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《船舶日常实用英语》 期末复习资料


艇甲板 罗经甲板 驾驶甲板 起居甲板 下甲板

鱼尾 悬挂 半悬挂 襟翼

推进系统 防火系统 压载系统 舱底水系统 供水系统

美国船级社 日本海事协会 联邦德国船级社 挪威船级社

冬季海水载重线 淡水载重线 热带海水载重线 夏季海水载重线

气割机 高压水喷雾 喷砂机 机械除锈机

铸钢 槽钢 扁钢 球扁钢 草图 样板 图纸 喷漆

舵系 锚链 螺旋桨 轴系 强度测试 密性实验

船台 分段 总段 焊缝 码头 碰撞(或相撞)事故 抓斗 腐蚀

散货船 滚装船 原油船 集装箱船 大型游轮油船

焊接 工艺 铆接 工件 介绍 告别 请求 道歉

width , thickness, length , strength, shape processing , edge processing, cold processing , hot processing ,the upper edge, freeboard ,breadth ,deck linelap joint ,T-type joint ,butt joint,edge preparationlap jointcontainer ships , bulk carriers ,hopper dredgers ,crude tankers, stern ,bulkhead ,bow ,hull
宽度 , T轴度长度强度 形状加工边缘加工 冷加工热加工上边缘 干弦 宽度 甲板线 搭接 T 型接头对接接头边缘准备搭接接头,集装箱船散货船料斗挖泥船原油船船尾舱壁船首船体


1.In virtue of the characteristics of hull construction, the construction above the upper deck is usually called superstructure while that under the upper deck is defined as main hull.

2.The flat weld is the most economical, and the overhead weld is the most expensive. Therefore, the flat position is preferred in all types of welding.

3.Hull maintenance is normally done in a dry-dock.

4.A city on land is in need of the perfect and effective service, i.e. different public systems.

5.Wood used on deck does not get slippery and, unlike metals, it is not weakened by fatigue.

6.The bow, which refers to the front part of the ship, is an important aesthetic element of the ship.

7.Fabrication and welding for hull are two primary workmanship in shipbuilding, and so the quality, working efficiency and cost of shipbuilding directly rely on them.

8.When no repairs are to be carried out, it means only examination, cleaning and repainting of the ship's outside hull.

9.A city on land is in need of the perfect and effective service, i.e. different public systems.
9. 陆地上的城市需要完善有效的服务,即不同的公共系统。

10.There are two methods, line lofting and structural lofting in accordance with lofting content.

11.Each ship has its name on both sides of the bow. Some ships still row the names of the two sides of the compass deck at the top of the bridge.

12.Wood used on deck does not get slippery and, unlike metals, it is not weakened by fatigue.

13.There are two methods, line lofting and structural lofting in accordance with lofting content.

14.The principal components of the mooring equipment are cables, bollards, fairleads, docking winches, etc.

15.Together with the completion of the whole integral hull construction, tightness test is to be carried out to check the leakage of welding seams.

16. Draft marks show the distance from the bottom of the keel to the waterline.
16. 吃水标记显示从龙骨底部到吃水线的距离。

17.The ballast system is used to pump seawater in or out of the ballast tanks.

18.For joint types, they are subdivided into butt joint (welding), T-type joint (welding) and lap joint (welding).

19.Therefore, repair yards need to have more than one dry-dock for similar ships, and are specialized for certain sizes and types of ships.

20.Bulk Carriers are ships especially designed to carry loose cargo in bulk.