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Dynamic Spatial General Equilibrium

Benny Kleinman

Benny Kleinman

Department of Economics, Princeton University

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Ernest Liu

Ernest Liu

Department of Economics, Princeton University

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Stephen J. Redding

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Stephen J. Redding

Department of Economics and SPIA, Princeton University

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First published: 17 March 2023
Citations: 25

首次发布:2023 年 3 月 17 日 https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA20273 引用次数:25
We are grateful to Princeton University for research support. A previous version of this paper circulated under the title “Sufficient Statistics for Dynamic Spatial Economics.” A toolkit illustrating our spectral analysis for a model economy can be downloaded from the authors' webpages. We would like to thank the three anonymous referees, Treb Allen, Lorenzo Caliendo, Fernando Parro, Michael Peters, Ricardo Reyes-Heroles, Daniel Xu, and conference and seminar participants at CEPR ERWIT, Cambridge, Columbia, CREI, Dallas, Dartmouth, EAGLS, CUHK, NBER Summer Institute, London School of Economics, Nottingham, Princeton, Stanford, Sussex, the Virtual Trade and Macro Seminar, Urban Economics Association, and Yale for helpful comments and suggestions. We would like to thank Youngjin Song for sharing data and Maximilian Schwarz and Nan Xiang for excellent research assistance. The usual disclaimer applies.
我们感谢普林斯顿大学的研究支持。本文的先前版本以“动态空间经济中的充分统计量”为题流传。一个展示我们对模型经济频谱分析的工具包可以从作者网页下载。我们感谢三位匿名审稿人 Treb Allen、Lorenzo Caliendo、Fernando Parro、Michael Peters、Ricardo Reyes-Heroles、Daniel Xu,以及 CEPR ERWIT、剑桥、哥伦比亚、CREI、达拉斯、达特茅斯、EAGLS、香港中文大学、NBER 夏季研究院、伦敦政治经济学院、诺丁汉、普林斯顿、斯坦福、苏塞克斯、虚拟贸易与宏观研讨会、城市经济学协会和耶鲁的会议和研讨会参与者对我们提出的宝贵评论和建议。我们还要感谢 Youngjin Song 分享数据,以及 Maximilian Schwarz 和 Nan Xiang 提供的出色研究协助。适用通常的免责声明。

Abstract 摘要

We incorporate forward-looking capital accumulation into a dynamic discrete choice model of migration. We characterize the steady-state equilibrium; generalize existing dynamic exact-hat algebra techniques to incorporate investment; and linearize the model to provide an analytical characterization of the economy's transition path using spectral analysis. We show that capital and labor dynamics interact to shape the economy's speed of adjustment toward steady state. We implement our quantitative analysis using data on capital stocks, populations, and bilateral trade and migration flows for U.S. states from 1965–2015. We show that this interaction between capital and labor dynamics plays a central role in explaining the observed decline in the rate of income convergence across U.S. states and the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks.
我们将前瞻性资本积累纳入动态离散选择模型中,对稳态均衡进行描述;将现有的动态精确帽代数技术推广以包含投资;并通过线性化模型,利用谱分析对经济过渡路径进行解析性描述。我们表明,资本和劳动力的动态相互作用决定了经济向稳态调整的速度。我们使用 1965-2015 年美国各州的数据,包括资本存量、人口和双边贸易及移民流动数据,实施我们的定量分析。我们显示,资本和劳动力动态之间的相互作用在解释美国各州收入收敛率下降的观察结果以及地方冲击的持续和异质影响中起着核心作用。

1 Introduction 1 引言

A central research question in economics is understanding the response of the spatial distribution of economic activity to fundamental shocks, such as changes in productivity. In general, this response can be gradual, because of migration frictions for mobile factors (labor), and the gradual accumulation of immobile factors (capital structures). However, a key challenge has been modeling forward-looking capital investments in economic geography models with population mobility. The reason is that investment and migration decisions in each location depend on one another, and on these decisions in all locations in all future time periods, which quickly results in a prohibitively large state space for empirically-realistic numbers of locations.

We make two main contributions. First, we develop a tractable framework for incorporating forward-looking investment into a dynamic discrete choice migration model that overcomes this challenge of a high-dimensional state space. We characterize the steady-state equilibrium and generalize existing dynamic exact-hat algebra techniques to incorporate investment. Second, we linearize the model to obtain a closed-form solution for the economy's transition path, in terms of an impact matrix that captures the initial impact of shocks and a transition matrix that governs the updating of the state variables. We show that the dynamic response of the economy to any shock to fundamentals can be characterized in terms of the spectral properties (the eigenvalues and eigenvectors) of this transition matrix. We use this characterization to show that the interaction between capital accumulation and migration dynamics plays a central role in the observed decline in the rate of income convergence across U.S. states and the persistent and heterogeneous impact of shocks.

To illustrate our approach as clearly as possible, we build on conventional specifications of trade, migration, and capital accumulation, and make a number of simplifying assumptions in our baseline specification. We assume a single-sector Armington (1969) model of trade, with a constant elasticity gravity equation for trade in goods. We consider a constant elasticity dynamic discrete choice model of migration following Caliendo, Dvorkin, and Parro (2019), which features a constant elasticity gravity equation for migration. We adapt a textbook macro specification of capital accumulation, in which agents choose consumption and investment to maximize intertemporal utility subject to an intertemporal budget constraint. Our main simplifying assumption is to draw a distinction between workers and landlords, as in Moll (2014). Workers make forward-looking migration decisions, but do not have access to an investment technology, and hence live “hand to mouth.” Landlords are geographically immobile, but have access to an investment technology in local capital, such as buildings and structures, and make forward-looking capital accumulation decisions. We show that this simplifying assumption allows us to incorporate forward-looking investment without introducing a prohibitively large state space.
为了尽可能清晰地说明我们的方法,我们基于贸易、移民和资本积累的传统规范,并在我们的基准规范中做出了一些简化假设。我们假设一个单一部门的 Armington(1969)贸易模型,其中商品贸易具有恒定弹性的引力方程。我们考虑了 Caliendo、Dvorkin 和 Parro(2019)提出的恒定弹性的动态离散选择模型,该模型具有用于移民的恒定弹性引力方程。我们采用教科书中的资本积累宏观规范,其中代理人在满足跨期预算约束的情况下,通过最大化跨期效用来选择消费和投资。我们主要的简化假设是区分工人和房东,如 Moll(2014)中所述。工人做出前瞻性的移民决策,但无法获得投资技术,因此过着“量入为出”的生活。房东在地理上不可移动,但可以访问当地资本的投资技术,如建筑和结构,并做出前瞻性的资本积累决策。 我们表明,这个简化的假设使我们能够纳入前瞻性投资,而不会引入一个过于庞大的状态空间。

Our framework allows for many locations that can differ in productivity and amenities, and a rich geography of bilateral trade and migration costs. Nevertheless, we derive analytical conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the steady-state equilibrium. We show that these conditions depend only on structural parameters, such as agglomeration and dispersion forces, and are invariant with respect to initial conditions. Given the observed values of the endogenous variables for an initial equilibrium somewhere along the transition path toward an unobserved steady state, we show how to use dynamic exact-hat algebra techniques to solve for the economy's transition path for any sequence of future changes in fundamentals.

We next linearize the model to obtain a closed-form solution for the economy's transition path in terms of the impact and transition matrices. Both matrices depend solely on trade and migration shares that are observed in the data and structural parameters of the model. We use an eigendecomposition of the transition matrix to show that the dynamic response of the economy's state variables to any empirical shock to productivity and amenities can be expressed as a linear combination of its response to what we term eigenshocks: a shock to fundamentals for which the initial impact on the capital and labor state variables corresponds to an eigenvector of the transition matrix. These eigenshocks have three key properties. First, we can compute them from the observed data. Second, the economy's speed of convergence to steady state for an eigenshock depends solely on the associated eigenvalue of the transition matrix, which allows us to provide an analytically sharp characterization of the determinants of the speed of convergence. Third, we can recover the loadings of any empirical shock to fundamentals on these eigenshocks from a linear projection of the empirical shocks on the eigenshocks, which allows us to use our framework to understand the impact of empirical shocks.
我们接下来将模型线性化,以获得关于经济过渡路径的封闭形式解,该路径受影响矩阵和过渡矩阵的影响。这两个矩阵仅取决于数据中观察到的贸易和移民份额以及模型的结构参数。我们使用过渡矩阵的特征分解来表明,经济状态变量对生产力和便利性任何经验冲击的动态响应可以表示为其对所谓的特征冲击的响应的线性组合:对资本和劳动状态变量的初始影响对应于过渡矩阵的特征向量。这些特征冲击有三个关键特性。首先,我们可以从观察到的数据中计算它们。其次,对于特征冲击,经济收敛到稳态的速度仅取决于过渡矩阵相关的特征值,这使我们能够提供对收敛速度决定因素的精确分析。 第三,我们可以从对基本面的任何经验冲击在特征冲击上的线性投影中恢复这些特征冲击的载荷,这使我们能够利用我们的框架来理解经验冲击的影响。

We apply our framework to the determinants of income convergence across U.S. states from 1965–2015 and the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks. Both issues are central questions across several fields of economics. We show that the decline in the rate of income convergence across U.S. states is largely driven by initial conditions rather than changes in the pattern of shocks to fundamentals. We show that both capital and labor dynamics are important for capturing this decline in income convergence, highlighting the relevance of incorporating forward-looking investment into dynamic discrete choice models of migration. We relate both the initial gaps of the state variables from steady state and the empirical shocks to productivity and amenities over our sample period to the entire spectrum of eigencomponents. We find slow and heterogeneous rates of convergence to steady state, with an average half-life of around 20 years and a maximum half-life of around 80 years. We find that the initial gaps of the labor and capital state variables from steady-state load more heavily on eigencomponents with slow convergence to steady state, whereas the changes over time in productivity and amenities implied by the observed data load more heavily on eigencomponents with fast convergence to steady state. Together these two features drive our finding that initial conditions explain much of the decline in income convergence over time.
我们将我们的框架应用于 1965-2015 年间美国各州收入趋同的决定因素以及地方冲击的持续和异质影响。这两个问题都是经济学多个领域的核心问题。我们表明,美国各州收入趋同率的下降主要是由初始条件驱动的,而不是由对基本冲击模式的变化引起的。我们发现,资本和劳动力动态对于捕捉这种收入趋同的下降都很重要,突出了将前瞻性投资纳入动态离散选择模型中关于移民的相关性。我们将样本期间内州变量与稳态的初始差距以及生产率和便利性的经验冲击与整个特征分量谱联系起来。我们发现,趋同到稳态的速度缓慢且异质,平均半衰期约为 20 年,最大半衰期约为 80 年。 我们发现,劳动和资本状态变量的初始差距在稳态负载中对收敛到稳态速度较慢的特征值分量影响更大,而由观察数据所暗示的生产率和便利性随时间的变化在收敛到稳态速度较快的特征值分量上影响更大。这两个特征共同推动了我们的发现,即初始条件解释了收入收敛随时间下降的很大一部分。

We use our spectral analysis to show that the speed of convergence to steady state is determined by a powerful interaction between capital accumulation and migration. Convergence toward steady state is slow when the gaps of capital and labor from steady state are positively correlated across locations, such that capital and labor tend to be either both above or both below steady state. In contrast, convergence toward steady state is fast when these gaps are negatively correlated across locations, such that capital tends to be above steady state when labor is below steady state, or vice versa. The reason is the interaction between the marginal products of the two factors in the production technology. When capital is above steady state, this raises the marginal productivity of labor, which dampens the downward adjustment of labor and migration to other locations. Similarly, when labor is above steady state, this raises the marginal productivity of capital, which retards the downwards adjustment of capital.

We also use our spectral analysis to understand the economy's response to empirical shocks, such as a decline in relative productivity in a Rust Belt state such as Michigan, or a rise in relative amenities in a Sun Belt state such as Arizona. We find an intuitive pattern in which a decline in Michigan's productivity leads to a population outflow and capital decumulation, both of which occur gradually because of migration frictions and consumption smoothing. Additionally, we find that this decline in Michigan's productivity can generate nonmonotonic transition dynamics in other states. Initially, the population shares of Michigan's neighbors increase, because workers face lower migration costs in moving to nearby states. However, as the economy gradually adjusts toward the new steady state, the population shares of Michigan's neighbors begin to decline, and can even fall below their value in the initial steady state. Intuitively, workers gradually experience favorable idiosyncratic mobility shocks for states further away, and the decline in Michigan's productivity reduces the size of its market for neighboring states, thereby reducing the attractiveness of those neighboring locations. We show that these nonmonotonic dynamics for Michigan's neighbors reflect the changing importance along the transition path of different eigencomponents with slow versus fast speeds of convergence to steady state.
我们同样利用我们的光谱分析来理解经济对经验性冲击的反应,例如在密歇根等锈带州的相对生产率下降,或在亚利桑那等阳光地带州的相对便利设施上升。我们发现一个直观的模式,即密歇根生产率的下降导致人口外流和资本累积减少,这两者都由于迁移摩擦和消费平滑而逐渐发生。此外,我们发现密歇根生产率的这种下降可以在其他州产生非单调的过渡动力学。最初,密歇根邻州的居民份额增加,因为工人迁移到邻近州的成本较低。然而,随着经济逐渐调整到新的稳态,密歇根邻州的居民份额开始下降,甚至可能低于初始稳态的值。 直观上,工人逐渐体验到远离本地的有利个性流动性冲击,密歇根州生产力的下降减少了其邻近州的市场规模,从而降低了这些邻近地区的吸引力。我们表明,密歇根州邻近地区的这种非单调动态反映了不同特征分量在过渡路径上重要性变化的趋势,这些分量具有不同的收敛到稳态的速度。

We show that the tractability of our approach lends itself to a large number of extensions and generalizations. We incorporate agglomeration forces in both production and residential decisions. We show that our results hold for an entire class of constant elasticity trade models, including models of perfect competition and constant returns to scale, and models of monopolistic competition and increasing returns to scale. We generalize our approach to incorporate residential capital use (housing) and to allow landlords to invest in other locations. We extend our analysis to incorporate multiple sectors and input–output linkages.

