她现在很幸运。房租很便宜,尽管成为一名雇佣兵不是她的梦想,但它可以支付账单。他们是这样称呼她的,而 Weasel 是唯一一个善意地倾听她的人。又过了漫长而令人失望的一天后,Luci 发现自己在前一天晚上的同一个狗屎坑酒吧里,不是因为一大堆令人作呕的男人盯着她看,而纯粹是为了和善良的调酒师作伴。他是个懦夫吗?是的。但他可以忍受血腥的景象,开个玩笑,所以她喜欢他,而且她从那里找到了更好的工作,而且他提供了一杯像样的饮料。这就是她现在所做的一切。醒来,吃,杀,喝,重复。
她拿着啤酒坐在那个酒吧里,当酒吧里爆发出大量的问候时,她盯着什么都没有。著名的死侍和金刚狼似乎是来庆祝喝酒的,不幸的是,对 Luci 来说,只有两个空位在她旁边。她长长地叹了口气,在他们坐下时,她的身体从充满活力的二人组身上移开。听他们说话——嗯,就那一次——谈话已经让她头疼了。
“你认识她吗?”黄鼠狼抬头看着这位年轻女子为自己准备了一场 9 球游戏。
“她叫 Luci,她来这里工作过几次。她不怎么说话,但她肯定有一段坎坷的过去,我对她了解不多。
“嗯,”他转过身来,背对着他的啤酒。韦德·威尔逊(Wade Wilson)有个爱说话的坏习惯。洛根讨厌它,但这是可以容忍的。尽管韦德很烦人,但他仍然是唯一一个可以打败并且仍然想和他一起喝啤酒的人。不过,那个女孩身上的某些东西让他想对她说些什么。他示意再喝两杯,然后走向台球桌,Luci 正在那里排队休息。
Luci 打破了他的粗暴咬合,转向她的公寓门。在那一刻,她很感激她有一套一楼的公寓。公寓很暗,即使她打开灯,也只能勉强照亮房间。刚好够看他,他饿了。
她得赶紧走,他才会改变主意。她从他的两腿之间滑到地板上,张开他的双腿,取下覆盖在她想要的东西上的小布料。有那么一瞬间,她后悔了这个选择,知道自己快要窒息了,但她现在不能回头了。她紧紧抓住他,挤压以造成一点痛苦,然后用舌头滑过他的长度。他一边呻吟着,一边抓住她的一把头发。她并没有慢下来。她知道他太喜欢那个了。她很快就开始了,让他在她的喉咙里滑进滑出。她用牙齿擦过他的长度,让他发出嘶嘶声并蹬着他的臀部。他继续蹬着他的臀部,对她头的抓握变得更加牢固。他的手指因为紧紧抓住沙发的扶手而变得发白。如果她继续这样下去,他就会在几秒钟内完蛋。不。不,这不公平。他没有走到这一步,像个笨蛋一样在这里结束。他们只在那里呆了 30 到 45 分钟,他决心让她筋疲力尽。
只有他才能赢得这场战斗,而她是邪恶的。她像个专业人士一样把他含在嘴里,一次也没有动摇。她自己也感到惊讶。她紧紧抓住他的腿后部,呻吟着,让振动摇篮着他的身体。他把她的头拉开,喘着粗气,从她的脖子上把她拉到他身边。“别那么快,”他咆哮道。她抬头盯着他,嘴角露出一丝得意的笑容。他又把她拉到嘴边,贪婪地品尝着她。她爬上手拿包,跨坐在他身上,他踢掉了裤子的最后一点。她花了点时间适应他,但他并不是那么好。他摸索着她的臀部,把她压在他身上,让她猛地吸气,然后把指甲挖进他的手臂里,她牢牢地抓住了那里。他几乎没有让她的身体适应他的体型,就贪婪地了。他的目光顺着她弹跳的身体,意识到有一件衣服他从未脱下。他的手从她的臀部滑过,顺着她光滑的腹部滑到她的胸前,沿着她的躯干拔出一只爪子,将她的乳房割开。他把那件破衣服扔到一边,把她拉下来,让她的胸部贴在他的脸上。他舔舐和咬住了他能接触到的嘴唇的每一寸。他尝到了什么金属的味道,然后回头看他已经用爪子划伤了她。他咒骂着自己,看着它慢慢地自我修复,她沉重的胸膛在他有力的下弹跳。Luci 在她自己的小世界里,闭着眼睛享受着她的旅程。
This confirmed what he suspected earlier in the evening. She is a mutant too. Her moan broke his train of thought. By the look on her face, she was about to finish herself off before he had the chance to. He knew he would be there with her, but he had to get there... In a swift movement, she was pinned against the wall again, her back making a loud thump against the wall. He slammed into her again and again, shaking the picture frame next to them. His gruff grunts mixed melodically with her moans as he pumped faster into her. She scratched down his back over and over, and just as they finished, he punched clean through the wall, claws first.
