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Woman in Some Sogdian Writings
Author(s): Zohreh Zarshenas
作者:Zohreh Zarshenas
Source: Central Asiatic Tournal, 2011, Vol. 55, No. 2 (2011), pp. 294-302
Published by: Harrassowitz Verlag
出版者:Harrassowitz Verlag
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41928594
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Woman in Some Sogdian Writings

ByZOHREH ZARSHENAS 卓瑞·扎尔舍纳斯(Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran)

Sogdian is a gender marking language. Such a language usually makes a distinction between male and female in its lexical system, for example, with respect to its pronouns. This usage is both logical and grammatical in Sogdian language, e.g. xw z't'k "son" (Gharib 1995: nr. 11195) beside x' x'n' "house" (Gharib 1995: nr. 10596).
粟特语是一种性别标记语言。这种语言通常在其词汇系统中区分男性和女性,例如,在代词方面。在粟特语中,这种用法在逻辑和语法上都是合理的,例如,xw z't'k "儿子"(Gharib 1995: nr. 11195),与x' x'n' "房子"(Gharib 1995: nr. 10596)并存。
Grammatical gender differences are of structural nature while sexism reveals cultural values of the society. Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that language reflects the cultural and traditional beliefs of its speakers. This is evidenced by the fact that when certain values change in a society, the reflection of that phenomenon in language changes accordingly.
Language not only indicates the cultural attitudes of its speakers in any given era, but it also reflects the attitudes of our ancestors for example, with respect to the status of women. In this regard, ancient texts and stories are important and interesting sources for analyzing women's status and the sexist attitudes of our ancestors.
There are some feminine words in different Sogdian writings, which reveal the social stastus and cultural functions of women.
Women have also appeared in different guises in some Sogdian texts.
In regards to feminine words or women's guises three groups are distinguished: 1) words denoting titles; 2) words denoting religious ranks; 3 ) female personages.

