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Leadership Reframed for the Workplace of the Future

As a premier provider of leadership development, Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning conducts ongoing research to develop new insights that help leaders succeed in a changing world. The multiphase study reported in this paper defined and vetted the most critical skills for leaders-across levels and functions-who now navigate the workplace in this age of constant change and disruption.


  • 10 vital capabilities for the leaders of today and tomorrow
    当今和未来领导者的 10 项重要能力
  • Seven “leadership superpowers,” core human traits that animate those capabilities, giving them direction and purpose
    七种 "领导力超能力",即激发这些能力、为其指明方向和目标的人类核心特质
  • Eight notable insights from a worldwide survey on those capabilities and superpowers
  • Key findings on employees’ perspectives and opinions, and their implications
  • And a closer look at the research findings, identifying opportunities to focus in on the importance of specific leadership skills
This report is intended to contribute to a heightened awareness of what it takes for leaders to succeed, inspire others, and drive business results in order to inform decisions about developing leaders for the workplace of the future.


1 Leadership Reframed for the Workplace of the Future
1 重塑领导力,打造未来职场
3 Foundational Research  3 基础研究
410 Leadership Capabilities
410 领导能力

57 Leadership Superpowers
57 种领导超能力

6 The Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning Leadership Capability Framework
6 哈佛商业出版社企业学习领导能力框架
7 Worldwide Leadership Survey
7 全球领导力调查

8 Notable Insights  8 个值得注意的见解
13 Key Survey Findings and Implications
13 主要调查结果和影响

25 Survey Findings for Individual Leadership Capabilities and Superpowers
25 关于个人领导能力和超能力的调查结果
33 Summary of Key Findings
33 主要结论摘要

34 Appendix  34 附录
35 Exploring Further  35 进一步探索

Foundational Research  基础研究

Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning’s 2022 global leadership study began with a conviction that the best leaders are highly motivated to create positive change for their people, their organizations, and society at large.
哈佛商业出版社企业学习部的 2022 年全球领导力研究始于这样一个信念,即最优秀的领导者都有很强的动力为员工、组织和整个社会创造积极的变革。
With that belief in mind, we asked a range of experts to evaluate our existing leadership capability framework. Our goals were to assess its continued relevance while simultaneously updating it considering the new forces reshaping business around the world today.
Through focus groups, interviews, and literature reviews, we gathered feedback from leading experts in the United States, Europe, and Asia, including Harvard Business School faculty, Harvard Business Review authors, and global subject matter experts, among others.* For added perspective, we also analyzed leadership competency models and maps developed by clients and researchers.
Leveraging this extensive feedback, we created an enhanced framework that resonates with leaders, learners, experts in the field, and learning and development practitioners. The central outcome of this foundational research was 10 critical capabilities for leaders at all levels.
利用这些广泛的反馈意见,我们创建了一个得到领导者、学习者、该领域的专家以及学习与发展从业者共鸣的增强型框架。这项基础性研究的核心成果是各级领导者的 10 项关键能力。

10 Leadership Capabilities
10 种领导能力

Leads Authentically  真实地引导

Earn trust through transparent interactions and follow through as promised

Leads Strategically  战略性引导
Make decisions that move the organization toward bigpicture goals

Leads Teams That Deliver Keep people engaged and work together toward team and organizational goals
领导团队实现目标 让员工参与其中,并为实现团队和组织目标而共同努力

Drives Digital and Data Intelligence

Learn how technology is changing and leverage technical information and insights to grow the business

Champions Inclusion Honor the dimensions of diversity by actively finding ways to leverage diverse capabilities and points of view
倡导包容 通过积极寻找利用不同能力和观点的方法,尊重多样性的各个层面

Develops Others Identify and support learning experiences that link the talents, skills, and aspirations of individuals with important team and organizational needs
发展他人 确定并支持将个人的才能、技能和愿望与团队和组织的重要需求联系起来的学习经 历
Leads through Uncertainty and Change Keep people engaged and productive despite the uncertainty and complexity of modern corporate life
在不确定性和变革中发挥领导作用 尽管现代企业生活充满不确定性和复杂性,但仍能保持员工的参与度和工作效率

Understands the Business Learn how the business makes a profit and target
了解企业 了解企业的盈利方式和目标

efforts where they  努力
matter most  最重要

Demonstrates Resilience and Agility

Exhibit this skill under pressure and support others in doing the same

Communicates for Influence and Impact Hone speaking and writing skills
通过交流增强影响力和冲击力 磨练演讲和写作技巧

7 Leadership Superpowers
7 种领导力超能力

To answer the next question, “How do leaders master and apply a capability to support individual, team, and big-picture success?” we defined a number of essential skills and micro-skills for each capability.
为了回答下一个问题,即 "领导者如何掌握和应用某种能力,以支持个人、团队和全局的成功?"我们为每种能力定义了一些基本技能和微技能。
Recognizing at the same time that capabilities, skills, and micro-skills do not tell the entire story behind successful leadership, we also identified seven qualities of character that shape and motivate truly effective leaders.
These “leadership superpowers” are human traits or values that animate the attitudes, skills, and behaviors of highly effective leaders.
这些 "领导超能力 "是人类的特质或价值观,是高效领导者的态度、技能和行为的源泉。

The Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning Leadership Capability Framework

Together, these superpowers enable leaders to create positive change for their people, their organizations, and society at large. And while some of them are not unequivocally teachable, they can be nurtured and developed. The relationship between capabilities, skills, micro-skills, and superpowers is illustrated in the following model.
To test our conviction that this new framework would help leaders, their teams, and their organizations thrive in a changing world, we launched a second research phase to measure the perceptions and opinions of working people at all levels on the value, presence, and impact of the 10 capabilities and 7 superpowers.
为了验证我们的信念,即这一新框架将帮助领导者、他们的团队和他们的组织在不断变化的世界中茁壮成长,我们启动了第二阶段的研究,以衡量各级员工对 10 种能力和 7 种超能力的价值、存在和影响的看法和意见。
Capabilities  能力
Micro-Skills  微技能
Superpowers  超能力

