1 Contractual Definitions … 2 1 合同定义 ...2
2 Application and Acceptance of the General Conditions and Contracts … 4 2 一般条件和合同的适用和接受 ...4
3 Scope of Each Contract … 4 3 每个合同的范围 ...4
4 Contractor’s Expertise and Obligation of Information of the Parties … 5 4 承包商的专业知识和双方信息义务 ...5
5 Price … 6 5 价格 ...6
6 Payment Terms and Conditions … 6 6 付款条款和条件 ...6
7 Invoices … 7 7 发票 ...7
8 Bank Guarantee(s) … 7 8 银行担保 ...7
9 Sustainable Development: Safety, Environment, Labo(u)r and Tax … 7 9 可持续发展:安全、环境、实验室和税收7
10 Consortium, Similar Association … 9 10 财团、类似协会 ...9
11 Subcontracting … 9 11 分包 ...9
12 Documentation … 10 12 文档...10
13 Follow-Up, Inspection … 10 13 跟进、检查......10
14 Transport, Packaging, Handling, Delivery … 10 14 运输, 包装, 搬运, 交货 ...10
15 Implementation Conditions On Site … 11 15 现场实施条件 ...11
16 Tests … 14 16 次测试 ...14
17 R.F.I.O. (Ready For Initial Operation) … 15 17 R.F.I.O. (准备初始操作) ...15
18 Industrial Commissioning … 15 18 工业调试 ...15
19 Training … 16 19 训练 ...16
20 Acceptance of The Works and/or Equipment … 16 20 验收工程和/或设备 ...16
21 Transfer of Ownership and Risks … 18 21 所有权转让和风险 ...18
22 Spare Parts … 18 22 备件 ...18
23 Casting Patterns and Moulds … 19 23 铸造模型和模具 ...19
24 Deadlines, Suspension of the Performance of a Contract. … 19 24 截止日期,暂停履行合同。…19
25 Force Majeure … 20 25 不可抗力 ...20
26 Warranties … 20 26 保修 ...20
27 Liability … 22 27 责任 ...22
28 Insurance … 23 28 保险 ...23
29 Consequences of the Contractor’s Failure … 25 29 承建商失职的后果 ...25
30 Confidentiality … 25 30 保密性 ...25
31 Intellectual Property … 26 31 知识产权 ...26
32 Modification of aContract - Supplementary Works - Amendments … 30 32 合同的修改 - 补充工程 - 修订 ...30
33 Termination … 31 33 终止 ...31
35 Offset … 33 35 偏移 ...33
36 Assignment … 33 36 分配 ...33
37 Severability … 33 37 可分割性 ...33
38 Applicable Language … 33 38 适用语言 ...33
39 Units of Measure … 33 39 计量单位 ...33
40 Notices … 34 40 通知 ...34
41 Applicable Law … 34 41 适用法律 ...34
42 Litigations - Jurisdiction … 34 42 诉讼 - 管辖权 ...34
ArcelorMittal 安赛乐米塔尔
The following words, when employed in capital letters in the present GENERAL CONDITIONS or in any CONTRACT to be entered into between the BUYER and the CONTRACTOR, shall have the meaning defined thereafter: 以下词语在本一般条件或买方与承包商之间签订的任何合同中以大写字母使用时,应具有其定义如下的含义:
1.1. BUYER 1.1. 买方
Shall mean (i) any company in which MITTAL STEEL COMPANY NV, a Dutch company registered at the Trade Register of Rotterdam under number 24275428 and having its registered offices at Hofplein 20, 3032 AC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, holds directly and/or indirectly at least 50%50 \% of the share capital having ordinary voting power or the right to elect a majority of the board of directors or any equivalent corporate body, including its successors in title, assigns and/or transferees as the case may be, and/or (ii) any other company as specified in the concerned CONTRACT. 是指 (i) MITTAL STEEL COMPANY NV(一家在鹿特丹商业登记处注册的荷兰公司,编号为 24275428,注册办公地址为荷兰鹿特丹 Hofplein 20, 3032 AC)直接或间接持有至少 50%50 \% 具有普通投票权或有权选举董事会多数成员或任何同等法人团体的股本的任何公司, 包括其所有权继承人、受让人和/或受让人(视情况而定),和/或 (ii) 相关合同中规定的任何其他公司。
Shall mean the technical description and the BUYER’s technical requirements (including the TESTS and expected performances) concerning the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT ordered or to be ordered by the BUYER. 是指买方关于买方订购或将订购的工程和/或设备的技术说明和技术要求(包括测试和预期性能)。