1) Words denoting titles:
1) 表示职称的词语

There are a range of titles for aristocratic ladies in orginal Sogdian texts and in texts which were translated into Sogdian from Buddhist, Manichaean or Christian sources.
(') "queen, lady wife" (Gharib 1995: nr. 3462-3465) is one of these words. It is from AV. dəmānō. paقnī- (Bartholomae 1961: 1093); cf . MPers. bāmbišn (Mackenzie 1971) and has occurred at least in 15 Buddhist, Manichaen and Christian Sogdian texts such as:
(') “女王,夫人”(Gharib 1995: nr. 3462-3465)是其中之一。它来自AV. dəmānō. paقnī-(Bartholomae 1961: 1093);参见MPers. bāmbišn(Mackenzie 1971),并且至少出现在15个佛教、摩尼教和基督教粟特语文本中,例如:
a) Buddhist Sogdian and the texts in Sogdian script:
  1. ...' ' ' 'M 'npnwh pr'yw ...
    ......'中的 ' '中的 ' '中的 ' 'M '中的npnwh pr'yw ...
“... le dieu Azrua avec son épouse ...”(VJ., 910)
“...与他的妻子一起的神阿兹鲁亚...”(VJ., 910)
  1. ...c'n'kw MN 'mpnwh mwnw synw pty- . (Tales, p. 483)
    ...c'n'kw MN 'mpnwh mwnw synw pty- .(《故事集》,第483页)
"When the king had heard these words from the queen ..."
b) Manichaean Sogdian: 摩尼教的粟特语:
  1. ... ryß'n xwt'w ZY šy ZKwy 'mpnyh z-'k'ncyh m't ... (KG. , 578-9)
“... König [von] Revān und seine Frau, der Tochter Mutter ..."
“... König [von] Revān 和他的妻子,女儿的母亲 ..."
c) Christian Sogdian: 基督教粟特语:
  1. ...xypt db'mn nyšqr'n c'n ... "sein Weib entläßt von" (STi., p. 4.8) .
    ...xypt db'mn nyšqr'n c'n ... "他的妻子被解雇了" (STi., p. 4.8) .
  2. 't xšwny xypt xw'r't b'mn xcy .... "und sie ist des Königs Schwester und Ehefrau"(ST ii. C3. 9-10)
Sogdian has borrowed the vulgar form of MPers. bānbišn , (Sogdica, 17f.) i.e . 'm "queen" (Gharib 1995: nr. 2458).
, spelt p'mpwšt occurs, e.g. in the title of an Uyyur manuscript,
Le Coq, Türk. Man., iii, p. 32: P(a)rikān bāmbušt (ed. bam bost) rikan qatun, designation of the queen of Persia ( Sogdica, 18).
Le Coq, Türk. Man., iii, p. 32: P(a)rikān bāmbušt (ed. bam bost) rikan qatun,波斯王后的称号( 索格底亚语,18)。
Some of p'mpwšt's occurances are as follow :
  1. 'wt ZY ... p'mpwštth 'ty wt'ynth (TM sq. Gershevitch, 1954, § 1246) "many kings and queens".
  2. rty ZKn -r t 'wt p't'xšw'nt kt ZY ' 'z-tk'rt p'mpwštth ZY xwt'ynth wyspor'y-t wy-stw -rth kw s'r 'ws'w -tw 'rt (KG., 434437) "und viele Herren und Herrscher und Edelleute, Königinnen und Herrinnen, Prinzen und Prinzessinnen reinigte er für die kirche" 'ynh "queen" (Gharib 1995: nr. 4470) is another word which is used along with p'mpwšt . It is from*xwatăuni-, feminine of *xwatăwan- (Ghershevitch 1954: § 133).