Worldwide Leadership Survey

In a comprehensive online survey in late 2022 with 2,361 responses across a range of industries, we examined attitudes and opinions about the capabilities and superpowers across levels in an organization and explored their impact.
2022 年末,我们在各行各业开展了一项综合在线调查,共收到 2,361 份回复,调查内容包括对组织内各层级能力和超能力的态度和看法,以及这些能力和超能力的影响。
Survey participants-senior leaders, people managers, and individual contributors at least 21 years of age-worked full time in organizations with more than 5,000 employees in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, India, and Saudi Arabia.*
参与调查者--年龄至少在 21 岁以上的高级领导、人事经理和个人贡献者--在美国、英国、荷兰、阿拉伯联合酋长国、印度和沙特阿拉伯拥有 5000 多名员工的组织中全职工作*。

To characterize their opinions, survey respondents used a 0-to-10-point scale to answer questions in the following categories:
为了描述他们的意见,调查对象在回答以下类别的问题时采用了 0-10 分制:
  • Importance of exhibiting leadership capabilities and superpowers for the organization
  • Degree to which the organization emphasizes leadership capabilities and superpowers
  • Impact of leadership capabilities on selected organizational and business objectives
  • Hiring and training for the capabilities
  • Frequency with which immediate manager exhibits the superpowers
  • Importance of leadership capabilities at different levels in the organization
  • Barriers to developing the leadership capabilities
  • Demographics and self-reported organizational performance

Notable Insights  重要见解

In addition to the key findings, which will be examined later, eight high-level insights emerged from the survey. They raise thoughtprovoking questions and point to important organizational challenges, as well as provide a backdrop for our key survey findings and their implications for leaders, organizations, and learning and development practitioners.


Survey respondents from organizations that emphasize Leads Strategically and Leads Authentically were more likely to see higher growth, deeper employee engagement, and improved customer experiences. However, respondents also said these were two of the most difficult capabilities to assess in the hiring process.
来自强调 "战略性领导 "和 "真实性领导 "的组织的调查对象更有可能看到更高的增长、更深的员工参与度和更好的客户体验。不过,受访者也表示,这是招聘过程中最难评估的两种能力。
If that is true, it means organizations need plans in place to quickly identify and fill any skill gaps in these vital capabilities in their leadership teams.

Perspectives on authenticity differ.


Fifty-nine percent of senior leaders said their organization emphasizes Leads Authentically.
59%的高层领导表示,他们的组织强调 "真实领导"。

Lower on the organizational chart, far fewer agreed (48% of people managers and 36 % 36 % 36%36 \% of individual contributors). This is a serious blind spot for organizations concerned about employee engagement.
而在组织结构图的下层,同意这一观点的人则少得多(48% 的人事经理和 36 % 36 % 36%36 \% 的个人贡献者)。对于关注员工敬业度的组织而言,这是一个严重的盲点。
Further, 80% of senior leaders said they received training in authentic leadership in 2021. Only 44% of people managers, arguably a group for whom authentic leadership is particularly relevant, received similar training.
此外,80% 的高级领导者表示,他们在 2021 年接受过有关真实领导力的培训。只有 44% 的人事经理接受过类似的培训,而真实型领导力对这一群体的影响尤为明显。
Digital and data intelligence matter-but less so for senior leaders.


Senior leaders and people managers ranked Drives Digital and Data Intelligence last of the 10 capabilities. Yet these groups ranked digital transformation highly for its impact on innovation, productivity, and financial performance.
高级领导者和人事经理将 "驱动数字化和数据智能 "排在 10 项能力的最后一位。然而,这些群体却高度评价了数字化转型对创新、生产力和财务业绩的影响。
The reason for the discrepancy is not yet entirely clear. With digital transformations still relatively new in some organizations and industries, a greater focus on related capabilities in leaders’ own development may be forthcoming.

/_\quad\triangle \quad Senior leaders may have moved on from inclusion.
/_\quad\triangle \quad 高层领导可能已经放弃了包容性。


Senior leaders and people managers ranked Champions Inclusion ninth, or next to last. At the same time, they ranked inclusion highly for its impact on employee engagement and morale. While half of individual contributors and people managers reported that their organization Champions Inclusion, only 36 % 36 % 36%36 \% of senior leaders agreed.
高级领导和人事经理将 "倡导包容 "排在第九位,即倒数第二位。与此同时,他们对包容性对员工敬业度和士气的影响给予了高度评价。虽然有一半的个人贡献者和人事经理表示他们的组织拥护全纳理念,但只有 36 % 36 % 36%36 \% 的高层领导表示赞同。
What this disconnect may mean for the future of diversity and inclusion initiatives is yet to be seen.

(5) Empathy is less practiced than preached.
(5) 同理心的实践少于说教。


Seventy-seven percent of senior leaders view Empathy-a basic emotion expressed in simple acknowledgment of another’s experience-as important. Most respondents, however, said their leaders do not consistently express Empathy.
有 77% 的高级领导者认为,"同理心"--一种通过对他人经历的简单认可而表达出来的基本情感--非常重要。然而,大多数受访者表示,他们的领导并没有始终如一地表达 "同理心"。
While data suggests employees now expect greater Empathy from their leaders and that organizations practicing Empathy see deeper employee engagement, just 47% of senior leaders in our survey think their own organizations value Empathy.
虽然有数据表明,员工现在希望领导者能给予他们更多的同理心,而实行同理心的组织也能提高员工的参与度,但在我们的调查中,仅有 47% 的高级领导者认为他们自己的组织重视同理心。
Empathy is central to building trust and leading authentically, making it important to develop in today’s leaders.

