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# Mixed Reality Capture Quick Start  
A walkthrough of setting up and using the Mixed Reality Capture feature. 設定和使用混合實境捕捉功能的演練。
![Mixed Reality Capture Quick Start](chrome-extension://pcmpcfapbekmbjjkdalcgopdkipoggdi/community/api/documentation/image/5d0fee29-804f-445e-b1b8-d3dfb8daf1c1?resizing_type=fit&width=1920&height=335)
Learn to use this **Beta** feature, but use caution when shipping with it. 了解如何使用此測試版功能,但在使用它時要小心。
On this page
![MR_RoboRecall.png](https://d1iv7db44yhgxn.cloudfront.net/documentation/images/15626842-6e17-45f3-9db0-24a22ded2065/mr_roborecall-resize714x424.png "MR_RoboRecall.png")
At the end of this tutorial, you will have setup and calibrated your system for Mixed Reality Capture (MRC). 在本教學結束時,您將設定並校準混合實境擷取 (MRC) 系統。
## 1 - Setting up Green Screen and Camera 1 - 設定綠幕和攝影機
Before you can take a capture, you will need the right equipment for the job. Here is a quick overview of the equipment you will need, and some tips on how to set it up. 在進行捕捉之前,您需要適合該工作的設備。以下是您所需設備的快速概述,以及有關如何設定設備的一些提示。
![](https://d1iv7db44yhgxn.cloudfront.net/documentation/images/90bef2c2-af72-4896-9a74-c861215ef1bb/mr_greenscreensetup.png "MR_GreenScreenSetup.png")
1. **Video Camera 錄影機** UE5 only supports a very specific set of video capture devices; see [Supported Video Devices](chrome-extension://pcmpcfapbekmbjjkdalcgopdkipoggdi/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/supported-video-devices-for-mixed-reality-capture-in-unreal-engine?application_version=5.3) for the current list of the supported devices. Using a device from the list, connect it to your PC for streaming. UE5僅支援一組非常特定的視訊擷取設備;有關支援的設備的當前列表,請參閱支援的視訊設備。使用清單中的設備,將其連接到您的電腦以進行串流傳輸。 2. **Chroma backdrop 色度背景** For chroma keying, we generally use a green screen. When setting up the green screen, you will want to make sure it's taut, minimizing any wrinkles, especially behind your subject. If you are setting up lighting, you will want to make sure not to cast shadows directly behind the subject. You want a smooth, flat color. The more shades of green that there are across the backdrop, the harder it is to chroma key. It helps if the subject is far away from the backdrop as possible. If you plan on filming the subject's feet, consider a green screen for the floor as well. 對於色度鍵控,我們通常使用綠幕。設定綠幕時,您需要確保其拉緊,盡量減少皺紋,尤其是在主體後面。如果您要設定照明,則需要確保不要將陰影直接投射到主體的後方。您想要光滑、平坦的顏色。背景上的綠色色調越多,色度鍵就越難。如果拍攝對象盡可能遠離背景,這會有所幫助。如果您打算拍攝拍攝對象的腳,請考慮在地板上使用綠幕。 3. **Camera Mount 相機支架** For the initial setup (calibration), your camera needs to be static. If you are using a webcam, this may be as simple as attaching it to your desk/monitor. Another option is to mount the camera to a tripod. 對於初始設定(校準),您的相機需要保持靜態。如果您使用網路攝影機,這可能就像將其連接到您的辦公桌/顯示器一樣簡單。另一種選擇是將相機安裝到三腳架上。 4. **Multi-Mount + Tracker (Optional) 多安裝+追蹤器(選購)** If you plan on moving the camera around while filming, you will want to attach a tracking device to the camera, such as an HTC Vive Tracker. In addition, connect the camera and tracker together with a [multi mount](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1062513-REG/desmond_d3d_1_stereo_camera_bracket.html), so that they stay firmly locked in place. 如果您打算在拍攝時移動攝影機,則需要在攝影機上安裝追蹤設備,例如 HTC Vive 追蹤器。此外,使用多功能安裝座將攝影機和追蹤器連接在一起,以便它們牢固地鎖定到位。
