Chisel is an alternative to classic Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) like Verilog and VHDL. My experience with Verilog and its existing prevalence in both industry and academia indicate that it is a well-developed mature language.

Can someone who has used Chisel for some time share your experiences and help to explain Chisel's utility over classic HDLs?

My experiences so far, as an undergraduate IC design student, include:

  • Verilog is dominant in industry and has wide simulation support
  • Chisel does not support all constructs Verilog does, e.g., analog elements
  • Chisel parameterization provides equivalent capabilities to Verilog
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This is an incredibly difficult question to answer for a number of reasons. The Chisel community is attempting to unify on one concrete answer that is easy to understand. There are two main angles:

  • Improved productivity through new language features and availability of libraries
  • Improved specialization due to the hardware-compiler structure

Language Feature/Power Answer

Think about the following similar question, "What utility does Python provide over C?" A response indicating no utility would likely bring up the following points:

  1. Everything I can write in C I can write in Python. Both have for, while, etc. and the code I write looks the same: printf("hello\n") vs. print("hello")
    我可以用C写的所有东西我都可以用Python写。两者都有 forwhile 等,而且我写的代码看起来是一样的: printf("hello\n") vs. print("hello")
  2. C has features that Python doesn't like inline assembly
  3. Both are Turing complete

The problem with this line of reasoning is that it's ignoring the fact that Python provides new programming paradigms that allow you to be more productive:

  • Object oriented programming
  • Functional programming 函数式编程
  • Libraries 图书馆

In effect, Python can be viewed as a more powerful language from a design productivity and code reuse perspective. Language power is notoriously difficult to objectively evaluate. Paul Graham describes this as the "Blub Paradox" in his "Beating the Averages" essay. Graham's thesis is that an engineer proficient in a less powerful language cannot evaluate the utility of a more powerful language.
实际上,从设计生产力和代码重用的角度来看,Python可以被视为一种更强大的语言。众所周知,语言能力很难客观评估。Paul Graham在他的“击败平均值”文章中将此描述为“Blub悖论”。Graham的论点是,精通不太强大的语言的工程师无法评估更强大语言的实用性。

Put differently, the existence of the paradigms listed above does not force you to use them. Hence, it's entirely possible to write Python that looks and feels just like C (and use that for justification to dismiss Python altogether!).

Chisel is a domain specific language (DSL) for describing hardware circuits embedded in Scala. By it's very nature, it provides equivalent constructs to Verilog like module, Input/Output, Reg, etc. Problematically for your question, this causes both the most basic Chisel examples to look exactly like Verilog and also allows people to write Chisel that looks just like Verilog. This is often used as an argument for dismissing Chisel in favor of Verilog. However, this is analogous to making programming language choice based on the structure of "Hello World" examples.
Chisel是一种特定领域的语言(DSL),用于描述嵌入在Scala中的硬件电路。就其本质而言,它为Verilog提供了等效的结构,例如 moduleInputReg 等。对于您的问题,这会导致最基本的Chisel示例看起来与Verilog完全相似,并且还允许人们编写看起来像Verilog的Chisel。这通常被用作拒绝Chisel而支持Verilog的论点。然而,这类似于根据“Hello World”示例的结构进行编程语言选择。

That means that a better question is: "What can I build with Python that is insurmountably hard with C?"

Answering this question requires case studies and is (very quickly) out of the scope of "Hello World" comparisons. Consider building machine learning libraries in C vs. Python, e.g., "How would I build Tensorflow in C?" This would be incredibly difficult due to the abstractions that something like Tensorflow requires.
回答这个问题需要案例研究,并且(很快)超出了“Hello World”比较的范围。考虑用C和Python构建机器学习库,例如,“我将如何用C构建Tensorflow?”由于像Tensorflow这样的东西需要抽象,这将非常困难。

You can think about similar exemplar comparisons by looking at mature Chisel projects. Two prominent examples are Rocket-Chip and Diplomacy. The former is a generator of arbitrary System-on-Chip (SoC) designs. The latter is used by Rocket Chip to deal with the problem of parameter negotiation---in an arbitrary SoC I'd like to have the parameters of the N components I'm connecting together to be a function of what I'm connecting (e.g., address widths, internal logic, coherency protocol). Critically, both Rocket-Chip and Diplomacy can be used as libraries (with some difficulty that will be resolved in the future). Concretely, this means that a user is very close to being able to "just import a RISC-V microprocessor" in the same way that they "just import a graph library".
您可以通过查看成熟的Chisel项目来考虑类似的示例比较。两个突出的例子是Rocket-Chip和外交。前者是任意片上系统(SoC)设计的生成器。后者由Rocket Chip用于处理参数协商问题——在任意SoC中,我希望我正在连接的 N 组件的参数是我正在连接的内容的函数(例如,地址宽度、内部逻辑、一致性协议)。至关重要的是,Rocket-Chip和外交都可以用作库(有些困难将在未来解决)。具体来说,这意味着用户非常接近能够“只需导入RISC-V微处理器”,就像他们“只需导入图形库”一样。

Due to language feature/power coupled with library availability, the real utility metrics become:

  • How many lines of code do I need to describe some component?
  • How powerful are the abstractions the language allows me to build?
  • To what extent does the language enable code reuse?

