CSE516 Urban Transport Planning – Theory and Practice CSE516 城市交通規劃 - 理論與實踐
Lab Assignment 1: Network Construction and Skim Matrix 實驗作業 1:網路構建和略讀矩陣
Lecturer: Dr Ma Wei 講師:馬偉博士
Group 8 第8組
Student ID 學生證
Name in English 英文名稱
TANG Man Fu 唐文福
CHEUNG Tsz Hei Ivan 張梓熙
FUNG Kuen Fung 馮權豐
WOO Wing Yan 胡永欣
WOO Wai Ching 胡慧貞
Introduction 介紹
Urban transport planning plays a crucial role in shaping the functionality and accessibility of cities, influencing economic development, environmental sustainability, and overall quality of life. 城市交通規劃在塑造城市的功能和可達性、影響經濟發展、環境可持續性和整體生活品質方面發揮著至關重要的作用。
Miasma Beach comprises eight TAZs, each contributing uniquely to the urban transport landscape. Zones 1 and 2, situated in the Central Business District (CBD), serve as the city's economic heart, bustling with commercial activities and high-density development. Zone 3, located approximately two miles east of the CBD, is a significant commercial and industrial hub, providing essential services and employment opportunities. Adjacent to this zone, Zone 4 represents an urban residential area, highlighting the interplay between living spaces and economic centers. 瘴氣海灘由八個 TAZ 組成,每個 TAZ 都為城市交通景觀做出了獨特的貢獻。1 區和 2 區位於中央商務區 (CBD),是該市的經濟中心,熙熙攘攘的商務工作和高密度開發。3 區位於中央商務區以東約 2 英里處,是一個重要的商業和工業中心,提供基本服務和就業機會。與該區域相鄰的 4 區代表城市住宅區,突出了生活空間和經濟中心之間的相互作用。
Further east, Zones 5 and 6 encompass suburban residential areas, approximately five miles from the CBD, reflecting the city's expansion and the growing demand for residential development. These zones are critical in understanding the commuting patterns and transport needs of the population residing outside the urban core. 再往東,5 區和 6 區包括郊區住宅區,距離中央商務區約 5 英里,反映了該市的擴張和對住宅開發不斷增長的需求。這些區域對於瞭解居住在城市核心以外的人口的通勤模式和交通需求至關重要。
Additionally, Zones 7 and 8 function as External Stations, marking the western and eastern termini of Coast Highway. This arterial road, which runs along the southern border of the city, is vital for regional connectivity, facilitating movement for both local residents and visitors drawn to the city's coastal attractions. 此外,7 區和 8 區作為外部車站,標誌著海岸公路的西部和東部終點。這條主幹道沿著城市的南部邊界延伸,對於區域連通性至關重要,為當地居民和被城市沿海景點吸引的遊客提供便利。
Through an analysis of these TAZs, this report aims to build the demand model for the Miasma Bay network. 通過對這些 TAZ 的分析,本報告旨在為 Miasma Bay 網路構建需求模型。
Methodology 方法論
To introduce, there are a total of 8 Traffic Analysis Zones in the Miasma Beach area, the centroid of each area will be represented by a node connector as shown in the figure below: 介紹一下,瘴氣海灘地區共有 8 個 Traffic Analysis Zone,每個區域的質心將由一個節點連接器表示,如下圖所示:
Figure 1 – Zoning Plan of Miasma Beach 圖 1 – 瘴氣海灘分區圖
The nodes appeared above in each TAZ will be the key components by using a software called OpenPaths Cube, owns by Bentley which is a renowned advanced transportation and other constructional design software firm. 每個 TAZ 中出現的節點將成為關鍵元件,使用名為 OpenPaths Cube 的軟體,該軟體由 Bentley 擁有,Bentley 是一家著名的高級交通和其他建築設計軟體公司。
There are also various functions of Cube Software, we will focus on the transportation part by using Cube Voyage which obtains data to analyze transportation demand by using a modular or script-based structure. This analysis will certainly allow us to incorporate the model results in the forecast by a standard four-step model. Cube Software 還有各種功能,我們將通過使用 Cube Voyage 專注於運輸部分,Cube Voyage 通過使用模組化或基於腳本的結構獲取數據來分析運輸需求。這種分析肯定允許我們通過標準的四步模型將模型結果納入預測中。
The four-step model will be represented by a simple figure below for interpreting the outcome of the lab analysis report: 四步模型將由下面的簡單圖表示,用於解釋實驗室分析報告的結果:
Trip Generation 行程生成
Basically, the data for the input of TAZ will aid to generate and forecast the number of trips it will be made categorized in four types, including home-based working; home-based studying; home-based other and non-home based. 基本上,TAZ 輸入的數據將有助於生成和預測它將進行的出行次數,分為四種類型,包括在家工作;在家學習;以家庭為基礎的其他和非以家庭為基礎。
The network map which will be introduced in the later section, consist of data which will be analyzed by a Skim Matrix to represent the production and attraction which refers to the number of trips departing at each zone and the number of trips arriving at each zone respectively. 網路地圖將在後面部分介紹,由數據組成,這些數據將通過 Skim Matrix進行分析,以表示生產和吸引力,分別是指每個區域出發的旅行次數和到達每個區域的旅行次數。
Figure 2 – Mathematical Definition for analyzing data given by TAZ in Skim Matrix 圖 2 – 分析數據 TAZ 在 Skim Matrix 中給出的數學定義
Trip Distribution 行程分配
For the given TAZ data, trip distribution simply refers to determining the main target groups of people which decides the destination and from the origin where a trip will start. 對於給定的 TAZ 數據,行程分佈僅是指確定決定目的地和行程起點的主要目標人群。
Modal Split 模態分割
There are a number ofchoices for the main target group of people on taking which type of transportation tools including private cars, mass transport railway, taxis or even Uber. The modal split also determines the number of trips which will be generated per day to decide whether which transportation tools to apply. 主要目標人群選擇哪種類型的交通工具有多種選擇,包括私家車、公共交通鐵路、計程車甚至Uber。 模式分割還決定了每天將生成的行程數量,以決定是否應用哪些交通工具。
Traffic Assessment 交通評估
After the careful assessment of the above models, assessment will be made to predict the transportation routes which will take up the traffic volume in each of the highway, or even which route based on the decision of less traffic. 在對上述模型進行仔細評估后,將進行評估,以預測每條高速公路中將佔用交通量的運輸路線,甚至根據交通量較少的決定預測哪條路線。
In this report, we will only focus on trip generation by the given data TAZ and networking map. The latter models will be discussed in the next lab report sessions. 在本報告中,我們將只關注通過給定數據 TAZ 和網路地圖生成行程。后一種模型將在下一次實驗報告會話中討論。
Working Procedures 工作程式
In the application manager by Cube Voyage, it is required to first input the data network base to obtain the all-to-all shortest distance matrix subsequently generating a skim tree. 在 Cube Voyage 的應用程式管理器中,需要首先輸入數據網路庫,以獲得全對全最短距離矩陣,隨後生成一棵略讀樹。
Network Construction 網路建設
In the network construction, the node simply refers to the centroid of each area in Miasma Beach, subsequently followed by the x-coordinate and y-coordinate system assigned to the node connector. 在網路構建中,節點僅引用Miasma Beach 中每個區域的質心,然後是分配給節點連接器的 x 座標和 y 座標系。
Figure 3 – Node connector in a network map 圖 3 – 網路映射中的節點連接器
The connecting link in blue line connecting each node refers to the link type, speed limit, number of lanes and the capacity of each link.The grey line represents each TAZ with numbering from 1 to 8. The connecting link will be explained in the later sections for clarification. 連接每個節點的藍線連接鏈路是指鏈路類型、限速、車道數量和每個鏈路的容量。灰線表示每個 TAZ,編號範圍為 1 到 8。 連接連結將在後面的部分中進行說明,以便進行澄清。
After the input of network data with node connector and links description, the data will be stored by exporting to a network file stored locally for later use. 在使用 Node Connector 和 Links 描述輸入網路數據後,數據將通過匯出到本地存儲的網路文件來存儲,以備後用。
Skim Matrix
For the skim matrix, it represents a highway program for computing travel time with built-in variables, free-flow travel time. 對於略脂矩陣,它表示一個高速公路程式,用於使用內置變數free-flow travel time 計算行駛時間。