Courage and curiosity may not be getting enough attention.

While nearly two-thirds of senior leaders reported that their organizations emphasize Courage, far fewer people managers and individual contributors agreed (44% and 28%, respectively). Similar gaps existed for Curiosity.
近三分之二的高层领导表示,他们的组织强调 "勇气",但认同这一观点的人事经理和个人贡献者则少得多(分别为 44% 和 28%)。好奇心方面也存在类似的差距。
Eight in 10 individual contributors said their organizations want them to demonstrate Integrity. In contrast, only five in 10 said demonstrating Curiosity is highly important, and only four in 10 said the same about Courage.
每 10 位个人撰稿人中就有 8 位表示,他们的组织希望他们表现出正直。相比之下,只有五分之十的人表示好奇心非常重要,只有四分之十的人表示勇气同样重要。
These differences in perceptions warrant attention in any organization that counts on creativity and innovation to help it grow and compete.

There is a selfawareness shortage.


Self-aware leaders correctly perceive their impact on others, which makes all the difference to effective leadership. Only six in 10 senior leaders reported that their organization emphasizes Self-Awareness, and only 56 % 56 % 56%56 \% of all respondents said their immediate supervisors consistently display Self-Awareness.
具有自我意识的领导者能够正确地认识到自己对他人的影响,这对有效的领导至关重要。每十位高级领导中只有六位表示他们的组织强调自我意识,而在所有受访者中,只有 56 % 56 % 56%56 \% 的人表示他们的直属上司一贯表现出自我意识。
Being attuned to the reactions of others is a cornerstone of good communication, and it appears that many leaders have room for further improvement.

Expectations for integrity are high-and too often unmet.


While Integrity topped the ranked list of superpowers, with more than eight in 10 saying it is highly important, less than two-thirds of all respondents reported that their immediate supervisors consistently demonstrate Integrity.
虽然 "正直 "在超级能力排行榜上名列前茅,每 10 位受访者中就有 8 位以上认为 "正直 "非常重要,但在所有受访者中,只有不到三分之二的人表示,他们的直接上司一贯表现出 "正直"。
Given society’s growing concern for how organizations treat their people, the environment, and their communities, whether failures of Integrity are real or imagined, they increasingly have the potential to undermine an organization’s success.

Key Survey Findings and Implications

Seven key findings surfaced as a result of examining the overall data and comparing responses from different organizational levels.

These 10 leadership capabilities are relevant for all leaders and correlate with organizational success.
这 10 种领导能力适用于所有领导者,并与组织的成功息息相关。

The majority of respondents felt strongly that all 10 leadership capabilities are relevant for both senior leaders and people managers.
大多数受访者强烈认为,所有 10 项领导能力都与高级领导者和人事经理相关。
  • Understands the Business, Leads Strategically, and Leads through Uncertainty and Change were identified as especially relevant for senior leaders.
    他们认为,"了解业务"、"战略领导 "和 "在不确定性和变革中领导 "与高级领导者尤为相关。
  • Understands the Business and Develops Others were the top-ranked capabilities for people managers.
  • Leads Authentically was identified as important for both groups.
    两个小组都认为 "真实引导 "非常重要。

Importance of Leadership Capabilities for Senior Leaders and People Managers

Organizations that reported exceeding expectations for revenue, customer experiences, and employee engagement-the elite 7% in our survey-were decidedly more likely to emphasize these leadership capabilities, especially Leads Authentically and Leads Strategically.
在收入、客户体验和员工敬业度方面超出预期的组织--我们调查中的 7% 精英组织--明显更倾向于强调这些领导能力,尤其是 "真实领导 "和 "战略领导"。

Leadership Capabilities Emphasized by Organizational Culture
Top Performers (Exceeding Revenue, Employee Experience, and Customer Experience Targets) - All Others
最佳表现者(超额完成收入、员工体验和客户体验目标) - 所有其他人员

Survey questions on the implications of each capability revealed perceptions of strong links to high employee engagement and morale, meeting strategic and financial goals, high productivity, and a culture of innovation. Respondents correlated the absence of other capabilities with negative outcomes.
  • According to respondents, engagement suffers most when the capabilities Develops Others, Champions Inclusion, and/or Leads Authentically are in short supply.
    受访者认为,当缺乏 "发展他人"、"倡导包容 "和/或 "真实领导 "的能力时,参与度会受到最大影响。
  • Respondents believe strategic and financial goals are most at risk when leaders lack strength in the capabilities Drives Digital and Data Intelligence, Understands the Business, and/or Leads Strategically.
    受访者认为,如果领导者在 "数字和数据智能驱动"、"业务理解 "和/或 "战略领导 "方面缺乏优势,战略和财务目标就会面临最大风险。
  • Leads through Uncertainty and Change, Champions Inclusion, and Leads Authentically correlated with high employee morale, Leads Teams That Deliver with productivity, and Drives Digital and Data Intelligence with both productivity and a culture of innovation.
Respondents see strong links between key leadership capabilities and critical

business outcomes. We summarized the relationships between these as follows:

\checkmark These capabilities, done well:
\checkmark 这些能力,做得很好:

Leads through  通过
Uncertainty  不确定性
and Change  与变革
Uncertainty and Change| Uncertainty | | :--- | | and Change |
Champions  冠军
Inclusion Authentically  真实地融入
Have positive impacts on employee morale

