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Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p7 Revision: A01

Dell Controlled Print

Process Work Instructions

Light Leakage Testing SOP
漏光测试 SOP

Light Leakage compliance testing

Number: ENG0018836
编号: ENG0018836

Revision: A01

Author: Pavel Olchovik
作者Pavel Olchovik

Owner: Dell LCD Engineering, PG, SDE
所有者:Dell LCD Engineering, PG, SDE


This item is the property of Dell Inc., Austin, Texas and contains confidential and trade secret information. This item may not be transferred from the custody of Dell Computer Corp., except as authorized by Dell Computer Corp. and then only by way of loan for limited purposes. It must not be reproduced in whole or in part and must be returned to Dell Computer Corp. upon request and in all events upon completion of the purpose of the loan. Neither this item nor the information it contains may be used by or disclosed to persons not having a need for such use or disclosure consistent with the purpose to the loan without prior written consent of Dell Inc.
此物品是德克萨斯州奥斯汀市 Dell Inc. 的财产,包含机密和商业秘密信息。除非获得 Dell Computer Corp. 的授权,否则不得将此物品从 Dell Computer Corp. 的保管处转让,并且只能出于有限目的而借出。不得全部或部分复制,并且必须根据要求退还给 Dell Computer Corp.,并且在任何情况下都必须在完成借阅目的后退还给 Dell Computer Corp.。未经 Dell Inc. 事先书面同意,本项目及其包含的信息均不得由不需要与贷款目的一致的此类使用或披露的人员使用或披露

Table of Contents

Table of Contents2

1. Revision History3
1. 修订历史3

2. Introduction3
2. 引言3

2.1 Purpose3
2.1 目的3

2.2 Scope3
2.2 范围3

2.2 References3
2.2 参考资料3

2.3 Definitions3
2.3 定义3

2.3.1 Panel Light Leakage3
2.3.1 面板漏光3

2.3.2 Mechanical interferences4
2.3.2 机械干扰4

2.3.3 Brightness4
2.3.3 亮度4

2.3.4 Luminance4
2.3.4 亮度4

2.3.5 Visual perception4
2.3.5 视觉感知4

2.3.6 Minimum Luminance4
2.3.6 最小亮度4

2.3.7 Neutral Density filters4
2.3.7 中性密度滤镜4

3. Light Leakage Compliance Testing Procedure5
3. 漏光一致性测试程序5

3.1 Inspector Qualifications5
3.1 检查员资格5

3.2 Inspection Conditions5
3.2 检查条件5

3.1 Test Set-up6
3.1 测试设置6

3.1.1 Ambient lighting6
3.1.1 环境照明6

3.1.2 Display setting6
3.1.2 显示设置6

3.1.3 Limit Reference Pictures7
3.1.3 限制参考图片7

3.2 Test Procedure7
3.2 测试程序7

3.3 Test Conclusion8
3.3 测试结论8

4. Reporting11
4. 报告11

5. Concept Overview (Comparison vs Absolute)11
5. 概念概述(比较与绝对)11

5.1 Absolute (measured value)12
5.1 绝对值(测量值)12

5.2 Comparison (visual approximation)12
5.2 比较(视觉近似)12

5.3 Limit Reference Pictures (LRP)12
5.3 限制参考图片 (LRP)12

5.4 Picture calibration, reproduction and maintenance:13
5.4 图片校准、复制及保养:13

5.5 Considerations13
5.5 注意事项13

6. Summary13
6. 总结13

Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p8 Revision: A01

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1. Revision History
1. 修订历史



Revision Description





Initial Release

Pavel Olchovik & Spec Governance
Pavel Olchovik & Spec Governance(帕维尔·奥尔乔维克规范治理




Added details to added test setup

Limit reference pictures

Pavel Olchovik

2017 年 12 月 14

2. Introduction
2. 引言

Transitioning market demands on front of screen performance requires Dell to uses a graded light leakage performance specification to support multiple segments. Three grades of light leakage are specified.
不断变化的市场对屏幕前性能的需求要求 Dell 使用分级漏光性能规格来支持多个。规定了三个等级的漏光

