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‘probably yes’, ‘probably not’, and ‘definitely not’. A period of two years was chosen to receive information about concrete fertility intentions. If respondents replied ‘probably not’ or ‘definitely not’ to have a first or another child within the next two years, then a question was asked whether they intend ever to have a first or another child. The answers could be differentiated in the same way as in the previous question. The investigation of tempo-related intentions to have a first or another child is only meaningful for individuals that actually want to have this child. Therefore, only respondents that want to have ever a first or another child are considered for this variable. For the variable about the quantum related fertility intentions, all respondents that probably or definitely want to have a child within the next two years are coded as respondents that also definitely ever want to have the respective child (for more details on the tempo and quantum of fertility intentions, see Philipov et al. 2005).

4.3 Social Capital  4.3 社会资本

Respondents’ social capital was measured by the amount of experienced and potential transfers of resources. Respondents were asked about the size of three different networks that provide them with three different kinds of resources during the last two years: ‘small help’, ‘substantial and important support’, and ‘borrowed money’. If the respondents reported that no network partners of a particular network provided them with the particular resource, they were asked to name the number of network partners from whom they would receive this resource if needed. For example, if a respondent replied that nobody provided ‘substantial and important support’, then the respondent was asked to name the number of network partners he or she could ask for this kind of support. For each of the three kinds of resources, the numbers of experienced and potential supportive network partners are summarised to three variables that provide information about the respondents’ amount of social capital according to ‘small help’, ‘substantial and important support’, and ‘borrowed money’. 4 4 ^(4){ }^{4} To cover the respondents’ involvement in long-term exchange relationships and investments in social capital, they were also asked about the number of network partners to whom they provided ‘important and substantive support’. If no network partner was named, the respondents were asked about the number of network partners that would ask them to provide this resource. These two variables are, again, summarised to a new one giving information about the number of network partners that receive ‘important and substantive support’ from the respondents.
The subsequent analyses consider a very simple property of social networks, namely, size. However, this structural characteristic is a central dimension of social capital (Bourdieu 1983; Flap 2002). The analyses address the processes of interpersonal exchange as the basic mechanism of generating social capital. Structural properties of social networks, such as density, cohesiveness, openness, or structural similarity, are very much outcomes of these processes and are not considered subsequently.
随后的分析考虑了社交网络的一个非常简单属性,即规模。然而,这一结构特征是社会资本的核心维度(Bourdieu 1983;Flap 2002)。分析将人际交流过程作为社会资本产生的基本机制。社交网络的结构属性,如密度、凝聚力、开放性或结构相似性,很大程度上是这些过程的结果,因此不在后续考虑之列。
For a subgroup of network partners, the questionnaire collected personal characteristics and some attributes of the respondent’s relationships with them. For example, when a respondent reported about network partners from whom he received ‘small help’, he was asked to select up to five network partners that were most important within this context. Next, he was asked for the network partners’ gender, travelling distance between the respondent and them, their frequency of contact, and their role relationships, i.e. whether they belong to the respondent’s family or whether they are relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues etc. The latter variable can be used as an indicator for the kind of reciprocity that characterises the relationships. Members of the extended family and kin build systems of indirect reciprocal exchange. Relationships with the partner, friends, or colleagues rest on direct reciprocity. The same information was collected for up to five network partners that ‘lend money to the respondent’ and/or that received ‘important and substantive support’ from her. For the analyses, the network partners from these two networks as well as from the network that provided the respondent with ‘small help’ are pooled and their characteristics are aggregated. This is done to receive some independence between the composition of role relationships and the kind of resources received or given. Two new variables are created to indicate the number of indirect reciprocal relationships between the respondents and their network partners, measured by the number of extended family members and relatives, and to measure the number of direct reciprocal relationships, represented by the number of friends, colleagues, neighbours, and acquaintances. Husbands and partners are not considered, as the analyses concentrate on the exchange of resources with network partners outside the respondents’ core family. To cover a probably significant role the respondents’ direct parents may play in the relationships of indirect reciprocity, three additional variables are constructed. Two dummy variables that report whether the respondent named one or both direct parents and one variable about the number of indirect reciprocal relationships to all other relatives.
对于网络合作伙伴的子群体,问卷调查收集了受访者的个人特征以及他们与网络合作伙伴关系的某些属性。例如,当受访者报告说从网络合作伙伴那里获得了“小帮助”时,他会被要求选择最多五个在这种情况下最重要的网络合作伙伴。接下来,他会被要求提供网络合作伙伴的性别、受访者与他们的旅行距离、联系频率以及角色关系,即他们是否属于受访者的家人,或者他们是亲戚、朋友、熟人、同事等。后一个变量可以用作关系中互惠类型的指标。大家庭和亲属成员建立间接互惠交换系统。与合作伙伴、朋友或同事的关系建立在直接互惠的基础上。对于“借钱给受访者”和/或从受访者那里获得“重要和实质性支持”的最多五个网络合作伙伴,也收集了相同的信息。为了进行分析,来自这两个网络以及向受访者提供“小帮助”的网络中的网络合作伙伴被集中起来,其特征被汇总。这样做是为了在角色关系的构成与所获得或提供的资源类型之间获得一定的独立性。创建了两个新变量来指示受访者与他们的网络合作伙伴之间的间接互惠关系数量,以大家庭成员和亲戚的数量来衡量,并衡量直接互惠关系数量,以朋友、同事、邻居和熟人的数量来表示。 丈夫和伴侣不在考虑之列,因为分析的重点是受访者核心家庭以外的网络伙伴之间的资源交换。为了涵盖受访者直系父母在间接互惠关系中可能发挥的重要作用,我们构建了三个额外的变量。两个虚拟变量用于报告受访者是否指定了直系父母中的一方或双方,另一个变量用于报告与所有其他亲属的间接互惠关系数量。