By inputting previous network data into the highway program, the input matrix by using the script to generate the looping of each TAZ, load time of the network and running the shortest path with Time with the following diagram: 通過將前面的網路數據輸入到高速公路程式中,輸入矩陣通過使用腳本生成每個TAZ的迴圈、網路的載入時間以及使用 Time 運行最短路徑,如下圖所示:
Figure 4 – Highway Program Illustration 圖 4 – 公路計劃插圖
The skim matrix requires to be adjusted by implicating ILOOP i and j column and rows; by obtaining the interzonal travel time for the average travel time for people within a zone, and by assuming half of the average travel time to the nearest four zones in the TAZ for representing the interzonal travel time. 需要通過暗示 ILOOP 和 j 列和行來調整略讀矩陣;通過獲取區域內人們的平均旅行時間的分區間旅行時間,並假設到 TAZ 中最近的四個區域的平均旅行時間的一半來表示分區間旅行時間。
The terminal times will represent the time required for the people in Miasma Beach area to access from the centroid to the final destination. 終端時間將代表Miasma Beach地區的人們從質心到達最終目的地所需的時間。
Results 結果
• This section records: • 本節記錄:
An overview of the network in CUBE is provided in Figure 5. 圖 5提供了 CUBE 中的網路概述。
Figure 5 圖 5
An overview of the network is provided inFigure 6 andFigure 7. In the Figure 7, the OD connections color with grey and highways with red. 圖 6 和圖 7提供了網路概述。在圖 7 中,OD 連接顏色為灰色,高速公路為紅色。
Figure 6 圖 6
Figure 7 圖 7
• The Skim Matrix shown in Table 1which do notconsider the intrazonal travel time and terminal times •表 1中所示 的 Skim 矩陣,不考慮區域內旅行時間和終端時間
Table 1 表 1
• The Skim Matrix shown in Table 2which considered the intrazonal travel time and 1 minuteterminal time to all interzonal cells. The intrazonal travel time is assumed to be half of the average of the travel times to the nearest four zones to represent the intrazonal travel time. •表 2 中所示的 Skim 矩陣,其中考慮了所有區域間社區的分區內旅行時間和 1 分鐘終端時間。 假定區域內行駛時間是到最近四個區域的行駛時間平均值的一半,以表示區域內行駛時間。
The transportation network constructed using CUBE provides a detailed and accurate simulation of the Miasma Bay transportation system. By incorporating the additional Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) at node 8 and ensuring the correct link properties for various segments, we were able to represent the city's transportation infrastructure effectively. The skim matrix, which summarizes travel times between origin and destination zones, serves as a vital tool in understanding the travel demand and network efficiency. 使用 CUBE 構建的交通網路提供了對 Miasma Bay 交通系統的詳細而準確的類比。通過在節點 8 處加入額外的交通分析區 (TAZ) 並確保各個路段的正確鏈接屬性,我們能夠有效地表示該市的交通基礎設施。略脂矩陣匯總了出發區和目的地區之間的行駛時間,是瞭解出行需求和網路效率的重要工具。
The primary question this experiment sought to answer was how travel times between different zones in Miasma Bay could be modeled to better understand travel demand. The skim matrix allows us to answer this by detailing the shortest travel times between zones, accounting for factors like intrazonal travel time and terminal times. This provides valuable insights into how efficiently people can travel within the network and highlights areas where travel times may be longer, indicating potential inefficiencies or congestion. 該實驗試圖回答的主要問題是如何對Miasma Bay不同區域之間的旅行時間進行建模,以更好地瞭解旅行需求。略讀矩陣允許我們通過詳細說明區域之間的最短旅行時間來回答這個問題,並考慮區域內旅行時間和終端時間等因素。這為人們在網路內的出行效率提供了有價值的見解,並突出了出行時間可能更長的區域,表明潛在的效率低下或擁堵。
4.2 Interpretation of Results 4.2 結果解釋