Support a culture of innovation

× × xx\times These capabilities, not done well:
× × xx\times 这些能力,做得不好:
Developing Others| Developing | | :---: | | Others |
Champions Inclusion| Champions | | :---: | | Inclusion |
Leads Authentically| Leads | | :---: | | Authentically |

the Business
Understands the Business| Understands | | :---: | | the Business |

Drives Digital
and Data
Drives Digital and Data Intelligence| Drives Digital | | :---: | | and Data | | Intelligence |
"Developing Others" "Champions Inclusion" "Leads Authentically" "Understands the Business" "Drives Digital and Data Intelligence"| Developing <br> Others | Champions <br> Inclusion | Leads <br> Authentically | Understands <br> the Business | Drives Digital <br> and Data <br> Intelligence | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
Mismatched perceptions of the capabilities may create organizational tensions.
Compared with other groups, far more senior leaders believe their organizations emphasize Leads Authentically.
与其他群体相比,更多的高层领导认为他们的组织强调 "真实领导"。
  • Apart from senior leaders, few saw Drives Digital and Data Intelligence as important in their culture even though digital transformation is a high priority for many organizations.
    除了高层领导之外,很少有人认为 "数字驱动 "和 "数据智能 "在他们的企业文化中很重要,尽管数字化转型是许多组织的重中之重。
  • Despite the recent prominence of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), senior leaders were less likely than other groups to say their culture Champions Inclusion.
    尽管最近多元化、公平和包容(DEI)备受关注,但与其他群体相比,高层领导不太可能说他们的企业文化是 "倡导包容"。

Organizations struggle
to hire for some vital leadership capabilities.

Because Leads Strategically and Leads through Uncertainty and Change are difficult to assess during hiring, organizations often face the need to develop these capabilities.
由于 "战略领导力 "和 "在不确定性和变革中的领导力 "很难在招聘时进行评估,因此组织往往需要培养这些能力。
Despite growing expectations that they be skilled in doing so, only 63 % 63 % 63%63 \% of senior leaders had training in Leads through Uncertainty and Change in 2021.
尽管人们越来越期望高级领导者能够熟练掌握这些技能,但在 2021 年,只有 63 % 63 % 63%63 \% 的高级领导者接受过 "领导者应对不确定性和变革 "培训。
Respondents felt it equally crucial for people managers to lead authentically and lead through change, but that group had far fewer opportunities to hone these capabilities.
As noted earlier, 80% of senior leaders received training in Leads Authentically, compared to just 44% of people managers.
如前所述,80% 的高级领导者接受过 "真实领导 "培训,而只有 44% 的人事经理接受过培训。
Difficulty of Hiring Candidates with Capability/Skill


Leads strategically  战略领导
Demonstrates resilience and agility

Understands the business  了解业务
Develops others  培养他人
Communicates for influence and impact
Drives digital and data intelligence
Champions inclusion  冠军融入
Source: Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning survey, July-August 2022
资料来源哈佛商业出版社企业学习调查,2022 年 7-8 月
People managers are most likely to receive training in Develops Others (56%) and Understands the Business (56%).
人事经理最有可能接受 "发展他人"(56%)和 "了解业务"(56%)方面的培训。
Predictably, managers were far more likely than individual contributors to receive training in the leadership capabilities during 2021. Individual contributors were most likely to receive training in Understands the Business (48%) and Champions Inclusion (41%).
可以预见的是,在 2021 年期间,管理人员接受领导能力培训的可能性远远高于个人贡献者。个人贡献者最有可能接受 "了解业务"(48%)和 "倡导包容"(41%)方面的培训。
The vast majority of senior leaders and people managers, plus about half of individual contributors, expressed strong interest in receiving training in many of the 10 leadership capabilities.
绝大多数高层领导和人事经理,以及大约一半的个人贡献者,都对接受 10 项领导能力中的多项培训表示出浓厚的兴趣。
Received Training in Past Year

\square Individual Contributors \square People Managers \square Senior Leaders
\square 个人贡献者 \square 人员管理者 \square 高级领导者

Understands the business  了解业务
Communicates for influence and impact

Leads through uncertainty and change

Leads strategically  战略领导
Champions inclusion  冠军融入
Drives digital and data intelligence

Develops others  培养他人
Leads authentically  真实地引导
Source: Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning survey, July-August 2022
资料来源哈佛商业出版社企业学习调查,2022 年 7-8 月
Nearly eight in 10 senior leaders felt strongly that all superpowers are highly important in their roles, and most people managers felt the same.

Importance to the Organization of Respondent Exhibiting Superpowers

Courage  勇气

Source: Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning survey, July-August 2022
资料来源哈佛商业出版社企业学习调查,2022 年 7-8 月
Findings for the superpowers also showed positive associations with performance.
Respondents from successful organizations (selfreported measures of revenue, growth, customer experience, and employee engagement) more often said their organizations emphasize the superpowers.

Top Performers (Exceeding Revenue, Employee Experience, and Customer Experience Targets)

Perspectives on superpowers differed by role, revealing potential blind spots for leaders.

Perspectives on which superpowers are most important and which an organizational culture emphasizes most differed by role, revealing potential blind spots for leaders.
  • For example, senior leaders said far more often than those at other levels that their organizations emphasize Courage and Self-Awareness.
    例如,高级领导比其他级别的领导更常说他们的组织强调 "勇气 "和 "自我意识"。
  • Seventy-eight percent of senior leaders felt that Empathy is important in their role, but only 47% said their organization emphasizes it.
    78%的高层领导认为,移情在他们的角色中很重要,但只有 47% 的人说他们的组织强调移情。

Compared to people at lower organizational levels, senior leaders were more likely to report that their own immediate supervisors exhibit the superpowers.
Individual contributors said they rarely observe evidence of Self-Awareness, Curiosity, or Courage in their immediate supervisors.

Survey Findings for Individual Leadership Capabilities and Superpowers

To shed further light on critical leadership development goals and issues in today’s workforce, this section outlines specific survey findings for each individual capability and selected superpowers, including brief analyses of their implications.

