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《伪装学渣》作者木瓜黄(精校版全本+番外完) ════════════ 公众号:甜度超标 备用:甜度呀 围脖:青春与光呀 ════════════ 附:【本作品来自互联网,内容版权归作者所有,侵权联系删除】!   书名:伪装学渣   作者:木瓜黄   文案   分班后,两位风靡校园的“问题少年”不止分进一个班还成为同桌。   明明是学霸却要装学渣,浑身都是戏,在表演的道路上越走越远。   -818我们班里每次考试都要争倒数第一的两位大佬。   注孤生戏精攻(贺朝)x不服就干泯灭人性受(谢俞)【标了攻受,不互攻,不要站错拉   基本上是一本正经的搞笑文,关于成长的一点小事。   说一句:同类型校园文不代表谁像谁,不要空口鉴抄啊!!有锤上锤,没有就不要在其他文底下说什么既视感,很不尊重人的!!!   微博@炸天黄
"Disguise Scum" Author Papaya Yellow (Refined School Edition Full + Extra) ════════════ Official Account: Sweetness Exceeds the Standard Backup: Sweetness Bib: Youth and Light ════════════ Attached: [This work is from the Internet, the copyright of the content belongs to the author, and the infringement contact is deleted]! Title: Pretending to be a scumbag Author: Papaya Huang Copywriter After the class, the two "problem teenagers" who swept the campus were not only assigned to the same class, but also became the same table. is obviously a scholar but has to pretend to be a scumbag, full of drama, and goes farther and farther on the road of performance. -818 The two bigwigs in our class who have to compete for the first place in every exam. Note: Lonely Life Drama Essence Attack (He Chao) x Disobedience to Destroy Human Nature (Xie Yu) [Mark the attack, don't attack each other, don't stand on the wrong side Basically, it's a serious funny article, a little bit about growing up. One word: The same type of campus essay does not mean who is like whom, don't copy it empty-mouthed!! If there is a hammer on a hammer, if you don't have it, don't say anything about the sense of déjà vu under other texts, which is very disrespectful!! Weibo @fried sky yellow

  内容标签: 花季雨季 欢喜冤家 甜文   搜索关键字:主角:谢俞,贺朝(zhao) ┃ 配角:老师们同学们 ┃ 其它:xxx
Content Tags: Flower Season Rainy Season Joy Bitter Family Sweet Text Search Keywords: Protagonist: Xie Yu, He Chao (zhao) ┃ Supporting Role: Teachers and Students ┃ Other: xxx

  简评   谢俞和贺朝两人分别是东西两楼的老大,原本井水不犯河水,但高二分班后,这两位风靡校园的“问题少年”不止分进一个班还成为了同桌。两个人明明都是学霸却要装成学渣,浑身都是戏,考试要争倒数第一,表面上天天上课打游戏、醉生梦死,背地里却偷偷学习。然后……两位大佬谈起了恋爱。文风诙谐幽默,行文流畅。主角做题时绕开所有正确选项,装学渣的心路历程令人捧腹。随着剧情展开,人物逐渐深入,看似张扬的两个问题少年终于解除误会,跟班里人打成一片。感情线刻画细腻,描绘出年少时的那份悸动,以及每个无法抑制住的瞬间。仿佛回到单纯青涩的校园生活,充满青春气息,轻松欢快。(作品上过vip强推榜将获得此奖章)   ==================
Brief comment Xie Yu and He Chao are the bosses of the east and west floors respectively, and the well water does not interfere with the river water, but after the second year of high school, these two popular "problem teenagers" on campus were not only divided into one class but also became the same table. The two of them are obviously top students but they have to pretend to be scumbags, they are full of dramas, they have to compete for the first place in the exam, they play games in class every day, get drunk and dream to death, but secretly study behind the scenes. And then...... The two bigwigs fell in love. The style of writing is witty and humorous, and the writing is fluent. The protagonist bypasses all the correct options when doing the questions, and the mental journey of pretending to be a scumbag is hilarious. As the plot unfolds and the characters gradually deepen, the seemingly flamboyant two problem teenagers finally resolve the misunderstanding and mingle with the class. The emotional line is delicately portrayed, depicting the throbbing of youth, and every irrepressible moment. It seems to return to the simple and youthful campus life, full of youth, relaxed and cheerful. (Works that have been on the VIP strong promotion list will receive this medal) ==================

第一章   “下一站黑水街,请要下车的乘客准备从后门下车。”   公交车从B市郊区出发,绕了小半个圈缓缓拐进商业街,街道四通八达,行人熙攘。   语音播报员将这行字念得字正腔圆,这跟平常念的普通话还不一样,听上去像机器仿声,连尾音上调的幅度都显得刻意。   谢俞坐在最后一排的角落里,扭头望了眼窗外炽热的阳光。   觉得车内空调温度太低,又觉得热。   公交车本来开得就慢,现在又被人流四面环绕,速度直接降成老爷车,正好碰到一个红灯,长长的车身剧烈晃动一阵,徐徐停下。   谢俞拿着手机,一边看窗外一边等对方接电话。   电话嘟了好几声终于接通,熟悉又嘈杂的声音钻出来,紧接着是一个女人的声音,她嗓门更大,直接盖过了那片纷乱,豪迈又有点儿哑,不知道在跟谁吵架。   “谁知道那六车货什么时候能到,就没有个准信儿,那帮孙子成天推三阻四。”   “一会儿说明天一会儿又说后天时间变个没完,最后直接跟我说他们也不知道……操他妈的。”   谢俞平静地听那女人叫骂。   “催个屁!连电话都不敢接了现在,跟我玩失踪。狗娘屁眼里拉出来的玩意儿,也不出去打听打听,整个黑水街谁他妈敢惹我许艳梅。”   眼看这脏话越骂越难听,仿佛能吼个八百字小作文还不带停顿的,谢俞这才出声提醒对方:“梅姨。”   所有脏话瞬间消音。   许艳梅冲其他人摆摆手,闭上嘴,连手指缝里夹着的烟都毫不犹豫地掐灭了,随手往桌角上摁。又指指桌上那通意外接通的电话,示意此次‘六车货不按时出货讨伐会’可以散会了。   她掐完烟,将横跨在简陋办公桌上的长腿收回去,语气是其他人从未听到过的温柔,和刚才那个脏话两吨重的疯婆子简直就不是同一个人。   “我们午休时间凑在一起随便聊聊天,没啥事儿,闹着玩儿呢。生活这么平淡,偶尔说说脏话对心情好……”   谢俞也不拆穿,只问:“抽烟呢,抽烟也对身体好?”   许艳梅浑身都是尼古丁的味儿,睁眼说瞎话,心想反正这臭小子也不能从电话里钻出来:“我没抽,你不让我抽烟之后我就戒了,哎别跟我提这茬,提了我怕我烟瘾又犯,不能刺激我。”   装得倒是挺像,谁刺激谁。   谢俞听着她这把日益严重的老烟嗓——也就只有骂人的时候这个声音才能陡然间明朗起来,用脚趾头想都能知道这话到底是真是假。   “放假了吧,前阵子听你妈说你二十号考完最后一门,给你发的信息你怎么都不回。”   许艳梅继续转移话题道:“考得怎么样?我可是在网上找了好半天才找来的句子,那些句子都文邹邹的,找的时候快给我酸吐了。”   -面对考卷不彷徨,尽力就是好成绩,让梦想在考场上扬帆起航,让人生在知识的海洋里遨游!小兔崽子,考试加油!   谢俞也不知道为什么这条毫无新意、一看就是批发语录、并且完全不符合现代青少年审美的短信,他能够一字不差地背出来。   公交正好驶进隧道,遮住了外头烈到灼人的光,周遭事物暗了下去。   谢俞本来就穿着一身黑,此时更是整个人隐在黑暗里,他将身子往后靠,伸了伸因为空间不足而勉强缩在一起的两条长腿,漫不经心地扯起一抹笑:“那你还找,我什么成绩你又不是不知道,让我回你什么,谢谢鼓励、争取不做倒数第一?”   才歇息不到两分钟,黑水街一姐许艳梅同志这边又有人嚷嚷起来:“你们这里是黑店吧,还批发市场,价格那么高,摆明了坑人。”   “……你说什么?”被人搅和,许艳梅没听清谢俞的回答,“太他妈吵了,还来了群傻逼想砸店,改明儿我去买个大喇叭,我还不信镇不住这帮孙子。”   谢俞扣着电话的手指略微收紧,话在嘴边打了两个转,最后还是没说出口:“没什么。”   “短信我看见了,忙着复习,忘了回。”   “好好好,虽然咱成绩是差了那么一点,但是别气馁,不到最后一刻不能认输,谁怕谁啊是不是。”   许艳梅说着说着嗓门又大起来,捂住听筒,冲那几个不依不饶说坑人的顾客吼道:“……干什么干什么,坑的就是你这种王八犊子,爱买不买,不买别在这杵着!”   车头从隧道口钻出去,大片大片阳光重新洒进来,一直顺着车头洒到车尾巴上。   谢俞微微眯起眼,看到窗外熟悉的景物,知道就快到站了。   今天周一,是暑假开始的第三天,也是工作日。车上人并不多。   几个学生坐在前排,女孩子们扎着马尾辫,出去玩还规规矩矩特别乖巧地背着书包,衣裳白净。   黑水街这一片虽然说是商业街,物价着实不高,跟繁华俩字也搭不上边,街道建设在郊区里头都算差的,楼房破旧。但是这种廉价的生活文化,吸引了不少没有高消费能力的人群,尤其是初高中生。   谢俞盯着女孩儿发圈上那个透明里还透着点儿粉的玻璃坠饰,透过光,闪闪发亮。   “到了到了,准备下车了。”那女孩马尾辫一甩,扶着杆子起身,“我上次吃炒年糕就是在这,我带你们去。”   与此同时——   “黑水街南站到了,准备下车的乘客请从后门下车,谢谢配合。”   车缓缓停下,车门打开的瞬间,一股热浪夹着燥热的风从门口扑进来。   许艳梅还以为是自己听错了:“兔崽子,你在哪儿呢?我怎么听到报站报黑水街。”   谢俞起身下车:“许艳梅同志,我还有十分钟就能到广贸门口,你好好想想怎么收拾身上这股烟味,想想怎么跟我交代,也顺便想想你当初是怎么跟我保证的。提着头来见我吧。”   许艳梅回头瞅了眼办公桌烟灰缸里的一缸烟头:“……”   “梅姐,咋的了,怎么满面愁容。”   许艳梅推开门走出去,撩起袖子进仓库帮店主们一块儿干活:“别提了,愁死我了。”   许艳梅在黑水街上经营服装批发市场,服装生意她十几年前就开始干了,最开始是和几个小姐妹在街口摆摊,后来有模有样地盘了家店,最后盘下黑水街中心广贸大厦里两层楼——这两层楼里汇聚着上百家小店,形成了这样一个“批发市场”。   作为批发市场老板娘,梅姐在黑水街这一块儿,名气那是响当当的。也是响当当的仗义,女中豪杰。   “真是愁?我怎么觉着你嘴角这笑都快挂不住了。”其中一名店主说。   许艳梅道:“瞎说什么啊,对了你有没有什么香水啥玩意的,给我喷喷,小俞儿马上就到了,我这浑身都是烟味,被他逮着肯定一通数落。”   店主支起身子,拍拍裤腿上的灰:“原来是你那位宝贝儿子,你看看你怕成什么样了你都……香水我有,我去给你找找。”   “能不怕吗,我们家小俞儿是好孩子。”许艳梅说这话的时候声音很小,她手上发力,用小刀猛地划开一袋捆绳,自言自语似地说,“我可不能带坏了他。”   “……又不是亲生的,不就是认的干儿子吗。”   “什么好孩子?我儿子跟谢俞一个班,那可是个刺头啊,成绩差不说,班里都没人敢跟他坐同桌,好像还是什么学校老大,混着呢。也就梅姐当他宝贝似地捧着,平时连脏话都不怎么在他面前说。”   “听说他考高中还是作弊的,不然就他那个成绩,撞了鬼了能考得上。虽然说二中不是什么好学校,但垫底的普高也是个普高。”   “算了算了,别说了,都散了吧,做事去。”   等许艳梅拆完捆绳出来,那群嚼舌根的店员已经散开,各自站在不过三四尺宽的摊位面前卖力吆喝:“两件99,两件99!错过今天等明年!羽绒服全部反季亏本清仓了!”   “走一走看一看,两件99!”   许艳梅带着浓郁的香水味儿走过去:“我出去一趟,要是有什么事给我打电话。再有那种不识相的傻帽,不用跟他们讲道理知不知道,骂就对了,讲个屁的道理。道理是说给人听的,不是说给傻帽。”   谢俞绕了点路,跑了三家杂货店终于找到一个带扩音器的喇叭。   红白色,从一堆杂货下面好不容易翻出来的。店家为了展示它虽然积了一层灰但功能依旧强悍,立马接上电,当场放了一首“该死的温柔”。   功能确实强大,震耳欲聋。   谢俞被它震得耳朵疼,边掏钱边说:“行了,多少钱?”   店家离这个喇叭的距离更近,压根没听见谢俞说的这五个字,他用袖子擦擦上头的灰,歇斯力竭地扯着嗓子推销,老大爷一把年纪了,难为他还能嘶吼出这种高音:“——耐用!不好用包退!包退!”   “多少钱?”   “品质有保证!有问题你尽管找我!小店坐不改名行不改姓!建行杂货!”   “……”   一只手横着伸到老大爷面前,细长,骨节分明,指甲盖修得干干净净。   谢俞面无表情地摁下开关按钮,耳边终于清静:“多少钱。”   “二、二十五。”   老大爷比划了个二,又比划个五,然后又说:“要吗,要了我就帮你包起来。”   谢俞还没来得及点头,老大爷已经拿起塑料袋把喇叭往里头装,并且眼疾手快地从桌上厚厚一沓纸里抽出来几张来历不明的一并往塑料袋里塞。   ——妇科医院,无痛人流。   ——男人的福音,第二根,半价。   开杂货店还不够,身兼着发传单的重任,谢俞对黑水街人民的行动力和业务水准有了新的认识。   老大爷没塞够,又扔进去几张,从大体颜色上来看,那些传单都不带重复的:“副业,副业。响应党的号召,积极奔赴小康,为了发财而奋斗……找您的钱,拿好了,欢迎下次光临。”
Chapter 1 "Next stop Blackwater Street, passengers who are about to get off the train are ready to get off the bus through the back door." The bus departed from the suburbs of City B, and slowly turned into the commercial street after a small half circle, and the streets were accessible in all directions and crowded with pedestrians. The voice announcer pronounced this line of words in a correct and round tone, which is not the same as the Mandarin that is usually read, it sounds like a machine imitation sound, and even the amplitude of the tail tone is deliberate. Xie Yu sat in the corner of the last row and turned his head to look at the blazing sunlight outside the window. I feel that the temperature of the air conditioner in the car is too low, and I feel that it is hot. The bus was originally slow, but now it is surrounded by people on all sides, and the speed is directly reduced to a classic car, just when it hits a red light, the long body shakes violently for a while, and slowly stops. Xie Yu held his mobile phone and waited for the other party to answer the phone while looking out the window. The phone beeped several times and finally connected, a familiar and noisy voice came out, followed by a woman's voice, her voice was louder, directly covering the chaos, heroic and a little dumb, I don't know who I was arguing with. "Who knows when the six truckloads of goods will arrive, there is no quasi-letter, and those grandsons are pushing back and blocking all day long." "After a while, he said that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow would be endless, and finally told me directly that they didn't know either...... Fuck it. Xie Yu calmly listened to the woman's scolding. "Push a fart! I don't even dare to answer the phone now, play with me and disappear. The thing that came out of the butt's asshole, and she didn't go out to inquire, who the hell would dare to mess with me Xu Yanmei in the whole Blackwater Street. Seeing that this swear word became more and more ugly, as if he could shout an eight-hundred-word essay without pause, Xie Yu reminded the other party loudly: "Aunt Mei." All expletives were silenced instantly. Xu Yanmei waved her hand at the others, closed her mouth, and even snuffed out the cigarette between her fingers without hesitation, and pressed it on the corner of the table casually. He also pointed to the phone on the table that was accidentally connected, indicating that the 'Six Truckloads of Goods Shipped on Time Crusade Meeting' could be dismissed. She finished her cigarette and withdrew her long legs straddling the humble desk, and her tone was gentle that no one else had ever heard before, and it was not the same person as the two-ton crazy woman who had just spoken. "We got together during our lunch break and chatted, nothing happened, just had fun. Life is so dull, occasionally swearing is good for the mood......" Xie Yu didn't debunk it, but only asked: "What about smoking, smoking is also good for your health?" Xu Yanmei was covered with the smell of nicotine, opened her eyes and said nonsense, thinking that this stinky boy couldn't get out of the phone anyway: "I didn't smoke, I quit after you didn't let me smoke, hey, don't mention this stubble to me, I'm afraid that I will be addicted to smoking again, and I can't stimulate me." Pretending to be quite alike, who stimulates whom. Xie Yu listened to her increasingly serious old smoke voice, which could only suddenly become clear when she was scolding, and she could tell whether it was true or false with her toes. "It's a holiday, I heard your mother say a while ago that you finished the last exam on the 20th, and you didn't reply to the message you sent." Xu Yanmei continued to change the topic and said, "How did you do in the exam?" I looked for sentences on the Internet for a long time to find, and those sentences were all written in Zou Zou, and I was about to vomit when I looked for them. -Don't hesitate in the face of the exam papers, do your best to get good grades, let your dreams set sail in the exam room, and let your life swim in the ocean of knowledge! Little bunny, come on for the exam! Xie Yu didn't know why he was able to recite this text message, which was nothing new, was a wholesale quotation at first glance, and completely did not conform to the aesthetics of modern teenagers. The bus drove right into the tunnel, blocking out the scorching light outside, and everything around it went dark. Xie Yu was already dressed in black, and at this time, the whole person was hidden in the dark, he leaned back, stretched out the two long legs that were barely shrunk together because of lack of space, and pulled up a smile casually: "Then you are still looking for it, you don't know what my grades are, let me reply to you, thank you for your encouragement, and strive not to be the first-to-last?" After less than two minutes of rest, someone on the side of Comrade Xu Yanmei, the first sister of Heishui Street, shouted: "You are a black shop here, and there is a wholesale market, and the price is so high, it is clear that there are people who are pitted." ” “…… What did you say? Being stirred up, Xu Yanmei didn't hear Xie Yu's answer clearly, "It's so fucking noisy, and a group of fools want to smash the store, I'll buy a big horn tomorrow, I still don't believe that I can't stop these grandchildren." Xie Yu's fingers holding the phone tightened slightly, and the words turned around his mouth twice, and finally he didn't say anything: "It's nothing." "I saw the text message, I was so busy reviewing it that I forgot to reply." "Okay, good, although our grades are a little worse, but don't be discouraged, you can't admit defeat until the last moment, who is afraid of whom." Xu Yanmei's voice became louder as she spoke, covered the earpiece, and yelled at the few customers who didn't let go of the pits: "...... What are you doing, the pit is a king and a calf like you, if you love to buy it or not, don't buy it here! The front of the car drilled out of the mouth of the tunnel, and a large expanse of sunlight re-poured in, all the way down the front to the tail. Xie Yu squinted slightly, saw the familiar scene outside the window, and knew that he was about to arrive. Today, Monday, is the third day of the start of the summer vacation, and it is also a working day. There weren't many people in the car. A few students sat in the front row, the girls wore ponytails, and when they went out to play, they were very well-behaved and carried their school bags, and their clothes were white. Although Heishui Street is said to be a commercial street, the price is really not high, and it can't match the word prosperity, and the street construction is poor in the suburbs, and the buildings are dilapidated. However, this cheap living culture has attracted many people who do not have high spending power, especially middle and high school students. Xie Yu stared at the transparent glass pendant on the girl's hair ring with a little powder in it, shining through the light. "It's time to get off." The girl flicked her ponytail and got up with her hands on the pole, "This is where I last ate fried rice cakes, and I'll take you there." At the same time- "Blackwater Street South Station has arrived, passengers who are ready to get off the train please get off the bus through the back door, thank you for your cooperation." The car came to a slow stop, and the moment the door opened, a wave of heat and a hot wind rushed in from the door. Xu Yanmei thought she had misheard: "Rabbit cub, where are you?" How did I hear the newspaper station report Blackwater Street. Xie Yu got up and got out of the car: "Comrade Xu Yanmei, I still have ten minutes to get to the gate of Guangmao, you should think about how to clean up the smell of smoke on your body, think about how to explain to me, and by the way, think about how you promised me at the beginning." Come to me with your head up. Xu Yanmei glanced back at a jar of cigarette butts in the ashtray on her desk: "......" "Sister Mei, what's wrong, why is your face full of sadness." Xu Yanmei pushed open the door and walked out, rolled up her sleeves and went into the warehouse to help the shopkeepers work together: "Don't mention it, I'm worried to death." Xu Yanmei runs a wholesale clothing market on Heishui Street, and she started the clothing business more than ten years ago, first setting up a stall at the corner of the street with a few little sisters, and then setting up a store in style, and finally taking down the two floors of the Guangmao Building in the center of Heishui Street - these two floors bring together hundreds of small shops, forming such a "wholesale market". As the proprietress of the wholesale market, Sister Mei is well-known in Heishui Street. is also a well-known righteousness, a heroine among women. "Really sad? I don't think you can stop laughing at the corners of your mouth. One of the shopkeepers said. Xu Yanmei said: "What nonsense, by the way, do you have any perfume or anything, spray it on me, Xiao Yu'er will be here soon, I am covered in the smell of smoke, and I will definitely be caught by him." The shopkeeper stood up and patted the ash on his trouser leg: "It turned out to be your precious son, look at what you are afraid of...... I've got the perfume, I'll find it for you. "Can you not be afraid, our little Yu'er is a good child." Xu Yanmei's voice was very low when she said this, she used her hand to exert force, slashed a bag of ropes with a knife, and said to herself, "I can't take him with me." ” “…… It's not biological, isn't it just a godson? "What good boy? My son is in the same class as Xie Yu, that's a thorn, not to mention the poor grades, no one in the class dares to sit at the same table with him, it seems that he is still the boss of some school, mixed up. Sister Mei held it like a baby for him, and she didn't even say dirty words in front of him. "I heard that he still cheated in high school, otherwise he would have been able to pass the exam with his grades. Although the No. 2 Middle School is not a good school, the general high school at the bottom is also a general high school. "Forget it, don't talk about it, let's disperse, do things." When Xu Yanmei came out after unpacking the rope, the group of clerks who chewed the root of their tongues had already dispersed, and each stood in front of the stall that was no more than three or four feet wide and shouted: "Two pieces of 99, two pieces of 99!" Miss today and wait for next year! All the down jackets are out of season and are cleared at a loss! "Take a walk and take a look, two 99s!" Xu Yanmei walked over with a strong smell of perfume: "I'll go out, call me if there's anything." And then there is that kind of stupid hat who doesn't know each other, you don't need to reason with them, you just scold, tell a fart of the truth. The truth is for people, not for stupid hats. Xie Yu took a detour and ran to three grocery stores to finally find a horn with a megaphone. Red and white, it was hard to turn out from under a pile of groceries. In order to show that although it has accumulated a layer of dust, the function is still strong, and the store immediately connected the electricity and played a song "damn gentle" on the spot. The features are truly powerful and deafening. Xie Yu was shocked by it and his ears hurt, and he said while taking out the money: "Okay, how much?" The store was closer to this horn, and he didn't hear Xie Yu's five words at all, he wiped the ashes on his head with his sleeve, and hysterically pulled his throat to sell, the old man was old, and it was hard for him to still roar this kind of high voice: "- durable!" It's not easy to use the package to return! Return! "How much?" "Quality is guaranteed! If you have any questions, just look for me! The small shop does not change its name, and the line does not change its surname! CCB Groceries! ” “……” One hand stretched out horizontally in front of the old man, slender, with distinct joints, and the nails were cleanly trimmed. Xie Yu pressed the switch button expressionlessly, and his ears finally quieted: "How much." "Two, twenty-five." The old man drew a two, then a five, and then said, "If you want it, I'll help you wrap it up if you want it." Before Xie Yu could nod, the old man had already picked up the plastic bag and put the horn inside, and quickly took out a few sheets of unknown origin from the thick pile of paper on the table and stuffed them into the plastic bag. - Gynecology hospital, painless abortion. - The Gospel for Men, the second root, half price. Opening a grocery store is not enough, and with the heavy responsibility of distributing leaflets, Xie Yu has a new understanding of the action and business standards of the people of Heishui Street. The old man didn't stuff enough, so he threw in a few more, and judging from the general color, those flyers did not have duplicates: "Side business, side business." In response to the party's call, we actively went to the well-off and struggled to make a fortune...... Find your money, take it, and welcome to the next visit. ”

第二章   那些传单,几乎囊括了各行各业,从割包皮到小额贷款,一应俱全。甚至还有开锁的、神奇老中医、私家侦探、专业替考……   谢俞直接抽出来垃圾桶里扔,扔剩最后一张,上头写着:神秘游戏,引爆你的激情!好哥哥,啊~~来啊~~~   这几个波浪号骚破天际,谢俞正要扔,就听到身后有人气壮山河地喊“臭小子”,谢俞手一抖,鬼神使差被打断了思路,反手将传单塞进了裤兜里。   许艳梅搓搓手:“怎么有空过来看我?”   谢俞见到她的第一个动作就是把黑色塑料袋递给她,然后迅速往后退了几步,避之不及:“你身上这什么味,厕所清新剂?没事喷成这样你想干什么。”   “狗屁厕所清新剂,老娘这是女人味。”喷掉了小半瓶香水呢。   说完她打开塑料袋看到里面的东西,愣了两秒:“我就随口一说你还真给我整了个大喇叭——怎么弄这个,这是开关?”   谢俞太阳穴‘突’地一跳:“——别摁它,太吵。”   话说得太晚,许艳梅已经将那个红色按钮按了下去,像个刚得到新玩具的小孩儿,于是在杂货店里没放完的歌又从扩音器里杀了出来,大有绕梁三日之势。   许艳梅有点蒙:“我操,这么猛?”   “赶紧关了,”谢俞又说,“还有你这嗓子,自己心里没点数是不是,抽烟,你就抽吧。”   许艳梅:“没那么夸张……依照我这强健的体格,少说还能再战个三百年。”   谢俞默不作声打量她,一眼就注意到她右手一直有意无意地扶着腰侧。由于常年操劳,许艳梅的腰一直不太好,得每天贴一张膏药,不然有时候能疼得爬不起来床。   “强健,你可真敢说。”   许艳梅察觉到谢俞的目光,立马把手放下来,嘴里说的话也不知道是真是假,流畅地往外蹦:“我腰没事,那个,上次你叫我去医院看看,我去了,挺好的,医生说没太大问题。”   谢俞边听边往广贸大厦里走,他身上穿着件普通得甚至有些廉价的黑色T恤——是许艳梅以前给他买的,她经常给他寄衣服,只要看到合适的就会买下来,最后积累寄过去足足有半个人那么高的大纸箱。   他双手插在衣兜里,衣服袖子往上折了几折,露出一截清瘦的手腕。头发中长,明明看起来挺软,甚至由于过于细软而自然弯曲,却平添几分凌厉。   他问:“今天要卸几车货?”   许艳梅今年已经四十多岁,平时忙着进货出货,整天盯这盯那,砸店、搞事的杂七杂八的都归她管,就是没什么时间管管自己。头发还是去年过年到理发店烫的卷,疏于打理,现在像个杂乱的泡面头,干枯发黄。   从五官上不难看出她年轻时的貌美,只是岁月不饶人。   就算被扔进人群里,也只是一个普通得不能再普通的中年妇女,甚至让人怀疑从她眉眼里窥探到的旧时的那份美丽,是不是错觉。   “十八车。别看现在还是夏天,但是秋装也得盯着,不然到时候供应商那边工期可能来不及。”说到工作,许艳梅下意识就想摸兜,最好是摸出一根烟出来解解馋,然而只摸到打火机,没有烟。   谢俞又问:“雇的人手够吗。”   “够够够,用不着你。”许艳梅说,“上回你不声不响跑过来帮忙这账我还没跟你算。”   偶尔得知她卸货的时候闪了腰,谢俞翘了一天课,找到他的时候他已经混在工人队伍里跟着卸了四五车货。男孩子脱了校服,浑身是汗。   当时批发市场的生意不太好做,也是这半年才慢慢好起来,请卸货工人能少请几个就少请几个,盘下广贸两层楼已经够吃力,自然在如何节省开销上动心思。   两人站在电梯里,逼仄的空间将那股神似空气清新剂的香水味发酵得更加浓郁,这工作电梯大概还运过生鲜,除了熏人的香味之外,还若有若无地夹杂着一股发臭的鱼腥味。   许艳梅问:“又长高了是不是。”   谢俞道:“快一米八了。”   许艳梅上上下下打量着他,又想笑又想皱眉:“瘦了。”   电梯开了,谢俞走出去,许艳梅还在那揪着个瘦字不放:“三餐要按时吃,现在那些小年轻总喜欢动不动就搞什么减肥,你可别想不开……碍,怎么停这不走了?”   谢俞挡在她面前,将她的视野整个遮得密不透风。   “怎么了?什么事?”   谢俞没给她机会看清楚前面到底发生了什么。   他直接把许艳梅重新推回电梯里去,干脆利落地摁下电梯开关。   反应太快,快得甚至让里头那帮凶神恶煞的人一时间都没反应过来,等他们回神,电梯门已经缓缓合上。   “我操,”为首的男人满脸横肉,脖子上围了条金链子,他把咬在嘴里的烟头拔出来,随手往脚边扔,骂骂咧咧往前走,“——许艳梅你个臭婊子,你他妈给老子站住!”   就他一人反应快,其他弟兄还不知道他们要找的女人差点从他们眼皮子底下溜走,金链男大掌一挥,怒不可遏:“还愣着干什么,上啊!一个个杵在这儿看戏呢。你!赶紧从那边楼梯下去逮人!”   电梯已经合上一半,谢俞压低声音快速地说:“先下去,找人过来。”   许艳梅从电梯缝里瞧见了那男人的脸,想说的话太多,可是时间紧迫,她急忙喊:“谢俞!”   谢俞看着她:“梅姨,听话。”   只来得及看上一眼,那道缝已经关得严严实实,电梯带着她往下降。   电梯边上立着个拖把,大概是清洁工收拾完卫生忘记带走。谢俞顺手抄过,抬脚踩在拖把头上,手上发力,直接将木棍整根抽了出来。   谢俞手里惦着木棍,这才抬眼看他们:“想干什么?”   他知道这帮人。   黑水街到处都是混子,打着收保护费的名号横行霸道,面前这位虎哥据说几个月前刚从监狱里放出来,声称自己差点捅死了人才被关进去的,横到不行。随他怎么吹,事实到底是什么样子也没人想去理会。   虎哥本来靠收保护费混混日子,享受着被傻逼小弟尊为大哥的滋味,直到他遇到许艳梅——所有事情的开端就源于一件事情,他看上她了。   许艳梅有几分姿色,性子泼辣,带劲。   就是有一点不好,给脸不要脸。几次三番拒绝他……简直不识好歹。   想到这,虎哥眼神沉下去:“小屁孩,别多管闲事。”   谢俞依旧没什么反应,缩在里面不敢吱声的店员们心都快提到嗓子眼,他们还是头一回遇到这种事。这群人大摇大摆进来,乱砸东西,一看就不是什么好惹的。   也不知道该不该报警,黑水街不成文的规矩大家都知道,江湖事江湖了。   然后他们就看见梅姐嘴里的“好孩子”站在电梯口,一个人对五个,脸上没有什么表情,一只手从裤兜里伸出来,冲那群人轻轻勾了勾,不知道是挑衅还是真的满不在意:“找死找到爸爸家门口来了,没空跟你们废话,一起上吧。”   “……”   虎哥不想承认他刚才有一瞬间被这个看起来还在念书的男孩子唬住。   这孩子眼神阴沉沉的,冷得渗人,看着他们感觉跟看一坨屎没什么分别——总之绝对不是一朵温室小花朵会有的眼神。   虎哥正在气头上,习惯性装逼,主动扯开衣领:“年纪轻轻口气倒是不小,知道我是谁吗?出去打听打听,有谁见了虎哥不得敬让三分……瞧见没有,老子脖子上这道疤,那可是当年和狱警打架打出来的。你个毛都没长齐的小屁孩,你跟那个臭婊子什么关系?这是干什么,啊,打我?还想学人家打架?就用这根小木棒,你还想——”   谢俞二话不说伸手揪上虎哥的衣领,猛地朝他逼近,膝盖狠狠地顶上对方小腹,紧接着他又用手禁锢住虎哥手肘,丝毫不给人缓冲的时间,将对方拉向自己。   那是一个相当漂亮的过肩摔,干脆利落。如果气氛不是那么僵硬,后面那群店主简直想鼓掌喝彩。   虎哥被顶得眼前发黑,连话都说不出来。   然而谢俞并没有打算就这么轻易地放过他,他又把人从地上扯起来,往电梯钢板门上按,“砰”一声,手指骤然收紧,直接扼住了虎哥的脖子!   “很嚣张,把蹲过监狱当成男人的勋章是吧。”   虎哥反应过来,抬脚想踹,又被谢俞结结实实地打了一棍子,小腿肚不断抽搐,谢俞松开手他便重重地摔在地上,一手撑着地面,一手捂着肚子忍不住干呕:“……操。”   “刚才骂谁婊子。”虎哥眼睁睁看着谢俞那张堪称漂亮的脸缓缓逼近,只是少年眉眼间的戾气满得都快要溢出来,比起这出类拔萃的样貌,他更惊异于面前这人浑身的冷漠、尖锐和阴霾。   谢俞重复问了一遍,憋着火,声音暗哑:“你刚才骂谁婊子?”   虎哥不说话了。   “没人教你怎么做人,我教教你。”谢俞用脚尖踢了踢地上那坨废物。   虎哥身后的几个兄弟对视几个回合,都从彼此眼里瞧见了犹豫,然后他们达成共识,拔腿就跑。   “这下完了,怎么办?”   个字高的那个边跑边问:“要不我们还是报警吧?”   “报个屁的警!”另一个说,“这样以后我们还怎么在道上混!”   顾雪岚接到警局电话的时候正在喝下午茶。   女人脱下丝绸披肩,里面是一条高定蕾丝长裙,衬得腰身凹凸有致,说不出来的优雅。裙摆处低调地绣着两朵暗花,脚腕白嫩细腻,像块光洁的玉。   精心打理的长卷发披在脸侧,她正笑吟吟地听着对面的贵妇们聊最近看上的冬季新款,时不时地插上一两句:“陈太太既然这么喜欢,不如改天直接飞过去买……”   “夫人,你的电话。”   顾雪岚侧过脸,手指搭在陶瓷茶杯,随口问:“谁打来的?”   那人举着电话也不知该不该说,犹豫几秒,弯下腰附在顾雪岚耳边,用只有他俩才能听见的声音说:“警、警局。说是二少跟人打起来了,打得还挺严重,对方叫嚣着要赔医药费。您看,这事情怎么着?派人过去瞧瞧?”   顾雪岚脸色“唰”地变了。   作者有话要说:  谢俞:别惹我,我超凶。
Chapter 2 Those leaflets cover almost all walks of life, from circumcision to micro-loans. There are even lockpickers, magical old Chinese medicine doctors, private detectives, and professional substitute exams...... Xie Yu directly took it out of the trash can and threw it, throwing the last one left, with the words written on it: Mystery game, detonate your passion! Good brother, ah~~Come on~~~ These waves broke through the sky, Xie Yu was about to throw them, when he heard someone behind him shouting "stinky boy", Xie Yu's hand shook, the ghost messenger was interrupted, and he stuffed the flyer into his trouser pocket with his backhand. Xu Yanmei rubbed her hands: "Why do you have time to come and see me?" Xie Yu's first action when he saw her was to hand her the black plastic bag, and then quickly took a few steps back, avoiding it: "What kind of smell do you have, toilet freshener?" It's okay to spray like this, what do you want to do. "Bullshit toilet freshener, old lady, this is feminine." I sprayed off a small half bottle of perfume. After speaking, she opened the plastic bag and saw the contents inside, and was stunned for two seconds: "I'll just casually say that you really gave me a big horn - how do you get this, this is a switch?" Xie Yu's temples jumped suddenly: "-Don't press it, it's too noisy." It was too late, Xu Yanmei had already pressed the red button, like a child who had just gotten a new toy, so the song that had not been played in the grocery store came out of the megaphone again, and it had the potential to go around for three days. Xu Yanmei was a little confused: "Fuck, so fierce?" "Hurry up," Xie Yu said again, "and your voice, I don't have a point in my heart, don't you, smoke, you can smoke." Xu Yanmei: "It's not that exaggerated...... With my strong physique, I can fight for another three hundred years. Xie Yu looked at her silently, and noticed at a glance that her right hand had been supporting her waist, intentionally or unintentionally. Due to her perennial hard work, Xu Yanmei's waist has not been very good, and she has to put a plaster every day, otherwise she will sometimes be so painful that she can't get out of bed. "Strong, how dare you say it." Xu Yanmei noticed Xie Yu's gaze, and immediately put her hand down, and she didn't know whether what was said in her mouth was true or false, and jumped out smoothly: "My waist is fine, that, last time you asked me to go to the hospital to have a look, I went, it's fine, the doctor said it's not too much of a problem." Xie Yu listened as he walked into the Guangmao Building, he was wearing an ordinary and even cheap black T-shirt - Xu Yanmei used to buy it for him, she often sent him clothes, as long as she saw the right one, she would buy them, and finally accumulated and sent a large cardboard box as high as half a person. He had his hands in his pockets, and the sleeves of his shirt were folded up a few times, revealing a thin wrist. The hair is medium-long, and it looks quite soft, and even naturally bent because it is too thin and soft, but it adds a bit of sharpness. He asked, "How many truckloads are you unloading today?" Xu Yanmei is in her forties this year, and she is usually busy buying and shipping, staring at this and that all day long, smashing stores and making trouble, and all the miscellaneous things are under her control, but she has no time to take care of herself. My hair is still curly from last year's New Year's Day at the barbershop, and I am neglected to take care of it, and now it looks like a messy instant noodle head, dry and yellow. It is not difficult to see from her facial features that she was beautiful when she was young, but the years are not forgiving. Even if she was thrown into the crowd, she was just an ordinary middle-aged woman, and even made people wonder if the beauty of the old times peeked into her eyebrows and eyes was an illusion. "Eighteen cars. Don't look at it as summer now, but you have to keep an eye on the autumn clothes, otherwise it may be too late for the supplier to build the project. When it comes to work, Xu Yanmei subconsciously wants to touch her pocket, and it is best to find a cigarette to satisfy her hunger, but she only touches the lighter, but there is no smoke. Xie Yu asked again: "Is there enough people hired?" "Enough is enough, I don't need you." Xu Yanmei said, "Last time, you came over to help quietly, and I haven't settled this account with you." Occasionally learned that she flashed when she unloaded, Xie Yu skipped a day's class, and when he found him, he had already mixed in the ranks of workers and unloaded four or five truckloads of goods. The boy took off his school uniform and was covered in sweat. At that time, the business of the wholesale market was not very good, and it was only in this half a year that it slowly improved, and the unloading workers could ask a few less to invite a few. The two of them stood in the elevator, and the cramped space fermented the perfume smell that looked like an air freshener even more intensely, and the working elevator probably had carried fresh food, in addition to the smoky fragrance, it was also mixed with a stinky fishy smell. Xu Yanmei asked, "Have you grown taller again?" Xie Yu said: "It's almost one meter eight." Xu Yanmei looked him up and down, wanting to laugh and frown: "Thin." The elevator opened, Xie Yu walked out, Xu Yanmei was still there with a thin word: "Three meals must be eaten on time, now those young people always like to lose weight at every turn, don't you think about it...... Hinder, why don't you stop this? Xie Yu stood in front of her, covering her vision completely. "What's wrong? What's up? Xie Yu didn't give her a chance to see what was going on in front of her. He directly pushed Xu Yanmei back into the elevator and simply pressed the elevator switch neatly. The reaction was so fast, so fast that even the gang of vicious people inside didn't react for a while, and when they came back to their senses, the elevator door had slowly closed. "Fuck," the man at the head of the group had a face full of flesh and a gold chain around his neck, he pulled out the cigarette butt that was bitten in his mouth, threw it to his feet, and walked forward with a curse, "-Xu Yanmei, you stinky bitch, you fucking stop Lao Tzu!" He was the only one who reacted quickly, and the other brothers didn't know that the woman they were looking for almost slipped out from under their noses, and the man with the gold chain waved his palm, and was furious: "What are you still doing in a daze, go on!" Pestles are watching the play here.You! Hurry down the stairs over there and catch someone! The elevator was already halfway closed, Xie Yu lowered his voice and said quickly, "Go down first and find someone to come over." Xu Yanmei saw the man's face from the crack in the elevator, and wanted to say too much, but time was pressing, she hurriedly shouted: "Xie Yu!" Xie Yu looked at her: "Aunt Mei, be obedient." Before she could take a look, the crack was tightly closed, and the elevator carried her down. There was a mop standing next to the elevator, probably because the cleaner had forgotten to take it away after cleaning up. Xie Yu copied it with his hand, raised his foot and stepped on the head of the mop, and with the force of his hand, he directly pulled out the whole wooden stick. Xie Yu was holding a wooden stick in his hand, and then he raised his eyes to look at them: "What do you want to do?" He knew the gang. Blackwater Street is full of bastards, who are rampant and domineering in the name of collecting protection money, and the tiger brother in front of him is said to have just been released from prison a few months ago, claiming that he almost stabbed him to death before he was imprisoned, and he was so horizontal that he couldn't do it. No matter how he blows, no one wants to pay attention to what the truth is. Brother Tiger used to live a foolish life by collecting protection money, enjoying the taste of being respected as a big brother by a stupid little brother, until he met Xu Yanmei - the beginning of everything stemmed from one thing, and he fell in love with her. Xu Yanmei has a bit of a posture, a spicy temperament, and energetic. It's just a little bad, shameless to face. rejected him several times...... I don't know what to do. Thinking of this, Brother Hu's eyes sank: "Little brat, don't meddle with things." Xie Yu still didn't react, and the clerks who shrank inside and didn't dare to squeak were about to raise their throats, it was the first time they had encountered this kind of thing. This group of people swaggered in and smashed things, and at first glance it was not something to mess with. I don't know if I should call the police, everyone knows the unwritten rules of Blackwater Street, and the rivers and lakes are in trouble. Then they saw the "good boy" in Sister Mei's mouth standing at the elevator entrance, one person to five, with no expression on his face, one hand stretched out from his trouser pocket, and gently hooked at the group of people, I don't know if it was a provocation or really indifferent: "Looking for death to find the door of my father's house, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, let's go together." ” “……” Brother Tiger didn't want to admit that he was bluffed by this boy who seemed to be still studying for a moment. The child's eyes were gloomy and cold, and looking at them felt no different from a piece of—definitely not the look of a small flower in a greenhouse. Brother Tiger was angry, habitually pretending to be forced, and took the initiative to tear off the collar: "It's not small to be young, do you know who I am?" Go out and inquire, if anyone sees Brother Tiger and can't give up three points...... See, this scar on Lao Tzu's neck was caused by a fight with the prison guards back then. You little kid with no hair, what do you have to do with that stinky bitch? What is this for, ah, hit me? Still want to learn how to fight? Just use this little wooden stick, do you still want to-" Xie Yu didn't say a word, reached out and grabbed Brother Tiger's collar, approached him suddenly, and pressed his knee against the opponent's lower abdomen, and then he restrained Brother Tiger's elbow with his hand, without giving people any time to buffer, pulling the other party towards him. It was a pretty nice over-the-shoulder throw, crisp and clean. If the atmosphere wasn't so stiff, the group of shopkeepers in the back would have wanted to applaud. Brother Tiger was so blackened that he couldn't even speak. However, Xie Yu didn't intend to let him go so easily, he pulled the person up from the ground again, pressed it on the steel door of the elevator, and with a "bang", his fingers suddenly tightened, directly choking Brother Tiger's neck! "It's arrogant, and it's a man's medal to go through prison." Brother Tiger reacted, raised his foot and wanted to kick, but was beaten by Xie Yu firmly, his calf and calf twitched constantly, Xie Yu let go of his hand and he fell heavily to the ground, supporting the ground with one hand, and holding his stomach with the other hand couldn't help retching: "...... Exercise. "Who was the bitch you just scolded." Brother Tiger watched Xie Yu's beautiful face slowly approach, but the anger between the young man's eyebrows and eyes was about to overflow, compared to this outstanding appearance, he was even more surprised by the indifference, sharpness and gloom of the person in front of him. Xie Yu asked repeatedly, holding back the fire, and his voice was hoarse: "Who did you scold just now?" Brother Tiger stopped talking. "No one teaches you how to be a person, I'll teach you." Xie Yu kicked the piece of garbage on the ground with his toes. The brothers behind Brother Tiger looked at each other for a few rounds, and they all saw the hesitation in each other's eyes, and then they reached a consensus and ran away. "It's over, what should I do?" The tall one asked as he ran, "Why don't we call the police?" "Call the police!" The other said, "How will we be in the way in this way!" Gu Xuelan was drinking afternoon tea when she received a call from the police station. The woman took off her silk shawl, and inside was a haute couture lace dress, which lined the waist with a bumpy waist and indescribable elegance. The skirt is low-key embroidered with two dark flowers, and the ankles are white and delicate, like a smooth jade. With her well-groomed long curly hair draped over the side of her face, she was smiling and listening to the ladies opposite talking about the new winter styles she had recently seen, and from time to time she interjected a sentence or two: "Since Mrs. Chen likes it so much, why don't you fly over and it another day." "Madame, your phone." Gu Xuelan turned her face sideways, put her fingers on the ceramic teacup, and asked casually, "Who called?" The man held up the phone and didn't know whether to say it or not, hesitated for a few seconds, bent down and attached it to Gu Xuelan's ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Police, police station." said that Er Shao had a fight with someone, and the fight was quite serious, and the other party clamored for compensation for medical expenses. Look, what's going on? Send someone over to take a look? Gu Xuelan's face changed "aw". The author has something to say: Xie Yu: Don't mess with me, I'm super fierce.

第三章   B市黑水镇公安分局。   “谢俞监护人?”   “我是他妈妈。”顾雪岚站在警局里显然有些局促,“他没事吧,受伤了吗?要多少医药费?多少都行,只要能立马他放出来。”   女警连头都没抬,动作娴熟地从右手边文件夹里抽出来一张纸拍在桌上:“这些另说,先填单子。”   隔了一会儿,等那位女警手头上的事情忙完了,她才盖上笔盖,抬起头道:“你儿子挺厉害啊,一个人对五个,给人打的,全是暗伤,不去医院都看不出来。”   顾雪岚浑身僵硬,不知道该摆出什么表情。   女警上下打量她一眼,随口问:“你们不是本地人吧?”   顾雪岚道:“我们……是A市人。”   谢俞这次打架情节并不算严重,虽然那几个报警的小兄弟口口声声说自家大哥是如何被欺凌、摁在地上暴揍的,但是负责做笔录的几位警察心里都在质疑。   他们接到过无数报警电话,头一次遇到这种“受害人”:五颜六色的鸡窝头,耳钉鼻环,浑身一股烟味,还有胳膊上霸道的左青龙、右白虎纹身。尤其是通过他们自己给的身份证证件号码,一查查出来都是留有好几个案底在身的不良青年。   “你们所说的情况属实?”   “属实属实,绝对属实,我们大哥现在还站不起来呢。”   他们于是又把目光移向休息室沙发上那个面目可憎、脖子上还拴着根黄金“狗链”的男人身上,这男人捂着肚子,嘴里不停哀嚎:“疼死我了,哎呦喂……欺负老实人了啊,现在的孩子怎么这样……疼疼疼,说话都疼。”   “……”   顾雪岚填了表,在右下角签上自己的名字。   女警道:“行了,你在这等着吧,你儿子还没审完。”   顾雪岚握紧了手包,她不太想在这里多呆:“还没审完?”接到电话之后,她就立马从A市赶过来,足足两个小时的车程。   女警看她一眼:“双方口供不一致。”   候审室里。   谢俞第三次重复道:“我没打他。”   虎哥在这不长不短的两个小时里,体验到了人生如此变幻莫测,也感受到了操蛋究竟是什么滋味。面前这位才上高中的小屁孩给他上了一门课——什么叫不要脸。   他坐在谢俞对面,长桌挺宽,他一掌拍在桌子上,扯着嗓子怒吼,仿佛要掀了房顶:“——操你妈!警察!他撒谎!”   那警察也不是好惹的,在黑水街这一片管辖区工作,再温和的性子也被磨出了棱角:“操什么操,给我坐好了,像什么样子!不行就给我滚出去,让你说话了吗。”   虎哥不情不愿地坐了回去。   警察扭头看看虎哥对面的“柔弱少年”,声音都放低了几分:“谢俞是吧?你别怕,有我们在,他不敢对你做什么。”   谢俞安静怯弱又十分懂礼貌地说:“谢谢警察叔叔。”   虎哥气得恨不得越过桌子扑到他面前,撕开这人虚伪的面具:“你别他妈演戏了,被打的人是我,我才是受害者!”   警察用文件夹拍拍桌子:“你再吵就给我滚出去!你看你把人孩子吓成什么样了!”   谢俞相当配合地哆嗦两下,装作被黑社会吓到的样子,虽然演技十分不走心,但效果显著。   假的,都是假的!你瞎!   虎哥心里在咆哮。   这人到底是什么妖魔鬼怪啊!小小年纪已经这么会披羊皮了吗!   这他妈明明就是一匹狼啊!   谢俞出去的时候天已经快黑了,没负一点责任,赖得完美。   在批发市场大妈们的添油加醋下,虎哥坐实了罪名,身上被打出来的伤也被认定为“鬼知道在哪里被谁给打的”,不得不反掏了五百块钱,还写了保证书,深刻检讨发誓再也不找黑水街人民群众的麻烦,洗心革面,重新做人。   虎哥撅着屁股,趴在桌上,手边一本新华字典,不会写的词就翻字典,他们还不让他写拼音。   可以说是人生中无比耻辱的一段经历了。   谢俞往外走的时候,还被虎哥叫住。   警察手里握着警棍,全程戒备,厉声警告道:“陈雄虎!你又想干什么。”   “我不干什么,你在边上押着我呢我能干什么,我就想跟他说句话。”说完,虎哥盯着谢俞,不死心地问,“……你哪条道上的?”   谢俞停下脚步,用一种复杂的、统称看傻逼的眼神看他。   虎哥又重复问了一遍,不依不饶:“你到底是哪条道上的?!”他觉得这人背后的社会势力深不可测,总得知道自己这次到底是惹了哪路神仙,死也得死个明白。   在虎哥灼灼的目光下,谢俞慢悠悠地张了口:“我?我走的是中国社会主义道路。”   虎哥:“……”   警局门口停着一辆熟悉的银白色宾利,顾雪岚坐在车里,从窗户外面隐隐能看见她的侧脸。   谢俞上了车:“妈。”   顾雪岚没有说话。   谢俞接着道:“其实你今天不用过来的,我知道怎么收场。”   那个虎哥,他从一开始就知道这人在虚张声势,真正的狠角色不会整天把‘老子蹲过监狱’骄傲地挂在嘴边,更不会喝了酒趁着广贸临时没人才敢过来。最后居然还蠢到主动报警。   空气里弥漫着沉默,等车开出去一段路顾雪岚才说:“你还知道我是你妈?你没事又跑到这里来干什么,最后警察说人不是你打的……是你打的吧。”   谢俞将身子往后靠,用一种无所谓的语气说:“是我打的,嫌我给你丢脸了?”   顾雪岚的手抓着毛绒车垫边沿,手指骨节凸起,顿了顿还是狠声说:“是,我嫌丢人!知道嫌丢人就别总干这种丢人的事!”   司机在前面叹口气,救场道:“二少,别跟夫人顶嘴了,来的路上夫人一直都在担心你,生怕你出什么事,有个什么好歹。”   谢俞想说,别叫我二少,我不是你们钟家二少爷。   每回听到这两个字,他浑身都不舒服,像是被迫穿在一件不合身的衣服里,勒着脖子,喘不过气。   顾雪岚平复下来,转移话题:“我给你找了几个补课老师,明天开始一直到开学,你哪也别去了,呆在家里好好学习。你现在这个成绩,什么水平你自己清楚。”   谢俞道:“用不着,我成绩就那样,别白费心思了。”   顾雪岚:“安排你出国你又不肯,留在国内你看看你整天干的什么事。一滩烂泥,糊都糊不上墙,你说说你想干什么?!”   车缓缓驶进地下车库,这是一桩私人别墅,青山绿水环绕,前几天下过场雨,水雾还未散去,湿意扑面而来。   谢俞拉开车门下车,回敬了一句:“我自己的事情我心里有数。”   顾雪岚被他这样的态度气得不行,司机劝道:“叛逆期叛逆期,男孩子么,都是难免的,棱角尖得扎人。我家孩子以前也这样,挨过去就好了,会懂事的。”   顾雪岚坐在车里,揉了揉太阳穴,说不出话。   ——牛逼啊谢老板,说好来看我,都看进局子里去了,我真他妈感动。   ——你从局子里出来没,要哥们过来捞你不?   发信人雷子。   谢俞一边进屋一边低头看短信。   他忙着换衣服,没时间打字,直接拨过去一通电话。   这个点,雷子应该还在烧烤摊帮忙。   果然,电话接通之后,入耳的不是雷子的声音,而是不知道谁在说“再来十串羊肉”。   “来了来了,三号桌十串羊肉。”   雷子说完就把围裙一拽,弯腰从后门溜出去了:“谢老板你没事吧?你到家了吗?我靠这局子说进就进,暴脾气十年如一日啊。”   谢俞刚把T恤衫脱下来,裸着上身:“我能有什么事,对了,你找人盯着点那个狗哥,我怕他再去找梅姨麻烦。”   “狗哥?”雷子琢磨了两下,醒悟过来,“你是说那个虎哥?”   谢俞:“都差不多。”   雷子:“这差得可有点多。”   雷子又问:“以前你就老这样,总记不住别人名字,您还记得我叫什么吗?”   谢俞:“周大雷,你有病吧。”   “记得就好记得就好,我总觉得依你这尿性,没准真能忘了。”   雷子找到一个塑料小板凳,往那一坐,从兜里摸出根中华,叼在嘴巴里继续说:“梅姨哪里需要我保护,她罩着我还差不多。我顶多就算一烧烤摊小王子,她才是大名鼎鼎黑水街一姐。”   谢俞察觉到他话里明显还有话:“怎么?”   “你走得早,你是不知道,梅姨找了人,把他家底都扒光了。什么蹲过牢杀过人啊,都是瞎吹,他就是偷过东西,还被屋主当场擒住……我看他在黑水街是混不下去了,这一片儿的保护费哪有那么好收。”   谢俞将手机搁在床上,准备换裤子。   雷子说着说着,也不知道是不是烟抽得太寂寞,突然感慨起来:“想起以前咱哥几个在一块儿的时候,那时候真好。不过我也替你高兴,钟家在A市出了名的壕,分公司都开到B市来了,你妈能带着你嫁进去……吃穿不愁,不用跟以前似的,到处躲债。”   谢俞裤子也不脱了,手一松,顺势往床上倒。吊灯亮得晃眼,不知道是在问别人还是在问自己:“是吗。”   雷子那头太吵,压根没听见他说了什么,他吸进去最后一口烟,起身道:“谢老板,我不跟你唠了,三号桌开始催了,妈的还有种砸桌子,小心老子把木炭掏出来怼他脸上……”   通话中断。   谢俞躺在床上发愣。   半响才抓抓头发,正要爬起来洗澡,从裤兜里摸到一块硬邦邦的小方块,摸出来看是张传单——那张没来得及扔掉的骚气爆表黄色小广告。   出乎意料的,它接下去要推广的并不是什么裸聊软件,因为他瞥见了传单下方四个加粗加大的黑色字体:题王争霸。   谢俞眉头一挑,觉得这种挂羊头卖狗肉的手段很是新鲜。   他顺手将传单翻了个面。   反面写着:这里有最新最全的奥数题目,最惊心动魄的擂台厮杀,题量涵盖语数英物理化所有科目,上百位教授精心编题,给你意想不到的陷阱体验,没有最难只有更难。   你,会是我们翘首以盼的题王吗?   神不神秘!刺不刺激!好哥哥~啊~来啊~   谢俞:“……”   
Chapter III: The Public Security Bureau of Heishui Town, City B. "Guardian Xie Yu?" "I'm his mother." Gu Xuelan was obviously a little cramped standing in the police station, "Is he okay, is he injured?" How much does it cost? It can be as much as you want, as long as he can release it immediately. The policewoman didn't even raise her head, and skillfully took out a piece of paper from the folder on her right hand and slapped it on the table: "These are other words, fill in the list first." After a while, when the policewoman was busy with the things at hand, she put on the pen cap, raised her head and said: "Your son is very powerful, one person against five, beating people, all of them are dark injuries, and you can't see it if you don't go to the hospital." Gu Xuelan stiffened and didn't know what expression to put on. The policewoman looked her up and down and asked casually, "You're not local, are you?" Gu Xuelan said, "We...... It is a person from City A. The circumstances of Xie Yu's fight this time were not serious, although the little brothers who called the police kept saying how their eldest brother was bullied, pressed to the ground and beaten violently, but several policemen who were in charge of making the record were questioning in their hearts. They have received countless calls to the police, and for the first time they have encountered such "victims": colorful chicken nest heads, earrings and nose rings, a smell of smoke all over their bodies, and the domineering tattoos of the left green dragon and the right white tiger on their arms. Especially through the ID card number given by themselves, it was found that they were all bad young people who had left several criminal records. "Is what you're saying true?" "It's true, it's absolutely true, our eldest brother can't stand up now." They then turned their gaze to the hateful-looking man on the lounge couch with a golden "dog chain" around his neck, who was clutching his stomach and wailing, "It hurts me, hey...... Bullying honest people, how can today's children be like this...... It hurts, it hurts, it hurts to talk. ” “……” Gu Xuelan filled out the form and signed her name in the lower right corner. The policewoman said, "Okay, you wait here, your son hasn't finished the trial yet." Gu Xuelan clenched her handbag, she didn't want to stay here longer: "Haven't finished the trial yet?" After receiving the call, she immediately rushed over from City A, a two-hour drive. The policewoman glanced at her: "The confessions of the two sides are inconsistent." In the waiting room. Xie Yu repeated for the third time: "I didn't hit him. In these two hours, Brother Tiger experienced how unpredictable life is, and also felt what it is like to fuck up. The little kid in front of him, who had just entered high school, gave him a lesson - what is shameless. He sat opposite Xie Yu, the long table was quite wide, he slapped his palm on the table, and roared angrily, as if he was about to lift the roof: "-Fuck your mother!" The police! He lied! The policeman is not easy to mess with, working in the jurisdiction of Blackwater Street, no matter how gentle his temperament is, he has been sharpened out of the edges: "What the, sit down for me, what do you look like!" If you can't, get out of here and let you speak. Brother Tiger reluctantly sat back. The policeman turned his head to look at the "weak boy" opposite Brother Hu, and lowered his voice a little: "Xie Yu, right?" Don't be afraid, with us here, he won't dare to do anything to you. Xie Yu said quietly, timidly and very politely: "Thank you, Uncle Police." Brother Hu was so angry that he couldn't wait to jump over the table and pounce in front of him, tearing off the mask of this person's hypocrisy: "Don't act, I am the one who was beaten, and I am the victim!" The policeman slapped the table with the folder: "If you make any more noise, get out of here!" Look what you've scared people and children! Xie Yu trembled twice quite cooperatively, pretending to be frightened by the underworld, although his acting skills were very unobtrusive, but the effect was remarkable. Fake, all fake! You're blind! Brother Tiger roared in his heart. What kind of demon and monster is this man! Is he already so good at wearing sheep's clothing at such a young age? It's a wolf! When Xie Yu went out, it was almost dark, and he didn't take any responsibility, and he relied on it perfectly. With the addition of the aunts in the wholesale market, Brother Hu was convicted of the crime, and the injuries on his body were also identified as "the ghost knows where and who beat him", and he had to pay 500 yuan back, and also wrote a letter of guarantee, deeply reviewed and vowed never to trouble the people on Heishui Street again, change his mind, and be a new person. Brother Tiger pouted his buttocks, lying on the table, with a Xinhua dictionary in hand, and he turned the dictionary for words that he couldn't write, and they didn't let him write pinyin. It can be said to be an extremely humiliating experience in life. When Xie Yu walked out, he was stopped by Brother Hu. The policeman held a baton in his hand, was on guard throughout the whole process, and warned sharply: "Chen Xionghu! What do you want to do? "I don't do anything, what can I do if you hold me on the side, I just want to talk to him." After speaking, Brother Hu stared at Xie Yu and asked without giving up, "...... Which way are you on the road? Xie Yu stopped and looked at him with a complex, collectively stupid look. Brother Tiger asked again, unrelenting: "Which way are you?!" He felt that the social forces behind this person were unfathomable, and he had to know which kind of immortal he had provoked this time, and he had to die to understand. Under Brother Hu's scorching gaze, Xie Yu opened his mouth slowly: "Me? I am following the road of Chinese socialism. Brother Tiger: "......" There was a familiar silver-white Bentley parked at the door of the police station, Gu Xuelan was sitting in the car, and her side face could be faintly seen from the window. Xie Yu got into the car: "Mom." Gu Xuelan didn't speak. Xie Yu continued: "Actually, you don't have to come here today, I know how to end." That tiger brother, he knew from the beginning that this person was bluffing, and the real ruthless character would not proudly talk about 'Lao Tzu squatting through prison' all day long, let alone drink and take advantage of Guangmao, no one dared to come over.In the end, he was stupid enough to take the initiative to call the police. There was silence in the air, and when the car drove out for a while, Gu Xuelan said, "Do you still know that I am your mother?" What are you doing here again, and finally the police said that you didn't hit the people...... You hit it. Xie Yu leaned back and said in an indifferent tone: "I beat you, think I have embarrassed you?" Gu Xuelan's hand grabbed the edge of the plush car mat, her finger joints bulged, and she paused and said fiercely: "Yes, I'm ashamed!" If you know it's embarrassing, don't always do such a shameful thing! The driver sighed in front and said, "Second Shao, don't talk back to Mrs., Mrs. has been worried about you on the way here, for fear that something will happen to you, and what will happen to you." Xie Yu wanted to say, don't call me Second Young Master, I am not the Second Young Master of your Zhong family. Every time he heard these two words, he felt uncomfortable, as if he was forced to wear an ill-fitting garment, strangled his neck, and breathless. Gu Xuelan calmed down and changed the topic: "I found you a few make-up teachers, starting tomorrow until school starts, don't go anywhere, stay at home and study hard." You know what level you are at now. Xie Yu said: "No need, my grades are like that, don't bother thinking in vain." Gu Xuelan: "You refuse to arrange for you to go abroad, stay in China and see what you do all day." A puddle of mud, you can't stick to the wall, tell me what you want to do?! The car slowly drove into the underground garage, this is a private villa, surrounded by green mountains and green water, it rained a few days ago, the mist has not yet dissipated, and the humidity is coming. Xie Yula got out of the car and saluted: "I know my own affairs." Gu Xuelan was so angry by his attitude that the driver persuaded: "During the rebellious period, during the rebellious period, boys are inevitable, and the edges and corners are piercing." My children used to be like this, just go through it, they will be sensible. Gu Xuelan sat in the car, rubbed her temples, and couldn't speak. - Awesome, Boss Xie, said that he came to see me, and he saw that he was in the bureau, I was so moved. - Did you come out of the bureau, do you want your buddy to come and catch you? Sender Leizi. Xie Yu looked down at the text messages as he entered the house. He was too busy changing his clothes to type, so he just dialed a phone call. At this point, Lei Zi should still be helping out at the barbecue stand. Sure enough, after the phone was connected, it was not the voice of Lei Zi that came into my ears, but I didn't know who was saying "ten more strings of mutton". "Come on, come on, ten skewers of mutton at table three." After Lei Zi finished speaking, he pulled his apron, bent down and slipped out of the back door: "Boss Xie, are you okay?" Are you home? I rely on this game to enter as soon as I say, and my temper has been like a day for ten years. Xie Yugang took off his T-shirt and went naked: "What can I do, by the way, you find someone to keep an eye on that dog brother, I'm afraid that he will trouble Aunt Mei again." "Brother Dog?" Lei Zi pondered twice and came to his senses, "You mean that tiger brother?" Xie Yu: "It's all about the same." Leizi: "That's a bit of a lot." Lei Zi asked again: "You used to be like this all the time, and you couldn't remember other people's names, do you remember my name?" Xie Yu: "Zhou Dalei, you are sick." "It's good to remember it, just remember it, I always feel that according to your urine, maybe I can really forget it." Lei Zi found a small plastic bench, sat there, took out a Chinese root from his pocket, put it in his mouth and continued: "Where does Aunt Mei need my protection, she covers me almost the same." At most, I can be regarded as a little prince of a barbecue stall, and she is the first sister of the famous Heishui Street. Xie Yu noticed that there was obviously something in his words: "What? "You left early, don't you know, Aunt Mei found someone and stripped him of all his money. What kind of squatting in prison and killing people, it's all nonsense, he just stole things, and was caught on the spot by the owner of the house...... I don't think he can get along with Blackwater Street anymore, how can the protection fee in this area be so easy to collect. Xie Yu put his phone on the bed and prepared to change his pants. Lei Zi said and said, I don't know if I was smoking too lonely, and suddenly sighed: "I remember when my brothers were together in the past, it was so good at that time." But I'm also happy for you, the Zhong family is famous in City A, and the branches have all opened in City B, and your mother can marry you in...... You don't have to worry about food and clothing, and you don't have to hide from debts everywhere like before. Xie Yu didn't take off his pants anymore, his hand loosened, and he fell to the bed. The chandelier was dazzling, and I didn't know if I was asking someone else or myself: "Is it?" Lei Zi was too noisy, he didn't hear what he said, he took the last puff of cigarette, got up and said: "Boss Xie, I won't talk to you anymore, the third table is starting to urge, damn it, there is a kind of smashing the table, be careful that Lao Tzu takes out the charcoal and slaps him in ......the face." The call is dropped. Xie Yu lay on the bed in a daze. I grabbed my hair halfway through, and was about to get up to take a shower, when I felt a small hard square in my trouser pocket, and when I found it, it was a flyer—the angry yellow advertisement that I didn't have time to throw away. Surprisingly, it wasn't going to be a naked chat app to promote, as he caught a glimpse of four bold and enlarged black fonts underneath the flyer: Title Battle. Xie Yu raised his eyebrows, feeling that this method of selling dog meat on the head of a sheep was very fresh. He flipped the flyer over. The reverse side reads: Here are the latest and most complete Olympiad questions, the most thrilling battle in the ring, the amount of questions covers all subjects of language, mathematics, English and physics, hundreds of professors carefully compile questions, to give you an unexpected trap experience, there is no most difficult, only more difficult. Will you be the king of questions we have been waiting for? God is not mysterious! The thorn is not irritating! Good brother~Ah~Come on~ Xie Yu: "......"

第四章   顾雪岚晚几步进屋,脱下披肩给佣人:“晚饭准备了吗。”   佣人接过:“按照您的吩咐已经准备好了,都是二少爱吃的,现在就用还是?”   顾雪岚高跟鞋踩在大理石地板上,吊灯光彩夺目,映在地面上,仿佛踏着光。她往前走两步,然后脚步顿住,又退了回去,转个弯往相反的方向走,嘴里扔下一句:“你去楼上叫他。”   谢俞在浴室里,浑身湿透,水从头顶顺着发丝落下去,氤氲热气不断打在四周的玻璃门上。   手机搁在洗手池边发出嗡嗡震动。   他闭着眼,冲掉身上最后一点泡沫,耳边响起两下敲门声,紧接着是佣人慎微而克制的声音,透过门板,闷闷地传进来:“二少,开饭了。”   “我没胃口。”   “这……但是夫人已经……”   谢俞睁开眼,又重复一遍:“没胃口,吃不下。”   阿芳来钟家不过两年时间,不算长,说话做事都还战战兢兢,生怕哪里出差错。她来的时候还没见到人,倒是听了不少关于钟家的流言蜚语。   说是原来那位钟太太自杀去世,没过几年,钟大老板又往家里领回来一个女人。顾雪岚这三个字,说出去都没人知道,来的时候甚至还带过来个拖油瓶,一大一小。这女人坐上了钟太太的宝座,坐得还稳稳的,不管别人怎么笑都没掉下来。   可怜了钟家那位大少爷,没了妈,又看着别人这么登堂入室。   回去复命的时候,她不知道怎么说,低着头站在餐桌边上,半天没憋出一个字。   顾雪岚看她那副样子,什么都知道了,她拿起筷子,也不知道是不是真像她自己说得那么不在意:“爱吃不吃,有他饿的时候……你先下去吧。”   谢俞穿好衣服,头发还在往下滴水,想去看看那个神秘游戏下载得怎么样,捞起来一看全是微信消息提示,放眼望去,压根找不到下载游戏的进度条。   一个叫“不要总打打杀杀”的群聊,推送消息99+。   【烧烤摊王子·雷】:我日,他最好识相,再让我碰到,见一次打一次。   【雷子他爹】:好儿子!有气魄!   【雷子他娘】:打到他爬不起来,臭嘚瑟几个月,真把自己当大哥。   ……   周大雷这一家人真是整整齐齐。   谢俞往上翻,内容大同小异。   虎哥人虽然已经被大家联手整治了一顿,现在还得在黑水街人民群众的群聊里供人鞭尸。   黑水街这些年不停在开发,人来来去去,搬进来了很多新住户。群里这些都是十几年前老街区的左邻右舍,几十号人,熟得就跟一家似的。   雷子以前就经常跟他吐槽,自从有了这个群,简直一点个人隐私都没了。   偷摸翘课去网吧,网吧老板嘴上笑嘻嘻“胆子有多大世界就有多大,我很欣赏你这种胆量跟其他小孩都不一样”,然后扭头就在群里发雷子手持鼠标登录游戏界面的高清特写并且艾特了雷爸雷妈,并附文道:你们儿子不好好上课又跑出来打游戏!   雷爸雷妈立马扔下摊子上的活,杀进网吧,追着雷子砍了整整三条街。   谢俞拿着毛巾正在擦头发,冷不防被人艾特。   【烧烤摊王子·雷】:@XY,你说是不是,思前想后彻夜难眠还是觉得太便宜那个傻屌了。   这还非得扯上他,话题没完没了。谢俞随手打了几个字上去。   【XY】:别扯上我啊,我三好市民。   【烧烤摊王子·雷】:……   【烧烤摊王子·雷】:真有脸,你打人的时候怎么不想想你是三好市民?!   题王争霸安装成功。   谢俞对这个题王的兴趣更大一点,干脆利落地结束话题:不跟你扯了烧烤王子,打游戏去了。   两人对“游戏”这两个字的认知显然有些差异,周大雷也喜欢玩,无论是连连看还是英雄联盟,相当博爱从不挑食。他在游戏方面还真有点天赋,以前能在黑水街耀虎扬威也是凭借着别人死都打不上去的最强王者。   于是烧烤摊王子立马来了精神,找谢俞私聊问:什么游戏,新出的鸡王之战?一起来开黑啊!   【XY】:不是。   【XY】:别问了,你不行的。   【XY】:你玩不来。   冷漠三连。   暴击。   【烧烤摊王子·雷】:不要对男人说不行,你说,你有种说出来,大哥分分钟给你打进排行榜前十。   周大雷把烟掐灭,准备好好迎接这场男人之间的战役,结果他看到谢俞截过来的游戏界面——如果那还能称作是游戏的话,顿时整个人犹如被雷劈过、恍恍惚惚,抖着手把刚才放出去的那句狠话撤回了。   然后他摁住语音键,回过去一句:“这什么玩意儿啊!”   地狱奥数、黄冈真题、花样英语、物理化大全……有毒吧。   “这是游戏吗?这能是游戏吗?你对游戏到底有什么误解?”周大雷内心千疮百孔,万分刺痛,最后只能从灵魂深处问出一句,“好玩吗?!”   【XY】:不知道,应该还行吧。   【烧烤摊王子·雷】:……   题王争霸整个区玩家在线人数不超过四百位,冷门又简陋,充斥着一种随时都有可能倒闭的气息。   进去之后就是随机试卷检测,获得一定积分之后才可以进入第二轮:刷题和一对一PK。   这游戏还有小喇叭功能,左下角有个小框,滚动屏幕,促进玩家之间的交流。只不过这个交流的内容……   “年级前十”对“英语课代表”说:来比比微积分,我一定把这份耻辱送还给你。   “英语课代表”对“年级前十”说:因缺思婷。有意思吗,你有这个功夫不如多去背背英文单词吧。你的英语,恕我直言,你根本不能熟练掌握八级词汇,词汇量只停留在四级是没有前途的,你自己好好反省反省。   “中华文化之美”:背什么英语,劳累的时候来中华文化的海洋休养生息,文言文pk,自定义、双倍经验,房间24008,等一个有缘人。   “我爱学习”:求大神解答一下B卷第十三题,零或负一不是最终解?是这个函数限制条件给的不对吗?   “学习学习学习我的生命里只有”:高价收一套庆祝恢复高考四十周年限量版《冲刺高考-最值得一做的模拟测试卷》,跑遍了所有书店都买不到,我做不到这套试卷都吃不下饭,体重掉了二十斤,心里太难受,冲刺高考系列是我最喜欢的测试卷,限量版我怎么可以不入手!!!   ……   谢俞刚好是第三百九十九名注册玩家,这个游戏也真的是凉到一种境界,系统激动地用小广播热烈欢迎了整整两分钟,并且热切地替这位玩家展望了一下未来:在知识的海洋里遨游、为建设美丽新中国而奋斗、清华北大在向你招手。   谢俞进去做了一套测试卷。   系统还在继续滚动:欢迎【jsdhwdmaX】加入题王争霸大家庭!   当时这些在线玩家都还不知道,这个用户名像是在键盘上用脸滚了一圈的新人,会在之后的整个假期里,掀起一阵腥风血雨。   周大雷也做了一套测试题,不撞南墙不回头,每道题答题区域都只写着两个歪歪扭扭的狗爬式字体:不会。   结果显而易见。   他点击右上角交卷按钮,却被告知分数太低没有进入游戏大厅的资格。   周大雷差点摔了手机:歧视!歧视差生!什么破几把游戏,老子可是电竞界王者,连游戏大厅都不让我进?不会做就是不会做,不会做怎么了,起码我诚实啊!   于是谢俞做完测试题出来,收到来自烧烤王子的十几条微信消息。   -畜生!   -怎么可能解出来,这是人做的题吗?   -投诉,我要去投诉!   ……   谢俞手指在屏幕上轻飘飘轻点几下,组织好语言正要点击发送,却见周大雷又发过来一句:你多少分?   多少分?   谢俞后背靠着床边,坐在地毯上,一点一点将刚才打出来的字删掉。   【XY】:跟你差不多。   【XY】:垃圾游戏,卸载了。   周大雷嘴里叼着烟,蹲在箱子旁边思考人生,腰间围了一条围裙,上面用红色艺术字写着“方宝来葵花籽油”,一看就是超市大甩卖搞促销买二送一。   他长得不差,模样周正,带着几分痞气,就是黑了点。此时蹲着更像个地痞流氓。   周妈端着盘子经过,看着他这个样子就气不打一处来,直接抬脚踹上去,周大雷的屁股结结实实挨了一脚:“蹲着干什么呢!羊肉烤完了?”   “马上去马上去。”   周大雷连忙站起来,他走出去两步,不知道想到了什么事,又折回来说:“等会儿,妈,我问你个事。”   周妈从善如流:“不知道,没钱,爱过。”   “你认真点行不行。我是想问你那个,你记不记得初中的时候,谢俞成绩很好,还代表咱们街道参加过数学竞赛,得了奖的。还有小时候,玩魔方,他闭着眼睛都能转,可牛逼了……”   周妈把脏盘子往池子里一搁:“那又咋的了,你妈我小时候考试也是门门满分,后来还不是一样蒙圈。人还有长残的呢,就比如你吧,你看看你现在这个样子。”   周大雷试图抓住脑海里那抹若隐若现的念头:“不是——妈,我真觉得不是……还有我现在怎么了我觉得我挺帅啊。”   “帅个屁帅,把你头顶那些乱七八糟的颜色给我弄了先。”周妈顺嘴教育起来,“现在的孩子,就是玩心重,聪明倒都聪明,就看究竟花了多少心思在学习上。就说隔壁街那个阿杰,成绩之前烂的一塌糊涂,出院之后模拟考试前进了一百多名,我琢磨着你大概也需要一场车祸让你的头脑清醒清醒,整天就知道打游戏……”   “……”   “二十串羊肉是吧,我马上去。”   作者有话要说:  贺朝:请问一下我什么时候可以出来泡媳妇儿?
Chapter 4 Gu Xuelan walked into the house a few steps late, took off her shawl and gave it to the maid: "Is dinner ready?" The servant took it: "It's ready according to your instructions, it's all Ershao's favorite food, use it now?" Gu Xuelan's high heels stepped on the marble floor, and the chandelier was dazzling, reflecting on the ground, as if stepping on the light. She took two steps forward, then paused, stepped back again, turned and went in the opposite direction, and threw down the phrase "You go upstairs and call him." Xie Yu was in the bathroom, soaking wet, water falling from the top of his head down his hair, and the heat continued to hit the glass doors around him. The phone buzzed on the edge of the sink. He closed his eyes, washed away the last bit of foam on his body, and there were two knocks in his ears, followed by the servant's cautious and restrained voice, which came in through the door panel: "Er Shao, it's time to eat." "I don't have an appetite." "This ...... But Madame has ......" Xie Yu opened his eyes and repeated again: "I have no appetite, I can't eat." Ah Fang has only been at Zhong's house for two years, which is not a long time, and he is still trembling when he speaks and does things, for fear that something will go wrong. When she came, she hadn't seen anyone yet, but she had heard a lot of gossip about the Zhong family. It was said that Mrs. Zhong committed suicide and died, and within a few years, Boss Zhong brought back a woman to the house. Gu Xuelan's three words, no one knew when she said them, and when she came, she even brought a drag oil bottle, one large and one small. The woman sat on Mrs. Zhong's throne, and she sat steadily, no matter how much others laughed, she didn't fall off. Pity the eldest young master of the Zhong family, without a mother, and watching others enter the room like this. When she went back to her life, she didn't know what to say, she stood on the edge of the dining table with her head down, and didn't hold back a word for a long time. Gu Xuelan looked at her like that, she knew everything, she picked up the chopsticks, and she didn't know if she really didn't care as she said: "Love to eat or not, there are times when he is hungry...... You go down first. Xie Yu got dressed, his hair was still dripping, and he wanted to see how the mysterious game was downloaded, but when he picked it up, he saw that it was all WeChat message prompts, and when he looked at it, he couldn't find the progress bar for downloading the game at all. A group chat called "Don't always fight and kill", push messages 99+. [Barbecue Stalls Prince Lei]: My day, he had better get acquainted, let me meet again, see you once, and fight once. [Lei Zi's father]: Good son! Courageous! [Lei Zi's mother]: Beat him until he couldn't get up, and he stinked for a few months, and he really regarded himself as a big brother. …… Zhou Dalei's family is really neat. Xie Yu flipped up, and the content was much the same. Although Brother Tiger has been rectified by everyone, he still has to be whipped in the group chat of the people on Heishui Street. Blackwater Street has been developing over the years, with people coming and going, and many new residents moving in. In the group, these are all neighbors in the old neighborhood more than ten years ago, dozens of people, and they are as familiar as a family. Lei Zi used to complain to him a lot, and since he had this group, he has lost his personal privacy at all. Sneaking to skip class and going to the Internet café, the owner of the Internet café smiled and grinned, "How bold the world is, I appreciate that your courage is different from other children", and then turned his head and sent a high-definition close-up of Lei Zi holding a mouse to log in to the game interface in the group, and Aite Lei Dad Lei Mom, and the accompanying text said: Your son is not good at class and runs out to play games! Lei's father and Lei's mother immediately threw away the work on the stall, entered the Internet café, and chased Lei Zi and cut down three whole streets. Xie Yu was wiping his hair with a towel, and he was cold. [Barbecue Stalls Prince Lei]: @XY, do you say it, after thinking about it, I can't sleep all night and still think it's too cheap that stupid dick. This has to be related to him, the topic is endless. Xie Yu casually typed a few words up. [XY]: Don't get involved with me, I'm a good citizen. [Barbecue Stalls Prince Lei]: ...... [Barbecue Stalls Prince Lei]: You really have a face, why don't you want to think that you are a good citizen when you hit someone?! The installation of the title is successful. Xie Yu was more interested in this question king, and simply ended the topic neatly: I won't talk to you about the barbecue prince, and I'm going to play games. There are obviously some differences in the perception of the word "game" between the two, and Zhou Dalei also likes to play, whether it is Lianliankan or League of Legends, he is quite fraternity and never picky eater. He really has a bit of talent in games, and he used to be able to show off his power on Blackwater Street, and he was also the strongest king who couldn't beat anyone else. So the prince of the barbecue stall immediately came to the spirit, and asked Xie Yu for a private chat: What game, the new battle of the chicken king? Let's open the black together! [XY]: No. [XY]: Don't ask, you can't. [XY]: You can't play. Indifferent trifecta. Critical hits. [Barbecue Stalls Prince Lei]: Don't say no to men, you say, you have a kind of say it, and the big brother will give you the top ten in the rankings in minutes. Zhou Dalei extinguished the cigarette and prepared for this battle between men, but when he saw the game interface intercepted by Xie Yu - if that can still be called a game, the whole person suddenly seemed to be struck by thunder, in a trance, and shook his hand to withdraw the cruel words that he had just released. Then he pressed the voice button and replied, "What the hell is this!" Hell Olympiad, Huanggang Real Questions, Fancy English, Physics Encyclopedia...... Poisonous. "Is this a game? Can this be a game? What exactly are your misconceptions about the game? Zhou Dalei's heart was full of holes and stinging, and in the end he could only ask from the depths of his soul, "Is it fun?!" [XY]: I don't know, I guess it's okay. [Barbecue Stand Prince Ray]: ...... The number of online players in the entire district is no more than 400, unpopular and simple, and full of an atmosphere that may go out of business at any time. After entering, it is a random test paper test, and only after obtaining a certain number of points can you enter the second round: brushing questions and one-on-one PK. The game also has a small speaker function, with a small box in the lower left corner to scroll the screen and promote communication between players. It's just that the content of this exchange ...... The "top ten" said to the "English class representative": Come to Bibi Calculus, I will definitely give you back this shame. The "English class representative" said to the "top 10 in the grade": because of the lack of Siting. Interesting, you might as well memorize English words more if you have this effort? Your English, with all due respect, you can't be proficient in level 8 vocabulary at all, and your vocabulary is only at level 4 has no future, so you should reflect on yourself. "The Beauty of Chinese Culture": What English to memorize, come to the ocean of Chinese culture to recuperate when you are tired, classical Chinese pk, custom, double experience, room 24008, and so on for a destined person. "I love to learn": Ask the great god to answer the thirteenth question of Volume B, zero or minus one is not the final solution? Is this function restriction wrong? "Study, study, study, study and study only in my life": a set of limited edition "Sprint College Entrance Examination - The Most Worthwhile Mock Test Paper" to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the resumption of the college entrance examination at a high price, I ran all over the bookstore and couldn't buy it, I couldn't eat this set of test papers, I lost 20 pounds of weight, I felt too uncomfortable, the sprint college entrance examination series is my favorite test paper, how can I not start the limited edition!! …… Xie Yu happened to be the 399th registered player, and this game was really cool to a realm, and the system excitedly welcomed him with a small radio for two minutes, and eagerly looked forward to the future for this player: swimming in the ocean of knowledge, striving for the construction of a beautiful new China, Tsinghua University and Peking University are beckoning to you. Xie Yu went in and made a set of test papers. The system continues to scroll: welcome [jsdhwdmaX] to join the title king family! At the time, these online gamers didn't know that this username was like a newcomer rolling around the keyboard, and it would set off a bloody storm throughout the rest of the holidays. Zhou Dalei also did a set of test questions, not hitting the south wall and not looking back, and only two crooked dog-crawling fonts were written in the answer area of each question: No. The results are clear. He clicked the hand-in button in the top right corner, only to be told that his score was too low to be eligible to enter the game lobby. Zhou Dalei almost dropped his mobile phone: discrimination! Discriminate against poor students! What are the broken games, Lao Tzu is the king of the e-sports industry, and he won't even let me enter the game hall? If you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it, at least I'm honest! So Xie Yu came out after completing the test questions and received more than a dozen WeChat messages from the barbecue prince. -Brute! - How is it possible to solve it, is this a problem made by people? - Complain, I'm going to complain! …… Xie Yu's fingers tapped lightly on the screen a few times, and he was about to click to send after organizing the language, but he saw Zhou Dalei send another sentence: How many points do you have? How many points? Xie Yu leaned his back against the edge of the bed, sat on the carpet, and deleted the words he had just typed little by little. [XY]: It's about the same as you. [XY]: Junk game, uninstalled. Zhou Dalei had a cigarette in his mouth, squatted next to the box and thought about life, with an apron around his waist, which read "Fang Baolai Sunflower Oil" in red artistic letters. He doesn't look bad, he looks thoughtful, with a bit of ruffianism, but it's a little darker. At this point, squatting is more like a ruffian. Zhou's mother passed by with a plate, and when she saw him like this, she was angry, and directly raised her foot and kicked it, Zhou Dalei's ass was firmly kicked: "What are you doing squatting!" Is the lamb roasted? "Go now, go right away." Zhou Dalei hurriedly stood up, he took two steps out, he didn't know what he thought, and turned back and said, "Wait a while, Mom, I'll ask you something." Zhou's mother is as good as flowing: "I don't know, I don't have money, I loved." "You can't be serious. I want to ask you that, do you remember when you were in junior high school, Xie Yu had very good grades, and he also participated in a math competition on behalf of our street and won the prize. And when he was a child, playing with the Rubik's Cube, he could turn it with his eyes closed, but it was awesome......" Zhou's mother put the dirty dishes into the pool: "What's the matter, your mother and I also got full marks in the exam when I was a child, and then we were not the same circle." There are still people who are disabled, like you, look at the way you are now. Zhou Dalei tried to grasp the faint thought in his mind: "It's not—Mom, I really don't think so...... And what's wrong with me now, I think I'm pretty handsome. "Handsome ass, give me those messy colors on the top of your head." Zhou's mother educated her mouth, "Today's children are playful and smart, and they are all smart, so it depends on how much effort they put into learning." Let's just say that Applejack on the next street, the grades were a mess before, and after being discharged from the hospital, the mock test advanced by more than 100 people, I think you probably need a car accident to clear your mind, and you know how play games all day long." “……” "Twenty skewers of mutton, I'll go right away." The author has something to say: He Chao: When can I come out to play my daughter-in-law?

