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EVA Air 長榮航空
Airport Audit Report 機場審計報告


Page 頁次
Introduction & Audit Summary
Website 網站
Ticket Counters 售票機
Check-in 辦理登機手續
Lounge - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室
Lounge - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室
Transfer 轉讓
Arrival 抵達
Boarding 登機
Network Airports 網路機場
Chicago O'Hare 芝加哥奧黑爾機場
London Heathrow 倫敦希斯洛機場
Los Angeles 洛杉磯
San Francisco 舊金山
Tokyo Narita


The Audit was conducted for EVA Air, and this report contains the results and advisory feedback for the evaluation.
EVA Air maintains a very high standard of airport handling standards which are well managed in terms of the overall efficiency of the experience from kerb-to-kerb, but also in most instances deliver a very strong service quality from the various staff.
We continue to find that EVA Air is capable of providing a strong degree of experiential consistency to guests in the handling systems and efficiency of boarding, arrival, and where practically possible, check-in.
We note that EVA Air is moving away from self-service check-in at the airport to a fully online system and acknowledge that it will take time for the effectiveness of this to fully embed. We are encouraged by the initial results of this system as check-in efficiency has certainly improved and will only become more streamlined in time as more passengers become familiar with it.
Service standards in most instances are very good at both outstations and TPE, and in our opinion network airports excel in this regard when benchmarked to other airlines outside of their "home" airports.
在大多數情況下,外站和東京太古機場的服務水準都非常好,而且我們認為,如果與 "本土 "機場以外的其他航空公司進行比較,網絡機場在這方面表現出色。
The website and digital information resources remains very good and close to Best Practice standard in many of the tested areas. The actual content is generally strong, and the critical functions of flight booking, manage existing booking, and online check-in all operate well, and the mobile boarding pass systems have good utility.
We point to the overall lack of a range of customer service contact points through the website. We do not observe a chatbot/live chat option or way for passengers to contact a representative in a timely manner without having to pick up a phone.

Business Class 商務艙

Check-in operations remains efficient, with the general exclusivity of this area being of an appropriate standard for Business Class. Whilst this does not have the furnishings and overall layout of some premium airlines, we are cognisant of the fact that at Taipei there are significant capacity limitations for being able to offer such enhancements.
Business Class check-staff are polite and helpful, and we also find that the staff service experience is delivered with a good degree of charisma and engagement. We are confident this is ensuring a more personalised experience for passengers. We are pleased to see that there are still an excellent number of staffed service desks at all locations, and this is translating into short queue times in all instances.
In terms of lounges, the newly renovated Infinity facility is delivering a positive experience for Business Class passengers. Whilst this lounge can become quite congested, we are pleased to see EVA Air proactively mitigate the effects of this by ensuring all table space is efficiently used. We also highlight elements such as the individual and imaginative interior design concepts throughout, and a more individualistic approach being taken to the seating designs through the spaces which does not give an impression of being mundane or uniform in any sense.
Overall, the lounges are consistently achieving 5 Star standards in most of the criteria covered within the report. Outstation lounge agreements are also delivering to a very high standard, and we highlight the Air France lounge in SFO as being a particularly well run facility.
Arrival, transfer, and boarding all remains well handled. Importantly we see a strongly consistent approach to these service elements at both TPE and outstations.

Premium Economy & Economy Class

Check-in remains very well organised, and the main elements of processing are well branded and consistent. We note the addition of extra signage to drive greater online check-in accompanied by staff on-hand to assist.
We are confident this is having a positive impact and strongly underpins the online app reminders to check-in online.
There is excellent consistency in the signage infrastructure and setup of the boarding gates across TPE. EVA Air staff continue to uphold the highest levels of boarding structures and assistance for passengers, ensuring that this does not commence prematurely and that there is an excellent degree of flow to the entire procedure.
At network locations such as LHR, we do suggest that signage and branding at gates could be more strongly aligned with TPE in terms of providing a more immersive quality through the brand concepts.
From the airlines perspective the transfer procedure at TPE is achieving a high standard and the airport infrastructure does seem to be able to cope with this. We do not observe extensive wait times and passenger throughput is achieving a high standard.
Staffing levels are adequate, and personnel are equipped with all of the placards and signs they need to facilitate the transfer process to a high standard. We also note staff are always available to provide a point of contact during periods of delays at security screening points.

Website 網站

Report & Rating 報告與評級


Design & Utility EVA
設計與實用 EVA

When the website audit was conducted, the official website appeared at the top of major search engines. The official EVA Sky Shop occupies the sixth position.
Meta tags and sub-menus within the main search webpage displayed via Google searches include a range of useful quick links/resources such as reservations, contact, seat selection, and flight status. These are geolocated to the user's market appropriately.

Website language & country choices

The website offers location services on first use which delivers the appropriate language/city choice automatically there are approximately 18 individual country options and the same number of language options, and this covers all of the destinations served.
網站在首次使用時提供定位服務,自動提供適當的語言/城市選擇,大約有 18 個國家選項和相同數量的語言選項,涵蓋了所服務的所有目的地。

Brand image & visual impact of website

There is a strong visual quality to the airline homepage, and this is continued across all of the internal pages. The branding is consistent across the entire website and is well harmonised with the airport terminal branding standards.
There is a good use of images and visual references throughout the website, and in the key experiential information resources. Green, the predominant colour of EVA Air, is subtly applied in various hues throughout the website ensuring a strong sense of place and brand identity as users navigate.
The website user-interface continues to meet a good, modern standard, comparing well with many other leading international airlines websites for the main homepage and navigation menus, and this includes all prime interest areas.

Responsive display format & utility

The responsive display format works well for mobile devices in terms of appropriate navigation, and all graphics and text formatting transfer well between devices.

Section Rating 科室評級


Planning & Booking EVA

Ease of locating online schedule 4.5
易於找到線上時間表 4.5

Customers can access timetables online through the "Where We Fly" link and once destinations are inputted, simplified formatted timetables are presented, and these achieve a good clear standard.
客戶可以透過 "我們的航班 "連結在線訪問時刻表,一旦輸入目的地,就會顯示簡化格式的時刻表,這些時刻表達到了良好的清晰標準。

Ease of using online schedule

The online schedule is provided in any easy-to-use format and there is also an option to review fare trends within each page. Clicking on a flight sector will provide users with a useful array of information including seat maps, aircraft type, WiFi equipment, and live status. Some airlines include links for travel options to/from the airports served however this is not a factor for any change.

Ease of locating online booking facility

The online booking system occupies a prime area on both the desktop and mobile platforms, and this also offers a range of booking options as part of the matrix e.g., round-trip, one-way, multi-city, as well as an option to book hotels.

Ease of using online booking facility

The booking systems offers good utility with an initial range of options to search by fare, cabin as well as upgrade with FFM miles.
預訂系統提供了很好的實用性,有按票價、艙等以及使用 FFM 里程升等進行搜尋的初步選項。
The actual search function is simple, and airports auto populate by city, country, or IATA code. The clarity of multi-city booking is good, and this is located as part of the main booking engine.
實際搜尋功能很簡單,機場會根據城市、國家或 IATA 代碼自動跳出。多城市預訂功能非常清晰,而且是主預訂引擎的一部分。

Clarity of fare options

The clarity of fare options is excellent in terms of the overall pricing, and there are further sub-menus which deliver the details of the product and service, seat maps, and booking restrictions.

Codeshare transparency in booking


Codeshares are represented in the matrix although we do not see the use of large carrier logos, which will help passengers quickly identify this. Currently, quite small grey typeface on top of a light grey background is used, and users may easily miss these important details.

Section Rating 科室評級


Manage Booking EVA
管理預訂 EVA
Utility of manage existing facility 5
管理現有設施的效用 5
The manage booking system offers a good degree of utility for travel management and flight change factors, and for the items that can be tested during the audit, these are easy to engage with and manage on the portal for the items we could test.

Section Rating 科室評級


Online Check-in EVA
線上報到 EVA

Online check-in - ease of use 4.5
線上報到--易用性 4.5

The online check-in system offers an efficient system of notifications for pre-flight access, and notifications/emails take customers directly to the portal.
The actual data input standards are fine, and this is pre-populated if added on the manage booking system.
Access times are broadly aligned with most full-service carriers.
Online check-in - boarding pass options 5
線上辦理登機手續--登機證選項 5
A full range of boarding pass options are available, and these achieve a good standard.

Section Rating 科室評級


Customer Experience Information EVA
客戶體驗資訊 EVA 評分

Airport product & service information

There is a good overview of airport services in Taipei which includes many elements of practical information for factors such as check-in, arrival, boarding, and connecting flights. Paragraphs of text are broken up into smaller, digestible pieces. Some information related to lounges are also supplemented by diagrams to facilitate understanding. Although these types of diagrams do not extend to an overview of check-in zones at Taipei. Even though there is a link to the airport website, it may be helpful to include something visual here.
The resources for transferring customers are quite good, and we are also encouraged by the range of logical arrivals information.
The lounge information is also achieving a good standard of practicality and utility, and this is logically laid out with section highlights for various product and services available, and location and facilities maps are available.

Onboard product & service information

The standard of onboard product and service is achieving a high-quality level across the various cabins of travel.
The range of resources here is fairly exhaustive in terms of the detail provided, and most of these are contextualised with attractive, relevant images. We do note the potential for confusion between Royal Laurel and Premium Laurel since these are both technically Business Class with flatbed but the A330 is a denser cabin.
就提供的細節而言,這裡的資源範圍相當詳盡,而且其中大多數都配有有吸引力的相關圖片。我們確實注意到皇家桂冠和高級桂冠之間可能存在混淆,因為它們在技術上都是帶有平板的商務艙,但 A330 的客艙密度更大。

Section Rating 科室評級


Customer Support

Frequent flyer programme & alliance information

The bulk of FF content is positioned towards MileageLands with less focus on Star Alliance. Passengers can clearly see the benefits provided as MileageLands members but may not make the link between Star Alliance benefits available too.
FF 的大部分內容都是針對前程萬裡會員的,對星空聯盟的關注較少。旅客可以清楚看到前程萬裡會員提供的優惠,但可能無法將星空聯盟提供的優惠連結起來。

Options for contacting airline customer support

There is no readily identifiable EVA Chatbot on the website and therefore there is no live agent chat feature.
網站上沒有易於識別的 EVA 聊天機器人,因此也沒有即時代理聊天功能。
There is a helpdesk link in the header menu (although the question mark icon is small) and this delivers a range of FAQs and other contact options including all global offices. Users are required to choose location and then a phone number is provided. There is a reservation/ticketing hotline, and it is unclear if this is simply a sales hotline or a helpline.
Comments/enquiries appear to be efficiently answered to on various social media channels.

Section Rating 科室評級

Taipei Report & Rating

Organisation, Branding & Presentation TPE
組織、品牌與展示 TPE

Counter location(s), layout & wayfinding

Ticketing counters are located on the back wall adjacent to the Hello Kitty area. The overall counter is identified as "Service" and appears to be able to service customers in a number of ways, one of which is ticketing. "Ticketing" does not seem to feature on signage and wayfinding at this location. There is also a separate priority service desk located closer to the priority check-in counters. This is more convenient and visible for priority passengers.
售票櫃檯位於鄰近 Hello Kitty 區域的後牆上。整個櫃檯被標示為 "服務",似乎可以透過多種方式為顧客提供服務,其中之一就是售票。 "售票 "似乎並沒有出現在該處的標誌和路標中。在離優先報到櫃檯較近的地方還有一個單獨的優先服務台。這對優先旅客來說更加方便和醒目。

Signage & Branding 標誌與品牌


"Service" signage is very clearly displayed above the large counter and is backlit. There are separate queue pillars to designate the Economy and Priority queue entrances, along with a clear "Exit" pillar.
大櫃檯上方的 "服務 "標識非常醒目,並有背光照明。經濟排隊入口和優先排隊入口有獨立的排隊柱,還有一個清晰的 "出口 "柱。
Branding here is very strong with both the branded pillars and the large, bright green "EVA AIR" backlit sign in English and Mandarin behind the counter. All signage and branding is consistent with the usual EVA Air colours and motifs and is well applied.
這裡的品牌形象非常鮮明,既有品牌柱子,也有櫃檯後面的 "長榮航空 "大型亮綠色背光標誌,用英語和普通話書寫。所有標誌和品牌都與長榮航空一貫的顏色和圖案保持一致,應用得當。

Counter presentation, cleanliness & condition

The general presentation of the area is acceptable, and there appears to be good coordination between EVA staff and the maintenance of Taipei Airport.

Queue systems & management 5

The counters do feature organised Tensa barriers. Due to the low volume of passengers making use of these facilities, the current setup is very satisfactory.
這些櫃檯都設有有組織的 Tensa 障礙物。由於使用這些設施的旅客較少,目前的設置非常令人滿意。

Queue times
4.5 排隊時間 4.5

Waiting times are particularly modest at Taipei given the peak banks that occur here.

Premium counter exclusivity

There are premium concepts consists of a grey carpeting in front of the counter. There are no other premium concepts such as enhanced/ambient lighting, flowers, etc. The grey carpet is not branded and matches the Star Alliance or Gold check-in zone rather than the brown "Laurel" carpet observed at the Business Class Priority check-in.
高級概念包括櫃檯前的灰色地毯。沒有其他高級概念,如增強/環境照明、鮮花等。灰色地毯沒有品牌,與星空聯盟或金卡值機區相匹配,而不是商務艙優先值機區的棕色 "桂冠 "地毯。

PRM accessibility


The PRM counter is located at Zone/Island 18 and is labelled "Courtesy". The counter itself is easily accessible due to the simplicity of the Tensa barrier layout. However, the counter infrastructure does not appear to have been altered or lowered to accommodate wheelchairs. One would assume that the dedicated PRM facility can also process ticketing requests.
PRM 櫃檯位於 18 區/島,標示 "禮賓 "字樣。由於 Tensa 護欄佈局簡單,櫃檯本身很容易進出。不過,櫃檯的基礎設施似乎沒有為容納輪椅而進行改建或降低。我們可以推測,專用的公共關係管理設施也可以處理購票申請。

Standard of staff service

Service is not tested, and no rating is applied for this item.

Section Rating 科室評級

Counter location(s), layout & wayfinding


At Taipei Terminal 2, Zone 14 is dedicated to Diamond members and Royal Laurel (Business Class) There are numerous digital monitors displaying the organisation of the EVA check-in hall and these are very well positioned. There is no separate enclosed area here for these passengers.
Zone 15 features check-in for Gold frequent flyers as well as Star Alliance Gold members.
15 區為金卡常客和星空聯盟金卡會員提供報到服務。
Zone 18 is for Silver card holders and Premium Economy Class passengers (as well as Staff and PRM)
18 區為銀卡持有者和高級經濟艙乘客(以及工作人員和 PRM)
There are large FIDS indicating which check-in counter to use and way finding is excellent, although the class distinction is not specified in the airport FIDS directory and only a generic EVA brand is applied for these rows.
儘管機場的 FIDS 目錄中沒有具體說明艙位等級的區別,而且這些行列只使用了長榮航空的通用品牌,但機場的大型 FIDS 標明了應使用哪個值機櫃檯,而且尋路功能非常出色。

Signage & Branding 標誌與品牌


Branding at the beginning of the queue entrances to Zone 14 is strong, with the large, familiar colour coded pillars in place at strategic locations.
14 區隊列入口處的品牌標誌非常醒目,在戰略要地設置了人們熟悉的大型彩色編碼柱。
Carpeting (Laurel/Diamond) is used to brand the floored area in this zone and there are overhead monitors displaying information related to the respective class of travel or member level.
Beyond this, signage and branding is largely similar to Zone 15 for Gold except grey carpeting is used instead.
除此之外,標誌和品牌基本上與金色 15 區相似,只是使用了灰色地毯。
Zone 18 is essentially a standard counter setup but with shorter queue times.
18 區基本上是一個標準的櫃檯設置,但排隊時間較短。
Overall, the organisation and segmentation of each level of FF is clearly differentiated.
整體而言,FF 各層級的組織和細分都有明確的差異。

Counter presentation, cleanliness & condition

From a cleanliness and condition perspective, presentation is very good for staffed counters.

