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General instruction  一般说明

Guo Hai An Hong 郭海安红

Superstructure can accommodate 684 man.

The power aspect has Kongsberg DP-3 System and 6 generator sets provide power for the accommodation and 6 Azimuth Thrusters and other auxiliary machines,equipment with a telescopic compensation gangway and a 300 ton crane and folding boom crane.Personnel comfort meet the requirements.
动力方面有Kongsberg DP-3系统和6台发电机组为住宿和6台方位角推进器和其他辅助机器提供动力,设备配有伸缩补偿舷梯和300吨起重机和折叠臂起重机。人员舒适度满足 要求。
The barge is designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of Classification ABS and SPS CODE and MODU Code. The main operating areas include the Persian Gulf and West African waters etc。
该驳船是按照ABS分类和SPS CODE以及MODU规则的要求设计和建造的。主要作业区域包括波斯湾、西非海域等。

General instruction 一般说明

classification mark 分类标记


General Specifications 一般规格

Technical Parameters 技术参数
Name 名字 Parameters 参数

Length over all (m) 总长度 (m) 115.50
Breadt moulded (m) 模压宽度 (m) 34.00
Depth moulded (m) 成型深度 (m) 9.10
Draft designed (m) 设计吃水深度 (m) 5.50
Scantling draft (m) 剪模 (m) 6.50
Deck cargo area (m3) :
甲板货物面积 (m3) :
Deadweight tonnage (ton) 载重量吨位(吨) 8018
Gross tonnage (ton) 总吨位(吨) 20047
Bollard Pull (ton) 系柱拉力(吨) 30.0
Fuel consumption ( )
油耗 (
NCR 187
Gensets (set*modle**capacity)
68L27/382640 kw
68L27/382640 千瓦
Thruster: Set*Capacity 推进器:设置*容量 6*1900

主要 发电机

制作者: MAN 型号: 8L27/38, 权力: 数量:6套
Maker: MAN Model:
Quantity: 6 set

舷梯和 DP链接 系统
Gangway and
DP linked

制造商:MA /型号:伸缩式 最大长度:42.5 m 平均操作值 长度: 36.5 m 最小值 长度:30.5 m 活荷载: 4.0 kN/m2 材质:铝
Max length:42.5 m
Mean operational
length: 36.5 m Min
length:30.5 m
Liveload: 4.0 kN/m2
Material: Aluminum
DP system DP系统

紧急 发电机

制造商: GmbH 型号: 男子 D 2842 LE 203 输出功率: 500 kW 数量:1套
Maker: GmbH Model:
MAN D 2842 LE 203
Power: 500 kW
Quantity: 1set

300吨主要 起重机
300tons Main

厂商 : MEP 型号 : GN 300/11 EH 主葫芦: 负载/半径/速度 (最小半径) : 300/8.4/3 (满载) Mt/m/(m/s) 负载/半径/速度 (最大半径): 满载) 吨/米/(米/秒)
Maker : MEP
Model : GN 300/11 EH
Main hoist:
(minimum radius) :
(fullload) Mt/m/(m/s)
(maximum radius):
Mt / m/(m/s)

方位角 推进器

厂商 : ABB, 型号 : AZIPOD, 数量 : 6 套 位置:船头和船尾
Maker : ABB,
Model : AZIPOD,
Quantity : 6 set
Location:bow & stern

八分 系 泊 系统

制作者: MEP 型号 : AS 8.500/H/单工 绞盘数量: 八套
Maker: MEP Model :
Winch Quantity:
Eight sets

拖船 绞车

厂商 : MEP 型号: AS 1500/S/E
Maker : MEP
Model: AS 1500/S/E

锚 卷扬机

厂商 : MEP, 型号 : SALP 70/U3 数量 : 1
Maker : MEP,
Model : SALP 70/U3
Quantity : 1
working pull: 30 t 工作拉力: 30 t

直升机 甲板

尺寸: 最大直升机数量 重量 : 12.8 t 专为 直升机类型 : 西科斯基-S92/超级 彪马EC225
Maximum helicopter
weight : 12.8 t
Designed for
helicopter type :

