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Efficacy and Safety of Thermal Ablation for Treatment of Recurrent and Persistent Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Multicenter Retrospective Study

Dear Dr Liang,

Peer-review of your manuscript has now been completed. Major Revisions are requested before a final decision can be reached. Please find the comments below.

"Manuscript requirements for submissions"

Before you revise your manuscript, please carefully read the updated requirements as they outline the must-haves and show how to further improve your manuscript:


Pay attention to:

- Correctly structure your key points as outlined below:
- 正确地按照下面列出的方式组织你的关键点:

1. Question (20-25 words) - Explain the unmet need/clinical problem your study addresses
1. 问题(20-25 个字)- 解释您的研究所解决的未满足需求/临床问题

2. Findings (20-25 words) - Objectively summarize your main result
2. 发现(20-25 个字) - 客观总结你的主要结果

3. Clinical Relevance Statement (maximum 40 words) - summarize the benefit for the patient and/or clinical
临床相关性声明(最多 40 个字)- 总结对患者和/或临床的益处

- Correctly format the bibliography
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* * * * * * *
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1) Author's Response to Reviewers' Comments:

A file (Author's Response to Reviewers' Comments) containing the editor's and reviewers' suggestions with your specific responses to each of the comments. This file must be editable (preferred format: MS Word)
一个文件(作者对评审意见的回复),包含编辑和评审的建议以及您对每条评论的具体回复。该文件必须可编辑(最佳格式:MS Word)

2) Revised & Clean Main document:
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* * * * * * *

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before 27 Dec 2024
2024 年 12 月 27 日之前

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请注意:在上传您修订后的手稿文件时,请确保仅提交可编辑的源文件(即 Word)。在此阶段不允许使用 PDF。

Kind regards,

Dr. Roh-Eul Yoo
Deputy Editor, European Radiology

Prof. Bernd Hamm
Editor-in-Chief, European Radiology


Reviewer #1: The authors of this retrospective study summarize the results from repeated treatment with thermal ablation (TA) of patients with recurrent/persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT), previously treated with surgery or TA. The number is significant for this category of patients and the results support the conclusions. However there are some shortcomings in the study design and in the description of the results. The manuscript needs serious English editing.

The Abstract effectively summarize the manuscript but in the Materials and Methods the follow-up period is missing.

Page 1, line 48: "Compared to baseline, significant reduction in PTH, calcium, phosphorus and ALP levels (P < 0.05)." - the verb is missing!
与基线相比,PTH、钙、磷和 ALP 水平显著降低(P < 0.05)。

Keywords: "achievement rate" could be skipped.


Page 3, line 34: "…persistent SHPT nodules" - the authors have to skip "nodules", because in SHPT we talk about hyperplasic parathyroid glands.
第 3 页,第 34 行:“…持续的 SHPT 结节” - 作者必须跳过“结节”,因为在 SHPT 中我们讨论的是增生性甲状旁腺。

Page 4, line 31: Here the authors state that the purpose is to use TA as an alternative to repeat surgery, but it is not clear what the previous treatment was. In the abstract, the objective is better formulated.
第 4 页,第 31 行:在这里,作者指出其目的是将 TA 作为重复手术的替代方案,但之前的治疗是什么并不清楚。在摘要中,目标表述得更清楚。

Materials and Methods

In the inclusion criteria, Page 5, line 17, is mentioned: "(e) At least one parathyroid gland is enlarged and >0.6 cm in diameter on ultrasound examination;" The active tip of the RFA electrode is 7 mm. If the gland diameter is 7 or 8 mm, the treatment will be not safe. The inclusion criteria should be corrected.
在纳入标准中,第 5 页,第 17 行提到:“(e) 至少有一个甲状旁腺在超声检查中增大且直径超过 0.6 厘米;” RFA 电极的有效尖端为 7 毫米。如果腺体直径为 7 或 8 毫米,治疗将不安全。纳入标准应进行修正。

There is not sufficient information about the follow-up after TA. In the follow-up protocol (page 6, line 47) is written 1 year. In the Results section (page 9, line39) it is mentioned "median follow-up of 30 months", without min/max data. The figure 4 gives data for 24 months. Finally, it is not clear what the minimal and maximal follow-up periods are and how many patients reached the different follow-up points.
关于 TA 后续的资料不足。在后续协议(第 6 页,第 47 行)中写道为一年。在结果部分(第 9 页,第 39 行)提到“中位随访 30 个月”,没有最小/最大数据。图 4 提供了 24 个月的数据。最后,不清楚最小和最大随访期是多少,以及有多少患者达到了不同的随访时间节点。

Subgroup Analysis

In the Comparison of initial treatment modalities (page 12, line 9), it is not clear about the TA group, if the retreatment was performed on the same gland or on a new one - please give more information about the baseline number of hyperplasic glands and how many patients were with one or more glands to be treated. Also, it will be useful to compare the efficacy rate according to the number of treated glands.
在初始治疗方式的比较中(第 12 页,第 9 行),有关 TA 组的信息并不清楚,重新治疗是针对同一腺体还是新的腺体 - 请提供有关增生腺体基线数量的更多信息,以及有多少患者需要治疗一个或多个腺体。此外,比较根据治疗腺体数量得出的疗效率也将是有用的。


Page 13, line 9: "Recurrent group is 44 of 55 (80.0%) and persistent group is 43 of 48 (89.6%) (P = 0.18)." - Please explain the meaning of this sentence.
第 13 页,第 9 行:“复发组为 44/55(80.0%),持续组为 43/48(89.6%)(P = 0.18)。”