Our research is related to several strands of existing work. First, our paper contributes to a long line of research on economic geography, following Krugman (1991), and synthesized in Fujita, Krugman, and Venables (1999). Early theoretical research in this area considered static models. More recent research on quantitative spatial models also has typically focused on such static specifications, including Redding and Sturm (2008), Allen and Arkolakis (2014), Ahlfeldt, Redding, Sturm, and Wolf (2015), Allen, Arkolakis, and Li (2016), Ramondo, Rodríguez-Clare, and Saborío-Rodríguez (2016), Redding (2016), Caliendo, Parro, Rossi-Hansberg, and Sarte (2018), and Monte, Redding, and Rossi-Hansberg (2018), as surveyed in Redding and Rossi-Hansberg (2017).
我们的研究与现有工作的几个方面相关。首先,我们的论文继承了克鲁格曼(1991 年)以来的经济地理学研究传统,并被 Fujita、Krugman 和 Venables(1999 年)综合。该领域的早期理论研究考虑了静态模型。最近关于定量空间模型的研究也通常关注此类静态规定,包括 Redding 和 Sturm(2008 年)、Allen 和 Arkolakis(2014 年)、Ahlfeldt、Redding、Sturm 和 Wolf(2015 年)、Allen、Arkolakis 和 Li(2016 年)、Ramondo、Rodríguez-Clare 和 Saborío-Rodríguez(2016 年)、Redding(2016 年)、Caliendo、Parro、Rossi-Hansberg 和 Sarte(2018 年)以及 Monte、Redding 和 Rossi-Hansberg(2018 年),如 Redding 和 Rossi-Hansberg(2017 年)所综述。

Second, the challenge of modeling the interaction between forward-looking decisions for both investment and migration has led existing economic geography research to consider specifications in which dynamic decisions reduce to static problems. In the innovation models of Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg (2014), Desmet, Nagy, and Rossi-Hansberg (2018), and Peters (2022), technology diffusion ensures that the incentive to invest in innovation each period depends on the comparison of static profits and innovation costs. In contrast, we consider an intertemporal consumption-investment problem, in which investment decisions depend on expectations about the future evolution of the spatial distribution of economic activity.1
其次,对投资和移民前瞻性决策之间相互作用的建模挑战导致现有的经济地理学研究考虑了动态决策简化为静态问题的具体规定。在 Desmet 和 Rossi-Hansberg(2014)、Desmet、Nagy 和 Rossi-Hansberg(2018)以及 Peters(2022)的创新模型中,技术扩散确保了每期投资创新的激励取决于静态利润和创新成本的比较。相比之下,我们考虑了一个跨期消费-投资问题,其中投资决策取决于对未来经济活动空间分布演变的预期。 1

Third, we build on the existing literature on dynamic discrete choice models of migration, including Artuç, Chaudhuri, and McLaren (2010), Caliendo, Dvorkin, and Parro (2019), Caliendo and Parro (2020), and Allen and Donaldson (2022). In particular, Caliendo, Dvorkin, and Parro (2019) develops a quantitative general equilibrium model of trade and migration, and introduces a dynamic exact-hat methodology for undertaking counterfactuals using only the observed endogenous variables in an initial equilibrium. Additionally, Allen and Donaldson (2022) develops an overlapping-generations dynamic discrete choice migration model to study path dependence. In contrast, we incorporate forward-looking capital accumulation into a dynamic discrete choice model of migration. We show that capital and migration dynamics interact systematically with one another to shape the process of income convergence and the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks.
第三,我们在现有关于动态离散选择模型迁移的文献基础上进行研究,包括 Artuç、Chaudhuri 和 McLaren(2010 年)、Caliendo、Dvorkin 和 Parro(2019 年)、Caliendo 和 Parro(2020 年)以及 Allen 和 Donaldson(2022 年)。特别是,Caliendo、Dvorkin 和 Parro(2019 年)构建了一个贸易和迁移的定量一般均衡模型,并引入了一种动态精确帽方法,仅使用初始均衡中观察到的内生变量来进行反事实分析。此外,Allen 和 Donaldson(2022 年)开发了一个重叠代际动态离散选择模型来研究路径依赖性。相比之下,我们将前瞻性资本积累纳入动态离散选择模型中研究迁移。我们表明,资本和迁移动态相互作用,系统地塑造了收入趋同过程以及本地冲击的持续和异质影响。

Fourth, our research connects with dynamic models of capital accumulation and international trade, including Anderson, Larch, and Yotov (2015), Eaton, Kortum, Neiman, and Romalis (2016), Alvarez (2017), and Ravikumar, Santacreu, and Sposi (2019). While each of these papers introduces forward-looking investment decisions, a key difference from our economic geography setting is that labor is assumed to be immobile across countries in international trade models. We show how to introduce a conventional macro specification of capital accumulation into an economic geography environment, while preserving analytical tractability, and overcoming the challenge of a high-dimensional state space. Our characterization of capital and labor dynamics uses techniques from the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) literature following Blanchard and Kahn (1980) and Uhlig (1999). Relative to that literature, we consider a much higher- dimensional state space, and transition dynamics depend on the entire spectrum of eigencomponents, because each eigencomponent captures a different pattern of productivity and amenity shocks across locations.2
第四,我们的研究与国际资本积累和国际贸易的动态模型相联系,包括安德森、拉奇和约托夫(2015 年),伊顿、科尔图姆、尼曼和罗马利斯(2016 年),阿尔瓦雷斯(2017 年),以及拉维库马尔、桑塔克鲁和索皮(2019 年)。虽然这些论文都引入了前瞻性投资决策,但与我们的经济地理学设定相比,一个关键区别是国际贸易模型中假设劳动力在国家间不可流动。我们展示了如何将传统的资本积累宏观规范引入经济地理环境,同时保持分析可处理性,并克服高维状态空间挑战。我们使用布莱恩沙德和卡恩(1980 年)以及乌利希(1999 年)的动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)文献中的技术来描述资本和劳动力动态。与该文献相比,我们考虑了一个更高维的状态空间,过渡动态取决于整个特征分量谱,因为每个特征分量捕捉了不同地区生产率和便利性冲击的不同模式。 2

Fifth, our paper is related to research on regional convergence, including Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992), Kim (1995), Mitchener and McLean (1999), and Ganong and Shoag (2017). While early studies found a strong negative relationship between the rate of growth and initial level of income per capita (β-convergence), more recent research has documented a decline in rates of income convergence over time. As in closed-economy growth models, our framework incorporates capital accumulation as a key force for regional income convergence. Unlike these closed-economy growth models, we incorporate bilateral migration and goods trade as two important additional forces that shape regional income convergence across U.S. states.
第五,我们的论文与区域收敛研究相关,包括 Barro 和 Sala-i-Martin(1992 年)、Kim(1995 年)、Mitchener 和 McLean(1999 年)以及 Ganong 和 Shoag(2017 年)的研究。虽然早期研究发现了增长率和人均收入初始水平之间存在强烈的负相关关系(β收敛),但最近的研究记录了收入收敛率随时间下降。正如封闭经济增长模型一样,我们的框架将资本积累作为区域收入收敛的关键力量。与这些封闭经济增长模型不同,我们纳入了双边移民和商品贸易作为塑造美国各州区域收入收敛的另外两个重要力量。

Finally, our work also connects with the empirical literature that has established persistent impacts of local labor market shocks, including Blanchard and Katz (1992), Autor, Dorn, and Hanson (2013, 2023), and Dix-Carneiro and Kovak (2017). For example, Dix-Carneiro and Kovak (2017) provides empirical evidence that Brazil's trade liberalization in the late 1980s continued to affect local labor market outcomes for more than 20 years afterwards because of the downward adjustment in complementary capital investments. Our dynamic spatial model provides a theoretical rationalization for these empirical findings: the outmigration of workers from regions experiencing negative shocks induces a gradual decline in the complementary capital stock, which in turn induces a further outmigration of workers.
最后,我们的工作也与已经确立地方劳动力市场冲击持久影响的实证文献相联系,包括 Blanchard 和 Katz(1992 年)、Autor、Dorn 和 Hanson(2013 年、2023 年)以及 Dix-Carneiro 和 Kovak(2017 年)。例如,Dix-Carneiro 和 Kovak(2017 年)提供了实证证据,表明巴西在 20 世纪 80 年代末的贸易自由化在之后的 20 多年里继续影响地方劳动力市场结果,这是因为互补资本投资的下降调整。我们的动态空间模型为这些实证发现提供了理论上的解释:经历负面冲击地区的工人外迁导致互补资本存量逐渐下降,进而又引发工人的进一步外迁。

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we introduce our baseline quantitative spatial model. We characterize the steady-state equilibrium and generalize existing dynamic exact-hat algebra approaches to solve for the transition path of the full nonlinear model. In Section 3, we linearize the model, and provide an analytical characterization of the economy's transition path using spectral analysis. In Section 4, we show that our framework admits many extensions, including agglomeration forces, multiple sectors, and input–output linkages. In Section 5, we implement our baseline single-sector specification for U.S. states from 1965–2015, and our multisector extension for the shorter period from 1999–2015 for which sectoral data are available. In Section 6, we summarize our conclusions. The paper is accompanied by a short Appendix in the Online Supplementary Material (Kleinman, Liu, and Redding (2023)), which contains the derivations of our main results, and a longer Online Supplement, which contains further derivations and empirical results, and can be accessed together with our replication files.
本文其余部分结构如下。第 2 节中,我们介绍了我们的基线定量空间模型。我们描述了稳态均衡并推广现有的动态精确帽代数方法来解决全非线性模型的转换路径。第 3 节中,我们对模型进行线性化,并使用谱分析对经济的转换路径进行解析描述。第 4 节中,我们表明我们的框架允许许多扩展,包括集聚力、多个部门和投入产出联系。第 5 节中,我们实现了 1965-2015 年美国各州的基线单部门规范,以及 1999-2015 年较短时期的多部门扩展,该时期有部门数据可用。第 6 节中,我们总结了我们的结论。本文附有简短的附录,位于在线补充材料(Kleinman,Liu 和 Redding,2023 年),其中包含我们主要结果的推导,以及较长的在线补充,其中包含进一步的推导和实证结果,并可与我们提供的复制文件一起访问。

2 Dynamic Spatial Model
2 动态空间模型

We consider an economy with many locations indexed by mathematical equation. Time is discrete and is indexed by t. There are two types of infinitely-lived agents: workers and landlords. Workers are endowed with one unit of labor that is supplied inelastically and are geographically mobile subject to migration costs. Workers do not have access to an investment technology, and hence live “hand to mouth,” as in Kaplan and Violante (2014). Landlords are geographically immobile and own the capital stock in their location. They make forward-looking decisions over consumption and investment in this local stock of capital. We interpret capital as buildings and structures, which are geographically immobile once installed, and depreciate gradually at a constant rate δ. We make this simplifying distinction between mobile workers and immobile landlords to incorporate forward-looking investment without having to keep track of the entire sequence of locations in which agents have lived when solving their intertemporal consumption-investment problem.
我们考虑一个由 mathematical equation 索引的多个地点组成的经济体。时间是离散的,由 t 索引。存在两种无限寿命的代理人:工人和房东。工人拥有一个单位的不弹性劳动供给,并且具有地理流动性,受制于迁移成本。工人无法获得投资技术,因此像 Kaplan 和 Violante(2014)中描述的那样“量入为出”生活。房东在地理上不可移动,并拥有其所在地点的资本存量。他们在这个本地资本存量上进行前瞻性消费和投资决策。我们将资本解释为建筑和结构,一旦安装就具有地理不可移动性,并以恒定比率δ逐渐折旧。我们通过这种简化区分流动工人和不可移动房东,以便在解决他们的跨期消费-投资问题时,无需跟踪代理人曾经居住过的所有地点的完整序列。

The endogenous state variables are the population (mathematical equation) and capital stock (mathematical equation) in each location. The key location characteristics that determine the spatial distribution of economic activity are the sequences of productivity (mathematical equation), amenities (mathematical equation), bilateral trade costs (mathematical equation), and bilateral migration costs (mathematical equation). Without loss of generality, we normalize the total population across all locations to one (mathematical equation), so that mathematical equation can also be interpreted as the population share of location i at time t. Throughout the paper, we use bold math font to denote a vector (lowercase letters) or matrix (uppercase letters). We summarize the main features of the model's economic environment in Table I above. The derivations for all expressions and results in this section are reported in Online Appendix B.
内生的状态变量是每个位置的种群( mathematical equation )和资本存量( mathematical equation )。决定经济活动空间分布的关键位置特征是生产率序列( mathematical equation )、便利设施( mathematical equation )、双边贸易成本( mathematical equation )和双边移民成本( mathematical equation )。不失一般性,我们将所有位置的总人口标准化为 1( mathematical equation ),因此 mathematical equation 也可以解释为在时间 t 位置 i 的人口份额。在本文中,我们使用粗体数学字体来表示向量(小写字母)或矩阵(大写字母)。我们总结了模型经济环境的主要特征在上面的表 I 中。本节中所有表达式和结果的推导见在线附录 B。

TABLE I. Economic environment.
表 I. 经济环境。

Production 生产

Production technology 生产技术

mathematical equation

Bilateral trade costs 双边贸易成本

mathematical equation

Worker Preferences and Migration

Worker value function 工人价值函数

mathematical equation

Worker instantaneous utility

mathematical equation

Bilateral migration costs

mathematical equation

Labor market clearing 劳动力市场出清

mathematical equation

Landlord Preferences and Capital Accumulation

Landlord intertemporal preferences

mathematical equation

Landlord instantaneous utility

mathematical equation

Capital accumulation

mathematical equation

Goods Market Clearing

Goods market clearing

  • Note: Preferences, production technology, and resource constraints in the model; mathematical equation is the trade elasticity, as determined by the elasticity of substitution (σ); mathematical equation denotes the use for investment by landlords in location n of the consumption good produced by location i at time t; and all other variables are defined in the main text.
    注意:模型中的偏好、生产技术和资源约束; mathematical equation 表示由替代弹性(σ)确定的贸易弹性; mathematical equation 表示在时间 t 由位置生产的消费商品在位置 n 的房东用于投资的用途;所有其他变量在正文中有定义。

Throughout this section, we focus on shocks to productivities (mathematical equation) and amenities (mathematical equation), and assume that these location characteristics are exogenous. We abstract from shocks to trade and migration costs, agglomeration forces, multiple sectors, input–output linkages, residential capital, and nonemployment. In Section 4 below, we show that the tractability of our approach lends itself to a large number of generalizations, including each of these extensions.
在整个本节中,我们关注生产率( mathematical equation )和便利设施( mathematical equation )的冲击,并假设这些区位特征是外生的。我们抽象掉了贸易和移民成本冲击、集聚力量、多个部门、投入产出联系、住宅资本和非就业等因素。在下文第 4 节中,我们表明我们方法的可处理性使其适用于大量一般化,包括这些扩展中的每一个。

2.1 Production 2.1 生产

At the beginning of each period t, the economy inherits in each location i a mass of workers (mathematical equation) and a capital stock (mathematical equation). Firms in each location use labor and capital to produce output (mathematical equation) of the variety supplied by that location. Production is assumed to occur under conditions of perfect competition and subject to the following constant returns to scale technology:
在每期 t 的开始,经济在每个位置 i 继承了一群工人( mathematical equation )和资本存量( mathematical equation )。每个位置的企业使用劳动力和资本来生产该位置提供的产出( mathematical equation )。假设生产是在完全竞争的条件下进行的,并受到以下规模报酬不变的技术的约束:
mathematical equation(1)
where mathematical equation denotes productivity in location i at time t.
在位置 i 和时间 t 处, mathematical equation 表示生产力。
We assume that trade between locations is subject to iceberg variable trade costs, such that mathematical equation units of a good must be shipped from location i in order for one unit to arrive in location n, where mathematical equation for mathematical equation and mathematical equation. From profit maximization, the cost to a consumer in location n of sourcing the good produced by location i depends solely on these iceberg trade costs and constant marginal costs:
我们假设不同地点之间的贸易受到冰山变量贸易成本的影响,即从地点 i 运输 mathematical equation 单位商品才能使 1 单位商品到达地点 n,其中 mathematical equation 对应于 mathematical equationmathematical equation 。从利润最大化角度出发,地点 n 的消费者获取地点 i 生产的商品的代价仅取决于这些冰山贸易成本和恒定的边际成本:
mathematical equation(2)
where mathematical equation is the “free on board” price of the good supplied by location i before trade costs.
此处 mathematical equation 表示在贸易成本之前,由位置 i 供应的货物的“离岸价”。

We choose the total labor income of all locations as our numeraire: mathematical equation.
我们选择所有地点的总劳动收入作为我们的记账单位: mathematical equation

2.2 Worker Consumption 2.2 工人消费

Worker preferences within each period t are modeled as in the standard Armington model of trade with constant elasticity of substitution (CES) preferences. As workers do not have access to an investment technology, they spend their wage income and choose their consumption of varieties to maximize their utility each period. The flow utility function of a worker in location n in period t depends on amenities (mathematical equation) and the consumption index (mathematical equation) defined over the varieties supplied by each location:
每个时期 t 内的工人偏好被建模为具有恒定替代弹性(CES)偏好的标准 Armington 贸易模型。由于工人无法获得投资技术,他们花费工资收入并选择消费品种以最大化每个时期的效用。位于 n 位置的工人在时期 t 的流动效用函数取决于便利设施( mathematical equation )和消费指数( mathematical equation ),这些指数定义了每个位置提供的品种:
mathematical equation(3)
where we use the superscript w to denote workers, mathematical equation is the constant elasticity of substitution, and mathematical equation is the trade elasticity. The corresponding indirect utility function is defined over amenities (mathematical equation), the worker's wage (mathematical equation), and the dual price index (mathematical equation) that depends on the price of the variety sourced from each location i (mathematical equation):
在式中,我们用上标 w 表示工人, mathematical equation 表示替代弹性常数, mathematical equation 表示贸易弹性。相应的间接效用函数在便利设施( mathematical equation )、工人的工资( mathematical equation )以及依赖于每个地点 i 来源的品种价格的双价指数( mathematical equation )上定义:
mathematical equation(4)

2.3 Capital Accumulation
2.3 资本积累

Landlords in each location choose their consumption and investment to maximize their intertemporal utility subject to their budget constraint. Landlords' intertemporal utility equals the expected present discounted value of their flow utility:
mathematical equation(5)
where we use the superscript k to denote landlords; the consumption index (mathematical equation) takes the same form as in equation (3), β is the discount rate, and ψ is the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. Since landlords are geographically immobile, we omit the term in amenities from their flow utility, because this does not affect the equilibrium in any way, and hence is without loss of generality.
在式中,我们用上标 k 表示房东;消费指数( mathematical equation )与方程(3)中的形式相同,β是折现率,ψ是跨时期替代弹性。由于房东在地理上不可移动,我们从他们的流动效用中省略了关于便利设施的项,因为这不会以任何方式影响均衡,因此这种省略是一般性的。

We assume that the investment technology in each location uses the varieties from all locations with the same functional form as consumption. Landlords can produce one unit of capital in their location using one unit of the consumption index in that location. We interpret capital as buildings and structures, which are geographically immobile once installed. Capital is assumed to depreciate at the constant rate δ and we allow for the possibility of negative investment.

