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c/...and I will give in my house and within my walls a memorial and a name ...that shall not be erased\ISAIAH


I also want to talk about the family

About our time and fate

About how we lived

We dreamed of what we breathed

What the house was full of

About how we loved our native Yiddish

Joked, felt sad, fought against fate

How we had to lose sometimes

When not looking at anything to win

But still, we are all favorites of fate

We managed to reach Israelas we dreamedto arrive

But we have many paths to walk

To find your place in the sun here

Agree - it's not easy but we need to, friends

I wish everyone good luck on the road!

Cilia Korenfeld - Halfina




Broni Halfin and Hai Krovanth

Their grandfather wasBERL GERSHENGOREN, and grandmother -HAYA KUNTSEVA.They lived in Polsha.

BERL GERSHENGOREN - Grandfather was a melamed. He had a cousin, a rabbi from LODZ

Grandmother HAYA managed the household. They had 3 sons and a daughter

1 ФРОИМ - Genia's and her brother's grandfather who lives in Leningrad

2WOLF who lived in Slavut and died along with two children during the Shoah.

3 HERTZ - father of Hai from Tel Aviv

4 Daughter of BRYNDL - our grandmother

The eldest son of FROIM and his wife GENYA had 5 sons and a daughter. They lived in Poland.


At the beginning of the war, after the death of their eldest son, they fled to Russia in 1939-1940

1 LEIB -the eldest son FROIM and GENI was a communistBHe was killed by the Poles at the very beginning of World War II.EThese Poles served the GermansHHe was only 18 years old At night, the fascists burst in he shouted to his parents to run, to save the younger ones.He was torn apart by horses in front of his parents and brothersHis name is said that at one time a border post was named after him.

2 CHAIM -to father GENI was only 4 YEARS OLD - he carried this pain throughout his life


4 Pain


There was also a daughter who studied at the gymnasium but was ill and died young in Russia

GENYA-ddaughter of Chaim granddaughter Froim. Haya Gershengoren -Krovant - daughter of Hertz.

AYZIK and his wife BUNYA, when they fled from POLAND, stayed in SLAVUTA in UKRAINE, where the war with the fascists caught up with them. When the bombings began, they managed to escape to SIBERIA, taking their little daughters with them.



Bunya was pregnant and in the delivery she gave birth to a son, EPHRAIM

MANYA often got out of the carriage in search of hot water for the family

She was 7 years old, she risked missing the train and losing her family

Ephraim lived for 4 months. When he died, the companion said to Bune, "You had a very beautiful child. He was an angel; he returned to heaven - angels do not live long on earth." This was told to me by Genya, the daughter of Chaim.

AIZIKA was not with them - he went to the FINNISH war.

3rd son-Gerц Natan Naftul his wife Miryam they had 7 children 4 sons and 3 daughters



1 Estr

2 Haya - lived in Tel Aviv

3 Roza

4 Israel

5 Moti -lives in Moscow

6 Berl

7 And his son Mordechai M studied at the gymnasium where he studied Hebrew and later English and economics himself And Yitzhak had a shoe store

ESTR -married out of great love to a very wealthy man but this family perished at the hands of the fascists and MORE


At dawnSeptember 1, 1939, German motorizeddivisions invaded PolandThe Second World War began. Poland fell in 4 weeks.Upon the heads oftheJews fell brutal and senseless German orders.

Collective punishments were applied to the Jews. This meant that for the misdeed of one person, the entire community was held accountable. In the first months of the occupation, hundreds of Jews were executed.

The oldest and most neglected areas of the cities were designated by the Germans as ghettos.Order within the ghetto was maintained by the Judenrat It was assigned a Jewish police, armed with truncheons

Gas was first used in Auschwitz in September 1941.

A group of Soviet prisoners of war was locked in the basementand gas Cyclone B was released there.B.Then they began to use vehicles likeambulances.

Before World War II, there were 3 million 350 thousand Jews living in Poland. About 3 million perished at the hands of the fascists and their accomplices. Of the 350 thousand survivors, 250 thousand escaped by fleeing to the Soviet Union. (Holocaust Yad Vashem 1990)

Haya and Roza married Zionists and arrived in Israel in 1933

Haya and Moshe Krovant, they have a son and a daughter

Mira's daughter, born in 1948, her husband Odet, they have 3 sons



we are visiting Hai Krovant

Yefim Frinerman with Rita and Tsilya Korenfeld -

grandchildren Brandl Gershengoren


Haya-daughter Gertz

Genya - the granddaughter of Froim - representatives of the families of three children Berl and Khaya Gershengoren. Only the descendants of Wolf are not here - they perished in the Holocaust

In the next photo, the meeting of Halfin Broni with her cousin Haya Krovan with her husband Moshe and Haina's daughter Miri and her children

These meetings took place almost 60 years after the family's separation

Brindle's grandmother searched long and hard for her nieces Khaya and Roza, then they corresponded for a long time, and finally, the long-awaited meeting of the parents in 1988 and in 1990 ours.


Nir elder son

Andthe middle son during his service in the armyreceiveda leg injury. The younger son

Omri is a great connoisseur and lover of horses

son of KHAI Giora Krovanth has a son Eran anda daughter Leah. Son Eran studied in France

Yakhasey Tsibri married a French woman and lives in France.

Roza Gotlib. The biological sister of Haya, with whom she came to Israel from Poland.Aboutthey currently live in the USA


Lida's daughter has a son

In the Laida family, there are two children, a son and a daughter.Their son, at the age of 21, died in a car accident on the way to the university.The son also has a son and a daughter.


MARK - the biological brother of Khai. After the death of Leiba, he crossed the Polish-Soviet border but was arrested and spent many years in Stalin's gulags

No despite everything preserved a wonderful character good memory a cheerful disposition.

A lot and with great warmth tells about the famous artist Efim Shifrin, who grew up before his eyes; they are connected by a strong friendship since the times of the Stalinist gulag.In recent years in the gulag, Mark worked as an accountant. Then he received the right to settlement, and with the permission of the authorities and his parents, he took the schoolboy Fima Shifrin with him After finishing school, Fima went to Latvia and enrolled in university.

Now he is a very famous artist and comedian who beautifully sang "A Yiddish Mama." Recently, he won in a new project of the first channel of Russian television where he performed the most complex circus acts. He showed courage, skill, and good physical fitness. He took second place.

Mark lived inMoscow on Sereniev Boulevard, at the Peace Square.

He lives in Moscow with his wife NataHdespite his age, he often visits Israel.


