Slave Girl of Gor
The Gorean Saga: Book 11
戈尔传奇:第 11 册
John Norman
The Collar
I lay in the warm grass. I could feel it, the warm, individual green blades, separate, gentle, on my left cheek; I could feel them on my body, my stomach and thighs. I stretched my body, my toes. I was sleepy. I did not wish to awaken. The sun was warm on my back, even hot, almost uncomfortable. I snuggled deeper into the grass. My left hand was extended. My fingers touched the warm dirt between the grass blades. My eyes were closed. I resisted the coming of consciousness. I did not wish to emerge from bed. Consciousness seemed to come slowly, dimly. I did not wish to emerge from bed. I wished to prolong the warmth, the pleasantness. I moved my head, slightly. My neck seemed to wear a weight; I heard the soft clink, a tiny stirring, of heavy links of metal.
I did not understand this.
I moved my head again, sleepily, eyes closed, to its original position. Again I felt the weight, circular, heavy, on my neck; again I heard the small sound, the stirring, simple and matter of fact, of heavy metal links.
I opened my eyes, part way, keeping them half shut against the light. I saw the grass, green and close, each blade seeming wide, blurred in its nearness. My fingers dug into the warm earth. I closed my eyes. I began to sweat. I must emerge from bed. I must snatch breakfast, hurry to class. It must be late. I must hurry.
I remembered the cloth slipped over my mouth and nose, the fumes, the strength of the man who had held me. I had squirmed, but had been held in his grip, helpless. I was terrified. I had tried not to breathe. I had struggled, but futilely. I was terrified. I had not known a man could be so strong. He was patient, unhurried, waiting for me to breathe. I tried not to breathe. Then, lungs gasping, helpless, had at last inhaled, deeply, desperately, taking the sharp, strangling fumes deep into my body. In an instant, choking in the horrid, obdurate fumes, unable to expel them, unable to evade them, sickened, I had lost consciousness.
I lay in the warm grass. I could feel it on my body. I must emerge from bed. I must snatch breakfast, and hurry to class. Surely it must be late. I must hurry.
I opened my eyes, seeing the grass blades not inches from my face, wide, blurred. I opened my mouth, delicately, and felt the grass brush my lips. I bit into a blade and felt the juice of the grass, on my tongue.
I closed my eyes. I must awaken. I remembered the cloth, the strength of the man, the fumes.
My fingers dug deeply into the dirt. I clawed at it. I felt the dirt beneath my fingernails. I lifted my head, and rolled screaming, awakening, tangled in the chain, in the grass. I sat bolt upright. I realized to my astonishment and horror that I was nude, literally, totally nude, stark naked. My neck wore its encircling weight; the heavy chain, attached to the collar, dropped between my breasts and over my left thigh.
"No! No!" I cried. "No!"
I leaped to my feet screaming. The chain's weight depended from the collar, heavily, gracefully. I felt the collar pulled down, against my collarbone. The chain passed now between my legs, behind the left calf, then lifting. I jerked wildly at it. I tried to thrust the collar up, over my head. I turned it, again tried to thrust it up, over my head. I scraped my throat, hurting it. My chin was forced up; I saw the bright sky, blue with its startlingly white clouds. But I could not slip the collar. It fitted me closely. Only my small finger could I thrust between its weight and my neck. I moaned. The collar could not be slipped. It had not been made to be slipped. Irrationally, madly, nothing in my consciousness but my fear and the chain, I turned to flee, and fell, hurting my legs, tangled in the chain. I, on my knees, seized the chain, pulled at it, weeping. I tried to back away, on my knees; my head was pulled cruelly forward. I held the chain. It was some ten feet long. It extended to a heavy ring and plate fastened in a great granite rock, irregular, but some twelve feet in width and depth, some ten feet in height. The plate, with its ring, was attached near the center of the rock, low, about a foot above the grass. The rock had apparently been drilled and the plate fastened with four linear bolts. They may have passed through the entire width of the rock and been clinched on the other side. I did not know. On my knees I pulled at the chain. I wept. I cried out. I pulled again at the chain. I hurt my hands; it moved not a quarter of an inch. I was fastened to the rock.
I rose moaning to my feet, my hands on the chain. I looked about myself. The rock was prominent. There was none like it in view. I stood on a rolling plain, grassy and gentle, widely sweeping, trackless. I saw nothing but the grass, it moving in the soft, unhurried wind, the distant horizon, the unusually white clouds and blue sky. I was alone. The sun was warm. Behind me was the rock. I felt the wind on my body, but not directly, as the plate in the stone was on the sheltered side of the rock. I wondered if the wind was a prevailing one. I wondered if the plate and chain were so situated in order that the chain's prisoner, such as I found myself to be, be protected from the wind. I shuddered.
I stood alone. I was naked. I, small, white, was chained by the neck to that great rock on the seemingly endless plain.
I breathed deeply. Never in my life had I breathed such air. Though my head was chained I threw it back. I closed my eyes. I drank the atmosphere into my lungs. Those who have never breathed such air cannot know the sensations which I then felt. In so simple a thing as the air I breathed I rejoiced. It was clean and clear; it was fresh, almost alive, almost sparkling with the exhilaration of swift, abundant, pristine oxygen. It was like the air of a new world, one yet innocent of the toxins of man's majority, the unquestioned gifts, ambiguous, poisoned, of civilization and technology. My body became vital and alive. So simply did a proper oxygenation of my system work its almost immediate effect in my feeling and awareness. Those who have never breathed the air of a clean world cannot understand my words. And perhaps those who have breathed only such an atmosphere may, too, tragically, fail to comprehend. Until one has breathed such air can one know the glory of being alive?
But I was lonely, and frightened.
It was a strange world on which I stood, wide and unfamiliar, open, bright and clean. I looked out upon the vast fields of grass. I had never smelled grass before. It was so fresh, so beautiful. My senses were alive. In this atmosphere, my blood charged with oxygen, I found that I could detect odors which had eluded me before; it was as though an entire new dimension of experience had suddenly opened to me; yet I suppose it was only that here, in this place, my body did not have reason to fight its world, shutting it out, forcing it from consciousness in order not to be distracted or sickened; here there was an atmosphere which was unsoiled, undefiled, one in which the human could be a part of nature, not a rampart raised against her, not a defensive sojourner treading at night, stepping softly, scarcely daring to breathe, through the country of enemies. My vision, too, in this pure air, was keener. I could see farther and with greater detail than had been possible before in the clouded, contaminated atmosphere in which I had been raised. How far away now seemed the familiar pollutions of the gray world I remembered. On certain days there I had thought the air clean, and had delighted in its freshness. How little I had known. How foolish I had been. It had been only less murky, less dismal, only a sign of what a world might be. My hearing, too, seemed acute. The wind brushed the grass, moving in it, stirring the gleaming leaves. Colors, too, seemed richer, deeper, more vivid. The grass was richly green, alive, vast; the sky was blue, deeply blue, far deeper than I had known a sky could be; the clouds were sharp and white, protean and billowing, transforming themselves in the pressures of their heights and the winds which sped them; they moved at different heights at different speeds; they were like great white birds, stately and majestic, turning, floating in the rivers of wind. I felt the breezes of the field on my exposed body; I trembled; every bit of me seemed alive.
我站在一个陌生的世界里,宽广而陌生,开阔、明亮、干净。我望着广阔的草地。我以前从来没有闻过青草的味道。它是如此新鲜,如此美丽。我的感官是活生生的。在这种气氛中,我的血液充满了氧气,我发现我可以闻到以前没有的气味;就好像一个全新的体验维度突然向我敞开了;然而我想,只是在这里,在这个地方,我的身体没有理由与它的世界作斗争,把它拒之门外,强迫它离开意识,以免分心或生病;这里有一种没有被污染、没有被玷污的气氛,在这种气氛中,人类可以成为大自然的一部分,而不是反对她的城墙,也不是一个在夜间踩踏的防御性旅居者,轻柔地踏着脚步,几乎不敢呼吸,穿过敌人的国度。在这纯净的空气中,我的视野也更加敏锐。我能看到比以前更远、更详细的信息,比以前在我成长的阴暗、污染的大气中所能看到的。现在,我记得的那个灰色世界熟悉的污染是多么遥远。在某些日子里,我认为那里的空气很干净,并为它的清新而感到高兴。我所知道的是多么的少。我是多么愚蠢。它只是不那么阴暗,不那么阴暗,只是一个世界可能是什么样子的标志。我的听力似乎也很敏锐。风拂过草地,在草地上移动,搅动着闪闪发光的树叶。色彩也似乎更丰富、更深沉、更生动。 草地绿意盎然,生机勃勃,广阔无垠;天空是蓝色的,深蓝色的,比我所知道的天空要深得多;云层尖锐而洁白,变幻莫测,翻滚着,在它们高处的压力和吹拂它们的风中变换着自己;他们以不同的速度在不同的高度移动;他们就像白色的大鸟,庄重而威严,转动着,漂浮在风的河流中。我感觉到田野的微风吹拂着我裸露的身体;我浑身发抖;我的每一点似乎都活着。
I was frightened.
I looked at the sun. I looked away, down, then across the fields.
I was aware now, as I had not been before, or so clearly, of the difference in the feel of my body and its movements. There seemed a subtle difference in my body weight, my movements. I thrust this comprehension from my mind. I could not admit it. I literally forced it from consciousness. But it returned, persistent. It could not be denied. "No!" I cried. But I knew it was true. I tried to thrust from my mind what must be, what had to be, the explanation of this unusual phenomenon. "No!" I cried. "It cannot be! No! No!"
Numbly I lifted the chain which hung from the collar fastened on my neck. I looked at it, disbelievingly. The links were close-set, heavy, of some primitive, simple black iron. It did not seem an attractive chain, or an expensive one. But I was held by it. I felt the collar with my fingers. I could not see it, but it seemed formed, too, of heavy iron; it seemed simple, practical, not ostentatious; it gripped my throat rather closely; I supposed it was black in color, matching the chain; it had a heavy hinge on one side; the chain, by a link, opened and closed, was fastened to a loop; the loop was fastened about a staple, which, it seemed, was a part of the collar itself; the hinge was under my right ear; the chain hung from its loop and staple under my chin; on the left, under my left ear, as I could tell by feeling it with my finger, there was a large lock, with its opening for the insertion of a heavy key. The collar, then, fastened with a lock; it had not been hammered about my neck. I wondered who held the key to that collar.
I turned about and looked at the great rock, the granite, streaked with feldspar.
I must try to awaken, I told myself. I must awaken. I laughed bitterly. I must be dreaming I told myself.
Again the difference in the feeling of my body, its weight, its movements, intruded itself into my consciousness. "No!" I cried. Then I went to the granite, and looked at the heavy plate and ring bolted into the stone. A link of my chain had been opened, and then closed, about that ring. The chain was some ten feet in length. I idly coiled it at the foot of the ring. "No!" I cried. I must awaken, I told myself. Surely it must be nearly time to arouse myself, to hurry to breakfast, to hurry to class. There is no other explanation, I told myself. I am dreaming. Then I feared I might be insane. No, I told myself. I am dreaming. It is such a strange dream, so real. But it is a dream. It must be. It must be. It is a dream. All a dream!
Then to my misery I remembered the man, being seized from behind, not able even to see him, my struggles, being held so helplessly, the cloth over my mouth and nose, his waiting for me to breathe, at last my gasping helplessly for breath, the terrible fumes, nothing else to breathe, nothing else, which could not be tolerated by consciousness, nothing else to breathe, and then my loss of consciousness. That, I knew, had been no dream.
然后,我痛苦地想起了那个男人,被从后面抓住,甚至看不到他,我的挣扎,被如此无助地抱着,布捂住我的口鼻,他等着我呼吸,最后我无助地喘着粗气,可怕的烟雾,没有别的可呼吸的了,没有别的了,意识无法容忍的, 没有其他东西可以呼吸,然后我失去了知觉。我知道,那可不是梦。
I struck my fists until they bled on the granite rock streaked with feldspar.
Then I turned and walked from the rock, some five feet, and looked out over the vast grassy fields.
"Oh, no," I wept.
The full consciousness of my waking state, and my awareness of truth, welled up within me. It flooded my consciousness, overwhelmingly, irrefutably.
I knew then what must be the explanation for the difference in the feelings in my body, the explanation for the sense of subtle kinesthetic differences in my movements. I stood not on Earth. The gravity was not that of Earth. It was on another world I stood, an unknown world. It was a bright, beautiful world, but it was not Earth. It was not the world I knew. It was not my home. I had been brought here; no one had consulted my will; I had been brought here; my will had been nothing.
I stood alone there, naked, defenseless, before the great rock, looking over the fields.
I was lonely, and frightened, and I wore a chain on my neck.
Suddenly I cried out with misery and put my face in my hands. Then it seemed the earth spun beneath me and darkness swept about me, rushing in upon me and I lost consciousness.
The Retinue
I felt myself being rolled roughly on my back. "Veck, Kajira," said a voice, harshly. "Veck, Kajira." It was not a patient voice. I looked up, startled, frightened. I cried out with pain. A metal point jabbed into my body, at the juncture between my left hip and lower abdomen. The point lifted, and the shaft of the spear turned; he struck me on the right thigh, hard, with the butt of the spear. My hand went before my mouth; his foot, in a high, strapped sandal, heavy, almost an open boot, kicked my hand away. He was bearded. I lay between his legs. I looked up at him in terror.
He was not alone. There was another man a bit behind him. Both wore tunics, red; each, at his left hip, had slung a blade and scabbard; each, at his belt, carried an ornamented knife; the man behind him who stood over me had slung over his back a shield, of layers of leather and brass, and carried a spear, beneath the blade of which was slung a helmet with a plume of dark, swirling hair; he wore a cord of teeth, from some carnivore, about his neck. The man who stood over me had put his helmet and shield to one side; the helmets of both would cover the entire head and most of the face; the helmets were cut and opened in such a way as to suggest a "Y." The hair of both men was long; the hair of the man behind was tied back with a narrow piece of folded cloth.
I slipped from between the feet of the man who loomed above me, moving back. I had never seen such men. I felt so vulnerable. They were mighty, and like animals. I crouched, backing away. The chain hung from my collar, heavy. I stopped. I turned, and tried to hide myself, as I could, with my hands. I dared not even speak.
One of the men barked a command at me. He moved his hand, angrily. I removed my hands from my body. I turned, still crouching. I understood that they would look upon me.
How dared they!
I was angry!
But I dared not cover myself. It was not permitted.
Then I was afraid, not angry, but afraid, very afraid.
Could I, here, in this place, I wondered, be such that men might so look upon me?
I gathered that I might indeed, here, in this place, be such that I might be so looked upon.
The bearded man approached me. I dared not meet his eyes. I could not understand such men. My world had not prepared me to believe that such men could exist. He stood closer to me than would have a man of my world. Each in my world, it seemed, carried about with him a bubble of space, a perimeter, a wall, an invisible shield, an unconsciously acculturated, socially sanctioned remoteness, a barrier decreed by convention and conditioning. Behind this invisible wall, within this personal, privately owned space, we lived. It separated us from others; it kept us persons. In my particular Earth culture, this circle of inviolate, privately owned space had a radius of some two to three feet. Closer than this we did not, commonly, in my culture, approach one another. But this man stood close to me. He stood within my space. Suddenly I realized that my space did not exist on this world. I began to tremble with terror. So small a thing it seems, perhaps, that this convention should on this world not be acknowledged or respected, indeed, that, at least in my case, it did not exist, but it is not, truly, a small thing; no, to me the crumbling of this artifice, this protective device, this convention, was catastrophic; it is difficult to convey my sense of loss, of helplessness; on this world my space did not exist.
I saw the black leather strap, wide, shiny, across his body, from which depended the blade slung at his left hip. Behind it I saw the coarsely woven, thick red fibers at his tunic. I knew that were he to seize me in his arms and crush me to his chest, with what strength must be his, that the mark of the strap, the coarse fibers, would be imprinted on my breasts.
I felt the point of his dagger beneath my chin. It hurt. It thrust up. I cried out, rising almost to my toes. I then stood straight before them. I stood straighter than I had ever stood in my life.
The man then stepped back, and he, and the other, inspected me, completely, walking about me. They discussed me, candidly. I could not understand their speech. My chin was very high, as the point of the dagger had left it. I trembled. I heard the small movement of the chain in the collar loop. I wondered what could be the status of women on this world, on a world where there were such men.
It took the men some minutes to complete their examination. They did not hurry.
The two men now stood before me, one a bit behind the other, looking at me.
I felt the collar, weighted by the chain, pull down against my collarbone; the chain hung between my breasts; I felt its heavy links on my body. I stood very still.
"Please," I whispered, not moving my position.
The bearded man approached me. Suddenly he struck me with his right hand, a swift, savage, open-handed slap. I was hurled stumbling, spinning, to the end of the chain, which caught me, cruelly, at the neck, jerking me to the ground. My lip and the side of my mouth were cut. My head seemed to explode. I tasted blood.
The man barked a command. In panic and misery, in a movement of collar and chain, I fled again to my place and again stood before them, so straight, my chin again high, precisely as I had been before.
I wondered what could be the status of women on this world, on a world where there were such men.
He did not strike me again. I had placated him by my obedience.
He spoke to me again. I looked into his eyes. For a moment our eyes met.
I knelt.
Was it unaccountable that I knelt? No, it was what was to have been done.
How naturally, how fearfully, I had knelt! How necessary, how appropriate, it had been!
And I realized then that they had expected me to kneel, and had not given the possibility of my failing to do so a moment's thought.
But it seems I was not doing so correctly.
To my terror I found myself being regarded with irritation. Was I stupid? Did I not know how to kneel? Or perhaps I was merely ignorant? Certainly I wanted to please them. They must understand that!
The other man thrust my body down on my heels, so that I knelt back on my heels. He took my hands and placed them on my thighs. I looked up at them.
I am a brunet, with very dark brown hair. My eyes, too, are dark brown. I am lightly complexioned. I am some five feet five inches in height and weigh about one hundred and twenty pounds. I am thought to be not amply but excitingly figured.
我是黑发,有一头深棕色的头发。我的眼睛也是深棕色的。我的肤色很浅。我身高约 5 英尺 5 英寸,体重约 120 磅。人们认为我不是很充实,但令人兴奋。
The men looked down upon me. At that time my hair was cut short. I felt the side of the point of the bearded man's spear under my chin, and I lifted my chin, so that my head was high.
My name was Judy Thornton. I was an English major and poetess.
我叫 Judy Thornton。我主修英语,也是女诗人。
I knelt before barbarians, nude and chained.
I was terribly frightened.
I knelt exactly as they had placed me, scarcely daring to breathe. I feared to move in the slightest. I did not wish to be again struck, or to irritate or offend them in the least. I did not know what they might do, these mighty and terrible men, so unpredictable, so uncompromising and primitive, so different from the men of Earth, if they were not completely and fully, and absolutely, pleased with me. I determined to give them no cause for anger. I determined that they would have my absolute obedience. Thus I knelt not moving before them. I felt the wind move the hair on the back of my neck.
The men continued to regard me. This frightened me. I did not move at all. I remained, of course, as they had placed me. I looked straight ahead, not even daring to meet their eyes. I was terrified lest, inadvertently, I might do something to displease them. I moved no muscle. I knelt back on my heels, my back straight, my hands on my thighs, my chin up. My knees were pressed closely, defensively, together.
The man said something. I could not understand.
Then, with the butt of his spear, roughly, to my horror, he thrust apart my knees.
I was Judy Thornton. I was an English major and poetess.
我是 Judy Thornton。我主修英语,也是女诗人。
I could not help but moan, the position was so elegant and helpless.
I knelt before them in what I would later learn was the position of the Gorean pleasure slave.
Satisfied then, the beasts turned from me. I did not move. They busied themselves in the vicinity of the rock. It seemed they searched for something.
Once the bearded fellow returned to stand near me. He said something. It was a question. He repeated it. I stared ahead, terrified. My eyes filled with tears. "I do not know," I whispered. "I do not understand. I do not know what you want."
He turned away, and again gave himself to his search. After a time, angry, he returned to regard me. His fellow, too, was with him. "Bina?" he said, very clearly. "Bina, Kajira. Var Bina, Kajira?"
他转过身去,又一次专心致志地寻找。过了一会儿,他生气地回头看着我。他的同伴也和他在一起。“Bina?” 他非常清楚地说。“Bina,Kajira。Var Bina,Kajira?
"I do not know what you want," I whispered. "I do not understand you."
I gathered they must be asking after whatever it was they sought. They had covered the area thoroughly, even turning aside long grass with the blades of their spears.
They had not found it.
"Var Bina, Kajira?" repeated the bearded man.
“Var Bina,Kajira?”
I knelt as they had placed me, the chain hanging, heavy, from my collar.
"I do not know," I whispered.
Suddenly, savagely, he struck me across the mouth with the back of his right hand. I flew to the left, to the grass. The blow was vicious. It hurt me more than had the first. I could not believe its force, its ruthlessness, its swiftness. I could scarcely see; I fought blackness and pain and seething light; I was on my hands and knees in the grass, my head down; I tasted blood; the collar hurt my neck; I spit blood into the grass; he had struck me; did he not know I was a woman! He jerked me by the collar and chain to his knees; he thrust both hands into my hair. "Var Bina, Kajira!" he cried. "Var Bina!" "I do not understand you!" I cried. "Oh!" I screamed with misery. With both hands he shook my head viciously. I could not believe the pain. My small hands were helpless on his wrists. "Var Bina!" he demanded. "Please, please!" I wept.
突然,他野蛮地用右手背打了我的嘴巴。我飞到左边,飞到草地上。这一击是恶毒的。它比第一次更让我受伤。我简直不敢相信它的力量,它的无情,它的迅速。我几乎看不见;我与黑暗、痛苦和沸腾的光明作斗争;我双手双膝跪在草地上,低着头;我尝到了血的味道;项圈伤了我的脖子;我把血吐到草地上;他打了我;他不知道我是个女人吗!他猛地抓住我的衣领和链子,直到他的膝盖;他把双手我的头发里。“Var Bina,Kajira!”“瓦尔·比纳!”“我不明白你!”我喊道。“哦!”我痛苦地尖叫着。他用双手恶狠狠地摇着我的头。我简直不敢相信这种痛苦。我的小手无助地搭在他的手腕上。“Var Bina!”“求求你,求你!”我哭了。
He threw me down, with a rattle of chain, to his feet. I lay there on my side, terrified. He unlooped the shoulder belt from him and cast it, with the scabbard and blade, to one side. Then he swiftly loosened the belt at his waist. He slipped it free from the sheath and dagger, and doubled it. He struck it once in the palm of his hand. I turned my head away from him, fearfully, so that I could not see him. I lay before him, turned away from him, on the grass. Then I heard it whistle through the air. I cried out with pain. Again and again, viciously, he struck me. Once he stopped. "Var Bina, Kajira?" he asked. "Please don't hurt me," I begged. Again he struck, and again and again. I writhed before him, lashed, squirming on my belly in the grass, weeping, clutching at the grass. In the pain I could scarcely comprehend it. I was being beaten! Did he not know I was a girl! "Please don't hit me," I cried. "Please!" I covered my head with my hands. I lay with my head down. I shuddered with each blow. I would do anything if he would stop! But I did not know what he wanted!
他把我扔倒在地,锁链嘎嘎作响,站了起来。我侧躺在那里,吓坏了。他解开了肩带的扣子,连同剑鞘和刀刃一起扔到一边。然后他迅速地松开了腰间的腰带。他从刀鞘和匕首中滑出它,把它翻了一番。他在手心里敲了一下。我害怕地把头从他身上转开,以免看到他。我躺在他面前,背对着他,躺在草地上。然后我听到它在空中吹口哨。我痛苦地喊叫。他一次又一次地恶毒地打我。他停了下来。“Var Bina,Kajira?”“请不要伤害我,”我恳求道。他又一次地打击,一次又一次。我在他面前扭动着,被抽打着,趴在草地上蠕动着,哭泣着,紧紧抓住草地。在痛苦中,我几乎无法理解它。我被打败了!他不知道我是个女孩子吗!“请不要打我,”我喊道。“求求你!”我用手捂住头。我低着头躺着。每一次打击我都浑身发抖。如果他停下来,我愿意做任何事情!但我不知道他想要什么!
Then he stopped, angrily. I did not even lift my head, but lay, weeping, my hands still over my head, the chain running between my legs, and under my body, to the collar.
I heard him replace the sheath and dagger on his belt, and put on the belt. I heard him lift the shoulder belt and regird himself with the blade. I did not look up, but lay weeping, chained, trembling. I would do anything he wanted, anything.
One of the men spoke to me, and prodded me with the butt of his spear.
I rose to my hands and knees. I felt the chain on my collar. Again I was prodded with the butt of his spear.
Red-eyed, my cheeks and body stained with tears, in pain, my back and sides, and legs, stinging, I adjusted the chain and knelt again as I had originally. There was blood at my mouth. Little had changed. I knelt precisely as I had before. Little had changed, save that I had been struck and beaten.
The two men conferred. Then, to my horror, the bearded one approached me. He crouched before me. He took from his dagger sheath the steel blade, narrow, about seven inches long, double-edged, evenly sharpened. He held this up before my face. He did not speak. The other man crouched down behind me. With his left hand, fastened in my hair, he drew my head back; with his right hand he thrust up, high on my neck, under my chin, the heavy iron collar I wore. It hurt. My jugular vein was, held as I was, prominent and, beneath the clasping, circular iron, prominent and exposed.
"No," I begged. "No!"
I gathered that I was of no use to these men. I felt the delicate, razor-sharp edge of the dagger on my throat.
"Var Bina, Kajira?" queried the man. "Var Bina?"
“瓦尔·比纳,卡吉拉?” 男人问道。“瓦尔·比纳?”
"Please!" I wept, whispering. "Please!" I would have done anything. I would have done anything. I would have told them anything, done anything, but I knew nothing. I could not give them what information they desired.
"Don't kill me," I begged. "I will do anything you want! Keep me! Keep me for yourselves! Keep me as your captive, your prisoner! Keep me as anything you want! Am I not beautiful? Could I not serve you? Could I not please you?" Then, suddenly, from deep within me, welling up, from somewhere so deep within me that I did not know I contained such depths, flooding from me, startling me, horrifying me with my own wickedness, I cried out, "Do not kill me! I am willing even to be your slave! Yes! Yes! I am willing even to be your slave. Your slave! Do not kill me! I will be your slave! Let me be your slave! I beg to be your slave!"
I shook with the horror, the scandal, the wickedness, of what I had said. But then, boldly, desperately, determinedly, resolutely, repudiating nothing, I whispered, clearly and firmly, my head back, held back, his hand in my hair, "Do not kill me, please. Yes, I will be even your slave. Yes, I, Judy Thornton, will be your slave. I, Judy Thornton, beg to be your slave. Please. Please, let me be a slave!" I tried to smile. "Make me your slave," I whispered, "—Masters!" How startled I was that I had called them Masters, and yet, how natural, it seemed, for I was a girl, suitable prey for such as they, a natural quarry and prey for such as they, and they, as I sensed, were the natural masters, by the dark laws of biology, of such as I.
"Please, Masters," I whispered.
"Var Bina, Kajira?" queried the man.
“Var Bina,Kajira?”
I moaned with misery. I did not know but they, rich and powerful masters, had access to many women as beautiful, or more beautiful, than I. On Earth I had been noted as a beauty, an unusual, even ravishingly beautiful girl, but on Gor, as I would come to understand, I, and others like me, could be acquired and disposed of for a handful of copper tarsks. There was little special about us. In many houses we would be kept with the kettles, as scullery and kitchen girls. I had been the most beautiful girl in the junior class at my elite girls' college. In all the school, there had been only one more lovely than I, or so some said, the lovely Elicia Nevins, who was in anthropology, in the senior class. How I had hated her. What rivals we had been!
我痛苦地呻吟着。我不知道,但他们,有钱有势的主人,可以接触到许多和我一样漂亮或比我更漂亮的女人。在地球上,我一直被认为是一个美女,一个不寻常的,甚至令人陶醉的美丽女孩,但在戈尔,正如我逐渐理解的那样,我和其他像我一样的人,可以被一把铜塔斯克收购和处置。我们没有什么特别之处。在许多房子里,我们被关在水壶里,作为洗碗间和厨房女孩。我曾是我所在精英女子学院的低年级最漂亮的女孩。在整个学校里,只有一个人比我更可爱,或者有人这么说,可爱的埃利西亚·内文斯(Elicia Nevins),她是人类学专业的,在高年级。我多么恨她。我们曾经是多么大的对手啊!
I felt the edge of the dagger anchor itself in the outer layer of skin on my throat, preparing for its slash. I felt the man's hand and arm, through the steel of the dagger, flex for the movement of his arm. My throat was to be cut.
But the blade paused. It withdrew from my throat. The bearded man was looking outward, away from me, over the field. Then I, too, heard it. It was a man singing, boldly, a melodic, repetitious song.
Angrily the bearded man stood up, sheathed the dagger, took up his shield, his spear. His fellow, the other man, already accoutered, even to the helmet, watched the man approach. He balanced his spear in his right hand. The bearded man did not yet don his helmet, but stood near it.
I went to my hands and knees in the grass. I could scarcely move. I threw up in the grass. I pulled at the collar and chain, futilely. If only I could have run, or crawled away. But I was fastened in place.
Numbly I lifted my head. The other fellow was approaching at an even, unhurried pace. He seemed good-humored. He sang in a rich voice, a simple song, as though to content himself in long treks. His hair was black and shaggy. He, too, was clad in scarlet, as were the other two men. He was similarly accoutered, with short sword, slung at the left hip, with a shoulder belt; a belt at his waist with a sheathed knife; heavy sandals, almost boots. He carried a spear over his left shoulder, balanced by his left hand; from the spear depended a shield, behind the left shoulder, and a helmet; about his right shoulder was slung a pouch, which I gathered must have contained supplies; a bota of liquid, water I assumed, was fastened at his belt, on the left, behind the point at which the scabbard depended from the shoulder belt. He strode singing, smiling, through the tall grass. He seemed similarly garbed to the other men, wearing a similar tunic, but they reacted to him in a way that indicated they were not pleased that he had now appeared. His tunic was cut slightly differently from theirs; there was a mark at the left shoulder, which theirs did not bear. These differences were subtle to me, but to those who could read them perhaps acutely significant. I pulled at the chain. No one paid me attention. Had I been free I might have slipped away. I moaned to myself. I must wait.
The approaching man stopped singing about twenty yards from us, and stood grinning in the grass. He held the spear, with its dependent articles, in his left hand now, and raised his right in a cheerful fashion, palm inward, facing the body. "Tal, Rarii!" said he, calling out, grinning.
走近的男人在离我们大约二十码的地方停下了歌声,站在草地上咧嘴笑着。他现在左手拿着长矛和它的附属物品,然后愉快地举起右手,手掌向内,面向身体。“塔尔,拉里!” 他咧嘴笑着喊道。
"Tal, Rarius," said the bearded man.
The newcomer slipped the bota from his belt, and discarded, too, the pouch he carried.
The bearded man waved his arm angrily, and spoke harshly. He was ordering the newcomer away. He pointed to his fellow and himself. They were two. The newcomer grinned and slipped the spear to the ground, loosening the helmet and shield.
The bearded man waved his arm angrily, and spoke harshly. He was ordering the newcomer away. He pointed to his fellow and himself. They were two. The newcomer grinned and slipped the spear to the ground, loosening the helmet and shield.
The bearded man placed his helmet over his head, it muchly concealing his features.
Carrying the shield on his left arm, carrying the spear lightly in his right hand, the helmet hanging, too, by its straps, from his right hand, the newcomer approached casually.
Again the bearded man waved him away. Again he spoke harshly. The newcomer grinned.
They spoke together, the three of them. I could understand nothing. The newcomer spoke evenly; once he slapped his thigh in laughter. The two other men spoke more angrily. One, he who was not bearded, shook his spear.
The newcomer did not pay him attention. He looked beyond the men, to me.
I then became aware, as I had not been before, in my fear, of a strange emotional and physiological response of which I had been the victim moments before, when I had begged mighty men to enslave me. My feelings had been flooded not only with terror but, mixed with them, with the feelings of terror, had been a strange, almost hysterical release of tension, of bottled-up emotion. I had said things which I had never dreamed could come from me, and they could not now be unsaid. I realized I had begged to be a slave. Of course I had been terrified, but I felt, in my deepest heart, that I had not said what I had said merely to try and save my life. Of course I had been desperate to save my life. Of course I would have said anything! But it was the way I had felt when I had said it that now so shook me, so profoundly, to the quick. Mingled with the terror there had been a release of suppressed instincts, a joy in confession, a rapture of openness, of authenticity and honesty. That I had been terrified, and desperate to buy my life at any cost, had been the occasion, and an adequate justification, of my utterance, doubtless, but this terror could not explain the wild, uncontrollable acknowledgment, the shattering of inhibitions which I had felt, the torrential rapture, the abandonment, the capitulation to myself and my instincts which had, though blurred and mixed with the terror, so shaken and thrilled me. The terror was unimportant. It had been nothing more than an occasion, not even necessary. What was important had been the way I had felt when I had begged those mighty men to be my masters. It was as though, in asking for chains of iron, I had cast off thousands of invisible chains, which had held me from myself. Chains of iron I thought might hold me to my own truths, not permitting me to strive for what, in the heart of me, I did not wish, for what I was not. I wondered then what was the nature of women. I knew then that, before, in the emotions that had flooded me I had not been only terrified. I had felt liberty and release, and joy. Oddly, too, in those moments, besides my terror, I had been aroused. Never before in my life had I been so erotically charged, so aroused, as when I had begged those mighty men to enslave me. I now looked at the newcomer, who was regarding me. I shuddered. I, nude and chained, felt my body suddenly soaked with the heat of desire. Perhaps he had read the bodies of many women. He grinned at me. Beneath the bold appraisal of my bared beauty I reddened, angrily. I put down my head. I was furious. What did he think I was. A chained slave girl, whose beauty might belong to him who was the most strong, or most powerful, to him with the swiftest sword, or to the highest bidder?
然后,我意识到,我以前从未有过,在我的恐惧中,我曾是这种反应的受害者,就在不久之前,当我乞求强大的男人奴役我时,我曾是这种反应的受害者。我的感情不仅被恐惧所淹没,而且与它们混合在一起的是一种奇怪的、几乎是歇斯底里的紧张和被压抑的情绪的释放。我说过一些我做梦也想不到的事情会从我这里说出来,现在它们不能不说出来。我意识到我曾乞求成为一名奴隶。我当然很害怕,但我在内心深处感到,我所说的话不仅仅是为了保住我的生命。当然,我一直不顾一切地想保住自己的生命。我当然会说任何话!但是,正是我说这句话时的感受,现在使我如此震撼,如此深刻,以至于如此迅速。与恐惧混合在一起的是被压抑的本能的释放,忏悔的喜悦,开放、真实和诚实的狂喜。我感到恐惧,不顾一切地不惜一切代价买来自己的生命,无疑是我说这句话的契机,也是一个充分的理由,但这种恐惧无法解释我所感受到的狂野的、无法控制的承认,我所感受到的压抑的粉碎,如汹涌的狂喜,被抛弃,对我自己和我的本能的屈服, 虽然模糊不清,混杂着恐惧,但我却如此震撼和激动。恐惧并不重要。这只不过是一个场合,甚至没有必要。重要的是我恳求那些强大的人成为我的主人时的感受。就好像,在寻求铁链时,我摆脱了成千上万条无形的锁链,这些锁链把我从自己身边。 我认为铁链可能会让我坚持自己的真理,不允许我为我心中不愿意的东西而奋斗,为我所不愿意的东西而奋斗。我当时想知道女人的本性是什么。那时我知道,以前,在淹没我的情绪中,我不仅仅是害怕。我感受到了自由、释放和喜悦。奇怪的是,在那些时刻,除了我的恐惧之外,我还被激起了。在我的一生中,我从来没有像我恳求那些强壮的男人奴役我时那样,如此地被冲动,如此兴奋。现在我看着那个新来的人,他正看着我。我浑身发抖。我,赤身裸体,被锁链锁住,感觉我的身体突然被欲望的热度浸透了。也许他读过很多女人的尸体。他对我咧嘴一笑。在对我裸露的美貌的大胆评价下,我愤怒地涨红了脸。我低下头。我很生气。他以为我是什么。一个被锁链锁住的女奴,她的美貌可能属于最强壮的,或者最强大的,拥有最迅捷的剑的他,还是属于出价最高的人?
He pointed to me. He spoke. The bearded man again spoke harshly, waving his arm, ordering the newcomer away. The newcomer laughed. The bearded man said something, gesturing to me. The tone of his voice was disparaging. I felt angry. The newcomer looked more closely at me. He spoke to me, calling across the grass. The word he spoke I had heard before. The other man had said it to me after I had been beaten, when he had prodded me with the spear, before I had again knelt, though then struck and beaten, before the men, shortly before the dagger had been put to my throat. Tossing my head I knelt, the chain dangling from my collar before my body, to the grass. I knelt back on my heels, my back very straight, my hands on my thighs, my head high, looking straight ahead. I thrust my shoulders back, my breasts forward. I did not neglect the placement of my knees; I opened them as widely as I could, as I knew the men wanted. I knelt before them again in that most elegant and helpless position in which men may place a woman, that position I was later to learn was that of the Gorean pleasure slave.
The newcomer now spoke decisively. The bearded man and the other retorted angrily. The newcomer, as I saw out of the corner of my eye, was pointing to me. He was grinning. I trembled and shuddered. He was demanding me! He was telling them to give me to him! The bold beast! How I hated him, and how pleased I was! The men laughed. I was frightened. They were two, and he one! He should flee! He should run for his life! I knelt, chained.
"Kajira canjellne!" said the newcomer. Though he indicated me peremptorily with his spear, it was at the two other men that he looked. He did not now take his eyes from them.
