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Instructor: Wen Li

Course Title: Social Work Intervention Research

Reading List

Students are expected to complete the required reading before each class. Suggested readings are supplemental materials that students can review according to their individual needs.

Module 1 (7/1)
模块 1 (7/1)

Required Readings:

Fraser, M. W., Richman, J. M., Galinsky, M. J., & Day, S. H. (2009). Intervention research: Developing social programs. Chapter 1: What is Intervention Research?
弗雷泽,MW,里奇曼,JM,加林斯基,MJ和Day,SH(2009)。干预研究:制定社会计划。第 1 章:什么是干预研究?

Fraser, M. W., Richman, J. M., Galinsky, M. J., & Day, S. H. (2009). Intervention research: Developing social programs. Chapter 2: Steps in intervention research: Designing and developing social programs.
弗雷泽,MW,里奇曼,JM,加林斯基,MJ和Day,SH(2009)。干预研究:制定社会计划。第 2 章:干预研究的步骤:设计和开发社会计划。

Module 2 (7/3)
模块 2 (7/3)

Required Readings:

Fraser, M. W., Richman, J. M., Galinsky, M. J., & Day, S. H. (2009). Intervention research: Developing social programs. Chapter 3 Step 1: Specify the problem and develop a program theory.
弗雷泽,MW,里奇曼,JM,加林斯基,MJ和Day,SH(2009)。干预研究:制定社会计划。第 3 章 第 1 步:指定问题并发展程序理论。

Savaya, R. & Waysman, M. (2005). The logic model: A tool for incorporating theory in development and evaluation of programs. Administration in Social Work, 29(2), 85-103.

Suggested Reading:

Epstein, D., & Klerman, J. A. (2013). When is a program ready for rigorous impact evaluation? The role of a falsifiable logic model. Evaluation Review, 36(5), 375-401.

Fleury, J. & Sidani, S. (2018). Using theory to guide intervention research. In B. M.
Fleury,J.和Sidani,S.(2018)。用理论指导干预研究。在 B. M.

Melnyk & D. Morrisson-Beedy, (Eds.), Intervention research: Designing, conducting,
Melnyk & D. Morrisson-Beedy,(编辑),干预研究:设计、进行、

analyzing, and funding. NY: Springer.

Li, W., Garland, E. L., O’Brien, J. E., Tronnier, C., McGovern, P., Anthony, B., & Howard, M. O. (2018). Mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement for video game addiction in emerging adults: Preliminary findings from case reports. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction16(4), 928-945.

Orlando, M., Ellickson, P. L., McCaffrey, D. F., & Longshore, D. L. (2005). Mediation analysis of a school-based drug prevention program: Effects of Project ALERT. Prevention Science6(1), 35-46.
奥兰多,M.,埃利克森,PL,McCaffrey,DF和Longshore,DL(2005)。基于学校的毒品预防计划的中介分析:ALERT项目的影响。预防科学, 6(1), 35-46.

Riggs, N. R., Greenberg, M. T., Kusché, C. A., & Pentz, M. A. (2006). The mediational role of neurocognition in the behavioral outcomes of a social-emotional prevention program in elementary school students: Effects of the PATHS curriculum. Prevention Science, 7(1), 91-102.
Riggs,NR,Greenberg,MT,Kusché,CA和Pentz,MA(2006)。神经认知在小学生社会情绪预防计划的行为结果中的中介作用:PATHS 课程的影响。预防科学, 7(1), 91-102.

Rowan, M.S., Mason, M., Robitaille, A., Labrecque, L., & Tocchi, C.L. (2013). An innovative medical and dental hygiene clinic for street youth: Results of a process evaluation. Evaluation and Program Planning, 40, 10–16. Example of Program Logic Model

Gervais, C., de Montigny, F., Lacharite, C., & Dubeau, D. (2015). The Father Friendly Initiative within Families: Using a logic model to develop program theory for a father support program. Evaluation and Program Planning, 52, 133–141. Example of Program Logic Model
Gervais,C.,de Montigny,F.,Lacharite,C.和Dubeau,D.(2015)。家庭中的父亲友好倡议:使用逻辑模型为父亲支持计划开发计划理论。评估和计划规划,52,133-141。程序逻辑模型示例

