Research ArticleCharacteristics of attached visitors in ecotourism destination
Management implications
- 1.The analysis revealed that visitors with different levels of attachment differed based on their travel characteristics such as travel party, number of visits, main destinations, and main destinations in an ecotourism destination. They were also motivated by different visit motivations and setting motivations.
- 2.In this study, visitors in the medium attachment group visited mainly for the pursuit of outdoor activity, while the low attachment group visited primarily for social bonding. Thus, ecotourism destinations could develop activities in congruence with these groups' preferences to enhance their recreational experiences at the destination.
- 3.A strong attachment to the destination can nurture pro-environmental actions. Based on the study, the respondents in the high attachment group were nature-engagement-centric, while the less attached groups were activity-centric. Thus, the attachment of the less attached groups can be encouraged by adding environmental values to the activities that appeal to these groups of visitors.
- 4.Information can assist park authorities in dealing with visitor risk management. Research has shown that a strong attachment to a place correlates negatively with the perception of risks. High attachment visitors tend to neglect or deny the potential hazard that might occur at the place they visit.
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Place attachment
Study area
Sociodemographic backgrounds
Visitors’ attachment to PNP
Limitations and future research
CRediT authorship contribution statement
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