“Kajira canjellne!”虽然他用长矛傲慢地指着我,但他看的却是另外两个人。他现在没有把目光从他们身上移开。
The bearded man looked angry. "Kajira canjellne," he acknowledged. "Kajira canjellne," said the other man, too, soberly.
大胡子男人看起来很生气。“Kajira canjellne,”他承认。“Kajira canjellne,”另一个男人也严肃地说。
The newcomer then moved back a few paces. He crouched down. He picked up a stalk of grass, and began to chew on it.
The bearded man approached me. From within his tunic he drew forth two lengths of slender, braided black leather, each about eighteen inches long. He crouched behind me. He jerked my wrists behind my back, crossed them, and bound them, tightly. He then crossed my ankles, and, too, bound them, tightly, as well. I could feel the braided leather, deep in my wrists and ankles. I winced, helpless. Then, holding me by the hair with his left hand, from behind, I felt a heavy key, which he must have removed from his tunic, thrust deeply into the large collar lock, below my left ear. The heavy collar, with its lock, pushed into the left side of my neck. The key turned. I heard the bolt click back. It made a heavy sound. It must have been a thick, heavy bolt. He dropped the key to the grass and, with both hands, jerking it, opened the collar. He dropped it, with the depending chain, to the grass. I was freed of the collar! I looked at the collar. It was the first time I had seen it. As I had surmised, it matched the chain. It was heavy, circular, of black iron, hinged, efficient, practical, frightening. It bore a staple and stout loop. One link of the chain was fastened about the loop. The loop was circular, and about two and one half inches in width.
I was free of the collar! But I was bound helplessly. I pulled futilely at my bonds. 重试 错误原因
The bearded man lifted me lightly in his arms. My weight was as if nothing to him. He faced the stranger, who still crouched a few yards away. 重试 错误原因
"Kajira canjellne?" asked the bearded man. It was as though he were giving the stranger an opportunity to withdraw. Perhaps a mistake had been made? Perhaps there had been a misunderstanding? 重试 错误原因
The stranger, crouching in the grass, his shield beside him, the butt of the spear in the grass, the weapon upright, its point against the sky, nodded. There had been no mistake. "Kajira canjellne," he said, simply. 重试 错误原因
The other man angrily went to a place in the grass, to one side. There, angrily, with the blade of his spear, he traced and dug a circle in the earth. It was some ten feet in diameter. The bearded man then threw me over his shoulder, and carried me to the circle. I was hurled to its center. I lay on my side, bound. 重试 错误原因
The men spoke together, as though clarifying arrangements. They did not speak long. 重试 错误原因
I struggled to my knees. I knelt in the circle. 重试 错误原因
The stranger, now, stood. He donned his helmet. He slipped his shield on his arm, adjusting straps. He slid the short blade at his left hip some inches from the sheath, and slipped it back in, lifting and dropping it in the sheath. It was loose. He took his spear in his right hand. It had a long, heavy shaft, some two inches in width, some seven feet in length; the head of the weapon, including its socket and penetrating rivets, was some twenty inches in length; the killing edges of the blade began about two inches from the bottom of the socket, which reinforced the blade, tapering with the blade, double-edged, to within eight inches of its point; the blade was bronze; it was broad at the bottom, tapering to its point; given the stoutness of the weapon, the lesser gravity of this world, and the strength of the man who wielded it, I suspected it would have considerable penetrating power; I doubted that the shields they carried, though stout, could turn its full stroke, if taken frontally; I had little doubt such a weapon might thrust a quarter of its length through the body of a man, and perhaps half its length or more through the slighter, softer body of a mere girl; I looked upon the spear; it was so mighty; I feared it. 重试 错误原因
The two men who were my captors conferred briefly among themselves. He who was not the bearded man then stepped forward, his shield on his arm, his spear in hand. He stood separated from the stranger by some forty feet. 重试 错误原因
I observed them. They stood, not moving, each clad in scarlet, each helmeted, each similarly armed. They stood in the grass. Neither looked at me. I was forgotten. I knelt in the circle. I tried to free myself. I could not. I knelt in the circle. 重试 错误原因
The wind moved the grass. The clouds shifted in the blue sky. 重试 错误原因
For a long time, neither man moved. Then, suddenly, the stranger, laughing, lifted his spear and struck its butt into the ground. "Kajira canjellne!" he laughed. 重试 错误原因
I could not believe it. He seemed elated. He was pleased with the prospect of war. How terrible he was! How proud, how magnificent he seemed! I thought I knew then, with horror, the nature of men. 重试 错误原因
"Kajira canjellne!" said the other man. 重试 错误原因
Warily they began to circle one another.
I waited, kneeling, frightened, nude and bound, in the circle. I watched the men warily circling one another. I pulled at my bonds. I was helpless.
Suddenly, as though by common accord, each crying out, each uttering a savage cry, they hurled themselves at one another.
It was the ritual of the spear casting.
The spear of him who was one of my captors seemed to leap upward and away, caroming from the oblique, lifted surface of the stranger's shield. The spear, caroming from the shield, flew more than a hundred feet away, dropping in the grass, where it stood fixed, remote and useless, the butt of its shaft pointing to the sky. The stranger's spear had penetrated the shield of he who was one of my captors, and the stranger, bracing the shaft between his arm and body, had lifted his opponent's shield and turned, throwing it and his opponent, who had not the time to slip from the shield straps, to the ground at his feet. The stranger's blade, now, loosed from its sheath, under the opponent's helmet, lay at his throat.
But the stranger did not strike. He severed the shield straps of the opponent's shield, freeing his arm from them. He stepped back. He cast his own shield aside, into the grass.
He stood waiting, blade drawn.
The other man got his legs under him and leaped to his feet. He was enraged. The blade in his sheath leaped forth. He charged the other, the stranger, and swiftly did the two engage.
I knelt terrified. I shuddered with horror. They were not human, as I understood human beings. They were warriors and beasts.
I cried out with fear.
I had always had a fear of steel blades, even knives. Now I knelt bound and nude, helpless, utterly exposed and vulnerable, in the vicinity of fierce men, skilled and strong, who with intent and menace, with edged, bared steel, addressed themselves to the savageries of war.
They fought.
I watched, wide-eyed, bound. Furious, sharp, was the precision of their combat.
They were not feet from me.
I moaned.
Backward and forward, swiftly, did they move in their grim contest.
I wondered at what manner of men they might be, surely like none I had hitherto known. Why did they not flee in terror from such blades? Why did they not flee? But they met one another, and did battle. How I feared, and still fear, such men! How could a woman but kneel trembling before such a man?
One man wheeled back, grunting, turning, and fell to his knees in the grass, and then fell, turning, to his side, lying upon his shoulder, doubled, hunched in pain, bleeding, his hands at his belly, his blade lost in the grass.
The stranger stepped back from him, his blade bloody. He stood regarding the other man, the bearded man.
The bearded man lifted his shield and raised his spear. "Kajira canjellne!" he said.
大胡子男人举起了他的盾牌并举起了他的长矛。“Kajira canjellne!”
"Kajira canjellne," said the stranger. He went to extricate his spear from the penetrated shield of the man with whom, but moments before, he had shared the sport of war. The fallen foe lay doubled in the grass; his lower lip was bloody; he tore it with his teeth, holding it, that, in his pain, he might make no sound. His hands were clutched in the scarlet of his wet tunic, bunching it, at the half-severed belt. The grass was bloody about him.
“Kajira canjellne,”陌生人说。他去把长矛从那个男人的刺穿的盾牌中抽出来,但就在不久之前,他还分享了战争的运动。倒下的敌人双倍躺在草地上;他的下嘴唇流血;他用牙齿撕扯它,握住它,这样,在他的痛苦中,他就不会发出声音。他的手紧紧抓住湿漉漉的猩红色外衣,紧紧地攥着半断的腰带。他身上的草上沾满了血。
The stranger bent to lift the penetrated shield, that he might remove from it his bronze-headed weapon.
In that instant the bearded man, crying out savagely, rushed upon him, his spear raised.
Before I could respond in horror or my body move the stranger had reacted, rolling to the side and, in an instant, regaining his feet, assuming an on-guard position. As my cry of misery escaped my lips the thrust of the bearded man's spear had passed to the left of the stranger's helmet. The stranger had not remained at the vicinity of the shield with its penetrating spear, but had abandoned it. For the first time now the stranger did not seem pleased. The bearded man's spear had thrust into the grass. Its head and a foot of its shaft had been driven into the turf. He faced the stranger now, sword drawn. The instant he had missed the thrust he had left the weapon, spinning and unsheathing his sword. The bearded man was white-faced. But the stranger had not rushed upon him. He waited, in the on-guard position. He gestured with his blade, indicating that now they might do battle.
With a cry of rage the bearded man rushed upon him, thrusting with his shield, his sword flat and low. The stranger was not there. Twice more the bearded man charged, and each time the stranger seemed not to be at the point of intended impact. The fourth time the stranger was behind him and on his left. The stranger's sword was at his left armpit. The bearded man stood very still, white-faced. The stranger's sword moved. The stranger stepped back. The bearded man's shield slipped from his arm. The straps which had held the shield to his upper arm had been severed. The shield fell on its edge to the grass, and then tipped and rocked, then was still, large, rounded, concave inner surface tilted, facing the sky. I could see the severed straps.
The two men faced one another.
Then did they engage.
I then realized, as I had not before, the skill of the stranger. Earlier he had matched himself, for a time, evenly with the first opponent. In a swift, though measured fashion, he had exercised himself, sharply and well, respecting his foe, not permitting the foe to understand his full power with the blade, the devastating and subtle skill which now seemed to lend terrible flight to the rapid steel. I saw the wounded man, now on an elbow, watching, with horror. He had not even been slain. Lying in the bloodied grass, he realized he had been permitted to live. It was with humiliating skill that the stranger toyed with the stumbling, white-faced bearded man, he who had, minutes before, been preparing to cut my throat. Bound, kneeling in the circle, it was with sudden, frightening elation that I realized the stranger was the master of the other two. Four times was he within the other's guard, his blade at breast or throat, and did not finish him. He moved the bearded man into a position where his fallen, discarded shield lay behind him. With a cry he forced back the bearded man, who fell, stumbling in the shield, backward, and then lay on the grass before the stranger, the stranger's blade at his throat. The stranger, in contempt, then stepped back. The bearded man scrambled to his feet. The stranger stood back, in the on-guard position.
The bearded man took his blade and hurled it into the grass. It sank to the hilt.
He stood regarding the stranger.
The stranger slipped his own blade back in the sheath. The bearded man loosened his dagger belt, dropping the belt and weapon to the grass. Then he walked, slowly, to his fellow, and similarly removed his dagger belt. The man held his bloodied tunic to his wound, to stanch the flow of blood. The bearded man lifted the other man to his feet, and, together, the bearded man supporting the other, they left the field.
The stranger stood watching them go. He watched them until they disappeared in the distance.
He removed his spear from the shield which it had penetrated. He thrust it, upright, butt down, in the turf. It was like a standard. He sat his shield by it.
Then he turned to face me.
I knelt within the wide circle, torn by the blade of a spear in the turf. I was naked. I was bound helplessly. It was an alien world.
He began to approach me, slowly. I was terrified.
Then he stood before me.
Never had I been so frightened. We were alone, absolutely.
He looked at me. I thrust my head to the grass at his feet. He stood there, not moving. I was terribly conscious, helpless, of his presence. I waited for him to speak, to say something to me. He must understand my terror! Was it not visible in my bound body, my complete vulnerability? I waited for him to speak some gentle word, something kindly, something to reassure me, a thoughtful, soft word to allay my fears. I trembled. He said nothing.
I did not dare raise my head. Why did he not speak to me? Any gentleman, surely, by now, speaking reassuring, soothing words, averting his eyes from my beauty, would have hastened to release me from my predicament.
He removed his helmet. He put it to one side, in the grass.
I felt his hand in my hair, not cruelly, but casually and firmly, as one might fasten one's hand in the mane of a horse. Then I felt my head drawn up and back, and back, until, his right hand on my knee, his left hand in my hair, I knelt bent backward, my head on the ground, my back bent painfully, my eyes looking up, frightened, at the sky. He then examined the bow of my beauty. I am quite vain of my beauty. Then he threw me on my side and stretched me out, to examine its linear aspect. I lay on my right side. He walked about me, and looked at me. He kicked my toes straight, that the line of my body would be more extended. He crouched beside me, then. I felt his hand on my neck. He rubbed his thumb in a scrape the collar had made on my throat when I had foolishly struggled, earlier. It smarted. But the scrape was not deep. He felt my upper arm, and forearm, and my fingers, moving them. He moved his hands on my body, firmly, following its curvatures. He put one hand on my back and another on my side and, for a few moments, holding me thus, felt my breathing. He felt my thigh, and flexed my legs, noting the change in the curve of the calf. It did not seem what a gentleman would do. Never before had a man handled and touched me as he did; no man on Earth, I felt sure, would have so dared to touch a woman. I felt examined—as casually, as clinically, as professionally—as an animal. Did he think I was an animal, a mere pretty animal? Did he not know that I was a person! That I was a person of station and class, that I was an excellent student at an elite girls' college, that I was an English major, that I was a poetess! At one point, turning my head, thrusting two fingers of his left hand and two fingers of his right hand into my mouth, he pulled my mouth open, widely, examining my teeth. This added to the distinct and unwelcome impression that I was being assessed as an animal, assessed as no more than a young, lovely beast. Could that be true? Was that all I was here? Was that all I was, truly, anywhere? I have excellent teeth, white and small and straight. I was pleased about that. I found myself, interestingly, hoping that he would find them acceptable, that he would not be displeased. I had had two cavities. They had been filled. He seemed to have noted this, but, to my relief, had not been much concerned. I suppose this is a small thing, but I did not know their culture. How did I know what these men would take seriously? Might I be beaten or slain for a meaningless blemish? He had seen, as I later learned, women from Earth before. Such tiny things can be used to determine Earth origin. Goreans seldom have cavities. I am not certain what the reasons for this are. In part it is doubtless a matter of a plainer, simpler diet, containing less sugar; in part, I suspect, the culture, too, may have a role to play, as it is a culture in which undue chemical stress, through guilt and worry, is not placed on the system either in the prepubertal or pubertal years. Gorean youth, like the youth of Earth, encounter their difficulties in growing up but the culture, or cultures, have not seen fit to implicitly condition them into regarding the inevitable effects of maturation as either suspect, deplorable or insidious. He then threw me to my other side, and subjected my helpless beauty, on its right, to a similar examination.
我感觉到他的手在我的头发上,不是残忍的,而是随意而坚定的,就像一个人的手可以扣在马的鬃毛上一样。然后我感到我的头上下颠簸,直到他的右手放在我的膝盖上,左手抓着我的头发,我向后跪下,头靠在地上,背痛痛地弯曲着,我的眼睛惊恐地抬头望向天空。然后他检查了我美丽的弓。我对自己的美丽相当虚荣。然后他把我扔到一边,把我伸出来,检查它的线性面。我躺在右侧。他绕着我走来走去,看着我。他把我的脚趾踢直,使我的身体线条更加伸展。然后,他蹲在我身边。我感觉到他的手放在我的脖子上。他用拇指摩擦着项圈在我喉咙上划出的一道刮痕,那时我刚才愚蠢地挣扎过。它很聪明。但刮痕并不深。他感觉到我的上臂、前臂和我的手指都在移动它们。他用手在我的身体上移动,坚定地,顺着它的曲线。他一只手放在我的背上,另一只手放在我的身边,有一会儿,他抱着我,感觉到我的呼吸。他摸了摸我的大腿,弯曲了我的双腿,注意到小腿曲线的变化。这似乎不是绅士会做的事。以前从来没有一个人像他那样抚摸我;我敢肯定,地球上没有一个男人敢这么碰一个女人。我感觉自己像一只动物一样被审视——既随意、冷静、专业。他以为我是一只动物,一只漂亮的动物吗?难道他不知道我是一个人吗!我是一个有地位和阶级的人,我是一所精英女子学院的优秀学生,我是英语专业的,我是一个女诗人! 有一次,他转过头来,把左手的两根手指和右手的两根手指伸进我的嘴里,把我的嘴拉开,张大了嘴巴,检查我的牙齿。这增加了一种独特而不受欢迎的印象,即我被评估为一种动物,被评估为只不过是一只年轻、可爱的野兽。这是真的吗?这就是我在这里的全部吗?这就是我的全部,真的,在任何地方吗?我有一口很好的牙齿,洁白又小又直。我对此感到高兴。有趣的是,我发现自己希望他会觉得这些事是可以接受的,他不会不高兴。我有两个蛀牙。他们已经坐满了。他似乎注意到了这一点,但令我松了一口气的是,他并没有太在意。我想这是一件小事,但我不了解他们的文化。我怎么知道这些人会认真对待什么呢?我可能会因为一个毫无意义的瑕疵而被殴打或杀害吗?我后来了解到,他以前见过来自地球的女人。这些微小的东西可以用来确定地球的起源。戈尔人很少有蛀牙。我不确定这是什么原因。在某种程度上,这无疑是一个更朴素、更简单、含糖量更少的饮食的问题;在某种程度上,我怀疑这种文化也可能起到一定的作用,因为在这种文化中,由于内疚和担忧,过度的化学压力不会在青春期前或青春期时期被施加到系统上。戈尔青年,就像地球上的年轻人一样,在成长过程中遇到了困难,但文化或文化并没有看到适合隐含地将他们视为成熟不可避免的影响,要么是可疑的、可悲的,要么是阴险的。然后他把我扔到我的另一边,对我右边无助的美人也作了类似的检查。
I was horrified at the boldness, the frankness, with which he handled me.
Did he think I was an animal! Did he think I was only property?
Then he threw me on my stomach at his feet, and I lay there. My wrists were crossed and bound behind me in slender, braided leather. My ankles, too, were crossed and bound in that simple, secure fastening. I felt the grass under my body; I felt it brush my left side, as the wind moved it. I kept my toes pointed.
He regarded me for some time.
How beautiful I must look to him, I thought. And I had sensed his incredible maleness, the animal maleness of him, so different from the thwarted, crippled sexuality so commended and tragically endemic among the males of Earth. For the first time in my life I felt I understood what might be the meaning of the expression 'male,' and, as I lay before him, too, dimly, it frightening me, what might be the meaning of the expression 'female.' How beautiful I thought I must look to him, lying bound, totally vulnerable, helpless at his feet. How such a sight must stir the splendor of his manhood, to see the female, his, caught, helpless at his feet, his to do with, in lust and pleasure, and joy, as he pleased, helpless to escape him, free for him to work his will upon her!
I felt him turn me. I must resist him! He is a beast! I was sitting now, my face turned to one side, trying to push back, but his left arm, behind my back, held me. I found it futile to struggle. With his right hand he turned my face to face him. He regarded the delicate lineaments of my face. His thumb was at the right side of my jaw, his fingers at the left. I could not move my head. He was darkly complexioned. His face, in a broad, coarse way, was brutally handsome. His eyes were very dark, his hair dark, shaggy, long.
He said something to me. I felt his breath on my face. I trembled. I stammered. "Please, please," I said, "I do not speak your language. Please untie me."
He said something again.
"I cannot understand you," I said. "Please untie me."
He stood, and lifted me, by the arms, to my feet. He looked down into my eyes. My head came only to his chest; the width of my body seemed but half the width of that mighty, scarlet-clad chest. His hands were very tight on my arms. My ankles fastened, crossed and bound, I would have fallen had he released me; I could not stand by myself. He said something again, a question. "I cannot understand you," I said. He gave me a sudden shake. I felt my head would leave my body. He repeated his question. "I cannot understand you!" I wept. He shook me again, angrily, but not cruelly. Then he released me. Bound as I was I could do nothing but fall before him, on my knees. I looked up. Never had I felt such strength.
He crouched down before me. He looked at me intently. Once more he spoke to me. I shook my head, miserably. I looked up at him. "I will learn any language you want," I blurted, weeping, "but I cannot, now, speak your tongue."
He seemed satisfied, or resigned, after this outburst, that there was little to be gained in attempting to communicate with me. We could not speak to one another. He rose to his feet and looked about himself. He was not pleased. He was not looking at me. I shrugged, a bit angrily. He could not see me. It was not my fault I could not speak to him! But then, as he looked about the field, and the rock, I, in that large, rude circle torn in the turf, put my head down, alone, miserable. I was small in the grass, alone. I knelt helpless, an ignorant barbarian girl, naked and bound, who could not even speak to her captor, on a strange world.
In time, after scouting the terrain of the rock, perhaps searching for clues as to my meaning or identity, the tall man in scarlet returned to face me.
It was late afternoon.
I looked up at him, and trembled.
He took me by the hair and threw me to my belly in the grass at his feet. I lay there, helpless.
I heard the sword slip free from his sheath.
"Don't kill me!" I wept. "Please do not kill me!"
I lay there, terrified. I felt the sword, with an easy movement, as though meeting no resistance, sever the binding on my ankles.
He then left me. He fetched the pouch and bota which he had carried, and slung them both, this time, at his belt. He picked up his helmet. He went to the spear thrust in the turf, upright, blade to the sky, and the concave shield at its foot. He slung the shield and helmet over the butt of the spear, suspending them behind his left shoulder, his left arm over and resting on the shaft of the spear, steadying it in place. Then, without looking at me, he left the field.
I watched him go. I struggled to my feet, my hands still bound tightly behind me. I looked about at the field, at the signs of battle, the discarded shields, one deeply punctured and cut, the scattered weapons. I looked at the great rock to which, by the neck, I had been fastened with a heavy chain. I stood in the circle torn in the turf. The wind blew the grass, my hair. The sky was darker now. I gasped. Low on the horizon I saw, rising, three moons. The man was distant now. "Don't leave me," I cried. "Don't leave me here alone!"
I fled from the circle torn in the turf, running after him. "Please stop!" I cried. "Wait! Please, wait!"
Gasping for breath I fled after him, stumbling, sometimes falling. "Please, wait!" I cried.
Once he turned to see me running after him. I stopped, panting. I stood in the grass, some two hundred yards from him. Then he turned again, and continued on his way. Miserable, stumbling, I began running again. He turned again when I was some twenty yards from him. Again I stopped. Under his gaze, for no reason I clearly understood, I put my head down. He again continued on his way and I again followed him. In a moment or two I had caught up with him, and lagged behind, some ten feet. He stopped, and turned. I stopped, and put my head down. He continued on his way again, and again I followed. Then again, after a few minutes, he stopped. I stopped, too, my head down. This time he approached me, and stood about a yard from me. I stood extremely straight, with my head down. I was terribly conscious of his nearness, my nudity, his eyes upon me. Though I was female of Earth I had some dim inkling of the tumult of joy and pleasure which the sight of a female body could wreak in a man. And I knew that I was very beautiful. He put his fingers and thumb under my chin and lifted my head. I saw his eyes, and looked quickly away, not daring to meet them. To my horror, I wanted him to find me pleasing—and as a female. He regarded me for a minute or two, and then, from his shoulder, unslung the shield, and helmet, from his spear. From his belt he took the pouch and bota. He slung them about my neck. Then, adjusting the straps, he fastened the shield at my back. I staggered under its weight. Then, carrying the helmet by its straps in his left hand and the spear, lightly, in his right, he turned and began to stride again through the grass. Staggering under the weight of the shield, the pouch and bota about my neck, I followed him. Once he turned and, with the spear, indicated the position and distance at which I should follow. These things vary, I learned, from city to city, and depend, also, on such matters as context and conditions. In a market, in the crowding and jostling, for instance, a girl may follow so closely she pressed against the back of his left shoulder. Girls seldom follow behind and on the right. If she is thusly placed it is commonly a sign she is in disfavor. If more than one girl is involved, she who follows most closely on the left is generally taken to be in highest favor; girls compete for this position. In an open area, such as the fields in which we trekked, the girl is placed usually some five or ten feet behind, and on the left. If he must move suddenly she will not, thusly, constitute an impediment to his action.
有一次他转过身来,看到我追着他跑。我停了下来,气喘吁吁。我站在草地上,离他大约两百码远。然后他又转过身来,继续上路。痛苦、跌跌撞撞,我又开始跑步了。当我离他大约二十码时,他又转过身来。我又停了下来。在他的注视下,我无缘无故地清楚地明白了,我低下了头。他又继续上路,我又跟着他。不一两分钟,我就追上了他,落后了大约十英尺。他停了下来,转过身来。我停下来,低下头。他又继续上路,我又跟在后面。然后,几分钟后,他又停了下来。我也停了下来,低着头。这一次他走近我,站在离我大约一码远的地方。我站得非常笔直,低着头。我非常清楚他的靠近,我的裸体,他看着我的眼睛。虽然我是地球上的女性,但我对看到女性身体可能会给男人带来的喜悦和愉悦的喧嚣有所模糊的暗示。我知道我非常漂亮。他把手指和拇指放在我的下巴下,抬起我的头。我看见了他的眼睛,很快就把目光移开了,不敢直视。令我恐惧的是,我希望他觉得我讨人喜欢——而且是个女人。他看了我一两分钟,然后,从他的肩膀上解下了长矛上的盾牌和头盔。他从腰带上拿出小袋和博塔。他把它们挂在我的脖子上。然后,调整带子,他把盾牌固定在我背上。我在它的重压下踉踉跄跄。然后,他左手拿着头盔的带子,右手轻轻地拿着长矛,转过身来,又开始在草地上大步走来。在盾牌的重压下,脖子上的袋子和牡丹花踉踉跄跄地跟着他。 他转过身来,用长矛指示我应该跟随的位置和距离。我了解到,这些事情因城市而异,也取决于环境和条件等问题。例如,在市场里,在拥挤和推搡中,一个女孩可能会紧紧地跟着,以至于压在他的左肩后面。女孩很少跟在后面和右边。如果她被这样安排,这通常表明她不受欢迎。如果涉及不止一个女孩,那么最紧随左边的女孩通常被认为最受青睐;女孩们竞争这个位置。在开阔的地方,比如我们跋涉的田野,女孩通常被放在后面大约五到十英尺的地方,在左边。如果他必须突然移动,她就不会因此构成他行动的障碍。
He again took up his march. Carrying his shield, the pouch and bota, some eight or nine feet behind him, on his left, I followed him. I suppose I should have minded. I knew I was heeling him. How strange it seemed. I understood so little of what had occurred. I had awakened, stripped and chained, on a strange world. Men had come to the rock where I had been fastened. They had had the key to the collar. Doubtless they had come there to fetch me. But who had left me there for them? And what had they wanted of me? They had questioned me, beaten me. The word 'Bina' had often occurred in their demands. "Var Bina!" they had demanded. I, of course, had not understood. Then, angry, they had prepared to cut my throat. I had been rescued by a chance male, armed and skillful, who had happened in the fields at the time. He had been, judging from the reactions of my original captors, completely unexpected, and not welcome. By his own reactions I had gathered he knew nothing of the men he had met there, and had behaved as he might have with any others, similarly of his scarlet-clad, helmeted, armed sort. I had been part of a plan, a design, I suspected, which I did not understand, which had been, by a chance encounter, disrupted. But what did the word 'Bina' mean? There must have been something, I supposed, I was supposed to have, but, as nearly as I could determine, did not have, or something which was supposed to have been with me, but, as far as I could determine, had not been with me. There had been, as far as I could determine, only myself, stripped and chained, and the grass, the rock, and sky. The plan, perhaps, had been disrupted, or had failed, prior even to the arrival of the two men at the rock. I did not know. I understood nothing. But perhaps the plan had not been disrupted. Perhaps, even now, I carried some secret with me, which had been unknown to the two men. Perhaps they had not understood the way in which I was to have been useful. Perhaps their information had been incomplete or incorrect. I suspected I was intended to be instrumental in something I did not understand. I could neither explain nor understand my nature or purpose, if any, on this world. Had I been brought here merely as a naked woman, it seemed pointless to have placed me as I had been placed in the wilderness. Too, it would have been pointless to have questioned me so closely; too, why, if I had been brought to this world for an obvious purpose of men, say, for my beauty, had the men prepared, in their anger, to end my life? Surely it must have been obvious to them that I was eager to do anything they wanted, that I was eager to please them. Had I been brought here merely for my beauty surely they would not have behaved as they had. I shuddered, recalling the feel of the knife at my throat.
他又开始了他的步伐。我拿着他的盾牌、袋子和牡丹,在他身后大约八九英尺的地方,在他的左边,跟着他。我想我应该介意的。我知道我在跟着他。这看起来多么奇怪。我对所发生的事情知之甚少。我醒来了,被剥光了衣服,被锁链锁住了,在一个陌生的世界里。人们来到了我被绑住的那块岩石上。他们有项圈的钥匙。毫无疑问,他们是来接我的。但是谁把我留在那里给他们呢?他们想从我这里得到什么呢?他们审问我,殴打我。“Bina”这个词经常出现在他们的要求中。“Var Bina!”当然,我不明白。然后,他们生气地准备割我的喉咙。我被一个偶然的男性救了出来,他当时正好在田里,他全副武装,技术娴熟。从我最初的俘虏们的反应来看,他完全出乎意料,也不受欢迎。根据我所收集到的他自己的反应,他对在那里遇到的人一无所知,而且他的行为举止可能和他对待任何其他人一样,就像他那种穿着猩红色衣服、戴着头盔、拿着武器的人一样。我曾参与过一个计划,一个设计,我怀疑,我不理解,这个计划在一次偶然的相遇中被打乱了。但是“Bina”这个词是什么意思呢?我想,一定有什么东西是我应该有的,但是,据我所能确定的,没有,或者有什么东西应该在我身边,但是,据我所知,没有和我在一起。据我所知,只有我自己被剥光了衣服,被锁住了,还有草、岩石和天空。也许,这个计划在这两个人到达岩石之前就已经被打乱了,或者已经失败了。我不知道。我什么都不懂。 但也许这个计划并没有被打乱。也许,即使是现在,我也随身携带了一些秘密,而这两个人一直不知道。也许他们不明白我该如何发挥作用。也许他们的信息不完整或不正确。我怀疑我打算在我不理解的事情上发挥重要作用。我既无法解释也无法理解我在这个世界上的本质或目的,如果有的话。如果我只是作为一个裸体女人被带到这里,那么把我放在荒野里似乎毫无意义。同样,如果这么仔细地问我,那也毫无意义;同样,如果我被带到这个世界上是为了男人的明显目的,比如说,为了我的美貌,为什么那些人会在愤怒中准备结束我的生命呢?当然,他们一定很清楚,我渴望做他们想做的任何事情,我渴望取悦他们。如果我被带到这里来,仅仅是为了我的美貌,他们肯定不会像以前那样行事。我浑身颤抖,回想起刀子抵住我喉咙的感觉。
Then the stranger had arrived.
"Kajira canjellne!" he had said. I had been released of the chain and collar. A circle had been drawn in the turf. Bound, I had been thrown to it. Kneeling, I had watched men fight.
I now, naked and bound, carrying his shield, followed him who had been victorious.
I remembered his might, his insolence, his skill, his power. I admired the width of his shoulders as he walked before me. I remembered the simplicity and audacity with which, after his victory, he had examined me.
I now carried his shield. I walked behind him, and to the left. I suppose I should have minded. I knew, of course, that I was heeling him. I thought about it. Whereas it would have seemed unthinkable on Earth that a man could be so strong, so mighty, that a woman would walk at his heel, here, on this world, it seemed not so impossible or strange at all. There were men here strong enough to put women at their heel. I felt, briefly, profoundly stirred erotically, and, perhaps strangely, marvelously pleased to be a woman. I had never met such men as these, the former two, and he whom I now followed, mightiest among them, who would simply, unthinkingly, put a woman at their heel. I had never known such men. I had not dreamed such men could exist! I had never felt so feminine, so stirred, so alive and real, as in their presence! For the first time in my life I was pleased to be a woman.
Then I castigated myself for my terrible thoughts. Men and women I knew, as I had been taught, were identical. Biology, and a nature, the product of harsh, exacting thousands of generations of evolution, of time, and breeding and animal history, was unimportant. It must be ignored, and dismissed. It did not suggest the correct political conclusions.
I looked up at the three moons.
I did not know what to believe or how to live. But, as I followed the man, trekking through the glorious grass, under the bright, marvelous moons, carrying his shield, literally heeling him, as might have an animal, his captive, nude and bound, I felt, paradoxically, a fantastic sense of freedom, of psychological liberation. I wanted to run to him and put my head against his shoulder.
* * * *
For hours we trekked the grass.
Sometimes I fell. He did not stop for me. I would struggle to my feet, staggering under the weight of the shield, and run to catch up with him. But then I could go no further. My body was not readied for such treks. I was only a girl of Earth. I fell. My breath was short, my legs weak. I lay in the grass. I could not move my body. I lay on my side, the weight of the shield upon my shoulder. After a time I sensed him standing near me, looking down. I looked up at him. I tried to smile. "I can go no further," I said. Surely he could see my exhaustion, my helplessness. I could not even move. I saw him loosen his belt. I struggled to my feet. He did not look pleased. He would have beaten me! He refastened his belt. He turned away. Again I followed him.
Toward morning we crossed more than one tiny stream. The water was very cold on my ankles and calves. Bordering these streams was brush, and some trees. The fields were broken now, with occasional trees, many of them flat-topped. In what I conjecture would have been an hour or so before dawn he stopped in a thicket of trees, near a small stream. He removed the pouch and bota from my neck, the shield from my back. I fell to the grass between the trees. I moved my wrists a bit, and lost consciousness. In what must have been a moment or two I was shaken awake. A handful of dried meat, cut in small pieces, was thrust in my mouth. Lying on my side I chewed and swallowed it. I had not realized how hungry I was. In a moment, he lifted me to a sitting position and, his left hand behind my back, supporting me, thrust the spike of the bota in my mouth. Eagerly then did I drink. He much watered me. I lay then again on my side. He lifted me in his arms, so lightly that it startled me, and carried me to a tree. As he tethered my right ankle to the tree I, bound as I was, overcome with exhaustion, fell asleep.
* * * *
It seemed to me that I was in my own bed. I stretched in the pleasant warmth.
Then I awakened suddenly. I was in a thicket, on a strange world. It was warm, and the sun, high, filtered through the branches of the trees. I looked at my wrists. They were now unbound. Each wrist, deeply, wore the circular marks of the leather constraints which, earlier, had confined them. I rubbed my wrists. I looked about myself. My right ankle, by a short length of black leather, was tied to a small, white-barked tree. I rose to my hands and knees, my back to the tree. I was still naked. I then sat with my back against the tree, my legs drawn up, my chin on my knees, my hands about my knees. I watched the man, who was sitting, cross-legged, a few feet away. He was putting a thin coating of oil on the blade of his sword.
He did not look up at me. He seemed totally absorbed in his work. He must have sensed my awakening, my movements, but he did not look at me. I felt angry. I was not used to being ignored, particularly by a male. They had always been eager to be pleasing to me, to do anything I wanted.
I did not realize that on this world it was such as we who must be pleasing to them, who must comply eagerly with whatever their whim might decree.
I watched him.
He was a not unattractive man. I wondered if it would be possible to work out a meaningful relationship with him. He must learn, of course, to respect me as a woman.
He finished with the oil and blade. He wiped the blade with a cloth, leaving on it only a fine, evenly spread coating of oil. He replaced the cloth and the oil, which was in a small vial, in his pouch. He wiped his hands on the grass, and his tunic. He resheathed the sword.
He then looked up at me.
I smiled at him. I wanted to make friends with him. He slapped his right ankle, and pointed to it, and then beckoned me to approach him.
I bent to untie the dark leather which fastened me to the white tree. I first bent to remove the leather from my ankle. But a sharp word from him, and a gesture, indicated to me that I must first remove the tether from about the trunk of the small tree. Doubtless he thought me stupid. Did not any girl know that the last bond to be removed is that on her own body? But I was of Earth and knew nothing of such matters. I struggled, with my small, weak fingers, with the knots. I worked hard, frightened, sweating, that I might be taking too long. But he was patient. He knew the knots he had tied could not be easily undone by one such as I.
Then I approached him, and, with my left hand, handed him the supple tether. He replaced it in his pouch, and indicated that I should position myself before him and to his right. I knelt there, and smiled at him. He spoke sharply, harshly. Immediately I knelt in the position I had learned yesterday, which had been clearly and exactly taught to me, back on heels, back straight, hands on thighs, head up, knees widely opened. He then looked at me, satisfied.
How could I make friends with him, kneeling so? How could I get him to respect me as a person, so desirably and beautifully positioned before him? How could I, so kneeling, so beautiful and small, so exposed and vulnerable, so helpless, so much his, get him to accept me as his equal?
I bent forward and took the piece of meat between my teeth from his hand. He did not allow me to touch it with my hands.
How miserable I felt. On this world I had not yet even been allowed to feed myself!
When I had eaten some meat, he then gave me to drink, again from the bota.
我吃了一些肉后,他又给我喝了,又是 bota 的。
He must learn I am an equal and a person, I resolved. I will show him this.
I broke the position to which he had commanded me. I sat upon the grass before him, my knees drawn up. I smiled. "Sir," said I to him, "I know you cannot understand my language, nor I yours, but, still, perhaps, from my voice, or its tone, you may gather something of my feelings. You saved my life yesterday. You rescued me when I was in great danger. I am very grateful for this."
I thought my head would fly from my neck, with such swift savageness was I struck! The blow was open-handed, taking me on the left side of the face, but it must have been clearly audible for a hundred and fifty yards about; I rolled, stinging, crawling, for more than twenty feet; I threw up in the grass; I couldn't see; blackness, violent, velvet, plunging, deep, lights, stars, seemed to leap and contract and expand and explode in my head; again I shook my head; again I threw up in the grass; then I sank to the side on my stomach.
I heard a word, of command. I recognized it. I had heard it before. Swiftly then did I reassume the position which I had dared to break, and again I knelt, though this time in an agony of terror, before the strange, mighty man, his legs spread, his arms crossed, who stood before me.