His sister Haya Krovanth lived in Tel Aviv on Mendel's Street 14.

Grandmother Braindl and her two daughters Polya Frinerman and Bronya Halfin 1960 year Chernivtsi


OUR GRANDMOTHER-her father Berel by profession was a melamed.Rwas born in Poland, in the city of Ostrow, her mother Haya Kuntseva. She managed the household. The family had four children-3 sons and one daughter - our grandmother Braindl.Her brothers Froim Wolf Hertz.



Grandma Braindl received a good education for her time and graduated from high school. She married the artist Shlyuger Gersh Haim Leibovich.

Our great-grandfather

SHLYUGER ZVI (HERSH) KHAIM-LEIBOVICH 1876 lived in Izyaslov in Ukraine. His mother, our great-grandmother, was named KHAYA

Oshe gave birth to eight children, including our grandfather Gersh.Haya died of cholera in 1889 when our grandfather Grisha was only 13 years old

Haim-Leib married for the second timeThe second wifewas namedMAREMOgave birth to four children

Thus, our great-grandfather had twelve children in his family

In those years, not everyone was conscripted into the tsarist army, and they served there for 25 years; the conditions of service were very harsh, especially for Jews

The elder son of SHIMON was drafted into the army, but he managed to escape. He was hidden for some time and helped to flee to the USA

To CHAIM -LEIB came threatened demanded to indicate where SHIMON and the great-grandfather insisted on his own YOU called him, you took him, look for him with you, you are responsible for him.But he still had to pay a large fine.

At first, it was very hard for Shimon, but then he settled in and called his whole family to the USA

Before the revolution of 1917 in Russia

And only our grandfather Gers and grandmother Braindl remained living in the city of Izyaslav in Ukraine






It is known that Shimon's wife was named GOLD









It is known that Enya's husband was named Gersh(ERSHL) -he was a jeweler.

Our grandfather Gersh corresponded withShimon and Enta, they lived in the cities of Boston and NEW YORK.

Why both Shlyugers and Palankers and other Jews tried to avoid service in the tsarist army.. The truth is that only relatively wealthy Jews could afford this, as they had to buy tickets give money for travel, money for living in the initial period and pay a huge fine to the state.

The Halfins bought our father an expensive horse for 30 thousand lei and underarmed it for their army-thus the wealthy also served in the Romanian army.This service was only 3 months and the conditions of service were easier.

I will provide some data from the book of the famous scholar Dr. Yitzhak Arad, who worked at Tel- Aviv University as the chairman of the board of the Central Memorial for the Catastrophe and Heroism Yad Vashem

Military conscription was introduced for Jews in 1827

The aim of it was twofold on one hand to meet the draft quota, and on the other to solve the Jewish question through forced assimilation and baptism in the army. The draft quota for Jews was three times higher than for others.

The draft age for Jews was from 12 to 25 years The conscription of minors for all other nations of the Russian Empire was not practiced. Exceptions were made only for the children of soldiers.

Jewish children under 18 were sent to institutions,called cantons,where they were raised until the age of 18and then they were directed to the regular army. Only then did their 25-year term of service begin.

A significant number of children died from hunger, disease, and abuse even on the way to the catonic institutions.

In 1874, the conscription system changed and the service period was reduced to 5 years.

It is known that during the First World War, members of our family served in the army.

I know about our grandfather Shlyuger Gersh, Joseph Komarovsky,who was even awarded crosses, fought, and Mishin's grandfather Ishua Barsky (a photograph has been preserved).

Our grandfather and grandmother stayed in Russia and survived everything there, including the revolution and the Civilwar Petliura pogroms famine cold anti-Semitism World War II and the death of loved ones.

Despite everything, they raised wonderful children and grandchildren


Great-grandfather Shlyuger Chaim Leib died in1920The correspondence was interrupted. In those years, it was impossible to correspond -it was dangerous for life

Photoswere lostduring the war against fascism.


lived and worked in Izyaslov.

This is a city in Ukraine. Our grandfather had his own art workshop, a guesthouse type inn, a buffet shop that the guests of the inn, the residents of the city, and the military from the neighboring military units loved to visit

The residents of IZYASLOVA andother cities invited our grandfather SHLYUGER GERSH to their manorial estates churches and artistic decoration and design of the premises.

The author was so great that he could receive 150 rubles from the tsar just for choosing the paints, while a family could live for a week on 1 ruble.

Grandma Braindl managed the household raised five children worked in the guest yard of the hotel worked in the buffetGrandma was a deputy of the people's council before the revolution before the Soviet power

From that time on, grandmother had a saying-Nikolai rules a large state and the family rules its small state and performs all functions-external and internal relations economy and raising children and the prosperity of the family depends on the fulfillment of these functionsNikolai firth a milihi in ikh fir mayn klen milikhales.

Despite the fact that the Soviet government did not confiscate the property of my grandmother and grandfather, my grandmother disliked the Soviet government until the end of her life

Moreover, someone from the neighbors reported that they have gold and came to take it

Grandfather worked in another city with his sons and Polya

Dom had only Grandma Brindle and our mom Bronya

Mom was about ten years old then

It was FridayGrandma kneaded the dough for bread sweet for tea prepared the products for Saturday's lunch and then they came for herGrandma had to spend two days in prison where she was even interrogated but then they figured it out and released her.

Our mom, staying home alone at ten years old, baked bread and prepared lunch for Saturday. When everything went well, everyone praised mom's lunch

This was in 1930-1931

There was an attempt to confiscate their house.The times were tough,the intelligentsiawas persecuted and the lawyerswere afraid of the Soviet power, afraid to help. Grandfather had a lawyer friend.He was afraid to take on the case.But he made such a proposal to grandfather.He said he could dictate a letter to one of the children.And send it to Kharkiv.Kharkivwas then the capital of Ukraine.A little girl named Polina wrote the letter.The letter was received and taken into account, and the house was not confiscated.

The story repeated itself in the 60s.Grandma Braindl and Aunt Polya lived in a city,in a nice house,but their apartment was small, without a kitchen,without a bathroom.with a toilet outside.These houses had already been renovated,made modern.The queue for their apartment never seemed to reach them.According to the laws of Soviet power, the renovation had to be done by some organization of theirsthey askedwrote. They went to see the deputy, and all was in vain. One day, our father was called somewhere,they showed a letter with the signature on the envelope Halfin V. M. This was Vova's letter,he was about12 years old and he wrote to Moscow, to the Kremlin.He wrote that his mother, her sons fought against fascism.The mother of a fallen soldier.Moscow wrote to make the repairs in a short time and report on the execution.Vova was asked to write later that they were satisfied with the renovation Everything was done well. But grandma had already lived there for a short time. Aunt Polya moved to live with Fima in Zhytomyr.