第五章   谢俞睡眠质量一向不怎么好,刚睡下没过多久,就被楼下砸东西的声音吵醒。   瓷器落在地上四分五裂,刺耳又清脆。   伴随着砸东西的声音,还有熟悉的怒骂,那人语气里有多年身居高位、浸在骨子里的高傲:“这是我家,你们都给我滚出去——收拾收拾给我滚!拿开你的脏手,谁准你碰我,就凭你也配——”   谢俞抬手拉开眼罩却没有睁眼,太阳穴隐隐作痛。   “大少爷,我煮了醒酒汤,你喝一些。”是阿芳的声音,唯唯诺诺,“你喝太多酒了……”   不知道又是什么东西被砸了,发出沉闷声响,然后那人骂得越来越尖锐:“我让你们滚,全部都给我滚,你们这些下等人,连人话都听不懂是不是!”   “哦,瞧我这记性,差点都忘了,这个家哪里还有我说话的地方?倒是某些不姓钟的人,还真以为自己是什么玩意儿。”   “……”   谢俞在床上翻来覆去,最后烦躁地坐起身,骂出一句:“操。”   三年了。   这场闹剧三年如一日。   三年前顾雪岚嫁给A市赫赫有名的企业家钟国飞,消息满城飞,不只是顾雪岚,连谢俞也一并遭到各种不怀好意的猜测。   谣言传的还真像那么回事。   那些看热闹不嫌事大的人民群众们,擅自给他的人生书写了无数个版本,其中最引人瞩目的就是小三和私生子。   要不是谢俞亲身经历了这么多年四处躲债、吃饭有上顿没下顿、就连学费都拖了大半年差点交不起的日子,他几乎都要相信那些层出不穷的拙劣故事。   而对于钟杰——钟国飞的亲生儿子来说,无论这对母子的故事到底是哪个版本,他都没有办法接受,他也不关心事实如何。   他只知道摆在他眼前的事实是失去母亲之后,有人正在抢夺他拥有的一切,其中涵括了最重要的一项。   继承权。   过了很久,楼下终于安静下来,大概好说歹说总算把钟大少爷扶回了房间。谢俞靠在床上,清楚地听到他们关上钟杰房门的声音,以及经过他门前的时候,轻轻叹口气,紧接着又往楼下走的脚步声。   谢俞睁着眼,不知道在想什么。   他突然没由来地觉得口渴。   仿佛有团火,顺着五脏六腑一直烧到嗓子眼。   顾雪岚坐在客厅沙发上,眼神落寞,白色纱制睡裙一直垂到地上,见到谢俞下来她也只是微微抬了抬头,似乎很疲倦:“你怎么下来了,吵到你了?”   谢俞猜到她会在这,想说‘都跟你说过多少遍,他想发疯让他自己发去,关你屁事’,但是看到她这样,他又强忍着把话咽回去,只是不冷不热地抛出三个字:“高兴了?”   顾雪岚:“……过两天,是他妈忌日。”   谢俞:“所以你就这样站着让他骂了一个钟头。”   顾雪岚没有说话。   谢俞语气里没有任何情绪,说出来的话却是一句比一句扎人:“他妈,你杀的?他爸是你抢来的?——他那么喜欢骂就让他骂,你倒好,还凑上去,挺捧场啊。”   此时的顾雪岚早已经不像之前在车里那样强势,她轻声叹口气:“你别这样说。”   谢俞说:“没人欠他,他自己心里没点逼数?”   “……”   谢俞从厨房里倒了两杯牛奶,一杯递给顾雪岚,尽量心平气和地说:“妈,喝完早点上去休息,很晚了。”   “今晚这些我就当没听到,下次你再站着让他骂,我就揍到他说不出话。”   “我说到做到。”   顾雪岚接过水杯。   站在她面前的这个男孩子,不知道什么时候已经长那么高了,顾雪岚有点晃神。   少年眉眼都随了她,这种长相本来应该显得女气,但是某种凌厉的冷漠和尖锐却不知道在什么时候冲破了皮相,让他看起来不好接近,甚至,让她这个母亲都觉得陌生。   她的眼神最终落在谢俞因为睡觉而翘起的头发丝上,发现发丝还是那么细软,像他小时候一样。   一时间不知道说什么,等她回过神,谢俞已经转身上了楼。   谢俞睡眠质量很差,差得连牛奶都丝毫发挥不了功效,睡得好好的被吵醒后,再怎么努力也睡不着了。   他看了眼窗外漆黑的夜色,突然想知道现在几点。   本来只是想看看时间,摸到手机之后,彻底没了睡意。   【烧烤摊王子·雷】:操你妈,老子不玩了! [/图片]   【烧烤摊王子·雷】:这回是真的不玩了! [/图片]   【烧烤摊王子·雷】:最后一次!我再玩我就是猪! [/图片]   两个小时前,周大雷连发三张截图,上面无一例外都写着:分数太低,没有资格进入游戏大厅哦~请认真答题。   谢俞打下一行字回复过去:你以为上天会被零分专业户的执着所感动?   周大雷估计早睡死了,谢俞本来也没打算等他的回复,退出去之后,在继续挺尸还是玩某个奇怪小游戏两个选择之间犹豫一阵还是点开了那个智慧果图标APP。   尊敬的用户【jsdhwdmaX】欢迎回到题王争霸~您的测试分数为满分,点击继续,进入游戏大厅!   凌晨三点,这个游戏居然还很热闹。   “我爱学习”:有没有人来小房间PK数学公式的?等一个有缘人。   “目标是不偏科”:奥数C卷选择题第三道是不是一道错题?到底是它错了还是我错了?   “力争上游”:……这么晚了你们还不睡?   “学习学习学习我的生命里只有”:睡觉?睡什么觉?你知道早睡一分钟你会被多少人超越吗?   “为了更好的明天”:学习兄所言极是,人生苦短,学习的时间弥足珍贵,贪睡岂不浪费这大好光阴。   “我爱学习”:对知识的渴望几乎让我无法入睡,一旦睡着了,就像是死去了一般,我的大脑停止了思考,还有什么比停止思考更可怕。   “……”   谢俞突然觉得再次点开这个游戏的自己,也像个神经病。   他们的话题很快从睡觉转移到了其他地方。   “学习学习学习我的生命里只有”:说起来,排行榜第一那个,到底有没有人能把他挤下来了?我看他不爽很久了,怎么会有那么不要碧莲的人?   这句话一出,竟意外炸出了很多潜水刷题的人。   “年级前十”:不要碧莲+1!   “英语课代表”:不要碧莲+2!!   “梦想是当校长”:不要碧莲+3!!!   ……   气氛热烈,群众思想空前地统一。   排行榜第一,不要逼脸?   谢俞难得的有点好奇。   排行榜就在页面右上角,点进去,是一个简陋的榜单,位列第一位的……   “我操。”谢俞扫了眼金色小奖杯边上的那两个字,除了‘我操’一时间不知道说什么好。   第一名:题王。   个性签名展示:不用争了,胜利属于我。   短短九个字,嚣张而不失礼貌。   在一个叫题王争霸的游戏里,给自己取名字叫题王?   大概有太多人去问官方客服,这位叫“题王”的到底是玩家还是机器,导致官方还特意在第一名边上标注了:别问了,这是玩家,这真的是玩家,不信你们挑战看看orz。   可能是睡不着觉太烦躁,也可能只是想随便找点什么事情打发时间,当然,内心深处对这个题王有几分不爽。   谢俞百无聊赖地点开了刷题模式。   他想,如果只是在这个游戏里,谁也不知道的话……应该没事。   所有人都知道谢俞成绩差。   成绩差不说,还总是打架,叛逆期来得气势汹汹,就连顾雪岚都已经忘了,三年之前,他根本不是这样的。   初一的时候,谢俞还总往家里拿奖杯。   顾雪岚并不清楚那些奖杯的重量,谢俞也不是喜欢吹嘘的性格,每次总轻描淡写地说:小比赛,没多少人参加。   顾雪岚决定嫁给钟国飞的前一个月,带着谢俞搬出地下室。那天钟国飞叫了搬家公司帮忙,他已经年过四十,浑身透着商人的缜密,做事滴水不漏,却又亲切得体。男人站在阴暗潮湿的地下室里,最后在一面墙壁前驻足,他弯下腰,笑起来的时候眼角有明显的鱼尾纹,他问:“小俞,这些奖,都是你得的?”   谁知道这题目一刷就刷得停不下来,难得被唤醒的胜负欲彻底阻挡了谢俞睡觉的步伐,他不眠不休刷题刷了好几个晚上,堪堪挤进排行榜前三。   顾雪岚饭点上来叫他,得到的回应每次都是:先不吃,放那吧。   “你这两天关房间里在干什么?”顾雪岚站在门口,强忍着没有发火。   谢俞相当诚实:“我?打游戏。”   “你还真有脸说……我给你请的家教老师明天就过来了,你赶紧调整调整自己的状态,听见没?”   “没听见。”   “……”   顾雪岚气都气饱了,回到饭厅,钟国飞笑着给她夹过去一片生鱼片:“别生气了,孩子还小,贪玩很正常。你尝尝这个,我让人从北海道新鲜空运过来的,上次在餐馆见你爱吃,我就让老徐留意了一下。”   钟国飞说完,放下筷子,看着她吃,抬手帮她整理头发:“你要是气坏了身体,到时候心疼的不还是我。”   顾雪岚笑着睨他一眼,转而又叹口气:“希望吧。”   最近谢俞真的不对劲。   周大雷好几次半夜三更还能看到这位大哥发的朋友圈动态,内容都比较迷幻,看起来神智不太清醒的样子。   比如说今晚这条凌晨四点二十三分的。   XY:来个人,打醒我[/微笑]。   周大雷正好玩某游戏新赛季开了需要冲分,不然这种时间,他也不会闲着没事刷朋友圈。   网吧里气氛比白天还要热烈,键盘周围撂了几桶泡面,周大雷吐出烟圈,把烟屁股往烟灰缸里摁,然后顺手在评论里点评了一句:你喝酒了?   谢俞回复:我不喝酒,假酒害人。   周大雷又问:听你这语气,兄弟我斗胆猜测一下,莫非你这是陷入了爱情的深渊?   谢俞回:爱情个屁。
Chapter 5 Xie Yu's sleep quality has never been very good, and not long after he fell asleep, he was woken up by the sound of smashing things downstairs. The porcelain fell to the ground and was torn apart, piercing and crisp. Accompanied by the sound of smashing things, as well as the familiar scolding, the man's tone had the arrogance of being in a high position for many years and immersed in his bones: "This is my home, you all get out of here for me - pack up and get out of me!" Take away your dirty hands, whoever allows you to touch me, you are also worthy-" Xie Yu raised his hand to pull off the blindfold but didn't open his eyes, and his temples ached faintly. "Young Master, I cooked a sobering soup, you drink some." It was Ah Fang's voice, resigned, "You've drunk too much......" I don't know what was smashed again, making a dull sound, and then the man scolded more and more sharply: "I told you to get out, all of them got out of me, you inferior people, you can't even understand people's words, don't you!" "Oh, look at my memory, I almost forgot, where is there still a place for me to talk in this home? It's that some people who don't have the surname Zhong really think they are something. ” “……” Xie Yu tossed and turned on the bed, and finally sat up irritably and scolded, "." It's been three years. This farce has been going on for three years. Three years ago, Gu Xuelan married Zhong Guofei, a well-known entrepreneur in City A, and the news was flying all over the city, not only Gu Xuelan, but even Xie Yu was subjected to all kinds of ill-intentioned speculation. The rumors really go on like that. Those people who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement have written countless versions of his life without authorization, the most eye-catching of which are the junior and the illegitimate child. If it weren't for Xie Yu's personal experience of so many years of hiding debts, eating without eating, and even delaying tuition fees for more than half a year and almost unable to pay them, he would almost have to believe in those endless clumsy stories. And for Zhong Jie, Zhong Guofei's biological son, no matter which version of the story of the mother and son is, he has no way to accept it, and he doesn't care what the facts are. All he knew was that after losing his mother, someone was robbing him of everything he had, including the most important one. Inheritance. After a long time, the downstairs finally quieted down, probably saying that he finally helped Young Master Zhong back to the room. Xie Yu leaned on the bed and clearly heard the sound of them closing the door of Zhong Jie's room, as well as the sound of sighing softly as they passed in front of him, followed by the footsteps of walking downstairs. Xie Yu opened his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking. He suddenly felt thirsty for no apparent reason. It was as if there was a fire, burning down the internal organs until it reached the throat. Gu Xuelan sat on the sofa in the living room, her eyes were lonely, the white gauze nightdress hung down to the ground, and when she saw Xie Yu coming down, she only raised her head slightly, as if she was very tired: "Why did you come down, did you make a noise?" Xie Yu guessed that she would be here, and wanted to say, 'How many times have I told you, he wants to go crazy and let him send it himself, it's your business', but seeing her like this, he forcibly swallowed the words back, and just threw out three words lukewarmly: "Happy?" Gu Xuelan: "...... Two days later, it's death day. Xie Yu: "So you just stood like this and let him scold for an hour." Gu Xuelan didn't speak. Xie Yu didn't have any emotion in his tone, but the words he said were more prickly than sentenced: ", you killed it?" You robbed his dad? - If he likes to scold so much, let him scold, it's good for you to come up and make a scene. At this time, Gu Xuelan was no longer as strong as she was in the car before, and she sighed softly: "Don't say that." Xie Yu said: "No one owes him, he doesn't have a little pressure in his heart?" ” “……” Xie Yu poured two glasses of milk from the kitchen, handed one to Gu Xuelan, and said as calmly as possible: "Mom, go up and rest early after drinking, it's late." "I don't think I heard this tonight, and the next time you stand and let him scold, I'll beat him until he can't speak." "I do what I say." Gu Xuelan took the water cup. The boy standing in front of her didn't know when he had grown so tall, Gu Xuelan was a little dazed. The young man's eyebrows and eyes followed her, this kind of appearance should have looked feminine, but a certain sharp indifference and sharpness did not know when to break through the skin, making him look difficult to approach, and even, making her mother feel strange. Her eyes finally fell on Xie Yu's hair, which had been raised from sleeping, and found that the hair was still so fine and soft, just like when he was a child. I didn't know what to say for a while, and when she came back to her senses, Xie Yu had already turned around and went upstairs. Xie Yu's sleep quality was very poor, so bad that even milk couldn't play a role at all, and after being woken up after sleeping well, he couldn't sleep no matter how hard he tried. He looked out the window at the pitch black night and suddenly wondered what time it was. Originally, I just wanted to see the time, but after touching the phone, I didn't feel sleepy at all. [Barbecue Stalls Prince Lei]: Fuck you, I'm not playing! [/Picture] [Barbecue Stalls Prince Ray]: This time I really don't play! [/Picture] [Barbecue Stand Prince Ray]: For the last time! I'll play again and I'll be a pig! Two hours ago, Zhou Dalei sent three screenshots in a row, all of which were written without exception: The score is too low, and I am not qualified to enter the game hall~ Please answer the questions carefully. Xie Yu replied with the next line of words: Do you think God will be moved by the persistence of zero-score professionals? Zhou Dalei estimated that he had fallen asleep early, and Xie Yu didn't plan to wait for his reply, but after quitting, he hesitated for a while between continuing to raise the corpse or playing a strange little game, or clicked on the Wisdom Fruit Icon APP. Dear users [jsdhwdmaX] Welcome back to the question king competition~ Your test score is a full score, click continue to enter the game lobby! At three o'clock in the morning, the game was still very lively. "I love to learn": Has anyone come to the small room to PK math formulas? Wait for someone who is destined. "The goal is not biased": Is the third multiple-choice question in the Olympiad Mathematics Paper C a wrong question? Is it wrong or am I wrong? "Striving for the top": ...... You still haven't slept so late? "Learn to learn to learn my life only": sleep? What do you sleep? Do you know how many people you will be surpassed by going to bed a minute early? "For a better tomorrow": What the study brother said is extremely true, life is short, the time to study is precious, and the time to sleep is not a waste of this good time. "I love to learn": the thirst for knowledge almost makes me unable to sleep, and once I fall asleep, it is like I am dead, my brain stops thinking, and what could be more terrible than stopping thinking. “……” Xie Yu suddenly felt that he was also like a psychotic when he clicked on this game again. Their conversation quickly shifted from sleeping to other places. "Study, study, study, study and study only in my life": Speaking of which, the one at the top of the list, can anyone squeeze him down? I've been unhappy with him for a long time, how can there be such a person who doesn't want Bilian? As soon as this sentence came out, it unexpectedly blew up a lot of people who dive and brush up on the questions. "Top 10 in grade": Don't Bilian +1! "English Class Representative": Don't Bilian +2!! "The dream is to be the principal": Don't Bilian +3!! …… The atmosphere was warm, and the thinking of the masses was unprecedentedly unified. No. 1 on the leaderboard, don't force your face? Xie Yu was a little curious. The leaderboard is in the upper right corner of the page, click in, it's a simple list, ranked first...... "Holy shit." Xie Yu glanced at the two words on the side of the small golden trophy, except for 'fuck' for a while, he didn't know what to say. First place: Title King. Personality signature display: No need to fight, the victory belongs to me. Just nine words, arrogant and polite. In a game called Title King Contest, name yourself Title King? There are probably too many people to ask the official customer service, whether this is called the "question king" is a player or a machine, which led to the official deliberately marking on the side of the first place: Don't ask, this is a player, this is really a player, I don't believe you challenge to see orz. Maybe I can't sleep and I'm too irritable, or maybe I just want to find something to pass the time, of course, deep down I feel a little unhappy with this title. Xie Yu was bored and clicked on the brushing mode. He thought, if only in this game, no one knows...... It should be fine. Everyone knew that Xie Yu's grades were poor. Not to mention the poor grades, he always fights, and the rebellious period is so aggressive that even Gu Xuelan has forgotten that three years ago, he was not like this at all. When he was in the first year of junior high school, Xie Yu always went home to get trophies. Gu Xuelan didn't know the weight of those trophies, and Xie Yu didn't like to brag about it, so he always said lightly every time: Small competitions, not many people participated. A month before Gu Xuelan decided to marry Zhong Guofei, she moved out of the basement with Xie Yu. That day, Zhong Guofei called the moving company to help, he was over forty years old, full of businessman's meticulousness, and he did everything well, but he was kind and decent. The man stood in the dark and damp basement, and finally stopped in front of a wall, he bent down, and when he laughed, there were obvious crow's feet in the corners of his eyes, and he asked, "Xiao Yu, you won these awards?" Who knew that this topic couldn't stop brushing as soon as he brushed it, and the rare awakened desire to win completely blocked Xie Yu's pace of sleeping, and he brushed the questions endlessly for several nights, and he was able to squeeze into the top three of the rankings. Gu Xuelan ordered the meal and called him, and the response he got was every time: Don't eat it first, let it go. "What have you been doing in your room for the past two days?" Gu Xuelan stood at the door, holding back and not getting angry. Xie Yu was quite honest: "Me? Play games. "You really have the face to say it...... The tutor I hired for you will come over tomorrow, you quickly adjust your state, do you hear? "Didn't hear me." “……” Gu Xuelan was full of anger, and when she returned to the dining room, Zhong Guofei smiled and sandwiched a piece of sashimi for her: "Don't be angry, the child is still young, and it's normal to be playful." You try this, I had it freshly flown in from Hokkaido, and the last time I saw you in a restaurant, I asked Lao Xu to pay attention to it. After Zhong Guofei finished speaking, he put down his chopsticks, watched her eat, and raised his hand to help her fix her hair: "If you are angry and your body is broken, it will not be me who will be distressed at that time." Gu Xuelan glanced at him with a smile, and then sighed again: "Hopefully." Recently, Xie Yu is really wrong. Zhou Dalei can still see the circle of friends posted by this eldest brother several times in the middle of the night, the content is quite psychedelic, and he doesn't look very conscious. For example, tonight at 4:23 a.m. XY: Someone, wake me up. Zhou Dalei happened to be playing a certain game, and the new season needed to rush points, otherwise at this time, he would not be idle and have nothing to do to brush the circle of friends. The atmosphere in the Internet café was even warmer than during the day, with a few buckets of instant noodles around the keyboard, Zhou Dalei spit out a smoke ring, pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and then commented in the comments: Have you drunk? Xie Yu replied: I don't drink, fake wine hurts people. Zhou Dalei asked again: Listening to your tone, brother, I dare to guess, could it be that you have fallen into the abyss of love? Xie Yu replied: Love is a fart.

第六章   “我爱学习”:第三了吧,这个X。   “学习学习我的生命里只有”:快追平第二名了。   “英语课代表”:有戏啊看样子,赌不赌?我觉得这个X绝对是后起之秀,黑马中的黑马,而且直到今天都没有见他说过话,高冷得一批,一看就是干大事的人,不简单。   “为了更好的明天”:赌什么?   “报效祖国”:在下赌一本私人珍藏,1982年初中《语文》第五册 教材,可遇不可求。   “我爱学习”:他一定是个把心思全部都花学习上的人,看着他每天沉迷于学习,荣辱不惊,对其他娱乐都漠不关心的样子,我感到非常惭愧,我居然还有功夫在这里闲聊。   “……”   谢俞刷题刷了好几个晚上,自从他冲上排行榜之后,jsdhwdmaX这个账号的话题度就一直居高不下。   排行榜对于这群热爱学习的玩家们来说,就像年级排名一样重要,是荣誉的象征也是奋斗的目标,日常仰望仰望学霸,鼓励自己跟随学霸的步伐,多读多看多背多做。   题王争霸玩家积分取的是各科平均得分,只有一项成绩突出的话也没什么用,所以榜上有名的那几个都是全才,而且从开服以来,这几个人的名字几乎没有产生过变动。   一夜之间有新人冲上来也就罢了,这个名字让人记不住的新人在排行榜上的位置还一天一个变化,跟爬楼梯似的,轻轻松松往上爬。   “学习学习我的生命里只有”:高冷好啊,不要碧莲给我的阴影太深了真的,我现在每次看到系统广播谁跟谁PK谁落败,总害怕下一秒交流频道里出现两个字“一杀”。   “英语课代表”:他最高一晚上十四杀呢,总感觉他进错了游戏[/泪流满面]。   “为了更好的明天”:操作这么骚的吗?PK掉一个就在交流频道里手动“一杀二杀三杀”?是我知道的那个不要碧莲吗?   “英语课代表”:是他,除了他还有谁,说实话我一直想知道他这么做的用意何在。   “学习学习我的生命里只有”:不懂,我等凡人怎么会懂。   “我爱学习”:凡事以学习为重,聊八卦没有意义,向X学霸看齐,来房间4008,等你挑战。   虽然那位题王打下江山之后已经不怎么上线了,但他的传说依然在游戏里口口相传。   谢俞偶尔会看两眼交流频道,每次看都刷新了对不要逼脸这个人的认识:这么多戏的吗这个神经病。   他刷题到两点多,接受了几局PK赛,积分赚得差不多就准备下线睡觉。   约莫只睡了几个小时,早上七点被顾雪岚叫起来:“老师马上要来了,你收拾收拾,先去洗脸刷牙,然后下来吃早饭。赶紧的。”   前面几句语气还挺正常,说到后面看到谢俞这幅不配合的样子,火气又上来了:“听见没?”   谢俞被她吼得头疼:“……知道了。”   顾雪岚女士说一不二,真找了老师,此人据说在私教界颇有名气,治好过许多迷途少年,总之被吹得神乎其神。什么没有他教不好的学生,拥有一双化腐朽为神奇的双手,点石成金,发现每一个孩子潜藏的智慧……   谢俞听得很想笑,嘲笑。   顾雪岚却对这位老师的到来满怀期待,这位平时坚决控制饮食保持身材的女士,高兴地连早饭都多吃了几口:“听说陈太太儿子,一个假期里成绩提高了几十分。”   钟国飞笑着对谢俞说:“听见没有,好好努力,可别让你妈失望。”   谢俞专心喝粥,头都没抬,随口“嗯”了一句敷衍了事。   有人却不乐意。   钟杰坐在谢俞对面,不冷不热地说:“人跟人可不一样,人家儿子能提几十分,不代表你儿子也行。还是别给他太大压力了吧,不行就是不行。”   这句话一出,餐桌上本来还能称得上和睦的气氛瞬间降至冰点。   顾雪岚尴尬地放下汤勺,不知道说什么好。   “会不会说话?”   谢俞不紧不慢地把粥喝完,然后抬起头,看着钟杰的眼睛又重复了一遍:“你会不会说话?”   顾雪岚急忙扯谢俞衣服。   谢俞嘴里那句“关你屁事”绕了两个弯,最后还是没说出口。   “我说错了吗,”钟杰嘴角的笑意越来越大,“你中考作弊,是不是打算高考也作弊?”   如果不是顾雪岚拦着,谢俞能把钟杰送进医院,还是那种卧床一个月生活不能自理的。   钟杰长得跟钟国飞几分相像,待人接物却相差甚远,总是无形之中带着几分尖酸与刻薄。   他马上要上大一,分数原本够不上一本院校,但钟国飞有的是门路,差了十几分硬是把他塞进南大,这一塞,可真是塞出了他“名校大学生”的自信和骄傲。   “我怎么高考不劳您费心。”谢俞擦擦嘴站起来,走出去几步又停下问了一句,“对了,你吃饱了吗?”   钟杰不知道他问这句话是几个意思。   谢俞说:“吃饱饭,希望你能找点事情做。”   钟杰:“……”这是在骂他吃饱了撑的?   这顿饭最后吃得不欢而散。   饭后钟杰和钟国飞一道出门去公司,顾雪岚留在家里等私教老师,顺便找谢俞谈话:“虽然小杰那孩子是做得不对,但是你也不能跟他那样说话。”   “那孩子?”谢俞说,“搁您那儿是孩子,搁我这也是?”   顾雪岚也不知道怎么说,她就是单纯不想家里每天都这么剑拔弩张:“你……他什么性格你也知道,忍一忍就算了,退一步海阔天空。”   谢俞烦得不行:“凭什么?这狗屎脾气我还非得惯着他不成。”   “你钟叔叔已经说过他了,下次客气点,算妈求你,行不行?你平时都住在学校里,妈想见你都见不着,难得假期在家里呆着,乖一点,听话。”   说话间,门铃响了。   家教老师提着黑色公文包站在门口,看起来挺年轻,带着金丝边眼镜,一副好好先生的样子:“钟太太,钟少爷。”   见人来了,顾雪岚结束话题,起身去大厅迎接客人,两人顺便坐在沙发上聊了一会儿孩子学习成绩不好等问题。   谢俞坐在他们对面,百无聊赖地从茶几上挑了颗葡萄。   家教老师姓黄,名校毕业,说到教育问题侃侃而谈,谢俞还以为传说中的点石成金有什么特别,没有想到那么无聊,听了一会儿就犯困。   “兴趣才是学生最好的老师,我的教育理念就是引导学生对学习产生兴趣,主动想去学之后呢然后因材施教,帮助学生,看看他适合哪一种学习方法,找到正确的学习方法之后,这个事情自然就事半功倍。”   这位黄老师头发上抹着厚厚一层发胶,说话的时候习惯性用手指扶一扶镜框。   葡萄的汁水酸甜,谢俞随手抽出一张纸巾吐葡萄籽。   他偷偷翻开手机通讯录,找到雷子,趁着顾雪岚女士正跟人聊得火热,单手发了条短信过去:给我打个电话,快。   多年兄弟情谊,这种事情一点就通。   周大雷电话下一秒就来了。   谢俞起身:“妈,黄老师,我出去接个电话。”   周大雷那边全是敲击键盘的声音,谢俞刚想说“你在网吧呢”,就听对面大雷粗重地吸了两口气,然后扯着嗓子气壮山河地喊:“——操你大爷,抢我紫武,我杀你全家!”   谢俞:“……”   周大雷骂骂咧咧一阵,摔了鼠标,差点还想把键盘给砸了,网吧老板急急忙忙过来:“雷仔,息怒息怒,你砸坏了也是要赔钱的。游戏里的东西,都是过往云烟,淡定一点,江湖上的是是非非……”   “没法淡定,这事没完。”周大雷非常执着,“情缘可以随便抢,绝版紫武不行。”   周大雷说完才想起来手机还在通话中:“谢老板?我跟你说我真是气得蛋疼。”   谢俞问:“绝版紫武?”   “是啊,这只怪明明是我们队杀的,爆率只有百分之零点一,我们刷了这个隐藏BOSS好几天,干,马上就要到手了被人半路截胡。”周大雷说,“太脏了这群人,真的脏。”   周大雷又说:“我约了他们今天决一死战,谁不来谁是孙子,你来不来?”   谢俞:“我又不玩你那个武侠游戏。”   “不在游戏里,在南京路。”   这他妈还能约出来的?   周大雷:“他们在A市,我们B市,照着地图连了一下线,取了个中间值。两个小时之后,南京路中心广场。”   谢俞回头看了看还在跟家教老师聊天的顾女士:“行,等着,大哥来给你撑撑场子。”   顾雪岚和黄老师聊了差不多有二十分钟,等她察觉不对劲的时候,谢俞人已经走了。   说是接电话,这电话一接半天没回来。   “他人呢?”   见太太脸色很不好,阿芳犹豫半天不知道该怎么说:“……走、走了,二少走之前说,让你别白费心思了。”   顾雪岚手里的陶瓷茶杯差点没端稳。   谢俞是最后一个到的。   他到中心广场的时候,那两拨人已经排成两排面对面,看样子是试图先理论然后再打架。   浩浩荡荡十几号人。   谢俞没有打架的想法,只是来划划水,于是在不远处挑了个风景秀丽、遮荫避阳的地方呆着。   闷热的夏天,两群平均年龄十五十六岁的血性男儿顶着上午十点半的太阳,为了一件游戏装备互相问候全家。   周大雷带头冲在前面,声音洪亮:“还他妈有脸说?那是你们的吗?”   对面那群人也不甘示弱:“是我们的啊,怎么就不是我们的了。”   “要不要脸了,兄die,玩个游戏而已心别太脏。”   “机会永远是留给有准备的人,我们为了抢东西蹲点蹲了三四天,你又知道什么!”   “哟嚯,挺自豪啊,你们找揍是不是?”   “来啊,谁怕谁!”   周大雷差点没被气死,他缓了口气,最后从牙齿缝里挤出来一句话:“趁哥现在还能跟你心平气和地好好说话,交出来,把东西交出来,我也不为难你们,这事就当没发生过。”   谢俞看到人群中,一个原本站在队伍最后边,戴着黑色口罩、鹤立鸡群的人缓缓往前走,他周遭的人极其配合地给他让出一条道。   那人的声音透过布料,又闷又低缓地传出来:“凭本事抢的装备,为什么要还?”   
Chapter 6 "I Love to Learn": Third, this X. "Learning to learn is the only thing in my life": I'm about to tie second place. "English class representative": There is a play, it looks like a gamble, do you gamble or not? I think this X is definitely a rising star, a dark horse among dark horses, and I haven't seen him speak until today, he is so cold, at first glance, he is a person who does big things, not simple. "For a Better Tomorrow": What to Bet On? "Serving the Motherland": Gambling on a private collection, the fifth volume of the 1982 junior high school "Language" textbook, can not be found. "I love to learn": he must be a person who spends all his mind on studying, and I feel very ashamed to see him obsessed with learning every day, not shocked by honor and disgrace, and indifferent to other entertainment, I still have the time to chat here. “……” Xie Yu has been brushing up on the questions for several nights, and since he rushed to the top of the rankings, the topic of the jsdhwdmaX account has been high. For this group of players who love learning, the ranking is as important as the grade ranking, a symbol of honor and a goal to strive for. The points of the players are based on the average score of each subject, and it is useless if there is only one outstanding score, so the few people on the list are all all-rounders, and since the start of the service, the names of these people have hardly changed. It's just a newcomer rushing up overnight, and the position of the newcomer on the leaderboard with this name that people can't remember changes every day, like climbing stairs, easily climbing up. "Learn to learn only in my life": Gao Leng is good, don't Bilian give me too deep shadow really, every time I see the system broadcast who PK with whom and who loses, I am always afraid that two words will appear in the next second in the communication channel "one kill". "English Class Representative": He made fourteen kills in one night, and he always felt like he was in the wrong game. "For a Better Tomorrow": Is the operation so sassy? PK drops one and manually "kills, kills, kills, kills, kills" in the communication channel? Is it the one I know who doesn't want Bilian? "English Class Representative": It's him, who else but him, to be honest I've always wondered what his purpose is in doing this. "Learning and learning is only in my life": I don't understand, how can mortals like me understand. "I love to learn": Everything is focused on learning, there is no point in chatting about gossip, keep up with X Xueba, come to room 4008, waiting for you to challenge. Although the title king is no longer online after he conquered the country, his legend is still passed on by word of mouth in the game. Xie Yu occasionally watched the two-eye communication channel, and every time he watched it, he refreshed his understanding of the person who didn't want to force his face: Is there so much drama This neurotic. He brushed the questions to more than two o'clock, accepted a few rounds of PK matches, and was ready to go offline to sleep when he earned almost all the points. I only slept for a few hours, and was called up by Gu Xuelan at seven o'clock in the morning: "The teacher is coming soon, you clean up, go wash your face and brush your teeth first, and then come down for breakfast." Hurry. The tone of the first few sentences was quite normal, but when he saw Xie Yu's uncooperative appearance in the back, the anger came up again: "Did you hear that?" Xie Yu was yelled at by her, and had a headache: "...... Got it. Ms. Gu Xuelan said yes, she really found a teacher, this person is said to be quite famous in the private training world, and has cured many lost teenagers, in short, he was blown up to the gods. What is not a student who he does not teach well, has a pair of hands that turn decay into magic, turning stones into gold, and discovering the hidden wisdom of every child...... Xie Yu wanted to laugh and laugh when he heard it. Gu Xuelan was full of expectations for the arrival of this teacher, and this lady, who usually resolutely controlled her diet and maintained her figure, happily even ate a few more bites of breakfast: "I heard that Mrs. Chen's son has improved his grades by a few points during a holiday. Zhong Guofei said to Xie Yu with a smile: "Did you hear it, work hard, don't let your mother down." Xie Yu concentrated on drinking porridge, didn't raise his head, and casually said "um" perfunctory. Some people are not happy. Zhong Jie sat opposite Xie Yu and said lukewarmly: "People are different from each other, if someone's son can raise a few points, it doesn't mean that your son can do it." Don't put too much pressure on him, if it doesn't work, it won't work. As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the table, which could have been called harmonious, instantly dropped to the freezing point. Gu Xuelan put down the spoon in embarrassment, not knowing what to say. "Can you speak?" Xie Yu drank the porridge unhurriedly, then raised his head, looked into Zhong Jie's eyes and repeated: "Can you speak?" Gu Xuelan hurriedly pulled Xie Yu's clothes. The sentence "It's about your" in Xie Yu's mouth made two turns, and finally didn't say it. "Did I say something wrong," the smile on the corner of Zhong Jie's mouth grew bigger and bigger, "You cheated in the high school entrance examination, do you plan to cheat in the college entrance examination as well?" If it weren't for Gu Xuelan to stop him, Xie Yu would have been able to send Zhong Jie to the hospital, and he would still be the kind of person who couldn't take care of himself after being bedridden for a month. Zhong Jie looks a little similar to Zhong Guofei, but he is very different from others, always invisibly with a bit of bitterness and meanness. He is about to enter his freshman year, and his score is not enough for a college, but Zhong Guofei has a way, and he is more than a dozen points short of him and insists on stuffing him into NTU, which really stuffs out his confidence and pride as a "famous college student". "Why don't I bother you with the college entrance examination." Xie Yu wiped his mouth and stood up, walked out a few steps and stopped and asked, "By the way, are you full?" Zhong Jie didn't know what he meant by asking. Xie Yu said: "Eat well, I hope you can find something to do." Zhong Jie: "......" is scolding him for being full? The meal ended up unhappily. After dinner, Zhong Jie and Zhong Guofei went out to the company together, Gu Xuelan stayed at home and waited for the personal teacher, and talked to Xie Yu by the way: "Although Xiaojie's kid is not doing it right, you can't talk to him like that." "The kid?" Xie Yu said, "You are a child there, and I am too?" Gu Xuelan didn't know what to say, she just didn't want to be so tense at home every day: "You...... You also know what kind of character he has, just put up with it, take a step back and open the sky. Xie Yu was so annoyed that he couldn't do it: "Why? I still have to get used to this shit temper. "Your Uncle Zhong has already said him, be polite next time, count your mother begging you, okay? You usually live in school, and your mother can't see you if she wants to, so it's rare to stay at home during the holidays, be well-behaved and obedient. As he spoke, the doorbell rang. The tutor stood at the door with a black briefcase, looking quite young, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and looking like a good gentleman: "Mrs. Zhong, Young Master Zhong." Seeing that people were coming, Gu Xuelan ended the topic, got up and went to the hall to greet the guests, and the two sat on the sofa by the way and chatted for a while about the child's poor academic performance. Xie Yu sat across from them, boredly picking a grape from the coffee table. The tutor's surname is Huang, graduated from a famous school, and when it comes to education, Xie Yu thought that the legendary stone into gold was something special, but he didn't expect it to be so boring, and he was sleepy after listening to it for a while. "Interest is the best teacher for students, my educational philosophy is to guide students to be interested in learning, take the initiative to learn and then teach students according to their aptitude, help students, see what kind of learning method he is suitable for, and find the right learning method, this matter will naturally get twice the result with half the effort." This teacher Huang has a thick layer of hairspray on his hair, and he habitually uses his fingers to hold the frame of the mirror when he speaks. The juice of the grapes was sweet and sour, and Xie Yu casually took out a tissue and spit out the grape seeds. He secretly flipped through the address book of his mobile phone, found Lei Zi, and took advantage of the fact that Ms. Gu Xuelan was chatting with someone, and sent a text message with one hand: Give me a call, quickly. Years of brotherhood, this kind of thing makes sense. Zhou Dalei's call came in the next second. Xie Yu got up: "Mom, Mr. Huang, I'll go out and answer the phone." Zhou Da Lei was full of the sound of tapping on the keyboard, Xie Yu just wanted to say, "You are in the Internet café", but he heard Da Lei on the other side take two heavy breaths, and then shouted in a loud voice: "- Fuck your uncle, rob me Ziwu, I will kill your whole family!" Xie Yu: "......" Zhou Dalei scolded for a while, dropped the mouse, and almost wanted to smash the keyboard, the owner of the Internet café hurriedly came over: "Lei Zai, stop your anger, you will lose money if you smash it." The things in the game are all in the past, calm down, the rights and wrongs on the rivers and lakes ......" "I can't be calm, this is not over." Zhou Dalei was very persistent, "Love can be grabbed casually, but the out-of-print Ziwu can't." After Zhou Dalei finished speaking, he remembered that the mobile phone was still on the phone: "Boss Xie? I'm so angry. Xie Yu asked, "Out-of-print Ziwu?" "Yes, this monster was obviously killed by our team, and the explosion rate was only 0.1 percent, we brushed this hidden boss for several days, and we were about to get it and be cut off halfway." Zhou Dalei said, "It's so dirty that this group of people is really dirty." Zhou Dalei said again: "I made an appointment with them to fight to the death today, who doesn't come is the grandson, will you come?" Xie Yu: "I don't play your martial arts game." "Not in the game, in Nanjing Road." What the can you make a date? Zhou Dalei: "They are in city A, we are in city B, we connected the lines according to the map and took a median value." Two hours later, the central square of Nanjing Road. Xie Yu looked back at Ms. Gu, who was still chatting with the tutor: "Okay, wait, big brother will come to support you." Gu Xuelan chatted with Teacher Huang for almost twenty minutes, and by the time she noticed that something was wrong, Xie Yuren had already left. said that he was answering the phone, but he didn't come back for half a day. "What about others?" Seeing that his wife's face was very bad, Ah Fang hesitated for a long time and didn't know what to say: "...... Go, go, Er Shao said before leaving, so don't waste your mind. The ceramic teacup in Gu Xuelan's hand was almost unstable. Xie Yu was the last to arrive. By the time he arrived at the central square, the two groups of people had lined up in two rows facing each other, apparently trying to reason first and then fight. There are more than a dozen people. Xie Yu didn't have the idea of fighting, he just came to paddle, so he picked a place with beautiful scenery and shade and shelter from the sun not far away. On a sweltering summer's day, two groups of bloody men with an average age of fifteen or sixteen greeted each other over a piece of game equipment in the sun at half past ten in the morning. Zhou Dalei took the lead and rushed to the front, with a loud voice: "Do you still have a face to say?" Is that yours? Not to be outdone, the group of people on the other side said: "It's ours, why isn't it ours." "Don't be ashamed, brother, just play a game, don't be too dirty." "Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, we have been squatting for three or four days in order to grab things, what do you know!" "Yo ho, I'm very proud, are you looking for a beating?" "Come on, who's afraid of whom!" Zhou Dalei was almost angry, he breathed a sigh of relief, and finally squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "While my brother can still talk to you calmly now, hand it over, hand over the things, I won't embarrass you, this thing will never happen." Xie Yu saw that in the crowd, a person who was originally standing at the back of the line, wearing a black mask and standing out from the crowd, slowly walked forward, and the people around him were extremely cooperative to make way for him. The man's voice came out muffled and low through the fabric: "Why should you return the equipment you grabbed with your ability?" ”

第七章   太找揍了。   听听这理所因当的语气。   两队人马立刻厮打在一起,打得不可开交,周大雷恨不得脱了上衣光着膀子燃烧自己全身的能量,让他们知道惹怒他的下场:“抢我紫武,抢我紫武,我让你抢我紫武!”   “没抢,这能叫抢吗,技不如人就甘拜下风,操你妈别打脸!”   一片混战之中——   谢俞眼睁睁地看着刚才那个挑起纷争的、看起来浑身散发老大气场的口罩少年不动声色地在里头划着水,划着划着就离开了战场,划水技术相当高超,居然没有人发现他悄无声息地溜走了。   走出混战圈的时候,他甚至还抬手理了理头发。   非常注重形象。   “……”   大夏天,这个人穿着长袖长裤,脸上还戴着口罩,看不清楚五官。   他明显也想往树荫底下走,环顾四周,只有谢俞站的那片地方没有太阳,于是谢俞身边很快多了一个人。   口罩个字挺高,比谢俞高了半个头。   他和谢俞并排站着观战,然后不紧不慢地从衣兜里掏出一根棒棒糖,粉红色,草莓味真知棒。他三两下剥开糖衣,温度太高,糖有些化了,谢俞闻到空气里弥漫开一股甜腻腻的味道。   然后这人拉开口罩,黑色布料松松垮垮地兜在下巴上,叼着棒棒糖吃了一会儿,他吃糖没什么耐心,含了一会儿用牙齿咬碎,等要找地方扔垃圾的时候,他才后知后觉意识到身边站着的这个人可能也是对面阵营前来讨要紫武的选手。   谢俞忍了一会儿没忍住:“看什么看。”   偷偷盯着别人看还被人直接说出来,那人没有半点不适,他面不改色地重新把口罩拉上,手指勾着布料边沿,黑色布料和手指形成鲜明对比,肤色看起来有种不正常的白:“你也是他们那边的?”   谢俞说:“是又怎么样。”   口罩想了一会儿,说:“朋友,过两招?”   对面战况惨烈,老实讲,谢俞觉得挺丢人,不是很想动手:“朋友,劝你珍惜生命。”   口罩将袖口往上折了两折,露出一截精瘦的手腕:“巧了,我就喜欢找死。”   交手两个回合之后谢俞不得不承认这人身手意外地不错。   干架姿势极其利落,一气呵成,快、狠、准,不小心挨到一下能顺着皮肉疼到骨头。   谢俞从小就在人群里摸爬滚打,小时候挨得揍多了,十岁之后基本上就只有他揍别人的份,鲜少能体会到被人压制的感觉。   但也只是片刻的功夫,在谢俞耍阴招将口罩绊倒之后,两个人的战场变成了地上。口罩缓了好一阵才固定住谢俞的胳膊,想从谢俞身下起来,冷不防又被谢俞抬膝盖顶在肚子上。   “等会儿——”口罩说,“你知不知道今天地表温度多少度?”   虽然这几天高温红色预警,每天都有人在地面上做荷包蛋实验。   谢俞想说你一个大男人没那么娇弱吧?   就在谢俞晃神的时间,口罩直接压着他一个翻身,两个人位置瞬间调换,口罩扬了扬眉——他眼窝深,眉眼间距又窄,眼神深邃。   他凑得很近,一只手撑在谢俞脖子边上,说:“挺暖和,你感受感受。”   “我感受你大爷。”   两个人没能在地上较量几回。   谢俞感觉到身上突然轻了,再一看,口罩速度极快地从他身上爬了起来,拍拍衣服裤子上的灰,然后朝他伸出手,将他拉起来,嘴里突然开始胡言乱语:“……朋友,你怎么那么不小心,平地也能摔,走路的时候小心点啊,你这样我怎么放心让你一个人逛公园。”   谢俞实在是看不懂这个操作:“你傻逼吗?”   口罩说:“你才傻逼。”   说完口罩又冲对面喊:“收手——别打了,条子来了。”   谢俞这时候才隐约听到警车声,紧接着他看到马路对面,五六个全副武装的警察从车上一个接一个下来,隔着一条马路就指着前面喊:“蹲下!抱头!不许动!聚众斗殴!胆子很肥啊,啊!”   他们俩离聚众斗殴的战场有点远,而且口罩反应得快,在警察下车前就拉着谢俞站了起来,警察也没有料到树底下会有两条一边乘着凉一边单挑的漏网之鱼。   口罩搭上谢俞的肩,两个人远远地看起来就像是一对在上午十点半逛公园的好兄弟:“不用谢,我耳朵比较好使。这样,我们串一下口供,你想要一个什么身份?我已经给自己想好了,我,就是一个早饭吃得太撑来公园散步消化的无辜群众。”   谢俞冷漠道:“我,懒得理你。”   口罩:“……”   谢俞又说:“出来打架还怕警察?”   “不是怕,”口罩耸耸肩,无所谓道,“就是觉得麻烦。”   本来他们俩应该幸运地目送警察压着十几号人离开,但是人算不如天算。   其中一个心理素质比较差的哥们心态崩了,他左看看右看看,没找到自己大哥,扭头一看,大哥在树底下站着呢,于是惊慌失措、像小鸡找鸡妈妈似的喊了一声:“——朝哥!”   “……”   贺朝心里真的是一万句国骂。   谢俞:“招哥?你?”   贺朝说:“我说我不是,你会信吗。”   谢俞掰开了贺朝搭在他肩上的手,兄弟情深的戏码落幕了,立马翻脸不认人:“你该问问警察信不信。”   警察自然是不信的。   宁可错杀也不能放过,总之先抓回去再说。   警察站在他们两个人面前,看看这个又看看那个,一时间不太确定“朝哥”是哪一位:“招哥?谁啊?”   贺朝主动出来认领自己行走江湖的名讳:“我,是我。姓贺名朝,卓月朝。”   谢俞还没来得及自救,跟他们撇清关系,就听旁边那位刚刚把他从地上拉起来想跟他一起串口供的人向警察介绍说:“警察叔叔,他是我的互殴对象。”   谢俞:“……”我真是谢谢你了。   “一起带走,全部都给我抓回去!”   警局里。   他们人数太多,十七八个人排队走进去,跟走红毯似的一长排,走到指定的地方之后,人分成两排,面对面蹲下来、抱着头,特别像电视里演的那种犯罪份子。   周大雷还觉得有点新鲜,用胳膊肘顶顶谢俞:“老谢,你觉得我们现在像不像贩毒的,这待遇——我只在电视里见过,这么想想黑水镇的警察同志真是亲切,起码还会给个凳子坐。”   谢俞:“还想坐凳子?你就想想吧。”   贺朝蹲在谢俞对面,没忍住,笑了一声。   坐在会议桌最中间的那位警察敲敲桌子:“干什么,以为自己是进来开茶话会的啊?还有你,笑什么笑,你脸上咋还戴着这玩意儿,自己也知道丢人啊,给我摘了。”   贺朝配合地摘下口罩:“不是,我紫外线过敏。”   “那你也是挺拼,还出来打架。”   贺朝说:“没办法,为了部落。其实我是一个和平爱好者,不喜欢打打杀杀。”   周大雷又用胳膊肘顶了顶谢俞,一忍再忍,实在是没忍住:“我操,大帅逼啊。”   谢俞:“周大雷,你觉得你现在蹲在局子里对着一个男的犯花痴合适吗?”   贺朝听见了,心情不错地回敬道:“兄弟,你也挺帅。”   周大雷嘿一声笑了,觉得这哥们有点意思:“哎,你是不是混血?长得有点洋气啊。”   面前这人虽然蹲着,但气势丝毫不减。发型干净利落,额头大半都露在外边,鼻梁高挺,眼形狭长,双眼皮深深的一道,朝别人看过去的时候,那双眼睛似乎会说话似的,深不可测,危险又散漫。   “我八国混血,祖上在欧洲那边混了三代,后来往东南亚发展。我爸是阿拉伯人,我妈法国的。”贺朝见周大雷脸上的表情越来越崇拜,顿了顿,不可思议地说,“……这你也信?我是中国人,纯种的,不混血。”   眼看这两位就要越过仇恨建立起友谊,警察终于切入重点,将这段友谊扼杀在摇篮里:“你们谁来说说,这到底是怎么回事?为什么打架?”   周大雷立马跳了起来:“因为他们抢我东西!我的紫武,那是我的勇气和信仰!”   警察示意他打住:“子五?还抢东西?”   谢俞听得头疼,他觉得接下去的内容实在是有点羞耻。   果然,只听周大雷认认真真地说:“就是一把盘古开天辟地的时候用的宝刀,有999+防御值和攻击力,有了它我可以统治世界,还能卖钱。最主要的就是卖钱。”   “我们没有偷,”另一群人不乐意了,纷纷表示,“这怎么能说是偷的,那盘古神刀就掉在地上,又没有写名字。”   警察怀疑自己抓了一群精神病。   为了还原最真实的打架动机,更深刻地了解这件事情的来龙去脉,几名警察下载了“创世纪”这个网络游戏。   这个来龙去脉让人啼笑皆非。   他们说是聚众斗殴,也没有什么人受伤,而且警察赶到的时候他们已经停手了,没有看到什么火爆的景象。   “盘古神刀在谁手里?”   有人举手:“我,在我这。”   警察心里有了量刑的标准:“你登上你账号。”   “登上去了,在那个我的背包,就是那个紫色的,嗯对……”   然后警察接过鼠标,在右键属性里,点击了【丢弃】。   “我想告诉你们,在和谐社会面前,盘古神刀根本就不算什么。”警察正义凛然地转过身,面对一群欲哭无泪的“犯罪少年”声情并茂道,“它再贵重,能贵重得过祖国的和平吗?”   周大雷:“……!?”   谢俞:“……”   贺朝:“……”
Chapter 7 It's too much to beat. Listen to the tone of the tone that makes sense. The two teams immediately fought together, and the fight was inextricable, Zhou Dalei couldn't wait to take off his shirt and burn the energy of his whole body bare-chested, so that they would know the fate of angering him: "Rob me Ziwu, rob me Ziwu, I'll let you rob me Ziwu!" "I didn't rob it, can this be called robbery, if your skills are not as good as others, you will be willing to bow down, fuck your mother and don't slap your face!" In the midst of a scuffle- Xie Yu watched the young man in the mask who had provoked the dispute just now and seemed to exude an old aura paddling quietly in the water, paddling and leaving the battlefield, his paddling skills were quite superb, and no one noticed that he slipped away quietly. When he walked out of the melee circle, he even raised his hand to cut his hair. Very image-oriented. “……” In the summer, this person was wearing long sleeves and long pants, and he was wearing a mask on his face, so he couldn't see his facial features clearly. He obviously wanted to go under the shade of the tree, and looked around, only the place where Xie Yu was standing had no sun, so there was soon another person next to Xie Yu. The mask is quite tall, half a head taller than Xie Yu. He and Xie Yu stood side by side to watch the battle, and then unhurriedly took out a lollipop from his coat pocket, pink and strawberry-flavored. He peeled off the sugar coating in three or two, the temperature was too high, the sugar had melted a little, and Xie Yu smelled a sweet and greasy smell in the air. Then the man pulled open the mask, the black fabric was loosely wrapped around his chin, and he ate the lollipop in his mouth for a while, he had no patience when eating candy, and he bit it with his teeth for a while, and when he was looking for a place to throw out the garbage, he realized that the person standing next to him might also be a player from the opposite camp who came to ask for Ziwu. Xie Yu endured it for a while and didn't hold back: "Look at what." Secretly staring at others and being said directly, the man did not feel the slightest discomfort, he pulled the mask back on without changing his face, his fingers hooked the edge of the fabric, the black fabric contrasted sharply with his fingers, and his complexion looked abnormally white: "You are also from their side?" Xie Yu said, "Yes and what." The mask thought for a while and said, "Friend, two moves?" The battle on the other side was tragic, and to be honest, Xie Yu felt quite embarrassed and didn't really want to do it: "Friend, I advise you to cherish your life." The mask folded the cuffs up in two, revealing a lean wrist: "Coincidentally, I like to look for death." After two rounds, Xie Yu had to admit that the man was surprisingly good. The dry frame posture is extremely neat, done in one go, fast, ruthless, accurate, and if you accidentally get hit, you can hurt along the skin and flesh to the bones. Xie Yu has been crawling in the crowd since he was a child, and he was beaten a lot when he was a child, and after the age of ten, he was basically the only one who beat others, and he rarely felt the feeling of being suppressed. But it was only a moment's work, and after Xie Yu tripped the mask by playing a trick, the battlefield of the two became the ground. The mask slowed down for a while before fixing Xie Yu's arm, and he wanted to get up from under Xie Yu, but he was unexpectedly lifted by Xie Yu's knee on his stomach. "Wait a minute—" said the mask, "do you know what the surface temperature is today?" Although there is a red warning for high temperatures these days, people are doing poached egg experiments on the ground every day. Xie Yu wants to say that you are not so delicate as a big man, right? Just when Xie Yu was in a daze, the mask directly pressed him and turned over, the positions of the two people were instantly reversed, and the mask raised his eyebrows - his eye sockets were deep, the distance between his eyebrows and eyes was narrow, and his eyes were deep. He got closer, put one hand on the side of Xie Yu's neck, and said, "It's warm, you feel it." "I feel your uncle." The two of them didn't make it to the ground a few times. Xie Yu felt that his body suddenly lightened, and when he looked at it again, the mask climbed up from him very quickly, patted the dust on his clothes and pants, and then stretched out his hand to him, pulled him up, and suddenly began to babble nonsense in his mouth: "...... Friend, why are you so careless, you can fall on the ground, be careful when walking, how can I rest assured that you can go to the park alone. Xie Yu really couldn't understand this operation: "Are you stupid?" The mask said, "You're stupid." After speaking, the mask shouted at the other side: "Stop - stop fighting, the strip is coming." Xie Yu only faintly heard the sound of police cars at this time, and then he saw five or six heavily armed policemen on the other side of the road coming down from the cars one by one, pointing to the front across the road and shouting: "Squat!" Hold your head! Don't move! Gather a crowd to fight! It's fat, ah! The two of them were a little far away from the battlefield where the crowd was fighting, and the masks reacted quickly, pulling Xie Yu to stand up before the police got out of the car, and the police did not expect that there would be two fish under the tree that slipped through the net while taking advantage of the cold. The mask was on Xie Yu's shoulder, and the two of them looked like a pair of good brothers visiting the park at half past ten in the morning: "No thanks, my ears are better." In this way, let's string together a confession, what identity do you want? I've already thought about myself, I'm just an innocent person who eats too much breakfast and comes to the park for a walk to digest. Xie Yu said indifferently: "I, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Mask: "......" Xie Yu said again: "Are you afraid of the police when you come out to fight? "It's not that I'm afraid," said the mask with a shrug, indifferent, "but troublesome." Originally, the two of them should have been lucky enough to watch the police press a dozen people away, but people are not as good as heaven. One of the buddies with poor psychological quality collapsed, he looked left and right, did not find his eldest brother, turned his head to see, the eldest brother was standing under the tree, so he panicked, like a chicken looking for a chicken mother, shouted: "- Brother Chao!" ” “……” He Chao really had 10,000 sentences of national scolding in his heart. Xie Yu: "Brother Zhao? You? He Chao said, "I said I wasn't, would you believe it."Xie Yu broke He Chao's hand on his shoulder, and the drama of brotherly love came to an end, and he immediately turned his face and didn't recognize anyone: "You should ask the police if you believe it." Naturally, the police were unbelieving. I'd rather kill by mistake than let it go, in short, catch it back first. The policeman stood in front of the two of them, looking at this and that, and for a while he was not sure which one "Brother Chao" was: "Brother Zhao?" Who is it? He Chao took the initiative to come out and claim his name of walking the rivers and lakes: "I, it's me." The surname is He Mingchao, Zhuo Yue Dynasty. Before Xie Yu could save himself and dissociate himself from them, he heard the person next to him who had just pulled him up from the ground and wanted to make a confession with him to introduce to the police: "Uncle policeman, he is the target of my mutual assault." Xie Yu: "...... "I really thank you. "Take them all together, and catch them all for me!" In the police station. There were too many of them, seventeen or eighteen people lined up to walk in, like a long row on the red carpet, and after walking to the designated place, the people were divided into two rows, squatting down face to face, holding their heads, especially like the kind of criminals shown on TV. Zhou Dalei still felt a little fresh, and pushed Xie Yu with his elbow: "Old Xie, do you think we don't look like drug traffickers now, this treatment - I've only seen it on TV, thinking about it like this, the police comrades in Heishui Town are really kind, at least they will give a stool to sit on." Xie Yu: "Do you still want to sit on a stool?" Just think about it. He Chao squatted opposite Xie Yu, didn't hold back, and laughed. The policeman sitting in the middle of the conference table knocked on the table: "What are you doing, you think you're here for a tea party?" And you, what are you laughing at, why are you still wearing this thing on your face, you know it's a shame, pick it up for me. He Chao cooperatively took off his mask: "No, I'm allergic to ultraviolet rays." "Then you're also quite hard, and you still come out to fight." He Chao said: "No way, for the sake of the tribe." Actually, I'm a peace lover and don't like to fight and kill. Zhou Dalei pushed Xie Yu with his elbow again, and endured it again and again, but he really couldn't hold back: "Fuck, handsome." Xie Yu: "Zhou Dalei, do you think it's appropriate for you to squat in the bureau now and face a male nymphomaniac?" When He Chao heard this, he replied in a good mood: "Brother, you are also quite handsome." Zhou Dalei laughed, thinking that this guy was a little interesting: "Hey, are you mixed-race?" It looks a little foreign. Although the person in front of him was squatting, his momentum did not diminish at all. The hairstyle is neat, most of the forehead is exposed, the bridge of the nose is high, the eyes are narrow and long, and the double eyelids are deep. "I am of mixed blood in eight countries, and my ancestors have been mixed in Europe for three generations, and then developed in Southeast Asia. My dad is Arab, and my mom is French. Seeing that the expression on Zhou Dalei's face became more and more admired, He Chao paused, and said incredulously, "...... Do you believe that? I am Chinese, purebred, not mixed-race. Seeing that the two were about to establish a friendship beyond hatred, the police finally cut to the point and strangled this friendship in the cradle: "Who of you will tell me, what the hell is going on?" Why fight? Zhou Dalei immediately jumped up: "Because they robbed me of something!" My Ziwu, that's my courage and faith! The policeman motioned for him to stop: "Zi five? Still grabbing things? Xie Yu had a headache when he heard this, and he felt a little ashamed of what was going on. Sure enough, I only heard Zhou Dalei say seriously: "It's a treasure knife used by Pangu when he opened the world, with 999+ defense and attack power, with it, I can rule the world and sell it for money." The main thing is to sell for money. "We didn't steal," the other group of people was displeased, and said one after another, "how can this be said to be stealing, the Pangu Divine Sword fell to the ground, and there was no name written on it." The police suspect that they have caught a group of psychopaths. In order to restore the most realistic motive for the fight and understand the ins and outs of the incident more deeply, several police officers downloaded the online game "Genesis". The ins and outs of this are ridiculous. They said it was a brawl, and no one was hurt, and when the police arrived, they had stopped and didn't see any fire. "Who is the Pangu Divine Sword?" Someone raised his hand: "I, here." The police had the sentencing standard in mind: "You log in to your account." "Got on it, in that of my backpack, it's that purple, yes......" Then the police officer took the mouse, and in the right-click properties, clicked Discard. "I want to tell you that in the face of a harmonious society, the Pangu Divine Sword is nothing at all." The police turned around awe-inspiring and said in the face of a group of "criminal teenagers" who wanted to cry without tears, "No matter how precious it is, can it be precious to win the peace of the motherland?" Zhou Dalei: "......!?" Xie Yu: "......" He Chao: "......"

第八章   全服争抢的王者象征“盘古神刀”就这样被丢弃在野猪山山脚下。   周大雷觉得自己的心脏被人刺了一剑,还是整个扎穿的那种,俗称扎心。   一群沉沦游戏的网瘾少年差点扑上去抢警察叔叔的鼠标,但是残存的理智仍然在不断拉扯着他们:不可以,不合适,斗不过,不要找死。千万忍住。   警察又指向电脑屏幕,屏幕里一头野猪正在散发光芒的盘古神刀旁边窜来窜去:“它不过就是一个虚拟道具,我不反对你们青少年玩游戏,但是要玩得适当,要有正确的价值观念。我们继续说回到和谐社会,和谐社会……”   经过长达半个小时的思想教育,他们满脑子都是和谐社会四个大字,在脑海里翻来覆去地转圈圈。   谢俞蹲得累了,趁着没人注意的空当,直接顺势坐到了地上。   周大雷余光捕捉到这个细微的动作:“老谢,你偷懒。”   谢俞拍拍身侧的地面,道:“你也坐。”   “……”周大雷犹豫两秒,怂了,“我不敢,我怕他让我登上我的游戏账号然后把我辛辛苦苦打的其他装备全部给扔了,我弱小的心灵承受不住这样的打击。”   谢俞:“出息。”   等教育得差不多了,警察想验收一下自己的教育成果,他在前面咳两声清了嗓子,然后以一种军训教官的姿态大声厉问:“我问一句大家回答一句,和谐社会是什么?”   没人答得上来。   刚才听了一大堆和谐社会,也没说要划重点准备测试,哪里记得住,能蹲着听完就不错了。   “是,是……是……?”   “是”字被念得此起彼伏、抑扬顿挫、情绪充沛,半天也没人接着说下去。   警察扫了这群人几眼,亲自点人回答:“刚才那个和平主义者呢,你知不知道?”   贺朝听得有点犯困,眼睛眯着,被点了名字这才抬头往前看:“我?”   警察道:“就你,你答。”   贺朝压根都不知道题目是什么,左右看看也没人有提醒他的打算,琢磨了一下,回答道:“我选C。”   “……”   因为贺朝这个回答,所有人的检讨字数从两千字涨到了三千。   写检讨的环境还特别恶劣,不给桌子,就地解决。谢俞将纸垫在膝盖上,力道稍微重一点,笔头就在纸上扎出一个洞来。   写几行扎一个,谢俞写到第二页的时候终于不耐烦地皱起眉:“操。”   “别躁,朋友,心态放平。”贺朝在谢俞对面,写检讨的姿势也特清奇,笔下的字迹狂得几乎都要飞起来,嘴里却风轻云淡地说,“人生就是这样,往往有许多你想象不到的难题,但是我们可以克……操!克服个鸡巴,这纸这么脆弱的吗,没扯它就裂了。”   谢俞抬眼,看到贺朝用手压着的那张A4纸裂开大半,上面爬满的内容看得让人怀疑自己是不是学过汉语,看那架势,他这是恨不得一行字都用连笔连在一起。   贺朝重新抽出一张纸垫在地上,旁边一位小兄弟显然也被他这一手“好字”所折服,脑袋凑过来盯着看了大半天,然后那位小兄弟啧啧称奇:“我说你怎么写得那么快,这都是什么玩意儿?”   贺朝说:“是不是帅翻了。”   谢俞:“你有这份自信真是难得。”   周大雷写得无聊,也凑过来聊天:“哎,这位帅翻了兄弟,听说你是他们老大?”   贺朝停下来,抬起头,他领口开得大,脖子里有道红绳,顺着动势牵着一块玉一道划了出来,玉坠造型简单,就是圆形的平安扣形状:“老大?算不上吧,网吧里认识的,偶尔一块儿打游戏。”   现在紫武也扔了,大家算是不打不相识,又坐在这里共患难,称得上有缘分,但周大雷还是忍不住问:“抢紫武你也有份?”   “我没那么闲,吃饱了撑的,不眠不休在隐藏BOSS复活点守三天,”贺朝又说,“不过哥们,实在对不住,这主意确实是我出的,当时就是开玩笑,我也没想到他们真的这么执着。”   听那帮人说想要盘古神刀又打不过隐藏BOSS,他就随口一说:去抢啊。   没想到还真的给他们提供了新思路。   周大雷不是很明白:“——那打架之前你还出来挑衅。”   贺朝说:“你们既然要打架,那就好好打,是不是,你们这个气氛首先就不太对。我就出来调节一下,朋友,我真的没有别的意思。”   周大雷:“……”这话听着怎么就那么奇怪呢。   谢俞:“那还真是谢谢你了。”   贺朝:“不客气。”   检讨交上去的时候差不多已经傍晚了,因为有个人写得特别慢,这些检讨还非得全部交齐才能走人,所以先写完的就在边上等着。   “区区三千字就能把你击倒,还是不是男人,”贺朝一开始还试图去指点他,后来也承认这人孺子不可教也,“写检讨还不会,我错了,我深刻地认识到了错误,我保证下次不会再犯,然后展望一下你的未来——写,我说你写。”   谢俞冷眼站在旁边看着,别人写完三千字的功夫,这人才写了个开头。他没贺朝那么多话,只说了一句就让那人差点哭出来:“你告诉我,你真的念完九年制义务教育了吗。”   “……”   “都齐了?”之前那名警察又接到电话,出去处理了点事情,他捏着那叠厚厚的检讨书,随意翻看了一下,说,“行吧,那就这样。念在你们是初犯,组织上决定给你们一个改过自新的机会,这种事情希望以后不要再发生了,不管是不是未成年,你们都要为自己的行为负起责任。”   众人七嘴八舌道:“是是是,谢谢警察叔叔。”   “下次不会了。”   “一定时刻牢记和谐社会四个核心要素八大基本点。”   “这样,你们按照来的时候那样,站成两排。”警察说。   周大雷琢磨着,这是要大家一起整整齐齐地出去?果然是一个讲究秩序的地方。   谢俞和贺朝按照原来的站位,面对面站着——这人不知道什么时候又把口罩给戴上了,只露出两只眼睛在外面。   所有人站好之后,警察扔下一枚重磅消息,将他们炸的体无完肤:“我们警局奉行爱的教育,本着爱的原则,对你们这些打架斗殴的孩子采取一些针对性的手段。比如互相握手、拥抱、说一句我爱你我的朋友,让你们体真正体会到和谐社会这四个字的含义。孩子们,世界是美好的,世界充满爱。”   谢俞:“……”   贺朝:“……”   周大雷:“……? !”这片辖区的警察太变态了吧?   傍晚七点。   谢俞坐在兰州拉面面馆里,一边看手机一边等周大雷吃第二份拉面。   “我真的,我再也不敢在这片辖区打架了,”周大雷用筷子剥开葱蒜,捞起面条往嘴里塞,口齿不清道,“忒他妈口怕了。”   谢俞放下手机:“你吃完再说。”   周大雷囫囵吞枣咽下去,也不怕烫:“我雷仔行走江湖十六年,第一次遇到这样的——我爱你我的朋友?能不能给江湖少年一条活路了。”   这位吃面条的江湖少年越说越觉得苦不堪言,说到最后,所有情绪浓缩成为一句话:“我谁都不服,我就服刚才在局子里那位没有脸皮的兄弟,他怎么可以那么熟练?”   听到某位没有脸皮,谢俞脸色有点泛青。   所有人里,贺朝是最没有心理负担、也是动作最快的一位。   他相当自然地抓着谢俞的手,真心实意地揽着对方的肩膀一把抱住,将“我爱你我的朋友”这七个字念得饱满而富有情感,看起来像一对失散多年的亲兄弟。   天已经黑了,傍晚突然刮起风,给燥热的天降下一些温度。   “其实吧,今天那件紫武,我真的不是在意一件游戏装备。”周大雷声音突然低下去,他放下筷子,说,“你也知道的,我学习又不行,那课本我真是看了一个头两个大都是什么鸡毛玩意。我爸妈那个烧烤摊子看着不算什么活、真做起来挺累人的,可是我又能干什么,我只会打游戏,我打游戏也还行吧,卖卖游戏装备……谢老板,你觉得,我有没有可能能当一名职业电竞选手?”   谢俞没说话,静静地听着。   “算了,我就随便说说。打游戏再厉害,这能算什么工作啊。”周大雷从边上抽了张纸巾,擦擦嘴,然后起身,“走吧,不早了,赶紧回去,你这回出来跟你妈说过没有,她又该着急了。”   周大雷平时是个挺没心没肺的人,不认识的看他,那就是个典型的不学无术的混子。   中专的时候追到了喜欢的姑娘,那姑娘当时正好也在中二期,觉得找个社会朋友真是牛逼坏了,等中二期一过,就嫌他这不行那不行,简直low穿地心,说自己当初真是瞎了眼。   可谢俞认识的周大雷不是这样的。   “雷子。”   “嗯?”   “你喜欢打游戏吗。”   “喜欢啊。”   “你觉得自己实力怎么样?”   周大雷只当谢俞在跟他瞎鸡儿聊天,随口说:“贼牛批好吗。”   结果周大雷走出去好远,发现谢俞没跟上来。   他回头,正要喊“你干啥呢走不走了,赶公交啊”,就听这位好兄弟站在十米开外对他说:“我觉得你行。”   周大雷怔住了。   谢俞笑着说:“你贼牛批。 ”
Chapter 8 The "Pangu Divine Knife", the symbol of the king of the full server competition, was abandoned at the foot of Wild Boar Mountain. Zhou Dalei felt that his heart had been stabbed with a sword, or the kind that pierced the whole heart, commonly known as piercing the heart. A group of Internet addicted teenagers who are immersed in games almost pounced on the mouse of the police uncle, but the remaining reason is still pulling them: no, not suitable, can't fight, don't look for death. Hold back. The policeman pointed to the computer screen again, and a wild boar was scurrying around next to the glowing Pangu Divine Knife: "It's just a virtual prop, I don't object to you teenagers playing games, but you must play it properly and have the right values." We continue to say that we return to a harmonious society, a harmonious society......" After half an hour of ideological education, their minds were full of the four big words of harmonious society, and they turned around in circles in their minds. Xie Yu was tired of squatting, and took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, and sat directly on the ground. Zhou Dalei caught this subtle action: "Lao Xie, you are lazy." Xie Yu patted the ground on his side and said, "You also sit." "......" Zhou Dalei hesitated for two seconds and coaxed, "I don't dare, I'm afraid that he will let me log on to my game account and throw away all the other equipment I worked so hard for, my weak heart can't bear such a blow." Xie Yu: "Out of breath." When the education was almost over, the policeman wanted to check the results of his education, he coughed twice in front of him and cleared his throat, and then asked loudly in the posture of a military training instructor: "Let me ask a question, everyone answers, what is a harmonious society?" No one could answer. I just listened to a lot of harmonious society, and I didn't say that I should focus on preparing for the test, where to remember, it's good to be able to squat and listen. "Yes, yes...... Be......? The word "yes" was pronounced one after another, in a subdued tone, full of emotion, and no one continued for a long time. The policeman glanced at the group of people a few times and replied in person: "Do you know what about the pacifist just now?" He Chao was a little sleepy when he heard this, his eyes narrowed, and he looked up at him after being named: "Me? The policeman said, "It's you, you answer." He Chao didn't know what the topic was at all, and no one had any intention of reminding him when he looked left and right, so he pondered for a while and replied, "I'll choose C." ” “……” Because of He Chao's answer, the number of words in everyone's review rose from 2,000 words to 3,000. The environment for writing reviews is also particularly bad, and it is not given to the table, and it is solved on the spot. Xie Yu put the paper on his knees, and with a little heavier force, the tip of the pen pierced a hole in the paper. Writing a few lines and prick one, Xie Yu finally frowned impatiently when he reached the second page: "." "Don't be impatient, friend, be at ease." He Chao was opposite Xie Yu, and his posture of writing a review was also very clear, and the handwriting in his pen was so crazy that he was almost flying, but his mouth said lightly, "Life is like this, there are often many problems that you can't imagine, but we can overcome them...... Exercise! Overcome a dick, is this paper so fragile, it cracks without pulling it. Xie Yu raised his eyes and saw that the A4 paper that He Chao was pressing with his hand was mostly torn, and the content crawling on it made people wonder if he had learned Chinese. He Chao took out a piece of paper and put it on the ground, and a little brother next to him was obviously impressed by his "good words", and his head came over and stared at it for a long time, and then the little brother was amazed: "I said how can you write so fast, what is this?" He Chao said: "Isn't it handsome?" Xie Yu: "It's rare for you to have this kind of self-confidence. Zhou Dalei was bored in writing, and also came over to chat: "Hey, this handsome brother turned over, I heard that you are their boss?" He Chao stopped, raised his head, his neckline was wide open, there was a red rope around his neck, and he took a piece of jade along the momentum and drew it out, the jade pendant was simple in shape, it was in the shape of a round peace buckle: "Boss? It's not really, I met in an Internet café, and occasionally played games together. Now that Ziwu has also been thrown away, everyone is considered to be unfamiliar with each other, and they are sitting here to share hardships, which can be called fate, but Zhou Dalei still couldn't help asking: "You also have a share in robbing Ziwu?" "I'm not so idle, I'm full, and I've been staying awake for three days at the hidden boss resurrection point," He Chao said again, "But buddy, I'm really sorry, this idea was really mine, it was just a joke at the time, and I didn't expect them to be so persistent." Hearing that the gang said that they wanted the Pangu Divine Sword and couldn't beat the hidden boss, he casually said: Go and grab it. I didn't expect it to really provide them with new ideas. Zhou Dalei didn't understand very well: "-Then you came out to provoke before the fight." He Chao said: "Since you want to fight, then fight well, isn't it, your atmosphere is not quite right in the first place." I'll just come out and adjust it, friend, I really don't mean anything else. Zhou Dalei: "......" sounds so strange. Xie Yu: "Thank you so much." He Chao: "You're welcome." It was almost late afternoon when the review was handed in, and because one person was writing very slowly, he had to submit all the reviews before he could leave, so he waited on the side to finish the first one. "Just three thousand words can knock you down, or it's not a man," He Chao tried to guide him at first, and later admitted that this person and children are unteachable, "I can't write a review, I was wrong, I deeply realized the mistake, I promise not to do it again next time, and then look forward to your future - write, I say you write." Xie Yu stood by with cold eyes and watched, and after someone else had written three thousand words, this person had written a beginning.He didn't say as many words as He Chao, and he almost cried after saying just one sentence: "Tell me, have you really finished the nine-year compulsory education?" ” “……” "It's all together?" The policeman got another call and went out to deal with something, he pinched the thick stack of review books, looked through them casually, and said, "Okay, that's it." Nian is a first-time offender, and the organization has decided to give you a chance to mend your ways, and I hope that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future, whether you are a minor or not, you will all be responsible for your actions. Everyone said, "Yes, yes, thank you, Uncle Police." "Not next time." "We must always keep in mind the four core elements and eight basic points of a harmonious society." "Then stand in two rows, as you came." Said the policeman. Zhou Dalei pondered, is this to everyone go out neatly together? Sure enough, it's a place of order. Xie Yu and He Chao stood facing each other according to their original position—this person didn't know when he put on his mask again, and only his two eyes were exposed. After everyone stood up, the police threw down a bombshell message and blew them to the ground: "Our police department pursues the education of love, and in line with the principle of love, we will take some targeted measures against you children who are fighting and fighting. For example, shaking hands with each other, hugging, and saying I love you and my friend, so that you can truly experience the meaning of the four words of harmonious society. Children, the world is beautiful and the world is full of love. Xie Yu: "......" He Chao: "......" Zhou Dalei: "......? ! "The police in this precinct are too perverted, aren't they? Seven o'clock in the evening. Xie Yu sat in a Lanzhou ramen noodle restaurant, looking at his phone while waiting for Zhou Dalei to eat the second ramen. "I really, I don't dare to fight in this jurisdiction anymore," Zhou Dalei peeled off the onions and garlic with chopsticks, scooped up the noodles and stuffed them into his mouth, and slurred his words, "I'm scared." Xie Yu put down his phone: "You will talk about it after eating." Zhou Da Lei swallowed the dates, and he was not afraid of the heat: "I have been walking the rivers and lakes for 16 years, and it is the first time I have encountered such a - I love you and my friend?" Can you give the young people in the rivers and lakes a way to live? The more the noodle-eating young man said, the more miserable he felt, and in the end, all his emotions were condensed into one sentence: "I don't accept anyone, I just serve the shameless brother in the bureau just now, how can he be so skilled?" Hearing that someone had no face, Xie Yu's face turned a little blue. Among all of them, He Chao is the one with the least psychological burden and the fastest action. He grabbed Xie Yu's hand quite naturally, hugged the other party's shoulder sincerely, and read the seven words "I love you and my friend" with full emotion, looking like a pair of long-lost brothers. It was already dark, and the wind suddenly blew in the evening, bringing some temperature down the hot day. "Actually, today's Ziwu, I really don't care about a game equipment." Zhou Dalei's voice suddenly lowered, he put down his chopsticks, and said, "You know, I can't study, I really read the first two big feathers in that textbook." My parents' barbecue stall doesn't look like much work, it's really tiring to do, but what can I do, I can only play games, and I'm okay to play games, sell game equipment...... Boss Xie, do you think it is possible for me to be a professional esports player? Xie Yu didn't speak, but listened quietly. "Forget it, I'll just talk about it. No matter how good you are at playing games, what kind of work can this be? Zhou Dalei took out a tissue from the side, wiped his mouth, and then got up, "Let's go, it's not early, hurry back, you came out this time and told your mother that she should be in a hurry again." Zhou Dalei is usually a very heartless person, and if you don't know him, he is a typical bastard who doesn't learn and doesn't know how to do it. When I caught up with the girl I liked, the girl happened to be in the second phase of secondary school, and I felt that it was really awesome to find a social friend, and when the second phase of secondary school passed, I thought he couldn't do that or not, and he was simply low through the center of the earth, saying that he was really blind at the beginning. But Zhou Dalei whom Xie Yu knew was not like this. "Reizi." "Huh?" "Do you like to play games?" "I like it." "How do you think you're strong?" Zhou Dalei only thought that Xie Yu was chatting with him blindly, and said casually: "Is it okay to steal the cow." As a result, Zhou Dalei walked far away and found that Xie Yu did not follow. He turned around and was about to shout, "What are you doing, you can't go, catch the bus," when the good brother stood ten meters away and said to him, "I think you can do it." Zhou Dalei was stunned. Xie Yu smiled and said, "You thief cows." ”

第九章   谢俞回去的时候,大厅的灯还亮着,阿芳从他进门起就一直跟在他身后,谢俞走到半途停下脚步:“想说什么就说。”   阿芳不动声色地看一眼大厅,然后小声道:“太太一下午情绪都很不好,晚饭也没怎么吃,这回是真气着了,二少,你等会儿进去千万别跟太太顶嘴。”   顾雪岚在大厅里看电视,虽然表面上看起来一切照旧,但谢俞光看着她的后脑勺就知道今天晚上这关怕是不太好过。   电视里正放着狗血家庭伦理剧,蹩脚的演技、毁三观的剧情,男主角狰狞着五官表示自己的痛苦:“我爱你,可我也爱她……我实在是不知道该怎么办才好,你和她,都是我生命里重要的女人。”   谢俞走过去:“妈。”   顾雪岚没说话。   回应他的只有男主角越说越神奇的台词。   “对不起,”谢俞忍受脑残电视剧的摧残,主动低头承认错误,“今天上午,我不应该一声不吭就走。”   “不该一声不吭地走,”顾雪岚抬手关了电视,然后将遥控器拍在玻璃茶几上,发出“砰”地声响,“怎么,还打算大摇大摆走出去不成?谢俞,我告没告诉过你,这个假期我希望你好好呆在家里,一些乱七八糟的地方就不要去了,你现在最重要的任务就是学习。”   “妈,我觉得我有权利选择怎么度过我的假期。”   顾雪岚声音略显尖锐:“——你有什么权利?等你自己独立的时候再来跟我谈权利,我养你不是为了让你整天无所事事、混吃等死,整天就知道往外跑,你有没有想过自己以后该怎么办?你现在还小,你想不到的,妈帮你想,你自制力不够、做不到的妈辛辛苦苦监督着你去做,到头来还是我错了?”   谢俞沉默。   顾雪岚缓了口气,坐下来,抖着手去拿茶几上的水杯,然后说:“你可能现在会怪妈妈,但是你以后会明白的,妈这么做都是为了你。”   “我知道,”谢俞说,“我自己心里有数,等高考您看我是考个清华还是北大。”   “就知道用这句话来堵我,你有什么数,你要是真有数,你这成绩就不会像今天这样。还清华北大,你做梦呢。”顾雪岚胸口闷得发疼。   她自从早上万分尴尬地送走黄老师之后,情绪波动一直很大,现在谢俞还在她面前不卑不亢地,丝毫不觉得自己犯了什么错,她所有情绪一下子冲上来:“你到底是跟谁学成了这幅样子?周大雷?许艳梅?——你也想跟黑水街那些人一样是不是?!”   “……”   谢俞本来是想低头认错,好脾气哄着顾女士,让她消气。毕竟今天这事确实是他做得不对,非要他在假期里配合家教补课,那就补吧。   但是听到最后一句,他突然抬起头,说话缓慢,眼神却冷得扎人:“那些人,他们是哪些人?”   顾雪岚说完那番话,自己也觉得失言。   可她正在气头上,又没有台阶下。   两人沉默地对峙着。   “饭菜在厨房,饿的话自己去吃。”顾雪岚态度软下来,一种无力感深深地席卷了她。   谢俞性格硬,很多时候她都不知道究竟该用什么样的方式去教育他。   她一个人把孩子拉扯大,谢俞成长过程里缺少的那份属于父亲的位置,她没有办法、也无力帮他填满。   从来没有人教过她,该去如何教导一个正处于青春期、逆反心理重的孩子,这个孩子不再是小时候窝在她怀里依赖她的软绵绵的一小只了,也不再会吵着要她陪着出去玩,走在路上,不再走路颠颠的、走到一半发现妈妈没有跟上来,停下来回头找她。   他现在有了自己的步伐,似乎将她甩在身后。两人之间话也变得少了,她不知道他到底在想些什么,少年越来越闪烁的眼睛里,渐渐形成一个她看不懂的世界。   顾雪岚上楼之后,谢俞去厨房倒水,看到边上用碗扣着、整整齐齐在搁在那儿的,一盘西红柿炒鸡蛋,鸡蛋被炒成金黄色,上头洒了一层细碎的葱花。   顾女士亲手做的。   他都不需要吃,一眼就能看出来。   谢俞突然觉得自己今天这事确实干得挺混蛋。   夜渐渐深了,偌大的房子再度冷清下来。   谢俞洗过澡,想起来他手机还开着飞行模式,将飞行模式关闭之后,十几条短信一窝蜂涌进来,叮咚叮咚个没完。   梅姨的最多,问他在哪里,别犯脾气,赶紧回家,你妈很担心。   雷妈也发过来两条,最后是雷子的,问他到家了没有。   谢俞回:到了。   雷子:到了就好,我一到家我妈就抓着我问知不知道你去哪了,我去那架势,整得跟失踪人口似的,可紧张了,吓我一跳。   顾女士虽然话说得凶,一副你怎么讲我也不听的样子,家教的事情倒也没有坚持下去,就那样作罢了。   跟这件事情压根没有关系的钟杰反而像只斗胜了的公鸡,心情美妙得不行,还时不时地拿这个出来说事。   谢俞学“乖”了,全程冷漠又不失礼貌:“嗯,是,你牛,你牛逼,你说得对,高兴吗?开不开心?”   钟杰:“……”怎么听着更让人来气。   不用应付家教,谢俞的假期时间宽裕很多。   题王争霸的赛季制度以假期为主,开学截止,也就是说,寒暑假就是赛季开始和结束的标准。这个暑假是该冷门游戏第一次试运营,最终诞生题王的将会是尊贵的初代题王。   “我爱学习”:X学霸今天没有上线?是不是生病了?   “为了更好的明天”:为什么是生病……不能往好的地方想想吗,人家也是要生活的啊。   “我爱学习”:因为我眼里的X学霸,只要还有一口气,就不会放弃学习,他是多么刻苦,集天赋和努力于一身,不骄不躁,凌晨五点都不睡觉。他就是我学习的榜样。   “死亡都无法阻挡学习脚步的X学霸”正在陪两位老阿姨网上冲浪。   谢俞:“一个圈。”   许艳梅:“三带一。”   雷妈:“不要。”   谢俞又出牌:“炸弹。”   黑水街社会一姐许艳梅同志最近沉迷手机斗地主,整天在群里找人陪她一起打牌 。   雷妈看了眼自己一手烂牌:“不打了不打了,反正也打不赢,我得做饭去了。”   许艳梅:“你怎么老这样,打不赢就跑?”   雷妈坦坦荡荡:“真得做饭,不然让我家大雷吃屎啊。”   “……”   谢俞说:“我也撤了,你跟我玩,你怎么玩都是输,多没劲。”   谢俞手气是出了名的好,周大雷总用“谢老板”这三个字称呼他。   以前过年的时候大家凑在一起打牌,谢俞总被所有人坚决抵制,都不想跟他一桌切磋,于是谢俞活像个晚年没有子女照顾的凄惨老人,一个人坐在边上,看看电视喝喝热水。   开始周大雷还会挺挺自己兄弟,强行拉他上桌:“没你们想得那么神,真的,他牌技也就一般般,都是狗屎运。不信咱走着瞧,今天他绝对菜得抠脚。”   结果谢俞完全辜负他给的信任,不止把能卷的钱都赢走,还赢到手四张欠条。   谢俞再次登上题王争霸,是突然想起来这周末有一个限时双倍经验活动。   [/题王制作组]:今晚题霸狂欢,大家准备好了吗!不仅有新题型上架,丰富完善各学科内容,难度更上一层楼,我们还推出了全新的观战模式,可以近距离观看学霸们刷题以及一对一PK哦!赛制公开透明,凭实力说话,让作弊、开挂,无处藏身!   观战模式一出,引起全服热议。   “我爱学习”:太好了,这样一来,我就可以看看自己跟别人的差距到底在哪里,别人的解题思路,或许能够帮助我开拓出新思维,同样一道题,从不同切入点去看,学习一定能够事半功倍!   “报效祖国”:赞美制作组,观战模式真的太惊喜,一直都很想看看排行榜大神做题。   “学习学习学习我的生命里只有”:这个暑假因为你们,我才过得那么充实,每当我打开这个APP我就知道有做不完的题目在等着我,就觉得格外幸福。做到了很多平时接触不到的难题,不断地挑战自己,保持对学习的热爱。   谢俞依旧两耳不闻窗外事,直接进去刷题,没有注意到右上角多了一行灰色的小字,那行小字还在不停跳动变换。   当前观战人数:82。   “我爱学习”:X学霸这个刷题的速度有点恐怖……   “为了更好的明天”:X神好吗,神仙答题。难怪冲排行榜冲得那么猛,我题都还没有审完,他已经解一半了,666。   “学习学习我的生命里只有”:刚刚那道立体几何有人看懂了吗,他上来直接画了五条辅助线?原来是这样的吗?   “力争上游”:辅助线骚的,这波操作很可以,一次性解决一二小问。   “为了更好的明天”:同学们,666刷起来。   谢俞不知道有近一百个神经病看他刷题。   他只知道,凌晨三点半,他总算把不要逼脸从排行榜第一挤了下去。   No1:jsdhwdmaX。
Chapter 9 When Xie Yu went back, the lights in the hall were still on, and Ah Fang had been following him since he entered the door, and Xie Yu stopped halfway through: "Say whatever you want." Ah Fang glanced at the hall quietly, and then whispered: "Mrs. was in a bad mood all afternoon, and she didn't eat much dinner, this time she was really angry, Er Shao, don't talk back to Mrs. when you go in later." Gu Xuelan was watching TV in the hall, although it seemed that everything was business as usual on the surface, Xie Yuguang looked at the back of her head and knew that it would not be easy tonight. There is a bloody family ethics drama on TV, with lame acting skills and ruining plots, and the male protagonist expresses his pain with hideous facial features: "I love you, but I also love her...... I really don't know what to do, you and she are important women in my life. Xie Yu walked over: "Mom." Gu Xuelan didn't speak. The only thing that responded to him was the more magical lines the more the actor spoke. "I'm sorry," Xie Yu endured the devastation of the brain-dead TV series, and took the initiative to bow his head and admit his mistake, "This morning, I shouldn't have left without saying a word." "You shouldn't have left without saying a word," Gu Xuelan raised her hand to turn off the TV, and then slapped the remote control on the glass coffee table, making a "bang" sound, "What, are you still planning to swagger out and go out?" Xie Yu, I didn't tell you, I hope you stay at home this holiday, don't go to some messy places, your most important task now is to study. "Mom, I feel like I have the right to choose how I spend my vacation." Gu Xuelan's voice was slightly sharp: "-What rights do you have?" Wait until you are independent and then come and talk to me about the rights, I didn't raise you to let you do nothing all day long, eat and wait for death, you know to run out all day long, have you ever thought about what you should do in the future? You're still young, you can't think of it, mom help you think, your self-control is not enough, and your mom who can't do it is working hard to supervise you to do it, or am I wrong in the end? Xie Yu was silent. Gu Xuelan breathed a sigh of relief, sat down, shook her hand to take the water cup on the coffee table, and then said, "You may blame your mother now, but you will understand in the future, your mother did this for you." "I know," Xie Yu said, "I know in my own heart, and when you take the college entrance examination, you will see if I will be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University." "I know that if you use this sentence to block me, what number do you have, if you really have a number, your results will not be like today. Also Tsinghua University and Peking University, you are dreaming. Gu Xuelan's chest was tight. Since she was very embarrassed to send Teacher Huang away in the morning, her mood swings have been very great, and now Xie Yu is still in front of her, neither humble nor arrogant, and she doesn't feel that she has made any mistakes, all her emotions rush up at once: "Who did you learn from like this?" Zhou Dalei? Xu Yanmei? - You want to be like those people in Blackwater, don't you?! ” “……” Xie Yu originally wanted to bow his head and admit his mistake, so he coaxed Ms. Gu with a good temper and made her angry. After all, he did not do it right today, and if he has to cooperate with the tutor to make up for the class during the holidays, then make up for it. But when he heard the last sentence, he suddenly raised his head, spoke slowly, but his eyes were cold: "Those people, who are they?" After Gu Xuelan said that, she also felt speechless. But she was angry, and there were no steps down. The two faced each other in silence. "Meals are in the kitchen, if you're hungry, eat them yourself." Gu Xuelan's attitude softened, and a sense of powerlessness swept her deeply. Xie Yu has a hard personality, and many times she doesn't know what kind of way to educate him. She raised the child alone, and Xie Yu lacked the position that belonged to his father in the process of growing up, and she had no way or power to help him fill it. No one has ever taught her how to teach a child who is in adolescence and has a rebellious mentality, this child is no longer a small child who nestled in her arms and depended on her when she was a child, and will no longer clamo for her to go out to play with her, walk on the road, no longer walk bumpy, halfway through and find that her mother has not followed, stop and look back for her. He now had a step of his own, and seemed to leave her behind. There was less talk between the two, she didn't know what he was thinking, and the young man's eyes flickered more and more, gradually forming a world that she couldn't understand. After Gu Xuelan went upstairs, Xie Yu went to the kitchen to pour water, and saw a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes on the side, which was neatly rested there with a bowl, and the eggs were scrambled to golden brown, and a layer of finely chopped green onions was sprinkled on top. Ms. Gu made it herself. He didn't even need to eat, he could see it at a glance. Xie Yu suddenly felt that he had really done a jerk today. As the night wore on, the great house was deserted again. Xie Yu took a shower and remembered that his mobile phone was still in airplane mode, and after turning off airplane mode, more than a dozen text messages rushed in, and they were endless. Aunt Mei is the most, ask him where he is, don't lose your temper, hurry home, your mother is very worried. Lei's mother also sent two, and the last one was Leizi, asking him if he was home. Xie Yuhui: It's here. Lei Zi: It's good to arrive, as soon as I got home, my mother grabbed me and asked me if I knew where you went. Although Ms. Gu said fiercely, she looked like she didn't listen to what you said, and she didn't stick to the tutoring thing, so she just did it. Zhong Jie, who has nothing to do with this matter at all, is like a rooster who has won, he is in a wonderful mood, and he still talks about this from time to time. Xie Yu learned to be "well-behaved", and he was indifferent and polite throughout the whole process: "Well, yes, you are good, you are awesome, you are right, are you happy?" Unhappy?Zhong Jie: "......" sounds even more infuriating. There is no need to deal with tutors, Xie Yu's vacation time is much more generous. The season system of the title king competition is mainly based on the holidays, and the end of the school year, that is, the winter and summer vacations are the standards for the beginning and end of the season. This summer vacation is the first trial operation of this unpopular game, and the final birth of the title king will be the honorable first generation of the title king. "I love to learn": X Xueba is not online today? Are you sick? "For a Better Tomorrow": Why Sick...... Can't you think about a better place, people also want to live. "I love to learn": because of the X student in my eyes, as long as there is still a breath, he will not give up studying, how hard he is, a combination of talent and hard work, not arrogant or impatient, and does not sleep at five o'clock in the morning. He is an example for me to follow. "Death can't stop the pace of learning" is accompanying the two old aunts to surf the Internet. Xie Yu: "A circle." Xu Yanmei: "Three with one." Lei's mother: "Don't." Xie Yu played his card again: "Bomb." Comrade Xu Yanmei, the first sister of Heishui Street Society, has recently been addicted to fighting landlords with her mobile phone, and she is looking for someone to play cards with her in the group all day long. Lei Ma glanced at her bad hand: "If you don't play, you won't play, you can't win anyway, I have to cook." Xu Yanmei: "Why are you always like this, if you can't win, you will run?" Lei's mother was frank: "I really have to cook, otherwise I will let my big thunder eat." ” “……” Xie Yu said: "I also withdrew, you play with me, no matter how you play, you will lose, how boring." Xie Yu is notoriously lucky, and Zhou Dalei always calls him "Boss Xie". In the past, when everyone got together to play cards during the Chinese New Year, Xie Yu was always resolutely resisted by everyone, and they didn't want to compete with him at the same table, so Xie Yu lived like a miserable old man who had no children to take care of him in his later years, sitting alone on the side, watching TV and drinking hot water. At first, Zhou Dalei would support his brother and forcibly pull him to the table: "It's not as godly as you think, really, his card skills are average, it's all shit luck." If you don't believe it, let's see, he's definitely going to pick his feet today. As a result, Xie Yu completely lived up to the trust he gave, not only won all the money he could roll, but also won four IOUs. Xie Yu once again ascended the title king competition, because he suddenly remembered that there was a limited-time double experience event this weekend. [/Title King Production Team]: Tonight's topic boss carnival, are you ready! Not only are new question types on the shelves, enriching and improving the content of various disciplines, and the difficulty is even higher, but we have also launched a new viewing mode, where you can watch the top students brush up questions and one-on-one PK up close! The competition system is open and transparent, speak with strength, let cheating, hanging, and have nowhere to hide! As soon as the spectator mode came out, it caused heated discussions across the server. "I love to learn": great, in this way, I can see where the gap between myself and others is, and other people's problem-solving ideas may help me develop new thinking. "Serving the motherland": Praise the production team, the spectator mode is really surprising, and I have always wanted to see the leader of the leaderboard to do the question. "Study, learn, learn, learn my life": This summer vacation is because of you, I have lived so full, every time I open this APP, I know that there are endless questions waiting for me, and I feel extremely happy. I have done a lot of problems that I can't usually touch, and I constantly challenge myself to maintain my love for learning. Xie Yu still didn't listen to what was going on outside the window, and went in directly to brush the question, not noticing that there was an extra line of gray small characters in the upper right corner, and that line of small words was still beating and changing. Current number of spectators: 82. "I love to learn": The speed of X's swiping questions is a bit terrifying...... "For a better tomorrow": How is God X, the fairy answers. No wonder he rushed so hard to the rankings, I haven't finished the question yet, he has already solved half of it, 666. "Learning to learn is only in my life": Did someone understand the three-dimensional geometry just now, and he came up and drew five auxiliary lines directly? Is that the case? "Strive for the top": Auxiliary line, this wave of operations is very good, and one or two small questions can be solved at one time. "For a better tomorrow": Students, 666 brush up. Xie Yu didn't know that there were nearly a hundred neuropaths who watched him brush up on the questions. He only knew that at half past three in the morning, he finally squeezed his face out of the top of the rankings. No1:jsdhwdmaX。