She panted as he slowly let her down. "Well... that was fun." she taunted. He placed his hand on her chest and slowly slid it to her throat.
"Get.. in that.. room," he growled. "I'm not finished with you, yet." A shiver went down her spine. The only reason he didn't take her there himself was because he didn't know where her bedroom was. He was determined to exhaust her tonight and make her scream so loud she didn't have a voice the next day. This was war, and he was her general.
Luci padded her way to her small bedroom. She only had a dresser in there and a bed on a box spring. He followed close behind her, so when she was a mere two steps into the room, he threw her onto the bed. Logan crawled on top of her and bit her neck again.He didn't like that his marks didn't last on her skin, so he kept marking her. A soft moan escaped her lips. His hand found her throat again and he tightened his grip on it. He slid his knee between her thighs and slipped his hand between her legs. He used his middle finger to slowly swirl around her center, causing her toes to curl. He positions himself directly above her, and shoves her legs apart, spreading his meal wide open. He lowers his head and licks from base to tip, enjoying his sweet and salty concoction. He flicked his tongue over her center, this time causing her to buck. He stayed there, edging her closer and closer to climax for nearly 30 more minutes, switching from tongue to hand. He wanted her to writhe. Her moans were like music to his ears. He could tell she just wanted to release, but he won't let her. He nibbled on her one last time before returning to her swollen lips. She hated how she loved the taste of herself on him. He flipped her over to her stomach, and grabbed her waist, yanking her on all fours. She was getting tired, he could tell. The small clock on her bedside table showed that they had been at this for nearly three hours, and the sun would be up in an hour or so.
He slid himself into her soft center, and nearly undoing all the work hed put into his stamina again. He hadn't noticed how curvy she was until now. Her ass bounced so beautifully that he had to slap it. The smack echoed in the dark room, as he continued to thrust into her. He gripped her hair again and pulled her up with him, gripping her breast with his other hand. He growled in her ear, knowing he's close again. He licked the sweat trickling down her neck and throws her down. She flipped over, and he grabbed her leg, pulling it across her body for one final position. He pounded into her, watching everything bounce, gripping her thigh. She was close too, he could feel her tighten. He released her leg and leaned in closer.
She feels him hitting that one spot that drives her crazy. She can't help the scream that releases from her body at the release. A scream, that made his ears bleed. It disoriented him for a moment as he too found his release, but his hearing quickly returned. Her eyes quickly grew heavy as sleep overcame her body, as it had been starved of it for hours. He watched as she slowly lost consciousness. He caught his breath while he pulled the blanket over her body.
He didn't want to just leave and never see her again, so he went to that desk to find a piece of paper.
'Meet me at St. Margrets for a beer. So I can apologize, again. ' He sprawled.
He hoped that she would want to see him again, maybe this time with an open mind.
Logan found his clothes and started to walk toward the door but, he knew he couldn't make it back to Wade's just yet. He looked over at the couch.
'Just a nap, then I'll go...' He thought to himself. He didn't want to freak her out by still being in bed when she woke up, so he'd see himself out in the morning. He pulled his jeans over his exposed lower half, and spent no time crashing on the small couch.
Chapter 2: Pancakes
Morning after... thank you for 1000 hits!
So a recent theory that Logan is still alive in Deadpool's world recently was brought to my attention via tik tok, but for the sake of the story Im gonna keep it like logan already died and this takes place not in 2024 but in 2030.
Chapter Text
The next morning, Logan woke up before Luci. He had barely slept (as usual) and was accustomed to only a few hours of rest. He peeked his head into the bedroom, where he watched as Luci slept peacefully. It had been a long time since he had shared a bed with a woman, especially after what he had done. No one wanted him, but this was a new world, a fresh start for him.
Logan honestly felt terrible about leaving holes in her walls. Maybe that's why, after he got home to change (And suffered from some indecent jokes from Wade) he went right to the utility store to pick up some spackel. He knew her apartment would still be unlocked when he got there, cause he couldn't sleep.