The intertemporal budget constraint for landlords in each location requires that total income from the existing stock of capital (mathematical equation) equals the total value of their consumption (mathematical equation) plus the total value of net investment (mathematical equation):
每个地点房东的跨期预算约束要求现有资本存量( mathematical equation )的总收入等于其消费( mathematical equation )的总价值加上净投资( mathematical equation )的总价值:
mathematical equation(6)
We begin by establishing a key property of landlords' optimal consumption-investment decisions. We use mathematical equation to denote the gross return on capital.
我们首先建立房东最优消费投资决策的关键属性。我们用 mathematical equation 表示资本的毛回报率。

LEMMA 1.The optimal consumption of location i's landlords satisfies mathematical equation, where mathematical equation is defined recursively as
引理 1.位置 i 的房东的最优消费满足 mathematical equation ,其中 mathematical equation 定义为递归形式

mathematical equation
Landlords' optimal saving and investment decisions satisfy mathematical equation.
房东的最优储蓄和投资决策满足 mathematical equation

Lemma 1 shows that landlords have a linear saving rate mathematical equation out of current period wealth mathematical equation, as in Angeletos (2007). In general, landlords' saving rate mathematical equation is endogenous and forward-looking, and depends on the expectation of the sequence of future returns on capital mathematical equation, the discount rate β, and the intertemporal elasticity of substitution ψ. In the special case of log-utility (mathematical equation), landlords have a constant saving rate β (i.e., mathematical equation), as in the conventional Solow–Swan model and Moll (2014).
引理 1 表明,房东的线性储蓄率 mathematical equation 为当前时期财富 mathematical equation ,如 Angeletos(2007)所述。一般来说,房东的储蓄率 mathematical equation 是内生的和前瞻性的,并取决于对未来资本回报序列 mathematical equation 的预期、折现率β以及时间偏好替代弹性ψ。在对数效用( mathematical equation )的特殊情况下,房东具有恒定的储蓄率β(即 mathematical equation ),如传统索洛-斯旺模型和 Moll(2014)所述。

We assumed above that capital is geographically immobile once installed, and that landlords can only invest in their own location, which generates gradual adjustment in local capital because of consumption smoothing. While adjustment costs provide an alternative potential explanation for the gradual adjustment of local capital, our approach is analytically tractable, and for standard values of model parameters involves only small differences across locations in the real rental rate in terms of the consumption good (mathematical equation) along the transition path to steady state, as shown in the Online Supplement S.6.4. In steady state, even though the capital-labor ratio (mathematical equation) can differ across locations, there is a common real rental rate in terms of the consumption good across all locations (mathematical equation).3 In Online Supplement S.4.8, we develop an extension, in which we allow landlords to invest in other locations subject to financial frictions, and bilateral investment flows satisfy a gravity equation.
我们以上假设资本一旦安装就具有地理上的不可移动性,房东只能投资于自己的位置,这由于消费平滑而产生当地资本的逐渐调整。虽然调整成本为当地资本逐渐调整提供了一种潜在的替代解释,但我们的方法是分析上可处理的,对于模型参数的标准值,只涉及过渡路径到稳态时各地点在消费商品( mathematical equation )方面的实际租金率的小差异,如在线补充 S.6.4 所示。在稳态下,尽管资本-劳动比率( mathematical equation )在不同地点可能不同,但所有地点在消费商品( mathematical equation )方面的实际租金率是相同的。 3 在在线补充 S.4.8 中,我们开发了一种扩展,允许房东在存在金融摩擦的情况下投资于其他地点,并且双边投资流动满足引力方程。

2.4 Worker Migration Decisions
2.4 工人迁移决策

After supplying labor and spending wage income on consumption in each period t, workers observe idiosyncratic mobility shocks (mathematical equation), and decide where to move. The value function for a worker in location i in period t (mathematical equation) is equal to the current flow of utility in that location plus the expected continuation value from the optimal choice of location:
在每期 t 提供劳动并在消费中花费工资收入后,工人观察到独特的流动性冲击( mathematical equation ),并决定迁移到哪里。位于 i 位置的工人在第 t 期( mathematical equation )的价值函数等于该位置的当前效用流量加上从最优位置选择中预期的持续价值:
mathematical equation(7)
where β is the discount rate, and mathematical equation denotes the expectation in period t over future location characteristics. We assume log utility for workers, because they live hand-to-mouth, and hence there is no role for the intertemporal elasticity of substitution in their consumption decisions. We make the conventional assumption that idiosyncratic mobility shocks are drawn from an extreme value distribution with CDF mathematical equation, where mathematical equation is the Euler–Mascheroni constant; the parameter ρ controls the dispersion of idiosyncratic mobility shocks; and we assume that bilateral migration costs satisfy mathematical equation and mathematical equation for mathematical equation.
β为贴现率, mathematical equation 表示 t 期对未来位置特征的期望。我们假设工人具有对数效用,因为他们是靠天吃饭,因此在他们消费决策中不存在跨时期替代弹性的作用。我们做出传统假设,即异质性流动性冲击来自具有 CDF mathematical equation 的极值分布,其中 mathematical equation 是欧拉-马斯刻罗尼常数;参数ρ控制异质性流动性冲击的分散程度;我们假设双边移民成本满足 mathematical equationmathematical equation ,对于 mathematical equation

2.5 Market Clearing 2.5 市场出清

Goods market clearing implies that income in each location, which equals the sum of the income of workers and landlords, is equal to expenditure on the goods produced by that location:
mathematical equation(8)
where we begin by assuming that trade is balanced, before later extending our analysis to incorporate trade imbalances in Section 4.
在本文中,我们首先假设贸易是平衡的,然后在第 4 节扩展我们的分析以纳入贸易失衡。
Capital market clearing implies that the rental rate for capital is determined by the requirement that landlords' income from the ownership of capital equals payments for its use. Using profit maximization and zero profits, this capital market clearing condition is given by
mathematical equation(9)

2.6 General Equilibrium 2.6 一般均衡

Given the state variables mathematical equation, the general equilibrium of the economy is the stochastic process of allocations and prices such that firms in each location choose inputs to maximize profits, workers make consumption and migration decisions to maximize utility, landlords make consumption and investment decisions to maximize utility, and prices clear all markets, with the appropriate measurability constraint with respect to the realizations of location fundamentals. For expositional clarity, we collect the equilibrium conditions and express them in terms of a sequence of five endogenous variables mathematical equation. All other endogenous variables of the model can be recovered as a function of these variables.
考虑到状态变量 mathematical equation ,经济的一般均衡是分配和价格的随机过程,使得每个地点的企业选择投入以最大化利润,工人做出消费和迁移决策以最大化效用,房东做出消费和投资决策以最大化效用,价格使所有市场出清,并满足对位置基础实现的真实性约束。为了阐述清晰,我们收集均衡条件并以五个内生变量 mathematical equation 的序列形式表达。模型中所有其他内生变量都可以作为这些变量的函数恢复。

2.6.1 Capital Returns and Accumulation
2.6.1 资本回报与积累

Using capital market clearing (9), the gross return on capital in each location i must satisfy
使用资本市场清算(9),每个位置 i 的资本总回报必须满足
mathematical equation
where the price index (4) of each location becomes
mathematical equation(10)
The law of motion for capital is
mathematical equation(11)
where mathematical equation is the saving rate defined recursively as in Lemma 1:
其中 mathematical equation 是递归定义的储蓄率,定义如下:
mathematical equation

2.6.2 Goods Market Clearing
2.6.2 商品市场出清

Using the CES expenditure share, the equilibrium pricing rule (2), and the capital market clearing condition (9) in the goods market clearing condition (8), the requirement that income equals expenditure on the goods produced by a location can be written solely in terms of labor income:
利用 CES 支出份额、均衡定价规则(2)和资本市场清算条件(9)在商品市场清算条件(8)中,收入等于该地区生产商品支出的要求可以仅用劳动收入来表示:
mathematical equation(12)
mathematical equation(13)
where we have used the property that capital income is a constant multiple of labor income, mathematical equation is the expenditure share of importer n on exporter i at time t, we have defined mathematical equation as the corresponding income share of exporter i from importer n at time t, and note that the order of subscripts switches between the expenditure share (mathematical equation) and the income share (mathematical equation), because the first and second subscripts will correspond below to rows and columns of a matrix, respectively.
在本文中,我们使用了资本收入是劳动收入常数倍的性质, mathematical equation 表示在时间 t 进口商 n 对出口商 i 的支出份额,我们定义 mathematical equation 为在时间 t 出口商 i 从进口商 n 获得的相应收入份额,并注意下标顺序在支出份额( mathematical equation )和收入份额( mathematical equation )之间切换,因为下面的一、二个下标将分别对应矩阵的行和列。

2.6.3 Worker Value Function
2.6.3 工人价值函数

Using the value function (7), indirect utility function (3) and the properties of the extreme value distribution, the expected value from living in location n at time t after taking expectations with respect to the idiosyncratic mobility shocks mathematical equation (i.e., mathematical equation), can be written as
利用价值函数(7)、间接效用函数(3)以及极值分布的性质,在考虑针对特定流动性冲击 mathematical equation (即 mathematical equation )的期望后,居住在位置 n 在时间 t 的期望值可以表示为
mathematical equation(14)
where the expectation mathematical equation is taken over future fundamentals mathematical equation.
在何处对未来基本面 mathematical equation 的预期 mathematical equation 被考虑。

2.6.4 Population Flow 2.6.4 人口流动

Using the properties of the extreme value distribution, the population flow condition for the evolution of the population distribution over time is given by
mathematical equation(15)
mathematical equation(16)
where mathematical equation is the outmigration probability from location i to location g between time t and mathematical equation; we have defined mathematical equation as the corresponding inmigration probability to location g from location i between time t and mathematical equation. Again note that the order of subscripts switches between the outmigration probability (mathematical equation) and the inmigration probability (mathematical equation), because the first and second subscripts will correspond below to rows and columns of a matrix, respectively.
在位置 i 到位置 g 在时间 t 到 mathematical equation 之间的迁出概率 mathematical equation ;我们已将 mathematical equation 定义为在时间 t 到 mathematical equation 之间从位置 i 到位置 g 的迁入概率。再次注意,下标顺序在迁出概率( mathematical equation )和迁入概率( mathematical equation )之间切换,因为第一个和第二个下标将分别对应矩阵的行和列。

2.6.5 Properties of General Equilibrium
2.6.5 一般均衡的性质

Given the state variables mathematical equation and the realized location fundamentals mathematical equation, the general equilibrium in each period is determined as in a standard static international trade model. Between periods, the evolution of the stock of capital mathematical equation is determined by the equilibrium saving rate, and the dynamics of the population distribution mathematical equation are determined by the gravity equation for migration. We now formally define equilibrium.
考虑到状态变量 mathematical equation 和实际位置基础 mathematical equation ,每个时期的总体均衡被确定为与标准静态国际贸易模型相同。在时期之间,资本存量 mathematical equation 的演变由均衡储蓄率决定,人口分布 mathematical equation 的动态由移民的引力方程决定。我们现在正式定义均衡。

DEFINITION 1. (Equilibrium)Given the state variables mathematical equation in each location in an initial period mathematical equation, an equilibrium is a stochastic process of wages, capital returns, expected values, mass of workers, and stock of capital in each location mathematical equation measurable with respect to the fundamental shocks up to time t (mathematical equation), and solves the value function (14), the population flow condition (15), the goods market clearing condition (12), and the capital market clearing and accumulation condition (11), with the saving rate determined by Lemma 1.
定义 1.(均衡)在初始时期 mathematical equation 中每个地点的状态变量 mathematical equation ,均衡是一个关于工资、资本回报、预期值、工人数量和每个地点的资本存量 mathematical equation 的随机过程,该过程可以测量到时间 t( mathematical equation )的基本冲击,并解决了价值函数(14),人口流动条件(15),商品市场出清条件(12),以及资本市场出清和积累条件(11),其中储蓄率由引理 1 确定。

We define a deterministic steady-state equilibrium as one in which the fundamentals mathematical equation and the endogenous variables mathematical equation are constant over time, where we use an asterisk to denote the steady-state value of variables.
我们定义一个确定性稳态均衡为一种在时间上基本要素 mathematical equation 和内生变量 mathematical equation 保持恒定的状态,其中我们用星号表示变量的稳态值。

DEFINITION 2. (Steady State)A steady state of the economy is an equilibrium in which all location-specific fundamentals and endogenous variables (wages, expected values, mass of workers, and stock of capital in each location) are time invariant: mathematical equation.
定义 2.(稳态)经济的稳态是一种均衡状态,其中所有特定地点的基本要素和内生变量(工资、预期值、工人数量和每个地点的资本存量)都是时间不变的: mathematical equation

We now provide a sufficient condition for the existence of a unique steady-state equilibrium in terms of the properties of a coefficient matrix (A) of model parameters mathematical equation following the approach of Allen, Arkolakis, and Li (2020).
我们现在提供了根据模型参数系数矩阵(A)的性质,采用 Allen、Arkolakis 和 Li(2020)的方法,存在唯一稳态均衡的充分条件。

PROPOSITION 1. (Existence and Uniqueness)A sufficient condition for the existence of a unique steady-state spatial distribution of economic activity mathematical equation (up to a choice of units) given time-invariant locational fundamentals mathematical equation is that the spectral radius of a coefficient matrix (A) of model parameters mathematical equation is less than or equal to one.
命题 1.(存在性与唯一性)给定时间不变的区位基础 mathematical equation ,经济活动在空间上的唯一稳态分布存在的充分条件是模型参数系数矩阵(A)的谱半径小于或等于 1。

PROOF.See Online Appendix B.2. Q.E.D.
证明.参见附录 B.2。证毕。

2.6.6 Trade and Migration Share Matrices
2.6.6 贸易与移民份额矩阵

We now introduce the trade and migration share matrices that we use to characterize the model's transition dynamics in response to shocks to fundamentals. Let S be the mathematical equation matrix with the nith element equal to importer n's expenditure on exporter i. Let T be the mathematical equation matrix with the inth element equal to the fraction of income that exporter i derives from selling to importer n. We refer to S as the expenditure share matrix and to T as the income share matrix. Intuitively, mathematical equation captures the importance of i as a supplier to location n, and mathematical equation captures the importance of n as a buyer for country i. Note the order of subscripts: in matrix S, rows are buyers and columns are suppliers, whereas in matrix T, rows are suppliers and columns are buyers.
我们现在引入贸易和移民份额矩阵,这些矩阵用于描述模型对基本面冲击的反应的动态变化。令 S 为 mathematical equation 矩阵,其中第 n 个元素等于进口国 n 对出口国 i 的支出。令 T 为 mathematical equation 矩阵,其中第 in 个元素等于出口国 i 从向进口国 n 销售中获得的收入比例。我们将 S 称为支出份额矩阵,将 T 称为收入份额矩阵。直观上, mathematical equation 捕捉了 i 作为 n 地供应商的重要性,而 mathematical equation 捕捉了 n 作为 i 国买家的重视程度。注意下标的顺序:在矩阵 S 中,行是买家,列是供应商,而在矩阵 T 中,行是供应商,列是买家。