    rty ZKn-b0-r-b1-t-b2-'wt-b3-p't'xšw'nt kt ZY ' 'z-tk'rt p'mpwštth ZY xwt'ynth wyspor'y-t wy-stw-b4-rth kw-b5-s'r 'ws'w-b6-tw-b7-'rt (KG.,434437) "und viele Herren und Herrscher und Edelleute, Königinnen und Herrinnen, Prinzen und Prinzessinnen reinigte er für die kirche" -b8-'ynh "queen" (Gharib 1995: nr. 4470) is another word which is used along with p'mpwšt. It is from*xwatăuni-, feminine of *xwatăwan- (Ghershevitch 1954: § 133)。
The third feminine designation is ttwnh "prince's wife" (Gharib 1995: nr. 4070) which is used along with the last two titles in some texts, e.g.:
第三个女性称号是“王子的妻子”(Gharib 1995: nr. 4070),在一些文本中与最后两个称号一起使用。
rtyms ' 'n'nt' k ZNH wt'ynh 'PZY 'ttwnh ZY wys . (p .
rtyms ' 'n'nt' k ZNH wt'ynh 'PZY 'ttwnh ZY wys . (p . 翻译结果:rtyms ' 'n'nt' k ZNH wt'ynh 'PZY 'ttwnh ZY wys . (p .
"et, Ānanda, si l'impératrice, la seconde femme (de l'empereur) , la princesse ..."
The occurance of the three mentioned titles alongside each other in the same sentences shows that they are not equal in terms of their status and their functions.
It seems that p'mpwšt/ denotes the highest rank, followed by 'ynh which appears to denote the second rank and finally, ttwnh which seems to designate the third rank. Holders of the above mentioned titles could be the wives of "king, chief" (Gharib 1995: nr. 4357) or 'w "king, master, lord" (Gharib 1995: nr. 4464) and (') šywn'k "king, ruler" (Gharib 1995: nr. 727).
似乎p'mpwšt/ 表示最高级别,其次是 'ynh,似乎表示第二级别,最后是 ttwnh,似乎表示第三级别。上述头衔的持有者可能是 “国王,首领”的妻子(Gharib 1995: nr. 4357)或 'w“国王,主人,领主”(Gharib 1995: nr. 4464)以及(') šywn'k“国王,统治者”(Gharib 1995: nr. 727)。
"The rulers of central Asia were called dihqāns in Muslim historian works. In ancient Iran dihqāns were the headmen of villages, a class just below the nobility, but in Transoxiana, which did not have the centralized government of The Sasanian Iran, the dihqāns played a more important role" (Frye 1954: 106, n. 21). For example, Narshakhi writes "Among those nobles was a "great dihqān" «دقان كبير، دهقان بزرگ" who was called Bukhār Khudāt', for he was of an old dihqān family, and his estates were more (than others). The greater part of these (poor) people were his peasants and servants" (Frye 1954:8). It must be under the reign of this Bukhār-khudāh that the type coins of pure silver were struck (ibid., 109, n. 35).
中亚的统治者在穆斯林历史著作中被称为地哈克(dihqāns)。在古代伊朗,地哈克是村庄的首领,属于贵族之下的一类人,但在没有萨珊王朝伊朗的中亚地区,地哈克扮演了更重要的角色(Frye 1954: 106, n. 21)。例如,纳尔沙希写道:“在这些贵族中,有一个被称为布哈尔胡达特(Bukhār Khudāt)的‘大地哈克’(دقان كبير، دهقان بزرگ),因为他来自一个古老的地哈克家族,他的财产比其他人多。这些(贫穷的)人中的大部分是他的农民和仆人”(Frye 1954:8)。可以确定的是,在布哈尔胡达特的统治下,纯银的类型硬币被铸造出来(ibid., 109, n. 35)。
We have these RBKth 'wth "les grands rois" in Sogdian texts too VJ., 2a).
我们在粟特文本中也有这些RBKth 'wth "les grands rois"(伟大的国王) VJ.,2a)。
(synonym of 'w) 'šty-c has written a letter to the (B Livshitz 1962: 115-122).
“w”的同义词) 'šty-c给 (B Livshitz 1962: 115-122)写了一封信。

