比她高出 10% 左右。因此,逸飞觉得自己不应该那么努力工作,所以她开始迟到,休息更多的日子。这是降低感知公平的方法的一个例子?

87. Recent research shows that the top reason people leave their jobs is because they
87. 最近的研究表明,人们离职的首要原因是因为他们

88. Which of the following involves whether putting effort into a task will lead to high performance?
88. 以下哪项涉及在任务中投入精力是否会导致高绩效?

89. Tanek is a manager at Chuck’s Construction. He sees little opportunity for advancement at Chuck’s Construction, regardless of how well he performs. Which of the following expectancies is low for Tanek?
89. Tanek 是 Chuck's Construction 的经理。他认为在 Chuck's Construction 晋升的机会很小,无论他表现如何。Tanek 的以下哪项预期较低?

90. Abbey works at Railroad Ties. Her bosses continually indicate that her motivational level is low. Abbey agrees but is unwilling to work harder until the company changes the types of reward it offers its employees. Which of the following is low for Abbey?
90. 修道院在 Railroad Ties 工作。她的老板不断表示她的积极性水平很低。Abbey 同意,但不愿意更加努力地工作,直到公司改变它为员工提供的奖励类型。以下哪项对 Abbey 来说是低的?

91. Which of the following describes the value or attraction an individual has for an outcome?
91. 以下哪项描述了个人对结果的价值或吸引力?

92. Which of the following theories concerns the thought processes that influence behavior?
92. 以下哪项理论涉及影响行为的思维过程?

93. Theories that explain how employees select the behaviors that allow them to meet their needs are known as
93. 解释员工如何选择让他们满足需求的行为的理论被称为

94. In goal-setting theory, which of the following refers to the degree to which goals are concrete and unambiguous?
94. 在目标设定理论中,以下哪项指的是目标具体和明确的程度?

95. Which of the following theories places an emphasis on behavior and its consequences?
95. 以下哪项理论强调行为及其后果?

96. Which of the following is the administration of a pleasant and rewarding consequence following a desired behavior?
96. 以下哪一项是在期望的行为之后施行令人愉快和有益的结果?

97. Braden publicly praises his employees when they have achieved their goals. Braden hopes this will increase the likelihood of goal achievement in the future. This is an example of
97. 当他的员工实现目标时,布雷登会公开表扬他们。Braden 希望这将增加未来实现目标的可能性。这是

98. The removal of an unpleasant consequence following a desired behavior is referred to as
98. 消除期望行为之后的不愉快后果被称为

99. Which of these is sometimes called negative reinforcement?
99. 其中哪一项有时被称为负强化?

100. Which of the following is the imposition of unpleasant outcomes on an employee?
100. 以下哪一项是对员工施加的不愉快结果?

101. Which of the following techniques reduces the likelihood that behavior will be repeated?
101. 以下哪种技术可以降低行为重复的可能性?

102. One of your fellow students is continually late to class. The professor has tried numerous verbal warnings and recently took points away from the student's grade. Based on the above, the professor's actions are consistent with which of the following reinforcement techniques?
102. 你的一个同学经常上课迟到。这位教授尝试了无数次口头警告,最近还从学生的成绩中扣了分数。综上所述,教授的行动与以下哪一种强化技术是一致的?

103. Jeff and Roberto have a difficult time getting along at work. Most days, Jeff spends a lot of time cracking jokes and goofing off, while Roberto constantly nags him and tells him to act like a grownup. On days when Jeff is more reserved, Roberto does not nag him, hoping that this will result in improved behavior down the road. This is an example of which form of behavior modification?
103. Jeff 和 Roberto 在工作中相处很困难。大多数时候,杰夫花了很多时间开玩笑和开玩笑,而罗伯托则不断地唠叨他,让他表现得像个大人。在 Jeff 比较内向的日子里,Roberto 不会唠叨他,希望这会带来以后的行为改善。这是哪种形式的行为矫正的示例?

104. Which of these refers to the withdrawal of a positive reward, meaning that behavior is no longer reinforced and hence is less likely to occur in the future?
104. 其中哪项是指取消积极奖励,这意味着行为不再得到强化,因此将来不太可能发生?

105. One of your fellow team members at work is continually disrupting the teams work with jokes and general horseplay. You hope that by ignoring him he will stop this senseless behavior. You are attempting to use which reinforcement tool?
105. 你的一位同事在工作中不断地用笑话和一般的恶作剧来扰乱团队的工作。你希望通过无视他,他会停止这种毫无意义的行为。您正在尝试使用哪种加固工具?

106. Which theory proposes that an individual’s motivation can result not just from direct experience of rewards and punishments but also from the person’s thoughts and beliefs and his or her observations of other people’s behavior?
106. 哪种理论认为,个人的动机不仅来自对奖励和惩罚的直接体验,还来自这个人的思想和信念以及他或她对他人行为的观察?