Module 3 (7/5)
模块 3 (7/5)

Required Readings:

Carroll, K. M., & Nuro, K. F. (2002). One size cannot fit all: A stage model for psychotherapy manual development. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 9(4), 396-406. doi:10.1093/clipsy.9.4.396

Fraser, M. W., Richman, J. M., Galinsky, M. J., & Day, S. H. (2009). Intervention research: Developing social programs. Chapter 4 Step 2: Create and revise program materials.
弗雷泽,MW,里奇曼,JM,加林斯基,MJ和Day,SH(2009)。干预研究:制定社会计划。第 4 章第 2 步:创建和修改程序材料。

Fraser, Richman, Galinsky, & Day (2009) Portion of Chapter 5 about fidelity. In Intervention research: Developing social programs, (pp. 123-130). NY: Oxford University Press.
Fraser, Richman, Galinsky, & Day (2009) 第5章关于保真度的部分。在干预研究中:制定社会计划,(第 123-130 页)。纽约:牛津大学出版社。

Suggested Reading:

Hermann, B. A., Meyer, E. C., Schnurr, P. P., Batten, S. V., & Walser, R. D. (2016). Acceptance and commitment therapy for co-occurring PTSD and substance use: A manual development study. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5, 225-234. doi: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2016.07.001
Hermann,BA,Meyer,EC,Schnurr,PP,Batten,SV和Walser,RD(2016)。同时发生的创伤后应激障碍和物质使用的接受和承诺疗法:一项手动开发研究。情境行为科学杂志,5,225-234。doi: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2016.07.001

Lyon, A. R., & Koerner, K. (2016). User-centered design for psychosocial intervention development and implementation. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 23(2), 180-200. doi:10.1111/cpsp.12154

Marsiglia, F. F., & Booth, J. M. (2015). Cultural adaptation of interventions in real practice settings. Research on Social Work Practice, 25, 423-432. doi:10.1177/1049731514535989

Schinke, S. P., Schwinn, T. M., & Hursh, H. A. (2015). Preventing drug abuse among Hispanic adolescents: Developing a responsive intervention approach. Research on social work practice, 25(7), 794-800.

Wight, D., Wimbush, E., & Jepson, R. (2016). Six steps in quality intervention development (6SQuID). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 70, 520-525. doi:10.1136/jech-2015-205952
Wight,D.,Wimbush,E.和Jepson,R.(2016)。质量干预制定的六个步骤 (6SQuID)。流行病学和社区卫生杂志,70,520-525。doi:10.1136/jech-2015-205952

Module 4 (7/8)
模块 4 (7/8)

Required Readings:

Fraser, M. W., Richman, J. M., Galinsky, M. J., & Day, S. H. (2009). Intervention research: Developing social programs. Chapter 5 Step 3 and step 4: From refining program components to testing effectiveness.
弗雷泽,MW,里奇曼,JM,加林斯基,MJ和Day,SH(2009)。干预研究:制定社会计划。第 5 章第 3 步和第 4 步:从完善程序组件到测试有效性。

Fraser, M. W., Richman, J. M., Galinsky, M. J., & Day, S. H. (2009). Intervention research: Developing social programs. Chapter 6 – Step 5: Dissemination of findings and program materials: The challenges of evidence-based practice.
弗雷泽,MW,里奇曼,JM,加林斯基,MJ和Day,SH(2009)。干预研究:制定社会计划。第 6 章 – 第 5 步:传播调查结果和计划材料:循证实践的挑战。

Suggested Readings:

Amaro, H., Spear, S., Vallejo, Z., Conron, K., & Black, D. S. (2014). Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes of a mindfulness-based relapse prevention intervention for culturally-diverse, low-income women in substance use disorder treatment. Substance Use & Misuse49(5), 547-559. Example of Pilot Study of Intervention Evaluation.

Arain, M., Campbell, M. J., Cooper, C. L., & Lancaster, G. A. (2010). What is a pilot or feasibility study? A review of current practice and editorial policy. BMC Medical Research Methodology10(1), 1-7.

Calheiros, M. & Patrício, J. (2014). Assessment of needs in residential care: Perspectives of youth and professionals. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 23 (3), 461-474. Example of Needs Assessment.