Leads Strategically  战略性引导


Eighty percent of all respondents see Leads Strategically as a critical capability for senior leaders ( 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% for people managers). Respondents said strategic and financial goals were especially at risk when strategic leadership was weak.
在所有受访者中,80% 的人认为 "战略领导力 "是高级领导者( 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% 人事经理)的一项关键能力。受访者表示,当战略领导力薄弱时,战略和财务目标尤其面临风险。
  • Seventy-one percent of senior leaders received related training in 2021 on this skill, along with 45% of people managers.
    71% 的高层领导和 45% 的人事经理将在 2021 年接受关于这项技能的相关培训。
  • More expressed strong interest in further developing this capability, specifically 77 % 77 % 77%77 \% of senior leaders and 66 % 66 % 66%66 \% of people managers.
    更多的人对进一步发展这种能力表示出浓厚的兴趣,特别是高级领导 77 % 77 % 77%77 \% 和人事经理 66 % 66 % 66%66 \%
  • As mentioned earlier, respondents said it is difficult to hire for Leads Strategically, strongly suggesting that organizations need to be ready to upskill both new hires and tenured managers.

Leads through Uncertainty and Change


Nearly eight in 10 respondents felt strongly that Leads through Uncertainty and Change is important both for senior leaders (78%) and people managers (77%). In respondents’ minds, this capability was closely linked to a positive impact on morale. Like Leads Authentically, the skills for Leads through Uncertainty and Change were reported as difficult to judge during hiring, suggesting a potential need for training in this capability as well.
近十分之八的受访者强烈认为,"在不确定性和变革中发挥领导作用 "对高层领导(78%)和人事经理(77%)都很重要。在受访者心目中,这种能力与对士气的积极影响密切相关。与 "真诚领导 "一样,"在不确定性和变革中发挥领导作用 "的技能在招聘中也很难判断,这表明也可能需要对这一能力进行培训。
  • Sixty-three percent of senior leaders and 46 % 46 % 46%46 \% of people managers received related training in 2021, while 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% of senior leaders and 65 % 65 % 65%65 \% of people managers expressed strong interest in further developing the capability.
    63%的高层领导和 46 % 46 % 46%46 \% 的人事经理在 2021 年接受了相关培训,而 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% 的高层领导和 65 % 65 % 65%65 \% 的人事经理对进一步发展能力表示出浓厚的兴趣。
  • Given today’s volatile and unpredictable economic conditions, Leads through Uncertainty and Change has become crucial for sustained performance.
    在当今动荡和不可预测的经济形势下,"在不确定性和变革中发挥领导作用 "已成为保持业绩的关键。


While many felt strongly about its importance, Drives Digital and Data Intelligence ranked last, with only 37 % 37 % 37%37 \% saying their organizational culture emphasizes it. At the same time, respondents said digital and data intelligence was a priority for improving productivity, fostering innovation, and meeting strategic and financial goals.
虽然许多人都强烈感受到了数字和数据智能的重要性,但只有 37 % 37 % 37%37 \% 受访者表示他们的组织文化强调数字和数据智能。同时,受访者表示,数字和数据智能是提高生产力、促进创新以及实现战略和财务目标的优先事项。
  • With increasing calls for data-driven decisions, it’s unsurprising that nearly 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% of senior leaders received related training in 2021.
    随着数据驱动决策的呼声越来越高,近 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% 的高级领导者在 2021 年接受相关培训也就不足为奇了。
  • Far fewer people managers received this kind of training (only 45%), suggesting an unmet development need, especially given that 57% of people managers and 72 % 72 % 72%72 \% of senior leaders expressed strong interest in further developing their data intelligence skills.
    接受过此类培训的人事经理人数要少得多(仅占 45%),这表明发展需求尚未得到满足,特别是考虑到 57% 的人事经理和 72 % 72 % 72%72 \% 的高级领导对进一步发展数据智能技能表示出浓厚的兴趣。
  • If digital transformation is a priority, related capabilities will need to be prioritized for leaders at all levels.

Champions Inclusion  冠军融入


Many respondents felt strongly that Champions Inclusion is important, notably as it affects employee engagement and morale. Seventy-two percent of all respondents felt strongly that this capability is needed by senior leaders, 70 % 70 % 70%70 \% by people managers, and 62 % 62 % 62%62 \% by individual contributors. But just 49 % 49 % 49%49 \% of all respondents-and, crucially, only 36 % 36 % 36%36 \% of senior leaders-said their own organization emphasizes inclusion.
许多受访者强烈认为,"冠军包容 "非常重要,尤其是因为它会影响员工的参与度和士气。72%的受访者强烈认为,高层领导、人事经理和个人贡献者都需要这种能力。但是,在所有受访者中,只有 49 % 49 % 49%49 \% 表示他们所在的组织强调包容性,而关键的是,只有 36 % 36 % 36%36 \% 的高层领导表示他们所在的组织强调包容性。
  • Despite the strong perceived impact of Champions Inclusion on engagement-as well as the recent high-profile attention to DEI-more respondents at every level expressed strong interest in training in this capability than actually received it in 2021.
    尽管人们认为 "全纳冠军 "对参与度有很大影响,而且最近对 DEI 的关注度也很高,但在 2021 年,各层次受访者中表示对这种能力培训有浓厚兴趣的人比实际接受培训的人要多。
  • With so few senior leaders reporting their organizational culture truly emphasizes inclusion, the ongoing progress for DEl initiatives may be at risk.
    由于很少有高层领导报告他们的组织文化真正强调全纳,DEl 计划的持续进展可能面临风险。