The apartment was a disaster after he had tossed its owner around like a rag doll. Logan walked into the room, taking in the sight before him. The space was somewhat minimalistic, with only a few pieces of furniture. A simple, yet comfortable-looking bean bag chair sat against one wall, neatly made. A small desk with a few scattered papers and a knocked-over pen cup sat near the window, allowing natural light to filter in. He smirked at the mess he had made on that desk the night before. There was a bookshelf against another wall, sparsely populated with a handful of well-worn books. As he glanced around, he couldn't help but notice the serene and tidy atmosphere of the room. Well, as tidy as it could be, considering.
Logan sat his items down and began to work, using the plastic bag as a buffer between the mahogany of the desk and the cans of spackle and paint. He caught the note he had left for her the night before. He picked it up and put it in his back pocket just in case she woke up. He started working, making sure to patch every dent or hole he could find. His thoughts slipped to what he and Wade had discussed before going to the bar. He's not sure he'd be able to go back to the mansion after everything. He may be doing a little better than Wade found him but he couldn't pull himself to set foot in that Mansion. He didn't feel like he deserved to. It had been so long since Wade had mentioned how Collusius was all grown up and training kids of his own. He wondered if there were any other mutants that he let down still alive in that school. All he knew was that in this world, their Wolverine was a Hero... He guessed that now he was too. He had a lot to learn about this new timeline.
Logan had lost track of time, it seemed, because when Luci finally woke up, she had just thrown on a large tee before scuffling into the main room. She paused when she noticed the tall man patching her drywall. She rubbed her eyes, unsure if this was a dream or real life.
"Uhh hello?" She spoke, groggily. Logan turned around and smiled.
"Good morning." His morning voice was much deeper than last night at the bar. "I'm just patching some nicks we made in the walls. I'll be out of your hair once it dries." Ha. nicks, he had jokes. Luci was fully aware of the fist he had thrown through her wall the night before. She must have stared at him too long because he seemed to tense and lower his head a bit. 'I'm sorry, I'm almost done" Her stomach sank when she saw the small glimmer of discomfort in his stature.
"No no. um you're fine I just, I wasn't expecting to see you again, let alone patching holes in my drywall..." Logan smirks and cocks an eyebrow at her. He turns and slowly walks toward her in the doorframe.
"Well, I couldn't just leave your place in that state. I can disappear forever after I'm done," he leans in closer to her tiny figure. "If that's what you'd like." He rests his arm on the door frame, gazing down at her. He didn't really catch much of her features from their adventures in the dark. She had heterochromia, a Green eye, and a slightly lighter blue eye. No one could tell unless they were right in front of her like he was now. Her freckles were the next thing he noticed. They were faint, maybe from a lack of sunlight, but just present enough for him to see.
It would be safe to say that the tension could be cut with a knife with the way they stared at each other. Logan felt something brush his leg, making him quickly look down and stammer back. Luci's eyes darted to the floor, fearing it was a bug that had wandered in. Thankfully, tho was just her cat, Ember.
"Oh, hah sorry, that's Ember. He usually hides when I have company." Logan looked down at the orange ball of fluff. He wasn't ever really keen on cats, or animals at all really, but at least he didn't have an allergy.
"What happened to him? Don't cats usually have tails?" His eyes followed the creature as it continued to headbutt his lower calf.
"Oh, I honestly don't know, He found me like that." She crouched down to scratch the attention-starved thing.
"He found you?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow.
"Heh, yea. I was in an alley figuring out life when he approached me. I gave him part of the food I had found and he hasn't left my side since. We help each other. I like to think he found me at the right time." She didn't go too deep into what she had really been doing in that alley. She had been attempting to take her life, but thanks to her gifts, that continued to be more and more difficult. Ember's purrs filled the silence while Logan watched her interact with the cat. Something told him that she wasn't being completely truthful with him, but he didn't want to press further. "No matter the trash, it always blends together. Right buddy?" She was speaking to the cat but Logan couldn't let her get away with that comment.
"Hey, you're not trash." He crouches down to her level. He reached for her chin and pulled her face to meet with his. "I don't fuck with trash." His thumb moved over her bottom lip, remembering the rough feeling of her lips on his from the night before. This was a little bold for Logan, but she hadn't kicked him out yet... and he wasn't one to shy away from his targets.
Their stomachs rumbled in unison. She broke their stare and grabbed her stomach.