Standard & exclusivity of premium check-in

In terms of exclusivity and privacy, EVA Air does not deliver an overly strong premium check-in service at TPE. The overall infrastructure is limiting and there is no space for a separate, enclosed space as observed at some other major Asian hubs (Singapore, Seoul, etc).
Despite this, there are differentiating factors such as porters and elaborate orchid displays (for Diamond), carpeting, and higher staff levels to ensure a swifter check-in process. There are Tensa queue barriers in place and they seem to be the standard grey EVA branded ones, rather than more premium roping.
儘管如此,還是有一些與眾不同的因素,如搬運工和精心製作的蘭花展示(鑽石)、地毯和更高水平的工作人員,以確保更快地辦理登機手續。這裡有 Tensa 排隊欄桿,似乎是標準的灰色 EVA 品牌欄桿,而不是更高級的繩索。
We do understand a new terminal is currently being constructed, which EVA will occupy, and we would hope a more premium check-in experience will be factored into design.

Queue systems & management

Queue management is good here, and higher volumes of passengers were well organised in both Zone 14 and Zone 15.
這裡的佇列管理很好,14 區和 15 區的較高客流量都組織得很好。
Entrances are generally overseen by staff members, but they do not intercept the flow which is quite acceptable.

Queue times 排隊時間

When live tested this is less than 5 minutes, and this appears to be very well managed. The check in area is also inspected at a time where there is a peak Bank of departures at TPE, so this is well rated.
在現場測試時,這個時間不到 5 分鐘,看來管理得非常好。在檢查登機手續辦理區時,也正是東京太平機場的離港高峰期,因此這一點得到了很好的評價。

PRM accessibility

Good accessibility, with low gates. A separate PRM concept is marked on signage and this counter at Zone 18 is deigned appropriately for wheelchair users.
無障礙設施良好,大門較低。標誌牌上標示了單獨的 PRM 概念,位於 18 區的這一櫃檯為輪椅使用者進行了適當的設計。

Fast-track security & immigration facility

There is no separate premium security and immigration facility at TPE and therefore no rating is applied here.

Section Rating 科室評級

Economy Class Check-in Organisation

Counter location(s), layout & wayfinding

Economy Class check-in at Terminal 2 is dynamic and some of the counter allocation will depend on the time of day. Essentially, there are not enough counters for all airlines, so some are shared, and the setup is somewhat unusual due to the constraints of the terminal building.
2 號航站樓的經濟艙報到是動態的,部分櫃檯的分配取決於一天中的時間。基本上,沒有足夠的櫃檯供所有航空公司使用,因此有些櫃檯是共用的。
Wayfinding is strong for the various zones and is colour coded in a clear and coherent manner. Staff in the overflow area (22-26) roam the space with loudspeakers to ensure passengers are spread out accordingly to reduce congestion in one specific area. This was having some effect at 06:30 however the bag drop counter at Zone 22 was still largely empty with Zone 19 still quite crowded. We wonder of the digital monitors by the terminal entrance can be modified in a dynamic manner to direct more passengers to the overflow zone during peak hours.
各區域的導引功能強大,顏色編碼清晰連貫。分流區(22-26 區)的工作人員透過擴音器巡迴廣播,確保乘客得到相應的疏散,以減少某一特定區域的擁塞。這在 06:30 時起到了一定的作用,但是 22 區的行李寄存處仍然空空如也,而 19 區仍然相當擁擠。我們想知道航站樓入口處的數位顯示器是否可以動態調整,以便在高峰時段引導更多乘客前往分流區。

Signage & Branding 標誌與品牌

Overall branding and signage is strong at TPE for all classes of travel, and this includes Economy Class.
包括經濟艙在內,TPE 所有艙位的整體品牌和標誌都非常醒目。
The overhead digital monitors do lack the modernity of others located at Seoul for example, which are more eyecatching and able to display far more information as single screens run the entire width of the counter islands. Hopefully, this level investment will be implemented in the new terminal check-in areas.

Counter presentation, cleanliness & condition

All of the counters were clean and presented in an excellent condition.

Counter allocation (bag-drop, FFM, standard)

Each Zone/Island consists of approximately 9-10 accessible counters depending on staffing.
每個區/島約有 9-10 個無障礙櫃檯,視人員配置而定。
There is a strong focus on self-bag drop and self-check-in at TPE but staffing levels are still high.

Queue systems & management


Overall, the queue system is adequate as passengers can be accommodated within the Tensa barrier maze in any area. There is an abundance of staff posted to entry points and in the general area to give information to passengers.
總的來說,排隊系統是足夠的,因為 Tensa 障礙迷宮的任何區域都能容納乘客。入口處和一般區域都有大量工作人員為乘客提供資訊。
At TPE and internationally, EVA is moving towards an online self-check in process with bag drop to reduce queueing times.
There is still some way to go as regards to passenger uptake, but the current results are delivering a mostly positive experience for passengers. Again, staff are on-hand to help facilitate the online check in process for those unfamiliar.

Queue times 排隊時間


Waiting times are at an average of 5 minutes when live observed, and this does not seem unreasonable for the volume of passengers.
根據現場觀察,候車時間平均為 5 分鐘,就乘客量而言,這似乎並不合理。

PRM accessibility

Excellent PRM designation throughout and this is industry leading in terms of accessibility and wayfinding.
整個專案的 PRM 設計都非常出色,在無障礙設施和導向標識方面處於行業領先地位。
Cabin baggage guides are available in the immediate check-in areas. These are adequate in number.

Section Rating
4.69 科室評級 4.69

Self-Service Check-in 自助報到服務

CUSS kiosk location(s), layout & capacity
CUSS 資訊亭的位置、佈局和容量

Self-check-in features strongly at TPE with EVA Air, however passengers are encouraged to complete the action online rather than at the airport. As a result, the CUSS at TPE are effectively redundant as they do not have a check-in facility activated. As such we do not apply a rating.
長榮航空在東京機場大力推行自助報到服務,但鼓勵旅客在網路上而不是在機場辦理報到手續。因此,由於沒有啟用報到設施,TPE 的 CUSS 實際上是多餘的。因此,我們不對其進行評級。

CUSS kiosk system utility
CUSS 資訊亭系統實用程序

The CUSS are not activated, and no rating is applied here.
CUSS 未被激活,也未在此處進行評級。

CUSS kiosk cleanliness & condition
CUSS 資訊亭的清潔和狀況

The CUSS are not activated, and no rating is applied here.
CUSS 未被激活,也未在此處進行評級。

Self-bag-drop utility & capacity
自落袋功能和容量 4.5

Self-bag drop makes up a large proportion of the counters in Economy Class at TPE Terminal 2. The overall utility of these counters and capacity is deemed adequate.

Queue systems & management

There is no queue system in place here for the CUSS since they are not in use.
由於沒有使用 CUSS,因此這裡沒有排隊系統。
Staff are observed in the CUSS area to assist and direct passengers to either online check-in or the full service counters.
在 CUSS 區域有工作人員協助並引導旅客辦理線上報到或全套服務櫃檯。

Queue times 排隊時間

The CUSS are not activated so there are no queues observed. No rating is applied here.
CUSS 未啟動,因此未觀察到排隊現象。此處不進行評級。

PRM accessibility

The dedicated PRM line at Zone 18 has good visibility and accessibility.
位於 18 區的 PRM 專線具有良好的能見度和可及性。

Section Rating 科室評級

Check-in Staff Service 報到工作人員服務
 C 級評級
C Class
 Y 級評級
Y Class
Standard of welcome 歡迎標準 5 5
Passengers are provided with a warm welcome as they approach the counters in Economy Class. Staff are typically cheerful on the ground, and this provides an excellent impression.
Premium Economy and Priority check-In counters were used during the audit period, and again, a very warm and professional welcome was extended. Staff will always rise to their feet when passengers approach these counters.

Service efficiency


The desks were well staffed so there is minimal queuing. Processing time is quick here, with staff proceeding through the checklist of items with passengers proficiently and efficiently.

Staff advice on seats, bags, gates, lounges, delays. 5 4.5
工作人員就座位、行李、登機口、休息室和航班延誤提供建議。 5 4.5

Staff confirm battery information, check-in labels, lounge location to a very thorough standard during all services.
Laminated seat maps are aways available and staff will generally identify seat locations and aircraft type with passengers.

Enthusiasm & friendliness


The service is professional, polite, and thorough, and on a benchmarked basis this is friendly and approachable.
Enthusiasm levels are felt to be strong in terms of the overall greeting and tone used in Business Class.

Body language & posture
Superb throughout, from the greeting to the conclusion, there is a good mastery of the body language.

Language abilities 語言能力

Excellent clarity of spoken English, and all elements are clear with good engagement.

Customer name usage 客戶名稱的使用

Staff are very good at using titles such as "sir", and formal name usage is applied to an extent in Business Class.
工作人員非常善於使用 "先生 "等稱謂,商務艙也在一定程度上使用正式名稱。

Standard of closing service 4
結帳服務標準 4 4.5

Confirmation made about the lounge location, as well as gate confirmation. A small additional feature would be to confirm walk time from the lounge to the gate.
Staff conclude the service in the traditional style and the exit route and security location are indicated.
Given that Business Class passengers do not have a fast track lane, it would be useful to inform them of this, so they know from the outset.

Assistance with self-check-in

The primary job of the staff is to help passengers check-in quickly and efficiently. There is a good degree of staff availability to offer assistance throughout the check-in area. Staff do a good job herding people in the right direction and assisting passengers, particularly the elderly who need more help.

Section Rating



Lounge Choice & Access

Choice of lounge facilities across airport

There are 4 x EVA Air lounges available to passengers in Terminal 2: The Garden, The Infinity, The Star, and The Club. The Garden lounge is allocated for Platinum cardholders only. The Infinity lounge is for EVA Air Business Class passengers or Star Alliance Business/First customers. The Star lounge is for EVA Gold card holders or Star Alliance Gold card holders. The Club is allocated for EVA Air Silver card holders.
長榮航空在第二航廈設有 4 間貴賓室:花園貴賓室、無限貴賓室、星空貴賓室和俱樂部貴賓室。花園貴賓室僅供白金卡旅客使用。 Infinity 貴賓室為長榮航空商務艙旅客或星空聯盟商務艙/頭等艙旅客而設。星空貴賓室供長榮航空金卡或星空聯盟金卡旅客使用。長榮航空銀卡旅客可使用俱樂部貴賓室。
The Garden and The Infinity lounges were accessed during the audit, and it is understood there may be plans to refurbish the Garden later in 2024 or 2025.
審計期間還參觀了花園和無限休息室,據悉可能計劃在 2024 年或 2025 年稍後對花園進行翻修。

Section Rating 科室評級


Lounge Location & Exterior


Location(s) of lounge(s) in terminal

The Infinity and Garden lounges are located on the first floor/mezzanine level in Terminal 2 and overlooks the shopping concourse below. It is directly opposite the Infinity lounge, and both are considered to be well located in terms of distance from gated areas.
無限貴賓室和花園貴賓室位於 2 號航站樓一樓/夾層,可俯瞰樓下的購物大廳。它正對著 Infinity 候機室,就與門禁區域的距離而言,這兩個候機室的位置都很好。

Terminal signage to lounge(s)


The terminal signage to all the lounges is excellent throughout the airport. There is overhead signage and various terminal maps to help with wayfinding. Check-in staff will also provide passengers with a paper map detailing the location.

Lounge exterior branding & appearance


As passengers approach the Garden Lounge from the top of the escalators there is a very large LED backlit sign indicating the Garden lounge. However, the immediate exterior area to the lounge is discreetly designed and does not feature much in the way of branding at all. There are two large planters either side of the entrance way along with an EVA Air cardboard cutout on one side and a digital screen with "The Garden" displayed. Overall, the lounge appears minimalist and discreetly exclusive from the exterior.
當乘客從自動扶梯頂端走近花園休息室時,會看到一個非常大的 LED 背光標誌,指示著花園休息室。不過,休息室的外部區域設計得很低調,沒有太多的品牌標誌。入口兩側有兩個大花盆,一側有一個 EVA Air 紙板剪影,還有一個顯示 "花園 "的電子螢幕。總的來說,從外觀上看,休息室顯得簡約低調。
The main reception area for the Infinity Lounge is shared with the Star lounge. From the corridor, the exterior is more eye catching than the Garden and this makes sense since far more passengers will use it. Above the automatic door is a large "EVA Air" backlit LED sign attached to lattice work. There are also digital screens to the left of the entrance displaying entrance requirements and facilities available. To the right is a life-sized cardboard cutout of an EVA uniformed staff member, which is perhaps unnecessary although it does reinforce the branding element. Overall, the external signage and branding is well balanced and tasteful.
無限貴賓休息室的主接待區與星空貴賓休息室共用。從走廊上看,其外觀比花園更引人注目,這也是情理之中的事,因為會有更多的乘客使用它。自動門上方是一個巨大的 "長榮航空 "背光 LED 標誌,並附有花格裝飾。入口左側還有一個電子螢幕,顯示入口要求和可用設施。右側是一個真人大小的長榮航空制服工作人員的紙板剪影,雖然它確實加強了品牌元素,但也許沒有必要。整體而言,外部標識和品牌是均衡而有品味的。

Section Rating 科室評級


LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Lounge Reception & Wayfinding Garden

Standard of reception area 5
接待區標準 5

Passengers enter through timber automatic doors. The main reception is of a high standard although it is quite dark. On the right hand side there are luggage lockers. Straight ahead is the main reception desk staffed by one to two personnel. The counter is made of high quality materials and the overall impression is understated but exclusive.

Left luggage facilities 左側行李設施

As passengers enter the lounge, to the immediate right you will encounter the left luggage area featuring an array of lockers. The lockers are medium in size and can fit 1 carry-on bags.
旅客進入貴賓休息室後,右手邊是左側的行李區,設有一系列置物櫃。儲物櫃大小適中,可容納 1 個隨身行李。
They can only be locked through the use of a key which is provided by reception staff rather than by code.

Signage & wayfinding for lounge facilities

There are some lounge maps placed in various locations - however, these are fire escape schematics rather than facility maps.
Directional signage is minimal although due to the rectangular shape and small size of the lounge, extensive signage is unnecessary.
Separate areas such as showers and the washrooms feature decals on the exterior walls by the entrances and these are LED backlit ensuring they are visible.
淋浴間和盥洗室等獨立區域的入口處外牆貼有 LED 背光燈,確保這些區域清晰可見。

Queue times to enter lounge 5
進入 5 號休息室的排隊時間

There is not much in the way of queuing here, and the volume of reception staff mean customers are processed efficiently.

Lounge entry system 5
休息室入口系統 5

Lounge entry is manually processed by staff, and there are adequate volumes of staff available to ensure efficient access. Only EVA Air Diamond passengers will be granted entry.
Updated gate details could be added to the relevant section of the boarding pass to increase the level of service here.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Reception Staff 接待人員

Standard of welcome provided

Body language standards for the lounge staff are acceptable, and all staff are alert to customers. The scope of service is based more around efficiency. Staff do not utilise name but offer excellent Mandarin politeness standards.

Advice about lounge facilities

Staff do not seem to offer any advice on the various facilities to all passengers, and we do feel that some type of check on previous lounge use should be applied, and then, if necessary, staff should explain the dining concept, showers, WiFi etc.
工作人員似乎沒有向所有乘客提供任何關於各種設施的建議,我們確實覺得應該對以前使用過休息室的乘客進行某種形式的檢查,然後,如果有必要,工作人員應該解釋用餐概念、淋浴、 WiFi 等。

Advice about boarding calls 5
關於登機電話的建議 5

Passengers are given advice in relation to boarding calls and are told where the gate is located in relation to the lounge.
There are discreet signs within the lounge indicating that there are no boarding calls in the facility.

Enthusiasm & friendliness

The standard of enthusiasm is very good, and staff are polite and friendly. The main criticism is that there is not a strong enough focus in explaining all of the lounge facilities and services that might interest guests.

Handling departure delays


A delay was experienced during the audit due to rain and fog and this information was relayed to passengers in-person by staff. We hope this is indeed provided to all customers on every occasion.

Language abilities 語言能力

English is spoken to a strong degree amongst front line staff. Overall, English language skills are a major strength of the airline, even compared to other regional 5 -star carriers.