Authentically  真实地引导


Nearly eight in 10 respondents felt strongly that Leads Authentically is important for senior and people managers, and they see this capability as crucial for employee engagement and morale.
每 10 位受访者中就有近 8 位强烈认为,"真实领导 "对高级管理人员和人事经理非常重要,他们认为这种能力对员工的参与度和士气至关重要。
  • Fifty-nine percent of senior leaders believe their organizations emphasize Leads Authentically, versus just 36% of individual contributors and 48 % 48 % 48%48 \% of people managers, revealing a concerning gap in perceptions.
    59%的高层领导认为他们的组织强调 "真实的领导",而仅有 36% 的个人贡献者和 48 % 48 % 48%48 \% 的人事经理认为他们的组织强调 "真实的领导",这表明在观念上存在着令人担忧的差距。
  • Like other important capabilities, this one was described as difficult to judge during hiring, again suggesting that organizations need to be ready with appropriate training for new hires.
  • Eighty percent of senior leaders received related training in 2021, compared to just 44% of people managers.
    2021 年,80% 的高层领导接受过相关培训,而人事经理仅有 44%。
  • Sixty-seven percent of people managers expressed a strong desire for this kind of training-an important finding since respondents said that was even more critical for people managers than for senior leaders.
Understands the Business


This capability ranked first among the capabilities in importance, with 82 % 82 % 82%82 \% identifying it as highly important for senior leaders and 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% for people managers. Respondents predictably saw it as crucial for meeting strategic and financial goals.
这项能力的重要性在所有能力中排名第一, 82 % 82 % 82%82 \% 认为它对高层领导非常重要, 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% 认为它对人事经理非常重要。可以预见,受访者认为它对实现战略和财务目标至关重要。
  • Seventy-seven percent of senior leaders received related training in 2021, along with 56 % 56 % 56%56 \% of people managers.
    在 2021 年,77% 的高层领导和 56 % 56 % 56%56 \% 的人事经理接受了相关培训。
  • Seventy-five percent of senior leaders, 65 % 65 % 65%65 \% of people managers, and 52 % 52 % 52%52 \% of individual contributors expressed strong interest in further developing this capability.
    75%的高层领导、 65 % 65 % 65%65 \% 的人事经理和 52 % 52 % 52%52 \% 的个人贡献者都对进一步发展这种能力表示出浓厚的兴趣。
  • Business acumen, including financial literacy and a strong understanding of the market and customers, is critical for leaders to make good business decisions as well as to accurately evaluate potentially innovative ideas coming from their teams.

Resilience and Agility


This capability was identified as important for senior leaders (76%), people managers (74%), and individual contributors (68%). Overall, though, only 42 % 42 % 42%42 \% said their culture emphasized it. And nearly half (49%) of all respondents felt this capability was difficult to judge in the hiring process.
高级领导者(76%)、人事经理(74%)和个人贡献者(68%)都认为这种能力很重要。不过,总体而言,只有 42 % 42 % 42%42 \% 表示他们的企业文化强调这种能力。近一半(49%)的受访者认为在招聘过程中很难判断这种能力。
  • Sixty-seven percent of senior leaders received related training in 2021, along with 43 % 43 % 43%43 \% of people managers and just 32 % 32 % 32%32 \% of individual contributors.
    2021 年,67% 的高层领导接受了相关培训, 43 % 43 % 43%43 \% 的人事经理和 32 % 32 % 32%32 \% 的个人贡献者也接受了相关培训。
  • Yet 76% of senior leaders, 63% of people managers, and 49% of individual contributors expressed strong interest.
    然而,76% 的高层领导、63% 的人事经理和 49% 的个人贡献者表示出了强烈的兴趣。
  • The pace of change today suggests that supporting people’s resilience and agility is a sensible priority for future-focused organizations.

Develops Others  发展他人


Since many employees today see career development more as a right than as a perk, it is remarkable that just 53 % 53 % 53%53 \% of senior leaders, 59 % 59 % 59%59 \% of people managers, and 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% of individual contributors said their organization emphasizes this capability.
由于当今许多员工更多地将职业发展视为一种权利,而不是一种福利,因此仅有 53 % 53 % 53%53 \% 的高层领导、 59 % 59 % 59%59 \% 的人事经理和 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 的个人贡献者表示他们的组织强调这种能力,这一点非常引人注目。
  • Given that respondents identified failure to develop others as a top risk to employee engagement, enhancing this capability among people managers-who most respondents feel have the primary responsibility for guiding development-is essential.

Leads Teams
That Deliver


Respondents associated Leads Teams That Deliver with driving productivity and identified it as another capability especially important for people managers. Seventy-seven percent believe Leads Teams That Deliver is important for people managers, as do 76 % 76 % 76%76 \% for senior leaders.
受访者将 "领导团队卓有成效 "与提高生产力联系在一起,并将其视为对人事经理特别重要的另一项能力。有 77% 的受访者认为 "领导团队,实现目标 "对人事经理很重要, 76 % 76 % 76%76 \% 对高级领导也是如此。
  • Among people managers, far more showed strong interest in related training (69%) than received it in 2021 (48%).
    在人事经理中,对相关培训表现出浓厚兴趣的人数(69%)远远多于 2021 年接受培训的人数(48%)。

Communicates for Influence and Impact


Respondents agreed this capability was important for all groups: 77 % 77 % 77%77 \% for senior leaders, 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% for people managers, and 64 % 64 % 64%64 \% for individual contributors.
受访者认为这种能力对所有群体都很重要: 77 % 77 % 77%77 \% 为高级领导者, 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% 为人事经理, 64 % 64 % 64%64 \% 为个人贡献者。
  • Sixty-eight percent of senior leaders, but only 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% of people managers and 35 % 35 % 35%35 \% of individual contributors, received related training in 2021.
    68% 的高层领导在 2021 年接受了相关培训,但只有 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 的人事经理和 35 % 35 % 35%35 \% 的个人贡献者接受了相关培训。
  • Seventy-three percent of senior leaders, 65 % 65 % 65%65 \% of people managers, and 49 % 49 % 49%49 \% of individual contributors expressed strong interest in enhancing the capability through training.
    73%的高层领导、 65 % 65 % 65%65 \% 的人事经理和 49 % 49 % 49%49 \% 的个人贡献者对通过培训提高能力表示出强烈的兴趣。