From the calculated skim matrix, certain patterns and trends emerge. Zones that are directly connected by highways exhibit significantly shorter travel times compared to zones connected by minor roads. For example, the OD connectors, which were color-coded in grey, have consistently higher travel times than those on highways, highlighted in red. This reflects the importance of highways in facilitating rapid movement across the network, while secondary roads may be more prone to delays and slower traffic flows. 從計算的skim矩陣中,會出現某些模式和趨勢。與由次要道路連接的區域相比,由高速公路直接連接的區域的行駛時間明顯縮短。例如,OD 連接器(顏色編碼為灰色)的行駛時間始終高於高速公路上的連接器(以紅色突出顯示)。這反映了高速公路在促進整個網路快速移動方面的重要性,而二級公路可能更容易出現延誤和交通流量減慢。
The inclusion of intrazonal travel times and terminal times in the skim matrix adds another layer of realism to the model. These factors account for the time people spend traveling within the same zone or reaching the transportation network from their origin or destination. For certain zones, particularly those that are more isolated or less connected, the intrazonal travel times are relatively high, suggesting that these areas might experience more localized congestion or inefficiencies in reaching the main road network. 在略讀矩陣中包含區域內行駛時間和終端時間為模型增加了另一層真實感。這些因素考慮了人們在同一區域內旅行或從出發地或目的地到達交通網路所花費的時間。對於某些區域,尤其是那些更加孤立或連通性較差的區域,區域內的行駛時間相對較長,這表明這些區域在到達主要道路網路時可能會遇到更多的局部擁堵或效率低下的情況。
For example, Zone 8, which was newly added, demonstrates longer terminal and intrazonal times due to its relative isolation from the core network. This implies that urban planners may need to consider improving the connectivity of such zones, either by constructing new road links or enhancing public transportation options. 例如,新添加的 8 區由於與核心網路相對隔離,因此終端和區域內時間較長。這意味著城市規劃者可能需要考慮通過建設新的道路連接或增加公共交通選擇來改善這些區域的連通性。
4.3 Implications for Urban Planning 4.3 對城市規劃的影響
The results of this analysis have direct implications for future urban planning in Miasma Bay. The zones with higher travel times could benefit from infrastructure improvements, such as additional highways or better access to public transportation. The skim matrix serves as a diagnostic tool to identify where travel times are problematic, providing planners with clear data on where to focus their efforts. 該分析的結果對Miasma Bay的未來城市規劃具有直接影響。出行時間較長的區域可能會受益於基礎設施的改善,例如增加高速公路或改善公共交通。略讀矩陣用作診斷工具,用於識別旅行時間有問題的位置,為規劃者提供有關將工作重點放在何處的明確數據。
By addressing the zones with high travel times and improving network connectivity, the overall efficiency of the transportation system can be enhanced. Additionally, accounting for terminal times and intrazonal travel times offers a more holistic view of the travel experience, as these factors can significantly impact the actual time it takes for residents to move between locations. 通過解決行駛時間較長的區域並改善網路連接,可以提高交通系統的整體效率。此外,考慮航站樓時間和區域內旅行時間可以更全面地瞭解出行體驗,因為這些因素會顯著影響居民在不同位置之間移動所需的實際時間。
In conclusion, the results of this experiment not only answer the initial research questions but also highlight areas for potential improvement within the Miasma Bay network. The transportation demand model created through CUBE will serve as a crucial component in helping the government make informed decisions to improve mobility and reduce congestion across the city. 總之,該實驗的結果不僅回答了最初的研究問題,還突出了瘴氣灣網路內需要改進的地方。通過 CUBE 創建的交通需求模型將成為説明政府做出明智決策以改善流動性和減少整個城市擁堵的關鍵組成部分。
Conclusion 結論
In summary, this lab report demonstrates the effectiveness of using a skim matrix within the CUBE transportation modeling framework to analyze travel times in the Miasma Bay transportation network. By incorporating factors such as intrazonal travel times and terminal times, we have gained valuable insights into the efficiency and connectivity of different zones. The findings indicate that zones linked by highways experience significantly shorter travel times compared to those connected by minor roads, emphasizing the critical role of major thoroughfares in urban mobility. 總之,本實驗報告演示了在 CUBE 交通建模框架中使用略讀矩陣來分析 Miasma Bay 交通網路中行駛時間的有效性。通過納入區域內旅行時間和航站樓時間等因素,我們獲得了有關不同區域的效率和連通性的寶貴見解。研究結果表明,與由次要道路相連的區域相比,由高速公路連接的區域的旅行時間明顯縮短,這強調了主要幹道在城市交通中的關鍵作用。