Grade A is ultra-premium with little visible leakage in lower light
A 级是超优质产品,在较弱的光线下几乎没有可见的泄漏

Grade B is
an improved grade typically used in gaming. (Equivalent to a 10% ND)
B 级是游戏中常用的改进等级。(等效 10% ND)

Grade C is equivalent to existing mainstream performance expectations
(Equivalent to an 8%ND)
C 级相当于现有的主流性能预期(相当于 n8%ND

Limit reference pictures will supersede limit samples and Neutral Density filters for comparative testing.
极限参考图片将取代极限样品和中性 D强度滤光片进行比较测试

The specific light leakage tested for in this specification is for light bleed. Light bleed is unwanted light escaping through the panel caused by mechanical bending, twisting or interference changing the LC cell gap.
本规范中测试的特定漏光是针对漏光的。光渗出是由于机械弯曲、扭曲或干扰改变 LC 池间隙而引起的不需要的光从面板逸出。

2.1 Purpose
2.1 目的

Limit samples and ND filter are poorly defined and are difficult to apply consistently allowing failed units into the field. This document is the standard operational procedure of utilizing a comparative method compliance ruling of light leakage performance using Limit Reference pictures.
极限样本和 ND 滤镜定义不明确,难以一致应用,允许失败的单元进入现场。 该文件是使用极限参考图片对 l高泄漏性能比较方法合规性裁定的标准操作程序

2.2 Scope
2.2 范围

This procedure measures the compliance of display panels to specified light leakage requirement in ENG0002099. This includes light bleeding caused by cell gap change due to mounting warpage or twisting. Limit Reference Pictures do not restrict other Dell approved production detection and discovery methods as long as all failed units are 100% screened for compliance testing according to ENG0002099.
该程序测量显示面板是否符合 ENG0002099 中规定的漏光要求。 这包括由于安装翘曲或扭曲引起的细胞间隙变化引起的光渗出。 限制参考图片不会限制其他 Dell 批准的生产检测和发现方法,只要根据 ENG0002099 对所有故障单元进行 100% 的合规性测试筛选即可。

2.2 References
2.2 参考资料

SID: IDMS V1.03Information Display Measurements Standard (http://www.icdm-sid.org/)
SID:IDMS V1.03 信息显示测量标准 (http://www.icdm-sid.org/)

Vendor may use approved factory alternatives.

Dell: ENG0002099LCD Cosmetic Spec
Dell:ENG0002099 LCD 外观规格

Dell: ENG0018696 System FOS Cosmetic Specification A00
Dell:ENG0018696 系统 FOS 外观规格 A00

Dell: ENG0002640 Panel Characterization Process & Test Procedure


2.3 Definitions
2.3 定义

2.3.1 Panel Light Leakage: for this test, light leakage is defined as the additional light escaping through the cell, created by undesired variations in the cell light valve off performance. The typical reason is cell gap variation due to external mechanical forces that twist and bend the mounted panel. The ability for a user to see light leakage is related to the ambient light conditions. In a zero-lux environment light leakage is always present to some degree. As ambient light increases, light leakage becomes increasingly harder to see. Eventually light leakage is total masked by the ambient light reflections.
2.3.1 面板漏光在本测试中,漏光定义为通过电池逸出的额外光线,这是由电池光阀关闭性能的意外变化造成的。典型的原因是由于扭曲和弯曲已安装面板的外部机械力而导致的电池间隙变化。 用户看到漏光的能力与环境光线条件有关。在零照度环境中,漏光总是在一定程度上存在。随着环境光的增加,漏光变得越来越难看到。最终,漏光被环境光反射完全掩盖。

2.3.2 Mechanical interferences: is defined as mechanical parts (such as foam pads, cables, A-Cover, B-cover, etc.) interfering with the LCD panel during the manufacture and final mounting process in a product. Coplanarity and rigidity of the supporting display structure can bend or twist a display causing light leakage.
2.3.2 机械干扰定义为机械部件如泡沫垫、电缆、A-Cover、B-Cover 等)。 产品的制造和最终安装过程中干扰 LCD 面板支撑显示器结构共面性和刚度 可能会使显示器弯曲或扭曲,从而导致漏光。

This sub-paragraph shall explain the range of application of the material contained in the document.