Empathy  同理心


Empathy ranked second only to Integrity as the most important superpower. Respondents from topperforming organizations in the survey more often said their culture emphasized Empathy (66% vs. 53%).
同理心是仅次于诚信的最重要的超级能力。在调查中,来自表现最佳组织的受访者更常说他们的企业文化强调 "同理心"(66% 对 53%)。
  • While 78 % 78 % 78%78 \% of senior leaders felt strongly that Empathy is important in their roles, only 47 % 47 % 47%47 \% of that same group said their organizational culture emphasizes it.
    虽然 78 % 78 % 78%78 \% 的高层领导强烈认为移情在他们的角色中非常重要,但只有 47 % 47 % 47%47 \% 的高层领导表示他们的组织文化强调移情。
  • Even with empathetic leadership making headlines and data suggesting that employees now expect greater Empathy from their leaders, only 58 % 58 % 58%58 \% of all respondents said their immediate manager consistently exhibits Empathy.
    即使同理心领导力成为头条新闻,而且有数据表明员工现在希望他们的领导者能够给予他们更多的同理心,但在所有受访者中,只有 58 % 58 % 58%58 \% 表示他们的直接经理始终如一地表现出同理心。

Curiosity  好奇心


Seventy-seven percent of senior leaders felt strongly that Curiosity is important in their roles. In contrast, only 52 % 52 % 52%52 \% of individual contributors and 63 % 63 % 63%63 \% of people managers felt the same about the importance of demonstrating Curiosity in their own roles.
有 77% 的高层领导强烈认为,好奇心对他们的工作非常重要。相比之下,只有 52 % 52 % 52%52 \% 的个人贡献者和 63 % 63 % 63%63 \% 的人事经理对在自己的岗位上展现好奇心的重要性有同样的感受。
  • As with Empathy, respondents from top-performing organizations more often said their culture emphasizes Curiosity ( 62 % 62 % 62%62 \% vs. 43 % 43 % 43%43 \% ).
    与 "同理心 "一样,绩优组织的受访者更常说他们的企业文化强调 "好奇心"( 62 % 62 % 62%62 \% 43 % 43 % 43%43 \% )。
  • Respondents also reported that Curiosity isn’t something they often observe in their immediate supervisors.
  • Curiosity supports innovation, now recognized as vital to sustained organizational performance, which makes it remarkable that fewer than five in 10 overall say their organizations emphasize Curiosity.

Courage  勇气


Seventy-seven percent of senior leaders, 61% of people managers, and 44 % 44 % 44%44 \% of individual contributors felt strongly that it is important to demonstrate Courage in their roles.
77%的高层领导、61%的人事经理和 44 % 44 % 44%44 \% 个人贡献者强烈认为,在自己的岗位上展现勇气非常重要。
  • Sixty-six percent of senior leaders felt their organizations emphasized Courage-a far higher percentage than those of people managers or individual contributors.
    66%的高层领导认为他们的组织强调 "勇气",这一比例远远高于人事经理或个人贡献者。
  • Where this gap in perceptions exists within an organization, it has serious implications for the true level of psychological safety and intellectual honesty.

Self-Awareness  自我意识


While 77% percent of senior leaders felt strongly it is important to demonstrate Self-Awareness, just 70% of people managers felt the same.
77% 的高层领导强烈认为展示自我意识很重要,但只有 70% 的人事经理有同样的感受。
  • Revealing yet another potential blind spot, senior leaders saw their organizations emphasizing Self-Awareness far more often than did people managers and individual contributors ( 61 % 61 % 61%61 \% vs. 45 % 45 % 45%45 \% vs. 36 % 36 % 36%36 \%, respectively).
    高级领导者认为他们的组织比人事经理和个人贡献者更经常强调 "自我意识"( 61 % 61 % 61%61 \% vs. 45 % 45 % 45%45 \% vs. 36 % 36 % 36%36 \% ),这揭示了另一个潜在的盲点。
  • Just 56% of all respondents said their immediate supervisor consistently exhibits Self-Awareness.
    在所有受访者中,仅有 56% 的人表示他们的直属上司一贯表现出 "自我意识"。
  • In short, when it comes to Self-Awareness, many managers seem unaware that their direct reports see a problem.

Summary of Key Findings

Respondents confirmed all 10 capabilities and 7 superpowers as highly relevant for today’s leaders, across industries and geographical regions, and respondents from highly successful organizations more often indicated that their organizational cultures emphasize them.
受访者确认,所有 10 种能力和 7 种超能力都与当今各行业和各地区的领导者高度相关,而且来自高度成功组织的受访者更常表示,他们的组织文化强调这些能力和超能力。
These capabilities, in concert with the superpowers, are strongly perceived to support employee engagement, productivity, innovation, the achievement of strategic and financial goals, and an inclusive culture that helps all employees contribute their best efforts.
Yet organizations often struggle with hiring for and developing these skills.
Some capabilities and superpowers are difficult to assess during the hiring process, and many respondents said they have not received-despite strong interest-training in many of the capabilities and/or superpowers.
Further, the survey exposed troubling disconnects between perceptions among senior leaders and other groups regarding the emphasis on and demonstration of these capabilities and superpowers. These findings highlight potential threats to organizational performance, as well as constructive areas of focus for leaders committed to creating positive change for their people, organizations, and communities.
Appendix (Demographic and firmographic details for the survey audience)

Gender  性别

Company Size  公司规模

Company Performance in 2021
2021 年公司业绩

\square Failed to Meet Met \square Exceeded
\square 未达到 达到 \square 超过
Growth targets  增长目标 16% 58% 26%
Employee engagement  员工参与 27 55 18
Customer satisfaction  客户满意度 15 57 27
Growth targets 16% 58% 26% Employee engagement 27 55 18 Customer satisfaction 15 57 27| Growth targets | 16% | 58% | 26% | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Employee engagement | 27 | 55 | 18 | | Customer satisfaction | 15 | 57 | 27 |

Exploring Further  进一步探索

The resources below, in a range of media from Harvard Business Publishing, provide further perspective on the value, impact, and development of the leadership capabilities and superpowers.