For unsupported constructs, like negative edge triggered things and asynchronous resets (both FIRRTL and Chisel now support asynchronous resets), Chisel always provides an escape hatch kludge via Verilog blackboxes. However, all of these are really just features looking for a developer.

Hardware Compiler Answer

Chisel forms part of a Hardware Compiler Framework that looks very much like LLVM applied to hardware generation. The Chisel-to-Verilog process forms part of a multi-stage compiler. The "Chisel stage/front-end" compiles Chisel to a circuit intermediate representation called FIRRTL (Flexible Intermediate Representation for RTL). "FIRRTL stage/mid-end" then optimizes FIRRTL and applies user-custom transformations. Finally the "Verilog stage/back-end" emits Verilog based on the optimized FIRRTL.

While subtle, this compiler structure enables the following things:

  • The front-end and back-ends are decoupled meaning that other front-ends and back-ends can be written. A Verilog front-end exists through Yosys and other languages can directly target FIRRTL, e.g., Magma is it's own Chisel-like language in Python that can target FIRRTL. New front-ends get all the benefits of existing mid-end optimizations and available back-ends. New back-ends can also be written, e.g., a VHDL back-end just needs one motivated developer to write it.
  • The introduction of a circuit IR enables automated specialization/transformation of circuits. This has been exploited to transform circuits into FPGA optimized versions that run faster than unoptimized versions (Midas and FireSim), enable hardware breakpoints/assertions (Dessert), and to add run-time configurable fault injection capabilities (Chiffre). Doing these optimizations directly on the Verilog would be insurmountably complex and brittle.

From this perspective, the question is closer to "What utility does C++ and LLVM provide over manually written assembly language?"

When discussing compilers, usually the question of Chisel (a hardware construction language) vs. high level synthesis (HLS) comes up. The differentiating factor here is that Chisel is still, fundamentally, a powerful language for describing circuits while HLS is a path for converting programs to circuits.

Conclusion 结论

Summarily, a better way of thinking about this question is, "What does Chisel enable beyond Verilog?" That's a difficult question without a pithy answer and requires comparing the set of programming paradigms both languages provide. Currently, and through my own experience, the best way to tackle this is to do deep dives on mature Chisel code bases and try to use it yourself (and withholding judgment for several months). The difficulty with these approaches is that this takes time. Additionally, the requisite skill sets for reading these code bases and making these types of judgments are not commonly prevalent in hardware engineers. Hardware engineers are usually very proficient with C, but may have never seen (in any depth) object oriented programming, functional programming, or written complex projects exploiting modern software engineering principles. This tends to set up biases where people are looking for reasons to dismiss Chisel (or similar languages) as opposed to reasons to use it.

Further Reading 进一步阅读

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  • 9
    This is a fantastic answer, we should add this to the wiki
    Oct 26, 2018 at 16:05
  • Thanks for spare time answering my question. I quite understand the concept that chisel and firrtl want to promote (decouple front-end and back-end? Make verilog a more primitive code that we don't need to revise it just like C and assembly. Don't know if i'm right lol). So, we decide to build some project out of it (e.g. a CNN accelerator or something lol). Hope that we could work it out haha
    – Eric Wu
    Oct 27, 2018 at 6:20
  • 2
    The synthesizable subset of Verilog, VHDL, etc. share qualities of both procedural languages (C) and low-level languages (assembly). This makes them poorly matched to solve classic hardware design problems: design re-use (we write the same modules over and over) and specialization (targeting different FPGAs, ASIC toolchains, VLSI technologies). Naturally, this isn't saying that you cannot build complex things with Verilog or VHDL, just that there are existing software engineering paradigms that facilitate this. I'm updating the answer with some references from others who motivated these ideas.
    – seldridge
    Oct 27, 2018 at 15:54
  • 1
    Oddly, I'm not aware of some terse documentation here. However, Chapter 4 of Adam Izraelevitz's thesis gets into a lof of the details going on here: proquest.com/openview/fe9e3cfba5a78cb04c42ff1542d949f7/…. You can also play around with compiling small Chisel circuits (using ChiselStage.emitChirrtl) and then compiling that with command line firrtl.
    – seldridge
    Jul 1, 2021 at 1:18
  • 1
    Hardware engineers would not move away from Verilog, Chisel is a mistake on multiple levels. Verilog code generation can be done using some kind of templating if one wishes, and the benefit? It looks like clean structural Verilog, which clearly shows the structure of underlying hardware. IMO it does not make an iota of sense to write serial software to generate a parallel hardware code, how much ever they try its going to remain less readable. Academicians are good at creating a barrier for entry, we see this in the use of math where it is not needed. Chisel will die the same death as CSP.
    – codepoet
    Jan 1, 2022 at 0:38

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