4.4 Control Variables  4.4 控制变量

Primarily for the purpose of control, the multivariate analyses consider the basic characteristics of the respondents, their husbands or partners, and their households. Husbands’, partners’, and households’ characteristics are considered because we assume that women form their fertility intentions not solely based on

their personal characteristics. The respondents are portrayed by age, the completed or aspired level of education, the employment situation, their religiosity, and the number of siblings they have. Husbands or partners are attributed with their age, the level of education completed or aspired, and their employment situation. As the analyses take the respondents’ perspectives into account, they consider only the characteristics of husbands’ or partners’ that we assume most of the respondents to know accurately. However, information on these characteristics is taken from the husbands’ or partners’ interviews. The situation of the household is represented by its equivalence income, i.e. by the household members’ per capita income weighted by the age structure of the household. 5 5 ^(5){ }^{5} Finally, one variable controls for the differences of fertility intentions between urban and rural areas.
他们的个人特征。受访者按年龄、已完成或期望的教育水平、就业状况、宗教信仰以及兄弟姐妹数量进行描述。丈夫或伴侣按年龄、已完成或期望的教育水平以及就业状况进行描述。由于分析考虑了受访者的观点,因此只考虑了我们认为大多数受访者都准确了解的丈夫或伴侣的特征。然而,这些特征的信息来自对丈夫或伴侣的访谈。家庭状况由等值收入表示,即按家庭年龄结构加权计算的家庭成员人均收入。 5 5 ^(5){ }^{5} 最后,一个变量控制了城乡地区生育意愿的差异。

5 Empirical Results  5个经验结果

The empirical results are presented in two steps. First, the distributions of the central variables in the analyses are reported: the respondents’ fertility intentions and the size and composition of their exchange networks. Next, estimates from ordered logistic regressions are discussed to explore the possible effects of the respondents’ social capital and their embeddedness in relationships of direct and indirect reciprocity on their fertility intentions.