2.3.3 Brightness: is an attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to be radiating or reflecting light.[1] In other words, brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target. It is not necessarily proportional to luminance. This is a subjective attribute/property of an object being observed and one of the color appearance parameters of color appearance models.
2.3.3 亮度:是视觉感知的一个属性,其中光源似乎在辐射或反射光。[1] 换句话说,亮度是由视觉目标的亮度引起的感知。它不一定与亮度成正比。这是被观察对象的主观属性/属性,也是颜色外观模型的颜色外观参数之一。
This sub-paragraph shall list all other documents referenced in the content of this document or documents that explain related material. If there are no references, type “None” as the text for this paragraph.

This paragraph begins the content of the document and MUST always be numbered as paragraph 3. This paragraph heading shall be used for major divisions of the content and subsequent headings of the same level shall be numbered consecutively until the document is complete. The paragraph numbering normally would not exceed 2 digits before the period, but could grow to 3 should the need arise.

2.3.4 Luminance: is a photometric measure of the luminous intensity per unit area of light travelling in a given direction. It describes the amount of light that passes through, is emitted or reflected from a particular area, and falls within a given solid angle. The unit for luminance is candela per square meter (cd/m2 or Nits).
2.3.4 亮度:是沿给定方向传播的每单位面积光的光强度的光度。它描述穿过的光量,从特定区域发射或反射的光量,并落在给定的立体角内。亮度的单位是坎德拉每平方米(cd/m2 或 Nits)。

2.3.5 Visual perception is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment using light in the visible spectrum reflected by the objects in the environment.
2.3.5 视觉感知是利用环境中物体反射的可见光谱中的光来解释周围环境的能力。

2.3.6 Minimum Luminance (ML) sets the base value when visually observing the panel for light leakage. The ML is defined at the center of the display when viewed from perpendicular. ML varies on the panels with location and angle of viewing. Lower contrast display panels typically have higher ML which may exceed 0.6 Nits.
2.3.6 最小亮度 (ML) 设置目视观察面板漏光时的基准值 。从垂直方向查看时,ML 定义在显示屏的中心。ML 在面板上随位置和视角而变化。L低对比度显示面板通常具有更高的 ML,可能 超过 0。6 尼特。

Figure Expected Minimum Luminance Values
图 预期最小亮度值

2.3.7 Neutral Density filters reduce luminance of a source by a fixed percentage and pass all visible light equally without regards to color and viewing angle. An 8% ND filter passes 8% of the light. A 10% ND filter passes 10% of the light. ND filters work by reducing the luminance of the light leakage being tested for compliance to a point where it is almost invisible. The point of almost invisible is subjective but easier to differentiate when reduced to the barely visible level.
2.3.7 中性密度滤光片按固定百分比降低光源的亮度,并均匀地通过所有可见光,而不考虑颜色和视角。8% ND 滤镜可通过 8% 的光线。10% ND 滤镜可透射 10% 的光线。ND 滤镜的工作原理是将被测试的漏光亮度降低到几乎看不见的程度。几乎看不见的一点是主观的,但更容易区分 when 降低到 几乎看不见的水平。

Dell Inc., Austin, Texas

Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p7 Revision: A01

3. Light Leakage Compliance Testing Procedure

3.1 Inspector Qualifications
3.1 检查员资格

The display evaluations should be performed by a trained observer who has knowledge of display technology and the manufacturer’s specifications.