Our grandmother Brindle gave birth to seven children

The first were two twin boys who died in infancy after a difficult birth.



Year of birth 1881.

1 IKHILwas born in 1907 died in 1943 in battle against fascism.

2 WOLF was born in 1909yearVOVA.


4 BRACHA- BRONIA1920 year of birth

Our mom Bronya was also a twin Her sister KHAYA born in 1920 died at the age of five years and three months. The military played with her they tossed her up and she fell and got sick. A few months later KHAYA and our mom BRONYA got sick and with meningitis grandma called upon all the luminaries of the medical world at that time but there were no antibiotics then KHAYA died And our mom miraculously recovered. During the Soviet era, the house the inn and other property were not confiscated but then during the Second World War everything was lost.

The Soviet power also valued the talent of our grandfather SHLYUGER GERSH-TSVI. During the revolution, he continued to work as an artist, and Aunt Polya helped him with this

Theywrote paintings, posters, and signs in Russian Ukrainian, and other languages.After the revolution, labor unions were organized where he enjoyed great authority.

He had a proverb Ein Weiner-the pearl is from the secondthe wine is from the soup of butter-one cries that the soup is bitter - the other -the pearl is rare.

After the Civil War in 1920, he was sent to work in the city of Shepetivka. For the restoration and design of the Shepetivka railway station. This is an important hub center.

The family lived in Shepetivka until 1941

When Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, was bombed, Khmelnytskyi region and Shepetivka were also bombed.

In Shepetivka, grandfather built a house for his family and for his sons IKhILA and VOVA.These were very beautiful houses with two entrancesOn both sides there was a garden with benches, gazebos, and they kept chickens and geese.

Grandma and Grandpa lived in the very center of the city of Shepetivka near the cinema andthe N. Ostovsky Museum on K. Marx Street.

The homes of their sons Ihil and Vova were on Pervomayskaya Street 17 and the neighboring house15.

Grandfather Gersh and grandmother Braindl lived in the very center of the city of Shepetivka on K. Marx Street near the cinema and the N. Ostrovsky Museum. Now, on the site of their house, there is a monument to Vale Kotik, the pioneer-hero of the Great Patriotic War - a fighter against fascism.

In 1914 during World War I, our grandfather Grigory-Gersh Shlyuger was called to the frontHe began his service in the city of Ryazan.

Grandmother Branl stayed home alone with three small children Yikhil, Vova, and Polya. Since she was the owner of the inn, German soldiers were assigned to stay with them.

They behaved personally- helped with the household-heated the stoves carried water from the wellchopped firewood.

This almost played a fatal role in the history of our family in 1941, when many could not believe in the atrocities of the German fascists, but Shaul Frinerman - Aunt Polya's husband, Fima's father, literally saved the family at that time

Due to his service, he traveled a lot around the countryand managed to see Polish refugees and there were many of them in the Soviet Union at that time he heard about the atrocities of the fascists and did everything for the evacuation of his family.

Before World War II, there were 3 million 350 thousand Jews living in Poland. About 3 million, around 3 million, perished at the hands of the fascists and their accomplices.

Of the 350 thousand survivors, 250 thousand escaped by fleeing to the Soviet Union.

And the Jewish neighbors did not believe, did not leave their homes, and perished during the years of the fascist occupation.

GRANDMA BRYNDL and GRANDPA and their sons with families left 3 very beautiful houses, all the property, beautiful dishes - grandpa had been an artist for the rich for many years - earned well, they had many beautiful things and of course, everything is gone

The beautiful house also belonged to POLI and SHAUL.

Our mom remembered how she and the little children ran away from the Germans under the bombing. They didn't have time to take even warm clothes and then froze a lot during the evacuation

still, mom often remembers the painting that they had for many years

I don't know who painted it either grandfather himself or some other little-known artist The painting was called Rukhola About a Jewish girl who, according to legend, was loved by a rabbi and a priest In the years of the Inquisition, she is burned at the stake The fire roars Poor Rukhola stretches her hands to the rabbi and the priest They reach out to her but can do nothing to help. The painting, of course, has disappeared like everything else.

It's interestingthat when grandfather was building houses for his sons VOVO andIKHIL he was hauling logs when a gypsy woman passed byOshe wanted to tell his fortuneDgrandfather refused -he didn't believe in fortune-telling but the gypsy while running away told him,,You are poor you are sufferingyou work hardstroish but you will not live in this house.,,

That's how it wasDthe house turned out to be very beautiful with two entrances verandasand gazebos.Dad gifted to the sons for their weddings, but then in June 1941, everything went differently.

The sons Ikhil and Vava went to the front. The women, the elderly, and the children were evacuated

During the war, Grandma Braindl and Grandpa Gers were evacuated with their children and grandchildren in the city of Vurnary in the Chuvash Republic. Grandma was 60 years old and Grandpa was 65

The house and all the household were left to the mercy of fate.

The cow was tied to the fence. She mooed for a long time, plaintively - she felt the separation from her owners.

The family returned after the Victory in 1945

The house on Karl Marx Street was destroyed

One house on Pervomaiskaya Street survived

There lived railway workers there. They did not want to let anyone into the house, not even into the kitchen, but eventually, they were persuaded. The neighbor said that she had a cow and already had four calves. The neighbor returned the cow but kept the calves for herself.

There was no housing for the family, but there was a cow. They started looking for a barn for the cow

Nfor several days their neighbors lent them a barn and then they built a temporary shelter for the cow but after a few days the cow was stolen.

Why did the cow leave such an impression on mom?

There was hunger in the country they had nothingThere were four small children: FIMA born in 1936 and he was 8 years old ABIK and MUSIK born in 1938 and they were 6 years old, and SYOMA born in 1939 and he was 5 years old.

It must be said that even before the war, life was not easy there were no refrigerators. There were cellars there were no gas stoves- there were stoves that were heated with coal and firewood firewood had to be chopped and everything had to be brought in the stoves had to be cleaned by ourselves and the chimneys were cleaned by a chimney sweep so that the smoke wouldn’t go into the apartment - that’s how food was prepared housing was heated bread was baked the chicken had to be taken to the shochet then plucked of its feathers koshered and only then boiledIn addition, there were kerosene stoves and primuses all of this was very complicated but there were no refrigerators and cooking had to be done every day.