1961: § 314) and MLK' could represent either 'xšywn' Dhy. 174, 190), 'xšyd اخشيـد" (e.g. 'n "King of Gods" tales, 485) or and its synonym ' .
1961年:§ 314)和MLK'可以表示为'xšywn' Dhy. 174, 190),'xšyd اخشيـد"(例如 'n "神之王" 故事,485)或 及其同义词 '

which corrersponds to the ideogram MLK' in Šāpur's inscription at Naqš-e Rajab (Back 1978: p. 282) and at ka'be-ye Zardošt (ibid.: p. 284).
对应于Šāpur在Naqš-e Rajab的铭文中的象形文字“MLK'”,以及在ka'be-ye Zardošt(同上:第284页)中。
As in the MPers, the ideogram MLKTA is used for bämbišn (Mackenzie 1971), one can assume that MLKTA is the wife of MLK'.
正如在MPers中使用的,MLKTA这个象形文字是用于bämbišn(Mackenzie 1971),可以假设MLKTA是MLK'的妻子。

2) Words denoting religious ranks

Some of these words are encountered in the three groups of Sogdian texts. The occurances include the following:
a) Buddhist Sogdian 佛教粟特语
'wp's'nch" "nun" (Gharib 1995: nr. 1916) <SK. Upāsikā "a lay female votary of Buddha (Monier-Williams 1970: 215, col. 1) beside 'wp's' "monk, lay-man" (Gharib 1995: nr. 1915) < SK. upāsaka. "A lay disciple who strives to keep the Five Precepts at all times (Humphrreys 1962: 206).
“wp's'nch" "nun" (Gharib 1995: nr. 1916) "僧侣,居士"(Gharib 1995: nr. 1915)< SK. upāsaka. "一位居士弟子,时刻努力遵守五戒(Humphrreys 1962: 206)。
Some of ' 's'nch's occurances can be found in the following texts: Padm., 65-66; . 127; Frag. Len., 93.31 and STii., 8.6 .
一些“ ”的出现可以在以下文本中找到:Padm.,65-66; . 127;Frag. Len.,93.31和STii.,8.6。
Šmn'nch "nun" (Gharib 1995, nr 9289) < SK. śramaniik(ka) "a female mendicant" (Monier-Williams 1970: 1096, col. 2) beside šmn "monk" (Gharib 1995: nr. 9287) < SK. śramana "Buddhist monk or mendicant (also applied to Buddha himself: "Śrāmaṇa Gautama)" (Monier-Williams 1970: 1096, col. 2).
沙门尼(Gharib 1995,编号9289)< SK. śramaniik(ka)“女乞丐”(Monier-Williams 1970:1096,第2栏)旁边是沙门(Gharib 1995:编号9287)< SK. śramana“佛教僧侣或乞丐(也适用于佛陀自己:“Śrāmaṇa Gautama)”(Monier-Williams 1970:1096,第2栏)。
Some of its occurances are encountered in the following texts: VJ., 120; p . ; Padm., 65-66; STii, 8.6; Frag. Len. 93.31 and SCE., 180.
其中一些出现在以下文本中:VJ,120;p. ;Padm,65-66;STii,8.6;Frag. Len. 93.31和SCE,180。
Šywnc (Gharib 1995: nr. 10809) is another feminine title which I couldn't find good examples for, in order to understand its exact rank and usage.
Šywnc(Gharib 1995:nr. 10809)是另一个女性头衔,我找不到好的例子,以了解它的确切等级和用法。
9 Tales, p. 474.
10 Its other variants are: 'w 's'nch (Gharib 1995: nr. 1853), wp's'nch (ibid. 1021).
10 其他变体有:'w 's'nch(Gharib 1995: nr. 1853),wp's'nch(同上 1021)。
Mention has been made to 500 precepts for šm'nčh in a Buddhist Sogdian text: 'w ZY šmn'ncyh pnč 100 škš'pt "les śikșāpadas - les 500 des nonnes" .
在一篇佛教的索格底亚语文献中提到了500条关于尼姑持戒的规定:"w ZY šmn'ncyh pnč 100 škš'pt "les śikșāpadas - les 500 des nonnes"
b) Manichaean Sogdian 摩尼教粟特语
'nc "electa" (Gharib 1995: nr. 3758) beside "electus, Manichaean priest" (Gharib 1995: nr. 3757). and its plural form '(') '(')št "electae" have occurred in the following texts: Man. Lett. i (Gershevitch 1961: § 1043); Man. Lett. i (ibid., § 260); Frag.Len., 45.4. These are elites as distinguished from and who are the Manichaean commoners and whose precepts are different from those of the former group.
'选民'(Gharib 1995: nr. 3758)旁边有'选出的, 摩尼教祭司'(Gharib 1995: nr. 3757)。'选民'和其复数形式'选民们'('(')('(')št在以下文本中出现过: Man. Lett. i(Gershevitch 1961: § 1043);Man. Lett. i(同上,§ 260);Frag.Len.,45.4。这些是与神秘教派普通信徒(Manichaean commoners)不同的精英群体,前者的戒律与后者不同。
"chief auditrix (M i, ibid., § 1043)" beside (Masc.) is another considerable feminine word.
首席审计员(见M i,§ 1043)旁边的 (男性)是另一个重要的女性词语。
c) Christian Sogdian šyrqtc" "Sancta, Saint" (Gharib 1995: nr. 9437) beside šyrqty" "Sanctus, Saint" (Gharib 1995: nr. 9438), Some of its occurances can be found in the following texts: 68R17, 12V12 (e.g. šyrqtc n'xyd in the story of Pethion).
c) 基督教粟特语中的词汇 "šyrqtc" "Sancta, Saint" (Gharib 1995: nr. 9437) 与 "šyrqty" "Sanctus, Saint" (Gharib 1995: nr. 9438) 并存。它在以下文本中出现:68R17,12V12(例如,在 Pethion 的故事中出现了 "šyrqtc n'xyd")。