Blood ran from my mouth; other blood I swallowed. My vision cleared; I could not believe the pounding of my heart. I had been cuffed. I knelt, terrified. At that time I did not realize how light had been my discipline considering the gravity of my offense. I had both spoken without permission, and broken position without permission. Most simply, I had been displeasing to a free man.
Had I known the world on which I knelt, how I would have rejoiced that I had not been lashed! As I later realized, allowances were being made for me which, had I been more familiar with the world on which I found myself, would not have been made. Later, such allowances would not be, and were not, made.
I knelt before the man. He stood before me, legs spread, arms crossed, looking down at me. Gone from me in that moment, with the blood that ran from my mouth, were my illusions. No longer did I deceive myself that I might be his equal. The farcicality of that illusion was now transparent to me. The pitifulness of that pretense vanished before the simple, incontrovertible biological reality which had been impressed upon me, in the light of his uncompromising masculine dominance which he, in health and power, chose to exercise over me, a female. How beautiful to men must be women, I thought, who are at their feet. I wondered, frightened, if it were at the feet of men, or at least at the feet of such men as this, that women belonged, if that might be the unperverted order of nature. The thought of dominance and submission, pervasive in the animal kingdom, universal among primates, ran through my head. Never before had I so clearly, and profoundly, understood the meaning of those words. I looked up at him. I was frightened. My world, I knew, had chosen to deny and subvert biology. This world, I gathered, had not. Before him I knelt terrified, his.
To my relief he turned from me. Yet I remained immobile, absolutely, fearing to move, as though frozen in that elegant and helpless position, so vulnerable and exposed, which later I learned was the position of the Gorean pleasure slave.
He looked up at the sun.
It was late afternoon. He lay down, to sleep. I did not break position. I had not been given permission. Perhaps he kept me in position to discipline me. I did not know. I was afraid to break position. I told myself, of course, that this was rational, that he might wake and discover me out of position, or that, perhaps, at times, he was not truly asleep, but was, through half-closed eyes, watching me, to see if I, in the slightest, moved. But in my heart I knew I had not broken position because he had not given me permission to do so, because he had not released me from his command. I was terribly afraid of him. I was afraid to break position. I was obeying him.
For more than two hours, I think, I knelt in position. He awakened.
He looked at me, but he did not release me from position. I remained as I was, in that position so symbolic of female subjugation.
It was now in the early evening.
He gathered up the pouch and bota, and slung them at his belt. He slung his sword, in its scabbard, over his shoulder. He donned his helmet. He lifted his shield and spear.
I looked at him. Was I not to bear his burdens? Was I not to carry the pouch and bota? Was I not to bear his shield?
With a snap of his fingers and a movement of his hand he released me from position. Gratefully I moved my body. I stretched. I saw him watching me stretch, catlike. Reddening, I stopped. At a sharp word from him I continued to stretch, luxuriously, brazenly, and fully relished doing so. He watched me as I moved my body, and rubbed my legs, that their full circulation might be restored; they were stiff and cramped, as was the rest of my body, after the fixed position in which I had been kept, as that discipline sequent upon my cuffing. I was aware, though would scarcely admit it to myself, that my movements, as I stretched, and moved my hands upon my legs, were performed rather differently than they would have been had I been alone. I realized, though scarce would admit it to myself, that I was displaying myself as a female before him. He laughed. I blushed, and lay back, angry, on the grass. The body, kept overlong in any position, of course, even the most natural, becomes stiff and cramped. A girl, incidentally, in the position of the Gorean pleasure slave, but who is not being kept in the position as a discipline, in which case she remains rigid, is allowed much subtle latitude, which she exploits, without breaking the position. Sometimes, as she becomes animated, she rises a bit from her heels, sometimes her hands move on her thighs, her shoulders and belly move, her head moves, her eyes are live and vital, she speaks and laughs, and, radiantly, every inch, every bit, of her alive, converses lyrically and delightedly. Any girl knows that an interesting body is a moving body. Even within the apparent restraint of the position of the pleasure slave a girl's body can be a subtle, provocative melody of motion. The interplay between the restraint of the position and her animation gives the position incredible power and beauty. Yes, power. More than one master, I suspect, has been enslaved by the beauty who kneels before him. It is one of the excruciating delights of the mastery to expose oneself fully to, and yet skirt, the dangers of the girl's beauty, to keep oneself strong, to draw the absolute fullness of pleasure from her, and yet to resist her wiles, to get everything from her, and yet to keep her on her knees, fully, perfectly, completely.
他打了个响指,用手动了一下,把我从位置上放了出来。我感激地移动了我的身体。我伸了个懒腰。我看到他看着我伸展身体,像猫一样。我脸红了,停了下来。听到他一句尖锐的话,我继续伸展身体,奢华、厚颜无耻,并且完全享受这样做。他看着我移动身体,揉搓我的腿,以便恢复它们的充分血液循环;他们僵硬而局促,我身体的其他部分也是如此,在我被铐住的固定位置之后,就像我被铐住时所受到的纪律一样。我知道,虽然我几乎不敢承认,当我伸展身体和用手在腿上移动时,我的动作与我独自一人时所做的动作大不相同。我意识到,尽管很少有人愿意承认,我在他面前展示了自己是一个女性。他笑了起来。我脸红了,生气地躺在草地上。身体在任何位置长时间保持,当然,即使是最自然的姿势,也会变得僵硬和局促。顺便说一句,一个女孩处于戈尔式的快乐奴隶的位置上,但她没有被保持在纪律的位置上,在这种情况下,她仍然保持僵化,被允许有很多微妙的自由度,她利用这些自由度,而不会打破这个位置。有时,当她变得活跃起来时,她会从脚后跟上站起来,有时她的手在大腿上移动,她的肩膀和腹部移动,她的头移动,她的眼睛充满活力和活力,她说话和大笑,光芒四射,她活着的每一寸,每一点,都抒情而愉快地交谈。任何女孩都知道,有趣的身体是移动的身体。即使在快乐奴隶位置的明显限制下,女孩的身体也可以是微妙的、挑衅的运动旋律。 这个姿势的束缚和她的动画之间的相互作用赋予了这个姿势难以置信的力量和美感。是的,功率。我怀疑,不止一个主人被跪在他面前的美女所奴役。掌握技巧的乐趣之一就是把自己完全暴露在女孩美丽的危险中,保持自己坚强,从她身上汲取绝对充实的快乐,但又抵制她的诡计,从她那里得到一切,却让她跪下。 完全、完美、完全。
I lay back on the grass.
Some girls fight one another with whips to obtain such a master.
I looked up at the sky. It was darker now, through the trees. The man in whose company I was, and in whose power I was, had left the thicket. I did not fear that he would not return. He had not been angry with me. Too, I had seen him look at me, and had heard him laugh.
On Earth, I had found boys of little interest, except for the admiration which they had accorded me. I had held myself, though frequently dating, rather aloof. I did not much care to have boys put their mouths on me. I would brush them back, or thrust them away, appear offended, say "No," firmly to them. They would apologize, stammer, redden. Perhaps I was angry? They were sorry, truly sorry. Perhaps I was angry? Would I forgive them? Could I even consider going out with them again? Perhaps. But what sort of girl did they think I was?
I lay in the grass, and smiled to myself.
I wondered at what sort of girl I was. There had begun to stir in me feelings which I had never felt before. Dimly I had begun to sense how it could be that a woman could give herself totally to a man.
I thought of the stranger. I laughed to myself. He was no boy. With boys I had always felt in command, but with the strange, mighty man in whose power I now was I knew I was not in command. He was in command, completely. At his slightest word I would leap to serve him. How furious, how jealous, would the boys have been had they seen how perfectly the haughty, beautiful girl they could not even interest or impress now responded swiftly, eagerly, even to the snapping of fingers of another, of a true man. How they would have hated and feared him! How they would have envied him his casual sovereignty over the beauty! How perfectly he controlled her, as they could not! They could not even please her. She feared only she could not please him.
I lay nude on the grass of that strange world, in which I found myself in the power of a man other than I dreamed men could be. I had been aloof, haughty, smug, too good for men. Now I feared only I might insufficiently please one man, him in whose power I was. Feelings stirred in me which I had not felt before. Dimly I had begun to understand how it could be that a woman could give herself, fully, to a male. But I wondered if I would have the opportunity to give myself. I might not be accorded this honor. On this world it seemed men took what they wanted. I might not, on this world, I knew, be extended the courtesy of delicately proffering my virginity as I saw fit, in accord with my will. I smiled. I would not be, I suspected, on this world, permitted to choose upon whom I would bestow it. Perhaps, rather, I supposed, it would be I who would be chosen, and, regardless of my will, it would simply be taken from me.
I sensed the return of the man. I rolled to my elbow, quickly. He was standing nearby.
I looked up at him.
But he did not command me to my back upon the turf; he did not kick apart my legs.
Rather he gestured that I should rise. I did so.
I stood straight before him, as I knew he wished me to do. On Earth never had I stood so straight. On this world I knew it was expected of me. On this world I did not know what I was. But I did know that on this world, whatever it was that I was, I was expected to stand beautifully. I did so. It was part of my obedience.
He did not move, but stood, leaning on his spear. He did not pay me much attention. I was merely there, subject to him, should he speak or gesture.
After a time, he moved about the small clearing and, with his foot, erased the slight signs of our camp, the few small signs of our sojourn in this tiny forest glade. He had made no fires.
Then again he stood near me, leaning on his spear. Again he did not pay me much attention. I stood to one side. I stood straight. I did not, of course, dare to speak, or, in any way, to intrude myself on his attention. I did not wish to be again cuffed or disciplined. I stood there. I stood to one side, unimportant.
I watched him. It was dark now.
My mind raced rapidly. Contrary to yesterday, he had not this day traveled in the light, but had spent the day in this tiny glade, only a few feet wide, concealed by trees about, and, overhead, by their interlacing branches. He had made no fires. He had now, with the coming of darkness, taken up his weapons and erased the small signs of our brief camp. That he had erased the signs of the camp, that he had taken these precautions, suggested to me that we stood now in a region within which there might be those who would be hostile to him, that at our peril we trespassed now in what might be a country of enemies. I shuddered. I looked about myself, with apprehension, at the shadows of the trees and branches. Did they contain enemies, with steel, approaching even now? Might we be set upon, ambushed or attacked? There was a rustle in a thicket of brush, at which the man had been directing his attention. I almost cried out with fear. I sank miserably to my knees. I tried to take his left leg in my hands, to hold him, but, with the butt of his spear, he thrust me back and away. I flew painfully back to the grass. The jabbing blow had not been gentle. I crawled back. I was terrified. I crouched closely behind him, hiding myself behind him, one knee in the grass. I tried to peer about his body. If I had had a weapon, a civilized weapon, even so slight as a small pistol, which I might have grasped, steadying it, with both hands, I might have feared less, but I had nothing, absolutely nothing. I had nothing, and was totally vulnerable. I did not even have a stitch of clothing, a thread, with which to protect my body. My single and only defense was the steel and prowess of the man who stood between me and what, some yards away, rustled in the dark brush. I depended upon him, completely. I needed him. Without him I would have been helpless, utterly. I moaned thinking of how defenseless women must be on this world. I supposed they might carry perhaps a slim blade, manageable to their small strength and weight, a poniard or dagger, but what if an assailant, such as the man in whose power I was, was simply to take it from them? I did not know it at the time but girls such as I was to be were not permitted to carry even so slight a weapon as a woman's dagger. Girls such as I was to be were completely dependent upon the protection of men, and whether they chose to extend it or not. My hand went before my mouth. I saw it, in the darkness, emerging from the brush. I thought, at first, because of its sinuous movement, that it was a great snake, but it was not. I thought, seeing it, holding itself closely to the ground, but yet free of the ground, that it might be a long-bodied lizard. Then, as moonlight fell through the tree branches in a pattern across its snout and neck, I saw not scales, but rippled fur, long and thick. Its eyes caught the light and flashed like burning copper. It snarled. I gasped. It had six legs. It was perhaps twenty feet in length, perhaps eleven hundred pounds in weight. It approached sinuously, hissing. The man spoke soothingly to the beast. His spear faced it. It circled us, and the man turned, always, spear ready, facing it. I kept behind the man. Then the beast disappeared in the shadows. I collapsed at the man's feet, shuddering. He did not admonish me. I was not punished. He had not acted as though he particularly feared the beast. It was not simply that he was brave, and had hunted such animals, but, as I later understood, that he was familiar with the habits of such beasts. The beast had not been hunting us. Commonly such a beast scouts prey, surreptitiously, and then, unless suspecting a trap, as with a tethered victim, perhaps a staked-out girl, used as a lure, makes its swift, unexpected strike, its kill charge. The beast had been on another scent, probably that of tabuk, a small, single-horned antelopelike creature, its common game, and, on its trail, we had constituted only a distraction. Such a beast is a tireless and single-minded hunter. Domesticated, it is often used as a tracker. Once it sets out upon a scent it commonly pursues it unwaveringly. Evolution, in its case, has, among other things, apparently selected for tenacity. This is a useful feature, of course, in tracking. Fortunately ours had not been the first scent that night which the beast, upon emerging from its lair, had taken. Had it been there would have been grim dealings. It is called a sleen.
我的思绪飞速运转。与昨天相反,他今天没有在光明中旅行,而是在这片只有几英尺宽的小空地上度过了一天,周围被树木遮蔽,头顶上,被它们交错的树枝遮住了。他没有生火。现在,随着黑暗的到来,他拿起了他的武器,抹去了我们短暂营地的小痕迹。他已经抹去了营地的标志,他采取了这些预防措施,这向我表明,我们现在所处的地区可能会有人对他怀有敌意,我们现在冒着危险闯入了一个可能是敌人的国家。我浑身发抖。我忧心忡忡地环顾四周,望着树木和树枝的影子。他们现在是否遏制住了正在逼近的敌人?我们会不会被设下、被伏击或被攻击?灌木丛中传来沙沙声,那人正正引着他的注意力。我几乎吓得哭了出来。我悲惨地跪了下来。我试图用手抓住他的左腿,想抓住他,但是,他用长矛的枪托把我推开了。我痛苦地飞回草地上。刺痛的打击并不温和。我爬回去。我很害怕。我紧紧地蹲在他身后,把自己藏在他身后,单膝跪在草地上。我试着窥视他的身体。如果我有一把武器,一种文明的武器,哪怕是一把小手枪那么轻,我也许能用双手抓住它,稳住它,我也许会不那么害怕,但我什么都没有,绝对一无所有。我一无所有,完全脆弱。我甚至没有一针衣服,一根线,用来保护我的身体。我唯一且唯一的防御是那个站在我和几码远的地方之间,在黑暗的灌木丛中沙沙作响的男人的钢铁和英勇。 我完全依赖他。我需要他。没有他,我会完全无助。我呻吟着,想着女人在这个世界上一定是多么手无寸铁。我以为他们也许会携带一把细长的刀,以他们微小的力量和重量来说,一把小马或匕首,但是如果一个袭击者,比如我所掌握的那个男人,只是要从他们手中夺走它呢?当时我并不知道,但像我这样的女孩子是不允许携带像女人的匕首这样轻微的武器的。像我这样的女孩子,完全依赖于男人的保护,无论她们是否选择延长这种保护。我的手伸到嘴前。我看到它在黑暗中从灌木丛中出现。起初,由于它蜿蜒的运动,我以为它是一条大蛇,但事实并非如此。我看到它,紧紧地贴着地面,但又不离开地面,我想它可能是一只身材修长的蜥蜴。然后,当月光从树枝上落下,在它的鼻子和脖子上形成图案时,我看到的不是鳞片,而是波纹状的皮毛,又长又厚。它的眼睛捕捉到光线,像燃烧的铜一样闪烁。它咆哮着。我倒抽了一口气。它有六条腿。它大概有二十英尺长,大概有一千一百磅重。它蜿蜒地靠近,发出嘶嘶声。男人安抚地对野兽说。他的长矛对着它。它绕着我们转圈,那个男人总是转过身来,准备好长矛,面对它。我跟在那个人后面。然后,这头野兽消失在阴影中。我瘫倒在那个男人的脚下,浑身发抖。他没有劝告我。我没有受到惩罚。他并没有表现得特别害怕这头野兽。这不仅仅是因为他很勇敢,而且猎杀过这种动物,而且,正如我后来了解到的那样,他熟悉这种野兽的习性。 那头野兽没有在追捕我们。通常,这样的野兽会偷偷地侦察猎物,然后,除非怀疑有陷阱,比如被拴住的受害者,也许一个被放样的女孩,被用作诱饵,迅速地、出乎意料地打击,它的杀戮冲锋。这头野兽闻到了另一种气味,可能是塔布克的气味,一种像羚羊一样的小小的单角羚羊,它是它的常见猎物,在它的踪迹上,我们只是一种干扰。这样的野兽是一个不知疲倦、一心一意的猎人。驯化后,它经常被用作追踪器。一旦它开始闻到一种气味,它通常会坚定不移地追求它。就其本身而言,进化显然是被顽强所选择的。当然,这在跟踪中是一个有用的功能。幸运的是,那天晚上,这只野兽从巢穴里出来时,并不是我们闻到的第一股气味。如果在那里,事情就会很严峻。它被称为 sleen。
I had not known such animals could exist. I knelt at the man's feet, the right side of my head to his ankle. How perilous suddenly I realized was the world in which I found myself. I was completely defenseless, helpless. In a world such as this, without a man such as he to protect me, I might be simply hunted down, and torn to pieces by wild beasts. I needed a man such as he to protect me. I looked up at him. He must protect me! I needed his protection. I would pay any price necessary for his protection. In his eyes I saw that he would exact what price he pleased. I put my head down. How I feared a world on which there were such men, and beasts! The name of this world is Gor.
我不知道这样的动物会存在。我跪在那个男人的脚边,头的右侧到他的脚踝。我突然意识到我发现自己所处的世界是多么危险。我完全没有防备,无助。在这样的世界里,如果没有他这样的人保护我,我可能会被猎杀,被野兽撕成碎片。我需要一个像他这样的男人来保护我。我抬头看着他。他必须保护我!我需要他的保护。我愿意付出任何必要的代价来保护他。在他的眼中,我看到他会随心所欲地付出代价。我低下头。我多么害怕一个有这样的人和野兽的世界啊!这个世界的名字是 Gor。
* * * *
He gestured me to my feet and I stood again, straight, frightened, he regarding me. He had already erased the signs of our small camp. This I had taken as evidence that he was ready to soon make his departure from this place. I did not meet his eyes. I did not dare to meet them. In his presence, aside from my fear and vulnerability, I felt, for the first time in my life, certain deep, and overwhelming and indescribable sensations. These sensations, I knew, had something to do with sexuality, his maleness, so strong, so dominant, and my femaleness, so small, so weak, so much at his mercy. I was confused, astonished, troubled. I wanted to please him. Yes! Could it be possible? Can that be imagined in such a situation! That I, an Earth girl, the helpless captive of a brutally handsome, mighty barbarian, wished to please him, and as a woman? Yes, it is true. It is simply true. Hold me in contempt if you must. I do not object. I am not ashamed. I wanted to please the dominant beast. Further, I wanted to please him not simply from fear but also, incredibly perhaps to your mind, out of an inexplicable gratitude for his dominance, which, for no reason I understood, and in spite of my Earth conditioning, I found glorious. I found myself grateful for his strength, and proud for it, though I knew I was the helpless object upon which it would be exercised. I found these sensations deeply disturbing, and profoundly thrilling. I stood straight. I, though a girl of Earth, virginal, well trained and conditioned, intelligent and of good family, wanted to throw myself naked in the grass at the feet of such a man, his.
He lifted his head, and looked away from me, out through the trees.
I was eager to carry his shield, to have its heavy weight placed across my small back, that I might serve him again, as I had before, as his lovely beast of burden, heeling him, but he did not again stagger me beneath that ponderous weight. He stood now, I knew, in a country of enemies. He retained the shield, as he did the spear, the sword.
I wanted to beg him on my knees to rape me.
He turned and left the tiny glade. Swiftly I followed him.
* * * *
We did not walk far.
As I walked behind him I castigated myself for my weakness in the glade. How I hated myself! How I must improve and strive to be strong. So narrowly had I evaded the loss of my personhood, my self-respect. In the glade, in the darkness, among the trees, so much his, I had almost compromised my identity and integrity! I, a girl of Earth, had wanted to yield to him, a harsh barbarian! Was I not a free individual, a person? Had I no pride? How furious I was with myself. I knew that, in the glade, had he so much as put his hand forth to touch my shoulder, I would have sunk trembling, eager, moaning, helpless, to the grass at his feet. I would have writhed before him for his slightest touch. How relieved I was that I had escaped this degradation. How angry I was. Why had he not taken me in the glade? Had he no regard for my feelings? Had I not been sufficiently pleasing to him?
He turned about, and, with a gesture, cautioned me to immobility and silence.
We stood at the edge of the trees.
Approaching, in the darkness, we saw some twenty torches. I was frightened. I did not know what manner of men these might be.
There were some seventy or eighty individuals in the retinue, which was strung out. The length of their line of march was perhaps some forty or fifty yards, its width some ten yards. Ten men, armed, on each side, flanked the march. These carried the torches. Some five men, armed, preceded the march, some three followed. Some ten or twelve other armed men, here and there, occupied positions in the march. In the march, too, there occurred two platforms and, following, toward the rear, one wagon. The platforms were white, and carried on the shoulders of ten men apiece; the wagon was brown, and was drawn by two large, brown, wide-horned, shaggy, oxlike shambling creatures, conducted by two men. The men who carried the platforms and those who conducted the shambling oxlike creatures were dressed not dissimilarly from the others, those flanking the march and those in and about the march.
随从里大约有七八十个人,被串起来了。他们的行军路线大约有四五十码,宽度大约有十码。双方各有 10 名全副武装的男子,从两侧夹击。这些人拿着火把。大约有五个全副武装的人走在行军前面,大约三个人紧随其后。大约有十到十二个其他武装人员,到处都是,在行军中占据了阵地。在行军中,也出现了两个平台,后面跟着一辆马车。平台是白色的,每人扛着十个人的肩膀;马车是棕色的,由两个大的、棕色的、宽角的、毛茸茸的、像牛一样蹒跚而行的动物拉着,由两个男人驾驶。抬着平台的人和引导蹒跚的牛状生物的人,他们的穿着与其他人没有什么不同,那些在行军队伍两侧的人,以及那些在行军中和周围的人。
The march approached. The man in whose power I was slipped back more deeply among the trees. I, of course, drew back with him. He did not seem disturbed, or surprised, at the line of march. I sensed that he had expected it, that he had, perhaps, been waiting for it, that he had scouted it.
The line of march would take its way rather closely to us. We were concealed in brush, silent.
The line of march approached the trees. I could see that, on the first carried platform, there were some five figures, those of women; on the second there were several chests and boxes, some covered with sheens of glistening material; in the wagon, under a loose canvas, were other boxes, but simpler and grosser in appearance, and poles and tenting materials, and arms and casks of fluid.
We withdrew a bit further into the brush.
The line of march would approach us rather closely. My captor had put aside his shield and spear. He now stood behind me, and slightly to my left. His hands were on my upper arms. We, in the light of the torches, watched the approaching retinue.
I was thrilled, it was so barbaric.
What different humans these were, on this unhurried, stately, barbaric world, so different from that which I knew. I wondered how I had come here, and what I might be doing here.
The vanguard of the torched procession neared us. I could see the weapons of the men. The tunics, scarlet, the helmets and shields, were not cut and formed, and decorated, as were those of the brute who held me by the upper arms.
He did not seem to wish his presence detected.
Suddenly I wanted to cry out. My body had perhaps moved in the slightest tremor. I froze. The blade of his knife was across my throat. His left hand, large and heavy, was firmly fixed across my mouth. I could utter no sound. With the blade at my throat I did not so much as squirm. I remained absolutely still.
Perhaps these men, toward whom he conducted himself as an intruder and enemy, might rescue me! Surely they could be no worse than the brute who held me. He was not a gentleman. Perhaps they were. He had fought with savage steel to possess me; he had candidly, upon his victory, to my horror, appraised my flesh; he had kept me bound for hours; he had made me carry his shield, and heel him like an animal; he had cuffed me, and put me under discipline! He had not treated me as the free and rightful person I was! I had wanted to cry out, to attract the attention of the other men. Perhaps they might rescue me! Perhaps they might return me, somehow, to Earth, or put me in touch with those with whom I might negotiate arrangements for my return to my native world.
I saw the women on the white platform, being carried. How beautifully garbed they were. Obviously these men held women in proper respect, regarding them with rightful reverence, not treating them like animals.
I had decided, swiftly, boldly, to cry out, that I might, by my resolute action, procure my rescue. Perhaps the slightest anticipatory tremor of my decision had coursed through my body. There was a knife at my throat. I did not cry out. Almost instantaneously his hand had closed over my mouth, heavy and firm, and efficient. I was pulled back against his tunic and leather. I could make no sound. I did not even squirm. I could still feel the knife at my throat.
The vanguard of the torched procession passed us.
Over the man's large hand, closing my mouth, making me helpless, I watched the palanquin carrying the women past. On it were five women, girls. Four of these were bare-armed, but garbed in flowing, classic white. Oddly enough, considering the beauty of their raiment, they were bare-footed. They did not wear veils. They were dark-haired and, to my eye, startlingly beautiful. They wore what appeared to be golden circlets about their neck, and a golden bracelet on the left wrist. They knelt, or sat, or reclined about the foot of a white, ornate curule chair set on the platform. In this chair, in graceful lassitude, weary, sat another girl, though one whose features, as she wore sheaths of pinned veils, I could not well remark. I was startled, discerning the volume and splendor of her robes; they were multicolored and brilliant in their sheens and chromatic textures, and so draped and worn that, particularly at the hem, the diverse borders of these various garments seemed to compete with one another to win the observer's accolade as the finest, the most resplendent, of all. About the robes and over the hood and veils of the garmenting were slung medallions and necklaces of wrought gold, pendant with gems. On her hands were white gloves, fastened with hooks of gold. Beneath the final hem of the innermost robe I saw the toes of golden slippers, jeweled, and scarlet-threaded, sparkling in the torchlight. Only in a barbarian world, I thought, could raiment dare be so lavish, so gorgeous, so rich.
Then the palanquin had passed, and more torches, and men. The second palanquin was preciously freighted with chests and boxes, colorful and bound with brass and chains. Some of these were covered over with rich cloths that sparkled under the torchlight.
I supposed that the procession was a wedding procession, and that the second palanquin carried rich gifts, perhaps the bride's dowry, or rich gifts to accompany her, perhaps to be delivered to the groom or his parents.
The wagon which followed late in the procession, that drawn by the conducted, shambling oxlike creatures, carried, I conjectured, the supplies of the retinue. The journey I gathered was long. The bride, and her maids, as I assumed them to be, doubtless had far to travel.
Then the men, the torches, disappeared in the distance, through the trees.
They were gone.
The hand left my mouth. He released me. The knife no longer lay at my throat. My knees felt weak. I almost fell. He resheathed the knife and turned me, by the arms, to face him. He pushed up my chin that I must look at him. I met his eyes, briefly, and put down my head. He knew that I had intended to cry out, to reveal our position. But I had been unable to do so.
I shook with terror, for I feared then he might slay me. I fell to my knees before him, and, though I was an Earth girl, I put down my head and, delicately holding his booted sandals, fearfully, pressed my lips to his feet.
Yes, I kissed his feet, as though I might have been no more than a beautiful, stripped, guilty, frightened slave!
How natural, and necessary, and perfect, in such circumstances, seemed this act of timid abject obeisance!
Would any girl of Earth, I wondered, so in the power of such a man, on such a world, have dared to do otherwise?
He turned about and left the forested area, and I hurried to accompany him.
He had not slain me. He had not tied me to a tree, for sleen to devour. He had not even lashed me to within an inch of my life.
I followed him.
My mind was in tumult. How confused, and shamed, I was at the immediacy, the naturalness, of my act of prostration before him, and yet, on another level, scarcely daring to admit this to myself, I knew that I had, too, perhaps inexplicably, unaccountably, felt enraptured.
I had not known such men could exist.
Then, however, I thought to myself, now I know how to deal with this man. I need only salve his vanity. I need only perform placatory gestures. I thought myself then clever, and he a fool, to be so manipulated by a girl. I did not understand at that time the incredible lenience with which I had been treated, or that the patience of such a man is not inexhaustible. I would be taught these truths shortly.
I was an ignorant and foolish girl. I would learn that ignorance and foolishness are not long tolerated in a girl such as I was to be on Gor.
The Camp
Angrily I tended the brazier, on my knees, fanning the coals. Sparks flew from the iron-banded fire, stinging my body.
Eta strode past me. I hated her. She was dark-haired, incredibly beautiful. Her dark hair swirled behind her to her waist. She had been given clothing. I had not. I envied her the sleeveless body scrap of brown rag, short, high on her thighs, which briefly concealed her. It was fastened with two hooks, which might be swiftly broken and torn away.
Eta 大步从我身边走过。我恨她。她是一头黑发,非常漂亮。她的黑发在她身后盘旋到腰部。她得到了衣服。我没有。我羡慕她那件棕色破布的无袖身体碎片,短而高的,高高地放在她的大腿上,短暂地隐藏了她。它用两个钩子固定,可以很快地折断和撕掉。
A man sat drinking to one side, a strong brew called paga. Spears were stacked to one side, and shields lay about against the sheltering, enclosing cliffs. We were in a wooded canyon, one of many in the area. A small stream, also one of several in the area, ran through the camp. Roughly as we were situated, some two thirds of the camp was closed in by projecting sides of the canyon; roughly, then, about a third of its perimeter was closed by a thick wall of recessed, cut thorn brush, some eight feet high and ten feet thick, a defense against animals. Within the camp itself and about it were several trees, some of them rather large. The camp would not be much visible from the air; similarly it would not be visible from the ground unless one should almost stumble upon it, following this small canyon, rather than various others in the vicinity. My captor and I had arrived at this camp after some four days of trekking. During this time he had not spoken to me, and I had followed him at the position and distance which he had indicated. How relieved I had been that he had not forced his attentions upon me, and used me as a female. And how sullenly and angrily I had followed him, more so each day. Was I not pleasing to him? I knew I had been very fortunate. I had been in his power, completely, and he had not pressed his advantage; he had not exploited his opportunity. How pleased I was! And how furious! How I had begun to hate him! He had not permitted me to feed except when kneeling and from his hand; he watered me similarly, except that, when a stream was encountered, he would sometimes order me to my belly on the pebbles; I would then, his hand in my hair, not using my hands, drink from the water. Was I not in his power, so much so that perhaps I was even, in some sense, a sense I scarcely dared conjecture, "his"? Was I not physically attractive to him? Why had he not forced me to serve him as a woman? He kept me under his dominance, strictly, and then, when I obviously ached for his touch, he would turn away; he would not so much as glance at me. I hated him! I hated him! The last two days of the trek we had traveled much in daylight, and he had permitted me to carry his shield. We had come then, I had gathered, out of overtly hostile territory. That this camp was sheltered and set as it was I took to be a matter of common camp practice among such men as he, and those who served him. Men such as he, in small parties, even in their own countries, seldom made open camps. Why had he not used me? I hated him!
一个男人坐在一边喝酒,一种叫做 paga 的烈性啤酒。长矛堆在一侧,盾牌靠在掩体上,包围着悬崖。我们在一个树木繁茂的峡谷中,这是该地区众多峡谷之一。一条小溪,也是该地区的几条小溪之一,流经营地。大致按照我们所在的位置,营地的大约三分之二被峡谷的突出侧面封闭了;然后,大约三分之一的周边被一堵厚厚的凹陷的、被切割的荆棘灌木墙封闭,大约有八英尺高,十英尺厚,用来抵御动物。营地内和周围有几棵树,其中一些相当大。从空中看不出这个营地;同样,除非沿着这个小峡谷,而不是附近的其他各种峡谷,几乎偶然发现它,否则从地面上也看不到它。我和我的俘虏经过大约四天的跋涉才到达这个营地。在这段时间里,他没有和我说话,我按照他所指示的位置和距离跟着他。我多么放心,因为他没有把注意力强加在我身上,而是把我当作女人来利用。我是多么闷闷不乐地跟着他,一天比一天更甚。我不是讨他的喜悦吗?我知道我非常幸运。我完全在他的控制之下,他没有利用他的优势;他没有利用这个机会。我多么高兴啊!多么愤怒啊!我多么开始恨他啊!他不允许我吃东西,除非我跪着和用他的手;他也照样给我浇水,只是当遇到溪流时,他有时会命令我趴在鹅卵石上;然后,他会用手抓我的头发,而不是用我的手,从水里喝水。 难道我不在他的控制之下,以至于也许在某种意义上,我甚至在某种意义上,几乎不敢猜测,“他的”吗?难道我在身体上对他没有吸引力吗?他为什么不强迫我以女人的身份侍奉他呢?他严格地控制着我,然后,当我显然对他的触摸感到痛苦时,他就会转身离开;他连看我一眼都不肯。我恨他!我恨他!在跋涉的最后两天,我们在白天走了很多路,他允许我带着他的盾牌。我聚集在一起,我们当时已经从公然敌对的领土上来了。这个营地是有庇护的,而且是我看作是像他这样的人和那些为他服务的人之间的普遍营地做法。像他这样的人,在小党派中,甚至在他们自己的国家,也很少建立公开的营地。他为什么不利用我呢?我恨他!
With a piece of stiff leather I fanned the coals in the brazier. An iron protruded from the coals.
Eta passed me again, a haunch of meat upon her shoulder, grease from it in her hair. She was vital, barefoot and tanned. Her body was beautiful in the brief rag she wore. Her only jewelry was a sturdy steel band, looped closely, quite attractively, rather snugly, about her throat. She was a long-legged, sensuous, hot-eyed slut. She was the sort of woman, I supposed, whom the men of Earth, in fear, would not even dare to let enter their dreams. Yet she seemed to fit in well at the feet of the mighty men of Gor who, without thought, would handle her well and get much, and all, from her.
How disgusting she was! I hated her!
I had been in the camp now for better than two days. We had arrived in the late afternoon of the day before yesterday. In the vicinity of the camp, upon our approach to it, my captor had taken his shield from me, which I had been bearing for him. One does not approach a camp, even one's own, unarmed. One does not know what may have transpired in one's absence.
He had left me alone, kneeling, while he had scouted the camp. Shortly thereafter he had returned, and gestured for me to rise and follow him.
He approached the camp singing, and striking his spear blade on his shield.
Call words were exchanged.
Royally was he greeted by the men of the camp, who rushed forth to welcome him, men among whom I gathered he was chieftain. They shouted, and clasped him, striking him upon the back and laughing. I stood back, frightened of such men. Then a long-legged dream of a girl, Eta, had stood, timidly, near the entrance to the camp, where thorn brush had been wedged aside, during the daylight hours. She had stood there, not daring to approach. Then my captor had indicated that she might enter his presence. Radiantly, joyously, she fled to him, and knelt before him, putting her head to his feet. His shield and spear, and helmet, he handed to another. At a word from him, then, she leapt to her feet and he took her in his arms, as though he might own her, and she kissed him, too, as though she might be owned. Never had I seen human beings kiss like that. It seemed a deeply sensuous complementarity that shook me to the core. It was the kiss of lovers, but more than the kiss of lovers. It was the kiss of a lover who is owned and of one who owns his lover.
Then he laughed, and thrust her to one side. Then all turned to regard me.
How I wished that he had held me and kissed me as he did her. How jealous I was. Then, suddenly, realizing the eyes of all upon me, I was frightened.
The men, and the girl, stood about me. I stood straight. They moved about me. I reddened, assessed. Comments were exchanged. I sensed myself being discussed with open frankness, as might have been an animal. Some of the comments, I sensed, were less than completely flattering. Some, I sensed, were clearly disparaging. Most cruelly I resented the laughter. At that time I had not been brought by strict diet and enforced exercise to optimum measurements. Perhaps, too, at that time, I was not standing as well as I might have. I was standing straight, but perhaps too stiffly, too immobilely, not subtly in movement, in my breathing, the movements of my shoulders, the tiny movements of my head, almost imperceptible, but contributing to the impression of a profoundly alive body, one richly latent with the promise of incredible responsiveness. But mostly I suspect I was found wanting in subtle psychological dimensions, available to the acute observer as a consequence of almost subliminal cues. These matters are conveyed by subtleties of facial expression and physical demeanor. I was a girl raised in a culture predicated on the denial of primate biological realities, a girl from a world in which hypothetically cogent animals denied, denounced and hysterically strove to suppress their own animality, a world in whose social insanity even sexuality had now come to be politically suspect. Most simply, as a normal girl of my world, I had been negatively conditioned with respect to men and sex. In the last few years, an accretion to this form of conditioning, I had been taught that men were my equals, and that men and women were the same. If this were so why then did I feel so small and slight among the Gorean men, and tremble when they put their hands upon me? Among the men of Earth, thoughtful, and cute and kind, I had not felt small and slight, nor did I tremble when they put their hands upon me; I had felt only irritation, and would push them away; I did not dare to push away a Gorean man; I might have been put under discipline; further, I found myself longing, though I did not admit this to myself at the time, to lie lovingly in their arms, theirs. I think the major reason I so failed to impress the men at the camp of my captor was because at that time I had not yet been taught to come alive as a woman. I did not yet know what men were like, or what they could do to me. I did not then know how they in their power could wrench out my insides and bring me to my knees before them. I had not learned their manhood; accordingly I had not yet learned my womanhood. Sexually, I was, like most girls of Earth, negativistic and inert.