5.1 Fertility Intentions
5.1 生育意愿

Of all women considered in the analyses, 35.9 % 35.9 % 35.9%35.9 \% definitely intend to have a first or another child (see Table 2). This compares to 36.1 % 36.1 % 36.1%36.1 \% who perceive their reproductive period to be completed and for certain do not intend to give birth to a child. However, as expected, these intentions depend significantly on the actual number of children belonging to the respondent. Most of the childless respondents ( 87.7 % 87.7 % 87.7%87.7 \% ) intend to have at least one child for sure. However, this intention changes significantly in the case of a second child. Here, only 43.3 % 43.3 % 43.3%43.3 \% are certain that they want to have a second child whereas 37.4 % 37.4 % 37.4%37.4 \% intend not to have more than one child. Finally, among the respondents with two, three, or more children, only a marked minority that intends to have a further child can be identified.
在分析的所有女性中, 35.9 % 35.9 % 35.9%35.9 \% 肯定打算生第一个或第二个孩子(见表 2)。相比之下, 36.1 % 36.1 % 36.1%36.1 \% 认为她们的生育期已经结束,肯定不打算生孩子。然而,正如预期的那样,这些打算很大程度上取决于受访者的实际子女数量。大多数没有孩子的受访者( 87.7 % 87.7 % 87.7%87.7 \% )肯定打算至少生一个孩子。然而,对于第二个孩子,这种打算发生了很大变化。在这里,只有 43.3 % 43.3 % 43.3%43.3 \% 肯定想要生第二个孩子,而 37.4 % 37.4 % 37.4%37.4 \% 打算只生一个孩子。最后,在有两个、三个或更多孩子的受访者中,只有极少数人打算再要一个孩子。
Table 2:  表2:
Intention ever to have a first or another child by the number of children belonging to the respondent (natural children, step, and fostered children)
Number of children  孩子数量 Total  总计

Intention ever to have
a first or another child
Intention ever to have a first or another child| Intention ever to have | | :--- | | a first or another child |
0 1 2
3 or
3 or more| 3 or | | :---: | | more |
Definitely not  绝对不是 3.0 20.1 75.2 85.0 36.1
Probably not  可能不会 2.6 17.3 17.9 7.5 15.5
Probably yes  可能是的 6.8 19.4 3.2 2.5 12.6
Definitely yes  当然可以 87.7 43.3 3.7 5.0 35.9
Total  总计 100.1 101.1 100.0 100.0 100.1
N 235 1,072 588 40 1 , 935 a 1 , 935 a 1,935^(a)1,935^{\mathrm{a}}
Number of children Total "Intention ever to have a first or another child" 0 1 2 "3 or more" Definitely not 3.0 20.1 75.2 85.0 36.1 Probably not 2.6 17.3 17.9 7.5 15.5 Probably yes 6.8 19.4 3.2 2.5 12.6 Definitely yes 87.7 43.3 3.7 5.0 35.9 Total 100.1 101.1 100.0 100.0 100.1 N 235 1,072 588 40 1,935^(a)| | Number of children | | | | Total | | :--- | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | | Intention ever to have <br> a first or another child | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 or <br> more | | | Definitely not | 3.0 | 20.1 | 75.2 | 85.0 | 36.1 | | Probably not | 2.6 | 17.3 | 17.9 | 7.5 | 15.5 | | Probably yes | 6.8 | 19.4 | 3.2 | 2.5 | 12.6 | | Definitely yes | 87.7 | 43.3 | 3.7 | 5.0 | 35.9 | | Total | 100.1 | 101.1 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.1 | | N | 235 | 1,072 | 588 | 40 | $1,935^{\mathrm{a}}$ |
Note: * Due to 81 cases with nonresponse or missing information, the total number of respondents in this table is smaller than the overall population ( n 2 , 016 n 2 , 016 n-2,016\mathrm{n}-2,016 ) considered in the analyses.
备注:* 由于有 81 个案例未回答或信息缺失,因此本表中的受访者总数小于分析中考虑的总人数( n 2 , 016 n 2 , 016 n-2,016\mathrm{n}-2,016 )。
The majority of the respondents who definitely or probably want to have a first or another child intends to have this child within the next two years (see Table 3). This holds especially for the timing of the first child. However, the intention to postpone the birth increases with parity.
The results in Tables 2 and 3 entail two limitations for the subsequent analyses. First, the distribution of the intentions of the childless women ever to have a first child is too skewed for a meaningful analysis ( 94.5 % 94.5 % 94.5%94.5 \% definitely or probably
表2和表3中的结果对后续分析存在两个限制。首先,无子女女性生育第一个孩子的意愿分布过于偏斜,无法进行有意义的分析( 94.5 % 94.5 % 94.5%94.5 \% 肯定或可能
Table 3:  表3:
Intention to have a first or another child within the next two years by the number of children belonging to the respondent (natural children, step, and fostered children). All respondents that definitely or probably intend to have a first or another child