3) Female personages 女性人物

There are some female personages in different Sogdian writings whom can be classified as follows:
a) Holy/celestial females such as
(Gharib 1995: 6012) who is a major goddess of Sogdiana in preIslamic times, and whose name is seen in Sogdian texts, e.g.' ' 'mbn 'ynctyy ... "and the lady , accompanied by her women ..." (Henning 1944: 143.20).
(Gharib 1995: 6012)是索格底亚在伊斯兰教前的主要女神,她的名字出现在索格底亚的文本中,例如“mbn”“ynctyy...”(Henning 1944: 143.20)中的女士 和她的女人们一起...
Sogdian Nanaeophorous names such as "Slave of " in more than 30 inscriptions of Upper Indus (Sims-Williams 1992: 60), may be taken as a proof that she was held in very high regard. Two images from the "small" hall at Shahristān, Ustrushana, show her seated on a lion throne or astride a lion, with symbols of the sun and the moon held in two of her four hands (Azarpay 1981: 133).
苏格底亚那纳桓的名字,像“奴隶的 ”这样的名字在上印度的30多个铭文中(Sims-Williams 1992: 60),可以被视为是对她非常尊敬的证据。乌斯鲁什那的沙赫里斯坦的“小”大厅里有两幅图像,显示她坐在狮子宝座上或跨坐在狮子上,手中拿着太阳和月亮的象征物(Azarpay 1981: 133)。
11 wycty(y) "electus" (Gharib 1995: nr. 10320) is another word for this Manichaean elites . Cf . Parth. wižīdag; MMPers. wizīdag.
11 wycty(y) "electus"(Gharib 1995: nr. 10320)是指摩尼教的精英阶层的另一个词。参见:Parth. wižīdag;MMPers. wizīdag。
12 Another variant is కyrqc.
13 Šyr' krt'k and šyr'q/kty are its variants .
13 Šyr' krt'k 和 šyr'q/kty 是其变体。
A wide variety of female holy/celestial personages ranging from daēnā (Tales, 476), the shared Zoroastrian idea of "religion" of a man meeting him after death in the shape of a virgin in a Manichaean Sogdian text, mäder zindagān "Mother of Life" and kanīg rōšn "Maiden of Light" to evil methaphysic female beings such as "āz" who is Ahremen's wife and the mother of dēwān who appear in different Manichaen Sogdian texts.
b) Passive and dutiful women such as
Mntr'yh "Mandrî", "šn "Sudāšan"' s wife, who accepts to be given as a gift to the Brahman (VJ., 1140-1152) or the "merchant's girl" whom may have been offered to the spirit of the sea for the sake of his father's vow Tales, 472).
Mntr'yh "Mandrî", "šn "Sudāšan"的妻子,同意作为礼物送给婆罗门(VJ.,1140-1152),或者可能是为了父亲的誓言而被提供给海神的"商人的女孩" (故事,472)。
In addition to mentioned women, I've found a Sogdian woman in historic sources who had held a position of power:
Khotak khātūn who was the ruler of Bukhara and reigned for fifteen years. "During her reign the Arabs began to come to Bukhara. Each time Khātūn made peace and paid them tribute .She governed wisely and it was said that in her time there was no one more capable than she" (Frye 1954: 9).
It is said that this khātūn was a sweet, beautiful woman and Sa'id ibn 'Uthmān, the amīr of Khurāsān (56 /675 AD), became enamored of her. The people of Bukhara had songs of this affair in the language of Bukhara (Frye 1954: 40).
One line of this songs, probably the oldest Persion poem, is quoted in Asmā'al moytālīn menalašrāf feljāhelīyye val eslam, (p. 167):
There are some suggestions about the meaning of this song such as :
a) "بـــو خمــــر ور آمـــ "say that I'm eager to have intercourse, khātun the lie is a bad thing" (Poī Miyān-e Še, r... : p. twenty three).
b) كورِ خُمـيـر آمـد، خـاتـون در وَغ كَــده "The blind amir came, khātun is in the ruins of the temple".
As it is said that Sa'id ibn 'Uthmān was a one-eyed man (Simoddinuf 1383: pp. 5-14).
据说赛义德·本·乌斯曼是个独眼的人(Simoddinuf 1383年:第5-14页)。
CAJ 55/2 (2011) CAJ 55/2 (2011) 翻译为简体中文为:CAJ 55/2 (2011)
My suggestions are: 我的建议是:
  1. "sــ "say, if amir" (implying Sa'id ibn 'Uthmān) came, khātun the lie is a bad thing