男人和女孩站在我周围。我站直了。他们在我周围移动。我脸红了,评估道。双方交换了意见。我感觉到自己被公开坦率地讨论,就像一只动物一样。我感觉到,有些评论并不完全是奉承的。我感觉到,有些人显然是在贬低。最残酷的是,我讨厌那些笑声。那时,严格的饮食和强制运动并没有使我达到最佳水平。也许,在那个时候,我的站立能力也没有达到我应有的水平。我站直了,但也许太僵硬了,太不动了,在运动中,在我的呼吸中,在我的肩膀的运动中,在我头部的微小运动中,几乎察觉不到,但却给人留下了一个深刻而活泼的身体的印象,一个丰富地潜藏着令人难以置信的反应能力的承诺。但大多数情况下,我怀疑我被发现在微妙的心理维度上缺乏,由于几乎是潜意识的线索,敏锐的观察者可以获得。这些问题通过面部表情和身体举止的微妙之处来传达。我是一个在否认灵长类动物生物现实的文化中长大的女孩,一个来自一个假设有说服力的动物否认、谴责和歇斯底里地努力压制自己的动物性的世界,在这个世界里,社会疯狂甚至性行为现在都已成为政治上的嫌疑。最简单的是,作为我这个世界里的一个普通女孩,我在男人和性方面都受到了负面的制约。在过去的几年里,随着这种形式的制约的积累,我被教导说,男人是平等的,男人和女人是一样的。如果是这样的话,为什么我在戈尔人中感到如此渺小和渺小,当他们把手放在我身上时,我感到如此颤抖呢? 在地球上的人们中,体贴、可爱、善良,我从来没有觉得自己渺小和渺小,当他们把手放在我身上时,我也没有颤抖;我只感到恼火,要把他们推开;我不敢推开一个戈尔人;我可能受到了纪律处分;此外,我发现自己渴望,尽管我当时没有向自己承认这一点,但渴望深情地躺在他们的怀抱中。我认为我未能给俘虏营地的男人们留下深刻印象的主要原因是,当时我还没有被教导如何以女性的身份活着。我还不知道男人是什么样的,或者他们能对我做什么。那时我不知道他们是怎么能掏出我的内脏,让我跪在他们面前的。我没有了解他们的男子气概;因此,我还没有学会我的女性身份。在性方面,我和地球上的大多数女孩一样,是消极和惰性的。
Only on Gor, in the presence of my captor, had I, at times, begun to suspect that there was an incredible, glorious world of experience, not forbidden on this planet, to which my nature as a female fully entitled me, could I but dare to be myself. But my fear was groundless. I needed not dare. I needed not decide to become myself. Gorean men do not tolerate pretense and hypocrisy in a girl such as I was to be. Against my will, I would be forced to be what I was.
Much did my captor's men jest with him on the deficiencies of his prize. Laughing, did he strike and kick at them. And the girl, taking his arm, smiling, kissing at him, pulled him away from me. They turned, the entire party, and went into the camp, leaving me outside. I stood aside, alone. I was furious. I had, in effect, been spurned, rejected. Nothing in my experience had prepared me for this treatment. I felt the gravel of the canyon under my feet, the sunlight reflected from the walls. My fists were clenched. Who did these barbarians think they were? I was the most beautiful girl in the junior class at an elite girls' college on Earth, perhaps in the college as a whole. The only exception might perhaps have been the beautiful senior in anthropology, Elicia Nevins. We had been great rivals. But she had only been an anthropology major, whereas I was an English major, and a poetess. But then I recalled the beautiful, intelligent-seeming, hot-eyed slut in the brown rag. In a world where there might be such women, I realized, gasping, Judy Thornton's beauty and even that of an Elicia Nevins would not be particularly outstanding. As I would later learn, the value placed on girls such as we were, a Judy Thornton or an Elicia Nevins, girls of our quality, would commonly be a tiny sack of copper coins, a few more, a few less.
俘虏我的人和他开了很多玩笑,说他的战利品不足。他笑着对他们又打又踢。那个女孩挽着他的胳膊,微笑着,亲吻着他,把他从我身边拉开。他们转身,整个队伍,都进了营地,把我留在外面。我独自一人站在一旁。我很生气。实际上,我被唾弃了,被拒绝了。根据我的经验,我没有为这种治疗做好准备。我感觉到脚下峡谷的砾石,阳光从墙壁上反射出来。我的拳头紧握着。这些野蛮人以为自己是谁?我是地球上一所精英女子学院少年班最漂亮的女孩,也许是整个学院里最漂亮的女孩。唯一的例外可能是美丽的人类学大四学生 Elicia Nevins。我们曾经是伟大的对手。但她只是主修人类学,而我是英语主修的,也是一位女诗人。但后来我想起了那个穿着棕色破布的美丽、聪明、眼睛发热的荡妇。在一个可能有这样女人的世界里,我喘着粗气意识到,朱迪·桑顿(Judy Thornton)的美貌,甚至是艾丽西亚·内文斯(Elicia Nevins)的美貌都不会特别突出。后来我了解到,像我们这样的女孩,朱迪·桑顿(Judy Thornton)或艾丽西亚·内文斯(Elicia Nevins),像我们这样的女孩,通常都是一小袋铜币,多几,少几。
I went inside the brush wall, and knelt down. I wanted to be protected and fed. I would do what they wished to pay for my lodging. Behind me, the thorn brush, so thick and high, by means of hooked poles, was pulled into place, closing me in the camp with the men, and the girl. 重试 错误原因
* * * *
I had now been in the camp for two days. Angrily I tended the brazier, on my knees, fanning the coals. Sparks scattered about. My body was stung by them. I used a squarish piece of stiff leather to fan the coals. From the brazier, protruding, was the handle of an iron.
Many were the menial tasks which I was forced to perform in and about the camp.
I was not pleased.
I had been forced to build fires and help cook the food. I had been forced to help serve the food, and to pour wine and paga for the men, as though I might be a servant. I had been forced to help put food away afterwards, and clean goblets and utensils, and clear away the litter and debris of the feeding. I had been forced to sew rent garments, and once, not satisfied with a seam, Eta had had me rip out the thread and perform the entire task again, doing it well. To my humiliation, too, I was taught to wash clothing on rocks, pounding and rinsing, on my knees, at the edge of the tiny stream which moved through the camp. Outside the camp I was set to picking berries and gathering armloads of wood. Outside the camp I would be accompanied by one of my captor's men. On Earth, I had enjoyed a rather elevated socioeconomic status. In my home we had always had, as long as I could remember, both a maid and a cook. From the age of fifteen I had enjoyed giving them orders, as an equal, but not quite. I was not the sort of girl who was accustomed to perform menial tasks, or be of service to others. That was for women of a rather different class, one beneath mine. But here, in this camp, I was helping Eta to cook, and clean and sew, and performing even more degrading tasks, such as serving men at their meals. That might be all right for Eta. I did not know her class. Judging by her garment it was low. But it was not all right for Judy Thornton. I was a brilliant girl, and I wrote poetry. Sometimes, when no men were about, I would refuse to help Eta. She would then, not speaking, not protesting, but sullenly, perform the task herself. When men were about, I would do what tasks she set me. I was afraid of the men.
我被迫生火并帮助烹饪食物。我被迫帮忙端上饭菜,为男人们倒酒和帕加酒,仿佛我可能是一个仆人。事后我被迫帮忙收拾食物,清洗高脚杯和餐具,清理喂食的垃圾和碎屑。我被迫缝制租来的衣服,有一次,由于对接缝不满意,Eta 让我撕掉线,然后重新完成整个任务,做得很好。同样让我感到羞辱的是,我被教导要在流经集中营的小溪边缘,在岩石上洗衣服,跪在地上捶打和冲洗。在营地外,我被安排采摘浆果和收集一大堆木材。在营地外,我会由一个俘虏的手下陪同。在地球上,我的社会经济地位相当高。从我记事起,我们家里就一直有女仆和厨师。从 15 岁开始,我就喜欢平等地给他们发号施令,但并不完全是。我不是那种习惯于做些琐碎的工作,也不习惯为别人服务的女孩。那是针对一个相当不同的阶层的女性,比我低一个。但在这里,在这个营地里,我帮助 Eta 做饭、打扫卫生和缝纫,并执行更有辱人格的工作,例如为男人用餐。这对 Eta 来说可能没问题。我不知道她的班级。从她的衣服来看,它很低。但对 Judy Thornton 来说,这并不完全正确。我是一个聪明的女孩,我写诗。有时,当周围没有男人时,我会拒绝帮助 Eta。然后,她会自己完成这项任务,不是说话,不是抗议,而是闷闷不乐。当男人在身边时,我会做她给我的任务。我害怕那些男人。
There were sixteen men in the camp, including my captor, though seldom, during the day, were there more than four or five within its confines.
My captor himself had set me the work of tending the coals in the brazier, where the iron was heating.
I did not dare disobey him.
I was not surprised that there were coals for the brazier, as, on my first full day in the camp, moving about it, I had discovered that it was well stocked with supplies. It was in the nature of a cache camp, which might be returned to now and again. In a cave in the adjoining cliff there were several boxes. Several were locked, but others were open. There were flasks of wine there, and bottles of the brew called paga; stores of salt, grains, dried meats and vegetables; tunics, cloths and blankets; too, there were tools and utensils, and threads and needles; I found some perfumes and jewelries; I did not dare to bedeck myself with them, though I was curious to do so; they were quite barbaric; the girl, Eta, I noted, wore as her only jewelry a sturdy band on her neck; this suggested to me that one were not simply free to help oneself to such finery; doubtless if the men wished me to wear such jewelries they would throw them to my feet and order me to don them, or perhaps, more frighteningly, they would, with their large hands, put them on my body themselves; I found a chest containing medicines and bandages; too, there were some rolls of furs; a box of leather goods, too, I found, which contained strips of leather, pieces of leather, and straps of various sorts; I found two whips, but I did not understand their function, as the men seemed to have no animals on which to use them; also, though heavy enough, they seemed rather short-bladed for the ponderous beasts I had earlier seen in the retinue, those shambling, oxlike beasts drawing the wagon; their soft leather blades were not more than a yard long; indeed, the blades of one were scarcely wider than a girl's back; there was also a box of chains there; I did not look at them closely; I did not understand their purpose. To one side had lain the sacks of coals and some irons.
我对火盆有煤炭并不感到惊讶,因为在我到达营地的第一天,我发现里面装满了补给品。它的性质是一个藏匿营地,可能会不时地回到这里。在相邻悬崖的一个山洞里,有几个箱子。有几扇是锁着的,但其他的都是开着的。那里有几瓶酒,还有一瓶瓶叫做帕加的啤酒;盐、谷物、肉干和蔬菜的储存;束腰外衣、布匹和毯子;还有工具和器皿,线和针;我找到了一些香水和珠宝;我不敢用它们来装扮自己,虽然我很想这样做;他们相当野蛮;我注意到那个女孩,埃塔,脖子上戴着一条结实的带子,这是她唯一的首饰;这向我表明,一个人不能简单地自由地帮助自己获得这样的华丽;毫无疑问,如果那些人想让我戴上这样的珠宝,他们会把它们扔到我的脚上,命令我戴上它们,或者,也许,更可怕的是,他们会用他们的大手自己把它们戴在我的身上;我发现了一个装有药物和绷带的箱子;还有一些毛皮卷;我还找到了一盒皮制品,里面装着皮条、皮片和各种带子;我找到了两根鞭子,但我不明白它们的作用,因为那些人似乎没有动物可以用它们;而且,虽然它们足够重,但对于我之前在随从中看到的那些笨重的野兽来说,它们似乎是相当短的,那些蹒跚而行的、像牛一样的野兽拉着马车;他们柔软的皮刀不超过一码长;事实上,一个的刀刃比一个女孩的背宽不了多少;那里还有一箱锁链;我没有仔细看他们;我不明白他们的目的。 一边放着一袋袋的煤和一些熨斗。
I tended the brazier.
It was now late afternoon.
A few yards away, Eta was roasting the haunch of meat on a spit. I could smell the roasting meat.
I was hungry.
In the confines of the camp my captor had continued to restrict my feeding to his degrading handouts, which he would place in my mouth, or make me reach for, kneeling, not using my hands.
How I hated him!
How he kept me on my knees to him. How I hated him! And yet he was the most magnificently attractive man I had ever seen. I hoped he would let me have a scrap of the roast meat. How relieved I had been on the trek that he had not abused me, not used me for his pleasure, as would have been so easy, I, his helpless, naked captive. And yet, too, how angry I had grown, so amorous, so weak, so frustrated. Had I not been, in effect, "his"? Was I not physically attractive to him? I knew now I was no Eta, but surely I was better than nothing. Why had he not taken me, if only, throwing me to the grass, briefly, brutally? He had kept me under his dominance, strictly, and then, when I had obviously ached for his touch, he would turn away, not so much as glancing at me. One night when I had laid near him, bound hand and foot, I had literally whimpered in my need, trying to put my head against him. He had put wadding in my mouth, and lashed it in with binding, gagging me, then pushed me from his side that he might sleep. I slept little that night, rolling and squirming with misery. Two days later, after we had stopped to camp, my need so much upon me, I knelt before him and, tears in my eyes, began kissing at his feet and legs. I lifted my eyes to him, filled with tears. "Rape me," I begged. "Rape me!" And even though we did not know one another's language, there could have been no mistaking the nature of my needs, and the import of my petition. But he had turned away. That night, in my bonds, for hours, I had wept and squirmed. I was then a virgin. I did not even know, fully, then, what a man could do to me. Yet, even then, had I been told how it is that girls of a certain sort, of a sort which I was soon to find myself to be, could sometimes in their need scream and writhe in the grass, could sometimes dance wildly beneath the moons, clawing at them, could sometimes tear their fingernails bloody scratching at the cement of their kennels, could sometimes bruise their bodies hurling them against the bars of their cells or tear their flesh pulling against their shackles to touch a guard, I would have dimly understood. How cruel men are sometimes, not to satisfy such a woman.
他如何让我跪在他面前。我多么恨他啊!然而,他是我所见过的最有魅力的男人。我希望他能让我吃点烤肉。在长途跋涉中,我多么欣慰,因为他没有虐待我,没有利用我来取悦他,就像我,他无助的、赤裸的俘虏一样,这本来是很容易的。然而,我也变得多么愤怒,如此多情,如此软弱,如此沮丧。难道我实际上不是“他的”吗?难道我在身体上对他没有吸引力吗?我现在知道我不是 Eta,但肯定我总比没有好。他为什么不把我带走,哪怕只是,把我短暂地、残忍地扔到草地上呢?他严格地控制着我,然后,当我明显为他的触摸感到痛苦时,他就会转过身去,与其说是瞥我一眼。一天晚上,当我躺在他身边,手脚被绑着时,我真的在需要的时候呜咽着,试图把头靠在他身上。他把棉絮塞进我的嘴里,用捆绑捆绑它,堵住我的嘴,然后把我从他身边推开,让他睡着。那天晚上我睡得很少,痛苦地翻滚和蠕动。两天后,当我们停下来露营后,我非常需要,我跪在他面前,眼里含着泪水,开始亲吻他的脚和腿。我抬起眼睛看着他,泪流满面。“强奸我,”我恳求道。“强奸我!”尽管我们彼此不懂对方的语言,但毫无疑问,我的需求的性质和我祈求的意义。但他已经转身离开了。那天晚上,在我的束缚中,我哭泣和蠕动了好几个小时。那时我还是个处女。那时,我甚至不知道一个男人能对我做什么。 然而,即使在那时,如果有人告诉我,某种类型的女孩,我很快就会发现自己是这样的,有时可以在她们需要的时候尖叫和扭动,有时可以在月亮下疯狂地跳舞,抓挠她们,有时可以撕裂她们的指甲,在她们的狗窝的水泥上划伤。 有时会擦伤他们的身体,把他们扔到牢房的铁栅栏上,或者撕裂他们的肉,拉扯他们的镣铐来碰到一个守卫,我模糊地理解。男人有时是多么残忍,而不是为了满足这样的女人。
But I resolved to resist my captor.
All of the men had, by now, filtered back into the camp. Two men were playing, to one side, a board game, with tall pieces. There were one hundred squares on the board. Some four or five men crouched about, watching the play. Other men sat about. Most talked. Two drank wine together. One man worked on the scabbard of his sword with a small, fine tool. Another man was, slowly and smoothly, sharpening the blade of his spear. My captor, with two lieutenants, sat over a map, drawn with a stick in the earth. They discussed some project, the nature of which I, of course, ignorant of the language, could not understand. Once, one of the lieutenants glanced up, toward me, looking at me; then he returned his attention to the map.
My captor rose to his feet and approached the brazier. I knelt back, on my heels. With a heavy glove, picked up from the grass, he pulled forth the iron and examined it. It was whitish hot. I withdrew from it, leaning back, so intense was its heat. He thrust the iron back in the brazier, deeply, and indicated I should continue my labors, with which directive, of course, I complied.
He returned to his lieutenants. They continued their conversation, their discussion or planning.
Eta hummed and sang as she tended the roasting meat, heavy and hot, dripping fat, hissing, into the fire, on its greenwood spit. Sometimes she glanced over to me. I was not too pleased with the way she smiled at me. She seemed in an unusually good humor, especially considering that I had refused to help her several times this afternoon. The last time she had wanted my help in polishing leather. Of course, I had refused. Such work might be appropriate for a girl such as Eta, but not for the likes of Judy Thornton. I was no cook, no maid, no polisher of a man's leather! I was Judy Thornton. I was not a servant! No, I was the sort of girl who had servants, who gave them their orders, who managed them and supervised them in their duties. I was too good, too fine, to be a servant.
埃塔一边哼唱着,一边照料着烤肉,又重又热,滴着脂肪,嘶嘶作响,放进火里,放在绿木烤架上。有时她会瞥我一眼。我对她对我微笑的方式不太满意。她看起来异常幽默,特别是考虑到我今天下午已经拒绝了好几次帮助她。上次她想让我帮忙擦亮皮革。当然,我拒绝了。这样的工作可能适合像 Eta 这样的女孩,但不适合 Judy Thornton 这样的女孩。我不是厨师,不是女仆,也不是男人的皮革抛光师!我是 Judy Thornton。我不是仆人!不,我是那种有仆人,给她们发号施令,管理她们,监督她们履行职责的女孩。我太优秀了,太优秀了,不能当仆人。
I did not understand the purpose for which the iron was being heated. It was clearly a marking, or branding, iron. Yet there was no animal in the camp to be marked. I had expected one to be brought in, perhaps one which had been somewhere acquired, but none was brought in. I then conjectured that one of the men, perhaps my captor, since it was he who had had me tend the brazier, wished to mark something which he owned, imprinting in it an identificatory design, perhaps a harness or belt, or the leather of a brass-hooped shield. It seemed to me a sensible idea. I had seen the design at the tip of the iron. It was a small flower, stylized; it was circular, about an inch and a half in diameter; it was not unlike a small rose; it was incredibly lovely and delicate. I thought the design was very beautiful; I certainly would not have minded marking something I owned with it. The only reservation I had pertaining to the design was that I thought it might be a bit too delicate and lovely, like a lovely rose, to appropriately mark goods of a gross masculine nature, such as, say, harnesses or shields. It seemed it might, considering its resemblance to a rose, much more appropriately mark something feminine.
The sun was down now and the supper would soon be ready. The coals in the brazier glowed.
There was a white-barked, fallen tree close at hand, within the camp enclosure. It was broken off some four feet from the ground, and the fallen trunk, from that height, inclined downward.
I looked about the camp, at the men, and at Eta. They were rough, strong men, who played cruel games. Yesterday evening I had been forced to aid Eta in serving the men, carrying meat to them in my teeth; later I had moved among them, as they had summoned me, pouring them wine and paga. I must take the goblet, fill it, kiss it delicately and proffer it to the male. After the supper Eta was taken and belled. I shrank back. They wound thongs, more than a yard in length, closely set with small bells, about her tanned ankles. More bells they tied about her wrists. They then took strings of bells and threw them, looped, about her neck. Five men stood in a line, some yards from her, who were to be the contestants. He who was to act as referee then tore away from Eta the brief rag she wore. The men cried out with pleasure, smiting their left shoulders with the palms of their right hands. Eta regarded them, the bells upon her body, and about her neck and breasts, proudly, arrogantly. There was a mark on her left thigh but I could not well see it in the darkness. Then her hands were taken behind her and tied. Opaque cloths were brought and bets were placed. Eta continued to regard the men, haughtily. Then, about her belly, the referee fastened a tight thong. On this thong, at her left hip, was fastened a single bell, larger than the others, and of a different note. It would serve in particular to guide the men. Then, as she stood proudly, a cloth was thrown over her head and tied under her chin. She was hooded. The girl is hooded in order that she not be able to influence the outcome of the sport. Too, I suspect the men enjoy having her hooded that she, in the darkness of the hood, in her helplessness, will not know who it is who seizes her. Gorean men, the beasts, find such things amusing. The five men were then similarly hooded, the opaque cloths thrown over their heads and tied under their chins. Eta, in her hood, stood absolutely still, not causing the rustle of a bell. The five men then, to the amusement of the observers, were led about the camp, and turned muchly about, that they be completely disoriented. The referee then, taking up a switch, went to the vicinity of Eta. I watched from the shadows. I was indignant, and horrified, of course. Too, I was consumed with pity for my poor unfortunate sister. Too, I was curious to see who it would be who would first seize her. Of the five contestants I knew well whom I would have first chosen, had I had a choice in such matters, to get his hands on me, a blond, shaggy haired young giant, with freckled wrists, whose hair clung about his shoulders. To me he was the most attractive man in the camp after my captor. My captor did not join in the game. He was chieftain and leader. It was sport for the lower ranks, something to relieve the tedium of the camp. But my captor watched with interest and pleasure. He lifted paga to his lips. I think, too, he had wagered on the outcome.
我环顾了营地,看了看那些人,又看了看埃塔。他们是粗犷、强壮的男人,玩残酷的游戏。昨天晚上,我被迫帮助埃塔为那些人服务,用我的牙齿给他们送肉;后来,我按照他们的召唤,搬到他们中间,给他们倒酒和帕加。我必须拿起高脚杯,装满它,轻轻地亲吻它,然后把它献给男性。晚饭后,埃塔被带走并按响了铃铛。我缩了缩。他们把一码多长的丁字裤缠在她晒黑的脚踝上,上面紧紧地系着小铃铛。他们在她的手腕上系上了更多的铃铛。然后他们拿起一串铃铛,一圈一圈地扔在她的脖子上。五个男人站成一排,离她有几码远,他们是参赛者。然后,担任裁判的他从 Eta 身上撕下了她穿的短破布。男人们高兴地喊道,用右手掌敲打着他们的左肩。埃塔看着他们,看着她身上的铃铛,看着她的脖子和乳房上的铃铛,骄傲而傲慢。她的左大腿上有个印记,但我在黑暗中看不清。然后她的双手被带到身后并被绑住。他们带来了不透明的布料,并下了赌注。埃塔继续傲慢地看着这些人。然后,裁判在她的肚子上系上了一条紧紧的丁字裤。在这条丁字裤上,在她的左臀部,系着一个铃铛,比其他的铃铛大,音调也不同。它特别有助于指导男人们。然后,当她骄傲地站着时,一块布被扔在她的头上,系在她的下巴下。她戴着头套。女孩戴上头套,以免她能够影响这项运动的结果。同样,我怀疑男人们喜欢戴上头套,以至于她在头套的黑暗中,在她的无助中,不知道抓住她的是谁。 戈尔人,野兽,觉得这种事情很有趣。然后,这五个男人也戴上了同样的头巾,不透明的布料盖在头上,绑在下巴下。戴着兜帽的 Eta 一动不动地站着,没有引起铃铛的沙沙声。于是,这五个人被带到营地里,使观察者们感到好笑,他们转了一大圈,完全迷失了方向。然后,裁判拿起开关,走到 Eta 附近。我从阴影中看着。我当然感到愤怒和恐惧。我也为我可怜的不幸的妹妹感到怜悯。同样,我很好奇,谁会先抓住她。在我熟悉的五个参赛者中,如果我在这种事情上可以选择的话,我会首先选择谁来对我下手,一个金发碧眼、头发蓬松的年轻巨人,手腕上长着雀斑,头发紧紧地挂在肩膀上。对我来说,他是集中营里仅次于我的俘虏最有吸引力的人。我的俘虏没有加入游戏。他是酋长和领袖。这是下级的运动,可以缓解营地的乏味。但俘虏我的人饶有兴趣和高兴地看着。他把帕加举到嘴边。我认为,他也押注了结果。
The game of Girl Catch is played variously upon Gor; it can be played as informally and simply as it was in the camp of my captor, for the pleasure of his men, or it can be a fairly serious business, closely supervised and regulated in a sophisticated manner, as it is by merchant administrators in the rings outside the perimeters of the Sardar Fairs, where the young men of various cities compete. In one form there a hundred young men and a hundred young women of one city, the women selected for their beauty, enter the ring in competition with a hundred young men and a hundred young women of another city, similarly selected. In this form no hoods are worn. The object of the male is to protect his own women and secure those of the enemy. A girl is caught, stripped, bound hand and foot, and carried to the Girl Pit of the capturing city, into which she is thrown. If she cannot free herself, she is counted as a catch. Her own men may not enter the Girl Pit of the capturing city to free her. Sometimes this game is played with the winning side determined by its catches within a time limit, sometimes, in more brutal versions, by the first city which secures the hundred women of its enemy. A male is disqualified from further participation in the contest if he is forced from the ring. Women from the victorious city who may have been captured are, of course, upon the victory of their city, freed. Women from the conquered city, on the other hand, are not; they are kept; they are turned over to the young males of the capturing city; in the game in which the first hundred captures decides victory this means there is a girl for each participating young man, usually one he himself brought bound to the Girl Pit. Accordingly, particularly in the early phases of the game, the young males often devote their acquisitive attentions to those young women of the enemy city who are the most attractive to them personally, to those they would most enjoy taking home with them at the end of the day. This sport of Girl Catch, interestingly, when matters of honor are not thought to be involved, has been used upon occasion by cities to settle boundary disputes and avert wars.
Girl Catch 的游戏在 Gor 上玩得各异;它可以像在我的俘虏的营地里一样非正式和简单地玩,供他的手下取乐,也可以是一项相当严肃的事情,以复杂的方式受到密切监督和监管,就像在萨达尔集市外围的商人管理人员那里一样,各个城市的年轻人在那里竞争。在一个城市里,有一百个年轻男子和一百个年轻女子,这些女人因其美貌而被选中,与来自另一个城市的一百名年轻男子和一百名年轻女子竞争,他们也是同样被选中的。在这种形式下,没有戴头巾。男性的目标是保护自己的女人和保护敌人的女人。一个女孩被抓住,脱光衣服,手脚被捆绑,被带到俘虏城的女孩坑,她被扔进去。如果她无法解脱,她就算作一条渔获。她自己的男人可能不会进入占领城市的 Girl Pit 来解救她。有时,这个游戏是由它在规定时间内的渔获决定的获胜方进行的,有时,在更残酷的版本中,由第一个保护敌人的一百名女性的城市决定。如果男性被迫离开擂台,则取消其进一步参加比赛的资格。当然,来自胜利城市的妇女,如果她们的城市胜利了,就会被释放。另一方面,来自被征服城市的妇女则不是;他们被保留了下来;他们被交给俘虏之城的年轻男性;在游戏中,前 100 个捕获决定胜利,这意味着每个参与的年轻人都有一个女孩,通常是他自己带到 Girl Pit 的女孩。 因此,特别是在游戏的早期阶段,年轻男性通常会将他们的收购注意力投入到敌城中那些对他们个人最有吸引力的年轻女性身上,放在他们最喜欢在一天结束时带回家的人身上。有趣的是,当人们认为不涉及荣誉问题时,这种 Girl Catch 运动有时会被城市用来解决边界争端和避免战争。
In the camp of my captor, however the rules were simple. The referee lifted his switch.
He cried out a word, which I would later learn meant "Quarry." It is the signal that the game has begun, that the girl is now available, that she is now at large for capture. At the same time that he had cried out this word he had swung the switch and struck Eta a swift, stinging blow below the small of the back, making her cry out, identifying her original position and, with a jangle of bells, starting her into motion. The men wheeled toward the sound. Eta stopped, frozen. She was crouched over, her hands tied behind her back. Whether the slender, supple disciplinary device would be used often in the game depends much on the skill of the girl player. She must, following the rules, move at least once in every five Ihn, which is a little less than five seconds. If she does not move within five Ihn, perhaps being frightened, or having miscounted, the referee, with the switch, swiftly and exactly identifies her position for the contestants. An instant before the five Ihn were up Eta, jangling with bells, darted off, changing her position. Some of the men cried out angrily, for she had darted, unknowingly, between two of them. The referee cautioned the men sharply. The male contestants must not identify themselves. Such an identification, in that it might affect the girl's behavior, she perhaps desiring capture by a particular male, might unfairly influence the outcome of the game. Needless to say, the girl is expected to be an excellent quarry. If she is a poor quarry, and puts up a disappointing run, and is too soon captured, her wrists are tied over her head and she is lashed. It is seldom necessary to do this, of course. Girls pride themselves on their evasive skills in Girl Catch; they strive with every fiber in their small bodies to be cunning, elusive quarry, not to be easily caught; with delight do they struggle to elude the predator; with relish do they know, belled, their capture and seizure is inevitable.
他喊出了一个词,我后来才知道这个词的意思是 “采石场”。这是游戏已经开始的信号,女孩现在可以了,她现在正在逍遥法外。在他喊出这个词的同时,他拨动了开关,迅速而刺痛地打在埃塔的后背下面,使她大叫起来,确定了她原来的位置,然后随着一声铃铛的叮当响,使她动了起来。男人们转身向声音走去。埃塔停了下来,愣住了。她蹲在地上,双手被绑在背后。这种细长、柔软的纪律装置是否会在游戏中经常使用,很大程度上取决于女玩家的技能。她必须按照规则,每 5 个 IHN 至少移动一次,即略少于 5 秒。如果她没有在 5 Ihn 内移动,也许是受到惊吓或计算错误,裁判会迅速准确地为参赛者确定她的位置。在五个 Ihn 起床前一刻,Eta 在铃铛声中叮叮当当,飞快地跑开了,改变了她的位置。一些男人愤怒地喊道,因为她在不知不觉中从他们两个人之间飞奔而来。裁判严厉地警告了这些人。男参赛者不得表明身份。这样的识别可能会影响女孩的行为,她可能希望被特定的男性捕获,这可能会不公平地影响游戏的结果。不用说,这个女孩有望成为一名出色的猎物。如果她是一个可怜的猎物,而且表现令人失望,而且很快就被抓住了,她的手腕就会被绑在头上,然后被鞭打。当然,很少需要这样做。 女孩们在 Girl Catch 中以自己的躲避技巧而自豪;他们用自己小小的身体的每一根纤维努力成为狡猾、难以捉摸的猎物,不被轻易抓住;他们高兴地努力躲避捕食者;他们津津有味地知道,贝尔德,他们的被捕和扣押是不可避免的。
Eta was skilled in the game. But so, too, were the men. Often I suspected had she been thusly hunted and the men of the camp her hunters.
Eta 在游戏中很熟练。但男人们也是如此。我常常怀疑她是不是这样被猎杀了,而营地里的男人竟然是她的猎人。
Twice did the referee, with his switch, incite the beauty to motion.
At last it seemed she knew not which way to turn. The men, silent, were about her.
Blindly, hooded, she fled—into the arms of the young blond giant. With a cry of pleasure he seized her and flung her to the grass, pinned beneath him. She was caught.
The referee called out a word, which I would later learn was "Capture," and slapped the man on the shoulder. The other men stepped back. Then, to my horror, I saw Eta, still hooded and bound, in her bells, ravished in the grass.
When the young man had finished with her he stood up and unknotted the hood from his head, casting it aside. Men lifted cups to him and shouted and pounded him upon the back. He was grinning. He had won. He returned to his place. Moneys were exchanged. Eta lay on her side in the grass.
She seemed small, lying there, hooded and bound, in her bells. By all but me she was forgotten. I felt terribly sorry for my poor sister. And I envied her her ravishment.
In a few moments the referee had returned to her and, by the arms, thrown her again to her feet. She stood unsteadily, trembling, the motion of her body agitating the bells.
He again called the word I was later to learn was "Quarry," and again he put her into motion with the switch. Again the men stalked her. Second place was at stake. She did not run as well this time, but, perhaps because this time there were only four pursuers, performed on the whole commendably. In some two or three minutes she was again taken and, to my horror, was, with pleasure and ruthlessness, again subjected to the indignity of the caught female, her second captor handling her with an audacity and simple physical proprietorship scarcely inferior to that of the first. How sorry I felt for her, and how, secretly, I envied her. I watched while third place and fourth place were won. The fifth man, when he had removed his hood, was the butt of much good-humored laughing and pushing. He, losing out, had not won the right to ravish the belled beauty.
The referee removed the hood from Eta, who threw back her head, shaking her hair, drinking in the night air. Her face was flushed and broken out. It was suffused with pleasure. Oddly, she seemed shy. Her hands were freed. She sat on the grass, removing the bells from her body. She, removing bells from her right ankle, looked over at me.
裁判摘下了 Eta 的头套,她把头向后仰,摇晃着头发,在夜晚的空气中喝酒。她的脸涨得通红。它充满了快乐。奇怪的是,她似乎很害羞。她的手被解放了。她坐在草地上,取下身上的铃铛。她摘下右脚踝上的铃铛,看着我。
I looked at her, angrily.
She smiled. She removed the last of the bells. Then she laughed, and came over and kissed me.
I did not even look at her.
Then she went to pick up the brown rag which the referee had removed from her before the start of the sport. She did not try to put the rag on but carried it in her hand, loosely, and went to lie at the feet of my captor. I remembered how she had looked at me. It was the look of a woman who knows herself incredibly desired and beautiful, who was at the mercy of men, and who, because they had wished it, had been put muchly to their pleasure.
I was angry with her. Too, I envied her. Too, she had looked upon me as though I might be a naive girl.
* * * *
It was dark now.
The white-barked tree, fallen, within the camp enclosure, broken off some four feet from the ground, the trunk then inclining to the ground, was near.
I saw that Eta had finished with the meat. Two men had, by the spit, lifted the hot, impaled roast, and put it on the grass for cutting. I was pleased that supper was near.
我看到 Eta 已经吃完了肉。两个男人在烤架旁,把热乎乎的、被刺穿的烤肉举起来,放在草地上割开。我很高兴晚饭快到了。
I tended the brazier. It glowed in the darkness.
Two men came and stood over me. I looked up, startled. They pulled me up by the arms and took me to the white-barked tree. They threw me on my back, my head down, on the tree. I looked at them, wildly. My hands were tied together before my body and then pulled up and over my head. They were fastened, behind my head, out of my vision, to the tree. My body was stretched out, one leg on each side of the trunk. "What are you doing?" I cried. I felt my body being tightly roped to the tree. I squirmed, my head down, my legs up. "Stop!" I cried. Ropes were placed on my neck and belly, and on each leg, above the knees and at the ankles, and lashed tightly. "Stop," I begged. "Please stop!" I could barely move. The men stepped back; I was fastened to the tree. "Let me go!" I cried. "Please!" I whimpered. "What are you going to do?" I asked. They looked at me. I was helpless. "What are you going to do?" I whimpered.
"Oh, no!" I cried. "No, no, no, no!"
My captor had gone to the brazier and, with the leather glove, and another, too, with two hands, withdrawn the white-hot iron. I felt the heat of it, even feet away. "No!" I screamed. "No!" Two men, large men, strong, held my left thigh immobile.
I looked into the eyes of my captor. "Please, no!" I wept. "Please, no!"
Then, head down, helpless, held, I was branded a Gorean slave girl.
The marking, I suppose, took only a few seconds. That is doubtless true. Objectively I grant you the truth of that. Yet a girl who has been marked finds this obvious truth difficult to accept psychologically.
Perhaps I may be granted that those seconds, those few seconds, seem very long seconds.
For an hour it seemed I felt the iron. It touched me firmly, kissing me, then claiming me.
I screamed, and screamed. I was alone with the pain, the agony, the degradation, the relentless, hissing object, so hurting me, the men. Mercifully they let me scream. It is common to let a girl scream, a Gorean kindness, while she is being marked with a white-hot iron. Afterwards, however, once the iron is pulled out of her body, and she is fully marked, Gorean males are less likely to accord her such consideration for her feelings. They are less likely, then, to be so indulgent with her. This makes sense. Afterwards, she is only a branded girl.
It begins swiftly, almost before you can feel it. I felt the iron touch me and almost instantaneously, crackling, flash through my outer skin and then, firmly, to my horror, enter and lodge itself fixedly in my thigh. It was literally in my body, inflexibly, burning. The pain then began to register on my consciousness. I began screaming. I could not believe what was being done to me, or how much it hurt. Not only could I feel the iron, but I could hear it, hissing and searing in the precise, beautiful wound it was relentlessly burning in my thigh. There was an odor of burning flesh, mine. I smelled burning, as of a kind of meat. It was my own body being marked. I could not move my thigh. I threw back my head and screamed. I felt the iron tight in my body, then, to my horror, pressing in even more deeply. The marking surface of the iron, then, lay hissing, literally submerged, in my flesh. I could not move my thigh in the least. I threw my head from side to side, screaming. The marking surface of the iron is some quarter of an inch in depth. It was within my flesh. It was lodged there, submerged, hissing and burning. Taking its time, not hurrying, it marked me, cleanly and deeply. Then, swiftly, cleanly, it withdrew.
I smelled burned meat, my own. The men released my thigh. I began to choke and sob. Men regarded the mark. My captor was commended on his work. I gathered I had been well marked.
The men then left me and I continued to lie, head down, roped and helpless, on the broken, inclined trunk of the white-barked tree.
