Assignment 2 Details and Support
作业 2 细节和支持

Assignment 2 (Individual) 
作业 2(个人)

The nature of this assessment does not permit 'simple extension'. 3min Video + 1 page Information booklet, with video shown in class W7 - W10
该评估的性质不允许“简单扩展”。 3 分钟视频 + 1 页信息手册,视频在 W7 - W10 班级展示

Weighting: 30% 权重:30%

Due Date:    Sunday 08th September 2024 (11:59 evening - AEST)
截止日期:2024 年 9 月 8 日星期日(澳大利亚东部标准时间晚上 11:59)

Time Limit:  3min Video + 1 page Information booklet

Other Requirements:  其他要求:

VIDEO:  This is a 3min video recording - you must appear in the recording, and there must be at least one slide (summarising your points) as visual representation shown in the video. Formatting requirements (1) The video recording must be: 3 minutes. There is a +10% for the video recording which is a maximum of 3min and 18 sec recording (Markers will stop listening/watching after 3minutes and 18 seconds) . (2) The video must be .mp4 format which is smaller than 500MB. (3) The video should have a file name in the following format "BUSS5221_A2VIDEO_SID", so an example could be "BUSS5221_A2VIDEO_123456789".
视频这是一个 3 分钟的视频录制 - 您必须出现在录制中,并且必须至少有一张幻灯片(总结您的观点)  如视频中所示的视觉表示。格式要求 (1)视频录制时间必须为:3分钟。视频录制有+10%,最长录制3分18秒(标记将在3分18秒后停止收听/观看)。 (2)视频必须为.mp4格式,且小于500MB。 (3) 视频的文件名应采用以下格式“BUSS5221_A2VIDEO_SID”,例如“BUSS5221_A2VIDEO_123456789”。

BOOKLET: This is a 1 page booklet. It cannot be longer than 1 page. Formatting requirements for the booklet are: (1) any software can be used to produce the 1 page booklet. However, if it is not  created in Microsoft Word, convert the work into PDF and submit in PDF format.  (2) 1.15 to 1.5 line spacing, and Aptos (Body) or Abadi 11pt font size. (3) Referencing and appendices can be done as additional page/s. At least five sources are expected to validate your observations.  (4) The booklet should have a file name in the following format "BUSS5221_A2BOOKLET_SID", so an example could be "BUSS5221_A2BOOKLET_123456789". (5) The file can be saved as a PDF. (6) samples of types of booklet layouts: (a). Assignment 2 Sample Booklet - one-1.pdf Download Assignment 2 Sample Booklet - one-1.pdf  ,(b). Assignment 2 Sample Booklet - two.pdf Download Assignment 2 Sample Booklet - two.pdf  note that you are not required to copy these - the layouts are provided as suggestions to stimulate your thinking about how to develop and present your own booklet. These samples have nothing to do with your assessment brief/task.
小册子:这是一本单页小册子。它不能超过 1 页。小册子的格式要求是: (1) 可以使用任何软件制作单页小册子。但是,如果不是在 Microsoft Word 中创建的,请将作品转换为 PDF 并以 PDF 格式提交。 (2) 1.15 至 1.5 行距,Aptos(正文)或 Abadi 11pt 字体大小。 (3) 参考文献和附录可以作为附加页来完成。预计至少有五个来源可以验证您的观察结果。 (4) 小册子的文件名应采用以下格式“BUSS5221_A2BOOKLET_SID”,因此示例可以是“BUSS5221_A2BOOKLET_123456789”。 (5) 文件可以另存为PDF。 (6) 小册子版式类型示例: (a).作业 2 样本手册 - one-1.pdf 下载作业 2 样本手册 - one-1.pdf ,(b)。作业 2 样本手册 - 二.pdf 下载作业 2 样本手册 - 二.pdf请注意,您不需要复制这些 - 布局作为建议提供,以激发您思考如何开发和展示您自己的小册子。这些样本与您的评估简介/任务无关。

Appendices could include the 'creative process' you have followed, root cause identification process, idea generation process, idea refinement process etc....with creative tools/frameworks you have used. 