Leads Strategically  战略性引导

Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty

Article, June 2022  文章,2022 年 6 月
4 Steps to Creating Strategy in an Uncertain World
在不确定世界中制定战略的 4 个步骤

Article, June 2022  文章,2022 年 6 月

Leads through Uncertainty and Change

The Case for Embracing Uncertainty

Podcast, July 2022  播客,2022 年 7 月
Competing in the New World of Work: How Radical Adaptability

Separates the Best from the Rest

Book, February 2022  图书,2022 年 2 月

Champions Inclusion  冠军融入

Unconscious Bias Training That Works

Article, October 2021  文章,2021 年 10 月
Anti-Racist Leadership: How to Transform Corporate Culture in a Race-Conscious World

Book, March 2022  图书,2022 年 3 月

Understands the Business

How Finance Works: The HBR Guide to Thinking Smart about the Numbers
财务工作原理:HBR 聪明思考数字指南

Book, April 2019  图书,2019 年 4 月
Know Your Customers’ “Jobs to Be Done”
了解客户的 "待办事项"

Article, September 2016  文章,2016 年 9 月

Drives Digital and Data Intelligence

The Digital Mindset: What It Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI

Book, May 2022  图书,2022 年 5 月
The Digitally Literate Organization: Democratizing Transformation Spotlight Series, May-June 2022
数字知识型组织:民主化转型聚焦系列,2022 年 5-6 月

Demonstrates Resilience and Agility

The Secret to Building Resilience

Article, January 2021  文章,2021 年 1 月
What Leaders Get Wrong About Resilience

Article, June 2022  文章,2022 年 6 月

Leads Authentically  真实地引导

True North: Leading Authentically in Today’s Workplace,

Emerging Leader Edition  新兴领袖版
Book, New Edition: August 2022
图书,新版:2022 年 8 月

Mark Zuckerberg is ‘derailing’ Facebook, says Harvard expert-here’s how he can get ‘back on track’
哈佛大学专家称,马克-扎克伯格正在使 Facebook "脱轨"--他如何才能 "重回正轨"?

Article, September 2022  文章,2022 年 9 月

Develops Others  发展他人

How the Best Managers Identify and Develop Talent Article, January 2020
《最佳管理者如何发现和培养人才》一文,2020 年 1 月
Smart Growth: How to Grow Your People to Grow Your Company Book, January 2022
《智能增长:如何让员工发展壮大公司》一书,2022 年 1 月

Leads Teams That Deliver

Productivity Is About Your Systems, Not Your People

Article, January 2021  文章,2021 年 1 月
Make Time for the Work That Matters

Article, September 2013  文章,2013 年 9 月

Communicates for Influence and Impact

The Art of Active Listening | The Harvard Business Review Guide Video, August 2022
主动倾听的艺术》|《哈佛商业评论》指南视频,2022 年 8 月
Find the Right Words to Inspire Your Team Article, April 2021
找到激励团队的正确语言 文章,2021 年 4 月

Empathy  同理心

Empathy Rules  移情规则
Article, February 2022  文章,2022 年 2 月
Connect with Empathy, but Lead with Compassion

Article, December 2021  文章,2021 年 12 月

Curiosity  好奇心

The Business Case for Curiosity

Article, September/October 2018
文章,2018 年 9 月/10 月

In Praise of the Incurably Curious Leader Article, July 2019
《赞美不可救药的好奇心领袖》一文,2019 年 7 月

Courage  勇气

What Courageous Leaders Do Differently

Article, January 2022  文章,2022 年 1 月
How to Find and Practice Courage

Article, May 2020  文章,2020 年 5 月

Self-Awareness  自我意识

Self-Awareness Can Help Leaders More Than an MBA Can Article, January 2018
自我意识对领导者的帮助胜过 MBA 文章,2018 年 1 月
Build Self-Awareness with Help from Your Team Article, August 2018
《在团队的帮助下建立自我意识》一文,2018 年 8 月


For decades, Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning has partnered with companies around the world to elevate their leaders and businesses. Leveraging the remarkable depth and breadth of Harvard Business School, Harvard Business Review, and an unrivaled network of industry experts, the company creates learning experiences for all levels, from executive leadership programs to enterprise-wide engagements for thousands of global employees. The company’s digital, in-person, and blended learning experiences are designed for engagement and impact at scale.


Harvard Business Publishing was founded in 1994 as a not-for-profit, wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard University. Its mission is to improve the practice of management and its impact in a changing world. The company achieves its mission through its relationships with customers in three market groups: Higher Education, Corporate Learning, and Harvard Business Review Group. Through these platforms, Harvard Business Publishing is able to influence real-world change by maximizing the reach and impact of its essential offering-ideas.
哈佛商业出版社成立于 1994 年,是哈佛大学的一家非营利性全资子公司。其使命是改进管理实践及其在不断变化的世界中的影响。公司通过与以下三个市场集团的客户建立关系来实现其使命:高等教育、企业学习和《哈佛商业评论》集团。通过这些平台,哈佛商业出版社能够最大限度地扩大其基本产品--理念--的覆盖面和影响力,从而影响现实世界的变化。

  1. *Additional sources include Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning editors and content teams, members of the Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning Client Advisory Group, and L&D leaders in Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning client organizations.
    *其他资料来源包括哈佛商业出版社企业学习编辑和内容团队、哈佛商业出版社企业学习客户咨询小组成员以及哈佛商业出版社企业学习客户组织的 L&D 领导者。
    • See Appendix for survey-participant demographics and firmographics.