Intention to have a first or another child
within the next two years
Intention to have a first or another child within the next two years| Intention to have a first or another child | | :--- | | within the next two years |
0 1 2
Nor more| Nor | | :---: | | more |
12.9 16.1 30.0 - 16.0
Probably not  可能不会 14.7 27.8 30.0 33.3 24.8
Probably yes  可能是的 33.8 40.1 28.0 33.3 37.9
Definitely yes  当然可以 38.7 16.1 12.0 33.3 21.2
Total  总计 100.1 100.1 100.0 99.9 99.9
N 225 684 50 3 962
"Intention to have a first or another child within the next two years" 0 1 2 "Nor more" 12.9 16.1 30.0 - 16.0 Probably not 14.7 27.8 30.0 33.3 24.8 Probably yes 33.8 40.1 28.0 33.3 37.9 Definitely yes 38.7 16.1 12.0 33.3 21.2 Total 100.1 100.1 100.0 99.9 99.9 N 225 684 50 3 962| Intention to have a first or another child <br> within the next two years | 0 | 1 | 2 | Nor <br> more | | | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | | | | | | | 12.9 | 16.1 | 30.0 | - | 16.0 | | Probably not | 14.7 | 27.8 | 30.0 | 33.3 | 24.8 | | Probably yes | 33.8 | 40.1 | 28.0 | 33.3 | 37.9 | | Definitely yes | 38.7 | 16.1 | 12.0 | 33.3 | 21.2 | | Total | 100.1 | 100.1 | 100.0 | 99.9 | 99.9 | | N | 225 | 684 | 50 | 3 | 962 |
intend to have a first child). Second, the number of respondents with three or more children ( n = 40 ) ( n = 40 ) (n=40)(\mathrm{n}=40) as well as the number of respondents who probably or definitely intend to have a third ( n = 50 ) ( n = 50 ) (n=50)(\mathrm{n}=50) or a fourth or fifth one ( n = 3 ) ( n = 3 ) (n=3)(\mathrm{n}=3) within the next two years are too small. Therefore, the multivariate analyses will only consider the respondents’ intentions ever to have a second or a third child and their intentions to have a first or a second one within the next two years.
打算生第一个孩子)。其次,有三个或以上孩子的受访者数量 ( n = 40 ) ( n = 40 ) (n=40)(\mathrm{n}=40) 以及可能或肯定打算在未来两年内生第三个 ( n = 50 ) ( n = 50 ) (n=50)(\mathrm{n}=50) 或第四个或第五个孩子 ( n = 3 ) ( n = 3 ) (n=3)(\mathrm{n}=3) 的受访者数量太少。因此,多元分析将只考虑受访者是否打算生第二个或第三个孩子以及是否打算在未来两年内生第一个或第二个孩子。

