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Relationships:  关系:
Characters:  角色
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Language:  语言
English  英语
Stats: 统计
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Summary: 摘要

Alex is a High General’s Alpha son during the Invasion of Briton, Henry is the Omega son of a Catuvellauni War Chief whose castle has just fallen to the invading armies. They meet under less than ideal circumstances.

Notes: 备注

Hello everyone! So please do not take this history seriously, my knowledge comes from the internet and not a degree so I will do my best to sprinkle in some actual history but mostly will be writing for the smut and the angst. :)

Running with the idea that most of the characters speak each other’s languages so there is only the occasional barrier with common people / soldiers.

Warning: This story will have dark themes of period typical/omegaverse misogyny, sexual violence, character death, descriptions of battle and all the ick that comes with it.

Any dialogue in italics will be spoken in the Roman language.

Enjoy! 请慢用

Chapter 1: Verulamium has fallen
第 1 章:维鲁拉姆沦陷

Chapter Text 章节正文

Ash and death is all Henry remembers of that day. 

The smoke of Verulamium burning torched the sky and settled deep into the lungs of those fleeing its walls. His mother, with a strength that Henry long believed had left her, tore through the halls rushing he and his sister Beatrice to a protected caravan. His brother Phillip, the first born Alpha of their clan, was currently on the front lines with a quickly diminishing army. If Henry ever saw him again it would be nothing short of a miracle he was sure. 

His Grandfather’s slaughtered body had already been taken by the Romans, surely being prepared to be set upon a spike - a warning to all surviving Britons to bow their heads. While his relationship with the man was complicated, he deserved a more dignified death, and his mother deserved to set her father to rest in a traditional burial. 

Racing through corridors where he took his first steps, rooms where he played with his siblings and a great hall that held as much celebration as it had loss, Henry choked back tears. David, his hunting dog, sprinted dutifully beside them as the echoes of encroaching soldiers let them know their window of escape was dwindling far faster than expected. The sound of bronze shields and the clang of swords was the only noise Henry could register as they reached the southern gate of his home and refuge for the first twenty years of his life.  

For a second he dared to look back and came face to face with a group of ten men, armed to the teeth with no mercy in their eyes. 

“Shaan, we must leave at once!” Henry heard his mother cry as he lifted his sister onto a horse. Their personal bodyguard and life long friend of his father moved as quickly as his visibly injured body would allow. 

There was no time. They were outnumbered and Henry did the only thing he could think of. 

He grabbed Shaan’s wrist and pleaded, “Leave without me. Take them and go as far as you can.” 

Henry slapped the horse carrying his sister into action while she screamed his name and made a run for the group of soldiers across the great lawn. His mother’s cries echoed and Shaan forced her to move as well and soon Henry was alone. 

David stood in front of his master, teeth barred and haunches raised. Henry unsheathed a sword from his side and took his stance, the slightest tremble visible as the enemy soldiers closed in on him. 

How adorable, the omega prince’s last stand .” A soldier in the front jeered.

Henry fought back a gag as the Alpha’s pheromones, ripe from the adrenaline of victory, assaulted his senses. The man ripped off a helmet to reveal a strong jaw with sweat matted black hair. 

What does he think he can do with that sword? And against ten Alphas no less? ” 

The men drew even closer as they laughed at his desperate position. Some began to look at him in a manner that hinted at a different form of violence for Henry. A stocky man in the middle of the group crudely grabbed his crotch and thrust it in the young prince’s direction. 


He thinks he can at least die with honor, having defended his family.” Henry spits back, hands white knuckling his only defense. He silently prays for a miracle, anything to save him from a punishing death at the hands of these barbarians. He doesn’t want to meet his father in the afterlife after such humiliation. 

The soldiers around him all cheer out in surprise. 

We have an educated one I see! He speaks Roman! You, my little princeling, are getting more and more interesting by the second! ” The man waves down the other soldiers in the group. “ How about we duel then? If you win I give you a five minute head start to catch up to your mother and sister. If I win, I get a taste of those multilingual lips, hm?” 

Henry scoffed, faking confidence, “You wouldn’t be the first to fight for that chance.” 