Using Gen AI:  For this assessment - both the video and booklet, you are not permitted to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT, AI voice generator etc. to produce a reflection on your behalf. Any use of AI Tools for/in this assessment will be reported as a major breach of policy for investigation. 
使用 Gen AI:对于本次评估(无论是视频还是小册子),不得使用 ChatGPT、AI 语音生成器等人工智能 (AI) 工具来代表您进行反思。任何在本次评估中使用人工智能工具的行为都将被报告为重大违反政策的行为,以供调查。

However, you may use AI tools such as <Grammarly, Notion AI, ChatGPT, etc to directly suggest readability improvements to your text in terms of grammar and expression. If this is the case, use of generative artificial intelligence must be appropriately acknowledged. You can do this by <inserting a note in an additional page (may be in the page where you have your reference list or appendices) where you need to <describe the AI tool(s) that you used, what you used it to do, what prompt(s) you provided, and how the output of the artificial intelligence was used or adapted by you>. This additional description does not add to your word count.
但是,您可以使用 <Grammarly、Notion AI、ChatGPT 等 AI 工具直接建议文本在语法和表达方面的可读性改进。如果是这种情况,则必须适当承认生成式人工智能的使用。您可以通过<在附加页面(可能在您有参考列表或附录的页面)中插入注释来完成此操作,您需要<描述您使用的人工智能工具以及您用它来做什么、您提供的提示以及您如何使用或调整人工智能的输出>。此附加说明不会增加您的字数。

An example of such an acknowledgement that a student may provide might look like:

    • I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to refine the academic language of my own work. On <date> I submitted my entire essay (<link to original document here>) with the prompt to<“Improve the academic tone and accuracy of language, including grammatical structures, punctuation and vocabulary”>. The output (<link here>) was then modified further to better represent my own tone and style of writing.
      我承认使用 ChatGPT ( 来完善我自己工作的学术语言。在 <date>,我提交了整篇论文(< 链接到此处的原始文档>),提示为<“提高语言的学术语气和准确性,包括语法结构、标点符号和词汇”>。然后进一步修改输出(<link here>)以更好地代表我自己的语气和写作风格。


Collect any types of primary data/facts. For example, conducting a formal interview, sending out survey, questionnaire.

These are for research task, requiring Ethical Clearance for the Ethics Committee,  and BUSS5221 should not engage in this type of ideas/data collection for this assessment.
这些用于研究任务,需要道德委员会的道德许可,BUSS5221 不应参与此类评估的想法/数据收集

Notes after A2 WEBINAR A2 网络研讨会后的笔记

Can the reference list be included in the ‘visual aid’ used for the video? NO. The reference list must be either in the booklet or in separate page .

Advice on recording: We strongly recommend record via Zoom. If you prefer to use another tool, Youtube for example, make sure it is public and that we will be able to access your video. 
录音建议:我们强烈建议通过 Zoom 进行录音。如果您更喜欢使用其他工具(例如 YouTube),请确保它是公开的,并且我们将能够访问您的视频。

The Booklet should be in A4 sized paper.
小册子应采用 A4 尺寸的纸张。

Please note that Titles and subtitles in the main page could be presented in different  styles but texts must be in Abadi/Aptos 11.  If the software you does does not have Abadi or Aptos,  you can use other font but it must be the equivalent of Abadi 11
请注意,主页中的标题和副标题可以以不同的样式呈现,但文本必须为 Abadi/Aptos 11。如果您的软件没有 Abadi 或 Aptos,您可以使用其他字体,但必须与阿巴迪 11

Be sure to indicate Appendix number in your booklet- for example (see Appendix 1). 
请务必在您的小册子中注明附录编号,例如(参见附录 1)。

The booklet can be set-up in landscape or portrait orientation.