第十章   谢俞睡觉之前,心情十分不错地发了一条朋友圈:结束了[/微笑]。   又让周大雷浮想联翩。   周大雷结合这位兄弟这一个多礼拜以来所有的朋友圈内容,早已经在心里脑补出一段旷世凄凉、难分难舍、我爱你你爱他、你终究不属于我、得不到你我就要将你毁掉的早恋故事。   剧情辗转,高潮迭起,神秘又刺激。   周大雷小心翼翼地评论送关怀:……过去的就让他过去。   谢俞不太理解他这种莫名其妙、兄弟你我心知肚明的架势到底是从哪里来的:你知道什么?   周大雷回复:我懂啊……我懂的,你别难过。   ……   谢俞后来不止一次问过自己,如果当时知道这游戏破事那么多,并且会遇到一个穷追不舍的神经病竞争对手,他还会不会点开这个游戏。   ——他应该不会。   不会。   死都不会去玩的。   谢俞将“题王”顶下去的那天晚上,全服欢庆。   就像跟恶势力作斗争的穷苦人民终于得到了解放,恨不得站出来高歌几曲,做题时的思路都顺畅了不少。   “学习学习我的生命里只有”:七月二十五日,我会永远记住这一天,解放区的天是蓝蓝的天。   “我爱背单词”:一个题王倒下了,千千万万的人民看到了希望。   “年级前十”:睡觉去了,美滋滋,明天起来我要多刷十套试卷表达我内心的欣喜。   这帮人没能高兴多久,“年级前十”十套试卷都还没有做完,次日夜里,失踪人口不要碧莲突然上线。这位兄弟一直刷题刷到天亮,不眠不休坚持不懈地将第一名的位置重新夺了回来。   解放区天不再是蓝蓝的天。   谢俞再上线的时候,看到交流区一片哀嚎,骂街,还有呼叫X神迎战的,戾气重得不行。   “英语课代表”:你们昨天去观战了?   “为了更好的明天”:……是的,不要碧莲解题解到一半,发现我们观战,在答题区域写‘别看了,你们又看不懂’。   “为了更好的明天”:他还开小号专门看我们的交流区,羞辱我们。   谢俞:“……”   虽然大家对X神的呼声很高,但是谢俞陪着题王来了几个回合,两个人今天你第一明天我第一,为了守榜几个晚上没合眼,困到不行,再玩下去怕是要送命。   他正在想要不就这样算了,下线睡觉,再争下去也没意思,却控制不住自己的双手,一道题答完,习惯性点了下一题,点着点着,弹出来系统提示框。   【题王请求添加您为好友,是否同意。】   谢俞拒绝了三四次,但是看那架势,他要是不点同意估计他这题没法继续做下去。   题王:你困不困。   jsdhwdmaX:?   题王:商量一下,休战,我得去睡了。   两人达成共识,谢俞打算下线,但是等他洗完澡上床,却无意间发现好友“题王”的在线状态后边还紧跟着一行小字【刷题中】。   “……”   谢俞感觉自己可能是被人阴了。   转眼假期时间过去大半,越临近开学,顾雪岚女士比谢俞本人还要着急,仿佛要去上学的那个人是她一样:“作业都做完了吗?”   “嗯。”   “高二是不是要分班?”   “嗯。”   顾雪岚往谢俞碗里夹了块炒蛋,打算采取怀柔政策:“也不知道能分进哪个班,这学期你收敛一些,遇到事情不要冲动,以前那些事情我不跟你计较,就从这学期开始,好好表现。”   “……嗯。”   不管她说什么谢俞都是“嗯”,顾雪岚也知道,保准嗯完了该怎么样还怎么样,她放下碗筷,不说话了,坐在谢俞对面安安静静地看着他吃。   谢俞夹了筷鱼肉,仔仔细细剃干净鱼刺,然后夹进顾女士碗里,抬头道:“怎么不吃了?看着我就能饱?”   顾雪岚看着那块鱼肉,隔了好几分钟,想说什么又不知道怎么说,语气里带着几分小心翼翼:“高二,还继续住校吗?”   谢俞的手顿了顿。   他知道顾女士的意思。   钟杰马上读大一,到时候在家里基本上碰不着面。谢俞跟钟杰见到面就要吵,搁一块儿没人拦着分分钟能打起来,谁也看不惯谁。   顾雪岚又问:“不打算回家住?”   谢俞迅速吃完碗里剩下的几口饭菜:“不了吧,住校挺好的,条件也不差,上课方便,走几步就是教室。况且我周末又不是不回来。”   顾雪岚还想再说什么,谢俞打断道:“妈,跟你没关系,你别多想。我住校不是因为钟杰也不是因为你,是我自己的问题。”   “你自己的问题,什么问题?”   谢俞不想多说,也不知道怎么说:“没什么。住个校而已,我都多大了,不用你操心。”   立阳二中是十分鼓励学生住校的,觉得这样可以锻炼学生独立自主的能力。   入学第一天,校长就针对“住校”发表了一场动员演说:“学校是学生学习的地方,但是各位家长,伴随着孩子的每一个不同成长阶段,你们也需要不断学习,其中最重要的一门课,就是学会适当地放手……他已经会跑了,甚至跑在了你的前头,你还能把他当小时候不会走路不会吃饭的娃娃?当然,这是需要勇气的——你疼爱他,但是你得狠狠心,你得让他摔,让他学会自己爬起来。”   不知道为什么,顾雪岚对这段话记忆特别深刻。   她不得不承认这番话里有几分道理,但是有时候知道了道理又怎么样。   “那我帮你收拾东西,”顾雪岚说,“先都整理好了,再看看缺点什么。”   随着越来越鼓的行李箱,假期也临近尾声。   同样临近尾声的,还有题王争霸夏季赛。   之前谢俞和题王两个人争到睁不开眼,后来两人扔下一个截止日一较高下的约定后,心照不宣地再也没有上过线。   刚开始谢俞以为这又是不要碧莲的计策,后来悄悄守了几天,发现题王真的没有上线刷题,他还觉得挺意外。   离上次上线,已经过去快一个月,谢俞点开那个智慧果APP——智慧果在屏幕上旋转两圈,然后弹出来一行大字:由于投资商撤资,游戏暂时下线。   “……”   真的凉了?   还凉得这么彻底?   谢俞几乎都能想象到那群沉迷学习的人会说些什么:撤资?学习那么有意思怎么会没有人玩呢,为什么热爱学习的人那么少?   接到周大雷电话的时候,谢俞还没缓过神:“谢老板,你晚上来不来了啊,梅姨说今天叫你过来吃饭庆祝你开学,叫我们给予你一些鼓励,让你在新学期挖掘自己在学习上的潜能……谢老板?听到了吱个声啊,你暑假都在干什么,看你每天过得非常迷幻。”   “是很迷幻。”谢俞说,“真他妈迷幻。”   周大雷起得晚,打着哈欠,身上就穿了条裤衩子,另一只手里挎着白底红花还掉了漆的铁盆往屋外走,他把洗脸盆搁在水龙头下面,拧开开关,一边听着水流声一边说:“你几点来?我去车站接你。”   谢俞道:“就几步路你接个屁。”   周大雷:“哥俩好,我不管我就要来,我要是留在家里又要被这群女人念叨……对了,岚姨来吗?”   “她不来,”谢俞说,“她说有事。”   “这不说还没觉得,一说感觉真是好久不见。”周大雷又道,“那行我先挂电话了,我洗把脸。”   谢俞从下车的时候,周大雷叼着烟,穿着人字拖,蹲在路牌边上抽烟,来来往往的人见了他都绕道走,以为是哪个社会哥。   谢俞抬脚踹了踹他:“装逼装够没,走了。”   周大雷直接捏着烟头往地上摁,三两下灭了烟,拍拍裤子站起来:“没装逼,这边的长凳不知道被谁给拆了,本来我应该是很优雅地坐在那等你的。”   谢俞顺着看过去,果然站牌边上、本来有候车专座的地方,现在只剩下孤零零四根铁杆子。   “牛逼吧,”周大雷说,“什么都干得出来,我真的佩服。”   最近广贸那边走货量不大,许艳梅得了空,又想起来谢俞他们马上要开学,提议大家在一块儿吃个饭聚一聚。   谢俞已经很久没有来这片居民楼了。   斑驳的墙壁,两栋楼中间狭小的过道,谁家喊一声隔着过道都能听到,以前周大雷总被雷妈脱了裤子揍,揍得两个屁股蛋红彤彤的,雷妈一“开工”,梅姨就在对面推开窗户,饶有兴致地趴在阳台喊:“——雷仔,又犯啥事了?说出来你梅姨给你评评理。”   相比而言,顾女士就比较爱面子,骂人压着嗓子,也不打他,玩的是冷暴力。   一路走过去,头顶全是电线,整个居住环境看上去又脏又乱。   谢俞和周大雷还没走到门口,梅姨就推开窗,一阵炒菜的油烟味混着家常菜的香味顺着飘出来:“别上来,帮我去小卖部买袋盐,家里没盐了!”   周大雷仰头:“知道了知道了。”   “茉莉开了?”   周大雷想说走吧走吧去小卖部,听到谢俞说了这么一句,脑子绕了几个弯,顺着他的目光看到自家阳台上那盆娇羞的茉莉花:“啊——是啊,大美走的时候给的那盆,就那么几个花骨朵,我都以为它这辈子就是个观叶植物了,没想到还挺争气。”   “大美那小子不仗义,出国快半年了,也不知道联系联系我们。就知道塞给我一盆破花,走的时候说什么这是他的大宝贝,让我好好照看,我照看个鸟。”周大雷又道,“等他回来,非得揍他一顿。”
Chapter 10 Before Xie Yu went to bed, he was in a very good mood and posted a circle of friends: It's over. It made Zhou Dalei think about it again. Zhou Dalei combined with all the content of this brother's circle of friends for more than a week, and he had already made up a desolate and inseparable story in his heart, I love you, you love him, you don't belong to me after all, and I will destroy you if I can't get you. The plot is twisted and turned, the climax is repeated, mysterious and exciting. Zhou Dalei cautiously commented on the care: ...... Let him pass what is in the past. Xie Yu didn't quite understand where his inexplicable, brother, you and I knew it came from: What do you know? Zhou Dalei replied: I understand...... I know, don't be upset. …… Xie Yu later asked himself more than once if he had known that there were so many things in this game at that time, and he would encounter a neurotic competitor who was chasing after him, he would still click on this game. - He probably won't. No. I'm not going to play if I die. On the night when Xie Yu pushed the "title king" down, the whole service celebrated. Just like the poor people who have fought against the evil forces have finally been liberated, they can't wait to stand up and sing a few songs, and their thinking when doing the questions is much smoother. "Learning and learning is the only thing in my life": July 25, I will always remember this day, the sky in the liberated areas is a blue sky. "I love to memorize words": A question king has fallen, and thousands of people have seen hope. "Top 10 in the grade": Go to bed, Meizizi, I will get up tomorrow and brush ten more sets of test papers to express my inner joy. These people didn't be happy for long, the ten sets of test papers in the "top ten" of the grade had not been completed, and the next night, the missing person Don't Bilian suddenly went online. The brother brushed the questions until dawn, and worked tirelessly to regain the first place. The sky in the liberated areas is no longer blue. When Xie Yu went online again, he saw that the communication area was full of wailing, scolding the street, and there were people who called God X to fight, and he was so angry that he couldn't do it. "English Class Representative": You went to watch the game yesterday? "For a Better Tomorrow": ...... Yes, don't Bilian solve the problem halfway through and find us watching the game, write 'Don't look at it, you can't understand it' in the answer area. "For a better tomorrow": he also opened a trumpet to look at our communication area and humiliate us. Xie Yu: "......" Although everyone's call for God X is very high, Xie Yu accompanied the king of the question for a few rounds, the two of you are the first today and I am the first tomorrow, in order to keep the list for a few nights, I didn't close my eyes, I was so sleepy that I was afraid that I would die if I continued to play. He was thinking about it, going offline to sleep, and it was not interesting to fight anymore, but he couldn't control his hands, and after answering one question, he habitually clicked on the next question, clicked on it, and popped up the system prompt box. [The king of questions asks to add you as a friend, whether you agree. Xie Yu refused three or four times, but looking at the posture, if he didn't agree, it was estimated that he would not be able to continue to do this question. Question: Are you sleepy? jsdhwdmaX:? Question: Let's discuss, truce, I have to go to sleep. The two reached a consensus that Xie Yu planned to go offline, but when he took a shower and went to bed, he inadvertently found that the online status of his friend "Question King" was followed by a line of small words [Brushing the question]. “……” Xie Yu felt that he might have been yin. In the blink of an eye, most of the vacation time has passed, and the closer to the start of school, Ms. Gu Xuelan is even more anxious than Xie Yu herself, as if the person who is going to school is her: "Have you done all your homework?" "Hmm." "Is the second year of high school going to be classified?" "Hmm." Gu Xuelan put a piece of scrambled eggs in Xie Yu's bowl, planning to adopt a Huairou policy: "I don't know which class I can be assigned to, you should be more restrained this semester, don't be impulsive when you encounter things, I didn't care about those things in the past, just start this semester, and behave well." ” “…… Well. No matter what she said, Xie Yu was "um", Gu Xuelan also knew, what should happen when she was done, she put down the dishes and chopsticks, stopped talking, and sat opposite Xie Yu quietly watching him eat. Xie Yu sandwiched the chopsticks and fish, carefully shaved the fish bones, and then sandwiched them into Ms. Gu's bowl, looked up and said, "Why don't you eat it?" Can you be full just looking at me? Gu Xuelan looked at the piece of fish, after a few minutes, she wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it, and her tone was a little cautious: "Sophomore in high school, do you still live on campus?" Xie Yu's hand paused. He knew what Ms. Gu meant. Zhong Jie will be a freshman in college immediately, and he will basically not meet at home at that time. Xie Yu and Zhong Jie were about to quarrel when they met, and no one would stop them from fighting in minutes, and no one could get used to seeing anyone. Gu Xuelan asked again: "Don't plan to go home to live?" Xie Yu quickly finished the few mouthfuls of food left in the bowl: "No, it's good to live in the school, the conditions are not bad, the class is convenient, and the classroom is a few steps away." Besides, it's not like I don't come back for the weekend. Gu Xuelan wanted to say something more, but Xie Yu interrupted: "Mom, it has nothing to do with you, don't think about it." I don't live on campus because of Zhong Jie or because of you, it's my own problem. "Your own problem, what problem?" Xie Yu didn't want to say more, and he didn't know how to say: "It's nothing." It's just a school, how old I am, you don't have to worry about it. Liyang No. 2 Middle School encourages students to live on campus, thinking that this can exercise students' ability to be independent. On the first day of school, the principal gave a motivational speech on "living in school": "School is a place for students to learn, but parents, with each different stage of your child's growth, you also need to keep learning, and the most important lesson is to learn to let go appropriately...... He can already run, even run ahead of you, and you can still treat him like a doll who can't walk or eat when he was a child? Of course, it takes courage - you love him, but you have to be ruthless, you have to make him fall and let him learn to get up on his own. I don't know why, Gu Xuelan has a particularly deep memory of this passage. She had to admit that there was some truth in these words, but sometimes what if she knew the truth. "Then I'll help you pack up your things," Gu Xuelan said, "Let's sort everything out first, and then see what the shortcomings are." With more and more bulging suitcases, the holiday is also coming to an end. Also near the end, there is also the Summer Championship of the Title King. Before, Xie Yu and the title king fought until they couldn't open their eyes, and then after the two threw down an agreement to compete on a deadline, they tacitly never went on the line again. At first, Xie Yu thought that this was another ploy not to be Bilian, but then he quietly guarded it for a few days, and found that the question king really did not go online to brush the question, and he felt quite surprised. It's been almost a month since the last time it was launched, and Xie Yu clicked on the Wisdom Fruit APP-Wisdom Fruit rotated twice on the screen, and then a line of big words popped up: Due to the withdrawal of investors, the game is temporarily offline. “……” Is it really cold? Still so cold? Xie Yu could almost imagine what the group of people who were obsessed with learning would say: Divestment? How can learning be so interesting that no one plays, and why are there so few people who love to learn? When he received Zhou Dalei's call, Xie Yu still hadn't eased up: "Boss Xie, can't you come at night, Aunt Mei said that she called you over for dinner today to celebrate your start of school, and asked us to give you some encouragement, so that you can tap your potential in learning in the new semester...... Boss Xie? I heard a squeak, what are you doing during the summer vacation, I see that you are living a very psychedelic life every day. "It's psychedelic." Xie Yu said, "It's psychedelic. Zhou Dalei got up late, yawned, wore a pair of pants, and walked out of the house with an iron basin with red flowers on a white background and paint in his other hand, he put the washbasin under the faucet, turned on the switch, and said while listening to the sound of the water: "What time are you coming?" I'll pick you up at the station. Xie Yu said: "Just a few steps away, you can take a fart." Zhou Dalei: "Hello brothers, I don't care if I come, if I stay at home, I will be nagged by this group of women...... By the way, is Aunt Lan coming? "She's not coming," Xie Yu said, "and she said something." "I don't think I haven't felt it, but I don't think I've seen it for a long time." Zhou Dalei said again, "Okay, I'll hang up the phone first, I'll wash my face." When Xie Yu got out of the car, Zhou Dalei was holding a cigarette, wearing flip-flops, squatting on the side of the street sign and smoking. Xie Yu raised his foot and kicked him: "Pretend to be forced to pretend that you are not enough, and leave." Zhou Dalei directly pinched the cigarette butt and pressed it on the ground, extinguished the cigarette in three or two times, patted his pants and stood up: "I didn't pretend to be forced, I don't know who demolished the bench here, I should have sat there very elegantly and waited for you." Xie Yu looked over, and sure enough, there was a special seat for waiting on the side of the stop sign, but now there were only four iron rods left. "Awesome," Zhou Dalei said, "I really admire that I can do anything." Recently, there has not been much cargo in Guangmao, Xu Yanmei is free, and she remembered that Xie Yu and they were about to start school, so she proposed that everyone have a meal together and get together. Xie Yu hasn't been to this residential building for a long time. The mottled walls, the narrow aisle between the two buildings, who shouts can be heard across the aisle, in the past, Zhou Dalei was always beaten by Lei's mother taking off her pants, beating the two buttocks, as soon as Lei's mother "started", Aunt Mei pushed open the window on the opposite side, and shouted on the balcony with great interest: "- Lei Zai, what happened again?" Say it, and your Aunt Mei will give you a comment. In contrast, Ms. Gu loves face more, scolds people and suppresses her throat, and does not beat him, playing cold violence. Walking all the way, there are wires all over the head, and the whole living environment looks dirty and messy. Before Xie Yu and Zhou Dalei reached the door, Aunt Mei pushed open the window, and the smell of fried vegetables mixed with the fragrance of home-cooked food wafted out: "Don't come up, help me go to the commissary to buy bags of salt, there is no salt at home!" Zhou Dalei raised his head: "I know, I know." "Jasmine opened?" Zhou Dalei wanted to say let's go, let's go to the commissary, when he heard Xie Yu say this, his mind turned around a few times, and he followed his gaze to see the shy pot of jasmine on his balcony: "Ah-yes, the pot that Da Mei gave when she left, just a few flower bones, I thought it was a foliage plant in this life, but I didn't expect it to be quite competitive." "Da Mei's kid is not righteous, he has been abroad for almost half a year, and he doesn't know how to contact us. He knew that he would stuff me with a pot of broken flowers, and when he left, he said that this was his big baby, let me take good care of it, and I would take care of a bird. Zhou Dalei said again, "When he comes back, I have to beat him." ”

第十一章   大美这个名字虽然听上去娘唧唧的,但他确实是个男孩子。   他是三个人当中年纪最小的那个,一直都处于被保护的状态,就连大美这个外号也是周大雷开玩笑开出来的:“你既然是我的小弟,这样,大哥赏你个名字,大美怎么样?从今往后我们兄弟俩就整整齐齐。”   大美因为个子小,总被人欺负,还不知道还手。   周大雷护崽子一样护着,有时候对方人多,打不过的时候就喊谢俞一起过去。   后来大美突然势如破竹,身高不断往上窜,直逼一米八五,这孩子觉得自己长大了,这么多年看着他们打架打过来没吃过猪肉也见过猪跑,有一回膨胀得不行,直接挡在周大雷前面:“让我来教训教训这帮蠢货。”   结果理论和实践完全是天和地一样的差距,大美杀伤力微弱,周大雷拉着大美扭头就逃:“你教训个屁,你会打架吗,你这细胳膊细腿,除了比一般人长,还有什么优势——你真是气死我了你。”   “这臭小子送我一盆破花,他走之前给你什么了?”周大雷越想越气,“……不是,这都不算送,顶多算寄养。”   谢俞抬头看电线,似乎也是想起了以前那些事情,勾起嘴角笑了:“魔方。”   周大雷:“啊?”   谢俞说:“比你强点,大美走之前给我个魔方。”   许艳梅做菜其实并不怎么好吃,属于卖相好看但是总能炒出自己独特味道的那一类,而且经常忘记放调味料。   “味道简直了,好吃到没话说,”周大雷把小青菜咽下去,“不过我有一个问题想问问您,既然你炒菜不放盐,又何苦叫我们去小卖部给您买。”   许艳梅不敢相信:“我忘了放了吗?不可能啊,我感觉我这次超常发挥啊,每一步都很用心的。”   谢俞说:“你自己尝尝?”   这顿饭最后愣是连“吃饱”这个指标都够不上,点了小龙虾外卖救场。   “来,干——”梅姨几杯酒下去,整个人恨不得往桌子上站,一条腿横跨在椅子上,拍拍胸脯,“喝,喝他娘的!小俞儿明天开学,大家都说几句。”   谢俞伸手将许艳梅身前那碟装满虾壳的盘子往边上挪了挪,怕她一个不小心撞上去。   周大雷率先端着凉白开起身:“谢老板,我先说,美好的祝福送给你,我祝你在立阳四中……”   “四中?”谢俞听到这实在没忍住,笑着踹了他一脚,“四你妈啊,老子在二中。”   立阳二中建校六十余年,在A市也算小有名气。   虽然师资力量普通,升学率也不高。地处郊区,说好听点是讨个安静祥和、空气质量佳的学习氛围,然而却和几所后来新建的不入流的技校挨着,位置着实尴尬。   不过它整个校园建设得相当不错,这两年陆陆续续还在翻新教学楼,看上去并没有什么“落魄”的感觉。毕竟A市再怎么说也是知名大城市,郊区依旧车水马龙,商业街开得风生水起。   校门恢弘大气,从门口往里面看去,除了绿植灌木之外,最显眼的是小广场中央那座雕塑铜像,罗丹,思想者。大理石底座,整个铜雕呈柏油色,油光铮亮。   底座上头用端端正正的小楷刻了校训:赤子之心。   简单的四个字,烫上一层金,在阳光下闪闪发亮。   返校这天,学校里热闹很。   许多新生过来报道,门口挂着大大的横幅——欢迎高一新生加入二中大家庭,学习、进步、共创辉煌。   高二的基本上都挤在门口那面公示墙边上看分班情况,人挤人,挤得大汗淋漓,他们看了一会儿,不知道看到了哪一行,不约而同倒抽一口冷气:“高二三班什么情况?”   “高二三班?我去,牛批啊,修罗场吗?”   “……还、还还好我在五班。”   “我怎么觉得突然有点凉飕飕的。”   “两个校霸分在一个班?怎么想的,这是想炸学校啊?”   “谢俞,贺朝……我操,劲爆。”   他们这届准高二,在高一入学的时候十几个班级,因为新教学楼修建延期的原因,不得不拆成两个部分,分别塞在东西两楼里过日子,遥遥相望。   虽然说两栋楼是连体建筑设计,两楼之间有连廊,主要是为了方便老师上课、学生之间走动,但是两楼里的学生基本都不相往来。   而这其中又刚刚好有两个狠角色——   东楼贺朝,西楼谢俞。   这群同学凑在一起,七嘴八舌,你一句我一句,最后集体陷入了沉默。   脑子里只剩下“可怕”两个字。   正好被分在高二三班的那群人更是瑟瑟发抖:这学怕是没法上了……这两个人可都是传说中杀人不眨眼的社会哥。   社会哥谢俞还不知道发生了什么,他拖着行李箱,打算先回寝室把东西放下再去班里拿书。   顾雪岚想送他进宿舍楼,还想跟上去看看他的宿舍,谢俞突然想起来自己屋里一整套还没做完的《五三》正大剌剌地摊在桌上,不太合适。   寝室虽然是两人寝,但他一直都是一个人住。   二中校风自由,既然鼓励住校,对学生住宿的各项事宜考虑得很全面,比如说有权利随时换宿舍,换到学生满意为止,不用为舍友矛盾而发愁,不对盘就直接换走。   所以谢俞跟历任舍友甚至连面都没有见过,一听说谢俞两个字,纷纷绕道,压根没人敢住。   谢俞拖着行李箱刚进门,一个戴着圆圆镜框、头发剃得极短的男生从楼下跑上来,圆镜框风风火火地跑到谢俞对面寝室跟前停下。   圆镜框在那间寝室门口敲了半天门:“——朝哥,在吗朝哥?”   毫无回应。   “是不是这间寝室啊,突然说住宿,该不会在忽悠我吧,”圆镜框自言自语一会儿,又抬手敲门,发现门压根没有上锁,‘吱呀’一声,直接被他敲开了:“……”   “我、我进来了啊……”   圆镜框直接推开门进去,环顾几眼,看到右手边床位上有个人。   贺朝眯着眼睛,睡眼惺忪,他坐在床上,背靠着墙壁,从床头摸出一盒糖:“吵什么?”   圆镜框神神秘秘地说:“朝哥,特大消息,你看见分班表没有,我操,全年级都炸锅了。”   “没看,”贺朝从里面挑了根橙色的,三两下撕开棒棒糖外衣,扔进嘴里,“分班,还能怎么分。有什么好看的。”   圆镜框看得发愣,一时间忘了自己是带着特大消息来的:“我瞎了?这什么,真知棒?你在吃棒棒糖?”   贺朝说:“最近戒烟。”   说完,他见圆镜框还直愣愣地盯着他看,跟傻子似的,贺朝又说:“怎么,你也想来一根?”   “不不不不用了。”圆镜框连连摆手。   贺朝把那块糖咬碎了,嘴里叼着根棒子,甜得有点齁:“你的特大消息呢?”   圆镜框这才想起自己的使命,一拍大腿:“操,差点忘了,朝哥今年可真了不得,神他妈一样的操作……谢俞跟你同班。”   “谁?”   “西楼那位谢俞。”   高二年级组,老师办公室里。   “今年分班谁分的啊?电脑随机还是年级主任?分班也不能这样乱来吧。”老师们虽然早就提前知道分班情况,还是接受不了。   一名女老师站在饮水机前接水:“这届一共就三个文化班,还是按照文理科分的,只有三班一个理科班,会这样分也不奇怪。”   立阳二中是美术特色类学校,拼文化拼不过其他学校的学生,但是凭借美术倒也能有不错的升学率。高一的时候学校就鼓励大家走艺术的道路,高二分班更是干脆把文化生和美术生分开了。   那名女老师接完水,又说:“那两孩子再皮,也不过就是个孩子,还没带怎么就知道不行,说不定事情没有我们想象得那么坏。”   “你行?”另一位一直坐在座位上,默不作声的女老师面色铁青,听到这里终于忍不住了,“你真觉得行那你来带?”   “……”刚才在接水的女老师不说话了。   “徐老师,你别生气,小刘她就是随口一说,”其他几位老师见形势不对,过去安慰说,“这次分班确实分得太过分,三班班主任这个位置,换了谁都不乐意。”   徐霞,高二三班班主任。第一次看到班级成员名单的时候,她差点没气晕过去。   她职教生涯也有十多年了,虽然没有多少丰功伟绩,资历比小刘总是要强的,她自认为学校没有理由这么为难她。殊不知自己心直口快,说话不经过脑子,低情商的性格得罪了不少人。   “凭什么啊?凭什么这样一个班分在我手上?这不是存心为难我吗?”徐霞气得连等会开班会要准备些什么东西都不想弄了,“学校到底是怎么想的,是觉得不如让两颗老鼠屎去坏我这一锅粥?”
Chapter 11 Although the name Da Mei sounds like a girl, he is indeed a boy. He is the youngest of the three, and he has always been in a state of protection, and even the nickname Da Mei was jokingly made by Zhou Dalei: "Since you are my little brother, in this way, the eldest brother will reward you with a name, how about Da Mei?" From now on, our brothers will be in order. Da Mei is always bullied because of her small stature, and she doesn't know how to fight back. Zhou Dalei protected like a cub, sometimes there were many people on the other side, and when he couldn't beat him, he called Xie Yu to go over together. Later, Da Mei suddenly became like a bamboo, and her height kept rising, approaching 1.85 meters, this kid felt that he had grown up, he had watched them fight for so many years, and he had never eaten pork and seen pigs run, and once he was so swollen that he couldn't do it, and he directly blocked in front of Zhou Dalei: "Let me teach these fools a lesson." As a result, theory and practice are completely the same gap between heaven and earth, Damei's lethality is weak, Zhou Dalei pulled Damei and turned his head and fled: "You teach a fart, do you know how to fight, your thin arms and thin legs, in addition to being longer than ordinary people, what other advantages do you have - you are really angry with me." "This stinky boy gave me a pot of broken flowers, what did he give you before he left?" The more Zhou Dalei thought about it, the more angry he became, "...... No, it's not a send, it's foster care at most. Xie Yu looked up at the wires, as if he also remembered those things before, and smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Rubik's Cube." Zhou Dalei: "Huh? Xie Yu said: "Better than you, give me a Rubik's Cube before Da Mei leaves." Xu Yanmei's cooking is actually not very delicious, she belongs to the category that looks good but can always fry her own unique taste, and often forgets to put seasonings. "The taste is so delicious, it's so delicious that I can't say anything," Zhou Dalei swallowed the little greens, "But I have a question for you, since you don't put salt in your stir-frying, why bother asking us to go to the commissary to buy it for you." Xu Yanmei couldn't believe it: "Did I forget to put it?" It's impossible, I feel like I'm playing extra well this time, and I'm very careful every step of the way. Xie Yu said, "You taste it yourself?" In the end, I was stunned that I couldn't even reach the indicator of "full", so I ordered crayfish takeout to save the scene. "Come, fuck-" Aunt Mei went down a few glasses of wine, and the whole person couldn't wait to stand on the table, straddling one leg across the chair, patting her chest, "Drink, drink the fuck!" Xiao Yu'er will start school tomorrow, and everyone will say a few words. Xie Yu stretched out his hand and moved the plate full of shrimp shells in front of Xu Yanmei to the side, afraid that she would accidentally bump into it. Zhou Dalei took the lead in holding Liangbai and got up: "Boss Xie, let me say first, good wishes are sent to you, I wish you ...... in Liyang No. 4 Middle School" "Four?" Xie Yu couldn't help but hear this, and kicked him with a smile, "Fourth, your mother, Lao Tzu is in the second middle school." Liyang No. 2 Middle School has been established for more than 60 years and is also well-known in City A. Although the teaching staff is average, the articulation rate is not high. Located in the suburbs, it is nice to say that it is a quiet and peaceful learning atmosphere with good air quality, but it is next to several new technical schools that were not in the flow later, and the location is really awkward. However, its entire campus is quite well built, and the teaching buildings have been renovated one after another in the past two years, and it doesn't seem to be "down-and-out". After all, City A is also a well-known big city, the suburbs are still full of traffic, and the commercial streets are booming. The school gate is magnificent, and when you look inside from the door, in addition to the green plants and shrubs, the most conspicuous thing is the bronze statue in the center of the small square, Rodin, the Thinker. Marble base, the whole bronze carving is asphalt, shiny and shiny. On the base, the school motto is engraved in upright small letters: the heart of a child. Four simple words, scalded with a layer of gold, sparkling in the sun. On the day of returning to school, the school was very lively. Many freshmen came to report, and a big banner was hung at the door - welcome the freshmen to join the family of No. 2 Middle School, study, make progress, and create brilliance together. The sophomores of high school are basically crowded on the side of the public wall at the door to watch the class classification, people are crowded, crowded and sweaty, they look at it for a while, they don't know which line they saw, and they all gasped: "What is the situation in the second and third classes of high school?" "The second and third classes of high school? Shall I go, Ox Pi, Shura Field? ” “…… It's okay, I'm in class 5. "How do I feel a little chilly all of a sudden." "Two school bullies in the same class? What do you think, this is trying to blow up the school? "Xie Yu, He Chao...... Holy shit, it's hot. In their sophomore year of high school, more than a dozen classes had to be split into two parts because of the delay in the construction of the new teaching building, and they were crammed into the east and west floors to live in the distance. Although the two buildings are designed as a conjoined building, and there is a corridor between the two floors, mainly to facilitate the teachers to attend classes and the students to move around each other, the students on the two floors basically do not interact with each other. And there are just two ruthless characters in this - He Chao in the East Building, Xie Yu in the West Building. This group of classmates got together, gossiping, you and me, and finally fell into silence. There are only two words left in my head: "terrible". The group of people who happened to be in the second and third classes of high school trembled even more: I am afraid that I will not be able to go to school...... These two people are the legendary social brothers who kill people without blinking. Social brother Xie Yu didn't know what was going on yet, he dragged his suitcase, planning to go back to the dormitory first to put down his things and then go to the class to get books. Gu Xuelan wanted to send him into the dormitory building, and wanted to follow him to see his dormitory, but Xie Yu suddenly remembered that a complete set of unfinished "Five Three" in his room was being spread out on the table, which was not suitable. Although the bedroom is a two-person bedroom, he has always lived alone. The school spirit of the second middle school is free, since it encourages living on campus, it considers all matters of student accommodation very comprehensively, for example, has the right to change dormitories at any time, until the students are satisfied, and there is no need to worry about the conflict between roommates. So Xie Yu and his previous roommates had never even met, and when they heard the word Xie Yu, they took a detour, and no one dared to live at all. As soon as Xie Yu dragged his suitcase into the door, a boy wearing round frames and very short shaved hair ran up from downstairs, and the round frames ran to the bedroom opposite Xie Yu and stopped. The round mirror frame knocked on the door of the bedroom for a long time: "-Brother Chao, are you Brother Chao?" There was no response. "Is it this bedroom, suddenly said accommodation, shouldn't it be fooling me," the round frame muttered to himself for a while, and then raised his hand to knock on the door, and found that the door was not locked at all, and with a 'squeak', he knocked it open directly: "......" "I—I'm in......" The round frame pushed open the door and entered, and when I looked around, I saw a person on the bed on the right-hand side. He Chao squinted his eyes, sleepy-eyed, he sat on the bed, leaned his back against the wall, and took out a box of candy from the head of the bed: "What's the noise?" The round frame said mysteriously: "Brother Chao, big news, you see the placement list is not, fuck, the whole grade is fried." "I didn't look at it," He Chao picked out an orange one from the inside, tore open the lollipop coat three or two times, and threw it into his mouth, "Divide the class, how else can you divide it." What's there to see. The round frame was stunned, and for a moment he forgot that he was coming with big news: "Am I blind? What's this, that's great? Are you eating a lollipop? He Chao said: "Recently quit smoking. After speaking, he was still staring at him stunned when he saw the round frame, like a fool, He Chao said again: "What, you want to have one too?" "No, no, no, no." The round frame waved his hand repeatedly. He Chao bit the piece of candy, holding a stick in his mouth, which was a little sweet: "Where's your big news?" The round frame remembered his mission and slapped his thigh: ", I almost forgot, Brother Chao is really amazing this year, god-like operation...... Xie Yu is in the same class as you. "Who?" "Xie Yu in the West Building." Senior sophomore group, in the teacher's office. "Who is in the class this year? Computer Random or Head of Grade? You can't mess around like this. "Although the teachers had already known about the placement in advance, they still couldn't accept it. A female teacher stood in front of the water dispenser to receive water: "There are three cultural classes in this class, and they are still divided according to arts and sciences, and there are only three classes and one science class, so it is not surprising that they will be divided like this." Liyang No. 2 Middle School is an art characteristic school, and it can't fight for students from other schools with culture, but it can also have a good admission rate with art. In the first year of high school, the school encouraged everyone to take the road of art, and the second year of high school simply separated cultural students from art students. After the female teacher took the water, she said, "No matter how skinny those two children are, they are just children, and they know that they can't do it before they bring it, maybe things are not as bad as we imagined." "Are you okay?" Another female teacher who had been sitting in her seat, silent, had a pale face, and finally couldn't help it when she heard this, "Do you really think it's okay, then you can bring it?" "......" The female teacher who was receiving the water just now stopped talking. "Teacher Xu, don't be angry, Xiao Liu, she just said casually," several other teachers saw that the situation was not right, and went over to comfort them, "This class assignment is indeed too much, and no one is happy to change the position of the third-class teacher." Xu Xia, the teacher of the third class of the second year of high school. The first time she saw the list of class members, she almost fainted. She has been a vocational teacher for more than ten years, although she has not made many great achievements, and her qualifications are always stronger than Xiao Liu, and she thinks that the school has no reason to embarrass her so much. As everyone knows, he is straightforward and fast-talking, speaks without brains, and has offended many people with his low emotional intelligence personality. "Why? Why is such a shift in my hands? Isn't that trying to embarrass me? Xu Xia was so angry that she didn't even want to prepare something for the class meeting, "What does the school think, do you think it's better to let two rat feces spoil my pot of porridge?" ”

第十二章   徐霞在办公室里听同事安慰一通之后,觉得心里那口堵着的气终于通了些,才拿着名册起身去班里。她走出办公室的时候离定好的班会时间已经过去十几分钟。   谢俞并不是有意迟到,他把所有东西整理过之后才往教学楼走,耽误了一点时间。本来已经做好被拦在班级门口的准备,没想到班主任来得比他还晚。   谢俞刚经过窗户,原本人声鼎沸的教室突然安静,大家坐姿端正,目视前方,虽然黑板上什么字都没有。   “同学们,鄙人姓刘名存浩,没错,刘存浩。相信大家或多或少也在江湖上听到过我的传说。去年我担任了高一七班班长这个职位,在管理班级这一块非常有经验,但是我希望,等会儿如果要评选班委——千万不要选我。”   所有人安静如鸡,只有一位男生还站着,背对着窗户,滔滔不绝地继续讲。   挺油嘴滑舌的一个男孩子,说话的时候手情不自禁地在空气中来回比划:“不要选我,把机会留给更需要的人,特别是在座从来没有当过班长的人,我觉得非常有必要给他们一个锻炼自己的机会。”   周围有人朝他疯狂眨眼暗示他看窗外,可是这位刘存浩同学丝毫没有领会这其中的意思:“……总之就是别选我,你们干啥,不要冲着我抛媚眼了,我没有早恋的打算。”   ——直到谢俞抬手敲了敲门板。   刘存浩顺着声音看过去,瞬间哑口无言:“……”   他同桌压着嗓子小声说:“浩哥,刚才大家暗示得那么明显了,您还在自我沉醉。”   刘存浩心中有千言万语不知道怎么说出口,只能默默地坐下,装作什么都没有发生过的样子:“有事不能他妈直接说吗,眨巴什么眼睛。”   谢俞这个人成名早。   早在刚入校的时候,就因为抄袭风波,大家心目中有了一个作弊之神的形象。   刚开始大家讨论的方向都是:这个人牛逼啊,牛逼得不行,中考都敢作弊,听说他原来的成绩再翻两翻都不可能考上二中。   后来谢俞由于翘课在校外跟人打架,一个对五个,全校通报处分,大字报贴在告示栏里贴了近一整个学期。一战成名。   谢俞此刻站在门口,单肩挎着书包,手还插在裤兜里,脸上没有什么表情。   班里早已经坐满了人,就算是请了病假没来的,听到分班情况也叫班里相识的同学用书包帮忙占位置,生怕开学的时候身边坐个活阎王。   谢俞四下看了两眼,只有第二组最后一排两个位子空着,于是不紧不慢地后排走。   有同学交头接耳说:“咱们这样好吗,这样不就让他们两个坐在一起了?所谓一山不容二虎,他们俩万一产生什么化学反应,会不会把班级给炸了?”   “那你去跟谢俞坐一桌?”   “……我还不想死。”   大概五六分钟之后,徐霞终于捧着书进班:“人都到得差不多了吗,还差谁?”   刘存浩说着不当班长不当班长,但是当班长当习惯了,身体不受大脑控制,条件反射举手站起来:“老师,差一个。”   谢俞昨晚也跟着喝了点酒,到现在还头晕,直接枕着手臂趴桌上睡了。   徐霞看了几眼,目光在最后一排某个人身上停留了一会儿,皱着眉移开视线:“没来的就不管了。等会儿班会散会之后去楼下拿书,都知道在哪里拿吧?接下来我简单说几个班会要点……”   徐霞不想管那个迟到的,迟到的却大摇大摆找上门来。   “报告——”贺朝站在门口,非常有礼貌,“不好意思,我迟到了。”   门口这人身形出挑,黑T恤、深蓝色牛仔裤,脚腕处往上折起来,说话的时候带点漫不经心的笑意,一看就是平日里被小女生争抢的热门人物,属于犯了事看他几眼就能消气的类型。   完全不像那些懒懒散散看起来没个正形似的混混,还挺精神。   徐霞有点诧异。   她之前没教过谢俞和贺朝,但是遍地流传的事情倒是一件不落地都听说了,脑海里脑补的一直是一个走路松松垮垮、不学无术、动不动就踹桌椅、连衣服都不会好好穿的男孩子。   今天倒是都见着了——虽然对谢俞的印象只有一个后脑勺。   徐霞孩子都快上初中了,没有那么多小女生的心思,该看不顺眼还是看不顺眼,正要拿他出出气,话跑到嘴边,还没来得及说出来,就见贺朝伸出手,从边上拽出来一个人:“请组织上允许我讲一下我迟到的原因。”   圆镜框跌跌撞撞地从边上直接被贺朝拽出来:“大家好,我是高二八班沈捷,今天我在走廊上突然发病,多亏贺同学见义勇为,我有慢性……额慢性……”   突然忘了自己得什么病的沈捷支支吾吾半天。   贺朝提醒他:“慢性非萎缩性胃炎。”   “你就不能给我设定一个简单点的?”沈捷说。   贺朝:“名字长一点显得厉害。”   徐霞一肚子气发不出。   这两个人把她当傻子忽悠呢?   “你们这一唱一和,唱戏呢?”说完,她往台下一指,“我不想浪费大家的时间,你先找空位坐下,就那个,那个趴着睡觉的边上。”   趴着睡觉的谢俞动了动,大概是听到了什么、又或者是感受到好几十双眼睛的注视,他撑着脑袋坐起身,缓缓睁开眼:“……”   贺朝:“……”   气氛有点奇怪。   还很微妙。   刘存浩给同桌递过去一张纸条,在上面写道:是不是要打起来了?   同桌回:我已经感觉到空气中的能量波动了,很凶。   但是万众瞩目之下,贺朝只说了两个字:“朋友?”   谢俞:“……”   “缘分啊。”贺朝又说,“这么巧。”   虽然不知道怎么回事,也不知道这两位大佬到底是什么时候跨越东西两楼建立的友谊,高二三班全体不约而同松了一口气。   他们本来都脑补好了一个惊心动魄、血流成河的景象。   徐霞简单说了一些事情,座位安排、班委选举,还留了几样科目预习作业,以希望大家能够以崭新的面貌迎接新学期为结束语结束了第一回合。   “接下来还有一点时间,我按照点名册,点到的同学上来,简单做一下自我介绍。”   在一片掌声中,贺朝也跟着漫不经心地拍了几下。   谢俞头晕,又低头趴下去。   “……”   “我叫万达,我的兴趣爱好很多,比如看书、运动……”   “大家好,我叫薛习生,希望大家能够共同奋斗、努力、进步。”   “傅沛。”   “丁亮华……”   贺朝听了一会儿,抬手拍拍谢俞的肩,侧过头问:“哎,你知道谢俞是哪个吗?”   谢俞趴在桌上,也侧过脸看他:“啊?”   台上一位同学性格腼腆,说起话来像蚊子叫,他憋了半天兴趣爱好,最后憋出来两个字‘游泳’,走下台的那一瞬间如释重负。   贺朝又补了一句:“就是那个,西楼的,涂黑色指甲油的非主流傻逼。”   贺朝对那位传说中的西楼老大有点好奇,西楼谢俞一堆丰功伟绩贺朝都没怎么在意,但是不知道为什么,他对黑指甲油这个情节记得特别深,在班里盯了一圈了,只能感叹那人真人不露相,指甲油说卸就卸,硬是没看出来到底哪一位才是。   谢俞看着他,神情复杂。   “朋友,你到底知不知道啊,”贺朝追问,“……其实我对他还挺感兴趣的,有机会的话想切磋切磋。”   徐霞在台上喊:“下一个,谢俞。”   谢俞慢慢悠悠地站起来,没去看贺朝现在到底是什么表情,他走上台,拿粉笔在黑板上写下‘谢俞’两个字。笔锋凌厉,相当漂亮。   然后他把粉笔往粉笔盒里一扔,顺便拍掉手上沾的粉灰,来了一段简短精炼的自我介绍:“谢俞,还有,我不涂黑色指甲油。”   谢俞说最后一句话的时候,眼睛是盯着某位傻逼的,可是那位姓贺的傻逼没有丝毫尴尬。甚至在一片众人不知道该说什么的寂静当中,傻逼率先带头鼓掌,给足了同桌面子:“好!说得好!”   谢俞:“……”   操啊。   等谢俞做完自我介绍回到座位上,贺朝毫不掩饰地盯着他的手看,谢俞闲着没事正在纸上随便写写划划,被盯地摔了笔:“你有病啊。”   贺朝说:“你真的没涂?传说中的你可不是这样啊。”   西楼大佬的传奇里,指甲油占了很重要的一部分,起码贺朝当初真正记住谢俞这个名字就是因为非主流指甲油。   “……传个屌。”   贺朝直接去抓谢俞的手:“你别动,我看看。”   谢俞没想到他会直接来这出,等回过神,手已经被贺朝抓在手里。   谢俞手看着挺秀气,甚至有点温柔。   干净纤长,骨节分明,指甲盖修剪得整整齐齐。   小时候家里条件还不错那会儿,顾雪岚提议过想让他去学钢琴,说他手指又细又长的,挺合适。结果谢俞抡人抡得不亦乐乎,几乎每天都有家长带着孩子往他们家里跑,说你们家孩子怎么回事,怎么打人呢。   顾雪岚就再也没提过钢琴的事。   贺朝刚抓上手还没来得及仔细研究,谢俞整个人直接炸了,他把手抽回来:“……操,你这个人什么毛病。”
Chapter 12 After listening to the comfort of her colleagues in the office, Xu Xia felt that the blocked breath in her heart was finally cleared, so she got up and went to the class with the roster. When she walked out of the office, it had been more than ten minutes before the scheduled class meeting time. Xie Yu didn't mean to be late, he didn't go to the teaching building after sorting out everything, which delayed a little time. I was ready to be stopped at the door of the class, but I didn't expect the head teacher to come later than him. As soon as Xie Yu passed by the window, the classroom, which was originally full of people, suddenly quieted, and everyone sat upright, looking ahead, although there was no word on the blackboard. "Classmates, the contemptible surname is Liu Cunhao, that's right, Liu Cunhao. I'm sure you've heard my legend on the rivers and lakes to a greater or lesser extent. Last year, I took the position of class president of the seventh class of the first year of high school, and I am very experienced in managing the class, but I hope that if you want to select the class committee later, don't choose me. Everyone was as quiet as a chicken, except for one boy who was still standing, with his back to the window, and continued to talk. A boy with a flamboyant tongue couldn't help but gesture back and forth in the air when he spoke: "Don't choose me, leave the opportunity to those who need it more, especially those who have never been a class leader, I think it is very necessary to give them a chance to exercise themselves." Someone around him winked frantically at him and hinted that he was looking out the window, but this classmate Liu Cunhao didn't understand the meaning at all: "...... In short, don't choose me, what are you doing, don't flatter me, I have no plans to fall in love. —until Xie Yu raised his hand and knocked on the door. Liu Cunhao looked at the voice, and was instantly speechless: "......" He whispered at the same table: "Brother Hao, everyone hinted so obviously just now, you are still intoxicated with yourself. Liu Cunhao had a thousand words in his heart and didn't know how to say them, so he could only sit down silently, pretending that nothing had happened: "Can't you say something directly, blink your eyes." Xie Yu became famous early. As early as when I first entered the school, because of the plagiarism turmoil, everyone had an image of a cheating god in their minds. At the beginning, everyone discussed the direction of: this person is awesome, he can't do it, he dares to cheat in the high school entrance examination, and I heard that his original grades will not be able to be admitted to the second middle school if he doubles twice. Later, Xie Yu got into a fight with someone outside the school because he skipped class, one to five, and the whole school notified the punishment, and the big-character poster was posted on the notice board for nearly a whole semester. Fight to fame. Xie Yu was standing at the door at the moment, carrying his schoolbag on one shoulder, his hand still in his trouser pocket, and there was no expression on his face. The class was already full, even if he didn't come on sick leave, when he heard the class assignment, he asked the classmates he knew in the class to help occupy a place with his schoolbag, for fear that there would be a living Hades next to him when school started. Xie Yu glanced around twice, and only the two seats in the last row of the second group were vacant, so he walked unhurriedly. Some classmates turned their heads and said, "Shall we do this, won't we let the two of them sit together?" The so-called one mountain does not tolerate two tigers, if the two of them have any chemical reaction, will they blow up the class? "Then you're going to sit at a table with Xie Yu?" “…… I don't want to die yet. About five or six minutes later, Xu Xia finally entered the class with the book in her hand: "Are you almost there, who else is missing?" Liu Cunhao said that he was not a squad leader or a squad leader, but he was used to being a squad leader, his body was not controlled by the brain, and he reflexively raised his hand to stand up: "Teacher, one is missing." Xie Yu also drank some wine last night, and he was still dizzy, so he fell asleep directly on the table with his arms on his pillow. Xu Xia glanced at it a few times, her gaze stayed on someone in the last row for a while, and she frowned and looked away: "If you don't come, you don't care." After the class meeting is over, go downstairs to get the book, you know where to get it, right? Next, I will briefly talk about the main points of the class meeting......" Xu Xia didn't want to care about the late one, but the late one swaggered to the door. "Report—" He Chao stood at the door, very polite, "I'm sorry, I'm late." The figure at the door is outstanding, black T-shirt, dark blue jeans, the ankles are folded up, and he speaks with a casual smile. It's not like those lazy and lazy gangsters who don't look like they're in shape, and they're quite energetic. Xu Xia was a little surprised. She hadn't taught Xie Yu and He Chao before, but she had heard about the things that were circulating everywhere, and what she had in her mind was always a boy who walked loosely, didn't learn or didn't know, kicked tables and chairs at every turn, and couldn't even wear clothes well. I saw it all today-although I only had the back of my head on Xie Yu. Xu Xia's children are about to enter junior high school, and they don't have so many little girls' thoughts, whether they should look unpleasant or unpleasant, and they were about to take him out of anger, when the words ran to their mouths, and before they could say it, they saw He Chao stretch out his hand and drag out a person from the side: "Please allow me to tell me the reason why I am late." The round frame stumbled from the side and was directly dragged out by He Chao: "Hello everyone, I am Shen Jie in the eighth class of high school, I suddenly fell ill in the corridor today, thanks to the courage of classmate He, I have chronic ...... Frontal chronic ......" Shen Jie, who suddenly forgot what illness he had, was hesitant for a long time. He Chao reminded him: "Chronic non-atrophic gastritis. "Can't you just make it easier for me?" Shen Jie said. He Chao: "The name looks powerful if it is longer." Xu Xia couldn't get out of breath. What are these two people fooling her for? "What about singing and singing?After speaking, she pointed to the stage, "I don't want to waste everyone's time, you find a vacant seat to sit down first, just that, that side of sleeping on your stomach." Xie Yu, who was sleeping on his stomach, moved, probably hearing something, or feeling the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes, he sat up with his head propped up, and slowly opened his eyes: "......" He Chao: "......" The atmosphere is a bit strange. It's also subtle. Liu Cunhao handed over a note to his tablemate, and wrote on it: Is there going to be a fight? Table Mate: I already feel the energy fluctuations in the air, it's fierce. But under the watchful eye, He Chao only said two words: "Friend? Xie Yu: "......" "Fate." He Chao said again, "What a coincidence. Although I don't know what's going on, and I don't know when these two bigwigs crossed the east and west floors to establish a friendship, all the sophomores and third classes of high school breathed a sigh of relief. They had already made up a thrilling, bloody scene. Xu Xia briefly said a few things, such as seating arrangements, class committee elections, and a few subject preview assignments, ending the first round with the hope that everyone can welcome the new semester with a new look. "There is still a little time to do this, so I will follow the roll call and the students I have clicked on, and briefly introduce myself." In a round of applause, He Chao also slapped a few times casually. Xie Yu was dizzy, and lowered his head again. “……” "My name is Wanda, and I have many hobbies, such as reading, sports, ......" "Hello everyone, my name is Xue Xisheng, and I hope everyone can work together, work hard and make progress." "Fu Pei." "Ding Lianghua ......" He Chao listened for a while, raised his hand and patted Xie Yu's shoulder, turned his head sideways and asked, "Hey, do you know which Xie Yu is?" Xie Yu lay on the table and also turned his face to look at him: "Huh? A classmate on the stage was shy, talking like a mosquito, he held back his interests for a long time, and finally held back the two words 'swimming', and he was relieved the moment he walked off the stage. He Chao added: "It's the one, the one from the West Building, the non-mainstream fool who wears black nail polish." He Chao was a little curious about the legendary boss of the West Building, Xie Yu of the West Building, and a bunch of great achievements He Chao didn't care much, but he didn't know why, he remembered the plot of black nail polish very deeply, and he stared around in the class, and could only sigh that the person was really not visible, and the nail polish was removed when he said it, but he didn't see which one it was. Xie Yu looked at him with a complicated expression. "Friend, do you know," He Chao asked, "...... Actually, I'm quite interested in him, and I want to learn from him if I have the chance. Xu Xia shouted on the stage: "Next, Xie Yu." Xie Yu stood up slowly and leisurely, and without looking at He Chao's expression now, he walked up to the stage and took chalk to write the word 'Xie Yu' on the blackboard. The pen is sharp and quite beautiful. Then he threw the chalk into the chalk box, patted off the dust on his hands by the way, and introduced himself briefly and concisely: "Xie Yu, also, I don't wear black nail polish. When Xie Yu said the last sentence, his eyes were fixed on a certain fool, but the fool surnamed He was not embarrassed in the slightest. Even in the silence where everyone didn't know what to say, the fool took the lead in applauding and gave the same table: "Okay! You can say that again! Xie Yu: "......" . When Xie Yu finished introducing himself and returned to his seat, He Chao stared at his hand unabashedly, Xie Yu was writing and scratching on the paper casually, and was stared at and dropped the pen: "You are sick." He Chao said, "You really didn't paint?" That's not the legendary you. In the legend of the West House boss, nail polish accounts for a very important part, at least He Chao really remembered the name Xie Yu because of non-mainstream nail polish. “…… Pass a dick. He Chao went directly to grab Xie Yu's hand: "Don't move, I'll take a look." Xie Yu didn't expect him to come here directly, and when he came back to his senses, his hand had already been grabbed by He Chao. Xie Yu's hands looked very delicate, even a little gentle. Clean and slender, with well-defined joints and neatly trimmed nail covers. When he was a child, when his family conditions were not bad, Gu Xuelan proposed that he want him to learn piano, saying that his fingers are thin and long, which is quite suitable. As a result, Xie Yu was so happy that almost every day, parents ran to their homes with their children, saying what is wrong with your children, how to beat people. Gu Xuelan never mentioned the piano again. Before He Chao could grasp his hand and study it carefully, Xie Yu's whole person exploded directly, and he withdrew his hand: "...... , what's wrong with you. ”

第十三章   坐在他们俩前排的两位同学不动声色地将椅子一点一点往前拉,拖在地上发出细微的声响,直到前胸紧贴桌边,勒得胸腔感觉有点窒息才罢手,竭尽所能地跟后面那排两位大佬拉开距离。   贺朝:“你不至于吧,就摸一下。”   “滚你妈的蛋,”谢俞说,“别随便碰我。”   贺朝没说话,直接把手伸到了谢俞面前。   谢俞看他一眼,想到他刚才那句‘我对他还挺感兴趣的’:“想切磋?”   “摸吧,让你摸回来。”   谢俞:“……”   最后一个自我介绍的同学从台上走下来,徐霞咳了声,暗示某两位同学遵守一下课堂纪律:“今天的班会就开到这里,住校的同学一定要遵守学校规章制度,我不希望课后花时间去处理你们这些学习以外的事情,自己心里有点数。”   课程表连着通知书一起发下来,徐霞又说:“刘存浩,这几天你先担任一下临时班长,你有经验。”   刘存浩心如死灰:“……啊,是。”   “哎,你那个指甲油到底怎么回事?”消停没两分钟,贺朝又问。   谢俞觉得这人真的烦。   黑色指甲油那事。   谢俞没想到它能给自己的履历里添上这么浓墨重彩的一笔。   差不多是半年前,黑水街举办过一场舞蹈大赛。   居委会在街道里拉上横幅,呼吁大家踊跃报名,宣传阵式空前浩荡。但是根据标语就能看出来,这次比赛针对的人群压根不是青少年,因为上头写着:重拾青春,找回年轻时候的自信!   当时大美美国签证刚刚下来,再没多久就得走了,走之前非要拉着他们报名参加。   周大雷哪里会跳舞,当场拒绝:“我不要,太羞耻了,你是怎么想的——跟一群居委会大妈比赛跳舞?你疯了?”   谢俞也说:“大美,这件事情没得商量。”   不说那些居委会大妈了,就连许艳梅和雷妈两个人也早早地为这个舞蹈比赛做足了准备。   谢俞还被梅姨拉去广场围观了一下她们妖娆多姿的扇子舞,绿色扇子,贴片闪闪发亮。   雷妈年轻的时候据说是十里八乡最好看的姑娘,但是现在早已经吃成了两百多斤。最后等她们舞完,谢俞站在广场中央,百感交集地挤出三个字来:“……挺好的。”   大美这次特别认真,他们以为撑死了也就是三分钟热度的事儿,大美缠了他们三天。   前所未有。   周大雷苦口婆心:“给我一个理由,大美,你给我一个克服羞耻的理由。”   大美叹一口气:“哥,我马上就要走了你就这么残忍,连我一个小小的愿望都不肯满足?”   周大雷:“你不如要我去给你摘天上的星星,小淘气。”   大美:“……”   大美又看谢俞,谢俞连话都不想说,直接走人:“我回家吃饭去。”   最后还是熬不过这位小淘气。   在一个漆黑的夜晚,大美把两个人叫出来,三个人吹着寒风蹲在马路牙子上,周大雷裹紧衣服,低着头保护发型,还是被吹成了一个傻逼。   “大美,你想干啥?大半夜的?”周大雷觉得有时候兄弟也是需要教训教训的,“找揍吗。”   大美逆着风,蹲在他们面前,调动浑身的情绪:“其实,我一直暗恋一个女孩儿,但是我不敢向她表白。你们也知道,我快走了……异地恋太幸苦,不想谈异地,异地这辈子是不可能异地的,只想在我走之前,让她记住我酷炫帅气的身姿这样子。”   谢俞:“……”   周大雷正是向往爱情和浪漫的年纪,也可能只是单纯被凌晨三点的寒风给吹傻了,一吸鼻子,犹豫了一会儿,有点动摇:“就没有别的方法吗,展现你酷炫帅气的身姿,只有这一种吗。”   最后这比赛还是比了。   只是三个人排队去报名的时候,气氛尴尬地让人窒息。   “……老伴儿,你看这三个小伙子。”   “这三个小伙子。”   “小伙子?”   谢俞三人:“……”   大美对时尚的嗅觉十分敏锐,如果不是时间不允许,他可能还要自己捣鼓着设计一套演出服,当他掏出一瓶黑色甲油的时候,谢俞是拒绝的:“你所谓的酷炫?”   大美一边涂一边说:“贼鸡巴酷,真的,谢哥,你信我。我昨晚连夜看了好几个视频,酷哥都是这个样子跳舞的。”   托大美的福,他们的舞台造型不仅走在非主流前线,还加入了很多奇奇怪怪的元素。   比赛那天谢俞翘了课。   其实他们根本就没排练好,谢俞尬跳,大美舞姿妖娆柔美但是看上去很羞耻,周大雷就更别提了,实际跳得贼烂却自以为自己很不错。   最后三个人就在场上一通瞎跳,动作也没记熟,三个人总有各种方式撞在一起,你嫌我碍事,我嫌你限制了我的发挥。   谢俞第二天上课才想起来指甲没卸。   周大雷就更惨了,他有一个网咖电竞小比赛,还挺正规的,小范围直播。当天晚上大概几万个人看着他用涂着黑色甲油的手握鼠标,另外五个黑指甲在键盘上不停敲击。   这些倒也无关紧要,只有一点谢俞比较在意,直到大美走之后,他们也不知道那个女孩儿到底是谁。   周大雷有回抽着烟分析:“其实,可能,我有个大胆的猜测,你说大美是不是爱上了哪个中年大妈啊?还是我们街区居委会的,但是他不好意思,怕我们用世俗的眼光看他……我操,这题这样也太超纲了……可如果不是的话,那这解释不通啊,台下根本就没有小姑娘。”   谢俞没说那么详细,贺朝听了个大概,点点头:“哦……舞台效果啊。”   他语气里的情绪太明显,谢俞道:“你好像很失望。”   贺朝说:“啊,有点吧。”   徐霞一宣布散会,大家就赶紧整理东西往外走。   有几个男生嘻嘻哈哈站在三班门口已经好一阵了,这时候才拉开窗户,趴在窗户边上喊:“——朝哥,打球去啊。”   总体上来说,贺朝人缘很不错。   他是很容易结交狐朋狗友的性格,虽然大佬的名号威震四方,但是高一原班级有一堆男生跟他关系都铁,经常一起约着打球或者上网吧打游戏。   沈捷也在里面,徐霞出门的时候冷冰冰地看了他一眼,沈捷刚想说“走啊一起打球”,话到嘴边机智且生硬地变成了:“——我不打球,我看你们打,我胃直到现在还有点疼。”   贺朝看起来心情不错,坐在座位上,身子往后仰,也冲他们挥了挥手:“走啊,球场见。”   他说完,又低头从裤兜里掏出来一个口罩,正要往脸上戴,好像想到了什么,动作一顿,顺便问了句:“一起打球吗?”   谢俞直接起身往外走:“不打。”   贺朝耸耸肩,没说什么。   等谢俞走到门口,贺朝突然在他身后喊了一声他的名字:“谢俞?”   谢俞转过身,靠在门口看他,脸上就差没写“有屁快放”以及“你很烦”。   贺朝已经把口罩带上了:“没什么,熟悉一下新同桌的名字。”   “……”   贺朝又说:“以后多多关照啊,同桌。”   顾雪岚傍晚六点给谢俞打的电话。   “晚饭吃过了吗?今天见到老师同学了吗?”顾雪岚问,“同桌人怎么样?”   谢俞高一本来是有同桌的,后来随着名声越来越差,老师也对他采取特殊措施,让他单人单坐,顾雪岚不知道是听谁说的,知道他高二居然有了一个同桌,连忙打电话过来问。   谢俞心道:……不怎么样。   但是为了避免麻烦,谢俞随口说:“还行吧,阳光开朗热爱运动,就是成绩差了点。”   顾雪岚不知道自己这个每次考试都倒数的儿子,为什么能那么自然地嫌弃新同桌成绩差了点。   她又叮嘱了几句,大致意思还是不要惹事要好好学习,谢俞反应平平,除了“嗯”,没有别的话。   “那我就不跟你说了,”顾雪岚道,“你自己好好想想,妈也管不住你,快成年的人了……做事情别再那么冲动。”   谢俞道:“嗯,你早点休息。”   谢俞倒是没惹事,但他那位阳光开朗热爱运动的同桌开学第一天就捅了个大篓子。   ……皮得不行。   去篮球场打个球把一个成绩名列前茅、年年得三好学生的男生给打了。   徐霞从主任办公室里出来,她很久没有被这么训过,上头很生气,开学第一天发生这样的事情,问她是怎么管理班级怎么管理学生的。她站在那里低着头被数落半天,不知道是恼火还是羞的,脸色青一阵红一阵,进了办公室就重重地把教案拍在桌上。   其他老师被这动静吓一跳,抬头看她,看到徐老师脸色极差,一时间没人敢问问发生了什么。   刘存浩正好过来交家长签字的通知表,徐霞气到面无表情,说话也冷冰冰的:“贺朝在不在教室,你把他叫过来。”   刘存浩心里其实挺怕的,虽然大家都说西楼谢俞比较可怕,独来独往孤傲得很,东楼那位比较接地气,人还挺有意思的。   但是他更怕贺朝。   他亲眼见过贺朝打架。   那还是高一的时候,上课上到一半,他突然闹肚子,举手示意老师要上厕所,抓了纸巾就往外跑,跑过去看到厕所门口居然放了一个“维修中”的告示牌。   他正要去下个楼层解决生理需求,听到厕所里有人哭着求饶:“我错了……别打我,我错了……”   刘存浩顿了顿,一只脚踏进去,小心翼翼地往里头看了一眼。   贺朝两根手指夹着烟,站在一个跪坐在地上的男生面前。   虽然贺朝身上规规矩矩地穿着校服,但是规矩这两个字,跟他这个人毫不相干。贺朝眯了眯眼,嘴里吐出一口烟,不笑的时候整个人感觉冷到骨子里,还有一种处于极度压抑状态的张狂。   ——和他平时插科打诨有说有笑的样子完全不一样。   他弹了弹烟灰,眼底全是阴霾,然后他蹲下身,直接抓着那人的头发迫使他抬头:“胆子很大啊?”   作者有话要说:  贺朝:我不喜欢打打杀杀,我是一个和平主义者……
Chapter 13 The two classmates sitting in the front row of the two of them quietly pulled their chairs forward little by little, dragging them on the ground with a slight sound, until their chests were close to the edge of the table, and they didn't stop until their chests felt a little suffocated, and they did their best to distance themselves from the two bigwigs in the back row. He Chao: "If you don't want to, just touch it." "Fuck off," Xie Yu said, "don't touch me." He Chao didn't speak, and directly stretched out his hand in front of Xie Yu. Xie Yu glanced at him and thought of his sentence just now, 'I'm quite interested in him': "Want to learn? "Touch it, let you touch it back." Xie Yu: "......" The last student to introduce himself walked down from the stage, Xu Xia coughed, suggesting that some two students should abide by the classroom discipline: "Today's class meeting is here, students who live on campus must abide by the school rules and regulations, I don't want to spend time after class to deal with your things other than studying, I have points in my heart." The class schedule was sent down along with the notice, and Xu Xia said again: "Liu Cunhao, you have served as a temporary squad leader in the past few days, you have experience." Liu Cunhao's heart was like ashes: "...... Ah, yes. "Hey, what the hell is going on with that nail polish of yours?" Within two minutes of the stop, He Chao asked again. Xie Yu felt that this person was really annoying. Black nail polish that thing. Xie Yu didn't expect it to add such a strong stroke to his resume. Almost half a year ago, Blackwater Street held a dance competition. The neighborhood committee put up banners in the streets, calling on everyone to sign up enthusiastically, and the propaganda array was unprecedentedly huge. But according to the slogan, it can be seen that the crowd targeted at this competition is not teenagers at all, because it is written: Regain your youth and regain the confidence you had when you were young! At that time, the U.S. visa had just come down, and it didn't take long for them to leave, so I had to pull them to sign up before leaving. Where can Zhou Dalei dance, and refused on the spot: "I don't want it, it's too ashamed, what do you think - dancing with a group of neighborhood committee aunts?" You are crazy? Xie Yu also said: "Da Mei, this matter is not negotiable. Not to mention those aunts of the neighborhood committee, even Xu Yanmei and Lei Ma have made full preparations for this dance competition early. Xie Yu was also dragged to the square by Aunt Mei to watch their enchanting fan dance, green fans, and patches shining. When Lei Ma was young, she was said to be the best-looking girl in ten miles and eight towns, but now she has already eaten more than 200 catties. Finally, when they finished dancing, Xie Yu stood in the center of the square and squeezed out three words with mixed feelings: "...... Pretty good. Da Mei was very serious this time, they thought that it was a matter of three minutes of heat to survive, and Da Mei pestered them for three days. Unprecedented. Zhou Dalei said bitterly: "Give me a reason, Damei, you give me a reason to overcome shame." Da Mei sighed: "Brother, I'm about to leave and you're so cruel that you refuse to satisfy even my little wish?" Zhou Dalei: "You might as well ask me to pick the stars in the sky for you, little naughty." Damei: "......" Da Mei looked at Xie Yu again, Xie Yu didn't even want to speak, and left directly: "I'll go home for dinner." In the end, I couldn't survive this little naughty. On a dark night, Da Mei called two people out, the three of them squatted on the road with the cold wind, Zhou Dalei wrapped his clothes tightly, lowered his head to protect his hairstyle, and was still blown into a fool. "Da Mei, what do you want to do? In the middle of the night? Zhou Dalei felt that sometimes brothers also needed to be taught a lesson, "Looking for a beating." Da Mei squatted in front of them against the wind, mobilizing her emotions: "Actually, I have always had a crush on a girl, but I dare not confess to her. You know, I'm leaving...... I am too fortunate to have a long-distance relationship, I don't want to talk about a long-distance relationship, it is impossible to be a long-distance person in this life, I just want to let her remember my cool and handsome posture before I leave. Xie Yu: "......" Zhou Dalei is the age of yearning for love and romance, or maybe he was simply blown stupid by the cold wind at three o'clock in the morning, sniffed, hesitated for a while, and wavered a little: "Is there no other way, to show your cool and handsome body, is there only this one?" In the end, the game was still competitive. It's just that when three people lined up to sign up, the atmosphere was awkwardly suffocating. “…… Wife, look at these three young men. "These three lads." "Young man?" Xie Yu and the three: "......" Da Mei has a very keen sense of fashion, if it weren't for the fact that time didn't allow, he might have to design a set of performance clothes by himself, and when he took out a bottle of black nail polish, Xie Yu refused: "What do you call cool? Da Mei said while painting: "Thief cock is cool, really, Brother Xie, you believe me." I watched several videos overnight last night, and cool guys all danced like this. Thanks to Da Meifu, their stage style is not only on the front line of the non-mainstream, but also adds a lot of strange elements. On the day of the competition, Xie Yu skipped class. In fact, they didn't rehearse well at all, Xie Yu danced awkwardly, Da Mei danced enchanting and soft but looked ashamed, not to mention Zhou Dalei, who actually danced badly but thought he was very good. In the end, the three of them jumped blindly on the field, and they didn't remember the movements, and the three of them always collided together in various ways, you think I'm in the way, I think you're restricting my play. Xie Yu only remembered that his nails hadn't been removed in class the next day. Zhou Dalei is even worse, he has a small e-sports competition in an Internet café, which is quite formal, and it is broadcast live on a small scale. That night, about tens of thousands of people watched him hold the mouse with his black nail polished hand while five other black nails kept tapping on the keyboard. These didn't matter, only one thing Xie Yu cared about, until Da Mei left, they didn't know who that girl was. Zhou Dalei smoked back and analyzed: "Actually, maybe, I have a bold guess, do you say that Da Mei is in love with a middle-aged aunt?" It's still from our neighborhood committee, but he's embarrassed, afraid that we'll look at him with worldly eyes...... Holy shit, that's too much of an over-the-top question...... But if it's not, then it doesn't make sense, there is no little girl in the audience at all. Xie Yu didn't say that in such detail, He Chao listened to it and nodded: "Oh...... Stage effect. The emotion in his tone was too obvious, and Xie Yu said, "You seem to be disappointed." He Chao said, "Ah, a little. As soon as Xu Xia announced the dismissal of the meeting, everyone hurriedly sorted out their things and walked out. A few boys had been standing at the door of Class 3 for a while, and only then did they open the window and lie on the edge of the window and shout: "Brother Chao, go to play ball." Overall, He Chao's popularity is very good. He is very easy to make fox friends and dog friends, although the name of the big guy is powerful, but there are a bunch of boys in the original class of the first year of high school who have an iron relationship with him, and often make appointments to play ball or play games in Internet cafes together. Shen Jie was also inside, Xu Xia glanced at him coldly when she went out, Shen Jie just wanted to say, "Let's go, let's play ball together", but the words became witty and blunt: "-I don't play, I watch you play, my stomach still hurts a little until now." He Chao seemed to be in a good mood, sat in his seat, leaned back, and waved at them: "Let's go, see you on the court." After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and took out a mask from his trouser pocket, and was about to put it on his face, as if he thought of something, he made a move, and asked by the way: "Do you want to play ball together?" Xie Yu got up directly and walked out: "Don't fight." He Chao shrugged and didn't say anything. When Xie Yu walked to the door, He Chao suddenly shouted his name behind him: "Xie Yu? Xie Yu turned around and leaned against the door to look at him, with "fart quickly" and "you are annoying" almost written on his face. He Chao had already put on his mask: "It's nothing, familiarize yourself with the name of your new tablemate." ” “……” He Chao said again: "Take care of me in the future, at the same table." Gu Xuelan called Xie Yu at six o'clock in the evening. "Have you had dinner? Did you meet your teachers and classmates today? Gu Xuelan asked, "How are the people at the same table?" Xie Yu originally had a table in high school, but later as his reputation got worse and worse, the teacher also took special measures against him and let him sit alone, Gu Xuelan didn't know who he was listening to, and knew that he actually had a table mate in his second year of high school, so he hurriedly called over and asked. Xie Yuxin said: ...... Not so good. But in order to avoid trouble, Xie Yu said casually: "It's okay, sunny and cheerful and love sports, but the results are a little worse." Gu Xuelan didn't know why her son, who was at the bottom of every exam, could so naturally dislike her new tablemate's poor grades. She told a few more words, the general meaning is not to cause trouble and to study hard, Xie Yu reacted mediocrely, except for "um", there is nothing else. "Then I won't tell you," Gu Xuelan said, "Think about it yourself, Mom can't control you, you're about to become an adult...... Don't be so impulsive in doing things. Xie Yu said, "Well, you rest early." Xie Yu didn't cause trouble, but his sunny and cheerful sports-loving table stabbed a big basket on the first day of school. …… The skin is not good. Go to the basketball court and play a ball and beat a boy who is at the top of the school and gets three good students every year. Xu Xia came out of the director's office, she hadn't been disciplined like this for a long time, and she was very angry, something like this happened on the first day of school, and asked her how she managed the class and how she managed the students. She stood there with her head down and was counted down for a long time, not knowing whether she was annoyed or ashamed, her face was blue and red for a while, and when she entered the office, she slapped the lesson plan heavily on the table. The other teachers were startled by this movement, looked up at her, and saw that Teacher Xu's face was extremely bad, and no one dared to ask what happened for a while. Liu Cunhao happened to come over to hand over the notice form signed by the parents, Xu Xia was so angry that her face was expressionless, and she spoke coldly: "He Chao is not in the classroom, you call him over." Liu Cunhao was actually quite scared in his heart, although everyone said that Xie Yu in the West Building was more terrible, and he was very arrogant and lonely, and the one in the East Building was more down-to-earth and quite interesting. But he was more afraid of He Chao. He had seen the He Dynasty fight with his own eyes. It was still a freshman in high school, in the middle of class, he suddenly had a stomach upset, raised his hand to signal the teacher to go to the toilet, grabbed a tissue and ran out, ran over to see a "under maintenance" sign at the door of the toilet. He was about to go to the next floor to solve his physiological needs when he heard someone in the toilet crying and begging for mercy: "I was wrong...... Don't hit me, I was wrong......" Liu Cunhao paused, stepped in with one foot, and cautiously glanced inside. He Chao held a cigarette between his fingers and stood in front of a boy who was kneeling on the ground. Although He Chao wears a school uniform in a regular manner, the word rules has nothing to do with him as a person. He Chao squinted, spit out a puff of cigarette in his mouth, and when he didn't laugh, he felt cold to the bones, and there was a kind of arrogance in an extremely depressed state. - It's completely different from his usual gags and jokes. He flicked the cigarette ash, and his eyes were full of gloom, and then he squatted down and grabbed the man's hair directly to force him to look up: "How bold are you?" The author has something to say: He Chao: I don't like to fight and kill, I'm a pacifist......

第十四章   高二三班有一个内部群。   几乎每个班都会建内部群,作用是防范老师,实现言论自由。大群里各科老师都在,有些话不方便说,如果碰到跟学生打成一片的老师那还好,但像徐霞这种更年期妇女,平日里不苟言笑威严得很,一看就知道跟他们有严重代沟。   但是三班这个内部群有点特殊。   不仅防范老师,他们还得防范两位称霸校园的特殊人物。   [匿名A]:……听说贺朝把杨文远给打了?   [匿名B]:我有朋友跟杨文远一个班,说是被打得特别严重,现在还在医院里躺着。   [匿名C];八班那个杨文远?   内部群消息一直在震,刘存浩看着“杨文远”三个字,记忆里那个曾经让他吓到肝颤的画面渐渐和这个名字重叠在一起。   “别打我……我错了……”   贺朝抓着那人的头发,轻声说:“我是不是警告过你,我他妈是不是警告过你。”   杨文远跪在地上,他整个人特别瘦,脸上长满了青春痘,看上去坑坑洼洼。厕所瓷砖地面并不干净,还有几摊水渍,他哭着说:“你放过我吧。”   刘存浩叫贺朝去老师办公室的时候,沈捷正好窜班过来玩,他自备了椅子,坐在贺朝边上,丝毫没有一点‘其他班同学’的自觉:“那个,靠窗的,麻烦拉一下窗帘呗。”   贺朝说:“你使唤谁呢,自己拉去。”   沈捷起身把窗帘拉上,又坐回去。他下节课是体育课,闲得不行,见贺朝手里一直捧着手机就没放下来过,好奇道:“朝哥,你玩什么呢?”   贺朝没理他,凑到谢俞身边,给他看手机屏幕:“高手,再帮我参谋参谋?”   谢俞送了他两个字:“滚蛋。”   “……”   沈捷好奇得不行:“给我看看啊,我来,我帮你参谋。”   “滚蛋,”贺朝说,“你回自己班级凉快去。”   沈捷坚持不懈,终于偷偷瞄到一眼。粉红色的界面,一个长发飘飘的卡通少女穿着套白色内衣裤站在衣柜边上眨巴着眼睛。   沈捷惊了,语无伦次:“这……这莫非是那个……那个……”   “那个无数中小学女生痴迷的换装游戏。”谢俞平静地说。   贺朝玩了一整节课,谢俞也被他骚扰了一节课。   贺朝每次自信满满地搭配完服装,出来的分数都不尽人意,一个关卡试了好多次,最后往谢俞面前扔:“同桌,帮个忙?”   搭衣服跟打牌一样,可能都需要一点运气,谢俞实在被他烦得不行,随手点了几件:“你是不是弱智……这种游戏?ID软小乖乖?入戏很深啊。”   谢俞随手点完,出来得分意外地高。   “高手,”贺朝真心实意赞美,“这怎么看怎么丑的一套衣服,得分居然可以这么高。”   沈捷觉得世界一阵恍惚,宁愿相信是自己的品味发生了什么问题:“啊?这游戏……好玩吗?有什么它的独到之处?”   贺朝正仔仔细细琢磨下一套衣服该怎么搭,没功夫理他。   谢俞三两下抄完课后作业,合上书本说:“独到之处?特别弱智。”   刘存浩直接从后门进的教室,他站在贺朝面前:“去一趟老师办公室,徐老师找。”   贺朝随便应了一声,压根没把它当成什么事,隔了一会儿抬起头,发现刘存浩还站在他跟前没走:“……你还有什么事儿吗?”   刘存浩似乎是一句话憋了很久,最后他才鼓起勇气说:“你不要以为你可以为所欲为,杨文远被你打成这样……”   沈捷听到这里,连忙打断:“等等。杨文远?什么?”   课间十分钟,班里吵得很,没人注意到他们这个角落里正在说什么。   贺朝却是听懂了,他敛了笑,收起手机,若有所思道:“啊,这样。”   沈捷:“……哪样?”   谢俞置身事外,没有任何反应。   刘存浩其实很害怕,但是他脑子一热——他曾经一度很自责,看到同学被欺凌的时候没有上去阻止,第一反应就是扭头就跑,现在新仇旧恨加在一块儿,有点激动。   况且现在贺朝脸色都冷下来了,刘存浩生怕自己真的惹到他。   不过贺朝也只是把手机扔给谢俞:“帮个忙,再帮我打两关,我今天得超过前面好友列表里那个甜奶布丁。”   谢俞拿着手机,还没来得及拒绝,贺朝已经出去了。   上课铃正好响起来。   沈捷拖着椅子往外走,走之前困惑地碎碎念着:“……什么打人啊,朝哥什么时候打杨文远了?没打啊,我失忆了吗。”   这一去,贺朝一天都没回来上课。   第二天再来的时候,人跟没事人一样。   有老师没忍住,问徐霞:“徐老师,你们班贺朝那个事,怎么样了?处理好了吗?”   徐霞气不打一处来:“他死不承认,能拿他怎么办?”   贺朝被叫过去之后,全程面不改色,还跟检察官似地问杨文远要医院验伤报告,让他说说清楚自己每一个伤是被怎么打的。   杨文远那孩子被吓得话都不会说。   徐霞觉得这件事情压根用不着调查,有脑子的人一看就知道怎么回事,她让贺朝主动认错,道个歉写个检讨,处分一下就完事了。   贺朝愣是不愿意,他虽然脸上笑着,语气冷得不行:“道什么歉。杨三好,你这碰瓷碰得很熟练啊,上下嘴皮子一碰就说我打你。”   徐霞回忆不下去了,摆摆手:“不说他了,说得我胸口疼。”   “超过甜奶布丁没有?”贺朝掐着点,踏着上课铃从后门走进来,站在谢俞旁边,曲起一根手指,弯腰侧过去敲了敲谢俞的桌面,“喂。”   早自习从来都是用来补觉的,谢俞被他敲得头疼:“超个屁,自己玩去。”   贺朝坐下来,又问:“那我手机呢?”   谢俞在桌肚里摸了两下,摸到了扔过去。   贺朝单手接过,打开发现已经没电了。   昨天贺朝和杨文远的事情在年级里闹得沸沸扬扬,流言四起。   早就听说这两个校霸爱惹事,但那基本上都是跟校外的人起矛盾,没发生在身边,还能当成传说茶余饭后谈论谈论,感叹几声“牛逼”。   但现在贺朝整了这样一出,打的还是一个年级公认的好学生。   [匿名A]:他今天来上课了……哇在跟谢俞说话。   [匿名A]:屌还是谢俞屌啊,无所畏惧。可怕,我都不敢动弹。   [匿名B]:杨文远今天出院,沈捷揪着他衣领在班里骂他不要脸……难道真的有什么隐情?   [匿名C]:能有什么隐情啊,恼羞成怒了呗,沈捷也不是什么好学生。   谢俞睡了一节早自习。   贺朝不知道问谁借了充电宝,坐在边上低头玩手机。   早自习过后第一节课是徐霞的课,徐霞刚进教室,就指着贺朝说:“你给我出去上课,站门口,别在教室里。”   班里人看到徐霞这个态度,对“打人事件”的猜测越来越肯定。   八九不离十,这人肯定是打了。   贺朝也无所谓,二话不说,直接带着手机和充电宝往外走。   谢俞看了一眼他的背影,全校统一的校服,贺朝还真能穿出一种好学生的架势,腰杆挺拔、衣服干干净净、也不像别人那样作妖,把拉链拉得特别低,只是手里拽着的手机还有长长的充电线暴露了他的本性。   贺朝不知道是不是感受到有人看他,走到门口的时候回了头。   谢俞还没来得及把头转回去,就听徐霞站在台上说:“谢俞,你那么舍不得你同桌?”   无辜躺枪的谢俞:“……”操?   “那么舍不得他,你也出去,跟他一起站。”徐霞又说,“出去。”   高二三班班级门口,上午第一节课就站了两个人。   “够意思啊,”贺朝卡了个死角,一边冲电一边抓着手机玩换装游戏,低着头说,“舍不得我?”   谢俞站在他边上,实在是不知道说什么,回应他一个意味深长的单音节词:“呵。”   贺朝:“……”   谢俞就是不太想去看徐霞那个样子,埋怨恨不得都写在脸上。   从返校那天他就感觉出来了,这位班主任明显对他们有成见,贺朝这事先不论到底是怎么回事、谁对谁错,她已经通过这事,捎带着看不上谢俞这个还没炸的危险品,觉得反正这两个都是一类人。   况且看着徐霞不停冲他们翻白眼,他都怕她这眼睛别翻出什么问题。   “高手,你看看,是这条格子裙好看,还是那件粉色的?”贺朝对换装小游戏简直可以说是坚持不懈到了一种感人的地步,“或者换件衣服?”   谢俞看着他玩了半天,多少总结出一点称不上规律的规律:“选丑的。”   贺朝问:“你认真的吗?”   谢俞:“我觉得你的审美如果反着来玩这个游戏,可能会有意想不到的效果。”   明显就是一句损话,贺朝还真的听进去了,他思考了一会儿说:“我操,我觉得你这个思路很不错。”   “……”   “你很有想法啊。”
Chapter 14 There is an internal group in the second and third classes of high school. Almost every class has an internal group, which serves to guard against teachers and to achieve freedom of speech. There are teachers of all subjects in the large group, and some things are inconvenient to say, if you meet a teacher who mingles with the students, it is fine, but a menopausal woman like Xu Xia is very dignified when she does not smile on weekdays, and she knows that there is a serious generation gap with them at a glance. But the internal group of Class 3 is a bit special. Not only do they have to guard against the teachers, but they also have to guard against two special people who dominate the campus. [Anonymous A]: ...... I heard that He Chao beat Yang Wenyuan? [Anonymous B]: I have a friend who is in the same class as Yang Wenyuan, and he said that he was beaten very badly and is still lying in the hospital. [Anonymous C]; That Yang Wenyuan in Class 8? The internal group news has been shaking, Liu Cunhao looked at the three words "Yang Wenyuan", and the picture in his memory that once scared him to tremble gradually overlapped with this name. "Don't hit me...... I was wrong......" He Chao grabbed the man's hair and whispered, "Did I warn you, did I warn you." Yang Wenyuan knelt on the ground, his whole person was very thin, his face was covered with pimples, and he looked pitted. The toilet tile floor was not clean, and there were a few water stains, and he cried and said, "You can let me go." When Liu Cunhao asked He Chao to go to the teacher's office, Shen Jie happened to come over to play, he brought his own chair and sat next to He Chao, without the slightest consciousness of 'other classmates': "That, by the window, please pull the curtains." He Chao said, "Whom do you call, pull it yourself." Shen Jie got up, closed the curtains, and sat back down. His next class is a physical education class, and he is too idle, and he has never put it down when he sees He Chao holding the mobile phone in his hand, and he is curious: "Brother Chao, what are you playing?" He Chao ignored him, leaned over to Xie Yu, and showed him the screen of his mobile phone: "Master, help me with the staff again?" Xie Yu gave him two words: "Get out." ” “……” Shen Jie was so curious: "Show me, I'll come, I'll help you with your staff." "Fuck off," He Chao said, "you go back to your class." Shen Jie persevered, and finally sneaked a glance. On the pink interface, a cartoon girl with long hair fluttering in a white lingerie stands on the edge of the closet and blinks her eyes. Shen Jie was shocked and said incoherently: "This ...... Could it be the ...... That ......" "That dress-up game that countless elementary and middle school girls are obsessed with." Xie Yu said calmly. He Chao played a whole class, and Xie Yu was also harassed by him for a class. He Chao confidently matched the costume every time, and the score was unsatisfactory, and he tried a level many times, and finally threw it in front of Xie Yu: "At the same table, do me a favor?" Putting on clothes is the same as playing cards, it may take a little luck, Xie Yu was really annoyed by him, and ordered a few casually: "Are you mentally retarded...... This kind of game? ID soft little obedient? It's very deep in the play. Xie Yu clicked casually, and the score was unexpectedly high. "Master," He Chao praised sincerely, "how ugly this is a set of clothes, the score can be so high." Shen Jie felt that the world was in a trance, and he preferred to believe that something was wrong with his taste: "Huh? This game...... Is it fun? What's so unique about it? He Chao Zhengzai carefully pondered how to put on the next set of clothes, and didn't bother to pay attention to him. Xie Yu finished copying his homework after class, closed the book and said, "What's unique? Particularly mentally retarded. Liu Cunhao entered the classroom directly from the back door, and he stood in front of He Chao: "Go to the teacher's office, Teacher Xu will look for it." He Chao responded casually, didn't take it as a matter at all, raised his head after a while, and found that Liu Cunhao was still standing in front of him and didn't leave: "...... Is there anything else you can do? Liu Cunhao seemed to hold back a sentence for a long time, and finally he mustered up the courage to say: "Don't think you can do whatever you want, Yang Wenyuan was beaten like this by you......" When Shen Jie heard this, he hurriedly interrupted: "Wait." Yang Wenyuan? What? Ten minutes between classes, the class was so noisy that no one noticed what they were saying in this corner. He Chao understood, he smiled, put away his phone, and said thoughtfully: "Ah, that's it." Shen Jie: "...... Which? Xie Yu stayed out of the matter and did not react. Liu Cunhao was actually very scared, but his brain was hot - he once blamed himself, and when he saw his classmates being bullied, he didn't go up to stop it, and his first reaction was to turn around and run, and now the new hatred and old hatred are added together, and he is a little excited. Besides, now that He Chao's face has turned cold, Liu Cunhao is afraid that he will really provoke him. However, He Chao just threw his phone to Xie Yu: "Do me a favor, help me play two more levels, I have to surpass the sweet milk pudding in the previous friend list today." Xie Yu held the mobile phone, and before he could refuse, He Chao had already gone out. The class bell rang just in time. Shen Jie dragged the chair out, and before leaving, he thought in confusion: "...... What kind of beating, when did Brother Chao beat Yang Wenyuan? I didn't fight, did I have amnesia? This time, He Chao did not come back to class for a day. When I came back the next day, it was like no one. A teacher couldn't hold back and asked Xu Xia: "Teacher Xu, how is the matter with your Ban He Chao?" Is it dealt with? Xu Xia was angry: "He doesn't admit it, what can I do with him?" After He Chao was called over, his face did not change throughout the whole process, and he asked Yang Wenyuan for the hospital injury report like a prosecutor, and asked him to explain clearly how he was beaten for each of his injuries. Yang Wenyuan's child was so frightened that he couldn't speak. Xu Xia felt that there was no need to investigate this matter at all, and people with brains would know what was going on at a glance, so she asked He Chao to take the initiative to admit her mistake, apologize and write a review, and the punishment would be over. He Chao was stunned because he was unwilling, although he had a smile on his face, his tone was so cold: "What are you sorry for." Yang Sanhao, you are very skilled in touching porcelain, and when you touch your mouth, you will say that I will beat you. Xu Xia couldn't recall anymore, and waved her hand: "Don't talk about him, it makes my chest hurt." "Is there more than sweet milk pudding?" He Chao pinched a little, walked in from the back door with the class bell, stood next to Xie Yu, curled a finger, bent over and knocked on Xie Yu's desktop, "Hey." Early self-study has always been used to catch up on sleep, and Xie Yu was knocked by him with a headache: "Super fart, play by yourself." He Chao sat down and asked again, "What about my mobile phone?" Xie Yu touched the belly of the table twice, touched it and threw it over. He Chao took it with one hand, opened it and found that it was out of power. Yesterday, the matter of He Chao and Yang Wenyuan caused a stir in the grade, and rumors spread everywhere. I have long heard that these two school bullies love to cause trouble, but they are basically conflicts with people outside the school, and they don't happen around, and they can be used as legends to talk about after dinner, and sigh a few "". But now He Chao has made such a play, and he is still a good student recognized by a grade. [Anonymous A]: He's in class today...... Wow, I'm talking to Xie Yu. [Anonymous A]: Dick is still Xie Yu's dick, fearless. It was so terrible that I didn't even dare to move. [Anonymous B]: Yang Wenyuan was discharged from the hospital today, and Shen Jie grabbed him by the collar and scolded him for being shameless in the class...... Is there really something going on? [Anonymous C]: What can there be secrets, I'm annoyed and angry, Shen Jie is not a good student. Xie Yu slept for a morning self-study. He Chao didn't know who borrowed the power bank, and sat on the side and lowered his head to play with his mobile phone. The first class after the morning self-study was Xu Xia's class, and as soon as Xu Xia entered the classroom, she pointed to He Chao and said, "You go out to class for me, stand at the door, don't be in the classroom." Seeing Xu Xia's attitude, the people in the class became more and more sure of the speculation about the "beating incident". Eight or nine is not far from ten, this person must have beaten. He Chao didn't care, he didn't say a word, and walked out directly with his mobile phone and power bank. Xie Yu glanced at his back, the uniform of the whole school, He Chao can really wear a good student's posture, his waist is straight, his clothes are clean, and he is not like a demon like others, he pulls the zipper very low, but the mobile phone in his hand and the long charging cable reveal his nature. He Chao didn't know if he felt someone looking at him, and turned around when he walked to the door. Before Xie Yu could turn his head back, he heard Xu Xia stand on the stage and say, "Xie Yu, are you so reluctant to be at the same table?" Xie Yu, who was innocently lying on the gun: "......"? "Then I can't bear him, you also go out and stand with him." Xu Xia said again, "Go out." At the door of the third class of the second and third classes of high school, there were two people standing in the first class in the morning. "Interesting," He Chao stuck a dead end, grabbed his mobile phone while charging the electricity and played a dress-up game, lowered his head and said, "Reluctant to me?" Xie Yu stood beside him, really didn't know what to say, and responded to him with a meaningful monosyllabic word: "Heh." He Chao: "......" Xie Yu just didn't want to see Xu Xia like that, and his grievances were written on his face. He felt it from the day he returned to school, this head teacher obviously had a prejudice against them, He Chao didn't matter what was going on in advance, who was right and who was wrong, she had already passed this matter, and carried Xie Yu, a dangerous product that hadn't exploded, and felt that these two were the same kind of people anyway. Besides, seeing Xu Xia keep rolling her eyes at them, he was afraid that her eyes wouldn't have any problems. "Master, look at it, is this plaid skirt pretty, or that pink?" He Chao's prevarication of the dress-up game can be said to be unremitting, to the point of touching, "Or change clothes?" Xie Yu watched him play for a long time, and somewhat summed up a little rule that could not be called a rule: "Choose the ugly one." He Chao asked, "Are you serious?" Xie Yu: "I think if your aesthetic is played against this game, it may have unexpected effects." It was obviously a bad sentence, He Chao really listened to it, he thought for a while and said, "Fuck, I think your idea is very good." ” “……” "You've got a lot of ideas."

