这是用户在 2024-6-27 22:21 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?


Part A Match the phrases with the Chinese meaning.
A部分 将短语与中文意思相匹配。

1. tour itinerary
1. 旅游行程

2. registration form
2. 报名表格

3. lost property
3. 失物招领

4. travel insider
4. 旅游内幕

5. on sale
5. 打折

6. local guide
6. 当地导游

7. shopping consultant
7. 购物顾问

8. facial makeup

9. travel agency
9. 旅行社

10. personal belongings
10. 个人物品

A. 个人物品

B. 旅行社

C. 脸谱

D. 购物顾问

E. 地陪

F. 登记表

G. 丢失的物品

H. 旅游业内人士

I. 特价

J. 旅游行程

Part B Match the scenic spots with the Chinese meaning.

1. The Summer Palace
1. 颐和园

2. Terracotta Army

3. Ancient Culture Street
3. 古文化街

4. Zhongshan Mausoleum
4. 中山陵

5. the Bird Nest
5. 鸟巢

6. Fenghuang Ancient Town
6. 凤凰古镇

7. The Humble Administrator’s Garden
7. 谦逊的管理员花园

8. Wild Goose Pagoda
8. 大雁塔

9. Five Roads
9. 五条路

10. Yueyang Tower
10. 岳阳楼

A. 凤凰古城

B. 五大道

C. 大雁塔

D. 颐和园

E. 中山陵

F. 拙政园

G. 古文化街

H. 鸟巢

I. 兵马俑

J. 岳阳楼

IIFill in the blanks with the right form of the words below.

souvenir etiquette loudspeaker destination patient

transportation emergency discount psychological fame

Responding promptly to accidents and other __________ is important.

What's the girl saying over the __________?

 If we both sign up before Friday, we can get a __________ on a six-month membership.

Levels of outdoor pollution have grown rapidly along with rapid growth in industry and __________.

The impolite act violates the basic rules of __________.

Pam said we won't have the __________ test until the end of next week.

The town is fast becoming a popular weekend __________ for people in cities.

They could buy unique __________ there to take back home.

Learning from experience is something that takes time and __________.

It's one of the museum's most __________ attractions.

IIIMultiple Choice

Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way __________ the sun and the stars.

used B. having used C. using D. use
用过 B.用过 C.用过 D.用过

My washing machine __________this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.

was repaired B. is repaired
被修好了 B. 被修好了

C. is being repaired D. has been repaired
C.正在修理 D.已经修理

I don’t really like the author, __________ I have to admit his books are very exciting.

although B. unless C. until D. once
虽然 B. 除非 C. 直到 D. 一次

---Peter, please send us postcards __________ well know where you have visited.

---No problem.

But B. or C. for D. so
但是 B. 或 C. 为 D. 所以

We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, __________ the weather may be better.

that B. where C. which D. when
那 B. 哪里 C. 哪个 D. 什么时候

Only when you can find peace in your heart __________ good relationships with others.

will you keep B. you will keep
你会保留 B 吗?

C. you kept D. did you keep
C.你保留了 D.你保留了吗

---Did you enjoy the party?

---Yes. We ________ well by our hosts.

were treated B. would be treated C. treated D. had treated
被治疗 B. 会接受治疗 C. 治疗 D. 治疗

Without his support, we wouldnt be __________ we are now.

How B. when C. where D. why
如何 B. 何时 C. 在哪里 D. 为什么

---Sorry, Mum! I failed the job interview again.

---Oh, it’s too bad. You __________have made full preparations.

must B. can C. would D. should
必须 B. 可以 C. 会 D. 应该

The books on the desk, __________ covers are shiny, are prizes for us.

which B. what C. whose D. that
哪个 B. 什么 C. 谁的 D. 那个


Part 1 Chinese-English
第一部分 中英文


吃东西的时候说话会被认为是一种不礼貌的行为。(it is regarded...)

进入游乐场的儿童必须要有大人陪同。(be accompanied by)

除了这个设计,你还需要一个备用计划。(backup plan)

为了安全起见,你最好不要晚上出去参加聚会。(for the sake of )

Part 2 English-Chinese
第二部分 英汉

Shopping is an indispensable activity while traveling. Although traveling is a good way to experience new things and taste different customs, the time is short and limited. However, shopping can play an important role in helping the tourists remember the traveling experience forever. That is why most of the tourists around the world would like to buy souvenirs during traveling life.

