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7 系列 FPGA PCB 设计指南

UG483 (v1.14) 2019 年 5 月 21 日


本协议项下向您披露的信息(“材料”)仅用于选择 Xilinx 产品。在适用法律允许的最大范围内:(1) 材料按“原样”提供,对于所有缺陷,Xilinx 特此否认所有明示、暗示或法定的保证和条件,包括但不限于适销性、非侵权性或适用于任何特定用途的保证;以及 (2) Xilinx 不对与材料(包括您对材料的使用)相关、引起或与之相关的任何类型或性质的任何损失或损害负责(无论是合同还是侵权行为,包括疏忽,还是根据任何其他责任理论),包括任何直接、间接、特殊、偶然或后果性损失或损害(包括数据丢失、 利润、商誉或因第三方提起的任何诉讼而遭受的任何类型的损失或损害),即使此类损害或损失是可合理预见的,或者 Xilinx 已被告知发生此类损害或损失的可能性。Xilinx 不承担纠正材料中包含的任何错误或通知您任何更正或更新的义务。未经事先书面同意,您不得复制、修改、分发或公开展示这些材料。某些产品受 Xilinx 有限保修条款和条件的约束,请参阅 Xilinx 的销售条款,该条款可在 www.xilinx.com/legal.htm#tos 查看;IP 内核可能受 Xilinx 颁发给您的许可证中包含的保修和支持条款的约束。 Xilinx 产品并非为故障安全设计或意图,也不用于任何需要故障安全性能的应用;在此类关键应用中使用 Xilinx 产品的风险和责任由您自行承担,请参阅 Xilinx 的销售条款,该条款可在 www.xilinx.com/legal.htm#tos 上查看。


汽车产品(在零件编号中标识为“XA”)不保证用于安全气囊的展开或影响车辆控制的应用(“安全应用”),除非存在符合 ISO 26262 汽车安全标准(“安全设计”)的安全概念或冗余功能。客户在使用或分发任何包含产品的系统之前,应出于安全目的对此类系统进行全面测试。在没有安全设计的情况下在安全应用中使用产品的风险完全由客户承担,仅受有关产品责任限制的适用法律和法规的约束。

© 版权所有 2011-2019 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx、Xilinx 标识、Artix、ISE、Kintex、Spartan、Virtex、Vivado、Zynq 和此处包含的其他指定品牌是 Xilinx 在美国和其他国家/地区的商标。所有其他商标均为其各自所有者的财产。


  日期   版本   校订
03 / 28 / 2011 03 / 28 / 2011 03//28//201103 / 28 / 2011 1.0   初始 Xilinx 版本。
06 / 22 / 2011 06 / 22 / 2011 06//22//201106 / 22 / 2011 1.1

更新了其他支持资源。 更新了表 2-3,增加了表 2-4。添加 680 μF 680μF680mu F680 ~ \mu F 至表 2-5.更新了 Bulk Capacitor Consolidation Rules 中的电容。 更新了 Input Thresholds。
Updated Additional Support Resources. Updated Table 2-3 and added Table 2-4. Added 680mu F to Table 2-5. Updated capacitances in Bulk Capacitor Consolidation Rules. Updated Input Thresholds.| Updated Additional Support Resources. | | :--- | | Updated Table 2-3 and added Table 2-4. Added $680 ~ \mu F$ to Table 2-5. Updated | | capacitances in Bulk Capacitor Consolidation Rules. | | Updated Input Thresholds. |
08 / 16 / 2011 08 / 16 / 2011 08//16//201108 / 16 / 2011 1.2

更正了 FFG676 和 FFG900 封装,并从表 2-3 中删除了 SBG324 封装。 FFG1930 Package 添加到表 2-4 中。 在图 5-18 标题中,将 “TDR” 替换为 “Return Loss”。
Corrected FFG676 and FFG900 packages, and removed SBG324 package from Table 2-3. Added FFG1930 package to Table 2-4. In Figure 5-18 title, replaced "TDR" with "Return Loss."| Corrected FFG676 and FFG900 packages, and removed SBG324 package from Table 2-3. | | :--- | | Added FFG1930 package to Table 2-4. | | In Figure 5-18 title, replaced "TDR" with "Return Loss." |
12 / 15 / 2011 12 / 15 / 2011 12//15//201112 / 15 / 2011 1.3