(whom might be from this love affair) came ..., Khantun the lie is a bad thing".
As there is a close interaction between language and culture, I propose that the studying of the feminine words and or different guises under which women appear in Sogdian texts, may be useful in shedding light upon a dark side of human culture.
Especially because these Soghdian texts are translated from different Manichaean, Christian and Buddhist sources, so can show the attitude of these societies towards women during those ages.

Bibliography & Abbreviation

18 For خمير" meaning 《مير" MDii, p. 200
18 《مير" MDii》的意思是《خمير》,见第200页。
19 Kur "child" <Kuru (Gharib 1995: 5033).
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Henning, W. B. 1945: "Sogdian Tales". In: BSOAS II, pp. 465-487.
亨宁,W.B. 1945年:“粟特故事”。在:《英国东方学会学报》第二辑,第465-487页。
Humphreys, Ch. 1962: A Popular Dictionary of Buddism . London .
Sundermann 1981
Livshits,. V. A. 1962: Jurodičeskie dokumenty I pis'ma; Sogdijskie dokumenty s Gory Mug II, Moscow.
李夫希茨,V.A. 1962:《精神病患者的文件和信件;穆格山二号的粟特文献》,莫斯科。
Mackenzie, D. N. 1970: The Sūtra of the Causes and Effects of Actions in Sogdian, Oxford.
麦肯齐, D. N. 1970: 索格底亚语的《因果行动经》, 牛津.
Mackenzie, D. N. 1971: A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary, London.
麦肯齐,D.N. 1971年:《简明巴列维语词典》,伦敦。
Mackenzie, D. N. 1976: The Buddhist Sogdian Texts of the British Library.
(Téhéran-Liege (Acta Iranica 10)
Magi Henning 1944 .
Magi Henning 1944.
Masc. masculin Masc. 表示男性。
MD 1962Livshits
Monier-Williams, M. 1899: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford (and various resprint).
莫尼尔-威廉姆斯,M. 1899年:梵英词典。牛津(以及各种重印版)。
Müller, F. W. K. 1912: "Sogdische Texte I". APAW 2.
穆勒,F.W.K. 1912年:“粟特文本I”。APAW 2。
Müller, F. W. K., Lentz, W.: 1934 : " Soghdische Texte II. " In: Sitżungsbericht der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 21 , 502-607.
Nyberg, H. S. 1964: A Manual of Pahlavi, 2 vols, Wiesbaden.
尼伯格,H.S. 1964年:《巴列维语手册》,2卷,威斯巴登。