第十五章   这一站直接站到了下课,徐霞上完课拿着教材出门的时候,贺朝还心情不错地对她说了一句“老师再见”。   徐霞胸闷气短,理都没理继续往前走。   “知道她为什么生气吗,”贺朝挺乐的,他随手搭上谢俞的肩,两个人凑在一块儿往教室里走,“她本来准备跳槽去实验附中,市重点,人脉都搭好了,现在她手底下的一位优秀学生——也就是我,阻挡了……”   谢俞对八卦没什么兴趣:“把你的手拿开。”   贺朝觉得他这个同桌真的是很没有人情味。   他本来还只是把手搭在谢俞肩上,听到这句话直接伸手揽上去,从其他角度看,他们俩几乎抱在一起:“我不放。”   谢俞想踹他,贺朝直接把头埋进他脖子里笑:“冷静,朋友。”   “冷静你大爷。”   [匿名A]:同学们,前方三点钟方向有情况。   [匿名B]:woc,看到了,他们俩在干什么?   [匿名C]:我宁愿选择相信他们两个人在打架……   还不知道有秘密内部群的谢俞发现他们这个新班级有点奇怪。   每次安静的时候总是一起安静,全班鸦雀无声。等安静完,抬起头,彼此露出某种心照不宣的眼神。诡异得很。   贺朝充电宝是问隔壁组一个男生借的,他去还的时候,那男生都不太敢接,看起来很想直接把这个充电宝上供了。   贺朝直接往人桌上放:“谢了啊。”   “……不、不客气。”那男生说话的时候声音听上去嗡嗡嗡的,手垫在桌肚里,藏着某样东西,整个人都非常紧张。贺朝没听不清他在说什么,正想问,刚张口,那男生浑身一抖。   贺朝:“……”我这么可怕的吗。   等贺朝走远,那男生才小心翼翼地把手机拿出来。   转眼离开学过去将近两个礼拜。   谢俞眼睁睁看着贺朝玩换装小游戏的技术越来越厉害,搭配出来频频得高分。   简直让人匪夷所思。   难道上次随口一说还真的让他找到了打通任督二脉的方法?   “怎么可能,你那个技巧我尝试过了,拯救不了我。”贺朝退游戏之前,截了个屏,截下自己迄今为止创造的历史最高分,面色如常地对同桌说,“我充钱了。”   贺朝又说:“你同桌我,传说中的,人民币玩家。”   谢俞:“……”   贺朝:“我现在强得我自己都害怕。”   谢俞无不嘲讽地说:“软小乖乖,你真是让我惊喜。”   “我光明正大充的钱,充钱很可耻吗?”贺朝说完,前排两个男生肩膀忍不住抖了起来。   他们座位离得近,平时谢俞跟贺朝说点什么话,听得一清二楚。   两个礼拜听下来有时候真的能笑到停不住,又怕笑得太过,引起大佬注意,只好憋着。   时间久了,他们俩居然觉得,校霸跟外面传的一点也不一样,还挺……可爱的。   校霸上课睡觉的时候也会让同桌帮忙盯着点老师,虽然谢校霸一般不会理贺校霸,每次贺朝被老师点名站起来或者去门口罚站,贺朝总有一百种理由拉上谢俞垫背。   几次垫背下来,谢俞才会正视贺朝那些无理的请求,有老师经过的时候直接把书卷成圈,往贺朝脑袋上粗暴地招呼:“起来。”   贺朝说着,点开企鹅发了个空间动态,炫耀一波自己的战绩:[/图片][酷]。   他发完,突然想到什么,伸手过去敲了敲谢俞桌面:“加一下好友?”   谢俞婉拒:“我不想让软小乖乖这四个字出现在我的好友列表里。”   “……”   贺朝哽住:“……谁跟你说软小乖乖是我的账号?”   “那是我妹,”贺朝又说,“你对我的误会很深啊。我一直觉得以我高大威猛的形象,这种事情应该用不着我特意解释。”   贺朝有个妹妹刚上初中。   这姑娘沉迷换装游戏,家里给她规定玩手机的时间又只有一个小时,周一到周五上学日更是连手机的摸不着。她说她十分羡慕好朋友甜奶布丁的等级和积分,而且在她们班,谁的换装游戏等级高,谁就是那个备受爱戴的小同学。   谢俞听得太阳穴有点抽痛。   贺朝说:“我觉得这丫头在骗我。”   贺朝的企鹅名字就是他本名,意外地正经。   谢俞通过好友请求之后也没给他改备注,就随便扔进一个分类栏让他躺着。   倒是贺朝这个神经病,明明就坐在旁边,还给他发了一句:你是GG还是MM?   “你傻逼吗?”谢俞忍着拉黑的冲动说。   贺朝笑着把手机收起来:“网上冲浪要讲礼貌,大家都是这样打招呼的。”   “安静一下——”课间休息的时候徐霞进班,走廊外面太吵,她说话的时候不得不加大音量,“下节课我有点事,让王老师代课,下午也不在学校里,有什么时候找班委,班委明天再跟我汇报。班长记得维持好班级秩序,听见没有?”   [匿名A]:又有事?   [匿名B]:……讲真的,她总找人代课好歹也跟人家说明一下我们的学习进度,每次上课上得贼尴尬。   [匿名C]:徐老师最近家里头是出了什么事吗?   徐霞家里好得很,她从开学以来都在准备跳槽的事情。   他们班是文化班里成绩最差的一个班,情况又特殊,当时校方把这个班交给徐霞,也是因为相信她的能力……可徐霞固执地认为就是学校在给她下绊子。   这么一个马上要去重点学校教书的“优秀教师”自然看不上这样一个班,压根没花多少心思在班级上。班里同学也不是瞎子,对徐霞的意见一天天大了起来。   桌肚里手机震动两下,贺朝低头看手机。   两条信息。   -朝哥,杨文远这几天跟徐霞走得可近,你当心点。   -徐霞不把你这事解决完,实验附中不可能让她那么顺顺当当地转进去,都在说她教学能力不行,她那个亲戚也保不住她。估计这是还要从你打杨三好那件事入手。   这天上午最后一节课刚下课,沈捷从后门溜进来,想找贺朝一起去食堂吃饭,但是进来看到贺朝座位上空空荡荡,扭头问坐在边上的谢俞:“这位大哥,我朝哥呢?”   “他?”谢俞说,“翘课了。”   沈捷用期盼的目光看着谢俞,示意他继续往下说:“嗯……?”   谢俞坐在座位上,打算过会儿等人少了再去食堂,他一局节奏音符小游戏正打到半途。静了音,听不到音乐节奏似乎压根没有妨碍到他,手指在屏幕上点击速度奇快。   沈捷心说,我当然知道他是翘课了,但是翘课去哪儿了啊。   谢俞一局下来,发现沈捷还站在边上。   “你想问贺朝去哪了?”谢俞回味过来,又道,“我怎么知道。关我屁事。”   “真的冷酷。”   “不近人情。”   “仿佛是个没有感情的杀手。”   “……”   沈捷从厕所找到天台,最后在男生宿舍楼里找到了贺朝,吐槽一大堆,最后总结:“你同桌真的,没人性。”   沈捷说完,发现贺朝没反应。   等他关好寝室门,转过身,看见他朝哥正坐在椅子上,一条长腿曲着、脚踩在椅子边沿,校服领口解开好几个扣子,看起来狂野得不行。   沈捷说:“狂野男孩?”   “野个屁,我同桌有没有人性轮不到你说。”贺朝睡了两节课,刚从被窝里起来,他抓抓头发,又问,“你来干什么。”   “找你吃饭啊,跟着你吃饭都不用排队,”沈捷说,“同学们主动让你插队的滋味太美了好不好。”   贺朝情绪明显不太好,他抓完头发,垂下手,过了一会儿又去摸桌上装糖的盒子。   “抽这个吧,”沈捷伸手把那盒装满棒棒糖的盒子推远了,从口袋里掏出一盒烟,连同打火机一并塞到贺朝手上,“偶尔抽一次,没事,戒烟也要慢慢来么。”   贺朝捏着硬纸壳,半响,又直接把烟扔回去了,沈捷手快接住:“……啊你扔的倒是挺准啊,真不抽?”   贺朝说:“不抽。”   “没想到朝哥居然是一个这么有原则的人。”   “我一直很有原则好吗,”贺朝挑了根棒棒糖,拆开扔嘴里,“别勾引我,没有用的。”   沈捷接住烟盒之后,自己倒是从里头挑了一根抽。   他低头将烟凑过去,打火机咔哒一声,然后吸了口,沉默过后说:“那消息我也收到了——杨文远那小子,我他妈真的忍不住想弄死他。一听说这学期柳媛转学,这逼就拽起来了,还想整你,活得不耐烦了。”   贺朝叼着糖,没说话。   “你们那班主任也是个傻逼,她高一带过杨文远,看杨文远成绩好就把他当亲儿子似的,她也不看看这个三好学生到底什么货色。现在自己简历不够精彩,重点学校进不去,想拿你开刀抬身价?”沈捷抖了抖烟灰,又说,“要我说,朝哥,干脆把杨文远那点破事都给他抖出来得了——胆儿肥啊,往枪口上撞,指不定死的是谁。”   “抖什么抖,”贺朝道,“柳媛那事不能说。”   沈捷抽完最后一口烟,叹口气:“……操。”   作者有话要说:  徐霞啊徐霞,你到底啥时候可以下线,我也很急啊……明明你在我的大纲里只有短短的一行字!!
Chapter 15 This stop stood directly at the end of class, and when Xu Xia went out with the textbooks after class, He Chao said to her in a good mood, "Goodbye, teacher". Xu Xia's chest was tight and short of breath, so she ignored it and continued to walk forward. "Do you know why she is angry," He Chao was very happy, he casually put his hand on Xie Yu's shoulder, and the two of them walked together to the classroom, "She was going to jump ship to experiment with the attached middle school, the city focus, and the connections are all set up, but now an outstanding student under her hand, that is, me, is blocking ......" Xie Yu was not interested in gossip: "Take your hands away." He Chao felt that his tablemate was really very impersonal. Originally, he just put his hand on Xie Yu's shoulder, but when he heard this, he directly reached out and grabbed it, and from other angles, the two of them almost hugged each other: "I won't let go." Xie Yu wanted to kick him, but He Chao directly buried his head in his neck and smiled: "Calm down, friend." "Calm down, uncle." [Anonymous A]: Students, there is a situation at three o'clock ahead. [Anonymous B]: Woc, see, what are they both doing? [Anonymous C]: I'd rather choose to believe that the two of them are fighting...... Xie Yu, who didn't know that there was a secret internal group, found their new class a little strange. Every time it's quiet, it's always quiet together, and the whole class is silent. When the silence was over, they raised their heads and showed each other some kind of tacit look. It's weird. He Chao asked a boy in the next group to borrow the power bank, and when he went to return it, the boy didn't dare to take it, and it seemed that he wanted to directly offer this power bank. He Chao put it directly on the table: "Thank you." ” “…… No, you're welcome. The boy's voice sounded buzzing when he spoke, and his hands were on the belly of the table, hiding something, and he was very nervous. He Chao didn't hear what he was talking about, and was about to ask, when he just opened his mouth, the boy trembled. He Chao: "......" Am I so terrible? When He Chao walked away, the boy carefully took out his phone. It's been nearly two weeks since I left school. Xie Yu watched He Chao's skills in playing dress-up games become more and more powerful, and he frequently scored high scores when he matched them. It's incredible. Could it be that the last casual remark really made him find a way to get through the second vein of Ren Du? "How is it possible, I tried that trick of yours, but it can't save me." Before He Chao retired from the game, he took a screenshot of the highest score in history he had created so far, and said to his table as usual, "I've recharged my money." He Chao said again: "You are at the same table as me, the legendary RMB player." Xie Yu: "......" He Chao: "I'm so strong now that I'm afraid of myself. Xie Yu said sarcastically: "Soft little girl, you really surprised me." "Is it shameful for me to charge my money openly?" After He Chao finished speaking, the shoulders of the two boys in the front row couldn't help but tremble. They sat close to each other, and they could hear what Xie Yu said to He Chao clearly. After listening to it for two weeks, sometimes I can really laugh so much that I can't stop laughing, and I am afraid that I will laugh too much and attract the attention of the big guy, so I have to hold back. After a long time, the two of them actually felt that the school bully was not at all different from what was rumored outside, and it was quite ...... Lovely. When the school bully sleeps in class, he will also ask his table mates to help keep an eye on the teacher, although Xie Xiaoba generally ignores He Xiaoba, every time He Chao is named by the teacher to stand up or go to the door to punish him, He Chao always has a hundred reasons to pull Xie Yu's back. After a few pads, Xie Yu would face up to He Chao's unreasonable requests, and when a teacher passed by, he directly rolled the book into a circle and greeted He Chao's head rudely: "Get up." He Chao said, clicked on the penguin and posted a spatial dynamic, showing off a wave of his own achievements: [/picture][cool]. After he finished sending, he suddenly thought of something, reached over and knocked on Xie Yu's desktop: "Add friends?" Xie Yu declined: "I don't want the words soft and obedient to appear in my friend list." ” “……” He Chao choked: "...... Who told you that Soft Little Obedient is my account? "That's my sister," He Chao said again, "you have a deep misunderstanding of me." I've always felt that with my tall and mighty image, this kind of thing shouldn't need me to explain it. He Chao has a younger sister who has just entered junior high school. This girl is addicted to dress-up games, and the family stipulates that she only has an hour to play with her mobile phone, and she can't even touch her mobile phone during school days from Monday to Friday. She said that she was very envious of her best friend's sweet milk pudding's level and points, and in their class, whoever has a high level in the dress-up game is the beloved little classmate. Xie Yu heard a slight throbbing pain in his temples. He Chao said: "I think this girl is lying to me. He Chao's penguin name is his real name, and he is unexpectedly serious. Xie Yu didn't change the notes for him after requesting from his friends, so he casually threw it into a category bar and let him lie down. It was He Chao's neuropathy, who was obviously sitting next to him, and sent him a sentence: Are you GG or MM? "Are you stupid?" Xie Yu resisted the urge to block and said. He Chao smiled and put away his mobile phone: "Be polite when surfing the Internet, everyone greets each other like this." "Be quiet—" Xu Xia entered the class during the break, it was too noisy outside the corridor, and she had to raise her voice when she spoke, "I have something to do in the next class, let Teacher Wang substitute for the class, and I will not be in the school in the afternoon, when will I find the class committee, and the class committee will report to me tomorrow." The class leader remembers to maintain order in the class, do you hear? [Anonymous A]: Something else? [Anonymous B]: ...... To be honest, she always finds someone to substitute for the class, and she also explains our learning progress to others, and every time she goes to class, she is embarrassed. [Anonymous C]: Has something happened to Mr. Xu's family recently? Xu Xia's family is very good, and she has been preparing to change jobs since the beginning of school. Their class was the worst class in the culture class, and the situation was special, and the school handed over this class to Xu Xia at that time because it believed in her ability...... But Xu Xia stubbornly thought that the school was stumbling on her. Such an "excellent teacher" who is about to teach in a key school naturally does not look down on such a class, and he does not put much effort into the class at all. The classmates in the class are not blind, and their opinions on Xu Xia are getting bigger day by day. The mobile phone in the belly of the table vibrated twice, and He Chao looked down at the phone. Two pieces of information. -Brother Chao, Yang Wenyuan has been getting close to Xu Xia these days, you should be careful. -Xu Xia doesn't finish solving your matter, it is impossible for her to be transferred in so smoothly in the experimental annex, they are all saying that her teaching ability is not good, and her relative can't keep her. It is estimated that this is to start with the incident where you beat Yang Sanhao. As soon as the last class of the morning ended, Shen Jie slipped in through the back door, wanting to find He Chao to go to the cafeteria to eat together, but when he came in and saw that He Chao's seat was empty, he turned his head and asked Xie Yu, who was sitting on the side: "This big brother, what about my brother Chao?" "Him?" Xie Yu said, "I skipped class." Shen Jie looked at Xie Yu with expectant eyes, and motioned for him to continue, "Huh......?" Xie Yu sat in his seat, planning to go to the cafeteria after a while, when he was halfway through a game of rhythm notes. The silence was muted, and the rhythm of the music didn't seem to hinder him at all, and his fingers clicked on the screen at an incredible speed. Shen Jiexin said, of course I know that he skipped class, but where did he skip class? Xie Yu came down in the first game and found that Shen Jie was still standing on the side. "You want to ask where He Chao has gone?" Xie Yu came back and said, "How do I know." It's my business. "It's really cold." "Impersonal." "It's like an emotionless killer." “……” Shen Jie found the rooftop from the toilet, and finally found He Chao in the boys' dormitory building, complained a lot, and finally concluded: "You are really at the same table, there is no humanity." After Shen Jie finished speaking, he found that He Chao did not react. When he closed the dormitory door, he turned around and saw him sitting on a chair with one long leg bent, his foot on the edge of the chair, and the collar of his school uniform unbuttoned several times, looking wild. Shen Jie said: "Wild boy? "Wild fart, it's not your turn to say if I'm at the same table if there is humanity." He Chao slept for two classes, and as soon as he got up from the bed, he grabbed his hair and asked, "What are you doing here?" "I'm looking for you to eat, I don't have to queue up to eat with you," Shen Jie said, "It's so beautiful that the classmates took the initiative to let you cut in line." He Chao was obviously not in a good mood, he finished grabbing his hair, lowered his hand, and after a while went to touch the box of sugar on the table. "Smoke this," Shen Jie reached out and pushed the box full of lollipops away, took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, and stuffed it into He Chao's hand along with the lighter, "Smoke once in a while, it's okay, quit smoking and take your time." He Chao pinched the cardboard shell, half a sound, and threw the cigarette back directly, and Shen Jie quickly caught it: "...... Ah, you threw it quite accurately, you really don't smoke? He Chao said, "No." "I didn't expect Brother Chao to be such a principled person." "I've always been very principled, okay," He Chao picked a lollipop, opened it and threw it into his mouth, "Don't seduce me, it's useless." After Shen Jie took the cigarette case, he picked one out of it and smoked it. He lowered his head and leaned the cigarette over, the lighter clicked, then took a puff, and after a silence, he said: "I also received the news - Yang Wenyuan's kid, I really can't help but want to kill him." As soon as I heard that Liu Yuan was transferring to another school this semester, I was forced to pull it up, and I still wanted to fix you, and I was impatient. He Chao took the candy in his mouth and didn't speak. "Your homeroom teacher is also a fool, she passed Yang Wenyuan in high school, and when she saw Yang Wenyuan's good grades, she treated him as her own son, and she didn't look at what kind of good student this three-good student was. Now my resume is not exciting enough, I can't get into key schools, and I want to use you to raise my value? Shen Jie shook off the ashes of his cigarette and said, "If you want me to say, Brother Chao, just shake out all the about Yang Wenyuan for him-he's fat, hit the muzzle of the gun, maybe who died." "What a shaking," He Chao said, "Liu Yuan can't say that." Shen Jie took the last puff of his cigarette and sighed: "...... Exercise. The author has something to say: Xu Xia, Xu Xia, when can you go offline, I'm also in a hurry...... Obviously you only have a short line in my outline!!

第十六章   两个人各自坐着沉默了好一会儿。   沈捷烟瘾大,抽完一根还想再抽,贺朝闻着这味儿实在是受不了,毕竟戒烟还没有戒成功,他抬手指了指门:“要抽你出去抽,滚。”   沈捷说:“你自己不抽就算了,还限制我的自由……”   贺朝反手扔过去一个枕头。   沈捷眼疾手快,侧身躲过。   说话间,贺朝搁在桌上的手机屏幕忽然亮起来,伴随着“叮咚”的消息提示音。没过几秒屏幕又暗下去。   贺朝捞起手机点开一看,是谢俞发过来的六个字外加一个标点符号。   -下午领导听课。   “谁啊?”沈捷凑上前问。   贺朝低头打字,说:“没有感情的杀手。”   沈捷对谢俞印象不深,自从谢俞跟贺朝两个人凑成同桌之后,他和这位的联系才多了起来。   他见到谢俞的第一眼就觉得这个人虽然长得贼鸡儿好看但是不太好相处,事实上……相处下来也的确是这样。   他朝哥倒是个例外。   “没有感情,那是对你,”贺朝回复完,大大方方将手机屏幕展示给沈捷看,“看到没有,我同桌对我,春天般温暖。”   沈捷觉得这件事应该不像贺朝想得那么温暖。   毕竟他刚才从高二三班出去的时候,亲眼看见谢俞烦不胜烦地撕下一页纸,写下几个大字,然后就往贺朝桌面上甩。大概是上午来问贺朝行踪的人太多,那张纸上面敷衍且潦草地写着:不在,翘课,不知道。   沈捷第一次见到这么高调宣告同桌翘课的人才。   这件事的真相确实没有那么温暖。   按理说有领导来听课,一般都会提前通知,甚至挑好班级,让老师安排好课堂上每一个问答环节。但这次事发突然,徐霞也是紧急打电话回来,让隔壁班王老师帮她顾一下班级,千万不能缺人。   王老师去三班看了一圈,在贺朝桌上那张纸旁边踌躇很久,最后还是让谢俞帮人联系一下人,实在喊不回来就说请病假了。   离下午上课时间剩下不到十分钟,贺朝整理好衣服往外走,走到一半发现沈捷还在发呆,说:“愣着干什么,上课去啊。”   沈捷“啊”了声,走到门口突然停住了,他抓抓头发,问:“……这事怎么办?不能提到柳媛,那这事到底怎么整?”   话题又绕了回去。   贺朝手插在裤兜里,他说:“再说吧。”   杨文远那件事,果然没过多久又再次回到话题中心。   先是徐霞带着杨文远去找校方,说这件事不能就这么算了,后来连杨文远父母都找到学校里来,非要学校给个说法。   “我儿子脸上,胳膊上,你们看看,作孽啊,你们学校里怎么会有这种人。”   杨文远父母都戴眼镜,看上去像知识分子,说起话来压根不是那样:“听说你们学校这个贺朝,成天惹事情,他会打我们家孩子一点也不奇怪啊,怎么就目前还没办法给他处分?你们学校是怎么办事的?”   徐霞作为贺朝的班主任,站在边上唱红脸:“这件事情我们的确要付很大责任,我会好好教育他,在这里我郑重地向你们道歉,因为我班上同学的过失……”   贺朝听到这实在听不下去。   “教育?”贺朝气笑了,“你有资格教育别人吗?”   “——你怎么跟老师说话呢?”   本来这事还在僵持,可就在这个节骨眼上,冒出来一个证人。   刘存浩敲门进来:“徐老师,你找我?”   刘存浩从教导处回来,就被班里人团团围住:“班长,听说你出庭作证了?”   “你真的亲眼见看见贺朝打杨文远?”   刘存浩纠正:“是以前,以前见过。”   “牛逼,勇士啊。”   众人七嘴八舌,都在说换了自己可不敢冒着生命危险站出来。   “承让承让,”刘存浩说,“我也犹豫了很久,但是为了爱与正义……”   谢俞不喜欢评价这些事情,跟他又没什么关系。   眼睛看到的都不一定是事实,更何况这些道听途说。   当年没躲债躲去黑水街的时候,以为那里住的都是些地痞流氓,可又实在没有别的地方可以去。但是到那的第一天,身上纹纹身满嘴跑脏话的许艳梅端着碗水饺过来敲门:“多包了一些,手艺不是很好,你们凑合吃。”   这一关照,就关照了他们近十年。   “最后怎么样了?现在是什么情况啊到底。”   刘存浩说:“……可能会退学吧,这次事情还挺严重的。”   “退学?!”   班里聊得热火朝天,谢俞继续趴在桌上玩手机。   贺朝半天之后才从教导处被放回来,进教室的时候,刘存浩正在讲台上答数学题,余光看见贺朝的身影,手里那根粉笔直接断了。   出乎意料地,贺朝看都没看他。   刘存浩偷偷舒了一口气。   谢俞有点怀疑刚才他们说退学说得那么严重,这处分到底是真还是假——因为贺朝回来之后还有闲情逸致接着玩换装游戏。   比起贺朝,沈捷的反应比较大,看起来更像是那个要退学的:“我操他妈,你们班那位班长又是从哪里冒出来的?”   “嚷嚷什么,小伙子人挺好的,”贺朝说,“这事不怪他。”   沈捷:“所以现在是什么情况啊到底,放你回来给你时间考虑,就非得要你道歉写检讨是吧?徐霞那么执着?她的职业生涯就他妈差你这一张检讨?”   体育课,两个班正好同一节,两人穿过足球场,往看台那边走。   沈捷说了一大堆,贺朝也不知道有没有认真听,看到谢俞坐在前面树荫底下,还抬手冲人家招手打招呼。   谢俞听到有人叫他,刚抬头,一颗球从后面篮球场上弹出来,直接往他头上招呼:“……”   一个男生从后面球场走出来:“手滑,不好意思。”   沈捷看到那人的脸,瞬间就炸了:“杨文远你他妈故意的吧?”   砸人还砸不准,看这角度明明就是想砸贺朝。   贺朝也不说话,弯腰把球捡起来,走到谢俞身边,然后扬手狠力往杨文远的方向砸,球从杨文远身侧擦过去,砸在铁栅栏上发出砰地一声巨响,贺朝笑笑,也回敬他两个字:“手滑。”   杨文远同伴过来圆场,拉着他就想走:“对不住对不住。”   杨文远却是站在原地不肯动,他身板瘦,穿衣服仿佛都靠骨头撑着,脸上又长痘又有黑眼圈,看起来特别气虚,他站在那里最后憋出来一句:“贺朝,这事没完,你输定了。”   贺朝说:“屁话少说,赶紧滚。”   “你知道为什么吗?”杨文远笑笑,“就凭你成绩差。”   “你他妈,”成绩差三个字仿佛戳中了贺朝的某个点,或者说这些天积累下来的情绪终于找到了一个宣泄口,他缓缓走上前,哑着嗓子说,“听不懂人话是不是?”   贺朝很少发火。   沈捷认识他那么多年,总共也没见到过几次,贺朝心态属于好到爆炸的那种,你气我不气。从某种角度上来说杨文远真是个人才。   “走了文远,走啊。”杨文远想找死,他那群同伴可不想,赶忙拉着他走人。   沈捷虽然很想撂袖子直接上去干,但是考虑到现在贺朝情况特殊,再惹出点什么事来,真要坐实那些传闻了:“朝哥,冷静——千万冷静,要揍他我们找个月黑风高没有人的小巷子,套个麻袋想怎么揍怎么揍。”   等杨文远走得看不见人影了,沈捷才撒手。   “他就是杨文远?”   “啊?”沈捷回头,看到没有感情的杀手站在旁边,随口道,“啊,杨三好,是他。”   谢俞刚才回想半天,总觉得眼熟,等他终于回想起这张脸,又把名字往这张脸上一靠,面无表情道:“啊。这不是那个性骚扰女生的傻逼吗?”   贺朝:“……”   沈捷:“……你怎么知道?!”   “兄弟,聊聊?”沈捷从巨大的冲击之中缓过神来,“这事你是怎么知道的?你认识柳媛?我操,我一直以为全校只有我跟朝哥知道呢。”   谢俞只说了三个字:“看见的。”   那还是高一的时候。   西楼信号一直不太好,平时大家要是想玩手机那都得看命运和机缘,或者捧着手机到处找信号。   当时周大雷在搞游戏直播,事业刚起步没什么人气,叮嘱谢俞一定要准时收看,给他贡献个点击量。谢俞找信号找到了厕所里,厕所里信号是不错,但环境实在是有点让人难以忍受。   “谢老板,我相信你对我的爱,是可以跨越屎尿……”大雷一边打游戏一边说,“真的,体现你有多爱我的时刻到了。”   爱你妈。操。   谢俞给大雷刷了点礼物就想走人,奈何大雷这人屁话特别多,非要拉着他聊天,说没有观众互动特别寂寞,需要老板给他热热场子。   这一热场就热到了晚自习下课。   大雷:“喜欢主播的小礼物走一走啊,没人吗?我那么凉啊?”   谢俞正在打字:你自己寂寞去吧,我走了。   打完还没发出去,厕所门突然“砰”地一声被人踹开,然后是推搡的声音,还有女生微弱的叫声。
Chapter 16 The two men sat in silence for a long time. Shen Jie is addicted to smoking, and he wants to smoke again after smoking one, He Chao really can't stand the smell of this, after all, he hasn't quit smoking yet, he raised his hand and pointed to the door: "I want to smoke you out, get out." Shen Jie said: "If you don't smoke it yourself, forget it, and restrict my freedom......" He Chao threw a pillow with his backhand. Shen Jie's eyes were quick and he dodged sideways. While speaking, the screen of He Chao's mobile phone resting on the table suddenly lit up, accompanied by the message prompt sound of "Ding Dong". After a few seconds, the screen went dark again. He Chao picked up his phone and clicked on it to see that it was six words and a punctuation mark sent by Xie Yu. - Afternoon leader listens to lectures. "Who?" Shen Jie stepped forward and asked. He Chao lowered his head and typed, saying, "A killer without feelings." Shen Jie was not impressed by Xie Yu, since Xie Yu and He Chao got together at the same table, he had more contact with this person. The first time he saw Xie Yu, he felt that although this person was good-looking, he was not very easy to get along with, in fact...... That's exactly what happens when you get along. He is an exception to this rule. "No feelings, that's for you," He Chao replied, and showed the mobile phone screen to Shen Jie, "See, I'm at the same table with me, as warm as spring." Shen Jie felt that this matter should not be as warm as He Chao thought. After all, when he went out of the second and third classes of high school just now, he saw Xie Yu tearing off a page in annoyance, writing a few big words, and then throwing it on He Chao's table. Probably because there were too many people who came to ask about He Chao's whereabouts in the morning, and the piece of paper was perfunctory and scribbled: Not there, skipping class, I don't know. It was the first time for Shen Jie to see such a high-profile talent who announced that he was skipping class at the same table. The truth of this matter is really not so warm. It stands to reason that when a leader comes to listen to the class, he will generally notify him in advance, and even pick a good class, so that the teacher can arrange every Q&A session in the class. But this time the incident happened suddenly, Xu Xia also called back urgently, and asked Teacher Wang of the next class to help her take care of the class, and there must be no shortage of people. Teacher Wang went to the third class to look around, hesitated for a long time next to the piece of paper on He Chao's table, and finally asked Xie Yu to help people contact people, but he really couldn't come back and said that he was on sick leave. With less than ten minutes left before the afternoon class, He Chao tidied up his clothes and walked out, and found that Shen Jie was still in a daze halfway through, and said, "What are you doing in a daze, go to class." Shen Jie said "ah", walked to the door and suddenly stopped, he grabbed his hair and asked, "...... What should I do? can't mention Liu Yuan, so what's going on with this matter? The topic went back to that. He Chao put his hand in his trouser pocket, and he said, "Let's talk about it." Yang Wenyuan's incident, sure enough, it didn't take long for him to return to the center of the topic again. First, Xu Xia took Yang Wenyuan to the school, saying that this matter could not be left like this, and then even Yang Wenyuan's parents came to the school and asked the school to give an explanation. "My son's face, on his arm, look at it, evildoer, how can there be such a person in your school." Yang Wenyuan's parents both wore glasses and looked like intellectuals, and they didn't speak like that at all: "I heard that your school, this He Dynasty, causes trouble all the time, it's not strange that he will beat our children, why can't he be punished yet?" What does your school do? Xu Xia, as He Chao's head teacher, stood on the side and sang with a red face: "We do have to pay a lot of responsibility for this matter, I will educate him well, here I solemnly apologize to you, because the negligence of my classmates ......" He Chao really couldn't listen to this when he heard this. "Education?" He Chaoqi smiled, "Are you qualified to educate others?" "—How do you talk to the teacher?" Originally, the matter was still deadlocked, but at this juncture, a witness appeared. Liu Cunhao knocked on the door and came in: "Teacher Xu, are you looking for me?" When Liu Cunhao came back from the teaching office, he was surrounded by people in the class: "Class leader, I heard that you testified in court?" "Did you really see He Chao beating Yang Wenyuan with your own eyes?" Liu Cunhao corrected: "It's before, I've seen it before." "Awesome, warrior." Everyone was gossiping, saying that they would not dare to risk their lives to stand up if they were changed. "I hesitated for a long time, but for the sake of love and justice, I ......." Xie Yu doesn't like to comment on these things, and it has nothing to do with him. What the eye sees is not necessarily the truth, let alone the hearsay. When I didn't hide from debts and hid on Blackwater Street, I thought that there were all ruffians living there, but there was really nowhere else to go. But on the first day she arrived there, Xu Yanmei, who was tattooed and full of dirty words, came over and knocked on the door with a bowl of dumplings: "Pack some more, the craftsmanship is not very good, you can make do with it." This care has taken care of them for nearly ten years. "What happened in the end? What the hell is going on now? Liu Cunhao said: "...... I might drop out, but this time it's quite serious. "Drop out?!" The class chatted enthusiastically, and Xie Yu continued to lie on the table and play with his mobile phone. He Chao was put back from the teaching office after half a day, and when he entered the classroom, Liu Cunhao was answering math problems on the podium, and he saw He Chao's figure in the afterglow, and the chalk in his hand was directly broken. Unexpectedly, He Chao didn't even look at him. Liu Cunhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Xie Yu was a little skeptical that they had just said that the withdrawal was so serious, whether this punishment was true or false—because He Chao still had leisure and continued to play dress-up games after he returned. Compared with He Chao, Shen Jie's reaction was bigger, and he looked more like the one who was about to drop out: "Fuck me, where did the squad leader in your class come from?""What are you yelling about, the young man is very good," said He Chao, "and he is not to blame for this. Shen Jie: "So what's the situation now, in the end, let you come back and give you time to think about it, I have to ask you to apologize and write a review, right?" Xu Xia is so persistent? Her career is worse than this review of yours? In physical education class, the two classes happened to be in the same class, and the two of them walked across the football field and walked towards the stands. Shen Jie said a lot, and He Chao didn't know if he listened carefully, and saw Xie Yu sitting under the shade of the tree in front of him, and raised his hand to wave to the others. Xie Yu heard someone call him, and as soon as he raised his head, a ball popped up from the basketball court behind him, and beckoned directly to him: "......" A boy walked out of the back court: "Slippery hands, sorry." When Shen Jie saw the man's face, he exploded instantly: "Yang Wenyuan, you did it on purpose, right?" It's not accurate to smash people, looking at this angle, it's obvious that you want to smash He Chao. He Chao didn't speak, bent down to pick up the ball, walked to Xie Yu's side, and then raised his hand to smash it in the direction of Yang Wenyuan, the ball grazed past Yang Wenyuan's side, and smashed on the iron fence with a loud bang, He Chao smiled and replied to him with two words: "Hand slip." Yang Wenyuan's companion came over to the round and pulled him to leave: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yang Wenyuan stood there and refused to move, he was thin, his clothes seemed to be supported by bones, his face had acne and dark circles, he looked very weak, he stood there and finally held back a sentence: "He Chao, this matter is not over, you are doomed." He Chao said: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up." "Do you know why?" Yang Wenyuan smiled, "It's just because of your poor grades." "you," the three words of poor grades seemed to poke at a certain point in He Chao, or the emotions accumulated over the past few days finally found an outlet, he slowly stepped forward and said in a dumb voice, "I don't understand people, do you?" He Chao rarely gets angry. Shen Jie has known him for so many years, and he has never seen him a few times in total, He Chao's mentality belongs to the kind that is so good that it explodes, you are angry with me. From a certain point of view, Yang Wenyuan is really a talent. "Let's go, let's go." Yang Wenyuan wanted to find death, but his group of companions didn't want to, so they hurriedly pulled him away. Although Shen Jie really wanted to put up his sleeves and go up to do it directly, but considering that He Chao's situation is special now, if something happens, he really has to confirm those rumors: "Brother Chao, calm down-you must be calm, if you want to beat him, we will find a small alley where the moon is dark and the wind is high, and beat him as much as he wants." When Yang Wenyuan walked away and couldn't see the figure, Shen Jie let go. "He is Yang Wenyuan?" "Huh?" Shen Jie turned around and saw the emotionless killer standing beside him, and said casually, "Ah, Yang Sanhao, it's him." Xie Yu thought about it for a long time just now, and always felt familiar, and when he finally remembered this face, he leaned his name on this face again, and said expressionlessly: "Ah." Isn't this the stupid guy who sexually harassed a girl? He Chao: "......" Shen Jie: "...... How do you know?! "Brother, let's talk?" Shen Jie recovered from the huge impact, "How did you know about this?" Do you know Liu Yuan? Holy shit, I always thought that only me and Brother Chao knew about it in the whole school. Xie Yu only said three words: "See." It was a freshman year of high school. The signal in the West Building has not been very good, usually if you want to play with your mobile phone, you have to look at fate and chance, or hold your mobile phone everywhere to find a signal. At that time, Zhou Dalei was engaged in live game broadcasting, and his career was just starting out and he was not popular, so he told Xie Yu to watch it on time and contribute a click to him. Xie Yu found the signal in the toilet, the signal in the toilet is good, but the environment is a bit unbearable. "Boss Xie, I believe that your love for me can transcend the ...... of and pee," Da Lei said while playing the game, "Really, the time has come to show how much you love me." Love your mom. Exercise. Xie Yu gave Da Lei a gift and wanted to leave, but Da Lei had a lot of, so he had to pull him to chat, saying that he was very lonely without audience interaction, and he needed the boss to give him a hot spot. This hot field is so hot that the evening self-study class ends. Da Lei: "I like the anchor's small gift to take a walk, no one?" Am I so cold? Xie Yu was typing: Go lonely by yourself, I'll go. Before the fight was finished, the toilet door was suddenly kicked open with a "bang", followed by the sound of pushing and shoving, and the faint screams of girls.

第十七章   他们找了个隐秘的地方——器材室附近有片草坪,上面堆了块大石头,跟座假山似的,三个人挨着“山”蹲在一起。   谢俞想站起来,又被贺朝摁回去:“老实呆着,说,接着说。”   其实也没什么好交代的。   谢俞并不认识什么柳媛,只记得那女生一直把脸埋进手心里,蹲在地上哭。   杨文远怂得很,都不敢正面肛,挨了两棍子扭头就往外跑,谢俞也没心思蹲下来安慰安慰那个女生,他觉得自己仁至义尽,扔下在厕所隔间里就地取材顺手拿的木头棍就准备往外走。   刚迈出去一步,一只手抓上他的裤腿,只听那女生微弱地说:“……不要告诉别人,求求你。”   “是了,是她,”沈捷说,“胆子贼小,宁愿被欺负,不敢吱声。”   沈捷又说:“所以你当时把杨三好打跑了?”   贺朝也不太能理解:“那这逼为什么只咬着我不放?看我长得帅嫉妒我?”   谢俞平静道:“……我戴口罩了。”   厕所虽然味道不是很重,光那股消毒水的味儿也够难受的。他去的时候特意抓了副口罩,没想到正好派上用场。   贺朝“啊”了一声,若有所思。   沈捷直接戳穿他那些不切实际的想法:“别想了,朝哥,你戴口罩也没用——人家谢老大只是打人而已,你想想你自己干了什么?”   “我干什么了?我都没打他,”贺朝说,“很仁慈了。”   如果把人裤子扒了,站在旁边嘲笑对方鸡儿小,让人裸奔了近两三个小时算仁慈的话,杨文远估计宁愿被打。   谢俞听完前因后果,也陷入沉默。   贺朝说:“我真的不喜欢打打杀杀,一般都是选择平静地解决问题。”   平静……真是平静。   难怪杨文远念念不忘,简直可以列入人生耻辱之最,尤其像他这种平时傲气十足的优等生,哪里遭受过这个。柳媛一转学他就觉得这个把柄“死无对证”,跳出来搞事情。   让谢俞刮目相看的还有他这个同桌,为了女方的名声和央求,杨文远都乱吠到家门口来了,愣是忍住没说。   “不然我还能让他活到现在?”贺朝随手捡起一颗小石子,说着抬手往正前方扔,正好打在运动器具上,又滚了两圈,滚远了,他又说,“真他妈憋得慌。”   沈捷他们班下半节课换男生集合,去足球场排队练运球,还没聊上两句,不得已拍拍屁股起身:“我们班集合了,我先走了,回头再说。冷静啊朝哥,千万冷静。”   贺朝头都没抬,冲他摆摆手:“快滚吧你。”   户外温度三十二摄氏度,谢俞不是很想在这里晒太阳。   正想走,贺朝突然拽着他一起往草坪上躺。下午阳光烈得人睁不开眼,谢俞眯起眼睛,正犹豫自己这两天是不是脾气太好,让这位同桌对他产生了什么误会,就听贺朝看似漫不经心地说了句:“什么人都可以当老师啊。”   几团云慢慢悠悠晃过去。   贺朝下意识摸口袋,只摸出来一粒糖,天气热,糖有些化了,捏上去表皮发软。   说不上来的情绪席卷上来,几句话从耳边绕来绕去,从徐霞的屁话一直循环到杨三好那句“你成绩差”。   贺朝侧了侧头,问谢俞:“有烟吗?”   谢俞:“没有。”   贺朝勉为其难剥开了那颗糖。   谢俞闻到味道,又他妈是草莓。   两个人躺在草坪上半天没说话,就在贺朝咔擦咔擦咬糖的时候,谢俞突然坐起身,踹了踹他:“走。”   贺朝问:“走什么走?”   谢俞说:“这个老师不行,那就换一个。”   天气太热,谢俞说着,顺手抓起衣领扇了扇风。   从贺朝那个角度刚好能看到面前一闪而过的大片肌肤,锁骨处深深地陷下去一块。谢俞身材很好,虽然不算高,该有的都有,衣服撩起来不像那些瘦排骨。这个年纪的男孩子,还没完全长开,青涩,漂亮且坚韧,还带着尖牙利爪。   贺朝有点走神。   不知道是不是因为谢俞这番莫名其妙且狂得厉害的话,还是眼前的人。   贺朝和谢俞两个人翻过寝室楼外面的铁网墙,直接绕过门卫室从另一边进去。   由于住校的人数多,学校对于学生进出宿舍楼有特殊规定,凡是在上课时间内回寝的,不管是回去拿东西还是身体不舒服需要休息,都必须要出示老师的签字条,并且在门卫处进行登记。   虽然铁网墙不难翻,大家也都没那个胆子。教导主任人送外号疯狗,办公室窗户正对着寝室楼区域,要是不走运被他看到,九死一生。   “厕所,隔间,手机。”谢俞翻进去,手撑在地上,头也没回,提供完关键字之后又说,“你想想。”   贺朝想了想:“干什么?小学生造句?”   谢俞:“……”   他们两个动作熟练,翻墙姿势标准,速度飞快,跟专门练过似的。   沈捷在球场上,远远地看到两个人影翻进去,隐约觉得眼熟,还没等他确认,那两个身影已经不见了。   “奇了怪了,”沈捷摸摸后脑勺,“……我怎么瞅着那人那么像朝哥。”   “你也住宿?”贺朝跟着上楼,发现越走离他自己的寝室越近,直到谢俞在他对门停了脚步。   谢俞伸手去摸门梁上的备用钥匙:“也?你住哪儿?”   “你往对面看看。”贺朝指了指,“就你对门。”   ……   谢俞心说原来你就是那个往门上贴“冲刺高考,勿扰”的傻逼?   贺朝主动介绍起自己门上贴的那张纸:“一般老师都不进来查寝,怕打扰你学习,特别好用,有机会你可以试试。”   “不了,谢谢。”   谢俞进了门,拖出床底下的箱子就开始翻东西。   里面装的大多都是些杂物,手电筒、备用电池、胶带……   贺朝坐在椅子上看他:“找什么呢?”   谢俞没理他。   贺朝闲着无聊,四下打量这个房间。寝室里相当干净,书桌上放了台电脑,贺朝目光略过电脑,落在笔筒旁边的魔方上。   谢俞找到旧手机的时候,贺朝已经把魔方拼好了,每一面颜色都相同,拼得整整齐齐。   “不知道还在不在,”谢俞摁下开机键,“我录音了。”   贺朝抓着魔方的手突然顿住,怀疑自己是不是听错了。   谢俞又重复了一遍:“那天在厕所里,我录音了。那个杨什么玩意儿,他说的话都录下来了。我差点忘了。”   这种思想对一个高中生来说可能确实过于前卫了点,还都是横冲直撞的年纪,遇到紧急状况都是挥起拳头往前冲,哪里会有这种百转千回弯弯绕绕的心思。   但杨文远拽着柳媛进厕所的时候,谢俞第一反应就是调录音器。   事后他也想问柳媛需不需要证据去揭发,但柳媛那种想息事宁人粉饰太平的反应太强烈,如果她打算反抗,也不会沦落成这样。   她怕的只是被别人知道,尽管她才是受害者。   “退学处分……哇塞,学校行动得那么快?”   几天之后,学校布告栏里新贴了张通知,周围围了一圈人,刘存浩去得晚,只能和朋友站在最外围,踮着脚眯眼睛看:“退、退学处分……”   等刘存浩看到下一行,整个人惊了:“我操,杨文远?!”   “退学的是杨文远?那贺朝呢?”站在刘存浩身边的一个男生也惊了,“这到底怎么回事啊?”   时态发展得超乎想象,别说这些学生了,徐霞现在整个人也是惊魂未定。   杨文远她带过一年,学习数一数二,是很有希望考上一本的。   她现在回想自己之前在校方面前替杨文远做的那些担保,想起自己说过的那些话,脑袋里一片嗡声,天旋地转,最后转出两个字来:完了。   贺朝给校办的录音备份经过特殊处理,把柳媛的声音消掉了,但是杨文远说的那些下三滥的话一字不落都在里面,杨文远当场表演变脸,紧接着杨文远全家也玩起了变脸,一改前几天颐指气使的样子,还想拉着贺朝的手替自己儿子求情:“我知道你是好孩子……”   贺朝简直想笑:“啊,您说相声呢,敢情我这时候就变成好孩子了。”   校方追问女生是谁,贺朝反问:你们能不能保证受害人的隐私不受到侵害?   整件事情只有校方高层知道,信息链密不透风。   但杨三好罪名是坐实了。   退学处分下来的那天,沈捷乐得请全班喝了瓶饮料,过来找贺朝的时候,看到三班班长正在跟他朝哥道歉。   除了班长,高二三班全体都躲在窗帘后边偷看。   阵式浩大。   刘存浩憋红了脸:“对不起贺朝同学,我没有弄清楚事情的真相……”   贺朝语重心长拍拍刘存浩的肩膀,接茬接得相当顺手:“没事没事,人生总是充满惊喜。我这个人,不仅长得帅,而且很大度的。”   刘存浩:“……”   沈捷:“……”没眼看。   谢俞估计也听不下去,他一手拿着手机,另一只手往边上摸,摸到个笔袋,直接往窗外扔,砸在贺朝身上:“闭嘴。”   所谓的校霸,多少有些被妖魔化,校霸的事迹,他们都是听说居多。谣言经过口口相传,真假参半,最后传下来的也都不知道变成了什么模样。   但是高二三班的同学们第一次那么清楚地意识到:这两个校霸,跟传说中的,有些不一样。
Chapter 17 They found a secret place—there was a lawn near the equipment room, and a large stone was piled up on it, like a rockery, and the three of them squatted next to the "mountain". Xie Yu wanted to stand up, but was pushed back by He Chao: "Stay honest, say, continue." Actually, there is nothing to explain. Xie Yu didn't know anything about Liu Yuan, but remembered that the girl had been burying her face in the palm of her hand, squatting on the ground and crying. Yang Wenyuan was very cowardly, he didn't dare to face his anus, he turned his head and ran out after being hit by two sticks, Xie Yu didn't have the heart to squat down to comfort and comfort the girl, he felt that he was benevolent and righteous, and threw down the wooden stick that he was holding in the toilet cubicle and prepared to go out. As soon as he took a step, one hand grabbed his trouser leg, only to hear the girl say weakly, "...... Don't tell anyone, please. "Yes, it's her," Shen Jie said, "and she'd rather be bullied than squeak." Shen Jie said again: "So you beat Yang Sanhao away at that time?" He Chao couldn't quite understand: "Then why does this force only bite me?" Look at how handsome I look and jealous of me? Xie Yu said calmly: "...... I'm wearing a mask. Although the smell of the toilet is not very strong, the smell of disinfectant water alone is unpleasant enough. He deliberately grabbed a pair of masks when he went, but he didn't expect it to come in handy. He Chao let out an "ah", thoughtful. Shen Jie directly pierced his unrealistic thoughts: "Don't think about it, Brother Chao, it's useless for you to wear a mask - Boss Xie is just beating people, think about what you did yourself?" "What did I do? I didn't even hit him," He Chao said, "and he was very merciful." If it is merciful to rip off someone's pants, stand next to them and laugh at each other's small chickens, and let people run naked for nearly two or three hours, Yang Wenyuan would probably rather be beaten. Xie Yu also fell silent after listening to the cause and effect. He Chao said: "I really don't like to fight and kill, and I generally choose to solve problems calmly. Calm ...... It's calm. No wonder Yang Wenyuan can't forget it, it can be included in the most shameful in life, especially an honor student like him, who is usually arrogant, where has he suffered this. As soon as Liu Yuan transferred to another school, he felt that this trick was "dead and unproven", and jumped out to do things. What impressed Xie Yu was his tablemate, for the sake of the woman's reputation and begging, Yang Wenyuan barked at the door, and he couldn't help but say nothing. "Or can I keep him alive until now?" He Chao picked up a small pebble casually, raised his hand and threw it in front of him, just hit the sports equipment, rolled two more times, rolled away, and said, "I'm really panicking." Shen Jie changed the boys in the second half of the class, went to the football field to line up to practice dribbling, and before they could talk a word, they had to pat their butts and get up: "Our class has gathered, I'll leave first, and I'll talk about it later." Calm down, Brother Chao, be calm. He didn't raise his head, and waved his hand at him: "Get out of here." The outdoor temperature was thirty-two degrees Celsius, and Xie Yu didn't really want to bask in the sun here. Just as he was about to leave, He Chao suddenly dragged him to lie on the lawn. In the afternoon, the sun was so strong that people couldn't open their eyes, Xie Yu squinted his eyes, and was wondering if he had a good temper in the past two days, so that this tablemate had some misunderstanding about him, so he heard He Chao say seemingly casually: "Anyone can be a teacher." A few clouds slowly swayed past. He Chao subconsciously touched his pocket, only touched out a grain of sugar, the weather was hot, the sugar was a little melted, and the skin was soft when pinched. The indescribable emotions swept up, and a few words went around from the ears, from Xu Xia's to Yang Sanhao's sentence "You have poor grades". He Chao tilted his head sideways and asked Xie Yu, "Is there any smoke?" Xie Yu: "No." He Chaomian peeled off the candy for his embarrassment. Xie Yu smelled the smell, and it was a strawberry again. The two of them lay on the lawn for a long time without speaking, and just when He Chao was rubbing and chewing candy, Xie Yu suddenly sat up and kicked him: "Go." He Chao asked, "What are you going to go?" Xie Yu said: "This teacher can't do it, so let's change it." The weather was too hot, Xie Yu said, grabbed his collar and fanned the wind. From He Chao's angle, he could just see a large piece of skin flashing in front of him, and a deep piece of collarbone was sunk down. Xie Yu has a good figure, although he is not tall, he has everything he should have, and his clothes are not like those thin ribs. A boy of this age is not yet fully grown, young, beautiful and tough, with sharp teeth and claws. He Chao was a little distracted. I don't know if it's because of Xie Yu's inexplicable and crazy words, or because of the person in front of him. He Chao and Xie Yu climbed over the iron mesh wall outside the dormitory building, and went directly around the guard room and entered from the other side. Due to the large number of students living on campus, the school has special regulations for students to enter and exit the dormitory, and anyone who goes back to bed during class hours, whether it is to go back to get something or is not feeling well and needs to rest, must show the teacher's signature and register with the doorman. Although the iron mesh wall is not difficult to climb, everyone does not have the courage. The director of education is nicknamed Mad Dog, and the office window is facing the dormitory building area, if he is unlucky enough to be seen, he will die. "Toilets, cubicles, cell phones." Xie Yu flipped in, his hands on the ground, and he didn't turn his head, and after providing the keywords, he said, "Think about it." He Chao thought for a while: "What for?" Elementary school students make sentences? Xie Yu: "......" The two of them are skillful, with standard postures and fast speeds, as if they have been specially practiced. Shen Jie was on the court, and saw two figures from a distance turning in, vaguely familiar, and before he could confirm it, the two figures were gone. "It's weird," Shen Jie touched the back of his head, "...... How can I see that man looks so much like Brother Chao. "You're staying too?He Chao followed him upstairs, and found himself getting closer and closer to his own bedroom, until Xie Yu stopped at the door opposite him. Xie Yu reached out and touched the spare key on the door beam: "Also?" Where do you live? "Look at the other side." He Chao pointed, "Just you are facing the door." ” …… Xie Yuxin said that you are the fool who posted "Sprint for the college entrance examination, don't disturb" on the door? He Chao took the initiative to introduce the piece of paper posted on his door: "Generally, teachers don't come in to check on the bed, for fear of disturbing your study, it's very easy to use, you can try it if you have a chance." "No, thank you." Xie Yu entered the door, dragged out the box under the bed and began to rummage things. Most of the stuff inside is some sundries, flashlights, spare batteries, tape...... He Chao sat on a chair and looked at him: "What are you looking for?" Xie Yu ignored him. He Chao was idle and bored, and looked around the room. The bedroom was quite clean, there was a computer on the desk, and He Chao's gaze skimmed over the computer and landed on the Rubik's Cube next to the pen holder. When Xie Yu found the old phone, He Chao had already put together the Rubik's Cube, and each side was the same color, neatly and neatly. "I don't know if it's still there," Xie Yu pressed the power button, "I recorded." He Chao's hand holding the Rubik's Cube suddenly paused, wondering if he had heard it wrong. Xie Yu repeated again: "That day in the toilet, I recorded. That Yang or something, everything he said was recorded. I almost forgot. This kind of thinking may indeed be too avant-garde for a high school student, and they are all rampaging age, and they all wave their fists and rush forward in case of emergency, where can there be this kind of mind that turns and turns. But when Yang Wenyuan dragged Liu Yuan into the toilet, Xie Yu's first reaction was to adjust the recorder. Afterwards, he also wanted to ask Liu Yuan if she needed evidence to expose it, but Liu Yuan's reaction to wanting to calm things down and whitewash the peace was too strong, and if she planned to resist, she would not have fallen into this. All she fears is being known, even though she is the victim. "Withdrawal sanction...... Wow, schools are moving so fast? A few days later, a new notice was posted on the school bulletin board, and there was a circle of people around, Liu Cunhao went late, so he could only stand on the outermost periphery with his friends, tiptoeing and squinting: "Withdrawal, withdrawal punishment ...... When Liu Cunhao saw the next line, the whole person was shocked: "Fuck, Yang Wenyuan?!" "It's Yang Wenyuan who dropped out? And what about the He Dynasty? A boy standing next to Liu Cunhao was also shocked, "What the hell is going on?" The development of the tense is beyond imagination, not to mention these students, Xu Xia is now in shock. Yang Wenyuan has taken her for a year, studying to be one of the best, and she is very hopeful of being admitted to the first one. She now thinks back to the guarantees she made for Yang Wenyuan before the school, and thinks of the words she said, her head is buzzing, and the world is spinning, and finally two words come out: It's over. He Chao's recording backup to the school office was specially processed to eliminate Liu Yuan's voice, but Yang Wenyuan's words were all in it, Yang Wenyuan performed a change of face on the spot, and then Yang Wenyuan's whole family also changed their faces, changing their arrogant appearance a few days ago, and wanted to hold He Chao's hand to intercede for his son: "I know you are a good boy...... He Chao almost wanted to laugh: "Ah, what about cross talk, if you dare to love me, I will become a good boy at this time." When asked who the girl was, He Chao asked: Can you guarantee that the victim's privacy is not violated? The whole thing is known only to the top management of the school, and the information chain is airtight. But Yang Sanhao's crime is confirmed. On the day of the dismissal, Shen Jiele invited the whole class to drink a drink, and when he came to look for He Chao, he saw that the third class leader was apologizing to his brother. Except for the squad leader, all the sophomores and thirds hid behind the curtains and peeked. The formation is huge. Liu Cunhao blushed: "I'm sorry classmate He Chao, I didn't figure out the truth of the matter......" He Chaoyu patted Liu Cunhao's shoulder seriously, and the stubble was quite smooth: "It's okay, it's okay, life is always full of surprises." I'm not only handsome, but also very generous. Liu Cunhao: "......" Shen Jie: "......" didn't see it. Xie Yu probably couldn't listen to it, he held the mobile phone in one hand, touched the side with the other, touched a pencil case, threw it directly out of the window, and smashed it on He Chao: "Shut up." The so-called school bully has been demonized to some extent, and most of them have heard about the deeds of the school bully. The rumors have been passed on by word of mouth, and the truth is mixed, and in the end, I don't know what it has become. But for the first time, the students in the second and third classes of high school realized so clearly: these two school bullies are a little different from the legend.

第十八章   新的一天。   呵斥声穿透清晨最后一层云雾,震得人神清气爽。   “站好,来……都给我过来,站好了。”   “别他妈盯着地面看,能看出花来?不用羞愧,用不着羞愧,反正你们的脸早就丢光了。”   “挺胸!抬头!目视前方,看着我的眼睛。”   立阳二中门口铜雕附近浩浩荡荡站了十几号人,他们排成两排,低垂着脑袋,背后的书包沉甸甸地往下坠。   没睡醒的几个被吼得瞌睡虫都吓飞了,战战兢兢地在原地哆嗦。   其中一位男同学没忍住,抬起头瞟了教导主任一眼,又将头低下去,小声道:“……疯狗。”   ‘疯狗’姜主任耳朵一动,隐约捕捉到了什么,抬手往队列里一指,扬声追问:“还有谁在说话!”   男人胸口剧烈起伏。鼻梁上挂着副金丝边框眼镜,却没有让他看起来增加几分儒雅和文气,手里还拿着份考勤表,上头记录着每天迟到的人名,只要迟到超过三次就会进入考勤表最后一页——黑名单。   疯狗这个绰号由来已久,是前几届学生取的,就这么流传了下来。都说惹哪个老师也不能惹这位姓姜的教导主任,传说中的疯狗比更年期母老虎还可怕。   只见姜主任眼睛微眯,从排头踱步走到排尾,冷笑道:“——迟到。新学期开学没几天就给我玩迟到。”   他从排头走到排尾,突然停下脚步,其他同学正屏气凝神,就听姜主任声音突然又大起来:“贺朝?你什么情况?!”   贺朝出列:“迟到。”   “你这学期都住宿了,还能让我在校门口抓到你,”姜主任示意其他人回去上课,单留下贺朝一位,“可以啊,违反校纪校规的能力真是让人刮目相看。”   贺朝表示自己是出来晨跑的,不小心看错时间。   姜主任看着面前这人浑身上下清爽得不行,靠得近了还能闻到洗衣粉的味儿。   晨跑个屁,老年人散步还差不多。   姜主任也懒得跟他说下去,看看时间,已经上课十分钟,只说:“老规矩。”   “检讨,我知道。”贺朝一边倒着往前走一边说,“中午我就送去您办公室,再见姜主任。”   眼看着贺朝马上就要跑没影了,姜主任忙道:“等会儿,你过来。”   贺朝停下脚步。   姜主任:“你们班那个联名书怎么回事?”   经历一场风波,徐霞虽然没受到什么处罚,但去实验附中的事情肯定是泡汤了,上面见她认错态度良好,又念在她教书十几年的份上,没再追究下去。   不过让校方头疼的是,三班同学有换班主任的意愿。   贺朝一开始试着提这事,还以为班里没什么人会响应。这个班平日安静地出奇,每个人默不作声,没想到这次大家对徐霞的意见都爆发了出来。   刘存浩率先带领自己的弟兄前来支援。   “办她!”说话的是一个长得还挺精神的男生,尤其那双眼珠子,看人的时候仿佛会发亮似的,“只要我们全班参与,就算最后失败,集体犯罪一般都从轻发落。”   刘存浩拍了拍那男生的脑门:“万事通,你怎么那么消极,还没有行动就想着失败。”   被称作“万事通”的男生说:“这不叫消极,这叫策略。这样的事件我一口气能给你举十个——去年五班集体抗议老师霸占他们体育课……”   贺朝本来在积极游说谢俞跟他们一起去找疯狗。   谢俞指着刘存浩手里拿着的那张联名书,上面已经集齐了半个班的签名:“我能在上面署名已经很给面子了,明白?”   姜主任拦下他没说几句就走了。   贺朝一路跑回教室,趁英语老师不注意,弯腰从后门溜进去,然后轻手轻脚坐下,从肩上空空落落的包里拿出来一杯热豆浆,推给谢俞:“给。”   谢俞看着豆浆和吸管:“干什么?”   “喝啊,”贺朝把书包挂到椅背上,“你不是要无糖的。”   自从知道和谢俞住对门之后,贺朝有事没事就常常过去串门,当然对于这一行为,谢俞表示并不欢迎。有时候贺朝起得早,还会去对面把谢俞也叫起来:“走,一起吃早饭去。”   然后贺朝就发现谢俞这个人吃东西很龟毛,挑得很,不然宁愿不吃。   “豆浆,都是豆浆,有什么差别?”贺朝问。   谢俞:“我不喝甜豆浆。”   学校食堂里豆浆种类没那么多,校外早餐店里才有。贺朝本来是想谢俞帮了他那么大一个忙,请人家吃个饭,没想到最后还成了跑腿的。   “在做什么?讲题?这什么?”贺朝光是找英语书就找了半天,翻开之后又是一阵迷茫,“……什么时候布置的。”   谢俞借了前桌的作业抄,头都没抬道:“不知道,大概在你考虑是蕾丝蓬蓬裙好看还是朋克皮裤的时候。”   贺朝那点动静没逃过老师的眼睛。   英语老师在黑板上写完题目后放下粉笔,点了贺朝的名字:“这位迟到的,你来说说,遇到这样的题型,第一步要做什么。”   贺朝慢慢悠悠起身,犹豫一会儿,说了六个字:“放弃,看下一道。”   谢俞翻译题抄到一半,听到这个回答,字母c收尾没收住,长长地划出去:“……”   英语老师:“……”   全班同学:“……”   贺朝补充道:“遇到不会的题目,不要浪费时间。”   沉默过后,不知道是谁没忍住先笑出声,然后全班哄堂大笑。   “哈哈哈哈哈哈哈下一道。”   “人才人才。”   英语老师很想严肃地板起脸,最后也破功:“你坐下,好好听。”   早自习过去之后,关于徐霞调去高一组的传闻在班里传开了。   “高一那边有个老师嗓子不好要动手术,徐霞估计就过去带那个班,我们即将上任的新班主任,姓唐。”   万事通在教导处门外听墙角,带着新鲜出炉的消息回到班里,奔走相告:“还是从重点学校调过来的,特级教师,听起来很牛逼。”   万达,恰好姓‘万’,总有说不完的小道消息,那些消息也不知道打哪儿来的,真真假假扑朔迷离。而且万达本人吹牛皮自称除了立阳二中之外,方圆内半个市,没有他不知道的事情,于是人送外号‘万事通’。   刘存浩正在收作业,随口说:“疯狗的墙角你都敢听?”   万达说:“那必须啊,想要获得一手情报,就要冒着死亡的风险。”   万事通的情报十次里也不见得有一次准,但是这次真让他说对了,新班主任姓唐,名字还很有个性,唐森。   唐森看着就是个普通的即将步入中年的男人,手腕上戴串佛珠,讲课认真,两天时间就把班里人的名字和脸对上了。   人也挺好说话,没什么架子……就是烦了点,相当话唠,而且一句话能给你扯出一些八竿子打不着的事情,串在一起说还不觉得突兀。   “值日生把班级打扫干净再走啊,晚上早点睡觉充足的睡眠的很重要,吃饭不要吃得太油腻,不会做的题目就放着,可以问但绝对不能抄,回家记得关心关心父母,他们一天也很劳累,对了,明天好像要下雨你们最好带把伞……”   “……”   最后一节课下课,住校的人留下来继续上晚自习。   之前也真是巧了,贺朝和谢俞两个人,翘晚自习的几率很高,不是你翘了就是两个一起翘,开学快半个月愣是不知道对方也是住宿生。   班里同学走掉大半,剩下的近十个人,做着作业开始闲聊。   外头天色已经黑了。   万达神神秘秘地问:“你们知道咱们宿舍楼闹鬼的事情吗?”   万事通开始这个灵异话题的时候,贺朝正拉着谢俞一起玩组队游戏,此人不停沉浸在自己的操作技术当中:“我真的好强——看到没有,一击双杀。过来,哥罩你。”   谢俞:“你看看清楚,那个人是我杀的。”   如果不是无法攻击队友,谢俞可能要把这个人先突了。   “我们楼层,这几天晚上一直都有奇怪的声音,尤其是半夜十二点之后,还有敲门声,”万达越说声音压得越低,“听人说,前几天它还只在一楼转悠……但是昨天晚上开始,二楼也发生了怪事,敲门声我亲耳听见的,我去开门的时候,门外什么都没有,走廊尽头有一团影子晃过去。”   万达又说:“我也不知道是不是我看错了。但是我们学校本来不就有那个传闻,你们都知道吧,那个跳楼的。”   其他同学附和:“知道知道,楼顶跳下去的。”   “我住一楼,我听到过,好几次,总敲门我都不敢开。但是昨天确实没有了,难道真的往楼上去了?”   谢俞没听他们在说什么,专心打游戏,遇到两个大BOSS,正要肛,扭头发现队友不知道什么时候凉了:“啧。你不是要罩我?”   贺朝表情不太对劲:“……我们住几楼?三楼?”
Chapter 18: A New Day. The sound of scolding pierced through the last layer of clouds and mist in the morning, shaking people with refreshment. "Stand still, come...... Come here for me, stand up. "Don't stare at the ground, can you see the flowers? Don't be ashamed, don't be ashamed, your face will be disgraced anyway. "Chest up! Rise! Look ahead, look into my eyes. There were more than a dozen people standing near the bronze sculpture at the entrance of Liyang No. 2 Middle School, they lined up in two rows, their heads lowered, and the schoolbags behind them fell heavily. The few who didn't wake up were scared away by the roaring sleepy insects, trembling in place. One of the male students couldn't hold back, raised his head and glanced at the teaching director, lowered his head again, and whispered, "...... Mad dog. 'Mad Dog' Director Jiang's ears moved, vaguely caught something, raised his hand and pointed to the queue, and asked in a loud voice: "Who else is talking!" The man's chest rose and fell violently. There are a pair of gold-rimmed glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose, but it does not make him look a little elegant and civilized, and he still holds an attendance sheet in his hand, on which the names of people who are late every day are recorded, and as long as they are late more than three times, they will enter the last page of the attendance sheet - the blacklist. The nickname Mad Dog has been around for a long time, and it was given by previous students, and it has been passed down like this. It is said that no teacher can mess with this teaching director surnamed Jiang, the legendary mad dog is more terrible than the menopausal tigress. I saw Director Jiang's eyes narrowed slightly, paced from the head of the row to the end of the row, and sneered: "-Late." I was late for a few days after the new semester started. He walked from the head of the row to the end of the row, and suddenly stopped, and the other students were holding their breath and concentrating, when they heard Director Jiang's voice suddenly become louder again: "He Chao? What's the situation with you?! He Chao came out of the ranks: "Late." "You've been living in accommodation this semester, and I can catch you at the school gate," Director Jiang motioned for the others to go back to class, leaving He Chao alone, "Yes, the ability to violate school discipline and school rules is really impressive." He Chao said that he came out for a morning jog and accidentally mislooked the time. Director Jiang looked at the person in front of him, and he was so refreshed that he could smell the laundry detergent when he got closer. A fart in the morning, a walk for the elderly is almost the same. Director Jiang didn't bother to talk to him, looked at the time, it had been ten minutes in class, and only said, "Old rules." "Review, I know." He Chao walked backwards and said, "I'll send it to your office at noon, and I'll see Director Jiang again." Seeing that He Chao was about to run away, Director Jiang hurriedly said, "Wait a while, you come over." He Chao stopped. Director Jiang: "What's the matter with the joint letter in your class?" After a turmoil, although Xu Xia was not punished, the matter of going to the experimental middle school must have been in vain, and she saw that she had a good attitude of admitting her mistakes, and read it for the sake of her teaching for more than ten years, and did not pursue it further. However, what makes the school a headache is that the students in Class 3 are willing to change class teachers. He Chao tried to mention this at first, thinking that no one in the class would respond. This class is surprisingly quiet on weekdays, and everyone is silent, but I didn't expect everyone's opinions on Xu Xia to explode this time. Liu Cunhao took the lead in leading his brothers to come to support. "Do her!" It was a boy who looked quite energetic when he spoke, especially those eyes, which seemed to light up when he looked at people, "As long as our whole class participates, even if we fail in the end, collective crime will generally be punished lightly." Liu Cunhao patted the boy's head: "Jack-of-all-trades, why are you so negative, thinking about failure before you act." The boy who is called a "jack of all trades" said, "It's not called negativity, it's called strategy." I can give you 10 examples of such incidents in one breath - last year, five classes collectively protested against the teacher's occupation of their physical education class......" He Chao was actively lobbying Xie Yu to go with them to find the mad dog. Xie Yu pointed to the joint book in Liu Cunhao's hand, which had already collected the signatures of half of the class: "It's already very face-saving for me to be able to sign on it, understand?" Director Jiang stopped him and left without saying a few words. He Chao ran all the way back to the classroom, took advantage of the English teacher's inattention, bent down and slipped in through the back door, then sat down lightly, took out a cup of hot soy milk from the empty bag on his shoulder, and pushed it to Xie Yu: "Give." Xie Yu looked at the soy milk and straw: "What are you doing?" "Drink," He Chao hung his bag on the back of his chair, "you don't want to be sugar-free." Since he knew that he lived opposite Xie Yu, He Chao often went over to visit the door when he had nothing to do, of course, Xie Yu did not welcome this behavior. Sometimes He Chao got up early, and would go to the other side to call Xie Yu up: "Let's go, let's have breakfast together." Then He Chao found that Xie Yu was very picky about eating, otherwise he would rather not eat. "Soy milk, it's all soy milk, what's the difference?" He Chao asked. Xie Yu: "I don't drink sweet soy milk. There are not so many types of soy milk in the school cafeteria, but only in the breakfast shop outside the school. He Chao originally wanted Xie Yu to do him so much a favor and invite others to dinner, but he didn't expect to end up running errands. "What are you doing? The topic? What is this? "He Chao searched for English books for a long time, and after opening them, he was confused again," ...... When was it arranged. Xie Yu borrowed the homework from the front desk, and said without raising his head: "I don't know, probably when you were thinking about whether a lace tutu looks good or punk leather pants." He Chao's little movement did not escape the teacher's eyes. After the English teacher finished writing the question on the blackboard, he put down the chalk and pointed out He Chao's name: "This late, tell me what to do in the first step when encountering such a question type." He Chao got up slowly, hesitated for a while, and said six words: "Give up, look at the next one."Xie Yu copied the question halfway through, and when he heard this answer, the letter C was confiscated and crossed out for a long time: "......" English Teacher: "......" Class: "......" He Chao added: "Don't waste time when you encounter a problem that you don't know. After the silence, I don't know who couldn't help but laugh first, and then the whole class burst into laughter. "Hahahahaha "Talent talent." The English teacher wanted to put on a serious face, and in the end, he also broke the score: "You sit down and listen well." After the early self-study, rumors about Xu Xia's transfer to the senior group spread in the class. "There is a teacher in the first year of high school who has a bad voice and needs surgery, Xu Xia estimates that she will go over to take that class, and our new class teacher who is about to take up is surnamed Tang." Jack-of-all-trades listened to the corner outside the teaching office, returned to the class with freshly baked news, and ran to tell each other: "I'm still transferred from a key school, a special teacher, it sounds awesome." Wanda, who happens to be surnamed 'Wan', always has endless gossip, and I don't know where the news came from, and the truth is confusing. Moreover, Wanda himself bragged that in addition to Liyang No. 2 Middle School, there was nothing in the city within a radius of half of the city, so he gave him the nickname 'Know-it-all'. Liu Cunhao was collecting his homework, and said casually: "Do you dare to listen to the corner of the mad dog?" Wanda said, "That must be, if you want to get first-hand information, you have to risk death." The information of the know-it-all may not be accurate once in ten times, but this time he really made him right, the new head teacher's surname is Tang, and his name is very personal, Tang Sen. Tang Sen looked like an ordinary man who was about to enter middle age, wearing a string of Buddhist beads on his wrist, giving a serious lecture, and matching the names and faces of the people in the class in two days. People are also very talkative, and there is no arrogance...... It's just a little annoying, quite chattering, and a sentence can pull out some things that can't be beaten by eight poles, and it doesn't feel abrupt to string them together. "The students on duty clean up the class and then leave, it is very important to go to bed early at night and get enough sleep, don't eat too greasy when eating, put the questions that you won't do, you can ask but you can't copy it, remember to care about your parents when you go home, they are also very tired all day, by the way, it seems to be raining tomorrow, you'd better bring an umbrella......" “……” After the last class, the residents stayed behind to continue the evening self-study. It was really a coincidence before, He Chao and Xie Yu, the probability of skipping the night self-study is very high, either you are warping or the two of you are warping together, and they are stunned for almost half a month after the start of school, but they don't know that the other party is also a boarding student. Most of the students in the class left, and the remaining nearly ten people started chatting while doing their homework. It was already dark outside. Wanda asked mysteriously, "Do you know about the haunting of our dormitory building?" When the know-it-all started this supernatural topic, He Chaozheng was pulling Xie Yu to play a team game together, and this person was constantly immersed in his own operation skills: "I'm really strong - see no, double kill with one hit." Come here, brother, cover you. Xie Yu: "Look clearly, I killed that person." If it weren't for the inability to attack his teammates, Xie Yu might have to break out this person first. "On our floor, there have been strange noises these nights, especially after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and there is a knock on the door," Wanda said, the lower his voice became, "I heard that it was only on the first floor a few days ago...... But since last night, something strange has happened on the second floor, I heard the knock on the door, and when I went to open the door, there was nothing outside the door, and a shadow flickered at the end of the hallway. Wanda added, "I don't know if I'm wrong." But there was no rumor about it in our school, you all know, the one who jumped off the building. The other students chimed in: "I know, I know, I jumped off the roof." "I live on the first floor, and I've heard it, several times, and I don't dare to open it when I knock on the door. But yesterday it was really gone, did it really go upstairs? Xie Yu didn't listen to what they were saying, concentrated on playing the game, met two big bosses, and was about to analize, when he turned his head and found that his teammates didn't know when it was cold: "Tsk." You're not trying to cover me? He Chao's expression was not quite right: "...... What floor do we live on? Third floor? ”

第十九章   学校里总有那么几段骇人听闻的传说。   学生跳楼这件事情其实也并没有事实依据,都是历届学生传下来的,还说学校为了声誉把这件事情压了下去,所以看不到报道。   关于跳楼原因也是众说纷纭,学业压力、情场失意、家里破产、校园暴力。   ……   万达他们越说越起劲,把宿舍楼活生生讲成鬼楼,而且很有仪式感地“啪”一下关了灯。   晚八点,外面黑得伸手不见五指,只看得见零星灯火。学校附近还有一个大厦,大厦最近正在搞周年庆活动,灯效弄得红彤彤地,现在教室里关了灯,那片红色映射过来,显得格外诡异。   有女生直接尖叫出声:“万达你干什么!”   “有毛病啊!”   “开灯,快开灯!”   万达不为所动,坚持道:“讲故事,气氛很重要,气氛。”   贺朝几乎是在灯暗下来的瞬间就抓上了谢俞的手腕,低声骂了句:“我操。”   游戏结束,谢俞的手机屏幕也随即暗下去,他侧过头,倒是没有甩开贺朝的手,反而饶有兴致地问:“你怕鬼?”   万达还不知道最后一排角落里发生了什么,他正准备讲恐怖理发店的故事,招呼两位大佬过来一起听:“朝哥,俞哥——来啊,捧捧场?绝对恐怖,特别精彩,听完之后晚上还敢一个人睡觉我给你五毛钱。”   贺朝还没来得及拒绝,就听他那位极度不合群、孤僻到要死、从来不爱凑热闹的同桌说:“好啊。”   “……”   教室里一共就十二个人。   八个男生,四个女生。   万达坐在中间,剩下的人围成一个圆圈,女生抱成一团,没位置坐的就自备椅子,拖着椅子过去找地方坐。   谢俞坐在最外侧,靠角落的地方,贺朝挨着他。   谢俞低头看了一眼,看到贺朝的手还握着他不放:“你是不打算撒手了?”   说话间,灵异故事之恐怖理发店篇开始,万达刻意模仿一种大限将至、沧桑到不行的声音说:“小洁是个非常漂亮的女孩子,她有着一头乌黑亮丽的长发,见过她的人都对她那一头秀发印象深刻……”   谢俞皱起眉,贺朝五根手指勒得他手腕疼的感觉也很深刻。   万达讲故事的水平其实很普通,但是态度认真,不出戏,加上氛围很不错,讲到一半还是让那四个女生齐齐尖叫。   女生的尖叫声比故事内容吓人多了。   认认真真听着故事,突然来那么一声,着实让人心颤。   谢俞觉得贺朝应该去女生堆里跟她们一起尖叫,可贺朝身体力行地向大家展示“大佬也是要面子的”,愣是没吭声,装淡定。   “……理发师转过身,脸上露出一抹极度诡异的微笑,嘴角一点一点、一点一点往上翘起。他拿着剪刀,站在储物室门口,过长的刘海遮住了一只眼。那副死气沉沉地样子,看起来根本不像个正常人,甚至都不像活人。”   万达越说声音变得越低沉,但是在重要的节奏点上陡然间声调向上扬起:“他拉开了门!储物室里是一排排货架,一眼望过去,密密麻麻全部都是——人的头颅!”   贺朝的手往下移了几寸,直接抓上谢俞的手。   谢俞甩了几下没有甩开。   “连着头皮,乌黑的长发垂在脸旁,她们的表情叙述了她们死亡那刻的有多痛苦,狰狞的、害怕的、扭曲的。”   “放手,”谢俞说,“你放不放?”   贺朝:“不放。”   “……你真的怕这个?”   “谁说我怕了?”   “那你放手。”   “不放。”   就在万达呕心沥血描述那些被割下来的人头有多可怕的时候,教室窗户上也浮现出一张脸。   那张脸一半被窗帘遮住,只露出来另一半,隐隐绰绰。   看不清五官,模模糊糊只剩下轮廓。   但看得出是个男人。   半响,男人张口问:“——你们在干什么?”   万达讲故事讲到一半,一回头窗户上一张脸,自己也吓了一跳:“妈啊。”   女生集体尖叫起来:“啊!”   “鬼叫什么,”姜主任推开门走进来,摸到开关把灯打开,“晚自习,你们都在干什么?作业都写完了?啊?聚在这里开茶话会?”   他被这群人吵得头疼,拿着书拍拍讲台:“隔着走廊就听到你们班动静了,嫌作业太少还是怎么的,说出来我跟你们班老师反馈一下。”   万达:“不不不不用,姜主任,我们作业够了,真的够了,再多身体就承受不住了。”   姜主任下班前习惯在各个班转悠几圈再走,可能是马上下班心情比较不错,他没继续追究下去,只是叮嘱两句:“安静一点,遵守秩序,再让我发现……”   “是是是是。”   等姜主任走之后,他们才松了口气,正准备拖着椅子回自己座位,有个女生突然又叫了一声。   “秩序,安静,”万达说,“许晴晴,我讲的故事有那么吓人吗?”   许晴晴表示老娘才没有你想象得那么胆小,然后她不停使眼色,最后成功引导大家把目光转到两位大佬紧紧交握的手上。   万达以及其余同学:“……!”   谢俞被握久了,没意识到什么问题。   贺朝还在回味故事情节:“她最后逃出去了?”   “不是死就是疯,”谢俞冷静道,“不然怎么叫恐怖故事。”   贺朝跟谢俞两个人,除了“问题少年”这个名号加持着,两个人的外形也相当惹眼。   刚入校的时候学校贴吧里评选校草,这两位名列前茅,虽然本校的同学都不太敢跟他们接触,但不知道是不是因为近臭远香这个道理,总有外校的过来发帖问“你们学校那个XX,求联系方式,真的好帅啊(*ω\*)”。   虽然传闻很多,但这两人感情史成谜。   万达自从分到三班,以前那些联系的、不联系的女同学一窝蜂过来问他,他琢磨着,回去总算可以给那群人一个答复:别想了,我们班可能要内部自销。   八点半晚自习下课。   万达收拾好东西跟他们一起走,这些天相处下来他已经觉得大家相亲相爱一家人,尤其是经过换老师的事之后,四舍五入那就是战友。   “偷偷告诉你们个一手消息,”万达走在前面,“下周月考,我在唐老师办公室听见的,年级组老师自己出题,题目难度会向四中看齐,反正会比我们平时做的题目难。”   谢俞:“这个一手消息,你跟我说?”   贺朝也觉得匪夷所思,他跟谢俞常年承包全校倒数第一第二,考试对他们两个来说压根不算什么:“这消息的价值在哪?”   万达:“提醒你们早点为作弊做准备啊,这次抓作弊抓得很严的,听说一个考场三个老师。”   学校里只剩下路灯还亮着,还有微弱的蝉鸣。盛夏即将过去,铺面而来的风都捎带上一丝凉意。   贺朝:“啊。”   谢俞:“真是谢谢你了。”   谢俞回去洗漱完翻开《模拟测试卷——月考篇》,A市所有高校历年的月考试卷全收录,找到去年四中的月考卷看了几眼。   简单的题目就看看,遇到有意思的难题才停下来做做看。   不知不觉就到了熄灯的时间,谢俞估摸着这个台灯大概还能撑个一小时,正刷着题,手机屏幕突然亮起来。   一条企鹅消息。   贺朝:睡了?   谢俞:?   贺朝:寂寞的夜晚,来聊聊天。   谢俞:没空,不聊,滚蛋。   贺朝显然已经习惯同桌这种没有感情的说话方式,丝毫没觉得这种聊天体验真是奇差,又回过来一句:忙什么呢?   谢俞面对厚厚一摞数学试卷以及刚解出一半的函数题,面不改色敲下三个字:打游戏。   贺朝:什么游戏?   这四个字透露出浓浓地‘拉我啊双排啊一起玩’的气息,谢俞沉着冷静,立志要把天彻底聊死:单机游戏。   贺朝:……   谢俞放下手机,突然想到这人晚自习时候的种种言行,又发过去一句:你是害怕得不敢睡觉?   这回贺朝没有再继续没话找话。   贺朝:[微笑]。   贺朝:开什么玩笑,我怕过谁。   贺朝:[挥手]。   谢俞本来没把万事通说的那个灵异宿舍楼的事当真,只当是在听故事,跟那个恐怖理发店一样,听着图个新鲜。   他高一的时候也住校,一年下来屁事没有。   还诡异的敲门声,想象力真的丰富。   躺下的时候已经接近半夜,谢俞躺在床上翻朋友圈,看到周大雷上传了梅姨把一个贼眉鼠眼年轻人摁在地上的照片,配文是:徒手抓贼,牛皮牛皮。   梅姨在评论里嫌弃大雷的拍照技术。   雷妈疯狂护儿子:主要还是看人,跟技术没有关系!我儿子拍得多好!   谢俞看了很久,最终还是没有评论,只是点了个赞。他刚放下手机,就听到原本安静的走廊上隐隐传来一阵什么声音。   ——似乎是很慢很慢的脚步声。   声音由远及近。   然后不知道在哪个寝室门前停了下来。   谢俞清清楚楚地听到两声敲门声。   “咚。”   “咚。”
Chapter 19 There are always a few horrific legends in the school. In fact, there is no factual basis for the incident of the student jumping off the building, it is all handed down by previous students, and it is said that the school has suppressed this matter for the sake of reputation, so there is no report. There are also different opinions about the reasons for jumping off the building, academic pressure, love frustration, family bankruptcy, and campus violence. …… The more Wanda talked about it, the more energetic they became, talking about the dormitory building as a ghost building, and turning off the lights with a very ceremonial "snap". At eight o'clock in the evening, it was so dark outside that I couldn't see my fingers, only sporadic lights could be seen. There is also a building near the school, the building has recently been holding an anniversary celebration, and the lighting effect has been red, and now that the lights are turned off in the classroom, the red is reflected in it, which looks particularly weird. A girl screamed directly: "Wanda, what are you doing!" "There's something wrong!" "Turn on the lights, turn on the lights!" Unmoved, Wanda insisted: "To tell a story, the atmosphere is very important, the atmosphere." He Chao grabbed Xie Yu's wrist almost as soon as the light dimmed, and scolded in a low voice: "Fuck." When the game ended, Xie Yu's mobile phone screen immediately dimmed, he turned his head sideways, but instead of shaking off He Chao's hand, he asked with interest: "Are you afraid of ghosts?" Wanda didn't know what was going on in the corner of the last row, and he was about to tell the story of the horror barbershop, beckoning the two bigwigs to come over and listen together: "Brother Chao, Brother Yu - come, cheer?" Absolutely terrifying, especially exciting, after listening to it, dare to sleep alone at night I will give you five cents. Before He Chao could refuse, he heard his tablemate, who was extremely unsociable, withdrawn to death, and never liked to join in the fun, said, "Okay." ” “……” There were 12 people in the classroom. Eight boys, four girls. Wanda sat in the middle, the rest of the people formed a circle, the girls hugged each other, and those who had no place to sit brought their own chairs and dragged the chairs over to find a place to sit. Xie Yu sat on the outermost side, in the corner, and He Chao was next to him. Xie Yu glanced down and saw that He Chao's hand was still holding him: "Are you not going to let go?" While speaking, at the beginning of the horror barbershop chapter of the supernatural story, Wanda deliberately imitated a voice that was approaching and vicissitudes of life and said: "Xiaojie is a very beautiful girl, she has long black and bright hair, and everyone who has seen her is impressed by her hair......" Xie Yu frowned, and He Chao's five fingers strangled his wrist and felt a deep pain. Wanda's level of storytelling is actually very ordinary, but her attitude is serious, she doesn't play, and the atmosphere is very good, so she still makes the four girls scream in unison halfway through. The screams of the girls are much more terrifying than the content of the story. Listening to the story carefully, the sudden sound of that is really heart-wrenching. Xie Yu felt that He Chao should go to the girls' pile to scream with them, but He Chao personally showed everyone that "the big guy also wants face", so he was silent and pretended to be calm. “…… The barber turned, a very eerie smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth turned up little by little. He stood at the door of the storage room with scissors in hand, one eye covered by excessively long bangs. That lifeless look didn't look like a normal person at all, not even like a living person. The more Wanda spoke, the deeper her voice became, but suddenly the tone rose at an important rhythmic point: "He opened the door!" In the storage room, there are rows of shelves, and at a glance, they are densely packed with human heads! He Chao's hand moved down a few inches and directly grabbed Xie Yu's hand. Xie Yu shook it a few times and didn't shake it off. "With their long black hair hanging down beside their faces, their expressions recounted how painful they were at the moment of death, hideous, frightened, and twisted." "Let it go," Xie Yu said, "will you let it go?" He Chao: "Don't let go." ” “…… Are you really afraid of this? "Who said I was scared?" "Then you let go." "Don't let go." As Wanda painstakingly described how horrific the severed heads were, a face appeared in the classroom window. Half of that face was covered by curtains, revealing only the other half, faintly. I can't see the facial features clearly, and only the outline is left in the blur. But it can be seen that it is a man. Halfway through, the man opened his mouth and asked, "-What are you doing?" Wanda was halfway through the story, and when she turned around at the window, she was startled: "Mom." The girls collectively screamed: "Ah! "What's the ghost called," Director Jiang pushed open the door and walked in, feeling the switch to turn on the light, "Evening self-study, what are you all doing?" Done with your homework? Yes? Gather here for a tea party? He was so annoyed by this group of people that he patted the podium with a book: "I heard the movement of your class across the corridor, I think there is too little homework or something, say it and I will give feedback to the teacher of your class." Wanda: "No, no, no, Director Jiang, we have enough homework, really enough, no matter how much body we have, we can't bear it." Director Jiang used to walk around each class a few times before getting off work, maybe he was in a good mood to get off work immediately, he didn't continue to investigate, but just told me: "Be quiet, obey the order, and let me find out ...... again" "Yes, yes, yes." After Director Jiang left, they breathed a sigh of relief, and were about to drag the chair back to their seats, when a girl suddenly screamed again. "Order, quiet," Wanda said, "Xu Qingqing, is the story I tell so scary?" Xu Qingqing said that the old lady is not as timid as you think, and then she kept making her eyes, and finally successfully guided everyone to turn their eyes to the hands of the two big guys clasped tightly. Wanda and the rest of the students: "......! Xie Yu was held for a long time and didn't realize what was wrong. He Chao is still reminiscing about the storyline: "She finally escaped? "It's either death or madness," Xie Yu said calmly, "otherwise how can it be called a horror story." He Chao and Xie Yu, in addition to the blessing of the name "problem boy", the appearance of the two people is also quite eye-catching. When I first entered the school, the school posted in the bar to select the school grass, these two were among the best, although the students of the school did not dare to contact them, but I don't know if it was because of the smell of the fragrance, there were always people from other schools who came to post and asked, "Your school is XX, ask for contact information, it's really handsome (*ω\*)". Although there are many rumors, the relationship history of these two people is a mystery. Since Wanda was assigned to the third class, the female classmates who were in contact with him and who were not in contact with him in the past came to ask him, and he pondered that he could finally give an answer to that group of people when he went back: Don't think about it, our class may have to sell itself internally. At half past eight o'clock in the evening, self-study ends at class. Wanda packed up his things and walked with them, these days he already feels that everyone loves each other as a family, especially after the change of teachers, rounding up is comrades-in-arms. "Secretly tell you a first-hand news," Wanda walked in front, "next week's monthly exam, I heard in Mr. Tang's office, the grade group teachers make their own questions, and the difficulty of the questions will be on par with the fourth middle school, anyway, it will be more difficult than the questions we usually do." Xie Yu: "You tell me this first-hand news?" He Chao also felt incredible, he and Xie Yu contracted the first and second in the school all the year round, and the exam was nothing to the two of them: "What is the value of this news?" Wanda: "Remind you to prepare for cheating early, this time I caught cheating very strictly, I heard that there are three teachers in one examination room." All that was left of the school was the street lights still on, and the faint chirping of cicadas. Midsummer is coming to an end, and the wind from the shop is carrying a touch of coolness. He Chao: "Ah. Xie Yu: "Thank you so much." Xie Yu went back to wash up and opened the "Mock Test Papers-Monthly Exam Chapter", all the monthly examination papers of all colleges and universities in City A over the years were included, and he found the monthly examination papers of last year's fourth middle school and took a few looks. Just look at the simple problems, and stop and look at the interesting problems when you encounter them. Before I knew it, it was time to turn off the lights, Xie Yu estimated that the lamp could last for about an hour, and while he was brushing the question, the mobile phone screen suddenly lit up. A penguin message. He Chao: Sleeping? Xie Yu: ? He Chao: On a lonely night, let's chat. Xie Yu: I'm not available, don't talk, get out. He Chao is obviously used to the emotionless way of talking at the same table, and he doesn't feel that this kind of chat experience is really bad at all, and he replied: What are you busy with? Xie Yu faced a thick stack of math test papers and a half-solved function problem, and typed down three words without changing his face: play games. He Chao: What game? These four words reveal a strong atmosphere of 'pull me, double row, play together', Xie Yu is calm and calm, determined to talk about the sky completely: stand-alone games. He Chao: ...... Xie Yu put down his mobile phone, suddenly thought of this person's words and deeds during his evening self-study, and sent another sentence: Are you too scared to sleep? This time, He Chao didn't continue to have nothing to say. He Chao: [smiles]. He Chao: What are you kidding, who have I been afraid of? He Chao: [waves]. Xie Yu didn't take the supernatural dormitory building that the know-it-all said seriously, but just listened to the story, just like the horror barbershop, listening to the freshness. He also lived on campus when he was a freshman in high school, and he didn't have any in a year. There is also a strange knock on the door, and the imagination is really rich. When he lay down, it was almost midnight, Xie Yu was lying on the bed and rummaging through the circle of friends, and saw Zhou Dalei upload a photo of Aunt Mei pressing a young man with thief eyebrows and mouse eyes on the ground, with the text: Catch the thief with your bare hands, cowhide and cowhide. Aunt Mei disliked Da Lei's photography skills in the comments. Lei's mother is crazy to protect her son: the main thing is to look at people, and it has nothing to do with technology! How well my son filmed! Xie Yu watched it for a long time, but in the end he didn't comment, just liked it. As soon as he put down his phone, he heard a faint sound coming from the otherwise quiet hallway. - It seems to be a very slow, slow footstep. Sounds come from far and near. Then I don't know which bedroom door I stopped in. Xie Yuqing clearly heard two knocks on the door. "Boom." "Boom."