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Flight Information & PA System
航班資訊和擴音系統 花園 評分

Location of flight information screens 5
航班資訊螢幕的位置 5

The FIDS allocation through the lounges is excellent and these are available in all key areas.
透過休息室分配的 FIDS 非常好,所有主要地區都有。
Standard of lounge PA system
No PA announcements occur in the Garden lounge although wider airport announcements can be heard from the concourse below, although this is not too distracting.
Intrusion from lounge PA system
This is a silent lounge and there is no intrusion from the PA system.
Section Rating  科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Lounge Décor 休息室裝飾 Garden 花園

Design & visual interest lounge interior

The design of the lounge is minimalist in nature making use of neutral and darker palettes, giving the area a "members" club feel. The layout is more or less rectangular, with various seating areas separated appropriately. One entire side of the lounge is "open-air" and faces the interior airside shopping concourse.
休息室的設計以簡約為主,採用中性色調和深色調,給人一種 "會員 "俱樂部的感覺。休息室的佈局大致呈長方形,不同的座位區域被適當分隔開來。休息室的一整面是 "露天 "的,面向內部的空中購物大廳。
There has been a good application of real and artificial planters to soften the transition. Lighting is subdued and this creates a warm and ambient atmosphere. Overall, it is quite appealing in its current design, making a good use of space and artificial light to offset the lack of natural light.

Design & visual interest of seat layout

As one would expect from the highest tier lounge, seating is not densely laid out and is supplied in moderation here, ensuring there is adequate space in between the various seat styles.
At this lounge and the furnishings are of a good and robust quality and there is some variance between the seating options. There are armchairs, privacy chairs, and some standard seated areas. The armchair area at the opposite end of the lounge to the buffet could be described as a quiet area although there is not a designated quiet zone.
Overall, the seat layout does seem to cater more towards the leisure traveller and this assertion is made due to the lack of workstations at the quieter end of the lounge.

Standard of lounge furnishings


Overall, the furnishings are of a high standard and well maintained. Leather appears to be the favoured material here and this can ensure greater levels of cleanliness.
Overall, however, the seating is beginning to show its age with the armchair cushioning looking creased and worn and, perhaps, a bit old fashioned. They do not feature integrated charging either which is essential in 2024. Again, we understand the lounge may be refurbished in the next year or so and we would expect every single seat to benefit from power outlets.
不過,總的來說,座椅已經開始顯出老態,扶手椅的坐墊看起來已經褶皺和磨損,也許還有點老氣。它們也沒有整合充電功能,而這在 2024 年是必不可少的。同樣,我們知道休息室可能會在未來一年左右進行翻新,我們希望每個座位都能配備電源插座。

Standard of lounge flooring

Flooring remains robust and in a good condition within the main passenger touchpoint zones. The tiled, timber, and carpeted areas of the lounge flooring are in very good condition.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Lounge Ambience
Lounge Ambience Garden 評分

General ambience of lounge

The lounge was accessed in the morning and evening and was fairly quiet on both occasions but we do understand this becomes congested at peaks. The self-serve buffet in the main dining area does not get crowded and there is sufficient dining seating to minimise crowding.
Due to the respectful nature of the mostly Taiwanese passengers, conversations are kept low and mobile phone use in public is minimal. Overall, the ambience is warm and comfortable due to the chosen colour palette and choice of furnishings. The planting scheme combined with the small lotus pond also helps soften the ambience considerably.

Mobile phone policy & noise nuisance

There are no notices indicating what the mobile phone policy is in the lounge and there are no separate cubicles for passengers to use to make private phone calls.

Standard of air conditioning & temperatures

Air conditioning and temperatures are acceptable and comfortable throughout. Our main concern relates to the shower facilities which we consider having a weak air flow.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Lounge Views & Lighting
休息室 景觀和照明 花園 評分

External views throughout the lounge

One major weakness of the lounge, due to the overall terminal infrastructure, is the lack of apron or runway views. As far as we are aware, none of the EVA Air lounges at TPE feature external views which is very unusual for a hub airport.
However, the new terminal will open in 2026-2027 and we would expect the lounges to incorporate this factor into the design element.
不過,新航廈將於 2026-2027 年啟用,我們希望候機室能將此因素納入設計元素。

Natural daylight inside the lounge

There is a low level of natural light within the lounge.

Standard & ambience of artificial lighting

Artificial light remains very good in all lounges. The designers have made a good use of table lamps, spotlights, and down lights to give the lounge a pleasant ambience, particularly during the nighttime hours.

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Seating Overview 座椅概覽

Choice of seating 座位選擇

There are standard chairs, small dining/work booths, and various types of armchairs available for use. As already stated, there is a lack of workspaces here.

Standard of seating 4
座位標準 4

Overall, the seating is of a high standard and in good condition and as stated previously, the armchairs do feature signs of wear. The chairs are made from a range of durable materials that can be easily wiped clean or hoovered.

Layout & privacy of seating

There are no private work booths although there are some quieter corners and areas that can be used for a bit of extra privacy. Seating is organised and arranged more towards the leisure traveller although there is a business centre for other travellers.
When compared to some of the Best Practice concepts and booths applied by Singapore Airlines, we feel there could be some further advancements in the 'private seat' concept.
與新加坡航空公司採用的一些 "最佳實踐 "概念和展位相比,我們認為 "私人座位 "概念還可以有進一步的改進。

Seat power choice, utility & volume

There is a shortage of plug points in the lounge, particularly around the armchair seats. There are plug points available for almost all kinds of seating and these generally consist of a USB point and one universal plug point.
休息室內的插座不足,尤其是扶手椅座位周圍。幾乎所有座椅都有插座,一般包括一個 USB 插座和一個通用插座。
We do note that some new lounges are moving to provide contactless charging pads as well as USB C compatible charging outlooks.
我們注意到,一些新的休息室正在提供非接觸式充電板以及與 USB C 相容的充電週邊裝置。

Seat availability & capacity management

No shortage of seatings was identified at any point therefore the current capacity management system is deemed satisfactory.

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Toilet Facilities
廁所設施 花園 評分

Toilet facilities capacity

There is one set of toilets in the lounge for each gender. There are two individual urinals and one cubicle in the men's toilets, and this is adequate for current passenger levels.

Standard of toilet design, fixtures & fittings 4
廁所設計、裝置和設備的標準 4

The toilets are of a good quality and kept properly clean by custodial staff. No non-neutral/malodour from the drains is noted. The toilet units feature bidet toilets and are therefore high quality.
The plastic hand soap dispenser and accompanying plastic automatic hand towel dispensers are not high quality when compared to the other fixtures and fittings in the facility, and indeed other top tier lounges.

Choice & standard of hand drying facilities

Paper towels are provided for hand or face drying. As mentioned, the plastic automatic hand towel dispensers do not provide a luxury experience for a top tier lounge.

Choice, brand & standard of toilet amenities

Mouthwash sachets, paper cups, and L'Occitane hand lotion are supplied next to the sinks.
The hand soap appears to be a generic brand applied from a plastic dispenser and lacks the quality we might expect. It is unclear why L'Occitane handwash is not provided here.

Customer feedback & cleanliness monitoring

There is no obvious customer feedback system available, but having said this, the washrooms appear to have a good degree of attention from staff, so this is not necessarily required.

Section Rating 科室評級


PRM Toilet Facilities Garden
PRM 廁所設施 花園 評分

Location & accessibility of PRM toilet facilities
PRM 廁所設施的位置和可及性

The lounge does not provide a separate PRM toilet facility in the lounge.
休息室內沒有單獨的 PRM 廁所設施。

Standard of PRM toilet facilities
PRM 廁所設施標準

There is no PRM facility in the lounge therefore no rating is applied here.
休息室內沒有 PRM 設施,因此沒有評級。

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

RATING 淋浴花園 評分

Booking & queue system for showers


The booking system is simple and requires passengers to request access at reception. Staff will personally come and find customers in the lounge which offers a more personalised service.

Waiting times for showers

Showers were available immediately to passengers when the lounge was attended.

Shower facility capacity

There is one shower room, and this appears enough to cope with current capacity and demand. Shower time is limited to 20 minutes and there are clocks installed within the shower room to help passengers monitor the time.
有一個淋浴室,似乎足以滿足目前的容量和需求。淋浴時間限制為 20 分鐘,淋浴室內安裝有時鐘,幫助乘客監控時間。

Standard of water pressure & temperature

The water pressure is adequate but not particularly strong. Water temperature is good and remained stable throughout when tested.

Size of shower facilities & changing area


The shower cubicles are rectangle in shape and are a good size. There is a separate changing area with a stool and enough space to open up a small carry case. The shower, sink, and toilet area is fully enclosed and private. Overall, the shower room is well sized.

Standard of shower, sink & WC facilities

The standard of the fixtures and fittings is good and the quality of the finish it terms of installation is up to standard. The lavatories are Asian in style and therefore have the full bidet system. The sink area is large with plenty of countertop space. It is solid and durable.
The shower itself features a medium sized shower head with three spray outlets and smaller supplementary one, and user friendly controls. Interior tiling in the shower area is moderately high quality. There were no instances of mould or mildew observed in the grouting or along the sealant.

Temperature & airflow in shower facilities

Airflow is on the weaker side however we feel that this does keep up with the requirements for the shower.

Choice & standard of shower amenities

There are three large L'Occitane branded bottles shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel available in the shower area. Separate amenities are provided in sealed packets next to the sink.
These include - cotton pads, razor, shave gel, shower cap, mouthwash, hairbrush, toothbrush, hand lotion. Two hairdryers are supplied for some reason.
Overall, the standard of amenities is very good and will meet the needs of almost all passengers.

Choice & standard of towels

The size, quantity and weight of the towel products is good. A branded EVA bathmat, a face cloth and two different sized towels are provided. The plastic packaging could be altered for a more sustainable choice
毛巾產品的尺寸、數量和重量都不錯。提供了一塊品牌 EVA 浴墊、一塊面巾和兩塊不同尺寸的毛巾。塑膠包裝可以改變,以提供更永續的選擇

Section Rating ..... 4.33
科室評級 .....4.33

Children's Facilities
Garden 花園
Standard of baby care room ..... 3.5
嬰兒護理室標準 ....3.5
There is no separate baby care facility in the lounge.

Standard of children's playroom
兒童遊戲室標準 3.5

There is no children's playroom at this facility. Whilst we may not expect a fully dedicated area for children in the most premium lounge, small colouring, and sticker kits similar to the ones provided onboard would be helpful to keep children occupied.
Section Rating  科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Lounge Cleanliness & Condition

Floor, wall, window - cleanliness & condition
地板、牆壁、窗戶 - 清潔度和狀況

The floors, walls, and windows were all in excellent condition with a high level of cleanliness in all facilities.

Seating - cleanliness & condition
座椅 - 清潔度和狀況

A good ongoing cleaning procedure is in place, and the condition of the seating products is achieving a high standard.

Buffet & dining area - cleanliness & condition
自助餐廳和用餐區 - 清潔度和條件


The buffet and dining area was kept to a very high level of cleanliness, and staff are constantly available here.

Toilets - cleanliness & condition
廁所--清潔度與條件 5

Washrooms are kept very clean, and all fixtures and fittings were in excellent condition and good working order.

Showers - cleanliness & condition 4.5
淋浴 - 清潔度和條件 4.5

Excellent cleanliness observed for the shower units, and this is not a factor for any change for user-to-user changes.

Abstract 摘要

Section Rating 科室評級

Cleaning & Maintenance
C Class
清潔與維護 C 級

Visibility of cleaning staff
Staff are visible through the lounge and these personnel display a high degree of actual proactivity during peak periods.

Techniques & efficiency of cleaning staff

Table clearance is typically completed by hand without the use of trolleys. This effectively minimises disruption to passengers. Generally, tables are given a quick wipe rather than sprayed with sanitiser and then wiped.

Standard & number of waste & recycling bins

There are general waste and recycling bins in the lounge for passengers to use, and these only seem to be located in the main buffet area.

Section Rating

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Staffed Bar Area
有工作人員的酒吧區 花園 評分

Standard & layout of staffed bar area

There is a staffed bar area that passengers can also self-serve from in this lounge and this is of a standard construction with stools for seating. The quality of the bar top is high, and all fixtures and fittings are solid and proper.

Staff service standards 員工服務標準

Service standards are very high here. Staff were observed carefully preparing cocktails for customers and the attention to detail was evident.

Standard of bar & wine list

There is a cocktail list displaying an impressive selection of options. It is printed on paper and then placed in front of a backlight, which is unusual. There is no EVA logo on it. We generally see either a high quality card menu or digital screen for this type of display.
雞尾酒單上的選擇令人印象深刻。它印在紙上,然後放在背光燈前,這很特別。上面沒有 EVA 徽標。我們通常看到的是高品質的卡片式選單或數位螢幕。

Section Rating 科室評級


Self-Serve Bar Area
自助酒吧區 花園 評分

Standard & layout of self-serve bar area


Draught and canned beer are available as self-serve from the buffet area, and this is excellent, as we also see chilled glasses supplied next to the automatic draught beer machines.
Wine, Champagne, and spirits appear to be self-serve from the main bar area as these are all openly displayed on shelving or in ice buckets.

Standard & presentation of fridges


Good presentation of all fridges, and restocked items are also well chilled.

Frequency of replenishing self-serve bar area

Staff monitoring is generally very capable for these self-service points, and this is achieving a high standard.

Ice & garnishes 冰塊和裝飾品


Ice is available from buckets in the area along with sliced lime but no lemon. The staffed bar area can provide more elaborate garnishes if required.

Location & standard of hot beverage machines

There is one coffee machine in the lounge that uses Illy coffee beans. This is located in the self-serve buffet area and makes a range of coffee drinks. The coffee produced from these machines is high quality and of a good strength.
休息室裡有一台使用 Illy 咖啡豆的咖啡機。這台咖啡機位於自助餐區,可以製作各種咖啡飲品。這些咖啡機生產的咖啡品質上乘,濃淡適宜。
Next to the staffed bar is an area that doubles as a barista point or omelette/egg station. The hours for the staffed coffee station are deemed limited by Skytrax with operating hours of 08:30-15:00. Many passengers will want their morning coffee prior to 08:30. The structure itself appears temporary/pop-up in construction rather than a fixed facility, which does reduce the premium visual appeal of the area.
有人值守的吧台旁邊有一個區域,可作為咖啡師點或煎蛋/蛋站。 Skytrax 認為,工作人員咖啡站的營業時間有限,為 08:30-15:00。許多乘客想在 08:30 之前喝上一杯早咖啡。建築本身似乎是臨時/臨時建造的,而非固定設施,這確實降低了該區域的高端視覺吸引力。
Section Rating  科室評級

Glassware & Hot Drink Cups

Choice & standard of glassware 5
玻璃器皿的選擇與標準 5
Good sized and quality wine glasses and standard tumblers are available which provides an acceptable choice.

Condition & cleanliness of glassware

The condition and cleanliness of the glassware products is excellent and appears well monitored by the lounge staff. Beer glasses are chilled in fridges.

Choice & standard of hot drink cups

Full range for short and long coffee, and we do note that this includes the more traditional Mandarin style of cup. Larger mugs are also provided which is excellent.

Condition & cleanliness of hot drink cups

The condition and cleanliness of the various hot drink cups is excellent and appears well monitored by the lounge staff.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Bar Product 酒吧產品

Choice & standard of juices, mixers & soft drinks

The choice of available soft drinks (Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Tonic, Club Soda) is acceptable but could be improved upon. Some lounges offer healthier options such as Kombucha, sparkling sugar-free seltzer waters, and green juices for example. Calpis Water is available as well as self-serve bubble tea and these are well rated.
可供選擇的軟性飲料(可樂、零可樂、雪碧、湯力水、俱樂部蘇打水)還可以接受,但有待改進。一些貴賓室提供更健康的選擇,如 Kombucha、無糖蘇打水和綠色果汁。 Calpis Water 和自助泡泡茶也很受歡迎。
In the chilled self-serve buffet area, there is a special branded orange juice available along with an unidentifiable milk drink, which may be soy milk. Labelling here would be helpful for foreign passengers.

Choice & standard of beer & brands

Two types of Taiwanese draught beer is available, and this is self-serve.