" Amoghapāśahradayasūtra Sūtra du religieux Ongles - Longs (Dīrghanakha)" TSP. 74-81.
《不空羯磨心经》(亦称《长爪经》)TSP. 74-81.
. "Bhaişajyaguruvaidūryaprabhātathāgatasūtra", TSP. 82-92.
《药师琉璃光如来经》, TSP. 82-92.
. " Amoghapāśahradayasūtra" , TSP. 93-104.
《不空羯磨心经》, TSP. 93-104.
.Padm. "Padmacintāmani - dhārangi -sūtra", BSTBL. 12-17, Notes. Pp. 10-12
.Padm. “蓮花寶石滿願咒” ,巴塞泰佛學會季刊,第12-17期,注釋,第10-12頁。
Poli Miān-e Še'r... .... بلمي ميان شعر مجايي و عروضي فارسي
波利·米安-谢尔.... .... 编著的波斯诗歌和韵律。
Ragoza, A. N. 1980 : Sogdijskie Fragmenty Central'no-Aziatskogo Sobranija Intsti tuta Vostokovedenija [ Sogdian Fragments of the Central Asian Collection of the Oriental Institute]. Moskva
拉戈扎,A.N. 1980年:《中亚东方学研究所的粟特碎片》。莫斯科。
SCE Mackenzie 1970
Sims-Williams, N. 1985: The Christian Sogdian Manuscripts. (Berliner Turfantexte 12).
西姆斯-威廉姆斯,N. 1985年:基督教粟特文手稿。(柏林图尔凡文本12)。
Sims-Williams, N. 1992: Sogdian and Other Iranian Inscriptions of Upper Indus (II vols.) London. (Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum II,III, 2,ii).
辛斯-威廉姆斯,N. 1992年:上印度的粟特语和其他伊朗铭文(两卷)。伦敦。(伊朗铭文语料库II,III,2,ii)。
Simoddinuf 1383 سيم السين اف، دادخا/
Simoddinuf 1383 是一个名字,没有具体的含义
SK. = Sanskrit 梵语
Sogdica Henning 1940.
索格底卡 亨宁 1940年。
STi F. W. K. Müller 1912.
STi F. W. K. Müller 1912.
ST ii F. W. K. Müller & W. LENTZ, 1934.
ST ii F. W. K. Müller & W. LENTZ,1934年。
Sundermann, W. 1981: Mitteliranische manichäische Texte kirchengeschichtlichen Inhalts Berlin (Berliner Turfantexte 11).
桑德曼,W. 1981年:柏林中古伊朗摩尼教教会历史文本(柏林图尔凡文本11)。
Tarikhnameye Tabari 1366 تاريخنامة طبري
塔巴里史简史 1366
Tales Henning 1945.
TSP Benveniste 1940 .
Benveniste 1946.
Benveniste 1946.

  1. 1 There are different orthographic variants of the word such as ' 'npn(B), ' , b' in different texts.
    有不同的拼写变体,如在不同的文本中有' 'npn(B), ' ,b'
    2 Cf. sg'n b'nbyšn "saka's queen" (Boyce 1975: p. 44, n. 2).
    3 Cf.final -t with NPers . kuništ"كــنـ" (Sogdica, 17f.),
    3 Cf.final -t with NPers. kuništ"كــنـ"(撒吉达语,17页)。
  2. 4 Cf. visduxt (Manichaean Mahrnāmag Benvenistte 1966: p. 34) .
    参见 visduxt(摩尼教马赫纳玛格 ,Benvenistte 1966: p. 34)。
    5 Benveniste 1966: p. 31.

    (Tarikhnāmeye Tabari," 1366/1987: vol. 2, p. 837) and the ruler of Bukhara as «هلحب بخرارن (ibid, p. 829) and (ibid, p. 1266) . One of these مهتران "the greats" is Dīvāštī "ليواشتي (ibid., vol. 3, p. 1580) .
    (Tarikhnāmeye Tabari,1366/1987年:第2卷,第837页)和布哈拉的统治者被称为«هلحب بخرارن(同上,第829页)和(同上,第1266页)。其中一个这些"伟大人物"是Dīvāštī "ليواشتي(同上,第3卷,第1580页)。
    7 Title of the rulers of Bukhara in pre-Islamic times upto the reign of Isma Sāmānī. Read Khudäh, since the final -t seems to be an Arabic influence (Frye 1954: 108, n. 30).
    布哈拉在伊斯兰教之前的统治者称号,直到伊斯玛·萨曼尼统治时期。读作“胡达”,因为最后的“-t”似乎受到阿拉伯语的影响(Frye 1954: 108, n. 30)。