第二十章   沈捷接到贺朝电话的时候,接近凌晨一点。   他神志不清地伸手摸手机,摸半天没摸着,只摸到嘴边一滩口水,这才迷迷糊糊坐起身,心情不太舒爽:“……大半夜的,谁啊。”   睡得好好的突然被吵醒,搁了谁都会有点烦躁,但是沈捷看到手机屏幕上“朝哥”两个大字,立马变了态度。   “朝哥,有什么吩咐?”沈捷打开台灯,坐起身,“夜深人静的夜晚,您是想来一份十三香小龙虾还是杨圆路那家有名的生煎包?又或者是陪聊服务?”   “……”   沈捷已经做好了上刀山下火海的准备,但是他朝哥只说:“问你个问题。”   “问!你问!”   “你觉得,谢俞……就是你认识的那个谢俞,”贺朝也不知道怎么说,他抓抓头发,纠结两秒,问出一句让沈捷失眠一整夜的话来,“他会不会同意让我抱着他睡觉?”   沈捷觉得整个人受到了冲击:“哈?”   他最近只是不经常去三班串班而已,错过了什么重要的事情吗。   为什么事情会往这么奇怪的地方发展。   是不是在做梦,可能没睡醒?   “朝哥,我觉得,不管是我认识的那个谢俞,还是你认识的那个谢俞,都不会同意的。”沈捷恍恍惚惚地回答说,“我甚至都想象不到你会有多少种死法。”   贺朝说:“这件事情这么绝对的吗?”   沈捷:“绝对,比绝对还要绝对。”   沈捷说完,感受到他朝哥特别失望地撂了电话,那种失望还不是普通的失望,参杂了许许多多说不清道不明的情绪,让人着实看不透。   谢俞第二天没有等到贺朝过来敲门喊他一起去吃早饭。   他出去之前,特意看了眼对面寝室,门关得严严实实,没什么动静。犹豫两下,还是没有过去敲门直接去了教室。   “说起我们学校宿舍楼,真的诡异,”一进教室,就听到万达又在传播乱七八糟的消息,“前几天我不是说在二楼听到敲门声吗?昨晚就没有了,真的奇怪,好多人都听到了,绝对不是幻听。”   刘存浩不住校,对这些怪谈不为所动:“你们别在这自己吓自己了,没有的事,相信科学好不好?跟着我念,相信科学。”   许晴晴:“万事通,说一遍两遍就得了,说个没完了还。我们女寝怎么没发生这种事情,真要来敲我门,老娘直接开门,头都给它打爆。”   就在这时,底下有个男生慢慢悠悠地举起手:“我……我也听到了,是真的。昨天晚上,三楼有敲门声。”   贺朝没来,沈捷倒是往三班跑得很勤快。   沈捷在贺朝的位子上坐下:“朝哥呢?还没来?”   谢俞给了他一个的眼神,让他自己品。   沈捷品出来了,这是在骂他废话,但他实在是好奇贺朝昨晚到底有没有实施某个奇怪又危险的想法,又问:“昨天晚上,您睡得还好吗?”   三楼敲门声这个传闻闹得沸沸扬扬,谢俞直接把他归类成八卦份子,反问:“你觉得呢?”   “我觉得或许……你遭受了一些……嗯……骚扰?”   贺朝来的时候,上午的课已经过去一半。   “朝哥,唐老师叫你中午去一趟他办公室,”刘存浩刚从老师办公室回来,就看到贺朝慢慢悠悠往班级里走,他说完,又顿了顿,“——你这黑眼圈,有点重啊。”   贺朝起床起得急,没顾得上怎么整理,正低着头把红绳项链往校服领口里塞:“知道了。”   唐森上午就接到老师投诉,说你们班怎么总是缺人头,以为学校是家啊想来上课就来不想来就不来。他态度良好地先替那颗缺席的人头道了歉,平息一下任课老师们的怒火:“是,我一定好好说说他,太不像话了。”   等那颗缺席的人头来的时候,唐森已经准备好长长的措辞,想跟这位同学好好聊一聊。   “贺朝同学,你坐。”   贺朝还是第一次遇到会邀请他坐下的老师,将信将疑地坐下之后,又听唐森说了后半句:“……因为我们这次的聊天内容可能会稍微地有那么一点多。”   半小时之后,贺朝体会到“可能会稍微有那么一点多”到底是多少了。   “我知道你们年轻人,都有自己的想法,不爱学习也很正常,”唐森说着说着,停下来喝了几口水,继续道,“我完全可以理解,但是对一门科目不感兴趣,逃避并不是很好的解决途径,一个男人,要有斗志,勇于挑战,勇攀高峰。”   贺朝打断道:“……您还要讲多久?”   唐森看了眼自己的谈话大纲,照实说:“目前只进行到五分之三,后面还有几大块内容。”   “……”   最后还是上课铃响,唐森才停嘴:“那么今天我们的谈话就到这里。”   话音未落,贺朝起身就想走人,但唐森话锋一转,又道:“你这黑眼圈……”   贺朝手撑着门,第一次觉得被老师叫过去谈话是一件多麻烦的事情:“我们年轻人,夜生活比较丰富。”   贺朝回来之后,趴在桌上倒头就睡。   他衣领纽扣没扣上,领口大开,脖子里挂的红绳滑出来一截,谢俞不小心看到几眼,觉得真是很伤风化。   走廊上站了好几个女生,指着他们这里,捂着嘴不知道在说什么,神情激动。   从开学开始,这群女生就经常结伴在一起,人手一个水杯,每节课下课都过来打热水,然后拿着水杯站在走廊里不知道干什么。班里有人打赌她们是来看谁的,万达押了五十块钱进去,最后等不及,大着胆子来找贺朝希望他帮忙检测一下。   当时贺朝嘴里说着“那肯定是来看我啊”,走到窗边,手撑在窗沿边上,还没说话,那群女生捂着脸跑了。   万达立马跳起来喊:“我赢了!耶!”   贺朝还没整明白:“你赢什么了?她们到底是来看谁的啊?没说话就跑……很没有礼貌啊。”   万达从欣喜之中回味过来,琢磨出一丝不对劲:“朝哥,你……你对女孩子的心思……这个理解能力……”   “喂。”   谢俞叫了一声。   贺朝没反应。   谢俞往后靠了靠,抬手拿起英语书,卷在手里,直接往贺朝头上敲。   “……”贺朝睁开一只眼,“干什么啊。”   谢俞指指他胸口:“衣服,穿好。”   贺朝还没反应过来:“啊?”   谢俞说:“辣眼睛。”   贺朝一边说着“你眼瞎吧哥身材特别好”一边把纽扣扣上,就听谢俞又说:“你昨晚没睡?”   贺朝抬头:“同桌那么多天总算没白当,你在关心我?”   “是啊,”谢俞毫不避讳地嘲讽道,“关心你是不是被昨天晚上的敲门声吓得睡不着。”   “……”   贺朝心说简直快吓疯了。   他这个人还真没怕过什么,怕鬼是个例外。   有位拿恐怖故事当格林童话讲的妈,没因此修炼出什么免疫功能,童年阴影倒是深得不能再深。几乎已经形成一种条件反射。   但他这个人要面子。   “怎么可能。”   贺朝又重复了一遍:“不可能的。”   “你们在聊什么?”万达走过来,挑了附近的空位坐下,“那个,实不相瞒有个事情请教请教你们。”   刘存浩也慢慢悠悠晃过来,说:“能不能让我们瞻仰瞻仰你们的小抄?”   下节课英语默写。   他们班英语老师抓词汇抓得很严,如果默写不合格,到时候还要抽时间再去她办公室里重新默。   班里同学早就已经在桌上做好了“笔记”,他们基本上都动了点小手脚,区别只是记多记少,万达跟刘存浩争论半天谁的小抄更牛逼:“我这个,你看看,绝对不会被发现,你那个算什么啊,早就过时了……”   刘存浩用书把写在桌上的小抄遮住,自觉满意:“你懂什么,我这个经久不衰。”   他们俩争着争着,无意间发现全班单词默写最差劲的两个人,一个在睡觉,一个看玩手机,淡定得不行。   “可能他们俩已经打好小抄了呢?”   “其实我觉得写在桌上还是不太安全,要不问问他们?他们俩更有经验。”   “他们俩的技术,肯定出神入化。”   “……”   在万达和刘存浩两人热切期盼的目光之下,贺朝给了标准答案:“哪儿那么多事?直接把书摊开抄啊。”   谢俞:“……”   万达愣了一会儿,反应过来:“无抄胜有抄。”   刘存浩:“牛批牛批。”   但事实证明贺朝这个人没有他们想象得那么厉害。   摊开书,也找不到单词在哪。   “哪儿啊?”贺朝来回翻页,“怎么一会儿报英文一会儿说中文,是不是这个单元的词?”   谢俞一直以为自己这几年扮演差生扮得可以说是炉火纯青,现在发现自己还差得很远,真正的差生远比他想象得还要弱智。   作者有话要说:  贺朝:我,才是真正的,影帝。
Chapter 20 When Shen Jie received a call from He Chao, it was close to one o'clock in the morning. He reached out and touched his mobile phone in a delirium, but he didn't touch it for a long time, only touched a puddle of saliva on the side of his mouth, and then sat up in a daze, not in a very comfortable mood: "...... In the middle of the night, who? Sleeping well, he was suddenly woken up, and anyone would be a little irritable, but Shen Jie saw the two big words "Brother Chao" on the mobile phone screen, and immediately changed his attitude. "Brother Chao, what are your orders?" Shen Jie turned on the lamp and sat up, "In the dead of night, do you want a thirteen-spiced crayfish or the famous fried buns on Yang Yuan Road?" Or is it a chat service? ” “……” Shen Jie was ready to go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, but he only said to his brother, "I ask you a question." "Ask! You ask! "What do you think, Xie Yu...... It's the Xie Yu you know," He Chao didn't know what to say, he grabbed his hair, struggled for two seconds, and asked something that made Shen Jie lose sleep all night, "Will he agree to let me sleep with him in my arms?" Shen Jie felt that the whole person was shocked: "Huh? He just doesn't go to the third shift often lately, so he's missing something important. Why did things go in such a strange place? Are you dreaming, maybe you didn't wake up? "Brother Chao, I don't think I will agree to it, whether it is the Xie Yu I know or the Xie Yu you know." Shen Jie replied in a trance, "I can't even imagine how many ways you will die. He Chao said: "Is this matter so absolute? Shen Jie: "Absolutely, more absolutely than absolute." After Shen Jie finished speaking, he felt that he was particularly disappointed to drop the phone, that kind of disappointment was not an ordinary disappointment, mixed with a lot of indescribable emotions, which made people really unable to see through. Xie Yu didn't wait for He Chao to come over the next day and knock on the door and call him to go to breakfast together. Before he went out, he deliberately glanced at the bedroom opposite, the door was closed tightly, and there was no movement. After two hesitations, I still didn't knock on the door and went directly to the classroom. "Speaking of our school dormitory building, it's really weird," as soon as he entered the classroom, he heard Wanda spreading the messy news again, "Didn't I say that I heard a knock on the door on the second floor a few days ago?" It wasn't there last night, it's really weird, a lot of people have heard it, it's definitely not an auditory hallucination. Liu Cunhao did not live in the school, and was unmoved by these strange talks: "Don't scare yourself here, there is nothing to do, is it good to believe in science?" Follow me and believe in science. Xu Qingqing: "Jack-of-all-trades, just say it once or twice, and say it endlessly." Why didn't this happen to our women's dormitory, I really wanted to knock on my door, and the old lady opened the door directly, and her head exploded. At this moment, a boy below slowly raised his hand: "I...... I heard it too, it's true. Last night, there was a knock on the door on the third floor. He Chao didn't come, but Shen Jie ran very diligently to the third class. Shen Jie sat down on He Chao's seat: "What about Brother Chao?" Not here yet? Xie Yu gave him a look and let him taste it himself. Shen Jiepin came out, this was scolding him for talking nonsense, but he was really curious if He Chao had implemented a strange and dangerous idea last night, and asked, "Did you sleep well last night?" The rumor of a knock on the door on the third floor caused a stir, and Xie Yu directly classified him as a gossip and asked, "What do you think?" "I think maybe...... You've suffered some ...... Well...... Harass? When He Chao came, half of the morning class had passed. "Brother Chao, Teacher Tang told you to go to his office at noon," Liu Cunhao had just come back from the teacher's office, and saw He Chao walking slowly and leisurely towards the class. He Chao got up in a hurry, didn't care about how to tidy it up, and was lowering his head to stuff the red rope necklace into the collar of the school uniform: "Got it." Tang Sen received a complaint from the teacher in the morning, saying that your class is always short of heads, thinking that the school is home, and if you want to come to class, you won't come if you don't want to. He apologized for the absent head with a good attitude, and calmed the anger of the teachers: "Yes, I must talk about him well, it's too unusual." By the time the absent head came, Townsend had prepared a long wording and wanted to have a good chat with the classmate. "Classmate He Chao, you sit." It was the first time He Chao met a teacher who would invite him to sit down, and after sitting down suspiciously, he heard the second half of Tang Sen's words: "...... Because our chat this time may be a little bit more than that. Half an hour later, He Chao realized what "maybe a little more" was. "I know that you young people have your own ideas, and it's normal that you don't like to study," Tang Sen said, paused to take a few sips of water, and continued, "I can completely understand, but if you are not interested in a subject, escaping is not a good solution, a man, you must have a fighting spirit, have the courage to challenge, and climb the peak." He Chao interrupted: "...... How much longer do you want to speak? Townsend glanced at the outline of his conversation and said truthfully: "At present, it is only three-fifths of the way through, and there are still a few large pieces of content behind. ” “……” In the end, it was the class bell that rang, and Tang Sen stopped: "Then that's all for today's conversation." Before the words fell, He Chao got up and wanted to leave, but Tang Sen changed his words and said, "You have dark circles under your eyes......" He Chao propped up the door with his hands, and for the first time felt that it was a troublesome thing to be called over by the teacher to talk: "We young people have a rich nightlife. After He Chao came back, he fell asleep on the table. The buttons of his collar were not buttoned, the neckline was wide open, and the red rope hanging around his neck slipped out. There were several girls standing in the corridor, pointing at them, covering their mouths and not knowing what they were talking about, looking excited. Since the beginning of the school year, this group of girls has often been together, each with a water cup, coming to fetch hot water after every class, and then standing in the corridor with a water cup and not knowing what to do. Someone in the class bet on who they came to see, Wanda bet fifty yuan to go in, and in the end she couldn't wait, so she dared to come to He Chao and hope that he would help test it. At that time, He Chao said in his mouth, "Then he must have come to see me", walked to the window, propped his hand on the edge of the window, and before he could speak, the group of girls covered their faces and ran away. Wanda immediately jumped up and shouted, "I won!" Yes! He Chao didn't understand yet: "What did you win?" Who are they coming to see? Ran without speaking...... It's rude. Wanda reminisced from the joy and pondered that something was wrong: "Brother Chao, you ...... What do you think about girls...... This comprehension ......" "Hey." Xie Yu screamed. He Chao didn't react. Xie Yu leaned back, raised his hand to pick up the English book, rolled it in his hand, and knocked it directly on He Chao's head. "......" He Chao opened one eye, "What are you doing?" Xie Yu pointed to his chest: "Clothes, put on." He Chao hadn't reacted yet: "Huh? Xie Yu said: "Spicy eyes." He Chao said, "You are blind, my brother is in very good shape" while buttoning the buttons, and heard Xie Yu say again: "You didn't sleep last night?" He Chao raised his head: "It's not in vain to be at the same table for so many days, are you caring about me?" "Yes," Xie Yu said mockingly without hesitation, "I care if you were too scared to sleep by the knock on the door last night." ” “……” He Chaoxin said that he was almost frightened. He really wasn't afraid of anything, and the fear of ghosts was an exception. There is a mother who uses horror stories as Grimm's fairy tales, but she has not cultivated any immune function because of this, and the shadow of her childhood cannot be deeper. A conditioned reflex has almost been formed. But he is a man who wants to save face. "How is that possible?" He Chao repeated again: "Impossible. "What are you talking about?" Wanda walked over and sat down at a nearby vacant seat, "Well, I can't hide that I have something to ask you for." Liu Cunhao also slowly came over and said, "Can you let us look up to your cheat sheets?" The next lesson is written in English. The English teacher in their class has a very strict grasp of vocabulary, and if the dictation is not qualified, she will have to take time to go to her office again to re-silentize. The classmates in the class have already made "notes" on the table, and they basically made a little move, the difference is only to remember more and less, Wanda and Liu Cunhao argued for a long time whose cheat sheet is more awesome: "I'm this, you see, it will never be discovered, what are you, it's outdated for a long time......" Liu Cunhao covered the cheat sheet written on the table with a book, and felt satisfied: "What do you know, I have endured this for a long time." The two of them were arguing, and they accidentally found that the two people in the class who were the worst at dictating words, one was sleeping, and the other was playing with his mobile phone, and he was so calm that he couldn't do it. "Maybe they've already typed a cheat sheet?" "Actually, I don't think it's safe to write on the desk, why don't you ask them? Both of them are more experienced. "The skills of the two of them must be superb." “……” Under the eager eyes of Wanda and Liu Cunhao, He Chao gave the standard answer: "Where are there so many things?" Just spread out the book and copy it. Xie Yu: "......" Wanda was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "No copy is better than copy." Liu Cunhao: "Cattle criticism." But it turned out that He Chao was not as powerful as they thought. When I spread out the book, I couldn't find the words. "Where?" He Chao turned the pages back and forth, "How can you report English and speak Chinese for a while, is it the word of this unit?" Xie Yu always thought that he had played a bad student in the past few years, but now he found that he was still far behind, and the real bad student was far more mentally retarded than he imagined. The author has something to say: He Chao: I am the real actor.

第二十一章   “默写不合格的,自己找时间来办公室。”   英语老师刚在隔壁二班上完课,顺便把批改好的三班默写纸带着,下课过来发。她站在门口嘱咐完,又道:“贺朝,你很可以啊,默写跟做题一样,默不出就等下一个,最后给我交上来一张白纸?”   谢俞没忍住,低头笑了一声。   贺朝随手搭上同桌的肩,凑近道:“没良心,刚才让你给我看两眼你不给……”   谢俞回呛:“哪儿那么麻烦,摊开书直接抄啊。”   贺朝说不出话了。   那节课默写的时候,谢俞犹豫了一会儿,觉得自己实在是突破不到那种地步,老老实实把单词抄上去了,还特别仔细地把正确率控制在60%。   贺朝翻了一阵书,余光瞥见谢俞,开始打同桌的主意:“你居然能写出来一半?”   谢俞面无表情:“很惊讶吗?”   英语老师继续道:“……剩下的许晴晴发下去,看一下自己都错在哪里。今晚回家作业是一套单元测试卷,都认真点做,下周月考,别到时候就考那么点分数给咱班丢人。”   老师说了什么贺朝没注意听,他就听到谢俞突然来了句:“你往右手边看看。”   “看什么啊,”贺朝不明所以地转头,“什么也没……”   话说到一半,戛然而止。   是万达和刘存浩。   这两个人正目不转睛地、以一种极其复杂的眼神盯着他们俩个人看。   贺朝几乎能从他们脸上看出一篇八百字小作文,还是自动滚动的那种:我以为你是小抄界王者,你却偷偷交白卷。   目光灼热,仿佛要将他盯穿。   “……”   贺朝气定神闲地移开目光,只当作什么也没看见,扭头问谢俞:“晚上吃什么?”   傍晚可以趁着开校门的空当溜出去吃一顿。   虽然住宿生不允许随意出校门,但是放学那会儿人流量那么大,疯狗来了都管不着。   食堂菜色平平,手艺也好不到哪里去,烧菜师傅手一抖盐放多了那都是正常现象,配的汤寡淡到不行,一大锅排骨汤里只有寥寥几块冬瓜。   贺朝又说:“我让沈捷提前在金榜占好了位置,等会儿下课一起去?”   “金榜?”谢俞问。   贺朝直接当他默认了,低头给沈捷回:多占一个,我同桌也来。   谢俞都来不及拒绝。   他吃东西比较挑,但很少会去校外。   二中学校附近五百米内,有十几家小饭馆,竞争相当激烈,为争夺顾客花了很多心思。但是他们不搞优惠,没有打折也没有第二杯半价,从金榜饭馆开始,整条街餐饮行业掀起了改名浪潮。   状元楼,北大水饺,清华包子铺,就连路边小推车、随时会被城管轰走的烧烤摊都能叫985烧烤。   站在校门口一眼望过去简直触目惊心。   金榜饭馆在街尾,离学校最远,转过去就是另一条街,也最清静。   沈捷挑了个四人桌,坐下来边看菜单边等人。   菜单上基本都是些家常菜,沈捷勾了几道平时常点的,又摸出手机问贺朝:我点菜呢,你家那位俞佬爷吃什么?有什么忌口没有?   贺朝回想起上次甜豆浆和无糖豆浆的事,觉得忌口这个问题让谢俞说大概能说个三天三夜。   -香菜、葱、蒜不吃,油腻的不吃,太甜的也不行,最好不要辣椒。   沈捷看着贺朝回过来的消息,陷入沉思,他认认真真地翻菜单,第一次觉得扛在自己肩上的任务那么重:“老板,你们这道辣子鸡可以不放辣吗?油也少放点,别放葱。”   他说完,又觉得这样下去这道辣子鸡都失去了它的尊严。   “……等会儿,我再看一会儿。”   沈捷看菜单看得头疼,给贺朝发:这么麻烦的吗,你们这是在为难我。   贺朝:你该庆幸,这还只是我能记住的部分。   金榜饭馆开了很多年了,摆设看上去有些老旧,一个吱吱呀呀的大风扇吊在顶上。   谢俞走到门口就看到店门上挂着个小横幅,上面是镶着金边的四个字:金榜题名。   里面已经有桌人在吃饭,看起来不是二中的,这样一头黄色杂毛,搁二中能被姜主任徒手拔光。   “这儿。”沈捷站起来招手。   贺朝推门,门上有串铃铛,那串铃铛随着这个动作响了一阵。   隔壁桌几个黄毛正在喝酒,看到有人进来,将酒杯抵在嘴边,斜眼看了他们几眼,然后不紧不慢地仰头把酒灌下去。   其中那位最显眼的,脖颈处纹了一条张牙舞爪的蛇,一直钻到衣领里。   “坐,”沈捷招呼说,“来打啤酒?”   东西两楼赫赫有名的老大哥坐在一起,那肯定是要喝一顿啊,沈捷脑海里都能够浮现出这样的画面:他们吃着菜,喝着酒,追忆追忆自己当大哥的那些年。   然后他就听到谢俞说了三个字:“矿泉水。”   贺朝合上菜单,也说了三个字:“西瓜汁。”   沈捷:“……”   沈捷这人屁话奇多,贺朝在他的衬托之下竟也显现出三分高冷,谢俞觉得他跟周大雷两个人凑在一起去说二人转。   “我们班老师,私底下不是开那个补习班吗,不知道被谁给举报了,捅去教育局……”   沈捷说得正起劲,旁边一个人走过来,大概是喝高了,起身的时候不是很稳,撞了他们桌一下,正好撞在沈捷身上:“不好意思不好意思,那个,有点晕。”   那人道过歉,跌跌撞撞往右后方的洗手间里走。   贺朝突然撂了筷子:“等等。”   那人脚步一顿。   贺朝起身,慢慢悠悠朝那人走过去,神色冷下来:“怎么回事儿你?”   “朝哥,没事,不就撞一下么,”沈捷劝,“……你这喝西瓜汁怎么也能上火。”   谢俞抬头,看到那个脖子里有条蛇的放下酒杯,还对身边几个人使了眼色。   贺朝说:“傻屌,你才让我上火,你摸摸自己口袋,少没少东西。”   沈捷一愣,过了几秒才反应过来,后知后觉摸口袋:“我钱包呢……”   谢俞把碗里最后一口饭吃完,又夹了一筷青菜。   “很会搞小动作啊,业务相当熟练嘛。”   贺朝说着抬手将衣袖撩上去,露出一截手腕。   然后他靠近那人,然后伸手去摸他口袋,果然摸到一个软皮质地的东西,那人下意识想摁住不让人抽出来,贺朝说:“我他妈只说一遍,撒手。”   “哥们,误会吧。”身上带蛇的黄毛言语中含着几分威胁,意思是趁现在给你台阶下,顺着爬下去就当这回事没发生过。   贺朝笑了,挑衅道:“那你可能是误会了误会这个词。”   于是脖子里纹了条蛇的那位摔了筷子,带着弟兄站了起来,七八颗黄毛脑袋,看着阵式还挺浩大。   沈捷看看自己的阵营人数,都想对贺朝说:算了吧我钱包里也就十块钱……   这么几个玩意儿,贺朝压根没看在眼里,但是气势还是要摆出来,他冲谢俞喊了句:“老谢,过来!”   气氛剑拔弩张,一场恶战一触即发。   沈捷外强中干,别人看着他整天跟贺朝混在一起,以为他也是个厉害角色,其实他打架不太行,贺朝也没指望他。   然而备受瞩目的谢俞还在挑鱼刺,他握着筷子,仔仔细细把鱼刺一根根挑出来:“你们先打,等我吃完。”   沈捷:“……”   贺朝:“……”   谢俞今天心情好,不想杀生,可是架不住总有傻逼主动凑上来送人头。   “怎么,瞧不起我们?”黄毛走到他们桌面前,直接把那盘鱼给掀了,又踹了下桌子,没踹翻,又去踩地上那盘鱼肉,“吃,我让你吃,跪下来舔着吃。”   谢俞:“……”   “你好歹留个人头给我。”   出了金榜饭馆的门,贺朝还在说跟谢俞一起打架体验太差:“有你这么抢人头的吗,我打得好好你非把人拽走了打。”   谢俞说:“你太慢了,你那叫打架吗。”   三个人蹲在路边,沈捷从裤兜里摸出一包烟,点上冷静冷静。   刚才那个屠杀场的画面实在是太震撼。   他在心里把绝对不能惹的人物名单又调整了一下,决定把谢俞排到疯狗前面。   贺朝打架,走的是凌辱风,慢慢虐,期间还会发动言语攻击,刺激刺激对方,能让人萌生出一种求给个痛快的念头:“你还是打我吧求你狠狠地打我”。谢俞就不一样了,二话不说招招毙命,撂人跟撂白菜似的。   贺朝说完又对沈捷说:“你看看你钱包,少钱没有。”   沈捷把钱包从口袋里掏出来,打开给他们看:“都在,没少。”   一张十块。   崭新的。   “……”   “就这点钱?”贺朝觉得自己白费那么大力气,“就这点钱你早说啊,偷了就偷了。”   谢俞也说:“就他妈十块?”   沈捷:“我也想说啊,不是没有机会吗!”   又聊了一阵,沈捷看看时间,得坐车回家,跟他们打了声招呼就往公交车车站走:“谢谢两位大哥仗义出手,替我保住十块钱。明天见了,再不回去我屁股得被我妈打得开花。”   天已经黑了,路灯一盏盏亮着。   晚自习时间,校门紧闭,再想进学校估计得翻墙。   贺朝拍拍衣服站起来:“走吧。”   结果走了段路,不知道是谁先率先笑了一声,然后两个人突然一起笑,止都止不住,贺朝勾上谢俞的脖子,低声说:“操蛋,十块钱。”
Chapter 21 "If you are not qualified in dictation, find time to come to the office by yourself." The English teacher had just finished the second class next door, and by the way, she took the corrected third class dictation paper with her and sent it after class. She stood at the door and said, "He Chao, you are very good, writing silently is the same as doing a question, if you can't be silent, just wait for the next one, and finally hand me a blank piece of paper?" Xie Yu couldn't hold back, lowered his head and laughed. He Chao casually put his hand on the shoulders of his tablemates, leaned closer and said, "I have no conscience, you didn't give me two glances just now...... Xie Yu choked back: "Where is it so troublesome, spread out the book and copy it directly." He Chao was speechless. When writing silently in that class, Xie Yu hesitated for a while, feeling that he really couldn't break through to that point, so he honestly copied the words, and carefully controlled the accuracy rate at 60%. He Chao flipped through the book for a while, and Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Xie Yu, and began to play the idea of being at the same table: "You can actually write half of it?" Xie Yu's face was expressionless: "Are you surprised?" The English teacher continued, "...... The rest of Xu Qingqing sent it down to see what she was wrong with. Tonight's homework is a set of unit test papers, do it seriously, take the monthly exam next week, don't embarrass our class with such a score when the time comes. He Chao didn't pay attention to what the teacher said, and he heard Xie Yu suddenly say, "You look at the right hand." "What are you looking at," He Chao turned his head inexplicably, "nothing...... Halfway through the sentence, it came to an abrupt end. It's Wanda and Liu Cunhao. The two men were staring at each of them intently, with an extremely complicated look. He Chao could almost tell from their faces that an eight-hundred-word essay was still the kind that scrolled automatically: I thought you were the king of the cheat sheet world, but you secretly handed in a blank paper. His eyes burned, as if to stare him through. “……” He Chao calmly looked away, just as if he hadn't seen anything, turned his head and asked Xie Yu, "What do you eat at night?" In the evening, you can sneak out for a meal while the school gate is open. Although boarding students are not allowed to leave the school at will, the flow of people is so large after school that they can't care if the mad dog comes. The dishes in the canteen are mediocre, and the craftsmanship is not much better, and it is normal for the cooking master to shake his hand and put too much salt, and the soup is so light that it is not good, and there are only a few pieces of winter melon in a large pot of pork rib soup. He Chao said again: "I asked Shen Jie to take a place on the gold list in advance, and we will go together after class later?" "Gold List?" Xie Yu asked. He Chao directly acquiesced to him, bowed his head and replied to Shen Jie: Occupy one more, and I will come to the same table. Xie Yu didn't have time to refuse. He is picky about what he eats, but he rarely goes outside of school. Within 500 meters of the No. 2 Middle School, there are more than a dozen small restaurants, and the competition is quite fierce, and it takes a lot of effort to compete for customers. But they don't offer discounts, no discounts, and no half-price second cups, starting from Jinbang Restaurant, the entire street catering industry has set off a wave of name changes. Zhuangyuan Building, Peking University dumplings, Tsinghua steamed bun shop, even roadside carts, barbecue stalls that will be bombed away by the city management at any time can be called 985 barbecue. Standing at the school gate and looking at it is simply shocking. Jinbang Restaurant is at the end of the street, the farthest from the school, and the next street is the quietest. Shen Jie picked a table for four people and sat down to wait for someone while looking at the menu. The menu is basically home-cooked dishes, Shen Jie ticked a few dishes that he usually ordered, and then took out his mobile phone and asked He Chao: What about my order, what does your Yu Laoye eat? What's not to drink? He Chao recalled the last time about sweet soy milk and sugar-free soy milk, and felt that the problem of taboo made Xie Yu say that he could talk for about three days and three nights. - Don't eat coriander, green onions, garlic, greasy ones, too sweet ones, and it's better not to eat chili peppers. Shen Jie looked at the news from He Chao and fell into deep thought, he seriously flipped through the menu, and for the first time felt that the task on his shoulders was so heavy: "Boss, can you not put spicy chicken in this spicy sauce?" Put less oil, don't put green onions. After he finished speaking, he felt that this spicy chicken had lost its dignity if it continued like this. “…… I'll look at it a little later. Shen Jie had a headache when he looked at the menu, and sent it to He Chao: Is it so troublesome, you are embarrassing me. He Chao: You should be glad that this is only the part I can remember. The restaurant has been open for many years, and the furnishings look a little old, with a large squeaky fan hanging from the ceiling. When Xie Yu walked to the door, he saw a small banner hanging on the door of the store, on which were four words inlaid with gold edges: the title of the gold list. There are already people eating at the table inside, and it doesn't look like it's the second middle school, so the yellow miscellaneous hair can be plucked out by Director Jiang with his bare hands. "Here." Shen Jie stood up and beckoned. He Chao pushed the door, and there was a string of bells on the door, and the string of bells rang with this action. At the next table, a few yellow hairs were drinking, and when they saw someone coming in, they put their wine glasses to their lips, squinted at them a few times, and then unhurriedly raised their heads and poured the wine down. The most conspicuous of them all, with a snake tattooed on his neck with teeth and claws, burrowed into the collar. "Sit," Shen Jie beckoned, "Come get a beer?" The famous big brother on the east and west floors sat together, it must be a drink, and Shen Jie could have such a picture in his mind: they were eating food and drinking, reminiscing about the years when they were big brothers. Then he heard Xie Yu say three words: "Mineral water." He Chao closed the menu and also said three words: "Watermelon juice." Shen Jie: "......" Shen Jie has a lot of nonsense, and He Chao also showed three points of coldness under his foil, Xie Yu felt that he and Zhou Dalei were together to talk about the two of them. "The teacher of our class, didn't he open that cram school in private, I don't know who reported it, and I stabbed it to the Education Bureau......" Shen Jie was talking energetically, and a person next to him walked over, probably because he was drunk, and he was not very stable when he got up, and he hit their table, just hitting Shen Jie: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that, I'm a little dizzy." The man apologized and stumbled into the bathroom in the rear right. He Chao suddenly flicked his chopsticks: "Wait." The man paused. He Chao got up and walked slowly towards the man, his expression cold: "What's the matter with you?" "Brother Chao, it's okay, why don't you just bump into it," Shen Jie persuaded, "...... How can you get hot when you drink watermelon juice? Xie Yu looked up and saw the snake in his neck put down his wine glass, and glanced at a few people around him. He Chao said: "Stupid dick, you just let me get angry, you touch your pocket, there is nothing missing." Shen Jie was stunned for a moment, and it took a few seconds to react, and then he felt in his pocket: "......Where is my wallet?" Xie Yu finished the last bite of rice in the bowl and sandwiched another chopstick of green vegetables. "I'm very good at small actions, and I'm quite skilled in business." He Chao said as he raised his hand to pull up the sleeve of his shirt, revealing a piece of his wrist. Then he approached the man, and then reached out to touch his pocket, and sure enough, he touched a soft leather thing, and the man subconsciously wanted to hold it to prevent people from pulling it out, He Chao said, "I'll only say it once, let go." "Dude, misunderstand." The yellow haired man with the snake on his body said a little threatening, meaning that he would give you the stairs now, and climb down as if this had not happened. He Chao smiled and said provocatively: "Then you may have misunderstood the word misunderstanding." So the one with a snake tattooed on his neck threw his chopsticks and stood up with his brothers, seven or eight yellow-haired heads, looking at the formation quite huge. Shen Jie looked at the number of people in his camp, and wanted to say to He Chao: Forget it, I only have ten yuan in my wallet...... He Chao didn't look at these few things at all, but the momentum still had to be displayed, and he shouted at Xie Yu: "Old Xie, come here!" The atmosphere was tense, and a vicious battle was about to break out. Shen Jie is strong outside, others look at him and mix with He Chao all day long, thinking that he is also a powerful character, but in fact, he is not very good at fighting, and He Chao does not count on him. However, Xie Yu, who attracted much attention, was still picking fish bones, he held chopsticks and carefully picked out the fish bones one by one: "You fight first, wait for me to finish eating." Shen Jie: "......" He Chao: "......" Xie Yu was in a good mood today and didn't want to kill, but he couldn't stand it, and there were always fools who took the initiative to come up and give people heads. "What, look down on us?" Huang Mao walked to their tabletop, directly lifted the plate of fish, kicked off the table again, did not kick over, and stepped on the plate of fish on the ground again, "Eat, I'll let you eat, kneel down and lick and eat." Xie Yu: "......" "Why don't you keep someone's head for me." Out of the door of the Jinbang restaurant, He Chao was still saying that the experience of fighting with Xie Yu was too bad: "Are you so head-grabbing, I fought well, you had to drag people away and fight." Xie Yu said: "You are too slow, do you call it a fight." The three of them squatted on the side of the road, and Shen Jie took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket and lit them calmly. The image of the slaughter field just now was so shocking. He adjusted the list of characters who must not be messed with in his heart, and decided to rank Xie Yu in front of the mad dog. He Chao fights, walking in the style of humiliation, slowly abused, during which he will launch verbal attacks, stimulating and stimulating the other party, which can make people sprout a kind of begging for a happy thought: "You still beat me, please beat me hard." Xie Yu is different, without saying a word, he will kill him, and he will be like picking up cabbage. After He Chao finished speaking, he said to Shen Jie: "Look at your wallet, there is no less money." Shen Jie took his wallet out of his pocket and opened it to show them: "It's all there, it's not less." Ten pieces a piece. Brand new. “……” "That's all the money?" He Chao felt that his efforts were in vain, "You said this money earlier, if you steal it, you will steal it." Xie Yu also said, "Just ten yuan?" Shen Jie: "I also want to say, isn't there no chance!" After chatting for a while, Shen Jie looked at the time, he had to take the bus home, said hello to them and walked to the bus stop: "Thank you two big brothers for taking a righteous action and keeping ten yuan for me." I'll see you tomorrow, and if I don't go back, I'll have my mom spanking my ass. It was already dark, and the street lights were on. During the evening self-study time, the school gate is closed, and if you want to enter the school, you will probably have to climb over the wall. He Chao patted his clothes and stood up: "Let's go." As a result, he walked a long way, I don't know who laughed first, and then the two of them suddenly laughed together, and they couldn't stop it, He Chao hooked Xie Yu's neck and whispered, "Fuck, ten yuan." ”

第二十二章   高二三班教室看过去一片漆黑,不知道的还以为晚自习已经下课了。   “他们又在干什么?”贺朝走在后面,隐约有种不太好的预感。   谢俞靠在门口,眯着眼睛勉强能看到班里的景象。   万达听到脚步声,回过头,惊喜地喊:“太巧了,我们正要开始,一起啊?”   贺朝往后退了两步,被谢俞拉回去。   “今天不讲故事,”万达说,“我们玩笔仙。疯狗刚走,很安全。”   “朝哥,坐这儿,特意给你留了位置。”贺朝平时比较活跃,万达搞什么活动都不忘叫上他,“……很刺激的。”   贺朝心说刺激个屎啊,一天天的不好好学习,尽瞎搞。   万达说完,觉得留谢俞一个人站着也不是很合适,又问:“俞哥来吗?”   “来,”既然躲不过,多拉一个人下水是一个,贺朝替谢俞回答,“他来。”   玩的一共有四个人。   其他人站在边上看着。   许晴晴这个女汉子特别猛,一拍大腿就说自己要当“主提问”:“我来问!”   她说完就握上铅笔。   万达覆上许晴晴的手,没有异议:“好,你问。”   贺朝本来不想动弹,但是万达死死盯着他看,显然是不太敢碰谢俞的手,让贺朝赶紧把手搭上来。   谢俞这个人太有距离感。   也不是说他做了什么事,哪怕只是安安静静趴在那睡觉,都能让人对他敬而远之。班里也就贺朝敢跟他说说笑笑,而且还坚强地活到了现在。   谢俞是最后一个。   他抬手覆上贺朝手背,明明是大夏天,贺朝感觉到谢俞指尖有股凉意。   这股凉,却在他手背上烧起来。   他也说不清到底是个什么感觉,思绪忽然晃走,本来还在担心这个破游戏,突然间脑袋里什么念头都没了。   “闭眼闭眼,先把眼睛闭上,”万达说,“别睁眼,不然它来的时候魂会被勾走。”   “闭上眼怎么看它圈的是什么啊?”   “……这个攻略上就是这样写的,宁可信其有不可信其无。”   “行,闭闭闭,等来了再睁。”   谢俞不怎么相信这个,一只手握着贺朝的手,另一只手还撑在桌面上,抵着头,侧过脸看他。   这人嘴里说着不怕不怕谁怕谁是狗,眼睛比谁闭得都紧。   隔了没多久,贺朝忍不住问:“好了没啊。”   许晴晴还在念口诀:“前世前世,我是你的今生,若要与我续缘……别打断我,来得哪有那么快。”   这人睫毛很长。   谢俞盯了一会儿。   教室里虽然黑,但是万达开了手电筒,照得桌面上那张纸发光,连带着周遭景物也亮了几度。   贺朝半张脸隐在夜色里,另外半张脸被白光轻描淡写地勾了个边。   鼻梁高挺,五官硬朗,眉眼间带着浓厚的少年气息,不说话也不笑的时候,有种莫名的压迫感。贺朝右耳上有几个耳洞,谢俞突然想起来暑假第一次见面的时候,他耳朵上是带了两个环的,骚得不像话。   贺朝闭着眼睛等了一会儿,实在是闭不住了。万达甚至还放了诡异又缥缈的BGM配乐,许晴晴也是,口诀不能好好念,非得念得像被鬼附身一样。   他觉得再闭下去,妖魔鬼怪都可以在他周围开个狂欢派对。   然后他缓缓睁开眼,冷不防对上了谢俞的眼睛。   两人莫名对视:“……”   许晴晴总算是把口诀念完了,在问问题之前,她再一次叮嘱:“别睁眼啊,会勾魂的。”   谢俞见贺朝看着他发愣,以为这人又在装镇定内心瑟瑟发抖,不冷不热地扯出一抹笑,对贺朝做口型说:假的。   许晴晴虽然平时大大咧咧,问问题的时候还是暴露出了她小女生的本质,犹豫半天,还试图想让大家都遮住耳朵,最后才问出来一句:“他……喜欢我吗?”   “谁啊,”万达第一个跳出来,“说名字,到底是谁啊我怎么不知道,是哪坨牛粪勾引了咱三班一枝花?”   许晴晴:“你烦不烦,关你屁事啊。”   万达:“不可能,全年级任何风吹草动,不可能逃得过我的双眼。”   许晴晴:“……你省省吧。”   最后笔尖落在了“否”字上。   贺朝心里发慌:“这玩意儿真的会动啊?”   “嘘,别这样说,对笔仙不尊敬。”万达说。   贺朝:“不尊敬会怎么样?”   万达还没有组织好措辞,就听谢俞简洁明了地说:“晚上会来找你。”   “……”   贺朝没什么要问的,万达又说请来了不问对笔仙不尊敬,贺朝想了半天,最后问出一句:“世界上还有比我更帅的人吗?”   许晴晴:“不要脸。”   万达:“臭不要脸。”   谢俞:“呵。”   “大佬,到你了。”万达对谢俞眨眨眼睛。   谢俞说:“我也没什么要问的。”   贺朝:“不行,不尊敬。”   谢俞:“……”   周大雷给谢俞打电话的时候,还没聊上两句,就听出来谢老板心情不错:“发生什么事了?那么高兴?”   谢俞没说什么,反问:“你呢,从打电话过来就一直在傻乐。”   “大美那臭小子今天打电话过来了!”周大雷说,“你放心,我连着你的份一块儿骂了。这臭小子,真的皮痒,不骂不行。”   大美这通电话打得着实意外,越洋电话,愣是没人嫌弃话费贵,雷妈梅姨他们排着队想跟大美聊两句,周大雷霸着电话死活不放,最后还是撅着屁股,上半身往窗户外边凑,才杜绝了这群如狼似虎街坊们把电话抢走的可能,最后屁股上还挨了雷妈两脚,差点没从四楼跌出去。   谢俞想象了一下那个画面:“这可真是亲妈。”   大雷说:“亲妈,多么嘲讽的两个字眼。”   “大美说他在那边都挺好的,让咱别担心,这家伙还臭显摆,说自己的颜值在国内虽然不是很吃香,但是出了国大家都觉得他是绝世大帅哥,还有那盆破花,那盆破花真是他的心头好,成天惦记着。”   “我跟他说,咱以前总一块打球的那个破球场拆了——就他妈几块破布围起来的,叫它球场都是抬举它,但是在街区里新盖了个活动中心,新球场!活了那么多年居然等到一个新球场!那股塑胶味儿被太阳一晒,闻着浑身舒畅,等他回来咱再一起打球。”   周大雷絮絮叨叨说了一堆。   谢俞听着,偶尔应两句。   “谢老板,你要睡了吗?”   “没,你接着说。”   周大雷是站在阳台上打的电话,大半夜了,怕吵到家里人,他手指缝里夹着根烟,烟头在夜色里一亮一亮,他抖落抖落烟灰,道:“说啥啊,其实我挺难过的。”   谢俞没说话。   “别听我说得好像很开心,”周大雷声音低下去,不知道是抽烟抽的还是什么,尾音有些沙,“……算了,不说了,我在说什么呢。”   周大雷站在阳台上往下看,是看了十几年的景色,凌乱的电线,还有谁家忘了收回去被风卷到楼下的空调被。   再往远处眺望,是曾经用几块破布围起来的水泥地篮球场,现在已经变成了公共厕所。公共厕所都盖得比他们这些房子好看,欧式风格,几个尖尖的小尖顶突兀地立在那里。   他正想挂电话,就听谢俞说:“我也难过,一天天的都是些什么玩意儿,狗逼钟家二少,大少爷二少爷地喊简直脑子进屎。”   周大雷心里缱绻地愁绪就这样被谢俞骂走了。   他灭了烟,笑了,也跟着骂:“操你大爷,老子就喜欢跟兄弟在破布中间打球,换了个球场影响我发挥,知道世界上会因此少一个NBA球星吗。还有这个厕所,真的贼几把丑,总有一天给你炸了。”   两个人都没有矫情地把心里那点憋着的心思说出来,但是心里畅快不少。   “我今天跟个傻逼一起打了一架,”谢俞笑笑说,“我同桌,你认识。”   周大雷问:“你同桌我怎么会认识?咱俩都不在一个市,长得帅吗?”   谢俞说:“大帅逼。”   “……”   周大雷琢磨着他这辈子见过的大帅逼也没几个人,除了他本尊可以称得上这个名号,剩下的人也就只有谢俞了——完全忘记暑假在公安局里,他维持着蹲下抱头的姿势,夸某个人大帅逼的事情。   “不可能,你逗我呢吧。”   两人聊了一阵,周大雷突然不说话了,他屏气凝神一阵,然后问:“什么声音?”   “谢老板,你那边什么声音?古古怪怪的。”   谢俞也听到了,又是不知道哪里来的敲门声,这次离他寝室还特近,他随口道:“……恭喜你,这是我们宿舍楼怪谈。”   周大雷:“你们宿舍楼还闹鬼???”   “惊喜吗,”谢俞说,“回头再跟你说,大帅逼大概正在被窝里发抖,我过去观赏观赏。”
Chapter 22 The classroom of the second and third classes of high school looked dark, and those who didn't know thought that the evening self-study had ended. "What are they doing?" He Chao walked behind, and he had a vague premonition that it was not good. Xie Yu leaned against the door, squinting his eyes and barely able to see the scene in the class. Wanda heard the footsteps, turned around, and shouted in surprise: "What a coincidence, we are about to start, together?" He Chao took two steps back and was pulled back by Xie Yu. "We don't tell stories today," Wanda said, "and we play with pen fairies." The mad dog just walked away and was safe. "Brother Chao, sit here, and I have specially reserved a place for you." He Chao is usually more active, and Wanda doesn't forget to call him for any activities, "...... It's exciting. He Chaoxin said that it was a, he didn't study hard every day, and he was foolish. After Wanda finished speaking, she felt that it was not very appropriate to leave Xie Yu standing alone, and asked again, "Is Brother Yu coming?" "Come," since he couldn't hide, Dora went into the water alone, He Chao replied for Xie Yu, "He's coming." There are a total of four people playing. Others stood from the sidelines and watched. Xu Qingqing, a female man, was particularly fierce, and as soon as she slapped her thigh, she said that she wanted to be the "main question": "I'll ask!" She grabbed the pencil as she spoke. Wanda covered Xu Qingqing's hand and had no objection: "Okay, you ask." He Chao didn't want to move, but Wanda stared at him, obviously not daring to touch Xie Yu's hand, so He Chao quickly put his hand up. Xie Yu is too distant. It's not that he did anything, even if it was just sleeping quietly there, it would make people stay away from him. In the class, He Chao dared to talk and laugh with him, and he lived strong until now. Xie Yu was the last one. He raised his hand to cover the back of He Chao's hand, obviously it was summer, and He Chao felt a chill on Xie Yu's fingertips. The coldness burned on the back of his hand. He couldn't tell what it was like, his mind suddenly wandered, he was still worried about this broken game, and suddenly there were no thoughts in his head. "Close your eyes, close your eyes first," Wanda said, "don't open your eyes, or your soul will be snatched away when it comes." "How do you close your eyes and see what it's circulating?" “…… This is what this strategy is written, and it is better to believe it than not to believe it. "Okay, shut up, and then open it when it comes." Xie Yu didn't believe this very much, holding He Chao's hand with one hand, and the other hand was still propped up on the table, leaning against his head, looking at him sideways. This man said that he was not afraid, who was afraid of who was a dog, and his eyes were closed tighter than anyone else. Not long after, He Chao couldn't help but ask, "Okay, no." Xu Qingqing was still reciting the mantra: "In the past life and the previous life, I am your present life, if you want to renew your relationship with me...... Don't interrupt me, it's not that fast. The man had long eyelashes. Xie Yu stared for a moment. Although it was dark in the classroom, Wanda turned on the flashlight, which illuminated the paper on the table, and even the surrounding scenery was a few degrees brighter. Half of He Chao's face was hidden in the night, and the other half of his face was lightly outlined by the white light. The bridge of the nose is high, the facial features are tough, there is a strong juvenile atmosphere between the eyebrows and eyes, and when you don't speak or laugh, there is an inexplicable sense of oppression. He Chao had a few ear piercings in his right ear, and Xie Yu suddenly remembered that when they met for the first time during the summer vacation, he had two rings on his ears, and he was so commotionful. He Chao waited for a while with his eyes closed, but he really couldn't hold it back. Wanda even put a weird and ethereal BGM soundtrack, and Xu Qingqing too, the mantra can't be read well, so it has to be read as if it is possessed by a ghost. He felt that if he stayed closed, the demons and monsters would have a carnival party around him. Then he slowly opened his eyes and met Xie Yu's eyes coldly. The two looked at each other inexplicably: "......" Xu Qingqing finally finished reciting the mantra, and before asking the question, she told again: "Don't open your eyes, it will hook the soul." Xie Yu saw He Chao looking at him in a daze, thinking that this person was pretending to be calm and trembling in his heart again, he pulled out a smile lukewarmly, and said to He Chao: Fake. Although Xu Qingqing is usually very aggressive, when she asks questions, she still exposes the essence of her little girl, hesitates for a long time, and tries to make everyone cover their ears, and finally asks: "He...... Like me? "Who," Wanda was the first to jump out, "Say the name, who is it, why don't I know, which piece of cow dung seduced us three classes of flowers?" Xu Qingqing: "Are you annoyed, it's your business." Wanda: "It's impossible, no movement in the whole grade can escape my eyes." Xu Qingqing: "...... You save it. Finally, the tip of the pen fell on the word "no". He Chao panicked: "This thing really moves?" "Shhhhhh Wanda said. He Chao: "What happens if you don't respect it?" Wanda hadn't organized the wording yet, so she heard Xie Yu say succinctly and clearly: "I'll come to you in the evening." ” “……” He Chao had nothing to ask, Wanda said that he didn't ask if he was disrespectful to the pen fairy, He Chao thought for a long time, and finally asked: "Is there a more handsome person in the world than me?" Xu Qingqing: "Shameless." Wanda: "Stinky and shameless." Xie Yu: "Heh." "Big guy, it's your turn." Wanda winked at Xie Yu. Xie Yu said: "I don't have anything to ask. He Chao: "No, it's not respectful." Xie Yu: "......" When Zhou Dalei called Xie Yu, before he could talk for a few words, he heard that Boss Xie was in a good mood: "What happened?" So happy? Xie Yu didn't say anything, but asked, "What about you, you've been silly since you called." "Da Mei's stinky boy called today!" Zhou Dalei said, "Don't worry, I'll scold you together."This stinky boy is really itchy, and he can't do it if he doesn't scold. Da Mei's phone call was really unexpected, transoceanic calls, no one disliked the expensive phone bill, Lei Ma Mei and Aunt Mei lined up to chat with Da Mei, Zhou Da Lei dominated the phone and held on, and finally pouted his buttocks, and his upper body went out of the window, so as to put an end to the possibility of this group of wolf-like neighbors snatching the phone, and finally hit Lei Ma twice on the buttocks, and almost didn't fall out of the fourth floor. Xie Yu imagined that picture for a moment: "This is really my mother." Da Lei said: "Mother, what a mocking two words." "Da Mei said that he is very good over there, let us not worry, this guy is still stinky, saying that although his appearance is not very popular in China, everyone thinks he is a peerless handsome guy when he goes abroad, and that pot of broken flowers, that pot of broken flowers is really his favorite, and he thinks about it all day long." "I told him that the broken court where we used to play was demolished - just a few rags, and called it a stadium to lift it, but there was a new activity center in the block, a new course! After living for so many years, I actually waited for a new stadium! The smell of plastic was exposed to the sun, and the smell was comfortable, and when he came back, we would play ball together. Zhou Dalei babbled a lot. Xie Yu listened, occasionally responding to two sentences. "Boss Xie, are you going to sleep?" "No, you go on." Zhou Dalei was standing on the balcony to make a call, in the middle of the night, afraid of noisy family, he held a cigarette between his fingers, the cigarette butt lit up in the night, he shook off the ashes, and said: "What do you say, in fact, I'm very sad." Xie Yu didn't speak. "Don't listen to me and seem to be very happy," Zhou Dalei lowered his voice, not knowing whether he was smoking or something, and the end note was a little sandy, "...... Forget it, let's not talk about it, what am I talking about? Zhou Dalei stood on the balcony and looked down, he had seen the scenery for more than ten years, the messy wires, and who forgot to take it back and was swept downstairs by the wind. Further afield, a concrete-floored basketball court once fenced in with a few rags has been turned into a public toilet. The public toilets are better built than their houses, in European style, with a few small pointed spires standing there abruptly. He was about to hang up the phone, when he heard Xie Yu say: "I'm also sad, what kind of stuff is there every day, the dog forces the second young master of the Zhong family, and the second young master of the eldest young master shouts that it's just a shit." Zhou Dalei was so sad that he was scolded away by Xie Yu. He extinguished his cigarette, smiled, and scolded: "Fuck your uncle, I like to play with my brother in the middle of the rags, and changing the court will affect my performance, do you know that there will be one less NBA star in the world." And this toilet, it's really ugly, and one day it's going to blow it up for you. Neither of them pretentiously said the little thoughts in their hearts, but their hearts were much happier. "I had a fight with a fool today," Xie Yu said with a smile, "I'm at the same table, you know." Zhou Dalei asked, "How can I know you at the same table?" Neither of us is in the same city, are you handsome? Xie Yu said: "It's handsome." ” “……” Zhou Dalei pondered that there were few handsome people he had seen in his life, except for him who could be called this name, and the rest of the people were only Xie Yu - completely forgetting that in the public security bureau during the summer vacation, he maintained the posture of squatting down and holding his head, praising someone for being handsome. "No way, you can tease me." The two chatted for a while, Zhou Dalei suddenly stopped talking, he held his breath for a while, and then asked, "What sound?" "Boss Xie, what's your voice over there? Quirky and weird. Xie Yu also heard it, and he didn't know where the knock came from, this time it was close to his bedroom, and he said casually: "...... Congratulations, this is our dorm house weird. Zhou Dalei: "Your dormitory building is still haunted??? "Surprised," Xie Yu said, "I'll tell you when I go back, the handsome man is probably trembling in the bed, and I'll go over to watch it." ”

第二十三章   晚自习下课那会儿,贺朝是黏着谢俞回宿舍的。   他还想左手挽着万达,让谢俞和万达两个人各站一侧,万达相当自觉地躲开:“这样不不不不太好,你们俩相亲相爱就行了。”   谢俞有点烦躁:“你哪只眼睛看到相亲相爱?”   万达心说,两只眼睛都看到了啊。   他看着贺朝几乎整个人往谢俞身上凑的样子,最后还是什么都没说。   “想不想来我房间玩单机游戏?”   “不想。”   “今晚有球赛,有兴趣吗?”   “没有。”   已经走到寝室门口,谢俞拿钥匙开门,贺朝还是不肯放弃,豁出去道:“马上月考了,或许我们可以一起复习?”   谢俞没说话,直接关上了门。   “……”   谢俞和周大雷聊完,看了眼时间,凌晨一点。   敲门声基本上都是在十二点半到一点这个时间段出现,每天晚上敲的楼层都不一样,但基本上都集中在一至三楼。可能“它”也怕麻烦,不愿意再往上走,四楼往上暂时是安全的。   如果真是有人在装神弄鬼,这个人大半夜不睡觉也是挺有毅力。   谢俞随手拎了套英语试卷,开门出去的时候,敲门声已经停了,走廊里什么都没有。   感应灯不太好使,一会儿亮一会儿暗,灯光还弱。   谢俞敲对面寝室门的时候,感受到有什么东西从里面砸过来,砸在门板上,然后是贺朝的声音,听起来已经接近崩溃:“没完了是吧,再敲一个试试!”   “……”   谢俞又敲了两下。   敲完发现门里面没动静了。   贺朝裹着被子,手里拿着手机,心里简直一万句“我操”。   随口放句狠话,这玩意儿居然还真的能听懂。   还敢向他示威。   谢俞等半天,排除了这人是在找工具准备拉开门冲出来硬气干一场的可能性,妥协道:“开门,我,你大爷。”   半分钟之后门开了。   贺朝开门的时候表情风轻云淡,表现力满分:“你怎么来了?”   谢俞怀疑面前这人是不是故意弄乱的头发,除了头发,松散大开的领口也很有嫌疑,眼眶也被狠狠揉过,看上去就是极力营造出一种自己在睡觉的形象。   贺朝没有辜负他的期待,他靠在门边凹造型,抬手抓抓头发:“……啊,我在睡觉。”   谢俞看着他,觉得有点头疼。   如果贺朝这种人,要是有一天会死,那一定死于戏多。   半响,谢俞张口说:“打扰了。”   “……”   贺朝造型也不凹了:“啊?”不按常理出牌的吗?   谢俞觉得自己就不该多管闲事,让他死了算了。   “把我吵醒了得对我负责,”贺朝抓着人不肯撒手,余光看到谢俞手里拿着的东西,又说,“……英语试卷?找我一起写作业?欢迎啊,不用不好意思,你不会的题目我也不一定会,我绝对不会耻笑你。”   贺朝:“跟我一起学习,你尽管放心。”   我可去你的吧。   谢俞心里想归想,没说出口。   贺朝宿舍环境还凑合。   他这学期刚住进来,东西不多,看着挺空,本来谢俞以为他应该是那种把居住环境弄得乱糟糟还不爱收拾的类型,现在这样看倒是觉得意外。   贺朝把挂在椅子上的衣服收起来,然后拍拍椅背,说:“坐。”   寝室里只有一张椅子,贺朝坐在床上,曲着腿,正好靠在桌角,两个人勉强可以凑在一起看试卷。   “等会儿,我找支笔。”贺朝说完踩着拖鞋长腿一跨下了床。   谢俞把试卷摊在桌上,借着台灯微弱的光,看到桌角摆着一叠崭新的教科书,应该是从发下来就基本上没怎么动过。教科书边上是一个装糖的铁盒子,全是棒棒糖。   ……这个癖好。   谢俞偏过头,无意中看到贺朝刚才放在桌角的手机,手机屏幕还亮着。   屏幕上六个大字极其显眼。   -民间驱鬼大全。   贺朝找了半天终于找出来两支笔,谢俞接过来,其实他也不知道以贺朝的英语水平和他“目前的水平”,他们两个人拿着笔有什么用。   搞得好像真的能做出来一样。   “我们先从哪道题开始研究?”贺朝把笔帽咬下来,叼在嘴里问。   谢俞:“你挑。”   贺朝圈了一道选择题,颇有后宫选妃的架势:“它吧。”   谢俞没意见,倒是贺朝盯那道题盯半天,不知道在想什么。   谢俞想起这人在英语课上的表现:“放弃,下一题?”   贺朝完全听不出这句话里带着嘲讽,欣然同意:“我觉得可以,那我们往下看看。”   谢俞:“……”   贺朝放弃的速度相当快,他们压根没动笔,不知不觉试卷就翻页了。   “做阅读题吧,”贺朝说,“这个好做,相信我,只要有点语感是可以猜出来的。”   贺朝说这话的时候那股自信,几乎都要冲出来,糊在谢俞脸上。   “你有语感?”   贺朝说:“我有。三短一长选最长,这种语感。”   最后贺朝自己也觉得这样做题太敷衍——当然也可能是担心试卷太快刷完,他又只能抱着民间驱鬼大全度过漫漫长夜,于是提议好好做题。   “感受一下出题人的用意,”贺朝打开百度翻译,一个词一个词手动翻,“先了解意思。”   两个人分工,各自翻译一段。   那些英文单词谢俞倒着看都认识,现在还得装样子。他开始反思到底是身边这个人宛若智障,还是自己的伪装不够到位。   难道这他妈才是差生的世界?   谢俞扭头看了眼坐在床上,时不时咬咬笔帽没个正形的贺朝。   “这个人,给他的来自美国的朋友写信讲中国的文化和特色,”贺朝翻译说,“长城,中国的标志性建筑,这个……要他看长城,来中国的话。”   “……”   贺朝照着翻译说都能说得逻辑不清。   谢俞有些走神,拿着笔,他突然回想起来第一次进钟家大门的那天。   钟杰直接砸了东西,二话不说转身上楼,钟国飞紧跟着上楼,父子两在书房里聊了很久,然后钟杰不情不愿地下来,四个人吃了一顿尴尬至极的午饭。   钟国飞对顾雪岚确实很好,他也相信这两个人是真心互相喜欢。   但那是他对顾雪岚的爱。   并不代表谢俞也可以分一杯羹。   “钟杰那孩子,要强,什么都想做得比别人好。”钟国飞找谢俞谈话的时候,眉目间带着骄傲又带着忧愁,“尤其是他妈过世之后,他一直不好受。”   他这番话说得很委婉,谢俞也不是傻子,其中的意思显而易见。   结婚的那天,顾雪岚很高兴。自从谢江丢下一屁股债给他们以后,他们这十年都在东躲西藏,为了生活奔波,谢俞从来没有见到她那样笑过。   顾雪岚穿着婚纱在落地镜面前照镜子,又有些不好意思:“我这样穿……”   钟国飞从后面拥住她:“很美。”   谢俞那天躲在厕所抽了一根烟。   “漂亮是真的挺漂亮,不知道怎么搭上的老钟,这女人不简单。”   “要我说,她带过来的那个孩子才不简单。”是另一个人的说话声,“要是资质平平还好,不然……保不齐他会有什么想法。”   “看起来不像吧?”   “钟家家大业大,就算现在没想法,日后总不会没有。像黄家,他们家不也是,那个继子平时装得跟什么一样,最后还不是闹起来了,想争公司。”   “黄家?”   “你们不知道啊?就前阵子,拉拢了几个股东……”   “所以这题肯定是选B!”   贺朝自信满满地勾选好答案,那个圈圈得跟坨屎一样,他勾完又曲起一根手指弹了弹谢俞的额头:“喂,你想什么呢。”   谢俞回神,低头看到那个圈。   贺朝这个人查了将近半小时百度翻译……还能选错。
Chapter Twenty-Three: At the end of the evening self-study class, He Chao insisted on Xie Yu to go back to the dormitory. He also wanted to hold Wanda with his left hand and let Xie Yu and Wanda stand on one side, Wanda dodged quite consciously: "It's not good, it's not good, you two just love each other." Xie Yu was a little irritable: "Which eye do you have to see that you love each other?" Wanda Xin said, both eyes saw it. He looked at He Chao's almost whole body towards Xie Yu, and finally didn't say anything. "Would you like to come to my room to play a single-player game?" "I don't want to." "There's a ball game tonight, are you interested?" "Nope." Already at the door of the dormitory, Xie Yu took the key to open the door, He Chao still refused to give up, and said, "The monthly exam is coming soon, maybe we can review together?" Xie Yu didn't speak, and closed the door directly. “……” After Xie Yu and Zhou Dalei finished chatting, they looked at the time, one o'clock in the morning. Knocks on the door basically occur between half past twelve and one o'clock, and the floors are different every night, but they are basically concentrated on the first to third floors. Maybe "it" is also afraid of trouble and is reluctant to go up further, and it is safe to go up to the fourth floor for the time being. If someone is really pretending to be a ghost, this person has a lot of perseverance if he doesn't sleep in the middle of the night. Xie Yu casually carried a set of English test papers, and when he opened the door and went out, the knocking on the door had stopped, and there was nothing in the corridor. The sensor light is not very easy to use, it is bright for a while and dark for a while, and the light is weak. When Xie Yu knocked on the door of the opposite bedroom, he felt something smashing from the inside, smashing on the door panel, and then He Chao's voice, which sounded close to collapse: "It's not over, right, knock on it again!" ” “……” Xie Yu knocked twice more. After knocking, I found that there was no movement inside. He Chao was wrapped in a quilt, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and he had 10,000 sentences of "fuck" in his heart. casually put a cruel word, this thing can really understand. Dare to demonstrate against him. Xie Yu waited for a long time, ruling out the possibility that this person was looking for tools to open the door and rush out to do a hard job, and compromised: "Open the door, I, your uncle." Half a minute later, the door opened. When He Chao opened the door, his expression was light and calm, and his expressiveness was full marks: "Why are you here?" Xie Yu wondered if the person in front of him had deliberately messed up his hair, in addition to his hair, the loose and wide open neckline was also very suspicious, and his eye sockets were also rubbed hard, looking like he was trying his best to create an image of himself sleeping. He Chao did not live up to his expectations, he leaned against the door and raised his hand to grab his hair: "...... Ah, I'm sleeping. Xie Yu looked at him and felt a little headache. If a person like He Chao dies one day, he must die from many dramas. Halfway, Xie Yu opened his mouth and said, "I'm sorry." ” “……” He Chao's shape is not concave: "Huh? "Isn't it common sense? Xie Yu felt that he shouldn't be nosy, and let him die. "You have to be responsible for waking me up," He Chao grabbed the person and refused to let go, and Yu Guang saw what Xie Yu was holding in his hand, and said, "...... English test papers? Looking for me to do my homework? Welcome, don't be embarrassed, I won't necessarily be on a topic you don't know, and I will never be ashamed of you. He Chao: "Study with me, you can rest assured." I'll you. Xie Yu thought about it in his heart and didn't say it. He Chao's dormitory environment is okay. He just moved in this semester, he didn't have many things, and he looked quite empty, originally Xie Yu thought that he should be the type who made a mess of the living environment and didn't like to clean up, but now he feels surprised when he looks at it like this. He Chao put away the clothes hanging on the chair, then patted the back of the chair and said, "Sit." There was only one chair in the bedroom, and He Chao sat on the bed, bent his legs, just leaning against the corner of the table, and the two of them could barely get together to read the test paper. "I'll find a pen later." After He Chao finished speaking, he stepped on his slippers and stepped out of bed. Xie Yu spread the test papers on the table, and by the faint light of the desk lamp, he saw a stack of brand-new textbooks on the corner of the table, which should have been basically untouched since they were handed out. Next to the textbook is an iron box with candy, full of lollipops. …… This fetish. Xie Yu turned his head and inadvertently saw the mobile phone that He Chao had just placed on the corner of the table, and the mobile phone screen was still on. The six large characters on the screen are extremely conspicuous. - Folk exorcism. He Chao searched for a long time and finally found two pens, Xie Yu took them, in fact, he didn't know what was the use of the two of them holding pens with He Chao's English level and his "current level". It's as if it can really be made. "Which question do we start with?" He Chao bit off the cap of the pen and asked in his mouth. Xie Yu: "You pick." He Chao circled a multiple-choice question, quite like the posture of choosing a concubine in the harem: "It's it." Xie Yu had no opinion, but He Chao stared at the question for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking. Xie Yu remembered this person's performance in English class: "Give up, next question?" He Chao couldn't hear the mockery in this sentence at all, and readily agreed: "I think it's okay, then let's take a look." Xie Yu: "......" He Chao gave up quite quickly, they didn't even use their pen, and before they knew it, the test paper turned the page. "Let's do the reading questions," He Chao said, "this is easy to do, believe me, as long as you have a little sense of language, you can guess it." When He Chao said this, the confidence almost rushed out and stuck on Xie Yu's face. "Do you have a sense of language?" He Chao said, "I have." Three short and one long choose the longest, this sense of language. In the end, He Chao himself felt that this question was too perfunctory - of course, it may also be that he was worried that the test paper would be completed too quickly, and he could only spend the long night with the folk exorcism encyclopedia, so he proposed to do the question well. "Feel the intention of the questioner," He Chao opened Baidu Translate and manually translated word by word, "Understand the meaning first." The two men divided the work and each translated a paragraph. Xie Yu knew those English words upside down, and now he had to pretend. He began to reflect on whether the person around him was mentally retarded, or if his disguise was not in place. Is this the world of bad births? Xie Yu turned his head to look at He Chao, who was sitting on the bed, biting the cap of his pen from time to time. "This man wrote to his friends from the United States about Chinese culture and characteristics," said the interpreter of He Chao, "the Great Wall, a landmark in China, this ...... If you want him to see the Great Wall, come to China. ” “……” He Chao said that according to the translation, he could not speak logically. Xie Yu was a little distracted, holding a pen, and he suddenly remembered the day he first entered the gate of the Zhong family. Zhong Jie smashed something directly, turned around and went upstairs without saying a word, Zhong Guofei followed upstairs, father and son chatted for a long time in the study, and then Zhong Jie reluctantly came down, and the four of them had an extremely embarrassing lunch. Zhong Guofei is really good to Gu Xuelan, and he also believes that these two people really like each other. But that was his love for Gu Xuelan. It doesn't mean that Xie Yu can also get a piece of the pie. "Zhong Jie's kid is strong, and he wants to do everything better than others." When Zhong Guofei talked to Xie Yu, there was pride and sorrow in his eyebrows, "Especially after his mother passed away, he has been uncomfortable." He said this very tactfully, Xie Yu is not a fool, and the meaning is obvious. On the day of the wedding, Gu Xuelan was very happy. Since Xie Jiang left a lot of debts to them, they have been hiding in Tibet for the past ten years, running around for life, Xie Yu has never seen her smile like that. Gu Xuelan looked in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in her wedding dress, and was a little embarrassed: "I wear ...... like this" Zhong Guofei hugged her from behind: "It's beautiful." Xie Yu hid in the toilet that day and smoked a cigarette. "Pretty is really beautiful, I don't know how to catch the old clock, this woman is not simple." "If you want me to say, the child she brought here is not simple." It was another person's voice, "It's fine if the qualifications are mediocre, otherwise...... I can't tell what he thinks. "Doesn't look like it, does it?" "The Zhong family has a big business, even if they don't have ideas now, they won't have them in the future. Like the Huang family, their family is not the same, that stepson usually pretends to be like something, but in the end, he didn't make a fuss and wanted to fight for the company. "The Huang family?" "You don't know? Just a while ago, I won over a few shareholders......" "So this question must be B!" He Chao confidently checked the answer, the circle was like, and after he finished hooking, he curled a finger and flicked Xie Yu's forehead: "Hey, what do you want." Xie Yu came back to his senses and looked down at the circle. He Chao checked this person for nearly half an hour, Baidu Translate...... You can also choose the wrong one.

第二十四章   “哟, 捷哥!”   万达一大早刚收拾好东西, 准备出发去食堂吃早饭, 扭头就看到沈捷手里拎着包子豆浆走楼梯上来,挥手打了声招呼。   他跟沈捷是在考场上认识的,一起做过弊对过答案的交情, 虽然平时联系得少,每次见到面总有一种莫名的亲切感。   沈捷正要转弯上三楼,听到声音也停下来:“嘿, 万事通。”   “你怎么来宿舍楼了, ”万达走过去,“找朝哥?”   沈捷手里拎着的东西一晃一晃, 恨不得抡着它们转圈:“是啊。”   万达想起来贺朝早上旷课,几名任课老师老师气不打一处来的样子, 了然道:“朝哥让你叫他?起床困难户啊。”   “万事通同志,你把朝哥想成什么人了。”沈捷说, “他像是为了不旷课还特意让别人叫他的人吗?你把他想得也太美好了。”   万达:“……是在下天真了。”   沈捷又说:“你们班新来那个老师,人挺不错的。”   “唐老师?”   “欸对,就是姓唐那个。”   高二三班经历了换老师风波, 当初写联名书的时候, 轰动了整个年级组,颇有种英勇起义的感觉,万达笑笑说:“老唐这个人是挺好的。”   沈捷:“简直牛逼,我还是第一次见到这样的。”   唐森不只是把贺朝叫过去进行了一段又臭又长的谈话,他还想深入了解一下贺朝同学的灵魂, 最后把沈捷也叫了过去。   沈捷第一次被其他班老师叫到办公室,喝下两杯热乎乎的茶,坐在那里有点不知所措:“老师,我是高二八班的。”   唐森和善地说:“我知道你是八班的。”   “我挺喜欢我们班的,我们班和谐友爱,老师同学之间互帮互助携手共进,我觉得很快乐,目前没有想转班的打算。”沈捷总觉得这老师盯着他看的眼神很奇怪,怕不是想挖他墙角。   结果唐森只是找他说希望他帮助一下他们班的贺朝同学。   “我调查了一下,你和我们班贺朝关系不错……我想他内心一定也是很想来上课的,苦于战胜不了床榻,缺乏一些自制力,如果你方便的话,早上可以邀请他一起上课吗?幸苦你了。”   “……”   沈捷听完虽然有点懵,但还是表示‘好好好我会的’。   然后唐森又说:“我知道你们年轻人,夜生活很丰富。我也很想了解一下你们年轻人现在都在玩些什么,你知道贺朝同学最近在打什么游戏吗?”   “朝哥最近在打什么游戏?”万达问。   “说出来都有点不太好意思,”沈捷抡着塑料袋晃悠的手停下,表情复杂,“……奇迹、奇迹暖暖。”   万达:“……”哈?   两个人说着说着一块儿往楼上走,万达也不知道自己为什么要跟着去,等他回过神来已经和沈捷两个人站在了贺朝宿舍门口。   沈捷今天的任务就是把朝哥从被窝里拉出来。   他正好有贺朝寝室钥匙,还是开学那天缠了贺朝半天才求来的。如意算盘敲得响,偶尔想翘课的时候往寝室里躲一躲,美滋滋。   沈捷一边开门一边说:“让我为你解开封印吧朝哥!床虽困得住你的身体,但是困不住你的灵魂……起来吧,跟我一起……”   沈捷话说到一半,戛然而止。   万达站在他身后催他:“还在睡?直接给他晃起来。”   等万达走上前,往寝室里看了一眼,他也说不出话了。   “……”   “你打我一下。”   “你也……你也打我一下。”   寝室床铺是单人床配置,挤下两个人还是有点勉强。   空调温度打得低,拉开门一股凉气往外窜。   谢俞头枕在贺朝胳膊上,背对着门,从沈捷那个角度看起来就跟依偎在贺朝怀里一样。   贺朝腰间盖了个被角,那条薄薄的空调被大部分都盖在谢俞身上。   谢俞头发遮住半张脸,隐约看得见鼻子和下巴。他大概是感觉到一点动静,觉得吵了,在睡梦中皱起眉,无意识地想往被子里钻。   这一钻又吵到了贺朝。   沈捷看着贺朝动作相当自然地抬了抬被谢俞枕着的那只手,手腕一动,直接反手扣上谢俞后脑勺,五根手指浅浅地插进他头发里,嘴里低声说了句:“……别闹。”   万达平静下来,不知道该发表什么意见,最后只说了两个字:“哇哦。”   “也许事情不像我们想象的那样,”最后沈捷关上了门,跟万达两个人一起坐在楼梯上沉思,豆浆随手摆在地上,“一定是我们的思想太迂腐。”   万达问:“朝哥平时也会让你躺他的床吗?”   沈捷想也不想道:“不可能,我躺上去他绝对会把我踹下来。”   “……”   聊天聊到这里又崩了。   万达拍拍沈捷的肩膀:“任重而道远,兄弟我先走一步。马上就要上课了。”   谢俞生物钟向来很准时,加上睡眠浅,刚才沈捷过来开个门,睡意已经消下去一半。   他躺在床上,有意识地缓了几分钟,睁开眼第一眼看到的是贺朝的喉结。   沈捷还坐在楼梯台阶上沉思。   突然听到身后突然发出什么东西坠落的响声,闷闷地一下,然后是他朝哥骂人的声音:“我操。”   上午是唐森的语文早读,贺朝还是迟到了十几分钟。   “你能不能走快点?”谢俞扶着他,扶到教学楼楼下已经有点不耐烦。   贺朝捧着豆浆,反问:“……我这都是因为谁?”   他大早上被谢俞从床上踹下去,右脚脚腕直接磕在椅子上。   刚上楼,远远就看到唐森等在教室门口,手里拿着个什么东西,在走廊里来回踱步。   贺朝一杯豆浆喝得差不多了,手腕扬起,随手往垃圾桶里扔,扔出一道漂亮的抛物线。   “啪”。   不偏不倚,正好砸中。   “兴师问罪来了,”贺朝笑了,“对不住啊,可能要害你跟我一起罚站。”   不知道为什么,越相处越觉得,很多时候贺朝笑只是一种习惯性的假象,比如现在,他好像并没有那么开心。   贺朝以为唐森是来兴师问罪的,结果唐老师掐了秒表,拍拍他的肩:“十三分二十六秒,贺朝同学,相比昨天,今天的你取得了很大的进步。”   贺朝:“……啊?”   唐老师收起表,又说:“你的脚怎么了?赶紧,赶紧去医务室看看。”   贺朝还没反应过来,唐森已经蹲下来检查贺朝的脚腕,表示担忧:“谢俞同学,你先去上课吧,我带他去医务室。”   谢俞对这位唐老师的好感度增加不少,正要说‘好’,贺朝却说:“他今天必须要对我负责到底。”   谢俞:“……我当时怎么没把你另一条腿也踹断。”   刘存浩诗词朗诵到一半,停下来,凑到万达耳边说:“朝哥今天这脚崴得可真像。”   贺朝每次翘课迟到,戏通常都很足。   他们还在三班内部群里猜,今天朝哥会找什么借口迟到。   [英代-许晴晴]:没猜中,朝哥这套路真是五彩缤纷。   [班长-刘存浩]:还记得开学那天他直接给沈捷安了个什么玩意儿胃病吗,沈捷现在还总朝哥揪着跑医务室开药。   [体委-罗文强]:为什么啊?   [班长-刘存浩]:朝哥说,要废物利用,指不定下回还能派得上用场,做戏就要做足。   [英代-许晴晴]:……   刘存浩聊完之后又偷偷摸摸把手机塞回去,发现平时最八卦的八卦之王万达同学仍然无动于衷:“你今天怎么了?不开心?”   万达摇摇头:“我今天早上受到了一些冲击。”   万达手机也一直在震,不过不是三班内部群的消息,都是认识不认识的莺莺燕燕,想他光棍十七载,居然也有被女孩子围绕的一天。   -你们班贺朝,联系电话多少?你就给一下嘛,我保证不说是你给的。   -达达,我们也认识那么多年了,你就帮帮我?我写了一封情书,想给谢俞,能托你帮忙给一下吗?   -你一个爷们怎么磨磨唧唧的!是不是朋友了!约贺朝出来一趟那么费劲,姐们毕生的幸福就在你手上。   -贺朝有女朋友吗,他喜欢什么样的女孩子?   万达简直头痛欲裂。   别问了!他们俩可能不喜欢女的!!啊!!!   医务室里。   校医跟贺朝都熟得不能再熟,连名字都叫得上来,他穿着白大褂,坐在办公桌前写单子,一见贺朝进门就说:“哟,今天又是哪一出啊?”   贺朝半个重量挂在谢俞身上,冲校医打招呼:“陆哥,早啊。”   谢俞扶着他往病床上坐。   倒是唐森看起来比较紧张:“陆校医你快看看,崴得还挺严重,你看看是开点药还是需要上大医院诊断一下。”   陆校医人看起来温文尔雅,实际上也不是什么好惹的角色,每天那么多装病的,他要是真好欺负,那学校医务室里都可以开个逃课避难中心了。   他写完一张单子,撕下来,工工整整压在边上,然后才放下笔起身:“别担心——这帮孩子,尤其是你班上这个,这个叫贺朝的,简直是个戏……”   陆校医边说边蹲下,手一碰到贺朝脚腕,把戏精的精字咽了下去:“真崴伤了啊。”   没伤到骨头,冷敷消肿之后又喷了点云南白药。   “休息几天,不要剧烈运动,”陆校医道,“有什么状况、哪里不舒服了就过来,还是要多注意,千万别想不开去打架啊,再打就成瘸子了。”   贺朝那脚腕一回班就引起围观。   刘存浩趴在桌上,从上往下看,还在感慨:“……看起来跟真的一样。”   体育委员罗文强也来凑热闹,他平时经常积极开展体育运动,对一些常见伤熟得不能再熟,一眼就看出来:“这是真的,班长,真的崴了。”   最近体育课在练篮球,罗文强想组个篮球队——虽然并没什么赛事,但是他那颗热爱运动的心一直在蠢蠢欲动。   本来第一个想拉拢的就是贺朝。   现在脚崴了还有点可惜。   刘存浩:“啊,真的啊,怎么回事?”   许晴晴过来收昨天的英语试卷,贺朝一边翻试卷一边说:“这个,你得问我同桌。”   谢俞面不改色道:“我踹的,不好意思。”   许晴晴收到试卷还挺惊讶:“今天居然不是白卷?”   “那是,认认真真写的,”贺朝说,“认真起来我自己都害怕,肯定超强。”   许晴晴粗略扫完第一面,又翻过去看后面的阅读题:“……”以她对这些题目的印象,她就没看到一道正确的。   不过她怕说出来太打击贺朝的自信心,正想随便夸两句,就听谢俞在边上不冷不热地来了句:“强个屁,不如交白卷。”   是的。   说得很对。   许晴晴都想鼓掌。   上午有体育课,陆校医给贺朝开了条子,罗文强让他留在教室里休息。   说是休息其实就是睡觉。   贺朝趴在课桌上,从其他角度上看都只看得见他的后脑勺,虽然规规矩矩地穿着校服,但浑身刻满“散漫”两个字。由于走廊上过于吵闹,他睡得不太安稳,于是侧了侧头调整姿势,手顺势搭在桌沿上。   “贺朝跟谢俞这对同桌,我都懒得说。”下课铃响,英语老师回到办公室,一边在饮水机前接水一边道,“两个人今天交上来的英语试卷一模一样,整整齐齐的,不知道是谁抄谁的……他们这样抄有什么意义?一道题都蒙不对,全错。”   数学老师正好在批作业,手上这本作业簿除了封面上‘谢俞’两个字写漂亮,大气磅礴、笔锋凌厉,里头的内容简直惨不忍睹,他皱着眉,摇摇头:“这成绩,当初怎么考的高中?初中的知识点都出错。”   另一位年长些的老师开导道:“不闹事就不错了。要我说,他们俩这学期还是有点进步的,性子确实收敛了些,看来学校这个座位安排还是有点用处,就是这个成绩……成绩一时半会儿也急不来。”   那位老师说完,又说:“你们看看,人老唐多淡定,他都不急。”   唐森是重点学校转来的,虽然教龄快二十年,但他们对他了解的不多,但知道他跟姜主任是老同学,两个人是十多年的老朋友。   姜主任那么“狂躁”的一个人,朋友倒是脾气很好。   唐森低着头在捣鼓手机,好像是没听到,等那老师叫他第二声的时候他才抬起头:“什么?抱歉抱歉,刚才没注意听。”   “你弄什么呢?”英语老师接完水,路过的时候停下脚步,弯腰看了眼,“……游戏?”   手机屏幕上赫然是个长发飘飘的卡通小姑娘,身上穿着裙子,边上那个列表里还有一堆各式各样的衣服。   唐森立马退出去,退到主屏幕界面,不知道怎么解释:“啊……这个……”   好在英语老师也只是匆匆瞥过,没看太仔细,课代表又敲门进来找她要改好的练习簿。英语老师转个身的功夫就忘记了刚才那个小插曲:“八班是吧?单词本批好了,在桌上呢,三个班堆在一起,你找找。”   体育课还是照常练篮球。   女生占用的课堂时间比较多,基本上平时都没有接触过这项运动,球直面砸过来第一反应不是去接而是捂着脸蹲下来躲开。体育老师干脆带着她们单独练,男生领了篮球自由活动。   许晴晴根本不怕砸的,练了一会儿觉得没劲,最跑到男生堆里玩去了。   “强强,我听说你们篮球队还缺人,”许晴晴拍着球走过去,“你觉得我怎么样?可以加入吗?”   罗文强正在练投篮,他那一身肌肉晒成古铜色,乍一看有点健美先生的意思,他跳起来,将篮球掷出去,擦擦汗,说:“晴姐,你认真的吗?”   谢俞背靠着篮球场铁门,坐在树荫底下,耳朵里塞了一只耳机。   歌声在耳边绕来绕去。   他听着听着忽然抬手去按音量键,歌声越来越小,最后成了静音。   许晴晴:“很认真,你想想到时候咱班出征的时候……”   她话还没说完,万达就从身后绕过来把她球给抢了,笑着往边上跑:“要真有那个时候,咱班排名肯定垫底。”   万达跑着跑着撞到刘存浩身上,刘存浩手里拿着的篮球直接被他撞飞出去。   刘存浩立马炸了:“你滚过来,我刚才那个三分球酝酿了好久的你知道吗!”   谢俞正看着,脸颊忽然贴上一个冰冰凉凉的东西,扭头看见一瘸一拐的贺朝不知道什么时候站在他边上,手里还拿着两瓶冰汽水。   “小朋友,”贺朝将水塞进谢俞手里,说,“别的小朋友都去打篮球了,你怎么一个人呆在这里?”   汽水是蜜桃味的,瓶身起了雾,化成水珠沾了谢俞一手。   万达看见他了,苦于被许晴晴和刘存浩两个人一起追杀,只好远远地喊:“朝哥——你怎么下来了?”   贺朝说:“下来看看我帅气的同桌。”   万达脚下踉跄,差点没摔下去。   贺朝拧开瓶盖,桃子水的味道夹着冰气冒上来:“教室太无聊,外面那群女生叽叽喳喳的,睡都睡不着。”   “那群不都是来看你的。”谢俞说。   “怎么就是来看我……这个逻辑我还是没弄明白,上次万达那小子也这样说。”   贺朝崴个脚,闹得全年级都知道,尤其是那批小女生,担心得没法集中精力上课。   “你以为她们每天课间站在走廊里干什么?”   贺朝仰头灌下去一口,冰水喝得畅快,然后说:“我怎么知道,看风景?晒太阳补钙?”   “……”   这个人的情商在某些方面,称得上残疾。   想到情商这个问题,半响,谢俞用还在不停“流水”的水瓶捅捅贺朝:“喂,残疾,谈过恋爱吗。”   贺朝正在看罗文强他们打球,除了罗文强还能看看,其他人水平其实次得很,感觉就是过来捣乱的,但他依然豪不吝啬自己的赞美:“好球——浩子你这个蛇皮走位很骚啊。”   刘存浩歪头比了个“酷”的手势,看起来也是自信满满。   贺朝感觉到手肘一凉,这才反应过来刚才谢俞的话:“我就是崴个脚,叫我残疾还不至于吧?”   “实话告诉你,”贺朝把手臂架在谢俞肩上,以一种吹牛皮的姿态指着篮球场铁门说,“哥的前任,能从那里,一直排到金榜饭馆,再排回来。”   谢俞二话不说直接把汽水砸在他脸上。   “我开个玩笑,开个玩笑,”贺朝抬手摸脸,摸到一手水,“……小朋友你这个脾气有点爆啊。”   体育课下课,贺朝和谢俞两个人的英语试卷已经被贴在黑板报边上的小展板上,公开处刑。   边上贴着全班最高分许晴晴120分的试卷,对比相当强烈。   班里人陆陆续续从球场回来。   刘存浩过来围观,半天说不出话:“你们俩吧……你们俩个……为什么要互相抄呢?”抄谁的不好,要抄对方的,成绩什么样心里没点数吗!   “因为我相信我同桌。”贺朝就坐在最后一排,离小展板很近,他转过身跨坐在椅子上,两条长腿跨在两边、极其惹眼,“我同桌也相信我。”   刘存浩半天不知道该说什么,擦擦上节课打篮球出的汗,说:“你们俩可真有勇气。”   事实上,谢俞本来没想把试卷做成这样。   但是昨晚观察下来,贺朝的答题质量实在是可怕。   谢俞终于明白为什么高一的时候,他为了考试挂科、成绩垫底付出了那么多努力,每次挖空心思控制分数,却只能屈居全年级倒数第二。   原来这年纪倒数第一的宝座,贺朝镇着。   于是谢俞做题的时候刻意避开正确选项,立志要在这次月考当中压下贺朝,拿个第一。   倒数第一。   临近月考,万达他们也不在晚自习的时候讲鬼故事了,都忙着复习。   疯狗过来巡逻,看到高二三班欣欣向荣热爱学习的样子,难得觉得满意:“不错,特别对你们提出表扬,保持下去,你们班最近学习风气很不错。学生就是要有这种学习的样子,非常好。”   唐森正好吃完饭过来看看他们,炎炎夏日,手里提着个热水杯。   疯狗:“老唐,来得正好,有事找你。”   唐森把水杯放在讲台上,跟着姜主任一起出去了。   “有没有发现最近疯狗总往我们班跑,”有消息就要一起分享,万达边写数学题边说,“咱班老唐,跟疯狗是好基友。好到穿一条裤子的那种。”   贺朝桌面上摊着书,手偷偷摸摸塞在抽屉里玩手机。   虽然平时没有老师敢管他们,但疯狗是例外,姜还是老的辣,姜主任更是辣中之辣。治起人来他们也招架不住,感觉随时能跟学生打起来,根本不在怕的,总觉得他年轻的时候也是个称霸江湖的狠角色。   所以每次疯狗过来巡视,哪怕再不情愿,他们也会跟着大家一起装装样子。   谢俞扔了支笔过去,提醒他:“疯狗。”   “帮我掩护一下,”贺朝头也不抬道,“我现在这关正是特殊时期,不能分心。爱你哟。”   “最后三个字给我收回去。”   “?”   “听着恶心。”   谢俞扔完笔发现自己就这一支,又伸手过去把笔捡回来。   无意间瞥见贺朝手机屏幕上的画面。   谢俞印象里,他这位同桌已经将换装游戏搁置很久,前几天还拉着他一起玩“男人的浪漫”——狙击游戏。   估计换装游戏像阵龙卷风,在小女生圈子里已经不流行了。   姜主任跟老唐聊了一会儿就去巡视楼下的班级,贺朝直接将手机拿出来,摆在明面上玩。   屏幕上是一个卡通女孩,长头发,碎花裙,两颊泛红,站在一棵树下,作祈愿状。   然后画面逐渐暗下去,几段字幕缓缓浮现出来。   “明天……就是我跟他约会的日子……”   “他会不会来呢?”   “他会喜欢我为他亲手做的樱花饼吗?”   谢俞:“……”   万达这个人嘴里喊着我要复习这次月考我一定要一鸣惊人你们谁都不要过来打扰我,做题做到半途,实在无聊,咬着笔头左看看右看看,最后视线落在最后一排,看到两颗紧紧相挨的脑袋。   贺朝将手搭在谢俞后颈上,五根手指微微曲起,有意无意将他往自己这边揽。   两个人凑在一起不知道在说什么。   “他为什么不跟我约会?”贺朝都快崩溃了,“臭男人妈的,昨天明明说好了要来的,好感条都刷满了。”   谢俞看着屏幕上那位在雨中悲伤流泪的少女,也不知道该做何反应。   画面右下角有几个标识,其中一个上面还有小红点,谢俞问:“刚才他给你发短信了?”   贺朝说:“霸道总裁说他公司有事可能会迟一点到,然后有三个回复选项。”   谢俞隐约捕捉到了什么:“你选了哪个?”   贺朝:“当然是谴责他怎么可以迟到了。”   “……”   “你有病啊,”谢俞听得头疼,“这样谁他妈要跟你约会?”   “这样就不来约会,算什么男人啊,还霸总,”贺朝骂归骂,还是把手机往谢俞手边推,“那接下来怎么办……操,臭男人对小乖乖的好感条变负了。”   谢俞轻点两下屏幕,跟着游戏剧情往下走:“向臭男人道歉。”   贺朝:“……”   “道歉,”谢俞把手机推回去,“你还想不想得到臭男人的爱了。”   “……我他妈。”   贺朝迟迟下不去手,最后还是忍辱负重地点了‘今天真是不好意思’这个选项。   贺朝又说:“贺汐这丫头以后找男朋友要是敢找这样的,直接打死,想都不用想,现在小姑娘都是什么眼神。”   又快到周末。   除了那些家离得远的觉得来回不便,大部分住宿生周五就收拾东西准备回家。尤其是家长,总担心孩子在学校吃不好,一到周末就催着孩子赶紧回来。   谢俞在晚自习刚下课的时候就接到顾雪岚电话:“周末回来吗?”   谢俞站在走廊上,眼前一片黑灯瞎火,身后是贺朝和万达他们打闹的声音,桌椅不知道为什么被整得哐哐响。   “朝哥,要不要来加入我们篮球队啊,我们很牛逼的。”   “这话我吹吹就算了吧,你们亲自过来跟我吹,有点说不过去。早上刘存浩那个蛇皮狗屎走位,我都没好意思说他。”   “……你不是夸他很牛批吗!”   “这话是真是假你听不出来啊?”   谢俞勾起嘴角笑了笑,回复道:“周末,不一定回,再看吧。”   顾雪岚握着听筒,轻不可闻地叹了口气,然后才说:“你这都几个礼拜没回来了?”   谢俞找了个全天下父母听了都高兴的理由搪塞:“马上月考了,我要专心复习。”   这学期谢俞表现还不错,没惹什么事,换了新老师,那位新来的唐老师也说谢俞挺守纪律的挺不错,要她放心。   这个理由一出,顾女士果然没话可以说了。   “那你好好学习,”顾雪岚道,“考完试就回家,想吃什么妈给你做,学校伙食哪有家里的好……”   谢俞‘嗯’几声,聊了会儿就挂了电话。   贺朝已经收拾好东西,说说笑笑着从身后拍了一下谢俞的头,与其说拍,用揉更准确:“小朋友,周末不回家?”   谢俞这个人,看着贼硬气,头发却特别软,贺朝没忍住又揉了两下。   “瘸子,”谢俞叫他,“你今天给点颜色就开染坊是不是?”   眼看谢俞就要动拳头,贺朝侧身躲开:“冷静。和气生财,和气生财。”   万达急着回去收衣服,先走一步。   等谢俞贺朝两个人并肩走出教学楼,隔了很长一段时间,贺朝才说:“我周末也不回去。”   路灯将两人身影拉得很长。   “留校干什么,”谢俞说,“想试试民间驱鬼术有没有用?”   贺朝先是愣住,然后想说点什么,最后还是也没说,没再给自己加些精彩纷呈的戏码,他抬手抓抓头发,忽然笑了:“是啊,我想试试。”   又走出去一段路,谢俞突然问:“贺汐,你妹妹的名字吗。”   “那个死丫头,”贺朝盯着路灯说出这五个字以后,又不说话了,半响才说,“……我是不是应该吹一波我妹长得有多好看简直随了我?其实我也不知道,好多年没见了,应该是挺好看的吧,不是说女大十八变吗,毕竟小时候那么丑,胖得像个球。”   贺朝说得轻松,谢俞听出来不对劲,也不方便问。   贺朝倒是无所谓,直接把家底都抖出来,简洁明了并且特别冷静:“离异,她跟着我妈过。”   “很好听。”   贺朝侧头:“什么?”   谢俞说:“你妹妹的名字。”   “那我呢?”贺朝又问,“这种时候不应该顺便也夸一下我。”   谢俞往宿舍楼里走,不是很想理他:“你?你滚开点吧。”   万达周末也不回家,他的理由跟谢俞如出一辙——“我要专心复习”,不过可信度显然要比谢俞高出很多。   “我是认真的,我妈做饭太好吃了,家里有电脑,电脑太好玩了。”万达趴在课桌上对刘存浩倾诉自己的苦恼,“我一回到家,就好像回到了寒暑假,根本控制不住,大好的人生怎么可以浪费在学习上面。”   刘存浩用手肘顶顶他,示意他闭嘴。   万达支起身子瞄了一圈,又趴下去:“干什么啊,又没有老师……有老师我也不怕。”   没有老师,但是有高二三班伟大的、令人害怕的学习委员。   薛习生这个人,在年级组里很有名,他是各科老师眼里的宠儿,同学眼里的奇人。   开学第一天,薛习生自我介绍的时候就说“希望大家能够共同奋斗、努力、进步”,桌上贴满便利贴,记公式、单词、句型……   薛习生带着厚厚的眼镜,手里拿着一叠课外练习题从门口走进来。   许晴晴路过,撞见他时候被他吓了一跳:“……学委,你这个黑眼圈。”   薛习生脚步虚浮,整个人看起来有些疲劳过度,他抬手扶了扶镜框,说:“没事的,我还可以继续学习,月考加油许晴晴同学。”   “加、加油。”许晴晴不知道说什么,愣愣地回应说。   刘存浩:“疯狗有句口头禅怎么说的来着,什么学不死往死里学的,我觉得咱班学委完全就是代言人。”   万达简直看呆了:“黑眼圈原来可以这么深的。”   贺朝今天没迟到,他跟谢俞两个人一前一后进班:“早啊。”   万达:“早早早。”   “看什么呢?”贺朝单肩挎着书包,凑过去。   刘存浩说:“在看咱班学委的黑眼圈。”   “我去,这么黑。”贺朝也吓一跳。   谢俞正准备绕过他们去座位上补觉,贺朝头也没回直接抓着他手腕将他一起拽过来:“老谢,看看。这黑眼圈,是有多久没睡觉。”   薛习生大早上泡了杯咖啡,正捧着边喝边背英语单词。   谢俞对黑眼圈没什么兴趣,他现在一心只想补觉,伸手去掰贺朝的手。   贺朝还在围观“熊猫”,但是这人毕竟脑回路跟常人不太一样,看着看着换了种解题思路:“会不会是自己画的?我小时候为了营造刻苦学习的假象,就用这招骗过我妈。”   谢俞讥讽道:“你以为像你这样的世界上还找得出第二个?”   贺朝:“你这样夸得我有点不太好意思。”   谢俞心说,我夸你奶奶个腿。   贺朝日常听不出言下之意,继续恬不知耻道:“你朝哥,独一无二。”   万达在边上拍手鼓掌:“秀。”   刘存浩也鼓掌:“蒂花之秀。”   早自习是数学。   数学老师让大家趁着早上比较清醒,把该背的公式都背背熟。   说完,他找了个椅子,坐在讲台上批今天份的作业。   谢俞趴在桌上睡觉,太阳从窗外边照进来。   他隐约觉得眼前眼前突然亮起来一阵,半梦半醒间皱了皱眉,然后不多时,那阵扰人的、仿佛隔着一层纸的光又消失了。   “还有昨天发下去的作业,没订正的赶紧啊,每天的错题都要及时弄明白,不然越积越多。”   “不会的就拿过来问我,或者问同学,订正好了给我看,我要做记录的……别等着我来找你,我真要是哪天来找你了,你就完蛋了你。”   数学老师念叨一阵,又低下头批作业。   班里很安静。   除了翻动书页、笔盒碰撞、放下修正带的时候发出的微微响声,还有从其他班级传过来的朗诵声。   贺朝胳膊肘抵在桌上支着,手里是随手抓的一本练习簿,练习簿对着谢俞的脸,正好挡住从窗外照进来的光线。   谢俞睡得安稳,完全不知道有人在帮他挡太阳。   “啊,这个世界上怎么会有我这么好的同桌,”贺朝一条胳膊举酸了,又换成另一条,嘴里自言自语,轻声说,“……自己看着都觉得好感动。”
Chapter Twenty-Four: "Yo, Brother Jie!" Wanda had just packed up her things early in the morning and was about to leave for breakfast in the cafeteria, when she turned her head and saw Shen Jie walking up the stairs with steamed buns and soy milk in his hand, waving hello. He and Shen Jie met in the examination room, and they had a friendship with each other about the answers, although they usually have little contact, there is always an inexplicable sense of intimacy every time they meet. Shen Jie was about to turn and go up to the third floor, when he heard a voice and stopped: "Hey, jack-of-all-trades." "Why did you come to the dormitory," Wanda walked over, "Looking for Brother Chao?" The things Shen Jie was carrying in his hand shook and swayed, and he couldn't wait to pick them up and spin them in circles: "Yes." Wanda remembered that He Chao was absent from class in the morning, and several teachers were angry, and said, "Brother Chao asked you to call him?" It's hard to get out of bed. "Comrade Jack-of-all-trades, what do you think Brother Chao is?" Shen Jie said, "Does he seem to be the one who deliberately asked others to call him in order not to skip school? You think of him too well. Wanda: "...... It's naïve. Shen Jie said again: "The new teacher in your class is very good. "Teacher Tang?" "That's right, it's the one surnamed Tang." The second and third classes of high school experienced the turmoil of changing teachers, and when they first wrote the joint book, it caused a sensation in the entire grade group, and there was a feeling of heroic uprising. Shen Jie: "It's awesome, it's the first time I've seen this." Tang Sen not only called He Chao over for a stinky and long conversation, he also wanted to get to know the soul of He Chao's classmates, and finally called Shen Jie over as well. Shen Jie was called to the office by other class teachers for the first time, drank two cups of hot tea, and sat there a little overwhelmed: "Teacher, I am from the eighth class of high school. Tang Sen said kindly, "I know you're from Class 8." "I like our class very much, our class is harmonious and friendly, teachers and classmates help each other and work together, I feel very happy, and I have no plans to change classes at present." Shen Jie always felt that the teacher's eyes staring at him were very strange, and he was afraid that he didn't want to dig into his corner. As a result, Tang Sen just came to him and said that he hoped that he would help He Chao, a classmate in their class. "I investigated, and you have a good relationship with our Ban He Chao...... I think he must have wanted to come to class in his heart, but he couldn't overcome the bed and lacked some self-control, if it was convenient for you, could you invite him to join him in the morning? I'm glad you're sorry. ” “……” Although Shen Jie was a little stunned after hearing this, he still said, 'Okay, I will'. Then Townsend said, "I know you young people, and the nightlife is very rich. I'd also like to know what you young people are playing right now, do you know what games He Chao has been playing lately? "What game has Brother Chao been playing lately?" Wanda asked. "It's a little embarrassing to say it," Shen Jie stopped with his hand dangling the plastic bag, his expression complicated, "...... Miracles, miracles. Wanda: "......" Huh? The two of them walked upstairs together, Wanda didn't know why he was going, and when he came back to his senses, he was already standing at the door of He Chao's dormitory with Shen Jie. Shen Jie's task today is to pull Brother Chao out of the bed. He happened to have the key to He Chao's bedroom, and he pestered He Chao for half a day to ask for it on the day of school. The wishful thinking sounded, and occasionally when I wanted to skip class, I hid in the dormitory. Shen Jie opened the door and said, "Let me unlock the seal for you, Brother Chao!" The bed can trap your body, but it can't trap your soul...... Get up and ...... with me." Shen Jie stopped abruptly halfway through his words. Wanda stood behind him and urged him: "Still sleeping? Shake him up directly. When Wanda stepped forward and glanced into the bedroom, he couldn't speak. “……” "You hit me." "You too...... You hit me too. The bed in the bedroom is a single bed configuration, and it is a bit reluctant to squeeze two people. The temperature of the air conditioner was low, and a cool air rushed out when the door was opened. Xie Yu's head rested on He Chao's arm, his back to the door, and from Shen Jie's angle, he looked like he was snuggling in He Chao's arms. He Chao had a quilt around his waist, and most of the thin air conditioner was covered on Xie Yu's body. Xie Yu's hair covered half of his face, and his nose and chin were faintly visible. He probably felt a little movement, felt noisy, frowned in his sleep, and unconsciously wanted to burrow into the quilt. This drill quarreled with He Chao again. Shen Jie watched He Chao's movements quite naturally raised the hand that was pillowed by Xie Yu, moved his wrist, and directly buckled the back of Xie Yu's head with his backhand, five fingers were shallowly inserted into his hair, and he whispered in his mouth: "...... Don't make a fuss. Wanda calmed down, not knowing what to say, and finally said only two words: "Wow." "Maybe things aren't what we imagined," Shen Jie finally closed the door and sat on the stairs with Wanda in contemplation, soy milk casually on the ground, "It must be that our thoughts are too pedantic." Wanda asked, "Does Brother Chao usually let you lie in his bed?" Shen Jie didn't think about it and said, "Impossible, if I lie down, he will definitely kick me down." ” “……” The chat collapsed again at this point. Wanda patted Shen Jie on the shoulder: "There is a long way to go, brother, I will go first." Classes are coming soon. Xie Yu's biological clock has always been very punctual, coupled with light sleep, Shen Jie came to open the door just now, and half of his sleepiness has disappeared. He lay on the bed, consciously slowed down for a few minutes, and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was He Chao's Adam's apple. Shen Jie was still sitting on the steps of the stairs and pondering. Suddenly, he heard the sound of something falling behind him, and he muffled for a moment, and then he scolded his brother: "Fuck." In the morning, it was Tang Sen's early Chinese reading, and He Chao was still ten minutes late. "Can you go faster?" Xie Yu helped him to the downstairs of the teaching building, and he was already a little impatient. He Chao held the soy milk and asked rhetorically: "...... Who am I doing this all because of? He was kicked off the bed by Xie Yu early in the morning, and his right ankle hit the chair directly. As soon as I went upstairs, I saw Townsend waiting at the door of the classroom from a distance, holding something in his hand, pacing back and forth in the corridor. He Chao drank almost a cup of soy milk, raised his wrist, and threw it into the trash can, throwing a beautiful parabola. "Smack". Impartial, just hit. "Xingshi is here to ask for guilt," He Chao smiled, "I'm sorry, I may want to punish you with me." I don't know why, the more I get along, the more I feel that many times He Chaoxiao is just a habitual illusion, such as now, he doesn't seem to be so happy. He Chao thought that Tang Sen had come to Xingshi to ask for the guilt, but Teacher Tang pinched the stopwatch and patted him on the shoulder: "Thirteen minutes and twenty-six seconds, classmate He Chao, compared to yesterday, you have made great progress today." He Chao: "...... Yes? Teacher Tang put away the watch and said, "What's wrong with your feet?" Hurry up, hurry to the infirmary. Before He Chao could react, Tang Sen had already squatted down to check He Chao's ankle, expressing concern: "Classmate Xie Yu, you go to class first, and I'll take him to the infirmary." Xie Yu's favorability towards this Teacher Tang increased a lot, and he was about to say 'yes', but He Chao said: "He must be responsible for me to the end today." Xie Yu: "...... Why didn't I break your other leg at the time? Halfway through Liu Cunhao's poetry recitation, he stopped, leaned into Wanda's ear and said, "Brother Chao's foot is really similar today." Every time He Chao skipped class and was late, the drama was usually very full. They also guessed in the internal group of the third class that Brother Chao would find some excuse to be late today. [Yingdai-Xu Qingqing]: I didn't guess it, Brother Chao's routine is really colorful. [Squad Leader-Liu Cunhao]: Do you still remember that on the day of school, he directly gave Shen Jie something with stomach problems, and Shen Jie is still always going to the infirmary to prescribe medicine. [Sports Committee-Luo Wenqiang]: Why? [Squad Leader-Liu Cunhao]: Brother Chao said that if you want to use waste, maybe it will come in handy next time, and you have to do enough to do it. [Yingdai-Xu Qingqing]: ...... After Liu Cunhao finished chatting, he secretly stuffed his mobile phone back, and found that Wanda, the gossip king who is usually the most gossip, was still indifferent: "What's wrong with you today?" Not happy? Wanda shook her head: "I got a bit of a shock this morning. Wanda's mobile phone has also been shaking, but it is not the news of the internal group of the third class, it is all Yingying Yanyan who I don't know, I think he has been single for 17 years, and he actually has a day surrounded by girls. - What is your contact number? You can give it to you, I promise not to say that you gave it. - Dada, we've known each other for so many years, you're going to help me? I wrote a love letter and wanted to give it to Xie Yu, can you help me give it? -How do you grind and chirp a man! Isn't it a friend! It's so hard to come out of the Yoga Dynasty, and the happiness of your sisters' life is in your hands. - Does He Chao have a girlfriend and what kind of girls does he like? Wanda had a splitting headache. Don't ask! The two of them may not like women!! Yes!!! In the infirmary. The school doctor couldn't be more familiar with He Chao, he could even call his name, he was wearing a white coat, sitting at the desk writing a list, and when he saw He Chao enter the door, he said: "Yo, which one is out today?" He Chao hung half of his weight on Xie Yu, and greeted the school doctor: "Brother Lu, it's early." Xie Yu helped him to sit on the hospital bed. However, Tang Sen looked nervous: "Doctor Lu, take a look, the damage is quite serious, you can see if you want to prescribe some medicine or need to go to a big hospital for diagnosis." Doctor Lu looks mild-mannered, but in fact he is not a character to mess with, there are so many people who pretend to be sick every day, if he is really easy to bully, then a skipping shelter can be opened in the school infirmary. He finished writing a list, tore it off, and pressed it neatly on the side, before putting down the pen and getting up: "Don't worry - these kids, especially this one in your class, this one named He Chao, is just a ......" Doctor Lu squatted down as he spoke, and as soon as his hand touched He Chao's ankle, he swallowed the essence of the trick: "It's really hurt." It didn't hurt the bones, and after the cold compress to reduce the swelling, I sprayed some Yunnan Baiyao. "Rest for a few days, don't exercise vigorously," Doctor Lu said, "If there is any condition or discomfort, come over, you still have to pay more attention, don't think about going to fight, if you fight again, you will become lame." As soon as He Chao's ankle returned to work, it attracted onlookers. Liu Cunhao lay on the table, looking down from above, still sighing: "...... It looks like the real thing. Luo Wenqiang, a member of the sports committee, also came to join in the fun, he usually actively carries out sports, and he is so familiar with some common injuries that he can no longer be familiar, and he can see at a glance: "This is true, squad leader, it is really bad." Recently, Luo Wenqiang was practicing basketball in physical education class, and Luo Wenqiang wanted to form a basketball team - although there were no competitions, his heart that loved sports was always stirring. Originally, the first person I wanted to win over was He Chao. It's a pity that my foot is broken now. Liu Cunhao: "Ah, really, what's going on?" Xu Qingqing came over to collect yesterday's English test paper, and He Chao said while flipping through the test paper: "This, you have to ask me at the same table." Xie Yu's face did not change and said, "I kicked it, I'm sorry." Xu Qingqing was quite surprised when she received the test paper: "It's not a blank paper today?""That's it, write it seriously," He Chao said, "I'm afraid of myself when I'm serious, it's definitely super strong." Xu Qingqing roughly swept the first side, and then turned over to look at the reading questions behind: "......" With her impression of these questions, she didn't see a correct one. However, she was afraid that saying it would hit He Chao's self-confidence too much, and she was about to praise casually, when she heard Xie Yu say lukewarmly on the side: "Strong fart, it's better to hand in a blank paper." Yes. That's right. Xu Qingqing wanted to applaud. In the morning, there was a physical education class, and the school doctor Lu wrote a note to He Chao, and Luo Wenqiang asked him to stay in the classroom to rest. To say that it is to rest, in fact, is to sleep. He Chao was lying on the desk, and from other angles he could only see the back of his head, although he was wearing a school uniform in a regular manner, but his body was engraved with the word "casual". He couldn't sleep well because the hallway was too noisy, so he tilted his head sideways to adjust his posture and put his hand on the edge of the table. "He Chao and Xie Yu are at the same table, I don't bother to say it." When the bell rang for the end of class, the English teacher returned to the office and said while receiving water in front of the water dispenser, "The English test papers handed in by the two people today are exactly the same, neat and tidy, I don't know who copied whom...... What's the point of them copying that? None of the questions are wrong, all wrong. The math teacher happened to be grading homework, and the homework book in his hand was beautifully written except for the two words 'Xie Yu' on the cover, which was majestic and sharp, and the content in it was simply miserable, he frowned and shook his head: "This grade, how did you get into high school in the first place?" The knowledge points in junior high school are all wrong. Another older teacher said, "It's good not to make trouble." If you want me to say, the two of them have made a little progress this semester, and their temperament has indeed converged a little, and it seems that the seating arrangement of the school is still somewhat useful, and this is the result...... The results are not in a hurry for a while. After the teacher finished speaking, he said, "Look at how calm the old man is, he is not in a hurry." Tang Sen was transferred from a key school, although he has been teaching for almost 20 years, they don't know much about him, but they know that he and Director Jiang are old classmates, and the two are old friends for more than ten years. Director Jiang is such a "manic" person, but his friend has a good temper. Tang Sen lowered his head and was tinkering with his mobile phone, as if he didn't hear it, and he didn't raise his head until the teacher called him a second time: "What? Sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention to it. "What are you doing?" After the English teacher finished receiving the water, he stopped when he passed by, bent down and looked, "...... Game? On the screen of her phone was a cartoon girl with long flowing hair, wearing a skirt and a bunch of various clothes on the list. Tang Sen immediately quit and retreated to the main screen interface, not knowing how to explain: "Ah...... This ......" Fortunately, the English teacher only glanced at it in a hurry, and did not look too closely, and the class representative knocked on the door again and came in to find the exercise book she wanted to correct. The English teacher turned around and forgot the little episode just now: "Class 8, right?" The vocabulary book is ready, and on the table, the three classes are piled together, and you can find it. Physical education class still practiced basketball as usual. Girls occupy a lot of class time, basically have no contact with this sport, the ball is smashed directly to the first reaction is not to pick it up, but to cover their faces and squat down to dodge. The physical education teacher simply took them to practice alone, and the boys received basketball free activities. Xu Qingqing was not afraid of smashing at all, and after practicing for a while, she felt bored, so she ran to the boys' pile to play. "Qiangqiang, I heard that your basketball team is still short of people," Xu Qingqing patted the ball and walked over, "What do you think of me?" Is it possible to join? Luo Wenqiang was practicing shooting, his muscles were tanned, at first glance it looked a bit of a fitness gentleman, he jumped up, threw the basketball out, wiped his sweat, and said, "Sister Qing, are you serious?" Xie Yu sat under the shade of a tree with his back against the iron gate of the basketball court, with a headset in his ear. The song swirls around my ears. As he listened, he suddenly raised his hand to press the volume button, and the song became quieter and quieter, and finally became muted. Xu Qingqing: "Very serious, think about it when our class goes on the expedition...... Before she finished speaking, Wanda came around from behind and snatched her ball, and ran to the side with a smile: "If there is really that time, our class will definitely be at the bottom." Wanda ran and ran into Liu Cunhao, and the basketball in Liu Cunhao's hand was directly knocked out by him. Liu Cunhao immediately exploded: "You get here, I just had that three-point shot brewed for a long time, you know!" Xie Yu was looking at it, his cheek suddenly put a cold thing on it, and he turned his head to see He Chao, who was limping, standing next to him for some time, still holding two bottles of ice soda in his hand. "Children," He Chao said as he stuffed the water into Xie Yu's hand, "the other children have gone to play basketball, why are you staying here alone?" The soda was peach-flavored, and the bottle was fogged up, turning into water droplets and staining Xie Yu's hand. Wanda saw him, and was chased and killed by Xu Qingqing and Liu Cunhao, so she had to shout from afar: "Brother Chao - why did you come down?" He Chao said, "Come down and see my handsome tablemate." Wanda stumbled on her feet and almost didn't fall. He Chao unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and the smell of peach water came up with the smell of ice: "The classroom is too boring, and the group of girls outside are chattering and can't sleep." "Aren't all of them coming to see you." Xie Yu said. "Why are you coming to see me...... I still haven't figured out this logic, and that kid Wanda said the same thing last time. He Chaowei was so worried that the whole grade knew about it, especially the little girls, who were so worried that they couldn't concentrate on class. "What do you think they're doing in the hallway between classes?He Chao raised his head and poured a sip, drank the ice water heartily, and then said, "How do I know, look at the scenery?" Calcium in the sun? ” “……” This person's emotional intelligence can be called a disability in some ways. Thinking of the question of emotional intelligence, Xie Yu stabbed He Chao with a water bottle that was still "flowing water": "Hey, disabled, have you ever been in love?" He Chao was watching Luo Wenqiang and them play, except for Luo Wenqiang, the other people's level was actually very second, and he felt that he had come to make trouble, but he still did not hesitate to praise himself: "Good ball - Haozi, you snakeskin is very sassy." Liu Cunhao tilted his head and made a "cool" gesture, looking confident. He Chao felt a cold elbow, and then he reacted to Xie Yu's words just now: "I'm just a foot, it's not enough to call me disabled, right?" "To tell you the truth," He Chao put his arm on Xie Yu's shoulder, pointed to the iron gate of the basketball court in a braggadocio and said, "Brother's predecessor, from there, can be lined up all the way to the Jinbang Restaurant, and then back." Xie Yu didn't say a word and directly smashed the soda in his face. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," He Chao raised his hand to touch his face, touching a hand of water, "...... Kid, you're a little hot-tempered. After the physical education class, the English test papers of He Chao and Xie Yu had been pasted on the small display board next to the blackboard newspaper and were publicly executed. On the side is the test paper with Xu Qingqing, the highest score in the class, with 120 points, and the contrast is quite strong. The class came back from the pitch one after another. Liu Cunhao came over to watch, and was speechless for a long time: "You two...... You two...... Why copy each other? "It's not good to copy anyone, if you want to copy the other party, don't you have any points in your heart for what your grades are! "Because I believe I'm at the same table." He Chao sat in the last row, very close to the small exhibition board, he turned around and straddled the chair, his two long legs straddling both sides, extremely eye-catching, "I believe in me at the same table." Liu Cunhao didn't know what to say for a long time, wiped the sweat from playing basketball in the last class, and said, "You two are really courageous." In fact, Xie Yu didn't want to make the test paper like this. But after observing last night, the quality of He Chao's answers was really terrible. Xie Yu finally understood why in his first year of high school, he put in so much effort to fail the exam and get the bottom of the grades, and every time he tried to control his scores, he could only be the second to last in the whole grade. It turned out that the throne of the penultimate in this year, He Chaozhen. So Xie Yu deliberately avoided the correct option when he did the question, and was determined to suppress He Chao in this monthly exam and get the first place. First to last. Approaching the monthly exam, Wanda and the others don't tell ghost stories during the evening self-study, they are all busy reviewing. Mad Dog came to patrol, and when he saw the thriving and loving learning of the second and third classes of high school, he felt satisfied: "Yes, I especially praise you, keep it up, your class has a very good learning atmosphere recently." Students just have to have this kind of learning, and it's very good. Tang Sen came to see them just after eating, and it was a hot summer day, carrying a hot water cup in his hand. Mad Dog: "Old Tang, it's just in time, I'm looking for you for something." Tang Sen put the water cup on the podium and went out with Director Jiang. "Have you noticed that mad dogs have been running to our class recently," there is news to share together, Wanda said while writing math problems, "Our class old Tang, and mad dogs are good friends." Good enough to wear a pair of pants. He Chao spread out his books on the table, and his hands were sneaking into the drawer to play with his phone. Although no teacher usually dares to care about them, Mad Dog is the exception, Jiang is still old and spicy, and Director Jiang is even more spicy. They can't resist it, they feel that they can fight with students at any time, and they are not afraid at all, and they always feel that he was also a ruthless character who dominated the rivers and lakes when he was young. So every time the mad dog comes to patrol, even if they are reluctant, they will follow everyone and pretend. Xie Yu threw a pen over and reminded him: "Mad dog." "Help me cover up," He Chao said without raising his head, "I'm in this special period right now, so I can't be distracted." Love you. "Take back the last three words for me." “?” "Sounds disgusting." Xie Yu threw the pen and found that it was only this one, and reached over to pick it up. Inadvertently caught a glimpse of the screen of He Chao's phone. Xie Yu has the impression that his tablemate has put the dress-up game on hold for a long time, and a few days ago he dragged him to play "Men's Romance" - sniper game. It is estimated that dress-up games are like a tornado, and they are no longer popular in the circle of little girls. Director Jiang chatted with Lao Tang for a while and went to inspect the class downstairs, He Chao directly took out his mobile phone and played on the surface. On the screen is a cartoon girl with long hair, a floral dress, and red cheeks, standing under a tree and making a prayer. Then the picture gradually darkens, and a few subtitles slowly emerge. "Tomorrow...... It's the day I date him......" "Will he come?" "Will he like the cherry blossom cake I made for him?" Xie Yu: "......" Wanda, this person shouted in his mouth, I want to review this monthly exam, I must be a blockbuster, none of you should come and bother me, do the question halfway, it's really boring, bite the pen and look left and right, and finally my eyes fell on the last row, and I saw two heads close to each other. He Chao put his hand on the back of Xie Yu's neck, and his five fingers were slightly curled, intentionally or unintentionally pulling him to his side. The two of them got together and didn't know what they were talking about. "Why didn't he date me?" He Chaodu was about to collapse, "Damn the stinky man, I obviously said I was going to come yesterday, and the goodwill strips were all over." Xie Yu looked at the girl on the screen who was crying sadly in the rain, and didn't know how to react. There are several signs in the lower right corner of the screen, and there is a small red dot on one of them, Xie Yu asked, "Did he send you a text message just now?" He Chao said: "The domineering president said that he might be late for something in his company, and then there were three options for replying. Xie Yu vaguely caught something: "Which one did you choose?" He Chao: "Of course it's to condemn how he can be late." ” “……” "You're sick," Xie Yu had a headache when he heard this, "who the wants to date you like this?" "If you don't come on a date like this, what kind of man is you, and you're still the boss," He Chao scolded and scolded, still pushing the phone to Xie Yu's hand, "Then what should I do next...... , the stinky man's affection for the little obedient has become negative. Xie Yu tapped the screen twice and followed the plot of the game: "Apologize to the stinky man." He Chao: "......" "Apologize," Xie Yu pushed the phone back, "Do you still want to be loved by a stinky man?" ” “…… me. He Chao couldn't get down for a long time, and finally nodded the option of 'I'm really sorry today' with humiliation. He Chao said again: "If He Xi, this girl dares to find a boyfriend like this in the future, she will be killed directly, don't even think about it, what kind of eyes are the little girls now." It's almost the weekend again. Except for those whose homes are far away and find it inconvenient to go back and forth, most boarders pack their things on Friday and prepare to go home. Especially parents, they are always worried that their children will not eat well at school, and urge their children to come back as soon as the weekend comes. Xie Yu received a call from Gu Xuelan just after class in the evening self-study: "Are you coming back for the weekend?" Xie Yu stood in the corridor, there was a black light in front of him, behind him was the sound of He Chao and Wanda fighting, and the tables and chairs were clattering for some reason. "Brother Chao, do you want to join our basketball team, we are very good." "I'll just blow it, you guys come and blow it to me in person, it's a bit unreasonable. In the morning, Liu Cunhao's snakeskin shit was out of place, and I was embarrassed to talk about him. ” “…… Didn't you praise him for being very good! "Can't you tell if that's true or not?" Xie Yu hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled, and replied: "On the weekend, you may not have to go back, let's see." Gu Xuelan held the earpiece and sighed inaudibly, before saying, "You haven't been back for a few weeks?" Xie Yu found a reason why his parents were happy all over the world and prevaricated: "The monthly exam is coming soon, and I want to concentrate on reviewing." Xie Yu's performance this semester was not bad, she didn't cause any trouble, she changed to a new teacher, and the new teacher Tang also said that Xie Yu was very disciplined and very good, and asked her to rest assured. As soon as this reason came out, Ms. Gu really had nothing to say. "Then you study hard," Gu Xuelan said, "Go home after the exam, what do you want to eat, your mother will cook for you, how can the school food be as good as the ...... at home?" Xie Yu said 'um' a few times, chatted for a while and hung up the phone. He Chao had already packed up his things, and patted Xie Yu's head from behind with a smile, not so much patting, but rubbing it more accurately: "Children, don't go home on the weekend?" Xie Yu, this person, looked at the thief hard, but his hair was very soft, He Chao couldn't help but rub it twice. "Cripple," Xie Yu called him, "you will open a dyeing workshop today if you give some color, right?" Seeing that Xie Yu was about to move his fist, He Chao dodged sideways: "Calm down." Harmony produces wealth, harmony produces wealth. Wanda was in a hurry to go back to collect her clothes and go first. After a long time, He Chao said, "I won't go back on weekends." The streetlights stretched the figures of the two men very long. "What are you doing in school," Xie Yu said, "Is it useful to try folk exorcism?" He Chao was stunned at first, and then wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and he didn't add any more exciting scenes to himself, he raised his hand and grabbed his hair, and suddenly smiled: "Yes, I want to try." After walking out for a while, Xie Yu suddenly asked, "He Xi, is your sister's name?" "That dead girl," He Chao said these five words after staring at the street lamp, and then stopped talking, and said half-loudly, "...... Should I blow a wave of how good-looking my sister is, just follow me? Actually, I don't know, I haven't seen it for many years, it should be pretty good-looking, doesn't it mean that the eighteenth female college has changed, after all, she was so ugly when she was a child, and she was as fat as a ball. He Chao said easily, Xie Yu heard that something was wrong, and it was inconvenient to ask. He Chao didn't care, he directly shook out all the family backgrounds, concise, clear and very calm: "Divorced, she followed my mother." "That's good." He Chao tilted his head: "What?" Xie Yu said, "Your sister's name." "What about me?" He Chao asked again, "At this time, you shouldn't praise me by the way." Xie Yu walked into the dormitory building, not very concerned with him: "You? Fuck off. Wanda doesn't go home on weekends, and his reasons are the same as Xie Yu's - "I want to concentrate on revision", but his credibility is obviously much higher than Xie Yu's. "I'm serious, my mom's cooking is so delicious, there is a computer at home, the computer is so fun." Wanda lay on the desk and confided in Liu Cunhao about her troubles, "As soon as I got home, it was like returning to the winter and summer vacations, and I couldn't control it at all, how could a good life be wasted on studying." Liu Cunhao pushed him with his elbow and motioned for him to shut up. Wanda stood up and looked around, then lay down again: "What are you doing, there is no teacher...... I'm not afraid of having a teacher. There were no teachers, but there were great, frightening study committee members in the second and third classes of high school. Xue Xisheng is a very famous person in the grade group, he is the darling in the eyes of teachers in various subjects, and the strange person in the eyes of his classmates. On the first day of school, when Xue Xisheng introduced himself, he said, "I hope everyone can work together, work hard, and make progress", and the table was covered with post-it notes, memorizing formulas, words, and sentence patterns...... Xue Xisheng walked in from the door with thick glasses and a stack of extracurricular practice questions in his hand. Xu Qingqing passed by and was startled by him when she bumped into him: "...... School Committee, you dark circles. Xue Xisheng's steps were vain, and the whole person looked a little overtired, he raised his hand to support the frame of the glasses, and said, "It's okay, I can continue to study, come on Xu Qingqing for the monthly exam." "Come on, come on." Xu Qingqing didn't know what to say, so she responded stunned. Liu Cunhao: "Mad dog has a mantra that says, what you can't learn to die to learn, I think our class school committee is completely the spokesperson." Wanda was stunned: "The dark circles under the eyes can be so deep." He Chao was not late today, he and Xie Yu entered the class one after the other: "Morning." Wanda: "Early, early." "What are you looking at?" He Chao carried his schoolbag on one shoulder and leaned over. Liu Cunhao said: "I'm looking at the dark circles under the eyes of our class committee. "I'll go, it's so dark." He Chao was also taken aback. Xie Yu was about to bypass them and go to the seat to catch up on sleep, but He Chaotou didn't reply and directly grabbed his wrist and dragged him over: "Old Xie, take a look." This dark circle is how long it has been since I slept. Xue Xisheng made a cup of coffee in the morning, and was holding it while drinking and memorizing English words. Xie Yu was not interested in dark circles, he was now just trying to catch up on sleep, and reached out to break He Chao's hand. He Chao was still watching the "panda", but after all, this person's brain circuit was different from ordinary people, and he looked at it and changed his way of thinking: "Could it be that he drew it himself?" When I was a child, I used this trick to deceive my mother in order to create the illusion of studying hard. Xie Yu sneered: "Do you think there is a second one in a world like yours?" He Chao: "I'm a little embarrassed that you praise me like this." Xie Yuxin said, I praise your grandmother for her legs. He Chao couldn't hear the meaning of his words every day, and continued to say shamelessly: "Your brother Chao is unique. Wanda clapped his hands on the side: "Show." Liu Cunhao also applauded: "The show of the top flowers." Morning self-study is math. The math teacher asked everyone to be more sober in the morning and memorize all the formulas that should be memorized. After saying that, he found a chair and sat on the podium to mark today's homework. Xie Yu slept on the table, and the sun shone in through the window. He vaguely felt a sudden light in front of him, and he frowned half-asleep, and then after a while, the disturbing light that seemed to be separated by a layer of paper disappeared again. "There is also the homework sent out yesterday, hurry up if it is not corrected, and you must figure out the mistakes every day in time, otherwise it will accumulate more and more." "If you can't, just bring it to me and ask me, or ask your classmates, it's just right to show me, I'm going to make a record...... Don't wait for me to come to you, if I do come to you one day, you'll be finished. The math teacher muttered for a while, then lowered his head to batch homework. The class was quiet. In addition to the slight sound of turning the pages, the pencil case colliding, and the correction tape being lowered, there was also the sound of recitation from other classes. He Chao rested his elbows on the table, holding an exercise book in his hand, which was aimed at Xie Yu's face, just blocking the light shining in from the window. Xie Yu slept peacefully, completely unaware that someone was helping him block the sun. "Ah, how can there be such a good tablemate as me in this world," He Chao raised one arm and replaced it with another, muttering to himself softly, "...... I feel so touched when I look at it. ”

