यह एक द्विभाषी स्नैपशॉट पृष्ठ है जिसे उपयोगकर्ता ने 2025-1-3 2:09 पर https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/8712921b-114a-489c-845f-126c91ff537f के लिए सहेजा है, द्विभाषी सहायता के साथ प्रदान किया गया द्वारा इमर्सिव अनुवाद. सहेजने का तरीका जानें?
Examples-  उदाहरण- I play football.  मैं फुटबॉल खेलता हूं। She sings beautifully.  वह खूबसूरती से गाती है। He works in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में काम करता है.
The sun shines brightly.  सूरज तेज़ चमकता है. We study English.  हम अंग्रेजी पढ़ते हैं.
Present Indefinite  सामान्य वर्तमान I play football.  मैं फुटबॉल खेलता हूं। She sings beautifully.  वह खूबसूरती से गाती है। He works in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में काम करता है.
The sun shines brightly.  सूरज तेज़ चमकता है. We study English.  हम अंग्रेजी पढ़ते हैं.
Past Indefinite  विगत अनिश्चित काल I played football.  मैं फुटबॉल खेलता हूँ। She sang beautifully.  उसने खूबसूरती से गाया. He worked in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में काम करता था।
The sun shone brightly.  सूरज तेज़ चमक रहा था। We studied English.  हमने अंग्रेजी का अध्ययन किया।
Future Indefinite  भविष्य अनिश्चित I will play football.  मैं फुटबॉल खेलूंगा. She will sing beautifully.
वह ख़ूबसूरती से गाएंगी.
He will work in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में काम करेगा.
The sun will shine brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमकेगा.
We will study English.  हम अंग्रेजी पढ़ेंगे.
Present Continuous  लगातार वर्तमान I am playing football.  मैं फुटबॉल खेल रहा हूं. She is singing beautifully.
वह ख़ूबसूरत गा रही है.
He is working in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में कार्यरत है.
The sun is shining brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमक रहा है.
We are studying English.  हम अंग्रेज़ी का अध्ययन कर रहे हैं।
Past Continuous  अपूर्ण भूतकाल I was playing football.  मैं फुटबॉल खेल रहा था. She was singing beautifully.
वह ख़ूबसूरत गा रही थी.
He was working in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में कार्यरत था।
The sun was shining brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमक रहा था।
We were studying English.
हम अंग्रेजी पढ़ रहे थे.
Future Continuous  भविष्य सतत I will be playing football.
मैं फुटबॉल खेलूंगा.
She will be singing beautifully.
वह ख़ूबसूरती से गा रही होगी.
He will be working in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में काम करेगा.
The sun will be shining brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमक रहा होगा.
We will be studying English.
हम अंग्रेजी का अध्ययन करेंगे.
Present Perfect  पूर्ण वर्तमान I have played football.  मैंने फुटबॉल खेला है. She has sung beautifully.
उन्होंने बहुत सुंदर गाया है.
He has worked in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में काम कर चुका है.
The sun has shone brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमक गया है.
We have studied English.  हमने अंग्रेजी पढ़ी है.
Past Perfect  पूर्ण भूत I had played football.  मैंने फुटबॉल खेला था. She had sung beautifully.
उसने बहुत सुन्दर गाया था.
He had worked in a bank.
उन्होंने एक बैंक में काम किया था.
The sun had shone brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमक उठा था।
We had studied English.  हमने अंग्रेजी पढ़ी थी.
Future Perfect  संभाव्य भविष्य काल I will have played football.
मैंने फुटबॉल खेला होगा.
She will have sung beautifully.
उसने ख़ूबसूरती से गाया होगा.
He will have worked in a bank.
उसने किसी बैंक में काम किया होगा.
The sun will have shone brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमक रहा होगा.
We will have studied English.
हमने अंग्रेजी पढ़ी होगी.
Present Perfect Continuous
वर्तमान काल
I have been playing football.
मैं फुटबॉल खेलता रहा हूं.
She has been singing beautifully.
वह खूबसूरती से गा रही है.
He has been working in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में कार्यरत है।
The sun has been shining brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमक रहा है।
We have been studying English.
हम अंग्रेजी पढ़ रहे हैं.
