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The Journal.

The Journal. 日记。

The most important stories, explained through the lens of business. A podcast about money, business and power. Hosted by Kate Linebaugh and Ryan Knutson, with Jessica Mendoza. The Journal is a co-production from Spotify and The Wall Street Journal.
通过商业视角解释的最重要故事。一档关于金钱、商业和权力的播客。由凯特·莱恩鲍和瑞安·克努特森主持,杰西卡·门多萨参与。《The Journal》是 Spotify 和《华尔街日报》的联合制作。

FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024 2024 年 4 月 12 日星期五

4/12/2024 4:03:00 PM
2024 年 4 月 12 日 下午 4:03:00 分享本集

Can the WNBA Cash in on the Caitlin Clark Effect?
WNBA 能否从凯特琳·克拉克效应中获利?

Caitlin Clark has lifted women’s college basketball to new heights, setting records on and off the court. Now the Iowa superstar is going pro and joining the WNBA. WSJ’s Rachel Bachman on what Caitlin Clark’s huge popularity might mean for the sometimes-struggling women’s league. 
凯特琳·克拉克将女子大学篮球推向新高度,在场上和场外创造了记录。现在,这位爱荷华州的超级明星将转为职业球员,加入 WNBA。《华尔街日报》的瑞秋·巴赫曼谈论凯特琳·克拉克的巨大人气可能对这个有时陷入困境的女子联赛意味着什么。

Further Reading:  进一步阅读:

- Caitlin Clark Drew 18.7 Million Viewers to Women’s Basketball. Will It Last?
凯特琳·克拉克为女子篮球赛吸引了 1870 万观众。这种情况会持续下去吗?

- Before Caitlin Clark Dominated Women’s Basketball, She Dominated These Boys

Further Listening:  进一步听力练习:

- The TikTok That Changed College Hoops
改变大学篮球的 TikTok

- The Kiss Rocking Women’s Soccer

00:00 / 17:52

Full Transcript 完整文字记录

This transcript was prepared by a transcription service. This version may not be in its final form and may be updated.

Kate Linebaugh: Monday night will be a big night for women's basketball. Fans will head to Brooklyn to watch teams in the WNBA pick new players. And attention on this year's draft is huge because of one college star.
凯特·莱恩鲍:星期一晚上将是女子篮球的重要时刻。球迷们将前往布鲁克林观看 WNBA 球队挑选新球员。由于一位大学明星的存在,今年的选秀备受关注。

Speaker 2: Caitlin Clark.
发言人 2:凯特琳·克拉克。

Speaker 3: From the logo. What can't Caitlin Clark do?
发言者 3:从标志上看,凯特琳·克拉克有什么做不到的吗?

Speaker 4: Here's Clark wide open. You bet, 31 for the maestro.
发言者 4:这里是克拉克完全开放的。你赌对了,31 分给了大师。

Rachel Bachman: Anybody watching her male or female, young or old, no matter who you are, including NBA players can see that what she does is incredibly difficult and impressive.
Rachel Bachman:无论是男是女,年轻人还是老年人,包括 NBA 球员在内,任何人看到她的表现都会觉得她所做的事情非常困难和令人印象深刻。

Kate Linebaugh: That's our colleague, Rachel Bachman, who's been following Caitlin Clark.

Rachel Bachman: She is now the all-time scoring leader in NCAA basketball, men or women. So you don't need to explain that to anybody. She's the top scorer in the sports history.
Rachel Bachman:她现在是 NCAA 篮球史上得分最多的球员,无论是男性还是女性。所以你不需要向任何人解释这一点。她是体育史上的最佳得分手。

Kate Linebaugh: Clark has taken her college team, the Iowa Hawkeyes to two national finals, and now she's going pro. But in women's basketball, going from college to pro is a bit of a downgrade.