## 2 - Calibrating Physical and Virtual Cameras 2 - 校準實體和虛擬相機
Once you have your physical space and equipment set up, you are ready to run through calibration. At runtime, the game needs to know where your camera is in relation to your virtual scene. The configuration is different for each setup, which is why you need to run through a calibration process. To simplify calibration, we've created a standalone calibration tool (MRCalibration.exe), which can be downloaded [here](http://epic.gm/mrccal). 設定好物理空間和設備後,您就可以進行校準了。在運行時,遊戲需要知道你的相機相對於虛擬場景的位置。每個設定的配置都不同,這就是您需要運行校準過程的原因。為了簡化校準,我們建立了一個獨立的校準工具 (MRCalibration.exe),可以在此下載。
The calibration process is complicated, so we've created a separate [How To Use The Mixed Reality Capture Calibration Tool](chrome-extension://pcmpcfapbekmbjjkdalcgopdkipoggdi/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/how-to-use-the-mixed-reality-capture-calibration-tool-in-unreal-engine?application_version=5.3) topic that contains detailed instructions on using the calibration tool. 校準過程很複雜,因此我們創建了一個單獨的如何使用混合實境捕捉校準工具主題,其中包含有關使用校準工具的詳細說明。
When the calibration process is complete, the calibration tool will generate a calibration settings file (_MrcCalibration.sav_). The calibration settings file (_MrcCalibration.sav_) file can be found in the calibration tool's _/Saved/SaveGames/_ folder. This settings file will be used by the game when starting a Mixed Reality Capture. As long as your physical setup stays the same, you don't need to rerun the calibration process. You can use the same calibration settings file across multiple games. 校準過程完成後,校準工具將產生校準設定檔(MrcCalibration.sav)。校準設定檔 (MrcCalibration.sav) 檔案可以在校準工具的 /Saved/SaveGames/ 資料夾中找到。啟動混合實境捕捉時,遊戲將使用此設定檔。只要您的物理設定保持不變,您就不需要重新運行校準過程。您可以在多個遊戲中使用相同的校準設定檔。
If you have a camera with an adjustable lens, be careful not to adjust the zoom after you've completed calibration. Adjusting the zoom will change the physical camera's field-of-view (FOV), but not the virtual one. The virtual camera will use the FOV that was used during calibration. If you adjust the camera's zoom after calibration, you will need to repeat the calibration process. 如果您的相機配備可調節鏡頭,請注意完成校準後不要調整變焦。調整變焦將改變實體相機的視野 (FOV),但不會改變虛擬相機的視野。虛擬相機將使用校準期間使用的 FOV。如果校準後調整相機的變焦,則需要重複校準程序。
## 3 - Adding the Calibration File to Your Game Project 3 - 將校準檔案新增至您的遊戲專案中
In the last step, we covered how to use the MRC Calibration Tool to produce a _MrcCalibration.sav_ file. Once you have a _MrcCalibration.sav_ file, copy it into your game's _/Saved/SaveGames/_ folder. If your game doesn't have a SaveGames directory yet, you will need to create it manually. 在上一個步驟中,我們介紹如何使用 MRC 校準工具產生 MrcCalibration.sav 檔案。取得 MrcCalibration.sav 檔案後,將其複製到遊戲的 /Saved/SaveGames/ 資料夾中。如果您的遊戲還沒有 SaveGames 目錄,您需要手動建立它。
If you have the Mixed Reality Capture Framework plugin enabled in your game, it checks for a calibration settings file on startup. 如果您在遊戲中啟用了混合實境擷取框架插件,它會在啟動時檢查校準設定檔。
## 4 - Enabling the Mixed Reality Capture Framework Plugin 4 - 啟用混合實境擷取框架插件
Integrating the Mixed Reality Capture (MRC) framework into your project is as easy as enabling the Mixed Reality Capture framework plugin. With the MRC plugin enabled and the calibration settings file in place, the game should start in MRC mode and display the composited scene to the spectator window. 將混合實境擷取 (MRC) 框架整合到您的專案中就像啟用混合實境擷取框架外掛一樣簡單。啟用 MRC 插件並就位校準設定檔後,遊戲應以 MRC 模式啟動並將合成場景顯示到觀眾視窗。 By default, MRC broadcasting uses the [VR Spectator Screen](chrome-extension://pcmpcfapbekmbjjkdalcgopdkipoggdi/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/virtual-reality-spectator-screen-in-unreal-engine?application_version=5.3) to display the composited scene. If the game isn't in VR mode, then the Mixed Reality capture will not be displayed. The MRC plugin is capturing; it's just not displaying. 預設情況下,MRC 廣播使用 VR 觀眾螢幕來顯示合成場景。如果遊戲未處於 VR 模式,則不會顯示混合實境捕捉。 MRC插件正在捕獲;它只是不顯示。