Past Perfect Continuous  पूर्ण निरंतर भूतकाल I had been playing football.
मैं फुटबॉल खेल रहा था.
She had been singing beautifully.
वह बहुत सुन्दर गा रही थी।
He had been working in a bank.
वह एक बैंक में कार्यरत था।
The sun had been shining brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमक रहा था।
We had been studying English.
हम अंग्रेजी पढ़ रहे थे.
Future Perfect Continuous
भविष्य पूर्ण सतत
I will have been playing football.
मैं फुटबॉल खेल रहा होगा.
She will have been singing beautifully.
वह ख़ूबसूरत गा रही होगी.
He will have been working in a bank.
वह किसी बैंक में काम कर रहा होगा.
The sun will have been shining brightly.
सूरज तेज़ चमक रहा होगा।
We will have been studying English.
हम अंग्रेजी पढ़ रहे होंगे.
Examples- I play football. She sings beautifully. He works in a bank. The sun shines brightly. We study English. Present Indefinite I play football. She sings beautifully. He works in a bank. The sun shines brightly. We study English. Past Indefinite I played football. She sang beautifully. He worked in a bank. The sun shone brightly. We studied English. Future Indefinite I will play football. She will sing beautifully. He will work in a bank. The sun will shine brightly. We will study English. Present Continuous I am playing football. She is singing beautifully. He is working in a bank. The sun is shining brightly. We are studying English. Past Continuous I was playing football. She was singing beautifully. He was working in a bank. The sun was shining brightly. We were studying English. Future Continuous I will be playing football. She will be singing beautifully. He will be working in a bank. The sun will be shining brightly. We will be studying English. Present Perfect I have played football. She has sung beautifully. He has worked in a bank. The sun has shone brightly. We have studied English. Past Perfect I had played football. She had sung beautifully. He had worked in a bank. The sun had shone brightly. We had studied English. Future Perfect I will have played football. She will have sung beautifully. He will have worked in a bank. The sun will have shone brightly. We will have studied English. Present Perfect Continuous I have been playing football. She has been singing beautifully. He has been working in a bank. The sun has been shining brightly. We have been studying English. Past Perfect Continuous I had been playing football. She had been singing beautifully. He had been working in a bank. The sun had been shining brightly. We had been studying English. Future Perfect Continuous I will have been playing football. She will have been singing beautifully. He will have been working in a bank. The sun will have been shining brightly. We will have been studying English.| Examples- | I play football. | She sings beautifully. | He works in a bank. | The sun shines brightly. | We study English. | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Present Indefinite | I play football. | She sings beautifully. | He works in a bank. | The sun shines brightly. | We study English. | | Past Indefinite | I played football. | She sang beautifully. | He worked in a bank. | The sun shone brightly. | We studied English. | | Future Indefinite | I will play football. | She will sing beautifully. | He will work in a bank. | The sun will shine brightly. | We will study English. | | Present Continuous | I am playing football. | She is singing beautifully. | He is working in a bank. | The sun is shining brightly. | We are studying English. | | Past Continuous | I was playing football. | She was singing beautifully. | He was working in a bank. | The sun was shining brightly. | We were studying English. | | Future Continuous | I will be playing football. | She will be singing beautifully. | He will be working in a bank. | The sun will be shining brightly. | We will be studying English. | | Present Perfect | I have played football. | She has sung beautifully. | He has worked in a bank. | The sun has shone brightly. | We have studied English. | | Past Perfect | I had played football. | She had sung beautifully. | He had worked in a bank. | The sun had shone brightly. | We had studied English. | | Future Perfect | I will have played football. | She will have sung beautifully. | He will have worked in a bank. | The sun will have shone brightly. | We will have studied English. | | Present Perfect Continuous | I have been playing football. | She has been singing beautifully. | He has been working in a bank. | The sun has been shining brightly. | We have been studying English. | | Past Perfect Continuous | I had been playing football. | She had been singing beautifully. | He had been working in a bank. | The sun had been shining brightly. | We had been studying English. | | Future Perfect Continuous | I will have been playing football. | She will have been singing beautifully. | He will have been working in a bank. | The sun will have been shining brightly. | We will have been studying English. |