Rachel Bachman: Not everybody knows all the teams. Not everybody knows the top players in the league. And it's because in the history of sports, they're relatively new. It takes a long time. It took decades for the NBA to really catch on in the American sports mainstream.
Rachel Bachman:并非每个人都了解所有的球队。 并非每个人都了解联盟中的顶级球员。 这是因为在体育史上,它们相对较新。 这需要很长时间。 NBA 真正在美国体育主流中获得认可花了几十年的时间。

Kate Linebaugh: How big a moment is this for the WNBA and for women's sports?
凯特·莱恩鲍:这对 WNBA 和女子体育来说有多重要?

Rachel Bachman: I think for both of them it's a very big moment. This moment I think will help push the WNBA further into the sports mainstream.
瑞秋·巴赫曼:我认为对于她们两个人来说,这是一个非常重要的时刻。我认为这一时刻将有助于将 WNBA 推向更广泛的体育主流。

Kate Linebaugh: Welcome to The Journal, our show about money, business and power. I'm Kate Linebaugh. It's Friday, April 12th. Coming up on the show, Caitlin Clark electrified college hoops. Can she do it again for the WNBA? What was Caitlin Clark's journey to becoming this basketball sensation?
凯特·莱恩鲍:欢迎收看《华尔街日报》,这档节目关注金钱、商业和权力。我是凯特·莱恩鲍。今天是 4 月 12 日星期五。接下来在节目中,凯特琳·克拉克点燃了大学篮球赛场。她能否再次在 WNBA 中取得成功?凯特琳·克拉克是如何成为篮球明星的?

Rachel Bachman: Well, she has been a great athlete her entire life. In fact, a colleague and I found some boys who had played against her in an all boys league. She was the only girl in a suburb of Des Moines, which is where she grew up. And they said she was fantastic. She was the best player on her team from about kindergarten to third grade and one of the best players in the league. And these teams would devise their defenses to stop her as a first and second-grader. So she was really marked for greatness from the start. And she debated where to go to college. She heavily considered Notre Dame, but just made the decision to stay at home and go to Iowa. And that really has elevated that program. It was already a strong program, but for instance, it had never been to the title game before she got there. Now it's been to back to back title games.

Kate Linebaugh: Do you remember when Caitlin Clark first came onto your radar?

Rachel Bachman: Yes, it was a couple of years ago. It was a little bit strange because she started her play in college during the pandemic, and last year was where she really burst into the mainstream sports fans consciousness. So she scored 41 points against South Carolina in the national semifinal.
蕾切尔·巴赫曼:是的,那是几年前的事了。有点奇怪,因为她在大流行期间开始了她的大学比赛,去年是她真正进入主流体育粉丝视野的时候。所以她在全国半决赛中对阵南卡罗来纳队得了 41 分。

Speaker 6: ... gets it to Clark. Clark races away, and the mythical mastery of Caitlin Clark continues.
发言者 6:...将球传给了克拉克。克拉克飞奔而去,凯特琳·克拉克神话般的掌控力继续发挥。

Rachel Bachman: And then because of her, Iowa advances to the final against LSU, and that became far and away the most watched women's final in recent history. Almost 10 million people watched that final. And a lot of them were casual sports fans tuning in to say, "Who is this Caitlin Clark? Who is this person?"
瑞秋·巴赫曼:然后因为她,爱荷华队晋级决赛对阵 LSU,这成为了近年来收视率最高的女子决赛。将近 1000 万人观看了那场决赛。其中很多人是休闲体育迷,他们收看比赛想知道,“凯特琳·克拉克是谁?这个人是谁?”

Kate Linebaugh: What makes Caitlin Clark so exceptional?

