Infection Free Zone (无感染区)
Major Update #4 Preview - Part 2
重大更新 #4 预览 - 第 2 部分

Greetings, Survivors!  嗨,幸存者们!

Our work on the next Major Update continues. There's still a lot to be done, and many systems are as complicated to tackle as we expected. But we are doing our best to bring you the new content and functionalities your way. In the previous update, we mentioned that land elevation, planting trees, car workshops, and lairs are in the works. Now we want to showcase a few more things coming in Major Update #4. Have fun!
我们对下一个重大更新的工作仍在继续。还有很多事情要做,许多系统的复杂程度超出了我们的预期。但我们正在尽最大努力为您带来新的内容和功能。在上一个更新中,我们提到地形提升、种树、汽车修理厂和巢穴正在开发中。现在我们想展示一些即将在重大更新#4 中推出的内容。玩得开心!

Merchant  商人

We have seen several players mentioning that they lack resource X on their map but they have a lot of resource Y. And the opposite, on some other map another player reports that they have too much Y, but they want to get rid of X. This kind of balance might be tricky, especially when players choose all kinds of locations across the world. That's why we are working on adding a Merchant, who can visit the Zone from time to time and exchange the resources (including valuable things like armor and weapons) with the player.
我们看到一些玩家提到他们的地图上缺少资源 X,但他们有很多资源 Y。相反,在另一张地图上,另一位玩家报告他们有太多 Y,但他们想摆脱 X。这种平衡可能很棘手,特别是当玩家选择世界各地的各种地点时。这就是为什么我们正在努力添加一个商人,他可以不时访问区域,并与玩家交换资源(包括像盔甲和武器这样的珍贵物品)。

New Roads and Bridges  新的道路和桥梁

Together with Land Elevation, we are redoing the whole system behind road generation. It will be more realistic and accurate to the data and allow us to generate way better bridges than the flat surfaces we had before. Mind you, the video above doesn't depict a final version of this feature and there are still a lot of tweaks to be done. The final result should not only make the game look better but also impact the gameplay in a significant way. A scenario where you shoot from the bridge at the Infected located below is now an option.

Animals  动物

Animals are the last new feature that we want to showcase today. We want to add them not only as a decoration but also as an additional source of food throughout the early game. For now, we want to add Deer and Boars that the player can chase, hunt, and obtain the meat from. But we're also thinking of adding Infected Animals. Is that an enemy that you would like to encounter? What infected animals could pose a threat to the player?

When is the Major Update #4 coming your way? It's really hard for us to estimate. We would like to share the first builds on the open_branch with you somewhere in February. Then we will analyze all your feedback and bug reports to decide on the default launch. Pushing this Update on default in a timely manner is important for us, but it's even more important that we can provide you with a stable experience when that happens. Thank you for playing Infection Free Zone!
当重大更新 #4 会到来?我们很难估计。我们希望在二月份与您分享开放分支上的第一个版本。然后我们将分析您所有的反馈和错误报告,以决定默认发布。及时将此更新推送到默认版本对我们很重要,但更重要的是在那时能够为您提供稳定的体验。感谢您游玩《无感染区》!

Best regards,  此致敬礼,
Jutsu Games Team  Jutsu Games 团队
Infection Free Zone (无感染区)
22:15 CST
Infection Free Zone (无感染区)
病毒在全球肆虐,城市幸存者的命运就掌握在你手中。选择一个聚居地,重建并改造建筑,打造出自给自足的安全区。夜幕降临后,你必须抵御来袭的感染者,保卫家园! 游戏使用了真实地理数据,你可以在全球任意城市游玩
Infection Free Zone (无感染区)