锚 链
Anchor Chain 锚链

制造者: 江苏亚 等级:3 直径: 70毫米 射门:11
Grade: 3
Diameter: 70 mm
Shot: 11

General Specifications 一般规格

Technical Parameters 技术参数

Name 名字 Parameters 参数
Fuel oil: 燃料油: 1725 m3 1725 立方米
Fuel oil cargo: 燃料油货物: 1012 m3 1012 立方米
Fresh water: 淡水: 1077 m3 1077 米3
Fresh water cargo: 淡水货物: 1510 m3 1510 立方米
Fresh water generator 淡水发生器 200 tons / day 200吨/天

甲板强度(均匀加载@ 船尾主甲板) :
Deck strength (uniform loading @
aft main deck) :
Short self voyage speed: 短自航航速: 8.7 konts 8.7 孔茨

03 Main Deck Crane Specification
03 主甲板起重机规格

Technical data 技术数据

Name 名字 Data 数据
Maker 制造者 MEP
Model  GN300/11 EH
Hoist SWL 葫芦 SWL 300 ton 300吨
Main hoist 主葫芦 300 ton@8.4-11m 300 ton@8.4-11米
Full load hoist speed 满载提升速度 minute  分钟
Crane 起重机 Min/Max. hoist distance 最小/最大提升距离
Aux. hoist 辅助葫芦 30 ton @ no limit
Full load hoist speed 满载提升速度 minute  分钟
Min/Max. hoist distance 最小/最大提升距离

03 Folding Boom Crane Specification
03 折臂起重机规格

Technical data 技术数据

Marine Aluminium Compensation Gangway

Min length 最小长度 30.5 m 30.5 米

最大长度(从中心基座开始) 到中心着陆锥)
Max length (from centre pedestal
to centre landing cone)
42.5 m 42.5 米
Free height of gangway inside
2.1 m 2.1 米

内部舷梯的自由宽度 (不带扶手)
Free width of gangway inside
(without handrails)
1.5 m 1.5 米

紧急起飞区(从 中心, 36.5 m )
Emergency Lift-off area (from
centre, 36.5 m )
Lift-off speed 起飞速度 Max lifting angle 最大提升角度 +24 degrees +24 度
Max wind speed operating bridge
36 m/s 36 米/秒 Max luffing angle 最大变幅角 -16.5 degrees -16.5度
Min ambient temperature 最低环境温度 -20.0 degree
Free rotation angle 自由旋转角度 degrees 
Max ambient temperature 最高环境温度 +45.0 degree
+45.0 度
Max/min vertical operation angle
Maker 制造者 Marine Aluminium 船用铝

Marine Aluminium Gangway fuction instruction

1.The aluminium part of the gangway is the part that can be extended/contracted to fit between two vessels It is telescopic and can absorb the relative movement between the two vessels to a certain extent when the gangway is connected. This part of the gangway is made explosion proof as standard and can be used in hazardous areas, which also makes the gangway suitable for use in the offshore petroleum industry.

2. The fixed aluminium part is connected to the steel turret by a hinged connection(support pins). Two lifting cylinders, are connected at the top of the fixed gangway, and enables it to be lifted or lowered

Marine Aluminium Gangway fuction instruction

  1. The telescopic drive system runs the telescopic part of the gangway in and out of the fixed part. The telescope is designed to move from neutral position (neutral position is at 36.5 m ). However, at the gangway is configured to execute the emergency lift-off function.
    伸缩驱动系统使舷梯的伸缩部分进出固定部分。望远镜设计为从中立位置移动 (中立位置为 36.5 m)。然而,在舷梯处 被配置为执行紧急升降功能。