Shall mean all information, data, technology, know-how, trade secrets, formulas, processes, studies, reports, results, patents applications (for their confidentiality period of eighteen (18) months as from their respective filing date), designs, sketches, photographs, plans, drawings, samples, business and/or financial reports, status of customers, prices lists, instructions and other information element relating directly or indirectly to the scope of the GENERAL CONDITIONS and/or of one or several CONTRACTS and disclosed by either PARTY to the other. 是指与一般条件和/或一项或一项或某一的范围直接或间接相关的所有信息、数据、技术、专有技术、商业秘密、公式、流程、研究、报告、结果、专利申请(自其各自的申请日起十八 (18) 个月的保密期)、设计、草图、照片、计划、图纸、样品、业务和/或财务报告、客户状态、价目表、说明和其他信息元素几份合同,并由任何一方向另一方披露。
1.4. CONTRACT(S) 1.4. 合同
Shall mean any contract and/or order for the purchase of the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT, including all its appendices and further addenda, to be entered into between the BUYER and the CONTRACTOR and referring to the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 是指买方和承包商之间签订的购买工程和/或设备的任何合同和/或订单,包括其所有附录和进一步的附录,并参考一般条件。
1.5. CONTRACTOR 1.5. 承包商
Shall mean any company, acting indifferently as supplier, seller of goods, building contractor, designer and/or erector, which enters or has entered into a CONTRACT with the BUYER. 是指任何作为供应商、货物销售商、建筑承包商、设计师和/或安装商行事漠不关心的公司,它与买方签订或已经签订了合同。
Shall mean the technical description made by the CONTRACTOR of the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT to be delivered to the BUYER. 指承包商对要交付给买方的工程和/或设备所做的技术描述。
Shall mean the basic time schedule agreed upon by both PARTIES for the performance of any CONTRACT as attached as an appendix to such CONTRACT and with which the detailed time schedule shall comply. 是指双方为履行任何合同而商定的基本时间表,如该合同的附件所附,详细的时间表应遵守该时间表。
1.8. DATE ZERO 1.8. 日期零
Shall mean the date agreed upon by the PARTIES in the CONTRACTUAL TIME SCHEDULE and at which the CONTRACTOR shall begin to work on the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT under a CONTRACT. 是指双方在合同时间表中商定的日期,承包商应根据合同开始进行工程和/或设备的工作。
1.9. DAYS 1.9. 天
Shall mean calendar days. 指日历日。
1.10. DEVELOPMENTS 1.10. 发展
Shall mean any and all inventions, data, improvements, works, know-how, or any other information or development whether patented or not, patentable or not, and/or all elements of the DOCUMENTATION conceived, reduced to practice, modified, developed or discovered by either PARTY in the course of the preparation or performance of any CONTRACT, and notably those relating to the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT, but under strict exclusion of SPECIFIC SOFTWARE. 是指任何一方在准备或履行任何合同的过程中构思、简化为实践、修改、开发或发现的任何和所有发明、数据、改进、作品、专有技术或任何其他信息或开发,无论是否获得专利、可授予专利或是否获得专利,特别是与作品和/或设备相关的内容, 但严格排除特定软件。
1.11. DOCUMENTATION 1.11. 文档
Shall mean all information that the CONTRACTOR has to hand over and deliver to the BUYER under the LAWS, the compulsory legal requirements applicable to the SITE and/or the concerned CONTRACT with regard to the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT (including in particular DEVELOPMENTS, SPECIFIC SOFTWARE, STANDARD SOFTWARE, CONTRACTOR’S SOFTWARE), which may include among other things all plans and documentation related to safety and environmental protection, spare parts, 是指承包商根据法律、适用于站点的强制性法律要求和/或有关工程和/或设备合同(尤其包括开发、特定软件、标准软件、承包商软件)必须移交给买方的所有信息,其中可能包括与安全和环境保护相关的所有计划和文件; 备件
ArcelorMittal 安赛乐米塔尔
engineering, TESTS, training, exploitation, operation, inspection, maintenance and repair of the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT, studies, drawings, diagrams, plans, notices, technical documents, safety certificates and calculation notes related to the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT, as well as the exhaustive lists of spare parts of the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT. 工程和/或设备的工程、测试、培训、开发、操作、检查、维护和维修、与工程和/或设备相关的研究、图纸、图表、计划、通知、技术文件、安全证书和计算说明,以及工程和/或设备的备件详尽清单。
1.12. FINAL ACCEPTANCE 1.12. 最终接受