Rachel Bachman: A number of things actually. The most obvious is her ability to sink what we call logo shots. So she's not just standing behind the three point line. She's standing basically on the mid-court logo, that big thing in the middle with the Wildcat or the Hawkeye or whatever, and sinking a basket from there, which is difficult for NBA players to do. And she can do it with regularity.
Rachel Bachman:实际上有很多方面。最明显的是她能够投进我们所说的标志性投篮。所以她不仅仅站在三分线后面。她基本上是站在中场标志处,那个中间有野猫或鹰眼之类的大标志,然后从那里投篮,这对 NBA 球员来说是困难的。而她可以经常做到。

Speaker 7: This is Caitlin Clark on a mission, the most Caitlin Clark way to get a bucket. I mean, we are talking well inside the middle of the Mediacom logo.
第 7 位发言人:这是凯特琳·克拉克的使命,以最凯特琳·克拉克的方式得分。我的意思是,我们正在谈论在 Mediacom 标志的正中央。

Rachel Bachman: But she's also an incredible passer. So she's also incredibly skilled at getting the ball to the right people at the right time so they can score.
Rachel Bachman:但她也是一个出色的传球手。因此,她也非常擅长在正确的时间将球传给正确的人,让他们得分。

Kate Linebaugh: What is she like?

Rachel Bachman: She's extremely competitive, can be very feisty on the court, can complain about calls, things like that.

Kate Linebaugh: That sounds like basketball.

Rachel Bachman: Yes, absolutely. So she's very much like any other basketball player in that way, but I think extremely poised in interview rooms. Even after a loss, she has been very composed and gracious.
Rachel Bachman:是的,绝对是。所以在这方面她非常像其他篮球运动员,但我觉得她在采访室里非常沉着冷静。即使在失利之后,她也一直表现得非常镇定和亲切。

Kate Linebaugh: Here's Clark speaking after Iowa lost to Louisiana State University in the NCAA finals last year.
凯特·莱恩鲍:这是克拉克在去年 NCAA 决赛中爱荷华州输给路易斯安那州立大学后发表讲话的视频。

Caitlin Clark: Yeah, you got to give a lot of credit to LSU. They played an outstanding, outstanding game and they made some tough threes, some tough jumpers off of ball screens, and sometimes you have to live with some of that, so.
凯特琳·克拉克:是的,你必须要给予 LSU 很多的赞扬。他们打了一场出色的比赛,投进了一些困难的三分球,一些困难的跳投,有时候你必须接受这些,所以。

Kate Linebaugh: As a college basketball player, Clark hasn't been paid a salary, but one year into her time at Iowa, the NCAA changed the rules and allowed athletes to sign sponsorship deals.
凯特·莱恩鲍:作为一名大学篮球运动员,克拉克并没有拿到薪水,但在她在爱荷华州的一年后,NCAA 改变了规则,允许运动员签署赞助协议。

Rachel Bachman: So not only does that allow her to make money, but it also allows her to build a brand. She doesn't just have her Instagram account, but she has brands like Nike and Gatorade.
Rachel Bachman:这不仅让她赚钱,还让她建立了自己的品牌。她不仅仅拥有自己的 Instagram 账号,还有像耐克和佳得乐这样的品牌。

Caitlin Clark: If I can sign with Gatorade, you can too.

Rachel Bachman: And State Farm, who are now putting her in national TV commercials.

Caitlin Clark: Oh, you don't need us. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. State Farm is there.

Kate Linebaugh: This kind of exposure has helped to make Clark instantly recognizable. A recent poll showed that she is America's best known college basketball player, male or female. Going into this year's March Madness Tournament, all eyes were on Clark. She was a senior and it was her last chance to win a championship, but ultimately that dream didn't come true.

Speaker 3: Perfection with a touch of sweet redemption. Undefeated South Carolina has won its third national championship.
发言人 3:完美与甜蜜的救赎。不败的南卡罗来纳州赢得了第三个全国冠军。

Kate Linebaugh: But Caitlin Clark and the Iowa Hawkeyes lost in the finals. Does that tarnish her college career?

Rachel Bachman: I don't think so because if you look at college athletes, they only have generally four years in which to win a title. There's 360 teams in Division I. So you just look at the odds. The odds are incredibly long that you're going to win a college title.
Rachel Bachman:我认为不会,因为如果你看看大学运动员,他们通常只有四年的时间来赢得一个冠军。NCAA 第一级别有 360 支球队。所以你只需要看看几率。赢得大学冠军的几率非常小。

Kate Linebaugh: Clark's team may have lost the championship, but the game against South Carolina made history.

