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Bondee Pre-Launch 运营方案 Ver1.0
 A living map of youth trends and cultures.

  Multi-layer structure of a living map of trend culture and circles of interest

 Circle of interest penetration is a North Star indicator for business

Bondee's love equation with local circles: Long-termism + Doing the right little things + Sincerity + Commitment + Altruism before self-interest

 Circle targeting and cooperation methods during different penetration rates

 Calculation of ACG circle permeability

 Definition of Class A Users: Users in the 15-25 age group who watch animation.
 Definition of Class G Users: those in the 15-25 age group who watch gaming videos
用户规模 单位(万) 泰国 印尼 菲律宾 越南  Malaysia 新加坡 东南亚六国之和
A 最小值 239 697 431 615 157 20 2,160
G 最小值 497 1,665 897 944 307 39 4,349

Percentage of 15-25 year olds who also consume
去重 最小值 593 1,964 1,067 1,321 382 49 5,375
最大值 823 3,128 1,636 2,290 499 63 8,439
国家 人口规模 人均GDP 人类发展指数 15-25周岁人口 互联网渗透率 ACG人口 MAU DAU
印尼一 2.755 亿 4,788.00 USD 0.694 5010 1964W-3128W 0 0 0
泰国三 7170万 6,909.96 USD 0.8 1030 593W-923W 0 0 0
菲律宾》 1.156 亿 3,498.51 USD 0.699 2244 1067W-1636W 0 0 0
马来西亚 3394万 11,993.19 USD 0.81 617 0 0 0
新加坡に 563.7万 82,807.63 USD 0.938 78 0 0 0
越南国 9819万 4,163.51 USD 0.726 2101 1321W-2290W 0 0 0
泰国 印尼 菲律宾 越南 马来西亚 新加坡 东南亚六国之和
15-25岁人[ (万) 1030 5010 2244 2101 617 78 11,080
整体移动互联| 网渗透率
15-25岁移动互耼; 关网用户(万) 742 3146 1463 1431 496 64 7,341
以15-25岁移动互联 勿用户数量 作为基础i 进行预估, 也是以下比位 列的分母
ACG ACG用户规模(万) 499 1856 982 1183 342 44 4,907
A类用户 动画用户规模(万) 239 697 431 615 157 20 2,160
C类用户 看漫画比例
(看漫画) 漫画用户规模(万) 246 944 353 577 158 20 2,298
玩手游比例 65.1%
手游用户规模 (万) 528 1752 944 984 323 41 4,573
497 1,665 897 944 307 39 4,349
游戏视频与A的 用户规模比 2.08 2.39 2.08 1.53 1.95 1.95 2.01
144 398 261 238 83 11
593 1,964 1,067 1,321 382 49 5,375
 Assuming that A has been infiltrated, the tour alone 戏视频能做到的规模上 353 1,268 635 706 224 29 3,215
1.48 1.82 1.47 1.15 1.42 1.42 1.49
AKA A类用户能做的
213 533 322 465 124 16 1,673

Cap: Estimated at 100% mobile internet penetration for 15-25 year olds
泰国 印尼 菲律宾 越南 马来西亚 新加坡 东南亚六国之和
15-25岁人口 (万) 1030 5010 2244 2101 617 78 11,080
整体移动互联网渗透率 #### #### #### #### ####
 Mobile Internet users aged 15-25 (million) 1030 5010 2244 2101 617 78 11,080

Estimates based on the number of mobile internet users aged 15-25, which is also the denominator for the following ratios
ACG ACG比例 82.7%
ACG用户规模 (万) 693 2956 1506 1738 426 54 7,372
动画用户规模 (万) 333 1110 661 903 196 25 3,228
漫画用户规模(万) 342 1503 541 847 197 25 3,454
手游用户规模 (万) 733 2791 1447 1445 401 51 6,869
 Size of users who watch gaming videos (million) 690 2,651 1,375 1,386 381 48 6,533
游戏视频与A的用户规模比 2.08 2.39 2.08 1.53 1.95 1.95 2.02
 Size of users to be de-duplicated (million) 200 633 401 0 78 10
 A and game foo frequency user size (million)
823 3,128 1,636 2,290 499 63 8,439

Assuming that A has been penetrated, the upper limit of the size that can be achieved by gameplay videos alone
491 2,018 974 1,386 303 38 5,211

Assuming that A has been penetrated, the upper limit of the scale that can be achieved with gameplay videos alone / A
1.48 1.82 1.47 1.53 1.55 1.55 1.61
A中的游戏视频用户 A中玩手游的比例
看游戏视频/玩手游 95.9%
 Size of gaming videos watched in A (million)
295 849 494 683 155 20 2,495
 Reducing the cost of information asymmetry
 Reduced production costs for users
 Reduce search costs for users
 Production infrastructure
 Consumer infrastructure
 Loneliness and the consumption of companion information
 Bondee's Platform Economics in Three Phases
 Concept definition.
 P: Platform side, in this case specifically the Bondee platform

B: Business side, in this case traffic owners, advertisers, paid business customers

b: Producers, in this case providers, producers and organizers of content, activities and information.

C: The consumer side, here referred to as consumers with high demand, which can be transformed into b

c: the consumer side, in this case the average consumer, which is the majority.

After the consumer demand is formed, it will pass the production demand through the consumer side to the production side, and then optimize the demand to form the diversity, professionalism and timeliness of the supply side.

Through the early platform subsidy & product mechanism, 㩰 the first wave of initial traffic.
 And based on the C-end consumption, complete the construction of consumption infrastructure.
  (b) Cold start program on production relations (1)

 Cost Measurement of Producing the American System

 Cost Conclusion.

Monthly operating costs top out at around USD (maximum).

Cold start operating costs top out at around USD.

Based on actual implementation, the actual spend incurred per month is expected to be around one-tenth of the maximum cost, i.e., possibly $5,000 and $2,000.

  Public and private sector transportation

 organizational safeguards

 Business Unit OKR Deconstruction

Objectives Key results

A living map of local trends and interest circles ( Bondee)

KR1: Indonesia, Jakarta/Bandung Twin Cities 10 AOIs of Interest, 50 POIs of Interest Information Upturned

KR2: Thailand, Bangkok 5 AOIs of interest, 20 POIs of interest with upturned information

KR3: Singapore/Malaysia/Philippines, 5 AOIs of interest, 20 POIs of interest with information upturned

KR4: Other (Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau Traditional Chinese), explore the possibility of doing this in Traditional Chinese regions

KR1: A group of tempo-carriers, 1 private domain operating community per region, with at least 100 core organizers in each community.

A group of like-minded buddies (Buddy ) who can play together.

KR2: a group of people who consume, each S-level organizer covers a population range greater than or equal to 1K, A-level organizers greater than etc.

ÜÜ 100; radiate secondary consumer crowd more than

An operational system that binds these people together (Find)

An operational team (Teams) that can achieve the above goals to win the battle
 KR2: Role Orientation and Growth Paths
@ Bondee, Find Buddy