Without waiting for the enemy Alpha’s response he lunged, catching the larger man off guard. His sword sliced clean through his exposed jugular, hot blood spilling down his neck instantly as he gargled and collapsed. Shock rippled through the men as Henry bolted for the gate. Running faster than the 9 men behind him was his only chance of survival. Adrenaline beat through his body as he cleared past the gate into the commotion of the sacked city. His best chance of survival was to blend into the chaos. His blonde hair was now filthy with sweat and soot stuck to his forehead as he frantically looked for an escape. The surprise kill could only buy him so  much time, he needed a plan. 
不等敌方阿尔法做出反应,他猛地一跃,让这个大个子猝不及防。他的剑干净利落地划过他暴露在外的颈动脉,热血瞬间顺着他的脖子喷涌而出,他漱口后倒下了。当亨利冲向大门时,大家都惊呆了。跑得比身后的 9 个人更快是他唯一的生机。当他越过大门,冲进被洗劫的城市的骚乱中时,肾上腺素在他的身体里肆意飙升。他最好的生存机会就是融入混乱之中。他的金发已被汗水弄脏,烟灰粘在额头上,他疯狂地寻找逃生的机会。出其不意的杀戮只能为他争取这么多时间,他需要一个计划。

“Orders from the front lines, find the prince and bring him before the General! Do not underestimate his status, he has slain one of our own!” 
"来自前线的命令 找到王子 把他带到将军面前不要低估他的身份 他杀了我们自己人!"

As his adrenaline waned, panic began to take up the space it left behind. Henry crouched low, trying to make his body as small as possible. He crawled his way to the end of a small passage between partially burnt buildings, peeking behind the corner to see soldiers corralling surviving citizens into groups. His heart ached for his people, betas and omegas sure to be given fates far worse than death if the rumors of the enemy rang true, but he had to focus on his own escape.
随着肾上腺素的减少,恐慌开始占据它留下的空间。亨利蹲得很低,尽量让自己的身体变小。他爬到部分烧毁的建筑物之间的一条小通道的尽头,从墙角后面窥视,看到士兵们正在把幸存的市民集中起来。他为自己的同胞心痛不已,如果敌人的传言属实,这些 Betas 和 Omegas 的命运肯定比死亡更惨,但他必须集中精力逃出生天。

Henry took in a shuddering breath as he willed himself to focus, running his fingers through David’s fur to ground him in the present. He knew his brother’s army was taking its stand north of the city and his sister and mother had fled east towards neighboring villages who had yet to be sacked. East was the best option but without a horse he was sure to be caught. 

A low growl coming from David had him on his feet in an instant, his sword still wet with blood pointed at a lone soldier approaching. The man was tall, with golden skin and legs that seemed to stretch on for miles. Through the shadows of the alley Henry could just make out the warm brown of his eyes, looking at him with amusement. 

“I’m guessing you’re the omega prince everyone is looking for. I have to say, I thought you would be taller.” 
"我猜你就是大家都在寻找的欧米茄王子" "I'm guessing you're the omega prince everyone is looking for.我不得不说,我还以为你会更高一些。" I have to say, I thought you would be taller."

If his city wasn’t actively burning and he was staring quite possibly at his potential murderer he would have laughed. Henry was unusually tall for an omega, something his grandfather never missed a chance to point out. His other features fell more in line with traditional beauty standards, full mouth, unblemished pale skin, blonde hair with a tapered waist the Alpha’s of Verulamium dreamed about putting their hands on. 

Height, however, was always a point of contention. When he was young and hopeful he thought his height could help him stand on more equal footing with the other alpha and beta children around him, have them see him as strong and proud instead of fragile and demure like omegas were supposed to be. It only became a source of ridicule tacked on to his many other faults that disappointed his Grandfather and brother alike. 

“Is it common to speak the language of those you conquer? I thought we were beneath you, yet you speak our tongue?” 
"说被征服者的语言很常见吗?我以为我们在你之下 你却说我们的语言?"

The soldier in front of him with an ease and casualness completely unfitting the situation, laughed. Not a laugh of cruelty or mockery, but a laugh of delight. 

“I’m a man of many talents and interests, but right now my interest is singular.” The man’s kind eyes pierced into Henry’s bloodshot, desperate ones, “You.” 
"我有很多才能和兴趣 但现在我的兴趣很特别"那人和善的目光刺进了亨利充满血丝的绝望的眼睛里:"你。"

As the soldier approached Henry could make out the difference in uniform from the other Roman soldiers he encountered. Medals and impressive decorative works were pressed into the bronze of his armor. He was of rank, how high Henry was unsure. 

David’s growling turned into a snarl as the man came closer. Features hidden by shadow became clearer. The man cut an imposing figure, tall with sculpted muscles only life long training and the hardship of battle could form and a jawline that would make anyone, alpha, beta, omega and everything in between weak at the knees. Strong, dark eyebrows framed honey brown eyes that continued to radiate calm in the midst of violence. 

“My orders are to bring you to the High General unharmed. Call off your hound and there will be no need for further violence,” he said as he gestured at the blood stained side of Henry’s sword. 

