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中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所副研究员 孙萍 Associate Researcher Sun Ping, Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

来源:澎湃新闻 Source: The Paper

"Transitional Labor: Food Delivery Riders in the Platform Economy," by Sun Ping, Mint Experiment | East China Normal University Press, to be published in 2024, 388 pages, 98.00 yuan

"Transitional Labor" is an ethnographic study on food delivery riders. For society, food delivery riders are a new occupational group; for me personally, they are intimate old friends. Before 2017, the riders and I were strangers separated by our professions and social identities; since 2017, my research team and I have tried to enter their lives, using tracking research methods to intersect our two parallel worlds.

Over the past seven or eight years, riders from all over the country have befriended me, offering me sincere help in their simple ways. In the field research on food delivery riders, the encounters with people and the telling of stories not only vividly present the group characteristics of the "protagonists" but also encapsulate and embody the impact of the digital torrent of the platform era on individual lives.

扎堆聚集又四散而去的外卖骑手 Food delivery riders who gather in clusters and then disperse

Food delivery riders emerged during the rapid development of China's platform economy. Over the past decade, "delivering food" has evolved from a new phenomenon into a new profession, and "online delivery personnel" has officially become a recognized occupation, included in the national official occupation list. However, this group of workers, born from the enormous internet dividends and accelerated urbanization, is full of mobility and uncertainty. Every time I think of this group, the image of starlings in the summer evening comes to mind. They gather in clusters in a short time, fly and circle over the city, and disperse everywhere after nightfall.

根据我的观察,骑手的流动性几乎是所有现有的零工劳动职业之最。比起家政工、快递员、网约车、主播或线上零工,骑手的工作更加液态、更加临时、更加不确定。送外卖正在形塑一种“短命劳动”的文化,伴随着越来越多的人加入,这份工作的流动速度之快,让人愈发眼花缭乱。回顾往昔,历史上似乎没有任何一个时刻比现在拥有更多的零工劳动者,也没有任何一个时刻的人员流动如此频繁与快速。在平台市场用工普及化的时代,全世界有越来越多的“朝不保夕者”(the precariat)被生产出来,而外卖骑手正是其中的典型代表。
According to my observations, the mobility of delivery riders is almost the highest among all existing gig jobs. Compared to domestic workers, couriers, ride-hailing drivers, streamers, or online gig workers, the work of delivery riders is more fluid, more temporary, and more uncertain. Food delivery is shaping a culture of "short-lived labor," and as more people join, the speed of this job's turnover is becoming increasingly dizzying. Looking back, there seems to be no other time in history with more gig workers or such frequent and rapid personnel turnover. In the era of widespread platform labor, more and more "precarious workers" (the precariat) are being produced worldwide, with delivery riders being a typical example.

Why has food delivery become a form of "short-lived labor"? How does it intertwine and interact with China's urbanization and digitalization? How do we understand the transitory nature of labor? Through field research, I have had the privilege of following the stories of various delivery riders to glimpse the issues of "short-lived" and "temporary" labor behind food delivery.

I describe the labor of delivery riders as a state of "transitional labor." For the workers involved, this type of labor carries a strong sense of "pending confirmation." Its existence is neither a beginning nor an end but a state of suspension. It is somewhat like a ship adrift on the ocean without a destination, or like migratory birds flapping their wings in a struggle but unable to find a place to land. "Transitional Labor" attempts to answer how the transitory nature of labor is produced and shaped during China's urbanization and digital transformation.

“过渡一下”,跳进外卖经济的熔炉 "Transition for a while," jumping into the melting pot of the food delivery economy.

未来学家阿尔文·托夫勒(Alvin Toffler)在《未来的冲击》一书中论述了人类社会发展在工业化后的猛然加速,流动、快速成为我们的生活常态。此言不假,短暂性确实在不断影响着我们的生活与劳作。
Futurist Alvin Toffler discussed in his book "Future Shock" the sudden acceleration of human societal development post-industrialization, with mobility and speed becoming the norm in our lives. This is indeed true; transience is continuously affecting our lives and work.