Choice & standard of spirits/digestifs & brands

The standard and range of spirits is very high at this lounge and appears to be very similar to what is available onboard in Business Class - Smirnoff Blue, Johnnie Walker Blue Label, Kavlan, Dalmore 12 Year, Glenfiddich, Bombay Sapphire are some examples.
貴賓休息室的烈酒標準很高,種類繁多,似乎與機上商務艙的烈酒非常相似--例如 Smirnoff Blue、Johnnie Walker Blue Label、Kavlan、Dalmore 12 Year、Glenfiddich 和 Bombay Sapphire。

Choice & standard of wines & sparkling wines

White and red wines are served from bottles at varying temperatures. These are good quality wines and sufficient in number. Champagne is also available here.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Hot Drink Product 熱飲產品

Choice & standard of coffee

There is one brand of Illy coffee bean available from the machines. The machines make various drinks such as Latte, Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso, and the standard of coffee from these machines is very good. Chilled coffee is also available here in cans from the fridge, which is excellent. Again, there is barista point available during certain hours and this is of a very high standard.
咖啡機提供一種品牌的 Illy 咖啡豆。咖啡機可製作拿鐵、卡布奇諾、美式咖啡、特濃咖啡等各種飲品,這些咖啡機製作的咖啡水準非常高。冰箱裡還有罐裝的冰咖啡,味道極佳。同樣,在某些時段也提供咖啡師服務,服務水準也非常高。

Choice & standard of tea 4.5
茶的選擇與標準 4.5

A good range of tea is available covering various "western" and herbal tea choices which suits a broad variety of customers.
茶葉種類繁多,包括各種 "西式 "茶葉和花草茶,適合各種顧客。

Choice & standard of other hot drinks 4.5
其他熱飲的選擇和標準 4.5

Aside from the aforementioned tea and the coffees, hot chocolate pouches are also available.

Section Rating 科室評級


Dining - Self-Service System Garden
餐飲 - 自助服務系統花園

Standard & layout of self-serve buffet

There is one self-serve buffet area in the lounge and the standard is average with good quality fixtures and fittings in use. There are traditional steel hot food containers each containing hot food items. The layout is simple and makes an effective use of space.

Standard of serving dishes & utensils


The steel serving dishes have covers that are easily rolled back, ensuring the temperature of the food remains optimal. Steel tongs and steel servings spoons are used to serve food. These are both quite standard in size and quality when compared to other lounges.

Frequency of replenishing self-serve buffet area

No issues were observed related to replenishment of food at this facility. No empty trays, containers, or vessels were observed.

Food labelling & allergen information

At the buffet counter there is an A4 sized notice with basic allergen information and customers must ask staff if their dish contains certain allergens. Generally, we see basic allergen information in the form of icons displayed on the individual food items labels for passenger ease.
自助餐櫃檯上有一張 A4 紙大小的告示,上面有基本的過敏原信息,顧客必須詢問工作人員自己的菜餚是否含有某些過敏原。一般來說,我們看到的基本過敏原資訊是以圖示的形式顯示在各個食品標籤上,以方便乘客。

Section Rating 科室評級


LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Dining - Self-Service Food Choice
餐飲 - 自助食品選擇

Choice & standard of nuts & bar snacks

Chips, mixed nuts, and mixed Asian snacks are available, and this is good, wide selection.

Choice & standard of bread & pastries

In terms of bread and pastries, a range is available and there is a menu card with a Tanhou bakery logo on it. Toast, cranberry cheese bread, blueberry bagel, wholewheat fermented bread, kinako walnut, and orange pineapple bun are all available.
The menu does look appealing, and the images are a relatively accurate depiction of what is actually provided. The flavours are certainly more unusual, but this makes a change from standard white/brown bread only offered in many lounges.

Choice & standard of cold dishes

Minimalist but high-quality range of choices - the options are felt to be somewhat basic and unimaginative here. There are no pre-prepared salad mixes. No pre-prepared sandwiches and these items are provided in the Infinity lounge.
簡約但優質的選擇範圍--這裡的選擇被認為有些基本且缺乏想像。沒有預先準備好的混合沙拉。沒有預先準備好的三明治,這些食品在 Infinity 休息室提供。

Choice & standard of hot dishes - breakfast
熱菜的選擇和標準 - 早餐


Options are appealing and overlap the choice between breakfast and standard meal service nicely. The selection is nicely tailored to cater for both Mandarin and western travellers. The majority of customers tend to order from the live station.

Choice & standard of hot dishes - lunch & dinner
熱菜的選擇和標準 - 午餐和晚餐


Whilst the choice of self-serve hot dishes is limited, the standard is excellent here and the focus is clearly upon quality.
Tiger Grouper, Pork Ribs, Grilled vegetables are examples along with hot Sweet potatoes and a self-serve Taiwanese burger area.

Choice & standard of desserts/sweets


Desserts consist of Black rice porridge, Ice cream, or sliced fruit. The quality of these products is high although the selection somewhat limited.

Self-serve food temperatures

We do not encounter any issues with the hot or cold dish items within the lounge.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Dining - Live Cooking
餐飲 - 現場烹飪

Live cooking station - standard of counter
現場烹飪台 - 標準櫃檯

EVA Air does offer a live cooking concept with fully operating grill, etc, and the concept is accessed through an app, with food prepared in an eclosed kitchen area. The counter area is small and quite basic - however, customers do not need to approach the area. Food is ordered by QR code from the table and will be served to your table.

Live cooking station - standard & choice of food
現場烹飪台 - 標準和可選食物

There are approximately 12 dishes available depending on the time of day. The food is very high quality here when benchmarked to other premium lounges in the region, and indeed globally. Some of the dishes are curated by a Michelin star chef and is therefore excellent. High quality vegetarian options are also available.
根據時間的不同,大約有 12 種菜餚可供選擇。與該地區乃至全球的其他高級貴賓室相比,這裡的食物品質非常高。其中一些菜餚是由米其林星級廚師精心烹製的,因此非常出色。這裡也提供高品質的素食選擇。

Live cooking station - service systems & times
現場烹飪台 - 服務系統與時間

Passengers order using a QR code from the table and will be served to your table. Service times were recorded at less than 5 minutes.
乘客在餐桌上使用二維碼點餐,服務人員會將餐點送到您的餐桌上。根據記錄,服務時間不到 5 分鐘。

Section Rating 科室評級


Dining - Tableware & Cutlery
餐飲 - 餐具花園

Choice & standard of tableware
Tableware consists of China plates and bowls, and these are of a high standard.

Condition & cleanliness of tableware

All items are in good condition, and the design and branding for these is appealing.

Choice & standard of cutlery

Solid, metal cutlery, which is of an excellent standard, and appears polished. These are not wrapped in cotton napkins but are only available from canteen style receptacles. We might expect a more premium presentation of cutlery and napkins at a top tier member lounge.

Condition & cleanliness of cutlery

All items are in good condition, and the design for these is appealing.

Standard of napkins 餐巾標準

Paper napkins are available along with two types of packaged towels.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Reading Materials 閱讀材料
Garden 花園
Presentation of reading materials (hardcopy)

No hard copies of any title are available, and we note that some airlines such as LATAM, Emirates, Lufthansa are reintroducing hardcopy reading materials to the lounges given that these can be recycled so do not represent a significant environmental legacy.

In-lounge marketing for e-reader service

There is a high degree of in-lounge marketing for the e-reader service in the book shelving area. The service provides hundreds of options for travellers and is easily accessible.

Choice of newspapers 4.5
報紙選擇 4.5

As covered in the onboard section, a vast array of titles is available in various languages.

Quantity of newspapers available (hardcopy)

Physical newspapers are not provided.

Choice of magazines 雜誌選擇


As covered in the onboard section, a vast array of titles is available in various languages.

Quantity of magazines available (hardcopy)

An inflight magazine or Duty Free leaflet is occasionally provided by other airlines in their lounges, and we do maintain that having an allocation of physical reading materials remains relevant for premium airlines in 2024.
其他航空公司的貴賓室偶爾也會提供機上雜誌或免稅傳單,我們認為,在 2024 年,對於高端航空公司來說,提供實體讀物仍然具有現實意義。

Availability of airline reading materials

As noted above, there is a lack of airline reading materials through the lounge facility.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

WiFi Service WiFi 服務
WiFi connection information
WiFi 連線訊息
Provided clearly for and there are numerous stickers located in various places in the lounge and troubleshooting guidance. Reception staff do not advise passengers of the process.

WiFi connection requirements
WiFi 連線需求 5

Users are not required to provide personal email addresses or other information for sign up. Users click on the network and can connect easily.

WiFi connection speed & reliability
WiFi 連線速度和可靠性

A speed test produced a result of 26.7 Mbps download and 46.5 Mbps upload, demonstrating a very high speed connection. The service was reliable throughout the audit period.
速度測試結果為 26.7 Mbps 下載和 46.5 Mbps 上傳,顯示連線速度非常快。在整個審計期間,服務都很可靠。

Section Rating 科室評級


Business Facilities
Garden 花園
Internet computer terminals in lounge 5
5 號休息室的網路電腦終端
There is one PC located in the Business Centre area. This was switched on and fully functioning during the audit period.

Printer facilities 印表機設施

There is one combined printer/scanner machine, and this is connected to the . There is no information relating to the availability of sending documents to this wirelessly from your own device, however.
有一台印表機/掃描器一體機,與 相連。不過,目前還沒有關於是否可以透過自己的裝置無線發送文件的資訊。

Meeting & conference facilities

There are no meeting rooms or private phone booths at the lounge.

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

TV Facilities 電視設施

Location of TVs throughout lounge 4.5
整個休息室的電視位置 4.5

There are two large TVs in the lounge, and these are appropriately located.
Channel options & subtitles 4.5
頻道選項和字幕 4.5
Sports are generally shown which is adequately neutral.
Noise intrusion of TV's
The TVs are kept on silent which is excellent.
Section Rating  科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Staff Service 員工服務
Enthusiasm & friendliness

Enthusiasm from staff throughout is good, and staff are typically warm, accommodating and engaged with passengers

throughout the experience.

Hospitality portrayed
款待描繪 4.5

Staff within the lounge itself have a good degree of training, and this ensures the hospitality delivery is quite polished and professional.

Eye contact with PAX 5
與 PAX 5 的目光接觸

Eye contact is good from all staff members, and this is not a factor for any improvement.

Body language & posture

Staff through the lounge maintain excellent body language, and all front-line staff appear diligently. Staff posture was generally upright, and they demonstrated positive and confident body language throughout the lounge.

Service efficiency & skill


Cleaning and F&B staff quietly and diligently go about their business, cleaning areas efficiently.
Self-serve food and drink areas were regularly topped up and cleaning staff move throughout the lounge clearing tables without the use of trolleys which does improve the ambience/disturbance element.

Service discipline

Good discipline between staff members, with no issues of concern. Staff conduct in front of customers and dedication to their tasks is consistently good, and their appearance is neat and tidy.

Total interaction with customers

There is an acceptable level of interaction, and this importantly never feels forced.

Language abilities 語言能力

English and Mandarin are spoken widely. English comprehension is typically very good amongst front line.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Garden Lounge
休息室 - 花園休息室

Staff Grooming & Presentation

Standard & consistency of personal grooming

Female staff all have their hair tied in a bun, giving a professional look. There was no excessive use of make up or perfume/aftershave
Uniform presentation 5
Presentation is excellent during the audit, and this is not a factor for any change.
Use of & visibility of name badges
All staff wear name badges, and these are very clear to observe.
Section Rating  科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Lounge Reception & Wayfinding

Standard of reception area

Passengers enter through automatic doors. The main reception is of a high standard although it is quite bright. Floor tiling is beige and gloss, overhead LED lighting strips provide light broadly. There is one large reception desk with a textured feature wall behind it. The EVA Air Lounge logo is projected onto it, and this is centred appropriately.
旅客透過自動門進入。主接待處雖然比較明亮,但標準很高。地面鋪設了米色亮光瓷磚,頭頂的 LED 燈帶提供了充足的光線。接待處有一張大桌子,桌子後面是一面有紋理的特色牆。長榮航空貴賓室的標誌投影在牆上,居中位置恰到好處。
The main reception desk is staffed by three personnel. The counter is made of high quality materials and the overall impression is understated but exclusive.
To the left is the Star lounge and to the right is the Infinity lounge. As you enter this reception area it is actually unclear which lounge is which if you have never visited before. Staff will have to advise you of this.
左邊是 Star 休息室,右邊是 Infinity 休息室。當您進入這個接待區時,如果您以前沒有來過,實際上並不清楚哪個是休息室。工作人員會告訴您。

Left luggage facilities 左側行李設施

As passengers enter the lounge, to the right the left luggage area is located featuring an array of approximately 20 lockers. The lockers are medium in size and can fit 1 carry-on bags. They can only be locked through the use of a key which is provided by reception staff rather than by code.
旅客進入休息室後,右側是左側行李區,設有約 20 個儲物櫃。儲物櫃大小適中,可容納 1 個隨身行李。這些儲物櫃只能使用接待人員提供的鑰匙而不是密碼上鎖。

Signage & wayfinding for lounge facilities

The Infinity lounge does feature some customised maps placed in various locations. These are facility maps clearly detailing what is available for customers.
Infinity 貴賓室確實在不同位置放置了一些客製化地圖。這些設施地圖清楚地詳細介紹了顧客可以使用的設施。
Directional signage is good throughout the lounge. The structure is moderately sized in a rectangular shape, so there is no need for extensive signage. Separate areas such as showers, washrooms, and the nursing area feature decals on the exterior walls by the entrances and these are LED backlit ensuring they are visible.
整個休息室的指示標誌非常醒目。建築物呈長方形,大小適中,因此無需大量標示。淋浴間、盥洗室和護理區等獨立區域的入口處外牆上都貼有標識,這些標識採用 LED 背光技術,確保清晰可見。

Queue times to enter lounge

There is not much in the way of queuing here, and the volume of reception staff mean customers are processed efficiently.

Lounge entry system 休息室入口系統

Passengers are required to show their boarding pass to be scanned at reception. Only EVA Air Business Class passengers will be granted entry.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Reception Staff Infinity RATING
接待人員 Infinity Rating

Standard of welcome provided

General welcomes appear strong upon entry to the lounge. Auditors were escorted through reception so did not have a chance to have a "regular" welcome that would be experienced by other passengers.
進入休息室時,一般的歡迎儀式顯得很熱烈。審計人員是在接待人員的陪同下進入休息室的,因此沒有機會受到其他乘客的 "常規 "歡迎。

Advice about lounge facilities

We feel the standard introduction was not experienced during the audit period and therefore this element is difficult to accurately judge.

Advice about boarding calls 5
關於登機電話的建議 5

Passengers are given advice in relation to boarding calls and will be told where gates are located in relation to the lounge. Additionally, there are discreet signs within the lounge indicating that there are no boarding calls in the facility.

Enthusiasm & friendliness

Reception staff showed a good level of enthusiasm and welcoming friendliness upon entry and departure to passengers.

Handling departure delays

This aspect was not experienced.

Language abilities
5 語言能力 5

Good English language standards, and staff always automatically revert to English where needed.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Flight Information & PA System Infinity
航班資訊和擴音系統 Infinity RATING

Location of flight information screens

There are numerous FIDS throughout the lounge for passengers to see and these are mounted at eye level in appropriate locations, as well as behind the main reception desk.
整個休息室都有許多 FIDS 供乘客查看,這些 FIDS 安裝在與視線平齊的適當位置以及主接待台後面。

Standard of lounge PA system

No PA were noted in the Infinity lounge.
在 Infinity 休息室沒有發現 PA。

Intrusion from lounge PA system

This is a silent lounge and therefore intrusion is minimal

Section Rating 5.00 部門評等 5.00

Lounge Décor 休息室裝飾

Design & visual interest lounge interior


The lounge interior is bright and modern, with lighter palettes favoured that gives the lounger a greater sense of space. The layout is more or less rectangular, with various seating areas separated appropriately. One entire side of the lounge is glass but only faces the interior of the airside space. There is little in the way of planters throughout the lounge when compared to the Garden, and this is acceptable as there seems to be a priority for seating space. Artificial lighting is bright. Overall, it is appealing in its current design, making a good use of space and artificial light to offset the lack of natural light.