Another very important detail of the Jewish home was the samovar.

The house looked like this - in the corner stood a stove, into which they tossed firewood and coalAnd on the table stood a beautiful copper samovar next to it was a vase with pastries and jars of jam, candies.Grandma loved to drink tea with a snack.Some drank from cups, some from saucers, we really loved thin glasses andglass holdersMy mom's glass holders are still kept by me.

To prevent thin glasses from cracking from hot tea they were tempered On the bottom of the pot, they placed a cloth, a towel, or gauze, poured cold water, and placed the glasses, and everything was heated over a slow fire and then left in the water until the water cooled down.

On the table is a white embroidered tablecloth, beautiful dishes, napkins, and figurines all around.

Large bed with checkers with a duvet,with many feather pillows with white embroidered or knitted striped pillowcases.Our women had golden hands; they knew how to sew,knit, and embroider.Their things were very beautiful.I want to give one example.I raised my children in Chișinău.Moldovan women are great craftsmen -they sew,knit, weave carpets,tapestries.

In the Soviet Union, Children's Day was celebrated, and numerous parks and squares hosted exhibitions of artworks created by the parents, grandmothers, and grandfathers of preschool children

I brought 2 napkins of our mom's and on the day of the exhibition, they were placed in the most prominent spoton a high shelf, the garden was indicated№ 95 and next to it were 2 of mom's napkins, and it was signedthat this is our mom's work,and the garden belonged to the shoe factory, and there were their necessary people there.

Before the war, instead of the lighting we were used to, there were kerosene lamps and candles

Washing was not easy either it was necessary to bring water from the wellNheat it on the stove which had to be heated with firewood beforehand Blinens were soaked then wrung out then washed in two waters then rinsed andwhite linens were also boiled, so washing was done like this until the 60s.of the last century. They ironed with heavy irons which had a lid that opened, they poured hot coals inside and ironed.

That's how they lived. It was a happy pre-war life that Hitler took away from them

Thus, at the age of 60 and 65, grandmother and grandfather were left homeless and without property, and since there was nowhere to live, they decided to start life anew in another place

They chose Chernivtsi- it was a European city even then after the war it quickly restored.

After many difficulties, we all bought a little house on Chapaev Street

In Chernivtsi, grandfather no longer worked, received a pension, was ill, and died in 1949. He had prostate adenoma. He was 72 years old. Buried in Chernivtsi in the Jewish cemetery

This little house on Chapaev Street was sold - it did not bring happiness

Our parents BRONYA andMENDEL KHALFIN bought an apartment onRussianStreet 90 apartment 6 where we were born,grew up, and received an education.Here our parents lived until they moved to Israel in 1990.

Our grandmother and aunt POLYA bought an apartment at 47 Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, apartment 4, where they lived until grandmother's death in 1968

InChernivtsi, grandmother lived on her small pensionHer life grandmother Braindl dedicated to raising her grandchildren She told many interesting stories and already in Israel starting to study the Torah and Tanakh, we realized that what grandmother Aunt Polya and our parents told us.

Grandma and Aunt Polya were good at reading in Yiddish and Hebrew, they led a Jewish household and went to the synagogue on holidays. She lived on Russian Street. Our women were always well-dressed - many things they sewed themselves. Many women gathered around them. They sat in the yard at a large table. The synagogue was crowded and the city was very Jewish. So, Grandma Brindle and Aunt Polya read prayers and translated them for the women from Hebrew to Yiddish

In those years in Ukraine, even in a Jewish city like Chernivtsi, only a few could read in Hebrew and understand what they read

DEven our mother who was born after the revolution in 1920 could no longer receive such a brilliant Jewish education- even the Jewish schools were closedNOur mother also knew a little bit of Yiddish-she was taught a little at homeand she did not know Hebrew at all.NBut in Israel, mother tried to learn Hebrew. She listened to Hebrew lessons by Tzili Klepshish on the radio and took notes

In Chernivtsi at that time, there were 2 synagogues - a two-story one on Ruska Street and a small one-story one on Lukyan Kobylytsia Street

I studied at school No. 27 near the synagogue during those years and I saw how they respected my grandmother and Aunt Polya

Then this synagogue and school were closed, and in their place, vocational school No. 1 was opened, where they trained engineers, and our Izyu Halfin accepted exams from the graduates

In Chernivtsi, there was another large synagogue which was closed earlier and turned into the Zhovten cinema.This synagogue was included in the Jewish encyclopedia.

Raised in an educated Jewish home, our grandmother had the gift of foresight Grandmother said "Those who are full will come to seek us, and we will be scattered in the land of Israel" She said that they will look for Jews and everyone will come toIsrael I was very surprised and asked why they would look for us since everyone already knows that we are Jews To which grandmother replied that it is about those who stubbornly hide their Jewishness. Grandma Bridle died in 1968year and already in the early 70s Jews began to go to Israel and in the 90s many olim came, of whom only grandma or grandpa were onlyJews.Grandma believed in the resurrection of the dead -the coming of the Messiah and strictly observed the Sabbath, she wouldn't even take a pen in her handsShe strictly observed Jewish holidays and in difficult years she baked matzah herself.

Grandma read a lot in Russian Ukrainian and YiddishLoved to listen to radio news concerts theater in front of the microphone.


Grandma was very proud that Fima graduated from medical school and started working successfully, and she was happy that her older grandsons Fima Abik and Musik got married.She was happy about her first great-grandson-Grishenka.

She died in1968.Grandma Braindl was very religious.Shewas already 87 years old, and she fasted on YomKippur. In the Soviet Union, people secretly celebrated Jewish holidays. And the rabbi did not speak on the radio or on television like inIsrael, that the sick cannot fast on Yom Kippur. But our grandma,who grew up in a religious family and honored all Jewish holidays her whole life, could not refrain from fasting. In the evening, grandma lost consciousness and died the next day. She was buried by her children and grandchildren.

By the way, our mom Bronya also observed Yom Kippur until the last day, and we couldn't convince her not to fast. And the rabbi on television too.







Before the war, he graduated from a communications technical school in Kyiv and was a radio operator working at a radio station in Shepetivka. He married SONYA BEZDETNA They had a beautiful house covered with grapevines, a gazebo, a garden, and flowers in the yard, with chickens and chicks.


in the photo SONYA SHLYUGER -





Semyon and Musik.

Sonya managed the household and raised children

In the summer of 1940, Ichil was called up to the army. The children were eleven months old. He did not see the children again.