托夫勒著《未来的冲击》 "Future Shock" by Alvin Toffler

The advent of platform gig work is like a slow yet rapid earthquake, forcing us to rethink the forms, states, and meanings of work. Delivering food is such a temporary, transitional labor. When asked why they deliver food, "just to transition" is the response of the vast majority of delivery riders. Because they don't know what they can do or what they will do in the future, they decide to deliver food first. I use the concept of "transitional labor" to describe food delivery, but it is not limited to food delivery. Transition is becoming the basic form of modern labor. This also ultimately became a starting point for my thinking about platform labor: Why do people want to "transition" by delivering food? What does the "transitional" nature of work really mean? What does it reflect about contemporary society's imagination of gig labor?

过渡劳动阐释的既是一种过程,也是一种结果。作为过程的“过渡劳动”,强调的是这种短暂和过渡的生成性。它在一种强调自由同时又充满监管的语境下生成,参与其中的劳动者需要面对来自技术系统的监管、城乡与阶层的区隔、性别化的自我认知,以及将“自我”作为决策主体的能动性展示。个体劳动者为什么想要加入外卖劳动?玛丽·L. 格雷(Mary L. Gary)和西达尔特·苏里(Siddharth Suri)在调查“幽灵工作”(ghost work)时指出,线上零工来去自由的“开放调用设计”让人们产生了可以自主掌控命运的想法。我试图论述,这种以自由为名的、创业式的劳动结果是,劳动者被抛入一种竞争的、加速的、高效的劳动状态中,无时无刻不在全力发挥自我的能动性,无时无刻不在燃烧自己、消耗自己。他们将越来越多的能动性发挥出来,并注入给资本,让资本发展的火苗越烧越旺。正是这样一种过度消耗最终促成了零工劳动的“过渡性”。
Transitional labor explains both a process and a result. As a process, "transitional labor" emphasizes the generative nature of this temporary and transitional state. It is generated in a context that emphasizes freedom while being full of regulation. Workers involved need to face supervision from technical systems, urban-rural and class divisions, gendered self-perception, and the display of agency as decision-making subjects. Why do individual workers want to join food delivery labor? Mary L. Gray and Siddharth Suri pointed out in their investigation of "ghost work" that the "open call design" of online gig work, which allows people to come and go freely, gives them the idea that they can control their destiny. I try to argue that the result of this entrepreneurial labor, in the name of freedom, is that workers are thrown into a competitive, accelerated, and efficient labor state, constantly exerting their agency, constantly burning and consuming themselves. They exert more and more agency and inject it into capital, making the flame of capital development burn brighter. It is this kind of overconsumption that ultimately contributes to the "transitional" nature of gig labor.

格雷和苏里著《幽灵工作》 "Ghost Work" by Mary L. Gray and Siddharth Suri

As a result, "transitional labor" explains the impact of the gig economy on work ethics, career choices, and labor imagination at the societal level. "Transition" is becoming a permanent and normal existence, and this transition carries deep dependency. With the development of internet technology and artificial intelligence, platform labor on one hand liberates individuals from traditional labor, but on the other hand makes them more dependent on social systems and institutions, as individuals cannot survive in flexibility without organization. This is what Ulrich Beck calls institutionalized individualism. This institutionalized individualism is by no means a "successful liberation," because as individuals become individualized, they have to rely more on organizations and institutions, thus becoming more organized and standardized. Through food delivery, the work ethics of the migrant worker group are being more strongly disciplined and managed, becoming increasingly middle-class. The flexibility and freedom under the platform economy actually hide the fact that individuals have a stronger and deeper dependence on social organizations. In this sense, transitional labor actually enhances individual dependency to some extent. While individuals are liberated from traditional industries and gain "freedom," they are also thrown into the torrent of the gig economy, having to rely on and seek help from the organized production of platforms and go with the flow. Therefore, resistance often becomes uncertain, particularly easy to be shattered and extinguished.

Why is delivering food considered a transitional job? The answer can be very complex or very simple. It can be said that the lack of social security and basic wages is an important reason for the formation of transitional labor among delivery riders. For an ordinary worker, this seemingly flexible and free job involves a lot of self-calculation and self-exhaustion. Once involved in gig work like food delivery, the instability and precariousness require individual workers to quickly "stand up" by constantly calculating, planning, arranging, and competing to earn income. Some scholars call this "excess subjectivity." Such a flexible and efficient labor mechanism indeed mobilizes a great deal of individual initiative, and at the same time, this initiative is quickly injected into the self-production and self-expansion of capital.