I was overwhelmed, psychologically, with what had happened to me. The pain was now less. My thigh still stung, and cruelly, but the pain seemed relatively unimportant now compared to the enormity of the comprehension that shook me to the core. I had been branded. I shuddered in the bonds. I moaned. I wept. My thigh would be sore for days, but that was unimportant, even trivial. What would remain was the mark they had placed in my flesh. That, unlike the pain, would not vanish. I would continue to wear that mark. It would, from now on, identify me as something which I had not been, or had not explicitly been, before, but now was clearly, and for the eyes of all. I lay there. I knew I now was, because of the brand, deeply and profoundly different than I had been before. What could a brand mean? I shuddered. I scarcely dared conjecture the nature of a girl who wore such a mark on her body. She could be only one thing. I forced the thought from my mind. I tried to move my wrists, my head and body, my legs and ankles. I could move them very little. They were helpless in their constraints. Only animals wore brands. I lay there, helpless, miserable. I was Judy Thornton. I was an excellent student at an elite girls' college on Earth. I was the most beautiful girl in the junior class, perhaps in the whole school, unless for my rival, the lovely senior in anthropology, Elicia Nevins. I was an English major, and a poetess! How was it then that I lay bound on a strange world, and bore in my flesh a fresh brand? How Elicia Nevins would have laughed with delight could she have seen me, her lovely, saucy rival, brought so low, even to a brand. I considered Elicia. We had been catty, haughty and smug to one another, competing in our beauty, our honors and popularity. How she would laugh to see me now! I could not even, now, have looked her in the face. The brand had made me different. She did not have a brand. I did. Had she faced me then, and I been unbound, I would have lowered my eyes and head, and, in shame, knelt before her. Had a simple mark on my thigh made me so different? I suspected that it had. I shuddered. I thought of the boys with whom I had gone out on Earth, those immature young men, many of them rich and well-placed socially, whom I had accepted as escorts and dates, often for no better reason than to display my unusual popularity before the other girls in the school. What if they should see me now? Some, I supposed, would have fled in terror, had I, a branded girl, been thrown to their feet. Others, perhaps, stricken and confused, would have blubbered and stammered, looking away, covering me with their coats, speaking tumbled, incoherent, soothing words, solicitous and hypocritical. How many of them, I wondered, would do what they truly wanted, as I had little doubt Gorean men would do? How many of them, I wondered, would simply look down and see me at their feet as what I was, a branded girl? I wondered how many would look down upon me, laugh with pleasure and say, "I have always wanted you, Judy Thornton. Now I am going to have you," and then take me by the arm and throw me to their sheets? Few I suspected. Yet, now, branded, for the first time I was acutely aware of the fantastic strength and size of even such boys, not even men, not even Gorean men, compared to my own diminutive strength and stature. Such matters had not seemed important before; now they seemed extremely important. Before I had been able to put off boys with a glance, a gesture, a sharp word, but what if, now, they should see me as I now was, wearing a brand. Would they simply laugh now at my silly glance, my gesture, my protest. Would they simply laugh, and do what they wanted with me? Or, perhaps, like Gorean men, would they first discipline me, and then perform upon me what actions they chose? With the brand, I knew I was somehow deeply and profoundly different. I lay on the white-barked tree trunk, head down, weeping. The brand has on Gor legal, institutional status; that which it marks it makes an object; its victim has no rights, or appeal, within the law. Yet the most profound consequences of the brand seem to be less social than intensely individual, personal and psychological; the brand, almost instantaneously, transforms the deepest consciousness of a girl; I resolved to fight these feelings, to keep my personhood, even wearing a brand. I lay confined in bonds. I could scarcely move. But I suspected, and truly, that the mightiest bond I wore was not the strict, confining loops on my wrists or belly but the newly incised brand on my body; later, I suspected, even if coils of rope and heavy chains might be heaped upon me, or I should be confined in cells or kennels, the most complete and inescapable shackle placed upon me would nonetheless be always that delicate, feminine design, that small, lovely flower, resembling a rose, burned into the flesh of my upper left thigh.
我在心理上对发生在我身上的事情感到不知所措。痛苦现在减轻了。我的大腿仍然刺痛着,而且很残忍,但与让我震惊到核心的巨大理解力相比,这种痛苦现在似乎相对来说无关紧要。我被打上了烙印。我在枷锁中战栗。我呻吟着。我哭了。我的大腿会痛上好几天,但这并不重要,甚至是微不足道的。剩下的就是他们在我肉体上留下的印记。与痛苦不同,它不会消失。我会继续佩戴那个标志。从现在开始,它会把我识别成我以前没有或没有明确成为的东西,但现在很明显,并且对所有人的眼睛来说都是如此。我躺在那里。我知道,因为这个品牌,我现在与以前截然不同。品牌意味着什么?我浑身发抖。我几乎不敢猜测一个身上有这样印记的女孩的本性。她只能是一回事。我把这个想法从脑海中挤出来。我试着移动我的手腕、我的头和身体、我的腿和脚踝。我能移动他们很少。他们在自己的束缚中束手无策。只有动物佩戴品牌。我躺在那里,无助,痛苦。我是 Judy Thornton。我是地球上一所精英女子学院的优秀学生。我是低年级最漂亮的女孩,也许是整个学校最漂亮的女孩,除非是我的竞争对手,可爱的人类学高年级学生 Elicia Nevins。我是英语专业的,也是一位女诗人!那么,我是怎么被捆绑在一个陌生的世界里,在我的肉体上烙上了一个新的烙印呢?Elicia Nevins 看到我,她可爱、俏皮的对手,竟然被如此低调,甚至被一个品牌所吸引,她会多么高兴地笑起来。我考虑了 Elicia。我们曾经娇气、傲慢、自鸣得意,在我们的美丽、我们的荣誉和受欢迎程度上竞争。 她现在看到我,会多么高兴啊!现在,我甚至无法直视她的脸。这个品牌让我与众不同。她没有品牌。我做了。如果她当时面对我,而我又被解开了,我就会低下眼睛和头,羞愧地跪在她面前。大腿上的一个简单印记让我变得如此不同吗?我怀疑它有。我浑身发抖。我想起了我在地球上一起出去的那些男孩,那些不成熟的年轻人,他们中的许多人很有钱,在社会上地位很高,我接受了他们作为伴游和约会对象,通常没有更好的理由,只是为了在学校的其他女孩面前展示我不同寻常的受欢迎程度。如果他们现在看到我怎么办?我想,如果我这个被烙印的女孩被扔到她们的脚下,有些人会惊恐地逃跑。其他人,也许,受到了打击和困惑,会咕噜咕噜地、结结巴巴地看着我,用他们的外套盖住我,说着支离破碎、语无伦次、安抚的话语、关心和虚伪。我想知道,他们中有多少人会像我毫不怀疑戈尔人那样做他们真正想做的事?我想知道,他们中有多少人会简单地低头,看到我站在他们脚下的我,一个被烙印的女孩?我想知道有多少人会看不起我,高兴地笑着说:“我一直想要你,朱迪·桑顿。现在我要得到你,“然后抓住我的胳膊,把我扔到他们的床单上?我怀疑的很少。然而,现在,被烙印了,我第一次敏锐地意识到,与我自己矮小的力量和身材相比,即使是男人,甚至不是戈尔式的男人,他们的力量和体型都是惊人的。这些事情以前似乎并不重要;现在他们似乎极其重要。 以前我还能用一个眼神、一个手势、一个尖锐的话语来推脱男孩们,但是,如果现在,他们看到我现在的样子,戴着一个牌子呢?他们现在会不会只是嘲笑我愚蠢的眼神、我的手势、我的抗议。他们会简单地笑,对我做他们想做的事吗?或者,也许,像戈尔人一样,他们会先管教我,然后对我采取他们选择的行动吗?有了这个品牌,我知道我在某种程度上有着深刻而深刻的不同。我躺在白皮树干上,低着头,哭泣。该品牌在 Gor 上具有法律、机构地位;它标记它的东西就是一个物体;受害者在法律范围内没有权利或上诉。然而,该品牌最深刻的影响似乎与其说是社会性的,不如说是强烈的个人、个人和心理;这个品牌几乎瞬间改变了女孩最深的意识;我决心与这些感觉作斗争,保持我的人格,即使戴着一个品牌。我被束缚在枷锁中。我几乎动弹不得。但我真的怀疑,我戴着的最有力的束缚不是我手腕或腹部上那紧紧的、限制性的环,而是我身上新刻的烙印;后来,我怀疑,即使我身上可能堆满了绳索和沉重的锁链,或者我被关在牢房或狗窝里,但放在我身上的最完整和最不可避免的枷锁总是那个精致的、女性化的设计,那朵小而可爱的花,像一朵玫瑰,烧进了我的左大腿上部的肉里。
I heard the sounds of the camp about me. The men were near the fire. The roasted meat was being cut. There was conversation. Eta, long-legged and beautiful, was serving the men. I looked up at the rich Gorean night, beautiful with bright stars. Turning my head I could see the three moons. I felt the smooth, brittle bark of the white-barked tree beneath my back, on the interior of my thighs, tied as I was. I could smell the roast meat, the vegetation about. I heard insects. I tried to move my ankles and wrists. I could move them very little. I had cried a great deal. My cheeks, tear-stained, felt tight under the salty rivulets which had dried upon them. I wondered what could be my status on this world, now that I had been marked. What could be the nature, on a world such as this, of a girl who wore such a mark on her body?
我听到了营地里关于我的声音。这些人在火堆附近。烤肉被切开了。他们开始交谈。长腿漂亮的 Eta 正在为男人们服务。我抬头望着浓郁的戈尔之夜,美丽的夜晚,有明亮的星星。我转过头来,可以看到三个月亮。我感觉到我背下,大腿内侧那棵白皮树光滑、脆弱的树皮,就像我一样被绑住了。我能闻到烤肉的味道,周围的植物。我听到了昆虫的声音。我试着移动我的脚踝和手腕。我能移动他们很少。我哭了很多次。我的脸颊上沾满了泪水,在干涸的咸溪下感到紧绷。我想知道,既然我已经被标记了,我在这个世界上的地位会是什么。在这样的世界里,一个身上有这样印记的女孩会是什么性质呢?
Men from about the fire, including my captor, and Eta, too, approached me.
火场周围的人,包括我的绑架者和 Eta,也向我走来。
My captor took my head in his hands, and held it so that I must look up at him. I looked to him for pity. In his eyes there was no pity. I, branded, shuddered in his grasp. "Kajira," said he to me, clearly and simply. "Kajira." Then he released my head. I continued to regard him. "Kajira," he said. I understood that I was to repeat this phrase. "Kajira," I said. I had heard this word several times before on this world. The men who had first come to the rock and chain in the wilderness had used it to me. And, too, there had been the cry of "Kajira canjellne," which had seemed to play some ritualistic role in the fierce contest which had brought me, helpless, into his uncompromising power. "La Kajira," said Eta, indicating herself. She drew up the brief garment she wore, turning to me, exposing her left thigh. It, too, bore a brand. She, too, was truly branded. I now realized that I had seen the mark before, in torchlight and half darkness, yesterday evening, when she had been stripped, hooded and belled, and set as lovely quarry to run for the amusement of the men. I had not even understood it at that time, not well seeing it, as a brand. It had never even entered my mind that it might have been a brand. It had been only a puzzling mark of some sort. I would not have believed, yesterday night, that a woman could have been branded. But now, after my recent experience with the iron, I was prepared to believe the evidence of my senses. Women, on this world, could be branded. Eta and I were, in a profound sense, I realized, now the same; we were both branded women; no longer was I her superior; a mark had been put upon me by a hot iron at the pleasure of men; I was now exactly the same as Eta; whatever she was I, too, I knew, was now that, exactly that, and only that. Her brand, however, was not precisely the same as mine. It was more slender, more vertical, more like a stem with floral, cursive loops, about an inch and a half in height, and a half inch in width; it was, I would later learn, the initial letter in cursive script of the Gorean expression 'Kajira'; my own brand was the "dina"; the dina is a small, lovely, multiply petaled flower, short-stemmed, and blooming in a turf of green leaves, usually on the slopes of hills, in the northern temperate zones of Gor; in its budding, though in few other ways, it resembles a rose; it is an exotic, alien flower; it is also spoken of, in the north, where it grows most frequently, as the slave flower; it was burned into my flesh; in the south, below the Gorean equator, where the flower is much more rare, it is prized more highly; some years ago, it was not even uncommon for lower-caste families in the south to give the name 'Dina' to their daughters; that practice has now largely vanished, with the opening and expansion of greater trade, and cultural exchange, between such cities as Ko-ro-ba and Ar, and the giant of the southern hemisphere, Turia. In the fall of the city of Turia, some years ago, thousands of its citizens had fled, many of them merchants or of merchant families; with the preservation of the city, and the restoration of the Ubarate of Phanius Turmus, many of these families returned; new contacts had been made, new products discovered; even of those Turians who did not return to their native city, many of them, remaining in their new homes, became agents for the distribution of Turian goods, and for the leathers and goods of the Wagon Peoples, channeled through Turia. That in the north the lovely dina was spoken of as the "slave flower" did not escape the notice of the expatriated Turians; in time, in spite of the fact that "Dina" is a lovely name, and the dina a delicate, beautiful flower, it would no longer be used in the southern hemisphere, no more than in the northern, as a name for free women; those free women who bore the name commonly had it changed by law, removed from the lists of their cities and replaced by something less degrading and more suitable. "Dina," in the north, for many years, had been used almost entirely as a slave name. The reason, in the north, that the dina is called the slave flower has been lost in antiquity. One story is that an ancient Ubar of Ar, capturing the daughter of a fleeing, defeated enemy in a field of dinas there enslaved her, stripping her by the sword, ravishing her and putting chains upon her. As he chained her collar to his stirrup, he is said to have looked about the field, and then named her "Dina." But perhaps the dina is spoken of as the slave flower merely because, in the north, it is, though delicate and beautiful, a reasonably common, unimportant flower; it is also easily plucked, being defenseless, and can be easily crushed, overwhelmed and, if one wishes, discarded.
我的俘虏把我的头拿在手里,这样我就得抬头看他一眼。我向他寻求怜悯。在他的眼中,没有怜悯。我,被打上烙印,在他的手中颤抖着。“梶拉,”他对我说,清晰而简单。“梶拉。”然后他松开了我的头。我继续看着他。“梶良,”他说。我明白我该重复这句话。“梶良,”我说。我以前在这个世界上听过好几次这个词。那些第一次来到旷野中的岩石和锁链的人已经用它来对付我了。而且,还有“Kajira canjellne”的呼喊,它似乎在这场激烈的竞争中扮演了某种仪式性的角色,这场竞争使我无助地投入了他不妥协的力量。“La Kajira,”Eta说,指了指自己。她拉起她穿的短裤,转向我,露出她的左大腿。它也带有一个品牌。她也是真正的品牌。我现在明白了,我以前见过那个印记,昨天晚上,在手电筒的灯光下,半半暗的时候,她被剥光了衣服,戴上了头巾,戴上了铃铛,被摆成可爱的猎物,奔跑给男人们取乐。那时我什至没有理解它,没有很好地看到它作为一个品牌。我甚至从来没有想过它可能是一个品牌。这只是某种令人费解的标记。昨天晚上,我不会相信一个女人会被打上烙印。但是现在,在我最近对熨斗的经历之后,我准备相信我感官的证据。在这个世界上,女性可以被打上烙印。我意识到,在深刻的意义上,Eta 和我现在是一样的;我们都是被打上烙印的女性;我不再是她的上级;我被热铁在我身上留下了记号,供人们高兴;我现在和 Eta 一模一样;无论她是什么,我也知道,现在就是那个,确切地说,也就是那个。 然而,她的品牌与我的品牌并不完全相同。它更细长,更垂直,更像一根带有花朵草书环的茎,大约一英寸半高,半英寸宽;我后来才知道,这是戈尔语表达“Kajira”的草书体首字母;我自己的品牌是“Dina”;dina 是一种小而可爱的多花瓣花,茎短,在绿叶草坪上开花,通常在戈尔北部温带地区的山坡上;在它的发芽中,尽管在其他方面很少,它像一朵玫瑰;它是一种异国情调的外星花;在北方,它生长最频繁的地方,也被说成是奴隶花;它被烧进了我的肉里;在南部,戈尔赤道以下,这种花要稀有得多,它受到更高的重视;几年前,南方的低种姓家庭给他们的女儿取名“Dina”甚至并不少见;随着 Ko-ro-ba 和 Ar 等城市与南半球的巨人 Turia 之间更大的贸易和文化交流的开放和扩大,这种做法现在已经基本消失了。几年前,图里亚城沦陷时,成千上万的市民逃离了这里,其中许多是商人或商人家庭;随着城市的保存和 Phanius Turmus 的 Ubarate 的修复,这些家庭中的许多人都回来了;建立了新的联系,发现了新产品;即使是那些没有返回家乡的突锐人,他们中的许多人也留在了他们的新家园,成为了突锐人商品的分销代理人,以及通过图里亚输送的马车人的皮革和货物的代理人。 在北方,可爱的迪娜被称为“奴隶之花”,这并没有逃过侨民突锐人的注意;随着时间的推移,尽管“Dina”是一个可爱的名字,而 Dina 是一朵精致、美丽的花,但它在南半球不再被使用,在北半球也不再被用作自由女性的名字;那些拥有这个名字的自由女性通常会通过法律改变它,从她们的城市名单中删除,取而代之的是不那么有辱人格但更合适的名字。多年来,“迪娜”在北方几乎完全被用作奴隶名字。在北方,迪娜被称为奴隶花的原因在古代已经消失了。一个故事是,一个古老的 Ar 乌巴抓住了一个逃跑的女儿,在那里的一片 dinas 田野中被击败的敌人,奴役了她,用剑剥夺了她,蹂躏了她,并在她身上戴上了锁链。当他把她的项圈拴在马镫上时,据说他环顾了一下田野,然后给她起名叫“迪娜”。但也许 dina 被称为奴隶花,仅仅是因为在北方,虽然它精致美丽,但是一种相当普通、不重要的花;它也很容易被拔掉,毫无防备,很容易被压碎、压倒,如果愿意的话,还可以被丢弃。
The brand Eta wore was not the "dina"; it was, as I would later learn, the initial letter in cursive script of the Gorean expression 'Kajira'; it, too, however, was, in its delicacy and floral nature, an incredibly beautiful and feminine brand; I recalled that I had thought that the brand I had heated might be too feminine to mark a man's properties, such as a saddle or shield, but that it would be perfect to mark something feminine in nature; now I realized that it marked me; both the brand that I wore and that which Eta wore were incredibly feminine; our femininity, whether we wished it or not, had been deeply, and incontrovertibly, stamped upon us. It was natural, given the fact that the dina is the "slave flower," that eventually enterprising slavers, warriors and merchants, those with an interest in the buying and selling of women, should develop a brand based on the flower. Beyond this, there exists on Gor a variety of brands for women, though the Kajira brand, which Eta wore, is by far the most common. Some merchants invent brands, as the dina was invented, in order to freshen the nature of their merchandise and stimulate sales. Collectors, for example, those who are rich, sometimes collect exotic brands, much as collectors on Earth might collect stamps or coins, populating their pleasure gardens not only with girls who are beautiful but diversely marked. A girl, of course, wants to be bought by a strong master who wants her for herself, muchly desiring and lusting for her, not for her brand. When a girl is bought, of course, it is commonly because the man wants her, she, the female, and is willing to put down his hard-earned money for her and her alone, for she is alone; all she brings from the block is herself; she is a slave; she cannot bring wealth, power, or family connections; she comes naked and sold; it is she alone he buys. There are, of course, men who buy for brands. To meet this market various brands are developed and utilized. The "slave flower" brand was a natural development. Unfortunately for these entrepreneurs, their greed and lack of control over the metal shops resulted in the widespread proliferation of the dina brand. As it became more popular, it was becoming, simultaneously, of course, a fairly common brand. Girls branded as I was were already spoken of on Gor, rather disparagingly, as "dinas." Collectors now seldom sought for dinas. This development, though perhaps a disappointment to certain merchants and slavers, was not unwelcome to the girls who bore the brand, though few cared for their feelings. The girl who is bid upon and sold from the block wants to be bought because men have found her desirable, so desirable that they are willing to part with their silver, perhaps even with their very gold, to buy her; how miserable she would be to learn that it is only for her brand that she is valued. There were other brands in my captor's camp. Yet I had been made a "dina." He had not done this for economic reasons. He had "sized me up," my nature and my body. He had decided the dina brand would be, for me, exquisitely "right." Accordingly, he had burned it into my flesh. Now, in my body, deeply, I wore the "slave flower."
Eta 佩戴的品牌不是“dina”;正如我后来了解到的那样,它是戈尔语表达“Kajira”的草书体首字母;然而,就其精致和花香的性质而言,它也是一个非常美丽和女性化的品牌;我记得我曾想过,我加热的烙印可能太女性化了,无法标记男人的特性,例如马鞍或盾牌,但标记本质上女性化的东西会是完美的;现在我意识到它标记了我;我穿的品牌和 Eta 穿的都非常女性化;我们的女性气质,无论我们愿不愿意,都已经深深地、无可争议地烙印在我们身上。鉴于 dina 是“奴隶花”这一事实,最终有进取心的奴隶主、战士和商人,那些对买卖女性感兴趣的人,自然而然地应该以这种花为基础发展一个品牌。除此之外,Gor 上还有各种女性品牌,尽管 Eta 佩戴的 Kajira 品牌是迄今为止最常见的品牌。一些商人发明了品牌,就像发明了 dina 一样,以使他们的商品焕然一新并刺激销售。例如,收藏家,那些富有的人,有时会收集异国情调的品牌,就像地球上的收藏家可能会收集邮票或硬币一样,他们的游乐花园里不仅有漂亮但标记不同的女孩。当然,一个女孩子想被一个强势的主人买下,这个主人想把她占为己有,非常渴望和渴望她,而不是她的品牌。 当然,当一个女孩被买下时,通常是因为男人想要她,她,女人,并愿意为她和她一个人付出他辛苦赚来的钱,因为她是孤独的;她从街区带来的只是她自己;她是个奴隶;她不能带来财富、权力或家庭关系;她赤身裸体地来到这里,被卖掉了;他买的是她一个人。当然,也有为品牌购买的人。为了满足这个市场,开发和使用了各种品牌。“奴隶花”品牌是自然而然的发展。不幸的是,对于这些企业家来说,他们的贪婪和对金属店的缺乏控制导致了 dina 品牌的广泛扩散。随着它越来越受欢迎,它同时当然也成为一个相当普遍的品牌。像我这样被打上烙印的女孩已经在 Gor 上被颇为轻蔑地称为“dinas”。收藏家现在很少寻找 dinas。这种发展虽然可能让某些商人和奴隶主感到失望,但对于拥有该品牌的女孩来说,这并不受欢迎,尽管很少有人关心她们的感受。那个被人买来卖掉的姑娘,想被买走,因为男人们觉得她很可取,如此可往,以至于他们愿意放弃他们的银子,甚至可能用他们的金子来买她;如果得知她只是因为自己的品牌而受到重视,她会多么痛苦。我的俘虏阵营中还有其他品牌。然而,我却被塑造成了 “迪娜”。他这样做不是出于经济原因。他“打量了我”,我的本性和我的身体。他认为 dina 品牌对我来说非常“正确”。因此,他把它烧进了我的肉里。现在,在我的身体里,我深深地戴着 “奴隶之花”。
Eta bent over me, smiling. She indicated the steel band she wore on her throat. It had writing on it, incised in the steel, in a script I could not recognize. She turned the steel band, not too easily, on her throat. It fitted her closely, as though it might have been measured to her. I gasped. It was literally locked on her throat. I understood then, to my horror, she could not remove it. Eta wore a steel collar!
Eta 弯下腰,微笑着。她指了指她脖子上戴的钢带。上面写着字,刻在钢上,用我不认识的字体写着。她把钢带拧到她的喉咙上,不太容易。它紧贴着她,仿佛它可能是为她量过的。我倒抽了一口气。它真的被锁在了她的喉咙上。那时我明白了,令我恐惧的是,她无法去除它。Eta 戴着钢领!
Eta then faced my captor. "La Kajira," she said, submissively inclining her head to him. Had I been a man I might have been driven wild, I supposed, by the way in which this had been said. Then Eta turned to me, laughing, pointing to my mouth. I did not understand. She pointed to her own mouth, again faced my captor, and again said, "La Kajira," again performing an obeisance before him. Then, smiling, Eta pointed to my mouth. Bound, I looked upward, into the eyes of my captor. "La Kajira," I said to him. Then, weeping, I closed my eyes and turned my head to the side. Bound as I was I could not well incline my head to him, but, instinctively, I had turned my head to the side, exposing my throat vulnerably to him. This had occurred so naturally that I was shaken by it. Then his large hand lay on my throat. I knew he could have crushed it easily. I turned my head under his hand, and again looked up at him. Tears welled hot in my eyes. "La Kajira!" I whispered, and again turned my head to the side. His hand left my throat, and he, and the others, saying nothing more, returned to the fire, to continue their meal.
然后 Eta 面对我的俘虏。“La Kajira,”她说,顺从地把头歪向他。如果我是个男人,我想,这话说的方式可能会让我发疯。然后 Eta 转向我,笑着指着我的嘴。我不明白。她指着自己的嘴,再次面对我的俘虏,再次说:“La Kajira”,再次在他面前行礼。然后,Eta 微笑着指着我的嘴。我被束缚着,抬头望向我的俘虏的眼睛。“La Kajira,”我对他说。然后,我哭泣着闭上眼睛,把头转向一边。虽然我被绑着,但我不能很好地把头向他倾斜,但是,本能地,我把头转向一边,把我的喉咙暴露在他面前。这是如此自然地发生,以至于我被它震撼了。然后他的大手搭在我的喉咙上。我知道他可以很容易地粉碎它。我把头转过来,在他的手下,再次抬头看着他。泪水在我的眼眶里滚烫。“La Kajira!”我低声说,然后又把头转向一边。他的手离开了我的喉咙,他和其他人没有再说什么,回到火堆旁,继续他们的饭菜。
Again I lay alone on the inclined trunk of the white-barked tree. What could be my status on this world? Only animals were branded. I wore a brand. Only now, for the first time, now that I was branded, did they show any interest in teaching me their language. Before they had not even taught me the words for "Run" and "Fetch." I suspected that I must now, now that I had been branded, address myself with great diligence to the acquisition of their language. I did not think they would now be patient with me. I had been branded. I would have to learn swiftly and well. The first words I had been taught were "Kajira," which my captor had addressed to me, and "La Kajira," which expressions I understood, from Eta's example, I must utter to my captor. I knew then that I was a Kajira, and, too, I gathered that this status, whatever it might be, was one I shared with Eta; she had said "La Kajira" to him in a fashion which clearly suggested that she was acknowledging herself a "Kajira" before him. Both Eta and I wore brands. Eta wore even a collar; I wore no collar, but I knew that if they wished to place one upon me, they, unhesitantly, would do so. Though I wore no collar, I knew I was, should anyone wish, subject to the collar. I knew now I was a Kajira; I knew that I had, too, following Eta's example, acknowledged myself as such to my captor; I had proclaimed myself a Kajira, whatever it might be, before him. What could a Kajira be? I forced from my mind the only possible answer, refusing to admit it to consciousness. Then, overwhelmingly, irresistibly, like a cry of anguish, it welled up within me; I could no longer ignore, suppress or repudiate it; no longer could I, like a foolish girl of Earth, deny and flee my reality; the comprehension, insistent and explosive, overpoweringly, erupted within me; I was naked and bound; I was subject to the collar; I had been branded; I had said "Kajira"; I had said "La Kajira"; these were the first words I had been taught; I knew I was a Kajira; I did not even know if any longer I had a name; I supposed I had not; I supposed now I was only a nameless animal in the power of men; I had been too good, too fine, to be a servant; now I was a Kajira; my thigh stung; I moaned with anguish; I wept; a Kajira, I knew, was not even a servant, could not aspire to be even so much; a Kajira was a slave girl; and the meaning of "La Kajira," which I had uttered to my captor was "I am a slave girl."
我又一次独自躺在那棵白皮树的倾斜树干上。我在这个世界上的地位会是什么?只有动物被打上了烙印。我穿了一个品牌。直到现在,我第一次被打上烙印了,他们才表现出任何教我他们语言的兴趣。以前他们甚至还没有教我 “Run” 和 “Fetch” 这两个词。我怀疑,既然我已经被打上了烙印,我现在必须非常勤奋地对待自己,以学习他们的语言。我没想到他们现在会对我有耐心。我被打上了烙印。我必须迅速而好好地学习。我学到的第一个词是“Kajira”,这是我的俘虏对我说的,还有“La Kajira”,我从埃塔的例子中理解了这些表达,我必须对我的俘虏说。那时我知道我是 Kajira,而且,我也明白,这种身份,无论它可能是什么,都是我与 Eta 共享的身份;她对他说“La Kajira”的方式清楚地表明她在他面前承认自己是“Kajira”。Eta 和我都穿着品牌。埃塔甚至还戴着项圈;我没有戴项圈,但我知道,如果他们想给我戴项圈,他们会毫不犹豫地这样做。虽然我没有戴项圈,但我知道,如果有人愿意的话,我是受项圈的约束。我现在知道我是 Kajira;我知道我也效仿了埃塔的榜样,向我的俘虏承认了自己;我在他面前宣布自己是 Kajira,无论它是什么。Kajira 会是什么?我从脑海中强行给出了唯一可能的答案,拒绝在意识中承认它。 然后,它压倒性地、不可抗拒地,像一声痛苦的呐喊,在我心中涌出;我不能再忽视、压制或否定它;我再也不能像地球上一个愚蠢的女孩一样,否认和逃避我的现实;那种理解力,坚持而又具有爆发力,在我心中强烈地爆发出来;我赤身裸体,被绑着;我受制于项圈;我被打上了烙印;我说了“Kajira”;我说了“La Kajira”;这是我学到的第一句话;我知道我是 Kajira;我甚至不知道我是否已经有了名字;我以为我没有;我现在以为我只是人类力量下的一只无名动物;我太优秀了,太优秀了,不能当仆人;现在我是 Kajira;我的大腿刺痛了;我痛苦地呻吟着;我哭了;我知道,卡吉拉甚至不是一个仆人,甚至不可能渴望成为如此之多的人;a Kajira 是一个女奴;我对俘虏我的人说的“La Kajira”的意思是“我是一个女奴”。
I cried out, a long, anguished cry, then knowing myself a slave girl. "Kajira" and "La Kajira" are often the first words a girl of Earth, carried to Gor, must learn. The women of Earth, to the mighty men of Gor, are good for little but slaves.
我大声喊叫,一声长长的、痛苦的哭泣,然后才知道自己是一个女奴。“Kajira”和“La Kajira”通常是地球女孩被带到戈尔时必须学习的第一个单词。地球上的女人,对戈尔的强壮男人来说,除了奴隶之外,什么都好。
When I had cried out with anguish, bound on the inclined trunk of the white-barked tree, two men rose from near the fire and, as though they had been waiting for some such cry on my part, evidence that I now, to my horror, understood truly what I was, that I had now, in my own heart, and to my own misery, incontrovertibly acknowledged my new nature, came to the tree and, swiftly, casually, unbound me. They then carried me by the arms and put me to my knees before my captor, who sat, cross-legged, by the fire. I knelt, my head to the grass, a slave girl trembling before him.
当我被绑在白皮树的斜树干上痛苦地喊叫时,两个人从火堆旁边站了起来,仿佛一直在等待我的呼喊,这证明我现在,令我惊恐的是,真正明白了我是什么,我现在在自己的心里, 而我自己的痛苦是,无可辩驳地承认了我的新本性,来到那棵树前,迅速地、随意地解开了我的束缚。然后他们抓住我的胳膊,把我跪在绑架我的人面前,他盘腿坐在火堆旁。我跪下,头靠在草地上,一个女奴在他面前颤抖着。
In the camp, hitherto, my captor had confined me to degrading handouts, which he would place in my mouth, or make me reach for, kneeling, not using my hands. Eta now came forward. She held two copper bowls of gruel. Next to me, she knelt before my captor; she put one bowl down before me; then, holding the other bowl, she handed it to my captor; one of the men pulled my head up by the hair, so I could see clearly what was being done; my captor took the bowl of gruel from Eta, and then, saying nothing, handed it back to her. Now he, and his men, and Eta, looked at me. I then understood what I must do. I picked up the bowl of gruel, with both hands, and, kneeling, handed it to my captor. He took the bowl. Then he handed it back to me. I might now eat. I knelt, shaken, the bowl of gruel in my hands. The symbolism of the act was not lost upon me. It was from him, he, symbolically, that I received my food. It was he who fed me. It was he upon whom I depended, that I would eat. Did he not choose to feed me, I understood, I would not eat. My head down, following Eta's example, I ate the gruel. We were given no spoons. With our fingers and, like cats, with our tongues, we finished the gruel. It was plain. It was not sugared or salted. It was slave gruel. Some days it was all that would be given to me. A girl does not always, of course, take food in this fashion. Usually she prepares the food and then serves it, after which, if permitted, she eats. Many men permit a girl, for most practical purposes, to eat simultaneously with him, provided he begins first and it does not interfere with her service to him. Thus he gets his girl, fed, more swiftly to the furs. Much depends on the man; the will of the girl counts for nothing. In some dwellings a girl must, before the evening meal, hand her plate to the man; he will then, normally, return it to her; if she has not been completely pleasing to him, on the other hand, she may not be fed that night. Control of a girl's food not only permits the intelligent regulation of her caloric intake but provides an excellent instrument for keeping her in line; control the food, control the girl. Food control, for the man, also has unexpected rewards. Few things so impress a man's dominance on her, or her dependence upon him, than the control of her food. So simple a thing thrills her to the core. It makes her eager to please him as a slave girl. I finished the slave gruel. It was not tasty, but I was grateful for even so simple a provender. I was hungry. I felt starved. Perhaps the brand had made me hungry. Furtively, I looked at the man over the edge of the copper bowl. He seemed so strong, so mighty. The ceremonial taking of food from the hand of the man, as it had been done this evening in the camp, would prove to be somewhat unusual, though it would be reasonably common to be handfed, when it amused him, or thrown scraps of food. Among many men, it might be mentioned, however, the monthly anniversary of a girl's acquisition as a slave would be marked by this, and similar ceremonies. A slave girl is a delight to a man; she is extremely prized and precious; that the day of her acquisition should be celebrated each month with special ceremonies and rites is not surprising. These numerous anniversaries are deliciously celebrated, as they may be with a girl who is only a slave, and seldom forgotten; should such an anniversary be forgotten, should it be such that it is commonly celebrated, the girl redoubles her efforts to please, fearing she is to be soon sold.
在集中营里,到目前为止,俘虏我的人把我关在有辱人格的施舍里,他会把这些施舍放在我的嘴里,或者让我跪着,不用手伸手去拿。这时埃塔走上前来。她手里拿着两个铜碗的稀粥。在我旁边,她跪在我的俘虏面前;她把一个碗放在我面前;然后,她拿着另一个碗,把它递给我的俘虏;其中一个男人拽着我的头发把我的头拉起来,这样我就能清楚地看到发生了什么;我的俘虏从埃塔那里拿走了那碗稀粥,然后什么也没说,把它还给了她。现在他和他的手下,还有埃塔,都看着我。然后我明白了我必须做什么。我用双手拿起那碗稀粥,跪下来,把它递给我的俘虏。他接过碗。然后他把它还给了我。我现在可以吃东西了。我跪下,颤抖着,手里拿着一碗稀粥。我并没有忘记这一行为的象征意义。正是从他那里,象征性地,我从他那里得到了我的食物。是他喂养了我。我所依赖的就是他,我才会吃他。难道他没有选择喂我吗,我明白了,我不会吃。我低着头,以 Eta 为榜样,吃了稀粥。我们没有得到勺子。我们用手指,像猫一样,用舌头吃完了稀粥。这很清楚。它没有加糖或加盐。那是奴隶稀粥。有些日子,这就是我所得到的一切。当然,女孩子并不总是以这种方式吃东西。通常她会准备食物,然后上菜,之后,如果允许,她会吃东西。许多男人允许一个女孩子,为了最实际的目的,和他同时吃饭,只要他先开始吃饭,而且不影响她对他的服务。这样,他让他的女孩更快地吃到毛皮上。这在很大程度上取决于这个人;女孩的意志毫无意义。 在一些住宅中,女孩必须在晚餐前将她的盘子递给男人;然后,他通常会把钱还给她;另一方面,如果她没有完全取悦他,那天晚上她可能就得不到喂养。控制女孩的食物不仅可以智能地调节她的热量摄入,而且为保持她的规律提供了极好的工具;控制食物,控制女孩。对男人来说,食物控制也有意想不到的回报。很少有事情比对她食物的控制更能打动一个男人对她的支配或她对他的依赖。如此简单的事情让她兴奋不已。这让她渴望以女奴的身份取悦他。我吃完了奴隶稀粥。它不好吃,但我很感激即使是这么简单的供应商。我饿了。我感到饥饿。也许这个品牌让我饿了。我偷偷地看了看铜碗边缘的男人。他看起来那么强壮,那么强大。像今晚在营地里所做的那样,从这个男人的手里拿食物的仪式性会证明是有些不寻常的,尽管当食物使他感到高兴或扔掉食物残渣时,用手喂食是相当普遍的。然而,在许多男人中,可能会提到女孩成为奴隶的每月纪念日会以这个和类似的仪式来纪念。女奴对男人来说是一种乐趣;她非常珍贵和珍贵;每个月都应该用特殊的仪式和仪式来庆祝她被收购的那一天,这并不奇怪。 这些无数的周年纪念日都是甜美的庆祝,就像它们可能和一个只是一个奴隶的女孩一起庆祝,而且很少被遗忘;如果忘记了这样的周年纪念日,如果它被普遍庆祝,女孩就会加倍努力取悦她,担心她很快就会被卖掉。
I put down the bowl of gruel.