Similarly, let D be the mathematical equation matrix with the nith element equal to the share of outmigrants from origin n to destination i. Let E be the mathematical equation matrix with the inth element equal to the share of inmigrants to destination i from origin n. We refer to D as the outmigration matrix and to E as the inmigration matrix. Intuitively, mathematical equation captures the importance of i as a destination for origin n, and mathematical equation captures the importance of n as an origin for destination i. Again note the order of subscripts: in matrix D, rows are origins and columns are destinations, whereas in matrix E, rows are destinations and columns are origins.4
同样,设 D 为第 0#矩阵,其中第 n 个元素等于从起源 n 到目的地 i 的移民份额。设 E 为第 1#矩阵,其中第 i 个元素等于从起源 n 到目的地 i 的移民份额。我们将 D 称为移民矩阵,将 E 称为入境矩阵。直观上,第 2#捕捉了 i 作为起源 n 的目的地的重要性,而第 3#捕捉了 n 作为目的地 i 的起源的重要性。再次注意下标的顺序:在矩阵 D 中,行是起源,列是目的地,而在矩阵 E 中,行是目的地,列是起源。第 4#

2.6.7 Dynamic Exact-Hat Algebra
2.6.7 动态精确帽代数

We now generalize existing dynamic exact-hat algebra results for undertaking counterfactuals under perfect foresight in migration models from Caliendo, Dvorkin, and Parro (2019) to incorporate forward-looking investment decisions. We suppose that we observe the spatial distribution of economic activity somewhere along the transition path toward an unobserved steady state. Given the initial observed endogenous variables of the model, we show that we able to solve for the economy's transition path in time differences (mathematical equation) for any anticipated convergent sequence of future changes in fundamentals, without having to solve for the unobserved initial level of fundamentals.
我们现在将 Caliendo、Dvorkin 和 Parro(2019)关于在移民模型中基于完美预见的反事实动态精确帽代数结果进行推广,以纳入前瞻性投资决策。我们假设我们观察到经济活动在向未观察到的稳态过渡路径上的空间分布。鉴于模型中观察到的初始内生变量,我们表明,对于任何预期的基本面的未来变化收敛序列,我们能够求解经济的时间差异( mathematical equation )过渡路径,而无需求解未观察到的初始基本面水平。

PROPOSITION 2. (Dynamic Exact-Hat Algebra)Given an initial observed allocation of the economy, mathematical equation, and a convergent sequence of future changes in fundamentals under perfect foresight:
命题 2.(动态精确帽代数)给定经济的一个初始观察到的分配 mathematical equation ,以及在完美预测下,基本面未来变化的收敛序列:

mathematical equation
the solution for the sequence of changes in the model's endogenous variables does not require information on the level of fundamentals:
mathematical equation

PROOF.See Online Appendix B.3. Q.E.D.
证明.参见附录 B.3。证毕。

Intuitively, we use the initial observed endogenous variables and the equilibrium conditions of the model to control for the unobserved initial level of fundamentals. From this proposition, we can use dynamic exact-hat algebra methods to solve for the unobserved initial steady state in the absence of any further changes in fundamentals. We can also use this approach to solve counterfactuals for the transition path of the spatial distribution of economic activity in response to assumed sequences of future changes in fundamentals.5
直观上,我们利用模型中观察到的初始内生变量和均衡条件来控制未观察到的初始基本面水平。从这个命题出发,我们可以使用动态精确帽代数方法来解决在基本面没有进一步变化的情况下未观察到的初始稳态。我们还可以利用这种方法来解决对基本面未来变化假设序列的响应下,经济活动空间分布的过渡路径的逆事实问题。 5

In addition to these dynamic exact-hat algebra results in Proposition 2, we can invert the model to solve for the unobserved changes in productivity, amenities, trade costs, and migration costs that are implied by the observed changes in the endogenous variables of the model under perfect foresight, as shown in Online Supplement S.2.1. Importantly, we can undertake this model inversion along the transition path without making assumptions about the precise sequence of future fundamentals, because the observed changes in migration flows and the capital stock capture agents' expectations about this sequence of future fundamentals.
除了命题 2 中的这些动态精确帽代数结果外,我们还可以将模型反转来解决由模型内生变量观察到的变化所隐含的生产率、便利设施、贸易成本和移民成本的变化,正如在线补充 S.2.1 所示。重要的是,我们可以在转换路径上执行这种模型反转,而不需要对未来基本面的精确顺序做出假设,因为观察到的移民流量和资本存量变化捕捉了代理人对这一未来基本面顺序的预期。

3 Spectral Analysis 3 光谱分析

To further understand the roles of capital and labor dynamics, we now linearize the model to provide an analytical characterization of the economy's transition path using spectral analysis. Throughout this section, we focus for expositional convenience on shocks to productivity and amenities, but show that our approach generalizes to incorporate shocks to migration and trade costs in Section 4 below.
为了进一步理解资本和劳动力动态的作用,我们现在将模型线性化,利用谱分析对经济的转型路径进行解析描述。在本节中,为了便于说明,我们专注于生产力和便利性的冲击,但表明我们的方法在下一节的第 4 部分中可以推广到包括对移民和贸易成本的冲击。

In Section 3.1, we totally differentiate the general equilibrium conditions of the model, and derive a linearized system of equations that fully characterizes the transition path of the economy up to first order. We solve this linearized system in closed form under a wide range of different assumptions about agents' expectations. To illustrate our approach as clearly as possible, we begin in Section 3.2 by considering the simplest case in which agents learn about a one-time unanticipated shock to fundamentals. In Section 3.3, we provide further intuition for our approach by considering the special case of two symmetric regions. In Section 3.4, we show that our approach also accommodates the case in which agents learn about any expected convergent sequence of future shocks to fundamentals under perfect foresight, and the case in which agents observe an initial shock to fundamentals and form rational expectations about future shocks based on a known stochastic process for fundamentals.
在 3.1 节中,我们对模型的一般均衡条件进行了完全微分,并推导出一个线性化方程组,该方程组完全描述了经济过渡路径到一阶。我们在关于代理人预期的广泛假设下,以封闭形式求解了这个线性化系统。为了尽可能清晰地说明我们的方法,我们在 3.2 节中从考虑代理人了解一次性的未预期基本冲击的最简单情况开始。在 3.3 节中,我们通过考虑两个对称区域的特殊情况,进一步阐述我们的方法。在 3.4 节中,我们表明我们的方法也适用于代理人在完全预知下了解任何预期的基本冲击的未来收敛序列的情况,以及代理人在观察到初始基本冲击并基于已知的基本随机过程形成对未来冲击的理性预期的情形。

For each specification, we show that the closed-form solution for the transition path depends on an impact matrix, which captures the initial impact of the shocks to fundamentals on the state variables in the period in which they occur, and a transition matrix, which governs the updating of the state variables over time. The impact and transition matrices only depend on the structural parameters of the model and the observed matrices of expenditure shares (S), income shares (T), outmigration shares (D) and inmigration shares (E), and hence provide first-order sufficient statistics for the economy's transition path.

Using an eigendecomposition of the transition matrix, we show that both the rate of convergence to steady state and the evolution of the state variables along the transition path can be written solely in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the transition matrix. We use this spectral representation to show that the rate of convergence to steady state is slow and heterogeneous, and to demonstrate that capital accumulation and migration interact to shape the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks.

3.1 Transition Path 3.1 转变路径

We suppose that we observe the state variables mathematical equation and the trade and migration share matrices mathematical equation of the economy at time mathematical equation. The economy need not be in steady state at mathematical equation, but we assume that it is on a convergence path toward a steady state with constant fundamentals mathematical equation. We refer to the steady state implied by these initial fundamentals as the initial steady state. We use a tilde above a variable to denote a log deviation from the initial steady state (e.g., mathematical equation) for all variables except for the worker value function, for which with a slight abuse of notation we use the tilde to denote a deviation in levels (mathematical equation).
我们假设我们在时间 mathematical equation 观察到经济的状态变量 mathematical equation 和贸易与移民份额矩阵 mathematical equation 。经济在 mathematical equation 时不必处于稳态,但我们假设它正朝着具有恒定基本面的稳态收敛。我们将这些初始基本面所隐含的稳态称为初始稳态。我们用变量上方的波浪线表示相对于初始稳态的对数偏差(例如 mathematical equation ),对于所有变量,除了工人价值函数,对于它,我们稍微滥用一下符号,用波浪线表示水平偏差( mathematical equation )。

We begin by totally differentiating the general equilibrium conditions of the model around the unobserved initial steady state, holding constant the aggregate labor endowment, trade costs, and migration costs. We thus derive the following system of linear equations that fully characterizes the economy's transition path up to first order:
mathematical equation(17)
mathematical equation(18)
mathematical equation(19)
mathematical equation(20)
mathematical equation(21)
as shown in Online Appendix B.4.4.
如在线附录 B.4.4 所示。

In this system of linear equations, there are no terms in the change in the trade and migration share matrices, because these terms are second order in the underlying Taylor-series expansion, involving interactions between the changes in productivity and amenities and the resulting changes in trade and migration shares. As we consider first-order changes in productivity and amenities, these second-order, nonlinear terms drop out of the linearization. Therefore, we can write the trade and migration share matrices with no time subscript (S, T, D, E) for first-order changes in productivity and amenities. In our empirical analysis below, we show that we find similar results from our spectral analysis whether we use the observed trade and migration share matrices or the implied steady-state matrices.

3.2 Transition Dynamics for a One-Time Shock
3.2 一次性冲击的转换动力学

As an illustration of our approach, we begin by solving for the economy's transition path in response to a one-time shock. We suppose that agents learn at time mathematical equation about a one-time, unexpected, and permanent change in productivity and amenities from time mathematical equation onwards. Under this assumption, we can write the sequence of future fundamentals (productivities and amenities) relative to the initial level as mathematical equation for mathematical equation, and we can drop the expectation operator in the system of equations (18) through (21).
作为我们方法的示例,我们首先求解经济对一次性冲击的过渡路径。我们假设代理人在时间 mathematical equation 时了解到从时间 mathematical equation 开始的一次性、意外且永久的生产率和便利性变化。在这个假设下,我们可以将相对于初始水平的未来基本面(生产率和便利性)的序列表示为 mathematical equation 对于 mathematical equation ,并且我们可以省略方程(18)至(21)系统中的期望算子。

3.2.1 System of Second-Order Difference Equations
3.2.1 二阶差分方程组

In Online Appendices B.4.4–B.4.5, we show that the model's transition dynamics can be reduced to the following linear system of second-order difference equations in the state variables:
在在线附录 B.4.4–B.4.5 中,我们表明该模型的转换动力学可以简化为以下关于状态变量的二阶差分方程的线性系统:
mathematical equation(22)
where mathematical equation is a mathematical equation vector of the state variables; mathematical equation is a mathematical equation vector of the shocks to fundamentals; and Ψ, Γ, Θ, and Π are mathematical equation matrices that only depend on the structural parameters of the model mathematical equation and the observed trade and migration share matrices mathematical equation.
mathematical equation 中是状态变量的 mathematical equation 向量; mathematical equation 是基本面的 mathematical equation 向量;Ψ、Γ、Θ和Π是仅依赖于模型 mathematical equation 的结构参数和观察到的贸易和移民份额矩阵 mathematical equationmathematical equation 矩阵。

We solve this matrix system of equations using the method of undetermined coefficients following Uhlig (1999) to obtain a closed-form solution for the economy's transition path in terms of an impact matrix (R), which captures the initial impact of the fundamental shocks, and a transition matrix (P), which governs the evolution of the state variables over time.6 Specifically, one can show that the mathematical equation matrix mathematical equation has eigenvectors of the form mathematical equation, where mathematical equation are the corresponding eigenvalues, and mathematical equation are mathematical equation vectors. If the eigenvalues are stable (mathematical equation), the linearized system has a unique stable transition path (see, e.g., Dejong and Dave (2011)).7
我们采用 Uhlig(1999)的不定系数法来解这个矩阵方程组,从而获得一个关于冲击矩阵(R)的封闭形式解,该矩阵捕捉了基本冲击的初始影响,以及一个过渡矩阵(P),它控制状态变量随时间的变化。具体来说,可以证明矩阵 mathematical equation 具有形式 mathematical equation 的特征向量,其中 mathematical equation 是相应的特征值, mathematical equationmathematical equation 向量。如果特征值是稳定的( mathematical equation ),则线性化系统具有唯一的稳定过渡路径(例如,参见 Dejong 和 Dave(2011))。 7

PROPOSITION 3. (Transition Path)Suppose that the economy at time mathematical equation is on a convergence path toward an initial steady state with constant fundamentals (z, b, κ, τ). At time mathematical equation, agents learn about one-time, permanent shocks to productivity and amenities (mathematical equation) from time mathematical equation onwards. There exists a mathematical equation transition matrix (P) and a mathematical equation impact matrix (R) such that the second-order difference equation system in (22) has a closed-form solution of the form:
命题 3.(过渡路径)假设在时间 mathematical equation 时,经济处于向具有恒定基本要素(z, b, κ, τ)的初始稳态收敛的路径上。在时间 mathematical equation 时,从时间 mathematical equation 开始,代理人了解到一次性的、永久性的生产率和便利性冲击( mathematical equation )。存在一个 mathematical equation 过渡矩阵(P)和一个 mathematical equation 影响矩阵(R),使得(22)中的二阶差分方程组具有以下形式的封闭形式解:

mathematical equation(23)
The transition matrix P satisfies
矩阵 P 满足
mathematical equation
where Λ is a diagonal matrix of 2N stable eigenvalues mathematical equation and U is a matrix stacking the corresponding 2N eigenvectors mathematical equation. The impact matrix (R) is given by
在Λ是一个 2N 个稳定特征值 mathematical equation 的对角矩阵,U 是一个堆叠相应 2N 个特征向量 mathematical equation 的矩阵。影响矩阵(R)由以下给出
mathematical equation
where (Ψ, Γ, Θ, Π) are the matrices from the system of second-order difference equations (22).
其中(Ψ, Γ, Θ, Π)是二阶差分方程组(22)中的矩阵。

PROOF.See the Online Appendix B.4.6. Q.E.D.
证明.参见附录 B.4.6。证毕。

The solutions for these matrices (P, R) depend only on the structural parameters of the model and the observed trade and migration share matrices (S, T, D, E).

3.2.2 Convergence Dynamics versus Fundamental Shocks
3.2.2 收敛动力学与基本冲击对比

Using this closed-form solution in Proposition 3, the transition path of the economy's state variables can be additively decomposed into the contributions of convergence dynamics given initial conditions and fundamental shocks. Applying equation (23) across time periods, we obtain
利用命题 3 中的这个闭式解,经济状态变量的转换路径可以加性分解为给定初始条件和基本冲击的收敛动力学贡献。将方程(23)应用于时间区间,我们得到
mathematical equation(24)
In the absence of shocks to fundamentals (mathematical equation), the second term on the right-hand side of equation (24) is zero. In this case, the evolution of the state variables is shaped solely by convergence dynamics given initial conditions, and converges over time to
在基本因素没有受到冲击( mathematical equation )的情况下,方程(24)右侧的第二项为零。在这种情况下,状态变量的演变完全由初始条件给出的收敛动力学决定,并且随着时间的推移收敛到
mathematical equation(25)
where mathematical equation is well-defined under the condition that the spectral radius of P is smaller than one.
在 P 的特征半径小于 1 的条件下, mathematical equation 是良好定义的。
In contrast, if the economy is initially in a steady state at time 0, the first term on the right-hand side of equation (24) is zero. In this case, the transition path of the state variables is solely driven by the second term for fundamental shocks, and follows:
与对比,如果经济在时间 0 时处于稳态,则方程(24)右侧的第一个项为零。在这种情况下,状态变量的转换路径仅由基本冲击的第二项驱动,并遵循:
mathematical equation(26)
In the period mathematical equation when the shocks occur, the response of the state variables is mathematical equation. Taking the limit as mathematical equation in equation (26), the comparative steady-state response is
在冲击发生的时期 mathematical equation ,状态变量的响应为 mathematical equation 。将方程(26)中的 mathematical equation 取极限,比较稳态响应为
mathematical equation(27)

A key implication of this additive separability in equation (24) is that we can examine the economy's dynamic response to fundamental shocks separately from its convergence towards an initial steady state with unchanged fundamentals. Therefore, without loss of generality, we focus in the remainder of this section on an economy that is initially in steady state.