3.2 Inspection Conditions
3.2 检查条件

The viewing zone is indicated as:

Viewing Distance:

30cm ~35cm
30 厘米 ~35 厘米

Viewing Angle:

Line of view for display on pixel related compliance testing shall be perpendicular (90˚ +/- 10˚) to the front of the display panel area being optically tested.
在像素相关一致性测试中,显示器的视线应垂直被光学测试的显示面板区域的正面 (90°+/- 10°)。

Viewing Time:

3 seconds max for small artifacts.
对于小伪影,最长 3 秒。

15 seconds max for larger areas with black and gray backgrounds patterns.
对于具有黑色和灰色背景图案的较大区域,最长 15 秒。

Ambient Light:

(Unless otherwise noted)

DISPLAY ON: (rated luminance):

FOS (Front-Of-Screen)

cosmetics and display functions inspection:

150 – 200 Lux, D65
150 – 200 勒克斯D65

Panel Temperature:

25 ± 5 degrees Celsius max
最大 25 ± 5 摄氏度

Warm-up time:

3 seconds
3 秒

Power source:

AC adapter

Measurement methods:

IDMS, Relevant Dell test document
IDMS,相关 Dell 测试文档

Inspection Area:

Active Area

Inspection mode as below:

Additional Conditions/Precautions:

All Flat Panel Displays are very sensitive to the Electrostatic Damage (ESD). Ensure that static precautions are observed at all points in the handling of the modules.
所有平板显示器都对静电损伤 (ESD) 非常敏感。确保在处理模块的所有点都遵守静电预防措施。

Since the Flat Panel displays are largely manufactured from glass, ensure that they are not subjected to any shocks. If a unit is subject to excessive shock, for example dropped to floor, it should be rejected as damaged, even if no apparent damage is visible.

The front surface of the display is covered by a polarizer manufactured from a plastic film. This is susceptible to damage by abrasion or scratching. No dirt or streaks are allowed to remain on shipped products.

For any other defect mode which was not covered here in this Spec, supplier shall contact Dell LCD SME during NPI phase or SQE during MP, who shall coordinate with related team member for a limit sample determination or this revision of the specification.
对于本规范中未涵盖的任何其他缺陷模式,供应商应在 NPI 阶段联系戴尔液晶屏 SME,或在 MP 阶段联系 SQE,后者应与相关团队成员协调以确定限量样本或修订规范。

Dell Inc., Austin, Texas

Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p8 Revision: A01

3.1 Test Set-up
3.1 测试设置

The test environment for all comparative testing is essential for consistent results. The inspectors eye must be accommodated to the testing lux condition.

3.1.1 Ambient lighting
3.1.1 环境照明

The correct ambient light setup is required or the LRP comparison cannot work.
需要正确的环境光设置,否则 LRP 比较将不起作用。

The lux value at the center of the panel is 150-200 Lux. The Lux is measured perpendicular (facing straight out) from the panel.
面板中心的勒克斯值为 150-200 勒克斯。勒克斯是垂直于面板(面向外)测量的。

Light temperature should be 6500K (D65K)
光照温度应为 6500K (D65K)

Specular reflections as well as diffused glare must be avoided in the area for the comparison measurement.
比较测量区域内必须避免镜面反射和漫反射眩光 e

Light source should be diffused and placed to prevent shadowing of the test area when the limit reference pictures are placed on the display or the Lux is being measured. The Lux meter is placed with dome facing perpendicularly away from the center of the display for measurement. The operator cannot be directly illuminated to allow proper eye accommodation to the ambient light. The operator’s eyes must be acclimated to the ambient light of the test setup to allow proper sensitivity for an accurate comparison. Additionally if the operator is Illuminated then the operator’s image will be reflected back from the panel and not allow accurate comparison.
应将光源漫射并放置在d 上,以防止在将极限参考图片放置在显示屏上或测量勒克斯时出现测试区域的阴影照度计的圆顶垂直于显示器中心进行测量。 操作员不能直接被照亮,以便眼睛对环境光进行适当的调节。操作员的眼睛必须适应测试装置的环境光,以便具有适当的灵敏度以进行准确比较。此外,如果操作员被照亮,则操作员的图像将从面板反射回来,无法进行准确比较。

Figure 3.1.1. Test Setup Diagram
图 3.1.1.测试设置图

3.1.2 Display setting
3.1.2 显示设置

Display is set to full luminance.
Display 显示) 设置为 full lumance(完整亮度)。

The display content is full black screen.

