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1. Ball: A ball that lives in your dock
765 points by Bluestein 14 hours ago | hide | 196 comments
2. Elixir Gotchas 长生不老药 (pragtob.wordpress.com)
60 points by lobo_tuerto 5 hours ago | hide | 9 comments
3. HyperCard Simulator HyperCard 模拟器 (hcsimulator.com)
198 points by metadat 13 hours ago | hide | 59 comments
4. A brief introduction to interval arithmetic
135 points by zdw 11 hours ago | hide | 50 comments
5. American Singapore(s): Competent city governance hiding in plain sight
8 points by baud147258 3 hours ago | hide | discuss
6. Show HN: I built a JavaScript-powered flipdisc display
显示 HN:我构建了一个由 JavaScript 提供支持的翻转光盘显示器
369 points by simpsoka 19 hours ago | hide | 105 comments
7. Show HN: Glasskube – Open Source Kubernetes Package Manager, alternative to Helm
显示 HN:Glasskube – 开源 Kubernetes 包管理器,替代 Helm
220 points by pmig 17 hours ago | hide | 94 comments
8. Banach–Tarski Paradox 巴纳赫-塔斯基悖论 (wikipedia.org)
34 points by tontonius 2 hours ago | hide | 39 comments
9. The album art of Phil Hartman(n) (2022)
Phil Hartman(n) (2022) 的专辑封面
93 points by JojoFatsani 10 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
10. The rarest book in American literature: Poe's Tamerlane
42 points by Jun8 9 hours ago | hide | 15 comments
11. Show HN: Triplit – Open-source syncing database that runs on server and client
显示 HN:Triplit – 在服务器和客户端上运行的开源同步数据库
224 points by matlin 20 hours ago | hide | 76 comments
12. Fixing QuickLook (2023)
修复 QuickLook (2023)
180 points by rogual 15 hours ago | hide | 24 comments
13. Diffusion Limited Aggregation (1991)
扩散有限聚合 (1991)
23 points by hyperific 7 hours ago | hide | discuss
14. Show HN: From dotenv to dotenvx – better config management
显示 HN:从 dotenv 到 dotenvx – 更好的配置管理
290 points by scottmotte 20 hours ago | hide | 168 comments
15. What Happens When You Put a Database in the Browser?
42 points by self 8 hours ago | hide | 8 comments
16. Simple ways to find exposed sensitive information
56 points by rl1987 10 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
17. Show HN: a Rust lib to trigger actions based on your screen activity (with LLMs)
显示 HN:一个 Rust 库,用于根据您的屏幕活动触发操作(使用 LLMs)
4 points by m-louis030195 3 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
18. Google dropping continuous scroll in search results
Google 在搜索结果中删除连续滚动
66 points by elsewhen 4 hours ago | hide | 51 comments
19. I found a 1-click exploit in South Korea's biggest mobile chat app
285 points by stulle123 18 hours ago | hide | 217 comments
20. Remote shell to a Raspberry Pi at 39,000 ft
在 39,000 英尺高空将 shell 远程连接到 Raspberry Pi
43 points by ingve 4 hours ago | hide | 25 comments
21. FICO and the Credit Bureau Cartel
29 points by Harmohit 3 hours ago | hide | 8 comments
22. Does a cave beneath Pembroke Castle hold key to fate of early Britons?
70 points by Brajeshwar 17 hours ago | hide | 22 comments
23. Microsoft breached antitrust rules by bundling Teams and Office, EU says
欧盟表示,Microsoft捆绑 Teams 和 Office 违反了反垄断规则
593 points by cbg0 1 day ago | hide | 638 comments
24. Supabase (YC S20) Is Hiring Postgres SREs
Supabase (YC S20) 正在招聘 Postgres SRE
14 hours ago | hide
25. Ask HN: How to pivot to a Machine Learning engineer?
问 HN:如何转向机器学习工程师?
7 points by lma21 2 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
26. A reckless introduction to Hindley-Milner type inference (2019)
Hindley-Milner 类型推理的鲁莽介绍 (2019)
114 points by nequo 23 hours ago | hide | 36 comments
27. Volkswagen invests up to $5B in Rivian
61 points by EhsanEtezad 4 hours ago | hide | 48 comments
28. Stalin, Eisenstein, Walt Disney and Ivan the Terrible (1992)
斯大林、爱森斯坦、沃尔特·迪斯尼和伊凡雷帝 (1992)
62 points by samclemens 16 hours ago | hide | 13 comments
29. Diagraming sentences in the 19th century
51 points by benbreen 16 hours ago | hide | 27 comments
30. Show HN: FiddleCube – Generate Q&A to test your LLM
显示 HN:FiddleCube – 生成 Q&A 以测试您的LLM
49 points by kaushik92 17 hours ago | hide | 10 comments

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