The analysis reveals specific areas within Miasma Bay that could benefit from targeted infrastructure improvements, particularly in zones with high travel times and limited connectivity. These insights provide urban planners with actionable data to inform their strategies for enhancing the transportation network, ultimately leading to improved mobility and reduced congestion. 分析揭示了Miasma Bay內的特定區域可以從有針對性的基礎設施改進中受益,尤其是在旅行時間長且連通性有限的區域。這些見解為城市規劃者提供了可操作的數據,為他們增強交通網路的策略提供資訊,最終改善流動性並減少擁堵。
Overall, the results not only address the initial research questions but also establish a framework for ongoing analysis and planning. The CUBE model, enriched by the skim matrix, will be instrumental in guiding future urban development efforts in Miasma Bay, ensuring that transportation infrastructure meets the evolving needs of its residents. 總體而言,結果不僅解決了最初的研究問題,還為持續的分析和規劃建立了一個框架。CUBE 模型通過略脂矩陣豐富,將有助於指導Miasma Bay的未來城市發展工作,確保交通基礎設施滿足居民不斷變化的需求。
Suggestion 建議
6.1 For Intrazonal Travel Time 6.1 對於區域內旅行時間
Consider Zone Characteristics: 考慮區域特徵:
Adjust intrazonal travel times based on specific zone characteristics, such as population density or land use. For example, a commercial zone may have higher travel demand, potentially justifying a slightly higher intrazonal travel time. 根據特定區域特徵(例如人口密度或土地利用)調整區域內行駛時間。例如,商業區可能具有更高的出行需求,這可能證明區域內出行時間略高是合理的。
Utilize Historical Data: 利用歷史資料:
If available, incorporate historical travel time data for intrazonal trips to refine your estimates. This can help in validating the assumptions made in your calculations. 如果可用,請合併區域內行程的歷史行程時間數據以優化您的估計值。這有助於驗證計算中所做的假設。
Conduct Sensitivity Analysis: 進行敏感性分析:
Test different values for the intrazonal travel time by varying the percentage of the average travel time (e.g., using 40% or 60% instead of 50%) to see how it affects overall demand. 通過改變平均行駛時間的百分比(例如,使用 40% 或 60% 而不是 50%)來測試區域內行駛時間的不同值,以查看它如何影響總體需求。
6.2 Suggestions for Terminal Time 6.2 終端時間建議
Set a Base Terminal Time: 設定基準終端時間:
Start with a base terminal time of 1 minute for all interzonal trips, recognizing that this serves as a minimum waiting or transfer time. 對於所有跨區域行程,從1分鐘的基本終端時間開始,請注意,這是最短等待或轉機時間。
Adjust for Specific Zones: 針對特定區域進行調整:
Consider modifying the terminal time for zones with higher passenger volumes or complex transfer points. For instance, terminals in busy commercial areas may require additional time due to congestion. 考慮修改客流量較高區域或複雜換乘點的終點站時間。例如,由於擁堵,繁忙商業區的碼頭可能需要額外的時間。
Evaluate Land Use Patterns: 評估土地利用模式:
Analyze the land use and activity patterns in each zone. Zones with higher pedestrian activity or transfer needs may necessitate longer terminal times. 分析每個區域的土地利用和活動模式。行人活動或換乘需求較高的區域可能需要更長的終點站時間。
Account for Time Variability: 考慮時間可變性:
Recognize that terminal times may not be uniform due to varying operational conditions (e.g., peak vs. off-peak hours). Consider implementing a time-of-day factor to adjust terminal times accordingly. 認識到,由於運營條件不同(例如,高峰時段與非高峰時段),終端時間可能不統一。考慮實施時間係數以相應地調整終端時間。
Seek Stakeholder Input: 尋求利益相關者的意見:
Engage with stakeholders (e.g., transportation agencies, local businesses) to gather insights on typical queuing and transfer times that may not be immediately apparent in the data. 與利益相關者(例如,運輸機構、當地企業)合作,收集有關典型排隊和換乘時間的見解,這些時間在數據中可能不會立即顯現出來。