Design & visual interest of seat layout

Seating is fairly dense and is supplied in good numbers. There is still adequate space in between the various seating styles. At this lounge and the furnishings are of a good and robust quality and there is some variance between the seating options. There are armchairs, privacy chairs, and some standard seated areas. There is a good balance here between leisure and business seating to cater to a wide variety of passengers. We note the strong provision of seat charging here, which includes USB-Type C.
座位相當密集,而且數量充足。各種座椅之間仍有足夠的空間。此休息室的家具品質優良、堅固耐用,各種座椅之間也有一定的差異。這裡有扶手椅、私密椅和一些標準座位區。休閒座椅和商務座椅在這裡得到了很好的平衡,可以滿足不同乘客的需求。我們注意到這裡提供了強大的座椅充電功能,包括 USB-Type C。

Standard of lounge furnishings

Furnishings continue to be most commendable, and we feel that EVA Air is being increasingly creative and artistic in the lounge finishes and fittings throughout.

Standard of lounge flooring

Flooring is mostly carpet and this helps with acoustics although there are some tiled floored areas. The quality of flooring is high here, with durable materials in use.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Lounge Ambience ..... Infinity
休息室氛圍 ....無限

General ambience of lounge
休息室的整體氛圍 4.5

The lounge can get very busy in the morning at peak time. However, even when the facility approaches capacity it is not a loud lounge. The self-serve buffet area in the main dining area can get congested but there are no major issues of concern here. Overall, the ambience is clean and comfortable due to the chosen colour scheme, choice of furnishings, and bright artificial lighting concepts.

Mobile phone policy & noise nuisance 4.5
行動電話政策與噪音滋擾 4.5

There are no notices indicating what the mobile phone policy is in the lounge and there are no separate cubicles for passengers to use to make private phone calls.

Standard of air conditioning & temperatures

The temperature of the lounge is set to a comfortable, cool temperature for passengers.

Section Rating 科室評級


Lounge Views & Lighting

External views throughout the lounge

As with the Garden, one major weakness of the lounge, due to the overall terminal infrastructure, is the lack of apron or runway views.

Natural daylight inside the lounge

There is very little in the way of natural light.

Standard & ambience of artificial lighting

Artificial light remains very good in all lounges. The designers have made a good use of table lamps, spotlights, and down lights to give the lounge a pleasant ambience.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Seating Overview  座椅概覽
Infinity 無限

Choice of seating
座位選擇 4.5

There are standard chairs, small dining/work booths, and various types of armchairs available for use. There is also a bank of workstations - these seats are in very high demand.

Standard of seating 座位標準

Overall, the seating is of a high standard and in good condition. All of the seating appears new and is therefore in a highly appealing visual state. The chairs are made from a range of durable materials that can be easily wiped clean or hoovered.

Layout & privacy of seating

Although there are winged seating modules that offer a degree of privacy in the Infinity, in both lounges there is very limited privacy throughout, and a lack of screens between seating concepts or private booth concepts available versus other airlines in 2024.
雖然"無限"貴賓室中的翼形座位模組提供了一定程度的私密性,但整個貴賓室的私密性非常有限,而且與2024 年的其他航空公司相比,貴賓室中的座位概念或私人包間概念缺乏屏風。

Seat power choice, utility & volume

There is a high number of plug points in the lounge, and these are located in all seating areas. There are plug points available for almost all kinds of seating and these generally consist of standard USB and USB C points and one universal plug point.
休息室內的插座數量很多,分佈在所有座位區。幾乎所有座位都有插頭,一般包括標準 USB 插頭、USB C 插頭和一個通用插頭。
Again, we do note that some new lounges are moving to provide contactless charging pads to reduce the need for passengers to find cables from within baggage.

Seat availability & capacity management

At 08:00 on a Monday morning seating is very limited. To ensure seating is used to its maximum potential, dining areas with two seats will be reserved for two people only. Similarly, larger tables are only available to groups, and this does go some way to helping the situation.
星期一早上 8:00 的座位非常有限。為了確保座位得到最大限度的利用,有兩個座位的用餐區只能保留給兩個人。同樣,較大的餐桌也只提供給團體用餐,這在一定程度上緩解了座位緊張的狀況。

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Toilet Facilities Infinity
廁所設施 Infinity 評分

Toilet facilities capacity

There is one set of toilets in the lounge for each gender. There are six individual urinals, four cubicles, and four sinks in the men's toilets and this is adequate for current passenger levels.
休息室內男女廁所各一套。男廁有 6 個獨立小便池、4 個隔間和 4 個洗手池,對於目前的客流量來說已經足夠。

Standard of toilet design, fixtures & fittings

The toilet design and fixtures and fitting standard is meeting an excellent quality level, and the contemporary appearance here is in keeping with the broader lounge aesthetics. There do not appear to be any adapted toilet seats for smaller children or steps.

Choice & standard of hand drying facilities

Paper towels are provided for hand or face drying and this is acceptable.

Choice, brand & standard of toilet amenities

Amenities are more restricted here when compared to the Garden, which is understandable. The hand soap appears to be a generic brand applied from a plastic dispenser and lacks the quality we might expect.

Customer feedback & cleanliness monitoring

There is no obvious customer feedback system available, but having said this, the washrooms appear to have a good degree of attention from staff, so this is not necessarily required.

Section Rating 科室評級


PRM Toilet Facilities

Location & accessibility of PRM toilet facilities
PRM 廁所設施的位置和可及性

The lounge does provide a separate PRM toilet facility in the lounge. They are fully accessible, and we further highlight the excellent degree of facilities within the wider terminal building.

Standard of PRM toilet facilities
PRM 廁所設施標準

The standard of the facility is appropriate as there are various grab handles, and the door is automatic. There does not seem to be an alarm cord or Ostomate disposal here.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Showers 淋浴
Booking & queue system for showers
Passengers are required to register at reception for a shower. It is unclear if there is a beeper system or similar.

Waiting times for showers
淋浴等候時間 4

During a relatively peak period of use for the lounge, waiting time is measured at approximately 15 minutes.
在休息室使用相對高峰期,等候時間約 15 分鐘。

Shower facility capacity

Given that the shower facilities do have to cater for both lounges, the rate of turn around during peak periods is considered respectable. There are four shower rooms, and this appears just about enough to cope with current capacity and demand. There is a digital screen by the entrance and each shower room has a separate name rather than a number.
Shower time is limited to 20 minutes and there are no clocks installed within the shower room to help passengers monitor the time. It would be advisable to install clocks or timekeeping devices here.
淋浴時間限制為 20 分鐘,淋浴室內沒有安裝時鐘來幫助乘客監控時間。建議在此安裝時鐘或計時裝置。

Standard of water pressure & temperature


There are no issues with the water pressure or temperature during the audit, and these all function as expected.

Size of shower facilities & changing area

There is adequate space for luggage in the shower facilities, and this includes acceptable space for changing.

Standard of shower, sink & WC facilities
淋浴、水槽和衛生間設施標準 4.5

There is a good standard of shower facility available which includes WC and sink units, in addition to luggage storage and a bench. The tiling and décor standards are also well rated. There are solid glass sliding shower screens. The lavatories are Asian and therefore have the full bidet system. The facilities appear to have been recently renovated.

Temperature & airflow in shower facilities


Airflow is consistent and we feel that this is able to keep up with the requirements for the shower.

Choice & standard of shower amenities

There are three large bottles shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel available in the shower area. Separate amenities are provided in sealed packets next to the sink and they include: Cotton Pads, Shave Gel, Shower Cap, Mouthwash, Hairbrush, Toothbrush, Hand Lotion. Razors are available upon request at the front desk.

Choice & standard of towels


A branded EVA bathmat, a face cloth and two different sized towels are provided. The standard and softness of the towels is average, as well as the size.
飯店提供一個品牌 EVA 浴墊、一條面巾和兩條不同尺寸的毛巾。毛巾的標準和柔軟度以及大小都普通。

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室
Standard of baby care room 4.5
嬰兒護理室標準 4.5
Baby change facilities are available in the Infinity lounge, and these deliver an acceptable standard for 2024.
無限休息室提供嬰兒換尿布設施,這些設施達到了 2024 年的可接受標準。

Standard of children's playroom

No children's play facility is available in the lounge, and this is a facility which can provide a more family friendly environment in the lounge, as well as isolate any disturbance that may occur from younger travellers.
Section Rating  科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Lounge Cleanliness & Condition Infinity
休息室清潔度與條件 Infinity

Floor, wall, window - cleanliness & condition
地板、牆壁、窗戶 - 清潔度和狀況

The floors, walls and windows are all in excellent condition with a high level of cleanliness. As already stated, the lounge has undergone a recent renovation, so the condition element is excellent.

Seating - cleanliness & condition
座椅 - 清潔度和狀況


The seating and seating areas were very clean and custodial staff focus well underneath seats, tables, and in seat dirt traps to a high degree.

Buffet & dining area - cleanliness & condition
自助餐廳和用餐區 - 清潔度和條件

The small buffet and dining area was kept to a high level of cleanliness whilst I visited the lounge. Staff were seen to be keeping it clean and tidy at regular intervals. The condition of the various fixtures and fittings is good, and the quality of items used in the buffet area is adequate.

Toilets - cleanliness & condition
廁所 - 清潔度和條件

The men's lavatories were very clean, and all fixtures and fittings were in excellent condition and good working order. There is no issue with poor airflow or non-neutral odour in this facility.

Showers - cleanliness & condition
淋浴 - 清潔度和條件

Excellent cleanliness observed for the shower units, and this is not a factor for any change.

Section Rating
4.80 部門評級 4.80

Cleaning & Maintenance 清潔與維護

Visibility of cleaning staff

Staff are visible through the lounge although the actual proactivity of the staff in clearing items away from passengers does vary and could be improved in terms of efficiency during peak periods.

Techniques & efficiency of cleaning staff

Generally, a table was cleared within a few minutes of being vacated and this is performed quietly.

Standard & number of waste & recycling bins

A good number of bins are around the lounge, and most receptacles are for recycling which is well marketed to passengers.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Self-Serve Bar Area
自助酒吧區 Infinity Rating

Standard & layout of self-serve bar area

Canned beers are available from fridges in the buffet area along with wine, sparkling white wine, and spirits. Items are arranged in a tidy and appealing manner.

Standard & presentation of fridges

There is a large fridge for drinks located in the buffet area. These were very clean and well stocked. The units are high quality and durable keeping beverages properly chilled.

Frequency of replenishing self-serve bar area

Staff monitoring is generally very capable for these self-service points, and this is achieving a high standard.

Ice & garnishes 冰塊和裝飾品

Whilst ice and lemon are available, more elaborate options for garnishes are not provided in the lounge and this reduces passenger ability to self-construct cocktail or more elaborate drink choices.

Location & standard of hot beverage machines


There are two coffee machine in the lounge for passengers to choose from, different beans are used in each unit. These are located in the self-serve buffet area and a make a range of coffee drinks. The coffee produced from these machines is high quality and of a good strength.
Section Rating  科室評級

Glassware & Hot Drink Cups

Choice & standard of glassware

There are varying types of glasses available depending on the drink passengers choose. Tumblers, beer glasses, and small wine glasses are all available.

Condition & cleanliness of glassware

The condition and cleanliness of the glassware products is excellent and appears well monitored by the lounge staff.

Choice & standard of hot drink cups


For coffee, two types of ceramic cup are available for hot drinks. An "Americano" cup and a standard Espresso sized cup. Larger mugs for tea are also provided.
咖啡方面,有兩種熱飲用陶瓷杯。一種是 "美式咖啡 "杯,另一種是標準的濃縮咖啡杯。此外,也提供較大的茶杯。

Condition & cleanliness of hot drink cups

The condition and cleanliness of the various hot drink cups is excellent and appears well monitored by the lounge staff.

Section Rating 科室評級

Bar Product Infinity 酒吧產品無限

Choice & standard of juices, mixers & soft drinks
果汁、混合飲料和軟性飲料的選擇和標準 4.5

The lounge offers the same selection of drinks to the Garden lounge, and this provides passengers with a good choice.

Choice & standard of beer & brands 4
啤酒與品牌的選擇與標準 4

Two types of Taiwanese beer are available, and this is self-serve, and these are of a good quality.

Choice & standard of spirits/digestifs & brands

A good choice of products available here, and the brands are mid-tier when compared to the Garden lounge. The range of spirits includes Smirnoff, Johnnie Walker Red Label, Kavlan, Jim Beam, Cognac, and Bombay Sapphire as some examples.
這裡有多種產品可供選擇,與花園貴賓室相比,這裡的品牌屬於中等程度。這裡的烈酒包括斯米諾夫(Smirnoff)、尊尼獲加紅牌(Johnnie Walker Red Label)、卡夫蘭(Kavlan)、吉姆-比姆(Jim Beam)、干邑(Cognac)和孟買藍寶石( Bombay Sapphire)等。

Choice & standard of wines & sparkling wines

White and red wines are served from bottles at varying temperatures. These are good quality wines and sufficient in number. Albert Lebrun Champagne is also available here.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Hot Drink Product Infinity
熱飲產品 Infinity Rating

Choice & standard of coffee

There are two brands of coffee bean available from the machines. The machines make various drinks such as Latte, Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso, and the standard of coffee from these machines is very good.

Choice & standard of tea


There are numerous options of tea available at this lounge. These consist of Taiwanese teas and Twinings Teas that are of a good quality.
休息室有多種茶葉可供選擇。其中包括高品質的台灣茶和 Twinings 茶。

Choice & standard of other hot drinks 4.5
其他熱飲的選擇和標準 4.5

Hot chocolate powder pouches are available here as an alternative.

Section Rating 科室評級

Dining - Self-Service System
餐飲 - 自助服務系統

Standard & layout of self-serve buffet

The standard of the staffed buffet area is average with good quality fixtures and fittings in use. There are traditional steel hot food containers each containing various hot food items each. The layout is simple and makes an effective use of space. Whilst the layouts here are acceptable, the service points are busy and occasionally congested.

Standard of serving dishes & utensils


The heating elements for the serving dishes appear to be set adequately and hot items are maintained at an appropriate temperature. Access is fine, with good level of hygiene protection and covers throughout. Steel tongs and steel servings spoons are used to serve food. These are both quite standard in size and quality when compared to other lounges.

Frequency of replenishing self-serve buffet area


No issues were observed related to replenishment of food at this facility. No empty trays, containers, or vessels were observed.

Food labelling & allergen information


More could be done to display allergen and overall ingredients in a clear and visible manner. Currently, passengers must speak to staff about each individual dish to understand its components.

Section Rating 科室評級


LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Dining - Self-Service Food Choice
餐飲 - 自助食品選擇

Choice & standard of nuts & bar snacks

Bags of crisps and nuts were observed in the buffet area, and these are a good standard. The selection is basic, however.

Choice & standard of bread & pastries
麵包和糕點的選擇和標準 4

In terms of bread and pastries, a range is available covering the basics.

Choice & standard of cold dishes
冷盤的選擇與標準 4

A salad bar area in this lounge offers the basics: Tomatoes, Olives, Ham, Sweetcorn, Sliced Egg, Cucumber, Salad leaves, Raisins, Parmesan. There are no pre-prepared salads that we see in other premium lounges. No pre-prepared sandwiches observed here.

Choice & standard of hot dishes - breakfast
熱菜的選擇和標準 - 早餐

Options are appealing and overlap the choice between breakfast and standard meal service nicely. The selection is tailored to cater more for Asian rather than international travellers since congee is the most popular dish. Hot dogs and buns appear to be provided as an international product.

Choice & standard of hot dishes - lunch & dinner
熱菜的選擇和標準 - 午餐和晚餐

The lounge was accessed in the morning hours.

Choice & standard of desserts/sweets


Desserts consist of Ice cream, yoghurt, or sliced fruit. Strawberry cream rolls, caramel nut tart, and green tea dacquoise are the pastries served. The quality of these products is high.

Self-serve food temperatures


There are no issues of concern related to food temperatures at the Infinity lounge.
Infinity 餐廳的食品溫度沒有令人擔憂的問題。

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Dining - Tableware & Cutlery
餐飲 - 餐具和餐具 Infinity RATING

Choice & standard of tableware

Tableware consists of porcelain plates and bowls, and these are of a high standard. These are often more elaborate and ornate than some other lounges, with patterned mugs observed.

Condition & cleanliness of tableware

All items are in good condition, and the design and branding for these is appealing.

Choice & standard of cutlery


Solid, metal cutlery, which is of an excellent standard, and appears polished. Again, these are only available from canteen style receptacles.

Condition & cleanliness of cutlery

All items are in good condition, and the design for these is appealing.