The viewing distance is specified in ENG00002099 (30-35cm)
观看距离以ENG00002099 (30-35cm) 为单位

The location should allow comfortable perpendicular viewing of the entire display area.

Dell Inc., Austin, Texas

Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p7 Revision: A01

3.1.3 Limit Reference Pictures
3.1.3 限制参考图片

Verify the limit reference pictures are correct version, clean and free from fingerprints.

Select the correct grade level for comparison.

Figure Example Limit Reference Picture
图 示例限制参考图片

Note: the white edges of the picture must be darkened with a marker. A small hole punch may be substituted for the notch. It is easier to make and easier to darken the edges.
请注意: 图片的白色边缘必须用记号笔变暗。小打孔器可以代替缺口。它更容易制作,也更容易使边缘变暗。

3.2 Test Procedure

Place the panel on the test bench

Power up the panel

Ensure the panel is illuminated with the correct lux level.

Ensure the panel is correctly set up for testing

Match Black: With a full black display, in the center of the panel, match the closest black level tier on the limit reference picture to identify the correct comparison tier for the UUT.
匹配黑色在全黑显示屏下,在面板中央匹配极限参考图片上 最近的黑色电平以确定 UUT 的正确比较

Locate the brightest light leakage area to be tested.

Place the appropriate reference picture tier next the area of the test centering the notch.

Compare Brightness: From a perpendicular location and with proper distance from the panel, observe the relative brightness between the panel and the limit reference picture notch of the appropriate tier.
比较亮度从垂直位置与面板保持适当的距离,观察面板与相应 极限参考图片缺口之间的相对亮度

3.3 Test Conclusion

If the artifact looks brighter in the notch than the LRP, then it fails.
如果伪影在缺口中看起来比 LRP 更亮它会失败。

Illustration of a fail and a pass are shown below.

Dell Inc., Austin, Texas

Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p8 Revision: A01

Find the closest matching back ground tier. In the example below the match is tier 3.
找到最接近的匹配 back ground 层。在下面的示例中,匹配项为 tier 3。

Figure 3.3.1 : Match the minimum luminance
图 3.3.1匹配最小亮度

Dell Inc., Austin, Texas

Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p7 Revision: A01

Align the corresponding comparison notch with the brightest area of the light leakage. The panel artifact as seen through the tier 3 comparison notch is brighter than the picture comparison area, so the panel fails.
将相应的比较槽口与漏光最亮的区域对齐。通过第 3 层比较缺口看到的面板伪影比图片比较区域更亮,因此面板失败。

Figure 3.3.2 : Fails
图 3.3.2 : 失败

Dell Inc., Austin, Texas

Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p8 Revision: A01

Align the corresponding comparison notch with the brightest area of the light leakage. The selected tier is 3. The panel artifact as seen through the tier 3 comparison notch is darker than the picture comparison area, so the panel passes. In this example everything in the same as in the failed example except the level of the light leakage was reduced to pass.
将相应的比较槽口与漏光最亮的区域对齐。所选层级为 3。通过 3 级比较缺口看到的面板伪影比图片比较区域更暗,因此面板通过。在此示例中,除了漏光级别外,所有内容都与失败示例中相同,但漏光级别已降低为通过。

Figure 3.3.3: Passes
图 3.3.3: 传递es

Dell Inc., Austin, Texas

Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p7 Revision: A01

4. Reporting

Use standard reporting procedures.

