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Four stages  四个阶段


It took Sae four years to realise something very important
Sae 花了四年时间才意识到一件非常重要的事


You should definitely listen to the song "Roar - Christmas Kids" because the whole fic is built around it. I think it fits Sae's character very well
你绝对应该听听《怒吼 - 圣诞孩子们》这首歌,因为整个故事都是围绕它构建的。我觉得它与Sae的角色非常契合

it's implied that Isagi and Sae knew each other before he went to Spain

English is not my first language so apologies for any mistakes!!

and alsoooo thanks to my friend legushka who edited it
还有,感谢我的朋友 legushka 帮忙编辑

Translation to Vietnamese

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Work Text: 工作文本:

First 首先


Spain was exactly as Sae had imagined it would be. Very hot, very crowded, very liberated. This country suits active people, open-minded people. This country is for people who can enjoy life and who can love life. For people with dreams and goals. They don't have to achieve them, but they should have them. Sae realised this while he was living in Spain.


He is fourteen years old and ten thousand kilometres away from his home. From his family (ten thousand kilometres is the gap between Sae and his heart but Sae is fourteen and he thinks his heart is where the football is). Sae doesn't know anything about life yet but he knows that he has a dream and he will achieve it no whatever it takes. He is fourteen and so far has a love for life and football. He meets his team and they call him a genius.


Second 第二部分


Sae is sixteen and he realises that his dream is a pipe dream. In this lousy Japan where there is nothing to help him get better (Sae is wrong but he is sixteen and doesn't realise it yet) he may be the very good striker but there are much better strikers in the rest of the world. Sae is sixteen and he trains until he faints, leaves the field late and spends hours analysing his own game. He's missing something but he doesn't know what it is. It's like he's missing a little bit of everything. He met different players who were much better than him. Sae observes the other strikers he has had to play with. He still doesn't understand what they have but he doesn't have so he searches and searches. He sometimes remembers another striker, one who always managed to ignite a spark in Sae's chest and helped him fall in love with football.
Sae 十六岁,他意识到自己的梦想不过是镜花水月。在这个糟糕的日本,没有任何东西能助他进步(Sae 错了,但他才十六岁,尚未意识到这一点),他或许是位出色的前锋,但世界上还有许多更优秀的前锋。Sae 十六岁,他训练到晕倒,离场晚,花数小时分析自己的比赛。他总觉得少了些什么,却不知究竟是什么。仿佛缺了那么一点点所有东西。他遇到过许多比他强的球员。Sae 观察着那些他不得不与之并肩作战的前锋们。他仍不明白他们拥有而他所欠缺的是什么,于是不断寻找、探索。有时他会想起另一位前锋,那位总能点燃 Sae 心中火花,让他爱上足球的人。


But Sae is sixteen and he realises he can't be the best striker. He decides he can still be a better player. He ignores his frustration and anger at himself for what a fool he was and decides to retrain as a midfielder.
然而 Sae 十六岁,他明白自己无法成为最顶尖的前锋。他决定,至少可以成为一个更好的球员。他无视自己的沮丧与对自己的愤怒,决定改打中场,重新训练。


Third. 第三章。


Sae is eighteen when he has to return to Japan to renew his passport. He's not happy about it. He doesn't want to disappoint only two people in his life and they both are strikers. But he meets his brother and realises he has disappointed him. In fact, he couldn't even explain anything and Rin didn't ask either. Sae thinks that's even better. That way he can leave on his own terms and not feel pathetic when he explains that he just can't be the best striker. Someone else might, but not him
Sae 十八岁时不得不返回日本更新护照,对此他并不开心。他一生中只不想让两个人失望,而这两个人都是前锋。但他遇到了自己的兄弟,意识到自己已经让他失望了。事实上,他甚至无法解释任何事情,Rin 也没有问。Sae 认为这样更好。这样一来,他可以按照自己的意愿离开,而不必在解释自己无法成为最佳前锋时感到可悲。或许别人可以,但他不行。


Fourth. 第四章。


Sae is eighteen when he accepts an invitation to play for the Japanese national team against the Blue Lock. It's his turn to meet the second person he doesn't want to disappoint but is bound to disappoint. He knows this because it is what life has taught him. But once again, he ignores his feelings and takes to the field. Sae liked to win, but the truth is that more important than winning is what you can learn as you play. Sae is playing and losing. He is actually glad he lost because there is something very important he learnt from the game this time.
Sae 十八岁时接受邀请,代表日本国家队对阵蓝色监狱。轮到他面对第二个不想让其失望却注定会失望的人了。他知道这一点,因为生活教会了他。但又一次,他忽视了自己的感受,踏上了球场。Sae 喜欢赢,但事实是,比赢更重要的是你在比赛中能学到的东西。Sae 正在比赛并输掉比赛。他实际上很高兴自己输了,因为这次比赛让他学到了非常重要的东西。


He stayed at Blue Lock until the evening. Ego didn't ask why he did it but he seemed to realise something.


"You're a midfielder now."


Sae shudders when he hears the voice and something inside shrinks.
Sae 听到这话时浑身一颤,内心某处仿佛紧缩了一下。


"How did you know I was here?"


"I had an interesting conversation with Ego."
“我和 Ego 进行了一次有趣的对话。”


Isagi comes closer and looks directly into Sae's eyes. Sae feels himself sinking. He's eighteen and hasn't seen him in four years but he'll never forget the feeling of immersion when you look into Isagi's eyes. Isagi asks him to sit down, and Sae sits down because when Isagi looks him straight in the eye he will do whatever is asked of him. (Actually, Sae is always ready to do what Isagi asks, but he's eighteen and only now starting to realise it)


"Hey, Sae, tell me what happened?"


Sae doesn't understand how he feels but realises he is grateful to Isagi because he asked. Because Isagi doesn't care what happened to Sae's dream but he does care what happened to Sae himself.
Sae 不明白自己的感受,但意识到他对 Isagi 心存感激,因为他问了。因为 Isagi 不在乎 Sae 的梦想发生了什么,但他确实关心 Sae 自己发生了什么。


"I couldn't become a better striker."


He sits looking at Isagi. It was even harder for him to confess than it was for himself.


"But you managed to become a better midfielder."


He sits and feels something in him crumble. Everything he has built up over the last four years is starting to break down right now.


"Aren't you disappointed?"


"Why should I be? You've come a long way and you've become the best tho. I'm proud of you, Sae."


Sae is eighteen and he cries his first sobbing fit against Isagi. He feels everything inside him finally breaking down. Isagi strokes his hair and Sae realises something. His heart isn't where football is. His heart has always been where Isagi is. What he lacked so much in Spain.


Sae is eighteen and hates Japan with every part of his soul, but right here and right now it feels like home in Isagi's arms.
Sae 十八岁,对日本恨之入骨,但此刻在 Isagi 的怀抱中,却感受到了家的温暖。


Isagi takes Sae's face in his hands and kisses his forehead. He looks at those weeping eyes that, for the first time since they met, radiate so much life.
Isagi 双手捧起 Sae 的脸颊,轻吻他的额头。他凝视着那双自相遇以来首次闪烁着如此生机的泪眼。


"Yoichi." "Yoichi。"


"Yes, Sae?" “是的,Sae?”


"I have a new dream."


"And which is?" “是什么呢?”


"I want to pass to you."


Isagi smiles. Isagi 微笑着。


"Then I have a new dream too."


And he kisses Sae


Isagi is not the heart of blue lock, Isagi is the heart of Sae


Isagi was seventeen and promised to fulfil Sae's dream.


Sae was eighteen when he took Isagi to Spain.
Sae 十八岁时带 Isagi 去了西班牙。