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1. Windows 98 Icons
Windows 98 图标
48 points by keepamovin 1 hour ago | hide | 18 comments
2. Why choose async/await over threads?
107 points by thunderbong 2 hours ago | hide | 48 comments
3. Best engineering interview question I've gotten
35 points by xelxebar 2 hours ago | hide | 12 comments
4. Monolith – CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file
Monolith – 用于将完整网页保存为单个 HTML 文件的 CLI 工具
443 points by iscream26 10 hours ago | hide | 88 comments
5. Supervision: Reusable Computer Vision
71 points by bbzjk7 5 hours ago | hide | discuss
6. Real-time map of every Starlink satellite in orbit
43 points by fredrickd 3 hours ago | hide | 27 comments
7. Bitmovin (YC S15) Is Hiring a Senior SW Engineer C/C++ in Berlin
Bitmovin(YC S15)正在柏林招聘一名高级软件工程师C/C++
29 minutes ago | hide
8. "She's bouncing the ball" – the uncanny way octopuses play
75 points by zt 8 hours ago | hide | 22 comments
9. Mutt on Windows Without WSL
在没有 WSL 的 Windows 上 Mutt
39 points by djha-skin 6 hours ago | hide | 18 comments
10. “Emergent” abilities in LLMs actually develop gradually and predictably – study
119 points by Anon84 8 hours ago | hide | 48 comments
11. The Immortal Jellyfish (2015)
不朽的水母 (2015)
13 points by pravint 4 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
12. The Lone Volcano in California's Central Valley
36 points by benbreen 7 hours ago | hide | 12 comments
13. Gerbil Scheme – A Lisp for the 21st Century
沙鼠计划 – 21 世纪的 Lisp
81 points by gjvc 12 hours ago | hide | 30 comments
14. Weather Planning for Eclipse Day
124 points by wallflower 13 hours ago | hide | 75 comments
15. The Format Dialog in Windows NT
Windows NT 中的“格式”对话框
131 points by develatio 7 hours ago | hide | 49 comments
16. GM stops sharing driver data with brokers amid backlash
18 points by quantified 2 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
17. Northern lights forecasted to be visible into upper United States tonight
62 points by doubleg72 6 hours ago | hide | 19 comments
18. C++ left arrow operator (2016)
C++ 左箭头运算符 (2016)
126 points by layer8 14 hours ago | hide | 87 comments
19. EVGA power supply kills 22TB of customer storage then denies responsibility
EVGA 电源扼杀了 22TB 的客户存储空间,然后否认对此负责
24 points by justinclift 2 hours ago | hide | 7 comments
20. Aegis v3.0 – a free, secure and open source 2FA app for Android
Aegis v3.0 – 适用于 Android 的免费、安全和开源 2FA 应用程序
284 points by microflash 13 hours ago | hide | 122 comments
21. Random Walk Simulation
4 points by parthchopra 4 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
22. Maps that show time instead of space
90 points by vvolhejn 14 hours ago | hide | 32 comments
23. Show HN: Glossarie – a new, immersive way to learn a language
Show HN: Glossarie – 一种新的、身临其境的语言学习方式
237 points by jonathanb88 15 hours ago | hide | 108 comments
24. The Lost Worlds of Telnet (2019)
Telnet 的失落世界 (2019)
18 points by wannacboatmovie 3 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
25. Moving Back to London and 2023 Review
搬回伦敦和 2023 年回顾
29 points by rcarmo 8 hours ago | hide | 10 comments
26. Explorer: Exploration-Guided Reasoning for Textual Reinforcement Learning
17 points by PaulHoule 8 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
27. Symbolics Sunstone Development Plan (1987) [pdf]
象征日光石发展计划 (1987) [pdf]
29 points by mepian 6 hours ago | hide | 7 comments
28. Context: The Missing Feature of Programming Languages
17 points by andsoitis 2 hours ago | hide | 6 comments
29. PSChess – A chess engine in PostScript
PSChess – PostScript 中的国际象棋引擎
176 points by beefburger 19 hours ago | hide | 20 comments
30. Do artifacts have politics? [pdf]
56 points by toomuchtodo 8 hours ago | hide | 7 comments

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