第二十五章   贺朝陷入自我感动当中无法自拔, 感动了自己, 却没有感动到数学老师。   数学老师批作业批到一半, 想找课代表去五班把三角尺教具拿回来,等下上课要用,刚抬起头, 就看到举着练习簿给同桌挡太阳的贺朝。   他放下手里的红笔,没有直接提醒,好整以暇地看了半天, 其他发现不对劲的同学也顺着老师的目光看过去。   “……”   这真是相当有同学爱的一幕画面。   感天动地。   贺朝正思考要不要把练习簿换成数学书, 遮阳范围更大一些,犹豫间, 一小截白色粉笔头从讲台方向飞出来、准确无误地砸在他头上。   粉笔头打中了又弹出去,落在地面上, 不紧不慢地滚到垃圾桶旁边。   数学老师不知该气还是该笑:“最后一排的两个,你们当我不存在是不是?”   贺朝听见这话手一松, 练习簿掉下去,正正好好砸在谢俞脸上。   谢俞直接被砸醒。   他刚才睡过去了,醒过来脑子有点懵, 忘了现在还在上早自习, 眼睛都没睁开就送了贺朝一句:“你找死啊。”   谢俞话音刚落,又是一截粉笔头冲他们这个方向砸过来。   吴正教了近十年书,用粉笔砸人的本领可以称得上是炉火纯青,平时上课开小差的、打瞌睡的那些,都是这样被他叫醒的。   一扔一个准。   效果显著, 又不用浪费课堂时间。   谢俞还没反应过来到底发生了什么事,已经被砸中两次。   贺朝边躲边说:“吴老师,我觉得我们应该彼此冷静一下……”   “冷静个屁,”吴正连脏话都差点气出来,堪堪压下去,压下去之后不想再跟他们俩个人废话,手指指向门口,“出去。你们两个到门口站着冷静去,不是想冷静吗,好好冷静冷静。”   大清早,谢俞觉也没睡成,跟贺朝两个人靠着窗户站在高二三班门口。 第一节刚好也是数学课,吴正气消得慢,让他们等上课铃响才能回到座位上,于是他们课间就站在门口当门童。   走廊上人来人往。   “趁我现在还能控制住自己,”谢俞说,“你解释一下。”   贺朝:“我说了我怕你太感动。”   谢俞脾气真的不算好,从小贯彻的理论都是不跟傻逼讲道理直接抓着揍一顿,他忍了又忍,决定再给贺朝一次机会:“……你说不说?”   贺朝还没说话,万达就从窗边探出头,歪头道:“这真是一段感天动地却以悲剧结尾的故事,牛逼啊朝哥,还给俞哥挡太阳,但是这份感情注定只能感动得了你自己。”   贺朝:“达达,怎么说话呢,你这话说得。”   万达:“不是啊——你看俞哥的表情,我觉得俞哥现在很想把你的头拧下来当球踢。”   贺朝还在那边自信地说“不可能我同桌虽然平时看起来没有人性,但是我相信他是很善良的”。   谢俞通过万达说的三言两语明白了怎么回事,他缓缓吐出一口气,把袖子撩上去,露出半截手臂,然后直接扯着贺朝的衣领扯着他往厕所走。   “干什么,”贺朝还挺配合,跟着他走了段路,“约哥一起上厕所?”   “换个地方揍你。”   万达乐得不行,扒着窗户哈哈哈哈了好一阵。   沈捷正好从走廊尽头走过来,摸着口袋里的烟,准备躲在厕所里抽两根,走到高二三的时候习惯性停下脚步跟他朝哥打个招呼,一眼看过去,贺朝位置上压根没人。   他凑在万达边上道:“笑什么呢,朝哥呢?”   万达把事情经过跟沈捷说了,沈捷烟瘾下去一半:“……我去,我过去围观围观。”   谢俞嘴里说着要揍他,其实也就只是小打小闹,没动真格。   两个人还没走到厕所门口就折回来。   “好好好,我认输,”贺朝从后面揽着谢俞,推着他向前走,跟哄孩子似的说,“不闹了。”   谢俞算不上生气。   万达说挡太阳三个字的时候,他其实愣了几秒。   然后脑子里奇奇怪怪的,他也不知道陌生情绪为什么莫名其妙就往上冒,越想越暴躁,烦得不行,最后脑子里剩下一个最简单的解决方法。   ……揍一顿。   沈捷看着发愁:“他们俩到底在干什么啊。”   贺朝虽然平时不轻易动手,但技术还是很强劲的,本来他还以为能够欣赏到一场年级老大和年纪老大之间的对决,酷炫到自带特效的那种。   万达最近已经接受这两个人好基友基到没朋友的设定,吐出两个字:“……调情?”   沈捷:“……”   今天这八节课,基本上都以讲解单元测试卷为主,巩固了这一个月以来学习到的各项知识点,为下周一月考做准备。   枯燥得很。   贺朝埋头玩手机,手机没电、充电宝也没电的时候就休息,折折纸。   折好了往谢俞桌上扔。   花样百出,玫瑰花小跳蛙什么都有。   “我这里不是垃圾场。”谢俞提醒他。   贺朝没说话,低头继续折。   谢俞把他扔过来的那些往边上撇。   他得一边装自己不在听课,一边从手机游戏里分心去听老师讲最后那道压轴题,没空管贺朝。   贺朝折东西折得很专心,手指夹着便利贴大小的纸,翻来覆去地折。   比起折出来的那些丑东西,这人骨节分明的手指观赏性更强一些。   “所以最后我们按照之前求得的区间,将其中一个答案舍去,知道舍哪个吗?”吴正手里拿着大大的教具尺,每次点在黑板上都发出激烈的哐哐声,“要是听不懂,就放弃算了,这道题本身就超纲,对你们来说其实没有做这种难度的题目的必要……”   底下没人说话,显然是对这种吃力不讨好的麻烦题型没什么兴趣。   只有薛习生举了手:“老师,舍哪个?有些地方还是不太懂。”   “你课间来我办公室,我给你讲,”吴正道,“这张测试卷讲到这里就都讲完了,订正好了,放学之前课代表收上来。”   吴正说完,下课铃正好响起来。   “喂。”贺朝凑过来在谢俞耳边喊他。   谢俞正低着头,把手机备忘录里刚才解出来的两个答案删掉一个,删掉负一,只留下来一个零:“干什么?”   下节是体育课,贺朝虽然脚伤没好不能运动,但是站在篮球场上呼吸呼吸新鲜空气还是让人期待,怎么着也比呆在教室里强。   谢俞不打算去,他最近没休息好,准备溜回宿舍睡觉。   “真不去?”贺朝问。   谢俞关了手机,习惯性终结话题:“关你屁事?”   “待宿舍有什么意思,宿舍里有像你朝哥那么帅的人陪吗。”   “……”   罪魁祸首可真好意思说。   跟贺朝写英语试卷那个晚上,弄到凌晨两三点。   最后要走的时候贺朝为了把人留下来简直挖空了心思,说好让他睡床自己打地铺,最后还是偷偷摸摸跑到床上睡。   上床的时候已经快四点,不然以他的睡眠质量,不可能让贺朝顺顺利利地爬上来。   万达他们拿着球衣,在等贺朝一块儿下楼:“朝哥,走不走,我已经按捺不住了,我觉得我今天状态特别好。”   贺朝起身准备去球场,走之前弯腰将手伸在谢俞面前,掌心里躺着一只歪歪扭扭的千纸鹤:“给你。”   真的丑。   而且还松松垮垮的。   谢俞刚捏上那只歪脖子千纸鹤的翅膀,没怎么碰它,整个就散开一半:“……什么玩意儿。”   既然已经这样,谢俞干脆把东西拆了,重新还原成一张纸,正想随手把它往贺朝的数学书里塞,无意间看到那张纸反面用黑色水笔画了一个极其潦草的圆圈。   贺朝上完体育课回来不像他去的时候那么开心,手插在兜里,懒懒散散地晃进教室。   万达倒是很兴奋,一进来就站在讲台上喊:“今天留下来上晚自习的朋友们,我有要事宣布,我突然萌生出一个绝佳的念头,让我们在学校里度过一个刺激又愉快的周末吧!”   贺朝回到座位上坐下,没说话。   万达说完觉得没人搭理他,略显尴尬,向最后一排的朋友求助:“朝哥,你不为我鼓鼓掌吗?”   贺朝这才把手拿出来,有气无力地拍了两下:“好,说得好。”   贺朝这个状态不太对,谢俞侧头问:“又在搞什么。”   “这个啊……”贺朝不是很想说。   “捉鬼。”   “?”   贺朝抓抓头发:“万达说周末组织大家一起捉鬼,就是宿舍楼里每天晚上爬上爬下敲门那只。”   万达昨天晚上躲在被子里看了一本灵异小说,具体内容就是几个学生去学校荒废的教学楼里面冒险。故事十分精彩,一会儿死一个一会儿死一个,看得他欲罢不能。   看着看着,产生出一个大胆的念头。   越想越感觉刺激。   谢俞觉得这种傻逼想法确实是万达他们能想得出来的。   还刺激又愉快……   贺朝正发愁,半响,谢俞突然冒出来一句:“那你快点吧。”   “快点什么?”   “快点把那篇民间驱鬼大全再看看。”   “……”   谢俞想了想那个画面,没忍住笑了,一笑还止不住:“复习一下,没准用得上。”   贺朝:“……操。”
Chapter Twenty-Five: He Chao fell into self-emotion and couldn't extricate himself, moved himself, but did not move the math teacher. The math teacher was halfway through the assignment, and wanted to find a class representative to go to the fifth class to get back the triangular ruler teaching aids, and wait for the next class to use it. He put down the red pen in his hand, didn't remind him directly, and looked at it for a long time, and the other students who found that something was wrong also followed the teacher's gaze. “……” This is really a scene that is quite loved by classmates. Moving. He Chao was thinking about whether to replace the exercise book with a math book, and the shade range was larger, and when he hesitated, a small piece of white chalk flew out from the direction of the podium and smashed on his head with unmistakable accuracy. The head of the chalk hits and pops out, falls to the ground, and rolls unhurriedly next to the trash can. The math teacher didn't know whether to be angry or laugh: "The two in the last row, you don't exist for me, do you?" When He Chao heard this, his hand loosened, and the exercise book fell, just hitting Xie Yu's face. Xie Yu was directly woken up. He fell asleep just now, and when he woke up, his brain was a little confused, forgetting that he was still studying in the morning, and he didn't open his eyes before he sent He Chao a sentence: "You are looking for death." As soon as Xie Yu's words fell, another piece of chalk head smashed in their direction. Wu Zheng has been teaching for nearly ten years, and his ability to smash people with chalk can be called perfect. One throw and one accurate. The results are significant, and there is no need to waste class time. Xie Yu hadn't reacted to what had happened, he had already been hit twice. He Chao said while hiding: "Teacher Wu, I think we should calm each other down......" "Calm down," Wu Zheng almost got angry with the swear words, and he couldn't hold it down, and after pressing it down, he didn't want to talk nonsense with the two of them anymore, and pointed to the door, "Get out." You two go to the door and stand calm, don't you want to calm down, calm down. Early in the morning, Xie Yujue didn't sleep, and he and He Chao stood by the window at the door of the second and third classes of high school. The first period happened to be a math class, and Wu Zhengqi was so slow that they waited for the class bell to ring before they could return to their seats, so they stood at the door as doormen during recess. The hallway was full of people. "While I can still control myself," Xie Yu said, "you explain." He Chao: "I said it, I'm afraid you will be too moved." Xie Yu's temper is really not good, the theory he has implemented since he was a child is not to reason with the fool and directly grab and beat him, he endured it again and again, and decided to give He Chao another chance: "...... Do you say it or not? Before He Chao could speak, Wanda poked his head out of the window, tilted his head and said: "This is really a story that touches the world but ends in tragedy. He Chao: "Dada, how do you speak, you can say this." Wanda: "No—look at Brother Yu's expression, I think Brother Yu wants to screw your head off and kick it as a ball now." He Chao was still over there and said confidently: "It's impossible, I'm at the same table, although I usually seem inhumane, but I believe that he is very kind." Xie Yu understood what was going on through Wanda's words, he slowly exhaled a breath, pulled up his sleeves, revealing half of his arm, and then directly pulled He Chao's collar and pulled him to the toilet. "What are you doing," He Chao was quite cooperative, and followed him for a while, "Brother Yoo went to the toilet together?" "Beat you up in another place." Wanda was so happy that she held the window for a while. Shen Jie happened to come from the end of the corridor, feeling the cigarette in his pocket, ready to hide in the toilet and smoke two, when he walked to the second or third year of high school, he habitually stopped to say hello to his brother Chao, and at a glance, there was no one in He Chao's position. He leaned next to Wanda and said, "What are you laughing at, Brother Chao?" Wanda told Shen Jie what had happened, and Shen Jie was half addicted to smoking: "...... I'll go, I'll go and watch. Xie Yu said that he was going to beat him, but in fact, it was just a small fight, and he didn't really do it. The two of them turned back before they reached the toilet door. "Okay, okay, I'll admit defeat," He Chao grabbed Xie Yu from behind, pushed him forward, and said like a child, "Don't make trouble." Xie Yu was not angry. When Wanda said the word block the sun, he was actually stunned for a few seconds. Then the brain was strange, and he didn't know why the strange emotions were inexplicably rising, and the more he thought about it, the more irritable he became, and he was so annoyed that he finally had the simplest solution left in his mind. …… Beat it up. Shen Jie looked worried: "What are the two of them doing?" Although He Chao usually doesn't do it easily, his skills are still very strong, and he originally thought that he would be able to enjoy a duel between the grade boss and the old boss, which is so cool that it comes with special effects. Wanda has recently accepted the setting that these two people are good friends to no friends, and spit out two words: "...... Hitting on someone? Shen Jie: "......" Today's eight lessons are basically based on explaining the unit test papers, consolidating the knowledge points learned in the past month and preparing for the next week's monthly exam. It's boring. He Chao buried himself in playing with his mobile phone, and when the mobile phone was out of power and the power bank was out of power, he rested and folded origami. Fold it and throw it on Xie Yu's table. There are all kinds of tricks, and the little jumping frog with roses has everything. "I'm not a garbage dump here." Xie Yu reminded him. He Chao didn't speak, lowered his head and continued to fold. Xie Yu threw the ones he threw to the side. He had to pretend that he wasn't listening to the class, and at the same time he was distracted from the mobile game to listen to the teacher talk about the final finale, and he didn't have time to care about He Chao. He Chao folded things very attentively, holding the post-it note-sized paper between his fingers, flipping them over and over. Compared with the ugly things that were folded out, this person's bony fingers were more ornamental. "So in the end, we round off one of the answers according to the interval we obtained before, do you know which one to round?" Wu Zheng held a big teaching aid ruler in his hand, and every time he clicked on the blackboard, he made a fierce clattering sound, "If you don't understand, just give up, this question itself is beyond the outline, and there is no need for you to do this kind of difficult question......" There was no one talking at the bottom, apparently not interested in this thankless and troublesome type of problem. Only Xue Xisheng raised his hand: "Teacher, which one?" There are some things I still don't understand. "You come to my office between classes, and I'll tell you," Wu Zhengdao said, "This test paper is all over here, it's just right, and the class representative will collect it before school." After Wu Zheng finished speaking, the bell rang just after class. "Hey." He Chao leaned over and called out to him in Xie Yu's ear. Xie Yuzheng lowered his head, deleted one of the two answers just solved in the memo on his mobile phone, deleted the minus one, and left only one zero: "What are you doing?" The next session is physical education class, although He Chao's foot injury is not healed and he can't exercise, but standing on the basketball court to breathe fresh air is still exciting, no matter what, it is better than staying in the classroom. Xie Yu didn't plan to go, he hadn't rested well recently, and was about to sneak back to the dormitory to sleep. "Really?" He Chao asked. Xie Yu turned off his mobile phone and habitually ended the topic: "What's your business?" "What's the point of staying in the dormitory, is there someone as handsome as your brother in the dormitory?" “……” I'm embarrassed to say the culprit. The night I wrote the English test paper with He Chao, I got it until two or three o'clock in the morning. When he was about to leave in the end, He Chao simply hollowed out his mind in order to leave the person, saying that he would let him sleep on the bed and make it on his own, and finally sneaked to the bed to sleep. It was almost four o'clock when he went to bed, otherwise with his sleep quality, it would be impossible for He Chaoshun to climb up smoothly. Wanda and the others took their jerseys and waited for He Chao to go downstairs together: "Brother Chao, if you can't go, I can't hold it anymore, I think I'm in a very good state today." He Chao got up and prepared to go to the court, and before leaving, he bent down and stretched out his hand in front of Xie Yu, and there was a crooked thousand paper crane lying in his palm: "Here you go." It's really ugly. And it's loose. Xie Yu just pinched the wings of the crooked-necked paper crane, and without touching it much, the whole thing spread out halfway: "...... What the hell. Since this was already the case, Xie Yu simply dismantled the thing and restored it back to a piece of paper, and was about to stuff it into He Chao's math book casually, when he accidentally saw an extremely scribbled circle drawn on the reverse side of the paper with a black pen. He Chao was not as happy as he was when he came back from physical education class, with his hands in his pockets and swaying lazily into the classroom. Wanda was very excited, and as soon as she came in, she stood on the podium and shouted: "Friends who stayed for self-study today, I have something important to announce, and I suddenly came up with a brilliant idea, let's spend an exciting and enjoyable weekend in school!" He Chao returned to his seat and sat down, without speaking. After Wanda finished speaking, he felt that no one paid attention to him, so he was slightly embarrassed, and asked his friends in the last row for help: "Brother Chao, don't you applaud me?" Only then did He Chao take out his hand and clapped it twice weakly: "Okay, that's a good point." He Chao's state was not quite right, Xie Yu turned his head sideways and asked, "What are you doing?" "This......" He Chao didn't really want to say. "Ghost hunting." “?” He Chao grabbed his hair: "Wanda said that he organized everyone to hunt ghosts together on weekends, and it was the one who climbed up and down and knocked on the door every night in the dormitory building. Wanda hid under the covers last night and read a supernatural novel, which specifically featured a few students going on an adventure in the school's abandoned school building. The story is very exciting, dying one after another and dying one at a time, he can't stop watching it. Looking at it, a bold idea arises. The more I think about it, the more exciting it becomes. Xie Yu felt that this kind of stupid idea was indeed something Wanda could come up with. It's also exciting and enjoyable...... He Chaozheng was worried, and in the middle of the sound, Xie Yu suddenly said: "Then you hurry up." "Hurry up what?" "Hurry up and take a look at that folk exorcism encyclopedia." “……” Xie Yu thought about that picture, and couldn't help laughing, and couldn't stop laughing: "Review it, maybe you can use it." He Chao: "...... Exercise. ”

第二十六章   晚自习, 万达果然神秘又隆重地提出了自己的想法。   “怎么样, 想不想给平淡的周末生活增添一些色彩?宿舍楼到底是怎么一回事, 你们难道都不好奇吗?人活着难道不是应该不断向未知事物发起挑战?你们来个人回应一下我好吧,你们这样我觉得自己好凉。”   谢俞看着班级里寥寥几个人,除开他、贺朝和万达, 剩下来的也就只有两个平时在班级里不怎么说话的男生。   薛习生从头到尾连头都没抬,恍若未闻。   他还在纠结那道超纲难题,全身心都只有学习两个字, 周围一切事物仿佛都与他无关。   另一个男生叫丁亮华, 平时回答问题都跟蚊子叫似的,性格沉默, 看起来胆子奇小。万达听别人传过这人有轻度社交障碍,但也不知道真假。   只有许晴晴给了他一点面子:“达弟, 虽然姐很感兴趣……但姐感兴趣也没用,你们是男生宿舍。”   万达:“男生宿舍怎么了, 只要你愿意,你随时可以变成我晴哥。”   “……”许晴晴扔过去一块橡皮,“你给我死开。”   万达觉得理想和现实真的是有很大差距, 他幻想中的捉鬼天团不应该是这样的。   薛习生他不敢过去打扰, 只能去纠缠丁亮华。   他往丁亮华面前一坐,察觉到丁亮华整个人抖了一下。   万达往前凑,丁亮华就往后闪躲:“兄弟,你意下如何?我再强调一遍,这是场男人的冒险。”   丁亮华:“……”   丁亮华不太擅长跟人沟通, 说半天也不知道他到底是肯还是不肯,聊得相当费劲。   谢俞在跟周大雷有一搭没一搭瞎扯。   大雷传过来一张胖橘猫和小奶猫的照片,小家伙长得憨态可掬,身上覆着一层细软绒毛,两只猫连歪脖看镜头的姿势都一样。   背景是大雷家阳台。   周大雷:几个月不见原来跑去生孩子了,跟胖胖长得贼像,就决定叫它小胖!   谢俞笑着按下保存。   这只胖橘猫是黑水街街宠,来历成谜。   它刚来的时候还没那么胖,瘦骨嶙峋的。大概是流浪了很长时间,见到人就躲开,他们也不知道它平时睡哪儿。   黑水街阿猫阿狗来来去去的很多,梅姨雷妈她们习惯性会把剩饭剩菜拌在一起,有鱼骨头的话也会掺进去,盛在不用的铁盆里,往门口搁。   时间久了,橘猫就在黑水街安了家。   这只橘猫很有个性,它也不吃白饭。吃了谁家饭,晚上就呆在那家抓老鼠,抓得干干净净,还喜欢把老鼠尸体都叼到门口,摆成一个连。   周大雷:我妈可是下了血本了,专门给它煮了一条鱼,说它不在的这几个月总感觉家里不干净……隔壁王姨也煮了,两个人一个清蒸一个红烧,在比谁今晚能留得住胖胖。   谢俞:你,反省,想想为什么自己过得还不如一只猫。   周大雷:……   万达缠着丁亮华半天,也不知道是不是因为此人太烦,丁亮华最后居然点了点头。   贺朝本来还在想如何脱身,脑海里分分钟闪过十几个剧本,结果得知丁亮华也参加:“他?这个上台发言都哆嗦的家伙?”   谢俞对丁亮华没什么印象,也没什么想法。   “连他都去。”贺朝把手机一扔,往椅背上靠,突然间被激起了斗志。   谢俞心说别看人家这样,总感觉比你强。   最后万达走到最后一排来问两位大佬的时候,贺朝一拍桌子:“男人的冒险,不去不是男人。不用怕,有朝哥罩着。”   万达:“朝哥,从今以后你就是我亲哥,太帅了,简直是男人中的男人。”   谢俞当场冷笑。   晚上四个人约好了聚在贺朝宿舍里,等半夜十二点钟以后的敲门声。   谢俞离贺朝宿舍近,本来不着急,打算再做一套试卷,但是他刚洗完澡就被贺朝几通电话催着喊着让他过去。   谢俞还在擦头发,发梢水滴不断往下淌:“你烦不烦。”   贺朝说:“快过来,给你看个大宝贝。”   这人真的烦得很。   谢俞脖子上挂着毛巾,慢悠悠穿过走廊,推开门说:“搞什么。”   “马上就好了。”贺朝正在写东西,头也没回,手上动作大开大合,字本来就丑,这下更是看不出他到底在写什么玩意儿。   谢俞走近了,看到桌上摆着一张长条形的纸,纸上画满了弯弯绕绕似是而非的东西,中间是一个阴阳符号。   “……”   谢俞隐约猜到,擦头发的手停住:“这是……”   “民间驱鬼术,最强的一招,镇鬼符。”贺朝说。   谢俞头发湿湿的,身上穿着件简单的T恤衫,手里抓着毛巾搭在头上,贺朝看着莫名觉得这人的眼睛看起来也像是被湿气沾湿了似的,湿漉漉地,挺软,但对上他的眼神又觉得冷。   谢俞看了那张“镇鬼符”半天,张口道:“啊,那你真棒。”   万达是第三个到的,他换了件了卡通睡衣,黄色海绵宝宝图案,背了个包,手里还拽着个手电筒。   “朝哥,我来了,哇俞哥到得挺早啊。”万达推开门走进来,“我带了个手电筒,你们有的话最好也带上,如果那玩意儿法力高深的话,可能会把整栋楼的灯都灭了。”   谢俞向灵异小说里的经典剧情提出质疑:“你为什么觉得手电筒会不受影响?”   万达:“……”一时间竟不知道说什么好。   时间还早,三个人无所事事凑在一起打了一局狙击游戏。   屋里只有一张椅子,不坐椅子就只能坐床,贺朝的床万达不敢随便碰,于是只能把目光转向谢俞:“俞哥,你要不起来一下?我……我喜欢坐在椅子上。”   很快万达就体会到跟这两个人玩游戏是一种多么糟糕的体验了。   谢俞玩三排能玩出单排的感觉,放荡不羁爱自由,根本不顾及其他两位队友,而贺朝根本不顾及万达:“我这有好东西,老谢过来,人呢,过来拿。”   “朝哥,我,我也是你的队友,”万达欲哭无泪,“奶一奶我呗,我好穷啊。”   贺朝这才看看万达的方位,给这位队友一点关注,但是看完之后他说:“太远了,你自己努力吧。”   万达:“……”   快十一点,丁亮华才到。   “还以为你不会来了,坐啊。”贺朝往边上挪了挪,拍拍床。   丁亮华平时跟贺朝接触不多,站在门口有点无措,他下意识去看万达,万达心领神会,分出半张椅子给他:“你也喜欢坐椅子?来吧。”   丁亮华小心翼翼地坐下来。   贺朝摸不着头脑:“你们两个什么毛病?”   谢俞头发干的差不多了,把毛巾拿下来随手搁贺朝桌上。   “那我们拟定一下今天晚上的作战计划,”万达兴致勃勃道,“说起来,俞哥你真的让我惊喜,还以为你不会参加呢……”毕竟那么不合群。   “我看戏。”谢俞说。   半夜十二点半。   窗外漆黑一片,宿舍楼也静得出奇。   周末放假基本上走光了半栋楼的人,脚踏在地面上引发的回声似乎都比平常响,从走廊尽头望过去,盯着不断向前延伸的楼道和门牌,有一丝眩晕。   万达放缓自己的呼吸声,率先推开门走出去。   ‘吱呀’。   开门的声音被气氛烘托出几分诡异。   贺朝迟迟不动弹。   “走啊朝哥,干什么呢?”万达回头说。   谢俞排在贺朝后面,被他堵着路出不去,拍拍他的肩:“罩我啊……朝哥。你可是男人中的男人。”   贺朝:“……”   贺朝今天晚上出息了很多,不知道是不是那张镇魂符带给他的勇气。等了大概有半个小时,实在是无聊,他们开始有一搭没一搭地聊天。   “丁华亮,你……”   “人家叫丁亮华。”   “……”   “抱歉,没什么印象。”   “……”   “但是我敢打赌,老谢肯定连你姓丁都不知道。”   万达正笑着问谢俞是不是真不知道,让他别接下贺朝这个随手就甩的锅,耳边隐隐约约响起了敲门声。   所有人都不说话了。   就在万达准备说“可能是幻听”的时候,又是“咚”地一声。   听起来声音很遥远。   隔着什么东西似的,又闷又轻,但是传过空旷的楼道,顺着楼梯绕上来。   “今晚敲的不是三楼,”万达声音有些颤抖,“在……在我们楼下。”   很久之后谢俞再回忆起高中生涯,一定不会忘记这个晚上,一系列智障的情节展开以及弱智的结局倒是其次。   一个明明怕到手都在抖的大傻逼,却把符纸塞进他手里。   贺朝把那张画得贼几把丑的镇鬼符往谢俞手里塞,符纸已经发皱,还沾着他掌心的温度。贺朝正紧张地盯着楼梯方向看,一系列动作都是下意识,他抬手拍了拍谢俞的脑袋:“别怕,哥罩你。”   谢俞低头看着那张纸,有点发怔。
Chapter Twenty-Six: Evening Self-study, Wanda really mysteriously and grandly put forward her own ideas. "How, do you want to add some color to your dull weekend life? What the hell is going on in the dormitory, aren't you all curious? Isn't it true that people should constantly challenge the unknown? You guys respond to me personally, okay, I feel so cool like this. Xie Yu looked at the few people in the class, except for him, He Chao and Wanda, there were only two boys who didn't usually talk much in the class. Xue Xisheng didn't even raise his head from beginning to end, as if he hadn't heard it. He was still struggling with that supernatural problem, and he was only interested in learning two words, and everything around him seemed to have nothing to do with him. Another boy named Ding Lianghua usually answers questions like a mosquito, has a silent personality, and looks very timid. Wanda had heard rumors that the man had a mild social impairment, but she didn't know if it was true or not. Only Xu Qingqing gave him a little face: "Brother Da, although my sister is very interested...... But it's useless if my sister is interested, you are a boys' dormitory. Wanda: "What's wrong with the boys' dormitory, as long as you want, you can become my brother Qing at any time." "......" Xu Qingqing threw over an eraser, "You give me death." Wanda felt that there was really a big gap between the ideal and the reality, and that his fantasy of the ghost hunting group should not be like this. Xue Xisheng didn't dare to go over to disturb, so he could only pester Ding Lianghua. He sat down in front of Ding Lianghua and noticed that Ding Lianghua's whole body trembled. Wanda moved forward, and Ding Lianghua dodged back: "Brother, what do you think?" Again, this is a man's adventure. Ding Lianghua: "......" Ding Lianghua is not very good at communicating with people, and he didn't know whether he was willing or unwilling for a long time, and the conversation was quite difficult. Xie Yu is having a ride with Zhou Dalei and not having a match. Da Lei sent a photo of a fat orange cat and a little milk cat, the little guy looks cute and cute, covered with a layer of fine fluff, and the two cats even tilt their necks to look at the camera in the same posture. In the background is the balcony of the big Lei family. Zhou Dalei: I haven't seen him for a few months, and he looks like a thief like a chubby, so he decided to call it Chubby! Xie Yu smiled and pressed Save. This fat orange cat is a street pet on Blackwater Street, and its origin is a mystery. It wasn't that fat when it first arrived, it was skinny. Probably wandering for a long time, they avoid people when they see them, and they don't know where it usually sleeps. There are a lot of cats and dogs coming and going on Blackwater Street, and Aunt Mei and Aunt Lei will habitually mix leftovers together, and if there are fish bones, they will also mix them in, put them in an iron basin that is not used, and put them at the door. After a long time, the orange cat made a home on Blackwater Street. This orange cat has a lot of personality, and it doesn't eat white rice either. After eating someone's meal, he stayed at that house at night to catch mice, caught them cleanly, and liked to carry the mouse corpses to the door and arrange them into a company. Zhou Dalei: My mother has made a lot of money and cooked a fish for it, saying that she always feels that the house is not clean in the past few months when she is away...... Aunt Wang next door also cooked, and the two of them steamed one and one braised it, comparing who can keep the fat tonight. Xie Yu: You, reflect, think about why you are not as good as a cat. Zhou Dalei: ...... Wanda pestered Ding Lianghua for a long time, and I don't know if it was because this person was too annoying, Ding Lianghua finally nodded. He Chao was still thinking about how to get out, and more than a dozen scripts flashed in his mind every minute, only to learn that Ding Lianghua also participated: "He? This guy who is trembling when he speaks on stage? Xie Yu had no impression of Ding Lianghua and had no ideas. "Even him." He Chao threw away his mobile phone and leaned back in the chair, and was suddenly aroused. Xie Yuxin said don't look at others like this, I always feel better than you. In the end, when Wanda walked to the last row to ask the two bigwigs, He Chaoyi slapped the table: "A man's adventure, not a man's adventure." Don't be afraid, there is a brother Chao covering. Wanda: "Brother Chao, from now on you will be my own brother, you are so handsome, you are simply a man among men." Xie Yu sneered on the spot. In the evening, the four of them made an appointment to gather in He Chao's dormitory, waiting for the knock on the door after twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. Xie Yu was close to He Chao's dormitory, so he was not in a hurry, and planned to do another set of test papers, but as soon as he took a shower, He Chao was urged by several phone calls to let him pass. Xie Yu was still wiping his hair, and the drops of water at the tips of his hair kept dripping down: "Are you annoyed." He Chao said, "Come here and show you a big baby." This man is really annoyed. Xie Yu had a towel around his neck, walked slowly through the corridor, pushed open the door and said, "What are you doing?" "It'll be right away." He Chao was writing, he didn't turn his head back, his hands were wide open and closed, and the words were already ugly, so he couldn't tell what he was writing now. Xie Yu approached and saw a long strip of paper on the table, which was full of twists and turns of plausible things, and in the middle was a yin and yang symbol. “……” Xie Yu vaguely guessed, and the hand wiping his hair stopped: "This is ......" "Folk exorcism, the strongest move, the ghost suppression talisman." He Chao said. Xie Yu's hair was wet, he was wearing a simple T-shirt, and he was holding a towel on his head, He Chao looked at it inexplicably and felt that this person's eyes looked as if they were wet with moisture, wet, quite soft, but he felt cold in his eyes. Xie Yu looked at the "Ghost Suppression Talisman" for a long time, and opened his mouth and said, "Ah, then you are awesome." Wanda was the third to arrive, changing into a cartoon pajama with a yellow SpongeBob SquarePants pattern, carrying a bag and a flashlight in his hand. "Brother Chao, I'm here, wow, Brother Yu arrived very early.Wanda pushed open the door and walked in, "I've brought a flashlight, if you have one, you'd better bring it too, if that thing has advanced mana, it might turn off the lights in the whole building." Xie Yu questioned the classic plot in the supernatural novel: "Why do you think the flashlight will not be affected? Wanda: "......" didn't know what to say for a while. It's still early, and the three of them get together for a sniper game with nothing to do. There is only one chair in the room, and if you don't sit on a chair, you can only sit on the bed, and He Chao's bed Wanda didn't dare to touch it casually, so she could only turn her gaze to Xie Yu: "Brother Yu, do you want to get up?" I...... I like to sit in a chair. It didn't take long for Wanda to realize what a terrible experience it was to play with these two people. Xie Yu can play the feeling of a single row when he plays three rows, he is uninhibited and loves freedom, and he doesn't care about the other two teammates at all, and He Chao doesn't care about Wanda at all: "I have good things here, Lao Xie come here, what about people, come and get it." "Brother Chao, I, I'm also your teammate," Wanda wanted to cry without tears, "Milk and milk, I'm so poor." He Chao then looked at Wanda's position and paid a little attention to this teammate, but after reading it, he said: "It's too far, you can work on your own." Wanda: "......" It was almost eleven o'clock, and Ding Lianghua arrived. "I thought you wouldn't come, sit." He Chao moved to the side and patted the bed. Ding Lianghua usually doesn't have much contact with He Chao, standing at the door a little at a loss, he subconsciously went to see Wanda, Wanda understood, and gave him half a chair: "You also like to sit on chairs?" Come on. Ding Lianghua sat down cautiously. He Chao was puzzled: "What's wrong with the two of you?" Xie Yu's hair was almost dry, so he took off the towel and put it on He Chao's table. "Then let's draw up a battle plan for tonight," Wanda said with great interest, "Speaking of which, Brother Yu, you really surprised me, and thought you wouldn't participate...... "After all, it's so unsociable." "I'll watch the play." Xie Yu said. Half past twelve in the middle of the night. It was pitch black outside the window, and the dormitory building was surprisingly quiet. People who have basically walked half of the building on the weekend holiday, the echo caused by their feet on the ground seems to be louder than usual, and looking at the end of the corridor, staring at the corridors and door numbers that continue to stretch forward, there is a trace of vertigo. Wanda slowed down her breathing and took the lead in pushing open the door and walking out. 'Squeak'. The sound of the door opening is a little weird by the atmosphere. He Chao did not move. "Let's go, Brother Chao, what are you doing?" Wanda looked back and said. Xie Yu was behind He Chao, blocked by him and couldn't get out, and patted him on the shoulder: "Cover me...... Brother Chao. You're a man among men. He Chao: "......" He Chao had a lot of breath tonight, and he didn't know if it was the courage that the soul suppression talisman brought him. After waiting for about half an hour, it was really boring, and they began to chat without a match. "Ding Hualiang, you ......" "His name is Ding Lianghua." “……” "Sorry, not impressive." “……” "But I bet Lao Xie definitely doesn't even know your surname Ding." Wanda was smiling and asking Xie Yu if he really didn't know, and asked him not to take the pot that He Chao threw casually, when a knock faintly sounded in his ears. Everyone stopped talking. Just as Wanda was about to say "maybe auditory hallucinations", there was another "bang". It sounds far away. It was stuffy and light through something, but it passed through the empty corridor and went around the stairs. "It's not the third floor tonight," Wanda's voice trembled a little, "in ...... We're downstairs. After a long time, Xie Yu recalled his high school career, and he will definitely not forget this night, a series of mentally retarded plots unfolded and mentally retarded endings were secondary. A big fool who was obviously afraid that his hands were trembling, but he stuffed the rune paper into his hand. He Chao stuffed the ugly ghost suppression talisman into Xie Yu's hand, the talisman paper was already wrinkled, and it was still stained with the temperature of his palm. He Chaozheng stared nervously in the direction of the stairs, a series of movements were subconscious, he raised his hand and patted Xie Yu's head: "Don't be afraid, brother covers you." Xie Yu looked down at the piece of paper, a little stunned.

第二十七章   几人轻手轻脚往楼下走。   走到半途, 万达扶在栏杆上的手突然缩紧, 惊了:“握草, 真、真真的有……”   “有什么?”   “看到什么了?”   “——有鬼啊。”   谢俞抬起手腕看了一眼时间。   分针停在12点方向,正好是凌晨一点整。   二楼走廊尽头,声控灯没有亮, 一团隐约像是人形却看不清四肢的东西,缓缓向他们这边挪动。   ‘它’的脚步声很轻,就像慢镜头回放似的。   只有从尽头那扇窗户透进来的月色和路灯灯光, 忽明忽暗地给点缀着这番诡异的景象。   谢俞捏着镇魂符, 突然想安慰安慰身边这个大傻逼,正要说“你他妈不会真的以为在人身上披个床单到处晃悠就是灵异事件”。   就见到贺朝又从口袋里掏出一张纸来, 上面的鬼画符和阴阳符号,跟谢俞手里拿着的那张几乎一模一样, 贺朝表面上看起来淡定得不行:“没事,我还有一张。”   “……”   “现在怎么办?”万达问。   贺朝反问:“你制定了那么多作战计划, 就没有考虑到这一步?”   万达压着嗓子说:“其实我没有想到我们真的能遇到它……”   谢俞靠在墙上,随口道:“……还能怎么办,要不然, 上去打个招呼?”   万达沉默。   “其实我觉得男人的冒险, 要硬气一点,”万达说到一半,来了个大转弯,“要不然我们直接回去……”回去睡觉吧。   话还没说完,就见全程不声不响的丁亮华直接从他们身侧冲了出去!   丁亮华百米冲刺的成绩一定很傲人, 下回运动会一定要举荐他参赛,跑得像阵小旋风,经过转角的时候还不忘抄起立在角落的灭火器,对着那坨东西“哐”地就是一下。   万达:“……”   贺朝:“……”   谢俞:“……”   “怎么回事?”   “你们住校生的生活那么刺激的吗?”   “夜生活挺丰富啊。”   周一早晨,沈捷一只脚刚踏进教室,书包还没来得及放下,就听到一些奇怪的流言蜚语,交了作业,也顾不上复习,直接往三班跑。   他趴在窗口,从外向里探头问:“听说疯狗在办公室里都快气炸了,你们搞什么了到底?”   班里正在调整桌椅,闹哄哄的,许晴晴自己的搬完了,跟刘存浩一起帮着其他小组排桌椅:“罗文强,你到万达后面,然后你们这一排跟边上的对齐……来咱班考试的人数是32个,桌椅不够去隔壁班借。”   他们得将座位拆开,排成规定的考试座位,单人单坐。   等会儿铃响就要去各自的考点考试,迎接高二第一学期第一次正规考试。   ——月考。   万达专心调整桌椅的位置,不是很想回答沈捷的话:“这个,说起来,一言难尽。”   沈捷:“小万,你还是我当初认识的那个传纸条递答案的时候都不忘跟我聊八卦的万事通吗?”   “……”   万达摇摇头说:“人都是会长大的。”   沈捷成绩不是很好,高一有回期末考试想考个好成绩好回家欢欢喜喜过年,省的家里人整天唠叨。趁监考老师还没来,他戳戳前排那个人的肩膀问:“朋友,想不想一起过个好年?”   前排那位小伙子就是万达。   两人一拍即合。   刚开始传的还都是答案,传了两三个来回,沈捷用胳膊肘将橡皮怼到地上,然后弯腰装作捡橡皮,把地上的小纸条抓到手里,打开发现除了答案,还多了一行字:你是五班的?那你认识贺朝吗,听说贺朝前几天跟老师打起来了?   纸条传到最后变成了八卦大会。   题目倒是没抄到多少,聊的内容几乎涵盖了全年级。   于是沈捷把目光转向贺朝。   目光在班里瞎晃悠一圈,终于锁定住目标。   贺朝跟谢俞两个人的座位分得比较尴尬,哪排缺人就被分去哪里。   贺朝在最里面那排,坐在最后一个。   角落里光线不是很好,贺朝背靠着墙壁,一只手插在兜里,姿态散漫,单手摆弄手机。   “朝哥——”沈捷举起手喊。   贺朝听到声音抬起头,他将桌上的塑料袋拿在手里,走过去的时候顺手往垃圾桶里扔:“马上考试了,你瞎晃悠什么呢。”   沈捷:“你们宿舍楼……”   “我用五个字简单给你概括一下,男人的冒险。”贺朝说。   沈捷满脸困惑。   谢俞的座位正好就在边上,人正趴在桌上睡觉,贺朝拍拍谢俞后脑勺,又说:“是吧老谢。”   谢俞:“……”   谢俞头也没抬,手在边上摸索,抓到个什么东西就往前丢出去。   是个计算器,摔地上怕是要摔坏,贺朝往后退两步稳稳接住:“小朋友今天脾气也相当暴躁啊。”   沈捷还想再问。   贺朝打断道:“回头再说,滚回你自己班级去,马上考试了。”   以前考试的考场安排都是电脑随机,跟谁分在同一个班考试根本就不可预测。这学期上来改了政策,按照上学期期末考考试成绩排考场,年级前三十名在一班考试,后三十名去二班,以此类推。   说是想用这种划分等级的方式激励起大家的斗志,人要向前看,考场也要不断往前爬。   姜主任的原话:“要有野心,在学习上有一点野心这并不可耻,打个比方,今天我在五班考试,我下一次就想坐在一班的考场上!我希望大家都要有这样的志气!”   沈捷不情不愿地走了。   万达犹犹豫豫踱步过来:“学委今天不来考试了?”   贺朝:“他都那样了……还考试?”   “听说他妈带着他回家睡觉去了,缺乏睡眠,每天就睡那么两三个小时,精神不出问题才怪。”   听到“学委”两个字,谢俞也不睡了,班里拖椅子的声音不绝于耳,闹得很,他坐起来,往薛习生的座位上看。   那天晚上丁亮华勇猛无比地冲出去,灭火器喷出来一地干粉,走廊里全是粉尘,掀开“鬼”身上的床单,薛习生安安静静地躺在地上。   “谁能想得到是梦游,”万达说,“我还是第一次遇到梦游范围那么广的,这要是宿舍楼不锁门,他是不是还能闭着眼睛转悠到校外去?”   他们半夜闹出来的动静,惊动了隔壁教职工宿舍楼的疯狗和老唐,两个人急急忙忙赶过来,一个裤子拉链都没来得及拉,老唐拖鞋都穿反了:“怎么回事?大晚上吵什么?你们在干什么?”   考试预备铃响,大家拿着考试用具去各自对应的班级。   谢俞什么都没带,就带了支黑色水笔。   如果可以他连笔都不想带,不然真的不知道要怎么样才能超越贺朝,闭着眼睛瞎做也比这人考出来的分数高。   “要涂卡的,带支2B啊,”贺朝走在谢俞身后,往他手里塞了支铅笔,还跟他分享起自己的经验,“虽然涂不涂都一样,好歹也能蒙个几分。”   “几分?”   “七八分吧。”   “……”   以前考试谢俞都会严格掌控好平均分,虽然控分控得都是低分,但也不会低得过于离谱,避免给人一种这个人是个傻子的印象。   基本上把控在“这孩子脑子还是挺聪明的,就是不肯好好学”这个范围内。   就连顾女士也一直都认为自家孩子还有救。   虽然孩子翘课打架考倒数,但这都是因为孩子没有听课,只要肯学,成绩绝对不会是现在这个样子。   谢俞接过那支绿皮铅笔,为了等会控制分数做准备,问他:“你上学期期末考多少?”   一路路过一到八班,他们俩的考场还要往楼上走,在最后一个班,按照姜主任这个考场分配,他们考场简直就是差生聚集地。   贺朝:“期末?不太记得了,印象里考得还挺好的,超常发挥。”   谢俞:“嗯?”   贺朝:“英语好像有……四十分?”   谢俞:“……”   差生聚集地零零散散二十几号人,个个拉出来都是让老师头疼的人物,实力强劲,以一己之力拉低全班平均分,一个人的分数基本上决定了这个班级在年级里的位置。   贺朝进门的时候好几个人跟他打招呼:“哎唷,朝哥。”   贺朝一眼晃过去,发现不少认识的,他站在门口,单手插在裤兜里,看起来有那么点差生老大的意思:“啊,好久不见。”   唐森正好监考差生班,他对着电脑上的时间调整自己腕上的手表,其他老师看着都替他担心:“老唐,你们班这次,班级平均分怕是不太好看。”尤其唐老师刚调过来,不拿出点成绩……   “啊?”唐森还在专心调时间,“没事,我不担心这个,分数也不是衡量一切的标准。”   要说分了考场之后对这些差生有什么影响,还真的有一个——抄答案都不太好抄了。   能找谁传答案,大家都半斤八两。   但是“半斤”和“八两”之间还是有些区别的。   座位第一排第一个——也就是差生考场里期末成绩最高的那位,被其他人投以暗示的眼神。   “听说你数学能考六十分,一百五十分能考六十分,哇。”   “什么,六十分?你这么厉害的吗?”   那位兄弟是估计差生生涯中第一次遇到这种情况,有点不好意思:“那个……也没有啦。”   谢俞用掌心抵住额头,低着头努力不去听这群人说话。   太他妈……   谢俞心里复杂又曲折,一时间找不到合适的词汇吐槽,就听坐在他身后的贺朝也加入了尬吹大军:“六十分,兄弟,很强啊兄弟。”
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A few people walked downstairs lightly. Halfway through, Wanda's hand on the railing suddenly tightened, and she was shocked: "Hold the grass, really, really ......." "What's there?" "What do you see?" "—There's a ghost." Xie Yu raised his wrist and glanced at the time. The minute hand stopped at 12 o'clock, exactly one o'clock in the morning. At the end of the corridor on the second floor, the voice-activated lights were not on, and a cloud of things that vaguely looked like human shapes but couldn't see their limbs slowly moved towards them. 'It's' footsteps are soft, like slow-motion replay. Only the moonlight and the light of the street lamps that came in through the window at the end flickered and dimmed to decorate this strange scene. Xie Yu pinched the soul suppression talisman, and suddenly wanted to comfort and comfort the big fool around him, and was about to say, "You don't really fucking think that draping a sheet on a person and wandering around is a supernatural event." I saw He Chao take out a piece of paper from his pocket again, The ghost drawing talisman and yin and yang symbols on it are almost exactly the same as the one Xie Yu is holding in his hand, He Chao looks calm on the surface: "It's okay, I still have one." ” “……” "What now?" Wanda asked. He Chao asked rhetorically: "You have made so many battle plans, but you have not taken this step into account?" Wanda pressed her throat and said, "Actually, I didn't expect us to actually meet it......" Xie Yu leaned against the wall and said casually, "...... What else can I do, or else, go up and say hello? Wanda was silent. "Actually, I think men's adventures should be tough," Wanda said halfway through, making a big turn, "or we'll go back directly...... "Let's go back to sleep." Before they finished speaking, they saw Ding Lianghua, who was silent throughout the whole process, rushing out directly from their side! Ding Lianghua's 100-meter sprint performance must be very proud, the next sports meeting must recommend him to participate, running like a small whirlwind, when passing the corner, he did not forget to pick up the fire extinguisher standing in the corner, and "banged" at the lump of things. Wanda: "......" He Chao: "......" Xie Yu: "......" "What's going on?" "Is life that exciting for your boarding students?" "There's a lot of nightlife." On Monday morning, Shen Jie had just stepped into the classroom with one foot, and before he could put down his schoolbag, he heard some strange gossip, handed in his homework, and didn't care about reviewing, so he ran directly to the third class. He leaned on the window, leaned in from the outside and asked, "I heard that the mad dogs are about to explode in the office, what the hell are you doing?" The class was adjusting the tables and chairs, and there was a lot of commotion, Xu Qingqing finished moving by herself, and helped the other groups arrange tables and chairs with Liu Cunhao: "Luo Wenqiang, you go to the back of Wanda, and then your row is aligned with the side one...... The number of people who came to our class for the exam was 32, and there were not enough tables and chairs to borrow from the next class. They had to take the seats apart and arrange them into the required exam seats, and they would sit alone. After the bell rings, I will go to my respective test center to take the exam and meet the first formal exam in the first semester of the second year of high school. - Monthly exams. Wanda concentrated on adjusting the position of the table and chair, and didn't really want to answer Shen Jie's words: "This, speaking of which, is difficult to explain." Shen Jie: "Xiao Wan, are you still the know-it-all I knew when I passed the note and handed the answer, didn't forget to talk to me about gossip?" ” “……” Wanda shook her head and said, "People will grow up." Shen Jie's grades are not very good, he wants to get a good score in the final exam in the first year of high school, and he goes home to celebrate the New Year, and the family in the province nagged all day long. Before the invigilator came, he poked the shoulder of the person in the front row and asked, "Friend, do you want to have a good year together?" The guy in the front row was Wanda. The two hit it off. At first, all the answers were passed, and after two or three back and forth, Shen Jie pushed the eraser to the ground with his elbow, then bent down and pretended to pick up the eraser, grabbed the small note on the ground in his hand, and opened it to find that in addition to the answer, there was an extra line of words: Are you from Class 5? Do you know He Chao, I heard that He Chao had a fight with the teacher a few days ago? The note ended up being a gossip rally. I didn't get many questions, and the content of the conversation covered almost the whole grade. So Shen Jie turned his gaze to He Chao. After wandering around the class, he finally locked on to the target. He Chao and Xie Yu's seats were divided more awkwardly, and they were assigned where there were no people in the row. He Chao was in the innermost row, sitting in the last one. The light in the corner was not very good, He Chao leaned against the wall, one hand in his pocket, his posture was casual, and he fiddled with his mobile phone with one hand. "Brother Chao—" Shen Jie raised his hand and shouted. He Chao raised his head when he heard the voice, he took the plastic bag on the table in his hand, and threw it into the trash can when he walked over: "The exam is coming soon, what are you fooling around." Shen Jie: "Your dormitory building ......" "I'll give you a simple summary in five words, a man's adventure." He Chao said. Shen Jie's face was full of confusion. Xie Yu's seat happened to be on the side, and the person was sleeping on the table, He Chao patted Xie Yu on the back of the head, and said, "Yes, old Xie." Xie Yu: "......" Xie Yu didn't raise his head, his hand groped for the side, grabbed something and threw it forward. It's a calculator, and if it falls on the ground, I'm afraid it will be broken, He Chao took two steps back and caught it steadily: "The kid is also quite short-tempered today." Shen Jie wanted to ask again. He Chao interrupted: "Let's go back, go back to your own class, the exam will be taken soon." In the past, the examination room arrangement of the exam was random, and it was impossible to predict who would be placed in the same class for the exam. This semester, the policy has been changed, and the examination room is arranged according to the results of the final exam of the previous semester, and the top 30 students in the grade will take the exam in the first class, and the last 30 will go to the second class, and so on. It is said that it is to use this way of dividing grades to motivate everyone's fighting spirit, people should look forward, and the examination room should continue to climb forward. Director Jiang's original words: "Be ambitious, it's not shameful to have a little ambition in your studies, for example, today I am in the fifth class exam, and I want to sit in the examination room of the first class next time!" I hope everyone will have this kind of ambition! Shen Jie reluctantly left. Wanda hesitated and paced over: "The school committee is not coming to the exam today?" He Chao: "He's like that...... Also exams? "I heard that his mother took him home to sleep, and he didn't get enough sleep, so he slept for two or three hours a day, and it was no wonder that he didn't have mental problems." Hearing the word "School Committee", Xie Yu didn't sleep anymore, the sound of dragging chairs in the class was endless, and it was very noisy, he sat up and looked at Xue Xisheng's seat. That night, Ding Lianghua rushed out bravely, the fire extinguisher sprayed out a field of dry powder, the corridor was full of dust, and the sheets on the "ghost" were lifted, and Xue Xisheng lay quietly on the ground. "Who would have thought it would be sleepwalking," Wanda said, "It's the first time I've encountered such a wide range of sleepwalking, and if the dormitory building doesn't lock the door, will he still be able to wander outside the campus with his eyes closed?" The movement they made in the middle of the night alarmed the mad dog and Old Tang in the faculty dormitory building next door, and the two of them hurried over, and they didn't have time to pull the zipper of their pants, and Old Tang's slippers were worn backwards: "What's the matter?" What's noisy on a big night? What are you doing? The exam preparation bell rang, and everyone took the exam equipment to their respective classes. Xie Yu didn't bring anything, so he brought a black pen. If he could, he didn't even want to bring a pen, otherwise he really didn't know how to surpass He Chao, and doing it blindly with his eyes closed would be higher than the score of this person's test. "If you want to paint the card, bring a 2B," He Chao walked behind Xie Yu, stuffed a pencil into his hand, and shared his experience with him, "Although it's the same whether you paint it or not, you can get a little bit of it." "How many points?" "Seven or eight points." “……” In the past, Xie Yu would strictly control the average score in the exam, although the score control score was low, but it would not be too low, so as to avoid giving people the impression that this person is a fool. It's basically controlled within the range of "this kid's brain is still quite smart, but he just doesn't want to study hard". Even Ms. Gu has always thought that her child can still be saved. Although the child skips class and fights and counts down, this is all because the child does not listen to the class, as long as he is willing to learn, the grades will definitely not be what they are now. Xie Yu took the green pencil, and in order to prepare for the score control, he asked him, "How much did you take at the end of last semester?" Passing by classes one to eight along the way, the examination room of the two of them had to go upstairs, and in the last class, according to the distribution of Director Jiang's examination room, their examination room was simply a gathering place for poor students. He Chao: "At the end of the term? I don't remember much, but I have the impression that I did quite well in the exam, and I played extraordinarily. Xie Yu: "Huh? He Chao: "English seems to have ...... Forty points? Xie Yu: "......" There are more than 20 people scattered in the gathering place of poor students, all of whom are characters who give the teacher a headache, and they are strong, and they pull down the average score of the whole class by themselves, and a person's score basically determines the position of the class in the grade. When He Chao entered the door, several people greeted him: "Ouch, Brother Chao." He Chao glanced over and found a lot of acquaintances, he stood at the door, with one hand in his trouser pocket, looking a little bit like the boss: "Ah, long time no see." Tang Sen happened to be invigilating the poor student class, he adjusted the watch on his wrist to the time on the computer, and the other teachers looked worried about him: "Old Tang, this time in your class, I'm afraid the average score of the class is not very good." "Especially when Mr. Tang was just transferred, he didn't show any grades...... "Huh?" Townsend was still concentrating on adjusting the time, "It's okay, I'm not worried about this, and the score is not the standard by which everything is measured." If you want to say what impact these poor students have after being divided into the examination room, there is really one - it is not easy to copy the answers. Who can be found to pass on the answer, everyone is half a catty. But there are still some differences between "half a catty" and "eight taels". The first person in the first row of the seats, that is, the one with the highest final score in the examination room, was given a suggestive look by the others. "I heard that you can score 60 points in math and 60 points in 150 points, wow." "What, sixty points? Are you so powerful? The brother was a little embarrassed to encounter this situation for the first time in his career: "That...... Not anymore. Xie Yu pressed his palm against his forehead, lowered his head and tried not to listen to this group of people. Too...... Xie Yu's heart was complicated and tortuous, and he couldn't find the right words to complain for a while, so he heard He Chao, who was sitting behind him, also joined the embarrassing army: "Sixty points, brother, very strong, brother." ”

第二十八章   “同学, 语文呢, 语文能考几分?”   ‘全场成绩最佳’挠挠头, 有些羞涩地说:“八十多吧……”   差生聚集地里的所有人仿佛找到了救星,一窝蜂涌上去,还有人往他胸前的口袋里塞烟:“大哥, 我的一点心意,请你收下,千万不要客气。”   “八十分的语文成绩, 我只有在梦里见过, 成绩这么好怎么会沦落到我们这个考场?你真是怀才不遇,流落民间的高手。”   “真的太强了, 等会儿我给你一个眼神,把答案扔给我。”   “放心, 哥行走江湖十余载,绝对零风险, 我就算把答案吃下去也不会让它落入监考老师的魔爪。”   “……”   那位被团团环绕的男生全程飘飘然,他想,他下次也要争取留在这个考场考试……做大哥的滋味有点美。   感觉到自己浑身上下都充满了力量!   从来没有人这样夸过他不及格的分数!   谢俞坐在座位上转笔, 等监考老师进班。   三根手指捏着黑色水笔, 漫不经心地转着,一圈又一圈,他微微眯起眼睛,等的有些困倦。   贺朝用笔戳了戳谢俞右肩:“小朋友,要答案吗。”   谢俞手里的笔“啪”一声掉下去。他手指细长, 骨节尤其突出,维持着那个姿势没动。   “你?”谢俞一只手撑着脑袋,侧着身体回头看他,说,“算了吧。”   贺朝知道谢俞这是误会了,他人往后靠,笑着伸出手,食指曲起,轻轻地弹了一下谢俞的额头:“想什么呢,当然不是我的,是那边那位数学六十语文八十的小兄弟……”   那一下真的很轻,仿佛只是贴着蹭过去。   谢俞本能排斥这种接触,与其说是排斥,用不习惯这三个字更恰当,他单手撑着课桌站起来,身体往前倾,很想打爆贺朝狗头:“跟没跟你说过别总动手动脚。”   贺朝坐在最后一个,座位到墙壁还有点距离,他连人带椅子往后退了几步。   “你这脾气挺带劲啊,”贺朝说,“……好好好,不闹了,别激动。”   他们闹出的动静有点大,其他人有意无意往角落里看,都表示不知道这俩在干什么。说是打架吧,看起来又不太像。   “他俩干嘛呢。”   “听三班同学说,谢俞和朝哥两个人有点基。”   “啊?”   “本来我还不太相信……”   “哪个三班同学,万事通?他嘴里的消息真真假假,听听就行了。”   这时铃声又响了。   姜主任的声音从广播里传出来:“各位考生,离考试开始还有五分钟,请回到指定考点,第一门考试科目:语文。”   播报到这里措辞都非常严谨,并且语调柔软,大概是想缓解考生紧张的考试心情,但是姜主任说到一半,突然顿住,然后画风又变了,嗓音陡然提高:“同学,你哪个班级的?!要考试了还在这里打打闹闹,你站住,你给我过来,小兔崽子,还敢跑……”   “……”   广播中断,有同学敏锐地听到走廊里高跟鞋的脚步声,连忙提示大家:“嘘,监考老师来了。”   闹哄哄的班级瞬间安静下来。   贺朝根本不懂安静两个字怎么写,他又拿笔戳谢俞:“等会儿我把答案传给你。”   谢俞冷淡地吐出两个字:“不要。”   贺朝:“为什么不要,八十分的语文啊。”   谢俞心说要个屁的答案万一不小心考得比你高怎么办。   “要不起,”谢俞找了个合情合理的理由,“分数太高,不适合我。”   进来的两位监考老师是唐森和徐霞。   也真是巧了,这两人跟高二三班都关系匪浅。   徐霞大概是临时被调过来的,她走到门口的时候还问了一句“是这个班吗”,老唐回答她“对没错”。唐森手里拿着万年不变的中老年枸杞养生茶,一进来就放下茶水杯,打开贴着封条的试卷袋,清点试卷张数。   徐霞带了坐垫和一本书,她目光扫过了一圈,看到贺朝的时候表情不自然地僵了一秒,又移开视线。   “徐霞啊。”有同学认出来。   “不认识,她怎么样,监考严不严?”   “之前是三班班主任吧,后来被调走了……你问问朝哥,他应该更清楚。”   “朝哥,朝哥。”   跟贺朝离得近的那位还真的低声问了,毕竟这两位老师监考素养的高低直接影响到他们的命运:“老唐我知道,他边上这位女老师,严不严?”   贺朝笑笑,把手中的笔往桌面上扔:“她啊。”   贺朝就说了两个字,没再往下说。   那位同学摸摸脑袋,不明所以,只觉得贺朝这个笑看起来有点冷。   不管监考老师严不严,该作的弊还是要作。   这群人成绩不怎么样,胆子都很大,玩的是心跳,看准时机丝毫不能犹豫。   四舍五入简直就是一场大型动作片。   “考试结束还有半个小时,抓紧答题,没开始写作文的要控制一下答题速度了。”   徐霞来回走了几趟不走了,直接坐在椅子上看书,唐森捧着水杯满教室晃悠:“都老实一点啊,我们来学校学习的不仅仅是知识,比会做题更重要的是学做人……”   唐森说着说着,一个转身的功夫,被团成球状的答案纸从他身后飞过去。   “希望大家不要作弊,拿出自己的真实水平。不会就是不会,没有什么可耻的……在日后的学习中我们努力把它弄会就行……”   纸团正正好好砸在贺朝桌角。   贺朝不管做什么题,都是五个字“放弃,下一题”,只有语文例外。语文好歹看得懂,又不是文盲,所以每次语文考试都会把试卷填得满满当当,弥补其他科目无从下手的遗憾。   他做完了前面的题目,开始写作文,写得激情澎湃,字潦草得格子都装不下。   眼看唐森又要转身,贺朝不动声色地伸出手将纸团握在手里。   唐森果然转了过来,他盯着贺朝的卷面看半天,表情有点复杂,最终还是什么都没有说,双手背在身后,往其他地方荡过去,嘴里唠叨了几句卷面分:“……基本要求,字迹清楚,卷面分这是最不应该扣的,都注意一下。”   由于二十几号人都指着一份答案,他们探讨半天,最终探讨出击流水线式的传答案模式,作战线路从排头至排尾,然后由第二排排位再往前传。   把答案传给贺朝的那位同学暗示他抄完了往前递。   贺朝潇洒地比了个“OK”的手势,让他放心。   谢俞还在想这次语文拿个四五十分应该差不多,他半张试卷都是空白的,不打算拿分的题干脆不往上填答案。   贺朝那种睁着眼睛瞎几把答题的水平他实在望尘莫及。   考前语文课上,老唐发过两张阅读专题试卷,随堂作业,下课要收。他眼睁睁地看着贺朝认认真真地把空都填完了,但填的都是牛头不对马尾的东西,最后那张答题纸在班里广为流传,简直被刘存浩他们当成笑话大全围观。   这次考试作文题目是“背影”。   谢俞在为跑题而努力,研究跑题研究得脑袋疼,听到贺朝在身后低声喊他。   然后后背又被戳了两下。   “老谢,”贺朝低声说,“手,下面。”   “什么?”   “答案啊,手伸过来。”   贺朝手里抓着纸团,身体往前倾,左手藏在桌子底下,靠着墙壁,非常隐蔽,谢俞伸手就能够到。   谢俞不动神色地往后靠,一只手撑着桌沿,拉近了两个人之间的距离,他压低了嗓子轻声说:“说了不要。”   “你不要,前面的哥们还等着抄,”贺朝用指尖敲了敲桌底,催促道,“那几个人的命运就掌握在你手里,日行一善,努力发展一下慈善事业。”   天花板中央的大风扇转动发出的噪音盖过了俩人的谈话声,略微有些燥热的微风卷着从窗户外面打进来。教室里窗明几净,讲台上放着七八张多出来的试卷,被粉笔盒压着,边角被风扇吹得卷起来,似乎下一秒就能飞起来。   谢俞不情不愿地将手臂垂下去,往后伸,摸了半天没摸到。   “哪儿?”   “就底下啊。”   “没有。”   “有,你再摸摸。”   谢俞想打探一下敌情,边摸索边问:“你抄了吗?”   “我?我没抄。”贺朝说完想起来谢俞之前那句‘要不起’,又说,“……我想了想,我也要不起。”   “……”   谢俞烦得不行,又往后仰了几度,心说这次再拿不到他就撒手不管了,让他们去死,抄什么抄不会做就空着……这样想着,抓到了贺朝的指尖。   两个人都是一愣。   风扇吱呀吱呀地继续转。   粉笔盒里只有几根用剩下的粉笔头,终于压不住讲台上那几张试卷,被风吹地扬起来,徐霞连忙合上书弯腰去捡。   谢俞没撒手,贺朝也没把手缩回去。   僵持一会儿之后,贺朝突然动了动手指,食指微微向上勾起,正好抵在谢俞掌心。
Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Classmates, What About Language, How Many Points Can You Take in Chinese?" 'Best in the game' scratched his head and said a little shyly, "It's more than eighty...... Everyone in the poor student gathering place seemed to have found a savior, and they swarmed up, and some people stuffed cigarettes into his breast pocket: "Big brother, my little heart, please accept it, don't be polite." "Eighty points of Chinese scores, I have only seen in dreams, how can such good scores fall into our examination room? You are really a master of the people. "It's really too strong, I'll give you a look and throw the answer to me later." "Don't worry, my brother has been walking the rivers and lakes for more than ten years, there is absolutely zero risk, even if I eat the answer, I won't let it fall into the clutches of the invigilator." “……” The boy who was surrounded by a group of people was fluttering the whole time, and he thought that he would try to stay in this examination room next time...... It's a bit beautiful to be a big brother. I feel empowered all over my body! No one has ever boasted about his failing score like this! Xie Yu sat in his seat and turned his pen, waiting for the invigilator to enter the class. Three fingers pinched the black pen, and turned it carelessly, round and round, he narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting a little sleepy. He Chao poked Xie Yu's right shoulder with a pen: "Little friend, do you want an answer?" The pen in Xie Yu's hand fell down with a "snap". His fingers were elongated, and his joints were prominent, and he remained in that position. "You?" Xie Yu supported his head with one hand, looked back at him sideways, and said, "Forget it." He Chao knew that Xie Yu had misunderstood, so he leaned back, stretched out his hand with a smile, curled his index finger, and gently flicked Xie Yu's forehead: "What do you think, of course it's not mine, it's the little brother over there who is 60 in mathematics and 80 languages......" It was really light, as if it was just rubbing against it. Xie Yu instinctively repelled this kind of contact, not so much repulsion, it was more appropriate to use these three words unaccustomed, he stood up with one hand on the desk, leaned forward, and wanted to blow He Chao's dog head: "I didn't tell you not to always move your hands and feet." He Chao sat last, the seat was still a little far from the wall, and he took a few steps back with a chair. "You're very strong-tempered," He Chao said, "...... Okay, okay, don't make a fuss, don't get excited. The commotion was a bit loud, and the others looked into the corner, intentionally or unintentionally, saying they didn't know what they were doing. Let's say it's a fight, but it doesn't look like it. "What are they doing?" "I heard from the third class that Xie Yu and Brother Chao are a bit of a base." "Huh?" "I didn't believe ...... at first" "Which class 3 classmate, a jack of all trades? The news in his mouth is true or false, just listen to it. Then the bell rang again. Director Jiang's voice came from the radio: "Candidates, there are still five minutes before the start of the exam, please return to the designated test center, the first test subject: Chinese." The wording here is very rigorous, and the tone is soft, probably to relieve the candidates' nervous exam mood, but Director Jiang suddenly paused halfway through speaking, and then the painting style changed again, and his voice suddenly improved: "Classmate, which class are you from?!" It's time for the exam and you're still messing around here, you stop, you come over to me, little rabbit, dare to run......" “……” The broadcast was interrupted, and some students keenly heard the footsteps of high heels in the corridor, and hurriedly reminded everyone: "Shhh, the invigilator is here." The noisy class fell silent instantly. He Chao didn't know how to write the word quiet at all, so he poked Xie Yu with a pen again: "I'll pass the answer to you later." Xie Yu coldly spit out two words: "Don't." He Chao: "Why not, eighty points of language." Xie Yuxin said to ask for a fart answer, what if you accidentally get higher than you. "I'm sorry," Xie Yu found a reasonable reason, "the score is too high for me." The two invigilators who came in were Tang Sen and Xu Xia. It's really a coincidence, these two people have a lot to do with the second and third classes of high school. Xu Xia was probably transferred temporarily, and when she walked to the door, she asked, "Is this class?", and Old Tang replied to her, "Yes, yes." Tang Sen held the middle-aged and elderly wolfberry health tea that had not changed for thousands of years in his hand, put down the tea cup as soon as he came in, opened the test paper bag with the seal, and counted the number of test papers. Xu Xia brought a cushion and a book, her gaze swept around, and her expression froze unnaturally for a second when she saw He Chao, and then looked away. "Xu Xia." Some classmates recognized it. "I don't know, how is she, is the invigilation strict?" "I used to be the head teacher of the third class, but then I was transferred...... You ask Brother Chao, he should know better. "Brother Chao, Brother Chao." The one who was close to He Chao really asked in a low voice, after all, the level of the invigilation quality of these two teachers directly affected their fate: "Old Tang, I know, is the female teacher next to him strict?" He Chao smiled and threw the pen in his hand on the table: "She." He Chao just said two words and didn't say any more. The classmate touched his head, he didn't know why, he just felt that He Chao's smile looked a little cold. Regardless of whether the invigilator is strict or not, the cheating that should be done still has to be done. This group of people didn't have good grades, they were all very bold, they played with a heartbeat, and they couldn't hesitate at all when they saw the opportunity. Rounding it off is nothing short of a big action movie. "There is still half an hour after the end of the exam, hurry up and answer the questions, and if you haven't started writing essays, you have to control the speed of answering the questions.Xu Xia walked back and forth a few times without leaving, and sat directly on the chair to read, Tang Sen held a glass of water and swayed around the classroom: "Be honest, what we come to school to learn is not only knowledge, but more important than being able to do questions is to learn to be a human ......" As he spoke, he turned around and flew behind him with a ball of answer sheets. "I hope you don't cheat and show your true level. No is no way, there's nothing to be ashamed of...... In the future, we will try to make it ......" The paper ball happened to smash right on the corner of He Chao's table. No matter what question He Chao does, it is five words "give up, the next question", with the exception of Chinese. I can understand the language, and I am not illiterate, so I will fill up the test papers in every Chinese exam to make up for the regret that I can't start with other subjects. He finished the previous questions and began to write essays, which were so passionate that the words were so scribbled that he couldn't fit them in a grid. Seeing that Tang Sen was about to turn around again, He Chao quietly stretched out his hand and held the paper ball in his hand. Tang Sen really turned around, he stared at He Chao's scroll for a long time, his expression was a little complicated, and in the end he didn't say anything, put his hands behind his back, swung to other places, and muttered a few words in his mouth: "...... The basic requirements, the handwriting is clear, and the volume is the least deductible, so pay attention to it. Since the 20 or so people were pointing to an answer, they discussed for a long time, and finally discussed the sortie assembly line mode of passing the answer, the combat line from the beginning of the row to the end of the row, and then from the second row to the front. The classmate who passed the answer to He Chao hinted that he had finished copying it and handed it forward. He Chao made a chic "OK" gesture to reassure him. Xie Yu was still thinking that it should be about the same as getting forty or fifty points in the language this time, half of his test papers were blank, and he didn't plan to get points for the questions that he didn't want to fill in the answers. He Chao's level of blindly answering a few questions with his eyes open is really beyond his reach. In the Chinese class before the exam, Lao Tang handed out two reading special test papers, which were homework in class and had to be collected after class. He watched He Chao fill in all the blanks seriously, but they were filled in with things with ox heads and not horse tails, and the answer sheet was widely circulated in the class, and it was simply watched by Liu Cunhao and them as a joke. The essay topic for this exam is "Back". Xie Yu was working hard to go off topic, and his head hurt from studying off topic, and he heard He Chao whispering to him behind him. Then he was poked twice more in the back. "Old Xie," He Chao whispered, "hand, below." "What?" "Answer, hand out." He Chao grabbed the paper ball in his hand, leaned forward, and hid his left hand under the table, leaning against the wall, very hidden, Xie Yu could reach it with his hand. Xie Yu leaned back without moving, supported the edge of the table with one hand, narrowed the distance between the two people, and he lowered his voice and whispered, "I said no." "You don't want it, the buddies in front are still waiting to copy," He Chao tapped the bottom of the table with his fingertips and urged, "The fate of those people is in your hands, do a good deed every day, and strive to develop charity." The noise of the large fan in the center of the ceiling drowning out the conversation between the two men, and a slightly hot breeze swept in through the window. The windows in the classroom are bright and clean, and there are seven or eight extra test papers on the podium, which are pressed by the chalk box, and the corners are blown up by the fan, and it seems that they can fly in the next second. Xie Yu reluctantly lowered his arm and stretched it back, touching it for a long time without touching it. "Where?" "That's it at the bottom." "Nope." "Yes, you touch it again." Xie Yu wanted to inquire about the enemy's situation, and asked while groping, "Did you copy it?" "Me? I didn't copy it. After He Chao finished speaking, he remembered Xie Yu's previous sentence of 'I can't afford it', and said, "...... I thought about it, and I couldn't afford it. ” “……” Xie Yu was so annoyed that he leaned back a few degrees, and said in his heart that if he couldn't get it again this time, he would leave it alone, let them die, and if they couldn't do anything, they would be empty...... Thinking like this, he grabbed He Chao's fingertips. Both of them were stunned. The fan creaked and continued to spin. There were only a few leftover chalk heads in the chalk box, and finally couldn't suppress the few test papers on the podium, and they were blown up by the wind, Xu Xia hurriedly closed the book and bent down to pick it up. Xie Yu didn't let go, and He Chao didn't retract his hand. After a stalemate, He Chao suddenly moved his fingers, and his index finger was slightly hooked upward, just against Xie Yu's palm.