    4.Traffic lights are installed at both inner and outer end of the gangway. The traffic lights are connected to the alarm system and is switched from green to red at same time as the alarms at stage 2 are trigged. It can also be manually switched on/off from the gangway operator cabin. If option 3.1 Gangway monitoring system for vessel bridge/CCR is selected, the traffic light can be changed from green to red in the vessel bridge /CCR. The traffic lights are Exproof, have one red LED and one green LED signal
    4.交通信号灯安装在舷梯的内端和外端。交通信号灯连接到警报系统,并在第 2 阶段触发警报的同时从绿色切换到红色。它也可以从舷梯驾驶室手动打开/关闭。如果选择选项 3.1 船舶桥梁/CCR 的舷梯监控系统,则可以将船舶桥梁/CCR 的交通信号灯从绿色更改为红色。交通信号灯是防辐射的,有一个红色 LED 和一个绿色 LED 信号

Marine Aluminium Gangway fuction instruction

  1. Emergency lift-off system
The emergency lift-off system is one of the main safety features of the gangway. If the gangway is fully contracted or extended due to the relative movementsbetween the host vessel and the landing area, it may cause fatalities or damage equipment. Prior to the gangway being fully contracted or extended, any personnel on the gangway will be warned by light and sound, the traffic light will turn red and limit switches at stage three will initiate an emergency lift-off sequence. The gangway is lifted from the landing area and then contracted. The sequence is limited by a pre-defined angle and time limit, and the value that is reached first (either angle or time), stops the sequence.

Marine Aluminium Gangway fuction instruction

6. Utility transfer lines
6. 公用设施转移线路

The telescopic gangway can in addition to be used as a walkway between vessels, also provide utility transfer lines. Utility transfer lines for oil, fuel, compressed air, sea or fresh water can be installed across the length of the gangway. In the outer end ofthe gangway, hoses will be fitted with automatically break off valves activated by wires。

Marine Aluminium Gangway meet the following specifications

  • NS-EN 1991-1-4: Euro code 1: Actions on structures. Part 1-4: General actions
    NS-EN 1991-1-4:欧洲规范 1:对结构的作用。第 1-4 部分:常规操作
  • Wind actions 风力作用
  • NS-EN 1999-1-1:2007 + A1:2009 + NA:2009: Euro code 9 Design of aluminium structures. Part 1-1: General structural rules
    NS-EN 1999-1-1:2007 + A1:2009 + NA:2009:欧洲规范 9 铝结构设计。第 1-1 部分:一般结构规则
EN 1993-1-8: Euro code 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints
EN 1993-1-8:欧洲规范3:钢结构设计-第1-8部分:接头设计
EN 1090-3: Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 3:
EN 1090-3:钢结构和铝结构的执行-第3部分:

Technical requirements for aluminium structures
EN 1990: Euro code - Basis of structural design
EN 1990:欧洲规范 - 结构设计的基础

Marine Aluminium Gangway meet the following specifications

  • EN ISO 10042: Welding - Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloys Quality levels for imperfections
    EN ISO 10042:焊接 - 铝及其合金中的弧焊接头缺陷的质量等级
  • Norsok N-001: Integrity of offshore structures
    Norsok N-001:海上结构的完整性
NS-EN 1993-1-1: Euro code 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
NS-EN 1993-1-1:欧洲规范 3:钢结构设计 - 第 1-1 部分:建筑物的一般规则和规则
NS-EN 1993-1-6: Euro code 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-6: Strength and stability of shell structures
NS-EN 1993-1-6:欧洲规范 3:钢结构设计 - 第 1-6 部分:壳结构的强度和稳定性

05 Accommodation & Equipment
05 住宿与设备

Guo hai An hong has a superstructure that can accommodate 684 man, including man, 300x 2 man, man and 10x1man,and equipped with gym, cafe, theat, Internet cafe, library, smoking room and etc.Personnel comfort meet the HAB + (WB) requirements.
国海安洪拥有可容纳684人的上层建筑,包括 男子,300x 2人, 男子和10x1人,并配有健身房,咖啡厅,咖啡馆,网吧,图书馆,吸烟室等。人员舒适度满足HAB+(WB)要求。
The power aspect has Kongsberg DP3 System and 6 generator sets provide power for the accommodation and 6 Azimuth Thrusters and other auxiliary machines and etc.
动力方面有Kongsberg DP3系统和6台发电机组为住宿提供动力,6台方位推进器和其他辅助机器等。