A switch was put in the hands of Eta. She stood over me. I put down my head. She did not strike me. I looked up at her. I realized then that she was first girl in the camp, and that I must obey her, that she had been empowered to set me tasks and duties. Suddenly I feared her. Before I had looked down upon her. Now I trembled. It was she who held the switch over me. Before I had generally obeyed her only when men were present. I had preferred to leave her the work. Now I realized I must, without question, take slave instructions from her and discharge swiftly and well whatever menial duties she might place upon me. I met her eyes. Though I was a delicate girl of Earth, beautiful and sensitive, even one who wrote poetry, I had little doubt she would use the switch, and richly, upon me, did I not work well. I put down my head. I determined to work well. In this camp I, though of Earth, was inferior to her. She could command me. She held the switch. I would obey. She was first girl.
一个开关被交给了 Eta。她站在我身边。我低下头。她没有打我。我抬头看着她。那时我意识到,她是营地里的第一个女孩,我必须服从她,她被赋予了给我布置任务和职责的权力。突然间,我害怕她。以前我曾俯视过她。现在我战战兢兢。是她控制了我。以前,我通常只有在男人在场时才服从她。我宁愿把工作留给她。现在我明白了,毫无疑问,我必须从她那里接受奴隶的指示,迅速而好地履行她可能交给我的任何卑微的职责。我与她的眼睛相遇。虽然我是地球上一个娇嫩的姑娘,美丽而敏感,甚至会写诗,但我毫不怀疑她会利用这个开关,而且,在我身上,我工作得不好。我低下头。我决定好好工作。在这个营地里,我虽然是地球人,但不如她。她可以命令我。她握住了开关。我会服从的。她是第一个女孩。
Eta took me to one side and, together, we cleaned the copper bowls in the stream, wiping them dry. We tidied the camp.
Eta 带我到一边,我们一起清洗溪流中的铜碗,擦干。我们整理了营地。
Men called. Eta hurried to bring them wine and paga. I helped her carry the beverages, and goblets, back to the fire. She began to serve them. I stood back. How beautiful she seemed, those lovely legs in the brief rag, the beauty of her, the firelight on her face, and hair, serving the men; how perfect it seemed to me then, so perfect and natural, that she, so beautiful, served as she did. How grotesque it would have been, had the men served her, or had they all, she, too, served themselves. It was the order of nature, unperverted, which I observed, as she moved about, among those mighty men.
"Kajira!" called a man. I trembled with horror. He had summoned me. I fled to him and knelt before him. Roughly he turned me about and, with a slender strap, tied my hands together behind my back. He then pointed to the meat, and gave me a shove. I fell on my belly, then turned on my side, wildly, to look at him. He pointed to the meat, laughing. How could I, bound, serve him? My captor beckoned to me. I regained my feet with difficulty, with an awkwardness that made the men laugh, and went to my captor, kneeling before him. He cut a small piece of meat and put it between my teeth. It was roast tabuk. He gestured back to the other man with the knife. I went to the other man and knelt before him, the bit of meat clenched between my teeth. The man, sitting cross-legged by the fire, indicated I should approach him, and put the meat in his mouth. Reddening with shame, I did so. I extended my head to him delicately and he, with his mouth, took the meat from between my teeth. The men struck their left shoulders with pleasure. Man after man I so served. I had carried meat before in my mouth, not permitted to touch it, but then I had not been bound, then I had not knelt, then they had not taken it from me in their mouths. I was now serving them, and it was their intention, to their amusement, as only a slave girl would serve men. I was being taught, as they laughed and spoke of me, what I was. The only man I did not so serve was he who cut the meat for me to carry, my captor. He did not cut me a piece of meat to convey in that humble manner to his own mouth. He, of all, I most wished to so serve. I wanted to dare to touch my lips, my mouth, to his, when he took his meat. But he did not have me serve him in this fashion. I wanted to throw my small, naked, bound body into his arms. He frowned. I shrank back. He indicated I should lie upon my belly before him. I did so. He cut small pieces of meat and threw them to me. Lying on my belly, hands tied behind me, I fed. Tears fell into the grass, as I caught at the meat. I had little doubt I was a slave. The men began to talk. One of the men, at a word from my captor, untied me, and I crept to Eta, outside the circle of firelight, and hid in her arms. Later the men began to tell stories, and then to sing. They called for more wine and paga and Eta, and I, too, now, hastened to serve them. We, two, moved among them. I, too, now served them in the firelight. I would pour the paga, which I carried, into a goblet, kiss it, as was expected, and give it to the man. "Paga!" called my captor. I almost fainted. I went to him and, shaking, poured paga into his goblet; I was terrified that I might spill it; it was not only that I feared, should I spill the beverage, that I might be beaten for my clumsiness; it was even more that I wished to appear graceful and beautiful before him; but I shook, and was awkward; the paga sloshed in the goblet but, as my heart almost stood still, it did not spill; he looked at me; I was a clumsy girl, and a poor slave; I felt so small and unworthy before him; I was not only a girl, small and weak before these mighty men; I was not even a good slave. Trembling, I extended the goblet to him. He did not take it. I shrank back, confused. I did not know what to do. I realized then that I had, in my confusion and distress, forgotten to place my lips upon the goblet in subservience. I quickly pressed my lips to the goblet, kissing it. Then, suddenly, as I was to hand it to him, I boldly, again, lifted the goblet's side to my lips. Holding it in both hands, I kissed it again, lovingly, delicately, fully, lingeringly, my eyes closed. I had never kissed a boy on Earth with the helplessness and passion that I bestowed upon the mere goblet of my Gorean captor. I belonged to him. I was his. I loved him! I felt the metal of the cup beneath my full, pressing lips. I opened my eyes. I proffered, tears in my eyes, the cup of paga to my captor. It was as though, with the cup, I was giving myself to him. Yet I knew I needed not give myself to him, for I was his, and a slave girl; he could take me whenever he wished me. He took the cup from my hands, and dismissed me.
“梶拉!”我吓得浑身发抖。他召唤了我。我逃到他身边,跪在他面前。他粗暴地把我转过来,用一条细长的带子把我的双手绑在背后。然后他指着肉,推了我一把。我趴在地上,然后疯狂地侧过身来看着他。他指着肉,笑了起来。我怎么能受约束地侍奉他呢?我的俘虏向我招手。我艰难地站起来,尴尬得让那些人都笑了起来,然后跪在他面前,走向我的俘虏。他切了一小块肉,放在我的牙齿之间。那是烤塔布克。他向另一个拿着刀的男人做了个手势。我走到另一个男人面前,跪在他面前,那块肉紧咬在我的牙齿之间。那个男人盘腿坐在火堆旁,示意我走近他,把肉放进他的嘴里。我羞愧得满脸通红,照做了。我小心翼翼地向他伸出头,他用嘴从我的牙齿之间吃了肉。男人们高兴地敲打着他们的左肩。我这样服侍了一个又一个的人。我以前嘴里含着肉,不准碰它,但后来我没有被捆绑,我没有跪下,他们也没有从我嘴里拿走肉。我现在正在为他们服务,这是他们的意图,让他们感到有趣,因为只有女奴才会为男人服务。当他们嘲笑和谈论我时,我被教导我是什么。我唯一没有服侍的人是切肉让我带的那个人,我的俘虏。他没有给我切一块肉,然后以那种谦卑的方式送到他自己的嘴里。他,在所有的人中,我最希望这样侍奉。我想敢在他吃肉的时候,碰我的嘴,我的嘴,碰他的嘴。但他没有让我以这种方式为他服务。 我想把我那小小的、赤裸的、被捆绑的身体扔进他的怀里。他皱起眉头。我缩了缩。他示意我应该在他面前趴着。我照做了。他切了小块肉扔给我。我趴在地上,双手被绑在身后,吃奶。当我抓住肉时,眼泪掉进了草地上。我毫不怀疑我是一个奴隶。男人们开始交谈。其中一个男人听到了我的俘虏的话,就解开了我的绑带,我爬到火光圈外的埃塔身边,躲在她的怀里。后来,男人们开始讲故事,然后唱歌。他们要求更多的葡萄酒、帕加和埃塔,我现在也赶紧为他们服务。我们两个人,在他们中间移动。我现在也在火光下为他们服务。我会把我随身携带的帕加倒进一个高脚杯里,像预期的那样亲吻它,然后把它交给那个男人。“帕加!”我差点晕倒。我走到他面前,摇晃着,把帕加倒进他的高脚杯里;我害怕我会洒出来;我不仅担心,如果我把饮料洒了,我会因为我的笨拙而被打败;我更希望在他面前显得优雅和美丽;可是我浑身发抖,很笨拙;帕加在高脚杯里晃动着,但是,由于我的心几乎停了下来,它并没有溢出来;他看着我;我是一个笨拙的女孩,一个可怜的奴隶;在他面前,我觉得自己是如此渺小和不配;在这些强大的男人面前,我不仅是一个姑娘,又小又弱;我甚至不是一个好奴隶。我战战兢兢地把高脚杯递给他。他没有接受。我困惑地缩了缩。我不知道该怎么办。这时我意识到,在我的困惑和痛苦中,我忘记了把我的嘴唇放在高脚杯上。我迅速将嘴唇贴在高脚杯上,亲吻它。 然后,突然间,当我要递给他时,我又大胆地把高脚杯的一面举到嘴边。我双手握着它,再次亲吻它,深情地、细腻地、充分地、缠绵地,闭上了眼睛。我从来没有在地球上亲吻过一个男孩,就像我赋予我的戈尔俘虏的高脚杯那样的无助和热情。我属于他。我是他的。我爱他!我感觉到杯子的金属在我饱满、紧绷的嘴唇下。我睁开了眼睛。我含着眼泪,向我的俘虏提供一杯帕加。就好像我用杯子把自己交给了他。然而我知道我不需要把自己交给他,因为我是他的,是一个女奴;他想什么时候就带我走。他从我手中接过杯子,把我打发走了。
Late that night the men went to their furs and tentings. Eta and I put away the extra food; we cleaned the goblets and cleared the side of the fire of litter and debris. She gave me a thin blanket of coarse cloth; it was rep-cloth; I might huddle in it at night. "Eta!" called a man. She went to him. She slipped within his bit of tenting, onto his furs. I saw her pull away the rag she wore and I saw him, in the moonlight, enclose her in his arms. I was suddenly frightened. The bit of blanket about my shoulders I went to the cliff wall and looked upward at the sheer cliff above me. It shone in the moonlight. I scratched it with my fingernails. I went to the wall of thorn brush, a small, forlorn, white figure in the night, clutching the bit of rep-cloth blanket about me. The thorn-brush wall was some eight feet high, some ten feet thick. I extended my hand. Miserably I drew it back, bloody. I went back to where Eta had given me the rep-cloth blanket, and lay down on the hard ground. I shuddered, knowing that, as she had been summoned to the tenting of one of the men, so I, too, might be as helplessly summoned. The major duty of a slave girl, I suspected, was not to cook, or sew, or launder, but to give men lengthy, profound and exquisite pleasures, such as only a beautiful female could give a man, to be to him whatever he might wish, and to give to him all that he might command, and, to the extent of her beauty, ingenuity and imagination, a thousand times more.
那天深夜,男人们去了他们的毛皮和帐篷。Eta 和我把多余的食物收起来;我们清理了高脚杯,清理了火边的垃圾和碎屑。她给了我一条薄薄的粗布毯子;那是 rep-cloth;我晚上可能会蜷缩在里面。“埃塔!”她去找他。她溜进了他的帐篷里,滑到了他的皮毛上。我看到她扯开她身上的破布,我看到他在月光下,把她抱在怀里。我突然吓坏了。我走到悬崖壁上,抬头望着头顶上陡峭的悬崖。它在月光下闪闪发光。我用指甲刮了刮它。我走到荆棘丛的墙壁前,一个在夜色中凄凉、凄凉、洁白的小身影,紧紧抓着我身上的那条布毯子。荆棘丛墙大约有八英尺高,大约有十英尺厚。我伸出手。可悲的是,我把它缩了回来,血淋淋的。我回到埃塔给我的布毯子上,躺在坚硬的地面上。我战栗了,因为我知道,既然她被召唤到其中一个男人的帐篷里,我也可能同样无助地被召唤。我猜想,女奴的主要职责不是做饭、缝纫或洗衣,而是给男人带来漫长、深刻和精致的乐趣,比如只有美丽的女人才能给男人,成为他所希望的任何东西,给他他可能命令的一切,而且,在她的美丽范围内, 独创性和想象力,超过一千倍。
I began to sweat. I was frightened of the totality and completeness of being a slave girl. I am a girl of Earth, I cried to myself. I am not a slave! I do not want to be a slave! I am a girl of Earth!
"Kajira," I heard.
Terrified, clutching the bit of rep-cloth blanket about my shoulders, I rose to my knees, then to a crouch. My captor stood before his tenting. I could see the furs within. Too, within, a small lamp burned.
I did not wish him to have to speak twice, for fear I might be beaten.
Holding the blanket about me, I went to him. He proffered me a cup and I, with one hand, holding the blanket about me with the other, drank its contents. It was a foul brew, but I downed it. I did not know at the time, but it was slave wine. Men seldom breed upon their slave girls. Female slaves, when bred, are commonly hooded and crossed with a male slave, similarly hooded, the breeding conducted under the supervision of their respective owners; a girl is seldom bred with a slave from her own house; personal relationships between male and female slaves are usually frowned upon; sometimes, however, as a discipline even a high female slave is sometimes thrown to a chain of work slaves for their pleasure. The effect of the slave wine endures several cycles, or moons; it may be counteracted by another drink, a smooth, sweet beverage, which frees the girl's body for the act of the male slave, or, in unusual cases, should she be freed, to the act of the lover; slave girls, incidentally, are almost never freed on Gor; they are too delicious and desirable to free; only a fool, it is commonly said, would free one.
我拿着毯子走到他身边。他递给我一个杯子,我一只手拿着毯子,一口气喝了杯子里的东西。这是一场恶酿,但我把它喝下了。当时我不知道,但那是奴隶酒。男人很少以他们的女奴为生。女奴在繁殖时,通常戴着头套并与同样戴头套的男奴杂交,在各自主人的监督下进行繁殖;女孩很少与自己家的奴隶一起饲养;男性和女隶之间的个人关系通常不受欢迎;然而,有时,作为一门学科,即使是高等女奴有时也会被扔到一连串的工作奴隶中,以取悦她们。奴隶酒的效果会持续几个周期,或者说月亮;它可以被另一种饮料抵消,一种光滑、甜美的饮料,它可以让女孩的身体自由地去做男奴的行为,或者在不常见的情况下,如果她被解脱,可以去做情人的行为;顺便说一句,女奴在 Gor 上几乎从未获得过自由;它们太美味了,太可口了,不能自由;俗话说,只有傻瓜才会释放一个人。
My captor took the cup from me, when I had downed its contents. He threw it aside into the grass. He had not taken his eyes from me. I felt his hands at my shoulders. He parted the blanket, and then, lifting it from me, dropped it to my ankles.
He looked at me. I stood but inches from him. Then he took me by the left arm and thrust me within the low opening to his tenting. One could not stand upright within the tenting, for its ceiling was low. I half knelt, half crouched, on the furs within. There was little comparison between their depth and luxury, and my pitiful rep-cloth blanket. The tenting was striped on the inside; the small lamp was ornate; on the outside, interestingly, the tenting was a dull brown; among brush and trees it would be easy not to notice it, even if it were pitched but a few yards away. He slipped within the tenting, and crouched beside me. He unslung his gear, his sword belt, with weapon and scabbard, and the dagger belt, and, wrapping them in soft leather, put them to one side. He looked at me. I looked down. I felt very small with him. He held the lamp that I might, turning, examine the brand on my thigh; he held my leg with one hand, the thigh, turning it so that I might more clearly see the mark. His hand on my thigh frightened me. It was so strong. I looked at the brand. It was very meticulous, and clean, and deep, and lovely and delicate; it was incredibly feminine; it was as though my femininity had been literally stamped upon my body; it was as though I had been certified a certain sort of thing, which thereafter, no matter what I wished, or what I might be told, I could never deny; never had I felt so soft, so feminine; I wore, burned in my flesh, one of the most beautiful of brands; I wore, incised in my thigh, resembling a small, beautiful rose, the dina, the slave flower. I looked into the eyes of my captor. Never had I felt so weak, so vulnerable, so soft, so helpless, so feminine. There were tears in my eyes. I knew I belonged to the brute, as a slave girl. I saw him put the lamp to one side. I lifted my lips to his. I felt his arms close about me.
他看着我。我站在离他只有几英寸的地方。然后他抓住我的左臂,把我推到他帐篷的低矮开口里。帐篷里的天花板很低,所以不能直立。我半跪着,半蹲着,趴在里面的毛皮上。他们的深度和奢华与我那可怜的布毯子之间几乎没有什么可比性。帐篷内侧有条纹;那盏小灯很华丽;有趣的是,帐篷外面是暗棕色的;在灌木丛和树木之间,很容易不注意到它,即使它离它只有几码远。他溜进帐篷里,蹲在我身边。他解开了他的装备、他的剑带、武器和剑鞘,还有匕首腰带,然后用柔软的皮革把它们包起来,放在一边。他看着我。我低头看了看。和他在一起,我觉得自己很渺小。他拿着我能看的灯,转过身来,检查我大腿上的烙印;他用一只手握住我的腿,即大腿,转动它,这样我就可以更清楚地看到那个标记。他放在我大腿上的手把我吓坏了。它太强大了。我看了看这个品牌。它非常细致、干净、深沉、可爱和精致;它非常女性化;就好像我的女性气质真的被印在了我的身体上;就好像我已经被证明是某种事情一样,此后,无论我多么希望,或者别人告诉我什么,我都无法否认;我从来没有感到如此柔软,如此女性化;我穿着,在我的肉体中燃烧着,这是最美丽的品牌之一;我戴着,在大腿上刻着一朵小而美丽的玫瑰,迪娜,奴隶花。我看着绑架我的人的眼睛。我从未感到如此脆弱、如此脆弱、如此柔软、如此无助、如此女性化。我的眼里含着泪水。我知道我属于那个畜生,作为一个女奴。 我看到他把灯放在一边。我把嘴唇抬到他的嘴唇上。我感觉到他的手臂紧紧地搂着我。
With a moan of rapture, eyes closed, I was pressed back into the furs.
I felt my legs being thrust apart.
"I love you," I whispered, helpless in his arms, "—Master."
La Kajira
I awakened at his feet in the Gorean dawn. I put my hands on his calves and ankles, as though holding them, yet so softly that he would not know himself held. I delicately put my lips to his calves, and kissed them. I kissed, too, his ankles and feet, softly, so that he would not know himself kissed, gently, that he might not be awakened, that he might not be angered by the boldness of the slave girl at his feet. Then I lay beside him, joyously happy. I saw the long, horizontal peak of the striped tenting above me, extending on either side from the leather cord that served as its roof tree. The striped sides of the tenting moved slightly in the early morning shiftings of the breeze. The dawn was a soft gray. Outside the tenting I could see dew glistening on the grass. I heard birds, calling to one another. I lay deep in the furs. I rolled to my stomach, my breasts pendant, to look upon the man who owned me. Much in the night had he overwhelmed me. On the interior of my left thigh, reddish brown, dried now, lay a streak of blood, my virgin blood, which never again would I be able to shed. He, as in a primitive rite, I being only a slave, had forced me to taste it. He had taken it on his finger and thrust it roughly in my mouth, smearing it across my lips and tongue and teeth, making me take into my own body the consequences of his victory, my ravishing, my deflowering, and then, as he held my head in his hands, forcing me to look into his eyes, swallow. I would never forget the taste, nor the calm way he looked upon me, as a master. Then, though my body was still sore from his first assault upon me, again he pleasured himself, like a lion, in my vulnerable, raw softness; I was shown no consideration, for I was a slave. I clutched him, loving him. Much service did he get from his girl that night. How excited and obedient I had been, even sore, knowing full well that I would be swiftly and cruelly punished were I not completely pleasing to him. How happy I was, so subservient to him, so much at his mercy. A girl who has not been owned perhaps cannot grasp the feelings of one who is owned, truly owned; but perhaps such a girl, even if only dimly, can sense the joy of the slave girl. I would not have believed it, had I not experienced it.
我在戈尔的黎明中在他的脚下醒来。我把手放在他的小腿和脚踝上,好像握着它们,但又是如此轻柔,以至于他不知道自己被抱着。我小心翼翼地把嘴唇贴在他的小腿上,亲吻着它们。我也轻轻地吻着他的脚踝和脚,这样他就不会知道自己在轻轻地吻着,这样他就不会被惊醒,这样他就不会被他脚边的女奴的大胆激怒。然后我躺在他身边,高兴得不得了。我看到我头顶上条纹帐篷的长长的水平峰,从作为屋顶树的皮绳向两侧延伸。帐篷的条纹侧面在清晨的微风中微微移动。黎明是柔和的灰色。在帐篷外面,我可以看到露水在草地上闪闪发光。我听到鸟儿,互相呼唤。我深深地躺在毛皮里。我翻滚到我的肚子上,我的乳房垂坠,看着那个拥有我的男人。在那一夜里,他把我压倒了。在我的左大腿内侧,红棕色的,现在已经干了,有一条血迹,我的处女血,我再也流不出来了。他,就像在原始仪式中一样,我只是一个奴隶,强迫我品尝它。他用手指把它拿在手指上,粗暴地我的嘴里,涂抹在我的嘴唇、舌头和牙齿上,使我把他胜利的后果、我的蹂躏、我的谩骂都记在自己的身体里,然后,当他用手抱着我的头,强迫我看着他的眼睛时, 吞。我永远不会忘记他把我当作主人的样子,也忘不了他那平静的样子。然后,虽然我的身体仍然因他第一次攻击而疼痛,但他又像狮子一样,在我脆弱的、原始的柔软中享受自己;我没有得到任何考虑,因为我是一个奴隶。我紧紧抓住他,爱他。 那天晚上,他从他的女孩那里得到了很多服务。我曾经是多么兴奋和服从,甚至感到痛苦,因为我完全知道,如果我不完全取悦他,我就会受到迅速而残酷的惩罚。我多么快乐,如此顺从他,如此任由他摆布。一个没有被拥有的女孩也许无法理解一个被拥有的、真正被拥有的人的感受;但也许这样的女孩,即使只是模糊的,也能感受到女奴的快乐。如果我没有经历过,我不会相信。
Gently I lowered my head to the brute and kissed him, softly that I might not awaken my master.
I lay back in the furs, near him, at his feet, in the Gorean dawn.
Once during the night had he laughed, softly, richly, holding me helplessly, cruelly, to him, looking down into my eyes, deeply pleased with his ownership of me. How grateful, and elated, held, I had been!
My master was pleased with his girl!
I listened to the birds outside, in the glistening velvet of the soft dawn.
How far from Earth, with its pollutions, its crowdings, its hypocrisy, seemed this world. I lightly, with my fingertips, touched my brand. I winced. I would not much touch it, for a few days, for I wished its delicacy to heal perfectly. I wanted the brand to be perfect. No girl is so without vanity that she does not want her brand to be perfect. Even lipstick and eye shadow, which a girl may wash off and reapply, a girl wishes to be perfect; how much more so then the brand, which is always worn! The girl wishes a brand of which she can be proud. A good brand adds to a girl's sense of confidence, of comfort and security. Often, a girl's raiment is limited to brand and collar. Accordingly the brand is of considerable importance to her. Also, it is no secret on Gor that a small and beautiful brand, well-placed, considerably enhances a girl's beauty. I tried to resent the brand, but I could not do so. It was too beautiful, and now, too, it was too much a part of me. I kissed my fingertips and, gently, pressed them to the petals of the slave flower which my master, yesterday evening, with a hot iron, against my will, had caused to blossom upon my thigh. I lay there in the fresh dawn. On Earth it then seemed to me that I had been a true slave; and that, on this world, though I wore a brand, I was for the first time in my life truly free. On Earth invisible chains had kept me cruelly apart from myself and my feelings; conditionings and derisions had put walls between me and my heart and emotions; I had been tight, the miserable victim of bonds of my own acceptance; now, for the first time in my life, though I might wear chains, in my heart, my feelings and emotions, I was truly free, truly liberated; I lay there, happy.
这个世界离地球有多远,那里有污染、拥挤、虚伪。我用指尖轻轻地触摸我的品牌。我皱起了眉头。几天内,我不愿多碰它,因为我希望它的美味能完全愈合。我希望这个品牌完美无缺。没有一个女孩是如此没有虚荣心,以至于她不希望自己的品牌完美无缺。即使是口红和眼影,女孩可以洗掉并重新涂抹,女孩也希望完美;更何况品牌,它总是被磨损!女孩希望有一个她可以引以为豪的品牌。一个好的品牌会增加女孩的自信、舒适和安全感。通常,女孩的衣服仅限于品牌和领子。因此,品牌对她来说非常重要。此外,在 Gor 上,一个小而漂亮的品牌,如果位置得当,可以大大增强女孩的美丽,这已经不是什么秘密了。我试图怨恨这个品牌,但我做不到。它太美了,现在,它也太像我的一部分了。我亲吻我的指尖,轻轻地把它们按在奴隶花的花瓣上,昨天晚上,我的主人违背我的意愿,用热熨斗使它绽放到我的大腿上。我躺在那儿,沐浴着清新的黎明。在地球上,我似乎是一个真正的奴隶;而且,在这个世界上,虽然我穿着一个品牌,但我有生以来第一次真正自由了。在地球上,无形的锁链残忍地将我与自己和我的感情分开;制约和嘲笑在我和我的心灵和情感之间筑起了墙;我一直很紧绷,是我自己接受的束缚的悲惨受害者;现在,我有生以来第一次,虽然我可能戴着锁链,但在我的心里,我的感受和情感中,我是真正自由的,真正的解放;我躺在那里,很高兴。
I was suddenly frightened. I felt his hand, groping for me. I crawled beside him, and moved my head to where he might touch it, by his thigh. He was asleep. I felt his hands reach into my hair, and fasten themselves in it. He pulled me to his waist. I was a slave girl. "Yes, Master," I whispered.
* * * *
I felt Eta's switch poking me. "Kajira," she whispered. "Kajira."
我感觉到 Eta 的开关戳了戳我。“梶良,”她低声说。“梶拉。”
I awakened. It was still very early, though lighter now. My master was still asleep. None but Eta was up about the camp.
The dew of dawn was not yet burned off the grass. I crawled from the tenting.
Eta would set me my duties. I, a slave girl, would now be worked. I looked about at the sleeping men, recumbent and somnolent, in their tentings and furs. They were the masters. We women, slave girls, would now ready the camp. There was much to be done. Water must be fetched, wood must be brought from the piles, the morning fires must be made, breakfast must be prepared. When the masters chose to arise, their girls must have all ready for them.
I hummed softly to myself as I worked. Eta, too, seemed pleased. Once she kissed me.
The men were late to arise, and Eta sent me to the stream, with tunics, to wash upon the rocks. I was once startled by the movements of a small amphibian near me. It splashed into the water. The water was clear. I worked swiftly. The air was fresh and beautiful. Soon I smelled the frying of vulo eggs in a large, flat pan, and the unmistakable odor of coffee, or as the Goreans express it, black wine. The beans grow largely on the slopes of the Thentis mountains. The original beans, I suppose, had been brought, like certain other Gorean products, from Earth; it is not impossible, of course, that the opposite is the case, that black wine is native to Gor and that the origin of Earth's coffee beans is Gorean; I regard this as unlikely, however, because black wine is far more common on Earth than on Gor, where it is, except for the city of Thentis, a city famed for her tarn flocks, and her surrounding villages, a somewhat rare and unusual luxury. Had I known more of Gor I would have speculated that my masters might have sworn their swords to the defense of Thentis, that they were of that city, but, as I was later to learn, they were of another city, one called Ar.
男人们起得晚了,埃塔派我去溪边,穿着外衣,在岩石上洗澡。有一次,我被附近一只小型两栖动物的动静吓了一跳。它溅到了水里。水很清澈。我很快就开始工作了。空气清新而美丽。很快,我闻到了在一个大而平底锅里煎炸的 vulo 鸡蛋的味道,以及咖啡的明显气味,或者用戈尔人的话说,黑酒的味道。这些豆子主要生长在 Thentis 山脉的山坡上。我想,最初的咖啡豆,就像某些其他戈尔产品一样,是从地球上带来的;当然,情况并非不可能,黑酒是戈尔的原产地,而地球上咖啡豆的起源是戈尔;然而,我认为这不太可能,因为黑葡萄酒在地球上比在戈尔更常见,除了特恩蒂斯市,一个以塔恩羊群而闻名的城市,以及她周围的村庄,这是一种有点罕见和不寻常的奢侈品。如果我对戈尔了解得更多,我就会推测我的主人可能会发誓用他们的剑来保卫滕提斯,他们是那个城市的人,但是,我后来才知道,他们来自另一个城市,一个叫阿尔的城市。
When the first man, yawning, sleepy and bleary-eyed, the lazy beast, stumbled to the cooking fire, we were ready for him. Eta and I knelt before him, and put our heads to the dirt at his feet. We were his girls.
Eta piled several of the hot, tiny eggs, earlier kept fresh in cool sand within the cave, on a plate, with heated yellow bread, for him. I, grasping the pot with a rag and both hands, poured him a handled, metal tankard of the steaming black brew, coffee or black wine.
Eta 将几个热乎乎的小鸡蛋堆在洞穴内的凉爽沙子里,放在一个盘子里,放在一个盘子里,里面放着加热的黄面包。我用抹布和双手抓住罐子,给他倒了一瓶带柄的金属酒杯,里面装着热气腾腾的黑咖啡、咖啡或黑酒。
Following Eta's example, to my pleasure, we prepared ourselves plates and cups. We then, while waiting for the men, ate. As long as a male had taken the first bite, the first drink, at the meal, apparently there was little objection to our also partaking. We did so with gusto. Gorean amenities are more carefully observed, usually, at the evening meal, which is more of a gathering and an occasion than the other two or three meals of the day. At an evening meal Eta and I would, under threat of discipline, wait before eating until the master, and each of his men, had begun. We did not, commonly, however, provided it did not interfere with our service, wait until the men had completed their meal before commencing ours. We, thus, finished nearly with them, or a bit before. Thus, after we had cleared goblets, and bowls and dishes, if they were used, we were soon ready, unimpeded, to devote our attentions to the serving of wine and paga, or our bodies for their pleasure, were they desired. To indicate the greater significance of the evening meal, as compared to the other Gorean meals, no slave girl may touch it without first having been given permission, assuming that a free man or woman, even a child, is present. "You may feed, Slave Girl," is a common way in which this permission is given. If the permission is not given, the girl may not eat. Should the master or mistress, or child, forget to give this permission, it is merely the misfortune of the slave girl.
以 Eta 为榜样,令我高兴的是,我们自己准备了盘子和杯子。然后,我们一边等待男人们,一边吃饭。只要一个男性在用餐时吃了第一口,喝了第一杯,显然就没有什么人反对我们也参与其中。我们兴致勃勃地这样做了。通常,在晚餐时,人们会更仔细地遵守戈尔的设施,与一天中的其他两餐或三餐相比,晚餐更像是一个聚会和场合。在晚餐时,我和埃塔在纪律的威胁下,等到主人和他的每个手下开始吃饭后才吃饭。不过,只要不妨碍我们的服务,我们通常不会这样做,等到男人们吃完饭后,才开始我们的饭菜。因此,我们几乎完成了他们,或者更早了。因此,在我们清理完高脚杯、碗和盘子之后,如果它们被使用的话,我们很快就准备好了,不受阻碍地把我们的注意力放在酒和帕加的供应上,或者把我们的身体放在它们需要的时候,为它们提供快乐。为了表明晚餐的更大意义,与其他戈尔餐相比,未经允许,任何女奴都不得触摸它,前提是有自由的男人或女人,甚至是孩子在场。“你可以喂食,女奴”是给予这种许可的常见方式。如果不给予许可,女孩子不能吃东西。如果主人或情妇或孩子忘记给予这种许可,那只是女奴的不幸。
As the men came to breakfast we extended them obeisance and served them.
When my master came to the cooking fire it was with eagerness, such eagerness that the men laughed, that I knelt before him, and put my hair in the dirt between his sandals.
I remembered the night. Well had he taught me the meaning of my brand! I so loved him!
He gestured me to my feet. I sprang up. I stood straight before him, proud in the pleasure I had given him. From the looks of the men I understood that now I stood much differently than I had when I had come to the camp, that the girl who now stood slave within the wall of thorn brush was far more valuable than she who had so recently miserably stood captive beyond its perimeter. The looks of the men told me that I was now more desirable, more beautiful. I know I should have objected to this, that I should have resented it intensely. Yet how fantastically weak and joyous and alive and happy it made me feel!
My master, crouching down, examined the slave flower on my thigh. I did not dare touch him. I trembled. He straightened up. He seemed satisfied, and this much relieved me. I wished him to be pleased, not only with his slave, but with her brand. Eta examined the brand, too, and smiled, and hugged and kissed me. I gathered that the brand was an excellent one. I hugged and kissed her, too, weeping. She permitted me to serve the master, and I did so, delightedly. I watched him like a hawk, that I might anticipate his slightest desire.
我的主人蹲下来,检查我大腿上的奴隶花。我不敢碰他。我浑身发抖。他直起身来。他似乎很满意,这让我松了一口气。我希望他不仅对他的奴隶感到高兴,而且对她的品牌也感到高兴。Eta 也检查了这个品牌,微笑着拥抱我,亲吻我。我发现这个品牌非常出色。我也拥抱和亲吻她,哭泣着。她允许我侍奉主人,我很高兴地照做了。我像鹰一样看着他,以便预料到他最微小的愿望。
One of the men, obviously, as his looks and gesture indicated, asked him about me. My master responded, chewing. They looked at me. I was the object of their discussion. I did not speak Gorean, but I reddened, and put my head down. Gorean masters commonly speak frankly and openly of the qualities of their girls, even before the girls themselves. My features, figure and performances were being candidly discussed and appraised. The sexuality, qualities and capacities, and skills, of a slave girl, not a free woman, are discussed on Gor with the same openness that men on Earth might bring to the discussion of paintings and music, and that Englishmen of the Nineteenth Century might have brought to the discussion of dogs and horses.
I gathered that I, in many ways, left much to be desired. I felt small and helpless.
My master extended to me his metal tankard. Gratefully I filled it again with the steaming black wine.
He was kind. He was permitting me to serve him. I looked at him. Were there to be no secrets between us? Were my defects, my helplessness, and the completeness of my surrender to him, to be broadcast so publicly? In his eyes I read that my questions were out of place. In his eyes I read that I was slave.
I lowered my eyes, and withdrew, the tankard filled, a slave girl.
It was with joy, later in the morning, that I felt, thrown against my body by my master, a bit of brown cloth. It was a sleeveless body scrap, a shred of slave rag. It was a few threads, fit for a bond girl. Yet I welcomed it as I might have a gown, with gloves and pearls, from Paris. Now I might not be so revealed to the men. It was the first clothing I had been given on Gor. Radiant was my gratitude to him, and abundant were the kisses which, in joy, I placed about his legs and feet. Joyfully I drew on the garment, slipping it over my head, and fastened it, more tightly about me, by the two tiny hooks on the left. The slit made the garment, a rather snug one, easier to slip into; the two hooks, when fastened, naturally increased the snugness of the garment, drawing it quite closely about the breasts and hips; deliciously then, from the point of view of a man, the girl's figure is betrayed and accentuated; also, the two hooks do not close the slit on the left completely, but permit men to gaze upon the sweet slave flesh pent, held captive, within; such a garment, of course, when a man grows weary of having his vision obscured, is easily torn away. I turned before my master, proud in my new riches. He indicated to Eta where the garment must be taken in, the hooks placed subtly differently. As it was the garment was too large for me. Eta was a larger woman. It was one of her cast-offs. The garment would be altered, that I would be as well revealed by it as Eta was by hers. The attire of Gorean slave girls is of great importance to their masters. They concern themselves with its tiniest details. The clothing, you see, as well as the girl, belongs to the master; it is natural for him, thus, to take an interest in it; both, in their diverse ways, can be reflections upon him, his taste, his judgment, his discrimination. That a male of Earth may not even know what clothing his wife owns, or what she buys, would be unthinkable to most Goreans, even those who stand in free companionship. To the master it would simply be preposterous. What his girl wears, if she is to wear anything, is of great interest to him. After all, she is not a wife; she is much more important; she is a prized possession. The clothing she wears, any cosmetics or jewelry, or perfume, must be absolutely perfect. He is "in," so to speak, on everything. Should she tie her hair with as little as a new ribbon, it must pass his strict inspection. If it is not "right" for her, she will not be permitted to wear it. That a wife might wear a new dress and her husband not even notice it would be incredible, if not incomprehensible, to any Gorean, whether a proprietor or a companion. In short, Gorean masters concern themselves closely with their girls. Clothing, like other matters, is quite important. It must be perfect for its purpose. Its purpose may be to humiliate or brazenly and publicly display the girl, to discipline her, to keep her humble, to remind her that she is nothing, only a wench in bondage; it may be to reveal her beauty, of which he is proud, for the eyes of all, or for his own pleasure and that of his peers; it may be to reveal his wealth, the value in girl and raiment which he owns; it may be to augment his prestige, or to incite envy in others; it may be to stimulate her with beautiful things; it may be to excite her sexually, and so on. These purposes, of course, are not all incompatible. Clothing, too, it might be mentioned, like food, is a useful instrument in controlling the girl. Few girls, for example, enjoy being sent nude to the market, to do shopping.