Rachel Bachman: On Sunday when Iowa played South Carolina, 18.9 million people watched that final. So in two years, the audience for the women's final nearly quadrupled.
蕾切尔·巴赫曼:周日爱荷华队对阵南卡罗来纳队时,有 1,890 万人观看了比赛的最后阶段。因此,在两年内,女子决赛的观众人数几乎翻了三番。

Kate Linebaugh: Wow. 凯特·莱恩鲍:哇。

Rachel Bachman: Now Kate, this just does not happen for major sporting events. I mean, I literally cannot think of a parallel of an audience nearly quadrupling in two years. And a lot of it is her, is interest in Caitlin Clark.

Kate Linebaugh: What will Caitlin Clark's legacy be in women's college basketball?

Rachel Bachman: Well, part of that will be determine what happens next. So it depends on how many of these fans stick around and watch women's college basketball next year. But I don't think there's any question that she'll be seen as the superstar who helped women's basketball, particularly the tournament break through to the American mainstream and drawing fans who don't even watch college basketball, who might not even watch sports.

Kate Linebaugh: Coming up, why the WNBA has struggled and how Clark could help turn it around. So there's something you should know about me, and it's that last year I got really into the WNBA. So Rachel, I just want to show you. I went to several New York Liberty games. I have not one free towel that you wave.
凯特·莱恩鲍:接下来,为什么 WNBA 陷入困境以及克拉克如何帮助扭转局面。所以有件事你应该知道,就是去年我非常喜欢 WNBA。所以,瑞秋,我只是想给你看看。我去了几场纽约自由队的比赛。我有一条免费的毛巾可以挥舞。

Rachel Bachman: Yeah? 瑞秋·巴赫曼:是吗?

Kate Linebaugh: Two. Three.

Rachel Bachman: Nice. 雷切尔·巴赫曼:不错。

Kate Linebaugh: Four. Five. Just like, I went crazy for the Liberty. I'm wearing my Liberty shirt. I've got another T-shirt.
凯特·莱恩鲍:四。五。就像,我为自由疯狂了。我穿着我的自由 T 恤。我还有另一件 T 恤。

Rachel Bachman: That's awesome. People really do fall in love with the atmosphere once they try it. And fans who go there really get hooked on it because it tends to be much less expensive than the NBA and kind of a younger crowd in some cases, number of kids there because families can often afford to go.
瑞秋·巴赫曼:太棒了。人们一旦尝试就会真正爱上那种氛围。前往那里的球迷真的会上瘾,因为比 NBA 便宜得多,有时是一些年轻人群,有很多孩子在那里,因为家庭通常能负担得起。

Kate Linebaugh: And you get better seats. You're so close.

Rachel Bachman: Yes. Yes.

Kate Linebaugh: I mean, obviously I'm a convert. As a league, the WNBA is pretty young. It started in 1997. By way of comparison, the NBA was founded in the '40s and many college teams go back a century.
凯特·莱恩鲍:我的意思是,显然我是个新加入者。作为一个联盟,WNBA 相当年轻。它始于 1997 年。相比之下,NBA 成立于 40 年代,许多大学队伍可以追溯到一个世纪前。

Rachel Bachman: The WNBA TV ratings are generally much lower than the ratings for a prominent women's college basketball game. And I think that's because again, it's newer. They're not attached to these very well-known brands like in college, and also, it plays in the summer. And so if people want to be outside or traveling or on vacation, they might not be at WNBA games.
Rachel Bachman:WNBA 的电视收视率通常远低于知名女子大学篮球比赛的收视率。我认为这是因为 WNBA 相对较新。他们没有像大学那样与这些非常知名的品牌联系在一起,而且比赛是在夏天进行的。所以如果人们想要在户外活动、旅行或度假,他们可能不会去看 WNBA 比赛。

Kate Linebaugh: Right. So it's not as popular as the NCAA or as the Men's League. What does that mean for WNBA players?
凯特·莱恩鲍:是的。所以它并不像 NCAA 或男子联赛那样受欢迎。这对 WNBA 球员意味着什么?