3.2.3 Spectral Analysis of the Transition Matrix
3.2.3 转换矩阵的光谱分析

We now provide a further analytical characterization of the roles of capital and labor dynamics in shaping the economy's gradual adjustment to shocks using a spectral analysis of the transition matrix. We show that both the speed of convergence to steady state and the evolution of the state variables along the transition path to steady state can be written solely in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this transition matrix.
我们现在使用过渡矩阵的频谱分析,进一步分析了资本和劳动力动态在塑造经济逐渐适应冲击中的作用。我们表明,收敛到稳态的速度以及沿着过渡路径到稳态的状态变量演变,都可以仅用这个过渡矩阵的特征值和特征向量来表示。 Eigendecomposition of the Transition Matrix 转移矩阵的特征分解

We use the eigendecomposition of the transition matrix, mathematical equation, where Λ is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues arranged in decreasing order by absolute values, and mathematical equation. For each eigenvalue mathematical equation, the hth column of U (mathematical equation) and the hth row of V (mathematical equation) are the corresponding right and left eigenvectors of P, respectively, such that
我们使用转移矩阵 mathematical equation 的特征分解,其中Λ是一个按绝对值递减排列的特征值对角矩阵,以及 mathematical equation 。对于每个特征值 mathematical equation ,U( mathematical equation )的第 h 列和 V( mathematical equation )的第 h 行分别是 P 的对应右特征向量和左特征向量,使得
mathematical equation
That is, mathematical equation (mathematical equation) is the vector that, when left-multiplied (right-multiplied) by P, is proportional to itself but scaled by the corresponding eigenvalue mathematical equation.8 We refer to mathematical equation simply as eigenvectors. Both mathematical equation and mathematical equation are bases that span the 2N-dimensional vector space.
这是指 mathematical equationmathematical equation )是这样一个向量,当它左乘(右乘)P 时,与自身成比例,但按相应的特征值 mathematical equation 缩放。 8 我们简单地将 mathematical equation 称为特征向量。 mathematical equationmathematical equation 都是张成 2N 维向量空间的基。 Eigenshock 特征冲击

We next introduce a particular type of shock to fundamentals that proves useful for characterizing the model's transition dynamics. We define an eigenshock as a nonzero shock to productivity and amenities (mathematical equation) for which the initial impact of these shocks on the state variables (mathematical equation) coincides with a real eigenvector of the transition matrix (mathematical equation) or the zero vector. Generically, the eigenshocks mathematical equation form a basis that spans the 2N-dimensional shock space. Each eigenvector of P with a nonzero eigenvalue (mathematical equation) has a corresponding eigenshock for which mathematical equation. We refer to such as eigenvector with a nonzero eigenvalue as “nontrivial,” because it affects the dynamics of the state variables. Additionally, P has an eigenvector mathematical equation with a zero eigenvalue (mathematical equation), because population shares sum to one, and thus one of the 2N dimensions of the state space is redundant. The corresponding fundamental shock mathematical equation is the vector of a common amenity shock to all locations. Such a common amenity shock affects worker flow utility, but does not affect any prices or quantities in the equilibrium, and thus is trivial in the sense that it does not affect the dynamics of the state variables. We use the index 1 for this trivial eigencomponent.
我们接下来介绍一种对基本面的特定类型冲击,这种冲击对于描述模型的过渡动力学是有用的。我们定义特征冲击为一个非零的针对生产力和便利性的冲击( mathematical equation ),其中这些冲击对状态变量( mathematical equation )的初始影响与过渡矩阵( mathematical equation )的实特征向量或零向量相一致。一般而言,特征冲击 mathematical equation 构成了一个基,它覆盖了 2N 维冲击空间。P 的每个具有非零特征值( mathematical equation )的特征向量都有一个相应的特征冲击,其中 mathematical equation 。我们将具有非零特征值的特征向量称为“非平凡”的,因为它会影响状态变量的动力学。此外,P 有一个特征向量 mathematical equation ,其特征值为零( mathematical equation ),因为人口份额之和为 1,因此状态空间的 2N 个维度中有一个是冗余的。相应的根本冲击 mathematical equation 是针对所有位置的共同便利性冲击的向量。这种共同便利性冲击会影响工人流动效用,但不会影响均衡中的任何价格或数量,因此它是平凡的,因为它不影响状态变量的动力学。 我们使用索引 1 表示这个平凡的特征分量。

In general, there is no reason why an empirical shock should correspond to an eigen-shock. But we can use these eigenshocks to characterize the impact of any empirical shock using the following two properties. First, we can solve for these eigenshocks from the observed data, because the impact matrix (R) and the transition matrix (P) depend solely on our observed trade and migration share matrices (S, T, D, E) and the structural parameters of the model mathematical equation. Second, any empirical productivity and amenity shocks (mathematical equation) can be expressed as a linear combination of the eigenshocks (mathematical equation), where the weights or loadings in this linear combination can be recovered from a linear projection (regression) of the observed shocks (mathematical equation) on the eigenshocks (mathematical equation). Using this property, the transition path of the state variables in response to any empirical productivity and amenity shocks can be expressed solely in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the transition matrix, as summarized in the following proposition.
一般来说,没有理由认为一个经验冲击应该对应于本征冲击。但我们可以利用这些本征冲击,通过以下两个特性来表征任何经验冲击的影响。首先,我们可以从观测数据中求解这些本征冲击,因为影响矩阵(R)和转换矩阵(P)仅取决于我们观测到的贸易和移民份额矩阵(S,T,D,E)以及模型的结构性参数 mathematical equation 。其次,任何经验生产力和便利性冲击( mathematical equation )都可以表示为本征冲击( mathematical equation )的线性组合,其中这个线性组合中的权重或负荷可以从对观测冲击( mathematical equation )在本征冲击( mathematical equation )上的线性投影(回归)中恢复。利用这一特性,可以仅用转换矩阵的本征值和本征向量来表示对任何经验生产力和便利性冲击的响应状态变量的转换路径,如下命题所述。

PROPOSITION 4.Spectral Analysis. Consider an economy that is initially in steady state at time mathematical equation when agents learn about one-time, permanent shocks to productivity and amenities (mathematical equation) from time mathematical equation onwards. The transition path of the state variables can be written as a linear combination of the eigenvalues (mathematical equation) and eigenvectors (mathematical equation) of the transition matrix:
命题 4.光谱分析。考虑一个在时间 mathematical equation 时处于稳态的经济体,从时间 mathematical equation 开始,代理者了解到一次性的、永久性的生产力和便利性冲击( mathematical equation )。状态变量的转换路径可以表示为转换矩阵的特征值( mathematical equation )和特征向量( mathematical equation )的线性组合:

mathematical equation(28)
where the weights in this linear combination (mathematical equation) can be recovered as the coefficients in a linear projection (regression) of the observed shocks (mathematical equation) on the eigenshocks (mathematical equation).
在这一点上,这个线性组合( mathematical equation )中的权重可以恢复为对观测到的冲击( mathematical equation )在特征冲击( mathematical equation )上的线性投影(回归)中的系数。

PROOF.The proposition follows from the eigendecomposition of the transition matrix: mathematical equation, as shown in Online Appendix B.4.9. Q.E.D.
证明。该命题可从转移矩阵的特征分解得出: mathematical equation ,如在线附录 B.4.9 所示。证毕。

Additionally, the speed of convergence to steady state for an eigenshock, as measured by the half-life of convergence to steady state, depends solely on the associated eigenvalue of the transition matrix, as summarized in the following proposition.

PROPOSITION 5. (Speed of Convergence)Consider an economy that is initially in steady state at time mathematical equation when agents learn about one-time, permanent shocks to productivity and amenities (mathematical equation) from time mathematical equation onwards. Suppose that these shocks are a nontrivial eigenshock (mathematical equation), for which the initial impact on the state variables at time mathematical equation coincides with a real eigenvector (mathematical equation) of the transition matrix (P): mathematical equation. The transition path of the state variables (mathematical equation) in response to such an eigenshock (mathematical equation) is
命题 5.(收敛速度)考虑一个经济体系,在时间 mathematical equation 时处于稳态,从时间 mathematical equation 开始,代理者了解到一次性的、永久性的生产率和便利性冲击( mathematical equation )。假设这些冲击是一个非平凡的特征冲击( mathematical equation ),在时间 mathematical equation 对状态变量的初始影响与过渡矩阵(P)的实特征向量( mathematical equation )一致: mathematical equation 。对于这样的特征冲击( mathematical equation ),状态变量的过渡路径( mathematical equation )是

mathematical equation
and the half-life of convergence to steady state is given by
mathematical equation
for all state variables mathematical equation, where mathematical equation, and mathematical equation is the ceiling function. The trivial eigenshock with an associated eigenvalue of zero has a zero half-life.
对于所有状态变量 mathematical equation ,其中 mathematical equationmathematical equation 是上取整函数。与零特征值相关的平凡特征震荡具有零半衰期。

PROOF.The proposition follows from the eigendecomposition of the transition matrix (mathematical equation), for the case of a nontrivial eigenshock in which the initial impact of the shocks to productivity and amenities on the state variables at time mathematical equation coincides with a real eigenvector (mathematical equation) of the transition matrix (P), as shown in Online Appendix B.4.9. Q.E.D.
证明。该命题可从转移矩阵( mathematical equation )的特征分解得出,对于非平凡特征冲击的情况,冲击对生产力和便利设施在时间 mathematical equation 对状态变量的初始影响与转移矩阵(P)的实特征向量( mathematical equation )相一致,如在线附录 B.4.9 所示。证毕。

From Proposition 5, the impact of a nontrivial eigenshock (mathematical equation) on the state variables in each time period is always proportional to the corresponding eigenvector (mathematical equation), and decays exponentially at a rate determined by the associated eigenvalue (mathematical equation), as the economy converges to the new steady state.9 These eigenvalues fully summarize the economy's speed of convergence in response to eigenshocks, even in our setting with a high-dimensional state space, a rich geography of trade and migration costs, and multiple sources of dynamics.
从命题 5,非平凡特征冲击( mathematical equation )对每个时间段的变量状态的影响始终与相应的特征向量( mathematical equation )成比例,并且随着经济收敛到新的稳态,以与相关特征值( mathematical equation )确定的速率指数衰减。 9 这些特征值完全概括了经济对特征冲击的收敛速度,即使在具有高维状态空间、丰富的贸易和移民成本地理以及多个动态来源的设置中也是如此。

In general, each eigenshock (mathematical equation) has a different speed of convergence (as captured by the associated eigenvalue mathematical equation), which reflects the fact that the speed of convergence to steady state does not only depend on the structural parameters mathematical equation, but also on the incidence of the shock on the labor and capital state variables in each location (as captured by mathematical equation). From Proposition 4, any empirical shock (mathematical equation) can be expressed as a linear combination of the eigenshocks. Therefore, the speed of convergence also varies across these empirical shocks, depending on their incidence on the labor and capital state variables in each location.
一般来说,每个特征冲击( mathematical equation )具有不同的收敛速度(由相关特征值 mathematical equation 所捕捉),这反映了收敛到稳态的速度不仅取决于结构参数 mathematical equation ,还取决于冲击在每个位置的劳动和资本状态变量上的影响(由 mathematical equation 所捕捉)。根据命题 4,任何经验冲击( mathematical equation )都可以表示为特征冲击的线性组合。因此,收敛速度也因这些经验冲击在每个位置的劳动和资本状态变量上的影响而有所不同。

3.3 Two-Location Example
3.3 双地点示例

We now illustrate our spectral analysis using a simple example of two symmetric locations that begin in steady state. Location symmetry and trade and migration frictions imply that the expenditure and migration share matrices (S and D) are symmetric and diagonal-dominant, with mathematical equation and mathematical equation.
我们现在用一个简单的对称位置开始于稳态的例子来说明我们的光谱分析。位置对称性和贸易及移民摩擦意味着支出和移民共享矩阵(S 和 D)是对称的,并且是斜对角占优的,具有 mathematical equationmathematical equation

We suppose that at time mathematical equation agents learn about one-time, permanent shocks to productivity and amenities, captured by the vector mathematical equation in log-deviations from the initial steady-state values. We now implement our spectral analysis for this symmetric two-location example in three steps. In Step 1, we write the dynamic response of the state variables, in log-deviations from the initial steady-state values, mathematical equation, using Proposition 3:
我们假设在时间 mathematical equation ,代理了解关于生产力和便利设施的一次性、永久性冲击,这些冲击由向量 mathematical equation 在初始稳态值对数偏差中捕捉。现在,我们以三个步骤实施对此对称双地点示例的频谱分析。在第一步中,我们使用命题 3 写出状态变量在初始稳态值对数偏差中的动态响应 mathematical equation
mathematical equation(29)
Therefore, the initial impact of the fundamental shock mathematical equation is governed by the impact matrix (R):
因此,基本冲击 mathematical equation 的初始影响由影响矩阵(R)控制:
mathematical equation
The subsequent updating of the state variables is regulated by the transition matrix (P):
mathematical equation
Since each location has two state variables (its population share and capital stock), the transition matrix (P) is mathematical equation. Likewise, because each location is subject to two shocks (productivity and amenities), the impact matrix (R) is mathematical equation.
由于每个位置有两个状态变量(其人口份额和资本存量),转移矩阵(P)为 mathematical equation 。同样,因为每个位置都受到两个冲击(生产力和便利设施),影响矩阵(R)为 mathematical equation
In Step 2, we express this dynamic response of the state variables in terms of eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the transition matrix (P) using Proposition 4. First, we rewrite the recursive formulation in equation (29) in sequence form: mathematical equation. Second, we use our eigendecomposition of P to rewrite the summation over iterative powers of P as a summation over components of the eigenbasis of P:
在第二步中,我们利用命题 4,将状态变量的这种动态响应表示为转移矩阵(P)的特征向量和特征值。首先,我们将方程(29)中的递归公式改写为序列形式: mathematical equation 。其次,我们利用 P 的特征分解,将 P 的迭代幂次的和改写为 P 的特征基的分量和:
mathematical equation(30)
where mathematical equation, mathematical equation, and mathematical equation are respectively the hth right eigenvector, left eigenvector, and eigenvalue of P. This representation makes clear that the dynamic response of the state variables can be expressed in terms of the initial impact of the shocks to fundamentals (mathematical equation) and the eigencomponents of the transition matrix.
此处 mathematical equationmathematical equationmathematical equation 分别表示 P 的第 h 个右特征向量、左特征向量和特征值。这种表示方式清楚地表明,状态变量的动态响应可以用对基本面的冲击的初始影响( mathematical equation )和转换矩阵的特征分量来表示。
In Step 3, we write the impact of an empirical shock on the state variables (mathematical equation) as a linear combination of the eigenshocks, using Proposition 5. First, we define a nontrivial eigenshock (denoted as mathematical equation) as a shock to fundamentals for which the initial impact of the shock on the state variables (mathematical equation) corresponds to a right eigenvector of the transition matrix (mathematical equation). For such a nontrivial eigenshock, the dynamic impact on the state variables can be fully characterized by the hth eigencomponent alone:10
在步骤 3 中,我们使用命题 5 将实证冲击对状态变量( mathematical equation )的影响表示为特征冲击的线性组合。首先,我们定义一个非平凡的特征冲击(记为 mathematical equation )为一个对基本面的冲击,其初始冲击对状态变量( mathematical equation )的影响对应于转换矩阵( mathematical equation )的右特征向量。对于这样的非平凡特征冲击,状态变量的动态影响可以仅由第 h 个特征分量完全表征: 10
mathematical equation(31)
and the rate of convergence to the new steady state depends only on the corresponding eigenvalue mathematical equation. The larger the value of this eigenvalue, the slower the rate of convergence to steady state. Second, we use the property that the impact of any empirical shock (mathematical equation) can be written as a linear combination of the impact of the eigenshocks (mathematical equation), where we can recover the weights in this linear combination (mathematical equation) from a regression of the empirical shock on the eigenshocks. We are thus able to characterize the impact of any empirical shock on the state variables using our eigendecomposition.
并且,收敛到新稳态的速率仅取决于相应的特征值 mathematical equation 。该特征值越大,收敛到稳态的速率越慢。其次,我们利用任何经验冲击( mathematical equation )的影响可以表示为特征冲击( mathematical equation )的线性组合的性质,其中我们可以从经验冲击对特征冲击的回归中恢复出这个线性组合中的权重( mathematical equation )。因此,我们能够使用我们的特征分解来表征任何经验冲击对状态变量的影响。
In general, the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of P depend not only on the model parameters (ψ, θ, β, ρ, μ, δ) but also on the entire trade and migration matrices (S, T, D, E). However, in this symmetric two-location example, the four eigenvectors of the transition matrix (P) take the following simple form:
一般来说,P 的特征向量和特征值不仅取决于模型参数(ψ、θ、β、ρ、μ、δ),还取决于整个贸易和迁移矩阵(S、T、D、E)。然而,在这个对称的双地点示例中,转移矩阵(P)的四个特征向量具有以下简单的形式:
mathematical equation(32)
for some constants ζ, ξ that depend on the model parameters and the trade and migration share matrices (mathematical equation, mathematical equation), as shown in Online Appendix B.4.10. These four vectors span the four-dimensional vector space.
对于某些依赖于模型参数和贸易与移民份额矩阵( mathematical equationmathematical equation )的常数ζ,ξ,如在线附录 B.4.10 所示。这四个向量构成了四维向量空间。