Regarding the future of labor on food delivery platforms, I, like most of the riders involved, have no idea. Sometimes, I feel that the food delivery economy is like a big furnace, attracting millions of workers to join. These workers are like pieces of firewood, thrown into the furnace to burn themselves. One day, they may be excessively consumed by the high-intensity, high-pressure work and have to quit. The furnace keeps burning, while individual workers are replaced one batch after another.

控制之外,劳动者的书写 Beyond control, the writing of workers

控制是劳动过程中的基本问题。传统的劳动控制理论认为,资本家需要拥有对劳动者的控制权。无论在工厂手工业还是机器大生产时代,劳动过程理论都围绕着资本如何保证劳动者在固定时间里认真、高效地完成任务而展开。对于人的肉身的、在地性的控制成为劳动过程理论展开讨论的基础。布雷弗曼(Harry Braverman)对工厂标准化管理以及流水线生产的研究、布洛维(Michael Burawoy)对工厂政体下“制造同意”与“赶工游戏”的研究,以及诸多对富士康工厂的劳工研究等,都细致、深入地阐释了资本想要控制劳动者所做的尝试。
Control is a fundamental issue in the labor process. Traditional labor control theory holds that capitalists need to have control over workers. Whether in the era of artisanal workshops or large-scale machine production, labor process theory revolves around how capital ensures that workers complete tasks seriously and efficiently within a fixed time. The control of the physical and localized aspects of people becomes the basis for the discussion of labor process theory. Harry Braverman's research on standardized management and assembly line production in factories, Michael Burawoy's research on "manufacturing consent" and "making out games" under factory regimes, and numerous labor studies on Foxconn factories, all meticulously and deeply explain the attempts of capital to control workers.

布雷弗曼著《劳动与垄断资本》 "Labor and Monopoly Capital" by Harry Braverman

Burawoy's "Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process under Monopoly Capitalism"

However, in the context of the platform economy, the operational logic of capital is undergoing significant changes—it is shifting its control focus from "workers" themselves to "labor." Platform capital does not care who the "workers" are; what matters is that these people appear at specific times and places and can contribute their labor according to the platform's requirements. In other words, who does the work is not important; what is important is that the work gets done. The development of internet technology has allowed capital to relax its overall control over the physical labor process, replacing it with a point-to-point remote control. This management style has shaped the characteristic of low entry barriers and made large-scale gig employment possible.

Here, the mode of labor production has undergone a significant transformation. Capital's control over the labor process has shown an interesting paradox, becoming both meticulous and extensive. For the vast number of food delivery riders, their "factory" has moved from fixed, enclosed spaces to the streets and alleys, granting them the freedom to move and shuttle around. However, at the same time, they must obey the instructions from algorithms and station managers at any moment, strictly following the orders to perform their labor. They work when there are orders and rest when there are none. One moment, a rider might be smoking and chatting with colleagues by the roadside, and the next moment, they have to hop on their e-bike and rush to a restaurant. One hour, a rider might be catching up on sleep at home, and the next hour, they are required by the station manager to put on a raincoat and rescue overdue orders. The boundaries between labor scenes and life scenes are becoming increasingly intertwined; labor daily life is life daily life, making it difficult for us to distinguish between them.

I vaguely feel that this is not only a matter of control but also transcends control itself. Over the past century, Europe has gradually formed a tradition of labor strikes and rights advocacy, making collective, organized negotiations possible. However, in the context of the gig economy, workers are no longer an organic whole with common interests. They come from all over the place, do not live in the same community, do not have a fixed place for collective production work, and rarely have memories of collective experiences, let alone self-identity. Platform gig workers have become a new unstable class—this is an issue we must acknowledge and face when re-examining and thinking about platform labor. Similarly, food delivery riders are no exception. Although the issue of labor control is very important in their labor process, the single "control-resistance" analytical framework is not entirely applicable to analyzing this group, nor is it sufficient to explain why they have shaped a "transitional labor" state. Beyond the issue of control, there seems to be a grander question about the changes in the form and meaning of labor in this era, waiting for us to answer.

Traditional labor control research, despite its extremely rich theoretical accumulation, also has many research blind spots. For example, the "control-resistance" framework makes us see only labor and not life, but gig workers are entirely different from workers in the era of industrial mass production; their working time and space have changed. This requires us to rethink the implications of global gig labor in the post-pandemic era. At the same time, the structural power of new technology cannot be ignored; it is comprehensively reshaping labor-capital relations. The labor politics shaped by this new technological power is no longer simply about increasing productivity and enhancing control; it impacts the work ethics and imaginations of the main labor groups in society. It brings new possibilities to rural areas and socially disadvantaged women, prompts new thinking about the relationship between labor and data, and opens up a field for re-discussing media technology and individual choices.

