重要报告:到2005年1月1日止,《冒险小虎队》在中国市场销量659万册! Important report: As of January 1, 2005, "The Adventure Little Tiger Team" sold 6.59 million copies in the Chinese market!
48382(1)/(2)48382 \frac{1}{2}
澳地利 1 托马斯-布热齐纳 要 Austria 1 Thomas-Brezina want
起级珻 Qi Ji Jing被困石噪时代 Trapped in the Era of Stone Cries
[奥地利]托马斯•布热齐纳 著维尔纳•埃曼 插图杨㨬红 译 Thomas Brzeziński, authored by Werner Eman, illustrated by Yang Honghong
浙江少年儿童出版社 Zhejiang Juvenile and Children's Publishing House
图字:11-2003-136号 Figure number: 11-2003-136
图书在版编目(CIP)数据 Cataloging in Publication (CIP) data
被困于石器时代/[奥]托马斯•布热齐纳著;杨曈红译.一杭州 :浙江少年儿童出版社,2005.1(2006.1重印) Trapped in the Stone Age / by Thomas Brzezina; translated by Yang Tonghong. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Juvenile and Children's Publishing House, 2005. 1 (reprinted in 2006)
(超级版冒险小虎队) (Super Adventure Little Tiger Team)
ISBN 7-5342-3379-8 ISBN 7-5342-3379-8
I.被… I.(1)托…(2)杨… II.儿童文学-侦探小说-奥地利-现代 N.I521.84 I. Be... I. (1) Tuo... (2) Yang... II. Children's literature - detective novel - Austria - modern N. I521.84
中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2004)第117775号 CIP data verification number (2004) No. 117775 of the Chinese version library
Ein Superfall für dich und das Tiger-Team.Gefangen in der Steinzeit Thomas Brezina Copyright(c) 2001 by Egmont Franz Schneider Verlag GmbH, München A super case for you and the Tiger Team. Captured in the Stone Age Thomas Brezina Copyright (c) 2001 by Egmont Franz Schneider Verlag GmbH, Munich
Chinese language edition arranged through HERCULES Busi- ness \&.Culture Development GmbH,Germany Chinese language edition arranged through HERCULES Business & Culture Development GmbH, Germany
www.schneiderbuch.de www.thomasbrezina.com www.schneiderbuch.de www.thomasbrezina.com
全球中文版权投子浙江少年儿童出版社出版发行 The Global Chinese Copyright Investment Zhejiang Youth and Children's Publishing House publishes and distributes
版权所有朝印必究 Copyright must be pursued
策 划 袁丽娟 责任编辑 陈业欣 美术编辑 赵 洋 Planning: Yuan Lijuan, Editor: Chen Yexin, Art Editor: Zhao Yang
超级版置险小虎队 Super Edition Risk Little Tiger Team
被困于石器时代 Trapped in the Stone Age
[奥地利]托马斯•布热齐纳 著 Thomas Brzezińska from Austria
维尔纳•埃曼 插图 Werner Ehmann illustration
杨啫红 译 Yang Zhehong translate
浙江少年儿童出版社出版发行 (杭州市天目山路40号) Zhejiang Juvenile and Children's Publishing House (40 Tianmushan Road, Hangzhou)
浙江印刷集团有限公司印刷 全国各地新华书店经销 Zhejiang Printing Group Co., Ltd. is printed and distributed by Xinhua Bookstore across the country
开本 787 xx10921//32787 \times 10921 / 32 环雐 1 印张 6.625 字数 76000 印数 197501-212530197501-212530 2005年1月第1版 2006年1月第11次印㪊 Format 787 xx10921//32787 \times 10921 / 32 Ring Binding 1 Sheet 6.625 Word Count 76000 Print Number 197501-212530197501-212530 First Edition January 2005 Eleventh Printing January 2006
ISBN 7—5342-3379-8/I•674 定 价:12.00 元 ISBN 7—5342-3379-8/I•674 Price: 12.00 Yuan
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