第二十九章   “唐老师, 把风扇关了吧, ”徐霞边捡试卷边说, “……噪音太大,等会儿英语考试听力会有影响。”   唐森点点头,走过去关风扇。   徐霞手里抓着试卷, 从她那个角度,只需要了略微抬下头就能看得见桌底。   眼看徐霞就要起身,谢俞触电般地把手缩了回去。   贺朝反应慢两拍, 他看着谢俞低头继续答题, 这才眨眨眼,五指收拢, 再度将那团纸攥在手里。   徐霞没察觉到不对劲。   她捡完试卷之后,四下环顾几眼, 又摊开书籍开始看书。   唐森看到一个企图翻语文书找诗词填空答案的,他在那位同学的课桌边上停下, 没说话,敲了敲桌角警告。   风扇缓缓停下。   谢俞前面还有四个人,这四位兄弟内心焦灼, 说好的答案迟迟没递过来, 再不传过来都没时间抄了。   于是排头终于忍不住回头暗示身后那位:“……货呢?”   后面那位表示不知道,又往后问:“东西还在朝哥那儿吗?什么时候可以接头?”   “不知道啊。”   “催一催,等不及了,没时间了。”   “……”   第四位同学被赋予重任,但是他也不敢问, 谢俞的传说至今都还在学校里流传,他提议:“要不然,我们就拿出我们的真实水平好了……”   做好要拿出真实水平的觉悟,四个难兄难弟不再奢望答案,倒是贺朝讲义气,他等了几分钟,又去戳谢俞后背:“答案,快点。”   谢俞赐他一个字:“滚。”   “这么冷酷,”贺朝说,“你抬头看看,这四位同胞,看看他们忧郁又哀伤的背影,良心不会痛吗,心里就没点什么想法吗。”   谢俞:“关我屁事。”   贺朝:“……”   “还有最后十分钟,大家抓紧时间,”唐森看了眼手腕上的表,提醒道,“作文还没写好的,注意时间啊,可以开始做收尾工作了。”   唐森说着转过身,往讲台边上走。   趁着这个空档,谢俞没回头,向后伸手,他没有像贺朝那样在藏在下面磨蹭,光明正大地将手背抵在贺朝桌边,语气挺不耐烦地说:“答案。”   贺朝愣了一秒,反应过来,把纸团放到谢俞手里。   谢俞拿到之后,又把纸团往前扔,不偏不倚正好砸在前面那个同学的桌上。   贺朝回味过来,突然很想笑。   他低下头,试卷早就写完了,胳膊肘撑在作文纸上,手遮住一侧眼睛,模样散漫,偷偷在心里说了一句:这个嘴里说着“关我屁事”的小朋友……有点可爱啊。   十分钟后,铃响。   上午考两门,紧接着还有一场英语考试。他们这个考场也没人需要回去拿个书复习什么的,除开要去洗手间的,其余人交了试卷之后继续待在考场里。   等两位监考老师收齐试卷,试卷按照考试号排列整齐之后,班里人站在门口冲两位老师挥手,集体欢呼:“啊朋友啊,朋友,再见!”   班里乱成一锅,还有人带了扑克牌斗地主。   “朝哥来不来?”带扑克牌的那个边发牌边问。   贺朝起身,摆摆手说:“不来,你们玩。”   谢俞还在估分,在纸上加加减减算了几遍。   贺朝走到谢俞身侧,弯腰看了一眼,还没看清楚,谢俞“啪”地一下把演算纸翻了过去。   “写什么呢,那么小气,”贺朝也不在意,转了话题,随口问,“厕所去吗。”   谢俞不是很能理解那种去洗手间喜欢组团的,是自己去尿不出来尿还是怎么的,破事那么多,他放下笔,讥讽道:“……干什么,需要人给你把着?”   “……”   同桌太无情,贺朝摸摸鼻子自己去了。   他洗完手又在外面晃荡了一圈,路上光是打招呼就打了十来次,那热络的程度,仿佛全年级都是他哥们。   “朝哥,”又有人从教室里往外探头喊他,那人靠在窗户旁边说,“好多天没见了啊。”   贺朝停下脚步,歪头看了眼班级牌号,然后靠着墙壁跟他说话:“在五班考试?你小子可以啊,成绩进步不少。”   “哪里哪里,我几斤几两您最清楚。胆子有多大,成绩就有多高,上次考试不小心抄过头了。”   那人说着说着从兜里摸出一盒烟,作势要从里面抽出一根递给他:“中南海,来一口?”   烟才抽出来一半,那人嘴里突然“我操”了一声,把烟塞回去。   徐霞踩着高跟鞋从七班教室门口走过。   等徐霞走远了,那人还想把烟再拿出来,贺朝摆摆手:“我不抽。”   “啊?”   贺朝又说:“戒了。”   离下一门考试开始还有十几分钟。   贺朝没回教室,他绕到教务处附近没人的地方,随便找了个台阶坐下,从兜里摸出一根棒棒糖,橙色外衣,三两下撕开糖纸就往嘴里塞。   贺朝叼着糖,低头给谢俞发短信。   就是一则从网上看到的冷笑话,又冷又尬,发过去都能想象得到谢俞会说什么——无聊,拉黑,滚。   冷笑话还没发出去,背后由远及近传来一阵脚步声,高跟鞋踩在地板上发出规律的‘踏踏’声。   贺朝没回头,倒是正好经过的那个人停下了脚步。   “贺朝,你怎么回事?!”徐霞捧着考试卷站在楼梯口。   从上次杨文远那件事开始,她对贺朝一直心存不满。在徐霞心里,杨文远归杨文远,那次是她看错人,但贺朝这个人的形象在她眼里从来没有变过——就是一位劣迹斑斑的不良少年。   徐霞气不打一出来,又道:“你以为学校是什么地方,能在学校里抽烟吗?刚才在走廊上我睁只眼闭只眼没说你,自己心里没点数?你看看你像个什么样子。”   在走廊就里看到其他同学给贺朝塞烟,现在走到楼梯口隐约看到他嘴里叼着东西,徐霞根本没有细看,直觉把它们联系在一起。   徐霞话还没说完,就听到贺朝突然笑了。   少年单手撑着墙壁站起来,高高瘦瘦的,看起来赏心悦目,校服宽松,隐约能顺着动势和衣纹看到腰线。   “心里有点数?”贺朝比徐霞高了两个头,本来是背对着她,他往下走了一个台阶,转过身看她,又说,“……我什么样子?”   贺朝嘴里甜得发腻,说出来的话却不是那么好听:“徐老师,你是不是眼神不太好?”   看到是糖,徐霞不说话了,她避开贺朝,往前走两步,想直接下楼。   贺朝挡在她面前:“你赶时间,我也赶时间。这样,道个歉。”   “你道个歉,”贺朝又说,“还有上次的事,两句对不起说完再走。”   徐霞打心眼里瞧不上贺朝,哪里拉得下脸。   贺朝笑着说:“有那么难吗,都说为人师表,您做错事说错话三个字对不起都说不出来?”   徐霞站着没吭声。   广播里姜主任又开始积极广播下一场考试的注意事项:“请各班老师检查一下听力设备,我们先放段英文广播,调整好音量……”   贺朝虽然面上笑着,眼底满是戾气,浑身上下充斥着尖锐又危险气息,好像平时收起来的那股劲全都松了开来,席卷了他。   徐霞感觉到一种强烈的压迫感。   就在她以为贺朝马上就要爆发的时候,少年突然往边上退两步,靠在墙上,给她让开了一条道。   贺朝把嘴里的糖咬碎了,只剩下根棒子。   徐霞顿了几秒,还是从他身边走过去,下了半截楼梯拐弯的时候,贺朝突然又叫了她一声:“因为成绩差吗?”   徐霞在楼梯拐角处仰起头,从她那个角度看,看不清楚贺朝的表情。   贺朝捏着那根白色的塑料棒,又说:“因为我成绩差,所以我是您嘴里的——那种样子?”   徐霞突然觉得有双手无形之中扼住了她的脖子,想说话,又说不出来。   英语监考是唐森和隔壁班历史老师。   贺朝迟到了十分钟。   走进来的时候,全班人都察觉出贺朝整个人不太对劲,唐森想抓着他问问怎么考试迟到,贺朝没像平常那样扯皮说什么我扶老奶奶过马路,站在门口就是一句:“迟到不让考?”   直接把唐森给问懵了:“啊……不是,就是你下回……”   贺朝直接越过他往座位上走。   “我操,屌啊。”   “朝哥这个状态……”   “……怎么回事?”   “考卷都发下去了,看下听力啊,等会儿听力部分马上开始。”唐森边说边往贺朝那边看,又重复一遍刚才贺朝不在时候讲的那道错题,“阅读题A篇第三小题,有两个重复选项,把C选项改成黑板上这个。”   谢俞往后靠了点:“发什么疯?”   贺朝也知道刚才自己失态,不仅失态,小情绪还表现得相当幼稚,那股情绪发出去之后平复很多,他抓抓头发,说:“没事,屁大点事。”   他说完,又举手对唐森来了句:“老师我下次一定注意。”   这情绪转换得太快就像龙卷风。   唐森也着实捉摸不透这个孩子,只能愣愣地说了三个“好”。   考试进行到一半,贺朝已经写完试卷,正想趴下来睡会儿,刚枕着胳膊阖上眼睛,听到从底下传来两声敲击声。   他半睁开眼,没动弹:“小朋友,干什么?”   谢俞又用手指敲了两下,发出清脆的声响:“手,下面。”   贺朝从下面摸过去,摸到一张纸条。   打开上面只有一个问号。   ?   这大概是来自他这位冷酷的同桌最高水准的关怀了。   贺朝很知足。   他觉得他拿起笔能写大段被“冷酷杀手”关心的感言,填满整张纸,不过当他拿起笔,笔尖落在纸上晕开一团墨迹,他顿了顿,最后只写了六个字上去:   ——我是什么样子?
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Teacher Tang, turn off the fan," Xu Xia said as she picked up the test paper, "...... It's too noisy, and it will affect your listening in the English test later. Townsend nodded and walked over to turn off the fan. Xu Xia was holding the test paper in her hand, and from her angle, she only needed to raise her head slightly to see the bottom of the table. Seeing that Xu Xia was about to get up, Xie Yu retracted his hand like an electric shock. He Chao reacted two beats slowly, he watched Xie Yu bow his head and continue to answer the question, only then did he blink, his five fingers folded, and he held the ball of paper in his hand again. Xu Xia didn't notice that something was wrong. After she picked up the test papers, she looked around a few times, spread out the books and began to read. When Townsend saw a man trying to flip through a language paper to find a poem to fill in the blanks, he stopped at the student's desk, didn't speak, and knocked on the corner of the desk in warning. The fan slowly stopped. There are four people in front of Xie Yu, and these four brothers are anxious in their hearts, and the answers they said have not been handed over for a long time, and they will not have time to copy them if they are not passed on. So the leader of the row finally couldn't help but turn around and hint to the person behind him: "...... What about the goods? The one in the back said he didn't know, and then asked, "Is the thing still in Chao Ge's place?" When can I connect? "I don't know." "Urge, can't wait, there's no time." “……” The fourth student was given a heavy responsibility, but he didn't dare to ask, Xie Yu's legend is still circulating in the school, and he proposed: "Otherwise, we will show our true level...... To do a good job of showing a true level of consciousness, the four difficult brothers no longer expect the answer, but He Chao was angry, he waited for a few minutes, and then poked Xie Yu in the back: "Answer, hurry up." Xie Yu gave him a word: "Get out." "So cold," He Chao said, "look up, these four compatriots, look at their melancholy and sad backs, don't your conscience hurt, don't you have any thoughts in your heart?" Xie Yu: "It's my business." He Chao: "......" "There are still ten minutes left, everyone hurry up," Tang Sen glanced at the watch on his wrist and reminded, "The composition has not been written yet, pay attention to the time, you can start to finish the work." Townsend turned and walked to the edge of the podium. Taking advantage of this gap, Xie Yu didn't look back, stretched out his hand back, he didn't rub under the hiding like He Chao, he put the back of his hand against He Chao's table openly, and said in a very impatient tone: "Answer." He Chao was stunned for a second, then reacted and put the paper ball in Xie Yu's hand. After Xie Yu got it, he threw the paper ball forward again, and smashed it on the desk of the classmate in front of him impartially. He Chao came back to his memory and suddenly wanted to laugh. He lowered his head, the test paper had already been written, his elbows were propped up on the composition paper, his hand covered one side of his eyes, his appearance was casual, and he secretly said in his heart: This child who said "It's my" in his mouth...... It's kind of cute. Ten minutes later, the bell rang. There are two exams in the morning, followed by an English test. No one in their examination room needs to go back to get a book to review or anything, except for going to the bathroom, the rest of them continue to stay in the examination room after handing in the test papers. After the two invigilators collected the test papers and arranged them neatly according to the exam number, the people in the class stood at the door and waved at the two teachers, cheering collectively: "Ah friend, friend, goodbye!" The class was in a mess, and some people brought playing cards to fight the landlord. "Brother Chao is coming, is he coming?" The one with the playing cards asked as he dealt the cards. He Chao got up, waved his hand and said, "Don't come, you guys play." Xie Yu was still assessing the score, adding, subtracting, and subtracting on the paper a few times. He Chao walked to Xie Yu's side, bent down to take a look, and before he could see clearly, Xie Yu "snapped" and flipped the calculation paper over. "What are you writing about, so stingy," He Chao didn't care, changed the topic, and asked casually, "Do you want to go to the toilet?" Xie Yu couldn't quite understand the kind of person who likes to form a group when he goes to the bathroom, whether he can't pee out or what, there are so many broken things, he put down his pen and sneered: "...... What do you need someone to do for you? ” “……” The same table was too ruthless, He Chao touched his nose and went by himself. After washing his hands, he wandered around outside again, and he said hello more than a dozen times on the road, and the level of enthusiasm seemed to be his buddies in the whole grade. "Brother Chao," another person called out from the classroom, and the man leaned against the window and said, "I haven't seen him for many days." He Chao stopped, tilted his head to look at the class number, and then leaned against the wall and spoke to him: "Exam in class five? You kid can, your grades have improved a lot. "Where is where, you know best how many pounds and taels I have. How bold you are, how high your grades are, and I accidentally copied it in the last exam. As he spoke, the man took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, and gestured to take one out of it and hand it to him: "Zhongnanhai, take a puff?" The cigarette was only halfway out when the man suddenly said "fuck me" and stuffed the cigarette back. Xu Xia walked past the door of the seventh class classroom with high heels. When Xu Xia walked away, the man still wanted to take out the cigarette again, He Chao waved his hand: "I don't smoke." "Huh?" He Chao said again: "Quit." There are still ten minutes left before the next exam starts. He Chao didn't go back to the classroom, he went around to a place near the academic affairs office, found a random step to sit down, took out a lollipop from his pocket, an orange coat, tore the candy paper in three or two clicks and stuffed it into his mouth. He Chao took the candy in his mouth and lowered his head to text Xie Yu. It's just a cold joke I saw on the Internet, cold and embarrassing, and I can imagine what Xie Yu will say when I post it - boring, block, get out. Before the joke was out, there was a sound of footsteps from far and near, and the high heels made a regular 'stomping' sound on the floor. He Chao didn't look back, but the person who happened to pass by stopped. "He Chao, what's the matter with you?!" Xu Xia stood at the top of the stairs with the exam paper in her hand. Since the last incident with Yang Wenyuan, she has always been dissatisfied with He Chao. In Xu Xia's heart, Yang Wenyuan returned to Yang Wenyuan, and that time she saw the wrong person, but the image of He Chao has never changed in her eyes - he is a bad boy with bad deeds. Xu Xia was angry, and said, "What do you think the school is and can smoke in the school?" I just opened my eyes in the corridor and didn't say anything about you, I didn't have any points in my heart? Look what you look like. In the corridor, I saw other classmates stuffing cigarettes for He Chao, and now when I walked to the staircase, I vaguely saw that he was holding something in his mouth, Xu Xia didn't look at it at all, and her intuition connected them. Before Xu Xia finished speaking, she heard He Chao suddenly laugh. The boy stood up with one hand on the wall, tall and thin, looking pleasing to the eye, the school uniform was loose, and the waistline could be vaguely seen along the momentum and clothing lines. "Points?" He Chao was two heads taller than Xu Xia, originally with his back to her, he walked down a step, turned to look at her, and said, "...... What do I look like? He Chao's mouth was so sweet that he was greasy, but the words he said were not so good: "Teacher Xu, are your eyes not very good?" Seeing that it was sugar, Xu Xia stopped talking, she avoided He Chao, took two steps forward, and wanted to go downstairs directly. He Chao stood in front of her: "You are in a hurry, and I am in a hurry." In this way, apologize. "You apologize," He Chao said again, "and what happened last time, I'll leave after saying two sorry sentences." Xu Xia couldn't look down on He Chao in her heart, where could she pull her face. He Chao smiled and said: "Is it so difficult, they all say that you are a teacher, you do something wrong and say the wrong thing, and you can't say three words, I'm sorry?" Xu Xia stood silent. In the broadcast, Director Jiang began to actively broadcast the precautions for the next exam: "Please check the listening equipment of each class, let's play an English broadcast first, adjust the volume ......" Although He Chao was smiling, his eyes were full of anger, and his body was full of sharp and dangerous aura, as if all the strength he usually put away had loosened and swept him. Xu Xia felt a strong sense of oppression. Just when she thought He Chao was about to break out, the young man suddenly took two steps back to the side, leaned against the wall, and made way for her. He Chao crushed the sugar in his mouth, leaving only a stick. Xu Xia paused for a few seconds, but still walked past him, and when she turned the corner of the stairs halfway down, He Chao suddenly called her again: "Is it because of poor grades?" Xu Xia raised her head at the corner of the stairs, and from her angle, she couldn't see He Chao's expression clearly. He Chao pinched the white plastic rod and said, "Because of my poor grades, I am in your mouth - that look?" Xu Xia suddenly felt that there were hands invisibly choking her neck, and she wanted to speak, but she couldn't. The English proctor was Townsend and the history teacher in the class next door. He Chao was ten minutes late. When he walked in, the whole class noticed that He Chao's whole person was not quite right, Tang Sen wanted to grab him and ask why he was late for the exam, He Chao didn't say anything like usual I helped the old grandmother cross the road, and stood at the door and said: "Don't let you take the test if you're late?" Directly asked Tang Sen stunned: "Ah...... No, it's your next ......." He Chao walked directly past him to his seat. "Fuck, dick." "Brother Chao's state ......" “…… What's going on? "The exam papers have been sent, take a look at the listening, and the listening part will start immediately later." Tang Sen looked at He Chao as he spoke, and repeated the wrong question he talked about when He Chao was away just now, "In the third sub-question of Reading Question A, there are two repeating options, change option C to this one on the blackboard." Xie Yu leaned back: "What's crazy?" He Chao also knew that he had lost his temper just now, not only was he out of shape, but his small emotions were also quite naïve, and after that emotion was sent out, he calmed down a lot, he grabbed his hair and said, "It's okay, it's a big fart." After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and said to Tang Sen: "Teacher, I will definitely pay attention next time." This mood shifted too quickly, like a tornado. Tang Sen really couldn't figure out this child, so he could only say three "yes" in a daze. Halfway through the exam, He Chao had already finished writing the test paper and was about to lie down to sleep for a while, when he just closed his eyes with his arms on his pillow when he heard two knocks from below. He half-opened his eyes and didn't move: "Little friend, what are you doing?" Xie Yu tapped his fingers twice more, making a crisp sound: "Hand, below." He Chao reached from below and found a note. There is only one question mark on it. This is probably the highest level of care from his cold tablemate. He Chao was content. He thought he could fill the whole paper with a pen that he could write a large part of the testimonial that the "cold killer" cared about, but when he picked up the pen, the tip of the pen fell on the paper and blurred a cloud of ink, he paused, and finally wrote only six words: - What am I like?

第三十章   沈捷的成绩和万达旗鼓相当, 这次考试座位又是前后排, 只不过前后顺序有所对调。   两个人按照考试号坐下后, 大眼瞪小眼互看半天,然后相视一笑。   沈捷:“兄弟,你懂的。”   万达:“我懂的, 懂的,合作愉快。”   对完答案之后,两人开始在纸条上热聊, 语文考试没聊尽兴, 英语考试接着聊下半场。   -等考完了,一起去吃饭?   -吃啥?   -食堂, 你还想吃啥。   -今天食堂的菜色有点恐怖……叫上朝哥他们吗?   -难吃也没得选,叫, 都叫上,有难要同当。   -捷哥, 说起来,你跟朝哥认识多久了?   聊吃饭聊得好好的,万达突然开始转移话题, 沈捷打开纸条看到这么一行字, 知道万达那颗八卦心真是野火烧不尽春风吹又生。   沈捷仔细想想,他跟贺朝好像认识快三年了。   那个时候炫舞游戏盛行,满大街都是非主流,沈捷平时在家里还算乖,出了家门野得很, 偷偷带钱去网吧,跟一个火星文妹子网恋。   这些非正规营业的网吧大多都隐藏在小区里,弯弯绕绕,找到门牌号后弯腰溜进去,推开一扇小门,里面就是未成年非主流少年们的世界。   三块钱可以享受一个小时。   享受归享受,这种网吧危险性相当高,动不动就被举报。   如果不走运被警察逮住,会打电话叫家长来领,在当时这可比考试考不及格还要严重。   沈捷至今都还记得,他付完钱,拿着号满场转悠找六号机在哪,在一群刘海遮住眼睛的非主流当中,他看到一个趴在电脑面前睡觉的人。   黑红色球衣,头发很短,贴近耳朵的地方嚣张地剃了一个字母‘N’,手边烟灰缸里堆了好几个烟头。   光看背影,觉得这人散漫得有些过分,又特别惹眼。   五号机。   六号机就在这酷帅哥们边上。   沈捷小心翼翼地坐下,摁下开机键之后,发现鼠标垫被边上这人压了一半。他想偷偷把鼠标垫抽出来,却不小心把人给闹醒了。   那人头上戴着的耳机本来就摇摇欲坠,随着他抬头,彻底滑了下去,搭在脖间。   “……”我去,这个颜值。   沈捷吓了一跳。   帅哥没说话,睡醒之后继续敲键盘。   屏幕上正是最近大热的炫舞游戏,就连沈捷也咬咬牙冲了企鹅币买时装。   对他们来说,一套酷炫帅气的衣服那简直就是玩游戏的尊严,游戏里大家哥哥妹妹地互相认亲,但是旁边这人穿着丑到不行的初始套装,游戏名字四个字“不加好友”。   手速游戏,那人还能从中抽空,单手开了罐可乐喝。   沈捷早就听说经常有道上大哥专挑这种未成年人专用型网吧收保护费,但是从来没有碰到过。   直到一个手里拿着棍子的男人大摇大摆踹开门走进来。   大夏天的,男人就穿了件夏威夷花衬衫,啤酒肚太大,纽扣都扣不上,敞开大半。样貌猥琐,满脸油腻。   花衬衫走进来,嘴里叼着跟烟,用棍子敲电脑桌敲了一路:“最近手头有点紧,都自觉点……快点的。”   给点钱就没事了,大部分人都是这样想的,到了沈捷那儿,正要给的时候手突然被人按住。   贺朝直接站了起来,可乐已经喝完了,他捏着可乐罐,手上略微使点力易拉罐便深深凹下去:“收什么?干什么呢。”   回忆到这里,沈捷在纸上写:朝哥是我偶像。   最后一个考场里。   谢俞半天不知道回什么,“你是傻逼”四个字写在纸上又被他涂掉。   英语考试后半场,几个后排同学小动作幅度越来越大,就差没往监考老师头上扔答案,唐森干脆搬了椅子坐在后面监考,就在贺朝身侧。   谢俞把纸条叠起来,最后还是没找到合适的机会递出去。   贺朝也没等,他往桌上一趴,不多时便睡着了。   打铃收卷,周围再度活跃起来。   贺朝睡得熟,收卷的时候谢俞喊了他两声,他也没反应,甚至干脆偏过去把脸埋进臂弯里。   “……”   谢俞顺手帮他把试卷交了,交之前把他的答题卡从头到尾扫视了一遍,发现贺朝这套试卷答下来大概能有35分。   边上的人正趁着收卷的时候赶紧再往上怼几个正确答案:“这题,C?那这题呢,B吗?”   谢俞面不改色地把自己的答案改错了几个。   月考就考语数英三门。   下午数学考完,高二全年级集体上两节自习课,各科老师去批试卷。   刘存浩他们打算偷偷去操场打球,贺朝也不想在教室里呆着,起身说:“我也去,走。”   罗文强说:“你每次光看着我们打……脚腕还没好?”   贺朝:“我太强了,怕打击你们自信心。”   刘存浩:“放屁。”   贺朝又说:“真的,我怕伤害你们。”   几个人聊了一阵,果真要去篮球场。   贺朝走出去两步,又退回来:“老谢,去不去?”   谢俞头都没抬:“走好。”   “你答应了。”贺朝直接去扯他的手。   谢俞简直觉得莫名其妙,拒绝得那么明显,答应什么了答应。   贺朝把“走好”两个字拆开念了一遍:“走,好。”   谢俞:“……”   他们几个还没走到球场,就被姜主任拦下来,这位奔四的男人拉开办公室窗户,探出头喊:“篮球场上的,干什么——上课时间你们在干什么,高二三班是吧,都给我滚上来。”   姜主任的大嗓门穿透力极强。   万达抱着球脚下踉跄:“我去,这么倒霉?疯狗不用去批试卷吗,他不是教数学的吗。”   几个人站在教导处门口,排成一排。   姜主任问:“解释解释?”   罗文强身为体育委员,这种时候义不容辞,主动站出来说:“我们在进行篮球练习,我们班成立了一个篮球队……”   “等等,”姜主任听完理由之后更炸毛,“又没有比赛,没有比赛你们练习什么篮球队?!”   罗文强说不出话了。   倒是贺朝,他十分冷静地给出了四个字答案:“强身健体?”   于是高二三班全体同学眼睁睁看着说好要去篮球场打球的几个人,顶着大太阳在操场上跑起了圈。   许晴晴座位正好靠窗,她看了半天没有看明白这个操作:“……他们干什么呢?”   其他同学也表示不知道,猜测说:“热、热身?”   姜主任没走,他站在荫凉处,给这几个孩子数圈:“不是热爱运动强身健体吗,跑,还有十五圈……跑不完就别回教室了。”   天气燥热,只有跑动的时候捎带起来的风,还有从额角缓缓流淌下来的汗水。   “十五圈,是男人就跑十五圈,”贺朝边跑边说,“老谢你行吗。”   谢俞懒得理他。   贺朝越跑越带劲,直接跑到他前面去,然后倒着跑,看着他说:“赌不赌,十五圈谁先跑完。”   “你无不无聊。”   “你敢不敢。”   “……”   姜主任嘴上说十五圈,也没有真的为难他们,看着他们跑了三圈,他人就走了,等于是默认让他们回班。   操场在太阳底下暴晒了一天,塑胶味儿浓重。   姜主任前脚刚走,刘存浩和万达就互相搀扶着走过去:“走了走了,真是要命。”   除了就算跑步也美滋滋的体委,就剩下贺朝和谢俞两个人还在跑。   “他们俩疯了吧……”万达坐在升旗台边上,看着那两个人你追我赶的样子,有点懵,“真的要跑十五圈啊?”   刘存浩渴得不行,以为他们俩不知道疯狗走了,高声喊了两下,发现没人理会,于是也不管了:“他们大概真的是想强身健体,走吧,买水去。”   跑步这个东西,一圈一圈下来,有点上瘾。   漓淋的汗水,永不停歇的步伐。放空大脑,什么都可以不去想,想宣泄的话,就狠狠地、拼了命地继续往前跑。   尽管累,累到呼吸急促,累到喉咙里直泛上来血腥味。   谢俞跑到最后,后背湿透,衣角夹着风。   满脑子只剩下一个念头——冲出去,继续跑。浑身都在烧。   ……   十三。   十四。   十五圈。   两个人同时迈过终点线。   贺朝又往前冲出去几步,然后才停下来。   他站在原地顿了半天,随手抓起衣服擦汗,腰线和腹肌露出来一瞬,汗液沿着脖子往下淌,他擦完脸上的汗,抬手作势想跟谢俞击掌,声音低哑得不行:“牛逼,挺厉害啊。”   谢俞弯着腰,除了急促呼吸,耳边有点嗡,听不太清楚贺朝的声音。   贺朝也累,他直接往操场上一躺,往上看是广阔无垠的天空。   不知道为什么,可能是刚才大脑陷入极空的状态,稳定下来之后莫名其妙的画面在眼前闪来闪去。   “……贺朝,你就安心复习,马上就中考了老师这里还有一套模拟卷,你做完拿过来我给你讲。以你的成绩,A市哪所高中你上不了?”   贺朝抓抓头发,不想再去想,嘴里没忍住骂出一句:“操。”   谢俞缓了一阵缓过来,坐在边上,双手撑在操场地面上,用脚踹踹他:“喂。”   贺朝隔了会儿才回答:“干什么啊。”   谢俞:“叫你一声傻逼你敢答应吗。”   贺朝不知道他为什么突然说这个:“……你才傻逼。”   “所以啊,”谢俞也顺势往下躺,剧烈运动过后两个人声音都有点哑,靠得近,呼吸间似乎闻到了贺朝身上洗衣粉夹着汗水的味道,“不要问别人,问你自己。”   
Chapter 30 Shen Jie's results are on par with Wanda, and the seats in the front and back rows of this exam are reversed, but the order is reversed. After the two sat down according to the exam number, they stared at each other for a long time, and then looked at each other and smiled. Shen Jie: "Brother, you know. Wanda: "I understand, I understand, it's a pleasure to work with." After the answers, the two began to talk on the note, the language test was not full of fun, and the English test continued to talk about the second half. - When the exam is over, go to dinner together? - What to eat? - Cafeteria, what else do you want to eat. - The dishes in the cafeteria today are a bit scary...... Call them the court? - If it's unpalatable, you don't have to choose, it's called, it's all called, and you have to share it if it's difficult. -Brother Jie, Speaking of which, how long have you known Brother Chao? After chatting and eating and chatting well, Wanda suddenly began to change the topic, Shen Jie opened the note and saw such a line of words, knowing that Wanda's gossip heart was really a wildfire that could not be burned and the spring breeze blew and reborn. Shen Jie thought about it carefully, he and He Chao seemed to have known each other for almost three years. At that time, dazzling dance games were popular, and the streets were full of non-mainstream, Shen Jie was usually quite well-behaved at home, and he was very wild when he left home, secretly took money to an Internet café, and had an online relationship with a Martian girl. Most of these informal Internet cafes are hidden in the community, twisting and turning, bending down and sneaking in after finding the house number, pushing open a small door, inside is the world of underage non-mainstream teenagers. Three bucks can be enjoyed for an hour. Enjoy and enjoy, this kind of Internet café is quite dangerous, and it will be reported at every turn. If you are unlucky enough to be caught by the police, you will call your parents to collect it, which at the time was even more serious than failing the exam. Shen Jie still remembers that after he paid the money, he walked around the field with the number to find where the No. 6 machine was, and in a group of non-mainstream people with bangs covering his eyes, he saw a person sleeping in front of the computer. Black and red jersey, short hair, arrogantly shaved the letter 'N' near the ear, and several cigarette butts piled up in the ashtray at hand. Just looking at the back, I feel that this person is a little too loose and eye-catching. Unit Five. Unit Six is right next to this cool guy. Shen Jie sat down cautiously, and after pressing the power button, he found that the mouse pad was half pressed by the person on the side. He tried to secretly pull out the mouse pad, but accidentally woke people up. The headphones on the man's head, which were already crumbling, slid down completely as he looked up and slung around his neck. "...... "I'll go, this look." Shen Jie was taken aback. The handsome guy didn't speak, and continued to type on the keyboard after waking up. On the screen is the recently popular dazzling dance game, and even Shen Jie gritted his teeth and rushed to buy fashion with penguin coins. For them, a set of cool and handsome clothes is simply the dignity of playing a game, in which everyone recognizes each other's brothers and sisters, but the person next to him is wearing an ugly initial suit, and the name of the game is four words "no friends". Hand speed game, the man can still take time out of it and open a can of Coke with one hand. Shen Jie had long heard that there were often big brothers on the road who picked this kind of Internet café for minors to collect protection money, but he had never encountered it. Until a man with a stick in his hand swaggered open the door and walked in. In the summer, the man wore a Hawaiian flower shirt, and the beer belly was so big that the buttons couldn't be buttoned, and it was mostly open. The appearance is obscene, and the face is greasy. Hua shirt walked in, with a cigarette in his mouth, and knocked all the way on the computer desk with a stick: "I've been a little tight lately, so I consciously ordered it...... Hurry up. It's okay to give some money, most people think so, and when they arrived at Shen Jie's place, they were about to give it when their hands were suddenly held down. He Chao stood up directly, the Coke had already finished drinking, he pinched the Coke can, and slightly made the can sink deeply in his hand: "What do you collect?" What for. Recalling this, Shen Jie wrote on the paper: Brother Chao is my idol. In the last exam room. Xie Yu didn't know what to reply for a long time, and the words "You are a fool" were written on the paper and erased by him. In the second half of the English test, several students in the back row moved more and more slightly, and they almost threw the answers on the invigilator's head, Tang Sen simply moved a chair and sat in the back to invigilate, right next to He Chao. Xie Yu folded the note, but finally didn't find a suitable opportunity to hand it out. He Chao didn't wait, he lay down on the table, and fell asleep after a while. The bell is reeled, and the surroundings are alive again. He Chao slept soundly, and when he was wrapping up, Xie Yu called him twice, but he didn't react, and even simply leaned over and buried his face in the crook of his arm. “……” Xie Yu helped him hand in the test papers, and before handing them in, he scanned his answer sheet from beginning to end, and found that He Chao could answer this set of test papers with about 35 points. The person on the side was taking advantage of the time to collect the paper and hurriedly slammed a few more correct answers: "This question, C?" What about this question, B? Xie Yu changed his answer a few times without changing his face. In the monthly exam, there are three languages, mathematics and English. After the math test in the afternoon, the whole grade of the second year of high school took two self-study classes, and the teachers of each subject went to mark the test papers. Liu Cunhao and the others planned to secretly go to the playground to play ball, but He Chao didn't want to stay in the classroom, so he got up and said, "I'll go too, go." Luo Wenqiang said: "Every time you just watch us fight...... Ankle is not healed yet? He Chao: "I'm too strong, I'm afraid of hitting your self-confidence." Liu Cunhao: "Fart." He Chao said again: "Really, I'm afraid of hurting you. A few people chatted for a while, and they really wanted to go to the basketball court. He Chao took two steps out and retreated: "Old Xie, do you want to go?" Xie Yu didn't raise his head: "Let's go." "You promised." He Chao went directly to pull his hand. Xie Yu felt inexplicable, he refused so obviously, and promised something. He Chao took apart the words "go well" and read them again: "Go, good." Xie Yu: "......" Before they could reach the court, they were stopped by Director Jiang, the man who was running for four opened the office window, poked his head out and shouted: "What are you doing on the basketball court - what are you doing during class time, the second and third classes of high school, get out of here." Director Jiang's loud voice is extremely penetrating. Wanda staggered under the ball foot: "I'll go, so unlucky?" Mad Dog doesn't have to mark the test papers, doesn't he teach mathematics. Several people stood at the door of the teaching office, lined up. Director Jiang asked, "Explain the explanation?" Luo Wenqiang, as a member of the sports committee, is obligated to stand up at this time and take the initiative to stand up and say: "We are practicing basketball, and our class has set up a basketball team ......" "Wait," Director Jiang was even more furious after hearing the reason, "There is no competition, what basketball team do you practice without a competition?!" Luo Wenqiang was speechless. It was He Chao, who gave a four-word answer very calmly: "Fitness? So all the students in the second and third classes of high school watched a few people who said they were going to play on the basketball court, and ran in circles on the playground against the sun. Xu Qingqing's seat was right by the window, and she didn't understand this operation after looking at it for a long time: "...... What do they do? Other students also said they didn't know, and guessed: "Heat, warm up? Director Jiang didn't leave, he stood in the shade and gave the children a few laps: "Don't you love sports to keep fit, run, there are still fifteen laps...... If you can't finish your run, don't go back to the classroom. The weather was hot and dry, only the wind that carried it with me when I ran, and the sweat that slowly flowed down from my forehead. "Fifteen laps, if it's a man, run fifteen laps," He Chao said as he ran, "Lao Xie, can you?" Xie Yu didn't bother to pay attention to him. He Chao ran more and more energetically, ran directly in front of him, and then ran backwards, looked at him and said, "Bet or not, who will finish the fifteen laps first." "You're all bored." "Do you dare?" “……” Director Jiang said fifteen laps, but he didn't really embarrass them, watching them run three laps, and the others left, which was tantamount to letting them go back to work by default. The playground had been exposed to the sun for a day, and the smell of plastic was strong. As soon as Director Jiang left, Liu Cunhao and Wanda helped each other and walked over: "It's really terrible to go." In addition to the sports committee that is beautiful even if he runs, only He Chao and Xie Yu are still running. "The two of them are crazy...... Wanda sat on the edge of the flag-raising platform, looking at the two people chasing after me, a little confused, "Do you really have to run fifteen laps?" Liu Cunhao was so thirsty that he thought the two of them didn't know that the mad dog was gone, so he shouted twice, but found that no one paid attention, so he didn't care: "They probably really want to keep fit, let's go, buy water." Running this thing, lap by lap, is a bit addictive. Dripping sweat, never-ending pace. If you empty your brain, you can not think about anything, and if you want to vent, you will continue to run forward fiercely and desperately. Even though I was tired, I was so tired that I was short of breath, and I was so tired that the smell of blood came up in my throat. Xie Yu ran to the end, his back was soaked, and the wind was caught in the corners of his clothes. There was only one thought left in my head - rush out and keep running. Burning all over my body. …… A baker's dozen. Fourteen. Fifteen laps. Two men cross the finish line at the same time. He Chao rushed forward a few more steps before stopping. He stood in place for a long time, grabbed his clothes and wiped his sweat, his waistline and abdominal muscles were exposed for a moment, sweat flowed down his neck, he wiped the sweat on his face, raised his hand and wanted to high-five Xie Yu, his voice was so hoarse: "Awesome, it's amazing." Xie Yu bent over, except for his rapid breathing, his ears were a little buzzing, and he couldn't hear He Chao's voice clearly. He Chao was also tired, so he went directly to the playground and lay down, looking up at the vast sky. I don't know why, it may be that the brain fell into a state of extreme emptiness just now, and after it stabilized, an inexplicable picture flashed in front of my eyes. “…… He Chao, you can review with peace of mind, and the teacher will take the high school entrance examination right away, and there is a set of mock papers here, and I will tell you when you finish it. With your grades, which high school in City A you can't go to? He Chao grabbed his hair, didn't want to think about it anymore, and couldn't help but curse in his mouth: "." Xie Yu slowed down for a while, sat on the side, propped his hands on the playground, and kicked him with his feet: "Hey." He Chao replied after a while: "What are you doing?" Xie Yu: "Do you dare to agree to call you a fool." He Chao didn't know why he suddenly said this: "...... You're stupid. "So," Xie Yu also lay down, after the strenuous exercise, the voices of the two of them were a little hoarse, they were close, and they seemed to smell the smell of sweat on He Chao's body between their breaths, "Don't ask others, ask yourself." ”

第三十一章   谢俞说完, 贺朝半天没说话。   就在他以为这个话题就这样结束的时候, 贺朝突然来了一句:“我觉得我吧, 帅的一批。”   两个人并肩躺在操场上,姿态都有点野性,累成这样也没工夫再去顾及什么形象, 贺朝双手张开呈大字型,发现自己身体的温度比操场地面还烫上几度。   谢俞没力气嘲他,他对这个人的厚脸皮向来是服气的, 动了动腿想踹两脚, 踹倒是没踹到,因为贺朝突然撑着坐了起来。   贺朝又说:“真的, 你见过比我还帅的人吗,人海茫茫能够认识我这样的……”   谢俞说:“你还来劲了。”   贺朝:“笔仙都说没有。”   谢俞回想起他们玩笔仙的那个晚自习, 突然有点想笑。   “有,谁说没有, ”谢俞起了开玩笑的心思,看着他,然后抬手指了指自己, “你大爷我。”   贺朝:“大爷?”   谢俞随口应了句:“碍, 孙子。”   “你他妈,占我便宜啊小朋友。”   辈分突然低了两辈,贺朝笑着去扯谢俞衣领,装样子凶凶他,结果手上力气没有控制住, 也没想到谢俞躺着任由他弄不还手。   不小心扯过头,衣领扯得大开。   谢俞皮肤本来就白,跑步过后加上太阳晒着,看上去略微泛红,那抹红从底下一点点透出来。少年身体精瘦,漂亮得甚至有些勾人。   “到底谁占谁便宜,”谢俞拍拍贺朝的手,“撒手。”   贺朝松开,坐在原地愣了好一会儿,干脆又躺回去,干巴巴憋出一句:“你……你身材不错。”   谢俞从善如流答:“谢谢,你也不错。”   脑子里那团纷乱的思绪戛然而止,贺朝快忘了自己刚才到底是在烦些什么。   但贺朝还是觉得热,从喉咙口一直延至呼吸不顺的胸腔,一种说不上来的热。   有些烧。   贺朝也不知道怎么想的,脑子一懵,鬼神使差地、偷偷瞄了一眼自己的裤裆。   ……   谢俞不知道贺朝的思路拐了好几个弯跑出去老远,他躺着看了会儿天空,看累了又闭上眼睛。   四周很静,他听到贺朝呼吸的声音。   还有对方直到现在都还没有停下来的、过快的心跳。   半响,谢俞闭着眼睛问:“心率过快,很累?”   贺朝抹了把脸,不知道怎么说:“啊,是啊……跑得很累。”   罗文强跑了十圈左右,跑完就瘫在地上,离他们有半个操场的距离。   他休息够了又去小卖部买水,顺便帮两位跑疯了的同学带两瓶,他穿过操场,走到谢俞跟贺朝两个人身边,蹲下,把水递过去:“哇,你们俩,十五圈?真跑了十五圈?”   冰水,还冒着凉气。   谢俞:“谢谢。”   贺朝坐起来接过水,拧开瓶盖仰头灌下去大半瓶:“强不强,害不害怕,说十五圈就十五圈。”   “厉害厉害,”罗文强表明自己的来意,“这样,秋季运动会,你俩跑长跑吧。”   话题转换得太快,贺朝光顾着吹,一时没反应过来:“啊?”   还是第一次有人邀请谢俞参加集体活动,跑长跑倒是无所谓,但是三班体委实在是过于积极,运动会不出意外的话还得再过半个月,具体时间都没个通知。   但罗文强本人摇摇头表示:“唉,人生不过弹指一挥间。”   谢俞:“……”   贺朝:“……”兄弟你这个思想觉悟有点高。   聊了一阵,几人起身回教室。   走廊上一路走过去,发现各个班级都已经炸锅,安静的表象维持不下去,闹腾得不行。   “这么吵,”路过八班,沈捷他们居然还在K歌,贺朝用手指塞住了一只耳朵,不想接受摧残,又说,“怎么就我们班一言不发还把窗帘拉那么紧,这么沉默,不像咱班平时的风格啊。”   贺朝说着,推开三班后门。   大屏幕上正在放电影,电影刚放到一半。   刘存浩身为班长,义不容辞地搬了椅子坐在讲台边上,门外一有动静就拖着鼠标把电影关掉。   “吓我一跳,”看到进来的是他们几个,刘存浩又把电影调出来,“我还以为是谁呢,来,我们接着看。要加注的去万达那边加啊,买定离手。”   窗帘拉得密不透风,灯也全都关了,真让他们营造出点小型影院的感觉。   谢俞没看明白:“你们在干什么?”   “猜谁是凶手,”万达向他们介绍,“这是部悬疑片,五毛一股,下注吗客官?”   “不了不了,这对我跟老谢来说不公平,前面讲了什么都不知道,”贺朝说完,又夸奖道,“不过你们很有商业头脑,这点我不得不承认。”   这场年级狂欢不到半个小时,被姜主任亲手打破:“好啊,我去批个试卷的功夫,你们是想翻天是不是。”   疯狗一路从八班骂过来:“八班把教室当成KTV,你们班电影院,一个个都很有想法啊。知道自己这次考试考成什么样子吗,还那么开心、那么快乐?!”   贺朝凑到谢俞耳边说:“反正都是死,不如死于安乐。”   姜主任指了指最后排:“你们说什么呢,交头接耳,十五圈没跑够?”   贺朝刚想说“没说什么”,他身边这位中国好同桌直接对他捅了一刀——谢俞把贺朝刚才说的话重复了一遍。   全班哄堂大笑。   “那么想死,我成全你,”姜主任气得不行,“贺朝,你给我滚出去,走廊上站着。”   “……”   贺朝习惯了,滚出去的姿势相当熟练。   姜主任嘴里仿佛还有几篇小作文没有讲完,把贺朝叫出去留着待训,还在三班说个不停。贺朝站得累了,又偷偷往回走两步,靠在后门门框边上跟谢俞聊天:“小朋友,你这样很不仗义。”   谢俞回敬:“你这个人很烦。”   “……住宿生迟到的现象,我们也已经找到了对策去治你们。”姜主任从班级纪律讲到住宿迟到,“在座的各位住校的同学,明天早上开始,你们会感受到一种起床的力量。”   起床的力量。   这他妈明明感受到了想杀人的欲望。   次日清晨,宿舍楼广播振耳发聩,一曲精忠报国在所有人耳边炸响。   “狼烟起江山北望,龙起卷,马长嘶~”   “我愿守土复开疆,堂堂中国要让四方~”   豪迈中透着激情,恢弘且壮志凌云,足以唤起每一位祖国好男儿热血的灵魂!油然而生的使命感,学习的激情在不断沸腾!   早上六点,宿舍楼里所有人的确沸腾了。   他们从床上爬起来,急忙间拖鞋都顾不上穿,拉开门问,不约而同骂出两个字:“我操!”   “怎么回事,什么情况啊,六点钟,让不让人睡觉了?”   “谁特么在放歌?!”   贺朝把被子拉上去,打算熬过一首歌的时间。   最后实在是被这阵广播闹得脑壳疼,加上门外骂骂咧咧的声音层出不穷,忍不下去,撑着手坐了起来:“……搞什么啊。”   睡了一夜,昨天跑十五圈的后遗症悉数泛上来,尤其是前不久刚受伤过的脚腕,承受高强度的长跑还是有些吃力。   贺朝抓抓头发,下了床,踩着拖鞋慢慢悠悠晃到门口,拉开寝室门,也跟着喊了几句:“这么骚的吗,精忠报国,很可以啊。”   贺朝音量不高,但声音很有辨识度,语调总是略微向上扬起,还夹杂着不经意的戏谑。   有人看到他了,停下吐槽:“朝哥早。”   贺朝没说话,打着哈欠抬手向那人示意,然后晃到对门停下,出于有福同享有难同当的心理,敲门喊谢俞:“老谢,起床了老谢……这样都睡得着?”   贺朝头发挺乱,衣服也没整理,敲了一阵没人回应,恰巧‘精忠报国’也停了,正打算回去接着睡个回笼觉,面前的门“吱呀”一声开了。   “你他妈没完了还,”谢俞把塞在耳朵里的耳塞拿出来,靠在门边看他,“有屁快放。”   也不管谢俞欢不欢迎他进屋,贺朝直接从他身侧闪进去:“找你吃早饭。”   谢俞没关门,站在门口看他,眼里呼之欲出三个字‘滚出去’。   贺朝只当没看见。   广播里那首歌虽然停了,但是姜主任的演讲才刚刚开始:“喂喂?听得见吗,啊,好,同学们早上好,所谓一日之计在于晨……”   贺朝简直惊了:“我操,还没完?”   谢俞抬手揉了揉额角。   这样一来,他就算想睡也睡不了,干脆关上门,转身去洗漱。   “昨天那门数学,真的,数学老师看了都会感动到落泪,”谢俞正在刷牙,贺朝靠着墙,站在独卫门口跟他扯皮,“你就等着他表扬我吧,我从来没有过这么好的答题手感,每一道题我都认识……”   谢俞刷完牙,用手接了点水往脸上扑。   贺朝说“这次肯定能及格”的时候,谢俞擦完脸,直接把毛巾往贺朝脸上扔。   他不提这个还好,提起月考卷谢俞感觉烦透了,心想,你及格个屁。   “干什么啊,”贺朝把毛巾从脸上拿下来,“起床气?”   谢俞把手搭在长裤拉链边沿,手指拽着拉链往下拉了一点儿,要干什么显而易见:“把门带上,滚边去。”   “害羞什么,大家都是男人。”   贺朝嘴里说是这样说,还是相当配合地转身往书桌那边走。   谢俞拉开裤子拉链,没理他。   昨天下午考数学的时候,谢俞为了知道控分区域,中途问贺朝他答得怎么样。   这套试卷上的题目基本都是课后习题,只作出了一些小改动,比如说把10改成了20,考太低真的像个智障。   贺朝说答得不错的时候他还信了。   毕竟贺朝平时也不是完全不听课,自从上回激怒数学老师之后,他的数学课没那么好过,手机也玩不成,不得不抬头看黑板。   也不知道他到底看没看懂,反正这人有事没事就在边上说两句:“原来是这样,好简单,这道题你懂了吗,我懂了。”   他懂个……锤子。   收卷的时候谢俞看了眼他的答案,就知道贺朝完全辜负了他的信任。   贺朝在屋里转了两圈,最后往谢俞床位上坐。   谢俞上完厕所顺便把独卫打扫了一遍,等他洗完手出去,就看到没事找事跑来敲门、嘴里喊着吃早饭的贺朝又躺在他床上睡着了。   贺朝上衣下摆往上卷起,人虽然看起来高瘦,该有的都有。   腰连着小腹的地方肌肉线条分明,尤其呼吸起伏的时候,但属于少年的那份青涩冲淡了它的攻击性。   贺朝半边脸埋在被子里。   谢俞活动几下手腕关节,很想揍人。   月考过去,不论成绩如何,大家已经回归之前那种往好了说叫热爱生活的松散状态。   早晨进校门的同学光顾着聊偶像明星以及昨天晚上热播的电视剧,疯狗踩着早读课铃声,站在校门口抓迟到。   二中老师批试卷的效率奇高,晚上把试卷带回去加班加点接着批,隔天就能出成绩。   万达在老师办公室门口蹲了一整个课间,歪着头,耳朵贴在门板上,就在唐森开门出去倒垃圾的时候,猛然站起,调头就往厕所里钻。   “你等等,”唐森也不是瞎子,他冲万达招了招手,“过来。”   唐森刚上任的时候就听其他老师说这个孩子特别爱听墙角,今天总算是见识到了,他手里拎着垃圾袋,往前走了几步,问他:“都听到什么了?”   万达说:“咱班垫底,年级第一第二都在咱班,不过是倒数。二班平均分最高,数学有人拿了满分,许晴晴英语考得不错……隔壁班语文老师下个月要结婚。”   唐森只是隐约坐在里面瞅到几眼万达的脑袋,还真没想到让让他听到那么多:“你这耳朵挺灵光啊,你到底长了几只耳朵?还有吗?”   万达:“没有了,汇报完毕。”   眼看马上就快上课,唐森想教育他也没有时间:“有空多看看书,上课去吧,对了——让贺朝中午来一趟我办公室。”   万达连忙应下。   唐森走出去几步,又退回来,顿了顿说:“……把谢俞也一起叫上。”   教室里。   贺朝坐在座位上和谢俞两个人玩上节课没有争出胜负的低成本自制纸片游戏——五子棋,上节语文课两个人2:2平局。   贺朝逻辑思维能力很强,而且战线拉得奇长,每次谢俞五个子马上就要连在一起的时候贺朝总能插一脚让它断掉,以贺朝的智商,谢俞不知道这是不是误打误撞。   万达踏着上课铃走回来,“朝哥俞哥,老唐叫你们两个中午去他办公室一趟,你们两个……怎么可以每次都考倒数?”   贺朝听到这话,知道万达是打听到成绩了,放下笔问:“我?我倒几?”   谢俞已经猜到结局,头都没抬。   果不其然,万达说:“倒一,而且你数学只有十分。”   贺朝看上去还深深陷入自己能考及格的梦里无法自拔,听到“十分”这两个字的时候,他有点惊讶:“我离个位数只有一步之遥?”   万达说:“可不是吗,特别牛,把我们班平均分直接拉下去两分。”   万达说完,发现贺朝整个人情绪都有点低,又问:“怎么了朝哥?”   “别管他,他没睡醒,”谢俞说,“还等着数学老师表扬……睡觉吧,梦里什么都有。”   万达最近觉得自己跟谢俞也混得差不多熟了,脱口而出道:“俞哥,你二十分,你俩彼此彼此,也好不到哪里去。”   谢俞:“……你找揍呢?”   贺朝听完直接笑了出来,越笑越夸张。   中午,唐森早早地吃完饭赶回办公室,等着包揽倒数第一第二的两位同学来办公室里找他。   他写了好几份谈话大纲,最后还是决定自由发挥。   “唐老师,他们俩从高一的时候就这样,”边上其他老师看着唐森整理分析了好半天这两人的月考试卷,也听说中午约了人谈话,“你正常教就好,他们实在是不肯听,也没办法。我说这话不是说让你怎么样、放弃他们,就是他们两个……真的,没法子,没办法。”   唐森继续翻阅贺朝和谢俞两人的考卷,也没直面否定那位老师的话,丝毫不觉得自己在做一件吃力不讨好的事,他说:“我就正常教,尽力教——这不是还没尽全力吗。”   过了十几分钟两人才到,先后敲了门:“报告。”   唐森合上手里的教案:“进。”   不难猜到老唐找他们想干什么,无非就是批评成绩,高一的时候各科老师都这样找他们谈过,也就是谈谈,谈过之后该怎么样还是怎么样。   贺朝看上去一派轻松,想来也是经常应对这种局面。   “你们俩,坐,”唐森把考卷摆在桌上,“我想问问你们,在学习方面有哪些地方觉得有困难?说出来我们一起试着解决。”   换句话说就是‘你们俩到底为什么能考出这么低的分数’。   谢俞讲不出什么理由,因为知道正确答案所以完美避开,说出来怕吓到他。   倒是贺朝,对答如流:“哪里都困难。”   “贺朝,我前阵子刚和你们班主任夸你你最近数学课表现都还不错,”说话间,数学老师吃完饭走进来,手里捏着根牙签,“这次怎么考成这样?”   贺朝不说话了。   谢俞替同桌答:“上课的时候,他也以为他自己听懂了。”   这回轮到数学老师不知道该说什么好,他摇摇头回到自己座位上:“你们……你们可真是神人。”
Chapter 31 After Xie Yu finished speaking, He Chao didn't speak for a long time. Just when he thought that this topic was over, He Chao suddenly said: "I think I'm handsome." The two of them were lying side by side on the playground, their postures were a little wild, and they were so tired that they didn't have time to care about any image, He Chao spread his hands in a large shape, and found that the temperature of his body was a few degrees hotter than the playground floor. Xie Yu didn't have the strength to laugh at him, he had always been convinced by this person's cheekiness, and he moved his legs and wanted to kick his feet, but he didn't kick it, because He Chao suddenly sat up. He Chao said again: "Really, have you ever seen someone more handsome than me, the vast sea of people can know a ...... like me?" Xie Yu said: "You are still energetic. He Chao: "The pen immortals all said no." Xie Yu recalled the evening self-study when they played with the pen fairy, and suddenly wanted to laugh. "Yes, who said no," Xie Yu thought about jokingly, looked at him, and then raised his hand and pointed at himself, "Your uncle and me." He Chao: "Uncle? Xie Yu replied casually: "Hinder, grandson." "you, take advantage of me, kid." The seniority was suddenly lowered by two generations, He Chao smiled and pulled Xie Yu's collar, pretending to be fierce to him, but the strength in his hands was not controlled, and he didn't expect Xie Yu to lie down and let him not fight back. Accidentally pulled his head and pulled the collar wide open. Xie Yu's skin was originally white, but after running and the sun was shining, he looked slightly red, and the red came out a little bit from the bottom. The boy was lean, so beautiful that he was even a little seductive. "Who takes advantage of whom," Xie Yu patted He Chao's hand, "Let go." He Chao let go, sat in place and was stunned for a while, then simply lay back and said dryly: "You...... You're in good shape. Xie Yu replied with kindness: "Thank you, you are not bad." The chaotic thoughts in his mind came to an abrupt halt, and He Chao almost forgot what he was bothering about just now. But He Chao still felt hot, extending from his throat to his chest, where he couldn't breathe, an indescribable heat. Some burn. He Chao didn't know what to think, his mind was confused, and the ghost and god secretly glanced at his crotch. …… Xie Yu didn't know He Chao's train of thought and turned several corners and ran out of the distance, he lay down and looked at the sky for a while, and closed his eyes when he was tired. It was quiet all around, and he heard the sound of He Chao's breathing. And the other party's heartbeat that hasn't stopped until now. Halfway, Xie Yu closed his eyes and asked, "Heart rate is too fast, very tired?" He Chao wiped his face and didn't know how to say, "Ah, yes...... Running is tiring. Luo Wenqiang ran about ten laps, and when he was finished, he collapsed on the ground, half a playground away from them. He rested enough and went to the commissary to buy water, and by the way, he helped the two crazy classmates bring two bottles, he walked through the playground, walked to Xie Yu and He Chao, squatted down, and handed the water over: "Wow, you two, fifteen laps?" Did you really run fifteen laps? Ice water, still bubbling cold. Xie Yu: "Thank you. He Chao sat up and took the water, unscrewed the cap of the bottle and poured down most of the bottle: "Strong or not, not afraid, say fifteen circles." "Amazing," Luo Wenqiang indicated his intention, "In this way, in the autumn games, you two can run long-distance running." The topic changed too quickly, and He Chao patronized and blew, but he didn't react for a while: "Ah? It was the first time that someone invited Xie Yu to participate in a group activity, and it didn't matter if he ran a long distance, but the third class sports committee was too active, and if there was no accident in the sports meeting, it would take another half a month, and there was no notice of the specific time. But Luo Wenqiang himself shook his head and said: "Alas, life is just a flick of a finger. Xie Yu: "......" He Chao: "...... brother, your ideological consciousness is a bit high. After chatting for a while, several people got up and went back to the classroom. Walking all the way through the corridor, I found that all classes had been fried, and the quiet appearance could not be maintained, and the noise was unbearable. "It's so noisy," passing by Class 8, Shen Jie and they were still singing, He Chao plugged one ear with his finger, not wanting to accept the destruction, and said, "Why is it that our class still draws the curtains so tightly without saying a word, so silent, it's not like the usual style of our class." He Chao said, pushing open the back door of the third class. A movie is playing on the big screen, and the movie is just halfway through. As the squad leader, Liu Cunhao moved a chair and sat on the edge of the podium, dragging the mouse to turn off the movie as soon as there was movement outside the door. "Scared me," seeing that it was a few of them who came in, Liu Cunhao called up the movie again, "I thought it was who, come, let's continue watching." If you want to raise, go to Wanda to add it, buy it and leave. The curtains were drawn tightly and the lights were all turned off, which really gave them the feeling of a small theater. Xie Yu didn't understand: "What are you doing?" "Guess who's the murderer," Wanda told them, "This is a suspense film, five cents a share, bet on the guest officer?" "No, no, no, this is unfair to me and Lao Xie, I don't know anything I said earlier," He Chao finished speaking, and praised again, "But you are very business-minded, I have to admit this." This grade carnival lasted less than half an hour, and was broken by Director Jiang himself: "Okay, I'm going to mark a test paper, do you want to turn the sky upside down." Mad Dog scolded all the way from Class 8: "Class 8 treats the classroom as a KTV, and the cinema of your class is very thoughtful." Do you know what you did in this exam, and you are still so happy and happy?! He Chao leaned into Xie Yu's ear and said, "Anyway, it's all death, it's better to die in peace." Director Jiang pointed to the back row: "What are you talking about, you haven't run enough for fifteen laps?"He Chaogang wanted to say, "I didn't say anything", but the good Chinese tablemate next to him stabbed him directly - Xie Yu repeated what He Chao had just said. The class burst into laughter. "If you want to die then, I'll fulfill you," Director Jiang was so angry that he couldn't do it, "He Chao, you get out of here for me, stand in the corridor." ” “……” He Chao is used to it, and the posture of getting out is quite skillful. Director Jiang seemed to have a few small essays in his mouth that had not been finished, so he called He Chao out to stay for training, and kept talking in the third class. He Chao was tired of standing, so he secretly took two steps back, leaned on the back door frame and chatted with Xie Yu: "Little friend, you are very unrighteous like this. Xie Yu replied: "You are very annoying." ” “…… The phenomenon of late boarding students, we have also found a countermeasure to treat you. Director Jiang talked about class discipline to being late for accommodation, "All the students who live on campus, starting tomorrow morning, you will feel a kind of power to get up. The power to get up. This felt the urge to kill. In the early morning of the next day, the radio in the dormitory building was deafening, and a song of loyalty to the country exploded in everyone's ears. "The wolf smoke rises and the mountains look north, the dragon rolls, and the horse hisses~" "I am willing to defend the land and reopen the territory, and China wants to let the Quartet~" The heroic and passionate, magnificent and ambitious, is enough to arouse the passionate soul of every good man of the motherland! The sense of mission and the passion for learning are constantly boiling! At six o'clock in the morning, everyone in the dormitory building was indeed boiling. They got up from the bed, hurriedly didn't bother to put on their slippers, opened the door and asked, and scolded two words in unison: "Fuck! "What's going on, what's the situation, six o'clock, so that no one can sleep?" "Who the hell is singing?!" He Chao pulled the quilt up, intending to survive the time of a song. In the end, I was really troubled by this broadcast, and the sound of scolding and scolding outside the door was endless, I couldn't bear it, and sat up with my hands: "...... What the hell? After a night's sleep, the sequelae of yesterday's fifteen laps of running all came up, especially the ankle that had just been injured not long ago, and it was still a little difficult to withstand the high-intensity long-distance running. He Chao grabbed his hair, got out of bed, stepped on his slippers and slowly swayed to the door, opened the bedroom door, and shouted a few words: "Is it so sassy, it is very okay to serve the country with loyalty." He Chao's volume was not high, but his voice was very recognizable, and his tone was always slightly upward, mixed with casual banter. Someone saw him and stopped complaining: "Brother Chao is early." He Chao didn't speak, yawned and raised his hand to signal to the man, and then shook to the opposite door to stop, out of the psychology of blessing and hardship, knocked on the door and called Xie Yu: "Old Xie, get up old Xie...... Can you sleep like this? He Chao's hair was very messy, his clothes were not tidied up, and no one responded after knocking for a while, and it happened that 'Jing Zhong Serving the Country' also stopped, and he was about to go back and sleep again, when the door in front of him "creaked" open. "You're dead," Xie Yu took out the earplugs that were stuffed in his ears and leaned against the door to look at him, "If you have a fart, let it go." Regardless of whether Xie Yuhuan welcomed him into the house or not, He Chao flashed in directly from his side: "Looking for you for breakfast." Xie Yu didn't close the door, he stood at the door and looked at him, with three words in his eyes: 'Get out'. He Chao just didn't see it. Although the song on the radio stopped, Director Jiang's speech had just begun: "Hey, hey? Can you hear me, ah, good, good morning, students, the so-called plan of the day lies in the morning ......" He Chao was simply shocked: "Fuck, it's not over yet?" Xie Yu raised his hand and rubbed the corners of his forehead. In this way, he couldn't sleep even if he wanted to, so he simply closed the door and turned around to wash. "Yesterday's math, really, the math teacher will be moved to tears when he sees it," Xie Yu was brushing his teeth, He Chao leaned against the wall, standing at the door of the Duwei and arguing with him, "You just wait for him to praise me, I have never had such a good answering feeling, I know ...... every question" After Xie Yu brushed his teeth, he took some water with his hand and threw it on his face. When He Chao said, "I will definitely pass this time", Xie Yu wiped his face and threw the towel directly into He Chao's face. It's good that he didn't mention this, but Xie Yu felt annoyed when he mentioned the monthly exam paper, and thought, you passed a fart. "What are you doing," He Chao took the towel off his face, "Get up?" Xie Yu put his hand on the edge of the zipper of his trousers, and pulled the zipper down a little with his fingers, and it was obvious what he was going to do: "Bring the door and roll the edge." "What are you shy, everyone is a man." He Chao said so, but he turned around and walked towards the desk quite cooperatively. Xie Yu unzipped his pants and ignored him. Yesterday afternoon, when he was taking the math test, Xie Yu asked He Chao how he answered halfway in order to know the control area. The questions on this set of test papers are basically after-class exercises, and only a few small changes have been made, such as changing 10 to 20, and the test is too low to really look like a mental retard. He Chao said that when he answered well, he believed it. After all, He Chao usually doesn't completely ignore class, since he angered the math teacher last time, his math class has not been so good, and he can't play on his mobile phone, so he has to look up at the blackboard. I don't know if he understands it or not, anyway, this person has something to do, so he said a few words on the side: "So that's the case, it's so simple, do you understand this question, I understand." He knows ...... Hammer. When Xie Yu looked at his answer when he was closing the scroll, he knew that He Chao had completely betrayed his trust. He Chao walked around the room twice, and finally sat down on Xie Yu's bed. Xie Yu cleaned the lone guard by the way after going to the toilet, and when he went out after washing his hands, he saw He Chao, who had nothing to do and came knocking on the door, shouting for breakfast, lying on his bed and falling asleep again. He Chao rolled up the hem of his shirt, although he looked tall and thin, he had everything he should have. The muscles of the waist and lower abdomen are distinct, especially when the breathing is undulating, but the youth that belongs to the teenager dilutes its aggressiveness. Half of He Chao's face was buried in the quilt. Xie Yu moved his wrist joints a few times, and he wanted to beat people. After the monthly exam, no matter what the results are, everyone has returned to the previous loose state of loving life. The students who entered the school gate in the morning patronized to talk about idol stars and the TV series that hit last night, and the mad dog stepped on the bell of the morning reading class and stood at the school gate to catch being late. The efficiency of the teacher in the second middle school is very high, and the test papers are brought back at night to work overtime and then marked, and the results can be released the next day. Wanda squatted at the door of the teacher's office for a whole recess, tilted her head, and put her ears on the door panel, and when Townsend opened the door to go out to take out the trash, she suddenly stood up, turned around and went to the toilet. "You wait," Tang Sen was not blind, he beckoned to Wanda, "Come here." When Townsend first took office, he heard from other teachers that this child was very fond of listening to the corner, and today he finally saw it, he carried a garbage bag in his hand, walked a few steps forward, and asked him, "What did you hear?" Wanda said: "We are at the bottom of the class, and the first and second grades are in our class, but they are the bottom." The average score of the second class was the highest, someone got a full score in mathematics, and Xu Qingqing did well in English...... The Chinese teacher in the next class is getting married next month. Tang Sen just sat vaguely inside and glanced at Wanda's head, but he really didn't expect him to hear so much: "Your ears are very bright, how many ears do you have?" Anything else? Wanda: "No, the report is complete." Seeing that class was about to start, Tang Sen didn't have time to educate him: "If you have time to read more books, let's go to class, by the way, let He Chao come to my office at noon." Wanda hurriedly responded. Tang Sen walked out a few steps, then stepped back, paused and said, "...... Call Xie Yu as well. In the classroom. He Chao sat in his seat and played a low-cost homemade paper game - Gomoku with Xie Yu, who did not compete for victory or defeat in the previous class, and the two of them drew 2:2 in the last Chinese class. He Chao's logical thinking ability is very strong, and the battle line is extremely long, every time Xie Yu's five sons are about to be connected together, He Chao can always insert a foot to break it, with He Chao's IQ, Xie Yu doesn't know if this is a mistake. Wanda walked back with the class bell, "Brother Chao, Brother Yu, Lao Tang asked the two of you to go to his office at noon, you two ...... How can I count down every time? When He Chao heard this, he knew that Wanda had heard about the results, so he put down his pen and asked, "Me?" How many do I pour? Xie Yu had already guessed the ending and didn't raise his head. Sure enough, Wanda said, "It's one, and you only have 10 points in math." He Chao seemed to be deeply immersed in the dream that he could pass the exam, and when he heard the word "ten", he was a little surprised: "I'm only one step away from a single digit?" Wanda said: "Isn't it, it's a special cow, and the average score of our class is directly lowered by two points." After Wanda finished speaking, he found that He Chao's whole mood was a little low, and asked again: "What's the matter, Brother Chao?" "Leave him alone, he didn't wake up," Xie Yu said, "still waiting for the math teacher to praise him...... Go to sleep, you have everything in your dreams. Wanda recently felt that she and Xie Yu were almost familiar with each other, and blurted out: "Brother Yu, you are twenty points, and the two of you are not much better than each other." Xie Yu: "...... Are you looking for a beating? He Chao laughed directly after hearing this, and the more he laughed, the more exaggerated he became. At noon, Tang Sen rushed back to the office after eating early, waiting for the two classmates who took the first and second places to come to the office to find him. He wrote several outlines of the conversation, and finally decided to play freely. "Teacher Tang, the two of them have been like this since their freshman year of high school," the other teachers on the side watched Tang Sen sort out and analyze the monthly exam papers of the two for a long time, and also heard that they had an appointment to talk at noon, "You just teach normally, they really refuse to listen, and there is no way." I'm not saying what to do with you, giving up on them, it's just the two of them...... Really, no way, no way. Tang Sen continued to flip through the examination papers of He Chao and Xie Yu, and did not directly deny the teacher's words, not feeling that he was doing a thankless task at all, he said: "I will teach normally and try my best to teach—isn't this not that I haven't done my best." It took more than ten minutes for the two to arrive and knocked on the door one after another: "Report." Tang Sen closed the lesson plan in his hand: "Enter." It is not difficult to guess what Lao Tang wants to do with them, which is nothing more than criticizing the grades, and the teachers of various subjects have talked to them like this in the first year of high school, that is, to talk, what should they do after talking. He Chao seemed to be relaxed, and he often dealt with this situation. "You two, sit," Townsend put the exam papers on the table, "I would like to ask you, what do you find difficult in your studies?" Say it and let's try to solve it together. In other words, 'why the hell did you two get such low scores?'" Xie Yu couldn't say any reason, because he knew the correct answer, so he avoided it perfectly, and he was afraid of scaring him by saying it. It was He Chao, who replied like a stream: "It's difficult anywhere." "He Chao, I just praised you with your homeroom teacher a while ago that your performance in math class has been pretty good recently," while speaking, the math teacher walked in after eating, holding a toothpick in his hand, "How did you get in this exam this time?" He Chao stopped talking. Xie Yu replied for his tablemate: "When he was in class, he also thought he understood." This time it was the math teacher's turn not knowing what to say, so he shook his head and returned to his seat: "You guys...... You are truly God-men. ”

第三十二章   六张试卷摆在桌上, 谢俞以为老唐要重点给他们讲讲这次月考卷。   唐森却问:“你们平时喜欢打游戏?”   为了装得像一点, 就算是不怎么喜欢玩, 也得点头。   谢俞:“嗯。”   贺朝:“喜欢,特别喜欢。”   “我也尝试着去接触了一下,就是听说很流行的那个小游戏, 贺朝,听说这款游戏你一直在玩,”唐森没提试卷, 拿出了手机, “没想到你的口味还挺……天真纯情。”   “天真纯情?”   不太懂天真纯情这个四个透着古怪的字眼,是老唐从哪里得出来的结论。   趁老唐低头摆弄手机的空档, 贺朝用手臂碰了碰谢俞:“这是在说我幼稚?”   “不知道,也不想知道。”   “那还能怎么天真纯情, 像老唐这种中年男人平时的业余爱好大概也就是下棋泡茶逗鸟,”贺朝越想越觉得是这么回事, “什么绝地枪王、恐怖战场,他肯定玩不来。”   唐森边点开游戏边说:“我不觉得游戏不好,每个事物都有两面性, 往好的说, 它在使人放松娱乐的同时,还能够锻炼一个人的自制力。”   贺朝不管三七二十一,点头附和:“是的,我也这么觉得,您说得太有道理了。”   谢俞瞥见唐森手机屏幕上有抹极其眼熟的粉红色, 从他眼前晃过去。   不过也就瞥到一眼,唐森讲得兴起,又把手机放回去,继续讲:“这种控制自己的能力和意志非常重要,世界上的诱惑有很多,我给你们举几个例子……”   贺朝听得犯困,偷偷把手伸到谢俞那边。   谢俞低头:“干什么?”   “掐我一下,”贺朝说,“我现在不太清醒。”   谢俞手刚碰到贺朝手背,还没来得及掐,唐森把话题从自制力联系到学习,再把学习和游戏结合在一块儿——然后老唐把手机推了过来,看到粉红色的游戏界面,贺朝突然清醒了:“……”   谈话谈了半小时,上课铃铃响唐森才放人。   贺朝走出去的时候都忘了礼貌,连‘老师再见’都没说。   谢俞很想笑,全程忍着。   贺朝走得快,走出去几步又停下来,看见他这个样子,提醒他:“你别笑,我他妈现在心情很爆炸。”   下午第一节课是历史,他们俩回去的时候历史老师已经到教室了。   “快点进来,上课了,怎么还磨磨蹭蹭的。”历史老师边翻书边说,“上课铃响了就赶紧回座位上做好。”   刚才在办公室里唐森向他们展示了自己换装游戏的等级,以及这段时间玩下来他的感悟,最后把游戏和学习做结合,希望能够唤起他们俩对学习的兴趣。   “这个游戏,每一个关卡它会给你换装主题,然后玩家去思考……你再看看这道现代文阅读理解题,会发现其实做题目也是同样的……为什么这条裙子不行?为什么这个答案不对?你得去思考,然后去破解这个问题。”   能够理解唐森的用意,他想用这种形式告诉贺朝学习也是可以变成有趣的‘游戏’。   但是形式实在过于惊悚。   台上历史老师开始讲新课。   谢俞越想越忍不住,他本来趴下去准备睡了,忽然单手捂住脸,肩膀开始抖。   贺朝满脑子都是唐森说的“这条裙子那条裙子”,扭头想问谢俞老唐是不是疯了,发现谢俞捂着脸一直在笑。   “……”贺朝顿了顿说,“是兄弟就别在这种时候嘲笑我。”   谢俞很显然选择了不做兄弟。   贺朝只能选择把头扭回去,这个小没良心,眼不见心不烦。   隔了几分钟,贺朝又忍不住凑过去跟小没良心说:“其实我还有一个问题。”   “?”   “为什么老唐等级比我还高?我堂堂一个人民币玩家……”贺朝说到一半又说不下去了,“老谢,你过分了啊,差不多得了,还笑?”   贺朝很想去厕所蹲着来根烟,但事实上,只能从身上摸出一块糖。   “我赌五毛,绝对是万达那个孙子。”贺朝扫了班里人一眼,“除了他还有谁,他那人,嘴巴闭着都漏风。”   万达莫名其妙背了个锅,自己还浑然不知。   月考卷改得很快,次日早晨大家陆续进校门的时候,排名情况表已经贴在了布告栏上,白底黑字,密密麻麻一整板全是名字。   住宿生还不习惯精忠报国当起床铃,以及电台主持人姜主任每天早上长达二十分钟的演讲:“我们必须要奋斗,拿出自己全部的精力,不要让以后的自己后悔!”   谢俞日常被吵醒,门外还有血气方刚的住宿生们正在进行晨骂运动。   还有对门贺朝发过来的一条短信,估计刚被吵醒,短信上面只有一个字:日。   隔几分钟,短信又来了。   -小朋友,起了吗?   -没。   -我也没,熬过二十分钟接着睡。   -你上午不上课了?   -第一节老唐的课,让我缓缓。 第一节课贺朝没去上,但是他的考卷又开始在班里传来传去。   “这要是把朝哥做过的语文试卷都装订成册,简直就是快乐的源泉,”刘存浩说,“我从来没有见过比他还牛逼的解题思路,还怼出题人……我去。”   “你看他作文了吗,背影,写的是自己的背影,开头第一句——我觉得我的背影特别帅气,接下来一路狂吹八百字。”   “哈哈哈哈哈哈哈是想笑死我,俞哥,你看了吗?过来一起看啊。”   谢俞从来没有这么清醒地认识到,开学短短一个月,他的生活变得和之前截然不同。   突然间——多出来很多种声音。   这些声音霸道地、一点一点挤了进来。   很吵,也很闹。   贺朝掐准了语文课下课溜进教室。   许晴晴正在发英语试卷,顺便提醒他:“你英语作业还没交。”   贺朝刚走到门口:“什么英语作业?”   “抄写下个单元的单词,每个单词抄四遍。”许晴晴说完,又把英语考卷塞到贺朝怀里,“这是你和你同桌的,你三十分,你同桌二十五。”   两人成绩虽然旗鼓相当,但是比起批贺朝的试卷,各科老师更愿意批谢俞的,毕竟字好看,不会出现盯半天也不知道考卷上写的到底是个什么玩意儿的情况。   贺朝也不在意分数和错题,把两张纸卷卷成卷,走到谢俞身边,附身在他桌角敲了敲:“看什么呢。”   谢俞头也没抬,说:“你的作文。”   贺朝:“……”   “传了一节课了,刚从八班传回来。”谢俞说,“对了,你多了个新外号,背影哥。”   沈捷特意上课上到一半,用上厕所当借口溜出来,溜到三班走廊上蹲着,让万达他们把贺朝的试卷传到窗口给他,说他们八班同学对零分作文非常感兴趣。   能传到八班去,贺朝不用问都知道是哪个王八羔子:“什么玩意儿,这么难听,一点都不符合我的才华。”   贺朝正说怎么着也该给他取个大文豪什么的,万达就从门口冲了进来,他每次课间去厕所都要忍不住蹲办公室门口听个墙角,然后总带着一些半真半假奇奇怪怪的消息回来:“重大消息!朝哥,大事不好了。”   贺朝把手里的试卷往桌面上一扔,不怎么当回事,但还是配合演出:“怎么了,不要急,慢慢说。”   “学委拿着试卷去找老唐,说为了提高班级平均分,他想要单独对你们两个人进行辅导,”万达把自己在办公室里听到的消息精简地提炼了一下,“还说要肩负起学习委员的责任,老唐还在考虑。”   “他认真的?”   薛习生不睡觉只顾着学习的谣言前几天已经破了,丁亮华一个灭火器下去,破了宿舍怪谈和熊猫谣言。   学委的确热爱学习,也没有到那种不要命的地步,他那只是第一次出校,认床导致失眠,睡眠不足。只不过由于学习态度过于端正,所以给人一种格格不入的感觉。   薛习生从办公室回来倒是没说什么,看样子老唐应该没答应。   上午几乎每堂课都是分析试卷,数学课有两节,连在一起,讲完试卷之后数学老师问:“都听懂了吗?”   贺朝凑热闹:“听懂了。”   数学老师直接捏着还没来得及放的粉笔头,往最后一排扔:“某位同学,别又自己以为自己听懂了啊。”   贺朝最近上课确实老实很多,游戏也不怎么见他打,估计是上次被老唐整出了点心理阴影。   但是贺朝一不打游戏就格外烦人,从万达那里学来了手相算命技能,非让谢俞伸手,说他已经学成,算得可准。   挨到晚自习的时候谢俞终于忍不住了:“你的臭男人呢?不打了?”   贺朝一愣。   “啊,”也不知道臭男人三个字戳到了贺朝什么点,贺朝往后靠,半响才说,“那个啊,不打了。”   一直到晚自习下课铃响起来,贺朝也没再吵着要给他看手相。   晚自习下课,走在路上,贺朝才突然说:“臭男人玩不了了。”   突然来这么一句,谢俞没太听懂什么意思:“什么?”   尽管路灯亮着,四周还是有些暗。   “我妹,她改密码了,”贺朝往前走两步,语气平淡地说,“……其实吧,游戏账号是我盗过来的。”
Chapter 32 Six test papers were placed on the table, Xie Yu thought that Lao Tang would focus on telling them about this monthly exam paper. Tang Sen asked, "Do you usually like to play games?" In order to pretend to be a little bit more likely, even if you don't like to play very much, you have to nod your head. Xie Yu: "Hmm. He Chao: "I like it, I like it very much." "I also tried to get in touch with it, that is, I heard that it is a very popular little game, He Chao, I heard that you have been playing this game," Tang Sen did not mention the test paper, and took out his mobile phone, "I didn't expect your taste to be quite ...... Innocent and innocent. "Innocent and innocent?" I don't understand the four strange words of innocence and innocence, which is where Lao Tang came to the conclusion. Taking advantage of the time when Old Tang lowered his head and fiddled with his mobile phone, He Chao touched Xie Yu with his arm: "Is this saying that I am naïve?" "I don't know, and I don't want to know." "Then how can you be innocent and innocent, the usual hobby of a middle-aged man like Lao Tang is probably to play chess, make tea, and tease birds," the more He Chao thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, "What Jedi Gun King, horror battlefield, he will definitely not be able to play." "I don't think games are bad, there are two sides to everything, at best, it relaxes and entertains people, and at the same time, it can exercise one's self-control." He Chao didn't care about thirty-seven twenty-one, nodded and agreed: "Yes, I think so too, what you said is too reasonable." Xie Yu caught a glimpse of an extremely familiar pink on the screen of Tang Sen's mobile phone, which flickered in front of his eyes. But just after a glance, Townsend spoke up, put the phone back again, and continued: "This ability and will to control oneself is very important, there are many temptations in the world, I will give you a few examples......" He Chao was sleepy when he heard this, and secretly stretched out his hand to Xie Yu's side. Xie Yu lowered his head: "What are you doing?" "Pinch me," He Chao said, "I'm not very conscious right now." Xie Yu's hand just touched the back of He Chao's hand, and before he could pinch it, Tang Sen linked the topic from self-control to learning, and then combined learning and games together - then Old Tang pushed the phone over, and when he saw the pink game interface, He Chao suddenly sobered up: "......" The conversation lasted for half an hour, and Tang Sen was released when the class bell rang. He Chao forgot to be polite when he walked out, and he didn't even say 'goodbye, teacher'. Xie Yu wanted to laugh very much, so he endured it the whole time. He Chao walked fast, walked a few steps and stopped, saw him like this, and reminded him: "Don't laugh, I'm in a mood right now." The first lesson in the afternoon was history, and when the two of them went back, the history teacher had already arrived in the classroom. "Come in quickly, it's class, why are you still grinding." The history teacher flipped through the book and said, "When the class bell rings, go back to your seat and do it." Just now in the office, Tang Sen showed them the level of his dress-up game, as well as his feelings after playing during this time, and finally combined the game with learning, hoping to arouse the interest of both of them in learning. "This game, every level it will give you a dress up theme, and then the player will think about it...... If you look at this modern reading comprehension question, you will find that the same is actually done...... Why doesn't this skirt work? Why is this answer incorrect? You have to think about it, and then you have to solve it. Being able to understand Tang Sen's intentions, he wanted to use this form to tell He Chao that learning can also be turned into an interesting 'game'. But the form is too terrifying. The history teacher on stage began to teach a new lesson. The more Xie Yu thought about it, the more he couldn't help it, he was about to fall asleep, but suddenly covered his face with one hand, and his shoulders began to tremble. He Chao's mind was full of what Tang Sen said, "this skirt, that skirt", and turned his head to ask Xie Yu if Old Tang was crazy, but found that Xie Yu was covering his face and laughing all the time. "......," He Chao said after a pause, "if it's a brother, don't laugh at me at this time." Xie Yu obviously chose not to be a brother. He Chao could only choose to twist his head back, this little man had no conscience, out of sight and out of mind. After a few minutes, He Chao couldn't help but lean over and say to Xiao Wuxin, "Actually, I still have a question. ” “?” "Why is Old Tang's level higher than mine? I'm a renminbi player......" He Chao couldn't say any more halfway through, "Lao Xie, you're too much, it's almost over, and you're still laughing?" He Chao wanted to go to the toilet and squat to get a cigarette, but in fact, he could only find a piece of candy from his body. "I'm betting five cents, it's definitely Wanda's grandson." He Chao glanced at the people in the class, "Who else is there besides him, his mouth is closed, and the air is leaking." Wanda inexplicably carried a pot, and she didn't know it. The monthly exam papers were changed quickly, and when everyone entered the school gate one after another the next morning, the ranking table had been pasted on the bulletin board, with black letters on a white background, and a whole board full of names. The dormitory students are not used to being a wake-up bell when they are loyal to the country, and the radio host Director Jiang's 20-minute speech every morning: "We must struggle, give all our energy, and don't let ourselves regret it in the future!" Xie Yu was woken up every day, and there were still strong-blooded dormitory students outside the door who were doing a morning scolding campaign. There is also a text message sent by the Men He Chao, it is estimated that he has just been woken up, and there is only one word on the text message: day. After a few minutes, the text message came again. - Kids, are you up? -Not. - I didn't either, I stayed up for twenty minutes and went back to sleep. - You don't have classes in the morning? - The first lesson of Old Don, let me slow down. He Chao didn't go to the first class, but his exam papers began to circulate around the class again. "If this is to bind all the Chinese test papers that Brother Chao has done into a book, it will be a source of happiness," Liu Cunhao said, "I have never seen a better solution idea than him, and he still scolds the questioner...... I'll go. "Have you seen his composition, back, writing about his own back, the first sentence at the beginning - I think my back is particularly handsome, and then blow 800 words all the way." "Hahahahaha Let's take a look. Xie Yu had never realized so clearly that in just one month after the start of school, his life had become completely different from before. Suddenly—there were a lot of voices. The voices squeezed in domineeringly, little by little. It's noisy and noisy. He Chao pinched the Chinese class and slipped into the classroom after class. Xu Qingqing was handing out the English test papers, and reminded him by the way: "You haven't handed in your English homework yet." He Chaogang walked to the door: "What English homework?" "Transcribe the words of the last unit and copy each word four times." After Xu Qingqing finished speaking, she stuffed the English test paper into He Chao's arms, "This is you at the same table with you, you are thirty points, and you are twenty-five at the same table." Although the two have the same grades, but compared to criticizing He Chao's test papers, the teachers of each subject are more willing to criticize Xie Yu, after all, the words are good-looking, and there will be no situation where they stare for a long time and don't know what is written on the exam papers. He Chao didn't care about the scores and mistakes, rolled the two pieces of paper into a roll, walked to Xie Yu's side, and knocked on the corner of his desk: "What are you looking at." Xie Yu didn't raise his head and said, "Your composition." He Chao: "......" "I've passed a lesson, and I just came back from Class 8." Xie Yu said, "By the way, you have a new nickname, Brother Back." Shen Jie deliberately slipped out of the middle of the class, used the toilet as an excuse, slipped into the corridor of the third class and squatted, and asked Wanda to pass He Chao's test paper to the window to him, saying that their classmates in the eighth class were very interested in the zero-score essay. can be passed to the eighth class, He Chao doesn't need to ask to know which Wang Ba Lamb it is: "What kind of thing, it's so ugly, it doesn't fit my talent at all." He Chaozheng said that he should get him a big writer or something, Wanda rushed in from the door, every time he went to the toilet between classes, he couldn't help but squat at the door of the office to listen to the corner, and then always came back with some half-truths and strange news: "Big news! Brother Chao, something is wrong. He Chao threw the test paper in his hand on the table, not taking it seriously, but still cooperated with the performance: "What's wrong, don't worry, say it slowly." "The school committee went to Old Tang with the test papers, saying that in order to improve the average score of the class, he wanted to tutor the two of you alone," Wanda distilled the news she heard in the office, "and said that he would shoulder the responsibility of the study committee, and Old Tang is still thinking about it." "He's serious?" The rumor that Xue Xisheng didn't sleep and only cared about studying had been broken a few days ago, and Ding Lianghua went down with a fire extinguisher to break the dormitory weird talk and panda rumors. The school committee does love learning, and it is not to the point of being deadly, it is only the first time he has left school, and he has insomnia and lack of sleep due to bed recognition. It's just that because the learning attitude is too correct, it gives people a feeling of being out of place. Xue Xisheng didn't say anything when he came back from the office, it seems that Old Tang shouldn't have agreed. In the morning, almost every class was an analysis of the test papers, and there were two sessions in the math class, which were connected together, and after the test papers, the math teacher asked, "Do you understand everything?" He Chao made a scene: "I understand." The math teacher pinched the head of the chalk that he hadn't had time to put down and threw it into the last row: "A certain classmate, don't think you understand." He Chao has been a lot more honest in class recently, and he doesn't play games much, so it is estimated that he was a little psychologically shadowed by Lao Tang last time. But He Chaoyi is particularly annoying when he doesn't play games, and he learned palmistry fortune-telling skills from Wanda, so he has to let Xie Yu stretch out his hand, saying that he has learned it and can calculate accurately. When it was time for evening self-study, Xie Yu finally couldn't help it: "What about your stinky man?" Don't fight? He Chao was stunned. "Ah," I don't know where the three words of the stinky man poked He Chao, He Chao leaned back, and said half-loudly, "That, don't fight." Until the bell rang at the end of the evening self-study, He Chao didn't clamore for him to show him palmistry. After self-study in the evening, walking on the road, He Chaocai suddenly said: "Stinky men can't play anymore." Suddenly, Xie Yu didn't understand what it meant: "What? Even though the street lights were on, it was still a little dark. "My sister, she changed the password," He Chao took two steps forward and said in a flat tone, "...... Actually, I stole the game account. ”