Rachel Bachman: One thing it means is the salaries are much lower than NBA salaries, for instance. So as a rookie, just from salary, Caitlin Clark will make less than $80,000 a year. Not much.
瑞秋·巴赫曼:其中一个意思是薪水远低于 NBA 的薪水,比如说。所以,作为一名新秀,凯特琳·克拉克的年薪仅不到 8 万美元。不多。

Kate Linebaugh: Not much.

Rachel Bachman: Most NBA players make millions a year. So that's the biggest difference.
雷切尔·巴赫曼:大多数 NBA 球员每年赚数百万美元。这就是最大的区别。

Kate Linebaugh: That's a huge difference.

Rachel Bachman: A huge difference, yes. And that's partly because it's hard to generate significant revenue as a new sports league because you have to get broadcasters to pay you a lot of money. You have to get fans to show up and buy tickets, buy season tickets and so on. And starting that up from nothing is very, very difficult. A lot of leagues fail, by the way. Previous professional women's basketball leagues have failed. Previous men's basketball leagues have failed. So it is a really tough endeavor and many leagues, most leagues lose money when they start out.
Rachel Bachman:确实有很大的差异。这在一定程度上是因为作为一个新的体育联赛很难产生可观的收入,因为你必须让广播公司支付大量的费用。你必须吸引球迷前来观赛并购买门票、季票等等。从零开始建立这一切是非常困难的。顺便说一句,很多联赛都失败了。以前的职业女子篮球联赛失败了。以前的男子篮球联赛也失败了。所以这是一个非常艰巨的事业,大多数联赛在刚开始时都会亏损。

Kate Linebaugh: What has the WNBA done to try to remedy this, to break through?
凯特·莱恩鲍格:WNBA 为了解决这个问题,取得突破做了什么?

Rachel Bachman: What they did in the last couple of years was they did a capital fundraise. So they got investors to throw in, I think it was $75 million, to help fund things like League Marketing to spread the word about these great players that almost all of them played in college to spread the word that people can keep watching them in the pros.
Rachel Bachman:在过去几年里,他们进行了一次资本筹款。因此,他们吸引了投资者投入了我认为是 7500 万美元,以帮助资助联赛营销等事项,以传播这些出色球员的消息,几乎所有这些球员都在大学打球,传达这样一个信息:人们可以继续在职业联赛中观看他们的比赛。

Kate Linebaugh: On Monday, 15 of this year's top college players will attend the WNBA draft. Stars like Angel Reese, Kamilla Cardoso, and of course Caitlin Clark, who's expected to sign with the Indiana Fever. Do you think that Caitlin Clark will be able to kind of make the WNBA more like the NBA?
凯特·莱恩鲍:本周一,今年的前 15 名顶尖大学球员将参加 WNBA 选秀。像安吉尔·里斯、卡米拉·卡多索以及肯定会与印第安纳热火队签约的凯特琳·克拉克等明星。你认为凯特琳·克拉克能否让 WNBA 更像 NBA?

Rachel Bachman: Well, that's a long way to go. The NBA has had a huge headstart, right? But could she move the needle? Absolutely. And the way we know that is because she's already doing it. The prices of resold tickets are surging for Indiana Fever games. And there's already more talk about the schedule, which games are on national television, just about the league itself. And it already had its followers and it already had a lot of games on television and so on. But the presence of Caitlin Clark, who's so demonstrably raised TV viewership in college is going to accelerate that.
瑞秋·巴赫曼:嗯,这还有很长的路要走。NBA 已经领先很多,对吧?但她能改变现状吗?绝对可以。我们之所以知道这一点,是因为她已经在做到了。印第安纳狂热队的转售门票价格飙升。关于赛程、哪些比赛在全国电视上播出,以及联盟本身,已经有更多的讨论。它已经有了追随者,已经有很多比赛在电视上播出等等。但凯特琳·克拉克的存在,她在大学里明显提高了电视收视率,将加速这一进程。

Kate Linebaugh: Could that benefit other WNBA players?
凯特·莱恩鲍格:这会让其他 WNBA 球员受益吗?