Holosko, M.J. (2010). What types of designs are we using in social work research and evaluation? Research on Social Work Practice, 20(6), 665-673.
Holosko,MJ(2010 年)。我们在社会工作研究和评估中使用了哪些类型的设计?社会工作实践研究, 20(6), 665-673.

Rowan, M.S., Mason, M., Robitaille, A., Labrecque, L., & Tocchi, C.L. (2013). An innovative medical and dental hygiene clinic for street youth: Results of a process evaluation. Evaluation and Program Planning, 40, 10–16. Example of Process Evaluation.

Module 5 (7/10)
模块 5 (7/10)

Required Readings:

Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D.T. (2002). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin.

Chapter 2. Section of Internal Validity pp. 53-62
第 2 章。内部有效性部分,第 53-62 页

Chapter 8. Randomized Experiments.
第 8 章。随机实验。

Nastasi, B. K., Hitchcock, J., Sarkar, S., Burkholder, G., Varjas, K., & Jayasena, A. (2007). Mixed methods in intervention research: Theory to adaptation. Journal of Mixed Methods Research1(2), 164-182.
Nastasi,BK,Hitchcock,J.,Sarkar,S.,Burkholder,G.,Varjas,K.和Jayasena,A.(2007)。干预研究中的混合方法:适应理论。混合方法研究杂志, 1(2), 164-182.

Muhammad, M., Wallerstein, N., Sussman, A. L., Avila, M., Belone, L., & Duran, B. (2015). Reflections on researcher identity and power: The impact of positionality on community based participatory research (CBPR) processes and outcomes. Critical Sociology, 41(7-8), 1045-1063.
Muhammad,M.,Wallerstein,N.,Sussman,AL,Avila,M.,Belone,L.和Duran,B.(2015)。对研究人员身份和权力的反思:立场对基于社区的参与式研究 (CBPR) 过程和结果的影响。批判社会学, 41(7-8), 1045-1063.

Suggested Readings:

Bothwell, L. E., Greene, J. A., Podolsky, S. H., & Jones, D. S. (2016). Assessing the gold standard—lessons from the history of RCTs. The New England Journal of Medicine, 374, 2175-2181. doi:10.1056/NEJMms1604593

Brown, C. H., Curran, G., Palinkas, L. A., Aarons, G. A., Wells, K. B., Jones, L., ... & Cruden, G. (2017). An overview of research and evaluation designs for dissemination and implementation. Annual review of public health38, 1-22.

Johnson, R. B., & Schoonenboom, J. (2016). Adding qualitative and mixed methods research to health intervention studies: Interacting with differences. Qualitative Health Research26(5), 587-602.
Johnson,RB和Schoonenboom,J.(2016)。在健康干预研究中增加定性和混合方法研究:与差异相互作用。定性健康研究, 26(5), 587-602.

NIH Stage Model for Behavioral Intervention Development https://www.nia.nih.gov/research/dbsr/nih-stage-model-behavioral-intervention-development
美国国立卫生研究院行为干预 Developmenthttps://www.nia.nih.gov/research/dbsr/nih-stage-model-behavioral-intervention-development 阶段模型

Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D.T. (2002). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin. Chapter 6. Quasi-experiments: Interrupted Time-Series Designs.
Shadish,WR,Cook,TD和Campbell,DT(2002)。广义因果推断的实验和准实验设计。纽约,纽约:霍顿·米夫林。第 6 章。准实验:中断时间序列设计。

Module 6 (7/12)
模块 6 (7/12)

Required Readings:

Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (2002). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin.

Chapter 9: Practical problem 1 – Ethics, participant recruitment, and random assignment.
第 9 章:实际问题 1 – 道德、参与者招募和随机分配。

Chapter 10: Practical problem 2 – Treatment implementation and attrition
第 10 章:实际问题 2 – 治疗实施和损耗

Suggested Readings:

Campbell, D. T. (1986). Relabeling internal and external validity for applied social scientists. New Directions for Program Evaluation, 31, 67-77.
坎贝尔,DT(1986 年)。重新标记应用社会科学家的内部和外部有效性。计划评估的新方向,31,67-77。