新增表 2-2。更新了表 2-3 和表 2-4。更新了示例,第 21 页 Kintex-7 设备。
Added Table 2-2. Updated Table 2-3 and Table 2-4. Updated Example, page 21 with Kintex-7 device.| Added Table 2-2. Updated Table 2-3 and Table 2-4. Updated Example, page 21 with | | :--- | | Kintex-7 device. |
03 / 19 / 2012 03 / 19 / 2012 03//19//201203 / 19 / 2012 1.4
更新了表 2-2 和表 2-4。
10 / 02 / 2012 10 / 02 / 2012 10//02//201210 / 02 / 2012 1.5

表 2-4 中新增 FLG1926、HCG1155、HCG1931 和 HCG1932 包。在表 2-5 中, 将最小 ESR 值更改为 100 μ μmu\mu F 电容器,从 10 m Ω ΩOmega\Omega 至 2 m Ω ΩOmega\Omega
Added FLG1926, HCG1155,HCG1931, and HCG1932 packages to Table 2-4. In Table 2-5, changed minimum ESR value for 100 mu F capacitor from 10 m Omega to 2 m Omega.| Added FLG1926, HCG1155,HCG1931, and HCG1932 packages to Table 2-4. In Table 2-5, | | :--- | | changed minimum ESR value for 100 $\mu$ F capacitor from 10 m $\Omega$ to 2 m $\Omega$. |
Date Version Revision 03//28//2011 1.0 Initial Xilinx release. 06//22//2011 1.1 "Updated Additional Support Resources. Updated Table 2-3 and added Table 2-4. Added 680mu F to Table 2-5. Updated capacitances in Bulk Capacitor Consolidation Rules. Updated Input Thresholds." 08//16//2011 1.2 "Corrected FFG676 and FFG900 packages, and removed SBG324 package from Table 2-3. Added FFG1930 package to Table 2-4. In Figure 5-18 title, replaced "TDR" with "Return Loss."" 12//15//2011 1.3 "Added Table 2-2. Updated Table 2-3 and Table 2-4. Updated Example, page 21 with Kintex-7 device." 03//19//2012 1.4 Updated Table 2-2 and Table 2-4. 10//02//2012 1.5 "Added FLG1926, HCG1155,HCG1931, and HCG1932 packages to Table 2-4. In Table 2-5, changed minimum ESR value for 100 mu F capacitor from 10 m Omega to 2 m Omega."| Date | Version | Revision | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | $03 / 28 / 2011$ | 1.0 | Initial Xilinx release. | | $06 / 22 / 2011$ | 1.1 | Updated Additional Support Resources. <br> Updated Table 2-3 and added Table 2-4. Added $680 ~ \mu F$ to Table 2-5. Updated <br> capacitances in Bulk Capacitor Consolidation Rules. <br> Updated Input Thresholds. | | $08 / 16 / 2011$ | 1.2 | Corrected FFG676 and FFG900 packages, and removed SBG324 package from Table 2-3. <br> Added FFG1930 package to Table 2-4. <br> In Figure 5-18 title, replaced "TDR" with "Return Loss." | | $12 / 15 / 2011$ | 1.3 | Added Table 2-2. Updated Table 2-3 and Table 2-4. Updated Example, page 21 with <br> Kintex-7 device. | | $03 / 19 / 2012$ | 1.4 | Updated Table 2-2 and Table 2-4. | | $10 / 02 / 2012$ | 1.5 | Added FLG1926, HCG1155,HCG1931, and HCG1932 packages to Table 2-4. In Table 2-5, <br> changed minimum ESR value for 100 $\mu$ F capacitor from 10 m $\Omega$ to 2 m $\Omega$. |
  日期   版本    quad\quad 校订
02 / 12 / 2013 02 / 12 / 2013 02//12//201302 / 12 / 2013 1.6 Updated first paragraph of Recommended PCB Capacitors per Device. Added Fixed Package Capacitors per Device. In Table 2-2, removed XC7A350T and added XC7A200T (SBG484). In Table 2-4, removed XC7V1500T and corrected packages for XC7VX1140T from FFG to FLG. Added note about Pb-free packages to Table 2-2, Table 2-3, and  Updated first paragraph of Recommended PCB Capacitors per Device. Added Fixed   Package Capacitors per Device. In Table 2-2, removed XC7A350T and added XC7A200T   (SBG484). In Table 2-4, removed XC7V1500T and corrected packages for XC7VX1140T   from FFG to FLG. Added note about Pb-free packages to Table 2-2, Table 2-3, and  {:[" Updated first paragraph of Recommended PCB Capacitors per Device. Added Fixed "],[" Package Capacitors per Device. In Table 2-2, removed XC7A350T and added XC7A200T "],[" (SBG484). In Table 2-4, removed XC7V1500T and corrected packages for XC7VX1140T "],[" from FFG to FLG. Added note about Pb-free packages to Table 2-2, Table 2-3, and "]:}\begin{array}{l}\text { Updated first paragraph of Recommended PCB Capacitors per Device. Added Fixed } \\ \text { Package Capacitors per Device. In Table 2-2, removed XC7A350T and added XC7A200T } \\ \text { (SBG484). In Table 2-4, removed XC7V1500T and corrected packages for XC7VX1140T } \\ \text { from FFG to FLG. Added note about Pb-free packages to Table 2-2, Table 2-3, and }\end{array}