"Are you hungry? I think I can whip something together while the walls dry." She stood quickly, trying to shake the chills off her skin. She took four steps to her little kitchen. Logan smirked as her shirt rose when she reached for a mixing bowl on an upper shelf. His mind flashed to her ass bouncing while he railed her. Logan swore his pants were too small. He turned as well, knowing any longer he'd do something he'd probably regret later.
"Ah, you don't have to feed me I'll be alright." He lied. He went back to painting over the spackle on her wall.
"Oh come on, I know your options. You can stay here and eat pancakes with me or you can go back to Marvel Jesus' apartment and be teased for staying out all night." She placed the box of Bisquick on the counter and watched as he cocked an eyebrow at her over his shoulder.
"You can read minds?" He asked.
"Oh Gods no," she laughed. "I'm just good at reading people." She padded around the kitchen, assembling the different ingredients needed for pancakes.
"So, what's your gift then?" He asked.
"Is that a yes to breakfast?" she said sarcastically. Her long hair cascaded nearly to the counter. She was honestly really beautiful like this. Domestic. Something he imagined she never got to do often. He smirked.
"Yes. So long as you promise not to poison me."
"Oh, you and I both know poison won't work on us." She mumbles.
"So, you know bout me... but that still leaves you." She chucked, at his retort.
"Well, of course, everyone knows about you Wolverine." She smiled, mixing ingredients. "Besides, everyone's been talking about your heroic save of this timeline." she paused. "I'm sorry for what I said to you last night. I had too much to drink and I was wallowing in self-pity." She looked out her tiny kitchen window.
"You don't need to apologize. I understand." He looked back at the small scars on the wall he made. He wasn't sure if she knew of the Heroic fall of her timelines Logan, or if she knew him or what he had done. Before he could even put together the words, she continued.
"My powers started very young. For most mutants, development starts with puberty, but mine well... I was born with it. It was strong enough that my cries made my parent's ears bleed." She was staring at the soft pancake forming in the pan. "My parents believed they were giving me up to a good place, but it was a torture house for people like us. They did all kinds of experiments on us, on me... It wasn't until Charles found me when I was about 11. He took me in and showed me the first real sliver of kindness I had ever experienced." her tone softened. "I felt safe there. One night, Stryker and his team invaded the school. Most of us escaped, and when we did... I ran away and never looked back." She moved on to the next breakfast item. "I was 16. I realized it was easier to live a lie than to continue to try to be accepted." Logan's heart dropped.
In his history, a similar event happened, but his kids didn't make it. She survived. He even recalls a young girl with a sonic scream too... but he had held her as she died. Her screams are the ones that echo in his mind every night. She was the last thing he saw before full unbridled rage consumed his body. He pushed the memories back as she continued.
"I lived off scraps till I could get a job, and once I had enough to support myself, I got this place and I haven't gone anywhere since. I haven't even really wanted to." She sighed.
"Have you ever thought of going back? To the school?" He regretted the words as they left his lips.
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't, but I doubt they'd accept me now. I'm a cold-blooded killer just like they wanted me to be." She began plating their meal. "Go wash up, I'm almost done. The bathroom is over there." She gestures behind her.
Logan felt terrible. He understood more than anyone how she felt... maybe more than he realized. He set the can of pain down and walked toward her small bathroom. Something even bigger hit him. Was Charles still alive here? Were any of them? His anxiety just tripled by that one single thought. He didn't think he was up for a reunion with everyone he had let down. Logan ran some cold water over his face and dabbed it dry with a towel. When he left, he found Luci at the table with two steaming plates of food and an orange furr loaf in her lap. She was staring intently at her food. She had gotten lost in her head, he could tell. He made his way to the table, she still had not broken her stare. He sat down, thanked her for the food, and when she still didn't respond?
"Hey, where'd you go?" He placed his hand on her arm and gave her a small shake. She blinked and her eyes focused on his face. Gods, he was so handsome. Rugged, and rough around the edges but he was soft with her now.
"Sorry, I... Can we talk about something else?" She went back to her food.
"Alright." He said gently. He took a couple of bites of his meal. "You know, for box mix, these are really good." He said. Something inside her bubbled. She smiled.
"That's because I add Nutmeg and cinnamon. I'm glad you like it."
"I'm not the Wolverine you think I am. I'm from an alternate timeline. Wad- I mean.. -Marvel Jesus- As he calls himself now," He chuckled. " He pulled me from my timeline to help save his world. Which I hated at first. I was hoping he'd kill me and finish the job I couldn't seem to do but, here we are." He also stared at his plate. "I didn't ask for this either, but it's who we are. And we shouldn't have to be ashamed or hide." He looked up at her, and she was looking back at him.