On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began

And in Poland, the war began as early as 1939, and our family has already lost LEIBA FROMOVICH HERSHENGOREN WOLF BERKOVICH and his children RACHEL and BUZIK who lived in POLAND in the city of Ostrow

IKHIL foughtB was a radio operatorSh went through heavy battles throughout the war and died a heroic death 13 of August in 1943

On the eve of the war, a violation of the military service law was adopted. Those liable for military service were considered to be young men from 19 years old and graduates from 18 years old, called up and reservists from 1905-1918.

In the first months of the war, Jewish soldiers realized that alongside the war being waged by the Germans against the Soviet Union, another war was being fought - a war against the Jewish people. The Germans dropped leaflets from airplanes with anti-Semitic content - the Jewish usurer and bloodsucker. The Jewish soldiers were not yet aware of the existence of orders stating that Jews and commissars captured would be shot on the spot, but even without this, everything was clear.

Ikhil was very worried about his family, there was no contact with them.Kiev was bombed inthe first hours of the warWiththe family with small children fleeing,leaving all their belongings behind

From these postcards -realdocuments of wartimethat were carefully kept in the family archive first by Vova Shlyuger,and then by his elder son Semyon Shlyuger, we see the field post number 28983 and the address in Vurnary we see:22 Komsomolskaya Street.

He wrote and wrote to the evacuation points. In the family, neither letters nor photographs were preserved, except for these two postcards that miraculously survived

ICHIL GERSHEVICH SHLYUGER is buried in the village of ZHELEZNYAKI in the SUMY region in a BROTHERLY grave

The information about him was obtained by us from the archive of the SOVIET ARMY in the city of PODOLSK, Moscow region

Inthe datathere was an errorinstead ofGershovich they wrote Hermanovich.

Private Shlyuger Ikhil Gershovich was born in 1907 in the city of Shepetivka. He died on August 13, 1943, in the Sumy region, 1.5 kilometers south of the Zolotnytska railway station, 15 kilometers southeast of the city of Sumy. There are 154 soldiers buried there, 79 of whom are known.

SONYA SHLYUGER, the wife of IKHIL SHLYUGER, evacuated with the children to the city of VURNARY in the Chuvash Republic

She couldn't work there because she was seriously ill

After the war, Sonya returned to Shepetivka with the children. Their house survived but they did not live there for long.

In 1950, SONYA BEZDETNAYA - SHLYUGER died. She is buried in the city of SHEPETIVKA, Khmelnytskyi region. Previously, Khmelnytskyi was called Proskuriv. A monument in the shape of an oak tree. Sonya's sisters from Baku took the children in. They were 12 years old then, grew up there, received an education, and became respectable people.





MUSIK andABRAM twins were born on July 25, 1938

MUSIK - grew up in BAKU where he received secondary education - served in the army, married in Chernivtsi to Lyuba SHOYKHET born in 1946. Her father was a pensioner and her mother was a saleswoman who died suddenly of a heart attack right at work

After the wedding, the young couple went to Baku. They lived there for several years, but nothing worked out for them there. They returned to Chernivtsi, where they soon bought a new beautiful cooperative apartment. Musik worked as a lathe operator at the oil and fat plant

Lyuba worked as an accountantat the rubber-shoe factory.

In the photo are Lyuba and Musik Eva and Filia Eva before marriage to Erlichman -the younger sister of Aunt Haika Halfin.

In Lyuba's 3 sisters in IsraelAll live in Ashdod Lyuba and Musya lived on Joseph Tal Street 25, apt 4.

Musik and Lyuba were no longer working much in Israel and were seriously ill

MUSIK died, buried in Ashdod, sector 63, row 3, place 3.

Lyuba died on July 18, 2007. (the third of Av)

The children of Musika and Lyuba



TANYA works as a seamstressShe graduated from a vocational school and technical school in the Soviet UnionIn sewing, she has achieved great mastery - she sews collectible models, samples,and works on all machines.

IGOR is named after his grandfather Ykhil

While Grandma Braindle was alive, she did not allow anyone to call him by name - she always believed that Ichil would return from the war

IGOR shgraduated from school in Israelandservedin the army in IsraelHecompleted courses inair conditioner repair.




after the death of his mother, he lived in BakuThere he finished schoolserved as a border guard. Rworked as a dispatcherJmarried Sime Grigoryevna on November 7, 1960?

They have two children


1963 year

GRISHA - engineer - programmer

SONYA doctor

In the photo are Doctor Sonya and her husband and their children.Lina and David.

Sonya with her husband on vacation. 2007 year

After the collapse of the Union, the family lives in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Grisha and Sonya work in their profession, and her husband is also a doctor and also works in his profession


MISHA student-lawyer




Lina and David -Sonya's children

Dani is Grisha's son

Halfin Braha is hosting his nephew from the USA, Shlyuger Abram, at his home


Parents BRANDEL and GERSHSHLYUGER had a brother IKHIL and sisters Polya and Bronya in 1909year the family lived in the very center of the city of Izyaslovo on Rose Luxenberg Street After graduating from high school, he worked in the city of Shepetivka in the postal department -railway postal transport transported mail to Poland, the city of ZdolbunivDFor many years he transported government mail worked in the special communications department.

Married before the war to Tsile Abramovna Bromberg. Before the war, it was a large and friendly family; her father was a shoichet, her brother was Semyon, her parents and -

other family members were killed by the fascists

from this family, besides Tsily, her brother, an officer, remained living

he lived in Baku his wife MARA

– at


They have one son, LEVA – an engineer, and his wife is a cardiologist. They live in HAIFA and work in their professions. They have 2 sons

VOVA SHLYUGER fought against fascism from the first days of the war in 1941. His wife TSIYA and son SEMYON, born in 1939, were evacuated to the CHUVASH REPUBLIC, the city of VURNARY

Cilia worked there in meat – at the slaughterhouse. Her health suffered significantly there. After the war, she was seriously ill. She had a stomach ulcer that bled, and Cilia had to have 2/3 of her stomach removed

VOVA fought until the very victory in 1945year during the war he joined the ranks of the Communist Party with everyone just before the battle.It was customary then before heavy battles.

After the war, Tsily and Vova had two more children

SON OF ABRASH 26 July 1946

Daughter FAINA November 2, 1952.

They lived in the city of SHEPETIVKA in the KHMELOVITSKY region.

The house that our grandfather Gersh Shlyuger gave to the young couple for their wedding wascompletely destroyed after the war. Uncle VOVA and Aunt Tsilya built themselves a very beautiful house on Pervomayskaya Street 17 there were 5 rooms, a small garden, a gazebo, many flowers, and chickens.