Therefore, I hope to step out of the single control framework to describe gig work on digital platforms, to see the tension-filled interaction between individual life trajectories and labor, to hear the narratives and confessions of gig workers, and to capture the sprawling and meandering dialogue between platform labor theory and reality. This is not to say that control is entirely ignored, but rather to analyze it as part of a broader labor life world. I hope this is a writing about workers, not a complaint about control.

田野是江湖,现场有神灵 The field is a world of its own, and the site has its own spirits.

The field data for "Transitional Labor" comes from my continuous observation of food delivery workers since May 2017. During this period, my research team participated in observing the food delivery industry, especially the delivery riders, through interviews, field observations, questionnaires, and shadowing deliveries. The questionnaire surveys were primarily conducted in the Beijing area and were distributed continuously over six years from 2018 to 2023. Interviews accompanied the field surveys and were conducted annually without interruption. By March 2024, I had interviewed over two hundred riders, including more than thirty female riders, as well as over twenty station managers, dispatchers, and rider team leaders.

Delivering food is a highly dynamic digital labor. Seeing riders running through the streets every day gives me an optimistic feeling that data is readily available. But in reality, "capturing" riders on the street is not easy. They are like small fish and shrimp swimming in a pond, easily frightened. When they are still, if you approach them, they will immediately dodge or flee. Once, a few classmates and I went to Weinan, Shaanxi for research. In a KFC store, we found a few riders playing with their phones while waiting for their orders. One classmate went up to ask one of the riders if he was willing to be interviewed. Perhaps the classmate spoke too formally, and the rider repeatedly refused, even falling to the ground in fright, and ran out immediately after getting up. Through repeated rejections, my research team and I continuously learned and explored ways to "open up" to this group, gradually gaining experience. Multiple rejections made me thick-skinned and familiar, sometimes feeling like a highly motivated sales champion who could stand there smiling even after being rejected, calmly and patiently waiting to "capture" the next rider.

The initial field research was mainly based on "encounters" and "captures," trying to talk as much as possible with riders willing to chat. Other riders would watch from the side, curious but too shy to ask more. As the fieldwork continued, the surrounding riders became less guarded. Some riders even started to greet us: "You're here again? What are you investigating this time?" Gradually, we became friends with some of the riders, who began to introduce us to others willing to chat. Some riders, knowing I was a scholar and university teacher researching delivery riders, praised me for my empathy; others, during our fieldwork, "re-educated" us, believing that "these students and teachers should be more grounded and focus on real societal issues rather than following the nonsense of online 'experts'." Several times, some thoughtful riders questioned me: "Aren't you researching riders? Can't you help us? Why is our dispatch time not increasing but getting shorter?" "Is your research useful? Does anyone really care about us?"

The fieldwork in food delivery was a challenging learning process for me, and I gradually learned how to get along with most of the riders. As a female "young scholar" from the ivory tower, it was not easy to delve into and integrate into their lives, especially when most of the riders were male. Gaining trust takes time. People are complex, and so are the riders. They are a group of living people, not two-dimensional beings waiting to be confined within a specific framework of suffering. Sometimes I listened, sometimes I made decisions. In the field, I slowly learned how to experience and understand this world, and I also realized the importance of experience. Human experience is complex, with feelings and thoughts. Each fieldwork session made me progress. Sometimes my senses like smell, touch, and hearing became more acute, and sometimes my thinking about space, place, and flow became more active. This inevitably made me think of what Kazuo Inamori said, "There are gods in the field," perhaps it is this kind of wonderful experience.

If I had to say what my biggest change was during this process, it would be becoming more humble and cautious about criticism. As the investigation progressed, the two-dimensional knowledge on paper became uneven in real life, and I began to reflect on some lofty, seemingly grand but irrelevant academic assertions. This is not what I wanted. After struggling in the field for several years, I slowly understood that academic production originates from real life and gives back to real life. This is my vocation.

图片编辑:张颖 Photo Editor: Zhang Ying

校对:张亮亮 Proofreader: Zhang Liangliang