5.2 The Size and Composition of Networks
5.2 网络的规模和构成

The majority of the women reported to have access to the supportive resources that were addressed in the questionnaire. Of the respondents, only 6.0 % 6.0 % 6.0%6.0 \% resp. 7.7 % 7.7 % 7.7%7.7 \% replied not to know at least one network partner that provides ‘small help’ or ‘important and substantive support’ (see Table 4). 12.3 % 12.3 % 12.3%12.3 \% do not know of network partners that lend money. 51.1 % 51.1 % 51.1%51.1 \% of the respondents borrowed money from their network partners in the last two years. This money was repeatedly spent on goods for basic needs, such as food, clothing, or medicine ( 62.1 % 62.1 % 62.1%62.1 \% ), but also on bills for heating and lighting ( 31.9 % 31.9 % 31.9%31.9 \% ), or on unexpected payments of a smaller amount ( 25.6 % 25.6 % 25.6%25.6 \% ), like repairs or small medical treatments (multiple answers were possible). The mean values of the size of the non-empty networks show that the respondents are able to reach on average 3.7 network partners when they need ‘small help’, followed by 2.7 persons that give ‘substantive and important support’, and 2.4 people that lend money to them. The results on the small networks agree with insights from other studies (see for example Bühler and Frątczak 2004, Pfenning 1995, or Bernard et al. 1990). Within the personal network, there is mostly only a small number of members able and willing to give substantive support. Of the respondents, 87.5 % 87.5 % 87.5%87.5 \% gave or would give ‘important and substantive support’ to 3.0 network partners on average. A cross tabulation of the respondents who received and/or gave this kind of resource documents that 50.2 % 50.2 % 50.2%50.2 \% of them were engaged in exchange processes, i.e. they received as well as provided ‘important and substantive support’ within the last two years.
大多数女性表示她们能够获得问卷中提到的支持资源。在受访者中,只有 6.0 % 6.0 % 6.0%6.0 \% 人表示不认识至少一个可以提供“小帮助”或“重要实质性支持”的网络伙伴(见表4)。 12.3 % 12.3 % 12.3%12.3 \% 人不知道有提供贷款的网络伙伴。 51.1 % 51.1 % 51.1%51.1 \% 的受访者在过去两年中向网络伙伴借钱。这些钱经常用于购买基本生活必需品,如食物、衣服或药品( 62.1 % 62.1 % 62.1%62.1 \% ),也用于支付取暖和照明费用( 31.9 % 31.9 % 31.9%31.9 \% ),或用于支付修理或小病治疗等小额意外费用( 25.6 % 25.6 % 25.6%25.6 \% )(可多选)。非空网络规模的平均值表明,当受访者需要“小帮助”时,他们平均能够联系到3.7个网络伙伴,其次是2.7个提供“重要实质性支持”的人,以及2.4个借钱给他们的人。小网络的结果与其他研究结果一致(例如,参见Bühler和Frątczak 2004、Pfenning 1995或Bernard等人1990)。在个人网络中,通常只有少数成员能够并愿意提供实质性支持。在受访者中, 87.5 % 87.5 % 87.5%87.5 \% 人平均向3.0个网络伙伴提供或愿意提供“重要实质性支持”。交叉分析显示,在获得和/或提供这种资源的人中, 50.2 % 50.2 % 50.2%50.2 \% 人参与了交换过程,即他们在过去两年中既获得了“重要实质性支持”,也提供了这种支持。
Table 5 reports the networks’ compositions by the relationships of indirect and direct reciprocity. 6 6 ^(6){ }^{6} Indirect reciprocal relationships form the majority. They make on average 55 % 55 % 55%55 \% of the relationships between the respondents and their network partners. On the one hand, this is caused by the significance of the respondents’ direct parents ( 30 % 30 % 30%30 \% ), but also by parents-in-law, members of the extended family, and relatives ( 25 % 25 % 25%25 \% ). Direct parents are crucial providers of ‘substantive and important support’ and they are a valuable source of money, but they make also one fourth of the network partners that were supported by the respondents. Direct reciprocal relationships with friends, colleagues, neighbours, or acquaintances form a significant share of the respondents’ exchange activities within the last two years as well. This group of network partners is the most important source for borrowed money ( 37 % 37 % 37%37 \% ) and they are also frequent beneficiaries of ‘important and substantive support’ given by the respondents. Furthermore, there are supportive relationships within the respondents’ core families. Husbands or partners make on average 27 % 27 % 27%27 \% of the network partners that provided important
表5按间接和直接互惠关系列出了网络构成。 6 6 ^(6){ }^{6} 间接互惠关系占多数。它们平均占受访者与其网络伙伴之间关系的 55 % 55 % 55%55 \% 。一方面,这是由于受访者的直系亲属( 30 % 30 % 30%30 \% )的重要性,另一方面,也是由于姻亲、大家庭成员和亲戚( 25 % 25 % 25%25 \% )的重要性。直系亲属是“实质性和重要支持”的重要提供者,也是宝贵的资金来源,但他们也占受访者所支持的网络伙伴的四分之一。与朋友、同事、邻居或熟人的直接互惠关系也占受访者过去两年内交换活动的很大一部分。这一组网络伙伴是借款的最重要来源( 37 % 37 % 37%37 \% ),也是受访者给予的“重要和实质性支持”的常见受益者。此外,在受访者的核心家庭中也有支持关系。丈夫或伴侣平均占提供重要
support to the respondents and they form 22 % 22 % 22%22 \% of the network partners that received this kind of support.
支持受访者,他们构成了接受过此类支持的 22 % 22 % 22%22 \% 网络合作伙伴。
Table 4:  表4:
Shares of empty networks and mean sizes of non-empty networks separated by the number of children belonging to the respondent (natural children, step, and fostered children)
\hline \multirow[t]{3}{*}{} & \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Access to small help} & \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Access to important and substantive support}
\hline \multirow[t]{3}{*}{} & \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{访问小帮助} & \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{访问重要且实质性的支持}