In 1974, I was with them during my medical practice

VOVA worked in special -communications and carried personal weapons .In those years, only a few had permission for weapons.

Tsylya worked at the Soyuzpechat kiosk near the museum of the writer Nikolai Ostrovsky

The employees of this museum were her friends, and when I was interning at the Shepetivka hospital, Tsilya introduced me to them

Cilia called the local evening newspaper "our gossip."

In the photo, Kyiv Khreshchatyk.

After 1980, they moved to Kyiv where they were already retirees. Uncle Vova was a member of the Union of Veterans of the Second World War of the Hero City of Kyiv. Despite the fact that Uncle Vova was a communist, he was buried by the front-line soldiers of the city of Kyiv. The family buried Uncle Vova according to Jewish customs with a tallit

According to Jewish custom, a person who has died in exile is buried with a tallit.

He died 4 years before the Chernobyl disaster

In 1982, Aunt Tsilya died two days after the explosion in Chernobyl in 1986. They did not allow out-of-town people to the funeral


Vova and Tsily Shlyuger have three children

1 SEMYON.Rwas born on November 11, 1939.

2 Abraham was born on July 26, 1948.

3 Faina was born on November 2, 1952

In this photo, Tsilya and Vova Shlyuger, their daughter Faina with her husband Volodya Varukh -this is the grandmother and grandfather, the mother and father of Vika and Andrey.

In the photo, Semyon, Frida, and Yanichka came to visit their grandmothers and grandfather.

In the photo, Tsilya, Vova Shlyuger

Their daughter Faina and her husband Volodya Varukha.

YANA and her husband SERGEY


- son of Lena and Abik Shlyuger

SVETA andher husband IORG

The eldest son Semyon was an officer in the Soviet army graduated from the tank school.In the last years he served in Georgia in its capitalTbilisi

In the photo are Tsilya, Vova, and Faina with her husband Volodya Varukha.

In the Soviet Union, admission to a military school was competitive, with several difficult exams in mathematics, physics, the Russian language, and something else that had to be passed with good and excellent marks, as well as a physical fitness exam and a medical commission. They studied for 4 years and then served for 25 years wherever they were sent. After that, they retired on a military pension and decided their own fate, working as heads of personnel departments at factories or teaching military affairs

Semon Shlyuger taught military affairs at the Polytechnic Institutein the city of TBILISI -military rank of lieutenant colonel of armored troops.

Being still young, as a lieutenant, he married his fellow countrywoman Frida.They traveledthroughthe entire country andfinishedhis service in Tbilisi.

They have two children.



Yana's husband Sergey Malykhин was a military - naval officer programmer. Now he is a programmer in civilian life. They have a daughter NASTENKA.

Semyon and Frida live in Germany

Svetais an-engineer programmer, was married to a German from East Germany.Jörg,has a son born in 2002.

Her husband died at the age of 40,from a heart attack.

Yana lives in Moscow with her family

This is a wonderfulphotograph we see here Grandma BRAINDL and her family at the end of 1949 and the beginning of 1950 and what we see is that our grandfather Gersh is no longer alive who died at the front, the eldest son Ikhil his wife Sonya and in the photo with magazines in their hands are both their sons Abik and Musik.Son Vova with his wife Tsilya and their sons Semyon and Grandma is holding AbikIn the center is the eldest daughter- Polya and the eldest grandson Efim and the youngest daughter Bronya with her husband Mendel-our parents.This is the whole family of Grandma Braindl in this time.

The second son of Vova and Cili Shlyuger-Abik, a professional electrician, married a Kyiv resident, EVE Don, in 1968; it was a good, close family. Eva was a good housewife, she sewed well and knitted. She had a good education; she had a younger sister, Marina. The family had two daughters: LENA, born in 1970 on April 22, andIRA

In the 70s, there was a large wave of emigration from the Union Evina's parents and sister left Abika was not allowed to leave and the family fell apart.

PDuring the time, Abik met a new lovePand built a new family


Semyon received a degree in engineeringinGERMANY as a schoolgirl.

VOVA AND TSILYA SHLUGER and FANICHKA often came to Chernivtsi to visit Grandma BRAINDL and all of us.


FAINA WOLFGOVNA SHLYUGER -her parents Tsilya BROMBERG - and VOVA SHLYUGER was born on November 2, 1952, in the city of Shepetivka

In the photo from 1957, little Faina Shlyuger and Tsilya and Vova Khalfin.

There shereceived a secondary education graduated from a technical school and became a specialist in control-measuring instruments she did her industrial internship in Chernivtsi, where she met VOLODYMYR VARYKHA. He was Ukrainian by nationality. His family was initially against but love won. They played the wedding in Shepetivka. VLADYMYR is from the Sumy region and graduated from the Odessa Polytechnic Institute an engineer. They worked at the CHERNIVTSI machine-building plant as young specialists and received a room in a dormitory in Chernivtsi where their children were born

VICTORIA born in 1976
ANDREYborn in 1981 Volodya named his son after his mother's brother who died in the front.ont.

The FAMILY received a two-room apartment in the same dormitory Everything was fine but suddenly a great misfortune struck -Volodya fell seriously ill-multiple sclerosis is a synonym for multiple sclerosis -a chronic progressive diseaseHe had severe motor disorders andthenhe died Faina was left alone withthe children and moreover, the country began to undergo perestroikaEverything was falling apart factories were closing a wave of emigration began Two of her brothers, Semyon and Abram, with their families left forGermany Faina was not allowed to go she moved to Moscow with the children -this was also quite difficult -the entire multi-million Russia is striving to Moscow but there is not enough space for everyone and Faina settled down, got married and raised children Vika became interested in cosmetics - opened her business ANDREY came to ISRAEL He had already learned the profession of air conditioning technician in Moscow In Israel he initially stayed with VOVA AND MARINA KHALFIN, who helped him in the very beginning, then Andrey quickly found a side job, then worked and learned Hebrew in a kibbutz then returned to Bat Yam He works as an air conditioning technician or like all the youth as a security guard.In 2007 Andrey voluntarily went to serve in the army.In 2009 he returned to Moscow to his family.

this is the wedding of Abik Shlyuger and EVA DON

These two beautiful girls are the daughters of Abik and Eva

KIEV 1968 year

ABIK AND LENA SHLYUGER and their daughter INNA

PERL-POLINA GERSHEVNA SHLYUGER-her parents BRAINDL and GERSH SHLYUGER,HER brothers IKHIL and Wolf-VOVA her sister BRACHABronya- our mom

PERL is a very beautiful Jewish name. In translation from Yiddish, it means - little pearl. That's what she was in her youth. Beautiful curly black hair, brown eyes, slender. But in Russian, the name PERL did not sound right, and it remained in the documents, while in everyday life, everyone called her POLINA, POLYA, POLINA GRIGORYEVNA.