Rachel Bachman: Yes, I think it could. And here's how. The WNBA players are under a labor agreement now that has a couple more years on it, but they could opt out of it by the end of this year and say, "You know what? We think we can do better than this. We think we can get higher salaries now. So we're going to reopen this and renegotiate." If Caitlin Clark can increase ratings in the WNBA or help increase ratings, then the players can make an argument, "Hey, we're making you more money. We deserve to be paid more."
蕾切尔·巴赫曼:是的,我认为可能会。这是怎么回事。WNBA 球员现在受到一项劳资协议的约束,这项协议还有几年的有效期,但他们可以选择在今年年底之前退出,并说:“你知道吗?我们认为我们可以做得比现在更好。我们认为我们现在可以得到更高的薪水。所以我们要重新开启谈判。”如果凯特琳·克拉克能够提高 WNBA 的收视率或帮助提高收视率,那么球员们可以提出一个论点:“嘿,我们为你们赚更多的钱。我们应该得到更多的报酬。”

Kate Linebaugh: Has that happened before where one player can help lift all boats?

Rachel Bachman: Something similar happened when Tiger Woods joined the PGA Tour. So even though Tiger was winning a lot, because more people were watching pro golf, the prize purses increased. And so even if you were finishing second or third or fourth or fifth behind Tiger, you were making a lot more money than you were before he joined the league because the entire league itself was more popular.
雷切尔·巴赫曼:当泰格·伍兹加入 PGA 巡回赛时,发生了类似的情况。因此,即使泰格赢得了很多比赛,由于更多人在观看职业高尔夫比赛,奖金也增加了。因此,即使你在泰格之后获得第二、第三、第四或第五名,你赚的钱也比他加入联盟之前多得多,因为整个联盟本身更受欢迎。

Kate Linebaugh: Do you think we'll still be talking about Caitlin Clark in a year's time?

Rachel Bachman: Yes, but that will depend a lot on how she plays. This league is the best in the world. The defenses are much tougher. The players are bigger, they're faster, and they're experienced. So she has a challenge on her hands, and it's not a foregone conclusion that she's going to score as much as she did in college.

Kate Linebaugh: Would you say this is a story about the success of one female athlete or a story about changing perceptions to women's sports?

Rachel Bachman: I think it's both. The WNBA was already growing and it was already gaining popularity. What she could be is water on that fertile ground, right? So she could be what causes a growth spurt.
瑞秋·巴赫曼:我认为两者兼而有之。WNBA 已经在增长,并且已经在获得人气。她可能是那块肥沃土地上的水,对吧?所以她可能是引发增长的原因。

Kate Linebaugh: And would you say that this is like a moment for women's sports or will it be something more lasting?

Rachel Bachman: Absolutely. This is not a moment. This is a movement.
Rachel Bachman:绝对。这不是一个时刻。这是一个运动。