\hline & Total & \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Number of children} & Total & \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Number of children}
横线 & 总计 & 多栏{4}{|c|}{孩子数量} & 总计 & 多栏{4}{|c|}{孩子数量}

\hline & & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 3 >= 3\geq 3 & & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 3 >= 3\geq 3

\hline Empty net Share (in percent) & rks
空行净额 份额(百分比)&rks
6.1 & 7.0 & 5.2 & 7.3 & 9.8 & 7.7 & 6.6 & 7.5 & 8.4 & 9.5

\hline N & 2,002 & 259 & 1,096 & 606 & 41 & 2,001 & 259 & 1,093 & 607 & 42
横线 N & 2,002 & 259 & 1,096 & 606 & 41 & 2,001 & 259 & 1,093 & 607 & 42

\hline Non-empt Mean (Std.dev.) & etworks
\hline 非空均值(标准差)和etworks

( 2.53 ) ( 2.53 ) (2.53)(2.53) & & [
3.6 ( 2.24 ) 3.6 ( 2.24 ) [3.6],[(2.24)]\begin{gathered} 3.6 \\ (2.24) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
3.7 ( 2.41 ) 3.7 ( 2.41 ) [3.7],[(2.41)]\begin{gathered} 3.7 \\ (2.41) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
3.4 ( 2.11 ) 3.4 ( 2.11 ) [3.4],[(2.11)]\begin{gathered} 3.4 \\ (2.11) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
2.7 ( 1.58 ) 2.7 ( 1.58 ) [2.7],[(1.58)]\begin{gathered} 2.7 \\ (1.58) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
2.6 ( 1.47 ) 2.6 ( 1.47 ) [2.6],[(1.47)]\begin{gathered} 2.6 \\ (1.47) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
2.7 ( 1.53 ) 2.7 ( 1.53 ) [2.7],[(1.53)]\begin{gathered} 2.7 \\ (1.53) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
2.7 ( 1.71 ) 2.7 ( 1.71 ) [2.7],[(1.71)]\begin{gathered} 2.7 \\ (1.71) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
2.6 ( 1.73 ) 2.6 ( 1.73 ) [2.6],[(1.73)]\begin{gathered} 2.6 \\ (1.73) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
\hline N & 1,879 & 241 & 1,039 & 562 & 37 & 1,847 & 242 & 1,011 & 556 & 38
hline N & 1,879 & 241 & 1,039 & 562 & 37 & 1,847 & 242 & 1,011 & 556 & 38

\hline & \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Access to borrowed money} & \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Important and substantive support given}
\hline & \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{获得借款} & \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{提供重要且实质性的支持}

\hline & Total & \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Number of children} & Total & \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Number of children}
横线 & 总计 & 多栏{4}{|c|}{孩子数量} & 总计 & 多栏{4}{|c|}{孩子数量}

\hline & & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 3 >= 3\geq 3 & & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 3 >= 3\geq 3

\hline Empty net Share (in percent) & rks n ^("n "){ }^{\text {n }}
空行净额 份额(百分比)&rks n ^("n "){ }^{\text {n }}

12.3 & 8.5 & 11.5 & 14.1 & 28.6 & 12.5 & 11.9 & 12.7 & 11.2 & 31.7

\hline N & 2,006 & 259 & 1,097 & 608 & 42 & 1,965 & 252 & 1,071 & 601 & 41
横线 N & 2,006 & 259 & 1,097 & 608 & 42 & 1,965 & 252 & 1,071 & 601 & 41