We now show that these eigenvectors of P have an intuitive interpretation. The first eigenvector mathematical equation has an associated eigenvalue of zero and a corresponding eigenshock of mathematical equation. This trivial eigenshock captures a common amenity shock to both locations that leaves population shares and capital stocks unchanged. The associated eigenvalue is equal to zero, since the initial and new steady state coincide, such that there is immediate convergence with no transitional dynamics.
我们现在表明,P 的这些特征向量具有直观的解释。第一个特征向量 mathematical equation 与零特征值相关联,并对应特征冲击 mathematical equation 。这个平凡的特徵冲击捕捉了两个位置共同的便利性冲击,使得人口份额和资本存量保持不变。由于初始状态和新的稳态相同,因此特征值等于零,从而实现立即收敛,没有过渡动态。

The second eigenvector mathematical equation has an associated eigenshock of mathematical equation. This eigencomponent captures a common productivity shock to both locations. By symmetry, this common productivity shock leaves population shares unchanged, such that the first two entries in the eigenvector (mathematical equation) are equal to zero. But this common productivity shock leads to a symmetric reduction in the consumer price index (and hence the cost of capital) in both locations, which affects capital dynamics in both locations symmetrically, such that the third and fourth entries in the eigenvector (mathematical equation) are identical. In this symmetric example, capital dynamics in response to this common productivity shock are the same as they would be in a single location closed economy. The eigenvalue of this component can be characterized analytically. In the special case in which landlords have a unitary elasticity of intertemporal substitution (logarithmic utility), the corresponding eigenvalue is mathematical equation.

The remaining two eigenvectors capture shocks that are asymmetric across locations. The third eigenvector mathematical equation is associated with an eigenshock mathematical equation, where c is a constant. The fourth eigenvector mathematical equation is associated with an eigenshock mathematical equation, where d is again a constant. In both cases, the deviations of the state variables from steady state in location 1 take the same absolute value, but have the opposite sign to the deviations of the state variables from steady state for location 2.

Although we cannot theoretically sign the constants ζ, ξ, c, d, we find numerically that all of these parameters are positive for realistic parameter values. Under these sign restrictions, one of these eigenvectors (mathematical equation) captures the case in which productivity and amenity shocks are positively correlated across locations, and the other eigenvector (mathematical equation) captures the case in which they are negatively correlated. Therefore, the third eigenvector (mathematical equation) captures the case in which a location either receives productivity and amenity shocks that are both positive (1 and c) or both negative (−1 and −c). In this case, the new steady-state values of the labor and capital state variables are both above their initial values in the location that experiences positive shocks, and both below their initial values in the location that experiences negative shocks. The initial response of the economy, as reflected in the eigenvector mathematical equation, is to move both state variables in the direction of the new steady state.

In contrast, the fourth eigenvector (mathematical equation) captures the case in which productivity and amenity shocks are negatively correlated across locations. Therefore, each location experiences productivity and amenity shocks that are of the opposite sign to one another. Consequently, the new steady state features a higher population share but a lower capital stock in one location, and a lower population share but a higher capital stock in the other location. In all of our numerical simulations, we find that the eigenvalue for the third eigenvector (mathematical equation) is greater than that for the fourth eigenvector (mathematical equation). Therefore, the economy experiences slower convergence to steady state if productivity and amenity shocks are positively correlated across locations. The reason is the interaction between the marginal productivities of capital and labor in the production technology. When both capital and labor are above steady state, the high capital stock raises the marginal product of labor, which retards the downward adjustment of labor. Similarly, the high labor supply increases the marginal product of capital, which dampens the downward adjustment of capital. When both capital and labor are below steady state, an analogous logic applies, as the low value of each state variable slows the upward adjustment in the other state variable.

Finally, any pattern of productivity and amenity shocks across the two symmetric locations can be captured by a linear combination of these four types of shocks: a common amenity shock across both locations, a common productivity shock across both locations, productivity and amenity shocks that are perfectly positively correlated across locations, and productivity and amenity shocks that are perfectly negatively correlated across locations. We show below that the same qualitative insights from this symmetric two-location special case hold in the quantitative analysis of the full model with many asymmetric locations.

3.4 Transition Dynamics for Sequences of Shocks

Although for simplicity we have focused in the main text above on transition dynamics for a one-time shock, our approach generalizes to sequences of shocks.

In Proposition S.1 in Online Supplement S.2.3, we provide the closed-form solution for the economy's transition path for any convergent sequence of future shocks to productivities and amenities under perfect foresight. In Proposition S.2 in Online Supplement S.2.4, we provide the closed-form solution for the economy's transition path for the case in which agents observe an initial shock to fundamentals and form rational expectations about future shocks based on a known stochastic process for fundamentals. Most previous research on dynamic spatial models has focused on perfect foresight, because of the challenges of solving nonlinear dynamic models in the presence of expectational errors. However, our linearization allows us to accommodate these expectational errors and preserve a closed-form solution for the transition path.

In each case, the solution to the second-order difference equation (22) depends on the transition matrix P and impact matrix R, which can be recovered from the observed trade and migration matrices mathematical equation and the model's structural parameters mathematical equation.

4 Extensions

The tractability of our dynamic spatial model allows for a large number of generalizations. In Online Supplement S.4.1, we report the generalization of the matrix system in equations (17)–(21) above to include shocks to bilateral trade and migration costs.

In Online Supplement S.4.2, we show that our dynamic spatial model also generalizes to admit agglomeration forces, such that productivity and amenities have both exogenous and endogenous components, such that mathematical equation and mathematical equation.11 Again, we provide a sufficient condition for the existence of a unique steady-state equilibrium in terms of the properties of a coefficient matrix (mathematical equation) of model parameters mathematical equation. As the strength of agglomeration forces becomes small (mathematical equation), this sufficient condition reduces to that in Proposition 1 above.

PROPOSITION 6.A sufficient condition for the existence of a unique steady-state spatial distribution of economic activity mathematical equation (up to a choice of units) given time-invariant locational fundamentals mathematical equation is that the spectral radius of a coefficient matrix (mathematical equation) of model parameters mathematical equation is less than or equal to one.

PROOF.See Online Supplement S.4.2.3. Q.E.D.

Our dynamic spatial model also can be extended to incorporate multiple sectors and input–output linkages. In Online Supplement S.4.3, we consider a multisector extension, in which installed capital is specific to a location, but mobile across sectors within locations. In contrast, in Online Supplement S.4.4, we consider the case in which installed capital is specific to both a location and sector. In Online Supplement S.4.5, we further generalize these multisector specifications to allow for input–output linkages.

In our baseline specification, we model trade between locations as in Armington (1969), in which goods are differentiated by location of origin. In Online Supplement S.3, we establish a number of isomorphisms, in which we show that our results hold throughout the class of trade models with a constant trade elasticity. In Online Supplement S.4.6, we incorporate trade deficits following the conventional approach of the quantitative international trade literature of treating these deficits as exogenous. In Online Supplement S.4.7, we allow capital to be used residentially (for housing) as well as commercially (in production). In Online Supplement S.4.8, we allow landlords to invest in other locations subject to bilateral investment costs and idiosyncratic heterogeneity in the productivity of these investments, which generates a gravity equation for financial flows. In Online Supplement S.4.9, we incorporate a labor participation decision.

In each of these extensions, both our generalization of dynamic exact-hat algebra methods to incorporate forward-looking investment and our spectral analysis continue to apply.

5 Quantitative Analysis

We now use our theoretical framework to provide new evidence on the process of income convergence and the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks in the United States. Both issues are the subject of large empirical literatures in economics. However, the existing literature on income convergence typically abstracts from migration and trade between locations, both of which are central features of the data on U.S. states. In contrast, the literature on the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks allows for migration, but typically abstracts from forward-looking investment in local buildings and structures, even though these buildings and structures are central features of the world around us, and there is a large literature on capital accumulation in macroeconomics.

In our baseline specification, we consider a version of our single-sector model, augmented to take account of the empirically-relevant distinction between traded and non-traded goods.12 In Section 5.1, we discuss our data sources and the parameterization of the model. In Section 5.2, we provide evidence of a decline in rates of convergence in income per capita across U.S. states since the early 1960s. In Section 5.3, we examine the extent to which this observed decline in income convergence is explained by initial conditions versus fundamental shocks, and quantify the respective contributions of capital and labor dynamics.

In Section 5.4, we use our spectral analysis to provide evidence on the speed of convergence to steady state and the role of the interaction between capital and labor dynamics in shaping the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks. In Section 5.5, we summarize the results of implementing our multisector extension for the shorter period from 1999–2015 for which data by sector and region are available, as discussed further in Online Supplement S.6.8.

5.1 Data and Parameterization

Our main source of data for our baseline quantitative analysis from 1965–2015 is the national economic accounts of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), which report population, gross domestic product (GDP), and the capital stock for each U.S. state.13 We focus on the 48 contiguous U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, because they only became U.S. states in 1959 close to the beginning of our sample period, and could be affected by idiosyncratic factors as a result of their geographical separation. We distinguish four broad geographical groupings of states: Rust Belt, Sun Belt, Other Northern, and Other Southern states.14 We deflate GDP and the capital stock to express them in constant (2012) prices.

We use data on bilateral 5-year migration flows between U.S. states from the U.S. population census from 1960–2000 and from the American Community Survey (ACS) after 2000. We define a period in the model as equal to 5 years to match these observed data. We interpolate between census decades to obtain 5-year migration flows for each year of our sample period. To take account of international migration to each state and fertility/mortality differences across states, we adjust these migration flows by a scalar for each origin and destination state, such that origin population in year t premultiplied by the migration matrix equals destination population in year mathematical equation, as required for internal consistency.

We construct the value of bilateral shipments between U.S. states from the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) from 1993–2017 and its predecessor the Commodity Transportation Survey (CTS) for 1977. We again interpolate between reporting years and extrapolate the data backwards in time before 1977 using relative changes in the income of origin and destination states, as discussed in further detail in Online Supplement S.7. For our baseline quantitative analysis with a single traded and nontraded sector, we abstract from direct shipments to and from foreign countries, because of the relatively low level of U.S. trade openness, particularly toward the beginning of our sample period. In our multisector extension, we incorporate foreign trade, using data on exports by origin of movement and imports by destination of shipment.

To focus on the impact of incorporating forward-looking investment decisions, we assume standard values of the model's structural parameters from the existing empirical literature in our baseline specification. We assume a trade elasticity of mathematical equation, as in Costinot and Rodríguez-Clare (2014). We set the 5-year discount rate equal to the conventional value of mathematical equation. We assume an intertemporal elasticity of substitution of mathematical equation, which corresponds to logarithmic intertemporal utility. We assume a value for the migration elasticity of mathematical equation, which is in line with the value in Caliendo, Dvorkin, and Parro (2019). We set the share of labor in value added to mathematical equation, as a central value in the macro literature. We assume a 5% annual depreciation rate, such that the 5-year depreciation rate is mathematical equation, which is again a conventional value in the macro and productivity literatures. We later report comparative statics for how changes in each of these model parameters affect the speed of convergence to steady state using our closed-form solutions for the economy's transition path.

5.2 Income Convergence

We begin by providing evidence of a substantial decline over time in the rate of convergence in income per capita across U.S. states. In Figure 1, we display the annualized rate of growth of income per capita against its initial log level for each U.S. state for different subperiods, which corresponds to a conventional β-convergence specification from the growth literature. The size of the circles is proportional to initial state employment. We also show the regression relationship between these variables as the red solid line. In the opening subperiod from 1963–1980 (the left panel), we find substantial income convergence, with a negative and statistically significant coefficient of −0.0257 (standard error 0.0046), and a regression R-Squared of 0.367. This estimated coefficient is close to the −0.02 estimated by Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992) for the longer time period from 1880–1988. By the middle subperiod from 1980–2000, we find that this relationship substantially weakens, with the slope coefficient falling by nearly one-half to −0.0148 (standard error 0.0059), and a smaller regression R-squared of 0.153. By the closing subperiod from 2000–2017, we find income divergence rather than income convergence, with a positive but not statistically significant coefficient of 0.0076 (standard error 0.0051), and a regression R-squared of 0.055.

Details are in the caption following the image

Growth and Initial Level of Income Per Capita. Note: Vertical axis shows the annualized rate of growth of income per capita for the relevant subperiod; horizontal axis displays the initial level of log income per capita at the beginning of the relevant subperiod; circles correspond to U.S. states; the size of each circle is proportional to state employment; the solid red line shows the linear regression relationship between the two variables.

5.3 Convergence to Steady State versus Fundamental Shocks

Within our framework, the rate of income convergence is shaped by two sets of forces: initial conditions (the initial deviation of the state variables from steady state) and shocks to fundamentals (productivity, amenities, trade costs, and migration frictions). For each of these two sets of forces, the rate of income convergence is shaped by both capital accumulation and migration. We now use our framework to provide evidence on the relative importance of each of these determinants in shaping the observed decline in income convergence over time.

5.3.1 Initial Conditions versus Fundamental Shocks

We now use our generalization of dynamic exact-hat algebra in Proposition 2 to examine the relative importance of initial conditions versus fundamental shocks. Starting from the observed equilibrium in the data at the beginning of our sample period, we solve for the economy's transition path to steady state in the absence of any further changes in fundamentals. We thus obtain counterfactual values for income per capita in each year implied by initial conditions alone.

For both the actual and counterfactual values of income per capita, we correlate the 10-year ahead log growth in income per capita with its initial level in each year from 1970–2010. In Figure 2(a), we display these correlation coefficients over time, which summarize the strength of regional convergence for actual income per capita (dashed black line) and counterfactual income per capita in the absence of any further fundamental shocks (solid red line). We find that the decline in the rate of regional convergence is around the same magnitude for both counterfactual and actual income per capita, suggesting that much of the observed decline in the rate of income convergence is explained by initial conditions at the beginning of our sample period rather than by any subsequent fundamental shocks.15

Details are in the caption following the image

Initial Conditions and Income Convergence. Note: Correlation coefficients between the 10-year ahead log growth in income per capita and its initial log level in each year from 1970–2010; in the left panel, the dashed black line show these correlations in the data; in both panels, the red solid line shows the correlation coefficients for counterfactual income per capita, based on starting at the observed equilibrium in the data at the beginning of our sample period, and solving for the economy's transition path to steady state in the absence of any further shocks to fundamentals; in the right panel, the black dashed line shows results for the special case with no capital accumulation, and the black dashed-dotted line shows results for the special case with no migration.