107. Which of the following occurs when an individual sees others perform certain behaviors and get rewarded for them?
107. 当一个人看到他人做出某些行为并因此获得奖励时,会出现以下哪一项?

108. At Rightway Industries, new hires spend a significant portion of their first week of training just walking around the factory, observing other workers, and watching them be rewarded for doing their jobs well. This is an example of
108. 在 Rightway Industries,新员工在培训的第一周花了很大一部分时间在工厂里走动,观察其他工人,并看着他们因工作出色而获得奖励。这是

109. Which of the following is the application of motivational theories to the structure of work for improving productivity and satisfaction?
109. 以下哪一项是将激励理论应用于工作结构以提高生产力和满意度?

110. Which of the following can lead to greater task efficiencies, but has failed as a motivational technique?
110. 以下哪项可以提高任务效率,但作为一种激励技巧却失败了?

111. Lukas is looking for ways to increase the number of different tasks that an employee performs without increasing task complexity. He should try
111. Lukas 正在寻找在不增加任务复杂性的情况下增加员工执行的不同任务数量的方法。他应该试试

112. Which of the following systematically moves employees from one job to another, thereby increasing the number of different tasks an employee performs without increasing the complexity of any one job?
112. 以下哪项系统性地将员工从一份工作转移到另一份工作,从而增加员工执行的不同任务的数量,而不会增加任何一项工作的复杂性?

113. Which of these combines a number of tasks horizontally into one, new broader job?
113. 其中哪一项将许多任务横向组合成一个更广泛的新工作?

114. Which of the following combines a series of tasks into one new, broader job?
114. 以下哪项将一系列任务合并为一项新的、更广泛的工作?

115. A job design that incorporates achievement, recognition, and other high-level motivators into the work is referred to as
115. 将成就、认可和其他高级激励因素纳入工作的工作设计称为

116. Karina is a first line supervisor at Wolfs, Inc. She wishes to increase her employees’ opportunities for growth and learning. Which of the following techniques should she use?
116. Karina 是 Wolfs, Inc. 的一线主管。她希望增加员工的成长和学习机会。她应该使用以下哪种技术?

117. Which of the following is an important part of the job characteristics model?
117. 以下哪项是工作特征模型的重要组成部分?

118. The core dimension of Hackman and Oldhams model of job characteristics that is based on the number of diverse activities that make up a job is known as
118. 哈克曼和奥尔德姆的工作特征模型的核心维度基于构成工作的不同活动的数量,称为

119. Which of the following refers to the degree to which an employee performs a total job with a recognizable beginning and ending?
119. 以下哪项是指雇员完成一项具有可识别的开始和结束的全部工作的程度?

120. The degree to which the job is perceived as important and having impact on the company or customers is referred to as
120. 工作被认为重要并对公司或客户产生影响的程度称为

121. Which of the following influences the critical psychological state of experienced meaningfulness of work?
121. 以下哪项影响体验到工作意义的临界心理状态?

122. Delaine tried to apply the job characteristics model to her workforce, but it only worked for some of her employees. Which of the following may be a reason why it did not work for everyone?
122. Delaine 试图将工作特征模型应用于她的员工,但它只对她的一些员工有效。以下哪项可能是它不适合所有人的原因?

123. Which of the following is the extent to which doing the job provides information back to the employee about his or her performance?
123. 以下哪项工作在多大程度上向雇员提供了有关其绩效的信息?

124. The job characteristic of feedback provides the worker with
124. 反馈的工作特征为工人提供了

125. The delegation of power and authority to subordinates is referred to as
125. 权力和权威授予下属称为

126. Empowering employees means giving employees
126. 赋予员工权力意味着给予员工

127. Allowing employees to choose how they complete a task is an example of providing employees with which element of empowerment?
127. 允许员工选择他们如何完成任务是为员工提供哪种赋权元素的一个例子?

128. Which of the following is power sharing, or the delegation of power or authority to subordinates in an organization?
128. 以下哪一项是权力分享,或将权力或权威委托给组织中的下属?

129. Shifting power down from the top of the organization and sharing it with employees to enable them to achieve goals is known as
129. 将权力从组织高层下放并与员工分享,使他们能够实现目标,这被称为

130. A situation in which employees enjoy their work, contribute enthusiastically to meeting goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization is known as
130. 员工享受工作,热情地为实现目标做出贡献,并对组织有归属感和承诺的情况被称为

131. Chloe’s subordinates view her as a great manager. Not only does she get the job done, but she also organizes the workplace in such a way that employees experience a sense of meaningfulness, connection, and growth. This is an example of employee
131. Chloe 的下属认为她是一位出色的经理。她不仅完成了工作,而且还以一种让员工体验到有意义感、联系感和成长感的方式组织工作场所。这是员工的例子

132. Which of the following refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action?
132. 以下哪项是指一个人内部或外部激发热情和毅力以追求某种行动方案的力量?