Kate Linebaugh: That's all for today, Friday, April 12th. The Journal is a co-production of Spotify and the Wall Street Journal. Additional reporting in this episode by Jared Diamond. The show's made by Annie Baxter, Katherine Brewer, Maria Byrne, Victoria Dominguez, Pia, Gadkari, Rachel Humphreys, Ryan Knutson, Matt Kwong, Jessica Mendoza, Annie Minoff, Laura Morris, Enrique Perez De La Rosa, Sarah Platt, Alan Rodriguez Espinoza, Heather Rogers, Pierce Singgih, Lai-Ying Tang, Jeevika Verma, Lisa Wang, Catherine Whelan, Tatiana Zamis, and me Kate Linebaugh. Our engineers are Griffin Tanner, Nathan Singhapok, and Peter Leonard. Our theme music is by So Wiley. Additional music this week from Katherine Anderson, Peter Leonard, Bobby Lord, Griffin Tanner, Nathan Singhapok and Blue Dot Sessions. Fact-checking by Mary Mathis. Thanks for listening. See you Monday.
凯特·莱恩鲍:今天就到这里,4 月 12 日星期五。本节目是 Spotify 和《华尔街日报》的联合制作。此集中的额外报道由贾里德·戴蒙德提供。节目制作人包括安妮·巴克斯特、凯瑟琳·布鲁尔、玛丽亚·拜恩、维多利亚·多明格斯、皮娅·加德卡里、瑞秋·汉弗莱斯、瑞恩·克努特森、马特·康、杰西卡·门多萨、安妮·米诺夫、劳拉·莫里斯、恩里克·佩雷斯·德·拉·罗萨、莎拉·普拉特、艾伦·罗德里格斯·埃斯皮诺萨、希瑟·罗杰斯、皮尔斯·辛吉、唐莱英、吉维卡·维尔玛、丽莎·王、凯瑟琳·韦兰、塔蒂亚娜·扎米斯,以及我凯特·莱恩鲍。我们的工程师是格里芬·坦纳、内森·辛哈波克和彼得·莱昂纳德。我们的主题音乐由索·怀利创作。本周的额外音乐来自凯瑟琳·安德森、彼得·莱昂纳德、鲍比·洛德、格里芬·坦纳、内森·辛哈波克和蓝点会话。事实核查由玛丽·马西斯负责。感谢收听。下周一见。

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Co-host of The Journal., The Wall Street Journal

Kate Linebaugh is the co-host of The Journal. She has worked at The Wall Street Journal for 15 years, most recently as the deputy U.S. news coverage chief. Kate started at the Journal in Hong Kong, stopping in Detroit and coming to New York in 2011. As a reporter, she covered everything from post-9/11 Afghanistan to the 2004 Asian tsunami, from Toyota's sudden acceleration recall to General Electric. She holds a bachelor degree from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and went back to campus in 2007 for a Knight-Wallace fellowship.

Ryan Knutson

Co-host and News Editor, The Journal Podcast, The Wall Street Journal
合作主持人兼新闻编辑,《华尔街日报》《The Journal Podcast》

Ryan Knutson is the co-host of The Journal, The Wall Street Journal’s flagship daily podcast.

He has worked at the Journal since 2013. Before joining the podcast, Ryan covered the wireless industry, and was responsible for a string of scoops including Verizon's $130 billion buyout of Vodafone's stake in their joint venture, Sprint and T-Mobile's never ending courtship, and a hack of the 911 emergency system that spread virally on Twitter. He also spent a year on the business side of Dow Jones, helping lead the company's strategic relations with tech companies like Apple and Google. Before WSJ, he reported for ProPublica, PBS Frontline and OPB, the NPR affiliate station in Portland, Ore. He grew up in Aloha, Ore. and graduated from the University of Oregon.


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从屡获殊荣的《华尔街日报》观点版,Paul Gigot、Kim Strassel、Bill McGurn 和 Kyle Peterson 讨论华盛顿的最新动态。获取对国家首都发展的关键视角和分析。每个工作日加入他们。将您的反馈发送至 pwpodcast@wsj.com。

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您的财经简报是您的个人理财和职业清单,涵盖影响您财务状况以及您如何处理资金的新闻。从支出和储蓄到投资和税收,华尔街日报的财经记者和专家每个工作日都会解析复杂的财务问题,帮助您更好地管理资金并做出更明智的决策。由 J.R. Whalen 主持。

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通过《As We Work》播客,更聪明地工作,提升职业生涯。《As We Work》提供基于 WSJ 报道的可行步骤,给出实用建议,帮助您改善工作生活。我们将与普通人、专家和 WSJ 记者进行引人入胜的对话,关注工作场所的热门话题,并提供处理棘手情况的技巧和窍门。


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