Standard of napkins
餐巾標準 4

Only paper napkins are available, and we would hope to see packaged towels here too.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Reading Materials 閱讀材料
Presentation of reading materials (hardcopy)
No hardcopy newspapers or magazines are available at this lounge and EVA strongly promotes their e-reader service now.

In-lounge marketing for e-reader service

There is a high degree of in-lounge marketing for the e-reader service in the book shelving area. The service provides hundreds of options for travellers and is easily accessible.

Choice of newspapers
報紙選擇 5

Many newspaper titles are available, and this will meet the needs of the vast majority of travellers.

Quantity of newspapers available (hardcopy)

Physical newspapers are not provided.

Choice of magazines
雜誌選擇 5

The choice of magazines is similarly excellent with a wide range of titles available in various languages.

Quantity of magazines available (hardcopy)

No hardcopy magazines are provided.

Availability of airline reading materials

As noted above, there is a lack of airline reading materials through the lounge facility

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室
WiFi Service WiFi 服務
WiFi connection information
WiFi 連線訊息
Provided clearly for and there are numerous stickers located in various places in the lounge and troubleshooting guidance.

WiFi connection requirements
WiFi 連線需求 4

Users are not required to provide personal email addresses or other information for sign up. Users click on the network and can connect easily.
WiFi connection speed & reliability
WiFi 連線速度和可靠性
Speeds are comparable to the Garden lounge, and this delivers a strong service to users.

Section Rating

Business Facilities
Internet computer terminals in lounge
There is a separate business centre in the lounge with three PC terminals and a printer to use. Everything was switched on and fully functioning during the audit.

Printer facilities 印表機設施

There is one combined printer/scanner machine, and this is connected to the computers.

Meeting & conference facilities

None available and no private phone booths are installed.

Section Rating 科室評級


LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

TV Facilities 電視設施

Location of TVs throughout lounge

There are numerous TVs in the lounge, and these are appropriately located.
Channel options & subtitles 5
頻道選項和字幕 5
Sports and news channels are generally shown, and these are suitably neutral.

Noise intrusion of TV's

The TVs are kept on silent which is excellent.

Section Rating 科室評級

LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Staff Service 員工服務
Enthusiasm & friendliness

Infinity 無限
Enthusiasm from staff throughout is good, and staff are typically warm, accommodating and engaged with passengers throughout the experience.

Hospitality portrayed 接待描繪


Staff within the lounge itself have a good degree of training, and this ensures the hospitality delivery is quite polished and professional.

Eye contact with PAX 5
與 PAX 5 的目光接觸

Eye contact is good from all staff members, and this is not a factor for any improvement.

Body language & posture

Staff through the lounge maintain excellent body language, and all front-line staff appear diligently. Staff posture was generally upright, and they demonstrated positive and confident body language throughout the lounge.

Service efficiency & skill


Cleaning and staff quietly and diligently went about their business. Self-serve food and drink areas were regularly topped up, and staff work well during peak periods. Cleaning staff also mostly moved throughout the lounge with professionalism.
清潔和 工作人員默默地、勤勤懇懇地做著自己的工作。自助食品和飲料區的食品和飲料定時加滿,工作人員在高峰期的工作也很出色。清潔人員也大多以專業的態度在休息室內來回穿梭。

Service discipline

EVA Air lounge staff show good levels of discipline in all aspects of their tasks. Their cleaning is generally good, their conduct in front of customers and dedication to their tasks is consistently good, and their appearance is neat and tidy.

Total interaction with customers


There is an acceptable level of interaction, and this is comparable to most other lounges.
Staff could be slightly more proactive in assisting passengers who appear to be having difficulty at the buffet area, and the level of personalised engagement could still be slightly more elevated here.

Language abilities 語言能力

English and Mandarin are spoken widely.


Section Rating 科室評級


LOUNGE - Infinity Lounge
休息室 - Infinity 休息室

Staff Grooming & Presentation

Standard & consistency of personal grooming

As with all EVA lounges. Female staff all have their hair tied neatly, giving a professional look. There was no excessive use of make up or perfume/aftershave. There are differentiated uniform for reception/concierge staff and custodial staff.
與所有 EVA 休息室一樣。女員工的頭髮都紮得整整齊齊,給人一種專業的感覺。沒有過度使用化妝品或香水/須後水。接待/禮賓人員和保管人員有不同的製服。
Presentation is excellent during the audit, and this is not a factor for any change.
Use of & visibility of name badges
All staff wear name badges, and these are very clear to observe.

Section Rating


Transfer Arrival Service 接送抵達服務TPERATING 評分

Meet & greet service - short connection
迎送服務 - 短途接駁
Meet and greet options are available, and staff are on airbridge to assist with transfers when arriving at Taipei. Names and printed materials are clearly used here.

Meet & greet service - premium PAX

Staff are available if needed and there are limited premium handling elements for Fastrack for security or immigration. This makes the role of accompanying staff members quite surplus given that there is no additional expediency here.

Standard of flight information assistance

Flight information is typically available at the gate for short transfer customers, but otherwise, the FIDS units are positioned at key decision making points.
航班資訊通常在登機口提供給短程轉機旅客,除此之外,FIDS 設備都放置在關鍵決策點。

Section Rating 4.33 第 4.33 節評級

Transfer Counter Organisation

Counter location(s), layout & wayfinding
In a clear position in the terminal, although this is located after the security screening process. It is positive to see extensive roaming staff members nearby the transfer point entrance during peak transfer periods.

Signage & branding 標誌和品牌

Signage is strong for this facility and EVA Air have taken the opportunity to make moderate use of branding in this area. The back wall behind the counter features a bright green LED sign with "EVA Air" backlit. There is also a large area of the wall entirely green with "Transfer" branding.
該設施的標誌非常醒目,長榮航空藉此機會在這一區域適度使用了品牌標誌。櫃檯後面的牆上有一個明亮的綠色 LED 標誌,背光顯示 "長榮航空"。此外,還有一大片牆壁完全是綠色的,上面印有 "Transfer "品牌。
There is a monitor above each counter with the EVA Air and Star Alliance logo displayed. There are also staff members positioned at strategic locations holding signs displaying "Transfer to ALL EVA flights", further ensuring passengers travel in the right direction.
每個櫃檯上方都有顯示長榮航空和星空聯盟標誌的顯示器。此外,還有工作人員在重要位置舉著 "轉乘所有長榮航班 "的牌子,進一步確保旅客的正確方向。

Counter presentation, cleanliness & condition


The presentation and condition of counters is meeting a good quality level, and not a factor for change.

Counter allocation (premium, FFM, standard)

There is a large bank of counters, and these were fully staffed. There is a separate lane for premium passengers. The current allocation is certainly sufficient for current passenger levels.

Standard & exclusivity of premium counter

The counter features a carpeted area to distinguish it from the standard counters. Beyond this no premium concepts were observed.

Queue systems & management


The facility was moderately busy during observations. There are some Tensa barriers in place to organise passengers at times of high demand and these are organised appropriately. Staffing levels are high to ensure passengers keep moving and do not congest the area.
在觀察期間,該設施的繁忙程度適中。有一些 Tensa 障礙物用於在需求量大時組織乘客,這些障礙物組織得當。工作人員的配備水準很高,以確保乘客不斷移動,不會造成區域擁擠。

Queue times 排隊時間

No queue wait time during peak arrival period.

PRM accessibility & facilities
PRM 無障礙環境與設施

No separate PRM transfer counter was observed at this facility. The counters are located quite high up here with staff barely able to see over them, so PRM in wheelchairs would have difficulty here.

Fast-track security facility

There is no fast track security for transferring premium passengers.

Transfer CUSS kiosk location(s), layout & capacity

CUSS units are not available, and some airlines such as KLM, Iberia etc have units available in the transfer spaces in order to facilitate seat changes/add FFM information etc.
CUSS 設備無法使用,而荷蘭皇家航空公司、西班牙國家航空等一些航空公司在中轉空間提供設備,以方便座位變更/添加 FFM 資訊等。

Section Rating 科室評級


Arrival Service ..... TPE

Visibility of ground staff in the terminal 5
地勤人員在航站內的能見度 5

Visible in the immediate gate area for delays/short connections, and there remains very good assistance available.

Standard of ground staff service

The staff on the ground at TPE are well trained and efficient, delivering a high level of service quality.
TPE 的工作人員訓練有素,工作高效,服務品質高。

Fast-track immigration facility

Not available and TPE remains behind other major international airports by not having this facility.
不具備該設施,TPE 仍落後於其他主要國際機場。
Section Rating  科室評級


Baggage Reclaim TPE

Baggage delivery times 5
行李運送時間 5

Baggage delivery times are excellent in TPE and meeting high quality service levels. When live tested this is delivered within 25-30 minutes of arrival at the gate.
TPE 的行李運送時間非常短,達到了高品質的服務水準。經現場測試,行李可在抵達登機口後 25-30 分鐘內送達。
It is understood FIDS have now been updated to provide extra information to waiting passengers. There are now three colour coded categories.
據了解,FIDS 現已更新,為候車乘客提供更多資訊。現在有三種顏色編碼的類別。

Priority baggage delivery times & service format

Priority bags are delivered first onto baggage reclaim at Taipei when travelling with EVA Air. Premium Economy bags will follow next. This system is well implemented at TPE.

Visibility of ground staff in baggage reclaim

There is an abundance of roaming staff in the baggage reclaim area assisting people with various issues

Standard of staff service in baggage reclaim

The standard of ground staff in the baggage reclaim is excellent at TPE. Staff were observed rearranging suitcases on the belts with the handles facing forward to make it easier for passengers to lift them off.
Any remaining bags are lifted off and stacked neatly for passengers. Uniformed staff are also able to assist with questions beyond baggage enquiries.

Location, signage & branding of baggage counter

There are five Baggage Enquiries counters in the reclaim hall and four of these were staffed during observations. There are three standard counters and one Premium counter with a separate queue and carpeted area. Signage in the reclaim area is strong for this counter and it is easy to find.

Lost baggage self-serve reporting systems

There are no self-serve lost baggage machines located in the reclaim hall.

Section Rating 科室評級


Boarding Gate PA Announcements TPE
登機口 PA 公告 TPE

Pre-boarding PA content & timing 5
上崗前 PA 內容與時間安排 5

Approximately 5-10 minutes before boarding commences there are live PA stating the boarding group process. These are in English and Mandarin.
在登機開始前約 5-10 分鐘,會有現場擴音廣播說明登機組的流程。廣播語言為英語和普通話。
Pre-boarding is reserved for PRM and expectant mothers or others with disabilities. This generally commences 5-10 minutes before main boarding.
預登船是專為殘疾人士、孕婦或其他殘疾人準備的。一般在主要登船時間前 5-10 分鐘開始。

Boarding PA content & timing
登機 PA 內容和時間安排

The passenger boarding announcements were very consistent in content on all sectors departing from Taipei.
Once pre boarding is complete, PA will announce passengers by boarding Zones 1-5. The first few zones are generally spaced 3-4 minutes apart depending on passenger volume.
預登機完成後,擴音設備將以 1-5 號登機區宣布乘客登機。前幾個區域一般間隔 3-4 分鐘,視乘客數量而定。

PA clarity, duration & frequency
PA 清晰度、持續時間和頻率


The volume of PA announcements is felt to be fine during the audit, and these tend to have good audio standards when checked.

PA language choices 4
PA 語言選擇 4

English and Mandarin announcements are offered for all flights - no other choices are heard during the audit. For high local passenger destinations such as Thailand, it may be useful to provide additional language provision.

PA consistency PA 一致性

The PA content and timing is consistent when checked during the audit, and no change is required here,
在審計過程中檢查時,PA 的內容和時間安排是一致的,因此無需修改、

Use of live PA.v. pre-recorded PA
使用現場 PA.v. 預錄 PA

Most announcements are performed live during the audit, and standards here are acceptable.

Section Rating 科室評級



Boarding Gate Organisation

Signage & branding 標誌和品牌

Signage and branding are largely consistent at the gates with them always set up well in advance of the flight time.
There is strong use of branded pillars and there are only two lines for staff to manage. There are generally two separate backlit fixed signs indicating Business (front of the aircraft) and Economy (middle/rear of the aircraft) located behind the counters. These are prominent, bright, and can be seen from far away

Queue systems & management


Overall, the queue system and management of boarding passengers is organised to a very high standard. Tensa barriers are used to moderate flow but generally passengers are compliant and wait until their group is called forward.
整體而言,排隊系統和登機乘客管理的組織水準非常高。 Tensa 隔離柵用於調節人流,但一般情況下,乘客都會遵守規定,等待其所在組別被叫到前面。
Queues are further managed by roaming staff throughout the gate area, who also carry out boarding card checks.

Queue times 排隊時間

EVA staff are very good about not getting passengers to prematurely queue up, so limited wait times are experienced, and boarding is usually completed within 20 -minutes.
長榮航空的工作人員非常好,不會讓乘客過早排隊,因此等待時間有限,通常在 20 分鐘內即可登機。

PRM accessibility

Dedicated channels are clearly provided for PRM only, and pre-boarding is completed consistently.
明確為 PRM 提供專用通道,並始終如一地完成預登機。

Standard & number of cabin baggage guides

Limited guidance and information at the gate area, but this is generally managed in the check-in area before departure.

Section Rating 科室評級


Boarding Systems 登機系統
PRM & family pre-boarding system
PRM 與家庭登機前系統
PRM and family pre-board and are announced to board before any other category of passenger.
PRM 和家屬預登機,在任何其他類別乘客之前宣布登機。

Business, FFM boarding system
業務,FFM 登機系統

Passengers travelling Business Class with frequent flyer status can board with priority at Zone 1/A.
搭乘商務艙並擁有飛行常客身分的旅客可在 1/A 區優先登機。
Zone 1/A - Business Class, Diamond/FFP.
1/A 區 - 商務艙,鑽石級/FFP。

Economy Class boarding system

The zonal system is well presented, spaciously laid out, and passengers appear capable of self-organising here, with good staff overview. Whilst the system may appear complicated on paper, it is easy to implement. Premium Economy travellers with no status no not board with any priority.

Section Rating 科室評級


Boarding Staff Service TPE RATING
寄宿員工服務 TPE 評分

Service efficiency 服務效率

EVA continued to offer an excellent efficiency of procedure and we highlight the proactive stance, use of laminated placards to indicate boarding zones and a good level of interaction with passengers.

Enthusiasm & friendliness

Very good and professionalism is excellent here.

Language abilities 4.5 語言能力 4.5

Staff are capable in a bilingual capacity, and again, these interactions are not too onerous.

Customer name usage
客戶名稱用法 4

Name usage is not consistently applied during the boarding procedure.

Handling departure delays

Where small delays occur, the quick communication of this is excellent.
As we have previously noted this is well communicated in the lounges which does ensure that passengers can wait in comfort here.

Section Rating

Network Airports 網路機場

Summary Reports 簡要報告


Check-in 辦理登機手續

The counters are located in Zone and at BKK. Zone is now largely used for self-service CUSS concepts and self-bag drop-off, and there is a strong push to automate this procedure for passengers. EVA has put a number of banners up explaining this option. The main advantage for passengers here is that they may check-in up to six hours prior to departure, and this is not detailed.
這些櫃檯位於 區。 區目前主要用於自助式 CUSS 概念和自助式行李投放,並且正在大力推動為乘客實現此程序的自動化。長榮航空已經張貼了許多標語來解釋這個選擇。旅客在這裡的主要優勢是可以在起飛前六小時內辦理登機手續,這一點並不詳細。
The branding for the airline remains strong at BKK, with the main critique applied being to ensure that podiums and other check-in furniture are appropriately cleared away during non-operational periods for the airline. It is noted that some abandoned signage is dumped nearby check-in area queue, and this can have a weak visual connotation.
在 BKK,航空公司的品牌形象仍然很強,主要的批評意見是確保在航空公司非營運期間適當清理平台和其他報到家具。值得注意的是,一些廢棄的標誌被丟棄在報到區隊列附近,這可能會造成視覺效果不佳。
Zone follows the more conventional check-in area set-up, and this is reserved for Diamond, FFM and Priority (Business Class). The exclusivity of this area is satisfactory, and the set-up neatly applied.
區採用了更為傳統的報到區設置,專供鑽石、FFM 和優先(商務艙)報到。該區域的專屬性令人滿意,設定也很合理。
There is a good amount of EVA signage and branding at the check in area. There are monitors above the check in counters displaying the EVA logo for each class. There are also separate pillars at the beginning of each queue for the. These are the temporary pop-up style ones and lack the same visual appeal and there could be a slight overabundance of signage in the immediate space.
報到區有大量的 EVA 標誌和品牌。報到櫃檯上方有顯示器,顯示各班級的 EVA 標誌。在每個隊列的起始處也有單獨的柱子。這些都是臨時彈出式的,缺乏相同的視覺吸引力,而且附近空間的標識可能略顯過多。
The allocation of counters is very good here and organised and waiting times are less than 3-minutes. EVA staff are all fully uniformed at the BKK outstation. The flowers on the countertop could be a slightly higher quality/less chintzy to cultivate a classier standard here.
這裡的櫃檯分配非常合理有序,等候時間不超過 3 分鐘。長榮航空的工作人員在 BKK 外站都穿著整齊的製服。檯面上的鮮花品質可以稍微高一些,不要太花哨,以提高這裡的檔次。
The overall service at the check in counters met expectations and staff have been trained to a high degree. The closing service was good and most of the relevant information was provided, but staff fail to mention a lack of priority lane for security. Checked luggage tags and confirmation are fully explained.