Julious, S. A. (2005). Sample size of 12 per group rule of thumb for a pilot study. Pharmaceutical Statistics: The Journal of Applied Statistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry4(4), 287-291.
Julious,SA(2005 年)。每组样本量为 12 个,这是试点研究的经验法则。药物统计:制药行业应用统计杂志,4(4),287-291。

Stuart, E. A., Bradshaw, C. P., & Leaf, P. J. (2015). Assessing the generalizability of randomized trial results to target populations. Prevention Science, 16, 475-485. doi:10.1007/s11121-014-0513-z
斯图尔特,EA,布拉德肖,CP和Leaf,PJ(2015)。评估随机试验结果对目标人群的普遍性。预防科学, 16, 475-485.doi:10.1007/s11121-014-0513-z

Module 7 (7/15)
模块 7 (7/15)

Required Readings:

Morrisson-Beedy, D. & Melnyk, B. M. (2018). Chapter 10: Measurement in intervention research. In B. M. Melnyk & D. Morrisson-Beedy, (Eds.), Intervention research and evidence-based quality improvement: Designing, conducting, analyzing, and funding (2nd Ed). NY: Springer.
Morrisson-Beedy,D.和Melnyk,BM(2018)。第 10 章:干预研究中的测量。在 B. M. Melnyk 和 D. Morrisson-Beedy(编辑)中,干预研究和循证质量改进:设计、实施、分析和资助(第 2 nd 版)。纽约:斯普林格。

Suggested Readings:

Braverman, M.T. (2013). Negotiating measurement: Methodological and interpersonal considerations in the choice and interpretation of instruments. American Journal of Evaluation, 34(1) 99-114
布雷弗曼,MT(2013 年)。谈判衡量:在选择和解释文书时的方法和人际考虑。美国评价杂志, 34(1): 99-114

Hayes, E-R, & Swim, J.K. (2013). African, Asian, Latina/o, and European Americans’ responses to popular measures of sexist beliefs: Some cautionary notes. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37(2) 155-166.

Redfern, J., Santo, K., Coorey, G., Thakkar, J., Hackett, M., Thiagalingam, A., & Chow, C. (2016). Factors influencing engagement, perceived usefulness and behavioral mechanisms associated with a text message support program. PLoS ONE 11(10):e0163929. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163929

Module 8 (7/17)
模块 8 (7/17)

Required Readings:

Fraser, M. W., Richman, J. M., Galinsky, M. J., & Day, S. H. (2009). Intervention research: Developing social programs. Chapter 6 – Step 5: Dissemination of findings and program materials: The challenges of evidence-based practice.
弗雷泽,MW,里奇曼,JM,加林斯基,MJ和Day,SH(2009)。干预研究:制定社会计划。第 6 章 – 第 5 步:传播调查结果和计划材料:循证实践的挑战。

Fraser, Richman, Galinsky, & Day (2009) Portion of Chapter 7 about methodological issues in intervention research. In Intervention research: Developing social programs, (pp. 159-172). NY: Oxford University Press.
Fraser, Richman, Galinsky, & Day (2009) 第7章关于干预研究方法论问题的部分。在干预研究中:制定社会计划,(第 159-172 页)。纽约:牛津大学出版社。

Suggested Readings:

Branas, C. C., Cheney, R. A., MacDonald, J. M., Tam, V. W., Jackson, T. D., & Ten Have, T. R. (2011). A difference-in-differences analysis of health, safety, and greening vacant urban space. American Journal of Epidemiology174(11), 1296-1306. Difference-in Difference Analysis
Branas,CC,Cheney,RA,MacDonald,JM,Tam,VW,Jackson,TD和Ten Have,TR(2011)。健康、安全和绿化空置城市空间的双重差分分析。美国流行病学杂志,174(11),1296-1306。差异分析

Gueorguieva, R., & Krystal, J. H. (2004). Move over anova: progress in analyzing repeated-measures data andits reflection in papers published in the archives of general psychiatry. Archives of general psychiatry, 61(3), 310-317. Models with Repeated Measures

Hayes, A. F., & Rockwood, N. J. (2017). Regression-based statistical mediation and moderation analysis in clinical research: Observations, recommendations, and implementation. Behaviour research and therapy, 98, 39-57.

Singer, J. D., & Willett, J. B. (2003). Applied longitudinal data analysis: Modeling change and event occurrence. Oxford university press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195152968.001.0001