Introduction 介绍

The purpose of this assessment is to identify a personal experience/problem you face, the gap (cause of the problem) and then using BUSS5221 creative frameworks, develop a creative solution that is unique and useful - it solves the problem.
此评估的目的是确定您面临的个人经历/问题、差距(问题的原因),然后使用 BUSS5221 创意框架,开发出独特且有用的创意解决方案 - 它解决了问题。

Examples: 示例:


    The story: My family and I like to eat a variety of fresh meals that I have cooked, this allows me to make sure that we are all eating healthy as I know the ingredients I am using and how fresh they are.

    Problem: I have just returned to full-time work which means I do not have the time to shop as frequently nor to prepare the ingredients for cooking.

    Gap: No other services are available.

    Potential solution: "complete" evening meal


    The story/situation/Context: I have just arrived in Australia to study for the next 18 months. I plan to return to my own country after the 18 months, so I am only here temporarily. I would like to spend weekends and holiday times          seeing different parts of the country and camping/driving is my preferred method of holidaying, so that I can stop when and where I feel like and camp.
故事/情况/背景:我刚刚抵达澳大利亚,开始接下来 18 个月的学习。我计划在 18 个月后返回自己的国家,所以我只是暂时在这里。我想利用周末和假期时间去看看这个国家的不同地方,而露营/驾车是我首选的度假方式,这样我就可以在自己喜欢的时间和地点停下来露营。

   Problem: I cannot afford the expense of buying my own campervan and hiring means I have to plan well ahead to book, and they are very expensive.

   Gap:  No van sharing-economy

   Potential solution: A Van sharing-economy concept where you can rent an affordable "reconditioned" van for short and long periods that can be driven and slept in.


    Context: Travis and Garrett Camp found themselves stuck in Paris on a snowy evening, unable to find a taxi, a bus or a ride.

    Problems: Waiting, cold, no acquaintances

    Gap: No service available in this kind of situation

    Their Solution: Uber was created
他们的解决方案:创建了 Uber

The subject matter 主题内容

 There are three areas to be addressed in the 3min video presentation and 1 page booklet:
3 分钟的视频演示和 1 页的小册子需要解决三个方面的问题:

  1. Identify the problem: detail the problem/personal experience you are faced with and the gap (cause/s of the problem).
  2. Utilise BUSS5221 Creative Mindset - frameworks and process: display how you have used the frameworks/theories you have learnt W1 - W6 to develop a creative solution for your identified personal experience/problem and gap.
    利用 BUSS5221 创意思维 - 框架和流程:展示您如何使用 W1 - W6 中学到的框架/理论来针对您确定的个人经验/问题和差距制定创意解决方案。
  3. Present the solution  and explain/justify how it is original/unique and useful in solving the problem (addressing the gap cause/s of the problem).

Important advice:  重要建议:

We suggest you do not come up with ideas such Applications (apps), policy. Such ideas could fall into ‘common place’ and difficult to justify their originality. Apps could be part of a solution or ways to implement a solution but should not be the main solution.


How to Submit your assignment

 This assignment will be marked in accordance with the University's anonymous marking procedure. Therefore, all file submissions must be in the following format:  BUSS5221_A2_SID. See note above regarding video submission versus booklet submission. 

Make sure you wait for the file to be fully uploaded before clicking 'Submit'.

Assignment 2 Marking Rubric 

Click here: BUSS5221 Assignment 2 Marking Rubric S2 2024 - FINAL.pdf Download BUSS5221 Assignment 2 Marking Rubric S2 2024 - FINAL.pdf

Late Penalties

Assessments which are submitted after the assessment deadline will incur a late penalty of 5% per day or part thereof up to 10 calendar days, after which a mark of zero is applied. The closing date is 10 calendar days after the due date. Since submission is electronic, for the purpose of calculating penalties, weekends, public holidays, and ordinary working days ALL count as days.


The feedback will be made available to students via Canvas when available.

Additional Assignment 2 Support

 A) Webinar Recording and PPT slides Download PPT slides

 B) Here is a handy one-stop shop document of academic support for students available through the Learning Hub. Download here Download here

C) Assessment 2 Discussion Forum will be available from Tuesday 20.08.24 (9am) until Thursday  05.09.23 at 5pm.

D) Consultations - Please refer to Teaching Staff page for Ange/Lova's respective consultation time.

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