5. Concept Overview (Comparison vs Absolute)
5. 概念概述(比较与绝对)

Limit samples and Neutral Density (ND) filters for light leakage compliance are relative comparison methods that have been traditionally used for many years. Both depend on human eye judgement for the comparison of a perceived brightness difference. The perceived brightness difference is between the observable minimum luminance and the additional light leakage under measurement. The observable difference is dependent on many factors. The key factors are the ambient lighting, the viewing angle to area under judgement, and the minimum luminance of the panel.
限量样品和用于检测漏光合规性的中性密度 (ND) 滤光片是传统上已使用多年的相对比较方法。两者都依赖于人眼的判断来比较感知到的亮度差异。感知的亮度差异是可观察到的最小亮度与被测的额外漏光之间的差值。可观察到的差异取决于许多因素。关键因素是环境照明、判断区域的视角以及面板的最小亮度。

The perceived brightness of an LCD panel varies over the viewing angle depending on the cell structure and the luminance cone of the backlight. The maximum luminance is measured perpendicular at the center of the screen and falls off with increasing view angle. The rate of change of luminance with angle varies with panel design, cell design and backlight luminance cone. The measurement implication is that viewing at angles other than perpendicular have reduced luminance and therefore not reliable for measurement. A typical full luminance cone of a full white content is in Figure 2.3.1 in Nits (absolute) over angle of view.
LCD 面板的感知亮度随视角而变化,具体取决于单元结构和背光的亮度锥。最大明亮度是在垂直于屏幕中心测量的,并随着视角的增加而下降。亮度随角度的变化率随面板设计、单元设计和背光亮度锥而变化。测量的含义是,以非垂直角度观看会降低亮度,因此测量不可靠。全白内容的典型全亮度锥体在图 2.3.1 中以尼特(绝对)视角计算。

5.1: Luminance vs Viewing Angle IPS White
亮度 vs 视角 IPS 白色

Switching the content to a full black screen, the minimum luminance of an LCD panel is measured at the center of the panel. For IPS panels, the luminance of the panel increases with angle. The rate of change of luminance with angle varies with panel design cell design. IPS panels light leakage increases at lower angles of viewing. The increase in luminance off angle is a natural effect of the IPS structure and is always present in varying degrees. It may be reduced with additional filters. The minimum luminance typical variation is 0.27 – 0.6 Nits. The minimum luminance is the basis for comparison. Lower level light leakage may fall below 0.5 nits.
将内容切换到全黑屏幕时,LCD 面板的最小亮度是在面板中心测量的。对于 IPS 面板,面板的亮度随角度的增加而增加。亮度随角度的变化率随面板设计单元设计而变化。IPS 面板在较低视角下漏光增加。亮度关闭角度的增加是 IPS 结构的自然效果,并且总是以不同程度存在。它可以通过额外的过滤器来减少。最小亮度典型变化为 0.27 – 0.6 尼特。最小亮度是比较的基础。较低级别的漏光可能低于 0.5 尼特。

5.2: Luminance vs Viewing Angle IPS Black
亮度 vs 视角 IPS 黑色

Limit samples are effective for making comparison type limits. Limit samples for displays have challenges. Limit samples at the true limit are difficult to find and must be maintained. Normal production variations in luminance, color and panel driving blur the line of compliance to the limit. Limit samples change over time. It is difficult to view both panels at the same angle at the same time. Approving and maintaining Limit samples is subjective, time consuming and expensive.
限值样本对于创建比较类型限值非常有效。限制显示器的样本数具有挑战性。将样品限值设置为真实限值很难找到,必须保持。亮度、颜色和面板驱动的正常生产变化模糊了符合极限的界限。限制样品随时间的变化。很难同时以相同的角度查看两个面板。批准和维护 Limit 样本是主观的、耗时的且昂贵的。

When used correctly, ND filters are effective for comparison limits. ND Filters compensate for variance of the minimum luminance by unilaterally changing the conditions for the relative difference comparison.
如果使用得当,ND 滤镜对比较限值有效。ND 滤镜通过单方面更改相对差值比较的条件来补偿最小亮度的变化。