133. The satisfaction received in the process of performing an action is also known as a(n)
133. 在执行作的过程中获得的满足感也称为 a(n)

134. A content theory that proposes that people are motivated by five categories of needs—physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization—that exist in a hierarchical order is called the
134. 一种内容理论提出,人们是由五类需求(生理、安全、归属感、尊重和自我实现)驱动的,这些需求以等级顺序存在,称为

135. A modification of the needs hierarchy theory that proposes three categories of needs—existence, relatedness, and growth—is called the 
135. 需求层次理论的修改提出了三类需求——存在、关联性和增长——被称为 

136. The idea that failure to meet a high-order need may cause a regression to an already satisfied lower-order need is referred to as
136. 未能满足高阶需求可能会导致回归到已经满足的低阶需求的想法被称为

137. Factors that involve the presence or absence of job dissatisfiers, such as working conditions or pay, are known as
137. 涉及是否存在工作不满意者的因素,例如工作条件或薪酬,称为

138. Which of the following theories explains how workers select behavioral actions to meet their needs and determine whether their choices were successful?
138. 以下哪项理论解释了工人如何选择行为行为来满足他们的需求并确定他们的选择是否成功?

139. Which theory proposes that managers can increase motivation by setting specific, challenging goals that are accepted as valid by subordinates and then helping people track their progress toward goal achievement by providing timely feedback?
139. 哪种理论提出管理者可以通过设定具体的、具有挑战性的目标来提高积极性,这些目标被下属接受为有效,然后通过提供及时的反馈帮助人们跟踪他们实现目标的进展?

140. Which theory focuses on an individual’s perceptions of how fairly he or she is treated relative to others?
140. 哪种理论侧重于个人对他或她相对于他人受到的公平对待的看法?

141. Which of the following exists whenever the ratio of one person’s outcomes to inputs equals the ratio of another’s outcomes to inputs?
141. 当一个人的结果与投入的比率等于另一个人的结果与投入的比率时,存在以下哪一项?

142. Which theory suggests that motivation depends on individuals’ expectations about their ability to perform tasks and receive desired rewards?
142. 哪种理论表明动机取决于个人对他们执行任务和获得所需奖励的能力的期望?

143. Which of the following involves whether successful performance will lead to the desired outcome?
143. 以下哪项涉及成功的绩效是否会导致预期的结果?

144. Which of the following is the value of outcomes, or attraction for outcomes, for the individual?
144. 以下哪一项是结果的价值或对结果的吸引力?

145. A motivation theory based on the relationship between a given behavior and its consequences is called the
145. 基于给定行为与其后果之间关系的动机理论称为

146. Which of the following is the name given to the set of techniques by which reinforcement theory is used to modify human behavior?
146. 以下哪一项是用强化理论来改变人类行为的一套技术的名称?

147. The assumption that positively reinforced behavior tends to be repeated is the basis for 
147. 正强化行为往往重复的假设是 

148. Which of the following is defined as anything that causes a certain behavior to be repeated or inhibited?
148. 以下哪项被定义为导致某种行为重复或受到抑制的任何事情?

149. Which of the following incorporates high-level motivators into the work, including job responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for growth, learning, and achievement?
149. 以下哪项将高层次的激励因素纳入工作中,包括工作责任、认可以及成长、学习和成就的机会?

150. Which of the following is defined as the altering of jobs to increase both the quality of employees’ work experience and their productivity?
150. 以下哪项被定义为改变工作以提高员工工作经验的质量和他们的生产力?

151. Which of the following is the degree to which the worker has freedom, discretion, and self-determination in planning and carrying out tasks?
151. 以下哪项是工人在计划和执行任务时拥有自由、自由裁量权和自决权的程度?

Subjective Short Answer

Scenario - Daniel Zorn
场景 - Daniel Zorn

Daniel Zorn is a successful manager for one of the subsidiaries at Eagles Unlimited. He is responsible for 232 workers and has a span of control of eight lower-level managers. Daniel has decided to try to increase performance and productivity by the careful use of motivational theories.
Daniel Zorn 是 Eagles Unlimited 一家子公司的成功经理。他负责 232 名工人,并控制着 8 名较低级别的经理。Daniel 决定尝试通过谨慎使用激励理论来提高绩效和生产力。

152. Which of these hygiene factors, or dissatisfiers, can Daniel influence?
152. 丹尼尔可以影响哪些卫生因素或不满因素?


Salary and wages


Supervision relationships


Working conditions


Company policies


All of these choices

153. Daniel understands that perceived inequity creates tensions within individuals that motivate them to bring equity back into balance, and one of his production supervisors feels that he is underpaid. Which of the following is a common method for reducing perceived inequity?
153. 丹尼尔明白,感知到的不平等会在个人内部造成紧张关系,促使他们恢复公平平衡,他的一位生产主管觉得他的薪水过低。以下哪项是减少感知到的不平等的常用方法?