Arrival 抵達

Baggage services are well managed here in terms of delivery times and priority systems, and this is around 15 -minutes after arrival. There were two members if staff in the immediate vicinity, and BKK benefits from good Fast Track systems.
這裡的行李服務在交貨時間和優先係統方面管理得很好,大約在抵達後 15 分鐘交付。附近有兩名工作人員,而快速通道系統也為 BKK 帶來了好處。

Transfer 轉讓

The Bangkok outstation is well set-up for the high volumes of transfer traffic that EVA presides over due to their continuing services. The gate information at is consistently provided onboard for arrival, although lounge assignment for business class passengers is now always established.
There is an excellent volume of staff through the arrivals procedures, and notices clearly indicate the departure gate of each flight.


Lounge (EVA Lounge) 休息室(長榮休息室)

The lounge is located in a convenient location for the operation of all EVA flights, and this is typically within 5-10 minutes of the assigned gates. EVA has provided an appealing map schematic as passengers leave the lounge to indicate appropriate, spatial orientation of the gates to the lounge.
Excellent staff service standards are experienced at the reception desk, and this carries on through the full lounge experience to provide an engaged passenger experience.
The design of the lounge is unique and vibrant. It is in keeping with the EVA brand with various styles of seating areas, all oriented towards the terminal exterior with views of the apron. It is well designed and would comfortably handle the number of passengers that pass through it. The space is relatively subdued and club-like, with polished black surfaces and light features.
Showers are available in the lounge, with the main observation here being that there remain issues relating to the smell from the plumbing in these showers. In addition, it would be positive to develop some sustainability initiatives with the amenities and packaging of these being provided.
There is an excellent self-service bar area in the lounge, and this is well sized, very well stocked, and was extremely tidy and well organised by staff. There are ample soft drinks on offer, and the range remains broad here, and included regional specialities.
Coffee remains at a basic level, and we highlight the barista service being provided now in an increasing number of lounges. The coffee machine here remains of a basic, weaker standard.
The standard of the buffet is good although the fixtures and fittings/utensils are now beginning to have a dated visual appearance. Not all dishes in the buffet are particularly practical for passengers.
The layout is simple and makes an effective use of space with the food options logically laid out. There is an excellent range available for passengers, and again this nicely showcases Thai cuisines through the lounge.
Some deep cleaning elements in the lounge are causing increasing concerns, particularly with low-floor level spillage and dirt build-up around the base of some of the seating. Trap points such as electric sockets are also visibly dirty.
The e-reader concepts in the lounge are very poor, and these simply link to generic websites as opposed to providing access past any type of paywall for content. The choices fail to offer European (destination) titles and e-reading concepts, and the general EVA e-reader system and instructions could be more clearly indicated here.

Boarding 登機

The system for zonal boarding is excellent here, and technically passengers may join their respective rows at their leisure. There is now a priority lane at the initial screening point into the gate lounge area.
PA announcements are given to announce the start of boarding, and the zonal format is well applied.
The service, eye contact and general approach of staff at this outstation is very good, with a more natural approach to customer service. There is an excellent staff presence and visibility to aid the procedure.


Check-in 辦理登機手續

The check-in counters are at a centralised location for drop-off the main international Terminal 4 of ORD. It is somewhat unusual that EVA are not in a combined operational position with United given the code sharing here, and superior Polaris Lounge product offered by this partner.
The structure of the queue layout is very good here, and well-marked entrances are provided for Priority, Bag Drop and Economy. A separate FFM counter is also available.
這裡的排隊佈局結構非常合理,並為優先、行李寄存和經濟艙提供了標誌清晰的入口。此外,還設有單獨的 FFM 櫃檯。
There are clear backwall digital branding concepts available, although some of this is being used for EVA advertisements which does reduce some of the visual clarity of the zone behind.
有明確的背牆數位品牌概念,儘管其中一些被用於 EVA 廣告,這確實降低了後面區域的視覺清晰度。
There is a good volume of handling agent staff and an appropriate level of premium enhancements for business class (carpet concept, flowers, and some desk-top sweets all improve prestige here). The service at the counter was suitably efficient with a very good degree of information provided relating to baggage receipts, seating preference and lounge location. TSA Pre status is confirmed here, and the staff are most useful in highlighting the specific security point for this.
服務人員數量充足,並為公務艙提供了適當的高級服務(地毯概念、鮮花和一些桌面糖果都提高了公務艙的聲譽)。櫃檯的服務效率很高,提供的有關行李收據、座位選擇和休息室位置的資訊非常全面。 TSA Pre 身份在這裡得到了確認,工作人員在強調具體安檢點時非常有用。

Lounge (Swissport Lounge)
休息室(Swissport 休息室)

There is good overhead wayfinding to the lounge via the airport mapping concepts/overhead signage. EVA have a limited choice of lounges given the late departure time, and accordingly the Swissport Lounge is something of a last resort.
Technically it does not achieve an appropriate standard or design for a lounge representing a 5 -star airline, however we acknowledge the limitations here given that EVA passengers may not use the Polaris Lounge due to the separated terminal buildings.
The décor standards remain basic for the market, and this consists of two relatively plain rooms with duplicated catering points in both spaces. Whilst basic, the lounge is serviceable and clean, and there is a good degree of staff presence.
EVA representatives are at the desk, alongside some additional podium signage. There is a QR code with a link to the EVA e-library. The staff through the facility are consistently polite and helpful.
EVA 的代表就在服務台,還有一些額外的主席台標識。服務台有一個二維碼,可以連結到 EVA 電子圖書館。這裡的工作人員始終彬彬有禮,樂於助人。
The general ambience of the lounge is functional but uninspiring due to a lack of views. The lighting levels are appropriate, and the space does not feel too dingy.
Washrooms are available internally, although no shower facilities are offered here.
The dining concept is quite basic, and not particularly gratifying from a customer perspective. There are a range of cold food choices (sandwiches, salads, crudites) in the fridges, whilst the hot option consists of a soup from heating vats. Beyond this there are a good range of snacks.
The bar options are self-service. General presentation and range of drink choices is good, and the main feedback here is that some additional local beer choices and extended wine offering could be offered to reflect the local ingredients.
Boarding is called by staff through the facility, although they fail to engage with all customers whilst completing this step. Passengers do not feel rushed to leave the facility (despite the late hour) and there are no instances of cleaning/packing away happening.


Arrival 抵達

Good visibility of staff on airbridge and this achieves a good standard. Staff are positioned at points along the arrivals concourses. As is standard for EVA, there is a clear visibility of 'green jacket' staff to assist passengers and offer further details on transfer flights.
登機橋上的工作人員能見度高,達到了良好標準。工作人員分佈在到達大廳的各個位置。按照長榮航空的標準,"綠夾克 "工作人員可以清楚地看到他們為旅客提供幫助,並提供有關轉機航班的更多詳情。
EVA banners are applied at the baggage reclaim point, and staff are available to assist here is required. Baggage return speeds are not assessed.
在行李提取處張貼 EVA 條幅,工作人員可在需要時提供協助。行李返還速度不作評估。

Boarding 登機

An open gate lounge concept is available, and this is in a new and extended area of the terminal which facilitates additional space for queues.
The actual availability of signage, boarding flow information and designated zones to queue up within could be expanded, given the volume of space here.
The boarding group being handled is given on head-height poles which have weak visibility and are not always easy to interpret. Roaming staff further display laminate indications of the boarding group.
PA clarity is very good in the gate lounge itself, with clear information being offered in a timely manner.
There is a continuous priority boarding concept here, and premium passengers may board at their leisure with associated banner signage marking the entrance here.
Handling agent staff utilise name and are professional and polite in their service delivery here, with a good level of flow onto the aircraft and no backlog issues experienced.


Check-in 辦理登機手續

The counters are located in Zone A at LHR Terminal 2 near the far end of the check-in hall. Terminal wayfinding is good at T2, there are numerous FIDS and overhead signs indicating the various check-in areas. Business Class counters are separated from Economy Class and their counter designation is displayed on FIDS. Staff are proactive here and on hand in the area to direct passengers to the appropriate area.
櫃檯位於英國倫敦國際機場第二航站樓的 A 區,靠近報到大廳的最遠處。 2 號航廈的航廈導引系統很好,有許多 FIDS 和高架指示牌指示各個報到區域。商務艙櫃檯與經濟艙櫃檯分開,其櫃檯名稱顯示在 FIDS 上。這裡的工作人員都很積極,隨時在該區域引導旅客前往相應的區域。
There is not a significant amount of EVA Air signage and branding at the check-in area however this is very similar when we compare to neighbouring airline counters. Nevertheless, large pillar signage and branding would be very helpful to indicate to passengers from a distance where the queue to the counters begins. Currently there is a small A4/U.S Letter sized sign on top of a Tensa barrier indicating "Check-in" that could be larger and more prominent.
長榮航空在登機櫃檯的標誌與品牌不多,但與鄰近航空公司的登機櫃檯比較,長榮航空的登機櫃檯與鄰近航空公司的登機櫃檯十分相似。不過,如果能有大型的柱狀標誌和品牌標識,將非常有助於從遠處向旅客指示櫃檯排隊的起始位置。目前,在 Tensa 隔離牆頂部有一個 A4/U.S Letter 尺寸的小標誌,上面寫著 "辦理登機手續",這個標誌可以更大、更醒目。
Signage and branding at the Business Class counters is strong, with a large pillar here indicating who is eligible. Star Alliance Gold members are permitted to use the Business Class check-in counters here as well as upper level EVA Air FFMs.
公務艙櫃檯的標誌和品牌非常醒目,這裡有一個大柱子標明誰有資格使用公務艙。星空聯盟金卡會員可以使用這裡的商務艙報到櫃檯以及長榮航空的上層 FFM。
There are Business Class/FFM counters (Diamond, Priority), PRM counter Economy Check in counters, and Bag Drop counters.
商務艙/FFM 櫃檯(鑽石、優先)、 PRM 櫃檯 經濟艙報到櫃檯及 行李寄存櫃檯。
The premium (Business and Priority) counters are located behind the bank of the Economy Class counters. These counters are of the standard type and fully staffed. There is little in the way of privacy, and this is due to the infrastructure of the T2 check-in hall. There is a large, prominent branded sign at the beginning of the Business Class queue and an overhead monitor indicating the desk is Business. There are no premium concepts such as carpeting, roped barriers, or other cosmetic enhancements to the counters. The counters meet the standard of the other carriers nearby, namely Asiana, and SQ.
高級(商務和優先)櫃檯位於經濟艙櫃檯的後方。這些櫃檯都是標準型的,工作人員配備齊全。由於 T2 登機手續辦理大廳的基礎設施原因,這裡幾乎沒有隱私可言。在公務艙隊列的起點處有一個醒目的大型品牌標誌,頭頂上的顯示器顯示該櫃檯為公務艙。櫃檯上沒有鋪設地毯、設置圍欄或其他外觀裝飾等高端概念。櫃檯符合附近其他航空公司(即韓亞航空和 SQ)的標準。
Check-in and bag drop can sometimes result in long queues, but this seems to be quite well managed.
There is a standard Tensa barrier maze set up for Economy Class passengers and this is organised in a clear and logica manner. Queue times are short at this location, desks are fully staffed, and CUSS were all fully operating. There are numerous staff members in the area to ensure efficiency. However, it is unclear if there is a Mandarin or Thai speaker regularly positioned there to field questions from Chinese or Thai speakers who may not speak English to an accomplished level
為經濟艙乘客設置了標準的 Tensa 障礙迷宮,其組織方式清晰合理。這裡的排隊時間很短,服務台人員配備齊全,CUSS 全部投入使用。該區域有許多工作人員,以確保效率。但是,不清楚是否經常有講普通話或泰語的工作人員在此回答講中文或泰語的乘客提出的問題,因為這些乘客的英語水平可能不高。
Staff are efficient at these service counters and passenger processing time is quick. No prolonged discussions happening between passengers and staff were observed. As a result, passengers were being processed relatively quickly.
Following the initial check-in procedure, passengers are advised of the location for security screening and boarding time. The flight was delayed by approximately 45 minutes and passengers were advised of this.
在辦理初始登機手續後,乘客會被告知安檢地點和登機時間。航班延誤了約 45 分鐘,乘客已被告知。
The overall service at the check-in counters met expectations and staff have been trained to a good degree. The closing service was excellent for Economy Class at this outstation and almost all the relevant information was provided. We may suggest that passengers are advised of the long walk time to gates at this point, so they do not get caught off guard.
報到櫃檯的整體服務符合預期,工作人員也接受了良好的訓練。在這個外站,經濟艙的關閉服務非常好,幾乎提供了所有相關資訊。我們建議,此時應告知旅客前往 登機口的步行時間較長,以免旅客措手不及。


Arrival 抵達

Baggage delivery times are respectable at LHR, with baggage delivery times recorded at approximately 20 minutes. Priority bags are delivered first, and this is consistent with TPE.
在倫敦國際機場,行李交貨時間還算合理,行李交貨時間約 20 分鐘。優先行李先送達,這與東京太平機場的情況一致。
Staffing levels are appropriate since one member will be positioned in immediate vicinity of the belt and this personnel is on hand to help with any enquiries.
There is a shared counter between multiple airlines, and this is located at the far end of the reclaim hall at T2. This was staffed appropriately with monitors above featuring the EVA Air logo. There are no self-reporting kiosks at LHR.
多個航空公司共用一個櫃檯,位於 T2 候機大廳的最裡面。櫃檯上方有長榮航空標誌的顯示器。在 LHR 沒有自助報告亭。

Boarding 登機

Gate set up well in advance of the scheduled departure time with a high number of ground staff to facilitate the process.
Boarding occurred at Gate B46 on time with Zone 1 and PRM announced together. PRM were already being held in an area. The signage here is notable smaller than TPE and we would recommend larger signs/pillars at the beginning of each queue.
準時在 B46 登機口登機,1 區和 PRM 同時宣布登機。 PRM 已經被安排在一個區域。這裡的指示牌明顯比 TPE 小,我們建議在每個隊列的起點設置更大的指示牌/柱子。
The following zones are announced, and we see staff holding up signs to ensure maximum visibility. Overall, the boarding is very efficient from here with boarding completed in approximately 20 minutes.
下面的區域已經公佈,我們看到工作人員舉著牌子,以確保最大限度的能見度。總的來說,這裡的登機效率非常高,大約 20 分鐘就能完成登機。


Check-in 辦理登機手續

Standard LAX international terminal check-in area with good use of upright signs and plenty of staff.
EVA have created a distinct defined area with Diamond desks carpet and orchid enhancements. diamond, priority, bag drop, Economy Class, but currently limited numbers of self-check-in machines are not set up.
長榮航空設立了一個獨特的區域,鋪設了鑽石服務台地毯,並對蘭花進行了改進。 鑽石、 優先、 行李寄放、 經濟艙,但目前尚未設定數量有限的自助報到機。
Staff ask questions about check-in bag content, showed seat plan, and checked the selection was acceptable.
Confirmed gate and boarding time and final destination. Efficient and polite and very satisfactory.