To provide further evidence on the role of initial conditions in explaining the observed decline in income convergence, we regress actual log population growth on its predicted value based on convergence toward an initial steady state with unchanged fundamentals, as discussed further in Online Supplement S.6.5. Predicted population growth is calculated using only the initial values of the labor and capital state variables and the initial trade and migration share matrices, and uses no information about subsequent population growth. Nevertheless, we find a positive and statistically significant relationship, with predicted population growth explaining much of the observed population growth. This relationship is particularly strong from 1975 onwards, because the fundamental shocks from 1965–1975 move states on average further from steady state. Estimating this regression for the period 1975–2015, we find a regression slope of 0.99 (standard error of 0.095) and R-squared of 0.82. We show that this explanatory power of predicted population growth is not driven by mean reversion. Controlling for initial log population and the initial log capital stock, as well as initial log population growth, has little impact on the estimated coefficient on predicted population growth or the regression R-squared.

Taken together, these results provide a first key piece of evidence that much of the observed decline in the rate of income convergence is explained by initial conditions at the beginning of our sample period rather than by fundamental shocks. Additionally, the fact that it takes decades for the decline in both actual and counterfactual income convergence to occur provides some first evidence of slow convergence to steady state.

5.3.2 Capital Accumulation versus Migration Dynamics

We next provide evidence on the role of capital accumulation versus migration dynamics in this impact of initial conditions. We use our generalization of dynamic exact-hat algebra from Proposition 2 for the special cases of the model with no investment (in which case our framework reduces to a dynamic discrete choice migration model following Caliendo, Dvorkin, and Parro (2019)) and no migration (in which case the population share of each state is exogenous at its 1965 level). Again, we start at the observed equilibrium in the data at the beginning of our sample period and solve for the transition to steady state in the absence of any further changes to fundamentals. We thus obtain counterfactual values for income per capita in each year implied by initial conditions alone for these two special cases of the model with no investment and no migration.

Using these counterfactual predictions, we again correlate the 10-year ahead log growth in income per capita with its initial level for each year from 1970–2010. In Figure 2(b), we display these correlation coefficients over time for the full model (replicating the results from Figure 2(a), as shown by the solid red line), the model with no investment (dashed line), and the model with no migration (dotted-dashed line). We find substantial contributions to the observed decline in income convergence over time from both investment and migration dynamics. Capital accumulation is more important than migration for these dynamics of income per capita, highlighting the relevance of incorporating investment decisions into dynamic spatial models. Nevertheless, even in the model with no capital, we find a decline in the correlation coefficient for income convergence of around 20 percentage points. More generally, allowing for migration is central to matching the observed changes in population shares across U.S. states over time.

5.4 Spectral Analysis

We now use our linearization of the model and our spectral analysis to provide further evidence on the role of capital accumulation and migration dynamics in shaping both the impact of initial conditions and fundamental shocks. First, we analyze the determinants of the speed of convergence to steady state. Second, we examine the role of capital and labor dynamics in influencing the convergence process. Third, we evaluate the role of these two sources of dynamics in shaping the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks. Fourth, we evaluate the comparative statics of the speed of convergence to steady state with respect to model parameters.

5.4.1 Speed of Convergence to Steady State

Using Propositions 35, we compute half-lives of convergence to steady state as determined by the eigenvalues of the transition matrix. In Figure 3, we show these half-lives (solid black line with circle markers) for the entire spectrum of 2N eigencomponents, sorted by increasing half-life. Each nontrivial eigencomponent corresponds to an eigenshock for which the initial impact of the shock on the state variables is equal to an eigenvector of the transition matrix (mathematical equation). We display results based on the transition matrix (P) computed using the implied steady-state trade and migration share matrices (S, T, D, E) for 1975. We compute these implied steady-state matrices using using our dynamic exact-hat algebra results from Proposition 2. We focus on 1975, because states are on average furthest from steady state in this year, but we find a similar pattern of results for other years.16

Details are in the caption following the image

Spectrum of Eigencomponents for 1975. Note: Spectrum of eigencomponents for the steady-state transition (P) matrix for 1975 recovered using our dynamic exact-hat algebra results from Proposition 2; eigencomponents are sorted in increasing order of half-life of convergence to steady state; black solid line with circle markers shows half-life of convergence to steady state; red dotted vertical line shows the eigenvector [1,…,1,0,…,0] with eigenvalue 0; blue solid vertical line shows the eigenvector [0,…,0,1,…,1], which with log preferences (ψ = 1) has eigenvalue [1 − μ(1 − β(1 − δ))], as shown by the blue dashed horizontal line; purple solid line with square markers shows the loadings of the 1975 gaps of the state variables from steady state on the eigencomponents; green solid line with diamond markers shows the loadings of the 1975–2015 productivity and amenity shocks on the eigencomponents.

As in our symmetric two-region example above, these eigencomponents have an intuitive interpretation. One eigenvector mathematical equation captures a common amenity shock to all locations that leaves population shares and capital stocks unchanged, as shown by the red dotted vertical line. This trivial eigencomponent has an associated eigenvalue of 0, since the initial and new steady state coincide, such that there are no transition dynamics. Another eigenvector mathematical equation captures a common productivity shock to all locations that leaves population shares unchanged, but increases the capital stock in all locations, as shown by the blue solid vertical line. This eigencomponent has an associated eigenvalue of mathematical equation in the special case of log preferences (mathematical equation), as shown by the horizontal blue dashed line, and induces the same capital dynamics as in the closed economy. In between the red dotted and blue solid vertical lines, we have mathematical equation eigencomponents with a negative correlation between the gaps of the labor and capital state variables from steady state, for which convergence to steady state is relatively rapid. To the right of the blue solid vertical line, we have mathematical equation eigencomponents with a positive correlation between the gaps of the labor and capital state variables from steady state, for which convergence to steady state is relatively slow.

Three features are particularly noteworthy. First, the speed of convergence to steady state is typically slow, with an average half-life across the entire spectrum of eigenshocks of around 20 years. Therefore, our theoretical framework is consistent with reduced-form empirical findings of persistent impacts of local labor market shocks, as found, for example, for the China shock in the United States in Autor, Dorn, and Hanson (2013, 2023) and Brazil's trade liberalization in Dix-Carneiro and Kovak (2017). Second, there is substantial heterogeneity in the speed of convergence across eigenshocks, with the half-life of convergence varying from instantaneous convergence for the trivial eigenshock mathematical equation to around 80 years. Hence, our theoretical framework also rationalizes heterogeneous effects of local labor market shocks, as emphasized for example in Eriksson, Russ, Shambaugh, and Xu (2019).

Third, the higher the correlation between the gaps of the labor and capital state variables from steady state across locations, the slower the speed of convergence to steady state (the larger the half-life of convergence to steady state). We provide further evidence on the strength of this relationship in Figure S.6.9 in Online Supplement S.6.6.2. This finding that capital and labor dynamics interact to shape the speed of convergence to steady state reflects the interplay between the marginal products of capital and labor in the production technology, as discussed above. If a region experiences a negative shock that reduces the steady-state values of both the labor and capital variables, the gradual process of migration away from declining regions is slowed by the gradual downward adjustment of existing stocks of buildings and structures, and vice versa. Therefore, our framework explains persistent and heterogeneous effects of local shocks through this interaction between capital and labor dynamics.

In Figure 3, we also relate both the initial gaps of the state variables from steady state in 1975 and the empirical shocks to productivity and amenities from 1975–2015 to these eigenshocks. We use the property that any deviations of the state variables from steady state or any empirical fundamental shocks can be expressed as a linear combination of the eigencomponents. For the deviations of the state variables from steady state, these loadings can be recovered from a regression of these steady-state deviations on the eigenvectors of the transition matrix. The purple line with square markers shows these loadings for the 1975 gaps from steady state. For the empirical fundamental shocks, these loadings can be recovered from a regression of the empirical fundamental shocks on the eigenshocks corresponding to the eigenvectors of the transition matrix. The green line with diamond markers shows these loadings for the empirical shocks to productivity and amenities from 1975–2015. We recover both the steady-state gaps and the empirical productivity and amenity shocks from the full nonlinear model, as discussed in Online Supplements S.2.2 and S.6.7, respectively. Figure 3 shows the absolute value of these loadings, normalized such that the sum of these absolute values is equal to one.

Comparing the two sets of loadings, we find that the steady-state gaps in 1975 typically load more heavily on the upper part of the spectrum of eigencomponents with slow rates of convergence to steady state (the purple line with square markers typically lies above the green line with diamond markers for the upper part of the spectrum to the right of the blue solid vertical line). In contrast, the empirical shocks to productivity and amenities from 1975–2015 generally load more heavily on the lower part of the spectrum of eigencomponents with fast rates of convergence to steady state (the green line with diamond markers typically lies above the purple line with square markers for the lower part of the spectrum to the left of the blue solid vertical line). This pattern of results is consistent with the evidence above that initial conditions explain much of the observed decline in income convergence over our sample period. We find loadings-weighted average half-lives of convergence to steady state of 38 years for the 1975 steady-state gaps and 20 years for the productivity and amenity shocks from 1975–2015. Therefore, while the economy adjusts relatively rapidly to the observed productivity and amenity shocks during our sample period, it takes longer to adjust to the initial gaps of the state variables from steady state.

5.4.2 Initial Conditions and Convergence

We now use our spectral analysis to probe further the role of capital and labor dynamics in shaping the impact of initial conditions. In Figure 4, we use Proposition 4 to decompose the initial gap of the labor and capital state variables from steady state in 1975 into the contributions of the different eigencomponents. In the left panel, we display the overall log deviations of capital from steady state (vertical axis) against the overall log deviation of labor from steady state (horizontal axis). In the middle panel, we show these log deviations for the top-10 eigencomponents with the slowest convergence to steady state. In the right panel, we show these log deviations for the remaining 88 eigencomponents with faster convergence to steady state. By construction, the overall log deviations in the left panel equal the sum of those in the middle and right panels. We preserve the same scale on the horizontal axis across the three panels, but allow the scale on the vertical axis to differ. We show Rust Belt states in gray, Sun Belt states in red, Other North states in blue, and Other South states in brown. The size of the marker for each state is proportional to the size of its population.

Details are in the caption following the image

Decomposition of Gaps of State Variables from Steady State in 1975. Note: Left panel shows the 1975 log deviations of capital and labor from steady state for each U.S. state; middle and right panels decompose these 1975 steady-state gaps into the contributions of the top 10 eigencomponents with the slowest convergence to steady state (middle panel) and the remaining 88 eigencomponents (right panel).

From the left panel, the overall capital and labor gaps are positively correlated across U.S. states, consistent with the slow convergence to steady state established above. Rust Belt states (in gray) appear systematically toward the right with populations above steady state, while Sun Belt states (in red) appear systematically toward the left with populations below steady state. From the vertical axis of the left panel, all states have capital stocks below steady state, again highlighting the relevance of capital dynamics. In general, Rust Belt states have smaller deviations of capital from steady state than Sun Belt states.

From the middle panel, much of the positive correlation between the steady-state gaps is driven by the top-10 eigencomponents with the slowest convergence to steady state. For these top-10 eigencomponents, the positive correlation is particularly strong, and there is clear geographical separation between the Rust Belt states (toward the top right) and the Sun Belt states (toward the middle and bottom left). Given the role of geography in shaping migration through the gravity equation for migration flows, this geographical separation contributes to slow convergence to steady state. In contrast, from the right panel, the remaining 88 eigencomponents show a weaker positive correlation between the steady-state gaps, with smaller variation in the absolute magnitude of the labor steady-state gap on the horizontal axis, and a less clear geographical separation between Rust Belt and Sun Belt states.

Therefore, our findings of slow convergence toward steady state based on initial conditions are driven by the initial steady-state gaps loading heavily on eigencomponents with strong positive correlations between the capital and labor steady-state gaps, and the clear geographical separation between Rust Belt states with populations above steady state and Sun Belt states with population closer to or below steady state.

5.4.3 Fundamental Shocks

We next use our spectral analysis to explore further the role of capital and labor dynamics in shaping the impact of fundamental shocks. In Figure 5, we use Proposition 4 to decompose the empirical productivity and amenity shocks from 1975–2015 into the contributions of the different eigencomponents. In the left panel, we display the empirical amenity shocks (vertical axis) against the empirical productivity shocks (horizontal axis) over this time period. In the middle panel, we show the components of these empirical shocks accounted for the top-10 eigencomponents with the slowest convergence to steady state. In the right panel, we show the corresponding components accounted for by the remaining 88 eigencomponents with faster convergence to steady state. By construction, the empirical shocks in the left panel equal the sum of the components in the middle and right panels. We again preserve the same scale on the horizontal axis across the three panels, but allow the scale on the vertical axis to differ. We use the same coloring for the four groups of states as above, and the size of the marker for each state is again proportional to the size of its population.

Details are in the caption following the image

Decomposition of Productivity and Amenity Shocks from 1975–2015. Note: Left panel shows log productivity and amenity shocks from 1975–2015 for each U.S. state; middle and right panels decompose these productivity and amenity shocks into the contributions of the top 10 eigencomponents with the slowest convergence to steady state (middle panel) and the remaining 88 eigencomponents (right panel).

From the left panel, we find a negative correlation between the empirical productivity and amenity shocks from 1975–2015. Note that higher productivity raises the marginal productivity of both labor and capital, which increases both state variables. In contrast, higher amenities only directly raise worker utility, which increases the labor state variable. Therefore, this negative correlation between productivity and amenity shocks implies a negative correlation between changes in the labor and capital steady-state gaps, and hence implies relatively rapid convergence, in contrast to our results for initial conditions above.17

From the middle panel, we find a strong positive relationship between the components of the amenity and productivity shocks that are accounted for by the top-10 eigencomponents with the slowest convergence to steady state. But there is much less variation in the absolute magnitude of this component on the horizontal axis than for the overall empirical productivity and amenity shocks in the left panel. Therefore, the top-10 eigencomponents again imply slow convergence to steady state, but they account for a relatively small amount of the empirical amenity and productivity shocks.

From the right panel, we find a strong negative relationship between the components of the amenity and productivity shocks that are accounted for by the remaining 88 eigencomponents, with greater variation in the absolute magnitude of the productivity shocks on the horizontal axis. Hence, the negative correlation between the empirical amenity and productivity shocks in the left panel is driven by these remaining 88 eigencomponents with relatively fast convergence to steady state. In contrast to our results for initial conditions above, we observe no clear geographical separation between Rust Belt and Sun Belt states.

We thus find that the relatively small contribution from fundamental shocks relative to initial conditions toward the decline in income convergence is explained by these fundamental shocks loading more on eigencomponents characterized by fast convergence to steady state.

5.4.4 Impulse Responses

To provide further evidence on the role of capital and labor dynamics in shaping the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks, we now consider individual empirical shocks to productivity and amenities. We examine impulse response functions for the labor and capital state variables in each U.S. state following a local shock, starting from the steady state implied by 1975 fundamentals. Motivated by the observed secular reallocation of economic activity from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt, we report results for the empirical shock to relative productivity in Michigan from 1975–2015 (a 15% decline) and the empirical shock to relative amenities in Arizona over this same period (a 34% rise).

In Figure 6, we display the impulse response of population shares in each U.S. state in response to the empirical 15% decline in relative productivity in Michigan. In the top-left panel, we show the log deviation of Michigan's population share from the initial steady state along the transition path to the new steady state. We find an intuitive pattern where the decline in Michigan's relative productivity leads to a population outflow, which occurs gradually over time, because of migration frictions and gradual adjustment to capital.

Details are in the caption following the image

Impulse Response of Population Shares for a 15% Decline in Productivity in Michigan. Note: Top-left panel shows overall log deviation of Michigan's population share from steady state (vertical axis) against time in years (horizontal axis) for a 15% decline in Michigan's productivity (its empirical relative decline in productivity from 1975–2015); Top-right panel shows overall log deviation of other states' population shares from steady state (vertical axis) against time in years (horizontal axis) for this shock to Michigan's productivity; blue lines show Michigan's neighbors; gray lines show other states; Middle and bottom panels decompose this overall impulse response into the contribution of eigencomponents 1–88 (fast convergence) and 88–98 (slow convergence), respectively.