7.Navigation Equipment and Bridge

Guo Hai AnHong bridge main control room emergency control room ,DP-3 control system Engine control room and etc. integrated control system and Console all come form KONGSBERG : K-Thrust RCS/ K-Bridge/ K-Pos DP-12,K-Pos DP-22 and cJoy, K-Chief 700 .
国海安宏桥主控室 、应急控制室、DP-3控制系统、发动机控制室等综合控制系统和控制台均来自康士伯:K-Thrust RCS/K-Bridge/K-Pos DP-12、K-Pos DP-22和cJoy、K-Chief 700。

K-Pos DP system K-Pos DP系统
Azimuth Thrusters control system

8.Main Gen.set 8.主发电机组

Quantity: no. 6 Make/type: MAN/8L27/38
数量: no. 6 制造/类型: MAN/8L27/38

Maximum continuous power: kw 2640 At rotation speed of: rpm 720 Quantity: no. 6
最大连续功率:kw 2640 转速:rpm 720 数量:6号

Make/type: ABB/ Synchronies Blushless Continuous power: kw 2640
品牌/类型: ABB/ Synchronies Blushless 持续功率: kw 2640

At rotation speed of: rpm 720 Output volts: volts 690
转速:rpm 720 输出电压:volts 690

9. Main and Emergency Switch Control Panel
9. 主开关和紧急开关控制面板

Quantity: no. 2 Make/type: ABB dry type.
数量:2号 品牌/类型:ABB干式。

Continuous power (each): kva 3000 Output volts: volts 690/440 Frequency: hz 60
连续功率(每个):kva 3000 输出电压:volts 690/440 频率:hz 60

Quantity: no. 2 数量:2号
Make/type: ABB dry type 制作/类型: ABB dry type
Continuous power (each): kva 250 Output volts: volts 440/230 Frequency: hz 60
连续功率(每个):kva 250 输出电压:伏特 440/230 频率:hz 60

Quantity (Emergency): no. 2 Make/type: ABB dry type
数量(紧急): no. 2 制造商/类型: ABB dry type

Continuous power (each): kva 300 Output volts: volts 440/230 Frequency: hz 60
连续功率(每个):kva 300 输出电压:volts 440/230 频率:hz 60

14. HVAC System and Plan
14. 暖通空调系统及规划

Air Condition No: AC-01 Make/type: NOVENCO/ ZCR 21/10 EV Supply air flow: m3/h 20753 Exhaust air flow: m3/h 20700 Cooling capacity: kW 496 Heating capacity: kW 25.2
空调编号: AC-01 制造商/类型: NOVENCO/ ZCR 21/10 EV 送风流量: m3/h 20753 排风流量: m3/h 20700 制冷量: kW 496 加热能力: kW 25.2

Air Condition No: AC-02 Make/type: NOVENCO/ ZCR 21/10 EV Supply air flow: m3/h 18131 Exhaust air flow: m3/h 18000 Cooling capacity: kW 418 Heating capacity: kW 25.2
空调编号: AC-02 制造商/类型: NOVENCO/ ZCR 21/10 EV 送风流量: m3/h 18131 排风流量: m3/h 18000 制冷量: kW 418 制热量: kW 25.2

Air Condition No: AC-03 Make/type: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/8 EV Supply air flow: m3/h 11679 Exhaust air flow: m3/h 11600 Cooling capacity: kW 262 Heating capacity: kW 25.2
空调编号: AC-03 制造商/类型: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/8 EV 送风流量: m3/h 11679 排风流量: m3/h 11600 制冷量: kW 262 制热能力: kW 25.2

Air Condition No: AC-04 Make/type: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/8 EV Supply air flow: m3/h 11679 Exhaust air flow: m3/h 11600 Cooling capacity: kW 262 Heating capacity: kW 25.2
空调编号: AC-04 制造商/类型: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/8 EV 送风流量: m3/h 11679 排风流量: m3/h 11600 制冷量: kW 262 制热能力: kW 25.2