表 2-4.在表 2-5 中,更新了 680 μ FF , 47 μ FF , 47 muFF,47\mu \mathrm{FF}, 47 FF 和 4.7 μ F μ F muF\mu \mathrm{F} 行,并增加了第二个 330 μ F μ F muF\mu \mathrm{F}

排。表 2-9 中新增表 2-6。更新了 PCB 大容量电容器的第二段,

第 23 页。更新了 PCB 电容器的放置和安装技术。
Date Version quad Revision 02//12//2013 1.6 " Updated first paragraph of Recommended PCB Capacitors per Device. Added Fixed Package Capacitors per Device. In Table 2-2, removed XC7A350T and added XC7A200T (SBG484). In Table 2-4, removed XC7V1500T and corrected packages for XC7VX1140T from FFG to FLG. Added note about Pb-free packages to Table 2-2, Table 2-3, and " Table 2-4. In Table 2-5, updated 680 muFF,47 FF, and 4.7 muF rows, and added second 330 muF row. Added Table 2-6 to Table 2-9. Updated second paragraph of PCB Bulk Capacitors, page 23. Updated PCB Capacitor Placement and Mounting Techniques. | Date | Version | $\quad$ Revision | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | $02 / 12 / 2013$ | 1.6 | $\begin{array}{l}\text { Updated first paragraph of Recommended PCB Capacitors per Device. Added Fixed } \\ \text { Package Capacitors per Device. In Table 2-2, removed XC7A350T and added XC7A200T } \\ \text { (SBG484). In Table 2-4, removed XC7V1500T and corrected packages for XC7VX1140T } \\ \text { from FFG to FLG. Added note about Pb-free packages to Table 2-2, Table 2-3, and }\end{array}$ | | Table 2-4. In Table 2-5, updated 680 $\mu \mathrm{FF}, 47$ FF, and 4.7 $\mu \mathrm{F}$ rows, and added second 330 $\mu \mathrm{F}$ | | | | row. Added Table 2-6 to Table 2-9. Updated second paragraph of PCB Bulk Capacitors, | | | | page 23. Updated PCB Capacitor Placement and Mounting Techniques. | | |
] ] ]]