Change one’s inputs to the organization


Change one’s outcomes from the organization


Distort one’s perception


Leave the job for a new one


All of these choices

154. The motivator factors that Daniel can change and influence include all of the following except
154. 但以理可以改变和影响的激励因素包括以下所有因素,除了




growth opportunities.






All of these choices

155. One of Daniel’s best employees has a driving need to be able to attain a high standard of success, to master complex tasks, and to surpass others. Daniel recognizes these acquired needs as
155. Daniel 最优秀的员工之一迫切需要能够达到高标准的成功,掌握复杂的任务,并超越他人。Daniel 认识到这些后天的需求是


the need for accomplishment.


the need for power.


the need for affiliation.


the need for adaptation.


None of these choices

156. List the four content theories discussed in the text.
156. 列出文中讨论的四种内容理论。

157. List the three needs proposed by Clayton Alderfer.
157. 列出 Clayton Alderfer 提出的三个需求。

158. List the four types of reinforcement.
158. 列出四种类型的加固。

159. List the five core job dimensions found in the job characteristics model.
159. 列出在工作特征模型中找到的五个核心工作维度。


160. Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
160. 区分内在奖励和外在奖励。

161. Briefly describe Maslows hierarchy of needs theory.
161. 简要描述马斯洛的需求层次理论。

162. Compare the five groups of needs in Maslows theory with the three groups of needs in Alderfers ERG theory.
162. 将马斯洛理论中的五组需求与 AlderferERG 理论中的三组需求进行比较。

163. In David McClelland’s acquired needs theory, what are the three acquired needs most commonly discussed and which are not dependent on relationships with other people?
163. 在大卫·麦克莱兰 (David McClelland) 的后天需求理论中,最常讨论的三种后天需求是什么,它们不依赖于与他人的关系?

164. Briefly explain expectancy theory.
164. 简要解释预期理论。

165. Briefly describe social learning theory and its three elements.
165. 简要描述社会学习理论及其三个要素。

166. Explain employee growth-need strength and its relationship to the job characteristics model.
166. 解释员工成长需求强度及其与工作特征模型的关系。

167. Describe the four elements that enable employees to become empowered.
167. 描述使员工获得授权的四个要素。

168. How do managers motivate a diverse workforce toward common organizational goals? Summarize the concept of motivation and compare the types of rewards that help drive workers to an outcome of high performance. If you know of one, include an example of a company that you believe offers exceptional employee rewards
168. 管理者如何激励多元化的员工队伍朝着共同的组织目标前进?总结激励的概念,并比较有助于推动员工取得高绩效结果的奖励类型。如果您知道其中一家,请举一个您认为提供卓越员工奖励的公司的例子

169. Several accepted theories explain how people decide which behavioral actions meet their needs and assess whether their choices are successful. Three process theories are goal-setting, equity, and expectancy. Choose one process theory and argue why it is most effective in energizing and motivating workers.
169. 几种公认的理论解释了人们如何决定哪些行为行为满足他们的需求,并评估他们的选择是否成功。三个过程理论是目标设定、公平和预期。选择一种过程理论并论证为什么它在激励和激励工人方面最有效。

170. A job is that unit of work for which a single employee is responsible. Describe how and why today's managers seek to design jobs that are not only efficient, but also provide employee stimulation and satisfaction. Give an example to illustrate your answer.
170. 工作是指由一名雇员负责的工作单位。描述当今的管理者如何以及为何寻求设计不仅高效,而且能激发员工兴趣和满意度的工作。请举一个例子来说明你的答案。

171. Imagine that you are the manager of a pizza restaurant. You cannot afford to give your employees raises, but you do want to motivate them. Would you consider using empowerment? Why, or why not? If so, how would you go about empowering them?
171. 想象一下,你是一家披萨店的经理。你不能给你的员工加薪,但你确实想激励他们。你会考虑使用 Empowerment 吗?为什么,或者为什么不?如果是这样,您将如何赋予他们权力?

172. When employees enjoy their work and actively contribute to their organization's goals, they are said to be engaged. Describe the three elements that create employee engagement and name several practical ways managers can implement these elements in today's workplace.
172. 当员工享受他们的工作并积极为他们的组织目标做出贡献时,他们被称为参与其中。描述创造员工敬业度的三个要素,并列举管理者在当今工作场所实施这些要素的几种实用方法。