POLINA also managed to finish a Jewish school andtoremember-she knew Yiddish well she loved to read and she also drew very well.After finishing schoolshe worked inan art workshop with her father GERSHwriting signs, posters, paintings-everything that was ordered These werethe 1920s and 1930s of the last century, and at that time girls rarely continued their education after school, and POLINA got marriedtoSHAULYA FRINERMAN in1935.

Shaul worked at the inter-district base-as the head of the inter-district base -it was a high position for those times andhe naturally earned well. They had a large beautiful apartment In 1936, a son named EFIM was born POLYA managed the household and raised their son Shaul was in charge of the base.

Due to his official duties, he had to travel a lot across the country. In 1939, there were many refugees from Poland in the Soviet Union, and from them, he learned about the atrocities of the fascists in Poland, and he persistently demanded the evacuation of his family, thus saving them. But he could not evacuate himself; later, he searched for his family for a long time and only after 2 years did he find his wife and son.

In VURNARAH, he worked at the mill -managed the distribution of flour to bakeries.Polya worked at the poultry farm.

After the war, POLYA returned to Shepetivka but then moved to Chernivtsi. After the war, it was very difficult to find housing. Aunt POLYA managed to acquire a one-room apartment on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street 47

Pola worked as a seamstress in a factory and raised her son when trouble struck her while Fima was already a student- her left arm was paralyzed. She could no longer work and was recognized as a disabled person of the first group and was assigned a pension for general illness At that time, Pola was only 42 years old, but she was not going to give up - she had spent her whole life developing her arm and knitting a lot and doing it correctly and beautifully But her arm remained bent at a right angle and her fingers did not move.

Pola led an active lifestyle and managed her household took care of her mother Brindle read a lot in Yiddish and Russian strictly observed the Sabbath and Jewish holidays during difficult years she baked matzah herself. She read the siddur and Torah in Hebrew and translated for us into Yiddish. SHE lived in Chernivtsi until October 1968. After her grandmother's death Pola moved to Zhytomyr where her only son Efim lived and worked where she led a typical life of a pensioner.Pola died in 1990 in Zhytomyr She already had permission to emigrate to Israel.

POLINA GERSHEVNA FRINERMAN (SHLYUGER) in the last years of her life and her wonderful son YEFIM ALEXANDROVICH FRINERMAN and nephew VELVEL MENDELEVICH KHALFIN - two remarkable doctors who despite all the challenges of absorption continued to work successfully in ISRAEL.

EFIM Frinerman andRITA Komarnitskaya

EFIM was born on October 20, 1936, in Shepetivka.When the war began he was only 4 and a half years old

Kiev was bombed on the very first day, and they had already heard about the atrocities of the fascists in Poland, so the family left everything they had and went into evacuation

Family-this is grandmother Braindl grandfather GershFIMINA mother POLYA and three aunts CILYA, BRONYA and SONYA and three of his little cousins Musik and Abik, who were three years old and Syoma was two years old.The men had already fought and all the heavy burden fell on the shoulders of the womenThey would jump off at stops for breadmilk - if they managed to get it and more often just for hot waterIt was very difficult to get anything. They traveled in freight cars on the road bombingTrains would stop unexpectedly and just as unexpectedly depart.Going out for hot water risked falling behind the train and losing the family.

So they traveled to the station VURNARY where they rented small rooms and started living. Our mom Bronya, Polya, and Tsilya found jobs. Polya worked at the poultry farm, and Tsilya at the meat processing plant. All postal workers were subject to military service, and our grandmother really didn't want mom to work at the post office - Vova and Ikhil were already fighting, and grandmother was very afraid for her younger daughter, but there were no jobs available, and mom still went to work at the post office. The children were raised by Sonya, who was often ill and didn't work, and grandmother Braindl and grandfather Gersh

Kthere were no books and grandmother herself told various stories and fairy tales. Fima- the eldest grandson was taught to read.

When the war ended, FIMA passed the exams and immediately entered the second grade

Later, the family moved to Chernivtsi. Fima studied at a boys' high school - at that time, boys and girls studied in different schools. Fima was an honor student all the years in school and had many good friends. For his excellent studies, Fima was supposed to receive a gold medal.

In those years, those awarded the gold medal could enter any higher educational institution without exams. Some benefits were also given for the silver medal, but the academic council deprived our Fima of his medal - but Fima entered the Perm Medical Institute in 1955 on general grounds in the sanitary-hygienic faculty

There he was also an excellent student -received the prestigious StalinscholarshipLenin and State Scholarships. But by that time his mother Polya was seriously ill and was given a first group disabilityOshe needed help and it was not easy for Fima there. In order to somehow survive, he had to work a lot,even sometimes unloading wagons. They started the process of transferring from the Perm Medical Institute to the Chernivtsi Medical Institute for the therapeutic facultyNthey wrote to the rector of the institute the minister in Kyiv and finally succeeded Fima was allowed to transfer but they required him to retake a number of exams. In 1961Fima graduated from the Chernivtsi Medical Institute and was sent to the village of Kazanka in the Mykolaiv regionPAccording to the law, he should not have been sent for distribution since he had a sick mother but the law did not work, and he had to go to Kazanka for three yearsTThere FIMA received a large three-room apartment and was soon appointed the chief physician of the hospital There Fima worked the required three years and returned to ChernivtsiWith work in the city being difficult Fima managed to pass the competition to teach therapy at the Vashkov Medical College where he worked for another three years.

In 1965, FIMA married RITA LVOVNA KOMARNITSKAYA, her parents being mother Sara Vladimirovna Komarnitskaya - a midwife, and father Lev Borisovich - a party worker

When the war began on the territory of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 they were residents of Chernivtsi.Lev Borisovich immediately went to the front and her older brother did too.

Sara Vladimirovna and five-year-old Ritochka left for evacuation on June 27

Warm trainsfreight trains, warm trains,stops,bombings.They ended up in the Leningrad evacuation hospital At that time, the whole country was on the move and experienced medics were in high demand.So, Junior Lieutenant of the Medical Service Sarra Lvovna Komarnitskayabegan her war against fascism.