VReading Comprehension

Task One

During our more than 60-year historywith our vast knowledge and experienceTrafalgar has created perfectly designed travel experiences and memories
在我们 60 多年的历史中,凭借我们丰富的知识和经验,特拉法加创造了完美设计的旅行体验和回忆。

Exceptional value

Traveling with Trafalgar can save you up to 40% when compared with traveling independentlyWe can find you the right hotelsrestaurantsand our charges include entrance feestolls (道路通行费)etc). Because were the largest touring company with great buying powerwe can pass on our savings to you

Fast-track entrance

Traveling with us means no standing in line at major sightsTrafalgar takes care of all the little detailswhich means you are always at the front of the line

Travel with like-minded friends

Because we truly are globalyou will travel with English-speaking people from around the worldand that leads to life-long friendships

Great savings

We provide many great ways to save moneyincluding Early Payment DiscountFrequent Traveler Savings and more.

Fast check-in

Once your booking has been madeyou are advised to check in online at our website and meet your fellow travelers before you leave

1. Because of its great buying powerTrafalgar ____

A. can find the cheapest restaurants 

B. can pass on its savings to tourists

C. takes tourists to anywhere in the world 

D. allows tourists to travel independently

2. Traveling with Trafalgar, tourists do not have to ____

A. bring their passports with them  B. pay for their hotels and meals
A. 随身携带护照 B. 支付住宿费和餐费

C. stand in line at major sights  D. take their luggage with them
C.在主要景点排队 D.随身携带行李

3. Traveling with Trafalgartourists may ____

A. meet tour guides from different countries
A. 认识来自不同国家的导游

B. make new friends from around the world
B. 结交来自世界各地的新朋友

C. win a special prize offered by the company

D. have a good chance to learn foreign languages

4. Which of the following is mentioned as a way to earn a discount?
4. 以下哪项是赚取折扣的一种方式?

A. Early payment  B. Group payment
一个。提前付款。 B. 团体付款。

C. Office booking D. Online booking
C. 办公室预订。 D. 在线预订。

5. After having made the bookingtourists are advised to check in ____

A. at the hotels  B. at the airport 
A. 在酒店 B. 在机场

C. by telephone  D. on the website
C.通过电话 D.在网站上

Task Two

Whenever traveling on Shanghai Airlines (SAL) flights with paid tickets, you will earn air miles according to the class shown on your tickets. When you have accumulated enough air miles, you can apply for a premium (奖励) ticket or other premium items.
无论何时使用付费机票搭乘上海航空 (SAL) 航班,您都将根据机票上显示的舱位等级赚取航空里程。当您累积了足够的航空里程后,您可以申请高级(奖励)机票或其他高级物品。

Passengers (12 years old and over) are eligible (合格的) to join SAL FFP(Frequent Flying Passenger) Club unless it is banned (禁止) by the law of the country where they live.
乘客(12岁及以上)有资格加入SAL FFP(Frequent Flying Passenger)俱乐部,除非其居住国的法律禁止(禁止)。

Please fill out the application form on the back and mail it to the Customer Service Center of SAL. will mail the membership card and manual to you within 30 working days after receiving your application form.

Please show your membership card when you check in at an airport.

Please retain a photocopy of the ticket, the original boarding pass as well as a photocopy of your receipts after traveling or making purchases at SAL partner businesses until you confirm the record has been charged to your account.

If you flew SAL 3 months before your registration of SAL FFP Club, please mail to a copy of your ticket and the original boarding pass with your card number on it for recording air miles.

The application form can be used by one person only, and copies are void (无效).

For more information, please refer to the SAL FFP Program Guide.
有关更多信息,请参阅 SAL FFP 计划指南。

6. What does SAL stand for in this passage?

A. . B. Shanghai Airlines.
一个。。B. 上海航空。

C. . D. South Airlines.
C. .D. 南方航空公司。

7. Who can apply for a premium ticket from SAL according to the passage?
7. 谁可以根据通道向上航申请高级机票?

A. A passage who has traveled several times by plane.

B. A passenger who wants to travel on any airlines flight.

C. A passenger who has traveled on Shanghai Airlines flights.
C. 曾乘坐上海航空航班的旅客。

D. A passenger who has accumulated enough air miles on SAL flights.
D. 在上航航班上累积足够飞行里程的乘客。

8. Whats the legal age to join SAL FFP Club according to the passage?
8. 根据段落,加入SAL FFP俱乐部的法定年龄是多少?

A. 11 and under. B. 12 and under.
A. 11岁及以下。B. 12岁及以下。

C. 12 and over. D. 18 and over.
C. 12岁及以上。D. 18岁及以上。

9. Whom should the application form be sent to if you want to apply for SAL FFP Membership?
9. 如果您想申请上澳FFP会员资格,申请表应该寄给谁?

A. SAL FFP Club. B. The SAL ticket office.
A. 萨尔FFP俱乐部。B.上航售票处。

C. The SAL headquarters. D. .
C. 上航总部。D. .

10. When they check in at an airport, club members should show .
10. 在机场办理登机手续时,俱乐部会员应出示。

A. their boarding pass B. their membership card
A. 登机牌 B. 会员卡

C. a photocopy of the ticket D. an application form
C. 机票复印件 D. 申请表