5.1 Absolute (measured value)
5.1 绝对值(测量值

Absolute measurements are made with reference to an agreed upon standard (such as cd/m2, Nits). Absolute measurements are consistent and repeatable within the error limitations of the equipment and the competency of the operator. Absolute measurements require calibrated equipment. The equipment may operate manually or automatically. The results from calibrated equipment testing are not subjective. The interpretation of what the results mean to an observer may be subjective. During the panel development phase, panel optical characterization are measured on a Westar system (ENG0002640). The light leakage measurement test (10.5.0) uses equipment to determine the slope of the luminance difference along the display window peripheral (three points, 5mm, 23mm, 21mm). This test is designed to ensure that the panel bezel design prevents hots spots and light leakage. Hot spots are not allowed.
绝对测量是参考商定的标准(例如 cd/m2、Nits)进行的。绝对测量在设备的误差限制和操作员的能力范围内是一致且可重复的。绝对测量需要校准设备。该设备可以手动或自动运行。校准设备测试的结果不是主观的。对结果对观察者意味着什么的解释可能是主观的。在面板开发阶段,面板光学表征在 Westar 系统 (ENG0002640) 上进行测量。漏光测量测试 (10.5.0) 使用设备确定沿显示窗口周边(三点、5mm、23mm、21mm)的亮度差的斜率。该测试旨在确保面板边框设计防止热点和漏光。不允许出现热点。

5.2 Comparison (visual approximation)
5.2 比较(视觉近似)

Limit samples and ND filters used for light leakage compliance verification are relative comparison methods. The perceived brightness difference is realized between the observable minimum luminance and the additional light leakage under measurement. The absolute luminance levels are specifically not measured. The perceived difference is not anchored to the minimum luminance of the LCD panel and varies with ambient lighting. The comparison procedure is always subjective but with training and alignment can be an effective verification of specification compliance.
用于漏光一致性验证的限位样品和 ND 滤光片是相对比较方法。感知的亮度差异是在可观察到的最小亮度和测量的额外漏光之间实现的。绝对亮度级别是专门不测量的。感知到的差异并不锚定LCD 面板的最小亮度,并且会随环境照明而变化。比较程序始终是主观的,但通过培训和调整可以有效地验证规范合规性。

5.3 Limit Reference Pictures (LRP)
5.3 限制参考图片 (LRP)

Pictures reflect the illuminance of the ambient light in proportion to the incident lux providing the luminance for comparison. The picture reflectivity is adjusted so at a given lux level, the luminance level is equal to the limit value. Limit Reference Pictures (LRP) replace the limit sample reference and ND filters with a stable and reliable method that does not vary over time and is easier to maintain than physical limit samples. LRPs performance is equivalent to their limit sample or ND filter counter parts but have different challenges. LRPs do not compensate for variations in minimum luminance between panel designs. Emissive display panels reduce contrast in increasing light while LRPs are reflective increasing in contrast with increasing light. LRPs are relatively Lambertian with a relatively small variation across viewing angles. When viewed off angle, LPRs tend to maintain the same apparent brightness while the display panel’s apparent brightness decreases. The limit reference pictures luminance is derived by reflecting the incident light and is proportional to the specified Lux.
图片反映环境光的照度入射照度成正比,从而提供用于比较的亮度。调整图片反射率,以便在 给定n lux 级别时,明亮度级别等于限制值。极限参考图片 (LRP) 用一种稳定可靠的方法取代了极限样品参考和 ND 滤光片,该方法不会随时间变化, 并且比物理极限样品更容易维护。 LRP 的性能与其极限样品或 ND 滤光片相当但面临不同的挑战。LRP 不补偿面板设计之间最小亮度的变化。自发光面板在增加的光线中降低对比度,而 LRP 在增加的光线下具有反射性,增加对比度 LRP 是相对朗伯的,不同视角的变化相对较小。当从不同角度观看时,LPR 往往保持相同的表观亮度,而显示面板的表观亮度会降低。限制参考图片明亮度是通过反射入射光得出 的,并且与指定的勒克斯成正比。

