1.5 Current HR Management Challenges - Technological Changes
We learnt about current HR management challenges in terms of globalisation of business.
In this section
We learn about current HR management challenges in terms of technological changes.
At the end of this section, you will be able to:
Understand current HR management challenges in terms of technological changes
Current HR Management Challenges - Technological Changes
The pervasive acceptance of the Internet and the rapid development of information technology have brought about substantial changes to occupations and organisations.
The increasing number of mobile phones, as well as wireless computers, allowed employees to work from anywhere and be accessible for work at all times, thereby blurring the line between their private and professional lives.
Furthermore, cloud computing as well as artificial intelligence have revolutionised how human resources departments store and analyse employee data.
These technological advances have facilitated the implementation of Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) in processes for making decisions.
The use of technology in human resources extends beyond managerial duties and can be applied to a variety of activities. Click on the headers below to find out more.
By employing technology for these tasks, human resources can improve efficiency, interaction, knowledge access, as well as employee development and involvement.