第三十三章   贺朝讲自己的时候一点都不在意。   他好像并不在意家庭离异、妈妈带着妹妹出国这些变故, 走的时候妹妹才三岁大, 说话都说不明白, 黏黏糊糊地跟在他身后喊哥哥。   刚到C国的第一年,贺汐还会哭着吵着要找哥哥,但是小孩子忘性大, 等时间长了,尤其是长大上学之后,他这个哥哥就像小时候爱不释手的玩具娃娃, 不合时宜一般, 慢慢地退场了。   贺朝说的时候没带什么负面情绪,反而还觉得挺好的, 幸好她还小,很多事情眨眼就可以忘记。   然后去拥抱新的生活。   谢俞不知道该说什么, 干脆没说话。   “……我再次声明一下,真没那么凄惨, 又不是失忆苦情剧,就是跟我不亲而已。”贺朝说,“你说她玩游戏玩得好好的, 结果每次登上去发现装备等级和臭男人都变了一个样, 想想是有点惊悚。”   贺朝这个人,情商很奇特。   说不上来他这情商到底算高算低,总结下来大概就是一位立志于感动自己的戏精人物。   比如说现在这件——贺朝那个远在C国的妹妹,登上游戏,发现自己总是越不过去的关卡居然通了、好不容易攻略成功的男性角色突然跑了。   又是一个贺朝感动自己、感动天、感动地就是没有感动得了对方的故事。   谢俞说:“你也知道惊悚?是不是自己想想还觉得特别感动?”   贺朝蹲在花坛边沿上笑了:“你别说, 好像是有那么点。”   谢俞对别人的故事向来没什么探究的欲望,只觉得这个人像个大傻子。   别人或许不知道,但是他再清楚不过。这段时间他亲眼看着贺朝打弱智游戏,上课打下课也打,有时候半夜还发张截图给他,问他两双鞋子选哪双。   他明明应该想,这关我屁事啊,但是鬼神使差地、谢俞自己也不知道自己到底是怎么想的,他突然弯下腰,等他回神的时候,手已经放在贺朝头顶上了。   两个人都有点发愣。   贺朝头发短,摸起来有些扎手。   谢俞在‘把他推下去’和‘立马撒手扭头就走’之间选择了后者:“我回去了。”   “一起啊,”贺朝跳下来跟上,边走边抬手摸自己头顶,“我头上有东西?你走那么快干什么?”   谢俞回去之后洗了澡,头发也没擦干,蹲在床边,伸长了手把床底的行李箱拖出来。   里面都是学习资料,模拟测试卷,以及他平时做的笔记,满满一大箱子。平时它们就躺在床底下,上了锁,安安静静地躺着。   他觉得他应该做会儿题目冷静一下。   谢俞蹲在行李箱边上,盯着看了几分钟,手指触着五年高考三年模拟封皮,他又抬头看看窗外,黑夜里稀疏挂着几颗黯淡的星星,不知怎么的,他突然回想起贺朝蹲在路灯下那个笑容,很亮,好像能划破黑夜似的。   贺朝看上去每天都过得很潇洒。   谢俞很好奇他哪里有那么多事情值得高兴,前两天他喝汽水喝到再来一瓶,把瓶盖从排尾传到排头给刘存浩他们炫耀:“都摸一摸,摸一摸啊……一天的好运气从大哥的瓶盖开始。”   许晴晴在做试卷,特别不给面子:“什么玩意儿,你以为你是锦鲤啊?”   “晴姐你怎么说话呢,仗着我朝哥不打女人啊,哎朝哥,我跟她不一样,我捧你场,”万达一边说一边强烈暗示,“啊,我摸了,我感受到它的魔力了,天哪,这种异次元时空传来的神秘力量——朝哥,我有点渴,能不能把这个好运瓶盖赏给兄弟?”   “不能,”贺朝伸手拿回来,“我要留着给我同桌。”   但是谢俞并不领情,等他进教室,对着瓶盖就是一句:“要扔垃圾自己扔去。”   谢俞想到这里,突然意识到最近‘贺朝’这两个字出现的频率越来越高。   连周大雷都知道他有个大帅逼同桌,偶尔两个人讲讲电话,话题总是会突然向某位大帅逼靠拢。   周大雷听出不对劲来,问过一次:“你俩很熟?谢老板,认识你那么多年第一次见你交朋友啊,我怎么心里有种老父亲的感觉。”   谢俞跟顾雪岚刚到黑水街的时候,大雷还是黑水街孩子王,野得不行,看着那两位样貌气质跟他们这片格格不入的人从长途巴士上下来。   虽然坐了四十多个小时的汽车,路途劳顿,但两个人丝毫没有放松警惕,尤其那个小的,眼睛里像是藏了刀子似的,锐利得很,看谁都像审视。   大雷小时候不懂事,见到谢俞还以为是女孩,觉得这小女孩长得真好看,冲对方丢小石头子表达好感。谁知道第二天等雷爸雷妈上班,冷冰冰的“小女孩”上门报仇来了,脾气冲得不行,直接拽着他把他摁在地上揍:“你扔谁?懂不懂礼貌?需不需要我教你怎么做人?”   熟吗?谢俞问自己。   他跟贺朝应该,不算熟吧。   这个周除了月考比较刺激之外,其他几天都平平无奇地过去了。   只有薛习生,他还不肯放弃,每天过来找谢俞和贺朝两个人,希望他们俩加入他的学习小组,一起学习共同奋斗,把班级均分拉上去。   “43分,这是我们跟一班的均分差距。”薛习生并不害怕这两位赫赫有名的大佬,或者说就算知道大佬会打人,他也愿意冒着生命危险。   “身为我们班的学习委员,我不能放任这种情况发生——为什么你们不爱学习?学习明明那么有意思,不学习的话人生还有什么意义?如果你们相信我,给我们彼此一个机会。”   薛习生简直就是疯狗二代,贺朝拿他没辙,又不能真的打人:“朋友,我觉得我们还是放彼此一条生路。”   谢俞什么狠话都说了,甚至动用了万能八字箴言‘关你屁事关我屁事’,薛习生丝毫不受影响,他只重复一句话:“43分,这是我们跟一班的均分差距。”   薛习生一战成名,被万达封为:站在三班食物链顶端的男人。   “这么恐怖的?”看到万达回复过来的短信之后,沈捷抬起头,看着这两天仿佛扎根在八班的两位大佬,“……难怪你们俩这几天总往我们班跑,谢俞大佬,你发没发现我们班同学最近都特别安静?”   谢俞坐在角落里低头看手机,不知道为什么话题转到他身上:“我?”   贺朝好歹认识的人多,而且杨文远事件过后莫名其妙在他们班建立了一丝威望,谢俞就不一样了,还是闻风丧胆人设,经久不衰。   沈捷说:“是啊,我还没见你笑过,你要不笑一下表示一下友好?咱班同学都瑟瑟发抖。”   谢俞抬头,果然看到几个人在偷瞄他,但是发现他往他们那边看,又跟做贼似的低下头。   谢俞刚想说,那就让他们接着抖吧,贺朝在旁边突然来了句:“我家小朋友为什么要笑给你看?”   沈捷脑子突然短路:“……哈?”   谢俞手一顿。手机屏幕上那关游戏本来打得好好的,小人突然不受控制,从水管凹槽里掉下去,前面跑了两千多米的障碍路程悉数作废。   沈捷确定自己没有听错,想问“朝哥,你难道在吃醋?”,但贺朝平时经常开玩笑,他也不能确定这句话几分真几分假,扯着不放又怕气氛变尴尬,于是干笑两声:“哈哈,那个,你们看,外面太阳真好,晒着肯定很热。”   他说完感觉到气氛变得更加尴尬……准确的来说,尴尬只是他尴尬,身边两位散发出来的气场好像,更微妙一些。   最后谢俞突然站起来,做了一件十分符合他闻风丧胆人设的事情,他撩起袖子,指指贺朝说:“滚出来。”   八班全体抖了三抖。   上课铃正好响了,姜主任来找老唐,跟老唐一块儿走出来,远远地站在办公室门口就看到这两个人扭成一团:“你们俩干什么呢?抱在一起干什么?”   姜主任嗓门穿越了整个走廊,尤其是‘抱在一起’这个暧昧的字眼,从一班到八班靠窗户的同学不约而同探头往走廊上看。   谢俞手还揪着贺朝衣领,贺朝一只手轻轻搭在谢俞腰上。   所有人:“……”   周五最后一节课是语文。   唐森上完课,合上课本叮嘱:“这周周末作业就这些,别一放假就都玩疯了啊……周末住宿生都回家吗?准备留校的过来我这边报备一下。”   谢俞整节课都趴在桌上睡觉,贺朝不甘寂寞地用笔戳戳同桌肩膀:“你周末回家吗?还生气呢。”   “我忍着不揍你,你别自己找上门。”谢俞侧头看他。   贺朝又说:“你还没回答我的问题。”   “回,”谢俞说,“我妈生日,周末我肯定得回去。”
Chapter 33 He Chao didn't care at all when he talked about himself. He didn't seem to care about the family divorce and his mother taking his sister abroad, and when he left, his sister was only three years old, and she couldn't understand what she could say, so she followed him and called her brother sticky. In the first year of arriving in country C, He Xi would cry and clamore to find his brother, but the child was forgetful, and after a long time, especially after growing up and going to school, his brother was like a doll that he couldn't put down when he was a child, and he slowly withdrew. He Chao didn't bring any negative emotions when he said it, but he thought it was good, fortunately, she was still young, and many things could be forgotten in the blink of an eye. Then go and embrace a new life. Xie Yu didn't know what to say, so he simply didn't speak. “…… Let me state again, it's really not that miserable, and it's not an amnesia drama, or it's just not close to me. He Chao said, "You said that she played the game well, but every time she climbed up, she found that the equipment level and the stinky man had changed, which was a little scary to think about." He Chao is a person with a very peculiar emotional intelligence. I can't say whether his emotional intelligence is high or low, but in summary, he is probably a drama character who is determined to move himself. For example, this one is now - He Chao's sister who is far away in country C, boarding the game, and finding that the level that she always can't pass is actually cleared, and the male character who finally succeeded in the strategy suddenly ran away. is another story of He Chao moving himself, moving the sky, and moving the earth, but he didn't move the other party. Xie Yu said: "You also know horror? Do you feel particularly moved when you think about it? He Chao squatted on the edge of the flower bed and smiled: "Don't say it, it seems to be a little bit." Xie Yu has never had any desire to explore other people's stories, and only thinks that this person is like a big fool. Others may not know, but he knows it all too well. During this time, he watched He Chao play mentally handicapped games, and sometimes sent him a screenshot in the middle of the night, asking him which pair of shoes to choose. He should have thought that this was my business, but the ghost and god messenger, Xie Yu himself didn't know what he thought, he suddenly bent down, and when he came back to his senses, his hand was already on the top of He Chao's head. Both of them were a little stunned. He Chao's hair was short and a little prickly to the touch. Xie Yu chose the latter between 'pushing him down' and 'immediately leaving and turning his head around': "I'll go back." "Together," He Chao jumped down to follow, raising his hand to touch the top of his head as he walked, "I have something on my head?" What are you doing so fast? After Xie Yu went back, he took a shower, didn't dry his hair, squatted on the side of the bed, stretched out his hand and dragged out the suitcase under the bed. It was full of study materials, mock test papers, and notes he usually made, and a big box full of them. Usually they lie under the bed, locked, and lie quietly. He felt that he should do the topic for a while and calm down. Xie Yu squatted on the edge of the suitcase, stared at it for a few minutes, his fingers touched the five-year college entrance examination three-year mock cover, he looked up at the window again, there were a few faint stars hanging sparsely in the dark night, somehow, he suddenly recalled He Chao's smile squatting under the street lamp, very bright, as if it could cut through the night. He Chao seems to be living a chic life every day. Xie Yu was very curious about where he had so many things to be happy about, two days ago he drank soda and drank another bottle, and passed the bottle cap from the end of the row to the head of the row to show off to Liu Cunhao: "Touch it, touch it...... The good fortune of the day starts with the big brother's bottle cap. Xu Qingqing was doing the test papers, especially not giving face: "What the hell, do you think you are a koi?" "Sister Qing, how do you talk, rely on my brother Chao not to beat women, hey Brother Chao, I'm different from her, I'll hold you," Wanda said while strongly hinting, "Ah, I touched it, I felt its magic, oh my God, this mysterious power from another dimensional time and space - Brother Chao, I'm a little thirsty, can you give this good luck bottle cap to my brother?" "No," He Chao reached out to take it back, "I'm going to keep it for my tablemate." But Xie Yu didn't appreciate it, and when he entered the classroom, he said to the bottle cap: "You have to throw away the garbage yourself." Thinking of this, Xie Yu suddenly realized that the word 'He Chao' has been appearing more and more frequently recently. Even Zhou Dalei knew that he had a handsome man at the same table, and occasionally two people talked on the phone, and the topic would always suddenly move closer to a certain handsome. Zhou Dalei heard that something was wrong and asked once: "You two know each other very well?" Boss Xie, the first time I have seen you and made friends after knowing you for so many years, how can I feel like an old father in my heart. When Xie Yu and Gu Xuelan first arrived at Heishui Street, Da Lei was still the child king of Heishui Street, and he was so wild that he watched the two people who were incompatible with their appearance and temperament get off the long-distance bus. Although they sat in the car for more than 40 hours and the journey was tiring, the two of them did not relax their vigilance at all, especially the small one, whose eyes seemed to have a knife hidden, which was very sharp, and everyone looked like scrutiny. Da Lei was ignorant when he was a child, and when he saw Xie Yu, he thought it was a girl, and thought that this little girl was really good-looking, so he threw small stones at the other party to express his affection. Who knew that the next day, when Lei's father and Lei's mother went to work, the cold "little girl" came to take revenge, and her temper was so angry that she directly dragged him to the ground and beat him: "Who are you throwing?" Do you know how to be polite? Do you need me to teach you how to behave? Is it cooked? Xie Yu asked himself. He should be familiar with He Chao, right? This week, except for the monthly exam, which is more exciting, the other days have passed uneventfully. Only Xue Xisheng, he still refused to give up, and came to Xie Yu and He Chao every day, hoping that the two of them would join his study group, study together and work together, and pull up the class equally. "43 points, this is the difference between us and the first class." Xue Xisheng was not afraid of these two famous bigwigs, or even if he knew that the bigwigs would beat people, he was willing to risk his life. "As a member of our class's study committee, I can't let this happen – why don't you love to study? Learning is so interesting, but what is the meaning of life if you don't study? If you believe me, give each other a chance. Xue Xisheng is simply the second generation of mad dogs, He Chao has nothing to do with him, and he can't really beat people: "Friend, I think we should let each other live." Xie Yu said all kinds of cruel things, and even used the almighty eight-character motto 'It's about your, it's about my', Xue Xisheng was not affected at all, he only repeated one sentence: "43 points, this is the average score gap between us and the first class." Xue Xisheng became famous in a fight and was named by Wanda: the man who stood at the top of the food chain of the third class. "So horrible?" After seeing Wanda's reply to the text message, Shen Jie raised his head and looked at the two bigwigs who seemed to have taken root in Class 8 in the past two days, "...... No wonder the two of you have been running to our class these days, Mr. Xie Yu, haven't you noticed that our classmates have been very quiet recently? Xie Yu sat in the corner and looked down at his phone, not knowing why the topic turned to him: "Me? He Chao knows a lot of people, and after the Yang Wenyuan incident, he inexplicably established a trace of prestige in their class, Xie Yu is different, he is still frightened and enduring. Shen Jie said: "Yes, I haven't seen you laugh yet, do you want to smile to show your friendliness?" My classmates were trembling. Xie Yu looked up, and sure enough, he saw a few people peeking at him, but found that he looked at them and lowered his head like a thief. Xie Yu just wanted to say, then let them continue to tremble, He Chao suddenly said next to him: "Why is my little friend laughing at you?" Shen Jie's brain suddenly short-circuited: "...... Ha? Xie Yu paused. The level of the game on the mobile phone screen was played well, but the villain suddenly lost control and fell from the groove of the water pipe, and the obstacle course of more than 2,000 meters in front of him was all invalid. Shen Jie was sure that he had heard correctly, and wanted to ask, "Brother Chao, are you jealous?" But He Chao usually jokes, and he can't be sure how true or false this sentence is, and he is afraid that the atmosphere will become embarrassing, so he laughs dryly: "Haha, that, you see, the sun is so good outside, it must be very hot in the sun." After he finished speaking, he felt the atmosphere become more awkward...... To be precise, the embarrassment is just his embarrassment, and the aura exuded by the two around him seems to be more subtle. In the end, Xie Yu suddenly stood up and did something very in line with his frightened personality, he rolled up his sleeves, pointed at He Chao and said, "Get out." The whole class of eight trembled. The class bell rang just as the class bell rang, Director Jiang came to find Lao Tang, walked out with Lao Tang, and stood at the door of the office from a distance and saw these two people twisted together: "What are you two doing?" What are you doing hugging each other? Director Jiang's voice traveled through the entire corridor, especially the ambiguous word 'hugging together', and the students from class 1 to class 8 who were leaning on the window invariably looked into the corridor. Xie Yu's hand was still holding He Chao's collar, and He Chao gently put one hand on Xie Yu's waist. Everyone: "......" The last class on Friday is Chinese. After Tang Sen finished class, he closed his textbook and said, "That's all for this week's weekend homework, don't go crazy as soon as you have a holiday...... Do all boarders go home on weekends? If you're going to stay in school, I'll report it here. Xie Yu slept on the table throughout the class, and He Chao was unwilling to be lonely and poked his tablemate's shoulder with a pen: "Are you going home on the weekend?" I'm still angry. "I can't bear not to beat you, don't find the door yourself." Xie Yu looked sideways at him. He Chao said again: "You haven't answered my question yet. "Return," Xie Yu said, "it's my mother's birthday, and I'll definitely have to go back on the weekend." ”

第三十四章   顾雪岚生日就在后天。   谢俞不回去住倒也不是因为心理承受不行, 他就是舍不得宿舍床底下那整整一箱子的学习资料。   贺朝听完“哦”了一声, 然后没头没脑地来了句:“生日快乐。”   “……”   贺朝明显还想说什么“身体健康万事如意”, 话才开了个头,被杀手无情打断。   “行了,可以了, 谢谢你。”谢俞对着贺朝做了个五指收拢的动作,“收。”   “你这个动作,跟沈捷给我发的表情包好像。”贺朝学了一下, 又把手指撒开, “放。”   谢俞:“……”放你个头啊。   唐森刚才布置的语文作业贺朝压根不知道是什么。   他又坐在座位上浪了一会儿,然后拍拍前座同学的肩, 把那位同学的作业记录本借过来抄了一遍。   前座同学十分不解,全班都知道贺朝基本上不做作业, 于是大着胆子问:“你要做作业吗?”   贺朝边抄边说:“万一呢。说不准,看缘分吧, 说不定哪门作业看着觉得特别顺眼,缘分到了挡都挡不住。”   那位同学估计也是头一次听到这种一本正经的“作业随缘论”,叹为观止。   贺朝抄了两份, 把记录本还给前座, 又把其中一份拍在谢俞桌上:“拿着,万一奇迹出现呢。”   谢俞低头看了眼纸上认都认不出来的狗屎字,心说看都看不明白,奇迹会出现就有鬼了。   他把纸叠起来,一时找不到地方扔, 随手塞在衣兜里,就听贺朝又问:“你生日什么时候?”   谢俞把脸转回去,实在是看着他心烦,刚才走廊上的阴影仍挥之不去。一排窗口,整整齐齐探出来一排脑袋,目瞪口呆表情微妙地看着他们。   万达甚至还遮住了眼睛,一副非礼勿视的样子。   他长这么大没跟谁传过奇奇怪怪的绯闻,碰到贺朝以后发现这个世界真是无奇不有。   “周末留校的同学,严格遵守住宿生守则。”唐森找了张椅子坐下,看起来是要跟他们聊到放学,“我们要相信科学,上周周末宿舍楼的事我差点忘了万达你别低着头,真是看不出来你们那么有想法。”   秋后算帐。   他们班唐老师反射弧特别长。   有时候以为他是真的不计较,结果等他们放松警惕,感觉一切已经过去,风平浪静岁月静好的时候,突然被老唐抓走训话:“哎,你们上个月”   “说一下会死啊,”贺朝侧着头看谢俞,也往下俯身,跟他在同一水平线上,伸手想碰他头发,“你什么时候生日?”   谢俞说:“会死。”   贺朝没继续执着这个问题,没几分钟,话题从生日日期变成了“你几几年的?肯定比我小。”   谢俞现在对这个“小”字特别敏感,比如“小朋友”。   于是谢俞坐起身,脸色不太好,反问:“怎么就小?哪儿他妈小了?”   结果两人对比了出生年份,贺朝比他大了一岁。   “叫哥,”贺朝笑着说,“说了你小你还不信。”   谢俞总感觉贺朝在给他下套。   贺朝翘着腿往后靠,身下椅子前脚翘起来,姿态懒散,重心移到后面,整个人看起来有点晃。   贺朝抬头往前看,目光穿过前排同学的后脑勺,直直地落在黑板上,黑板上是几行字迹端正的板书,耳边唐森念经的声音突然离他越来越远。   半响,谢俞听到贺朝轻描淡写地说:“你肯定比我小啊,我初三重读了。”   谢俞第一反应是:难怪贺朝这种成绩上高中还没人说他作弊。   当年谢俞弊神的名号传遍全年级,贺朝却屁事没有。   原来是重读。   重读就说得通了,一个成绩贼差的学渣,重读加上狗屎运,这才摸到了高校的尾巴。   谢俞看着贺朝那副散漫的样子,手里捏着笔,几根手指捏着它转圈。   贺朝桌上还摊着那张十分数学卷,订正倒是订正了,只是大概抄两行就走一会儿神,而且字迹凌乱,看起来乱七八糟。   谢俞有点好奇:“你重读了几年?”   “”贺朝说,“一年,怎么了。”   谢俞:“没什么,我以为你这样的起码三年起步。”   贺朝觉得这话听着不是很舒服:“我哪样?你不是跟我差不多吗?倒二,能不能摸着你的分数说话?”   说话间,下课铃响。   大家欢呼雀跃,万达更是站在椅子上挥着试卷喊:“解放了——解放了同志们!”   唐森演讲中断,摇摇头,站起来叮嘱最后一句:“别急着走,东西都收拾好,别落下了,今天值日生把教室打扫干净再走啊。”   谢俞没什么东西要收拾,贺朝周末还是住校,坐在椅子上继续晃,甚至后仰着冲他摆摆手:“小朋友再见。”   谢俞没说话,经过贺朝身后的时候抬脚直接踹上去,干脆利落:“你再叫一句试试。”   贺朝瞬间失衡,眼看着就要连人带椅子往后栽,还好反应快,倒下去的时候找到最帅气落地姿势,一只手撑在地面上:“卧槽。”   椅子顺势倒下,砸在地上发出“砰”一声巨响。   万达挥试卷挥了一会儿,心血来潮把试卷折成了纸飞机,放在嘴边哈口气:“——冲啊,飞翔吧自由的小鸟。”   刘存浩看到了,也把桌上那张数学试卷折起来:“达达,我给你看个更厉害的。”   唐森这才刚走到门口,班里已经乱成这样,他双手背在身后,手里拎着杯中老年养生茶,感慨道:“年轻人,真是有激情”   谢俞什么东西都没拿,反正睡两晚就回学校。   顾雪岚倒是比较上心:“你就背个书包,把作业啊什么都带上,其他家里头都有。”   “知道了,我自己看着办。”谢俞浑身上下除了手机和零钱就是那张忘记扔的奇迹作业纸。   出了校门,确定没有什么钟家司机开着豪车等在门口,这才往公交车车站走。   “天那么热,让人来接你还不愿意,非得晒着大太阳人挤人,”顾雪岚说,“你路上小心点。”   谢俞“嗯”完挂了电话。   谢俞对生日其实没什么概念,他记忆里的生日没有蛋糕,不管是惊吓还是惊喜都没有,不是什么热闹的场面。   只有一碗热腾腾的面。   为了节省开支,顾女士自己不过生日,但是每年谢俞生日,顾女士都会给他下一碗面。   吃下去混身都感觉热,说不出什么所以然,只觉得整个人都暖和起来。   钟杰周末倒是回来了,他上大学之后除了学校就是跟着钟国飞在公司实习,很快就要接手公司。   谢俞来钟家三年,没起什么风浪,不声不响,所有人都心知肚明他是扶不起的阿斗,钟杰除了不爽,心里还隐隐有几分快感。   “听说你这次月考考得不错?”谢俞一进门,钟杰就阴阳怪气地问。   谢俞换好鞋,手扶在鞋柜上,低着头看不太清楚表情:“过奖。”   顾雪岚从客厅走出来,知道儿子今天回来,正巧钟杰也在,她亲自下厨做了好几道菜:“饭菜已经好了,赶紧过来吃饭。”   钟杰坐在沙发上冷笑一声,也不知道在笑什么。   大概是受到贺朝的影响,谢俞发觉自己脾气变好了很多,在“你气我不气”的生活态度下,这顿饭居然安安静静地吃完了。   而钟杰发现谢俞变得越来越难对付,从一点就炸变成冷言冷语回击,这次回来直接无视他把他当空气。   饭后,顾雪岚拉着谢俞,打算切几盘水果,让他们带到楼上去吃。   谢俞帮着她一起洗水果,两人挤在厨房间,水流冲在手指上,有点凉。   两个人之间话不多,基本上问一句答一句,最后陷入沉默。   谢俞洗好最后一颗苹果,给顾女士递过去。   “你先把这盘给你钟叔叔带上去,”顾雪岚说,“他这几天公司事情特别忙,一回来饭都没吃几口就在书房待着。”   钟杰也在二楼书房,谢俞走到书房门口听到里面激烈的争吵声——透过门板,有些闷,尤其是钟国飞无力又恼怒的声音。   “我盼着你好,你呢,你能不能也盼着我点好?!你顾阿姨能陪着我过日子,我很感激她。”   然后是钟杰带着嘶哑的一句:“那我妈呢——?!她去哪儿了?现在这个家,她算什么,我又算什么?!”   不知道这个话题又是怎么发展起来的,三年来没完没了。   谢俞觉得这两个人说话声有点吵,他低头用牙签插了一小块儿苹果,放在嘴里,吃着有点酸。   顾雪岚听到楼上吵闹声,连手都顾不上擦,上楼劝架。   “你别去,”谢俞站在书房门口,一只手端着果盘,另一只手握在顾雪岚胳膊上,“让他们吵,喜欢吵就吵个够。”   顾雪岚怎么能不管,她急急忙忙推门进去。   又是不得安宁的一个夜晚。   谢俞站在花洒下,浑身淋得湿透,闭着眼睛尽量忽视外面那些声音。   他抬手抹了把脸,关掉开关,拉开移门走出来,水珠顺着头发往下淌,划过脊背,最后汇在瓷砖地面上,被暖光灯打出一丝颜色。   把换下来的衣服扔进脏衣篓之前,谢俞习惯性摸摸口袋里有没有什么遗忘的东西,然后他摸到那张叠成方块形的纸。   上面是贺朝东倒西歪、笔锋恨不得飞出去、可遇不可求的字。   谢俞盯着认了半天,一个字也认不出来。   他随手把那张纸翻过来,发现反面还画了一个笑脸。弯弯的嘴巴斜上去一笔,看上去有点贱。   谢俞看着看着,突然靠在水池边上笑了。
Chapter 34 Gu Xuelan's birthday is the day after tomorrow. Xie Yu didn't go back to live because he couldn't bear it psychologically, he just couldn't bear the whole box of study materials under the bed in the dormitory. He Chao let out an "oh" after hearing it, and then said thoughtlessly: "Happy birthday." ” “……” He Chao obviously wanted to say something "good health and all the best", but the words just started and was ruthlessly interrupted by the killer. "Alright, that's it, thank you." Xie Yu made a five-finger retraction movement towards He Chao, "Close." "Your action is similar to the emoji that Shen Jie sent me." He Chao learned for a moment, and then spread his fingers away, "Let's go." Xie Yu: "......" let you go. The language homework that Tang Sen had just assigned He Chao didn't know what it was. He sat in his seat for a while, then patted the shoulder of his classmate in the front seat, borrowed his homework notebook and copied it. The students in the front seat were very puzzled, and the whole class knew that He Chao basically didn't do homework, so they boldly asked, "Do you want to do homework?" He Chao copied and said, "What if." I can't say, look at fate, maybe any homework looks particularly pleasing to the eye, and fate can't stop it. That classmate probably heard this kind of serious "homework casual theory" for the first time, and was amazed. He Chao copied two copies, returned the record book to the front seat, and slapped one of them on Xie Yu's desk: "Take it, in case a miracle appears." Xie Yu looked down at the shit words on the paper that he couldn't recognize, and said in his heart that he couldn't understand it, and there would be ghosts if a miracle appeared. He folded the paper, couldn't find a place to throw it for a while, stuffed it in his pocket, and heard He Chao ask again: "When is your birthday?" Xie Yu turned his face back, really looking at him upset, the shadow in the corridor just now still lingered. A row of windows, a row of heads poked out neatly, looking at them with a stunned expression and a subtle expression. Wanda even covered her eyes, looking indecent. He has never had a strange scandal with anyone when he is so old, and after meeting He Chao, he found that this world is really strange. "Students who stay on campus on weekends should strictly abide by the rules for boarding students." Tang Sen found a chair and sat down, looking like he was going to talk to them about the end of school, "We have to believe in science, I almost forgot about the dormitory building last weekend Wanda, don't keep your head down, I really can't see that you have such ideas." After the fall reckoning. The reflex arc of their class Tang teacher is particularly long. Sometimes I thought he really didn't care, but when they relaxed their vigilance and felt that everything had passed, and when the years were calm, they were suddenly caught by Lao Tang and reprimanded: "Hey, you guys last month" "Say that you will die," He Chao turned his head sideways to look at Xie Yu, and also leaned down, on the same level as him, and reached out to touch his hair, "When is your birthday?" Xie Yu said, "Will die." He Chao didn't continue to cling to this question, and within a few minutes, the topic changed from a birthday date to "How many years are you?" Definitely smaller than me. Xie Yu is now particularly sensitive to the word "little", such as "little friend". So Xie Yu sat up, his face was not very good, and he asked, "Why is it small?" Where the is small? As a result, the two compared the year of birth, and He Chao was a year older than him. "Brother," He Chao said with a smile, "You still don't believe you when you say you're young." Xie Yu always felt that He Chao was playing a trick on him. He Chao leaned back with his legs crossed, the front feet of the chair under him were cocked, his posture was lazy, his center of gravity shifted to the back, and the whole person looked a little shaky. He Chao looked up, his gaze passed through the back of the head of the classmate in the front row, and landed straight on the blackboard, on which were a few lines of well-written board books, and the sound of Tang Sen chanting in his ears suddenly became farther and farther away from him. Halfway through, Xie Yu heard He Chao say lightly: "You must be younger than me, I have reread it in the third year of junior high school." Xie Yu's first reaction was: No wonder He Chao went to high school with this kind of grade, and no one said that he cheated. Back then, Xie Yu's reputation as a god spread throughout the whole grade, but He Chao didn't have a. It turned out to be a rereading. Rereading makes sense, a scumbag with poor grades, rereading and shit luck, this is the tail of the university. Xie Yu looked at He Chao's casual appearance, holding the pen in his hand, and pinching it in circles with a few fingers. He Chao still had the ten-point math paper on the table, and the correction was corrected, but he just copied two lines and walked for a while, and the handwriting was messy, and it looked messy. Xie Yu was a little curious: "How many years have you reread?" He Chao said, "One year, what's wrong." Xie Yu: "It's nothing, I thought you would start at least three years like this." He Chao felt that this sounded very uncomfortable: "What am I? Aren't you similar to me? Bottom two, can you touch your score and speak? As he spoke, the bell rang for the end of class. Everyone cheered, and Wanda even stood on a chair waving the test paper and shouted: "Liberation - liberation comrades!" Tang Sen interrupted his speech, shook his head, stood up and told the last sentence: "Don't be in a hurry to leave, everything is packed, don't fall behind, the students on duty today will clean the classroom and leave." Xie Yu didn't have anything to pack, He Chao still lived in the school on the weekend, sat on the chair and continued to shake, and even leaned back and waved at him: "Goodbye, little friend." Xie Yu didn't speak, and when he passed behind He Chao, he raised his foot and kicked it directly, simply and neatly: "You call it again." He Chao was instantly unbalanced, and he was about to plant himself back with a chair, but fortunately he reacted quickly, and when he fell, he found the most handsome landing posture, and supported himself on the ground with one hand: "." The chair fell down and slammed into the ground with a loud bang. Wanda waved the test paper for a while, folded the test paper into a paper airplane on a whim, put it to his mouth and sighed: "-Rush, fly, free bird." Liu Cunhao saw it, and also folded the math test paper on the table: "Dada, I'll show you a more powerful one." Tang Sen had just walked to the door, and the class was already in chaos like this, he put his hands behind his back, carrying a cup of middle-aged and elderly health tea in his hand, and said with emotion: "Young man, you are really passionate" Xie Yu didn't take anything, anyway, he would go back to school after sleeping for two nights. Gu Xuelan was more concerned: "You just carry a schoolbag, bring your homework and everything, and other families have it." "Got it, I'll do it myself." Xie Yu was covered with nothing but his mobile phone and change, which was the miracle homework paper that he forgot to throw. After leaving the school gate, I made sure that there was no Zhong family driver waiting at the door in a luxury car, and then I walked to the bus stop. "It's so hot, you don't want people to pick you up, you have to bask in the sun and crowd people," Gu Xuelan said, "Be careful on the road." Xie Yu hung up the phone with an "um". Xie Yu actually has no concept of birthdays, there is no cake on the birthday in his memory, there is no fright or surprise, it is not a lively scene. Just a bowl of hot noodles. In order to save money, Ms. Gu doesn't have a birthday, but every year on Xie Yu's birthday, Ms. Gu will give him a bowl of noodles. I feel hot when I eat it, and I can't say why, I just feel that the whole person is warm. Zhong Jie came back on the weekend, and after he went to college, he followed Zhong Guofei to intern in the company in addition to school, and he will soon take over the company. Xie Yu has been in the Zhong family for three years, there has been no storm, no sound, everyone knows that he is a dou who can't be helped, Zhong Jie is not only unhappy, but also has a faint sense of pleasure in his heart. "I heard that you did well in the monthly exam this time?" As soon as Xie Yu entered the door, Zhong Jie asked in a weird manner. Xie Yu changed his shoes, put his hand on the shoe cabinet, lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly: "Pass the award." Gu Xuelan walked out of the living room, knowing that her son was coming back today, and it happened that Zhong Jie was also there, so she personally cooked several dishes: "The meal is ready, hurry up and come over to eat." Zhong Jie sat on the sofa and sneered, not knowing what he was laughing at. Probably under the influence of He Chao, Xie Yu found that his temper had changed a lot, and under the attitude of "you are angry with me", the meal was actually eaten quietly. And Zhong Jie found that Xie Yu became more and more difficult to deal with, from blowing up at one point to coldly fighting back, and this time he came back and directly ignored him and treated him as air. After the meal, Gu Xuelan pulled Xie Yu and planned to cut a few plates of fruit and let them take them upstairs to eat. Xie Yu helped her wash the fruit together, and the two of them crowded into the kitchen, the water rushing on her fingers, a little cold. The two of them didn't talk much, basically asking and answering one by one, and finally fell silent. Xie Yu washed the last apple and handed it to Ms. Gu. "You take this plate to Uncle Zhong first," Gu Xuelan said, "He has been very busy with company affairs these days, and he stayed in the study without eating a few bites when he came back." Zhong Jie was also in the study on the second floor, Xie Yu walked to the door of the study and heard the fierce quarrel inside - through the door panel, it was a little stuffy, especially Zhong Guofei's weak and angry voice. "I look forward to your goodness, what about you, can you also hope that I will be good?! Your Aunt Gu can accompany me to live, I am very grateful to her. Then Zhong Jie said hoarsely: "What about my mother——?! Where did she go? Now this family, what is she, and what am I?! I don't know how this topic developed, it has been endless for three years. Xie Yu felt that these two people were talking a little noisy, he lowered his head and inserted a small piece of apple with a toothpick, put it in his mouth, and ate it a little sour. Gu Xuelan heard the noise upstairs, so she didn't even bother to wipe her hands, and went upstairs to persuade her. "Don't go," Xie Yu stood at the door of the study, holding the fruit plate with one hand and Gu Xuelan's arm with the other, "Let them quarrel, if they like to quarrel, they can quarrel enough." How could Gu Xuelan not care, she hurriedly pushed the door in. It was another restless night. Xie Yu stood under the shower, drenched and soaked, his eyes closed and tried to ignore the sounds outside. He raised his hand to wipe his face, turned off the switch, opened the sliding door and walked out, droplets of water running down his hair, across his back, and finally pooling on the tiled floor, a hint of color from the warm light. Before throwing the changed clothes into the dirty laundry basket, Xie Yu habitually felt for anything in his pocket, and then he felt for the paper folded into a square shape. On it is the words He Chao staggered from side to side, the pen is eager to fly out, and it is impossible to meet. Xie Yu stared at it for a long time, but he couldn't recognize a word. He flipped the paper over and found that there was a smiling face drawn on the reverse side. The crooked mouth is slanted upward, and it looks a little cheap. Xie Yu looked at it, and suddenly leaned against the edge of the pool and smiled.

第三十五章   谢俞自己都没有察觉到, 他眉眼里的那些烦躁、不耐, 一点一点从身上褪下去。   他又把纸条叠起来, 垃圾桶就在边上,犹豫两秒还是没有扔。   贺朝身上有种特质。   他那种漫不经心吊儿郎当,完全吊出了自己的风采。   虽然成绩差得令人发指, 各科老师看着多少都有点头疼,还经常哭笑不得。但是下了课,偶尔吴正还会找贺朝去球场踢会儿球:“小子, 上数学课的时候你说什么来着, 中午来球场,我教训教训你。”   这事跟谢俞并没有什么关系, 但不知道为什么每次贺朝被点名批评,都能牵扯到他。   吴正又指指谢俞:“你小子也来。”   于是等到中午吃过饭, 就被贺朝拉去操场,还有万达罗文强他们过来凑人数。   吴正那边阵容强大, 除了老唐、隔壁班历史老师,甚至连姜主任都在。   吴正扔粉笔头的水准高,但球技不堪入目, 毕竟每天坐办公室缺乏运动, 而且上了年纪,身子骨比不了年轻人。   “我们这样,等会儿放放水。”中场休息的时候贺朝低声说,“让疯狗他们多进几个球。”   万达说:“朝哥,这难度有点大啊, 他们技术实在是菜,我可比不上你,戏太难,我觉得我演不了。”   贺朝蹲着拍了万达头顶一下:“难个屁,我教你。他进球的时候,你这样,跪下来会不会,然后十分懊恼地挥拳头砸地,表现出你对于球场失误的那种深沉地懊悔……”   万达听完有点恍惚:“这么浮夸的吗?”   “戏多,你自己演。”谢俞蹲在边上,手里拎着瓶水,把瓶盖盖上去,“别扯上别人。”   “这个需要大家一起配合,”贺朝又说,“你不是别人,你是我同桌。”   谢俞还没回嘴,罗文强第一个站出来表示不想合作:“打假球,严重违背了体育精神!我不同意!”   贺朝:“……”   照顾到老吴的打球体验,他们还是放了水,万达听取贺朝的意见,连假摔都用上了。但罗文强宁死不放水,于是贺朝身兼“猪队友”这个剧本,全力压制住罗文强选手的发育。   罗文强简直痛不欲生:“朝哥你干啥啊,你到底是哪个队的……俞哥你管管他。”   谢俞:“为什么是我,关我屁事。”   最后吴正他们打球打得神清气爽,意气风发,感觉重新回到十八岁。   甚至还预约了下一场。   书房里的声音渐渐弱下去。   听他们吵了半天,谢俞差不多听明白了,总结下来就是钟杰小时候他妈给他买的钢笔不小心被钟国飞碰掉在地上,笔头摔坏,出不了墨。   三年来从没有解决过的问题又在这一刻爆发出来。   钟国飞觉得钟杰都这么大了,怎么还和他胡闹。   “你们俩各自冷静冷静,这样吵下去也不是办法。”顾雪岚从书房里追出来。   钟杰拿着车钥匙就往外走:“冷静?我冷静得很。”   钟国飞也气,尤其钟杰失去理智对他说了很多过分的话,但忍不住还是站在楼梯口问:“回来,你去哪儿?你不住家里住哪儿去?”   钟杰头也没回,毅然决然要做一个浑身弥漫着酒气和寂寞的颓废泡吧BOY。   其实在家里呆着也没什么劲,吃过饭就往房里钻,偶尔跟大雷打会儿游戏。   就跟万达回家之后发的那条空间动态一样:到家,咸鱼,醉生梦死。   “你别去那边,辅助一下我好吧,”周大雷知道谢俞玩游戏的尿性,他就没有见过比谢俞还适合单排的游戏玩家,知道归知道,这么多年他还是一直没能习惯,“你看没看见我就快死了啊谢老板,砍的不是你你不觉得疼是吧……啊卧槽,凉了凉了。”   谢俞不为所动:“你好菜。”   “……”   “我菜,”周大雷开玩笑说,“我这都是因为谁啊,有谁受得了你这种比敌人还残酷的队友,啊?!”   谢俞打了两局,看看时间,说:“你玩,我下了。”   周大雷总觉得自己好像忘了什么,直到谢俞说下线,他一拍脑袋,这才想起来:“岚姨今天生日是吧。”   “我都差点忘了,你代我向岚姨问个好,就祝她越来越美,事事顺心,”周大雷又埋怨道,“你怎么也不提醒提醒我。”   楼下宾客还没走。   顾雪岚生日,虽然顾女士明确表示不用特意办什么生日宴,但家里还是陆陆续续来了挺多人,礼物都堆在桌上。   钟国飞在商界的地位摆着,虽然没什么人看好这位钟太太,该有的礼数还是得有。   “提醒你干什么,”谢俞关闭游戏界面,一条腿搭在椅子边沿上,对着电脑久了有点困,“你又打算送塑料花?”   周大雷说:“你别瞧不起塑料花,虽然假,可是它永不凋谢,我送礼物都是很实用的。”   “那大夏天送围巾,也叫实用?”   周大雷不会承认自己送礼物的水平有缺陷,狡辩说:“……反正冬天迟早会来。”   “我是不是还得夸夸你。”   傍晚六七点,人都走得差不多了。   房子里安静下来,佣人收拾果盘、拖地擦桌子,钟国飞出去送客。   顾雪岚有些疲倦,正打算上楼,经过厨房的时候看到谢俞在里面,腰上围了条围裙,袖口挽上去几折,手里抓着把青菜,在水龙头下仔仔细细地清洗。   锅里水正好煮沸,不断往上冒着热气,谢俞腾出一只手去掀锅盖,然后把面条下进去。他做这些的时候动作很熟练,丝毫不拖泥带水。   谢俞对厨房并不陌生,以前顾雪岚忙着工作没时间照料他,晚饭不是去大雷梅姨他们家吃,就是自己开火,简单下碗面或者炒个饭。   顾雪岚没出声,站在厨房门口看。   很简单的一碗面,青菜,碎葱花,煎蛋。   少年低着头,眼底全是专注。   顾雪岚看着看着眼眶不知不觉湿了,她转身背过去,抬手遮了遮眼角。   谢俞没多说什么,等顾女士一口一口把面吃完,他才说:“妈,生日快乐。”   顾雪岚点点头,轻声应了声。   她也说不出什么矫情的话,最后只说:“不早了,快去睡觉吧,明天还要上课。”   明天又是周一,谢俞躺在床上,正要关手机,正上方通知栏闪出来两条消息,时间卡得刚刚好。   来自企鹅好友“贺朝”。   -老谢,发现个好东西。   -加微信1502XXX7043,作业代写了解一下。   谢俞指尖在屏幕上顿住,半响才打上去一个问号:?   贺朝:我们年级的,专业代写。   贺朝:沈捷说这个人业务能力很强,价格公道,还会模仿字迹,仿得连姜主任都看不出。   贺朝:而且抓一赔十。   谢俞:所以呢?   谢俞觉得自己对学渣的认识还是太局限,他根本就不合格。   -语音跟你说,现在方便吗?   虽然不感兴趣,谢俞还是打起精神回:好。   下一秒,贺朝发过来一个邀请。   谢俞也没仔细看,以为就是普通的连麦。   结果按下确认之后,刚洗完澡、浑身上下只穿了条内裤的贺朝出现在屏幕中央:“……”   贺朝头发都没擦,光着脚踩在地面上,正弯着腰,在床边翻衣服。肩胛骨、脊背顺着动势略微绷紧,红绳挂在脖子里,那种少年特有的朝气,近乎张扬。   谢俞沉默两秒后说:“你想干什么?展示你骚黑色的内裤?”   “我操,”贺朝自己也吓了一跳,拿着衣服回头,“……这什么。”   贺朝忙着穿衣服,本来要点语音,不小心变成了视频。   谢俞那边光线不是太好,有点暗,看样子应该正躺在床上,贺朝三两下穿上衣服裤子:“手误,你不要这个表情,明明是你赚了,哥的肉体……”   “没事我就挂了。”   贺朝停下对自己肉体的吹嘘:“有事,对,那个代写。”   谢俞不知道一个代写,贺朝有什么要找他单独聊聊的必要,随口问:“两份作业能打八折?”   “不是,”贺朝说,“我给你那张纸你还留着吗,都有些什么作业?我自己也看不懂我到底写了些什么几把玩意儿。”   “……”   谢俞心情平和不带脏字地‘问候’了贺朝,大致意思是让他哪儿凉快哪儿呆着去,然后准备掐断视频通话。   “你尝试一下啊,万一你跟我的字有缘呢。”   “你得问问代写跟你的字有没有缘分,”谢俞说,“他写得出你这种几把玩意儿?”   谢俞说完,直接摁了挂断。手机屏幕闪回到桌面,当初忘记卸载的智慧果图标还安安静静地躺在‘游戏’分类里,一抹绿尤其显眼。   不知不觉间,窗外已经黑了个透。风从窗户外边刮进来,带着略微凉意。   谢俞闭上眼睛,意识越来越弱,但是他知道,夏天好像快过去了。   那个热烈又闷躁的,周大雷在电话里喊“操你妈抢我紫武”,贺朝把黑色口罩勾下来笑着说“我八国混血”的那个夏天,要过去了。
Chapter 35 Xie Yu himself didn't notice that the irritability and impatience in his eyebrows and eyes faded from his body little by little. He folded the note again, and the trash can was on the side, and he hesitated for two seconds but didn't throw it away. He Chao has a trait. His carelessness completely showed his demeanor. Although the grades are outrageously poor, the teachers of each subject have a little headache when they look at it, and they often cry and laugh. But after class, occasionally Wu Zheng would ask He Chao to go to the court to play football for a while: "Boy, what did you say when you were in math class, come to the court at noon, and I will teach you a lesson." This matter has nothing to do with Xie Yu, but I don't know why every time He Chao is named and criticized, he can be implicated. Wu Zheng pointed at Xie Yu again: "You kid is also here." So after lunch, he was dragged to the playground by He Chao, and Wanda Luo Wenqiang came over to make up the number. Wu Zheng has a strong lineup over there, except for Lao Tang, the history teacher in the next class, and even Director Jiang is there. Wu Zheng throws chalk heads at a high level, but his ball skills are unsightly, after all, he sits in the office every day and lacks exercise, and he is old, and his body is not as good as that of young people. "Let's do this, let's release the water later." At halftime, He Chao whispered, "Let the mad dogs score a few more goals." Wanda said: "Brother Chao, this is a bit difficult, their skills are really vegetables, I can't compare to you, the play is too difficult, I don't think I can act." He Chao squatted and patted Wanda on the top of the head: "It's hard to fart, I'll teach you." When he scores, you do this, do you kneel down, and then slam your fist into the ground in great frustration, showing the deep remorse you have for your mistakes on the pitch...... Wanda was a little in a trance after hearing this: "Is it so pompous?" "There are many plays, you can play them yourself." Xie Yu squatted on the side, carrying a bottle of water in his hand, and put the cap on the bottle, "Don't get involved with others." "This requires everyone's cooperation," He Chao said again, "You are no one else, you are my tablemate." Before Xie Yu could reply, Luo Wenqiang was the first to stand up and say that he didn't want to cooperate: "Playing match-fixing is a serious violation of sportsmanship!" I disagree! He Chao: "......" Taking care of Lao Wu's playing experience, they still released the water, and Wanda listened to He Chao's advice and even used the fake fall. But Luo Wenqiang would rather die than release the water, so He Chao also served as a "pig teammate", and tried his best to suppress the development of Luo Wenqiang. Luo Wenqiang was in pain: "Brother Chao, what are you doing, which team are you...... Brother Yu, you take care of him. Xie Yu: "Why me, it's my business." In the end, Wu Zheng and the others played refreshed and high-spirited, and they felt that they were back to eighteen years old. I even made an appointment for the next one. The voice in the study faded. Listening to their quarrel for a long time, Xie Yu almost understood, and the summary was that the fountain pen that Zhong Jie bought for him by his mother when he was a child was accidentally touched by Zhong Guofei and fell to the ground, and the pen tip was broken and he couldn't get ink. Problems that had not been solved in three years erupted again at this moment. Zhong Guofei felt that Zhong Jie was so old, why did he still mess around with him. "You two are calm and calm, and it's not a way to continue arguing like this." Gu Xuelan chased out of the study. Zhong Jie took the car key and walked out: "Calm down? I'm calm. Zhong Guofei was also angry, especially Zhong Jie lost his mind and said a lot of excessive things to him, but he couldn't help but stand at the top of the stairs and ask, "Come back, where are you going?" Where do you live if you don't live at home? Zhong Jie didn't look back, and resolutely decided to be a decadent clubbing boy who was full of alcohol and loneliness. In fact, it's not interesting to stay at home, and after eating, I go into the room, and occasionally play games with Da Lei. It's the same as the space dynamic that Wanda posted after she went home: When you get home, you are salted fish, drunk and dreaming of death. "Don't go over there, help me," Zhou Dalei knew Xie Yu's urine nature of playing games, he had never seen a gamer who was more suitable for a single row than Xie Yu, and he knew that he had not been able to get used to it for so many years, "If you don't see me, I'm going to die, Boss Xie, it's not you who cut it, don't you feel pain, right...... Ah, it, it's cold. Xie Yu was unmoved: "Hello dish." ” “……” "My dish," Zhou Dalei joked, "who am I doing this because of, who can stand a teammate like you who is more cruel than the enemy, ah?!" Xie Yu played two rounds, looked at the time, and said, "You play, I'll play." Zhou Dalei always felt as if he had forgotten something, until Xie Yu said that he was offline, and he patted his head, and then he remembered: "Aunt Lan is birthday today." "I almost forgot, you say hello to Aunt Lan on my behalf, and I wish her more and more beautiful and everything goes well," Zhou Dalei complained again, "Why don't you remind me." The downstairs guests haven't left yet. Gu Xuelan's birthday, although Ms. Gu made it clear that she didn't need to hold any special birthday banquets, there were still a lot of people at home one after another, and the gifts were piled up on the table. Zhong Guofei's status in the business world is on the table, although no one is optimistic about this Mrs. Zhong, there must still be a number of courtesies. "Remind you what to do," Xie Yu closed the game interface, put one leg on the edge of the chair, and was a little sleepy in front of the computer for a long time, "You plan to send plastic flowers again?" Zhou Dalei said: "Don't look down on plastic flowers, although fake, but it will never wither, I give gifts are very practical." "Sending scarves in the summer is also called practical?" Zhou Dalei would not admit that his level of gift-giving was flawed, and quibbled: "...... Winter will come sooner or later anyway. "Do I have to praise you?" At six or seven o'clock in the evening, everyone was almost gone. The house was quiet, the maid cleaned up the fruit plate, mopped the floor and wiped the table, and Zhong Guofei went out to see off the guests. Gu Xuelan was a little tired, and was about to go upstairs, when she passed by the kitchen, she saw Xie Yu inside, with an apron around her waist, her cuffs folded up a few times, and she was holding a handful of vegetables in her hand and washing them carefully under the faucet. The water in the pot was just boiling, and it was constantly steaming up, Xie Yu freed up one hand to lift the lid of the pot, and then put the noodles in. He does this with great skill, and he doesn't drag his feet in the slightest. Xie Yu is no stranger to the kitchen, in the past, Gu Xuelan was busy with work and had no time to take care of him, and he either went to Aunt Lei Mei's house for dinner, or opened the fire by himself, and simply put down a bowl of noodles or fried rice. Gu Xuelan didn't say anything, standing at the kitchen door and watching. A very simple bowl of noodles, greens, chopped green onions, and fried egg. The boy lowered his head, his eyes full of concentration. Gu Xuelan looked at her eyes and unconsciously wet, she turned her back and raised her hand to cover the corners of her eyes. Xie Yu didn't say much, and waited for Ms. Gu to finish eating the noodles one by one before he said, "Mom, happy birthday." Gu Xuelan nodded and answered softly. She couldn't say anything pretentious, and finally said, "It's not early, go to bed, there is class tomorrow." Tomorrow is Monday again, Xie Yu was lying in bed, about to turn off his mobile phone, and two messages flashed out of the notification bar directly above, and the time was just right. From Penguin friend "He Chao". - Lao Xie, found a good thing. - Add WeChat 1502XXX7043, homework ghostwriting to understand. Xie Yu's fingertips paused on the screen, and only after half a sound did he hit a question mark: ? He Chao: Our grade, professional ghostwriting. He Chao: Shen Jie said that this person has strong business ability, fair prices, and can imitate handwriting, so much so that even Director Jiang can't see it. He Chao: And catch one and pay ten. Xie Yu: So what? Xie Yu felt that his understanding of the scumbag was still too limited, and he was not qualified at all. - Voice to you, is it convenient now? Although he was not interested, Xie Yu still cheered up and replied: Okay. In the next second, He Chao sent an invitation. Xie Yu didn't look carefully, thinking it was an ordinary microphone connection. After pressing the confirmation, He Chao, who had just taken a shower and was wearing only a pair of underwear on his body, appeared in the center of the screen: "......" He Chao didn't wipe his hair, he stepped on the ground with his bare feet, and was bending over, rummaging through his clothes by the bed. The shoulder blades and back are slightly tensed along the momentum, and the red rope hangs in the neck, which is the unique vitality of a teenager, almost flamboyant. Xie Yu was silent for two seconds and then said, "What do you want to do?" Show off your sassy black panties? "Fuck," He Chao himself was also startled, and turned back with his clothes, "...... What is this. He Chao was busy getting dressed, and he originally wanted a voice, but it accidentally turned into a video. The light on Xie Yu's side is not too good, it is a little dark, it looks like he should be lying on the bed, He Chao put on his clothes and pants in twos and twos: "Mistake, you don't want this expression, obviously you earned it, brother's body is ......" "I'll hang up if it's okay." He Chao stopped boasting about his body: "Something, yes, that ghostwriter." Xie Yu didn't know a ghostwriter, what was the need for He Chao to talk to him alone, so he asked casually: "Can two assignments be discounted by 20%?" "No," He Chao said, "do you still have the piece of paper I gave you, and what homework do you have?" I couldn't understand what I had written. ” “……” Xie Yu calmly 'greeted' He Chao without dirty words, roughly meaning to let him stay where he was cool, and then prepared to cut off the video call. "Try it, in case you have a relationship with my words." "You have to ask if ghostwriting has anything to do with your handwriting," Xie Yu said, "and he can write a few things like you?" After Xie Yu finished speaking, he hung up directly. The screen of the mobile phone flashed back to the desktop, and the icon of the wisdom fruit that I forgot to uninstall was still lying quietly in the 'game' category, and a touch of green was particularly conspicuous. Before I knew it, it was already dark outside the window. The wind blew in through the window, slightly cool. Xie Yu closed his eyes, his consciousness getting weaker and weaker, but he knew that the summer seemed to be almost over. The warm and sullen, Zhou Dalei shouted on the phone, "Fuck your mother, rob me Ziwu", He Chao hooked off the black mask and said with a smile, "I am of mixed blood in eight countries", the summer is about to pass.

第三十六章   谢俞起得早, 换上校服, 跟顾女士两人吃了点清粥小菜, 看看时间,准备坐公交回学校:“我走了,有什么事给我打电话。”   顾雪岚放下筷子, 起身说:“让司机送你去吧。”   谢俞走到玄关处弯腰换鞋,就像他回来的时候那样,什么都没带, 看着不像是去学校而是出去玩一样:“不用, 我自己去就行。”   “你就这样去?怎么连个书包都不带,”顾雪岚都不知道该说他什么好, “这周末老师留的作业你写没写啊?”   谢俞说:“写了,在学校里就写完了。”   这借口未免太假, 顾雪岚信就有鬼:“我看你压根就没写。”   “我会写的题本来也没几道,”谢俞把拖鞋摆好, 拉开门出去,外头涌进来一股风,带着湿气扑面而来, “带不带回来都一样。”   顾雪岚正要说“天气转凉了注意身体”, 谢俞已经走出去好几步。   钟家这套房子地理位置较偏,离它最近的车站得走半个小时。   附近有出来晨跑的住户,在公园里绕着跑圈,脖子里挂了条毛巾,边跑边喘气。   其实这里也并不是一切都让人感到烦躁的。   比如从天际泛上来的朝霞, 比如路上经过的一草一木,前面还有对夫妻带着孩子一起晨跑,故意放慢脚步,看起来像滑稽的慢动作回放。   谢俞走着走着戴上耳机,随机播了首歌,然后又把手插回衣兜里。   新鲜的空气,新的一天。   谢俞到学校的时间得取决于公交车在路上行驶得顺不顺畅,有时候比较倒霉——比如现在,公交半途熄了火。   司机抽着烟,蹲在车边上看了半天,又用手拍拍它,最后得出结论:“不行,你们等后边那趟吧。”   满车乘客情绪爆炸。   -小朋友,什么时候到学校?   -干什么   -想不想我,我来校门口接你啊。   -你有病?   -能不能好好聊天,得亏我脾气好……哎,等会儿到学校了别急着进班,我在厕所等你。   贺朝估计是到教室到得早,闲着没事干过来骚扰他。   谢俞有一搭没一搭跟他聊了阵,两人一个想把聊天聊死,另一个负责枯木回春。   后面那趟公交来得挺快,晃晃悠悠停下来,91路车牌挂在玻璃车窗上。   谢俞到的时候还有十分钟上课,不算迟到,疯狗也拿他没办法,只能站在校门口干瞪着眼睛:“还不快点,跑起来!争分夺秒!”   疯狗又道:“一点也不知道抓紧时间,马上就高三了,还以为自己刚入学呢……你知道你同桌吧,当初他整天被我逮,他每天早上都偷偷翻墙,我就带着人在墙边上堵着。”   谢俞还是那个速度,不紧不慢地从姜主任身边走过去,不是很想听‘疯狗的英勇往事’:“打扰了,姜主任再见。”   谢俞刚走上楼,隐约看到高二三班班级门口有个人晃来晃去,万达单手撑着窗沿,探着脑袋往这边看。他没在意,正要走过去,突然间有人从背后抓着他的手腕,拉着他往反方向走。   谢俞没防备,跟着那股力量往后退了两步,等他反应过来,人已经被拉着进了男厕所隔间里。   “跟你说了别进班,”贺朝松开手,厕所隔间容纳下两个人还是有点挤,两人靠得很近,“……没看到学委在走廊里晃吗。”   贺朝里面穿着校服,外面套了件薄外套。宽松的卫衣,黑色,背后印了一对笔画凌厉的大翅膀,白色校服边从下面露出来一截。   谢俞压根没把在等车的时候贺朝说的那句“厕所等你”当回事:“他晃什么?”   “他说今天一定要把三角函数给我们讲明白。”贺朝抓抓头发,挺无奈地说,“……我早上一进班他就坐在我对面念公式。”   谢俞:“……”   贺朝:“想不到吧,我真的服气,他将来绝对是干大事情的人。”   过了个周末,谢俞都快忘记班里还有一个疯狂想拯救班级平均分的人物。   薛习生这个人专注力和忍耐力都不是常人可以比拟的,就冲着他满桌子的便利贴,还有抽屉里桌上地上都撂不下、只能往班级图书角放的各科资料书。   这两天薛习生除了完成自己的作业,还在思考到底怎么样才可以带领大家一起学习。   两个人在厕所隔间里挤了会儿,最后谢俞觉得这样有点傻逼,大清早躲厕所算怎么回事儿,还不如回去听薛习生念公式。   于是两人发生了一点口角。   “你不能抛弃我。”   “你别挡着门。”   “老谢,出了这个门我们就不再是兄弟。”   “本来也不是。”   “……”   临近上课,有值日生拿着抹布来厕所清洗,关掉水龙头拧干抹布,本来就要往外走,但他隐约听到厕所里有什么声音,于是停下脚步,四下环顾两眼。   隔间里。   贺朝后背抵着门,挡住不让他开。   谢俞手绕过贺朝腰侧,摸到门把,刚拧开,贺朝又推着他往里面挤。   两股力量相互冲撞,虽然动作幅度不大,谢俞往后退的时候脚跟不小心踢在垃圾桶上,垃圾桶整个被踢翻,砸在地上。   贺朝怕他摔,又伸手拉了谢俞一把。   本来谢俞平衡维持得好好的,被他这一拉,整个人往后栽:“……操。”   那位值日生觉得一定是自己来厕所之前没翻黄历,不然肯定能翻到“不宜如厕”四个大字。   最后一间隔间门缓缓打开,他清清楚楚地看到谢俞跌坐在马桶盖上,而贺朝弯着腰,一只手搭着谢俞脖子。   姿态着实有些暧昧。   “我、我什么都没看见……”值日生倒着往门口走,“真的什么都没有看见。”   谢俞冷着脸没说话。   贺朝直起腰:“哎,这位朋友。”   值日生大概是受惊过度,退着退着居然来了句:“不要杀我。”   好事不出门,基情传千里。 第一节课下课,万达就凑过来问:“你们早上在厕所里什么情况?”   “没情况,”谢俞抄完作业,随口说,“你今天是不是皮痒?”   万达说:“我就是皮,我不痒。”   贺朝看着薛习生跟在唐森身后出去,警报解除,这才加入聊天大军:“消息这么灵通?”   “我小学同学的高一同学跟隔壁班班长的表哥是好朋友。”万达汇报完自己曲折迂回的情报链,又问,“话又说回来了,朝哥,你真的把俞哥衣服给扒了?”   谢俞盖上笔盖,终于抬起头,认认真真地盯着万达看:“什么?”   谢俞脸上表情说不上来到底是有点不开心还是特别不开心,万达琢磨了一会儿,觉得自己的危机应该没那么大:“我不知道最开始的版本到底是什么,反正吧,传到我这,是这样的,你俩在厕所里战况激烈,衣冠不整……总之就很刺激。”   谣言这种东西,一传十十传百,没事也能传出点事来。   万达最后又问:“真的吗?来,我们凑近点,偷偷说,我保证守口如瓶。”   谢俞往后靠了靠,没心情扯这事。   倒是贺朝神神秘秘地凑过去:“想知道吗?”   万达:“想。”   “其实我们不止干了这些,”贺朝说,“我们还做了一些更激烈的事情……”   万达猥琐地眯起眼睛,心驰神往:“哦?”   贺朝趁万达没防备,不动声色地把手边一叠学生日报卷起来就往万达头顶上砸:“你!他妈!啊!老子的舌根都敢嚼!是不是大哥最近给你的自由过了火?”   万达都被敲懵了,捂着头,两眼泪汪汪地看着谢俞,眼底明显写着:你同桌欺负人。   谢俞本来真的有点烦,看到他们俩闹了这么一出,倒也觉得没必要计较了。   “你怎么能这样,”谢俞说完这半句话,万达拼命点头,差点就想喊‘从今天起您才是我亲哥’,但是谢俞卷起英语课本,又说了后半句话,“……怎么用报纸,报纸这么轻,你砸着玩?”   贺朝听完笑出声。   万达看着厚厚的一卷英文书,扭头就跑,感觉特别委屈:“你变了,俞哥,你变了……”   中午午休。   罗文强盼星星盼月亮,总算盼来第一场二中官方体育赛事,从唐森办公室里拿着下周秋季运动会报名表,回到班里中气十足地喊:“同学们——我要宣布一件事!”   万达和刘存浩两个人,抢在他前面模仿老唐说话,语调慢悠悠地,仿得有六七分像:“秋季运动会,罗文强你组织一下……让大家踊跃报名,展现出咱班的活力。”   罗文强话被人抢了去,在台上有点尴尬:“你们俩怎么这样啊,抢我饭碗。”   班里闹哄哄的。   谢俞趴在桌上闭目养神,上午一直盯着手机,眼睛有点酸。   贺朝却以为同桌在睡觉,谢俞趴着趴着,感觉到什么温温热热的东西贴在他右耳边上,捂住了他的耳朵,把罗文强他们的说话声隔开了。   ——是贺朝的手。   然后他听到贺朝冲他们“嘘”了一声:“我同桌睡觉,你们小点声。”   其实班里不止谢俞一个人趴着,前排有几位女生也在睡,都觉得吵,但是不好意思开口。   谢俞动了动手指,想睁开眼,最后还是维持着原来的姿势没动弹。   他本来没有睡意,但是闭着闭着……最后真的睡着了。
Chapter 36 Xie Yu got up early, changed into his school uniform, ate some porridge and side dishes with Ms. Gu, looked at the time, and prepared to take the bus back to school: "I'm leaving, call me if there's anything." Gu Xuelan put down her chopsticks, got up and said, "Let the driver take you there." Xie Yu walked to the entrance and bent down to change his shoes, just like when he came back, he didn't bring anything, it didn't look like he was going to school but going out to play: "No, I'll just go by myself." "You're going like this? Why don't you even bring a schoolbag," Gu Xuelan didn't know what to say to him, "Did you write the homework left by the teacher this weekend?" Xie Yu said: "If I write it, I will finish it in school." This excuse is too fake, Gu Xuelan believes that there is a ghost: "I see that you didn't write it at all." "I don't have a few questions that I can write," Xie Yu put the slippers in place, opened the door and went out, and a gust of wind poured in from outside, carrying moisture to his face, "It's the same whether you bring it back or not." Gu Xuelan was about to say, "When the weather gets cooler, pay attention to your body", Xie Yu had already walked out a few steps. The Zhong family's house is located in a remote location, and it takes half an hour to walk from the nearest station. There are residents nearby who have come out for a morning jog, running in circles in the park, with a towel hanging around their necks, panting as they run. Actually, it's not all irritating here. For example, the morning glow coming up from the sky, such as the grass and trees passing by on the road, and there is a couple in front of them who take their children for a morning jog, deliberately slowing down, which looks like a comical slow-motion replay. Xie Yu walked and put on his headphones, played a random song, and then put his hand back in his pocket. Fresh air, new day. Xie Yu's arrival at school depends on whether the bus is running smoothly on the road, and sometimes it is unlucky — for example, now, the bus has turned off halfway. The driver smoked a cigarette, squatted on the side of the car and looked at it for a long time, patted it with his hand, and finally came to the conclusion: "No, you can wait for the next trip." The car was full of passengers with an explosion of emotion. - Children, when will they arrive at school? -What are you doing?-If you miss me, I'll pick you up at the school gate.。 - Are you sick? -Can you have a good chat, thanks to my good temper...... Hey, don't rush into class when you get to school later, I'll be waiting for you in the toilet. He Chao estimated that he arrived early in the classroom and came to harass him when he was idle and had nothing to do. Xie Yu chatted with him for a while, one of the two wanted to chat to death, and the other was responsible for the rejuvenation of dead wood. The bus came very quickly, swaying and stopped, and the number 91 license plate hung on the glass window. When Xie Yu arrived, there were still ten minutes left for class, which was not considered late, and the mad dog had no choice but to stand at the school gate and stare dryly: "Don't hurry up, run!" Against the clock! Mad Dog said again: "I don't know how to hurry up at all, I'm about to be in my third year of high school, and I think I've just entered school...... You know you're at the same table, when he was caught by me all day, he secretly climbed over the wall every morning, and I took people to block the wall. Xie Yu was still at that speed, and walked past Director Jiang unhurriedly, not very eager to hear the 'heroic past of the mad dog': "Excuse me, goodbye Director Jiang." As soon as Xie Yu walked upstairs, he vaguely saw a person dangling at the door of the second and third classes of high school, Wanda was holding the window edge with one hand, poking his head to look this way. He didn't care, and was about to walk over, when suddenly someone grabbed his wrist from behind and pulled him in the opposite direction. Xie Yu was defenseless, and followed the force to take two steps back, and when he reacted, the person had already been pulled into the men's toilet cubicle. "I told you not to enter the class," He Chao let go of his hand, the toilet cubicle was still a little crowded to accommodate two people, and the two were very close, "...... Didn't you see the school committee dangling in the hallway? He Chao was wearing a school uniform inside and a thin coat on the outside. The loose sweatshirt is black, with a pair of large wings with sharp strokes printed on the back, and the white school uniform is exposed from below. Xie Yu didn't take the sentence "The toilet is waiting for you" that He Chao said when he was waiting for the car at all: "What is he shaking?" "He said he had to explain trigonometric functions to us today." He Chao grabbed his hair and said helplessly, "...... As soon as I got into class in the morning, he sat across from me and read the formula. Xie Yu: "......" He Chao: "I can't think of it, I'm really convinced, he will definitely be a person who will do big things in the future." After the weekend, Xie Yu almost forgot that there was a character in the class who was crazy to save the class average. Xue Xisheng's concentration and endurance are not comparable to ordinary people, so he rushed at the post-it notes on his desk, as well as the various subject materials that could not be put on the table and floor in the drawers, and could only be placed in the class library corner. In the past two days, in addition to completing his homework, Xue Xisheng was still thinking about how to lead everyone to study together. The two of them squeezed in the toilet cubicle for a while, and finally Xie Yu felt that this was a bit stupid, what was the matter with hiding in the toilet early in the morning, it was better to go back and listen to Xue Xisheng read the formula. So the two had a bit of a verbal altercation. "You can't abandon me." "Don't stand in the way." "Lao Xie, we are no longer brothers when we get out of this door." "Not really." “……” When class was approaching, a student on duty came to the toilet with a rag to clean, turned off the faucet and wrung out the rag, and was about to go out, but he vaguely heard something in the toilet, so he stopped and looked around. in the compartment. He Chao leaned his back against the door, blocking him from opening. Xie Yu's hand went around He Chao's waist, touched the doorknob, and as soon as he unscrewed it, He Chao pushed him into it again. The two forces collided with each other, although the range of action was not large, Xie Yu's heel accidentally kicked on the trash can when he retreated, and the trash can was kicked over and smashed to the ground. He Chao was afraid that he would fall, so he reached out and pulled Xie Yu again. Originally, Xie Yu's balance was maintained well, but he pulled him this way, and the whole person was planted backwards: "...... Exercise. The student on duty felt that he must have not turned over the yellow calendar before coming to the toilet, otherwise he would definitely be able to turn over the four big words "not suitable for going to the toilet". The door of the last compartment slowly opened, and he clearly saw Xie Yu sitting on the toilet seat, and He Chao bent over with one hand around Xie Yu's neck. The gesture is really ambiguous. "I—I didn't see anything...... "I walked upside down to the door, "I really didn't see anything." Xie Yu didn't speak with a cold face. He Chao straightened his waist: "Hey, this friend." The student on duty was probably overly frightened, and he retreated and actually said, "Don't kill me." Good things don't go out, and the base spreads thousands of miles. At the end of the first class, Wanda came over and asked, "What are you doing in the toilet in the morning?" "It's okay," Xie Yu finished copying his homework and said casually, "Are you itchy today?" Wanda said, "I'm skin, I'm not itching." He Chao watched Xue Xisheng go out behind Tang Sen, and the alarm was lifted, so he joined the chat army: "So well-informed? "My elementary school classmate's freshman classmate is good friends with the cousin of the class president next door." After Wanda reported her tortuous intelligence chain, she asked again, "Then again, Brother Chao, did you really strip Brother Yu's clothes?" Xie Yu put the lid of the pen on it, finally raised his head, and stared at Wanda seriously: "What? The expression on Xie Yu's face couldn't tell whether he was a little unhappy or particularly unhappy, Wanda pondered for a while, and felt that his crisis should not be so big: "I don't know what the original version was, anyway, when it came to me, it was like this, you two were fighting fiercely in the toilet, and you were not in good shape...... All in all, it's exciting. Rumors are such a thing, once they are spread ten, ten, hundreds, and nothing can be passed on. Wanda finally asked, "Really?" Come, let's get closer, and secretly say, I promise to keep my mouth shut. Xie Yu leaned back, not in the mood to talk about it. It was He Chaoshen who leaned over mysteriously: "Do you want to know?" Wanda: "Yes." "Actually, we didn't do more than that," He Chao said, "and we did something more drastic...... Wanda squinted her eyes obscenely, and her heart was fascinated: "Oh? He Chao took advantage of Wanda's defenselessness, and quietly rolled up a stack of student daily newspapers in his hand and smashed it on top of Wanda's head: "You! ! Yes! Lao Tzu's tongue dares to chew! Isn't the freedom that Big Brother has given you too much recently? Wanda was stunned, covered her head, and looked at Xie Yu with tears in her eyes, with obvious words written in her eyes: You are bullying people at the same table. Xie Yu was really a little annoyed, but seeing the two of them making such a fuss, he didn't think there was any need to worry about it. "How can you do this," Xie Yu finished saying this, Wanda nodded desperately, almost wanting to shout, 'You are my brother from today onwards', but Xie Yu rolled up the English textbook and said the second half of the sentence, "...... How to use newspapers, newspapers are so light, you smash and play? He Chao laughed out loud after hearing this. Wanda looked at the thick English book, turned her head and ran, feeling particularly aggrieved: "You have changed, Brother Yu, you have changed ......" Lunch break. Luo Wenqiang looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally looked forward to the first official sports event of No. 2 Middle School, took the registration form for next week's autumn sports meeting from Townsen's office, and returned to the class and shouted angrily: "Students-I want to announce one thing!" Wanda and Liu Cunhao rushed in front of him to imitate Lao Tang's speech, and his tone was slow and leisurely, as if he was like six or seven points: "Autumn Games, Luo Wenqiang, you can organize it...... Let everyone sign up enthusiastically to show the vitality of our class. Luo Wenqiang's words were snatched away, and he was a little embarrassed on stage: "Why are you two like this, robbing me of my job." There was a lot of commotion in the class. Xie Yu lay on the table and closed his eyes to recuperate, staring at his mobile phone all morning, his eyes were a little sour. He Chao thought that he was sleeping at the same table, Xie Yu was lying on his stomach, and felt something warm and warm on his right ear, covering his ear, separating Luo Wenqiang from their voices. - It was He Chao's hand. Then he heard He Chao shouting at them: "I'm sleeping at the same table, you guys be quiet." In fact, Xie Yu was not the only one in the class, and several girls in the front row were also sleeping, all of whom felt noisy, but were embarrassed to speak. Xie Yu moved his fingers, trying to open his eyes, but in the end he maintained his original posture and did not move. He didn't feel sleepy, but he kept it closed...... I really fell asleep in the end.

第三十七章   正好下午有节体育课, 于是罗文强说:“抱歉抱歉, 一时太激动, 这样那我们体育课上再谈,有意向参加的随时可以找我啊。”   谢俞睡得浅,隐隐听到有人在说话, 又听不真切。   等到快上课,吴正顺路经过他们班,把作业交给课代表, 课代表发作业整个都是飞着发的, 飞得特别带劲,别人想帮他一起分担都不愿意。   “谢、谢俞……”课代表默念名字, 再抬头,瞬间锁定住目标。   下一秒, 练习簿砸在谢俞脑袋旁边。   “……”   谢俞睁开眼。   课代表比划了个“抱歉”的手势,谢俞没说话, 看也不看,随手把练习簿塞进抽屉里。   贺朝正低着头坐在边上玩手机,他带着耳机, 耳机线从衣服口袋里牵出来。   课代表发到贺朝, 叫了一声:“朝哥!”   贺朝相当配合地举起手准备‘接球’,接到之后拽了句英文:“哇哦,nice。”   “睡醒了?”贺朝接到练习簿之后,侧头看谢俞,又问, “……你作业呢?”   谢俞说:“干什么?”   贺朝自己动手丰衣足食,整个人斜着歪到谢俞那儿去,往他课桌抽屉里瞧:“我就看看。”   谢俞没拦着他,也没拿东西砸他头,伸手把练习簿拿出来往他桌上拍:“拿去瞻仰,赶紧滚。”   他跟贺朝两个人的作业本上,从头翻到尾也没有几个大红勾。   贺朝翻开上周末留的那几道题,确定谢俞也没有一道做出来的,心满意足地合上,又给他放了回去:“看到你我就放心了。”   谢俞还趴着,半张脸被衣袖挡着,只露出来一双眼睛,呼出去的热气悉数打在衣袖布料上,看起来像某种动物,特别想让人伸手揉一把,当然揉之前得做好被挠死的准备:“什么玩意儿?”   贺朝指指黑板上那行字,是吴正的字迹,端正又大气。   ——某两位作业全错的同学,体育课,办公室,不见不散。   “……”   “就在你睡觉的时候,”贺朝还是没忍住,伸手揉了一把,“人生就是这样,层出不穷的惊喜。”   谢俞并不是很在意,“哦”了一声。其实还是很冷淡,从表情到声音,三百六十五度无死角的冷淡。可贺朝觉得自己大概是着了魔了,又或许是因为谢俞头发太软,他竟然觉得杀手刚睡醒的样子有那么一点乖。   贺朝又说:“别担心,你还有我。”   谢俞“哦”不下去了。   黑板上这则通知挂了整整两节课,虽然用的是代指,但大家都心知肚明。   万达蠢蠢欲动:“赌不赌?”   刘存浩:“这用得着赌吗,某两位,还能是哪两位。”   许晴晴:“你还能在咱班找到第三个作业全错的人?”   谢俞看了一眼贺朝的作业本,发现这人就抄了题目,然后极其潇洒地在左侧留下“解”和“冒号”,然后就没有然后了。   “你不是找的代写吗,”谢俞把自己那本又塞回抽屉里去,随口问,“就给你代成这样?”   贺朝说:“没找,多亏你提醒我,我发现这个世界上除了我自己,根本没有人写得出这么帅的字。你看看我这大气磅礴的笔锋,这起承转合……”   谢俞毫不留情打断道:“你把狗屎夸出花来也没用。”   “丁亮华你跑短跑和接力,行吗?我听说你的英勇事迹了,你这个,爆发力很强……然后女生,女生那边的情况我不太了解,晴姐你帮个忙,去统计一下女生有谁想参加的。”   体育课上,罗文强和刘存浩他们坐在操场上,围成一个圈,罗文强裤兜里塞了三支笔,说完掏出来一支给许晴晴:“还有全班集体项目,拔河什么的,这个我抽空跟你们讲讲技巧。长跑就朝哥俞哥……欸,他们人呢?”   罗文强说到现在才发现,两位他上周就钦定的长跑健将不见了。   万达:“你才发现啊,他们俩被叫去数学老师办公室了。”   刘存浩补充:“这两位长跑选手,作业全错。”   罗文强摸摸后脑勺:“啊?我得到运动会通知之后太兴奋了,没注意……”   两位长跑选手正在老师办公室里生不如死。   “你们两个,拿着作业,自己找位置坐,什么时候弄懂什么时候下去上体育课。”吴正说完继续低头批作业,“你们可真行啊,不过有一点我要表扬表扬你们,起码你们不抄作业,坚守住了自己的底线。”   贺朝说:“过奖过奖。”   吴正也没想到贺朝这脸皮能厚成这样,批作业的手顿了顿:“你还真当我在夸你?!”   谢俞接过作业,直接把贺朝拽走,替同桌解释说:“今天出门没吃药。”   “是得吃点药,”吴正说,“病得挺严重。”   办公室里没剩几个老师,老唐去隔壁班上语文课去了,位置正好空着,其他老师的位置也不方便坐,他们俩就坐在老唐那边写题。   之前过来几回都没有注意到,唐森在座位上养了好几盆小植物,还用便利贴贴上了它们的名字、以及几天浇一次水之类的注意事项,心思可以说是非常细腻。   贺朝抬手捏住面前一张便利贴的边角,把那盆多肉的名字念了出来:“……小翠?”   谢俞:“……”   “中年人取名字都这么可怕的吗,这品种不是姬玉露吗,”贺朝把作业本垫在手肘下面,压根没心思写什么题,“好歹他也是个语文老师,小翠?”   谢俞抬头看过去,看到唐森桌面上那块玻璃板下面压着很多相片,都是他历年带过的班级,日期从零几年开始,整整齐齐地排到前年。   “你在看什么?”贺朝问。   谢俞想说在找去年的毕业照,又觉得这种话说出来显得很无聊,最后还是什么都没说,继续写题。   两人之间隔着张办公桌,贺朝说了一会儿,偷偷搬凳子凑过去,一点点挪近,最后靠在谢俞边上才停下,他用笔戳戳同桌:“刚刚老吴讲的那道题你听懂了吗?”   谢俞拿着笔,问:“你觉得呢?”   “我觉得我听懂了,”贺朝说,“这次真的听懂了。”   几道题也不难,吴正一对二辅导了一遍,从公式到步骤,要还是不会那真的是智障。   好在贺朝这回说的听懂了不再是自以为自己懂了,大概是想去上体育课的心情太迫切,智商得到暂时性的提升,谢俞也放松了一点对自己的要求,两个人花了差不多半节课时间,勉强把题目给“弄明白”了。   “来了来了,体委,你的长跑选手来了,”万达眼尖,远远就看到贺朝和谢俞两人的身影,“我们全村、啊不,我们全班的希望来了。”   “什么全村的希望?”贺朝走过去,看到高二三班全体都坐在操场上,整整齐齐坐成了一个大圆圈,他也坐过去,拍拍塑胶地面说,“老谢,坐。”   “长跑啊,三千米,咱班没人愿意跑长跑。”   “填,”贺朝大手一挥,相当慷慨,“你朝哥的名字,随便填,什么项目都行。”   万达:“牛批。”   刘存浩:“强!”   罗文强问完又看向谢俞,谢俞不冷不热地说:“随便。”   随便这两个字简直是罗文强听过的最温柔的话语了——从谢俞嘴里,他简直感动得想哭:“好,那我填了,你俩先报个长跑,再来个……我看看啊,俯卧撑吧,俯卧撑行吗?”   运动会开两天,也就意味着停课两天。   大家虽然并没有那么热爱运动,就冲着两天停课,也勾起了极大的兴趣,即使不上场,都要过来掺几脚。   “隔壁班走方阵好像订了统一的班服,咱班要不要也来一套?”许晴晴对服饰比较在意,“什么都能输气势不能输。”   万达说:“隔壁班还有女装大佬呢,咱班是不是也得出一个?”   话题越聊越歪。   等到下课铃响,他们也没探讨出什么来。   还运动器材的同学去器材室,罗文强负责清点整理,三班那个大圆圈走得差不多,只剩下几个人。   万达凑到贺朝旁边,小声说:“其实刚才说到女装大佬,我第一反应是俞哥。”   贺朝:“你想死我可以送你一程。”   “不是,主要是俞哥这个长相,绝对不是说他娘啊,他一点都不娘,很男人的……”万达搜遍自己脑子里的词库,也搜不出什么合适的词语形容,“就是,总之吧,我和晴姐都是这样想的,你说俞哥会同意吗?”   “你真的会死。”   贺朝又说:“而且是以一种你意想不到的速度离开这个世界。”   许晴晴得知这个消息,多少有点可惜,但是可惜过后瞬间释然,想到了一条新思路:“既然我们做不到年级最美,我们就要搞一个最吸引眼球的女装大佬,比如那种金刚芭比……”   罗文强觉得背后阴风阵阵。   然后无数双眼睛都盯着他看。   谢俞还不知道这个女装大佬梗,他出去接了个电话,回来罗文强已经坐在教室里痛哭流涕了:“我不要,我拒绝——为什么要这样对我。”   “你的肌肉,很性感的,”万达安慰他,“要相信你自己啊。”   贺朝一直在笑,笑得直不起腰来,他冲谢俞挥挥手,然后凑在他耳边说:“我们体委,女装,害不害怕。”   “拍恐怖片?”   贺朝说:“是啊。”   话音刚落,贺朝又问:“你穿过裙子吗?”   谢俞脑子里有根弦突然断了。   他五官现在张开了还好,小时候理一头短发都有人觉得他是女孩子,周大雷就是其中一个傻叉。因为一句“小妹妹”,让他们俩建立友谊的时间拉长了好几年,好不容易才从见一次打一次,变成路边撸串的交情。   周大雷也很苦闷,他认错也认了,打又打不过。   顾女士年轻的时候也干过一些恶趣味的事情,儿子软软糯糯可爱又好看,觉得好玩,也哄他穿过小裙子,至今家里都还有几张怎么也抹不掉的黑历史照片。   万达还在安慰心灵受到创伤的体委,就听到教室后面哐啷一声,抬头看见贺朝和谢俞两个人不知道为什么又扭成一团,椅子也翻了。   刘存浩看得叹为观止:“又干起来了?他们哪天不干一场我都觉得高二三班少了点什么。”   “大哥,我错了,我错了行不行,”贺朝边哄边认错,认错的同时又亲手往火上浇点油,“不过你这反应不对劲啊老谢,你真穿过?”   谢俞全程用拳头说话,贺朝招架不住,又不敢动他,于是往后面一靠,捂着肚子喊:“……啊,痛。”   鉴于这人前科太多,谢俞第一反应就是这人又在演,演得还挺浮夸。   但是谢俞也不知道自己为什么还是往前走了两步:“哪儿疼?”   贺朝一时间不知道该说哪里,一秒钟内换了三个地方,最后手停在胸口:“这里,可能内出血。”   张口就内出血,可真行。   谢俞伸手隔着布料碰了碰:“这儿?”   贺朝低头看看谢俞抵在他胸口的手,突然有点恍惚:“啊,是。”   那点奇怪又旖旎的心思没能维持多久,直到他看到谢俞活动了几下手腕:“我操,真想让我内出血啊……”
Chapter 37 There happened to be a physical education class in the afternoon, so Luo Wenqiang said: "I'm sorry, I'm too excited for a while, so let's talk about it in physical education class, and anyone who is interested in participating can come to me at any time." Xie Yu slept lightly, and faintly heard someone talking, but he couldn't really hear it. When class was about to start, Wu Zheng passed by their class and handed over the homework to the class representative, and the class representative sent the homework all in a flying manner, flying so hard that others were reluctant to help him share it. "Xie, Xie Yu......" class representative silently recited the name, then raised his head, and instantly locked on to the target. In the next second, the exercise book smashed next to Xie Yu's head. “……” Xie Yu opened his eyes. The class representative made a "sorry" gesture, Xie Yu didn't speak, didn't look at it, and casually stuffed the exercise book into the drawer. He Chaozheng was sitting on the side with his head down and playing with his mobile phone, he was wearing headphones, and the earphone cable was pulled out of his clothes pocket. The class representative sent it to He Chao and shouted: "Brother Chao! He Chao raised his hand quite cooperatively and prepared to 'catch the ball', and after receiving it, he dragged an English sentence: "Wow, nice." "Woke up?" After He Chao received the exercise book, he looked sideways at Xie Yu and asked, "...... What about your homework? Xie Yu said, "What for?" He Chao did it himself, and the whole person leaned to Xie Yu's place, and looked into his desk drawer: "I'll take a look." Xie Yu didn't stop him, nor did he hit him on the head with something, he reached out and took out the exercise book and slapped it on his table: "Take it to pay respects, hurry up." On the homework books of him and He Chao, there were not a few big red ticks from beginning to end. He Chao flipped through the questions left last weekend, and made sure that Xie Yu didn't make any of them, so he closed them with satisfaction, and put them back for him: "I'm relieved to see you." Xie Yu was still lying on his stomach, half of his face was blocked by the sleeves, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and the hot breath exhaled was all on the sleeve fabric, looking like some kind of animal, especially wanting people to reach out and rub it, of course, before rubbing, he had to be prepared to be scratched to death: "What kind of thing?" He Chao pointed to the line of words on the blackboard, which was Wu Zheng's handwriting, upright and atmospheric. - Two classmates with all the wrong homework, physical education class, office, not to be seen. “……” "Just when you were sleeping," He Chao still couldn't hold back, and reached out to rub it, "Life is like this, there are endless surprises." Xie Yu didn't care very much, and let out an "oh". In fact, it is still very cold, from expression to voice, three hundred and sixty-five degrees of indifference. But He Chao felt that he was probably enchanted, or maybe because Xie Yu's hair was too soft, he actually felt that the killer had just woken up and looked a little good. He Chao said again: "Don't worry, you still have me." Xie Yu: "Oh" can't go down. This notice on the blackboard hung for two whole lessons, although it was used to refer to it, but everyone knew it. Wanda was ready to move: "Bet or not? Liu Cunhao: "Is this worth gambling, a certain two, which two can it be." Xu Qingqing: "Can you still find a third person in our class who has all the wrong homework?" Xie Yu glanced at He Chao's homework book and found that this person had copied the question, and then left "solution" and "colon" on the left side in an extremely chic manner, and then there was no more. "Didn't you find a ghostwriter," Xie Yu stuffed his book back into the drawer and asked casually, "Just like this for you?" He Chao said: "I didn't look for it, thanks to you for reminding me, I found that no one in this world can write such handsome words except myself." Look at my majestic strokes, this ...... of succession and turn." Xie Yu interrupted mercilessly: "It's useless for you to praise the shit." "Ding Lianghua, you run sprints and relays, okay? I've heard about your heroic deeds, you are very explosive...... And then the girl, I don't know much about the situation on the girl's side, Sister Qing, do me a favor and go and count who the girls want to participate. In physical education class, Luo Wenqiang and Liu Cunhao sat on the playground, forming a circle, Luo Wenqiang stuffed three pens in his trouser pocket, and took out one for Xu Qingqing after speaking: "There is also a class collective project, tug-of-war or something, I will take the time to talk to you about skills." The long-distance run is towards Brother Yu...... Hey, what about them? Luo Wenqiang said that only now did he find out that the two long-distance runners he had appointed last week were missing. Wanda: "You just found out, the two of them were called to the math teacher's office. Liu Cunhao added: "These two long-distance runners did their homework wrong. Luo Wenqiang touched the back of his head: "Huh? I was so excited when I got the sports meeting notice that I didn't pay attention......" Two long-distance runners are in the teacher's office. "You two, take your homework, find a place to sit on your own, and when you figure out when to go down to physical education class." After Wu Zheng finished speaking, he continued to bow his head and batch his homework, "You guys are really good, but there is one thing I want to praise and praise you, at least you don't copy your homework and stick to your bottom line." He Chao said: "I have won awards." Wu Zheng didn't expect He Chao's face to be like this, and the hand that batched the homework paused: "You really think I'm praising you?!" Xie Yu took the homework, dragged He Chao away directly, and explained to his tablemate: "I didn't take medicine when I went out today." "I have to take some medicine," Mr. Wu said, "and I'm very sick." There were not a few teachers left in the office, Lao Tang went to the next class to take a Chinese class, the position was just vacant, and the other teachers' positions were not convenient to sit, so the two of them sat on Lao Tang's side to write questions. I hadn't noticed it a few times before, but Tang Sen had raised several pots of small plants on his seat, and also pasted their names with post-it notes, as well as precautions such as watering once a few days, and his mind could be said to be very delicate. He Chao raised his hand and pinched the corner of a post-it note in front of him, and read out the name of the pot of meat: "...... Emily? Xie Yu: "......" "Is it so terrible for middle-aged people to choose names, isn't this breed Ji Yulu," He Chao put the homework book under his elbow, and he didn't have the heart to write any questions at all, "Anyway, he's also a Chinese teacher, Xiaocui?" Xie Yu looked up and saw that there were many photos pressed under the glass plate on Tang Sen's desktop, all of which were the classes he had taken over the years, with dates starting from zero years and neatly arranged to the year before last. "What are you looking at?" He Chao asked. Xie Yu wanted to say that he was looking for last year's graduation photo, but he felt that it was boring to say this kind of thing, so he didn't say anything in the end and continued to write the question. There was a desk between the two, He Chao talked for a while, secretly moved a stool over, moved closer a little, and finally leaned on Xie Yu's side before stopping, he poked the same table with a pen: "Do you understand the question that Lao Wu said just now?" Xie Yu took the pen and asked, "What do you think?" "I think I understood," He Chao said, "and I really understood this time." A few questions are not difficult, Wu Zheng tutored them one-to-two, from the formula to the steps, if it is still not really mentally retarded. Fortunately, He Chao understood what he said this time, and he no longer thought he understood, probably because he was too eager to go to physical education class, and his IQ was temporarily improved, Xie Yu also relaxed his requirements for himself, and the two of them spent almost half a class time, barely "figuring out" the topic. "It's coming, it's coming, your long-distance runners are here," Wanda's eyes were sharp, and he saw He Chao and Xie Yu from a distance, "Our whole village, ah no, the hope of our whole class is here." "What is the hope of the whole village?" He Chao walked over and saw that all the second and third classes of high school were sitting on the playground, sitting neatly in a big circle, he also sat over, patted the plastic floor and said, "Old Xie, sit." "Long-distance running, 3,000 meters, no one in our class wants to run long-distance running." "Fill in," He Chao waved his hand, quite generous, "Your brother Chao's name, fill in whatever you want, any item." Wanda: "Cattle Batch." Liu Cunhao: "Strong! After Luo Wenqiang asked, he looked at Xie Yu again, and Xie Yu said lukewarmly: "Whatever." These two words were simply the gentlest words Luo Wenqiang had ever heard - from Xie Yu's mouth, he was so moved that he wanted to cry: "Okay, then I'll fill it in, you two will report a long-distance run first, and then have a ...... I'll see, push-ups, push-ups? The sports day is two days old, which means that classes are closed for two days. Although everyone didn't love sports so much, they rushed to suspend classes for two days, and they also aroused great interest, even if they didn't play, they had to come over and mix a few feet. "The class next door seems to have ordered a unified class uniform, do you want our class to have a set too?" Xu Qingqing is more concerned about clothing, "You can lose anything, you can't lose momentum." Wanda said: "There is also a women's clothing boss in the class next door, do we also have one?" The more the topic was talked, the more crooked it became. When the bell rang for the end of class, they didn't come up with anything. The students who also had sports equipment went to the equipment room, Luo Wenqiang was responsible for the inventory, and the big circle in the third class was almost gone, and there were only a few people left. Wanda leaned next to He Chao and whispered: "Actually, when it came to the women's clothing boss just now, my first reaction was Brother Yu." He Chao: "If you want to die, I can give you a ride." "No, it's mainly Brother Yu's appearance, definitely not to say his mother, he's not a mother at all, he's a man's ......" Wanda searched the thesaurus in his head, and couldn't find any suitable words to describe it, "That's it, anyway, Sister Qing and I both think like this, do you think Brother Yu will agree?" "You're really going to die." He Chao said: "And it is leaving this world at a speed that you don't expect. Xu Qingqing was a little pity when she learned the news, but after a pity, she was instantly relieved and thought of a new idea: "Since we can't be the most beautiful in the grade, we have to make the most eye-catching women's clothing boss, such as the King Kong Barbie ......" Luo Wenqiang felt that there was a gust of wind behind him. Then countless pairs of eyes stared at him. Xie Yu didn't know about this women's clothing boss yet, he went out to answer a phone call, and when he came back, Luo Wenqiang was already sitting in the classroom crying bitterly: "I don't want it, I refuse - why do you want to do this to me." "Your muscles are sexy," Wanda reassured, "trust yourself." He Chao kept laughing, laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist, he waved at Xie Yu, and then leaned into his ear and said, "We are not afraid, women's clothing." "Making a horror movie?" He Chao said, "Yes." As soon as the words fell, He Chao asked again: "Did you wear a skirt?" A string in Xie Yu's mind suddenly broke. It's okay that his facial features are open no