The comparison for limit compliance is made between the apparent brightness of the ML to the apparent brightness of the light bleed for each specific panel being tested. The LRP is fixed by ambient light Lux and will compare differently to panels with different ML. The LRP uses 4 tiers adjusted for different ML levels of the panel under evaluation. Figure is not to scale and meant only to illustrate the concept of matching a LRP to an emissive panel with varying minimum luminance levels. There are two key points for LRPs to be accurately compared to display panel light leakage:
限值合规性的比较是在 ML 的表观亮度与每个被测面板的光渗出的表观亮度之间进行。 LRP 由环境光勒克斯固定具有不同 ML 的面板相比,效果不同。LRP 使用 4 个层级,针对被评估面板的不同 ML 水平进行调整。 图 不是按比例缩放的,仅用于 说明将 LRP 与具有不同最小亮度水平的发射面板匹配的概念。 LRP 与显示面板漏光进行准确比较有两个关键点:

The Lux level illuminating the LRP must be accurate so the result picture luminance is correct.
照亮 LRP 的 Lux 级别必须准确,因此结果图片亮度是正确的。

The comparison must be viewed from the local normal (perpendicular)

Figure 5.3.1 Graph of the cross over function, and the effects of ML
5.3.1 交叉函数的图表以及 ML 的效果

Dell Inc., Austin, Texas

Dell Inc. Document Number: ENG0018836

Title: Light Leakage Testing SOP p8 Revision: A01

5.4 Picture calibration, reproduction and maintenance:
5.4 图片校准、复制和维护:

Picture accuracy is required for the Limit Reference Picture comparison to be effective. Accuracy to the required expectation of the LRP was tested by comparison to screen simulations and by ND filter viewing comparison. The absolute values of luminance were measured by a CS-2000 spectroradiometer. Both the panels and pictures luminance values were measured (see figure #).
使 Limit Reference Picture 比较有效,需要图片精度。通过与屏幕模拟的比较和 ND 滤镜观察比较来测试其达到 LRP 所需预期的准确性。亮度的绝对值由 CS-2000 光谱辐射计测量。测量面板和图片的亮度值(参见图 #)。

Picture production and distribution:

Most commercial digital printing services provide automatic color management which alters the picture luminance. Although individual services can be tuned, the variation of the picture printing processes among vendors is unacceptable. The best process so far is the Epson waterproof smear proof Durabright Ink.
大多数商业数字印刷服务都提供自动色彩管理,以改变图片亮度。尽管可以调整单个服务,但供应商之间图片打印过程的差异是不可接受的。到目前为止,最好的工艺是爱普生防水防污 Durabright 墨水。


Note the raw pictures were developed use the GIMP2 program. https://www.gimp.org/
请注意,原始图片是使用 GIMP2 程序开发的。 https://www.gimp.org/

5.5 Considerations
5.5 注意事项

Differences in hue may influence the perceived luminance when making comparison.

Both panels and pictures may have significant variation in hues.

The tester must be light adapted.

The next phase of test requirement will require Automation Vision Testing.

6. Summary

Three methods for comparison light leakage compliance testing are Limit sample, ND filter and Limit Reference Pictures. All are subjective and can be effective but also have challenges. Thinner, lighter, higher contrast panels in today’s market are more demanding on performance and more sensitive to poor light leakage performance. The best measurement method for compliance testing is using calibrated measurement equipment. Limit Reference Pictures is a step in the desired use of measurement equipment.
比较漏光一致性测试的三种方法是极限样品、ND 滤光片和极限参考图片。所有这些都是主观的,可以有效,但也存在挑战。在当今市场上更薄更轻对比度更高的面板对性能要求更高,对漏光性能差更敏感。 一致性测试 的最佳测量方法是使用经过校准的测量设备。Limit Reference Pictures 是理想使用测量设备的一个步骤。