Page 14, line 59: "The hydrodissection technique is an important protective measure used to minimize thermal damage …" - in the Materials and Methods section the authors have not described the use of this technique.
第 14 页,第 59 行:“水剥离技术是一种重要的保护措施,旨在尽量减少热损伤……” - 在材料和方法部分,作者没有描述使用这种技术。

Tables and figures

Table 3: Major and Minor Complications
表 3:主要和次要并发症

"Severe hypocalcium" - should be "hypocalcaemia"
"严重低钙血症" - 应该是 "低钙血症"

"Persistent hoarseness" - a major complication that should be marked as paralysis of n. recurrence
“持续的嘶哑” - 应标记为神经瘫痪的主要并发症。

"Cough" - how long is this symptom? It could be also consequence of n. recurrence damage. Is there an ORL exam?
“咳嗽” - 这个症状持续多久?它也可能是 n.复发损伤的结果。是否有耳鼻喉科检查?

Reviewer #2: General Comments
审稿人 #2:一般评论

The manuscript describes a review of a multicentric series of patients with recurrent or persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism after previous treatment by surgery or ablation.

Ablation in secondary hyperparathyroidism is a matter of debate in the community performing parathyroid ablation because of the higher risk of failure or recurrence due to the higher possibility of letting some hyperplasic gland untreated. In this context, this study is of the utmost interest because places ablation as a main challenger to the accepted surgical treatment and, also, as an alternative in case of failure of the surgery. It is also a multicentric study what avoid the criticism of being a study dependent on the personal skills of a group.

The article is comprehensive and well-written, and the study addresses the main issues of the procedure. The only drawbacks can be the relatively poor description of the procedure, probably due to the variations among centres.

Specific Comments:


No remarks.


No remarks.

Key points.

No remarks.


1. P1, l 48. The sentence "Compared to baseline, significant reduction in PTH, calcium, phosphorus and ALP levels(P < 0.05)" lacks a verb. May be you can add "was achieved"
与基线相比,PTH、钙、磷和 ALP 水平显著降低(P < 0.05)缺少动词。也许你可以加上“达成”。

2. I miss in the conclusions a reference to the PTH as a predictor of treatment failure. I know that you include this in the results, but, as you have included identifying predictors of treatment failure among your objectives, you should include a comment on this in the conclusions. Conclusions here should be similar to the last paragraph of the discussion section of the article.
我在结论中缺少对 PTH 作为治疗失败预测因子的引用。我知道你在结果中提到了这一点,但由于你在目标中列出了识别治疗失败的预测因子,你应该在结论中对此进行评论。这里的结论应类似于文章讨论部分的最后一段。


3. The last paragraph should be similar to the Objectives section of the abstract. I miss here "Identify possible predictors associated with treatment failure"


4. P. 5, l. 15. You include among the inclusion criteria "Patients with a potential transplant program". The transplant program is external to the patient, and you do not specify the target organ. I suggest changing into "Patients potential candidates to kidney transplantation".
4. P. 5, l. 15. 您在入选标准中包括“有潜在移植方案的患者”。移植方案是针对患者的外部因素,且您没有具体说明目标器官。我建议改为“潜在肾脏移植的患者”。

5. You have used two different techniques of ablation: RF and MW. Please, describe the reason to choose one or another. I suppose that the reason is the personal preference in every participant centre, but please, disclose it.
5. 你使用了两种不同的消融技术:射频(RF)和微波(MW)。请描述选择其中一种的原因。我想原因在于每个参与中心的个人偏好,但请披露一下。

6. P. 6, l. 20. You say that "The electrode usually adopted the moving shot technique or fixed-applicator technique". But you have used both RFA an MWA. What about the antenna? Have you used a different technique, or you should say "the electrode or the antenna"?
6. P. 6, l. 20. 你说“电极通常采用移动拍摄技术或固定应用器技术”。但是你使用了 RFA 和 MWA。天线呢?你是否使用了不同的技术,或者你应该说“电极或天线”?

7. You say that the ablation was terminated when the entire tumour was covered with hyperechoic microbubbles. So, I understand that you have not used impedance (roll-off) to control the completion of the ablation when using RFA. Is it correct?

8. P. 7, l. 12. Please, define technical success, or add a reference to explain it (14 maybe).
8. P. 7, l. 12。请定义技术成功,或添加一个参考来解释它(可能是 14)。


9. P. 9, l. 53. Please change "2 patients occurred second relapse" into "2 patients had a second relapse"
9. P. 9, l. 53. 请将“2 patients occurred second relapse”更改为“2 patients had a second relapse”


10. You speak here about the importance of hydrodissection. However, you have not mentioned it when explaining the ablation technique in the methods section. You should not discuss any issue you have not included in the methods or section sections. Please, provide some more information regarding your technique of ablation in the methods section.
10. 您在这里谈论了水解的重要性。然而,您在方法部分解释消融技术时并没有提到它。您不应该讨论您未在方法或部分章节中包含的任何问题。请您在方法部分提供更多关于您的消融技术的信息。


No remarks..




11. In the legend for Figure 2 you say that this is a radiofrequency ablation. However, when describing the procedure, you say that an antenna was inserted into the parathyroid nodule. So, it is a microwave ablation. Please, clarify.
在图 2 的图例中,你说这是射频消融。然而,当描述这个过程时,你说一个天线被插入到甲状旁腺结节中。因此,这是微波消融。请澄清一下。


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