In the top-right panel, we show the corresponding log deviations of population shares from the initial steady state for all other states. We indicate Michigan's neighbors using the blue lines with circle markers and all other states using the gray lines. We find that the model can generate rich nonmonotonic dynamics for individual states. Initially, the decline in Michigan's productivity raises the population share of its neighbors, since workers face lower migration costs in moving to nearby states. However, as the economy gradually adjusts toward the new steady state, the population share in Michigan's neighbors begins to decline, and can even fall below its value in the initial steady state. Intuitively, workers gradually experience favorable idiosyncratic mobility shocks for states further away from Michigan, and the decline in Michigan's productivity reduces the size of its market for neighboring locations, which can make those neighboring locations less attractive in the new steady state. Population shares in all other states increase in the new steady state relative to the initial steady state.

In the middle two panels, we show the log deviations from steady state for the component of population shares attributed to bottom-88 eigencomponents with relatively fast convergence to steady state. In the middle-left panel, the solid black line shows the overall log deviation of Michigan's population share from steady state (the same as in the top-left left panel), while the dashed black line indicates the component due to the bottom-88 eigencomponents. In the middle-right panel, the solid blue line with circle markers shows the overall log deviation from steady state of the population shares of Michigan's neighbors (same as in the top-right panel); the dashed blue line with circle markers indicates the component of these neighbors' population shares due to the bottom-88 eigencomponents; the gray lines represent the population shares of all other states (the same as in the top-right panel). Comparing the two sets of blue lines in the middle-right panel, these eigencomponents featuring fast convergence toward steady-state drive the initial rise in the population shares of Michigan's neighbors.

In the bottom two panels, we show the log deviations from steady state for the component of population shares attributed to the top-10 eigencomponents with relatively slow convergence to steady state. In the bottom-left panel, the solid black line shows the overall log deviation of Michigan's population share from steady state (the same as in the top-left panel), while the dashed black line indicates the component due to the top-10 eigencomponents. In the bottom-right panel, the solid blue line with circle markers shows the overall log deviation from steady state of the population shares of Michigan's neighbors (same as in the top-right panel); the dashed blue line with circle markers indicates the component of these neighbors' population shares due to the top-10 eigencomponents; the gray lines represent the population shares of all other states (the same as in the top-right panel). Comparing the two sets of blue lines in the bottom-right panel, these eigencomponents featuring slow convergence toward steady state drive the ultimate reduction in the population shares of Michigan's neighbors. Therefore, the nonmonotonic dynamics for Michigan's neighbors in the top-right panel reflect the changing importance over time of the slow and fast-moving components of the economy's adjustment to the productivity shock in the middle-right and bottom-right panels.18

In Online Supplement S.6.6.6, we report analogous results for the empirical shock to relative amenities in Arizona from 1975–2015 (a 34% rise). Whereas the decline in relative productivity in Michigan decreases its population share above, this increase in relative amenities in Arizona increases its population share. We again find persistent and heterogeneous effects of the shock across states. Individual states can again experience rich dynamics, because of the changing importance over time of the slow and fast-moving components of the economy's adjustment to the shock, although there is less evidence of nonmonotonic dynamics for individual states for this amenities shock than for the productivity shock above.

5.4.5 Comparative Statics of the Speed of Convergence

Finally, we show that our spectral analysis permits an analytical characterization of the comparative statics of the speed of convergence to steady state with respect to changes in model parameters. Undertaking these comparative statics in the nonlinear model is challenging, because the speed of convergence to steady state depends on the incidence of the productivity and amenity shocks across the labor and capital state variables in each location. As a result, to fully characterize the impact of changes in model parameters on the speed of convergence in the nonlinear model, one needs to undertake counterfactuals for the economy's transition path in response to the set of all possible productivity and amenity shocks, which is not well-defined.

In contrast, our spectral analysis has two key properties. First, the set of all possible productivity and amenity shocks is spanned by the set of eigenshocks, which is well-defined. Second, we have a closed-form solution for the impact matrix (R) and transition matrix (P) in terms of the observed data (S, T, D, E) and structural parameters mathematical equation. Therefore, for any alternative model parameters, we can immediately solve for the entire spectrum of eigenvalues (and corresponding half-lives) associated with the eigenshocks using the observed data. Because the eigenshocks span all possible empirical productivity and amenity shocks, understanding how parameters affect the entire spectrum of half-lives translates into an analytically sharp understanding of how convergence rates are affected by model parameters.

In Figure 7, we display the half-lives of convergence to steady state across the entire spectrum of eigenshocks for different values of model parameters. Each panel varies the noted parameter, holding constant the other parameters at their baseline values. On the vertical axis, we display the half-life of convergence to steady state. On the horizontal axis, we rank the eigenshocks in terms of increasing half-lives of convergence to steady state for our baseline parameter values.

Details are in the caption following the image

Half-lives of Convergence to Steady State for Alternative Parameter Values. Note: Half-lives of convergence to steady state for each eigenshock for alternative parameter values in the 1975 steady state; vertical axis shows half-life in years; horizontal axis shows the rank of the eigenshocks in terms of their half-lives for our baseline parameter values (with one the lowest half-life); each panel varies the noted parameter, holding constant the other parameters at their baseline values; the blue and red solid lines denote the lower and upper range of the parameter values considered, respectively; each of the other eight lines in between varies the parameters uniformly within the stated range; the thick black dotted line in the bottom-left panel displays half-lives for the special case of our model without capital, which corresponds to the limiting case in which the labor share (μ) converges to one.

In the top-left panel, a lower intertemporal elasticity of substitution (ψ) implies a longer half-life (slower convergence), because consumption becomes less substitutable across time for landlords, which reduces their willingness to respond to investment opportunities. In the top-middle panel, a higher migration elasticity (lower ρ) has an ambiguous effect that depends on the interaction of capital and migration dynamics: a higher migration elasticity increases the responsiveness of labor flows to capital accumulation, leading to a longer half-life when the labor and capital gaps from steady state are positively correlated, and the converse when they are negatively correlated. In the top-right panel, a higher discount factor (β) also implies a longer half-life (slower convergence), because landlords have a higher saving rate, which implies a greater role for endogenous capital accumulation, thereby magnifying the impact of productivity and amenity shocks, and implying a longer length of time for adjustment to occur.

In the bottom-right panel, we vary the share of expenditure on the single tradable sector relative to the single nontradable sector. A lower share of tradables (γ) implies a longer half- life (slower convergence), because it makes the impact of shocks more concentrated locally, which requires greater labor and capital reallocation between locations. In the bottom-middle panel, a higher trade elasticity (θ) implies a longer half-life (slower convergence), because it increases the responsiveness of production and consumption in the static trade model, and hence requires greater reallocation of capital and labor across locations. In the bottom-left panel, we find that a lower labor share (μ) implies a longer half-life (slower convergence), because it implies a greater role for endogenous capital accumulation, which again magnifies the impact of productivity and amenity shocks, and hence requires a greater length of time for adjustment to occur.

In this bottom-left panel, we also show the half-lives of convergence to steady state for the special case of our model with no capital using the black dotted line, which corresponds to the limiting case in which the labor share converges to one. In this special case, we have only N state variables and eigenshocks, compared to 2N state variables and eigenshocks in the general model. We again find that capital accumulation and migration dynamics interact with one another. As we introduce capital (raise the labor share above zero), we find slower convergence to steady state in the configurations of the state space where the gaps of the labor and capital state variables are positively correlated across locations (the largest N eigenvalues become larger). In contrast, we find faster convergence to steady state in the configurations of the state-space where the gaps of the labor and capital state variables are negatively correlated across locations (we add an additional N eigenvalues smaller than those represented by the dotted line).

5.5 Multisector Quantitative Analysis

In a final empirical exercise, we implement our multisector extension with region-sector specific capital, as discussed in further detail in Online Supplement S.6.8.

We again find slow rates of convergence to steady state in this multisector extension, although the rate of convergence is higher than in our baseline single-sector specification, with an average half-life of 7 years and a maximum half-life of 35 years. This finding is driven by the property of the region-sector migration matrices that flows of people between sectors within states are larger than those between states. An implication is that the persistence of local labor market shocks depends on whether they induce reallocation across industries within the same location or reallocation across different locations. Again we find a strong positive relationship between the half-life of convergence to steady state and the correlation between the gaps from steady state for the labor and capital state variables.

Therefore, in the multisector model as for the single-sector model above, we find that the interaction between capital accumulation and migration dynamics shapes the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks.

6 Conclusions

A classic question in economics is the response of economic activity to local shocks. In general, this response can be gradual, because of investments in capital structures and migration frictions. However, a key challenge in modeling these dynamics is that agents' forward-looking investment and migration decisions depend on one another in all locations in all future time periods, which quickly results in a prohibitively large state space for empirically-realistic numbers of locations.

We make two main contributions. First, we develop a tractable framework for incorporating forward-looking capital accumulation into a dynamic discrete choice migration model that overcomes this challenge of a high-dimensional state space. We characterize the steady-state equilibrium and generalize existing dynamic exact-hat algebra techniques to incorporate investment. Second, we linearize the model to characterize analytically the economy's transition path using spectral analysis. We provide a closed-form solution for the transition path, in terms of an impact matrix that captures the initial impact of shocks and a transition matrix that governs the updating of the state variables.

We show that the dynamic response of the state variables to any shock to fundamentals can be characterized in terms of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of this transition matrix. We introduce the concept of an eigenshock for which the initial impact of the shock on the state variables is equal to an eigenvector of the transition matrix. We show that the speed of convergence to steady state for an eigenshock depends solely on the corresponding eigenvalue of the transition matrix. We demonstrate that any empirical shock can be expressed as a linear combination of these eigenshocks, where the weights in this linear combination can be recovered from a regression on the empirical shock on the eigenshocks.

We use our spectral analysis to highlight a systematic interaction between capital accumulation and migration dynamics. Convergence toward steady state is slow when the gaps of the labor and capital state variables from from steady state are positively correlated across locations, such that capital and labor tend to be either both above or both below steady state. The reason is the interaction between the marginal products of capital and labor in the production technology. When capital is above steady state, this raises the marginal productivity of labor, which dampens the downward adjustment of labor, and vice versa.

We show that this interaction between capital accumulation and migration dynamics is central to understanding the observed decline in income convergence across U.S. states and the persistent and heterogeneous impact of local shocks. We begin by establishing that much of the observed decline in income convergence is explained by initial conditions rather than by changes in the pattern of shocks to fundamentals. We next show that both capital and labor dynamics contribute to this decline in income convergence, highlighting the relevance of incorporating forward-looking investment into dynamic discrete choice models of migration.

We then use our spectral analysis to decompose the initial gaps of the labor and capital state variables from steady state and the empirical shocks to fundamentals. We show that the initial steady-state gaps load more heavily on eigencomponents with slow convergence, because the labor and capital steady-state gaps are positively correlated across locations. In contrast, we find that the empirical shocks to productivity and amenities load more heavily on eigencomponents with fast convergence, because these productivity and amenity shocks are negatively correlated across locations, which induces a negative correlation between changes in the labor and capital steady-state gaps. Together these two features drive our finding that initial conditions explain much of the observed decline in income convergence over time.

We show that the changing importance of these slow and fast-moving components of adjustment along the economy's transition path can induce nonmonotonic dynamics in the state variables in individual locations. In response to the empirical decline in Michigan's relative productivity of 15%, we find that neighboring states first experience a population inflow, before later experiencing a population outflow, such that their population shares in the new steady state can end up lower than in the initial steady state.

Taken together, our findings highlight the rich interaction between capital accumulation and migration dynamics, and the insights from spectral analysis for the properties of dynamical systems with multiple sources of dynamics.

  • 1 See Glaeser and Gyourko (2005) and Greaney (2023) for models in which population dynamics are shaped by durable housing. See Walsh (2019) for a model in which innovation takes the form of the creation of new varieties.
  • 2 See Liu and Tsyvinski (2020) for the application of spectral analysis to production networks.
  • 3 In steady state: mathematical equation. Steady-state differences in mathematical equation can be accommodated by differences in the productivity of investment, where one unit capital in location i is produced with mathematical equation units of the consumption good in that location.
  • 4 For theoretical completeness, we maintain two assumptions on these matrices, which are satisfied empirically in all years of our data. First, we assume that the S and D matrices are irreducible, such that all locations are connected directly or indirectly by trade and migration flows: For any i, n, there exists k such that mathematical equation and mathematical equation. Second, we assume that each location consumes a positive amount of domestic goods and has a positive amount of own migrants: For all i, mathematical equation and mathematical equation.
  • 5 In Online Supplement S.2.2, we provide further details about the numerical algorithm that we use to implement Proposition 2 and solve for the transition path in the nonlinear model.
  • 6 Relative to the time-series macro literature, our dynamic spatial model features a larger state space of many locations or location-sectors over time. Nevertheless, the use of standard linear algebra techniques allows our approach to accommodate large state spaces, while remaining computationally efficient and easy to implement.
  • 7 In contrast, if the spectral radius of the transition matrix (P) is greater than one, the transition matrix is not necessarily unique, and a further characterization of the transition dynamics for this case of a spectral radius greater than one requires taking a stand on the specific network structure of trade and migration costs.
  • 8 Note that P need not be symmetric. This eigendecomposition exists if the transition matrix has distinct eigenvalues. We construct the right eigenvectors such that the 2-norm of mathematical equation is equal to 1 for all h, where note that mathematical equation for mathematical equation and mathematical equation otherwise.
  • 9 In general, these eigenvectors and eigenvalues can be complex-valued. If the initial impact is the real part of a complex eigenvector mathematical equation (mathematical equation), then mathematical equation. That is, the impact no longer decays at a constant rate mathematical equation. Instead, the complex eigenvalues introduce oscillatory motion as the dynamical system converges to the new steady state. In our empirical application, the imaginary components of P's eigenvalues are small, implying that oscillatory effects are small relative to the effects that decay exponentially, as shown in the impulse response functions reported in our empirical analysis below.
  • 10 This is because mathematical equation and mathematical equation for all mathematical equation.
  • 11 Although for simplicity we assume that agglomeration and dispersion forces only depend on a location's own population, our framework can be further generalized to incorporate spillovers across locations, as in Ahlfeldt et al. (2015) and Allen, Arkolakis, and Li (2020). While we focus on agglomeration forces (mathematical equation and mathematical equation), it is straightforward to also allow for additional dispersion forces (mathematical equation and mathematical equation).
  • 12 Therefore, our empirical implementation features a single traded sector and a single nontraded sector, as developed in detail in Online Supplement S.5.
  • 13 For further details on the data sources, see the data appendix in Online Supplement S.7.
  • 14 We use standard definitions of these four regions. Following Alder, Legakos, and Ohanian (2023), we define the Rust Belt as the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, and the Sun Belt as the states of Arizona, California, Florida, New Mexico, and Nevada. Other Southern States include all former members of the Confederacy, except those in the Sun Belt. Other Northern States comprise all the Union states from the U.S. Civil War, except those in the Rust Belt or Sun Belt.
  • 15 We find a small positive (but not significant) correlation in panel (c) of Figure 1, compared with a correlation close to zero in the data at the end of the sample period in Figure 2(a), because the sample of years is different.
  • 16 We find similar results from our spectral analysis whether we use the steady-state trade and migration share matrices or the observed matrices, as shown in Figure S.6.8 in Online Supplement S.6.6.1. In Online Supplement S.6.6.7, we show that our linearization provides a good approximation to the economy's transition path in the non-linear model, in part because of our assumption of a Cobb–Douglas production technology.
  • 17 In Figure S.6.10 in Online Supplement S.6.6.3, we provide further evidence on this relationship between the speed of convergence to steady state and the correlation between productivity and amenity shocks across locations.
  • 18 In Figure S.6.11 in Online Supplement S.6.6.5, we show the corresponding evolution of the capital stock in each U.S. state along the transition path. From these labor and capital state variables, we can recover all other endogenous variables of interest, including changes in worker and landlord flow utility and welfare.
  • Supporting Information

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    ecta200559-sup-0001-onlineappendix.pdf243.5 KB Online Appendix
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