Henry let out a laugh in disbelief. The gall of this man to insinuate no further violence as he stands in the ruins of his city, his entire life burning and ripped from under him in the matter of hours. 

“If you think I will not fight to the death to defend my family’s honor you are mistaken,” Henry’s voice grew in strength as anger flooded his spirit. “My people deserve a prince who will fight and fall for them in the same way they have. We stand on equal ground in death.” 

“A poet and a prince? Our intel needs serious updating.” With a deep breath a bit of the previous kindness diminished from the Alpha before him. “I’m serious Henry, I do not wish to harm you. It would be a crime to mar such exotic beauty. You and your remaining family, excluding your Alpha brother, were never to be harmed in the taking of this city. You are too useful to its future.” 

The man before him spoke with such conviction, such belief in what he was saying to be kind and reasonable, as if he was saving Henry. Tears of pain and frustration began to fall, his body shaking with exhaustion and grief. The Alpha, bless his instinct to comfort an omega in need, took gradual steps forward. Henry quickly flashed a sign to David, wait . He could work with this. 

“If I am to be taken, may I at least know the name of my captor?” He simpered, neck tilted slightly in submission but his eyes matching the other’s gaze. Henry lowered his sword, pointing the tip of the blade to the ground, the blunt end of his handle now facing forward. 

The Alpha in front of him let out a low rumble of approval at the display and Henry couldn’t help a quiet whine in response. He didn’t smell repellent like the others. He smelled of ash and rubble but also of deep rain and the forest floor. His scent was grounding and made Henry want to take root before him. A deep flush took over his face as calloused knuckles brushed a tear from his cheekbone. 

“Alexander.”  "亚历山大"

“Alexander.” Henry repeated as he leaned into the Alpha. Alexander’s touch lingered on the omega’s face a beat too long - he didn’t notice the subtle hand signal being given below him. 

David lunged, teeth first into the nearest exposed flesh, which happened to be Alex’s calf. The soldier let out a furious scream which was cut short by a brutal swing of Henry’s hilt to the temple. Henry will look back on that day and wonder why he didn’t bury the blade between the Alpha’s ribs and finish him like he did the other Alpha. It is a question that will haunt him in the years to follow. 

“Run David!” He commanded as he tore through the end of the alley, no clear direction in sight, he just needed to run

He was near the end when he tripped over a portion of a fallen wall, the extended trauma of the day catching up to his body. As his body hit the ground he began to lose vision, breath hyperventilating as he scrambled up onto his feet only to be ripped back down by his hair. 

Alexander loomed over him, blood dripping down his nose and the entire left side of his face was already swelling into a mess of bruising. Gone was all previous kindness. 

“Please, please I -” 

Henry was backhanded before he could finish his plea, the force of the blow causing his teeth to split his lips, a large hand closing in on his throat. He thrashed and fought but with each movement the grip on his windpipe grew stronger. Alexander leaned down, so close their noses brushed, his blood smearing into the corner of Henry’s lips. 

“I told you I didn’t want to hurt you, but you didn’t listen.” 
"我告诉过你我不想伤害你 但你不听"

His eyes roamed down Henry’s body before snapping back up to his face. With a snarl he grabbed a small dagger from its scabbard and began to cut Henry’s tunic from his body. 

No, please not like this

Alexander’s grip loosened on the prince’s throat allowing him a ragged gasp of air, his newly exposed chest heaving with effort. 

“I need to mark you with my scent before we head back to base. The other men need to know you have been claimed by a high ranking Alpha and they can look but they cannot touch.” 
"在我们回基地之前,我需要用我的气味给你做个标记。其他人需要知道你已经被一个高级阿尔法认领了 他们可以看,但不能碰"

The hand on Henry’s throat snaked up to grip into his hair and wretched it back into the earth, causing his neck and upper shoulders to arch. Henry’s eyes were squeezed shut as he whimpered in pain. The Alpha began nipping and sucking at the delicate flesh, easily blooming under the attention. 

His mouth traveled lower, full on biting Henry’s chest. When his mouth closed in on an exposed nipple he whimpered for a different reason. 

“You’re so pretty when you’re not fighting me. Don’t worry I’ll be done soon, anaticula.” 

When the onslaught of licks and bites and rubbing of scent glands finally ended Henry began to weep. His body was flush with a feeling he had only experienced during his heats, his first one being only two years prior and it made him sick. 

He barely registered what Alexander’s next words were through the haze of his self-loathing. All he caught was, “I’ll be here for you when you awake.” 
在自责的阴霾中,他几乎记不清亚历山大接下来说了什么。他只听到 "当你醒来时,我会在这里等你"

And all went black. 