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Week 5: Seminar Study and Preparation.
第 5 周:研讨会学习和准备。

In order to prepare for week 5 activity, you’ll need to have read the text’s carefully. Over the last four weeks, you’ll have learned about the ways sensemaking is key to the management of the literary industries, as well as to the reading of literary and non-literary texts. You’ll have learned about why writers have been motivated to write (and thus, how you might manage and motivate others for writing you care about), the political implications of literature (and thus, the management and expression of ideas which you may or may not agree with) and the relationship between critical and creative writing (and the way in which institutions thus shape how writing becomes a “text”).
为了准备第 5 周的活动,您需要仔细阅读文本。在过去的四个星期里,您将了解意义建构是文学产业管理以及文学和非文学文本阅读的关键方式。您将了解作家为什么会受到写作的激励(以及您如何管理和激励其他人撰写您关心的文章)、文学的政治含义(以及您可能同意也可能不同意的思想的管理和表达)以及批判性写作和创意写作之间的关系(以及机构如何塑造写作如何成为“文本”)。

In many ways, you’ll have been developing your own theories – or ideas – about how and why writing happens, the challenges and excitement writers face, and the things we might need to think about in the production, consumption and distribution of literary texts.

This week, we turn to the question of “What is theory?” You read a theory for week one on this module – Karl Weick’s sensemaking is a theory of how individuals in organizations deploy sensemaking in ambiguous and uncertain situations. We now turn to another example of a different kind of theory: Freudian psychoanalysis, and the ideas by which Freud interpreted and sense-made. We also turn to Jonathan Culler’s chapter ‘What is Theory?’
本周,我们转向“什么是理论”的问题。 您将在本模块的第一周阅读一个理论 – Karl Weick 的意义建构是关于组织中的个人如何在模棱两可和不确定的情况下部署意义建构的理论。我们现在转向另一种理论的另一个例子 :弗洛伊德的精神分析,以及弗洛伊德解释edsense-made 的思想我们还转向乔纳森·库勒 (Jonathan Culler) 的章节“什么是理论?

On Freud:

How does Freud compare the structure of dreams to the structure of literature? What issues does this pose for the meaning of the literary text – for both writer and reader?

How might Weick’s ideas about sensemaking enable us to understand Freud’s use of the myth of Oedipus Rex and William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet to explain his theory of the Oedipus complex?

What does Freud mean by condensation and displacement? What does he mean by the "latent" and "manifest" content in both? Consider your previous ideas of critical and creative writing What can we learn from Freud as an act of literary theory?

On Jonathan Culler:

What does Jonathan Culler describe as the main effect of theory on literary studies?
乔纳森·库勒 (Jonathan Culler) 将理论对文学研究的主要影响描述为什么?

According to Culler, how does theory challenge common-sense views about meaning and writing?
根据 Culler 的说法,理论如何挑战关于意义和写作的常识性观点?

In what ways does Culler’s conception of theory as reflexive "thinking about thinking" challenge traditional hierarchical structures of knowledge, and how might this approach to theory push us to reconsider the boundaries between higher-order theory and practical, everyday knowledge?