Shall mean the contractual event set out in Clause 20.3 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 是指一般条件第 20.3 条中规定的合同事件。
1.13. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.13. 一般条件
Shall mean the present General Conditions for Capital Purchases (also referred to as “GCCP”). 指本资本购买一般条款(也称为“GCCP”)。
1.14. INCOTERMS 1.14. 国际贸易术语
Shall mean the latest applicable edition of the INCOTERMS issued by the I.C.C. (International Chamber of Commerce). 是指 I.C.C.(国际商会)发布的国际贸易术语解释通则的最新适用版本。
Shall mean the contractual event set out in Clause 18 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 指一般条件第 18 条中规定的合同事件。
Shall mean any and all patents, utility models, design rights, author’s rights or copyright (including any rights in computer software and program), database rights or topography rights (whether or not any of these are registered and including applications for registrations of any such thing) and any rights or forms of protection of a similar nature or having equivalent or similar effect to any of those which may subsist anywhere in the world. 是指任何和所有专利、实用新型、设计权、作者权利或版权(包括计算机软件和程序中的任何权利)、数据库权利或地形权(无论其中任何一项是否已注册,包括任何此类事物的注册申请)以及与世界上任何地方可能存在的任何权利或类似性质或具有同等或类似效果的任何权利或保护形式。
1.17. LAWS 1.17. 定律
Shall mean (i) all laws, decrees, rules and regulations (including European Union regulations) applicable to a CONTRACT and/or to the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT at the signature date of the said CONTRACT, or which enactment or application was reasonably foreseeable for the time of performance of the CONTRACT until the date of the PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE by a properly informed company involved in the CONTRACTOR’s activity, as well as (ii) all applicable standards known at the date of signature of such CONTRACT. 是指 (i) 在所述合同签署之日适用于合同和/或工程和/或设备的所有法律、法令、规则和条例(包括欧盟法规),或在合同履行之时至参与承包商活动的适当知情公司临时接受之日,可以合理预见的成文法或应用, 以及 (ii) 在签署此类合同之日已知的所有适用标准。
1.18. PARTY OR PARTIES 1.18. 一方或多方
Shall mean, as the case may be, in the GENERAL CONDITIONS or in any CONTRACT, either the BUYER or the CONTRACTOR when referred to individually, or the BUYER and the CONTRACTOR when referred to collectively. 在一般条件或任何合同中,应指(视情况而定)单独提及的买方或承包商,或统称为买方和承包商。
Shall mean the contractual event set out in Clause 20.2 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 指一般条件第 20.2 条中规定的合同事件。
1.20. R.F.I.O. (OR READY FOR INITIAL OPERATION) 1.20. R.F.I.O.(或准备初始操作)
Shall mean the event(s) whereby the CONTRACTOR evidences that the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT are in a state sufficient to ensure safe initial operation and use with respect to the staff as set forth in Clause 17 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 是指承包商证明工程和/或设备处于足以确保员工安全初始操作和使用的状态,如一般条件第 17 条所述。
1.21. SITE 1.21. 站点
Shall mean the place or plant where the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT have to be delivered and/or performed by the CONTRACTOR. The location of the SITE is precisely defined in the concerned CONTRACT. 是指承包商必须交付和/或执行工程和/或设备的地点或工厂。SITE 的位置在相关合同中明确定义。
1.22. SOFTWARE 1.22. 软件
1.22.1 CONTRACTOR'S SOFTWARE 1.22.1 承包商的软件
Shall mean any software, program and/or data-base, owned by the CONTRACTOR at the signature date of the concerned CONTRACT and necessary or used for operating, monitoring, maintaining the WORKS AND/OR EQUIPMENT or any part of them, as well as all operations relating thereto. 是指承包商在相关合同签署之日拥有的、用于操作、监控、维护工程和/或设备或其任何部分以及与之相关的所有操作所必需的或用于的任何软件、程序和/或数据库。
1.22.2 SPECIFIC SOFTWARE 1.22.2 特定软件
Shall mean any software, program and/or data-base developed and/or modified for the performance of any CONTRACT. 是指为履行任何合同而开发和/或修改的任何软件、程序和/或数据库。