Gospital reached Abakan there and waged war.

And in Chernivtsi at that time, the fascists were in full control. In their large beautiful apartment on Pervomaiska Street, the housekeeper Frida (a half-German) remained. When the Germans arrived she did not want to let them into the houseDshe thought to negotiate with them After all, a half-German. The Germans killed her on the doorstep of the house.

All the property was looted.Tothe apartment occupied others.MoreKomarnitsky did not live there.

Chernivtsi Jews who did not manage to leave the city perished.

Only at the Jewish cemetery,where our grandmother Brajnl is buried with grandfather Gersh Shlyuger and Bellin's father and brother Shoil and Efim Zilberman, who were killed during the war along with 900 Chernivtsi Jews. My mom and dad and I, when we visited the cemetery, would place there, candles on the mass grave,flowers.

Rita worked as a technology engineer in the garment industry. After the wedding, they moved to Zhytomyr. There, Fima worked as the head of the functional diagnostics department. Rita worked in the import and export trade expertise department. Fima in Zhytomyr and at the Kyiv Medical Institute began working on a dissertation about the reography of the lungs. In 1972, FRINERMAN YEFIM ALEKSANDROVICH successfully defended his dissertation at the Vinnytsia Medical Institute. He has 2 books, methodological recommendations, and many scientific articles in Russian and English.

He has repeatedly participated in various international conferences on pulmonology and cardiology. He has given lectures at advanced training courses for doctors in Kyiv. He works a lot and productively in Israel and has traveled abroad multiple times for conferences and work

Fima and Rita arrived in Israel at the age of 54 They managed to earn independent old-age benefits Fima continues to work. They bought a three-room apartment in Bat-Yam.


In 2000, EFIM ALEXANDROVICH FRINERMAN was named Scientist of the Year at HARVARD University.

Happychildhood was burned by war.

Where there is war -there is pain, there is need.

But in such a childhood, there is only one joy:

Mom and grandma were then.

They were raised in love and care,

But they could not give much.

On different pieces of paper,there was indeed a war,

Mom prepared everything for school herself.

It's time to enroll in the first grade.

The child needs to take an exam.

The verdict of that school was as follows:

Let's take the child to the second one.

School for boys,friends.

Our Fima is an excellent student in everything and always.

Graduated from school- to be honest

It is necessary to award the gold medal.

But such,they said should not be,

A Jew cannot receive that medal.

What can be done here -such is fate

The road has led you to the institute.

Graduated from the institute with honors

All dissertations are here.

For many years, he saved and healed.

And the youth was taught medicine.

You write books,reports,articles.

They can be found on the internet.

“Index Medicus”journal

I remembered you there more than once.

Scientists from different countries,

We read everything you wrote.

Here in the restaurant in your honor

Your whole family has gathered

Friends gathered and relatives.

We are proud,we love you.

Congratulations on your anniversary.

We wish you creative success.

Health,happiness, and love

You have Fima with Rita until 120.

Tzilya and all the Korenfelds

October 20, 2006.


This is the earliest photographDthe wartime family archive is lostDuringthe war, the state archive of the Khmelnytskyi region also burned down.PBefore retirementmy mother searched for her prewardocuments and received a response thatthe archive burned down during the war.

SHLUGER BRAHA - our mother was the youngest in the family. She was a twin. Her sister was named HAYA, and they were born in the city of Izyaslav in the Khmelnytskyi region on July 26, 1920. HAYA died at the age of 5 years and three months. The parents were father - Shlugger Gersh - an artist and mother Shlugger Braindl.

The twenties in Russia were very difficult. I will quote a leaflet from the political department of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic to the Red Army soldiers from 1920 (Children's Encyclopedia, Volume 8, page 46). "All of Russia is undressed and barefoot. Only victory will give us the opportunity to put factories and plants into operation; only after victory will we be properly shod and dressed. For now, we all have to make do with the clothes and shoes we have. So take care of what you have. Diligently repair every tear. Remember that you have to patch a patch. Don't throw anything away. Any rag, any piece of leather can be useful; we have learned to find useful applications for every scrap out of necessity."

Those were the times.There were Petliura pogroms.Yikhilu was 13 years old.Vova-11Field-9 and the twins.And our heroic grandmother and grandfather endured everything and triumphed.And grandfather was also called to war.They didn't live in Izyaslov for long - grandfather was transferred to work in Shepetivka, where my childhood was spent. There, she finished high school, received a specialty as a telegraph operator, and worked in the central mail sorting department. She started working in January 1938 and worked until July 2, 1941. When the active bombing began of the railway hub, they had to leave the city.She evacuated with her family to VURNARY, where her mother worked throughout the war in mail sorting and military censorship.The work in sorting letters was very hard and responsible - it required great attention. to know geography and the Soviet Union- was 1/6 of the Earth's surface, and for a banal mistake, one could be declared an enemy of the people.Communications specialists military conscripts were repeatedly called up forwar, but the communications unit constantly secured a deferment for them The unit worked throughout the war and wasnawarded a medal "Forvaliant labor 1941-1945" 18346

In life, not everything turns out so quickly and well

It is often necessary to apply persistence, stubbornness, and patience in various difficult timesthere will definitely be someone to step on your sore spot.

Mom always said - People ride camels - we walk, but also with God's help, we will be where neededno.

Gardens are bloomingwe all welcome May.

The veterans with gray hair are coming out.

Try to find out about boys and girls

What difficulties have been overcome

With the war came.

And my mother is one of them

I learned about the war as a little girl

She saw off her brothers to the front

And I was waiting for news from the front.

But she just didn't know how to wait

At home, I was not idle

She worked at the front -

After all, the whole country was waiting for the letters

And mom sorted them

Sent to the front by the military

And in the rear where their family was waiting.

And I didn't sleep day or night.

And the mail went on, kept going, just going.

Sometimes with a longed-for message,

The funeral notice burned the hands.

In those days, trouble came to her

The elder brother died a brave death.

Left the house of the sons

Two very small children

And military life went on

And the trains came

And the whole country was waiting for the mail

And suddenly one night in May,

Mom sorted the mail

The long-awaited news has arrived.

Victory! The war is over!

Everyone was crying and kissing.

The victory has finally arrived.

The Spring of Victory - here it is!

For her work, a reward was given.

After the war, my mother returned to Shepetivka where she resumed her previous job.After a few months, she got married to HALFIN MENDEL WOLFHOVICH.

Now I will tell you about our father's family