After a long pause, Logan explained everything that had happened over the past few days. From when Wade found him to the moment they ended up in that bar. He explained how he had let his entire family down and how he had let her down in his own timeline. He told her about the screams that haunt him and the regrets he feels every day for not being able to protect them. She offered him a small smile in response.
"So," She takes another bite. "Where are you staying for now?"
"In Wade's apartment with an old blind lady named Blind Al of all things." he chuckles. "I'll find somewhere to go sooner or later. It's not so bad. Once you get used to the old lady smell." She laughs softly.
"I see." She took her final bite. "Well, considering you are still an X-Man, you are welcome to stay here if you'd like." She collects their plates and walks toward the sink. "Charles always said X-Men stick together. Besides, the couch is comfortable and it doesn't smell like an old lady." She giggles. Logan's eyes followed her. She was entirely too kind. To not only feed him but also offer up a space in her home?
"Why are you being so nice to me?" He stood and followed her to the small kitchen."Did something change your mind about me last night?" He leaned back against the countertop while she washed their dishes, smirking. She huffed
"What I'm not allowed to be nice to you? Are you too standoff-ish to accept help?" She teased. "Besides. It's not like I don't know who you are anymore. Plus, I've already cooked you a meal and you performed a maintenance task for me so, you can say we are acquainted. If you keep fixing things around here we can call that your rent." She shakes the last bit of water off her hands, looking up at him. She wasn't very short, but compared to his 6' 1" stature, she still had to crane her neck just a bit to match his eyes.
"Your eyes are beautiful." He said in a low tone, which sent shivers down her spine.
"You don't have to lie." She whispered. He began to lean in
"I'm not." He placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Luci closed her eyes and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. He reached his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him, he kissed her temple, then her cheek. She wasn't sure why, but he wasn't like the other one-nights she had in the past. Something about him made her melt. Maybe it was because he hadn't aged a day since she saw him last... well her Logan. But she was just a kid, and he was clearly making goo-goo eyes at Dr. Grey. But this wasn't that Logan. He's different, and yet so damn similar. It may take her a while to understand this timeline stuff but, right now, she was just a girl, standing in her kitchen being kissed by a very handsome, very caring man. His lips grazed her own, his breath caressing her. She closed the distance between them. Her hands glided up his chest and around his neck. He pulled her closer and lifted her on top of the counter. His hands slid down her sides, down to her thighs. He rubbed her thighs in a slow circular motion. Chills ran down her skin as he massaged her thighs. She nibbled on his bottom lip asking for entrance. It was a soft request, more tender and more careful than last night where demands were made. This kiss was more than anything that had happened last night. To her, it felt like a hug in a way, a form of understanding the pain they shared. She didn't hold anything that happened last night to heart. She simply knew it was a way to blow off some steam. For both of them.
This on the other hand, this was more than that.
Logan felt the lumps on her skin as they appeared. He smiled as the smell of her arousal filled his nostrils again. He appreciated that she would take him in. She understood him, or at least she understood having a dark history. He had never met anyone like her, he probably never got to really meet her where he was from. Not really. Logan gripped her hips and pulled them closer. She felt him through his jeans. She honestly thought her drunkenness had exaggerated how large he was. Luci's hands wandered up to his hair, running it through her fingers. He pulled away softly, taking a deep breath. Luci; 's brows furrowed, worried she had done something wrong.
"I need to stop before I lose the ability to later." He pulls away from her face and looks at her. Her expression pained him, he hated to see that pained face. "Let me take you on a proper date first. It feels wrong to continue this without a formal date." She stared at him, speechless. "Are you free tonight? I can pick you up at 6?"
Her lack of a reaction worried him. She chuckled.
"Was that not a date?" She gestures to the table where they had just eaten breakfast.
"Well, I didn't pay so, no. But," He looks back to her with a glimmer of mischievous in his eye. "Maybe tonight I can eat my dessert on that table, too." It took her a second to understand what he meant, but when she understood she blushed redder than a tomato. "Your walls should be dry now, but be careful just in case." He placed her back on the ground and began to gather his things. Logan walked back to her, plastic bag in hand. He lifts her chin so her eyes can meet his. "So angel, is that a yes?" Luci bit her lip and smiled.
"I'll see you at 6."
And with that, Logan smiled, placed a soft kiss on her forehead and left.