Air Condition No: AC-05 Make/type: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/8 EV Supply air flow: m3/h 11679 Exhaust air flow: m3/h 11600 Cooling capacity: kW 262 Heating capacity: kW 25.2 Air Condition No: AC-06 Make/type: NOVENCO/ ZCR 21/10 EV Supply air flow: m3/h 22451 Exhaust air flow: m3/h 22400 Cooling capacity: kW 513 Heating capacity: kW 25.2
空调编号: AC-05 制造/类型: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/8 EV 送风流量: m3/h 11679 排风流量: m3/h 11600 制冷量: kW 262 制热量: kW 25.2 空调编号: AC-06 制造/类型: NOVENCO/ ZCR 21/10 EV 送风流量: m3/h 22451 排风流量: m3/h 22400 冷却能力: kW 513 加热能力: 千瓦 25.2

Air Condition No: AC-07 Make/type: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/10 EV Supply air flow: m3/h 14651 Exhaust air flow: m3/h 12218 Cooling capacity: kW 350 Heating capacity: kW 25.2
空调编号: AC-07 制造商/类型: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/10 EV 送风流量: m3/h 14651 排风流量: m3/h 12218 制冷量: kW 350 制热量: kW 25.2

Air Condition No: AC-08 Make/type: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/10 EV Supply air flow: m3/h 15942 Exhaust air flow: m3/h 10952 Cooling capacity: kW 423 Heating capacity: kW 25.2
空调编号: AC-08 制造商/类型: NOVENCO/ ZCR 18/10 EV 送风流量: m3/h 15942 排风流量: m3/h 10952 制冷量: kW 423 制热能力: kW 25.2

Air Condition No: AC-09 (for Gally) Make/type: NOVENCO/ ZCR 13/12
空调编号:AC-09(用于Gally)制造商/类型:NOVENCO/ ZCR 13/12

Supply air flow: Exhaust air flow:
送风流量: 排风流量:

Cooling capacity: kW 616 Heating capacity: kW 92.4
制冷量: kW 616 制热量: kW 92.4

15.Eight Point Mooring System

1.1 Mooring Winch Quantity: no. 8
1.1 系泊绞车数量:8号
Maker/model: MEP/ AS 8.500/H/SIMPLEX
厂商/型号: MEP / AS 8.500 / H / SIMPLEX

Type (electric/hydraulic/diesel): Electro/hydraulic Low Speed

Normal pull at first layer: KN 833 Normal pull at middle layer: KN 538.2 Normal pull at last layer: KN 397.5
第一层法向拉力:KN 833 中层法向拉力:KN 538.2 最后一层法向拉力:KN 397.5

Normal speed at first layer: Normal speed at first layer: Normal speed at first layer: High Speed
第一层正常速度: 第一层正常速度: 第一层正常速度: 高速

Normal pull at first layer: KN 415.5 Normal pull at middle layer: KN 268.5 Normal pull at last layer: KN 198.3 Normal speed at first layer: Normal speed at first layer: Normal speed at first layer:
第一层法向拉力: KN 415.5 中间层法向拉力: KN 268.5 最后一层法向拉力: KN 198.3 第一层法向速度: 第一层法向速度: 第一层法向速度:

Holding power on parking brake at first layer: KN 1472 Control locations (local/remote/both): both 1.2 Anchors Quantity: no. 8
第一层驻车制动器保持功率:KN 1472 控制位置(本地/远程/两者):均 1.2 锚点数量:8号
Make/type: JIANGSU XIANGSHENG/HYD-14 Weight: Kg 8000
制作/类型: JIANGSU XIANGSHENG/HYD-14 重量: Kg 8000

1.3 Anchor Line Wire Steel wire Quantity: (installed + spare): no. 8+1
1.3 锚线钢丝 钢丝数量:(已安装+备用):8+1号
Make/type: KEPWIN MARINE/6xK36WS-IWRC Construction: Galvanized Steel Diameter: mm 52
制作/类型: KEPWIN MARINE/6xK36WS-IWRC 结构: 镀锌钢 直径: mm 52

Useful length (nominal): m 1500
有效长度(标称):m 1500