早上晚些时候,我高兴地感觉到,我的主人把一块棕色的布扔在我的身上。那是一团无袖的尸体碎片,一片奴隶破布。那是几根线,适合一个邦女郎。然而,我欢迎它,因为我可能有一件来自巴黎的礼服,戴着手套和珍珠。现在我可能不会这样向那些人透露。这是我在 Gor 上得到的第一件衣服。我对他的感激之情是光芒四射的,我高兴地亲吻他的腿和脚。我高兴地把衣服拉上去,套在头上,然后用左边的两个小钩子把它系得更紧。开衩使这件衣服相当舒适,更容易穿进去;两个钩子系上后,自然而然地增加了衣服的舒适度,使衣服紧紧地系在乳房和臀部周围;那么,从一个男人的角度来看,女孩的身材被背叛和突出了;此外,这两个钩子并没有完全闭合左侧的缝隙,而是允许人们凝视着被俘虏在里面的甜美奴隶肉体;当然,当一个人厌倦了自己的视线被遮挡时,这样的衣服很容易被撕掉。我转过身来,来到我的主人面前,为我的新财富感到自豪。他向埃塔指出衣服必须放进去的地方,钩子的位置略有不同。事实上,这件衣服对我来说太大了。Eta 是一个更大的女人。这是她被抛弃的经历之一。这件衣服会被改变,这样我就会像埃塔被她的衣服一样被它显露出来。戈尔女奴的服装对她们的主人来说非常重要。他们关心其中最微小的细节。 你看,衣服和女孩一样,都是属于主人的;因此,他对它感兴趣是很自然的;两者都可以以不同的方式反映他、他的品味、他的判断力、他的辨别力。一个地球的男性甚至不知道他的妻子拥有什么衣服,或者她买了什么,这对大多数戈尔人来说是不可想象的,即使是那些自由陪伴的人也是如此。对主人来说,这简直是荒谬的。他的姑娘穿什么,如果她要穿什么,他都会很感兴趣。毕竟,她不是妻子;她要重要得多;她是珍贵的财产。她穿的衣服,任何化妆品、珠宝或香水,都必须绝对完美。可以说,他“参与”了一切。如果她用一条新丝带把头发扎起来,就必须通过他的严格检查。如果它不适合她,她将不被允许佩戴。妻子穿了一件新衣服,而她的丈夫甚至没有注意到,这对任何一个戈尔人来说都是不可思议的,如果不是不可理解的话,无论是业主还是同伴。简而言之,戈尔大师们密切关注他们的女孩。服装和其他事情一样,非常重要。它必须完美地达到其目的。它的目的可能是羞辱或厚颜无耻地公开展示女孩,管教她,让她保持谦卑,提醒她她什么都不是,只是一个被束缚的女人;也许是为了揭示她的美丽,他为此感到自豪,为了所有人的眼,或者为了他自己和他的同龄人的快乐;可能是为了揭示他的财富,他拥有的女孩和衣服的价值;这可能是为了提高他的威望,也可能是为了煽动别人的嫉妒;可能是用美丽的事物来刺激她;可能是为了在性方面刺激她,等等。 当然,这些目的并不都是不相容的。可以说,衣服和食物一样,也是控制女孩的有用工具。例如,很少有女孩喜欢被裸体送到市场购物。
My master drew out his knife. I shuddered, but dared not run. I closed my eyes. I felt him cutting at the garment's hem. He made it scandalously short. It had been a garment of Eta's measured high, but to her own longer legs. Now I scarcely dared move in it.
我师父掏出他的刀。我浑身发抖,但不敢逃跑。我闭上了眼睛。我感觉到他正在剪衣服的下摆。他把它做得短得可耻。这是一件 Eta 的衣服,但对她自己的长腿来说。现在我几乎不敢进去。
At a gesture from my master I knelt. I did so in the manner in which I had been taught, back on my heels, back straight, hands on thighs, head high, chin up. I did not neglect a further detail. I spread my knees, widely. It was the position, of course, as I would later learn, of the Gorean pleasure slave. I had seen Eta naturally, unconsciously, assume it when she knelt. Such a girl, in kneeling, does not close her knees before a free man. Any slave girl, incidentally, addresses any free man as Master, any free woman as Mistress, though only one, of course, at a given time, is likely to be her true Master or Mistress.
在我主人的手势下,我跪了下来。我按照我被教导的方式这样做,背着脚跟,背部挺直,双手放在大腿上,昂首挺胸,下巴向上。我没有忽略一个进一步的细节。我张开双膝。当然,正如我后来了解到的那样,这是戈尔式的享乐奴隶的处境。我自然地、无意识地看到 Eta 在她跪下时假设了这一点。这样的女孩,跪着,不会在一个自由的男人面前闭上她的膝盖。顺便说一句,任何女奴都称呼任何自由的男人为主人,称呼任何自由的女人为情妇,当然,在特定时间,只有一个人可能是她真正的主人或情妇。
It gave me pleasure to assume this posture before my master, who had full body rights to me; it gave me less pleasure, in the beginning, to assume it before free men generally; yet, eventually, I did it naturally, and pleasurably; it is a position that not only makes the girl more attractive to the man; but, too, subtly, psychologically, by its effect on the girl, by intensifying her sense of openness, vulnerability and exposure, it makes men much more attractive to her, she thus kneeling, and opened, before them; the girl who finds many men attractive is likely to find the master attractive; the girl who finds few men attractive is to that extent the less likely to find the master attractive; the pleasure slave, so submissively and vulnerably positioned, so helpless and opened before men, cannot help herself but become curious and excited, and heated, about them; and in becoming excited and heated by men in general she naturally becomes excited and heated about the master in particular; after all, it is to him that she actually belongs; he is the one who is her master; in a pleasure slave passion is not an accident; inhibitions are simply not permitted; beyond this, instincts are triggered and intelligently released, and then allowed, untrammeled, to take their natural course; biology's dominance/submission equation is genetic; the most perfect satisfaction of that equation for complex, acculturated psychophysical organisms is the institutionalized bondage relation; this exists on Gor, where girls may be the legal slaves of strong men, capable of mastering them. I was such a slave. I had no doubt the man who owned me was capable of mastering me. He had already done so. I was his slave.
How attractive I found men! How I loved, and feared, my master. I wanted to give myself to him constantly.
He gave instructions to Eta, with respect to me. Then he, with his fellows, left the camp. Eta and I were alone. She went and brought pins, tiny scissors, a needle and thread. The alteration of my slave rag was apparently the first order of the day's business. It must match and betray my slave body perfectly. After that we could attend to our less important tasks. I stood and knelt, and stood, and moved, as Eta instructed me. Once I removed the garment and she sewed the hem, where the knife had ripped it. In making the hem, of course, though Eta took it up as little as possible, the garment was further shortened. I reddened. I wondered if there was much to choose from between such a garment and being nude; I supposed the garment gave the men something to tear away. Then I put it back on. Eta repositioned the hooks. I gasped, as she fastened them. Then Eta deftly, here and there, sometimes cutting, and pinning and sewing, fitted the rag to me with candid perfection. This was done on my body, that the fit be flawlessly snug. Eta was a superb seamstress. Only twice, even under these conditions, and given our objectives, did I feel the needle. Then Eta stood back; and then walked about me. She went and fetched a mirror from the cave; it was a large one, and permitted me to see myself. I gasped at the slave girl betrayed in the mirror. I looked at Eta in horror. I had not seen myself before as a slave. I was shocked, and startled. I had not known I could appear such. I could not believe it was I. No, it could not be I! I looked back at the mirror. How beautiful she was, that lovely slave. Could it be I? I looked at Eta. She nodded, and smiled. I looked again at the mirror. I had not known I could be so beautiful! Then I was afraid, for I suspected what such beauty might mean on the world on which I found myself. What man would not simply put a chain on it, or collar it? I stood before the mirror, stunned, looking at the slave girl.
他向 Eta 发出了关于我的指示。然后他和他的同伴们离开了营地。我和 Eta 独自一人。她去带来了别针、小剪刀、针和线。改造我的奴隶破布显然是今天的首要任务。它必须完美地匹配并背叛我的奴隶身体。在那之后,我们可以处理我们不太重要的任务。我站着,跪着,站着,按照埃塔的指示移动。有一次我脱掉衣服,她缝上了刀子撕裂的下摆。当然,在制作下摆时,尽管 Eta 尽可能少地占用它,但衣服被进一步缩短了。我脸红了。我想知道在这样的衣服和裸体之间是否有很多选择;我猜这件衣服让那些人有东西可以撕掉。然后我又把它戴上了。Eta 重新定位了钩子。我喘着气,她把它们系上了。然后,埃塔巧妙地在这里和那里,有时剪裁,有时别针和缝制,坦率地完美地为我准备了这块破布。这是在我的身体上完成的,以便完美贴合。Eta 是一位出色的女裁缝。即使在这些条件下,考虑到我们的目标,我也只有两次感觉到针。然后埃塔站了起来;然后绕着我走来走去。她去山洞里拿了一面镜子;那是一个很大的洞,让我能看到自己。我对着镜子里那个被背叛的女奴倒抽了一口气。我惊恐地看着 Eta。我以前从未把自己看作一个奴隶。我感到震惊,又惊讶。我不知道我能表现得那样。我简直不敢相信是我。不,不可能是我!我回头看了看镜子。她多么美丽啊,那个可爱的奴隶。会是我吗?我看着 Eta。她点点头,然后微笑。我又看了看镜子。我从来不知道我可以这么漂亮! 然后我就害怕了,因为我怀疑这种美丽对我所处的世界意味着什么。哪个男人不简单地给它戴上一条链子,或者给它戴上项圈呢?我站在镜子前,目瞪口呆地看着那个女奴。
Eta then, to my surprise, with the point of her scissors, ripped the tiny garment a bit under my right breast, that a bit of skin might show, and again at my left hip, a larger rip. These were done in such a way as to make them appear natural, inadvertent rents in the garment. She then, with the point of the scissors, at two points, ripped the hem she had earlier sewn out a bit, that in these two places it might appear the threads had broken; the hem then, in these two places, was irregular on my legs. She then, at another place, cut into the hem, ripping it, and unraveled and tore it a bit, as though it had naturally frayed; some stray threads hung upon my thigh. These were the touches which, to my horror and delight, made the garment of the slave rag exquisitely perfect. I looked at the lovely slave in the mirror. I wondered if the men knew, or suspected, the female cunning that went into the making of a slave rag. She was arming me with beauty. With what else might a slave girl be armed? Eta kissed me, and I kissed her. The ingenuity and care lavished upon the slave rag, seemingly such a pathetic accident of a garment, is a careful secret well kept among slave girls. If the master does not know why the smallest movement of his girl, clad in what he thought was a mere discipline rag, almost drives him out of his wits with pleasure, that is all right. The masters, as we girls sometimes tell one another, do not have to know everything.
I looked at the girl in the mirror. I approached more closely. I lifted the hem of the garment at the left thigh. I almost fainted with the delicate perfection of the brand. It was still red, rough, raw, deep, unhealed, but the form was clearly imprinted, unmistakably, deeply, and beautifully imprinted. On my thigh I wore one of the most beautiful brands, the dina, the slave flower. I tore the garment there, at the left hip, that as I moved, the brand might be glimpsed. Then I knelt before the mirror. Boldly I assumed slave position. I threw my knees apart. I rested my hands on my thighs. I regarded myself in the mirror. I saw a kneeling slave girl there. There was no doubt about it. She was a slave girl. How incredibly beautiful was that poor, lovely slave. She wore a brand. She wore a slave rag. She lacked only a steel collar. That lack, I supposed, could be simply supplied. It is nothing to put a collar on a girl's neck. I lifted my hair up; I lifted my chin, watching in the mirror. I conjectured what a steel collar would look like, fastened on my neck. I did not think I would mind one. It might be rather attractive. Eta's was, terribly so. I hoped, of course, that I might be able to choose whose collar I would wear. But, shuddering, I realized that a girl does not choose whose collar she will wear; rather it is the man who chooses; it is he, and he alone, who places the collar. Suddenly I sensed the misery of being a slave. I might belong to any man! I might belong to any man who might carry me off, or pay my price. I might be abducted or bought, or bestowed, or lost in gambling! I was only an article of property, helpless and beautiful, without control over, no more than a dog or pig, into whose hands I might come. Tears sprang to my eyes. Surely my master would not sell me! Every bit of me would constantly try to please him. I did not want to be sold! What a miserable, beautiful girl I saw in the mirror, the poor slave! How sorry I felt for that beauty. But what man would be so foolish as to sell such a beauty? Or, even to share her with another? Surely such a man would keep such a beauty for himself alone, not sharing her with others. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I studied the girl in the mirror. How beautiful in her bondage she was. I brushed my hair back and, lifting my chin, turned my head. I had seen earrings in the jewelry in the cave, exotic loops, twists of wire and golden pendants; I imagined them upon me, hanging at my cheeks, adornments suitable for me, a barbarian slave girl. My ears had not been pierced but I had little doubt that this operation, if my master wished, would be promptly accomplished upon me. I considered cosmetics and perfumes, such as I had encountered in the cave. And behold, in my imagination, the girl in the mirror was so bedecked. I had seen bracelets, anklets, chains and necklaces, intricately wrought and beautiful, in the cave. I extended my arms and wrists, and one of my legs, considering how they might appear, ponderous with such barbaric glory. But the girl in the mirror wore only a slave rag. I then considered how I might appear, so made up, so perfumed, so adorned, but now in a snatch of brief silk, yellow or scarlet, clinging, diaphanous, fit for a man's pleasure girl.
我看着镜子里的女孩。我走得更近了。我掀起了左大腿处的衣服下摆。我差点被这个品牌的精致完美所晕倒。它仍然是红色的、粗糙的、原始的、深沉的、未愈合的,但其形式显然是印记的,明确无误的、深沉的、美丽的印记。我的大腿上戴着最漂亮的品牌之一,dina,奴隶花。我把衣服撕开了左臀部,这样当我移动时,可以瞥见那个品牌。然后我跪在镜子前。我大胆地承担起了奴隶的地位。我把膝盖分开了。我把手放在大腿上。我看着镜子里的自己。我看到那里有一个跪着的女奴。这是毫无疑问的。她是一个女奴。那个可怜的、可爱的奴隶是多么美丽啊。她戴着一个品牌。她穿着一件奴隶破布。她只缺少一个钢项圈。我想,这种缺乏可以简单地提供。在女孩的脖子上戴项圈没什么。我把头发撩起来;我抬起下巴,看着镜子。我猜想一个系在我脖子上的钢项圈会是什么样子。我不认为我会介意一个。它可能相当有吸引力。埃塔的就是,可怕的。当然,我希望我能选择戴谁的项圈。但是,我战战兢兢地意识到,女孩子不会选择她将戴谁的项圈;相反,是男人在选择;是他,也只有他,戴上了项圈。突然间,我感到了作为奴隶的痛苦。我可能属于任何男人!我可能属于任何可能带走我或付出代价的人。我可能会被绑架、被收买、被赐予、或因赌博而输掉!我只是一件财产,无助而美丽,不受控制,只不过是一只狗或猪,我可能会落入它的手中。泪水夺眶而出。 我的主人肯定不会卖我!我的每一点都会不断地试图取悦他。我不想被卖掉!我在镜子里看到一个多么可怜、多么美丽的姑娘,那个可怜的奴隶啊!我为那美丽感到多么遗憾。但是,哪个男人会如此愚蠢地出售这样的美丽呢?或者,甚至与他人分享她?这样的男人肯定会把这样的美丽留给自己,而不是与他人分享。我擦去了眼泪。我打量着镜子里的女孩。她在束缚中是多么美丽。我把头发往后梳,抬起下巴,转过头来。我在山洞里的珠宝里看到了耳环,异国情调的环,扭曲的金属丝和金色的吊坠;我想象着她们在我身上,挂在我的脸颊上,戴着适合我这个野蛮女奴的装饰品。我的耳朵没有打洞,但我毫不怀疑,如果我的主人愿意,这个手术会很快在我身上完成。我考虑了化妆品和香水,就像我在山洞里遇到的那样。看啊,在我的想象中,镜子里的女孩是如此的装饰。我在山洞里见过手镯、脚镯、链子和项链,做工复杂,很漂亮。我伸出我的手臂和手腕,还有我的一条腿,考虑它们的样子,在如此野蛮的荣耀下显得沉重。但镜子里的女孩只穿了一件奴隶破布。然后我考虑了我可能会如何出现,如此化妆,如此芬芳,如此装饰,但现在却是一束短短的丝绸,黄色或猩红色,紧贴,透明,适合男人的快乐女孩。
Eta called to me.
Eta 呼唤我。
Once again I saw only the plain girl in the mirror, the beauty in a slave rag. No adornments were hers; only some threads of cloth tight on her beauty. She was not an ornamented high slave. She wore only a slave rag. She was a low slave.
I sprang to my feet and hurried to Eta.
She was kneeling down and I knelt across from her. "La Kajira," said Eta, pointing to herself. "Tu Kajira," she said, pointing to me. "La Kajira," I said, pointing to myself. "Tu Kajira," I said, pointing to Eta. I am a slave girl. You are a slave girl.
她跪着,我跪在她对面。“La Kajira,”Eta指着自己说。“Tu Kajira,”她指着我说。“La Kajira,”我指着自己说。“Tu Kajira,”我指着 Eta 说。我是一个女奴。你是个女奴。
Eta smiled. She pointed to her brand. "Kan-lara," she said. She pointed to my brand. "Kan-lara Dina," she said. I repeated these words.
埃塔笑了。她指了指自己的品牌。“Kan-lara,”她说。她指着我的品牌。“Kan-lara Dina,”她说。我重复了这些话。
"Ko-lar," she said, indicating her collar. "It is the same word in English," I cried. She did not understand my outburst. Gorean, as I would learn, is rich in words borrowed from Earth languages; how rich it is I am not a skilled enough philologist to conjecture. It may well be that almost all Gorean expressions may be traced to one or another Earth language. Yet, the language is fluid, rich and expressive. Borrowed expressions, as in linguistic borrowing generally, take on the coloration of the borrowing language; in time the borrowings become naturalized, so to speak, being fully incorporated into the borrowing language; at this point they are, for all practical purposes, words within the borrowing language. How many, in English, for example, think of expressions such as 'automobile,' 'corral,' and 'lariat' as being foreign words?
"Collar!" I said. Eta frowned. "Ko-lar," she repeated, again indicating the neck band of steel fashioned on her throat. "Ko-lar," I said, carefully following her pronunciation. Eta accepted this.
“项圈!”我说过。Eta 皱起眉头。“寇拉,”她重复道,再次指了指她喉咙上的钢制颈带。“Ko-lar,”我说,小心翼翼地跟着她的发音。Eta 接受了这一点。
Eta pulled at the bit of rag she wore. "Ta-Teera," she said. I looked down at the scrap of rag, outrageously brief, so scandalous, so shameful, fit only for a slave girl, which I wore. I smiled. I had been placed in a Ta-Teera. "Ta-Teera," I said. I wore the Ta-Teera.
埃塔扯了扯她身上的那块破布。“塔蒂拉,”她说。我低头看着那块破布,短得离谱,如此可耻,如此可耻,只适合我穿着的女奴。我笑了。我被安排在 Ta-Teera 中。“塔-蒂拉,”我说。我穿了 Ta-Teera。
"Var Ko-lar?" asked Eta. I pointed to the collar on her throat. "Var Ta-Teera?" asked Eta, smiling. I pointed to the brief rag which I wore. Eta seemed pleased. She had laid out a number of articles. My lessons in Gorean had begun.
“Var Ko-lar?”我指了指她脖子上的项圈。“Var Ta-Teera?” Eta微笑着问道。我指了指我穿的那件短破布。埃塔似乎很高兴。她已经发表了许多文章。我在 Gorean 的课程已经开始了。
Suddenly, stammering, I said, "Eta—var—var Bina?"
突然,我结结巴巴地说,“Eta-var-var Bina?
Eta looked at me, surprised.
Eta 惊讶地看着我。
I recalled the two men who had come to the chain and rock. "Var Bina? Var Bina, Kajira!" they had demanded. I had not been able to understand, or satisfy them. They had beaten me. Still I had been unable to satisfy them. I could not even understand them. Then they had prepared to cut my throat. The man in the scarlet tunic, from over the fields, had arrived. "Kajira canjellne," he had said. He had fought for me, and won me. He had brought me to his camp, where he had branded me. I was now his slave.
我想起了那两个来到铁链和岩石旁的人。“瓦尔·比纳?Var Bina, Kajira!我无法理解或满足他们。他们打败了我。但我还是无法满足他们。我什至无法理解他们。然后他们准备割断我的喉咙。那个穿着猩红色束腰外衣的男人,从田野那边来了。“Kajira canjellne,”他说。他为我而战,赢得了我。他把我带到了他的营地,在那里他给我打上了烙印。我现在是他的奴隶。
"Var Bina, Eta?" I asked.
“Var Bina,Eta?”我问。
Eta lightly lifted herself to her feet and went to the cave. In a few moments, she emerged. She carried, in her hands, several strings of beads, simple necklaces, with small, wooden, colored beads. They were not valuable.
She held the necklaces up for me to see. Then, with her finger, moving them on their string, she indicated the tiny, colored wooden beads. "Da Bina," she said, smiling. Then she lifted a necklace, looking at it. "Bina," she said. I then understood that 'Bina' was the expression for beads, or for a necklace of beads. The necklaces and beads which Eta produced for me were delights of color and appeal; yet they were simple and surely of little value.
她把项链举起来让我看。然后,她用手指在绳子上移动它们,指着那些小小的彩色木珠。“达比娜,”她微笑着说。然后她举起一条项链,看着它。“Bina,”她说。然后我明白了“Bina”是珠子或珠子项链的表达。Eta 为我制作的项链和珠子是色彩和吸引力的享受;然而它们很简单,肯定没有什么价值。
I went to the cave, Eta following. I lifted one of the chest's covers. I took from the chest a string of pearls, then one of pieces of gold, then one of rubies. "Bina?" I asked, each time. Eta laughed. "Bana," she said, "Ki Bina. Bana." Then, from another box, Eta produced another necklace, one with cheap glass beads, and another with simple, small wooden beads. She indicated the latter two necklaces. "Bina," she said, pointing to them. Bina, I then understood, were lesser beads, cheap beads, beads of little value, save for their aesthetic charm. Indeed, I would later learn that bina were sometimes spoken of, derisively, as "Kajira bana." The most exact translation of 'bina' would probably be "slave beads." They were valueless, save for being a cheap adornment sometimes permitted embonded wenches.
我去了那个山洞,埃塔跟在后面。我掀开了箱子的一个盖子。我从箱子里拿出一串珍珠,然后是一枚金子,然后是一颗红宝石。“Bina?”我每次都问。埃塔笑了起来。“巴娜,”她说,“基比娜。巴纳。然后,Eta 从另一个盒子里拿出了另一条项链,一条是廉价的玻璃珠,另一条是简单的小木珠。她指了指后两条项链。“Bina,”她指着他们说。然后我明白了,Bina 是次等的珠子,便宜的珠子,除了它们的美学魅力之外,价值不大的珠子。事实上,我后来了解到 bina 有时被嘲笑地称为“Kajira bana”。“bina”最准确的翻译可能是“slave beads”。它们毫无价值,除了有时是被允许的保税女仆的廉价装饰品。
Eta and I returned to the outside, to continue our lessons.
Eta 和我回到外面,继续我们的课程。
I still could not understand what had happened at the chain and rock. "Var Bina! Var Bina, Kajira!" they had demanded. The Bina, or Slave Beads, had meant more to them than my life. It was not I who had been important to them there but the beads. When they had clearly understood that I was unable to help them in their quest, they, viewing me then as useless, had prepared to be done with me. I shuddered, remembering the knife at my throat. I had been narrowly saved by the swordsman whose slave I now was. I had thought, before I was clearly apprised of the nature of Bina, cheap slave beads, that perhaps the men had supposed that I was to be chained at the rock, adorned with some rare and valuable necklace, worth perhaps a fortune. Perhaps it had been that which they had wanted. Perhaps then, either I had not been placed so adorned at the rock, contrary to their expectation, or, if I had been, that someone had, in my helpless unconsciousness, arrived earlier and simply removed the necklace, stealing it from my chained body. I might have been left at the rock either because I was chained, and could not be easily removed, or, perhaps, was not wanted. But it seemed unlikely that, if I should have worn such a necklace, it had not been placed on me; and unlikely, too, that someone, in such a wilderness, would come upon me while I there lay chained and remove the necklace. I was thrown into the greatest consternation by my new comprehension of the valuelessness of slave beads. It now made no sense to me whatsoever that the two men, so angrily and fiercely, should have sought for so trivial an object. Of what importance could be a string of slave beads? Why might they have been put on me in the first place? And where, if they had been put on me, had they gone? Who would want them? And why should men come through a wilderness to obtain them? What could be their importance? What could be their secret? I understood nothing.
我仍然无法理解链条和岩石发生了什么。“瓦尔·比纳!Var Bina, Kajira!Bina,或奴隶珠子,对他们来说比我的生命更重要。对他们来说,重要的不是我,而是那些珠子。当他们清楚地明白我无法帮助他们完成他们的任务时,他们当时认为我毫无用处,准备对我下手。我浑身颤抖,想起了抵在我喉咙上的那把刀。我差点被那个剑客救了,我现在是他的奴隶。在我清楚地了解比娜(Bina)的本质之前,我曾想过,也许那些人认为我会被锁在岩石上,戴着一些稀有而珍贵的项链,也许值一大笔钱。也许这就是他们想要的。也许那时,要么我没有被放在岩石上,这与他们的期望相反,要么,如果我是这样,有人在我无助的无意识中提前到达,简单地摘下了项链,从我被锁链锁住的身体里偷走了它。我被留在岩石上,可能是因为我被锁住了,不能轻易地被移走,或者,也许,我不想要。但是,如果我本来应该戴上这样的项链,那么它似乎不太可能没有戴在我身上;而且,在这样的荒野里,有人会趁我被锁链锁住的时候来找我,把项链摘下来。我对奴隶珠子毫无价值的新理解使我陷入了最大的惊愕之中。现在我完全没有意义,这两个人如此愤怒和凶狠地寻找这样一个微不足道的东西。一串奴隶珠子又有什么重要意义呢?为什么他们一开始就被放在我身上呢?如果它们被放在我身上,它们到哪里去了呢? 谁会想要它们?为什么人们要穿过旷野来取它们呢?他们的重要性是什么?他们的秘密是什么?我什么都不懂。
Eta lifted up a stout whip, with long handle, which might be wielded with two hands, and five dangling, soft, wide lashing surfaces, each about a yard long. "Kurt," she said. I shrank back. "Kurt," I repeated. She lifted up some loops of chain; there were linked ankle rings and linked wrist rings, and a lock collar, all connected by a length of gleaming chain running from the collar. It was rather lovely. It was too small for a man. I knew, however, it would fit me, perfectly, "Sirik," said Eta. "Sirik," I repeated.
* * * *
Upon command I had slipped from the Ta-Teera.
根据命令,我从 Ta-Teera 溜走了。
I stood among the men.
The warrior indicated that I should suck in my gut. I did so, holding my stomach in, tightly. I felt the strap, black, narrow, loop my belly. It was pulled tight, very tight, and cinched. I wore the bell at my left hip. I looked at my master, reproachfully, in anguish. The bells, rows, strung about my neck, and, loosely, too, depending about my breasts, jangled. The sound was horrifying, sensuous. With anger, with misery, I regarded him. The warrior took my hands behind my back and there, with a bit of black leather, fastened them together. The rows of bells on my wrists jangled as my hands were pulled behind my back and fastened there, wrist to wrist, lashed. How could he permit this? Did it mean nothing to him that he had, the preceding night, taken my virginity from me? Did it mean nothing to him that he had, for long hours, pleasured himself with my body? Did it mean nothing to him that he had won me, that I had yielded to him, that I had surrendered myself, totally, to him? That vulnerably I had been fully his? I tried to take a step toward him. The bells on my body, and those tied about my ankles, jangled. I could not move toward him, for the warrior's hand on my arm held me. I looked at my master with anguish. He was sitting cross-legged, some feet away, with others. He had a goblet of paga, which Eta had served to him. Did my master not love me, as I loved him? He, narrow-lidded, looked at me over the rim of the goblet of paga. "Do not do this to me!" I cried to him, helplessly, in English. "I love you!" Surely, though he spoke no English, he could not have mistaken the anguish, the feelings, the deep intent of the helpless girl so shamefully belled and bound before him. "I love you!" I cried. I saw in his eyes that he, as a Gorean master, had no concern for my anguish, my intent and feelings. I shuddered. I was a bond girl. He gave a sign. One of the men nearby readied a large opaque cloth, soft, black, folding it in four pieces, so that, folded, it would be about a yard square. He looked back at me. "I love you," I said. The cloth was thrown over my head and, with some loops of leather cord, four times encircling my neck, tied under my chin. I could not see. I was hooded. I threw back my head in anguish within the hood. "But I love you!" I cried. I stood there, belled and bound, forlorn and hooded. I loved him. But I had seen in his eyes, in the instant that the cloth had been thrown over my head, that to him, my master, I was nothing, only a meaningless slave.
战士示意我应该吸进我的肠子。我照做了,紧紧地捂着肚子。我感觉到那条黑色、狭窄的带子绕着我的肚子。它被拉得很紧,非常紧,而且被紧紧的。我的左臀部戴着铃铛。我痛苦地责备地看着我的主人。铃铛、成排的铃铛串在我的脖子上,而且,根据我的乳房,松散地发出叮当声。那声音很可怕,很感性。我带着愤怒和痛苦看着他。战士把我的手放在背后,然后用一点黑色皮革把它们固定在一起。当我的手被拉到背后并固定在手腕上时,手腕上的一排排铃铛叮叮当当。他怎么能允许这种情况发生呢?他对前一天晚上从我身上夺走了我的童贞毫无意义吗?他长时间地用我的身体来取悦,这对他来说毫无意义吗?他赢得了我,我屈服于他,我完全臣服于他,这对他来说毫无意义吗?我脆弱地完全属于他?我试着向他迈出一步。我身上的铃铛,以及绑在我脚踝上的铃铛,都叮叮当当当。我无法向他移动,因为那个抓住我手臂的战士的手抓住了我。我痛苦地看着我的主人。他盘腿而坐,离别人有几英尺远。他有一个帕加高脚杯,这是埃塔端给他的。难道我的主人没有像我爱他一样爱我吗?他眯着眼睑,越过帕加酒杯的边缘望着我。“不要这样对我!”我无助地用英语向他哭泣。“我爱你!”当然,虽然他不会说英语,但他不可能弄错那个无助的女孩的痛苦、感情和深深的意图,她被如此可耻地束缚在他面前。“我爱你!”我喊道。 我从他的眼睛里看到,他作为一个戈尔式的主人,并不关心我的痛苦、我的意图和感受。我浑身发抖。我是一个邦女郎。他打了个手势。附近的一个男人准备了一块不透明的大布,柔软的黑色布,把它折叠成四块,这样,折叠起来,大约有一码见方。他回头看着我。“我爱你,”我说。布披在我的头上,用几圈皮绳绕着我的脖子四圈,绑在我的下巴下。我看不见。我戴着头套。我在引擎盖里痛苦地把头往后仰。“但我爱你!”我喊道。我站在那里,被束缚着,孤独而蒙面。我爱他。但是我从他的眼睛里看到,在布被扔到我头上的那一瞬间,对他,我的主人来说,我什么都不是,只是一个毫无意义的奴隶。
I stood there, head down, miserable, frightened. I heard the men laughing. Five would do contest.
I hated the bells, so many, so tiny, hung about my body, which I could not remove, which would draw them to me. The sound was tiny, rich, and sensuous. They were slave bells. They would draw men to my body. I moved slightly. I felt them stir on my body and on the loops that held them. So slight a movement made them sound! I, miserable, was caught in their lewd, delicious rustle. I suppose the sound of the bells, objectively considered, is rather lovely. Yet theirs was a music of bondage, one which, in its tiny, delicious sounds, rustling, whispered, "Kajira. Kajira." They said, "You are nothing, Girl. You are a belled Kajira. You are nothing, Girl. You exist for the pleasure of men. Please them well, lovely Kajira." I shook my body, trying to throw the bells from me. I could not do so. In their jangling sound, helpless, I was held, betrayed. I could scarcely breathe without stirring the bells. I began to sweat, and fear. It was suddenly like finding oneself caught, imprisoned, hooded, in a net. No move I made was not betrayed by the bells. Most I hated the larger bell, of different note, fastened tightly at my left hip. It was a guide bell. I tried to free my hands. They had been tied by a warrior. I was helpless. I shuddered. And even so slight a movement was betrayed by the bells, indicating the exact position of she who wore them, the slave girl on whose body they were fastened.
我讨厌那些铃铛,那么多,那么小,挂在我身上,我无法取下它们,这会把它们吸引到我身边。声音微小、丰富、感性。他们是奴隶的钟声。他们会把男人吸引到我的身体上。我微微动了动。我感觉到它们在我的身体上和固定它们的环上搅动。如此轻微的动作使他们发出了声音!我,痛苦不堪,被他们、美味的沙沙声所困。我想,客观地说,钟声是相当可爱的。然而,他们的音乐却是一首束缚的音乐,在那微小而美妙的声音中,沙沙作响,低声说:“卡吉拉。梶拉。他们说:“你什么都不是,女孩。你是个铃铛 Kajira。你什么都不是,女孩。你是为了男人的乐趣而存在的。好好取悦他们,可爱的 Kajira。我摇晃着身体,试图把铃铛从我身上扔出去。我不能这样做。在他们叮叮当当的声音中,无助的我被抓住了,被背叛了。如果不搅动钟声,我几乎无法呼吸。我开始出汗和恐惧。突然间,就像发现自己被抓住、囚禁、蒙上头套、被网住了。我所做的任何举动都没有被铃铛出卖。我最讨厌那个大一点的铃铛,它的声音不同,紧紧地系在我的左臀部。那是个导引铃。我试着解放我的双手。他们被一名战士绑住了。我很无助。我浑身发抖。即使如此轻微的动作,铃铛也出卖了它,表明了佩戴它们的人的确切位置,即它们被固定在身上的女奴。
The men were ready.
"Please, Master," I cried, bound, closed in the hood, belled, "protect me! I love you! I love you! Keep me for yourself, Master!"
I heard men laughing, talking, bets being made.
The contestants, by now, would have, too, been hooded. But they were not belled. They were not bound.
My cheeks, inside the hood, were stained with tears. The interior of the hood was wet.
I was Judy Thornton, a junior at an elite girls' college, an English major, a poetess, delicate and sensitive!
我是 Judy Thornton,一所名牌女子学院的大三学生,英语专业,一位女诗人,精致而敏感!
A man near me called out a word, delightedly, a word I would later learn was "Quarry!" At the same instant I felt the flash of a switch on my body and I, weeping, fled from its sting.
I was a nameless slave girl on an alien world, at the mercy of primitive warriors in a barbarian camp, an object for their sport, a lovely, two-legged plaything, a mere prize, in their cruel games.
The prize stopped, in a jangle of bells, gasping, throwing her head about, as though she might see. She was trapped in the folds of the hood.
I heard a man near me. I did not know if it were the referee or one of the contestants.
I felt the switch touch my body.
I shuddered, with a jangle of bells. But in had been done gently. It was the referee, aiding me, indicating his presence.
I breathed deeply. The bells rustled. I heard another man approaching, doubtless groping. And another to my left.
I was terrified.
Suddenly I heard the hiss of the switch behind me and, almost at the same time, felt the supple disciplinary device, to the amusement of the men, strike me swiftly and hotly below the small of the back. I fled wildly, jangling bells. I was outraged, and humiliated. My eyes were hot with tears. It stung terribly. The switch is often used on a girl when she is guilty of minor indiscretions or tiny misdemeanors. It is thought a fitting instrument for encouraging a beauty to be more careful or zealous in her service. I had delayed in the game for more than five Ihn. It was for that reason that the referee had administered his admonitory stripe. It was the second time in my life I had felt a switch. I did not care to feel one again, particularly when clothed only in slave bells and a hood. The laughter of the men made me angry, but then I cried. Anger in a slave girl was only meaningless pretense. It was not as though she were a free woman whose anger might have significance, might even issue in actions or words, free from the reprisals of discipline. Men are the masters of slave girls, the masters. Anger in a slave girl is futile, meaningless, though sometimes masters encourage it in their girls, to see them flush and assume an interesting demeanor, but it is in the end always insignificant for, in the end, as both the girl and master know, it is the master and not the girl who holds the whip. Thus it is not that slave girls do not become angry. They do. It is only that their anger, as both girl and master know, is meaningless. I cried. The physical effect of the switch on a girl is not negligible, but, I think, its psychological effect, should the blows be placed on a certain portion of her body, thus cruelly humiliating her, may be even more bitter.
突然,我听到身后开关的嘶嘶声,几乎同时,我感到那柔软的管教装置,使男人们感到好笑,迅速而炙热地击中了我的后背。我疯狂地逃跑,叮当的钟声响起。我感到愤怒和羞辱。我的眼睛热得热泪盈眶。它刺痛得很厉害。当女孩犯有轻微的轻率行为或轻微的轻罪时,通常会对她使用这种开关。它被认为是鼓励美女在为她服务时更加小心或热心的合适工具。我在游戏中延迟了五个多 Ihn。正是出于这个原因,裁判才施行了他的警告条。这是我一生中第二次感到转变。我不在乎再次感受到它,尤其是当只穿着奴隶铃铛和兜帽时。男人们的笑声让我很生气,但随后我就哭了。女奴的愤怒只是毫无意义的伪装。她并不是一个自由的女人,她的愤怒可能有意义,甚至可能在行动或言语中发出,不受纪律的报复。男人是女奴的主人,是主人。女奴的愤怒是徒劳的,毫无意义的,尽管有时主人会鼓励她们的女孩们生气,看到她们脸红,举止有趣,但最终总是微不足道的,因为到最后,正如女孩和主人都知道的那样,握着鞭子的是主人,而不是女孩。因此,女奴并不是不生气。他们确实如此。只是他们的愤怒,正如女孩和主人都知道的那样,是毫无意义的。我喊道。开关对女孩的身体影响不是可以忽略不计的,但是,我认为,如果对她身体的某个部位进行打击,从而残忍地羞辱她,它的心理影响可能会更加痛苦。
Crying, I fled through the camp, stumbling. I heard men falling, stumbling, getting up, pursuing me. I could not free my wrists. Once I fell into the arms of a man and shrieked with misery. He threw me from him. There was much laughter. He had not even been a contestant. Another time the referee caught me, and then thrust me back against stone, that I might know where I was. He had kept me from striking into the cliff wall behind the camp. I fled again, into the camp. My running was erratic, terribly so. I was confused and miserable. I was terrified of being caught. I, too, did not wish to be again struck with the switch. Another man, not a contestant, caught me and prevented me from plunging into the thick wall of thorn brush, in which I might have been half torn to pieces. There was much laughter. More than once I heard a contestant, yards away, curse. Then I would hear one not a yard or more from me, and I would wheel, and run from him. Once I struck one, and tripped, and fell rolling in a wild jangle of bells. I heard him leap for me. I felt his hand, for an instant, at my right hip. I felt the hand of another touch my left calf. I rolled and crawled free, and darted away. Once I found myself, it seemed, surrounded by stone. Wherever I turned there seemed a cliff before me. I spun, disoriented, terrified. Then I fled back and found myself again somewhere in the center of the camp. Barely had I avoided being cornered against the cliffs. I then began to play more cleverly, more warily. Twice more in the game was I stung with the switch then, once on the left arm, above the elbow, and once, more cruelly, on the right calf, when I, wishing to make no sound, not thinking the referee near me, lingered too long in one position.