Mixed Reality captures are supported both in the editor (VR PIE) and in packaged projects, as long as the MRC plugin is enabled. 只要啟用了 MRC 插件,編輯器 (VR PIE) 和打包項目都支援混合實境擷取。
1. Under the **Edit** menu, select **Plugins**. 在“編輯”選單下,選擇“插件”。 [![](https://d1iv7db44yhgxn.cloudfront.net/documentation/images/68dcf77c-1f00-4175-b989-72d75b2c49e3/01-select-plugins_ue5.png)](https://d1iv7db44yhgxn.cloudfront.net/documentation/images/68dcf77c-1f00-4175-b989-72d75b2c49e3/01-select-plugins_ue5.png) Click image to expand. 按一下圖像可展開。 2. Use the Search bar to find the Mixed Reality Capture Framework plugin. 使用搜尋欄尋找混合實境捕捉框架外掛程式。 3. Click the **Enabled** checkbox, then click **Yes** on the warning pop-up. 按一下「已啟用」複選框,然後在彈出的警告視窗中按一下「是」。 [![](https://d1iv7db44yhgxn.cloudfront.net/documentation/images/1422c324-0e50-4aed-a563-6a5a58eeaf43/02-mixed-reality-capture_ue5.png)](https://d1iv7db44yhgxn.cloudfront.net/documentation/images/1422c324-0e50-4aed-a563-6a5a58eeaf43/02-mixed-reality-capture_ue5.png) Click image to expand. 按一下圖像可展開。 4. Unreal Editor must be restarted to compelte the process of enabling the plugin. 必須重新啟動虛幻編輯器才能完成啟用插件的過程。 [![](https://d1iv7db44yhgxn.cloudfront.net/documentation/images/8038db70-d3d8-4f9d-91c4-d79db2e815a0/03-restart-engine_ue5.png)](https://d1iv7db44yhgxn.cloudfront.net/documentation/images/8038db70-d3d8-4f9d-91c4-d79db2e815a0/03-restart-engine_ue5.png) Click image to expand. 按一下圖像可展開。
#### Starting in MRC Mode 以 MRC 模式啟動
When the MRC plugin starts up, it checks for a calibration settings file (_MrcCalibration.sav_) in the game's _/Saved/SaveGames/_ folder. If the MRC plugin does not find a calibration settings file, it will not start in MRC mode. Below is a diagram showing how the game determines whether to start in MRC mode or not. 當 MRC 外掛程式啟動時,它會檢查遊戲的 /Saved/SaveGames/ 資料夾中的校準設定檔 (MrcCalibration.sav)。如果 MRC 插件找不到校準設定文件,它將不會以 MRC 模式啟動。下圖顯示了遊戲如何確定是否以 MRC 模式啟動。
![](https://d1iv7db44yhgxn.cloudfront.net/documentation/images/d8946c17-e9a8-429a-a8b4-3a1bbd1072fc/mr_startupflowchart.png "MR_StartUpFlowChart.png")
## 5 - Recording the Mixed Reality Capture 5 - 記錄混合實境捕捉
The MRC framework does not record a video of the capture. The MRC framework handles compositing the scene and outputting that to the display window. You must use 3rd party software, like [OBS](https://obsproject.com/) or [Nvidia ShadowPlay](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/geforce-experience/shadowplay/) to record the capture. MRC 框架不記錄捕獲的影片。 MRC 框架負責合成場景並將其輸出到顯示視窗。您必須使用 OBS 或 Nvidia ShadowPlay 等第 3 方軟體來記錄擷取。
## 6 - On your own! 6 - 靠你自己!
The hardest part of creating a Mixed Reality Capture is properly calibrating. Once you've done that, you can keep reusing the calibration file. It's as simple as copying a file and running! 創建混合實境捕捉最困難的部分是正確校準。完成此操作後,您可以繼續重複使用校準檔案。就像複製文件並運行一樣簡單!
If your equipment setup changes, you will need to recalibrate using the Mixed Reality Capture Calibration Tool again. 如果您的裝置設定發生變化,您將需要再次使用混合實境擷取校準工具進行重新校準。
- beta 貝塔 - basics/gettingstarted 基礎知識/入門 - mr - virtual sets 虛擬場景