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Efficiently Scale and Manage Customer Networks from a Single Dashboard
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Feature Guide 功能指南
You've Got Challenges,  你面臨挑戰,
 We've Got Solutions. 我們有解決方案。
Challenge 1 挑戰 1
Struggling with multiple dashboards for various tenants?
As a Managed Service Provider (MSP) handling networks for multiple clients, grappling with the constant switching between various dashboards presents a significant operational challenge.
See Everything, Miss Nothing
Centralized holistic view for multi-tenant (Organizations) oversight and control
Challenge 2 挑戰 2
Is inventory and license management a maze?
Managing devices across tenants (Organizations) and handling device and license relocations during tenant agreement terminations can be challenging.
Unified Inventory & Licensing
Provides a unified place where MSP Administrators can register and oversee all devices and licenses to facilitate device relocation and ensures optimal inventory visibility, including upcoming license expirations.
提供了一個統一的地方,MSP 管理員可以註冊和監督所有設備和許可證,以便促進設備的搬遷,確保最佳的庫存可見性,包括即將到期的許可證。
One-Stop Management  一站式管理
Control all the devices and licenses across tenants (Organizations) effortlessly from one platform.
Proactive Inventory Control
Easily stay ahead with device assignment and license expiry tracking.
Challenge 3 挑戰 3
Struggling to manage support teams across multiple tenants ?
Traditional MSP Administration involves the time-consuming task of manually adding or removing support team members for each tenant as they come and go.
傳統的 MSP 管理涉及耗時的任務,需要手動為每個租戶添加或移除支援團隊成員,因為他們來來去去。
Team Management Simplified
MSP Administrators can grant access rights to teams rather than individuals. When team changes are needed, updating the 'Team' list auto-reflects access across related Organizations or Networks.
MSP 管理員可以授予團隊而非個人的訪問權限。當需要更改團隊時,更新「團隊」清單將自動反映相關組織或網絡的訪問權限。
Simplified Team Privilege
Allocate roles at the team level for streamlined admin tasks.
Effortless Team Modifications
Modify one “Team” list for automatic changes across linked Organizations or Networks.
Challenge 4 挑戰 4
Tired of repetitive network settings for new tenants?
Configuring network settings repeatedly from scratch as an MSP can be a constant challenge, demanding time and precision to ensure seamless connectivity for multiple clients.
作為 MSP,從頭開始重複配置網絡設置可能是一個持續的挑戰,需要時間和精確性,以確保多個客戶的無縫連接。
Clone to Deploy in Minutes
The 'Clone feature' allows quick copying of configurations from specific Organizations and Networks, reducing repetitive Org-based or site-based settings.
“‘複製功能’ 允許從特定組織和網絡快速複製配置,減少重複的基於組織或站點的設置。”
Smart Copy 智能複製
Quickly duplicate organization-based or site-based settings, including: alerts, firmware, SSID preferences, radio and VLAN details, firewall rules, and VPN configurations.
快速複製基於組織或站點的設置,包括:警報、固件、SSID 偏好、無線電和 VLAN 詳細信息、防火牆規則和 VPN 配置。
Efficiency Unleashed 效率大放異彩
Drastically cut down setup times and eliminate repetitive configurations for similar tenants (Organizations) networks, enabling a swift launch of new Organizations or Neworks.
More Features for Your Benefit
Single Sign-On Integration
MSP Administrators can synchronize their team management processes with their proprietary single-sign-on (SSO) authentication servers.
MSP 管理員可以將他們的團隊管理流程與他們專有的單一登入 (SSO) 認證伺服器同步。
Enhance Security 增強安全
Control identity authentication of support team members across systems.
Operational Efficiency 運營效率
Simplify the login process, making it easier and more efficient for support teams to access EnGenius Cloud.
MSP Admin Access & Licensing
MSP 管理員訪問和授權
How to access the MSP Portal?
如何訪問 MSP 門戶?
The MSP Portal offers efficient multi-tenant network management tools, accessible only to those with MSP admin permissions. There are two ways to gain MSP admin access.
MSP Portal 提供高效的多租戶網絡管理工具,僅限具有 MSP 管理員權限的用戶訪問。有兩種方法可以獲得 MSP 管理員訪問權限。
Purchase the MSP Portal License to become an MSP admin and unlock access to all MSP Portal features.
購買 MSP Portal 許可證,成為 MSP 管理員並解鎖所有 MSP Portal 功能的訪問權。
Receive an Invitation from an existing MSP admin to join the portal as an admin.
收到現有 MSP 管理員的邀請,加入作為管理員的入口網站。
Simple Unrestricted Licensing for MSP Portal
MSP 門戶的簡單無限制授權
EnGenius provides clear licensing for the MSP Portal.
EnGenius為 MSP Portal 提供清晰的授權。
Once the MSP portal is activated based on usage duration , there are no limits on tenants, devices, or support team members.
一旦根據使用期限啟動 MSP 門戶,租戶、設備或支援團隊成員數量將不受限制。
An MSP only needs to purchase one MSP license.
一個 MSP 只需要購買一個 MSP 許可證。
MSP Portal Feature List MSP 门户功能列表
MSP Dashboard MSP 儀表板
Provide holistic view across multiple organizations
Inventory & License Management (Cross-Organizational)
Oversee devices and licenses across multiple organizations from a unified control interface
Team & Privilege Setup  團隊與特權設置
(Cross-Organizational) (跨組織)
Manage support teams, assigning specific privileges for diverse organizations from a centralized interface.
Create massive network quickly to reduce repetitive ORG-based or site-based settings.
Clone Org. & Networks 克隆組織和網絡
SSO Integration  SSO 整合
(SAML Support) (SAML 支援)
Allows MSP users to access EnGenius Cloud using their own authentication credentials.
允許 MSP 用戶使用自己的身份驗證憑證訪問EnGenius雲。
Pro Feature Plan Required (for MSP-managed Organizations)
專業功能計劃必需(供 MSP 管理的組織使用)
MSP Portal management is exclusively available to those tenants (Organizations) set to the “Pro feature plan”.
MSP Portal 管理僅適用於設置為“專業功能計劃”的租戶(組織)。
See Pro Feature Plan >
查看專業功能計劃 >
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