Chapter Text 章节文本
“Who are you?” 你是谁?
Arya awakens at the query, turning over in her bunk. The question is repeated.
“Who are you?” 你是谁?
She does not lie. “Arya.”
“And where did you come from?”
“Westeros.” She continues, the game is familiar.
“My family home is Winterfell. I’m the youngest daughter of a great lord, Eddard Stark. He died in battle.”
The switch snaps on her wrist. “A lie,”
“After he was executed, I fled the capital. Had to kill a stable boy. Drove my sword through his back.”
The switch again. “A lie.”
开关再次。 “谎言。”
“I stabbed him in the gut. I tried to find my mother and brother, but I never did. They were murdered by Walder Frey. An outlaw kidnapped me, a man called Polliver.”
The switch, harder this time.
“A man called the Hound. Sandor Clegane. He tried to sell me but was wounded in a fight. He begged me to kill him, but I wouldn’t. I left him in the mountains to die. I wanted him to suffer, I hated him.”
The switch, harder still, snaps on her hand. Shocked, Arya looks up with fire in her eyes.
“I hated him.” 我恨他。
The switch again, hardest yet. Arya burns with conviction as she protests, “That’s not a lie!”
The switch leaves welts that burn for days afterwards.
The sound of splashing water, flapping sail, and groaning wood filled her ears as she stood at the rail of the Braavosi ship. In the distance, a grey smudge of land was appearing on the horizon, and a shout from the crow’s nest above confirmed—Widow’s Watch was ahead. The icy grip of winter had loosed its hold on the Westerosi continent, and Arya Stark was home again.
The ship docked at a dingy port at the tip of the peninsula. Arya stepped down the gangplank to the cobblestones, paused, and breathed in the fresh Northern air. The prevailing scent of salt and fish filled her nostrils as she looked around. The port bustled with people clamouring about its streets going this way and that, and Arya stood among them for a moment before she set out. As she stalked along the streets of the port, she kept her head tucked down beneath the hood of her cloak, but her eyes took in everything. Vendors shouted as she passed by, selling all manner of fish, livestock, and goods. The sound of clanging hammers rang from smith shops, and small, dirty children ran about nicking goods from unsuspecting peddlers.
Arya made her way through the streets until she reached what looked to be the port’s largest stable and inquired after a horse for herself. The master, looking sceptically at her stature, seemed hesitant to sell her anything but a cart pony, but he seemed to change his mind when he caught sight of her coin purse. With both a strong, steady horse and enough supplies for a trip across the North, Arya was ready to set off due west, toward Winterfell. Swinging herself onto the great bay beast and pulling the hood of her cloak further over her head, Arya started on her way.
After riding the westerly road for some time, the signs of civilization gradually died down behind her and she found herself in the company of the vast green plains of the summering North. Since the winter had broken six months ago, bright, new green grasses covered the landscape segmented by rock walls and dirt roads. Bright white still covered most of the high peaks of the rocky mountain range in the distance, but down below the thawed tundra was abuzz with life. Arya quietly enjoyed the silence of the uninhabited landscape and endeavoured to clear her mind as she rode toward her past.
As dusk started to settle, Arya neared a spattering of houses and a tavern on the road up ahead, light glowing warmly in the windows. She rode toward the little village, deciding to stop for the night. She brought her horse to the stable adjacent to the inn and set about putting him up for the night, cleaning and storing her tack and rubbing the beast down. She swung her saddlebags onto her shoulder, bolted the stall door and made to leave the stable when she heard a loud, impatient stamping from the end of the row. She turned around and a huge, dark figure caught her eye in the last stall. She moved toward it and suddenly the head of an immense black horse burst over the stall door, ears pinned and teeth snapping. Arya leapt backwards with a curse.
Suddenly, the horse seemed to collect himself and look at her. Arya noticed a familiar scar that cut across the horse’s black velvet muzzle and, hardly believing her eyes, realized she knew this vengeful beast. “Stranger?” She exclaimed despite herself. The corner of her mouth quirked into a smile as the horse stretched his nose to her outstretched hand, nostrils flaring. She moved closer to place her hand on his cheek. As angry as he’d been the moment before, his upper lip now nudged at her hairline, and he blew large gusts of hot breath onto her face. Smiling, she gave him a handful of sweet grain before leaving the barn and trudging up to the main house, reflecting on her incredulity.
As much as it pleased her to see that the horse had somehow found his way to a quiet retirement in a Northern inn after so many years, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she’d found him here for a reason. The Many-Faced God worked in mysterious ways.
Arya entered the inn and paid for a bed and a hearty supper for herself. She sat in a dark booth in the corner of the tavern, more out of habit than caution, but kept her cloak on to avoid attention. She made quick work of the stew and brown bread and drank enough ale to loosen the ache from a long day of riding.
While she ate, she listened to the conversations of the folk around her, trying to glean any information she could about what had happened to the North during the winter. Unfortunately, all she heard was how a goat herder’s breeding was getting along and one man’s complaints about his neighbour stealing from him. She had just set some silvers on the table for the tavern wench when she heard a commotion from outside.
“Turn around and fight like a man, you fat fucking cunt!”
Arya froze, struck once again with an eerie familiarity. She had not heard that voice in years. She’d thought she’d heard it for the last time. Arya strode over to the door and looked out into the street.
There, in all his drunken glory, casting a just-emptied goblet away from him with a characteristic scowl on his face, stood Sandor Clegane.