Then I fled again, directly, into the arms of a man. I waited for him to free me, to throw me back to the others. But his arms did not free me. "Oh, no!" I wept. His arms tightened about me. I was thrown screaming and squirming to his shoulder, and carried about. There was laughing. I heard the man who held me from the ground being slapped on his back by the referee. I heard the word which, later, I would learn was "Capture." It is a helpless feeling being held on the shoulder of a man, your feet unable to touch the ground; you are unable to obtain the slightest leverage; you are simply his prisoner. I heard shouting, and the pounding of hands on my captor's back. Then he, in his pleasure, one hand on my right ankle and one closed about my left forearm, lifted me bodily above his head, bending my body, displaying me. I heard applause, the pounding of hands on the left shoulder. I heard, too, in the sounds, Eta cry out with pleasure, much delighted. Was she not my sister in bondage? Could she not understand my misery? My captor, whoever he was, impatient then to have me, hurled me as though I were nothing to the dirt at his feet. I felt his hands at my ankles. I turned my head to one side, moaning.
I lay bound in the dirt when he had finished with me. He was then unhooded and led away in his triumph to drink the paga of victory.
I lay weeping and miserable in the dirt. When I moved I heard the rustle of the bells, which were slave bells.
In a few moments I felt the hands of the referee close on my arms. He lifted me, and threw me upright, to my feet. Again I heard the word which, later, I would learn was "Quarry"; again I felt the sudden sting of the switch, inciting me to motion; again I ran.
Four times I ran as quarry in the cruel games of that evening.
Four times was I caught and, on my back in the dirt of that barbarian camp, rudely ravished by whom I knew not.
When, later, I had been unbound and unhooded by Eta, I had wanted her to take me in her arms, to comfort me, but she had not. She had kissed me, happily, and one by one, removed the loops and ties of bells, lastly removing that which I had worn at my left hip. She then indicated that I should help her with the serving. I looked at her, aghast. How could I now serve? Did she not understand what had been done to me? I was not a Gorean girl. I was an Earth girl. Was it nothing that I had been, regardless of my will, ravished four times, put brutally against my will to the pleasure of strong men? I saw the answer in Eta's eyes, which smiled at me. Yes, it was unimportant. Did I not know I was a slave girl? Had I expected anything else? Had it not pleased me?
后来,当我被 Eta 解开束缚和头套时,我曾想让她把我抱在怀里,安慰我,但她没有。她高兴地吻了我,一个接一个地取下了铃铛的环和系带,最后取下了我戴在左臀部的那个。然后她表示我应该帮她上菜。我惊恐地看着她。我现在该如何服务呢?她不明白对我做了什么吗?我不是一个戈尔式的女孩。我是一个地球女孩。我不顾自己的意愿,被蹂躏了四次,残忍地违背我的意愿,供强壮的男人取乐,这难道不是吗?我从 Eta 的眼睛里看到了答案,她对我微笑。是的,这并不重要。我不知道我是一名女奴吗?我有没有预料到其他事情呢?难道我不高兴吗?
I looked sullenly into the dirt. I was an Earth girl, but, too, I was a slave girl.
It was unimportant, I realized then. It had been truly nothing, no more than the serving of wine or the sewing of a garment. I realized then what might, truly, be the import of being a slave girl. Why had my master permitted it? Was I not his slave? Did I mean so little to him? He had taken my virginity; he had taken much pleasure in me; he had won me, forcing from me my total surrender as a slave girl to his power; then he had permitted his men to amuse themselves with me. Did he not love me? I remembered his eyes on me, before the hood had been thrown over my head in preparation for my service in the cruel game. I recalled his eyes. In his eyes I had seen that I was nothing, only a meaningless slave to him.
I poured wine from the flask I bore into the cup, I holding it, of one of the men.
I froze. I saw dirt upon his tunic. Our eyes met. He was, I knew, one of those who had had me. I was now serving him. He regarded me. I extended to him the cup. He did not accept it. Our eyes met. I took the cup and pressed my lips to it. Again I extended the cup to him. Still he regarded me.
I had not been permitted, following the cruel game, to slip the Ta-Teera, my slave rag, again upon my body. My master had said a curt word. I must then remain nude. It is customary, following the game, that the prize remain nude, that the value of her captured beauty remain discernible to all, to the winners for their pleasure, to the loser for his chagrin, to the onlookers for their admiration, and, too, perhaps, to incite them in another contest, at some future date, to vie for its possession.
在这场残酷的游戏之后,我不被允许将我的奴隶破布 Ta-Teera 再次滑到我的身上。我师父说了一句粗鲁的话。然后我必须保持裸体。按照惯例,比赛结束后,奖品保持裸体,所有人都能看出她所捕捉到的美貌的价值,胜利者为了他们的快乐,失败者为了他的懊恼,旁观者为了他们的钦佩,也许,为了煽动他们在未来的某个日期参加另一场比赛,争夺它的所有权。
His eyes were upon me.
Angrily, with helpless anger, the futile, meaningless anger of a slave girl, I again pressed my lips to the cup, this time fully and lingeringly.
Again I extended to him the cup.
This time he took it.
He then, without looking at me further, turned to his cup companion on his left. I hated him. He had ravished me, and now I must serve him, and as a naked slave girl!
Did he not know I was from Earth? Had he not been told? Did he think I was a Gorean girl? Did he think such things were right for me? Had he no concern for my feelings? But he saw me doubtless as no more than a girl with a mark on her thigh. But, indeed, now, what else was I? And I realized now that such things were right for me, exactly right, and that my feelings were no longer of interest or importance; accordingly, no note would be taken of them, and appropriately.
I was deeply troubled.
But I knew now what I had become.
And others, too, of course, I served.
And as obediently, and deferentially.
But this night, I gathered, as I served, was in some way not as other nights.
Something was different.
This night, as usual, of course, we served, Eta and I. This was to be expected. The meaning of our existence, as I had gathered, was to please and serve men. And I would later learn that this was indeed true. That is the purpose of the slave girl, to please and serve men. But this night, we, with our flasks of wine, in our serving, were instructed to remain in the background, in the shadows, to remain back of the circle of the fire, behind the sitting men. When one of the men would lift his cup, I, or Eta, whoever might be closer, would, of course, hurry to serve him. But usually, you see, we served from more closely amongst the men, often even kneeling amongst them.
今天晚上,当然,像往常一样,我们服侍了 Eta 和我。这是意料之中的。正如我所收集的,我们存在的意义是取悦和服侍人们。后来我才知道这确实是真的。这就是女奴的目的,取悦和服侍男人。但是今天晚上,我们带着酒瓶,被指示留在背景中,在阴影中,留在火圈的后面,在坐着的人后面。当其中一个人举起他的杯子时,我或埃塔,无论谁离得近,当然都会赶紧为他服务。但通常,你看,我们更紧密地在男人中间服侍,甚至经常跪在他们中间。
Men tend to enjoy having their girls close at hand, you see, perhaps unobtrusively to one side, but in a place from which they may be easily summoned, and easily looked upon with pleasure, for the mere sight of a slave girl gives great pleasure to men, who in their way are glorious, dominating beasts.
But this night, we rather, as noted, with our flasks of wine, remained back in the shadows, behind the circle of the fire, behind the sitting men, as we had been instructed.
The men spoke together, earnestly. Matters of importance, I gathered, were being discussed. At such a time men did not wish to be distracted by the bodies of slave girls. We remained in the shadows. 重试 错误原因
I watched, angrily. My master, with a rock, drew maps in the dirt by the fire. Some of the maps I had seen before. He had drawn them the preceding night for his lieutenants, when they had spoken alone. He spoke swiftly and decisively, sometimes indicating a portion of the terrain by jabbing at it with the rock. Sometimes he pointed to the largest of the three moons above; in a few days it would be full. I stood there, naked, recently ravished, sweat and dirt on my body, and in my hair, in the shadows, ignored, holding the large flask of wine on my left hip, watching. I wondered at what might be the nature of the camp in which I found myself. It did not seem to be a hunting camp, though hunting was done from it. Too, I did not think it was a camp of bandits, for the men in the camp did not seem of the bandit sort; not only did the cut and differing insignia on their tunics suggest a uniform of sorts, but the clear-cut subordination, the obvious organization and discipline which characterized them and their relationships did not suggest outlawry; too, the men seemed handsome, strong, clean-cut, responsible, reliable, disciplined, trained, and efficient; there was none of the laxness and disorder of either men or environment I would have expected in a camp of bandits. I inferred then that I found myself slave in a camp of soldiers of some city or country. The camp, however, situated as it was, did not seem an outpost or guard camp; it did not command terrain; it was not fortified; it was too small for a training camp or a wintering camp; too, because of its size, so small, it did not seem a likely war camp; sixteen men quartered here, with two girls as slaves; here there were no armies, no divisions or regiments. There was nothing here with which to consummate war, to repel or launch invasions, or meet in wide-spread combat on great fields. What then, I asked myself, was the nature of this camp?
我愤怒地看着。我的主人拿着一块石头,在火堆旁的泥土里画了地图。我以前看过的一些地图。他在前一天晚上为他的副官们拉来了,当时他们只是单独说话。他说话迅速而果断,有时用岩石戳戳它来表示地形的一部分。有时他指着上面三个月亮中最大的一个;几天后它就会满员。我站在那里,赤身裸体,刚刚被蹂躏,汗水和污垢沾满了我的头发,在阴影中,被忽视了,左臀部拿着装着大瓶酒,看着。我想知道我所处的营地可能是什么性质。它似乎不是一个狩猎营地,尽管它是从那里进行的。同样,我也不认为这是一个土匪营地,因为营地里的人看起来不是那种土匪;不仅他们束腰外衣上的剪裁和不同的徽章暗示了某种制服,而且明确的从属关系、明显的组织和纪律并不意味着非法;而且,这些人看起来英俊、强壮、干净、有责任心、可靠、纪律严明、训练有素、效率高;没有我在土匪营地中所期望的人或环境的松散和混乱。然后我推断,我发现自己在某个城市或国家的士兵营地里做奴隶。然而,这个营地,就其原貌而言,似乎并不是一个前哨或警卫营地;它没有控制地形;它没有设防;对于训练营或越冬营地来说,它太小了;而且,由于它的大小,如此之小,它似乎不可能是战营;16 个男人住在这里,两个女孩是奴隶;这里没有军队,没有师或团。 这里没有任何东西可以完成战争,击退或发动入侵,或在广阔的战场上进行广泛的战斗。那么,我问自己,这个营地的性质是什么?
One of the men lifted his cup and I hurried to him. I took the cup and filled it. His tunic, too, I noted, was stained with the dust of the camp. I looked at him, angrily over the brim of the cup. Then I pressed my lips to his cup as I must, as a slave girl, and handed it to him. He took it, scarcely noticing me, and returned his attention to the map in the dirt, which was of importance. I wondered if he had had me first, or second, or third or fourth. I wondered which had been he. Each had been different; yet in the arms of each I had been only and fully a slave. I looked at him. He did not know I looked at him. I wondered how many hundreds of slave girls he had had.
I looked carefully, as carefully as I could in the light, at the large, blond, shaggy-haired fellow, whom I found, after my master, the most attractive male in the camp. It had been he who had first taken Eta, when, the night before I was branded, I had watched her perform, bound, belled and hooded, in the same cruel sport in which I this evening had been so humiliatingly victimized, treated as though I might be only a slave.
I, treated as though I might be only a slave!
But did I think I was any longer free?
But, of course, that was what I now was, a slave, only a slave.
How misplaced and foolish then seemed my resentment, my petulance, my pride!
Such luxuries belonged to free women, not to such as I.
Tears of helpless frustration stained my cheeks.
I was no longer free!
I looked at him. There was not a stain of dust on his tunic. I was just as pleased. Had he run, and I known it, I might have endeavored to throw myself into his arms. Surely no one would think less of a slave for that. I smiled to myself. I looked at him. Who knows, I thought, I might even have responded to him. This thought scandalized me, an Earth girl, but then I smiled to myself, and tossed my head. It did not matter. I was an Earth girl, true, but now I was only a slave girl. A slave girl is not only permitted to be responsive to men, but it is obligatory for her. It is a duty which, further, should she shirk, will be enforced upon her. It is not uncommon for a girl who is even trivially displeasing to be whipped. I looked at the large, handsome fellow. I had no honor to protect, no pride to uphold, for I was slave. He was indeed attractive. Too, I certainly would not wish to be whipped. I laughed to myself. For the first time in my life, I, a slave, felt free to be a woman. I then loved my sex.
A man lifted his cup, and I hastened to him, to serve him. I then returned to the shadows. I noted that Eta served wine to the tall, handsome, blond-haired fellow. I did not mind. I liked Eta, though she was first girl, and over me. I had worked well under her and she had not switched me. I watched my master. With the rock he jabbed down at the map. Men asked questions. He replied. They hung upon his words. I looked about the circle of the fire. What fantastic males these were, so strong, so handsome, so mighty. I felt small and slight, and helpless, before them. And how proud I felt of my master, first among them, he the mightiest and finest of all. Eta remained in the vicinity of the blond, shaggy-haired warrior. I moved more closely to my master. I wished to pour him wine and kiss his cup, should he give his girl the opportunity to do so. I did not understand their conversation, or the nature of the project which they were apparently planning. It was, I gathered, military in nature. Moreover, waiting was involved in it. More than once had a man gazed at the largest moon in the sky. In some days it would be full.
一个人举起他的杯,我急忙走到他面前,为他服务。然后我又回到了阴影中。我注意到埃塔为那个高大、英俊、金发的家伙端上了酒。我并不介意。我喜欢 Eta,尽管她是第一个女孩,而且比我更胜一筹。我在她手下工作得很好,她没有换我。我看着我的主人。他用石头戳了戳地图。男人们提出了问题。他回答道。他们紧紧抓住了他的话。我环顾了一下火堆的圆圈。这些男性多么了不起,如此强壮,如此英俊,如此强大。在他们面前,我感到渺小、渺小、无助。我为我的主人感到多么自豪,在他们中,首先是他,他是最强大和最优秀的。埃塔仍然在那个金发蓬松的战士身边。我更靠近我的主人。如果他给他的女孩机会的话,我想给他倒酒,亲吻他的杯子。我听不懂他们的谈话,也不明白他们显然正在策划的项目的性质。我收集到,这是军事性质的。此外,它涉及等待。一个人不止一次凝视着天空中最大的月亮。在某些日子里,它会满员。
My master flung the rock down at a certain place in the map. It lay there, solid, half buried in the dirt. It was there that something, I gathered, would take place. The men grunted in agreement. There was a stream there, or a confluence of two streams, and, apparently, a woods. The men nodded. My master looked about himself. None asked a further question. They seemed satisfied. Their eyes shone as they looked upon him. How proud I was of my master. How thrilled I was, secretly, in my heart, to be owned by him.
How precious a woman's bondage can be to her! I wondered if free women could understand that. Surely many a slave understands it—richly, deeply, profoundly.
The men rose from the side of the fire and, some talking among themselves, went to their furs and tenting.
My master looked at me. He lifted his cup. I hastened to him, took the cup, and filled it. I pressed my lips long to its side, then humbly proffered it to the magnificent beast whose girl I was. I knelt before him, and in my eyes, doubtless, he could read my need. But he turned away.
Before he had turned away, again I had read in his eyes, as I had before, earlier in the evening, that I was only a meaningless slave to him.
Was I such poor slave stuff, naked, in need, at his feet, that I was to be despised, and rejected?
Then, kneeling in the dirt, all the fury, the humiliation and frustration, of a scorned Earth girl, scorned by a barbarian, welled up within me. I began to choke with rage. I rose to my feet. I thrust the flask of wine I carried into the hands of Eta, who came to comfort me. "Go away!" I cried. Eta took the flask. I would not permit her to kiss me. She said something, softly. "Go away!" I screamed at her. Some of the men turned to look at me. Eta took the flask of wine and, frightened, hurried away. I stood near the fire, which, now, had muchly subsided. My fists were clenched. Tears ran down my cheeks. "I hate you all!" I cried. I ran stumbling to the thin blanket which I had been given the night before. I tore it from the ground and covered myself with it, holding it about my shoulders. I shuddered, head down, clutching the blanket about me, shaking with sobs, near where the blanket had lain. I had been taken, against my will, from Earth. I had been brought to a strange world. I had been branded. I was being kept as a slave. I lifted my head, wildly, looking about the camp, up at the moons, at the cliffs and thorn brush. I looked at the men, some watching me. "I am better than you all," I cried, "though you abuse me! I am of Earth! You are barbarians! I am civilized! You are not! It is you who should bend to me, not I to you! It is I who should command, not you!" Eta ran to me, to urge me to silence. None in the camp save I myself understood my words, but, clearly, they were uttered in wildness, in hysteria, in rage; they were words, clearly, of protest, perhaps even of hysterical rebellion. Eta was clearly frightened. Had I known more of Gor, I, too, might then have been terrified. I knew little then of the world on which I found myself, or of the meaning of the brand on my thigh. My shield then, as before, was simply my ignorance, the ignorance of a foolish girl. I shouted and cried out at them, raging, weeping. Then I saw, before me, my master. He loomed in the darkness. I looked up at him, in rage. My fists clutched the blanket about me. It was he who had won me in the grim contest with steel in the fields; it was he who had brought me naked to his camp; he who had branded me; he by whom my virginity had been ripped from me; he who had, in his tenting, again and again, at length, reduced me to a panting, surrendered object of his pleasure, a vanquished, loving slave girl. "I hate you!" I cried to him, in rage. I clutched the blanket about me. How hard it is for a girl, stripped, to stand before, and conduct herself with dignity before, as an equal, a man who is fully clothed. I clutched the blanket with my fists. I held it tightly about me. It gave me courage. He had made me love him! I loved him! And yet he cared nothing for me! "Don't you understand," I cried, "I love you! I love you! And yet you treat me as nothing! I hate you!" I shook with rage. "I hate you! I hate you!" I cried. After making me love him, he had permitted his men to amuse themselves with me! He had given me to them for their sport! "You gave me to others!" I wept. "I hate you!" I looked at him, wildly. "You do not know who I am," I said. "I am Judy Thornton! I am of Earth! I am not one of your barbarian girls, a slut for your pleasure! I am a refined, civilized young woman! I am better than you are! I am better than you all!"
然后,跪在泥土中,一个被蔑视的地球女孩,被野蛮人蔑视的所有愤怒、屈辱和沮丧,都在我心中涌现。我开始气得哽咽。我站了起来。我把随身携带的酒瓶塞到前来安慰我的埃塔手中。“走开!”我喊道。埃塔接过瓶子。我不允许她亲吻我。她轻声说了些什么。“走开!”我对她大喊大叫。一些男人转过头看着我。埃塔拿起那瓶酒,吓坏了,匆匆走了。我站在火堆旁边,现在火势已经大大消退了。我的拳头紧握着。泪水顺着我的脸颊流下来。“我恨你们所有人!”我喊道。我跌跌撞撞地跑到前一天晚上给我的薄毯子前。我把它从地上扯下来,用它盖住自己,把它扛在肩上。我浑身发抖,低着头,紧紧抓住身上的毯子,抽泣着颤抖着,靠近毯子躺着的地方。我是被带离地球的,违背了我的意愿。我被带到了一个陌生的世界。我被打上了烙印。我被当作奴隶关押。我疯狂地抬起头,环顾营地,仰望月亮,仰望悬崖和荆棘丛。我看着那些男人,有些人看着我。“我比你们都好,”我喊道,“虽然你们虐待我!我是地球的!你们是野蛮人!我是文明的!你不是!应该向我屈服的是你,而不是我对你!应该发号施令的是我,而不是你!埃塔跑到我身边,催促我保持安静。除了我自己之外,营地里没有人能听懂我的话,但是,很明显,这些话是在狂野、歇斯底里、愤怒中说出来的;显然,这些话是抗议的,甚至可能是歇斯底里的反叛。Eta 显然被吓坏了。如果我对戈尔了解得更多,我也可能感到害怕。 那时我对我所处的世界知之甚少,也不知道我大腿上烙印的含义。那时,我的盾牌和以前一样,只是我的无知,一个愚蠢女孩的无知。我向他们大喊大叫,愤怒,哭泣。然后,我看到,在我面前的是我的主人。他在黑暗中若隐若现。我愤怒地抬头看着他。我的拳头紧紧抓住了我身上的毯子。是他在田野里与钢铁的残酷较量中赢得了我;是他把我赤身裸体带到他的营地;那个给我打上烙印的人;他剥夺了我的童贞;他在他的帐篷里,一次又一次地,终于把我沦为一个气喘吁吁、投降的他快乐的对象,一个被征服的、充满爱心的女奴。“我恨你!”我愤怒地向他喊道。我紧紧抓住毯子。一个被剥光衣服的女孩子,要站在一个衣着整齐的男人面前,站在一个平等的男人面前,有尊严地举止,这是多么困难啊。我用拳头紧紧抓住毯子。我紧紧地把它抱在身上。它给了我勇气。他让我爱上了他!我爱他!然而,他对我一点也不关心!“你不明白吗,”我叫道,“我爱你!我爱你!然而你却把我当作什么都没有!我恨你!我气得浑身发抖。“我恨你!我恨你!我喊道。在使我爱上他之后,他允许他的手下和我一起自乐!他把我交给他们来做他们的运动!“你把我给了别人!”我哭了。“我恨你!”我狂野地看着他。“你不知道我是谁,”我说。“我是 Judy Thornton!我是地球的!我不是你们的野蛮女孩,不是你们享乐的荡妇!我是一个高雅、文明的年轻女子!我比你强!我比你们都强!
I saw, in the moonlight, the hand. It was extended toward me, open.
"You cannot treat me badly," I said. "You must treat me well." I looked at him, boldly. "I have rights," I said. "I am a free woman."
His hand extended still toward me, open. I did not know the extent of his patience.
I handed him the blanket. I stood then small and naked before him. The moonlight streamed down on the branded slave girl before her master.
He held the blanket, looking down at it. Then he looked at me. I trembled. I knew a girl was to be punished.
He lifted the blanket. In that instant I felt suffused with joy for I felt then that he would, in his kindness, cover me, protecting me from the eyes of his men; perhaps, too, he had been moved by my plight; perhaps he was now sorry for how cruelly he had treated me; perhaps now he would try to make amends; perhaps now I had stirred pity and compassion in his harsh breast; perhaps, too, he was moved now by my love for him and, overwhelmed with gratitude, and tenderness, at the value and immensity of this gift, might be moved to regard me, too, with affection, with love, in turn.
I looked at him with loving eyes. Then he placed the blanket over my head, and, with a length of cord, looping it several times about my throat, tied it tightly under my chin, so that again, as in the cruel game, I was hooded. Then he threw me to his men.
* * * *
I lay in the blanket, clutching it about me. I was cold, sullen. I could no longer cry. The men, my masters, were asleep. I lay huddled, my knees drawn up.
I did not know what time it was. The moons were still in the sky.
I crawled to my knees, holding the blanket about me. I looked about the still camp.
My body ached.
I moved the blanket, looking down, shifting it that my leg be exposed. I examined my thigh. I looked at the brand which I bore on my body. It was a flower, lovely and delicate. Yet I could not pluck it. I could not remove it. It was imprinted in my flesh. It had been placed there, burned into my thigh, by a hot iron, as I had screamed under the metal's searing print. I regarded it, that graceful floral badge of bondage. It was now a part of my body. I had no doubt that I was more beautiful, branded, than I had been before. The brand, I could see, considerably enhanced my beauty. It is one of the attractive features of a slave girl. But, more beautiful though I might be on its account, it marked me incontrovertibly as a slave. I wished to escape. I looked at the thorn brush. Yet I wore a brand. Could there be a true escape, on a world such as this, for a branded girl? Would that mark not continue to say, to anyone, and all, softly, persistently, each instant, each moment, every hour of the day and night, when anyone might care to glance upon it, "Here is a slave"? Could there be an escape, on a world such as this, for a girl who wore such a mark? If it should be so much as glimpsed, would not such a girl be instantly placed in chains and a collar? Perhaps I might steal clothing, but the brand would still be on my body, marking me. Suppose men, suspicious, would turn me over to free women, that my body might be, without compromise to my dignity lest I be free, examined by them. When they discovered the mark, worn by a girl masquerading as one of their own lofty station, a woman free, would they not in fury, with whips, drive me stripped, begging for mercy, weeping, to the waiting shackles of the men? What escape, what freedom, could there be for a girl who wore a brand? I looked at the brand. Well and deeply it marked me as what I now had no doubt I was, what tonight I had been well taught I was, what I, in truth, incontrovertibly, now was, a slave girl.
我移动毯子,低头看,移动它,露出我的腿。我检查了我的大腿。我看了看我身上的烙印。那是一朵花,可爱而精致。然而我无法摘下它。我无法删除它。它印在我的肉体上。它被放在那里,被热铁烧到我的大腿上,就像我在金属灼热的印记下尖叫的那样。我看着它,那优雅的束缚花朵徽章。它现在是我身体的一部分。我毫不怀疑我比以前更漂亮,更有品牌气息。我可以看到,这个品牌大大增强了我的美丽。这是女奴的迷人特征之一。但是,尽管我可能更美丽,但它无可争议地将我标记为奴隶。我想逃跑。我看了看那棵荆棘丛。然而,我佩戴了一个品牌。在这样的世界里,一个品牌女孩能真正逃离吗?那个印记岂不是继续对任何人、所有人温柔地、持久地、昼夜的每一刻、每一刻、每一个小时,当有人可能愿意看一眼它时,“这里有一个奴隶”吗?在这样的世界里,一个戴着这样一个印记的女孩能逃脱吗?如果能瞥见这么多,这样的女孩岂不是立即被锁链和项圈戴上吗?也许我可能会偷衣服,但烙印仍然会在我的身上,标记我。假设那些心存疑虑的男人会把我交给自由的女人,这样我的身体就可以不受他们的尊严的损害,以免我获得自由。当他们发现一个女孩戴着的印记,这个印记伪装成他们自己的高位人物,一个自由的女人时,他们岂不是大发雷霆,用鞭子抽打,把我脱光衣服,求饶,哭泣,扔在男人等待的镣铐上吗?对于一个穿着品牌的女孩来说,能有什么逃避,什么样的自由呢? 我看了看这个品牌。嗯,它深深地打上了我现在的烙印,毫无疑问,我今晚被很好地教导了我,我现在是什么样的,事实上,无可争议的,现在是一个女奴。
The Earth girl, a slave on a barbarian planet, clutched the blanket about her.
I looked up. On the cliff above me, I could see, crouching, the guard. He was not watching me.
I looked at the cliffs, at the thorn brush.
I sat on the ground, the blanket about me. I knew I was a slave girl, legally, irrefutably; the brand told me that; but I wondered on a deeper question, one beyond legalities and institutions; I wondered if I were truly, in my heart, a female slave. This question troubled me deeply. I had, since my branding, experienced profoundly ambivalent feelings on this matter. It was as though I were trying to understand myself, my deepest emotions and needs. At times I had been on the brink of surrendering myself to myself, acknowledging to my horrified conscious mind forbidden truths, long-denied realities, speaking of a venerable, long-suppressed, antique nature, one antedating huts of straw and limestone caves. I did not know what dispositions slept latent in my genetic structures, dispositions inapt and out of place in the artificial world within the strictures of which I had been conditioned. A nature, like the growth of a tree, the shape of a bush, may be clipped and thwarted. The seed poisoned does not grow; the flower immersed in acid does not bloom. I wondered what might be the nature of men, and what might be the nature of women. I know of no test in these matters, unless it be honesty, and what leads to joy.
Perhaps I would not have considered these matters save that I was unable to drive from my mind the recollection of an event which had occurred late in the sordid abuse to which I had been so brutally subjected. I had been thrown to my master's men. One after another had raped and beaten me, and thrown me to the next. I was handed about as an object. Fierce was the discipline to which they subjected me. Though I wept for mercy, and cried out, none gave ear; no consideration nor lenience was shown to the piteous slave girl in their power. Then, strangely, late in this abuse, the event occurred, which even now troubled me. I lay on my back, weeping, my head bound in the blanket, thrashing and squirming, struck, held, unable to withdraw from, helpless to withstand, the plunging discipline of the brute to whom I had been last thrown, and it had occurred. I suddenly felt an indescribable sensation. First, it seemed to me, incredibly, that this was fitting, what was being done to me; I had been proud and vain before men; what did I, truly, expect men, such men, men on a world such as this, to do about that? As his force struck me, I felt, strangely, "Be disciplined, Woman." I was half choked in the hood. Then, to my amazement, I welcomed the abuse I felt. There was, beyond its sense of fittingness, seeing that I, a woman, had displeased strong males, and must thus be punished, a sense of profound complementarity; the abuse, if he chose, was simply his to give, and mine to bear; he was a man, I was a woman; he was dominant; I was not; it was his to rule, mine to submit. I experienced then, degraded and abused though I was, with a flood of elation, primitive organic, animal, primate complementarity, the complementarity of man and woman, the complementarity beyond mythology and rhetoric, the complementarity of he who takes and she who is taken, of he who has, and owns, and of she whom he has, whom he owns, and makes his. With a cry of joy and misery then, from the depths of the hood, rearing from the dirt as I could, I clutched him; I felt my body locked to his; then I felt my body, as though of its own will, suddenly, spasmodically, grasp him; I could not begin to control the reflexes which he had triggered in me; they jolted and exploded in my body; I clutched him, helplessly; I was his.
也许我不会考虑这些问题,除非我无法从我的脑海中消除对我所遭受的肮脏虐待的后期发生的一件事的回忆。我被扔到了我主人的手下。一个接一个地强奸和殴打我,把我扔到另一个人那里。我被当作一个物品递来递去。他们让我受到的纪律是严厉的。虽然我哭泣求怜悯,呼求,但没有人侧耳倾听;在他们的控制下,对这个可怜的女奴没有表现出任何关心或宽容。然后,奇怪的是,在这次虐待的后期,发生了这件事,直到现在我仍然感到困扰。我仰面躺着,哭泣着,头被裹在毯子里,抽搐着,扭动着,被击打着,被抓住了,无法逃脱,无力承受着我上次被扔给的那个野兽的猛烈管教,而这一切已经发生了。我突然感到一种难以形容的感觉。首先,在我看来,令人难以置信的是,这对我所做的是恰当的;我在人前骄傲自大;我真的期望男人,这样的男人,在这样一个世界上的男人,能做些什么呢?当他的力量击中我时,我奇怪地感到,“要管教,女人。我被引擎盖噎得半死。然后,令我惊讶的是,我接受了我所感受到的虐待。除了这种感觉之外,还有一种深刻的互补感,除了这种感觉之外,我作为一个女人,得罪了强壮的男性,因此必须受到惩罚;如果他愿意的话,虐待只是他给的,我来承担的;他是个男人,我是个女人;他占主导地位;我不是;这是他的统治,我的服从。 那时,我经历了,尽管我是被侮辱和虐待的,带着一股欣喜若狂的、原始的有机体、动物、灵长类动物的互补性,男人和女人的互补性,超越神话和修辞的互补性,拿走的人和被带走的女人的互补性,拥有和拥有的人的互补性,以及他拥有的女人的互补性, 并做出他的。然后,我带着一声喜悦和痛苦的叫声,从引擎盖的深处,尽可能地从泥土中站起来,紧紧地抓住了他;我感觉到我的身体被他的身体锁住了;然后我感觉到我的身体,仿佛是出于自己的意愿,突然,痉挛地抓住了他;我无法开始控制他在我身上触发的反应;它们在我的身体里颠簸和爆炸;我无助地紧紧抓住他;我是他的。
Men laughed. "Kajira," said one.
Then I was thrown to another.
I sat in the silent camp, wrapped in the thin blanket, thinking. "Kajira," had said one of the men.
I was angry. I could not forgive myself for having yielded to one of the men. I tried to tell myself it had not happened. It could not have happened. Thus, it had not happened. Yet I knew, in truth, it had happened. I had yielded to one of the men. In his arms, I, who was, or had been, Judy Thornton, had yielded to one of the men. An abused slave girl had wept and bucked in the arms of a master. It had been I. How ashamed I was! I asked myself what could it mean? Could the feelings which had overwhelmed me be denied? Could the sensate truth, the splendor of biological submission, so different from the truth of a man, which is that of domination, in whose glory I had been wrapped, be denied? I resolved that I must not permit myself the weakness which would make a mockery of my personhood. I must not again yield to a male. I thought of Elicia Nevins. How she would have laughed had she seen Judy Thornton, her lovely rival, on her back in the dirt, a branded slave girl, squirming in the throes of submission to a male, so shamefully helpless in his arms, uncontrollably, not the mistress of herself, yielding to his manhood.
我很生气。我无法原谅自己向其中一个人屈服。我试图告诉自己这并没有发生。这不可能发生。因此,它没有发生。然而,我知道,事实上,它已经发生了。我向其中一个男人屈服了。在他的怀里,我,曾经是或曾经是朱迪·桑顿,已经屈服于其中一个人。一个受虐待的女奴在主人的怀里哭泣和蹬蹬。是我。我多么羞愧啊!我问自己这是什么意思?难道能否认那些压倒我的感情吗?难道能否认感性的真理,生物服从的光辉,与一个人的真理截然不同,即统治的真理,我曾被他的荣耀所包裹吗?我决定,我决不允许自己出现会使我的人格受到嘲笑的弱点。我不能再向男性屈服了。我想到了 Elicia Nevins。如果她看到她可爱的对手朱迪·桑顿(Judy Thornton)仰卧在泥土中,一个被打上烙印的女奴,在屈服于一个男人的痛苦中蠕动着,在他的怀里如此可耻地无助,无法控制地,不是她自己的情妇,屈服于他的男子气概,她会多么大笑。
I knew then I must escape. It would be difficult, for I was branded.
I looked up at the guard. He was not watching. I crept to the cliff wall. I examined it in the moonlight. At no point could I crawl more than a yard up its surface. I scratched my fingernails on the granite.
I turned to the wall of thorn brush. I feared it. It was high and thick.
The guard was not watching. The camp was not his concern. His concern was elsewhere, with possible approaches to the camp, the fields beyond the valleys.
I cried out with misery. I screamed, frightened. The brush sank beneath me. It would not support my weight. My right leg was deep in it, my right arm. I turned my head to the side, keeping my eyes closed. I felt the thorns. They seemed to tear at me. I was half immersed in the brush. I was caught. I dared not move. I began to weep and scream.
My master was first to my side. He was not much pleased. I immediately fell silent.
Another man came, bearing a torch, lit from the stirred ashes of the fire. Some other men arose but then, seeing it was only a slave girl, returned to their furs and tenting. Eta hurried over to me, but a curt word from my master hurried her back to her rest with dispatch.
"I'm caught, Master," I whimpered. Only too obviously had I been trying to escape.
In the torchlight he pulled my head back, by the hair, to clear it of the thorns. He did not want me blinded. I managed, suffering long scratches, to extricate my right arm. He looked at me. I was afraid he was going to leave me as I was. I could not pull my right leg back because of its position in the brush. I had no leverage, as I stood, to lift my leg out. "Please help me, Master," I begged. I had no wish to remain caught in the thorn brush until morning. It was embarrassing, and I was helpless, and it was painful. "Please, Master," I begged, "help me."
He lifted me up, in his arms, in this action freeing my leg, though it was cut and scratched. In the instant I relished being in his arms, held by him. My weight was as nothing to him. I loved the feel of his strong hands on my body, holding me up, lightly, from the earth, which I, thus carried, could not touch unless he permitted it. I, naked, boldly put my head against the shoulder of his tunic. Then he had placed me on my feet.
I did not meet his eyes. I felt small before him. It had been obvious I had been trying to escape. I did not know, at that time, what might be the penalty for a girl who attempts escape and is so unfortunate as, as is nearly always the case, to be recaptured. Slave girls almost never escape. The major reason for this is the steel collar, which, obdurately encircling her neck, read, promptly identifies her master and his city. Almost no one, of course, would think of removing a collar from a girl, unless it would be to replace it with one of his own. This is because she is a slave. Girls may also be hunted down by trained sleen, tireless hunters. If a girl should elude one master, she will, customarily, soon fall to another. A successful escape, infrequent event that it is, seldom amounts, from the girl's point of view, to more than an exchange of collar and chains. Almost any man on Gor will hasten to put his collar on a loose, beautiful female. Where is she to run? What is she to do? All in all, escape is not a reality for female slaves. They are slaves. They will remain slaves. Too, they are branded, which further makes escape, for almost all practical purposes, an impossibility for them. Interestingly, ear piercing, too, can make it difficult for an escaped girl t