Lounge (Star Alliance Lounge)

The airline has branding applied at the entrance of the lounge, as part of the SA cumulative branding.
The lounge is a large facility with a good range of seating choices and utility. Staff are relatively polite throughout, and the range here is well rated and includes a wide range of western and light dishes available from self-service points.
休息室面積很大,座位選擇豐富,設施齊全。 ,自助點提供各種西餐和清淡菜餚。
There are showers in the lounge, but the service and response was very slow during this inspection.
The business facilities are to a very good standard, and the outdoor terrace area provides additional WOW factor to the space.
Self-serve wine and soft drinks staffed bar for larger selection of spirits and more quality ones. Self-serve for 6 with draught soft drink mixer dispenser adjacent. This is a bit downmarket as diluted syrup is not as good as factory bottled. Further to this there is a contemporary range of self-serve food options provided.
自助式葡萄酒和軟性飲料吧台配有工作人員,可提供更多和更優質的烈酒選擇。自助式 6 人飲品,旁邊有軟性飲料混合機。這有點低檔,因為稀釋的糖漿不如工廠灌裝的好喝。此外,還提供一系列現代自助食品。

Arrival 抵達

LAX staff at end of airbridge. As customers arrive at the baggage hall staff with EVA signs directing to correct bag belt.
洛杉磯國際機場工作人員在登機橋盡頭。當旅客到達行李大廳時,工作人員手持 EVA 標誌,指引旅客前往正確的行李輸送帶。
On arrival LAX staff made PA announcement on aircraft with the number of the bag belt. Premium bags arrived in 10 minutes, and main bags about 5 -minutess later.
抵達時,洛杉磯國際機場的工作人員在飛機上用擴音喇叭廣播行李輸送帶的編號。高級行李 10 分鐘後到達,主要行李約 5 分鐘後到達。
Staff remove bags from belt due to congestion and place beside sign.
Confirmed that staff at bag belt deal with and luggage irregularities - the airport counter not used.
確認行李輸送帶上的工作人員正在處理行李異常情況 - 機場櫃檯未被使用。


Check-in 辦理登機手續

The counters are located in the main check-in hall at San Francisco Terminal A. These are located on the left hand side in a standard row. The layout of the various counters is linear through the various classes. There are numerous FIDS in the check-in area to assist with wayfinding.
這些櫃檯位於舊金山 A 號航站樓的主報到大廳內。各個櫃檯的佈局在不同等級中呈線性分佈。報到區內有許多 FIDS,可協助旅客辨識方向。
There is a very good amount of EVA Air signage and branding at the check-in area and in the lead up to it. There are monitors above the check-in counters displaying the EVA Air logo for each class. There are also separate pillars at the beginning of each queue for the Priority, Bag Drop, and Standard Economy Check-in counters.
The counters in the whole area were observed to be in a clean and well maintained state. The counters are uncluttered and free of large debris. Laminated notices, some of which (such as visual seating plans) used during the check-in process are helpful.
There are two Economy Class full service counters, two bag drop counters, two priority/Business Class counters, one Diamond member counter, and one service counter. Overall, there is an excellent number of counters here. All counters were fully staffed.
The Business Class counters are located next to each other in the same area as the Economy ones. As is often the case at network airports, there is very little in the way of exclusivity as they are all grouped together with Economy passengers. This seems to be the standard setup at San Francisco due to the infrastructure provided. There is little to no privacy afforded to passengers at the premium desks. There are branded signs indicating the desks are Business although no carpeting is provided. Live orchids were observed on the counters however, which does add a premium touch.
There are no CUSS machines available for EVA Air passengers to use in the check-in area and the process is full service.
The queue and check-in system is relatively simple and clear. Since there are no CUSS or bag tag printing machines, all customers proceed to the correct queue. There is one staff member at the beginning and end of the queue directing passengers to the correct counter. The queue system is very well organised in terms of signage clarity and wayfinding. The signage combined with the staffing levels are delivering a high degree of efficiency. Overall queue times are very low here.
排隊和簽到系統相對簡單明了。由於沒有 CUSS 或行李標籤印表機,所有旅客都會進入正確的佇列。在排隊的起點和終點都有一名工作人員引導乘客到正確的櫃檯。排隊系統在標識清晰度和方向指引方面組織得非常好。指示牌和工作人員的配備實現了高效率。整體排隊時間非常短。
The standard of welcome at the Business counter was and was very high indeed. Staff will immediately stand up to address passengers if they are seated.
All the ground staff came across as positive in demeanour. They demonstrated a good level of enthusiasm, the right level of small talk, and were friendly to passengers in the area.

Arrival 抵達

EVA Air does provide staff members in baggage reclaim to assist with passenger enquiries. These personnel are visible in uniform and appear to be proactive in the area.
Baggage delivery times are average at SFO at approximately 30 minutes with priority bags delivered first.
在舊金山國際機場,行李交貨時間平均約 30 分鐘,優先行李優先交付。
Two members of EVA Air staff positioned in the vicinity of the belt. There is also another staff member strategically positioned to direct passengers to the correct belt. This is an excellent idea and makes up for the poor provision of information displays at SFO in the baggage area.
In terms of baggage enquiries, there is a shared counter between multiple airlines, and this is located in the far corner of baggage reclaim. Signage and branding here is adequate. No self-reporting kiosks are available.


Lounge (Air France) 休息室(法國航空)

EVA Air shares the lounge at SFO with Air France for evening departing flights. Passengers will also have access to the BA lounge for daytime flights. Since most passengers depart on the evening flights, the Air France facility was accessed during the audit. The lounge is located on level three beyond the security checkpoint near A gates.
長榮航空與法國航空共用SFO的貴賓室,供晚間出發的航班使用。白天航班的旅客也可使用法國航空的休息室。由於旅客大多是搭乘晚間班機離境,因此在稽核期間,我們使用了法航的設施。貴賓室位於安檢站後的第三層,靠近 A 登機口。
There is no issue with terminal signage at SFO in relation the Air France lounge. Passengers will not have any difficulty locating it as there is a large bank of six screens clearly indicating the lounges available for the various airlines.
The exterior of the lounge has a very smart and premium appearance and is well maintained. Overall, it is quite minimalist as you would expect with Air France, with lighter colours and hues in use for fixtures and fittings.
The reception area is moderate in size with two podium reception desks in place. These are white and timber effect with white computer monitors and white flowers in place. Flooring is wooden parquet effect with a large flying horse logo behind the counters. To the left is a large Air France banner displaying a message of "90 years of excellence". There are also two self-check-in units that passengers can use when demand is high.
接待區面積適中,設有兩個平台式接待台。接待台為白色和木質效果,配有白色電腦顯示器和白花。地板是木質鑲木地板,櫃檯後面有一個巨大的飛馬標誌。左側是法國航空的大型橫幅,上面寫著 "90 年的卓越成就"。此外,還有兩台自助報到設備,旅客需求量大時可以使用。
Overall, the reception is constructed to a very high standard. All fixtures and fittings were spotlessly clean with no defects observed. The area is also bright and welcoming, with very well considered lighting concepts in use.
The design of the lounge is in a more modern and minimalist style, and it is certainly in keeping with the AF brand. It is organised in an L Shape, with various styles of seating areas, all well oriented to ensure passengers have enough space between each other. Overall, it is well designed and would comfortably handle the number of passengers that pass through it.
休息室的設計採用了更現代和簡約的風格,這無疑與 AF 品牌相吻合。休息室呈現 "L "形佈局,設有各種風格的座位區,所有座位區的方向都很合理,以確保乘客之間有足夠的空間。總的來說,它設計合理,可以舒適地接待大量乘客。
There are stools, standard chairs, and armchairs available for use. The seating is high quality and in a good state of repair. Leather appears to be the fabric of choice, and this is kept very clean.
There are plenty of plug points in the lounge and most seats have access to at least one 3 pinpoint and one USB point. This is certainly an area of strength in the lounge. It is unlikely passengers will experience any issues with seating availability. The lounge has enough seating to cope with multiple flights at the same time.
休息室裡有很多插頭,大多數座位都至少有一個 3 針插頭和一個 USB 插頭。這無疑是休息室的優勢所在。乘客不太可能遇到座位供應問題。休息室有足夠的座位,可以同時接待多個航班。
There are four mixed gender toilets, and these are very well appointed and spacious. The fixtures and fittings were all in very good condition. The area is very well presented and minimalist. Hand soap is provided but no other amenities. The shower rooms are excellent here and have been recently renovated. Fixture and fittings are high quality, durable and in a good state of repair. Cleaning is performed to a high standard with no mould or mildew observed in the shower trays. They are well sized with plenty of space for baggage and changing. In addition, there is a very well appointed PRM shower with grab bars and a seat within the cubicle.
這裡有四個男女混合廁所,設施齊全,空間寬敞。固定裝置和設備的狀況都非常好。該區域佈置得非常簡約。提供洗手液,但沒有其他設施。這裡的淋浴室非常好,最近剛裝修過。設施和設備品質優良,經久耐用,維修狀況良好。清潔工作標準很高,淋浴盤沒有發黴現象。淋浴間大小適中,有足夠的空間放置行李和更衣。此外,淋浴間內還配備了帶扶手和座椅的 PRM 淋浴設備。
Overall, the lounge, along with all of the fixtures and fittings, was in excellent condition. Cleaning is rigorous and no build-up of dirt underneath tables, chairs, and in the usual dirt traps was observed. Custodial staff were observed quietly cleaning various areas of the lounge.
The buffet and dining area was kept to an extremely very high level of cleanliness. Staff were constantly milling around keeping it clean and tidy. The overall condition element is similarly very high, with no defective fixtures or fittings in use.
There is an excellent staffed bar area in the lounge near to the La Premiere area at the back of the facility. This bar is well sized, very well stocked, and was extremely tidy and well organised by staff. There are no stools here and passengers are encouraged to use the general seating.
在飯店後部靠近 La Premiere 區的休息室內,有一個配備工作人員的極好的酒吧區。酒吧面積寬敞,物品齊全,非常整潔,工作人員組織得井井有條。這裡沒有凳子,我們鼓勵乘客使用普通座位。
There are two draught beers, soft drinks, red wines, white, and Champagne. All of these wines are French and of a very high quality. A wide variety of premium spirits are also on offer.
這裡有兩種生啤酒、軟性飲料、 紅酒、 白酒和 香檳。所有這些酒都是高品質的法國酒。此外,還提供各種優質烈酒。


Lounge (Air France) 休息室(法國航空)

The standard of the buffet is good with high quality fixtures and fittings in use. The layout is simple and makes an effective use of space with the food options logically laid out. Most dishes and products do have information in front of them naming what the food is in either French or English, Mandarin was not observed. No allergen or ingredients are included in the descriptions as observed in other major lounges. Presumably, passengers can ask staff directly for clarification.
The choice and standard of hot dishes is excellent here during the day and Mandarin/Taiwanese food is made available at night specifically for the Eva Air passengers. The Asian food is from a local San Francisco restaurant and is of a very high standard. Aside from this, it is understood most dishes are prepared on site in the kitchens. A major positive for EVA passengers at this location is that they will have the opportunity to eat familiar Taiwanese food but also experience fine French cuisine and wines they would not otherwise have the opportunity to when compared to a standard EVA lounge.
Overall, EVA air passengers travelling in Business Class through SFO are assured of a premium experience in a very well managed facility. The relationship here between EVA ground management and AF appears strong, with BR passenger needs and requirements well accounted for and provided accordingly.

Boarding 登機

Overall, the gate setup here is very well organised and the large volume of wheelchair users are corralled in a suitable waiting area before pre-boarding. The pre boarding of PRM does take some time due to this high volume.
整體而言,這裡的登機口設置井然有序,大量輪椅使用者在登機前被集中到合適的等候區。由於人數眾多,PRM 的預登機確實需要一些時間。
Signage in the gated area is highly visible, and whilst Business Class passengers can board directly from the lounge, this aspect was still fully set up at the gate.
Boarding time from Zone 1 was completed in approximately 20 minutes which delivers and excellent degree of customer experience.
從 1 區出發的登機時間約為 20 分鐘,為客戶提供了絕佳的體驗。
Staff service and efficiency here is high with a strong degree of urgency to complete the process in a timely manner.


Check-in 辦理登機手續

The counters are located in Area I, with an adequate volume of terminal wayfinding and branding presence here. There are also separate pillars at the beginning of each queue for the Business Class and Bag Drop counters. As ever, we find the terminology of 'Priority' to be non-standardised.
櫃檯位於 I 區,這裡有足夠的航站樓指示牌和品牌標識。商務艙和行李寄存櫃檯在每個隊列的起點都有單獨的柱子。與以往一樣,我們發現 "優先 "這個術語並不規範。
The fact that only Bag Drop is offered indicates that all passengers are required to utilise the nearby CUSS positions which is quite standardised at NRT.
只提供行李投放服務的事實表明,所有乘客都必須使用附近的 CUSS 位置,而這在 NRT 是相當標準化的。
Star Alliance Gold branding is features in the overhead screens. A separate PRM and other additional needs counter is provided.
星空聯盟金卡品牌是頭頂螢幕的特色。提供單獨的 PRM 和其他額外需求櫃檯。
There is little to no enhancements provided at the business class desks here, and some elevation would be welcomed here to distinguish the experience.
The queue system is very well organised in terms of signage clarity and wayfinding. It is delivering a high degree of efficiency and entrance clarity. Queue times for Business Class were very low and staff service immediately. .
排隊系統在標識清晰度和導向性方面組織得非常好。該系統提供了很高的效率和入口清晰度。商務艙的排隊時間非常短,工作人員的服務也非常及時。 .
Uniform presence from EVA staff remains excellent, with ground handling largely completed by ANA.
The staff service received is positive in delivery and offers a good upbeat first impression to the passenger, which is well applied with good Japanese courtesy. Staff are efficient at the service counters and passenger processing time is fast with appropriate visa checks being automatic in the system for USA connecting flights.
Following the initial check in procedure passengers are advised on the gate number and lounge location, including a laminated map with detailed instructions on how to find and access the lounge. The map indicates all choices of lounges to passengers.
Staff fail to emphasise the availability of priority security lanes which are offered at NRT.
工作人員沒有強調 NRT 提供優先安檢通道。

Arrival 抵達

There was excellent ground service presence after arrival for transfer customers, and elements of staff presence are very well applied here.
Due to immigration speeds, all baggage is available at the baggage reclaim with an excellent degree of staff presence and branding applied here which clearly highlights the allocated reclaim for EVA.


Lounge (ANA Lounge) 休息室(全日空休息室)

Check in staff indicate the location of lounges for passengers with a small map at check-in, giving accurate directions which is very helpful.
Passengers may make use of two ANA lounges, and a United Lounge at NRT. The gate allocated is located in very close proximity to the lounge. We highlight that the UA lounge offers a more spacious set-up and may be more welcome for passengers during peak periods for the ANA lounge (1500-1700).
旅客可使用兩個全日空貴賓室和一個位於 NRT 的美聯航貴賓室。所分配的登機口距離休息室非常近。我們強調,美聯航貴賓室的空間更大,在全日空貴賓室的高峰時段(15:00-17:00)可能更受旅客歡迎。
Staff welcome into the lounges is standard, and there is no explanation of boarding announcements or walking distances to the gates provided. The staff service through the lounge is attentive and professional throughout the visit.
The ANA lounge is well designed although food service areas can become crowded at peak times. In terms of the quality of the fixtures and fittings and overall wear and tear, the lounge is in excellent condition with a good degree of contingency space.
Showers are available in the lounge, as well as a number of e-reader systems and links that direct passengers towards the ANA system for this.
No specific boarding announcements are made for the EVA Air flight, and the FIDS in this lounge lack the clarity of some airline lounges.
長榮航空的航班沒有特定的登機廣播,貴賓室的 FIDS 也不像某些航空公司貴賓室那麼清晰。

Boarding 登機

All elements of boarding gate signage are well applied, and the queuing system is well managed and delivered per the homebase standards. This includes the paper indicators for which boarding group is currently being processed.
Boarding commences at 1400 for a 1425 flight, and elements of this run to schedule. The time is indicated on digital boards.
14:00 開始登機,14:25 航班起飛。時間顯示在數字板上。
There is adequate spacing of the zonal groups and appropriate priority is delivered here for premium guests, and staff service standards are also achieving a good quality level.
The priority channel branding is a pop-up sign concept and features no additional inclusion of other qualifying factors (pregnant/with enfant/PRM).
Two entrances onto the aircraft, with a good degree of signage here.