\hline Non-empty Mean (Std.dev.) & etwork 2.4 (1.57) & 2.5 ( 1.92 ) 2.5 ( 1.92 ) {:[2.5],[(1.92)]:}\begin{gathered} 2.5 \\ (1.92) \end{gathered} & [
非空平均值(标准差)和误差 2.4 (1.57) & & [
2.4 ( 1.58 ) 2.4 ( 1.58 ) [2.4],[(1.58)]\begin{gathered} 2.4 \\ (1.58) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
2.4 ( 1.40 ) 2.4 ( 1.40 ) [2.4],[(1.40)]\begin{gathered} 2.4 \\ (1.40) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
2.4 ( 1.22 ) 2.4 ( 1.22 ) {:[2.4],[(1.22)]:}\begin{gathered} 2.4 \\ (1.22) \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
3.0 ( 2.57 ) 3.0 ( 2.57 ) [3.0],[(2.57)]\begin{gathered} 3.0 \\ (2.57) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
3.0 ( 2.45 ) 3.0 ( 2.45 ) [3.0],[(2.45)]\begin{gathered} 3.0 \\ (2.45) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
3.0 ( 2.50 ) 3.0 ( 2.50 ) [3.0],[(2.50)]\begin{gathered} 3.0 \\ (2.50) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
3.1 ( 2.78 ) 3.1 ( 2.78 ) [3.1],[(2.78)]\begin{gathered} 3.1 \\ (2.78) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
] & [  ]和[
2.8 ( 1.69 ) 2.8 ( 1.69 ) [2.8],[(1.69)]\begin{gathered} 2.8 \\ (1.69) \\ \hline \end{gathered}
\hline N & 1,760 & 237 & 971 & 522 & 30 & 1,719 & 222 & 935 & 534 & 28
hline N & 1,760 & 237 & 971 & 522 & 30 & 1,719 & 222 & 935 & 534 & 28

\hline   水平线
Table 5:  表5:
Networks’ compositions by relationships of direct and indirect reciprocity
Total  总计

and substan-
tive support
Important and substan- tive support received| Important | | :---: | | and substan- | | tive support | | received |
Borrowing money| Borrowing | | :---: | | money |

and substan-
tive support
Important and substan- tive support given| Important | | :---: | | and substan- | | tive support | | given |
Indirect reciprocal relationships:
0.29 0.25
Direct parents  直系父母 0.30 0.35 ( 0.373 ) ( 0.373 ) (0.373)(0.373) ( 0.321 ) ( 0.321 ) (0.321)(0.321)
( 0.288 ) ( 0.288 ) (0.288)(0.288) ( 0.335 ) ( 0.335 ) (0.335)(0.335) 0.27 0.28
Extended family, kin  大家庭、亲戚 0.25 0.23 ( 0.357 ) ( 0.357 ) (0.357)(0.357) ( 0.343 ) ( 0.343 ) (0.343)(0.343)
( 0.278 ) ( 0.278 ) (0.278)(0.278) ( 0.297 ) ( 0.297 ) (0.297)(0.297) 0.56 0.53
Total  总计 0.55 0.58 ( 0.423 ) ( 0.423 ) (0.423)(0.423) ( 0.401 ) ( 0.401 ) (0.401)(0.401)
( 0.336 ) ( 0.336 ) (0.336)(0.336) ( 0.368 ) ( 0.368 ) (0.368)(0.368)
Direct reciprocal relationships:
0.23 0.14 0.37 0.25
Friends, colleagues,  朋友、同事、 ( 0.306 ) ( 0.306 ) (0.306)(0.306) ( 0.285 ) ( 0.285 ) (0.285)(0.285) ( 0.417 ) ( 0.417 ) (0.417)(0.417) ( 0.363 ) ( 0.363 ) (0.363)(0.363)
neighbours, acquaint.  邻居、熟人 0.21 0.27 0.05 0.22
Partner, husband,  伴侣、丈夫、 ( 0.266 ) ( 0.266 ) (0.266)(0.266) ( 0.326 ) ( 0.326 ) (0.326)(0.326) ( 0.190 ) ( 0.190 ) (0.190)(0.190) ( 0.322 ) ( 0.322 ) (0.322)(0.322)
children  孩子 0.44 0.41 0.43 0.47
Total  总计 ( 0.334 ) ( 0.334 ) (0.334)(0.334) ( 0.366 ) ( 0.366 ) (0.366)(0.366) ( 0.421 ) ( 0.421 ) (0.421)(0.421) ( 0.400 ) ( 0.400 ) (0.400)(0.400)
0.004 0.01 0.01 0.003
Other network  其他网络 ( 0.050 ) ( 0.050 ) (0.050)(0.050) ( 0.074 ) ( 0.074 ) (0.074)(0.074) ( 0.100 )